Consolidated Financial Statements Mar 11
Consolidated Financial Statements Mar 11
Consolidated Financial Statements Mar 11
Bills payable 6,478,257 5,074,700
Borrowings from financial institutions 10 45,421,651 47,631,814
Deposits and other accounts 11 546,152,484 567,611,258
Sub-ordinated loans 11,983,720 11,985,748
Other liabilities 20,619,699 17,951,943
630,655,811 650,255,463
NET ASSETS 73,896,827 75,134,180
Share capital 12,241,798 12,241,798
Reserves 24,507,700 24,101,838
Unappropriated profit 25,816,872 27,576,333
Total equity attributable to the equity shareholders of the Bank 62,566,370 63,919,969
Non-controlling interest 2,291,167 2,207,241
64,857,537 66,127,210
The annexed notes from 1 to 21 form an integral part of these consolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Consolidated Condensed Interim Profit and Loss Account (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Bank 3,400,903 2,752,424
Non-controlling interest (5,313) (9,500)
3,395,590 2,742,924
The annexed notes from 1 to 21 form an integral part of these consolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Consolidated Condensed Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
Surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of assets has been reported in accordance with the requirements of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the directives of the State Bank of Pakistan in a separate account below equity.
The annexed notes from 1 to 21 form an integral part of these consolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Consolidated Condensed Interim Cash Flow Statement (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
March 31, March 31,
2011 2010
------- (Rupees in '000) -------
Profit before taxation 5,141,181 4,230,865
Less: Dividend income (71,443) (26,896)
Share of income of associates (153,239) (65,788)
4,916,499 4,138,181
Depreciation 466,532 462,860
Workers' welfare fund 103,118 89,736
Provision for retirement benefits and compensated absences 59,356 22,720
Provision against loans and advances 2,204,779 1,735,122
Provision for diminution in value of investments 3,662 5,515
Gain on sale of fixed assets (7,403) (2,035)
Finance charges on leased assets - 89
(Reversal) / provision against other assets (6,201) 8,327
Amortization of cash flow hedge reserve 31,029 18,299
Unrealized loss on revaluation of investment classified as held for trading 7,052 7,703
Bad debts written-off 132,825 386,709
2,994,749 2,735,045
7,911,248 6,873,226
(Increase) / decrease in operating assets
Lendings to financial institutions (515,629) 9,416,017
Held for trading investments 9,855,302 (950,811)
Advances - net (4,037,175) 20,344,664
Other assets - (excluding advance taxation) 351,697 (118,862)
5,654,195 28,691,008
Increase / (decrease) in operating liabilities
Bills payable 1,403,557 (822,245)
Borrowings from financial institutions (2,210,163) 4,621,671
Deposits and other accounts (21,458,774) (41,396,282)
Other liabilities (2,343,822) 238,883
(24,609,202) (37,357,973)
(11,043,759) (1,793,739)
(Payment to) / Receipt from staff retirement benefit funds (220,292) 229,317
Income tax paid (1,881,593) (2,758,555)
Net cash outflow from operating activities (13,145,644) (4,322,977)
Net investment in securities (8,599,450) (4,180,864)
Dividend income received 36,834 113,629
Investment in operating fixed assets (636,468) (887,843)
Sale proceeds from disposal of operating fixed assets 52,276 27,991
Net cash outflow from investing activities (9,146,808) (4,927,087)
Repayments of principal of sub-ordinated loans (2,028) (2,024)
Payments of lease obligations - (262)
Net cash outflow from financing activities (2,028) (2,286)
(22,294,480) (9,252,350)
Exchange differences on translation of net investment in
foreign branches and subsidiaries
- Equity shareholders of the Bank 58,430 (492,855)
- Non-controlling interest 89,239 (101,112)
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (22,146,811) (9,846,317)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 93,648,154 78,065,501
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 71,501,343 68,219,184
The annexed notes from 1 to 21 form an integral part of these consolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Consolidated Condensed Interim Statement of Changes in Equity
-------------------------------------------------------------------(Rupees in '000)-------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance as at January 1, 2010 (Audited) 11,128,907 3,000 12,221,570 9,149,799 - (206,415) 23,617,875 55,914,736 2,279,691 58,194,427
Final cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2009
declared subsequent to year end at Rs. 2.5 per share - - - - - - (2,782,227) (2,782,227) - (2,782,227)
Profit after taxation for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 - - - - - - 2,752,424 2,752,424 (9,500) 2,742,924
Other comprehensive income - net of tax - - - (492,855) - 11,894 - (480,961) (101,112) (582,073)
Total comprehensive income - - - (492,855) - 11,894 2,752,424 2,271,463 (110,612) 2,160,851
Balance as at March 31, 2010 (Un-audited) 11,128,907 3,000 12,787,774 8,656,944 1,112,891 (194,521) 21,979,487 55,474,482 2,169,079 57,643,561
Interim cash dividend for the half year ended June 30, 2010
at Re 1 per share - - - - - - (1,224,180) (1,224,180) - (1,224,180)
Changes in equity during the nine months ended December 31, 2010
Profit after taxation for the nine months ended December 31, 2010 - - - - - - 8,279,206 8,279,206 (1,205) 8,278,001
Other comprehensive income - net of tax - - - 1,108,350 - 65,369 - 1,173,719 70,544 1,244,263
Total comprehensive income - - - 1,108,350 - 65,369 8,279,206 9,452,925 69,339 9,522,264
Balance as at December 31, 2010 (Audited) 12,241,798 3,000 14,462,696 9,765,294 - (129,152) 27,576,333 63,919,969 2,207,241 66,127,210
Final cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2010
declared subsequent to year end at Rs. 4.0 per share - - - - - - (4,896,719) (4,896,719) - (4,896,719)
Balance as at March 31, 2011 (Un-audited) 12,241,798 3,000 14,789,959 9,823,724 - (108,983) 25,816,872 62,566,370 2,291,167 64,857,537
The annexed notes from 1 to 21 form an integral part of these consolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
Holding Company
United Bank Limited (the Bank)
Subsidiary Companies
United National Bank Limited (UNBL), United Kingdom
United Bank AG (Zurich), Switzerland
United Executers and Trustees Company Limited, Pakistan
UBL Fund Managers Limited, Pakistan
The Group is engaged in commercial banking, asset management, investment advisory services and trustee
services. The Bank's registered office and principal office are situated at UBL building, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area,
Islamabad and at State Life Building No. 1, I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi respectively. The Bank operates 1,125
(December 31,2010:1,123) branches inside Pakistan including 6 (December 31, 2010: 6) Islamic Banking
branches and 1 (December 31, 2010: 1) branch in Karachi Export Processing Zone. The Bank also operates 17
(December 31, 2010: 17) branches outside Pakistan as at March 31, 2011.
The Bank's ordinary shares are listed on all three stock exchanges in Pakistan whereas its Global Depository
Receipts (GDRs) are on the list of the UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange Professional
Securities Market. These GDRs are also eligible for trading on the International Order Book System of the London
Stock Exchange. Further, the GDRs constitute an offering in the United States only to qualified institutional buyers
in reliance on Rule 144A under the US Securities Act of 1933 and an offering outside the United States in reliance
on Regulation S.
The Non-controlling interest represents National Bank of Pakistan's 45% share in the net asset value of UNBL.
In accordance with the directives of the Federal Government regarding the shifting of the banking system to
Islamic modes, the State Bank of Pakistan has issued various circulars from time to time. Permissible forms of
trade-related modes of financing include purchase of goods by banks from their customers and immediate resale
to them at appropriate mark-up in price on deferred payment basis. The purchases and sales arising under these
arrangements are not reflected in these consolidated condensed interim financial statements as such but are
restricted to the amount of facility actually utilized and the appropriate portion of mark-up thereon. However, the
Islamic Banking branches of the Group have complied with the requirements set out under the Islamic Financial
Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and notified under the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
The financial results of the Islamic Banking branches of the Group have been included in these consolidated
condensed interim financial statements for reporting purposes, after eliminating intra branch transactions /
balances. Key financial figures of the Islamic Banking branches are disclosed in note 20 to these consolidated
condensed interim financial statements.
These consolidated condensed interim financial statements of the Group for the quarter ended March 31, 2011
have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the International Accounting Standard 34 - Interim
Financial Reporting, provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, Banking Companies Ordinance,1962 and
directives issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and the State Bank of Pakistan. In
case requirements differ, the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, the Banking Companies Ordinance,
1962 and the said directives have been followed.
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
The SBP vide BSD Circular No. 10, dated August 26, 2002 has deferred the applicability of International Accounting Standard
39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (IAS 39) and International Accounting Standard 40, Investment
Property (IAS 40) for banking companies till further instructions. Further, according to the notification of SECP dated April 28,
2008, the IFRS - 7 "Financial Instruments: Disclosures" has not been made applicable to banks. Accordingly, the requirements
of these standards have not been considered in the preparation of these financial statements. However, investments have been
classified and valued in accordance with the requirements of various circulars issued by SBP.
The disclosures made in these consolidated condensed interim financial statements have, however, been limited based on a
format prescribed by the State Bank of Pakistan vide BSD Circular No. 2 dated May 12, 2004 and International Accounting
Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting. They do not include all the disclosure required for annual financial statements, and
these consolidated condensed interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annual consolidated financial
statements of the Group for the year ended December 31, 2010.
These consolidated condensed interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except that
certain fixed assets are stated at revalued amounts and certain investments, commitments in respect of certain forward foreign
exchange contracts and derivative financial instruments have been marked to market and are carried at fair value.
The preparation of consolidated condensed interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates
and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and
expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
The significant judgments made by the management in applying the accounting policies and the key sources of estimation
uncertainty were the same as those applied to the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31,
The accounting policies and the method of computation adopted in the preparation of these consolidated condensed interim
financial statements are the same as those applied in the preparation of the annual consolidated financial statements of the
Group for the year ended December 31, 2010.
The financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the annual consolidated financial
statements of the Group for the year ended December 31, 2010.
(Un-audited) (Audited)
March 31, 2011 December 31, 2010
Note Held by Given as Held by Given as
7.1 Investments by types Group collateral Total Group collateral Total
------------------------------------------- (Rupees in '000) ----------------------------------------------
Held-for-trading securities 7.2.1 6,767,304 - 6,767,304 15,440,514 1,189,144 16,629,658
Available-for-sale securities 7.2.2 87,426,373 21,031,082 108,457,455 88,728,901 21,231,926 109,960,827
Held-to-maturity securities 7.2.3 113,938,650 - 113,938,650 103,465,850 - 103,465,850
Investments in associates 7.2.4 7,271,569 - 7,271,569 7,666,215 - 7,666,215
215,403,896 21,031,082 236,434,978 215,301,480 22,421,070 237,722,550
Provision for diminution in value
of investments (2,525,901) - (2,525,901) (2,649,005) - (2,649,005)
Investments (net of provisions) 212,877,995 21,031,082 233,909,077 212,652,475 22,421,070 235,073,545
(Deficit) / surplus on revaluation of
available-for-sale investments (3,192,336) 6,744 (3,185,592) (3,311,399) (11,718) (3,323,117)
Deficit on revaluation of
held-for-trading investments (7,052) - (7,052) (33,050) (164) (33,214)
Total Investments 209,678,607 21,037,826 230,716,433 209,308,026 22,409,188 231,717,214
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
(Un-audited) (Audited)
7.2 Investments by types March 31, 2011 December 31, 2010
Held by Given as Total Held by Given as Total
Group collateral Group collateral
7.2.1 Held-for-trading securities ----------------------------------------- (Rupees in '000) --------------------------------------------
Market Treasury Bills 5,993,498 - 5,993,498 12,984,400 1,189,144 14,173,544
Pakistan Investment Bonds 276,295 - 276,295 805,257 - 805,257
Ordinary shares of listed companies 315,426 - 315,426 8,928 - 8,928
Foreign securities - - - 1,392,186 - 1,392,186
Term Finance Certificate 108,106 - 108,106 106,431 - 106,431
Units of Mutual Funds 44,977 - 44,977 46,966 - 46,966
Sukuk Bonds 29,002 - 29,002 22,852 - 22,852
Government of Pakistan - Euro bonds - - - 73,494 - 73,494
6,767,304 - 6,767,304 15,440,514 1,189,144 16,629,658
7.2.2 Available for sale securities
Market Treasury Bills 35,044,093 20,402,121 55,446,214 39,519,598 20,695,498 60,215,096
Pakistan Investment Bonds 19,863,649 628,961 20,492,610 18,988,194 536,428 19,524,622
Government of Pakistan - Sukuk 4,622,000 - 4,622,000 4,122,000 - 4,122,000
Government of Pakistan - Eurobonds 4,910,175 - 4,910,175 3,938,516 - 3,938,516
Ordinary shares of listed companies 4,295,818 - 4,295,818 3,629,335 - 3,629,335
Preference shares 471,220 - 471,220 472,097 - 472,097
Ordinary shares of unlisted companies 445,626 - 445,626 445,632 - 445,632
Term Finance Certificates 2,157,354 - 2,157,354 2,163,818 - 2,163,818
Units of mutual funds 164,662 - 164,662 164,662 - 164,662
Foreign securities 15,451,776 - 15,451,776 15,285,049 - 15,285,049
87,426,373 21,031,082 108,457,455 88,728,901 21,231,926 109,960,827
7.2.3 Held to maturity securities
Market Treasury Bills 65,145,371 - 65,145,371 58,843,648 - 58,843,648
Pakistan Investment Bonds 8,351,547 - 8,351,547 4,392,225 - 4,392,225
Government of Pakistan - Sukuk 330,000 - 330,000 30,000 - 30,000
Government of Pakistan - Guaranteed Bonds 51,346 - 51,346 51,399 - 51,399
Term Finance Certificates 26,940,702 - 26,940,702 27,106,749 - 27,106,749
Sukuk Bonds 2,399,980 - 2,399,980 2,548,739 - 2,548,739
Participation Term Certificates 17,920 - 17,920 19,202 - 19,202
Debentures 4,392 - 4,392 4,392 - 4,392
Foreign securities 9,915,135 - 9,915,135 9,772,562 - 9,772,562
CDC SAARC Fund 427 - 427 428 - 428
Government of Pakistan - Eurobonds 781,830 - 781,830 696,506 - 696,506
113,938,650 - 113,938,650 103,465,850 - 103,465,850
7.2.4 Investments in Associates
United Growth and Income Fund 3,030,436 - 3,030,436 3,023,430 - 3,023,430
UBL Liquidity Plus Fund 2,093,941 - 2,093,941 2,613,475 - 2,613,475
United Composite Islamic Fund 351,573 - 351,573 338,110 - 338,110
United Islamic Income Fund 200,206 - 200,206 196,425 - 196,425
United Stock Advantage Fund 440,707 - 440,707 354,897 - 354,897
UBL Participation Protected Plan 190,127 - 190,127 184,639 - 184,639
UBL Capital Protected Fund - II 109,740 - 109,740 108,757 - 108,757
UBL Savings Income Fund 134,015 - 134,015 174,469 - 174,469
UBL Islamic Savings Fund 202,843 - 202,843 197,224 - 197,224
UBL Islamic Retirement Savings Fund 102,276 - 102,276 98,310 - 98,310
UBL Retirement Savings Fund 102,978 - 102,978 99,681 - 99,681
UBL Capital Protected Fund - I 91,497 - 91,497 61,652 - 61,652
UBL Insurers Limited 152,056 - 152,056 150,038 - 150,038
Oman United Exchange Company, Muscat 69,174 - 69,174 65,108 - 65,108
7,271,569 - 7,271,569 7,666,215 - 7,666,215
8.1 Advances include Rs. 52,956 million (December 31, 2010: Rs. 48,613 million) which have been placed under non-
performing status.
8.2 The category wise classification of non performing status is given below:
8.3 General provision represents provision amounting to Rs.345.706 million (December 31, 2010: Rs.375.327
million) against consumer finance portfolio as required by the Prudential Regulations issued by the SBP,
Rs.459.510 million (December 31, 2010: Rs.415.169 million) pertaining to overseas advances to meet the
requirements of monetary agencies and regulatory authorities of the respective countries in which the overseas
branches operate and Rs.Nil (December 31, 2010: 635 million) against other domestic advances.
8.4 During the quarter the Group has availed certain forced sale value (FSV) benefits allowed by SBP vide its circular
no. BSD 10 of 2009 dated October 20, 2009. Had the benefit not been availed by the Bank, the specific provision
against non-performing advances would have been higher and consequently profit before taxation and advances
(net of provisions) as of March 31, 2011 would have been lower by Rs. 297 million.
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
(Un-audited) (Audited)
March 31, December 31,
2011 2010
9. OPERATING FIXED ASSETS ------- (Rupees in '000) -------
Capital work-in-progress 1,627,233 1,337,697
Property and equipment 22,306,297 22,405,859
Intangible assets 908,140 941,010
24,841,670 24,684,566
(Un-audited) (Audited)
March 31, December 31,
2011 2010
------- (Rupees in '000) -------
13.6 Commitments in respect of forward exchange contracts
Sale 66,642,413 85,906,329
Purchase 113,500,962 131,134,706
March 31, March 31,
2011 2010
------- (Rupees in '000) -------
The tax returns for Azad Kashmir (AK) Branches have been filed for tax years 2005 to 2010 (financial years
ended December 31, 2004 to 2009) under the provisions of section 120(1) read with section 114 of the
Ordinance and in compliance with the terms of agreement between banks and the Azad Kashmir Council in
May 2005. The returns filed are considered as deemed assessment orders under the law.
The Seventh Schedule to the Ordinance allows provision for advances and off balance sheet exposures @
5% of advances to consumer and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and 1% for other advances. A
deferred tax asset of Rs. 2,574 million has been recognized relating to amounts in excess of the allowable
limits which is carried forward to future years.
The Bank also carries a tax asset amounting to Rs.5,454 million (December 31, 2010: 5,454 million),
representing disallowance of provisions against advances and off balance sheet obligations, for the periods
prior to the applicability of the Seventh schedule. The Management, in consultation with its tax advisors, is
confident that these would be allowed to the Bank at appellate levels.
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
Segment assets (gross of NPL provisions) 4,854,769 246,840,337 175,178,508 282,618,725 482,555 30,991,506
Segment non performing loans (NPL) - 2,002,017 22,221,562 28,719,633 - 13,153
Segment provision - 975,579 17,687,257 17,737,773 - 13,153
Segment liabilities 4,283,644 245,746,173 153,306,268 258,329,232 64,272 (31,073,778)
Segment assets (gross of NPL provisions) 5,004,302 257,667,931 199,958,760 265,008,433 483,062 30,811,271
Segment non performing loans (NPL) - 2,002,017 21,787,039 24,810,869 - 13,153
Segment provision - 10,105 16,691,950 16,828,908 - 13,153
Segment liabilities 4,665,722 258,459,687 170,683,576 245,510,597 37,560 (29,101,679)
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements (Un-audited)
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
The Group has related party transactions with its associates, employee benefit plans and its directors and executive officers (including their associates).
The Group enters into transactions with related parties in the normal course of business. Contributions to and accruals in respect of staff retirement benefits and other benefit
plans are made in accordance with the actuarial valuations / terms of the contribution plan. Remuneration to the executives / officers is determined in accordance with the terms
of their appointment.
Details of transactions with related parties during the period, other than those which have been disclosed elsewhere in these financial statements, are as follows:
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011 For the year ended December 31, 2010
(Un-audited) (Audited)
Key manage- Key manage-
Other related Other related
ment Associates ment Associates
parties parties
personnel personnel
------------------------------------------------------------------- (Rupees in '000) -------------------------------------------------------------------
Opening balance - 7,666,215 296,077 - 7,522,641 296,077
Investment made during the period / year - 69,651 - - 2,738,412 -
Investment sold / liquidated during the period / year - (563,446) (8,306) - (2,434,051) -
Equity method adjustment - 99,150 - (160,787)
Closing balance - 7,271,569 287,771 - 7,666,215 296,077
Opening balance 145,724 - - 102,750 - -
Addition during the period / year 11,868 - - 174,409 - -
Repaid during the period / year (5,299) - - (131,435) - -
Closing balance 152,293 - - 145,724 - -
Other Assets
Interest markup accrued - - 7,520 - - 4,656
Receivable from staff retirement funds - - 239,271 - - 66,595
Prepaid insurance - 174,894 - - 1,368 -
Remuneration receivable from management of fund - 22,182 - - 15,468 -
Sales load receivable - 1,424 - - 1,327 -
Formation cost receivable 7,433 5,560
Other receivable - 604 - - 10,513 -
Opening balance - - - - 300,000 100,000
Borrowings during the period / year - - 50,000 - 2,100,000 -
Settled during the period / year - - (50,000) - (2,400,000) (100,000)
Closing balance - - - - - -
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011 For the quarter ended March 31, 2010
Key manage- Key manage-
Other related Other related
ment Associates ment Associates
parties parties
personnel personnel
------------------------------------------------------------(Rupees in '000) ------------------------------------------------------------
Mark-up / return / interest earned 2,289 - 65,674 790 - -
Dividend received - 29,735 - - 110,732 -
Net gain on sale of investment - 4,375 - - 6,965 -
Realised gain on derivative transactions - - 575,518 - - 221,400
Remuneration received from management of fund - 81,635 - - 94,422 -
Sales load received - 4,898 - - 1,670 -
Other income 2,398 90 122 - 135 -
Mark-up / return / interest paid 152 32,483 16,221 170 9,272 9,492
Remuneration paid 235,740 - - 102,978 - -
Post employment benefits 3,424 - - 3,356 - -
Non-executive directors' fee and allowances - - 5,379 - - 4,039
Net charge for defined contribution plans - - 38,545 - - 35,916
Net reversal for defined benefit plans - - (73,988) - - (89,034)
Payment for employee motivation and retention scheme - - 115,000 - - -
Insurance premium paid - 235,591 - - 288,162 -
Insurance claims settled - 43,807 - - 45,323 -
Notes to the consolidated condensed interim financial statements
For the quarter ended March 31, 2011
20.1 The statement of financial position of the Group's Islamic Banking branches as at March 31, 2011 is as follows:
(Un-audited) (Audited)
March 31, December 31,
2011 2010
------(Rupees in '000)------
Cash and balances with treasury banks 268,193 389,582
Balances with other banks 76,024 46,654
Lendings to financial institutions - 450,000
Investments 3,729,785 2,884,260
Financing and receivables
- Murabaha 347,803 203,787
- Musharaka 138,889 166,667
- Diminishing Musharaka 83,192 90,888
569,884 461,342
Operating fixed assets including assets given on Ijara 415,993 426,052
Due from head office - 83,725
Other assets 205,216 297,649
Total Assets 5,265,095 5,039,264
Bills payable 969 970
Deposits and other accounts
- Current accounts 634,130 724,750
- Saving accounts 533,127 933,100
- Term deposits 1,619,460 1,456,596
- Deposits from financial institutions - remunerative 1,263,874 1,344,775
4,050,591 4,459,221
Due to head office 594,242 -
Other liabilities 94,323 101,782
4,740,125 4,561,973
NET ASSETS 524,970 477,291
Islamic Banking Fund 681,000 681,000
Accumulated loss (152,936) (203,000)
528,064 478,000
Deficit on revaluation of assets (3,094) (709)
524,970 477,291
20.2 The profit and loss account of the Group's Islamic Banking branches for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 is as follows:
Quarter ended (Un-audited)
March 31, March 31,
2011 2010
------(Rupees in '000)------
Return earned 181,005 137,227
Return expensed (107,584) (48,479)
73,421 88,748
Reversal of diminution in value of investment 35,130 5,733
Reversal of provision against assets given on Ijara 2,634 3,804
37,764 9,537
Net return after provision 111,185 98,285
Fee, commission and brokerage income 1,582 1,534
Dividend income 3,866 1,250
Income from dealing in foreign currencies 729 108
Loss on sale of securities - (2,732)
Other Income 3,664 319
Total other income 9,841 479
121,026 98,764
Administrative expenses (69,441) (71,499)
Other provisions / write offs (1,521) (1,721)
Total other expenses (70,962) (73,220)
Net Profit for the period 50,064 25,544
Accumulated losses brought forward (203,000) (174,404)
Accumulated losses carried forward (152,936) (148,860)
Atif R. Bokhari Muhammad Sami Saeed Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
President & Director Deputy Chairman Chairman
Chief Executive Officer