An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms Using Wireshark.
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms Using Wireshark.
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms Using Wireshark.
Jayesh Naithani
SEIS 715 -‐ Spring 2011
This paper contains detailed analysis of two Wireshark traces for investigating the behavior of TCP congestion control mechanisms. The paper
will analyze the following aspects:
x Basic slow start and congestion avoidance mechanisms
x Fast recovery: a variation of the TCP slow start mechanism that uses fast retransmit followed by congestion avoidance. A detailed
packet level analysis of areas within each trace indicating congestion issues will be performed.
x Receiver-‐advertised flow control mechanisms
x Throughput and round trip time of the connection
The traces captures are for file uploads to two remote social media sites and
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Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [RFCϳϲϭ͘dW͛ƐƌŽďƵƐƚŶĞƐƐŝƐĂƌĞƐƵůƚŽĨits reactive behavior when
congestion occurs, and it then uses flow and congestion control mechanisms in order to reliably send
and re-‐transmit data from one end of the network to the other.
Flow control is a mechanism that prevents a sender from sending data amounts that will overwhelm the
than the free space advertised by the receiver. Flow of data is controlled by the receiver sending
feedback to the sender. Congestion control is about preventing the sender from sending data that will
end up getting dropped by the network. Congestion control is controlled by the sender, and it uses a
congestion window and policy to avoid, detect, and alleviate congestion after it has occurred
This paper contains an analysis of congestion control mechanisms observed in two network traces
captured using Wireshark version 1.4.6. The traces capture file uploads to social media sites -‐ and The files were uploaded from a laptop over a home wireless
connection. The focus of both analyses ŝƐƚŽŽďƐĞƌǀĞĂŶĚĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞdW͛ƐŐĞŶĞƌĂůĐŽŶŐĞƐƚŝŽŶƉŽůŝĐLJǁŚŝĐŚ
consists of four algorithms [RFC 2001]: Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Transmit, and Fast
Analysis Method
A filter was applied to each trace to display only the TCP connection between the source and
destination. For each trace the three way handshake is analyzed to determine congestion control
information being negotiated at the time of connection establishment. Information gathered during the
handshake consists of the sender and receiver advertised Window Sizes (rwnd), Maximum Segment Size
(MSS), whether a Window Scale option (WS) is being used, and if the sender and receiver support
Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) options [RFC2018].
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Then Wireshark analysis capabilities are used to gather information about Errors and Warning
information contained in the trace. The Warnings tab provides both summarized and specific packet
numbers where Fast Retransmission, Out-‐of-‐Order segments, Window Full Updates events have
occurred within the trace. The Notes tab provides information about packets where Retransmission and
Duplicate ACKs were detected.
Each of the traces revealed some packet loss, as indicated by Fast Retransmissions and Retransmission.
The packets that indicated Duplicate ACKs and Fast Retransmissions where analyzed to see how missing
segments information was provided and re-‐sent using TCP. Both traces indicated the use of TCP using
the Selective Acknowledgement algorithm to allow the sender to only re-‐transmit segments that were
dropped [RFC2018, RFC3782].
The analysis also makes use of Wireshark graphing capabilities to show round trip time for ACKs over
time (Round Trip Time Graph), transmission throughput using TCP sequence numbers (Throughput
Graph), sequence number versus time graphs that help to see if traffic is moving along without
interruption, packet loss, or long delays (Time-‐Sequence Graph -‐ Stevens/tcptrace). The IO Graph
capabilities are also used to show TCP information about Window Size, Bytes in flight, estimated RTT,
and areas in the trace where packet loss was detected. Trace Analysis #1 is more detailed, and makes
use of a number of charts to show congestion avoidance behavior. Trace Analysis #2 is more about the
analysis of the Fast Retransmit, a couple of new events (TCP Window Full, Window Scale factor) that
were captured in the trace. An unusual data transmission pattern was observed in the second trace as
well. There are short gaps in traffic flow between the sender and receiver which do not appear to be
related to network congestion or end-‐to-‐end flow control.
Trace Summary
The trace analysis was performed using Wireshark Version 1.4.5, on laptop running Windows 7
Enterprise Edition.
The Wireshark Expert Info Composite window reveals the following information:
Errors: 1
-‐ 1 Malformed TDS -‐ Malformed Packet (Exception occurred)
Warnings: 366
-‐ 315 Fast Retransmissions
-‐ 47 Out-‐of-‐Order segments
-‐ 3 Previous segment lost
-‐ 1 Zero window
Notes: 5241
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Time-‐Sequence Graph for the connection duration
Packet #801
The source begins with a SYN containing a 32 bit sequence number 257939964 (relative sequence
number 0). The sender advertises a Window Size of 8192 bytes. There is no data sent in this segment -‐
Len is 0. The Maximum Segment Size (MSS) is 1460, and TCP SACK Permitted option is set to True. The
SACK Permitted option indicates that the sender can receive and interpret the SACK option. The MSS
window (cwnd).
Packet #803
The receiver responds with a SYN-‐ACK, and sends frame with an independent sequence number
2334796346 (relative sequence number 0). It sends an increment of the sequence number received in
the last segment, in its Acknowledgement field (A), 257939965 (relative ack number 1). The
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Acknowledgement numbeƌŝŶĨŽƌŵƐƚŚĞƌĞĐĞŝǀĞƌƚŚĂƚŝƚ͛ƐĚĂƚĂŚĂƐďĞĞŶƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚĂŶĚƚŚĂƚŝƚĞdžƉĞĐƚƐƚŚĞ
next sequence number to start at A + x, where x is the number of octets that make up the data in this
ƐĞŐŵĞŶƚ͘dŚĞƌĞĐĞŝǀĞƌ͛ƐǁŝŶĚŽǁ;ƌǁŶĚͿƐŝnjĞŝƐϱϴϰϬďLJƚĞƐ;ŽƌϰƚŝŵĞƐƚŚĞMSS value).
Packet #804
The source receives the SYN-‐ACK segment, and sends an ACK segment containing the next sequence
number 2334796347 (relative ack number 1). The SYN sequence number is incremented by 1 to
257939965 (relative sequence number 1). The sender also defines the server window size, to 17520
set to 17,520 bytes (17 KB rounded up to 12 1460 byte segments) [TOMPB-‐2].
Packet #805
A single packet of size 1023 is sent with the PSH flag set. The PSH flag indicates to the receiver that the
contents of the receive buffer should be immediately passed to the application layer.
Packet #806
Another DATA packet of size 1460 (MSS) is sent. At this point there are 2483 bytes of in flight or
unacknowledged data on the wire. I
Packet #807
The receiver acknowledges (ACK) data sent by the sender. A window size (rwnd) of 7161 is also
advertised by the receiver with this ACK.
When the connection was established, a congestion window (cwnd) of size 1 MSS (size 1460 bytes) is
initialized. Each time an ACK is received this congestion window is increased by 1 MSS. With ACK sent
with Packet #807, the congestion window size is increased by 1, i.e., cwnd = cwnd + 1 MSS, or 2 MSS =
2920 bytes.
In slow start, the sender can transmit up to the minimum of the value of the cwnd and the rwnd. This is
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will always be the minimum of the cwnd and rwnd size in bytes. In Frame #808, the sender sends DATA
of size 1460 bytes. At this point the unacknowledged data is 2920 bytes (2 * 1460), or equal to the value
of cwnd.
Packet #959
This pattern of sending DATA and receiving ACKs between the sender and receiver continues and at this
point there are 49152 bytes of un-‐ACKed data on the wire and the rwnd is 64240 bytes.
The value of the congestion window size is not something that can be obtained directly from a TCP
Wireshark trace. However, we can plot the amount of data that the sender has in flight using the IO
Graph feature. This can sometimes give a good indication of the cwnd size. When the amount of data
being sent reaches the size of the receive window, the slow start algorithm may no longer be in use and
flow of data is controlled by the receiver using the advertised window size [MSDN].
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
When congestion is encountered, as indicated in the trace by a fast retransmission, a congestion
called the slow start threshold or ssthresh. The initial value of ssthresh is arbitrarily high, and as much
as the largest possible advertised window size of 65535 bytes [RFC2001, RFC2581].
Fast Transmission with SACK TCP, and Retransmissions
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Packets #914, #915, #918
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
A Retransmission Timer is started every time TCP sends a segment. It is the waiting time for an ACK for
the segment. If the time expires, the assumption is that the segment is lost. The RTO for segment being
retransmitted in Packet #966 was 0.053786 seconds.
Packet #968, #971, #973 (Retransmission of segment in Packet #918)
These packets indicate a TCP Retransmission for the segment in Packet #918. The RTO for segment sent
with Packet #968 was 0.058455 seconds.
Packet #1002 (First non-‐duplicate ACK, exit Fast Recovery, enter Congestion Avoidance)
Packet #1002 is a cumulative ACK, and acknowledges all pending packets. It contains an ACK for all
Packets up to Packet #959. With the arrival of a non-‐duplicate ACK, the congestion avoidance algorithm
is enforced by TCP. Congestion avoidance algorithm increases the Congestion Window additively
(Additive Increase/Multiplicative Decrease) instead of exponentially.
IO Graph
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Fast Retransmits coincide with a reduction in the number of unacknowledged bytes in flight. But not all
Fast Retransmits result in all bytes in flight being acknowledged, but only up to the bytes in the packet
that initiated the Fast Retransmission.
The Time-‐Sequence graph for the same period indicates there are gaps (circled in red) between
sequence numbers, indicating congestion in the network. These gaps also coincide with the Fast
Retransmission and Retransmission events in the trace.
Time-‐Sequence Graph
The Round Trip Time graph for ACKs indicates many dots that are clustered closer towards the x axis
indicating a consistent response time [TOMPB-‐2, CHAPT2-‐8], but there are a quite a few dots that are
steeply climbing towards the top. The dots circled in red are during the time the Fast Retransmits occur,
and show maximum length in RTT.
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Round Trip Time Graph
Finally, the Throughput graph indicates time slots where nothing is being sent. Areas where Fast
Retransmission and Retransmission areas are circled in red, in both graphs.
Throughput Graph
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
Expert Info Composite View
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
number of bytes in flight is 64128. The last advertised window size by the receiver in Packet 240 was
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
IO Flow
The Time-‐Sequence for the connection reveals an interesting step-‐ladder like pattern.
Time-‐Sequence Graph for the connection
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
A closer look into the areas of the graph where the sequence numbers are not increasing over time
indicates that there is very little traffic being sent from the sender. Looking over the trace does not
provide any indication of a problem in the transmission. However, the data in packets sent down from
the server show HTTP 404 (page not found) messages during these periods. Subsequently, the receiver
waits for a period of time before sending data. The connection at all times remained established.
404 Not Found
The following throughput graph further validates gaps in the transmission where there is very little
traffic going from the sender to the receiver.
Throughput Graph
An Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms using Wireshark
The purpose of this project was to capture and analyze congestion control mechanisms observed in
Wireshark traces of file uploads to a couple of popular social media sites. Information exchanged during
TCP connection establishment was analyzed for each trace. A detailed analysis of sections of the traces
where packet loss was detected was performed and described in terms of the Fast Retransmit and Fast
Recovery algorithms for TCP Congestion Avoidance. tŝƌĞƐŚĂƌŬ͛ƐƐƚĂƚŝƐtical and graphing capabilities
were used to observe the traffic flow, throughput, and areas where congestion events were observed.
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