Maxillary 2nd Molar
Maxillary 2nd Molar
Maxillary 2nd Molar
From the buccal aspect this tooth is smaller. That means that the
in the maxillary 1st molar is wider. This tooth has less prominent
distobuccal cusp and its narrower mesiodistally. You can see that the
roots are closer to each other, and they are distally inclined, however
the maxillary 1st molar the roots are straight not inclined.
The distolingual cusp is smaller in width and height than the Maxillary
1st permanent molar. The lingual root is narrower and slightly distally
Inclined, however the lingual root in the maxillary 1st molar is upright.
Rarely. The cusp of cerebella van help identify the tooth because its
Present in all maxillary 1st molars but it is not 100% accurate because
Sometimes we can find this cusp of cerebelli in the maxillary 2nd molar.
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ridge tubercles. Mesiobuccal and lingual roots are less divergent, that
The angles are more bordered and more acute than the maxillary
1st molar. The mesiobuccal and distobuccal are more acute &
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is narrower mesiodistally.
The Pulp ;
The pulp is similar to that in the maxillary 1st molar, we have three
roots. But the only difference in the pulp is system. In the maxillary 1st
molar we have a 60 % possibility of having two canals in the
mesiobuccal root, however here in the maxillary 2nd molar the
possibility is less ya3ni its not common to find a forth canal in this
tooth, so we have three roots each one with a canal. In rare occasions
we can find a second root canal in the mesiobuccal root.
In the buccal aspect the crown is smallest in all dimensions. The roots
are pretty much short and commonly fused and distally inclined. So
usually when you find a tooth with fused roots and distally inclined it
Lingual aspect ;
this tooth. The lingual roots are commonly fused with the buccal
and maxillary 3rd molar? They both have 3 cusps but in the premolar
buccaly we have only one cusp however in the 3rd molar we have two
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buccal cusps.
Mesial aspect;
distal aspect;
We can see two buccal cusps and one lingually. The tooth is
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as it’s very difficult, because this tooth is distally & buccally inclined.
3) In rare occasions we will have only two cusps one buccal & one
{So 1st molar > 2nd molar > 3rd molar} this is only in humans!
This tooth is the first to appear in the mouth, the mandibular 1st
molar usually appears before the maxillary 1st molar.
Arch traits;
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than BL this is a mandibular molar and the opposite is true in the
maxillary molar. The 2 L cusps are of equal size and MB & DB
cusps are also of equal size.
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mesiobuccal groove that ends half way. The distobuccal groove
We see two roots from the from the buccal aspect which are the
mesial and buccal roots. These roots are widely separated and as
you go posteriorly these become closer to each other and they
are commonly fused in the mandibular 3rd molar, these shares a
common trunk that has a shallow vertical depression, the apical
half the mesial root is distally inclined and this is very important
feature in dentistry especially in root canal treatment. We have a
portion called danger zone it is located when the mesial root is
inclined distally. The distal root goes distally without any
From this aspect we only see two cusps; the mesiolingual & disto
lingual cusps. They are usually higher and more conical than the
buccal cups& almost equal in size.
We have the lingual groove located between the two cusps, and
of course its narrower mesiodistally than the buccal profile. The
tooth from the
The mesial and distal profiles are generally convex, but in the
in the lingual aspect the occlusal two thirds are convex in both
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& horizontal planes. As its entirely convex and that’s a common
Now from the buccal cervical ridge the outlines curve sharply
entirely convex.
As for the root, we only see one root which is the mesial root;
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higher than the distal marginal ridge except the mandibular
notice that the distal cusp is not located at the same level of
the mesial one has the distal marginal groove and half of the
buccal surface is visible; we see part of the buccal surface
because this angle between the buccal surface and the distal
surface is obtuse.
The distal root is buccolingually wide but smaller than the mesial
root. That’s why we can see the profile of the mesial aspect. It
may have a shallow depression but not like the mesial side.
The tooth from the occlusal aspect, the crown is pentagonal. This
is a type trait. It goes into a mandibular second molar the crown is
square. The buccal profile is longer than lingual profile, making
the mesial and distal profile’s converging lingually. In the buccal
profile we see three regions, the mesiobuccal, distobuccal and
distal cusp region. The distobuccal region is the most prominent.
The maximum buccolingual diameter is just distal to
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angle is rounded. The lingual profile have two regions
is an arch trait. The lingual profile, only the occlusal 1/3 is visible.
There is of course 5 cusps, and this is a type trait, no 5 cusps in
the mandibular second molar. The biggest cusps are the 2 lingual
mesiobuccal mesiodistal distal (which is the smallest)
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End of the lecture
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