NFL Project Report
NFL Project Report
Submitted to
June-July 2010
I am very grateful to Dr. S.C Sharma (Head & Professor – Training & Placement
Department, and all other professors and lecturers of Electronic and communication
engineering department who guided me time to time by providing me desired guidance.
I am very thankful to Er. Nirlep singh(D.G.M –INST.), Er. B.B Grover (MGR),
Er. R.C Sharma (A.M), and all the supervisors and other officials for providing me
complete process details of their respective plants.
Abhinav Babber
In this course industrial training is an integral part of the curriculum and can
be undertaken in any reputed industry. I have done this training at National Fertilizers
Limited, Bathinda which is situated on Bathinda – Goniana road and is very well
connected with rail and road. It is very well known for its excellent performance over the
past years. I have studied whole plant with Captive Power Plant in detail.
Abhinav Babber
Table of Contents
NFL is known in the industry for its work culture; value added human resources, safety,
environment, concern for ecology and its commitment to social upliftment. All NFL
plants have been certified for ISO-9002 for conforming to international quality standards
and International Environmental Standard i.e. ISO-14001. With the certification of
Corporate Office/Marketing operations under ISO-9001:2000, NFL has become the first
Fertilizer Company in the country to have its total business covered under ISO-9001
Certification. On 23rd August 1974, NFL was formed and registered to set up two modern
large capacity Nitrogenous Fertilizers plants.
Guna Plant which is the latest plant of NFL was commissioned in Dec, 1978 and is now
in full production.
The Vijaipur Plant was a land mark achievement in project management in India. The
plant was completed well within time and approved project cost. In recognition of this
achievement, the project was awarded the First Prize in Excellence in Project
Management by Govt. of India. Subsequently the Vijaipur plant doubled its capacity to
14.52 lakh MTs by commissioning Vijaipur Expansion Unit i.e. Vijaipur-II in 1997. The
plant annual capacities have now been re-rated w.e.f. 1.4.2000 from 7.26 lakh MT of
Urea to 8.64 lakh MT for Vijaipur-I & Vijaipur-II Plants each.
Three of the Units are strategically located in the high consumption areas of Punjab and
Haryana. The Company has an installed capacity of 35.49 lakh MTs of Nitrogenous
Fertilizers and has recorded an annual sales turnover of Rs.3, 474 crores during 2004-05.
Strategically Located - Urea Plants
Capital Cost, Feed Stock & Plants Capacity
NH3:CO2 4:1
H20:CO2 0.54:1
1. Synthesis section.
2. Decomposition section.
3. Crystallization & Prilling section.
4. Recovery section.
For the measurement of pressure the single control loops method. The no. of component
used for this are:
• Pressure gauge
• Pressure transmitter
• Pneumatic controller
• Actuator
• Positioner
• Control valves
A fluid powered or electrically powered device that supplies and motion to a valve
closure member.
A flexible pressure responsive element that transmits force to the diaphragm plate and
actuator stem.
The support plate which gives support to the diaphragm and exerts force uniformly.
A valve with actuator that automatically, fully or partially opens or closers that valve to a
position dictated by signals transmitted from controlling instruments can be called as
The control valve is most important and widely used final element in auto control loop. A
control valve functions as a variable resistance in a pipeline. So by controlling the flow,
the valve indirectly controls the process variables that may be level, temperature, pressure
If the observed surface is rotating and rapidly changing the gap distance the RF envelope
is not constant amplitude but varies in direct proportion to the peak to peak movement of
the observed surface. This peak to peak movement of the observed surface causes the RF
envelope to be amplitude modulated.
Transducer system is non contacting shaft vibration and relation position measurement
system. The system include a probe with an integral cable, extension cable and
proximate. The transducer system measurement the gap between the probe fit and an
absorbed metal surface and convert this distance to a proportional negative voltage.
The system measures both static and dynamic system probe tips are also each calibrated
to a specific probe type cable electrical length and temperature range. The scale factor is
24 volts normally drive the proximator from an external source such as a power supply or
monitoring device. The proximator converts the DC drive voltage into an RF signal that
is applied to the probe through 95 ohm coaxial extension probe radiates the RF signal
into surrounding area as a magnetic field. If there is no conductive material within a
specified distance to intercept magnetic field. There is no power loss in RF signal the
output signal of proximator output terminals is max. 16volts. When a conductive material
approaches the probe tip, eddy current generated on the surfaces on the material resulting
power loss in RF signal. As a power loss is developed in RF signal, the output at
proximator output terminal is reduced proportionately. As the conserved conductive
surface come closer to the probe tab, the eddy currents on the surface of material
observed more power. When the gap reached specified minimum distance from the
conductive material surface. The material absorbs the total RF energy radiated by the
probe. This is reflected as the maximum power loss the RF signal resulting a minimum
DC output signal at the proximator output terminal. The proximator measure the
magnetic of the RF envelopes and provide a DC output signal proportional to the packs
of envelopes. Thrust measurement and eccentricity measurement are the merely gap
measurement at the slow rate of change in the gap.
The level may be expressed in term of pressure exerted over a datum level or in term of
the length of the liquid column.
To ensure that right amount of liquid/solid are added to the vessel at right time and for
safe operation.
Steam Generation plant is mainly installed for production of steam and then
distributed to various parts of the plant.
Here this section of plant installed in National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda unit
produces and supplies steam at 100 Kg / cm2 pressure and nearly 480°C temperature to
Ammonia Plant.
In today’s world steam has gained importance in Industries. It may be used for
power processes and heating purposes as well.
Coal :
To obtain steam of desired Temperature and pressure, coal is burned to give major
source of heat.
Initially coal is stored at Coal Handling plant brought from coal sites. It is this
section of plant where coal is crushed by crushers in order to make small pieces of coal,
then after crushing it the coal pieces rare passed through heavy electromagnet where iron
is separated from coal if present. Coal is then sent to Bunkers from where it goes to
Grinding mill. Grinding mill is grinding coal into powder form.
Conveyor Belts are being used in the whole plant for transportation of Coal. The powder
form of coal is sent to the Boilers through pump as pump sucks the coal from grinding
mills and throws it into the boiler for combustion.
Fuel Oil :
As the Boilers are designed to work on both Coal as well as Fuel Oil so fuel oil can
also be pumped to Boiler for combustion.
Generally coal alone is not burnt Initially but Fuel Oil (LSHS) is mixed coal and then
sent to the furnace for combustion in order to get desired temperature .
As National Fertilizers Ltd, Bathinda unit has its own Steam Generation Plant
where steam is produced which is used for driving Turbo Compressors, Heating
Purposes, for various reactions taking place in the plant itself.
Steam is mainly consumed in the Ammonia Plant as nearly 6 to 7 tonne of steam is
required to produce 1 tonne of Ammonia. High Pressure Turbines are being used where
high pressure and temperature is to be maintained so SGP section plays a important role
for maintaining the said condition.
There are three boilers (VU-40 type supplied by M/S BHEL) of 150 tonne/hr
capacity .These boilers are Water Tube Boilers i.e. water is inside the tubes and hot air
surrounds it when coal is burnt, this makes the water in the tubes boil and steam
formation takes place. In the beginning coal is burnt with fuel oil in order to get desired
As the steam being used should be free from impurities like minerals, silica,
oxygen, Iron etc. in order to insure Safe and Efficient working of Steam turbines and
Boilers. For this purpose Raw Water is physically and chemically treated and finally
supplied to Steam Generation Plant from Ammonia plant. This water is called Boiler
Feed water which is further heated to 240º C by the flue Gases and taken to Steam Drum.
Steam Drum Acts as storage tank and also separates water from the steam at 315º C and
106 kg/cm2 pressure water then enters the Ring Header formed at on the bottom of
outside the furnace and rises by gravity through water wall tubes on the all the four sides,
taken heat from furnace and enters steam drum as a mixture of steam and water.
National Fertilizers Limited has set a Captive Power Plant (CPP) at their complex
at BATHINDA, to ensure availability of stable, uninterrupted power and stream to the
Ammonia and Urea plant. This will minimize the tripping of the Fertilizer Plant due to
transit voltage dips and power cuts.
Since inception, Bathinda unit was drawing electric power from Punjab State
Electricity Board (P.S.E.B). Electricity is the main driving force after steam in the plant,
being used for moving auxiliary equipments. The unit requires 27MW of power/hr when
running at full load. There are two 15 MW turbo-generators to generate power. Under
normal running conditions of the plant and healthiness of the P.S.E.B. grid, we generally
run in synchronism with the grid merely drawing the power corresponding to the
minimum charges to be paid to state electricity board. In case of any disturbance in the
grid, our system gets isolated from the grid automatically. With both generators running,
we are able to feed power to the whole plant, thus production is not affected. In case only
one turbo generator is in line and grid cuts off, urea plant is cut off automatically to
balance the load with one generator. As soon as the grid becomes stable, the generators
are again synchronized with it. The power generation of each generator can be varied
with 2 MW to 15 MW maximum, provision exists to run the generator on 10 % extra load
continuously for one hour only.
Operation of C.P.P. is based upon microprocessor based computerized
instrumentation which allows automatic operation, start up, shut down of the whole or
part of the plant.
Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. It allows controlling process
variables like flow, pressure, temperature, power factor, voltage, frequency, etc. There is
operator interface unit (IOU) Like a TV screen on which various parameters can be
displayed and controlled. It allows fully automatic start-up, shut-down of boiler, turbine
and other auxiliaries.
It was thought to install a captive power plant in which electric power for our
requirement shall be generated in a COAL FIRED BOILER. The benefits envisaged
1. Any disturbance in the PSEB grid used to trip the whole plant. Lot of money was
lost due to this as each re-startup costs around 40 to 50 lakhs rupees. Moreover,
frequent tripping’s had an ill effect on machines and equipments extending the re-
startup period.
2. Three boilers of 150Te/hr steam capacity were initially installed in SGP to keep 25
boilers running and one stand by as designed steam requirement was less than 300Te/hr.
but in actual operation steam requirement was more and all three boilers had to be run
and there was no breathing time for their maintenance. As new boiler was to be installed
for CPP, its capacity was so designed that it could export around 60Te of steam for
process requirement so that only 2 boilers of SGP would be run keeping the 3rd as stand
With these points in mind CPP was installed. The functioning of CPP can be sub-
divided into parts:
The basic principle of this boiler is the same as discussed earlier for SGP boiler
that is formation of steam by heating boiler feed water inside furnace fired by coal and
heavy oil, utilization of heat of the gases and venting these gases at a safe height. Main
differences between the two boilers are:
SGP boiler is tangentially fired where as CPP boiler is front fired with 6 coal
burners and 6 oil gun fixed inside the coal housing.
SGP boiler can be loaded up to 30% load with oil firing only whereas CPP boiler
can be fully loaded with oil alone.
Height of combustible zone in CPP boiler is more and it has residence time of 1.5 sec
where SGP boiler has 1.0 sec.
Mills used for pulverizations of coal in SGP are negative pressure bowl mills whereas in
CPP ball tube mill are used which are positive pressure mills.
Due to more residence time and better pulverization the efficiency of CPP boiler is
about 4% higher.
Boiler feed water required for steam generation can be fully generated in CPP itself.
A part of the steam generated is exported for process use in ammonia plant and
rest is utilized for power generation in turbo generators as described below:
HP1 and HP2 heaters. Feed water bleeds is used for heating the feed water tank and LP
bleed is used for heating the polish water make up to the feed water tank.
A lubrication system is also there to lubricate the various bearings of the turbine,
gears and generator. Normally the oil pump driven by the turbine shaft supplies oil but
auxiliary motor driven pumps are used for start up and during shutdown. A turning gear
has been provided for slow cooling of turbine rotor.
Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. Bailey’s net work-90
microprocessor based instrumentation system is being used. The NETWORK 90
SYSTEM is a distributed process control system. Using a series of integrated control
nodes. The network 90 system allows controlling process variables like flow, pressure
and temperature according to a control configuration. There is operator interface unit
(OIU) like a TV screen on which various parameters can be displayed and controlled. It
allows fully automatic start-up/shut-down of boiler, turbine and other auxiliaries.
CPP is having two number turbo generators of capacity 15MW each. The
generators are type SAT three phase, 50Hz, 11kV, 984amps, at 0.8 power factor rating
supplied by M/S JEUMONT SCHNEIDER OF FRANCE. These are totally enclosed self
ventilated type with two lateral airs to water coolers for cooling. The alternators are able
to bear 10% overload for one hr with an increase in temp. of 100C while maintaining the
voltage as near as possible to the rated one. The excitation is compound and brush less
with exciter rotor and Rectifier Bridge mounted on the extended main shaft on non
driving end. The excitation is controlled automatically with automatic voltage regulator
and a PLC controller. All protection relays installed for protection of generator are solid
state having high accuracy, quick response and low power consumption.
Under normal running conditions of the plant and healthiness of the PSEB grid, we
generally run in synchronism with the grid merely drawing the power corresponding to
minimum charges to be paid to state electricity board. In case of any disturbance in the
grid measured by higher low frequency, high rate of change of frequency, low voltage
etc. our system gets isolated from the grid automatically. With both generators running,
we are able to feed power to the whole plant, thus production is not affected.
The uninterruptible power supply system is connected between a critical load, such
as digital drives & automation, distributed digital process control system, telecom
equipment, programmable logic controller, mission critical applications, computer and its
three phase mains power supply under all rated load and input supply conditions.
The system offers the user with the following advantages: -
In a non-redundant configuration the system is sized such that both UPS modules
are required to feed the potential load and if one of the two modules develops a fault or
for some reason shut down, the other module also automatically shuts down.
In such an event the load is transferred to an unprocessed bypass supply.
In a redundant module configuration the system is sized such that the potential load can
be provided by just one of the two modules. Under normal circumstances both modules
are operational and share the load current equally; but if one module develops a fault, or
is shut down, the second module is able to take over the full load demand and continue to
provide it with processed, backed-up power.
7400 Module Design:-
The UPS basically operates as an AC- DC-AC converter. The first conversion
stage (from AC to DC) uses a 3 phase fully controlled silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)
bridge rectifier to convert the incoming mains supply into a regulated 432V DC bus bar.
The DC bus bar produced by the rectifier provides both battery charging power and
power to the inverter section-which is of a transistorized / IGBT based pulse width
modulation (PWM) design and provides the second conversion phase i.e. reconverting
the DC bus bar voltage back into an AC voltage waveform.
Ammonia is the major constituent in the production of urea and separately in the
ammonia plant. This plant has production capacity of 900 M.T. of liquid ammonia per
day. We can easily divide the whole process into following different section and discuss.
Then separately according of function of these section:
Lines of O2 feedback and stream led to the gasifier column where in the presence of high
temperature of the order 13500 C produce raw gas containing CO, H2S, HCN, heat is
generated in this unit. This heat is not washed but utilized to produce steam in the waste
Some unburnt carbon is also present along with other gases in raw gas, as it can check the
line. It is removed by stages water wash and there is final scrubbing stage. HCN is also
removed in this stage.
Sulphur compound are removed in this section because otherwise these poison the
catalyst present in the next section. Methanol has a property of absorbing different gases
at different temp. Absorption process is carried out at low temp. and high pressure, H2O
and COS are removed in the raw gas to only 0.1 PPM in this unit by absorbing with
MeOH. MeOH is regenerated by N2 by stripping and H2S is sent to sulphur recovery
In this unit get CO2 and H2 from CO and steam at high temp. by passing the gas catalyst
as per the following reaction:
CO(g) +H2O(steam) ......... H2 + CO2
In this industrial method of producing H2 as per le chatlier principle for high
concentration of product excess is to be introduced and temp. should kept low and
reaction rate is high. So compromise is made and temp. is around 350-500 oC. Fe is used
as catalyst in reaction.
In this unit we get a mixture of gas(H2, CO2) from shift conversion and CO2 is removed
from H2 by absorbing CO2 with methanol of low temp. This mixture of MeOH and CO2 is
stripped by N2 where CO2 is regenerated and send to UREA PLANT, in this unit we get
98% of H2 and send to N.W.U.
Even a little of CO still remains in raw gas after the shift convertor process. This is
removed in N.W.U. where liquid N2 is sprayed on raw gas of 98% H2 from the top of the
tank. Before leaving this section, purified H2 gas is mixed with N2 in the ratio 3:1 and
forms an admixture without reaction, it is called synthesis gas.
The synthesis gas from N.W.U. is compressed from 37 kg/cm2 to 230 kg/cm2 in the
centrifugal type synthesis compressor. Then the gas enters the synthesis hot exchanger
with hot effluent gas from synthesis economizer. At the outlet of the compressor the gas
contains 16% ammonia.
N2 + 3H2 …………… 2NH3