2 Marks & 16 Marks - Analytic FN

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TWO MARKS:(University questions from 2003-2009)

1.Show that u=log(x2+y2) is harmonic.

2. Prove that z z is nowhere analytic.
3.State the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates that are satisfied by an analytic function.
4State Cauchy-Riemann equation in Cartesian form.
5.Is f(z)=z3 analytic(2)
6.Test whether the function z is analytic or not.
7.Test whether the function z is analytic or not.
8.State sufficient condition for analytic function.
9.State any two properties of analytic function
10.Prove that the analytic function with constant real part is constant(3 times)
11.Prove that the analytic function with constant imaginary part is constant.
12.Find the constants a,b,c if f(z)=x+ay+i(bx+cy) is analytic.
13.Show that that the function f(z)=(x3-3xy2)+i(3x2y-y3) satisfies Cauchy-Riemann equations.
14.Show that the real part u of an analytic function satisfies the equation ∇ u=0.
15.Prove that
tan −1
x is harmonic.
2 2
16.Show that x + y is harmonic
17. Verify whether the function=x3-3xy2+3x2-3y2+1 is harmonic.
18.Prove that the function= -y3+2x2+3x2y-2y2 is harmonic.
19.Check whether ex sin y is harmonic?
20.Check whether ex cos y is harmonic?
21.Show that u=log(x2+y2) is harmonic
22.Find the image of the circle |z|=2 under transformation w=3z
1+ z
23..Find the invariant points of the transformation 1−z .
2 z+6
24.Find the invariant points of the transformation z+7 .
3 z−4
.Find the fixed points of z−1
4 z−4
.Find the fixed points of z
6 z −9
.Find the fixed points of z
28.Define conformal mapping
29.Find the image of the circle |z|=3 under the transformation w=2z
30.Find the image of the circle |z|=1 under the transformation w=2z
31.Find the image of the circle |z|=2 under the transformation w=3z
32.Define the critical point of a transformation.
33. Find the critical points of the transformation w= z
34. Under the transformation z fond the image of the circle |z−1|=1 in the complex plane
35. State the sufficient condition for a transformation w=f(z) to be conformal at a point
. Find the image of the region x ¿ c ,where c ¿ 0 under transformation z
4 z−4
37.Find the fixed points of the transformation z
38.Find the fixed point of z +2 i
39. Find the critical points of the transformation w=z2
40. Determine the critical points of w2=(z-α)(z-β)

EIGHT MARKS:(University questions from 2003-2009)

1.Show that sin hz is analytic and find it derivative

2.Show that the function f(z)= z z is differentiable but not analytic at z=0
.Find the analytic function whose imaginary part is e ( x sin y+ y cos y )
4.Find the analytic function whose imaginary part is e ( x sin y+ y cos y )
∂2 + ∂2 |f ( z)|2 = 4|f ' ( z)|2
5..If f(z) is a regular function of z ,prove that
( ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ) (6times)

∂2 + ∂2 log |f ' ( z)|= 0

6.If w=f(z) is analytic then prove that
( ∂ x2 ∂ y2 )
7. Prove that f(z) =log z is analytic except at the origin.Also find f ( z ) .
8.Prove that the analytic function with constant modulus is constant.(2 times)
sin2 x
9.Find the analytic function w=u+iv whose real part is given as cosh2 y−cos2 x .(3 times)
sin 2 x
10.Find the analytic function w=u+iv given that cosh 2 y−cos2 x .
sin 2 x
11.Find the analytic function w=u+iv given that cosh 2 y+cos2 x .

sin 2 x
12.Find the analytic function w=u+iv given that cosh 2 y−cos2 x .
sin 2 x
13.Find the analytic function w=u+iv given that cosh 2 y +cos2 x .

14.Prove that every analytic function w=u+iv can be expressed as a function of z alone , not as a function of
15.Find the analytic function f(z) whose real part is u=3x2y+2x2-y3-2y2.
x 2− y 2 + 2 2
16.Find the analytic function f(z)=u+iv given v = x +y (2 times)
2 2
17.Find the analytic function f(z)=u+iv whose real part is u= x + y .
18.Find the analytic function whose real part isex(xcos2y-ysin2y)
19.Find the analytic function whose real part is u=ex(xcosy-ysiny)

20.Find the analytic function whose real part is 2u+3v=ex(cosy-siny)

21.If f(z)=u+iv and u-v=ex(cosy-siny),find the corresponding analytic function.
22.Show that the function u=excos y is harmonic and find the corresponding conjugate harmonic function.
23.Show that the function u=e-x(xcosy+ysiny) is harmonic.Also find the analytic function u+iv.(3 times)
24.Show that the function u=ex(xcosy+ysiny) is harmonic.Also find the analytic function u+iv.
25.Show that the function u=cosx cosh y is harmonic and find the corresponding conjugate harmonic
26.Prove that the function= -y3+2x2+3x2y-2y2 is harmonic.Find its conjugate harmonic.
27.Prove that the function= x3+3x2-3x2y-3y2+1 is harmonic.Find its conjugate harmonic.
28.Prove that u=2x-x3+3xy2 is harmonic and determine its conjugate harmonic.
29.Prove that x2-y2+e-2xcos2y is harmonic and find its conjugate.
30.Find the image of the hyperbola x2-y2=1 under the transformation z
31.Find the image of x+y=1 under the transformation w=z2
.Find the image of |z−3i|= 3 under the mapping z
.Find the image of |z+2i|= 2 under the mapping z
1 1 1 1
≤ y≤ 0≤ y≤ w=
4 2 2 z (3
34.Find the image of the infinite strips (i) (ii) under the transformation
times )
.Find the image of |z−2i|= 2 under the mapping z
36. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,0&-1 into the points w=0,1& ∞ respectively.
37.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,1 &∞ into the points w=i,1 &-i(3times).
38.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,1 &∞ into the points w=i,1 &-1
39. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,-i &-1 into the points w=i,1 &0 respectively.
40. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,i&-1 into the points w=0,1&∞ respectively.
(4 times)
41. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the point z1=1,z2=i &z3= -1 into the points w1=i,w2=0 &w3=-i
respectively.(4 times)
42. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,0&-1 into the points w=-1,-i &
1respectively.(2 times)
43. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,i&-1 into the points w=2,i&-2 respectively.
44. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,0 &i into the points w=-1,i&1
45. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,-1&i into the points w=i,0 &∞
46.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,1 &∞ into the points w=i,1 &-1
47.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=1,-i&-1 into the points w=i,0&-i respectively
48.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=-1,0,i into the points w=-1,i,1.
49.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=-1,0,1 into the points w=-1,-i,1.
50.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=0,1,∞ into the points w=-5,-1,3.
51.Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z=-1,0,1 into the points w=-1,i,1.

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