Unit 5 Electrogravimetry and Coulometry

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Electrogravimetry and


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Electrogravimetric Analysis
5.3 Polarisation
5.4 Types of Electrogravimetric Methods
Constant Current Electrolysis
Constant Potential Electrolysis
5.5 Coulometry
5.6 What is a Coulometer?
5.7 Types of Coulometric Methods
Controlled Potential Coulometry (Potential Coulometry)
Constant Current Coulometry (Amperostatic Coulometry)
5.8 Summary
5.9 Terminal Questions
5.10 Answers

In Units 3 and 4, we have discussed potentiometry and conductometric methods. You
have seen in potentiometry measurements are performed under conditions of
essentially zero current. In this unit, we describe two important related
electroanalytical methods – electrogravimetry and coulometry. In the two techniques
which we are going to deal, electrolysis is carried out long enough to make sure that
the analyte is completely oxidised or reduced to a single product. In
electrogravimetry, the product is weighed as a deposit on one of the electrodes. In
coulometry, the quantity of electricity needed to complete the electrolysis is measured
as coulombs. Both the methods are quite sensitive, rapid and accurate.

Both these techniques differ from potentiometry in the sense that they require a
significant current (a required amount of current to initiate the electrode reaction)
throughout the process. However, in potentiometry measurements are performed
under conditions of essentially zero current. When there is a current in an
electrochemical cell, the cell potential is no longer the difference between the
electrode potentials of the cathode and the anode. The applied potential in an
electrolytical cell is usually greater than the theoretical potential and the phenomenon
of ohmic potential (IR drop) and polarisation will come into effect.

We shall describe the principle and instrumentation of electrogravimetry and later the
principle, methodology and applications of coulometry. The importance of these two
analytical techniques in quantitative analysis will be discussed.

After going through this unit, you should be able to

• explain the principle of electrogravimetry,

• explain ohmic potential (IR drop) and polarisation and their significance in

Electroanalytical • calculate the potential of a given cell to initiate deposition of a metal ion and
calculate the residual concentration of the ion in solution before the
commencement of the deposition of the next ion,

• describe constant current and controlled potential electrogravimetry,

• explain the importance of controlled potential electrogravimetry in the

successive deposition of metal ions,

• describe coulometry and list the different types of coulometers,

• describe potentiostatic coulometry – its instrumentation and applications,

• describe amperostatic coulometry – coulometric titrations and its

instrumentation and applications,

• explain the methods of in situ and external generation of reagents in coulometric

titrations, and

• explain the advantages of coulometric titrations and its applications.


Electrogravimetric analysis is more or less similar to conventional gravimetric
analysis. However in electrogravimetry the product is deposited quantitatively on an
electrode by an electrolytic reaction and the amount of the product is determined by
weighing the electrode before and after electrolysis. The material is deposited on an
electrode by the application of a potential instead of chemical precipitation from a
solution. Hence the name electrogravimetry (weighing of the product after

Before learning the principle of this analysis, let us understand some important terms
used. From potentiometric studies, now we know what is a cell? Normally a cell
consists of two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte. There are two types of cells – a
galvanic cell and an electrolytic cell. A galvanic or voltaic cell is a device which
converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The galvanic cell usually consists of
two electrolytic solutions in which two electrodes of different materials are dipped in
it. A Daniel cell is an example of a galvanic cell.

When the energy is supplied from an external source, the cell through which it flows is
known as electrolytic cell. Irrespective of whether the cell is galvanic or electrolytic,
we call the electrode where oxidation takes place as anode of the electrode, where
reduction takes place as cathode. In potentiometry, we have already learnt that a
cathode is assigned a positive sign and an anode a negative sign in a galvanic cell.
However, in an electrolytic cell, these electrodes acquire charges opposite to the
above. The capacity to do electrical work by a cell is called the cell potential and is
expressed in volt.

Consider a cell of the type where copper is deposited at the cathode and oxygen is
evolved at the anode.
Cu | Cu2+ || 2H+ , ½ O2 | Pt
Cu + H2O ⇌ Cu + ½ O2 (g) + 2H+
Cathode Cu++ + 2e ⇌ Cu°
Anode HgO ⇌ 2H+ + ½ O2 + Cu°
Cu++ + HgO ⇌ 2H+ + ½ O2 + Cu°

The potential of the electrochemical cell, (Ecell ), is the difference between the electrode Electrogravimetry and
potential of the cathode and the electrode potential of the anode. That is Coulometry

Ecell = Ecathode – Eanode

where Ecathode and Eanode are the half cell potentials of the cathode and anode

Consider the electrolytic cell shown in Fig. 5.1. A voltage Eapplied is applied to the cell
in such a way that a current flows through the cell. When Eapplied > Ecell , there will be
a flow of current in the circuit. When there is a current, the potential of the cell is less
than the thermodynamic potential because one or one of the following phenomena are
operating: IR drop, concentration polarisation and kinetic(chemical) polarisation.

Fig. 5.1: An electrolytic cell

Ohmic Potential: IR Drop

Electrochemical cells, like metallic conductors, resist the flow of charge. In both
types of conduction, Ohm’s law describes the effect of this resistance. The product
of the resistance R of a cell in ohms and the current, I in amperes is called the ohmic
potential or the IR drop of the cell.

We know that when applied potention, Eapplied = Ecell, no current flows through the
cell. When you gradually increase the applied potential, a small current appears in the
circuit. This current through the cell encounters resistance R resulting in a potential
drop of –IR volts. In other words, the applied potential must be greater than the
theoretical cell potential by –IR volts. Thus, in the presence of a current, a cell
potential must be modified by the addition of the term –IR.
Eapplied = Ecell – IR … (5.1)
Eapplied = Ecathode – Eanode – IR … (5.2)
where Ecathode and Eanode = Ecell are electrode potentials computed with the Nernst

The above equation can be rearranged to give

Electroanalytical − E applied
I = + ( E cathode − E anode )
… (5.3)
E cell − E applied
I =
For small currents and brief periods of time, Ecathode and Eanode remain relatively
constant during electrolysis. The cell behaviour can be represented by the reaction.
- E applied
I= +k … (5.4)
where, k is a constant.

Fig. 5.2: A plot of current vs. potential

As shown in Fig. 5.2, a plot of current as a function of applied potential in an
electrolytic cell should be a straight line with a slope equal to the negative reciprocal
of the resistance. The plot is indeed linear with small currents as in Fig.5.3a. As the
applied voltage increases, the current deviates significantly from linearity. Galvanic
cells also behave in a similar way (Fig.5.3b).

Fig. 5.3: Current/voltage curves for (a) an electrolytic and (b) a galvanic cell
Cells that exhibit non-linear relationship are said to be polarised and the degree of
polarisation is given by overvoltage or overpotential. Polarisation requires the
application of a potential greater than the theoretical value to give a current of the

expected magnitude. Thus an overpotential of – 0.04 V is required to obtain a current Electrogravimetry and
of 0.06 A in the electrolytic cell as illustrated in Fig. 5.3a. In a galvanic cell, the Coulometry
output cell potential decreases by about 0.03 V i.e. the overvoltage is 0.03 V as
illustrated in Fig. 5.3b. Note that in each case the overvoltage is negative.

Hence, for an electrolytic cell affected by overvoltage, Eq. (5.1) then becomes,
Eapplied = Ecell – IR – overvoltage … (5.5)
In simple terms, the overvoltage is the potential difference between the theoretical cell
potential determined by Eq. (5.1) and the actual cell potential at a given level of
current. It can be calculated by Eq. (5.1). On the other hand polarization is the
departure of the electrode potential from its theoretical value on passage of current.
We will take up these phenomena in more detail in next section, but before that try the
following SAQs.

What is Ohmic potential? Determine it Units. How it is related to cell potential and
applied potential.


Following cell is used for the determination of Cd in the presence of Cl − ions in an
electrogravimetric method.

Ag AgCl(s), Cl − (s), Cl − (0.200 M ), Cd 2+ (0.0050 M ) Cd

Calculate the applied potentials

a) when there is no current flow in cell
b) when current of 1.00 or mA is developed in cell. Assume that the internal
resistance of the cell is 30.0 Ω .


Consider again the situation illustrated in Fig. 5.3a. If we further increase the Eapplied,
the current becomes independent of Eapplied. This give rise to limiting current as
illustrated in Fig. 5.4. At this situation, the electrode is said to be completely polarized,
since its potential can be changed widely without affecting the current. Polarisation
can be conveniently divided into two categories: concentration polarisation and kinetic
(chemical) polarisation. Polarisation is an electrode phenomenon that may affect
either or both of the electrodes in a cell.


Applied voltage Eapplied V

Fig. 5.4: Current potential curve for electrolyte illustrating ohmic region (linear portion
of the curve) and limiting current situation

Concentration polarisation
When ions are discharged and deposited on an electrode as a result of passage of
current, the area in the immediate vicinity of the electrode is depleted of ions and the
layer offers resistance to the passage of current. This type of resistance due to
changes in concentration of the electrolyte around the electrode is known as
concentration polarisation. Concentration polarisation occurs when the ions do not
arrive at the cathode or the product species do not leave the anode fast enough to
maintain the desired current.

We have already seen that reactants are transported to an electrode surface by three
mechanisms. (1) Diffusion, (2) migration and (3) convection. Concentration
polarisation arises when the effects of diffusion, migration and convection are
insufficient to transport the ions at a rate that produce a current of desired magnitude.
If the depleted area in the vicinity of the electrode is not supplied with ions from the
bulk of the solution by increased diffusion or by convection – agitation (stirring), the
cathode will assume more and more negative potential as the applied potential is
increased. As a result, a back emf is set up and if the current has to flow, the applied
emf must be sufficiently above the equilibrium potential to overcome the polarisation.
Hence, concentration polarisation requires applied potentials that are larger than the
theoretical i.e., calculated from Eq. (5.1), to maintain a given current in an electrolytic

For this reason, vigorous stirring and heating are important in electrodeposition to
minimize the concentration polarisation.

Kinetic polarisation (chemical polarisation):

Kinetic or chemical polarisation may occur due to changes in chemical nature of the
electrodeposition of another metal or due to the coating of the electrode with a layer of
gas such as hydrogen or oxygen. Kinetic polarisation may also be caused by the

formation of films on the electrode. For example, an aluminium anode is liable to be Electrogravimetry and
passivated by a coat of alumina on it Coulometry

Kinetic polarisation is most pronounced in electrode processes that yield gaseous

products. This is known as gas overpotential. Gas overpotential depends on several
factors; such as electrode material, current density, temperature, pH of solution, etc.
Overpotential for many metals differ. The overvolltage at a given current density
decreases if the electrode surface is roughened. This is due to an increase in effective
surface area and the consequent decrease in actual current density. An increase in
current density invariably increases the overpotential to a limiting value. As the
temperature increases, the overvoltage decreases. pH of the solution also has an effect
on overpotential. Hydrogen overvoltage is greatest in metals such as cadmium, lead,
tin, zinc and mercury.

One of the essential requirements of electrodeposition is that the deposit must be

compact, fine and adherent to the electrode. Simultaneous evolution of gas results in a
spongy and feathery deposit. When high current densities are applied, the applied
potential exceeds the hydrogen overvoltage and gasification starts. Gasification can be
avoided by controlling the potential and by using suitable buffers.

Complex ions yield smoother deposits. For example, silver when deposited from a
[Ag(CN)2] – complex yields a satisfactory deposit.
Importance of overvoltage
• The existence of overvoltage explains numerous phenomena. In a lead
accumulator, during charging, the metal is deposited on the cathode instead of
hydrogen being evolved, due to the high overvoltage of lead.
• It is possible to deposit electrolytically the metals, which have a more negative
potential than hydrogen such as zinc, cadmium, tin, etc. from an acid solution
because of high overvoltage of hydrogen on such metals.
• Overvoltage plays an important role in the industrial production of chlorine and
sodium hydroxide by the electrolysis of brine – sodium chloride solution.
• When electrodes of high overvoltage are used in electrolytic reduction, it would
mean to increase the reducing power. Electrodes with high overvoltage like
lead instead of platinum are used in organic electrolytic reductions to get the
desired products.

Distinguish between concentration polarization and kinetic polarization.


List the importance of overvoltage.


Electrolytic precipitation or electrodeposition has been widely used for the
determination of metals. In most applications, the metal is deposited on a weighed
platinum cathode and the increase in mass is determined. There are two types of
electrogravimetric methods (i) Constant current electrolysis and (ii) Constant
potential electrolysis.

5.4.1 Constant Current Electrolysis

Herein electrodeposition is carried out by keeping the current constant. Here periodic
increases in the applied potential are required (adjust the potential of the cell) as the
electrolysis proceeds.

As shown in Fig. 5.5, the apparatus for constant current electrolysis consists of a
suitable cell and a direct current source. A 6 V storage battery can be used for DC
power source. An ammeter and voltmeter are used to indicate the current and applied
voltage respectively. The voltage applied to the cell is controlled by a resistor. The
cathode is usually a cylindrical platinum gauze.

Fig. 5.5: Apparatus for constant current electrolysis

Physical characteristics of metal deposits

It is important that the deposits produced by electrolysis is pure, strongly adherent,
dense and smooth so that it can be washed, dried and weighed without any mechanical
loss. Spongy, powdery or flaky deposits are likely to be less pure and less adherent.

As mentioned earlier the principal factors that influence the physical characteristics of
deposits are current density, temperature and the presence of complexing agents.
Ordinarily the best deposits are formed at current densities that are less than 0.lA /cm2.

Stirring generally improves the quality of a deposit. The time of deposition is reduced
when the solution is stirred vigorously or if the electrode is rotated at a uniform speed.
This type of stirring lowers the concentration overpotential and enables a higher
current density without any adverse effect.

Simultaneous evolution of gas at an electrode, during deposition is not a desirable Electrogravimetry and
factor, since continuous evolution of bubbles on the electrode surface disturbs the Coulometry
orderly growth of the crystal structure of a metal deposit. Porous and spongy deposits
are obtained if there is continuous evolution of gases.
The chemical nature of the ion in solution has an important influence on the physical
form of the deposit. For example, a pure bright and adherent deposit of copper can be
obtained by electrolysing a nitric acid solution of cupric ions. In contrast, a coarse
tree-like deposit of silver is got under similar conditions. The electrolysis from a
solution of Ag [CN] −2 complex produces a suitable deposit. Complex ions exhibit a
property known as ‘throwing power’ - the property of a solution by virtue of which a
relatively uniform deposit of metal is obtained on irregular surfaces – cyanide and
ammonia complexes often provide the best deposits.

Increase in temperature favours diffusion. But the hydrogen overpotential is

decreased and the stability of many complex ions is decreased.

In practice, constant current elecctrolysis is limited to the separation of an easily

reduced cation from cations that are more difficult to be reduced than hydrogen. Thus,
Cu (II) ion can be deposited from an acid solution.

Potential changes during an electrolysis at constant applied potential

Consider electrolysis of Cu (II) ion in acid medium (Fig. 5.6). Initially the applied
potential to the cell is about – 2.5 V, which leads to a current of about l.5 A as shown
in Fig. 5.6a. The electrolytic deposition of copper is then completed at this applied
potential. As the reaction proceeds, IR decreases continually. This decrease is due to
concentration polarisation at the cathode, which limits the rate at which copper ions
are brought to the electrode surface and thus limits the current. The decrease in IR
must be compensated by an increase in the cathode potential since the cell potential is
constant. The increase in cathode potential is slowed down at point B by the
reduction of hydrogen ions (Fig. 5.6b). Since the solution contains a large excess of
acid, the current is no longer limited by concentration polarisation, and co-deposition
of copper and hydrogen goes on simultaneously until all the copper ions are deposited.
Under these conditions, the cathode is said to be depolarised by hydrogen ions.

Fig. 5.6: (a) current, (b) IR drop, and cathode-potential change during the electrolytic
deposition of copper at a constant applied cell potential.

Electroanalytical Consider a case in which a solution contains Cu2+ and Pb2+ ions. Lead (II) begins to
Methods-II deposit at point A on the cathode potential curve (Fig. 5.6b). Hence lead (II) ion
would co-deposit well before copper deposition was complete and would interfere.
Co-deposition of hydrogen during electrolysis often leads to spongy and flaky deposits
that do not adhere to the electrode. Such a situation is unsatisfactory for analytical
purposes. The use of depolarisers often improves the efficiency of the process. A
depolariser is a substance which gets reduced at the cathode without gasification or
gets oxidised at the anode before oxygen evolution and stabilises the potential of the
working electrode by minimising concentration polarisation. Thus copper deposited
from a nitric acid solution is smoother and more adherent because nitrate ions act as
cathodic depolarisers and prevent evolution of hydrogen. Generally reducing agents
like hydrazine hydrochloride will act as anodic depolarisers.

The cathodic depolariser, nitrate ion gets reduced at a potential less negative than at
point C (Fig. 5.6b) as

NO 3− + 10H+ + 8e  NH +4 + 3H2 … (5.7)

Nitrate ions have long been used in the constant current deposition of copper and lead,
wherein copper is deposited at the cathode and lead is deposited as lead dioxide at the
anode. Nitrate ions aid in the quantitative deposition of cupric ions at the cathode and
prevent the formation of metallic lead at the cathode. Table 5.1 illustrates the typical
applications of constant current electrolysis.

Table 5.1: Typical applications of constant current electrolysis

Analyte Weighed as Cathode Anode Conditions
Ag Ag Pt Pt Alkaline cyanide solution

Cd2+ Cd Cu on Pt Pt Alkaline cyanide solution

Cu Cu Pt Pt H2SO4/HNO3 solution
Mn MnO2 (on anode) Pt Pt dish HCOOH/HCOONa solution
Ni Ni Cu on Pt Pt Ammoniacal solution
Pb PbO2 (on anode) Pt Pt Strong HNO3 solution
Zn 2+ Zn Cu on Pt Pt Acidic citrate solution

Br- AgBr (on anode) Pt Ag ----

What are depolorisers? Name the few commonly used depolarizers.


5.4.2 Constant Potential Electrolysis

By controlled potential electrolysis, it is possible to separate two elements whose
deposition potentials differ sufficiently (by a few tenths of a volt). The potential of the
cathode is controlled so that it never becomes sufficiently negative to allow the
deposition of the next element. As can be seen from the Fig. 5.6b, the potential of the
cathode becomes negative (due to concentration polarisation) and that co-deposition

of the other species begins before the analyte is completely deposited. A large Electrogravimetry and
negative drift in the cathode potential can be avoided by using a three electrode system Coulometry
as shown in Fig.5.7.

Fig. 5.7: Apparatus for controlled-potential electrolysis. Contact C is adjusted as

necessary to maintain the working electrode (cathode in this example) at a
constant potential. The current in the reference-electrode circuit is essentially
zero at all times
The controlled potential electrolysis apparatus is shown in Fig. 5.7. It consists of two
independent electrode circuits that share a common electrode, the working electrode at
which the analyte is deposited. The electrolysis circuit consists of a dc source (a l2 V
battery), a potential divider that permits continuous variation in the potential applied
across the working electrode, a counter electrode generally platinum and a current
meter. The reference circuit consists of a reference electrode (SCE), a high -
resistance digital voltmeter and the working electrode. The electrical resistance of the
reference circuit is so large that the electrolysis circuit supplies essentially all the
current for the deposition. The current in the reference electrode circuit is essentially
zero at all times.

The purpose of the reference circuit is to monitor continuously the potential between
the working electrode and the reference electrode. When this potential reaches a point
at which codeposition of an interfering species is about to begin, the potential across
the working and counter electrode is decreased by moving contact C to the left (Fig.
5.7). Since the potential of the counter electrode remains constant during the change,
the cathode potential becomes smaller, thus preventing codeposition.

Fig.5.8: Change in cell potential (a), and current (b), during a controlled cathode-
potential deposition of copper. The cathode is maintained at – 0.36 V versus
SCE throughout the experiment.

Electroanalytical Fig.5.8 illustrates the changes in cell potential and current during a controlled cathode
Methods-II potential electrolysis of copper. The applied cell potential has to decrease
continuously throughout the electrolysis. This decrease, in turn, diminishes the
current. Completion of the electrolysis will be indicated by the approach of the
current to zero. This technique demands constant attention during operation. Usually
some provision is made for automatic control.

Usually platinum gauze electrodes are used since they have the advantage of being
relatively non-reactive and can be ignited to remove any organic matter or gases that
would have a harmful effect on the physical properties of the deposit. Certain metals
like bismuth and zinc cannot be deposited directly on to platinum, since they cause
permanent damage to the electrode. Hence, a protective coating of copper is always
deposited on a platinum electrode.

Mercury cathode
Mercury cathode is particularly useful for removing easily reducing metals as a
preliminary step in an analysis (Fig.5.9). For example, copper, nickel, cobalt, silver
and cadmium are readily separated at this electrode from ions, such as aluminium,
titanium, the alkali metals, sulphates and phosphates. The precipitated elements
dissolve in mercury with little hydrogen evolution because mercury has a high
hydrogen overvoltage and hence no hydrogen evolution even at high applied

Fig. 5.9: A mercury cathode for the electrolytic removal of metal ions from solution
Advantages of mercury cathode
1. It forms an amalgam with a number of metals
2. It has a high hydrogen overvoltage and hence no hydrogen evolution even at
high potentials.

Controlled cathode potential is very useful in the separation of quantitative
determination of metallic species.

i) Successive deposition of the metals

A mixture of copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium, zinc and tin can be determined by
successive deposition of the metals on a platinum cathode. First copper is deposited
by maintaining the cathode potential at –0.2V vs. SCE. After weighing the cathode,
the copper plated cathode is used to deposit bismuth at a potential of –0.4V. Then
lead is deposited over the same cathode by maintaining a cathodic potential of –0.6V.

All these three elements are deposited from a neutral solution containing tartarate ions, Electrogravimetry and
which forms complex with tin (IV) and prevent its deposition. When lead deposition Coulometry
is complete, the solution is made strongly ammoniacal and cadmium and zinc are
deposited successively at –l.2V and –l.5V respectively. Finally, the solution is
acidified to decompose the tin-tartarate complex and tin is deposited at a potential of –
0.65V using a fresh cathode.

ii) Simultaneous depositions:

A mixture of copper and lead can be determined by the deposition of copper in the
presence of nitrate ions at the cathode. Lead is deposited as lead dioxide at the anode.

iii) Preparative organic chemistry:

If an organic compound can undergo a series of reductions (or oxidations) each at a
definite potential, it is then possible to reduce the starting material to the desired
product by controlling the potential of the cathode during reduction. The type of
electrolytic reduction is much more economical than chemical reductions, where side
reactions produce undesired products.

Table 5.2: Applications of controlled cathode potential electrolysis

Analyte Cathode Condition
Cu Pt H2SO4/HNO3 solution
Cd2+ Cu on Pt Alkaline medium
Zn Cu on Pt Ammoniacal medium
Bi Cu on Pt Hydroxylamine or hydrazine hydrochloride
Ag Pt 10% KCN

Now let us solve some SAQs related to the potential required to initiate deposition of
metals. Separation of metals based on controlled cathode potential analysis can be
achieved. The following examples will illustrate these points.

Calculate the potential required to initiate deposition of copper from a solution that is
0.0l M in CuSO4 and the pH of the solution is 2.0.


Electrogravimetric analysis involving control of cathode potential is used to separate
Bi3+ and Sn2+ in a solution that is 0.l0 M in each ion and buffered to pH l.50.

a) Calculate the theoretical cathode potential at the start of the deposition of the
more readily reduced ion.
b) Calculate the residual concentration of the more readily reduced species when
the less reduced cation begins to deposit.


Coulometric methods of analysis are based on the measurement of quantity of
electrical charge that passes through a solution during an electrochemical reaction.
The principle of coulometric method of analysis is governed by Faraday’s laws of

In l8l3, Faraday conducted several experiments on the decomposition of electrolytic

solutions by passage of electric current. Based on his experimental results, he
postulated two laws. They are known as Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.

Faraday’s First laws of electrolysis

According to the first law, the mass of a substance liberated at the electrodes during
electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of electrical charge (Q) that passed
through the electrolyte.

If m is the mass of a substance deposited by a current of I amperes in t seconds, then

according to the first law of electrolysis
m ∝ Q or m ∝ I × t
or m = ZIt … (5.8)
where, Z is the proportionally constant.

Thus, the first law relates the quantity of current passed and the extent of chemical
change that took place.

Faraday’s Second law of electrolysis

The mass of different substances evolved/deposited by the passage of same quantity

of electricity are proportional to their chemical equivalence.
m ∝ Mr/n = Equivalent weight of substance
where m is the mass of the substance liberated or deposited, Mr is the molar mass of
the substance liberated/deposited and n is the valency number of ions of the substance
(electrons transferred per ion).

If m1 and m2 are the mass of two different substances liberated by the passage of same
amount of electricity and M1 and M2 are their respective molar masses and n1 and n2
are their respective valence number of ions, then
m1n1/M1 = m2n2/M2 (5.9)
For example, let us consider the passage of electricity through solutions of CuSO4 and
AgNO3 connected in series, so that the same amount of electricity is passed through
them, then from the second law, we get
Mass of copper deposited × 2 Mass of silver deposited ×1
Molar mass of copper Molar mass of silver

The quantity of electricity or charge (Q) is equal to the product of current strength or
charge and time for which the current is passed.
Q = current × time … (5.10)
= I×t
The practical unit of electricity is coulomb.

When a current of 2 ampere flows for ten seconds, the quantity of electricity (Q) in Electrogravimetry and
coulombs is, current in amperes (I) multiplied by the time in seconds (t). Coulometry

Q = ampere (I) × seconds (t) = 2 × 10 = 20 C.

For a variable current I, the electricity

Now let us understand the term Faraday.

The quantity of electricity carried by one mole of electrons is called Faraday and is
given by the symbol, F. The charge of an electron is l.6022 × l0-19. Hence the charge
on one mole of electrons would be
1.6022 × l0-19 × 6.022 × l023 C or 96485C.
Hence one Faraday = 96485 C or approximately 96,500C.
Now consider a reaction,

Mn+ + ne M … (5.11)
The quantity of electricity required for the deposition of 1 mole of an element will be
equal to nF, where n is the number of moles of electrons required for the reaction. Let
Mr be the relative atomic mass of one mole atom of an element. Hence, for the
deposition of Mr g (or 1 mole) of the element, we require nF or n × 96,500 C of
M rQ
m= g … (5.12)
96500 n
where m = mass of an element deposited by the passage of Q coulomb of current or
M r × I ×t
m = … (5.13)
95600 n
This equation is useful in calculating the mass of an element deposited by the passage
of known quantity of current.

Let us make use of Eq. (5.12) in solving some SAQs.

Calculate the time needed for a constant current of 0.96 A to deposit 0.5 g of Co(II) as
elemental cobalt on the surface of a cathode. Relative molar mass of cobalt = 58.93

A solution containing 0.25 g of copper as Cu2+ requires 20 minutes for complete
deposition of copper at l.25 A. Calculate the coulombs required and efficiency of the
process (Mr = 63.54).


In the previous section, you have seen that in electrogravimetry, the analyte is weighed
as a deposit on the one of the electrodes. On the other hand, the coulometric methods
are based upon the measurements of quantity of electricity. In other words, the

Electroanalytical quantity of electricity needed to complete the electrolysis serves as a measure of the
Methods-II amount of analyte present in the solution.

A coulometer is a device used for measuring the quantity of electricity required to

bring about a chemical change of the analyte. It is usual practice in coulometry to
substitute the ammeter (which measures the current in electrical experiments) with a

Each coulometer is a second electrolytic cell, in which anode and cathode may be in
the same compartment or in separate compartments, supposed to proceed at 100%
current efficiency. It is put in series with the electrolytic cell, so that the same quantity
of electricity passes through both the cells. Various types of coulometers viz.
Gasometric coulometers - Hydrogen-oxygen coulometer, Gravimetric coulometers –
silver coulometers – Titrimetric coulometers – Iodine coulometers, etc. are in use.

Gasometric coulometers (Hydrogen-oxygen coulometers)

Hydrogen-oxygen coulometer consists of a glass tube of about 50 cm long and a
diameter of 2 cm. Two platinum sheets of about l.5 sq.cm are joined with a stout
platinum wire serve as the electrodes. A calibrated tube (gas burette) is connected to
the electrolysis tube by means of a pressure rubber tube and is capable of moving
vertically so as to adjust the pressure of the collected gases to atmospheric pressure
before measuring the volumes of gases. A 0.5 M solution of potassium sulphate is
used as the electrolyte (Fig. 5.10).

Fig. 5.10: Hydrogen oxygen coulometer

On electrolysis the following reactions occur at anode and cathode
Anode : 4OH − → 2H2 O + O2 + 4e
Cathode : 4H + 4e → 2H2
Overall reaction : 2H2O → 2H2 + O2
Three moles of gases (2 moles of hydrogen and one mole of oxygen) are produced by
consumption of 4 Faradays which is equivalent to 0.l74l cm3 at N.T.P. of mixed gas
per coulomb. Lingane and Lehfildt found the actual volume evolved to be 0.l739 cm3.

Such coulometers show an accuracy of about –0.l % at a current density of 0.l A cm-2, Electrogravimetry and
falling to – 4 % at 0.0l A cm-2 and the loss of efficiency increases as the current Coulometry
density decreases. At low current strengths below 50 milliamperes, they cause
negative errors. The relationship between gas production and current density has been

It has been reported that the loss of efficiency is due to the formation of hydrogen
peroxide at the anode, which aggravates the situation by being reduced at the cathode,
so that the cathodic current efficiency also suffers. The other common gasometric
coulometer is the hydrogen-nitrogen coulometer, wherein 0.l M hydrazine sulphate is
used as the electrolyte. The electrode reactions are similar except nitrogen gas is
evolved at the anode.
Anode : N2H5+ → N2 + 5H+ + 4e
Cathode : 4H+ + 4e → 2H2
Overall reaction : N2H 5+ → N2 + 2H2 + H+
Three moles of gas are produced by consumption of 4 Faradays and the yield is
theoretically 0.l74l cm3 at NTP of mixed gas per coulomb. Lingane reported an
average yield of 0.l738 ml over the current density range 0.l – 0.007 A cm–2.

Precautions to be adopted with oxygen-hydrogen coulometer:

1. The gas burette should be water-jacketed and the temperature read to be
within ± 0.1oC.
2. 2. The electrolyte must be pre-saturated with oxygen and hydrogen mixture.
3. 3. During the course of the reaction, the gas burette must be lowered periodically
to hold the gas pressure close to atmospheric pressure so that solubility
equilibrium is maintained.

Silver coulometer
A silver coulometer is an example of a gravimetric coulometer in which the amount of
metal deposited at cathode or the amount of metal stripped from an anode is

Fig. 5.11: Silver Coulometer

A silver coulometer is shown in Fig. 5.11 is the most satisfactory either in the cathodic
deposition mode or better still, in the anodic stripping mode in perchloric acid media.
A convenient and simple form of silver coulometer consists of a platinum disk or
silver disk which acts as a cathode and contains a solution of 1 M silver nitrate as the
electrolyte. A rod of pure silver enclosed in a porous pot acts as the anode (l coulomb
of electricity corresponds to approximately l mg of silver and this should be
considered with reference to electrode size, accuracy of weighing and sample size.).
The current density at the anode should not exceed 0.2 A cm-2 . After electrolysis, the
cathode is dried weighed. The increase in mass of the cathode gives the amount of

Electroanalytical silver deposited. From the mass of the silver deposited, the coulomb involved in the
Methods-II reaction can be calculated.

Iodine coulometer
Iodine coulometer is an example of a titration coulometer in which anodically
generated iodine is titrated with thiosulphate or arsenic (III) solution. This has been
used in the determination of the Faraday constant.

Colorimetric coulometers
They are based on the principle of developing a colored species with a reagent with a
metal ion which may be anodically stripped. For example, the formation of a colored
species for a cobalt ion with nitroso-R-salt and measurement of absorbance with a
spectrophotometer. A metal ion may be cathodically reduced and subsequent
absorbance may be measured. For example, Reduction of iron (III) at the cathode and
subsequent measurement of absorbance with l,10-phenanthroline reagent.

Radioactivity coulometers
A microcoulometer based on counting deposits of 110Ag has been described. The
unknown silver solution is spiked with a known amount of radioactive silver 110Ag
and then deposition is made on a platinum wire in a cell in series with one containing
only radioactive silver. Equal amounts of silver are plated on each cathode. The ratio
of the radioactivities gives the amounts of silver in the unknown solution. The cell
containing the radioactive silver is the radioactivity coulometer.

The method is useful for small quantities and plating need not be taken to quantitative
completion, as it involves the measurement of the ratio of the radioactivities in the
two cells.

The above types of coulometers can be put in series in an electrolytic reaction and can
be used as a current measuring device.


Coulometric methods can be classified in following categories:

Coulometric methods

Constant current coulometry Controlled potential

coulometry (Amperostatic coulometry) (Potentiostatic

Primary coulometric Secondary coulometric Primary coulometric

analysis analysis analysis or Coulometric titration

External generation analysis Internal generation analysis

Two general techniques are used for coulometric analysis, namely, constant current Electrogravimetry and
(amperostatic) and controlled potential (potentiostatic) coulometry. Coulometry

Constant current coulometry

In constant current coulometry, the current is maintained constant till the completion
of the analytical reaction which can be detected by a visual indicator solution or by
potentiometric or spectrophotometric methods. The quantity of electricity required to
attain the end point is derived from the amount of coulombs consumed.

Primary constant current coulometry:

In this technique, the element to be estimated undergoes direct reaction at the
electrode with 100% efficiency.

Secondary constant current coulometry:

This method has enjoyed wider applications and is frequently called a coulometric
titration. In a coulometric titration, one of the reactants, titrant is quantitatively
produced (generated) at an electrode which then stoichiometrically reacts with the
analyte ion to be estimated.

A titration of ferrous ion versus ceric ion is an example of a coulometric titration.

Considering the oxidation of iron (II) at a platinum anode, the primary anodic reaction

Fe2+  Fe3+ + e
In a constant current electrolysis, towards the completion of the reaction (as the
concentration of iron (II) decreases) there is an increase in the applied cell potential.
Because of concentration polarisation, the increase in potential causes the anode
potential to the point wherein decomposition of water takes place

2H2O → O2 (g) + 4H+ + 4e

Hence the completion of reaction, i.e. oxidation of iron (II) at a platinum anode, is not
achieved. The current efficiency of such a process is less than 100%. By introducing
an excess quantity of cerium (III), which is oxidised at a lower potential than that of

Ce3+ → Ce4+ + e
a coulometric determination of iron (II) can be achieved as :

Ce4+ + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + Ce3+

The ceric ion produced by the oxidation of cerous ion at the anode, diffuses out and
reacts quantitatively with ferrous ion and oxidises it to ferric ion. The net effect is an
electrochemical oxidation of iron (II) with l00% current efficiency.

Coulometric titrations are more popular because of the in situ generation of titrimetric
reagents. For example, the halogens have been found to be the most satisfactory
coulometric intermediates in coulometric titrations. The reactions with electrolytically
generated bromine and iodine are useful for the estimation of substances like oxine
and ascorbic acid and proceed with 100% efficiency.

Controlled potential coulometric analysis (potentiostatic coulometry)

In this technique, the potential of the working electrode is held constant, so that
quantitative oxidation or reduction of the analyte occurs. The current is initially high
but decreases rapidly and approaches zero at the completion of the reaction. The

Electroanalytical quantity of electricity is most commonly measured with an electronic integrator or
Methods-II from the reading of a coulometer in series with the cell.

Special Features of coulometric methods

1. Coulometric methods give more accurate and precise results than classical
methods since the electrical currents can be controlled and measured with
utmost precision.

2. These methods are suited for both routine as well as rare analyses which involve
electrolytic method of determination.

3. Coulometric titrations are more popular and have the special advantage in the
sense that the tedious steps of preparation, storage and handling of standard
titrants are avoided.

4. Titrations which cannot be performed by conventional methods can be easily

performed coulometrically. Titrations of high hazardous materials, titrations
involving unstable or difficulty prepared titrants such as bromine, tin(II),
titanium(III), chromium(II), silver(II) etc. and titrations in molten salts can be

5. In situ generation of titrants, for example electrolytic generation of iodine used

to estimate hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, antimony(III), electrolytically
generated bromine used to estimate organic substances like oxine have been
found to be the most satisfactory intermediates for the estimation of several
organic compounds.

6. Constant current coulometry has widely been used than the controlled potential
coulometry since the former is faster and requires simpler instrumentation and
less expensive.

7. Controlled potential coulometry is a quite sensitive method and has


5.7.1 Controlled Potential Coulometry (Potentiostatic Coulometry)

In potentiostatic coulometry, potential of the working electrode is held constant
(static). This technique is similar to electrogravimetric method wherein electrolysis is
carried out at a fixed potential. However, the former is more convenient than
electrogravimetric method by the fact that the weighing step at the final stage (mass
of the product) is avoided. Hence, controlled potential technique can therefore be
applied to systems that yield deposits with poor physical properties (antimony) and to
reactions that do not give solid products at all. For example, electrolytic oxidation of
arsenous acid (H3 AsO3) to arsenic acid (H3 AsO4) at a platinum anode (As(III) →

The instrumentation for potentiostatic coulometry consists of a potentiostat (to
maintain a constant potential), an electrolysis cell, a chemical coulometer or an
integrating device for determining the number of coulombs and placed in series with
the working electrode. The chemical coulometer such as hydrogen-oxygen
coulometer/silver coulometer can be used to measure the number of coulombs
(quantity of electricity).

Cell Assembly Electrogravimetry and
The cell assembly consists of a platinum gauze working electrode, a platinum wire
counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode as the reference electrode. The
counter electrode is separated from the test solution by a porous tube containing the
same supporting electrolyte (Fig. 5.12a).

Fig. 5.12: Electrolysis cells for poentionstatic coulometry: Working electrode:

a) Platinum gauze (b) Mercury pool
Sometimes a mercury cathode is used instead of a platinum gauze electrode (Fig.
5.12b). This cathode is useful for separating the easily reducible elements during an
analysis. For example, copper, nickel, cobalt, silver and cadmium are easily separated
from ions such as aluminium, titanium, alkali metals and phosphates. The precipitated
elements dissolve in mercury and form amalgams.

A potentiostat is an electronic device which maintains the potential of the working
electrode at a constant level relative to a reference electrode. Fig. 5.13 is a schematic
diagram of a potentiostatic coulometry.

Consider the circuit (Fig.5.13 a) of the diagram: The two resistances in the diagram
correspond to resistances in two parts of the electrochemical cell. Here Rs is the cell
resistance between the counter electrode and the tip P of the reference electrode and Ru
is the so-called uncompensated cell resistance, which is the cell resistance between P
and the working electrode (Fig. 5.13b). Because of the very high resistance of the
inputs to the operational amplifier, there is no current in the feedback loop to the
inverting input. The operational amplifier works to keep E1 and E2 equal in the non-
inverting configuration and the cell current IC is supplied by the operational amplifier
to maintain this condition. If we consider the path between the inverting input and the
circuit common at the output, we see that
E2 = E1 = ESCE + ICRu = ESCE + EC

Electroanalytical where EC is the cathode potential and is equal to the potential difference between P
Methods-II and the working electrode. Since E1 and ESCE are constant, ICRU must also be
constant. During electrolysis, if RU and RS changes, the operational amplifier output
voltage changes in such a way so as to maintain EC = ICRu at a constant level. If Ru
decreases, the operational amplifier output voltage increases to maintain EC constant.
If Ru increases as a result of an increase in the cell resistance or due to concentration
polarisation, the output voltage of the operational amplifier decreases, which leads to a
decrease in IC.

Fig. 5.13: Schematic of a system for potentiostatic coulometry (a) Equivalent circuit (b)
resistance within the cell (c) Practical circuit

The practical circuit (Fig.5.13.c) shows other components of potentiostatic

coulometry. The circuit includes a variable voltage source at the noninverting input of
the operational amplifier so that the potentiostat control potential can be varied, a
booster amplifier to supply the high currents that are necessary, a recorder and an

Most of the modern apparatus for potentiostatic coulometry employ integrators to
determine the number of coulombs required to complete an electrolysis.

Efficient stirring is important for controlled potential electrolysis, since all analyte
species must be swept up to the electrode surface, so that the electrochemical reaction
is completed. Besides stirring, the ratio of the electrode surface to solution volume is

another requirement of the experiment. This ratio plays a role in determining the time Electrogravimetry and
needed for complete electrolysis, since the electrical current will be directly Coulometry
proportional to electrode area, A and also directly proportional to the concentration, c,
of the analyte.
I ∝ c×A
Q = I × t, where Q is the coulomb of electricity consumed
Q=I×t ∝c×A×t
i) Inorganic Analysis
Controlled potential coulometric methods have widespread use in the determination of
several metal ions. As many as 55 elements of the periodic table can be determined by
the cathodic reduction of metal ions to metallic state. Most of the metals (about two
dozen element) can form amalgams with mercury, and hence controlled potential
coulometry with mercury cathode is usually preferred.

ii) Analysis of radioactive materials

The technique is widely adopted for the determination of uranium and pluotinum and
thus finds extensive use in the nuclear energy field. Reduction of UO 22 + to U4+ can be
carried out in H2 SO4 medium with a mercury pool cathode (− 0.6 V vs. SCE). Samples
containing 7 – 75 mg of uranium have been analysed with an accuracy of ± 0.l %.
iii) Micro analysis
Controlled potential coulometry is more popular than the electrogravimetric methods
since it avoids the final step of weighing the product. The tedious process of drying
and weighing the electrode after each elecltrolysis is avoided. This technique is
especially useful for the determination of small amounts of analyte (0.01 – l mg) with
an accuracy of (± 0.5 %).
iv) Multistep controlled potential electrolysis
Determination of several metal ions in the same solution is possible with controlled
potential electrolysis using mercury pool cathode. A sample solution containing
several metal ions such as Cu2+, Bi3+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ can be analysed by controlled
potential analysis. When the cathode potential is controlled at about + 0.008 vs.
SCE, Cu2+ is reduced to Cu0. When the current decays to zero, then the potential can
be controlled so that Bi3+ can be reduced to Bi0. Subsequently by controlling the
potentials, Pb2+ can be determined as Pb0 and Zn2+ as Zn. A sample of brass/bronze
which contains Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ can be analysed by this technique.

v) Continuous monitoring of gas streams

Determination of trace level concentration of oxygen in a gas stream can be done by
controlled potential analysis. The cell consists of a porous silver cathode and a
cadmium anode (Fig. 5.14). The reactions are

O2(g) + 2H2O + 4e-  4 OH − (cathode)

Cd(s) + 2OH −  Cd(OH)2(s) + 2e . (Anode)

The porous silver cathode serves to break up the incoming gas into small bubbles,
wherein the reduction of oxygen takes place quantitatively within the pores. The
hydroxyl ions formed during reduction reacts with the cadmium anode and forms a
Cd(OH)2(s) product.


Fig. 5.14: An instrument for continuously recording the oxygen content of a gas stream
A special feature of this set up is that a galvanic cell is formed and hence no external
power supply is needed. There is no need of a potentiostat to control the potential of
the working electrode. The current produced is passed through a standard resistor and
the potential drop is recorded. The oxygen concentration is proportional to this
potential and a digital display can indicate the oxygen concentration directly. The set
up can be used for the determination of oxygen in any gas stream and can detect
oxygen concentration from 1 ppm to l%.

vi) Electrolytic determination of organic compounds:

Controlled potential coulometry offers a new step for the electrolytic determination of
organic compounds. Trichloroacetic acid and picric acid are quantitatively reduced at
a mercury cathode. Coulometric methods permit the analysis of these
compounds with an accuracy of 0.1%.

Cl3CCOO − + H+ + 2e → Cl2 HCCOO − + Cl-

vii) Elctrolytic synthesis of new organic compounds :

Synthesis of new species and novel chemical compounds are possible. No chemical
reagents are required since electron itself is the reagent for carrying out these
reactions. No contamination of the products takes place.

viii) Determination of n-values of the reaction:

Controlled potential coulometry can be used to determine n values of the reactions.
Determination of n values offers a route to deduce the kinetics and mechanism of the
overall reactions. Picric acid is reduced at a mercury pool cathode, in which n value of
the reaction was found to be, l8. The reaction product is identified to be
+ 18 H+ + 18 e + 6H2O


5.7.2 Constant Current Coulometry (Amperostatic Coulometry)

This technique is better known as coulometric titration. In a coulometric titration, a
titrant that is electrolytically generated reacts stoichiometrically with another and

proceeds with l00 % efficiency. It involves a single chemical change in the analyte. Electrogravimetry and
Coulometric titration has a special advantage in the sense that a standard solution is Coulometry
not required. This method is very useful for the estimation of micro and semi-micro
quantities of substances.

Fig. 5.15: Schematic of a coulometric titration

Fig. 5.15 depicts the principal components of a typical coulometric titrator. A source
of constant current (amperostat) and a switch that simultaneously initiates the current
and starts an electronic timer are required. The potential drop across the standard
resistor, Rstd is used for the measurement. Many electronic or electromechanical
amperostats are available in the market.

Cell Assembly
The cell assembly consists of a generator electrode at which the titrant/reagent is
generated and a counter electrode to complete the circuit as in Fig. 5.16. The generator
electrode is a platinum foil or gauze with a large surface area.

Fig. 5.16: A typical coulometric titration cell

The products formed at the second electrode normally interfere with the
electrochemical reaction. For example, the anodic generation of oxidising agents
(Ce3+ → Ce4+) is often accompanied by the evolution of hydrogen from the cathode.
This hydrogen reacts with the oxidising agent and leads to a positive error. Hence the
electrode is isolated from the test solution by a sintered glass disk. Besides, this type
of arrangement helps to maintain 100% efficiency.

Electroanalytical External generation of titrant
Since internal generation of titrant sometimes interferes with the titration, it becomes
necessary to generate the titrant externally and deliver to the reaction/titration cell. An
assembly of the type shown in Fig. 5.17 is generally used. For example, hydrogen
and hydroxyl ions are produced by the electrolysis of sodium sulphate solution.

2H2O + 2e  H2 + 2OH − (cathode reaction)

H2O  ½ O2 + 2H+ + 2e (anode reaction)

Fig. 5.17: A cell for the external coulometric generation of acid and base

The cell consists of two electrodes of platinum gauze separated by a sintered glass
disk. The anode compartment produces H+ ions, while the cathode compartment
produces OH − ions. The apparatus is so arranged that flow of electrolyte continues
even after the current is discontinued, thus flushing the residual reagent into the
titration vessel.

This type of external generation apparatus has also been used for the generation of
other reagents such as iodine by the oxidation of iodide at the anode, generation of
titanous ions etc. The external generation technique has been successfully applied to
titrations involving hydrogen, hydroxyl, iodine etc. and for the generation of reagents,
which are quite unstable, such as chlorine, bromine, titanium (III) ions, etc. Thus,
coulometric titrations are more advantageous than the conventional volumetric

It should be noted that external generation of reagents is possible if only the titrant be
generated with 100% current efficiency.

Detection of endpoints in coulometric titrations

Detection of endpoints with indicators as in the case of volumetric titrations is quite
satisfactory. For example, detection of endpoints with starch indicator in titration
involving iodine, detection of endpoints with methyl orange indicator for titrations of
hydrazine, hydroxylamine or thiocyanate against electrolytically generated bromine.
However coulometric end point can be more accurately determined by instrumental
methods of detection of endpoints such as potentiometric, conductometric,
amperometric or photometric methods.

Potentiometric endpoint detection has been found to be suitable in acidimetric and

redox titrations. This method of detection of endpoint has the advantage that the

titrations can be stopped exactly at the end point. Besides, the observed emf (change Electrogravimetry and
in potential) does not depend on factors like geometry of the cell, conditions of Coulometry
stirring, etc. Thus these methods of detection of endpoints are more advantageous.

Amperometric detection of endpoint is useful in redox and precipitation titrations and

is still more advantageous than potentiometric method of detection of endpoint since
the choice of the indicator electrode for detecting the endpoint does not depend on the
availability of reversible indicator electrode. Even if one of the ions is electro-active,
the endpoint can be detected easily.

Spectrophotometric endpoint detection has been developed and in recent years, this is
of great importance in the titration of olefins with electrolytically generated bromine.
Some of the special advantages of the method of detection of endpoints are:

i) The exact endpoint can be determined by extrapolation of the linear portion of

the titration curves before and after the end point.

ii) By proper choice of λmax and molar absorptivit, the sensitivity and selectivity of
the methods can be improved.

Applications of coulometric titration

Coulometric titrations have been developed for all types of volumetric titrations.
Some important applications of coulometric titrations are given below for your

i) Neutralisation Titration
Titrations of strong acids or weak acids with hydroxide ions generated at a cathode
have been developed.

2H2O + 2e 2OH − + H2 (g) (cathode reaction)

The cells shown in Fig. 5.16 and 5.17 can be used to generate hydroxide ions.
Endpoints can be detected by the use of indicators. However, potentiometric endpoints
can also be employed depending upon the availability of instruments. A real
advantage of such coulometric titrations is that interference from carbonate ions can be
avoided by the generation of hydroxide ions, free from carbonate ions. However, it is
necessary to deaerate the solution with an inert gas before beginning the analysis to
avoid the interference of carbonate ions.

Titrations of strong/weak bases are possible with hydrogen ions generated at a

platinum anode

H2O  ½ O2(g) + 2H+ + 2e (Anode reaction)

Here the cathode must be isolated from the solution to prevent the interference of
hydroxide ions produced at that electrode.

ii) Precipitation and complex formation titrations

A large number of coulometric titrations have been developed with the anodic
generation of silver(I) ions. The generator electrode consisting of a heavy silver wire
can be constructed and a cell of the type shown in Fig. 5.16 can be used. Endpoints
can be detected with adsorption indicators or by potentiometric method. Similar
titrations based upon the generation of mercury(I) ions at a mercury anode have been

Complexometric titrations using ethylenediaminetetracetate ions (HY3–) generated at a

mercury cathode have been developed for the titration of several cations. Reduction of

Electroanalytical the ammine mercury (II) EDTA chelate at a mercury cathode was used to generate
[HY3-] ions.

HgNH3Y2- + NH4+ + 2e-  Hg + 2NH3 + HY3-

Since mercury chelate is more stable than the corresponding complexes with calcium,
zinc, lead or copper, titrations of these cations are possible by this method.

iii) Oxidation-Reduction titrations (Redox titrations):

The oxidising reagents such as iodine, bromine, chlorine, Ce4+ and the unusual
oxidation states of certain ions such as Ag2+, Mn3+ and U4+ can be generated by
making use of coulometric methods and the Table 5.3 lists some of the applications of
these reagents.
Coulometric titrations of redox titrations assume importance because of the possibility
of insitu generation of unusual/unstable reagents such as bromine, dipositive silver
ions, tripositive manganese ions etc. Conventional volumetric analysis cannot
handle/prepare these reagents. Electrogenerated bromine has been proved to be very
useful for the determination of phenol, aniline, mustard gas, As(III), Sb(III), etc. A
bromine solution is quite unstable and cannot be used as a titrant in conventional
volumetry and hence one has to use a Winkler’s solution (bromate-bromide mixture)
to carry out reactions involving bromine. Table 5.3 provides summary of applications
of coulometric titrations.

Table 5.3: Application of coulometric titrations involving neutralisation,

precipitation, and complex formation reactions.
Species Generator Electrode Reaction Secondary Analytical
Determined Reaction
Acids − OH– +H+  H2O
2H2O + 2e 2OH + H2
Bases H2O 2 H+ + ½ O2 + 2e H+ + OH–  H2O
– – –
Cl , Br , I Ag Ag+ + e Ag+ + Cl–  AgCl (s), etc.
Mercaptans Ag Ag+ + e Ag+ + RSH  AgSR (s) + H+
Zn Fe(CN ) 36− + e  Fe(CN) 46 − 3Zn 2+ + 2K+ +2 Fe(CN) 46 − 
K 2 Zn 3 [ Fe(CN) 6 ] 2 (s)
2+ 2+
Ca , Cu , HgNH 3 Y 2− NH +4 + 2e → Hy3- + Ca2+ CaY2- + H+, etc.
Zn 2+, and Pb2+
Hg (l) + 2 NH 3 + HY 3−

Table 5.4: Applications of coulometric titrations involving redox reactions

Reagent Generator Electrode Reaction Substance Determined
Br2 As(III), Sb (III), U(IV), Tl(I), I − ,
2Br −  Br2 + 2e
SCN − , NH3, N2H4, NH2OH,
phenol, aniline, mustard gas
Cl2 As(III), I −
2Cl −  Cl2 + 2e
I2 As(III), Sb(III), S2 O 32 − , S,
2I −  I2 + 2e
ascorbic acid
Ce4+ Ce3+  Ce4+ + e Fe(II), Ti(III), U(IV), As(III), I–-,
Fe(CN) 46−

Electrogravimetry and
Mn3+ Mn2+ Mn3+ + e H2C2O4, Fe(II), As(III)
Ag2+ Ag+ Ag2+ + e Ce(III), V(IV), H2C2O4, As(III)

Fe2+ Fe3+ + e–  Fe2+ Cr(VI), Mn(VII), V(V), Ce(IV)

Ti3+ TiO2+ + 2H+ + e–  Ti3+ + H2O Fe(III), V(V), Ce(IV), U(VI)

CuCl 32− Cu2+ + 3Cl- + e  Cu Cl 32 − V(V), Cr(VI), IO 3− , Be2

U4+ U O 22 + + 4H+ 2e  U4+ + 2H2O Cr (VI), Ce(IV)

Advantages of coulometric titrations

i) Preparation, standardisation and storage of standard solutions are not necessary
in coulometric titrations. This is useful especially for preparation of unstable
reagents such as dipositive silver ions, tripositive manganese ions, bromine,
chlorine, titanium(III), etc. which can be generated in situ, since the
conventional analysis cannot handle these reagents.
ii) It is easy to handle small quantities of reagents by coulometric titrations. By
proper choice of current, micro quantities of substance can be analysed with
greater accuracy and ease.
iii) A single constant current source can be used to generate precipitating,
complexing and redox reagents.
iv) Coulometric titrations can readily be adapted to automatic titrations as the
current control is easily done.
v) A number of automatic coulometric titrators are readily available in the market
to monitor environmental pollutant.
vi) In chloride titrator silver(I))ion is generated coulometrically.
vii) In sulphurdioxide monitors, anodically generated bromine oxidises the analyte
to sulphate ions.
viii) In carbon dioxide monitors, in which the gas stream absorbed in
monoethanolamine is titrated with coulometrically generated base.
ix) In water titrators – Karl Fischer reagent is generated electrolytically to
determine trace level concentrations of water content /moisture.

Having understood the principles of controlled potential coulometry and constant

current coulometry, let us now solve some SAQs based on the principle of constant
current coulometry and controlled potential coulometry.

SAQ 10
In a coulometric titration of iodine with 20 cm3 of thiosulphate, 25 minutes were
required to oxidise thiosulphate and 200 mA of current were used. Calculate the
molarity of thiosulphate solution.


Electroanalytical SAQ 11
A 0.l80 g of a purified organic acid sample was titrated coulometrically with
hydroxide ions produced in 5 mins by a constant current of 0.5l4 amps. Calculate the
molar mass of the acid if n is one.


SAQ 12
A neutral solution containing 0.5 g of copper is electrolysed until all the copper is
plated and the electrolysis is continued 7 minutes longer. The current is maintained at
an average of l.20 amps. throughout the electrolysis. On the basis of 100% current
a) calculate the time required for complete deposition of copper.
b) what volume of gas evolved during the entire electrolysis?


We have learnt the principle of electrogravimetric analysis. Here the analyte was
deposited quantitatively by an electrolytic reaction and weighed instead of chemically
precipitated from a solution. Hence the name electrogravimetry. We have described
the significance of ohmic potential (IR drop) and polarisation in an electrolytic cell.
The degree of polarisation is given by overvoltage or overpotential. We have also
learnt about the two types of polarisation-concentration polarisation and kinetic
polarisation and their role in electrodeposition.

We then described about the two types of electrogravimetric methods – constant

current electrolysis and controlled cathode potential electrolysis. The principle,
instrumentation, type of cells, and applications were described. The physical
characteristics of metal deposits and the significance of a depolariser were described.
The importance of controlled cathode potential in the successive deposition of metal
ions was discussed in detail at the end.

We began our study on coulometric analysis with the simple Faraday’s laws of
electrolysis. By making use of these laws, we solved some problems to calculate the
mass of an element deposited by the passage of known quantity of current. A current
measuring device called coulometer was explained. We discussed about the different
types of coulometers.

We then discussed in brief the types of coulometric methods. Special features of

coulometric methods and their significance in electroanalysis were explained in detail.

The two important techniques, potentiostatic and amperostatic coulometry were

discussed in detail. We briefly looked at the principle and instrumentation of the
method. The applications of potentiostatic coulometry and its advantages over
electrogravimetry were discussed in detail. Amperostatic coulometry commonly

known as coulometric titrations was dealt in detail. We learnt about the cell assembly Electrogravimetry and
– external and internal generation of titrants and detection of end points in coulometric Coulometry
titrations. We finally discussed some of the applications of coulometric titrations in
various types of analysis and their advantages.


1. How many minutes will it take for a current of 0.50 amps. to cause the
deposition of 0.50 g of silver from a solution on the basis of 80.0% current

2. Nickel is to be deposited from a solution that is 0.l0 M in Ni2+ and buffered to

pH 2.0. Oxygen is evolved at a partial pressure of l atm at a platinum anode.
The cell has resistance of 3.l5 Ω and temperature is 25 oC. Calculate

a) the thermodynamic potential needed to initiate the deposition of nickel

b) the IR drop for a current of 1.00A

c) the initial applied potential, given that oxygen voltage is 0.85 V

d) the applied potential, needed when [Ni2+] is l × l0-4 M assuming that all
other variables remain unchanged.

Ni2+ + 2e  Ni(s) Eo = – 0.250V

O2(g) + 4H+ + 4e  2H2O Eo = + 1.23V

3. A solution is 0.l50 M in Co2+ and 0.05 in Cd2+ , Calculate

a) the Co2+ concentration in the solution when Cd2+ begins to deposit
b) the cathode potential needed to lower the Co2+ concentration to l × l0-5 M

4. A solution is 0.05 M in BiO+ and 0.0l M in Co2+ and has a pH of 2.50

a) What is the potential of the cathode when the concentration of the more
easily reduced species is l.00 × l0-6 M
b) What is the concentration of the more readily reduced cation when the less
reduced cation begins to deposit.

5. The calcium content of a water sample was determined by adding an excess of

HgNH3Y2- solution to a 25 cm3 sample. The anion of EDTA was then generated
at a mercury cathode. A constant current of 20 mA was needed to reach an
endpoint after 3 minutes. Calculate the milligrams of CaCO3 per dm3 of sample.

Self Assessment Questions
1. The product of the resistance R of an electrolytic cell in Ohms ( Ω ) and the
current I is called the Ohmic potential or the IR. Unit of I is ampere and
resistance is Ohm’s ( Ω ), according to Ohm’s law
E = IR
E Volt
R = =
I Ampere

Electroanalytical Ampere × Volt
Methods-II IR =
= Volt = V
IR can be related to cell potential and applied potential as IR = Ecell – Eapplied

2. Write half cell reactions:

Cd2+ + 2e ⇌ Cd(s) Eo = – 0.103 V

AgCl (s) + e ⇌ Ag(s) + Cl − E0 = – 00222 V

Potential of the Cd electrode is
0.0592 1
Eright = − 0.403 − log
2 0.0050
= – 0.471 V
And that of the silver electrode is
Eleft = 0.22 – 0.0592log(0.200)
= 0.263 V

a) In the situation when there is no current flow in the cell

Eapplied = Ecell = Eright – Eleft
= –0.471 – 0.263 = – 0.734 V

b) Following equation can be written for calculating Eapplied

Eapplied = Ecell – IR
= – 0.734 – 1 × 10-3 × 30
= – 0.764 V

3. Concentration polarization is a condition in which the current in an

ectrochemical cell is limited by the rate at which reactants are brought to or
removed from the surface of one or both electrodes.

Kinetic polarization is a condition in which the current is limited by the rate at

which electrons are transferred between the electrode surface and the reactants
in is no larger linearly related to the cell potential.

4. Please see Sec. 5.4

5. A depolarizer is a chemical substance that is easily reduced or oxidized. If helps

maintain the potential of the working electrode at a relatively small and constant
value and prevent interfering reactions that may occur under reducing or
oxidizing conditions. Example: Nitrate ion, Hydrazine, Hydroxylamine, etc.

6. Cu2+ + 2e  Cu(s) Eo = + 0.337 V

O2 (g) + 4H+ + 4e  2H2O Eo = + l.23 V

The cathode reaction is deposition of copper, while oxygen is evolved at the
Ecathode = Eo - 0.0592/2 log l/Cu2+
= 0.337 – 0.0592/2 log 1/0.0l
= + 0.278V

Eanode = 1.23 – 0.0592/4 log 1/(l.00)(l.00 × l0-2)4 Electrogravimetry and
= l.23 – 0.ll8
= l.ll2 V
Ecell = Ecathode – Eanode
= 0.278 – l.ll2
= – 0.834 V
The potential required to initiate deposition of copper is – 0.834 V

7. BiO+ + 2H+ + 3e  Bi(s) + H2O Eo = + 0.320 V

Sn2+ + 2e  Sn(s) Eo = – 0.136 V

a) Comparing the Eo values of the two system, bismuth will deposit first
Ecathode = Eo – 0.0592/3 log 1/[BiO+]
= + 0.320 –0.0592/3 log l/0.l
= + 0.320 – 0.0l97
= + 0.300 V
Theoretical cathode potential to start the deposition of Bi3+ = + 0.300 V.

b) The potential required, to start the deposition of Sn2+

Ecathode = Eo – 0.0592/2 log l/[Sn2+]
= – 0.136 – 0.0296 logl/0.l
= – 0.l36 – 0.0296
Ecathode = – 0.l656 V ≅ – 0.l66 V
o 3+
– 0.l66 V = E Bi – 0.0592/3 log l/X
– 0.l66 = + 0.320 – 0.0l97 log l/X
– 0.486 = – 0.0l97 log l/X

X = 2.13 × 10 − 25 M
The concentration of bismuth when tin begins to deposit is
2.l3 × l0 − 25 M.

M r It
96500 n
58.93× 0.96 t
0.5 =
2 × 96500
0.5 × 2 × 96500
t =
58.93 × 0.96
= 1705.76 s
= 28.4 min s
Time needed to deposit 0. 5 gm of cobalt = 28.4 mins.

M rQ
9. m=
96500 n

Electroanalytical Coulombs to be required to deposit 0.25 g of copper
63.54 × Q
0.25 = or Q = 0.25 × 2 × 96500/63.54
96500 × 2
= 759.36 coulombs
coulombs expended = l.25 × 20 × 60 = l500 coulombs.
current efficiency = 759.36/l500 × l00 = 50.62%

10. Q = I ×t
= 25 × 60 × 0. 2 = 300 coulombs
96,500 × n coulombs = l gram molar mass
300 coulombs = 300/96,500 = 0.003l moles in 20 cm3 of solution.
Write the chemical equation involved:
2S2O 22− (aq) + I2(aq) → 2I–(aq) + S4O 26− (aq)
Hence, millimoles of idodine = 2 × millimoles of thiosulphate
0.003l moles × 20 cm3 = 2 × 0.003l moles × 20 cm3
Molarity of the thiosulphate solution = 2 × 0.003l × l000 / 20 = 0.31 M.

M rQ
96500 n
M r × 0.514 × 5 × 60
0.18 =
11. 96500n
Mr 0.18 × 96500
n 0.514 × 5 × 60
= 112.6
Equivalent weight of acid, since n is 1, Mr = 112.6.

12. Atomic mass of copper = 63.54

m = Mr/n × Q/96,500
0.5 = 63.54/2 × 1.20 × t / 96,500
t = 0.5 × 2 × 96500/63.54 × l.20
= 1265.6 sec or 21.09 mins.
During the deposition of copper, ¼ mole of O2 was evolved
Molar mass of copper = 63.54
Moles of copper = 0.5/ 63.54 = 0.00787 moles
Moles of O2 evolved = 0.00787 × 2 × ¼ = 0.00393 mole
After copper deposition, number of faradays passed
7 × 60 × l.20/96500 = 0.00522
Each faraday evolves ½ mole H2 and ¼ mole O2
Moles of H2 + O2 evolved = 0.00522 × ¾ = 0.00392
Total gas evolved = 0.00393 + 0.00392 moles
= 0.00785 moles
0.00785 moles of gas are evolved during the entire electrolysis

Terminal Questions Electrogravimetry and
1. m = Mr / n × It / 96500
The current applied is 0.50 amps. but current efficiency is 80%
Hence, I = 0.5 × 80/100 = 0.4
0.5 = l07.9/1 × 0.4t/96500
t = 96500 × 0.5/l07.9 × 0.4 = lll7.9 sec = l8.6 mins
Time required to deposit 0.5 g of silver = l8.6 mins.

2. a) Depositon of Ni2+
Ecell = Ecathode - Eanode
Ecathode = EoNi2+ - 0.0592/2 log 1/[Ni2+]
= -0.25 – 0.0592/2 log l/0.l
= -0.25 –0.0296 = -0.2796V approximately – 0.28V
Eanode = 1.23 – 0.0592/4 log l/(l.00)(l.00 × l0−2)4
pH = 2.00 or l0−2 M
= 1.23 – 0.0592/4 log 1/l0−8
= l.23 – 0.118 = 1.112V
Ecell = Ecathode - Eanode
= -0.28 – (l.ll2) = -1.39 V
b) IR 3.l5 × l.0 = − 3.l5V

c) Initial applied potential

Eappl = Ecathode - Eanode - IR - overvoltage
= − 0.28 − l.ll − 3.l5 − 0.85 = − 5.39 V
o 2+ −4
d) Ecathode = E Ni − 0.0592/2 log 1/l0 = − 0.25 – 0.118
Ecathode = − 0.368V
Eapplied potential = Ec – Ea − IR − overvoltage
= − 0.368 – 1.112 − 3.l5 − 0.85 = -5.48V
Applied potential needed when Ni2+ is l × l0-4 M is = − 5.48 V.

3. a) Co2+ + 2e  Co(s) Eo = − 0.277V

Cd2+ + 2e  Cd(s) Eo = − 0.403V

Among the two cations, cobalt will deposit first since its Eo = − 0.277V
Ecathode (Cd) = Eocd2+ − 0.0592/2 log 1/0.05
= − 0.403 – 0.0296 log 1/0.05 = − 0.403 – 0.0385
Ecathode = − 0.44l5V
− 0.44l5 = E Co2+ − 0.0592/2 log 1/X

− 0.44l5 = − 0.277 − 0.0592/2 log 1/X

− 0.l645/0.0296 = log 1/X

Electroanalytical X = 2.77 × l0−6 M
The concentration of Co2+ when cadmium begins to deposit
= 2.77 × l0−6 M.

b) Cathode potential needed to lower Co2+ concentration to 1 × l0-5M

Ecathode = Eo − 0.0592/2 log l/1 × l0−5
= − 0.277 – 0.0296 log 1/10-5 = − 0.277 – 0.148
Ecathode = − 0.425V
Cathode potential needed is − 0. 425 V

4. BiO+ + 2H+ + 3e  Bi(s) + H2O Eo = + 0.320 V

Co2+ + 2e  Co(s) Eo = – 0.277 V

Considering the two cations, BiO+ will deposit first.
Ecathode = Eo – 0.0592/3 log 1/[BiO]+
= + 0.320 – 0.0592/3 log l/l × l0−6
= + 0.320 − 0.118 = 0.202 V
Potential of cathode to reduce the concentration of [BiO]+ to l × l0-6 M
= + 0.202 V
Ecathode to deposit Co2+
Ec = Eo − 0.0592/2 log 1/Co2+
= − 0.277 – 0.0592/2 log 1/0.0l
= − 0.277 – 0.0592 = − 0.336 V
− 0.336 = + 0.320 − 0.0592/3 log 1/X
− 0.656 = − 0.0592/3 log 1/X
− 0.656/0.0l97 = log 1/X
X = 5 × l0−34 M
Concentration of bismuth when Co2+ begins to deposit is 5 × l0−34 M.

5. Calcium content of a water sample

Q = I × t = 0.02 A × l80 = 3.6 coulombs
2 Faraday would deposit 100 grams of CaCO3
3.6 coulombs would deposit = 3.6/96500 × 100/2
= 0.00l86 gm moles of CaCO3
25 ml of water sample contains 0.00l86 g. of CaCO3
1 dm3 would contain 0.0744 g of CaCO3
Amount of CaCO3 = 74.4 mg/ dm3 or74.4 ppm. in water sample


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