Cyclic Voltammetric Study of Ferrocyanide - Ferricyanide Redox Couple

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Cyclic Voltammetric Study of ferrocyanide/ferricyanide Redox Couple


Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a versatile electroanalytical technique for the study of electro-
active species. CV monitors redox behavior of chemical species within a wide potential
range. The current at the working electrode is monitored as a triangular excitation potential is
applied to the electrode. The resulting voltammogram can be analyzed for fundamental
information regarding the redox reaction. Cyclic voltammograms are the electrochemical
equivalent to the spectra in optical spectroscopy.

The potential at the working electrode (WE) is controlled vs a reference electrode (RE),
Ag/AgCl(s)/(satd. KCl) electrode. The controlling potential that is applied across the WE and
the auxiliary electrodes is the excitation signal. The excitation signal is varied linearly with
time; first scan positively (-100 mV vs. RE to 500 mV vs. RE). Then the potential is scanned
in reverse, causing a negative scan back to the original potential to complete the cycle. Single
or multiple cycles can be used on the same surface. A cyclic voltammogram is the plot of the
response current at the working electrode to the applied excitation potential.

As the potential is scanned positively (forward scan, here) and is sufficiently positive to
oxidize Fe(CN)6-4, the anodic current is due to the electrode process

Fe(CN)64 
 Fe(CN)63  e

The electrode acts as an oxidant and the oxidation current increases to a peak. The
concentration of Fe(CN)6-4 at the electrode surface depletes and the current then decays. As
the scan direction is switched to negative, for the reverse scan the potential is still sufficiently
positive to oxidize Fe(CN)6-4, so anodic current continues even though the potential is now
scanning in the negative direction. When the electrode becomes a sufficiently strong
reductant, Fe(CN)6-3, which has been forming adjacent to the electrode surface, will be
reduced by the electrode process,

Fe(CN)63  e 
 Fe(CN)64

resulting in a cathodic current which peaks and then decays as Fe(CN)6-3 in the solution
adjacent to the electrode is consumed.

In the forward scan Fe(CN)6-3 is electrochemically generated from Fe(CN)6-4 (anodic

process) and in the reverse scan this Fe(CN)6-3 is reduced back to Fe(CN)6-4 (cathodic
process). Note that the technique of CV rapidly generates various oxidation states.

The quantities of note a CV plot are the anodic peak current ipa, cathodic peak current ipc,
anodic peak potential Epa, and cathodic peak potential Epc. Measuring ip does involve the
extrapolation of the base-line current.
A redox couple in which half reactions rapidly exchange electrons at the working electrode
are said to be electrochemically reversible couples. The formal reduction potential Eo'
(different from Eo, strictly speaking) for such a reversible couple is the mean of Epa and Epc
and the ipa and ipc are very close in magnitude.

E pa  E pc
E o' 

The number of electrons involved in the redox reaction for a reversible couple is related to
the difference of peak potentials by:

E pa  E pc 

For slow electron transfers at the electrode surface, i.e. irreversible processes, the difference
of peak potentials widen. The peak current in reversible systems for the forward scan is given
by Randles-Sevcik equation,

i pc  2.69 108 n 3/ 2 AD1/ 2 v1/ 2 C

where, ipc = peak current, A; n = # electrons involved,; A = electrode area, m2; D = diffusion
coefficient, m2/s; C = concentration, mol/L and v = scan rate, V/s.

Thus ipc increases with square root of v and is directly proportional to concentration of the
species. The values of ipa and ipc are very similar for a one step reversible couple leading to
their ratio to be unity. Ratio of peak currents may differ from unity if the reactions coupled to
other electrode process.

Potentiostat, glassy carbon working electrode (diameter 1mm), platinum

Apparatus: auxiliary electrode, Ag/AgCl reference electrode, nitrogen cylinder, oxygen
absorber, polishing material
10 mM K4Fe(CN)6 in 1.0 M potassium nitrate solution, 1.0 M KNO3 (matrix),
Chemicals: Unknown: K4Fe(CN)6 in 1.0 M KNO3, 1000ppm K4Fe(CN)6 in
1.0 M potassium nitrate solution


Polish the electrode surface to a mirror finish with alumina slurry and rinse well with DI
water and dry it. Fill the cell with 10 mL 10 mM K4Fe(CN)6 in 1.0 M KNO3.

Turn on the computer, cell stand and the controlling unit.

Double click Epsilon Icon. Open an ‘old’ CV experiment to get a feel of the output.

Open the Setup/Manual Settings window.

Make sure Under the Cell Stand accessories - C3-Cell Stand is checked.
Under Line freq – 50 Hz Checked.
Under Purge/Stir/RDE-2 – Purge (as needed), Stir (as needed).

Deoxygenate the solution by purging with oxygen free nitrogen for approximately 5 min.
Turn off the purging but maintain an envelope of nitrogen over the solution. Set the scan
parameters suggested below, they may be changed appropriately from the Cyclic
Voltammetry Parameter window.

CV Parameters:

Initial Potential (mV) 0 # of Segments 2

Switching Potential (mV) 750 Scan rate (mV/s), v 100
Reverse E Limit (mV) 0 Quiet Time (sec) 15
Final E (mV) 0 Full Scale 100 uA

Activate [IR-COMP]. To keep the Parameters entered above [Apply].

Excite the working electrode with the potential scan and obtain the background CV of the
supporting electrolyte solution by RUNning the experiment. (Save all data in named files.)

Using the same solution and obtain CV's at the following scan rates (v): 20, 50, 75, 125, 150,
175, and 200 mV/s. Between each scan, stir the solution in the cell to restore initial
conditions and allow the system to acquire quiescence before applying the excitation
potential scan.

Determine the concentration of the unknown by standard addition method, start with a fresh
solution of 10.00mL the ferricyanide unknown solution and proceed as before with a scan
rate of 100mV/s. (Use 100uL aliquots of stock standard solution at each addition of the
standard addition routine.)

Treatment of Results:

1. Plot ipc, vs v1/2, ipa vs v1/2.

2. Plot Ep values vs v for the above runs - comment on the reversibility of the redox
3. Verify the formal standard electrode potential of Fe(II)/Fe(III) system and number of
electrons involved in the half reaction, n, from appropriate plots.
4. Determine the diffusion coefficient ratio of the two species.
5. Present voltammograms of appropriate 'sets' overlapped on the same paper.
6. Using the standard addition method determine the concentration of the unknown

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