MVVM Pattern in WPF

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The key takeaways are that DMVVM separates the view from the logic and binds them together through the view model. It allows for better testing and easier maintenance of the user interface.

The goals of DMVVM are to understand the pattern, learn why WPF and DMVVM work well together, and see it in action.

The components of the DMVVM pattern are the data model, which represents the problem domain, the view which displays UI elements, and the view model which implements UI logic and binds the view and model.

DataModel-ViewViewModel in WPF

Filling the Gap Between the Presentation and View

A Little Background
John Blumenauer Started with .NET 1.0 Works at Metrico Wireless Enjoys talking and learning about .NET

In the Remaining 28 Minutes

Understand DataModel-View-ViewModel Learn why WPF and DMVVM work well together. See it in action!

So Where Did it Come From?

DataModel-View-ViewModel Sometimes called Model-View-ViewModel Martin Fowlers Presentation Model is similar. John Gossman of MSFT Published it 1st. Dan Crevier of MSFT also contributed with a multi-part series.

So What Does it Do?

Objects representing problem domain.

UI controls that display things

UI-friendly objects implement UI-specific interfaces Stores the UI data and state Application code works with VM objects, not UI

The DMVVM Pattern




Data Access

DMVVM has Classic Roots

MVC and MVP serve as the DMVVM basis ViewModel is a morph of the classic Controller/Presenter Model and View is joined by the ViewModel. ViewModel is an abstraction of a View.

So Why Does WPF and DMVVM Work Together so Well?

In a wordDatabinding

View and ViewModel are joined by binding.

View initiates Commands and requests actions from a bound ViewModel

So Whats the Cost/Benefit?

Learning Curve Development Time

Great Separation Simple Unit Testing UI Design and Workflow UI can be Easily Re-Skinned

Demo/Sample Code

DMVVM = DataModel-View-ViewModel Databinding is Key. View is not attached to logic, only ViewModel ViewModel is an Abstraction of a View.

Related Links
John Gossman Tales from the Smart Client Dan Creviers Blog 23/676272.aspx Josh Smith Inside XamSalesManager cation-design/inside-xamsalesmanager3.aspx#mod The Orbifold

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