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8bit Risc Processor

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A very simple 8-bit RISC processor for FPGA

S. de Pablo, J.A. Cebrin, L.C. Herrero University of Valladolid E.T.S.I.I., Paseo del Cauce, s/n 47011 Valladolid (Spain) sanpab@eis.uva.es A.B. Rey Polytechnic University of Cartagena Ant. Cuartel de Antiguones (C. de la Muralla) 30202 Cartagena, Murcia (Spain) alexis.rey@upct.es

Abstract 2. Main features of the RISCuva1

This article presents the RISCuva1 processor, a very simple 8-bit RISC processor for FPGA. Its most important feature is that this processor is very simple. Its Verilog code has about 120 sentences, and most of them are easy to understand. It would be a good starting point for students who need to know how processors work and for those engineers who wish to design their own processor. The proposed processor has been physically tested on Xilinx SpartanIIe FPGAs with a performance of 40 MIPS in -6C grade devices. The RISCuva1 is an 8-bit general-purpose RISC processor with Harvard architecture: it gets instructions on a regular basis using dedicated buses to its program memory, executes all its native instructions in just one clock cycle and exchanges data with several devices using other buses. It allows one source of interrupts. Figure 1. Processor external connections.

1. Introduction
Over the past 40 years, it seems that Moores Law [9] has been true: from 50 transistors per chip we have reached to more than 50 million transistors, doubling every two years. We may think, why not, that in the near future the number of processors per chip would also duplicate every two years. Most personal computers have nowadays two processor cores on a chip. Several student works at the University of Valladolid (Spain) are also in that trend: first we synthesize on a Xilinx FPGA a third party processor [2], then we run three DSP processors to control a photovoltaic system [3][11] and now we have implemented six small general-purpose processors for an audio-RF application [1]. This paper presents a very simple 8-bit general purpose processor for FPGA called RISCuva1. Its small Verilog code demonstrates that it is very easy to design a simple core with processing capabilities. The processor size, performance and external interface are similar to Xilinx picoBlaze, created by Ken Chapman [4], but this one can execute bigger programs. Its internal architecture has been inspired in Jan Grays GR0000 [5]. More FPGA processors can be found at [6][8][10].

This processor can execute programs with up to 1024 instructions (the equivalent picoBlaze is limited to a quarter of it) and it exchanges data through 256 ports, all of them with indirect access and 32 of them from 224 to 255 also with direct access. The later are more intended for specific devices, such as an external stack for data o several seven-segment displays. In addition, it has special instructions to access external ports in sequential mode, a great feature for compilers who continuously access to multi-byte data. Internally it has sixteen 8-bit general purpose registers that can be used in all operations. It includes twelve native operations (arithmetic, logic and bit rotation), but it also execute others as macros (see tables 2 and 3). To make decisions it uses only two flags, Zero and Carry, that are enough for most situations. With them it can evaluate up to four conditions. It also has unconditional jumps (goto), jumps to subroutines

(call) and return from them (ret and reti). Its internal stack for returning addresses allows up to 16 nested subroutines1. This stack also keeps the value of flags during interrupt execution. This processor has been synthesized and tested at a system frequency of 40 MHz (40 MIPS) on SpartanIIe6C devices. Its frequency can be extended up to 85 MHz when it is implemented standalone2.

11 0000 mmmm nnnn 11 0001 mmmm nnnn 11 0010 mmmm nnnn 11 0011 mmmm nnnn 11 0100 mmmm nnnn 11 0101 mmmm nnnn 11 0110 mmmm nnnn

mov rN,rM xnor rN,rM or rN,rM

rN = rM rN = rN xnor rM rN = rN or rM rN = rN and rM rN = rN + rM rN = rN + rM + C rN = rN rM rN = rN rM C Arithmetic shift Rotate through carry Rotate right Rotate left Read on indirect port Read on next port Read on direct port

and rN,rM add rN,rM adc rN,rM sub rN,rM sbc rN,rM asr rN rrc rN ror rN rol rN mov rN,(rM) mov rN,(++) mov rN,(<k>)

3. The instruction set

The instruction set of the RISCuva1 has been designed following several rules: All instructions are executed in just one clock cycle. Doing so, processor is simpler, smaller, faster and easier to understand. The instruction code is received at the beginning of each cycle, all operations are executed during the clock period, and results are stored at the end of it. ALU operations take two operands from registers and store the result in one of them. No hardware nor binary codes have been used for several instructions (inc, nop, ) that can be executed using other instructions (an add may replace an inc, an so on). External read and write operations are synchronous. The result, as shown in table 1, is very simple. It consists of 29 different instructions, but it can execute a lot of macros with them. Table 1. RISCuva1 instruction set.
00 00dd dddd dddd 00 01dd dddd dddd 00 1000 00 1001 00 1010 00 1011 00 1100 mmmm nnnn 00 1101 nnnn 00 111k kkkk nnnn 01 00dd dddd dddd 01 01dd dddd dddd 01 10dd dddd dddd 01 11dd dddd dddd 10 kkkk kkkk nnnn

11 0111 mmmm nnnn 11 1000 nnnn 11 1001 nnnn 11 1010 nnnn 11 1011 nnnn 11 1100 mmmm nnnn 11 1101 nnnn 11 111k kkkk nnnn

call <dest> goto <dest> ret reti di ei mov (rM),rN mov (++),rN mov (<k>),rN jpZ <dest>

Call to subroutine Unconditional jump Subroutine return Interrupt return Disable interrupts Enable interrupts Write to indirect port Write to next port Write to direct port Jump if Z == 1 Jump if Z == 0 Jump if C == 1 Jump if C == 0 rN = <k>

jpNZ <dest> jpC <dest> jpNC <dest> mov rN,<k>

Flag Z is affected by all 1x xxxx operations (those who change a register) and flag C changes only when 10 00xx, 10 01xx or 10 10xx instructions (ALU operations) are used. All jumps use only 10 bits to address their destination, so programs are limited to 1024 instructions. This length would be more than enough for most applications, such as USB controllers [12] and others. Anyway, it is four times more than classic picoBlaze [4], and it can be extended in the same way. External data access is quite good: its indirect addressing allows the processor to manage variables and lists on data memory and its direct addressing provides easy access to peripherals. Additionally, a sequential access improves multi-byte data manipulation, a nice feature for compilers3. Anyway, this instruction set seems to be very poor: it has no direct increment nor decrement instructions, a nop instruction cannot be found, and it would be nice to find others like push, pop, etc. To solve all these deficiencies, a basic macro set has been included in the assembler program, as shown in table 2: it replaces several instruction-like constructions by one or more processor native instructions who work in the same way, including the effect on flags. But if programmers want to use them, they must follow several conventions: registers r0 and r1 must be locked at 0x00 and 0x01 from the beginning of all programs, and register r2 must not be used (mainly for advanced macro set, see table 3).

1 2

It is very easy to increment the stack to 32 levels or even more. The processor core can be compiled at 85 MHz on -6 devices, but its performance decreases to 40 MHz when it is connected to a BlockRAM program memory and other peripherals.

When compilers manage multi-byte variables (int, for example) they need one indexed access included here as a macro to the first byte, and then other accesses to sequential addresses.

Table 2. RISCuva1 basic macro set.

nop inc rN dec rN not rN neg rN xor rN,rM cmp rN,rM setC clrC rlc rN sl0 rN sl1 rN sr0 rN sr1 rN push rN pop rN break halt

mov (rM),(rN) mov rN,(<k> + rM) mov rN,(<k> rM) mov (<k> + rM),rN mov (<k> rM),rN

mov r2,(rN); mov (rM),r2 mov r2,<k>; add r2,rM; mov rN,(r2) mov r2,<k>; sub r2,rM; mov rN,(r2) mov r2,<k>; add r2,rM; mov (r2),rN mov r2,<k>; sub r2,rM; mov (r2),rN

Move between ports Indexed read access Indexed read access Indexed write access Indexed write access

mov r0,r0 add rN,r1 sub rN,r1 xnor rN,r0 not rN; inc rN xnor rN,rM; not rN mov r2,rN; sub r2,rM and r0,r0 or r0,r0 adc rN,rN add rN,rN setC; rlc rN clrC; rrc rN setC; rrc rN mov (255),rN mov rN,(255) Not documented goto <PC>

Do nothing (keep Carry) rN = rN + 1 (r1 = 1!) rN = rN 1 (r1 = 1!) Bit inversion (r0 = 0!) rN = rN rN = rN xor rM Compare two registers Set the Carry flag Clear the Carry flag Rotate left through carry Shift left adding zero Shift left adding one Shift right adding zero Shift right adding one Send value to data stack Get from data stack Simulator break-point Stop the processor

These advanced macros, and others not shown in these tables, are included to ease programmers work.

4. Verilog source code

The internal architecture of this processor is RISC like. It executes all of its native instructions regularly, in just one clock cycle. Soon after the rising edge of the clock signal, a 14-bit instruction code is received from the program memory; these bits are decoded in order to execute all duties involved by the instruction; when the following rising edge arrives, all processor parts are prepared to update to newer values, and the address of the following instruction has been sent to the program memory to receive a new instruction code. The Verilog code of this processor begins, as usual, with a declaration of its ports. It uses a clk signal for synchronization and an active high reset. This processor is connected to a private program memory through three signals: it sends the address of the following instruction using progAddress; on the rising edge of the next clock cycle it receives the 14-bit code of the current instruction on progData. This processor also sends a progReset signal to clear the progData value received from the program memory in order to reset or interrupt the processor4.
module RISCuva1 ( clk, reset, progAddress, progData, progReset, dataIn, dataOut, portAddress, portRead, portWrite, intReq, intAck ); // Inputs and outputs: input clk, reset; // Clock and Reset // Current instruction code // Reset of Program Memory // Data input (from an I/O port) // Data output (through a port) // Read signal // Write signal output [9:0] progAddress; // Up to 1K instructions (10 bits) input [13:0] progData; output input progReset; [7:0] dataIn;

The main advantage of not including these instructions in the processor hardware is that the result is simpler, so smaller and faster. The instruction decoder will implement logic functions with less inputs, an important feature when an FPGA is the main target of this design. Table 3. RISCuva1 advanced macro set.
and rN,<k> or rN,<k>

mov r2,<k>; or rN,r2 mov r2,<k>; xor rN,r2

OR with constant XOR with constant

mov r2,<k>; and rN,r2 AND with constant

xor rN,<k> add rN,<k> adc rN,<k> sub rN,<k> sbc rN,<k> clr rN clr rN":rN':rN not rN":rN':rN inc rN":rN':rN dec rN":rN':rN

mov r2,<k>; add rN,r2 ADD with constant mov r2,<k>; adc rN,r2 ADC with constant mov r2,<k>; sub rN,r2 SUB with constant mov r2,<k>; sbc rN,r2 mov rN,0 clr rN; clr rN'; clr rN" not rN; not rN'; not rN" add rN,r1; adc rN',r0; adc rN",r0 sub rN,r1; sbc rN',r0; sbc rN",r0 SBC with constant Clear a register Clear multi-byte value Invert multi-byte value Increment multibyte value Decrement multibyte value

output [7:0] dataOut; output output portRead; portWrite;

output [7:0] portAddress; // Addressed I/O Port (0..255)

This technique was first used by Jan Gray [5]: a RST signal clears the data output of program memory when Xilinx BlockRAM are used, and then processor executes a call 0 (0x0000) instruction.

input output

intReq; intAck;

// Interrupt request // Interrupt Acknowledge

Now we must decode the instruction code we receive from program memory: all instructions are executed in one clock cycle and each bit or group of bits has a meaning for it.
// Instruction decoding from the instruction code: wire [13:0] opCode = progData; // Instruction code wire [1:0] opA = opCode[13:12]; // 1st operation code wire [1:0] opB = opCode[11:10]; // 2nd operation code wire [1:0] opC = opCode[ 9: 8]; // 3rd operation code wire [3:0] rM wire [3:0] rN = opCode[ 7: 4]; // Source register = opCode[ 3: 0]; // Destination register

After these definitions, at least several general resources must be introduced: two DFF used by flags, an 8-bit bus used to collect the results of all operations, and the 12-bit output of the internal stack used to store returning addresses of subroutines and flags during interrupts. They will be referred before their implementation.
// General Resources: reg wire zeroFlag, carryFlag; [7:0] dataBus; // DFFs used by flags // Data bus for all operations // Internal stack output

wire [2+9:0] stackValue;

wire [9:0] immAddr = opCode[ 9:0]; // Address for jumps wire [7:0] immData = opCode[11:4]; // Immediate data wire [4:0] immPort = opCode[ 8:4]; // For direct access wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire wire MISC JP LOAD ALU CALL GOTO RETS RET RETI DI EI FLAG_Z FLAG_C LOGIC ARITH SHIFT MOVIN MOV XNOR OR AND ADD ADC SUB SBC ASR RRC ROR ROL IND SEQ DIR = (opA == 2'b00); = (opA == 2'b01); = (opA == 2'b10); = (opA == 2'b11); = (opB == 2'b00); = (opB == 2'b01); = (opB == 2'b10); = (opC == 2'b00); = (opC == 2'b01); = (opC == 2'b10); = (opC == 2'b11); = (opB == 2'b00); = (opB == 2'b10); = (opB == 2'b00); = (opB == 2'b01); = (opB == 2'b10); = (opB == 2'b11); = (opC == 2'b00); = (opC == 2'b01); = (opC == 2'b10); = (opC == 2'b11); = (opC == 2'b00); = (opC == 2'b01); = (opC == 2'b10); = (opC == 2'b11); = (opC == 2'b00); = (opC == 2'b01); = (opC == 2'b10); = (opC == 2'b11); = (opC == 2'b00); = (opC == 2'b01); = (opC >= 2'b10);

Now we can begin with the design of several units that compose the processor. The first one is the register file, a dual-port memory [7] used to store the 8-bit values of r0 to r15 registers. It allows two asynchronous reads at the beginning of each clock cycle and one synchronous write at the end of it.
// Register file (r0-r15) and operand buses: reg [7:0] registerFile[0:15]; always@(posedge clk) begin if (LOAD | ALU) registerFile[rN] <= dataBus; end wire [7:0] busN = registerFile[rN]; wire [7:0] busM = registerFile[rM]; // Async. read of rN // Async. read of rM // Synchronous write // 16x8 dual-port memory

MOVOUT = (opB == 2'b11);

FLAG_NZ = (opB == 2'b01); FLAG_NC = (opB == 2'b11);

The data interface is very easy because all accesses are synchronous and they are executed in just one clock cycle. The address signal portAddress chooses between the direct port given by the instruction code, the indirect value given by a register, or the last address used incremented by one. Read and write signals are simply decoded from the instruction code and the output data always comes from a register.
// Port signals for direct, indirect and sequential accesses: reg [7:0] begin if (portRead | portWrite) nextPort <= portAddress + 1; // For sequential use end assign dataOut assign portRead assign portWrite = busN; = ALU & MOVIN; // Output from rN // Read signal // Indirect // Sequent. nextPort; always@(posedge clk)

= MISC & MOVOUT; // Write signal SEQ ? nextPort :

assign portAddress = IND ? busM :

{3'b111,immPort}; // Direct

The ALU for logic operations computes all its functions and then selects the needed result. The carry of this unit has a special meaning: it will be 1 for any

and operation and 0 for any or one, so setC and clrC functions (that set and clear the carry flag) are implemented as macros with no additional cost. Carry flag will be kept constant on all register movements to allow several macros. The whole unit can be synthesized using only eight LUT4 and one LUT3.
// Logic ALU: AND, OR, XNOR and MOV. wire logicCarry = AND ? 1'b1 : OR ? 1'b0 : carryFlag; ? busN & busM : ? busN | busM : busM ; OR wire [7:0] logicALU = AND

used, with validIRQ, to coordinate the processor response when an IRQ is attended. Several instructions, those excluded by mayIRQ, are preserved from being interrupted: di, ei and reti for a clean work and all external accesses to allow sequential mode and, if wanted, wait states (not included in this design).
// Interrupt Controller: reg wire userEI, callingIRQ, intAck; mayIRQ = ! (MISC & RETS | MISC & MOVOUT | ALU & MOVIN); wire validIRQ = intReq & ~intAck & userEI & mayIRQ; wire [9:0] destIRQ = callingIRQ ? 10'h001 : 10'h000;

XNOR ? busN ~^ busM :

The full adder/subtracter for arithmetic operations implements its four operations using a single chain of LUTs.
// Arithmetic ALU: ADD, ADC, SUB and SBC. wire [7:0] arithALU, altM; wire arithCarry, x, y, z; SUB ? 1'b1 : ~carryFlag; assign altM assign arithCarry = (SUB | SBC) ? ~busM : busM; = (SUB | SBC) ? ~z : z; assign {z, arithALU, y} = {busN, 1'b1} + {altM, x}; assign x = ADD ? 1'b0 : ADC ? carryFlag :

always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) else if (MISC & RETS & DI) else if (MISC & RETS & EI) if (reset) else if (validIRQ) if (reset) else end userEI <= 0; userEI <= 0; userEI <= 1; intAck <= 0; intAck <= 1; callingIRQ <= 0; callingIRQ <= validIRQ;

else if (MISC & RETS & RETI) intAck <= 0;

The shifter ALU is very similar to the logic one. Only asr and rrc operations are required, because other shifts and rotations can be replaced through macros, but ror and rol bit rotations are also included.
// Shifter: ASR, RRC, ROR and ROL. wire [7:0] shiftALU; wire shiftCarry; ASR ? {busN[7], ROR ? {busN[0], busN} : busN} : assign {shiftALU, shiftCarry} = RRC ? {carryFlag, busN} : {busN[6:0], busN[7], busN[7]};

Following we describe two DFFs to store flags (Z and C), that are updated only when needed. This is an important feature that allows lots of macros and extends flag use possibilities.
// Flag DFFs: always@(posedge clk) begin if (MISC & RETS & RETI) // Flags recovery when reti {carryFlag,zeroFlag} <= stackValue[11:10]; else begin if (LOAD | ALU) if (ALU & ~MOVIN) // 'Z' changes with registers // but 'C' only with ALU ops zeroFlag <= (dataBus == 8'h00); carryFlag <= LOGIC ? logicCarry : SHIFT ? shiftCarry : arithCarry ; end end // 'validFlag' evaluates one of four conditions for jumps. wire validFlag = FLAG_Z ? zeroFlag : FLAG_NZ ? ~zeroFlag : FLAG_C ? carryFlag : ~carryFlag ;

Finally all possible results are collected in a tristate bus. It consumes no additional resources and its delay is meaningless in comparison with a full multiplexer.
// This data bus collects results from all sources: assign dataBus = (LOAD | MISC) ? immData : 8'bz; assign dataBus = (ALU | JP) & LOGIC ? logicALU : 8'bz; assign dataBus = (ALU | JP) & ARITH ? arithALU : 8'bz; assign dataBus = (ALU | JP) & SHIFT ? shiftALU : 8'bz; assign dataBus = (ALU | JP) & MOVIN ? dataIn : 8'bz;

The control part of this processor may begin with the interrupt controller, who has three DFFs: userEI allows user to enable or disable interrupts; intAck is an output than acknowledges the interrupt; and callingIRQ is

The Program Counter of this processor, in order to make it simpler, has only three functions: it can load a new immediate address on jumps, load a returning address when subroutines end, or increment itself otherwise. When this processor is connected to a

synchronous reading program memory, like Xilinx BlockRAM, the progAddress signal must be connected to nextPC rather than PC, because of the registered nature of the program memory data output. Additionally, the synchronous RST signal must be controlled to get a call 0x0000 instruction (codified as 0x0000) at reset time and a call 0x0001 when interrupts are acknowledged. Thanks to Jan Gray [5] for this idea.
// Program Counter (PC): the address of current instruction. reg [9:0] PC; wire [9:0] nextPC, incrPC; wire wire onRet = MISC & RETS & (RETN | RETI); onJump = MISC & (GOTO | CALL) | JP & validFlag; ? stackValue[9:0] : 10'bz; : 10'bz;

5. Programming example
An integrated development environment (IDE, see figure 2) with a C-like assembler6, a simulator and emulator has been developed for this processor. The RISCuva1 capabilities can be observed in the following programming example.
/* Demonstration program of RISCuva1 for FPGAworld'2006 2006/05/27 */ #include uva1std.h // Several common definitions 255 // An external data stack at port 255 Santiago de Pablo (sanpab@eis.uva.es)

assign incrPC = PC + (callingIRQ ? 0 : 1); assign nextPC = onRet assign nextPC = onJump ? immAddr | destIRQ : 10'bz; assign nextPC = !(onRet | onJump) ? incrPC always@(posedge clk) begin PC <= nextPC; end // When using Xilinx BlockRAM as program memory: assign progAddress = nextPC; assign progReset = reset | validIRQ;

#device LIFO16

#define DISPLAY 224 // Four 7-seg displays at 224 and 225 PROGRAM: goto Main IRQ: push r2 inc r15:r14 pop r2 reti Main: mov r0,0; mov r1,1 // User must lock them to 0 and 1 clr ei mov r3, Source mov r4, Destiny StrCpy: mov (r4),(r3) jpZ Continue r15:r14 // Resets a counter used on IRQ // Enable interrupts // Address the original text // Address the space for the copy // Copy a string from (r3) to (r4) // Copy one char of the string // Ends the string copy with \0 // Update both pointers // Repeat until end of string // Yes, there are nop instructions // ... and also breakpoints. // Stops the processor at the end. // Defined to begin at 0x0000 // Jump to main program // Defined to begin at 0x0001 // Keep r2 at IRQ when using macros // Increments the 16-bit counter // Recovery of r2 // Exit the interrupt recovering flags

mov (DISPLAY),r14; mov (++),r15 // Displays its value

To implement the last feature of this processor, an internal stack for returning addresses and flags, we use a single-port distributed 16x12 memory and a pointer.
// Internal stack for returning addresses (16 levels): reg [3:0] SP; begin if (reset) else if (MISC & CALL) end wire [3:0] mySP = (CALL | GOTO) ? SP : SP 1; reg [2+9:0] stackMem[0:15]; always@(posedge clk) begin if (MISC & CALL) end assign stackValue = stackMem[mySP]; // Keep returning address and flags stackMem [mySP] <= {carryFlag, zeroFlag, incrPC}; // Stack 16x12 memory SP <= 0; SP <= SP + 1; // Stack Pointer register always@(posedge clk or posedge reset)

inc r3; inc r4 goto StrCpy Continue: nop break halt

else if (MISC & RETS & (RETN|RETI)) SP <= SP 1;

/* Anything more to do? */ // This state implies a low power mode where ... // ... processor do nothing except interrupt attention. PORTS: Source: Destiny: space 16 // Defined to allow port initialization text RISCuva1 rules!\0// 32x8 RAM from port 0 // Reserved for a copy // Ports 224 and 255 are connected // ... to four 7-seg displays.

PORT224: null 2

At last we reach the end of this small module, with about 120 Verilog sentences. It uses 148 LUT45 and 70 TBUF when compiled for speed.
endmodule /// RISCuva1 (all in one file!)

This program begins with three declarations after a multi-line comment: it includes several common definitions from a file, instantiates a 16-level LIFO stack for the simulator at port 255 and defines the DISPLAY string to address four seven-segment displays that are

The implementation result on a XC2S300E was 84 slices, less than 3% of the device. PicoBlaze uses 154 logic cells as can be seen on Xilinx Press Release #0270.

A C compiler for fixed point values is under work.

attached to ports 224 and 225. The external data stack allows push and pop macroinstructions. User programs begin at 0x0000 address. The PROGRAM string, defined at uva1std.h file as 0x0000, is used as an absolute label to prepare the assembler for programs. Other similar strings are IRQ (assigned to 0x0001), PORTS (assigned to 0x4000, the assembler knows what to do), PORT224 (assigned to 0x40E0), etc. This small demonstration program has a main program (beginning at the relative label Main:) who copies a string located on data memory using ports to access it. A small interrupt subroutine has also been included (at IRQ:) which increments and displays a 16bit counter. Multi-byte macros and one sequential access are used in this program to show the processor-plusassembler low level possibilities. Figure 2. An image of the IDE of this processor.

multi-byte data. The assembler of this processor is full of macros that extend the native instruction set to facilitate low level programming.

7. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Junta de Castilla y Leon under grants VA004B06 and VA021B06. Our thanks also to those students of our University who work hard and contribute to develop this processor and others, their Integrated Development Environments and their peripherals.

R. Aceves, Desarrollo de un enlace inalmbrico para telefona fija empleando una FPGA. Final Project at the ETSII, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2006. [2] M. Alonso, Diseo de un Entorno de Desarrollo de Alto y Bajo Nivel para un Procesador de Propsito General integrado en FPGA, Final Project at the ETSII, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2003. [3] J. del Barrio, Desarrollo sobre FPGA de un Emulador de una Planta de Microgeneracin Elctrica, Final Project at the ETSII, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2004. [4] K. Chapman, PicoBlaze 8-Bit Microcontroller for Virtex-E and Spartan-II/IIE Devices, Xilinx XAPP213 (v2.0), online at http://www.xilinx.com/xapp/xapp213 .pdf, December, 2002. [5] J. Gray, Designing a Simple FPGA-Optimized RISC CPU and System-on-a-Chip, DesignCon2001, online at http://www.fpgacpu.org/gr/index.html, 2001. [6] J. Gray, FPGA CPU Links, on line at http://www. fpgacpu.org/links.html, September, 2002. [7] S. K. Knapp, XC4000 Series Edge-Triggered and DualPort RAM Capability, Xilinx XAPP065, 1996. [8] J. Kent, Johns FPGA Page, online at http://members. optushome.com.au/jekent/FPGA.htm, January, 2002. [9] G. Moore, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits, Electronics Magazine, 19 April, 1965. [10] Opencores: http://www.opencores.org/. [11] S. de Pablo et al., A soft fixed-point Digital Signal Processor applied in Power Electronics, FPGAworld Conference 2005, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005. [12] I. Rodrguez, Desarrollo en FPGA de un interfaz USB con un ordenador personal, Final Project at the ETSII, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2005.

6. Conclusions
This article has presented a small and easy to understand processor developed using Verilog for FPGA. It is very similar in size and features to picoBlaze, but it improves its possibilities. It would be a good starting point for students who need to know how processors work and for those engineers who wish to design their own processor. It executes all the instructions in one clock cycle, including jumps, returns from subroutines and external accesses. A sequential access to ports has also been included for compilers who make an intensive use of

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