Business Communication

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Business Communication 1.

Concept of Communication: significance, scope and functions of business communication- process and dimensions of communication- essentials of good communication channels of communication- formal, informal communicationupward, downward, horizontal communication- grapevine phenomenon. 2. Types of communication: verbal- oral communication. Written communicationcharacteristics, communication. 3. Non verbal communication: sign language body language- kinesicsproxemics- time language and Haptics: Touch language. 4. Interpersonal communication: interpersonal communication- communication models: exchange theory johari window transactional analysis, communication styles. 5. Managing motivation to influence interpersonal communication- interpersonal perception role of emotion in inter personal communication. 6. Barriers to communication: types of barrierstechnologicalsociopsychological barriers- overcoming barriers. Listening: types of listening. 7. Report writing: formal reports- the elements of clear writing- writing effective letters different layouts of business letters- informal reports- writing good news and bad news- meetings and oral presentations. 8. Interview: formal- informal- interview techniques- communication etiquettes. References: 1. Business Communication, Meenakshi raman, oxford university press. 2. Business Communication, Raymond V. Lesikar, Neeraja Pandit et al., TMH. 3. English for Business Communication, Dr.TM Farthulla, Prism Books. 4. Business Communication, Hudson, 5/e, Jaico Publications. 5. Business Communication for Managers, Penrose, Raspbery, Myers, Cengage. 6. The skills of Communication Bills Scot, gower publishing, London. 7. effective communication, harward business school, harward business review no1214 8. Essentials of business communication, rajendra pal, JS Koriahhi, S.Chand. significance, advantages and limitations of written

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