Sida 2005

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The document outlines regulations for development control within industrial areas developed by the State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal, India. It provides definitions for terms, requirements for buildings and layout plans.

General Industrial Development Control Regulations are regulations framed by the State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal, India to govern development activities within industrial areas under its jurisdiction.

Some of the definitions provided in the regulations include applicant, area, authorized officer, building, building activity, building height, building line/envelope, covered area/built up area.

General Industrial Development Control Regulations 2005

Wef - 29-10-2005



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State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) General Industrial Development Control Regulations 2005
1. Short title, commencement and application 1.01 These regulations are called - General Industrial Development Control Regulations 2005 and as ammended from time to time are framed under section 89 of U.P. Reorganisation Act 2000 read with Section 3 (1) of U.P. Industrial Area Development Act 1976 as adopted and modified by State of Uttaranchal. These bye-laws are for all buildings and development activities within area to be developed by State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal. (SIDA) They shall come into force with effect from .


1.03 2.

Definitions In these regulations, unless the context otherwise implies: 2.01 Applicant means the person who has legal title to a land or building and includes, (i) An agent or trustee who receives the rent on behalf of the owner; (ii) An agent or trustee who receives the rent of, or is entrusted with, or is concerned with, any building devoted to religious or charitable purposes; A receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction to have the charge of, or to



exercise the rights of, the owner; (iv) A mortgagee in possession. Approved means approved by the State Industrial Development

3 Authority of Uttaranchal. (SIDA) 2.03 2.04 2.05 Area means the area under authority/jurisdiction of SIDA Authorized Officer means an officer authorized by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), SIDA. Building means any structure for whatsoever purpose and constructed of whatsoever materials and every part thereof whether used as human habitation or not, and includes foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services, fixed platforms, verandah, balcony, cornice or projection, part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or spaces, signs and outdoor display structures. Tents, shamianas, tarpaulin shelters erected for temporary and ceremonial occasions with the permission of the CEO or authorised officer shall not be considered as buildings. 2.06 2.07 Building activity means erection, re-erection, making material alteration, or demolition of any building. Building height means the vertical distance measured, in the case of flat roofs, from the top level of the adjoining drain or central line of adjoining street to the highest point of the building adjacent to it; and in the case of pitched/sloping roofs, the top level of the ridge. Architectural features serving no other functions except that of the decoration shall be excluded for the purpose of taking heights. If the building does not abut with a drain/street, the height shall be measured above the average level of the ground around and contiguous to the building. 2.08 Building line or envelope means a line up to which the plinth of a building may be lawfully extended. It includes lines specifically indicated or to be indicated, in any scheme or layout plan or in these regulations. Covered area or Built up area means and includes any area, which is built on, below or above ground level, but will not include those areas which are specially excluded from covered area in these regulations. Canopy or Porch means a projection over any entrance and if provided in setbacks, shall be either cantilevered or supported on columns (maximum diameter 30.0 cm in case of circular, and maximum 30.0 cm x. 30.0 cm. in case of rectangular columns)



4 2.11 Chajja means a sloping or horizontal structure overhung usually provided for protection from sun and rain or for architectural considerations. Direction means the direction issued by the SIDA and would include, unless the context otherwise indicates, any executive instructions issued hereunder. Drain means a conduit or channel for the carriage of storm water or other used water, including manhole, inspection chambers etc. Drainage means the removal of any liquid by a system constructed for this purpose. Dwelling Unit means an independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking and sanitary requirements. Existing building or use means building, structure or its use as sanctioned / approved by the competent authority, existing before the commencement of these regulations. Floor means the lower surface in the storey on which one normally walks in a building. Floor area ratio (FAR) means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth area) on all floors by the area of plot and multiplying by 100, i.e. FAR Total covered area of all floors 100 Plot area Hazardous building refers to a building or part of a building which is used for the storage, handling, manufacturing or processing of highly combustible or explosive materials or products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or which may produce poisonous fumes or explosions; or the storage or handling or manufacturing or processing of highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalis, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flame, fumes or explosive, poisonous, irritant or corrosive gases and the storage, handling or processing of any material producing explosive mixtures of dust or which result in the division of matter into the fine particles subject to spontaneous ignition. Industrial Area means area predominantly earmarked for industrial use along with uses defined in G.O. No2381/VII-ID-1-2005-137 UDYOG/2005 dated 7th July, 2005, Department of Industrial Development, Anubhag-1, Govt. of Uttaranchal. Key Plan/Location Plan- A key/location plan drawn to a scale of not


2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16

2.17 2.18




5 less than 1:10,000 submitted along with the application for a development/building permit showing the boundaries of the site with 2.22 respect to neighbouring plots and main and approach roads. Layout Plan - A plan of the entire site showing location of plots/building blocks, roads, open spaces, entry/exits, parking, landscaping etc. indicating the activity for all land parcels. Technical Person means an architect/civil engineer/ town planner/supervisor whose minimum qualifications & experience are as given in Appendix 11. Master Plan means the Master Plan which pertains to a site, prepared by appropriate authority. Mezzanine floor means an intermediate floor, between two floors, above ground level, A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a compartment provided that : It conforms to the standards of living rooms as regards lighting and ventilation; It is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with the ventilation of the space over and under it; Area restricted to one third of the area of that floor or compartment. Such mezzanine floor is not sub-divided into smaller compartments. Such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall not be used as a kitchen. In no case a mezzanine floor is sub-divided so as to make it liable to be converted into unventilated compartments. Mumty or Staircase cover means a structure with a covering roof over staircase and its landing, built to enclose only the stairs for the purpose of providing protection from weather and not to be used for human habitation. The height of a mumty is not to be included in calculating overall height of building, if it is less than 2.25 mt, but included in F.A.R. Occupancy means the main purpose for which a building or a part of a building is used or intended to be used and classification of a building according to occupancy shall deem to include subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it. Open space means a space forming an integral part of the plot left open to the sky. Owner means a person, group of persons, a company, trust, institute, registered body, State or Central Government and its departments,


2.24 2.25

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2.26


2.28 2.29

6 undertakings and like in whose name the property stands registered in the relevant records. 2.30 Parking Space means a space enclosed or unenclosed to park vehicles together with a driveway connecting the parking space with a street permitting ingress and egress of vehicles. Permit means a permission or authorization in writing by SIDA to carry out the work regulated by these regulations. Planning and Development Directions means directions issued by SIDA for defining planning parameters, architectural features, facades of the building, maintenance of amenities etc. from time to time. Plinth means the portion between the surface of the surrounding ground and surfaced floor immediately above the ground. Plot means a piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries. If adjoining plots are amalgamated, the whole compact area will be treated as one plot for applying these regulations. Ramps Ramps with a slope of not more than 1 in 10 may be substituted for and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of required staircase as to enclosure, capacity and limiting dimensions. Larger slopes shall be provided for special uses, but in no case greater than 1 in 8. For all slopes exceeding 1 in 10 and wherever the use is such as to involve danger of slipping, the ramp shall be surfaced with approved non- slipping material. Road/Street Right of Way means any highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passageway, carriageway, footway, square, bridge, whether a thorough fare or not, on which the public have a right of passage, access, or have passed and had access uninterruptedly for a specify period, or whether existing or proposed in any scheme, and includes all bunds, channels, ditches, storm water drains, culverts, side walks, road side trees and hedges, retaining walls, fences barriers and 2.37 2.38 2.39 railings within the street lines. Road/Street line means the line defining the side limits of a street. Road/Street width means distance between boundaries of the road measured at right angles to the course of the road. Setback means a line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in each case by the SIDA beyond which nothing can be constructed towards the plot boundaries unless specifically allowed by the SIDA.

2.31 2.32

2.33 2.34



7 2.40 Stilts means a floor at grade in framed structures, not more than 2.4 m in height, usually meant for parking or services, free from F.A.R. but counted in height of building. Table means a table annexed to these regulations.. Urbanisable area means the area earmarked for any of the following uses in the Development Plan. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 2.43 2.44 Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional Green area Transportation, and Special uses.

2.41 2.42

Zonal Plan means Zonal plan prepared by SIDA in respect of the area where an industrial site is situated. The words and expressions used but not defined in these Regulations shall have the meanings assigned to them in National Building Code/Indian Standards Institute codes, as amended from time to time. In case of any contradiction, the provisions under these regulations will prevail. Building Permit and Occupancy Building permit - No person shall erect any building or a boundary wall or fencing without obtaining a prior building permit thereof, from the CEO, SIDA or an Officer authorized by the CEO, SIDA for the purpose.



Application for building permit (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Every person who intends to erect a building within areas under SIDA jurisdiction shall apply in the form given at Appendix 1. The application for building permit shall be accompanied by documents as mentioned in the checklist annexed to Appendix1. Such application shall not be considered until the applicant has paid the fees mentioned in Regulation no. 3.07. In case of objections, the fees so paid shall not be refunded to the

8 applicant but the applicant shall be allowed to resubmit the plan without any additional fees after complying with all the objections within a period of one year from the date of receipt of the objection order. 3.02 No application for building permit shall be necessary for the following Additions/alterations provided they do not violate any of the provisions regarding general building requirements, structural stability and fire safety requirements specified in the National Building Code:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Whitewashing and painting. Plastering and patch work. Renewal of roof at the same height. Reconstruction of portions of building damaged by any natural Calamity to the same extent as previously approved. Internal additions/ alterations within the building envelope certified and supervised by a Licensed Technical Person/Architect. Digging or filling of earth.

Intimation to this effect shall be submitted to SIDA in writing before commencement of construction. 3.03. Information accompanying application for building permits 3.03.01 Permanent Buildings (I) Site plan, which shall show : i) Location upon key-plan A key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:10000 shall be submitted along with the application for a building permit showing the boundary locations of the site with respect to neighbourhood landmarks. The boundaries of the plot and the name/no. of the properties and roads abutting to the plot.


9 iii) iv) v) vi) Plot number of the property on which the building is intended to be erected. All existing buildings and physical features standing on, over or under the site. Building envelope at each floor level in relation to the site. The total plot area and the break-up of covered areas on each floor with their percentages in terms of the total area of plot. & FAR. Total height of the building. Setbacks. Details of projections and structures in setbacks. Sewerage and drainage lines upto discharge point and water supply lines. Details of boundary wall, plinth, culvert and ramp, tree buffers. Scale used and the direction of north relating to plan of proposed building. Parking plans indicating the parking spaces for all the buildings. Landscape Plan. Location and size of temporary structures like stores, labour hutments, site office. Electrical load requirement.

vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) (II)

Building Plans, which shall show: i) The floor plans of all building floors drawn to a scale not less than 1:200 together with the covered area, elevations and sections. The use of all parts of the building. Water supply, sewerage, drainage lines and the like within the building envelope. Terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof. Dimensions of permissible projections in setbacks Indication of the north point in relation to the plan, and the

ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

10 scale used. The sectional drawings shall show clearly the thickness of walls, size and spacing of framing members and floor slabs. The sectional drawings shall show the height of the rooms and the parapet. The sectional drawings shall show at least one cross section taken through each staircase. All street elevations.

vii) viii)

ix) x) (III) (IV) (V)

Specifications, which will include general specifications of materials to be used in different parts of the building. Documents as per checklist in Appendix 1. Additional requirements for high rise building of more than four stories. For high-rise buildings, public buildings and special buildings the following additional information shall be furnished/indicated in addition to the above:


Details of fire safety requirements (As per National Building Code) (i) Access to fire appliances/vehicles with details of clear motorable access way around the building and vehicular turning circle Location and size of fire lift. Smoke stops lobby/door, where provided Smoke exhauster system, if any Details of fire alarm system network Location and details of fixed fire protection installations such as sprinklers wet risers, hose reels, drenchers, CO2 installations etc., wherever required. Location of dimension of static water storage tank and first-aid fire fighting

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)


pump room, where required. (viii) Location and details of equipment/installations.

11 (b) Size (width) of main and alternate staircase along with balcony approach, corridor and ventilated lobby approach as the case may be. Location and details of lift enclosures. Details of exits including provision of ramps etc. for hospitals. Refuse chutes, refuse chamber and refuse area, service duct etc. where to be provided. Details of building services, air-conditioning system with position or dampers, mechanical ventilation system, electrical services, boilers, gas pipes etc. where applicable/provided. Location of generator, transformer and switch gear room where required. Location of centralized control and public address system etc. where required. Location for electric transformer.

(c) (d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

3.03.02 Temporary Buildings All provisions applicable in Section 6: subsections I, II, III, IV shall also apply to temporary buildings except that in the case of labour hutments, information under subsection II are not required. 3.04 Site plans shall be drawn to the following scales: Site size Upto 0.1 hectare Upto 0.1 hectare-1hectare More than 1 hectare 3.05 Notation for colouring of plans: The site and building plans shall be coloured as specified in the table given below. For items of work not identified below, the colouring notation used, shall be indexed: Sl. No. Item Site Plan Building Scale Not less than 1:200 Not less than 1:500 Not less than 1:1000

12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plot lines Existing streets Permissible building line Existing work (Outline) Proposed: a) Additions/Alterations. b) Entirely new work 7. 8. 3.06 Drainage Water Supply Thick green Green Thick green Green dotted Thick green . .. Green Yellow hatched Red Red Dotted

Work proposed to demolished Yellow hatched Red Red dotted

Not to be coloured Not to be coloured Green dotted thin Green dotted thin

Preparation and signing of Plans: All plans shall be prepared and signed by Technical Persons whose minimum qualification and experience are mentioned in Appendix 11.


Building permit fee, completion fees, temporary structures permit fees and calculations thereof : 3.07.01 The applicant shall deposit building permit fees as stipulated by SIDA from time to time. The present scale of fees for i) ii) iii) iv) building permit is as follows: Industrial buildings - Rs. 4/- per sqm of covered area on all floors Residential buildings - Rs. 2/- per sqm of covered area on all floors. Commercial buildings - Rs. 10/- per sqm of covered area on all floors. For all other type of buildings - Rs. 5/- per sqm of covered area on all floors. If the use of the buildings is changed, then the fee in case of additions and alterations shall be calculated with reference to the use proposed. (As per G.O. of Avas Anubhag,Govt. of Uttaranchal). In case of re-erection of an existing building after



13 demolition, fees chargeable shall be the same as for a new building. 3.07.04 The fee for revisions to plans for a building which has already been sanctioned shall be one fourth of the fee chargeable for the sanctioned plan, provided the covered area of the building has not increased from that original in sanctioned. The area covered in the basement and service floors shall be added in the covered area for purpose of calculation of fees. The fee in case of buildings with principal and subsidiary occupancies, in which the fees leviable are different than the fees for the total building scheme, shall be as per rates 3.07.07 for individual occupancies. The revalidation fee of a building permit shall be 10 percent of the original building permit fee paid with the application, if the application is made within the period of validity of the building permit. Otherwise, the process starts afresh with all fees leviable at extant rates. In case the building is under construction as per sanctioned plans and the application is made after the validity period, the 3.07.08 revalidation fee shall be the original building permit fee. In case of construction without issue of building permit or fees accompanying application for building permit, a penalty shall be levied as per provision of Section 13. In case of construction without revalidation a fee of Rs. 20 per sqm of covered area shall be levied if all provision as per byelaws are complied with. An affidavit on Rs. 10 stamp paper duly notarized, shall be submitted by applicant that all malba during construction shall be kept within the plot. If rectification of all objections is not done even after two objection letters issued by SIDA, Rs. 500 shall be levied towards site visit fees for each subsequent visit. The applicant shall deposit 25% of the building permit fees for temporary structures (other than labour hutments) as per individual use of the structure. Labour hutment fees shall

3.07.05 3.07.06





14 be Rs. 0.25 per sqm. of covered area. Water, Sewer and other service connection charges shall be paid as levied by SIDA The CEO / SIDA shall be empowered to revise the fees/charges mentioned in this item clause No. 3.07.

3.07.13 3.07.14


Withdrawal of application The applicant may withdraw his application for a building permit at any time prior to the sanction and such withdrawal shall terminate all proceeding with respect to such applications but the fees paid shall in no case be refunded.


Scrutiny of the building permit 3.09.01 The Authorized Officer of SIDA shall verify or cause to be verified the facts given in the application for permit, and enclosures. The title of the land shall also be verified wherever applicable. For all buildings, Technical Persons shall provide all necessary information including provisions of fire safety requirements, public convenience, safety provisions and other relevant laws as per Factories Act. Technical Persons shall be primarily responsible for implementation of all other provisions as per Building Regulations, Planning and Development Directions, National Building Code, ISI codes and such other provisions as required by the SIDA from time to time. 3.09.03 The Owner and Technical Persons shall jointly indemnify SIDA against violation of Building Regulations, Planning and Development Directions and provisions of National Building Code in the form given in Appendix 5. SIDA, reserves the right to perform test checks by complete scrutiny of any of the plans submitted for approval.



15 3.09.05 In case of any violation, the Architect/Engineer/Town Planner shall be blacklisted in the records of SIDA for five years under intimation to Council of Architecture/ Institution of Engineers or Institution of Town Planners, India, as appropriate, and no documents/drawings under his/her signature will be acceptable to SIDA for any application. 3.09.06 In case the Owner is found responsible, the plot may be cancelled or other action taken as decided by the CEO depending upon the circumstances of each case. 3.10 Sanction or refusal of building permit3.10.01 After filing of the application for building permit as per Appendices 1 to 5 duly certified by qualified Technical Persons and Owner, the applicant can commence construction as per provisions of the Deemed Sanction Scheme in 3.10.02, but nothing shall be done which violates the GIDCR-2005. The Authorized Officer shall scrutinize the building permit and CEO or his authorised officer may either sanction or refuse a building permit or may sanction it with such modification and communicate the decision to the applicant in the prescribed form given in Appendix-6. 3.10.02 Within thirty days of the receipt of the application as per GIDCR-2005 norms, if refusal or sanction is not granted, the application with its annexure shall be deemed to have been allowed and the permit sanctioned; provided such fact is immediately brought to the notice of the CEO, in writing, by the applicant, within twenty days after the expiry of the period of thirty days enclosing certificate of architect in the prescribed form given as Appendix 10. But nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any person to do anything in contravention of these Regulations and

16 Planning and Development Directives prepared by Govt. 3.10.03 In case of refusal, the Authorised Officer shall give reasons and quote the relevant provisions of the regulations which the plan contravenes, as far as possible in the first instance itself, and ensure that no new objections are raised when they are re-submitted after compliance. Once the plans have been scrutinized and objections, if any, have been pointed out, the applicant shall modify the plans to comply with the objections raised and resubmit them. If the objections remain unremoved for a period of one year, the permit shall be refused. 3.11 Appeal against refusal or sanction with modifications of a building. Any applicant aggrieved by an order of refusal of a building permit or its sanction with modifications, may within thirty days from the date of communication of such order, appeal to the CEO or Officer Authorised for it. The decision of the CEO / Authorised officer on such appeal shall be final, conclusive and binding. 3.12 Duration of validity of a building permit: 3.12.01 A layout/ building permit sanctioned under these regulations shall remain valid for the period specified in the lease deed conditions and the Completion Certificate has to be submitted within this period. In special case or category of cases, depending on the nature of formalities remaining unfulfilled, the CEO may extend this period for submission of completion certificate as he may deem fit. The nature of such formalities and period for extension may be specified by a general order or guideline issued by the CEO. In case part completion has been taken on the plot then validity of 3.12.02 layout/building permit shall be for 5 years. Validity of temporary structures shall be 5 years or the period specified in the lease deed conditions whichever is


17 earlier. If the period specified in lease deed is less than 5 years, then beyond this period any request for extension, will be granted only in extraordinary circumstances on a case to case basis by the CEO subject to adequate justification & on payment of prescribed fees. In case period specified in lease deed is more than 5 years then extension shall be granted in multiple of 2 years after approval of the CEO. After lapses of validity period this applicant is liable to remove all such structure and certificate shall not be granted without removal of such structures. 3.13 Additions or alterations during construction: If any external additions or alterations from the sanctioned plans are intended to be made, permission of the CEO shall be obtained in writing before the proposed additions/alterations are carried out. It shall be incumbent upon the applicant to whom a building permit has been sanctioned to submit amended plans for such additions or alterations. The provisions relating to an application for permit shall also apply to such amended plans with the modification that the time limit referred to in 3.10.02 shall be thirty days instead of twenty.


Cancellation of permit for building activity: At any time after the permit has been sanctioned to proceed with any building activity, if the CEO finds that such permit was sanctioned in consequence of any material misrepresentation or fraudulent statement contained in the application given, or the information furnished, the CEO may cancel such permit and any work done there under, shall be deemed to have been done without permit. The Technical Persons found responsible for the same shall be blacklisted and debarred from practicing in SIDA jurisdiction for 5 years. If the Owner is found responsible, the plot may be cancelled or any other such action taken as deemed fit by CEO depending upon the circumstances of each case.



Work to be carried out in full accordance with Master Plan of competent Authority & Zoning Regulations: Neither granting of the permit nor the approval of drawings and specification, nor inspection made by the SIDA during erection of the building shall responsibility requirements Development in any way relieve the Owner of such buildings from full for carrying out the work in accordance with the of Master Plan/Zoning Regulations/or Planning and Directions. In case any violations are found during

construction or after completion the owner shall be required to rectify the same to the satisfaction of the CEO / SIDA within a period of 15 days from the time such violations are intimated to the owner. In case the owner fails to comply, CEO / SIDA shall ensure compliance and the expenditure incurred in doing so shall be recovered from the owner before issue of completion certificate. In case completion certificate has already been obtained, such expenditure shall be recovered from the owner, if not paid within stipulated time, as arrears of land revenue. 3.15 Documents at site : The following documents are to be kept at site during the construction of the buildings and for such a period thereafter as required by the SIDA: i) A copy of building permit. ii) Copy of approved drawings. The CEO may authorise any person to enter into or upon any land or building with or without assistants or workmen for the purpose of ; a) making any enquiry, inspection, measurement or survey or taking levels of such land or building. b) examining works under construction. c) ascertaining whether any land is being or has been developed in

19 contravention of the master or zonal or approved plan or Regulations. d) doing any other thing necessary for efficient administration or the Regulations. 3.16 Notice of completion Every Owner will have to submit a notice of completion of buildings to SIDA as per Appendix 7, accompanied by the documents mentioned therein. 3.17 Occupancy certificate necessary for occupationBuildings erected, re-erected or altered, shall not be occupied in whole or part until the issue of occupancy certificate by the CEO in the form given in Appendix 12. If the CEO fails to issue the occupancy certificate or send any intimation showing his inability to issue such certificate within 40 days of the date of receipt of completion certificate, the building may be occupied without waiting for such certificate. Provided intimation to this effect is sent to SIDA by the owner before occupying the same.


Residential Building Group Housing Ground Coverage, FAR, Height & Setback (flats and cluster type) 4.01 4.02 Minimum Plot Area Maximum permissible 4.02.01 4.02.02 4.02.03 Ground coverage FAR Height 35% 150 15 meters. 2000 - sq.m.

Total height shall be counted as per clause 2.07 except for Illuminated boards Water Tanks and Other such structures with non-usable height such as

20 Mumty with Maximum 2.25 meter height. The SIDA reserves the right to permit additional height at focal points or wherever it is considered appropriate for design purposes.


Minimum permissible set backs as per Table given below. Front (mtr) 9 12 15 Rear (mtr) 6 9 12 Side* (mtr) 4.5 4.5 9 Side-2 (mtr) 4.5 4.5 9

Sl.No. Plot size ( 1 2 3 2000 to 5000 5000 to 30000 Above 30000

* If corner plot, side-1 abuts the road. 4.02.05 Maximum permissible density shall be 150 dwelling/Ha. Other provisions4.02.06 Minimum height between any two consecutive floor shall not be less then 3.0 mtr. 4.03 No construction of any kind shall be permitted beyond the building envelope (on set backs) except: i) A chajja (projection) of maximum width of 750 mm at lintel or roof level. No construction of any type or any material shall be permitted over projections other than mentioned in Table 2. Underground water tanks with top (except manhole cover) flush with the adjoining ground level. Watchman shelters and Watch Towers:

ii) iii)

21 No projection of watchman shelters and watch towers shall be allowed outside the plot line. Maximum height of watch man shelter shall be 4 m. And watch towers 15 m. Total area, as mentioned below under such shelters may be split up in desired number of watch-man shelters and watch towers. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Plot Size Total Area Of Guard Room, Meter Room, Time Office & Watch Tower.

Above 450 Upto 20 sq. mtrs. 2000 sq. mtr. Above 2000 Upto 4 45 sq. mtrs. Hectares Above 4 Hectares Upto 20 60 sq. mtrs. Hectares. Above 20 Hectares for An additional 10 sq.m. and part thereof each additional 20 Hectares iv) Canopy/pergola projections as mentioned in Table 3. No construction of any type shall be permitted over the canopy projections except those mentioned in Table 2. Open plinth steps within 1.0 m from setback line in the setback area. Meter room as per clause 8.02 (vi) Open transformers without any permanent enclosure which satisfy all necessary safety requirements In specific cases water bodies and pools, and other landscape features may be permitted with approval from the CEO provided fire safety requirements are not affected. ix) x) Other features as mentioned in Table2. Rockery, well and well structures, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), uncovered platform around tree, tank, fountain, bench, chabutra with open top and unenclosed by side walls, compound wall, gate, slide swing, culverts on drains, catch pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like. Any other features, primarily ornamental in nature, not enclosing or covering space of commercial use may be permitted by CEO on case to case basis.

v) vi) vii) viii)


22 xii) No temporary structure shall be permitted on front setbacks or setbacks towards sides abutting roads.


FAR shall include i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Mezzanine Mumty or stair cover Cupboards Balconies only 50% area of balconies shall be counted towards FAR. Bay windows Shafts provided for lifts, which shall be included for covered area calculations only on one floor and also included in ground coverage.


FAR shall not include i) A chajja projection (in setbacks) of a width of 750 mm at lintel or roof level. No construction of any type or of any material shall be permitted over projections. Canopy/pergola projections as mentioned in Table3. No construction of any type shall be permitted over the canopy/pergola projections except those mentioned in Table2. Basement with height to bottom of beams not exceeding 2.25 m shall be permissible within the building line for services, storage & parking. However, max permissible area under basement shall be limited as below: If used for services, storage etc. then maximum area under such facilities shall be equivalent to maximum permissible ground coverage. If used for parking, then area equivalent to parking norms shall be permitted. Loft up 1.2 m height. Other features as mentioned in Table 2. Rockery, well and well structures, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), uncovered platform around tree, tank, fountain, bench, chabutra with open top and unenclosed by side walls, compound wall, gate, slide, swing, uncovered staircase (unenclosed and uncovered on three sides except for 0.9 m high railing/wall and open to sky), overhead tanks



a) b) iii) iv) v)

23 on top of buildings, open shafts, culverts on drains. Open ramps, if area enclosed below is less than 2.1 m in height. Any other feature purely ornamental in nature not enclosing or covering space of commercial use, which may have been permitted by the CEO on case-to-case basis.

vi) vii)


All the common facilities prescribed below will have to be provided & shall be counted in FAR i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Air-conditioning plant, electrical installation, generator room, water works, water tanks etc. Watchmen shelters and watch towers. Garbage and lift shafts Fire escape staircases. Toilet blocks for visitors, drivers, guards etc. Shops and community facilities as per population norms as specified in the lease deed. In case of plots where minimum population required for provision of convenience shopping is not achieved then : a) Area for convenience shopping upto maximum 0.75% of total plot area. b) Minimum four kiosks of 4 sq.m of area & two shops of 10 sq.m carpet areas shall be mandatory. Shops can be amalgamated however maximum area of such a shop shall not exceed 20 sq.m. Maximum height of shops & kiosks shall be 4 m from floor to ceiling. Ground coverage & FAR shall be as per convenience shopping norms. In case of provision of shopping in lease deed the same shall prevail.

c) d) e) vii) viii) 4.07

Mumty and machine room for lifts. Any other utilities as decided by CEO depending on its requirement.

The open spaces or set back mentioned in sub-clauses shall be for buildings upto a height of 10mtr. For height of buildings above 10mtrs and upto 25mtrs, in addition to minimum open space or set backs required for height of 10mtrs, there shall be an increase in

24 minimum open space at the rate of one meter per every 3 meters or fraction thereof for heights above 10mtrs. Distance between two rows of building block shall not be less than half times the height of taller building 4.08 The CEO shall have a right to impose such restriction and limitations as to the number of storey and extent of height of the building as he considers fit where protected areas, ancient or historical monuments lie within a radius of one and half kilometer from the boundary line of such group housing. 4.09 In density calculations each servant quarter will be reckoned as half dwelling unit. A group housing shall conform to the provisions of the Sector Plan and Zonal Plan of the area in terms of setbacks, ground coverage, FAR and height restrictions, if any. The provisions contained in this clause shall not apply to housing for economically weaker sections, low income groups, informal sector undertaken by State Government, SIDA or any other public body approved in this behalf by the State Government. 4.12 The height of any basement, including slab, shall be max. 1.2 meter above the top of drain level or level of adjoining ground in the absence of drain. Minimum requirement for sanction/completion: a) b) i) ii) iii) iv) v) Minimum covered area required for completion shall be as per lease deed or MOU. Provision of following items shall be mandatory for issue of completion certificate: Flooring. Electrical wiring. Plumbing, CP fittings and fixtures. Parking and landscaping as per Direction. Internal and external finishing (plastering and painting is mandatory




25 except for architecture reasons). Boundary wall and gates. Buildings shall be lockable ie all external doors and windows shall be provided. In case grill is provided in the windows the fixing of glass in the window panes shall not be mandatory. No violations should be there in the building or site, at the time of issue of occupancy certificate. Any other special provision as mentioned in the lease deed. At the completion of project, all temporary structures are to be removed.

vi) vii)

viii) ix) x)

In case if any special clause is mentioned in the lease deed or MOU then the requirement mentioned in the same shall be applicable.


Residential buildings (other than group housing flats) 5.01 Max. Ground coverage and FAR as per table given below: Sl. No. Plot Area (sq. meter) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.02 Upto 100 Above 100 upto 300 Above 300 upto 500 Above 500 upto 1000 Above 1000 upto 2000 Above 2000 Ground Coverage (%) 65 60 55 45 40 35 F.A.R. 130 130 150 150 120 120

Set backs as per Table given below. Front (mtr) 1.5 upto 2.0 Rear (mtr) 1.5 2.0 Side-1 (mtr) 1.0 Side-2 (mtr) -

Sl.No. Plot size ( 1 2 Up to 100 Above 100 300

26 3 4 5 6 5.03 6. Above 300 500 Above 500 1000 upto 4.5 4.5 6.0 6.0 3 4.5 4.5 1.5 3.0 4.5 upto 3.0 3.0 2.0 -

Above 1000 upto 6.0 2000 Above 2000 9.0

Maximum height shall be 10 m. Industrial buildings (including those of Service Industries)

Ground coverage, FAR, Height & Set Backs 6.01 Maximum ground coverage & FAR shall be as followsMax* Ground Coverage (%) 55 53 50 45 Max. FAR 100 100 100 100

Sl.No. Plot Area (sq. meter) 1. 2. 3. 4. 250 but not exceeding 450 Above 450 but not exceeding 1000 Above 1000 but not exceeding 2000 Above 2000 * Minimum ground coverage shall be 25%

6.02 6.03

Setbacks as per Table 1. Maximum height shall be 15 meters Buildings intended for hazardous godowns, storage of inflammable material or storage of explosives shall be single storey structures only. Total height shall not include: Illuminated boards. Water Tanks. Other such structures with non usable height such as Mumty with 2.25 m

27 height. SIDA reserves the right to permit additional height at focal points wherever it is considered appropriate. 6.04 Other provisions: Rest rooms/Retiring rooms: Provision for Rest rooms/Retiring rooms inside any industrial plot is permitted with a maximum of 2% of total permissible covered area.


Buildings Other Than Housing and Industrial Buildings. 7.01 Ground coverage, FAR, height and setbacks. Maximum Ground coverage, FAR & height shall as be as followsSl.No. 1 2 3 Use Convenient Shopping Centre Sector Shopping* Max. ground Coverage % 45 40 Max. FAR % 75 80 150 Max.height in mtrs. 10.0 15.0 15.0

Sub District Center, Shopping along Street 35 and other Master Plan level Shopping Centers* Banks* Cinema* 40 As cinematograp hy act

4 5

120 per As cinemat ography act 30 15 100 30 100 120 60

15.00 per As per cinematograp hy act 5.0 10.0 15.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 15.0

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Dharam Kanta* Petrol Pump* Wholesale Market* Gas Godown* Warehousing/Godowns Dharamshala/Lodge/Guest House/Hotel

30 15 30 30 30 30

Community Center, Club Building and 30 Barat Ghar

28 13 14 15 16 17 Fire Station Police Station Post Office 30 30 30 85 85 85 40 20 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0

Sports and Amusement Complex, 20 Swimming pool, Shooting Range Low density Sports & Amusement 10 Complex, Recreational Club, Social Cultural Centre Bus Terminal, LRT Terminal, Bus 30 Depots/Workshops, Booking Offices, Transport Nagar Taxi Stand Nursery School/Creche 10 40




19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

10 85 120 75 100 120 150 120 100 85 250

10.0 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 30

All other educational Institutions, Research 30 and Training Centre, Testing Laboratory Religious Building Dispensary* 40 50

Hospital, Naturopathy, Specialized Health 45 Center, Nursing Home* Government Semi-Government, Corporate 30 Offices Hostel, Boarding House Museum, Art Gallery and Exhibition Centre Other Utilities Multiplex Buildings in I.T. Parks 1. 30 30 30 30

As per Govt. Orders

Individual plot owner in IT Park can use upto 10% (max.) of their allocated FAR for housing ( service apartments) for their employees as this is the basic need for IT industries since the industry runs in shifts. Individual plot owner in IT Park can use upto 5% (max.) of their allocated FAR for commercial use (food courts, cafeteria , convenient stores, crche , gymnasium etc.)


29 7.02 Setbacks shall be as per Table 1. *Whenever control drawings are prepared by SIDA set back shall be as per control drawings. This will not over-rule Government/Medical Council of India rules regarding buildings. 7.03 Total height shall not include. Illuminated boards Water Tanks and Other such structures with non usable height i.e. maximum 2.25 m


SIDA reserves the right to permit additional height at focal points wherever it is considered appropriate. In case of any activity other than listed above, the ground coverage and FAR Shall be as decided by the CEO, SIDA from time to time.


Other provisions for Industrial & all other buildings, except Group Housing 8.01 Permissible structures in set backs i) Chajja (projection) of maximum width of 750 mm At lintel or roof level. No. construction of any type or any shall be permitted over projections other than mentioned herewith. Underground water tanks with top (except manhole cover) flush with adjoining ground level. Canopy/pergola projections as mentioned in Table 3. No construction of any type shall be permitted over the canopy projections except those mentioned in Table 2. Open plinth steps within 1.0 m from setback line. Watchman shelters and Watch Towers: No projection of watchman shelters and watch towers shall be allowed outside the plot line Maximum height of watch-man shelter shall be 4m. And watch towers 15m. Total area, as mentioned below, under such shelters shall be split up in desired number of watchman shelters and watch towers.

ii) iii)

iv) v)


(a) S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Plots above 450 Plot Size Total Area Of Guard Room, Meter Room, Time Office & Watch Tower.

Above 450 Upto 20 sq. mtrs. 2000 sq. mtr. Above 2000 Upto 4 45 sq. mtrs. Hectares Above 4 Hectares Upto 20 60 sq. mtrs. Hectares. Above 20 Hectares for An additional 10 sq.m. and part thereof each additional 20 Hectares


Guard Room in small plots: Max. permissible area for guard room shall be 10.0 Sq.m. upto 450 Sq.m. plot area (Service Industry). vi) vii) viii) ix) Meter room.-It will be a separate room in above space given in clause 8.01 (v). Other features as mentioned in Table 2. Open transformers without any permanent enclosure keeping in view the necessary safety requirements. In specific cases water bodies and pools, and other landscape features may be permitted with approval from the CEO provided the fire safety requirements are not affected. x) Any other feature purely ornamental in nature not enclosing or covering space of commercial use may be permitted by the CEO on case to case basis. No temporary structure shall be permitted in front setback or in setback of sides abutting roads. Rockery, well and well structures, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), uncovered platform around tree, tank, fountain, bench, chabutra with open top and unenclosed by side walls, compound wall, gate, slide swing, culverts on drains, catch pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like.

xi) xii)

31 8.02 FAR shall include i) ii) iii) iv) v) vii) viii) Mezzanine. Mumty for staircase. Cupboards. Balconies. Bay windows. The shafts provided for lifts shall be included for covered area calculations only on one floor and also included in ground coverage. Parking/lockup garages shall be included in the FAR calculations unless they are provided in basement of a building or under a building constructed on stilts. 8.03 FAR shall not include i) A chajja projection (in setbacks) of a width of 750 mm at lintel or roof level. No construction of any type or of any material shall be permitted over projections to provide access to the chajja. Canopy/pergola projections as mentioned in Table 3. No construction of any type shall be permitted over the canopy/pergola projections except those mentioned in Table 2. Basement which are permissible within building line, the height not exceeding 2.25 m from floor to bottom of beam. However, only in case of buildings other than commercial, maximum, permissible area under basement shall be limited to as follows: a. If used for services, storage etc. then maximum area under such facilities shall be equivalent to maximum permissible ground coverage. b. If used for parking, then area equivalent to parking norms shall be iv) permitted. A service floor up to 100% of maximum permissible ground floor coverage in all buildings upto 2.25 m in height is allowed between floor to bottom of ceiling. Loft upto 1.2 meter in height. Other features as mentioned in Table 2. Rockery, well and well structures, water pool, swimming (if uncovered),



v) vi) vii)

32 uncovered platform around tree, tank, fountain, bench, chabutra with open top and unenclosed by side walls, compound wall, gate, slide, swing, uncovered staircase (unenclosed and uncovered on three sides except for 0.9 m high railing/wall and open to sky), overhead tanks on top of buildings, open shafts, culverts on drains. Open ramp, if area enclosed below is less than 2.1 m in height. Only in case of commercial building. Atrium ( A sky lighted central area, often containing plants) shall be kept free from FAR and ground coverage. In case any commercial activity is proposed in Atrium or any saleable area or any other structure which is counted in FAR & ground coverage its respective area shall be added in total FAR & ground coverage. x) Any other feature, primarily ornamental in nature, not enclosing or covering space of commercial use may be permitted by CEO depending on case to case basis. Basement: i) ii) Basement area shall not exceed beyond building envelope. The internal height of the basement (floor to bottom of the beam) shall not exceed 2.25m. 8.05 (A) Common Amenities: 15% of the prescribed FAR shall be made available for common amenities, which shall include: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) (B) Air-conditioning plant, electrical installation, generator room, water works, water-tanks etc. Watchman shelters and watch towers. Garbage shafts and lift shafts. Fire escape staircases. Toilet blocks for visitors, drivers, guards etc. Mumty, machine room for lifts. Any other utilities as decided by CEO depending on merits. Rest Room/Retaining Room 2% of prescribed total covered area may

viii) ix)


be provided within over all limits



Minimum requirements for sanction/completion: (a) Minimum area required for completion shall be as per lease deed or as mentioned in project report at time of allotment or phasing plan approved by CEO. Provision of following items in buildings shall be mandatory for issue of completion certificate: Flooring. Electrical wiring. Plumbing, CP fittings and fixtures. Parking and landscaping as per Direction. Boundary wall and gates. Buildings shall be lockable i.e. all external doors and windows shall be provided. In case grill is provided in the windows the fixing of glass in the window panes shall not be mandatory. No overall violation should be there in the buildings or site, at the time of issue of occupancy certificate. Any other special provisions mentioned in the lease deed. After completion of project, all temporary structures are to be removed.

(b) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

vii) viii) ix)

In case if any special clause is mentioned in the lease deed or MOU, then the requirement mentioned in the same shall be applicable. Table No 1 Set-Backs for all buildings other than housing complexes S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plot size (sqm) Upto 450 Above 450 to 1000 Above 1000 to 2000 Above 2000 to 5000 Above 5000 to 20000 Above 20000 Front (m) 3.0 5.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 15.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 12 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 Rear (m) Side1*(m) Side 2(m)


If corner plot, side-1 abuts the road.

Table No 2 Features permitted in the setbacks of the plots S.N. 1. Features Decorative column Description Columns purely decorative and not load bearing shall be permitted in setback. Such columns of any material and number in consonance with the design aesthetics shall be permitted but maximum size of each column shall not exceed 300 mm x 300mm. 2. Buttresses: Buttresses, any number in consonance with the design aesthetics shall be permitted in setback up to maximum width of 750mn in setback.


Mouldings, cornices Murals, moulding and cornices if provided along/under any & murals: projection shall be permitted up to a maximum width 150 mm over and above the maximum permissible dimensions of a projection or a canopy. Planters and sun Projection in form of planter, cantilevered fins, egg crates and control devices: other sun control devices shall be permitted in setback up to maximum width of 750 mm. Maximum depths of such planters shall not exceed 600mm. Jali: Jali of any material shall be permitted over projections which are primarily meant to cover window AC units and dessert coolers. Maximum width of such jalies shall not be more than 75mm.



35 6 Casing/enclosure to Casing/enclosure to cover rain water pipe of any material shall cover pipe 7. Bands rain water be permitted in setback up to depth of maximum 250 mm and maximum width of 600 mm. Vertical perimeter bands may be permitted over chajjas and canopies projections for architectural reasons upto 500mm in height.

Table No 3 Area under canopy/pergola on building. (I) S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For buildings other than residential buildings on plots Plot size (sqm.) Above 200 to upto 300 Above 300 upto 500 Above 500 upto 2000 Above 2000 upto 4000 Above 4000 Max Area under Canopy 12 sqm (only in side setback) 25 sqm 40 sqm 55 sqm 70 sqm

Note: Min width/radius of canopy shall be 1.8 m. (II) For residential buildings on plots: Canopy projections of 5.0 m x 2.7 m in front or side setbacks (maximum 2 nos.) in plots where front setback is 4.5 meter or more and only one such canopy in side setback where front setback is less than 4.5 meter, are permited. No construction of any type shall be permitted over the canopy projections. The canopy must be supported by circular column of maximum 30 cms diameter, or rectangular columns of 30 cms x 30 cms size.

36 9. Over riding clauses 9.01 Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the SIDA may where it considers expedient to do so, having regard to the special features of a particular Zone, the width of road abutting any building, and the Development plan, permit such ground coverage, height and set-back to a building or a group of buildings as it thinks fit. No habitable space shall have a floor to floor height of less than 3 m. Provision for day lighting and ventilation have to conform to National Building Code para -VIII, Section - (1).

9.02 9.03


10.01 Distance from electric lines: No verandah, balcony or like shall be allowed to be erected, or any additions or alterations made, to any building within the setbacks between the building and any overhead electric supply line as indicated below:

Vertically a) b) c) Low and medium voltage 2.4 m High voltage lines upto and 3.7 m Including 33000 V. Extra high voltage lines Beyond 33000V. (+0.03mtrs. For every Additional 33000V or part thereof) 1.2 m 1.8 m


(+0.03 m for every additional 33000V or part thereof)

10.02 Fire safety Requirements: (a) Buildings shall be so planned, designed and constructed as to ensure fire safety. This shall be done in accordance with Part IV Fire Protection of the National Building Code of India 1983 corrected up to date. Multi-storeyed buildings above 7.5 m in height, buildings with more than 400 sq.m. Ground Coverage and all other buildings of industrial, storage, assembly and hazardous usage, shall also be got cleared by the local Fire Brigade Authority for completion.



10.03 Structural Design: The structural design of any item of masonry, timber, plain and reinforced concrete and steel in a building shall be carried out in accordance with Part VI (Structural Design, Section-1 Boards, Section-2, Section-5 Concrete, Section-6 Steel, as the case may be) of National Building Code of India prepared by BIS and as prevalent as the time of execution of the works.

10.04. Quality of Material and Workmanship: All materials and workmanship shall be of good quality conforming generally to accepted standards of Indian Standards Specifications and Codes as included in Part V Building Materials and Part VII Constructional Practices and Safety, of National Building Code of India 1983 revised up to date. 10.05. Building Services: The planning, design and execution of electrical installations, air-conditioning and heating work, installation of lifts and escalators in a building shall be carried out in accordance with Part VIII Building Services, (Section2 Electrical Installations, Section 3 Air-conditioning and Heating, Section-5 Installation of lifts and Escalators, as the case may be) of National Building Code of India prepared by BIS and as prevalent at the time of execution of the works. 10.06. Plumbing: The planning design, construction and installation of water supply, drainage and sanitation and gas supply system in building shall be in accordance with the part IX (Plumbing Services-Section 1 Water Supply, Section 2 Drainage and Sanitation, Section 3, Gas Supply as the case may be) of National Building code of India prepared by BIS and as prevalent at the time of execution of the work.

10.07. Water supply requirements:


The requirements of water supply in a building shall be in a accordance with the provisions of National Building Code as amended from time to time. 10.08. Sanitary Fittings: (1) Subject to the provisions of any law in force, the sanitary fittings and installations in buildings shall be in accordance with the provisions of National Building Code as amended from time to time. Every factory building shall be provided with such latrines and urinals as may be prescribed by, or under the provisions of, the Factories Act 1948 as amended from time to time. 10.09. Structural Safety for natural Hazard Protection: For buildings more than 7.5 m height all important facilities like water works, overhead tank, telephone exchange, bridges and culverts, electric sub station, transmission towers, the requirements specified in the Indian Standard Code and Guidelines and other documents shall be observed for Structural Safety and Natural Hazards Protection of buildings. The buildings shall be designed and constructed as Earthquake Resistant according to codes mentioned in Appendix 3. 10.10 Provisions for Physically Handicapped: Provisions for physically handicapped persons shall be made in all buildings and facilities used by public in accordance with the provisions of Part III of National Building Code- Appendix E. 10.11. Responsibility: The Owner and Technical Persons shall be fully responsible for all provisions to be made in accordance with clauses 04 to 10. A certificate to this effect shall be given as per Appendix-4. 10.12 Rain Water Harvesting:



For an industrial plot of 450 Sqm. or ground coverage of 225 Sqm., there shall be a provision for a minimum 20 Cum. rain water storage / harvesting. Then for an increase of every 50 Sqm. ground coverage or its part, there should be an additional provision of 5 Cum. In addition to the above arrangements will also be made to re-charge underground water , by constructing rain water drains leading to re-charging wells with bore holes filled with suitable Bajari/ Shingle material. 11. DIRECTIONS State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal Ltd. in its endeavour to develop the extras in a planned manner and to give the development improved streetscapes, a controlled urban form and a balanced look, has framed Urban Design guidelines regarding built form, landscaping and street furniture as mentioned in the following section: 11.01 GENERAL i) Ramps in front of the plots shall not exceed 1.0 m. from the plot line. Excess length of the ramps may be taken within the plot. All the drains under the ramp should be maintained clean.


Plinth Level of plinth of boundary wall and gate from top of the drain (in meters)

S.No. Type of drains

40 Plots abutting road of 9.0 Plots abutting roads of - 12.0 m. ROW 1. 2. Open drains/covered 0.35 pipe drains Covered drains than pipe drains Boundary Wall Height of boundary wall measured Height of the gate from plinth of the boundary wall from plinth of the (in meters) boundary wall Abutting road 1. All buildings All other sides 2.4 or meters. Maximum as approved by SIDA. 2.4 m with lower 2.4 meter can Minimum solid portion of be solid 1.5 m and upper grill 0.9m of jali/grill. iv) ROW above 12.0 meters 0.50

other Same level flush with the Same level flush with the top of the drains top of the drains.


S.No. Type of buildings

ROW of the road in front of the plot in between plot line and metalled portion i) ii) iii) Shall not be fenced. Shall be accessible whenever required. Shall be maintained levelled/dressed with grass. Underground water extraction in plots where water supply is provided by SIDA, shall be allowed only during construction. In case of industrial buildings where water supply is not provided by SIDA, quantity of water being extracted shall be checked and accordingly, charges fixed by SIDA shall be payable by the allottee. (b) The water tax, sewerage tax, effluent tax etc. levied by SIDA will be paid as per rates approved by SIDA & revised from time to time. The water charges, sewerage charges, effluent charges will be charges as per the rate approved by SIDA & revised from time to time.






Stacking of building material shall be done at a place specified by SIDA for the purpose and in a way so as not to obstruct any road or storm water drain in any manner. After completion of the work, the allottee shall clear the space used for the purpose and keep the patri portion leveled and dressed. During the course of construction no tree/shrub on road shall be damaged and if it so happens, the allottee shall be liable to pay the cost incurred by SIDA in replacing the same at the time of completion. The facade of the building facing the road shall be maintained in neat condition. White-washing/paint/any other external finish, if not of permanent nature, shall be done at such interval as directed by SIDA. The location, number and design of display boards shall be as directed and approved by SIDA from time to time. A maximum of three sign boards shall be installed in the estate for each industrial, group housing, commercial or institutional unit and a consolidated rental payment for five years shall have to be made initially. After five years, approval has to be taken again and rental can be revised. For vehicular entry/exit the position of gates for each plot shall be as per table below : Size gate 4.0 m 5.0 m 7.5 m of No. of gates permitted Plot abutting road 1 1 2 one Plot abutting more than one road 2 2 3



ix) x)


S.No. Plot size

1. 2. 3.

Upto 1000 sq m Above 1000 sq m and up to 2000 sq m Above 2000 sq m


The location of gates in different sizes of plots shall be as per sketches given in Appendix 13. However, specific provisions in the master plan will have according effect. If any of the above clauses are not followed by the allottees the work will be got done by SIDA and the expenditure incurred in doing so shall be recovered from the violator.





Industrial, institutional, commercial, group housing (flats) shall be required to plant a minimum number of trees in their premises as follows:

Plot size

No. of trees to be planted and maintained

Minimum open space to be kept landscaping. for

Upto Sqm.

2000 One tree per 80 sq m of open space out of 50% of open area after which minimum 50% trees to be in the deducting for roads. category of evergreen trees, having height of 7 m or more. -do-

2001 Sqm to One tree per 80 sq m of open space out of 28000 which minimum 50% trees to be in the category of evergreen trees, having height of 10 m or more More 28000

than One tree per 80 sq m of open space out of -dowhich minimum 50% trees to be in the category of evergreen trees, having height of 13 m or more. ii) In every industrial plot 25% of total set-back area shall be planted with trees.

11.03 PARKING, LOADING AND UNLOADING SPACES: i) When parking space is to be provided for motor vehicles, it shall not be less than 18 sqm. in area (under stilts: 23 sqm.) and for scooters and cycles the parking spaces provided shall not be less than 3 sqm. and 1.40 sqm. respectively. ii) For buildings of different types, parking space @18 sqm. per space shall be provided as specified below: Sl.No. 1. Occupancy Residential: (a) Multifamily/ detached Parking space 1 parking space for every 200 sqm. covered area.

43 (b) Lodging Two parking space for every 80 sqm. covered


establishment, area. tourist homes and hotels. Educational 0.5 parking space for every 80 sqm. covered area or fraction thereof, of the administrative office area and public service area. Where any educational building has an auditorium, it shall have additional parking space according to norms. Space for teachers vehicles and cycles and two wheelers of students shall be provided within the premises. All schools to the level of Higher Secondary shall provide an off-street parking of 3m. width beyond the ROW of the road within the plot area but outside the boundary wall.

3. 4. 5.

Institutional (Medical) Assembly

1.25 parking space for every 80 sqm. covered area. Two parking space for every 80 sqm. covered

area. Institution 1.5 parking space for every 80 sqm. covered public/semipublic and area of fraction thereof. corporate office Mercantile/Commercial Two parking space for every 80 sqm. covered area or fraction thereof. Industrial 0.50 parking space for every 80 sqm. covered area or fraction thereof.





0.50 parking space for every 80 sqm. covered area or fraction thereof.

Notes: a. For Assembly buildings, parking space to the extent 10% of the seating

44 capacity for motorcycles and scooters and 25% of the seating capacity for bicycles shall be provided. b. In providing the parking space, care has to be taken that 50% of the open space is left for landscaping and is not accounted for in parking calculations. c. In addition to the parking space provided for building of mercantile (commercial) , industrial, and storage buildings, one space (18 for loading and unloading shall be provided at the rate of one such space for loading and unloading activities for each 1000 sq.m. of floor area and fraction thereof exceeding the first 200 sq.m. d. Parking lock-up garage shall be included in the F.A.R. calculations unless they are provided in basement of a building or under a building constructed on stilts. e. In case of Group Housing, buildings above 4 storey, provision of parking on stilts must be kept in the entire ground floor. f. Not more than 40% of the area within the setback line and the plot line shall be used for parking provided that at least 3.6m. access all around the buildings is kept free from parking of any type of vehicle in plots where setbacks exceed 3.6m.. 12. Development of Industrial Estates 12.01 The applicant will submit an application on the prescribed form given in Appendix 14 12.02 The documents to be submitted with the application: 12.02.01 12.01.02 Satisfactory documentary legal evidence of the owners right to develop the Industrial Estate. Copy of land map showing the area and measurements of the land on which owner proposes to develop attestation required by concerned authority. Documentary proof of title of land. Certificate of undertaking from: a) Person holding project management responsibility on form given in Appendix 2A

12.01.03 12.01.04

45 b) 12.01.05 12.01.06 12.01.07 Architect/Planner on form given in Appendix 2B

N.O.C, from Pollution Control Board. Topographical Map of Area Layout/site plan on scale: 1 : 500 for area upto 10 Hectares. 1 : 1000 for area above 10 Hectares. The plan will show the details given in Appendix 15. Environment Impact Assessment. Detail of Project Report which will also include : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Meteorological Date. Soil Investigation, ground and underground exploration. Regional Plan/Master Plan, of the whole area as applicable. Industrial linkage of the proposed estate with existing industries, markets, new-material sources and existing man-power source. Infrastructure Existing & Proposed: a) Common Infrastructure Roads, Power, Water, Drainage, Transport (Parking, loading & unloading, forward agencies, warehousing etc), Street lighting. b) c) Environment Infrastructure- Effluent Disposal system, solid waste disposal system. Community facilities as given in Appendix 16

12.01.08 12.01.09

12.03. Site Requirements 12.03.01 12.03.02 Distance from power supply lines shall be as per clause-10.01 Green buffer shall be provided around the proposed industrial estate as followsArea of Plot in Hectares Upto 20 Above 20 & upto 50 Above 50 & upto 100 Above 100 Min. width of green buffer (in meters) 3.0 6 .0 10.0 15.0



Industrial Zone within the estate will be separated by 3.0 m wide tree plantation. If a road defines this buffer zone, then industrial zone will be segregated by 2.0 m wide tree plantation on both sides of the road. If land is abutting natural features such as river, water body, human habitation etc, a minimum 6 m buffer of tree plantation shall be provided irrespective of plot size. If Industrial Area is more than 200 hectares, minimum area of 2 hectare shall be provided for a CETP. The treated water confirming to codal requirements shall be used for green belt/aqua-culture/water body for aesthics etc.



12.03.06 12.03.07

Space should be provided for storage of solid waste with justification for dimensions. The effluent from industries shall be treated as per norms of local authority before letting out the same in any waste conveyance system. Area shall be marked with map. For an industrial plot 450 sq.m. or ground coverage of 225 sq.m., there shall be a provision for a minimum 20 cubic meter rain water storage/harvesting. Then for an increase of every 50 sq.m. ground coverage or its part, there should be an additional provision of 5 cubic meter. In addition to above, the arrangements will also be made to recharge under ground water by constructing rain water drains leading re-charging wells with bore-holes filled with suitable Bajri/shingle material.


12.03.09 12.03.10

Space shall be provided for informal activities. Land use pattern

The following land use pattern shall be followed: S.No. Land Use < 20 1. 2. Industrial Commercial 65 -% of land area Estate Size (Hectares) <50 65 -<100 60 2 >100 60 2

47 3. 4. 5. 6. Residential Utility/services Road & Parking Parks/Green/Buffer/ Plantation -1 25 9 -2 23 10 2 5 21 10 2 5 16 15

12.03.11. i) ii)

No permit for development of land will be sanctioned if: The proposed land-use does not correspond to the land-use in the Master plan/Zonal plan. The construction of any building within the estate is for public worship, which in the opinion of SIDA will offend the religions feelings of any class or persons in the vicinity thereof. The use will be a source of annoyance to, or injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood.


12.03.12 (a)

Norms and standards for TransportationThe roads in Industrial estate can be classified as: (j) Arterial Road: It is a peripheral road surrounding an industrial estate having fast moving traffic, with very little cross traffic and minimum intersection. No direct access to an industrial plot and on road parking shall be allowed. Minimum distance between intersection shall be atleast 500 m. (ii) Collector Road: It is a road with commercial/other activities on one side only. It is open to a variety of through traffic with direct access but no standing vehicle and having high cross traffic. Minimum distance between intersection shall be atleast 300 m. (iii) Service Road: It is an internal circulation road for collection and distribution of traffic to and from local access roads and also for providing access to arterial and collector roads, having free frontage access but no parked vehicles. Cross traffic with minimum intersection distance of 150 m. (iv) Access Road: Roads having free access to abutting properties with necessary provision for parking and pedestrian movement.


The width and length for different categories of roads shall be as follows. S.No. Category Min. ROW Carriageway m m 12* 18* 24 30 7 11 12 14 Max. length m 500 1500 No limit No limit

1. 2. 3. 4

Access Roads Service Road Collector Road Arterial Road

*Sewer on one side only. * The turning radius shall be 15.0 m and there shall be no acute angle on road junctions. 12.04 Development Permit Fees, Completion Fees


The applicant shall deposit development permit fees @ Rs. 1/- for developing private Industrial estate/area.


In case of revision of layout plans, fees will be 1.25 times that of normal fees for the portion of the layout, which is re-submitted for sanction.


The fee for revisions to plans for an estate which has already been sanctioned shall be one fourth of the fee chargeable for the sanctioned plan, provided the total land area of estate has not increased from that original in sanctioned.


The Guiding Principles for Composition of Offences Under Section 13. 13.1. Offences committed by the following, shall not be compounded: (a) Development in violation of the proposals of the Master Plan and Zonal Plans.

49 (b) Development of land which is either wholly or partly, a public premises as defined in the Public Premises (Eviction of Un-authorised Occupants) Act, 1972. Construction within the prescribed front open space (setback). On the first floor of constructions within the prescribed side and rear open spaces (setbacks) which have been compounded earlier. If the FAR of the construction exceeds the prescribed FAR by more than 20% Construction exceeding the prescribed height of a building by more than 2m.

(c) (d) (e) (f) 13.2

For carrying out of development without obtaining prior permission of the CEO, or when the development is not in accordance with sanctioned plan, in such a way that the GIDCR-2005 and the bye-laws are not contravened, the offence may be compounded after charging the composition fee at the following rates: (a) (b) Development of land Erection, re-erection, addition or alteration or a building. Construction of boundary wall. Rs. 100 per sqm of the area under development. Rs. 200 per sqm of the covered area erected, re-erected, added or altered. Rs. 100 per running metre.



For carrying out development either without prior permission of the CEO or in contravention of the sanctioned plans, in such a way that the provisions of the Act or the bye-laws have been contravened, the offence may be compounded after charging the composition fee at the following rates:(a) Development of site Rs 200 per sqm of the Area under development. (This composition fee shall be in addition to the development charges leviable under Section 33 of the GIDCR-2005 or cost of development recoverable under any other provision of this GIDCR-2005 or bye-laws.) (b) Construction within side Rs. 5000/- per sqm. Of the covered

50 open space (setback) (c) Construction within the rear open space (setback) If the plot coverage is more than prescribed. (e) If the FAR is more than prescribed . area subject to the minimum of Rs. 4,00,000/Rs. 4000/- per sqm of the covered area subject to minimum of Rs. 3,00,000/Rs. 3000/- per sqm of the area exceeding the prescribed limit. Upto 10% of F.A.R Rs. 10000/per sqm of the covered area, above 10% but below 20% Rs. 20,000/- per sqm of the covered area. (f) If the clear height inside the room is less than the prescribed. Construction of a boundary wall Rs. 2400/- per sqm of the area of the room. Rs. 500/- per running metre.


(g) 13.4 13.5 13.6

Composition fees for height exceeding 15.0m upto 17.0m. (Max.). @Rs. 200/- per sq.m. on the covered area of the raised portion. Max. compoundable height of boundary wall-2.5m. Composition fee for carrying out construction work without applying for approval from SIDA. Plot area upto 2000 sq.m. Rs. 50,000/Above 2000 sq.m. Rs. 1,00,000/-

13.7 13.8

Composition fee for truss roof above 15m upto 17m (maximum) @ Rs. 100/sq.m on covered area of the raised portion. Compounding of other setbacks (Adjacent to the main building): Front setback : Not allowed Side and Rear setbacks: Upto 10% area of permissible ground coverage. If the development has been carried out without submission of map application as per bye-laws, the prescribed map application fee and development charges shall also be levied in addition to the composition fees as prescribed in bye-laws for


51 composition of offences. 13.10 If the offence is committed by carrying out unauthorised development which falls in more than one type as indicated in foregoing bye-laws, the composition fees may be charged separately for each type of unauthorised development. 13.11 For development in and within 100 metres of the old village abadis, the rates of composition fee will be half of those prescribed in foregoing bye-laws. 13.12 The rates of composition fees as laid down in foregoing bye-laws are only for general guidance and SIDA or the officer empowered for the purpose shall have full discretion on the levy of the composition fees. 13.13 For the matters not specified in foregoing bye-laws SIDA or the officer empowered for the purpose, may determine the composition fees at the rates which in his discretion are appropriate, reasonable and just. 13.14 It shall be on the discretion of CEO/SIDA to permit compounding. Before permitting/compounding, the neighbour shall be given an opportunity to oppose the compounding process.


Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in a building To, The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttranchal (SIDA) Dehradun. Sir, I intend to erect/re-erect/demolish or to make material alteration in the building on Plot Estate .in accordance with the SIDA GIDCR-2005 Regulations and Directions and I enclose herewith the documents as per checklist annexed to this application. I request that the construction may be approved and permission accorded to me to execute the work. Signature of the applicant

Name of applicant (in Block letters). Address of the applicant: Dated:NOTE Strike out which is not applicable CHECKLIST 1A Permanent Buildings i) Ownership documents/ copies of allotment letter/ possession certificate/ the lease deed (transfer deed in case of transfer), and dimension plan (key plan) issued by the SIDA. Application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in a building Appendix 1


53 iii) (a) Certificate of Undertaking by person holding Project Management Responsibility Appendix 2A (b) Certificate prescribed in Appendix 2B by the Technical person. Structural design certificate from the Structural Engineers as per Appendix 3 Certificate for Hazard safety as per Appendix 4 Indemnity bond as per Appendix 5 on Rs. 100/-stamp paper duly attested by a Notary. Photocopy of the registration of the licensed technical person as per Appendix 11 duly authenticated with plot No. for which it is submitted. Photocopy of receipt of development fees deposited Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) duly signed by the Licensed Technical Person and Owner, Site Plan and Building Plan. Two copies of the drawings giving details of provisions for fire safety, security as per National building Code. Approval from the competent authority in case of Hazardous buildings. Soft copies of the drawings with documents.

iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii)

CHECKLIST 1B Temporary Structures i) Ownership documents, copies of allotment letter (transfer letter in case of transfer) possession certificate, lease deed (transfer deed in case of transfer), and dimension plan issued by the Authority. Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in a building Appendix1 Certificate prescribed in Appendix 2 Certificate for sanction of Building Plan/Layout Plan as per Appendix Photocopy of the registration of the licensed technical person as per Appendix 12 duly authenticated with Plot No. for which it is submitted. Photocopy of receipt of fees deposited Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) signed by the Licensed Technical person and Owner.

ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)


CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKING BY PERSON HOLDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY To, The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) Dehra Dun. Ref : Proposed work of . ..

55 (Title of the work) on Plot No. .. at Sector


Block . Owner: .. Address:

Tele.No.: I hereby certify that the Project Management Responsibility for the above mentioned development is held by me/us. I shall be responsible for the quality assurance procedure; obtain development permission from Competent Authority; obtain Occupancy Certificate from the Competent authority and in case of any change in his/her status as the Person Holding Project Management Responsibility. I am fully conversant with the provisions of the Regulations, which are in force and shall fulfill my responsibilities under the same. Name: Signature: Address: Date:


. . Tele. No.:


CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKING BY ARCHITECT To, The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) Dehra Dun. Ref: Proposed work of .. (Title of the work) on Plot No.: . at Village: Block:... Owner:- Name- Address: .. Telephone No.: I hereby certify that I was appointed as the Architect, to prepare the plans and all other drawings for buildings on above plot. These have been prepared and signed by me according to GIDCR-2005 of SIDA. Name: Signature: Address: Reg. No.: Dated: . Tel. No.:

58 Enclosure- Photo-copy of the certificate of Council of Architecture The above undertaking is forwarded to the Competent Authority by: Signature: Date: Name: .. (PERSON HOLDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY/OWNER)

CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKING BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER To, The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) Dehra Dun. Ref: Proposed work of (Title of the work) on Plot No. .. Sector. At village . Block. Owner : . Address: .. .Tele. No.: ...

59 I hereby certify that I am appointed as the Structural Engineer to Design the structure and prepare the structural drawings of buildings on above plot which I have prepared according to GIDCR-2005 and signed. I also certify that the structures have been designed as Earthquake Resistant Buildings as per National Building Code and all relevant IS codes including following codes(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) IS. 456:2000-Plain and Reinforced concrete code of Practice. IS. 1893:1984- Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures IS.13920-1993- Ductile details of Reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic Forces-code of Practice IS.4326-1993-Earthquake Resistant Design and construction of

Buildings-code of Practice. Name:..Signature: Address:..Membership No.:Date:. .Tel.No.: Enclosure - Photo-copy of the certificate of B.E & certificate of corporate Membership of Institution of Engineers.

The above undertaking is forwarded to the Competent Authority by: Signature: . Date:






To, The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) Dehradun. Ref: Proposed work of (Title of the work) on Plot No.Sector at village . Block .. Owner: Address: .. .. .. Tele. No.: .. Certified that the Hazardous building plans & drawings submitted for approval are according to requirements as stipulated under Building Regulations and all regulations of concerning authorites. Signature of Architect Date: Signature of the Structural Engineer: Date:







Membership No.

Indemnity Bond In consideration of the State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal, Dehradun, a body constituted under Companies Act (hereinafter referred to as the promisee-which expression shall unless the context does not so admit, include its successors and assigns) having sanctioned issue of completion certificate the construction of the building of the House Building to be constructed on Plot No Sector.. Districton behalf of declaration submitted by Architect/Owner Sh..S/O Sh..agedAbout years . R/O .. & Architect Sh..S/O Sh..agedAbout years resident of (Hereinafter called the promisor) which expression shall unless the context does not so admit include his/her heirs, executors, administrators representative and referred to above

63 the promisor hereby agrees to execute this bond of Indemnity. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDEMNITY BOND WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS 1. If the promisors commits any act or omission on the demised premises resulting in nuisance/unauthorized construction it shall be lawful for the promisee to ask the promisors to remove the nuisance unauthorized construction within a reasonable period failing which the promisor shall itself get the nuisance/unauthorized construction removed at promisors cost and charge damages form the promise during the period of subsistence of nuisance unauthorized construction. 2. All notices, orders and other documents required under the terms of the lease or under the .. Of any rules or regulations made there under shall be deemed to be duly served as provided.. . 3. All powers exercised by the promise under this bond may be exercised by the CEO of the lessor. The promisee may also authorize any of its other officers or any of the powers exercisable by it under this bond. All arrears payable to promisee shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue. The CEO or the promisee reserves the right to make such additions and alterations or modifications in these terms and conditions as may be considered just and expedient. In the event of any dispute with regarded to the terms and conditions of the Indemnity bond the same shall be subject to the jurisdiction of District Court at ... (where the property is situated) or the High Court of judicature at Nainital. In case of any dispute, decision of CEO shall be final. Architect shall in case of completion be responsible for any unauthorized construction up to one month from date of submission of documents. After one month the lessee is fully responsible for any unauthorized construction. In case, the application is incomplete in any respect the same can be rejected by promisee without any prior notice /information. In case. Any additional charges are levied by promise with respect to submission of document for sanction/completion the same shall be payable by

4. 5.


7. 8.

9. 10.

64 promisor. The drawing, documents and building (incase of completion) is as per GIDCR-2005..(all as amended from time to time) and all other requirement stipulated by the promisee from time to time. In case any violation is found necessary action as deemed fit by promise may be taken.


In witness where of the promisor executed this Bond of Indemnity at .. onday of (Promisor) Witness: 1. 1.




Form for Sanction or refusal of Building permit

From: The CEO SIDA Dehradun. To: . . Sir, With reference to your application nodatedfor grant of permit for the erection/re-erection/material alteration/demolition in/of building on Plot Sector , in ..I have to inform you that the sanction has been . granted/refused by the SIDA on the following conditions for the following1.





66 Dated. Name of the Officer Designation of the officer NOTE Strike out which is not applicable.

Office Stamp.

Notice of Completion Reference No. Owners Name: Submitted on: Location: Received on:

The CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) Dehra Dun. Sir, The work of erection/re-erection of building as per approved plan is completed under the supervision of Architect/Engineer who has given the completion Certificate, which is enclosed herewith in the prescribed form (Appendix 8 of GIDCR-2005) certificate of Technical Person is also enclosed herewith in the prescribed form (Appendix 9 of GIDCR-2005). We declare that the work is executed as per the provisions of the Act and GIDCR-2005, to our satisfaction. We declare that the construction is to be used

67 for ______________________ (the purpose) as per approved plan and it shall not be changed without obtaining written permission. Any subsequent change from the completion drawings will be our responsibility. Occupancy certificate may kindly be issued.

Yours faithfully,

(Owners Signature) Name of Owner Date: Address:

Certificate of Structural Safety (To be submitted with the application for obtaining completion certificate) 1. Certified that the completion plan of the building submitted for approval conforms to the requirements of relevant Indian Standard Codes and National Building Code in respect of Structural Safety & fire safety in general and earthquake resistance in particular. 2. 3. All safety measures have been taken for Hazardous Buildings. It is also certified that building has been constructed as per approved

68 foundation and structural designs provided by the structural Engineer where are certified to be based on relevant Indian Standard Code and national Building code and the building is safe for occupancy. 4. Location/Address of Building.

Plot No.______________________ Scheme/Colony________________ Town________________________ District_______________________ 5. Particulars of Building 1. 2. 3. Ground Coverage (sq mt) Total covered area (sq mt) Maximum Numbers of Floors above ground. Signature of the Engineer who had Supervised the construction (with Qualification and experience as Mentioned in Appendix12)

Signature of owner with date

Name (Block).. Name (Block)Address: Legible Seal: (With address)

Form for Completion Certificate for Building Work


To, The CEO SIDA Dehradun Sir, I hereby certify that the erection/re-erection/material alteration/demolition in/on building on Plot Noin .has been supervised by me and the completion plan along with the required documents as given below in the check list are attached herewith. The plans were sanctioned vide letter no ..dated..and the work has been completed to my best satisfaction. The building(s) has been constructed according to the sanctioned plan and structural design which in corporate the provision of structural safety given in relevant I.S. Codes & National Building Code. Name of the Technical Person_______________________________ Address of Technical Person_________________________________ Dated: NOTE----Strike out the words which are not applicable. CHECKLISTi) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Three copies of drawings (one set cloth mounted) duly signed by Technical Person, and owner. Completion fees Valid time extension certificate, if applicable. Photographs of the building from front and side setbacks. Photocopy of registration Membership certificate of technical person signing the plan and appendices. NOC from Chief Fire Officer, wherever applicable. NOC from Explosive Department, wherever applicable.

70 viii) ix) x) Certificate from Appendix 7/8/10. owner, Engineer/Architect as per

Copy of receipt of fees deposited for Power Connection Copy of receipt of payment of water/sewer connection charges, Meter charges if not submitted at the time of plan approval, and any other charges as may be required by the SIDA. CDs of the building plan & documents submitted. CD of building plans to also include scanned copies of all documents mentioned in Appendices 1 to 12 inclusive.

xi) Note :



Certificate for Deemed Sanction of Building Plan (To be given by the Architect Registered with the Council of Architecture with minimum qualifications & experience given in annexure 11)

Certified that the drawings, documents submitted along with this certificate for information regarding construction on Plot Block Sectorhave been prepared in accordance with the provisions of General Development Control Regulatiions (Revised) and Directions (as amended up to date) and all other requirements stipulated by the authority from time to time.

Signature of the Architect

Registration No. Address of Architect . .



Attested photocopy of the certificate of Council of Architecture, Building Plan and all Prescribed documents. Date: Place:

Minimum Qualifications and Experience of Technical Personnel for Preparation of Schemes for Building Permit and Supervision The minimum qualifications of the technical personnel and their minimum experience to carry out different jobs for building permit and supervision shall be as hereinafter indicated. 1. ARCHITECT The qualification for Architect will be the Associate Membership of the Indian Institute of Architects or such Degree or Diploma which makes him eligible for such membership or qualification mentioned in Schedule-XIV of Architects Act, 1972 and registered with the Council of Architecture as provided by the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972. Such Architect shall be competent to carry out work related to building permit and shall be entitled to submit all: (i) All plans and related information connected with building permit & certificates of understanding as required in GIDCR-2005. (ii) Layout Plans of less than 5 acres and related certificates of Understanding. 2. ENGINEER


The qualifications for engineers shall be Associate / Corporate Membership (Civil) of the Institution of Engineers with degree or diploma which makes him eligible for such membership. Such engineer shall be competent to carry out the work related to building permit and shall be entitled to submit the following: i) ii) Structural details and calculations for buildings as mentioned below. Certificates of understanding as required in GIDCR-2005. Minimum Experience needed for structural designingof Number of years of experience for Other Details Structural Engineer for structural design Graduate Engineer Post Graduate (Civil) Structural Engineer 1 Buildings upto 4 storeys or upto 15 m height 2 Buildings of 10 years more than 4 storeys or above 15 meters height. 6 years To be countersigned by Professor of a recognized Technical Institute teaching structural Engineering in Degree classes. 5 years 3 years

Sr No.

Type Buildings


TOWN-PLANNERS The minimum qualification for a town planner shall be the Associate Membership of the Institute of Town Planners of India with post-graduate degree or diploma in town and country planning/urban planning which makes him eligible for such membership or recognized by the Public Service Commissions for the post of Assistant Town Planner.

74 Such Town Planner shall be competent to carry out work related to building permit and shall be entitled to submit Layout Plans on plots of 5.0 Acres and above. GROUP OR AGENCY When a group or agency comprising qualified Architect/Engineer/draftsman is practicing then the qualification and competence of work will be the combination of the individual qualification and competence given under paras 1, 2&3 above. 4. SUPERVISOR The minimum qualification for a supervisor shall be Diploma in Architecture or Engineering equivalent to what is prescribed for non-gazetted service by Govt. of Uttaranchal plus 5 years experience in building construction and supervision. Such supervisor shall be competent to supervise the work as per GIDCR2005.


APPENDIX 12 OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the Building work & site development

(brief description of nature of Building work) With ground coverage .sqm total covered area .sqm and having number of floors above ground. On Plot Noof Sector .. Village . Block . Completed under the supervision of . (Name of Architect/Engineer)

has been inspected by officers of SIDA and I declare that the construction & development has been carried out in accordance with the General Development Control Regulations, and the conditions stipulated in the Building permit

76 number....Dated. and that Building & development work is fit for the use for which it has been permitted.

CEO State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)







I) UPTO 1000 SQM.

3.5M ROAD 5M





II) 1000 SQM. TO 2000 SQM.




Application for Development permission FOR SELF USE DEVELOPMENT To CEO/General Manager State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) / District Industries Centre Sir, I/We hereby apply for permission for development as described in the accompanying drawings and documents. The Project Management Responsibility is held by me/us: 1. Name:... (Owner/Owners) OR 2. Name... (Architect/Engineer appointed by the Owner)

The persons appointed by me/us for the preparation of plans, structural deign and supervision of the work area are: 1. Name: (Architect/Planner) 2. Name: (Structural Designer) The proposed development is in conformity with the General Development Control Regulations framed by SIDA. We/I shall fulfil my/our responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the General Development Control Regulations


. Signature of Owner/Owners Date:

Additional Information 1. Owners Name 2. Mailing Address Description of Land, village, Revenue Survey Numbers Final Plot No. 3. What is the present use of land and Other buildings if they are to be put To more than one kind of use. Give Details of each use. 4. Please describe in short the Development work stating the Proposed use of land for the Building. 5. Is this land included in a layout Sanctioned by the appropriate Authority? If yes, please give:

: : : : :


79 Date of sanction and Reference No. : : : : :


If not, does any other Authority Approve it? Give the name of such Authority With date of sanction and reference No.


For residential use, please sate the Number of dwelling units and Floors.

: :


Nature and manner of working of Industrial/commercial establishment in case the proposed use is for Industry/Commerce What separate arrangements have been proposed for loading and unloading of goods from the industrial or commercial goods vehicle? What arrangements have been Proposed for disposal of industrial Waste effluent?



Signature of Owner/Owners

. Date:



Details required in Layout/Site Plan (Three Copies) for development permission of Industrial Estate. This layout plan/site plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500 for area upto 10 Hectare and 1:1000 for area more than 10 Hectare. The plan shall show: 1. Boundaries of the plot/s, its sub divisions, position of the plot in relation to the neighbouring streets, street names/widths and direction of north point relative to the plan of building 2. Existing building, roads/street and other existing development on site. 3. The positions of the building units immediately adjoining the proposed development. 4. The area within the regular line of street not to be built upon but to be added to the street, hatched in green together with its measurements. 5. Existing physical feature such as trees, wells, drains, pipeline, high-tension line, railway line and others. 6. Location of plot proposed to be constructed with complete dimensions and means of access from the road/street and proposed new roads and streets, their levels and width, buffer zones. 7. Community facilities/utility/service buildings with proposed use. 8. Open space required as per GIDCR-2005, green buffle around proposed area for development . 9. Parking provisions as per GIDCR-2005, loading & unloading areas. 10. Land use pattern. 11. Details of existing services-water supply, sewerage and storm water. 12. Details of proposed water supply, sewerage and storm water services. 13. Location of the plot in relation to the near by public road. 14. Alignment and width of all the existing roads including the road from which the plot has access from the major road. Existing access road and proposed new road should be shown clearly and distinctly. 15. Dimensions and area of common plot, as required under these regulations provided in the layout/sub division of plot. 16. Tree-plantation required as per GIDCR-2005.

81 17. Lay out and details of percolating wells required for rain water harvesting. 18. Lay out of borewells / tubewells if any. 19. Details/ layout of proposed Rainwater Harvesting System. 20. Solid waste disposal system. 21. Waste/effluent treatment & disposal system.


Appendix 16
Community facilities:Sl. No. I. 1. 2. 3. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Facilities required Area of Layout Hectare Minimum Area required per facility Hectare Restaurant Local Shopping Centre Water & Electric Complaint Office Shops, Bank, Restaurant Labour welfare Centre Bus-stand Health Centre Post & Telegraph Office Electricity & Water Distribution Sub-Station Local Shopping Centre, Restaurant & Bank Labour Welfare Centre Bus-Stand Post-Telegraph Office & Telephone Exchange Health Centre with Staff Quarters Petrol Pump-cum-Service Station Fire Station Police Station Electricity & Water Distribution Sub station Upto 10 Above 10 upto 50 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 .3

Above 50

0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4

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