DUROOD-E-AWAL English, Arabic Translation and Transliteration

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DUROOD-E-AWAL ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN AFDALI AMBIYAAAIKA WA AKRAMI AS FIYAAAIKA MAN FAA DAT MIN NURIHI JAMIIL ANWAARI WA SAAHIBIL MUJIZAATI WA SAAHIBIL MAQAAMIL MAHMUDI WA SAYYIDIL AWWALINA WAL AKHIREEN. O Allah! Shower Thy beneficence on our Master Muhammad, the most favoured of Thy Prophets and the most honoured of Thy chosen persons, whose radiant life is the source of all light and who is the conferee of miracles and conferee of the most glorious place (Maqaam-e-Mahmood), and who is the leader of the previous and the later. Those who recite this Durood Shareef reach the first place before Allah Taala. It is for this reason that this Durood is called Durood-e-Awal (First). Those who read this Durood Shareef daily are rewarded abundantly and all their bad habits evaporate. This Salawat fetches the reciter nearer and nearer to Allah Taala and brings forth all kinds of delight.

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