8J Magnets and Magnetism Multiple Choice Test

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Chapter 6 Multiple choice test

Chapter 6 Magnetism
SoW ref 8J Magnets and electromagnets

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There is only one correct answer to each question. Tick () the box next to the answer
that you think is right.

1 Which answer contains metals that are all magnetic?

A aluminium
B cobalt, nickel, iron, steel
C copper, lead, brass, zinc
D iron, aluminium, zinc, lead

2 When two pieces of steel are pushed together they push away from each other. The force
that does this is
A elastic force B gravity force
C electrostatic force D magnetic force

3 A compass has a small balanced pointer that always points North-South. This is because
A gravity makes the needle point this way
B the compass needle points to cold places
C the earth has a magnetic field and the pointer is magnetic
D the stars exert a force on the needle

4 A pupil sets up the test apparatus shown in the drawing. When they put sheets of different
materials between the magnet and the steel ball one stops the magnetic attraction. Which
material will do this?

A aluminium foil B cardboard

C copper sheet D steel sheet

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Chapter 6 Multiple choice test

5 Orienteering is a sport where people use a compass to find their way. Competitors know
to avoid using their compass near overhead power lines. Which answer explains why this
A birds often roost on power lines
B power lines can electrocute you
C power lines produce a magnetic field
D power lines produce a sound when it is raining

6 Which combination of magnetic field lines and poles shows two magnets repelling each


Questions 7–9 refer to the following drawing of apparatus.

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Chapter 6 Multiple choice test

7 When the switch is closed a magnetic field is produced by the coil. Which answer shows
the shape of the field?


8 The strength of the magnetic field round the coil can be changed. Which of the following
would not increase the overall strength of the field?
A higher current in the coil
B iron core put in the tube
C more turns of wire in the coil
D smaller cardboard tube

9 Cores of iron and steel are put in the tube. The current is switched on for two minutes and
then turned off. Which answer describes the effect on the cores?

Iron core Steel core

A Permanently magnetised Temporarily magnetised
B Permanently magnetised Permanently magnetised
C Temporarily magnetised Permanently magnetised
D Temporarily magnetised Temporarily magnetised


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Chapter 6 Multiple choice test

Questions 10–12 refer to the drawing below of an electric bell.

10 What materials should the parts of the bell be made from?

Springy hammer Core in coil Adjustable screw

A brass steel iron
B iron brass steel
C steel iron brass
D brass iron steel


11 What would be the effect of reversing the battery in the bell circuit?
A the bell would ring more softly
B the bell would not ring
C the bell would ring once and stop
D the bell would ring properly

12 What would be the effect of using less turns of wire in the coil?
A the bell would ring more softly
B the bell would not ring
C the bell would ring once and stop
D the bell would work properly

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