The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The history of this girl begins when she lost the control of her own body and has strange behaviors, so she was possessed, couldnt finish her college and these demons persecuted everywhere. The doctor thought that she had psychological disorders and was believed the she had epilepsy, she was 19 years old. But she knew what she was suffering was not caused by a disease but it was something spiritual that's why I asked for help from his trusted priest who gave as advice to stop taking the medicine and so then do an exorcism. During the exorcism she pronounced the names of six demons and began to act desperate. Unfortunately failed exorcism, but she saw immeasurably to the Virgin Mary which made a deal and from that the world would know the truth. After Emily's death was a great controversy superstition, religion and science which earns the priest and his lawyer through a recording of the exorcism and the final letter of Emily.
Sometimes inexplicable things happen in life and only we have the answer and although it isnt easy to explain and we are about to die we must always bear in mind that good always triumph over evil.
Although sciences sometimes try to explain some phenomena you and I know that God exists, the Virgin Mary and the forces of evil as well and arent exempt from this. I learned about this movie and confirm the great power of the evil upon us, and also the immense power of God. Karen ailleen calderon cuestas.