Schoology Guide
Schoology Guide
Schoology Guide
Create Courses
You can create a Course from the Courses area in the left menu of your homepage. From this area, follow these steps: 1. Click on the Create Course button. 2. Fill out the Course Name and Section Name. 3. Select a grading period. If no grading periods exist, you can create a new one by clicking on Add Period. 4. Click Create to finish.
Grading Periods
Each course is also associated with one or more grading period(s). This gives each course a start and an end date, allowing auto-archiving of past courses.
Material Types
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Topics Assignments Online Tests/Quizzes Files/Links Discussions Media Albums Pages
Course Topics
Creating a topic allows you to organize your course content into interactive lessons. Within a topic, you can add all the other types of content and organize them into any order you wish. This gives you the most flexibility in terms of organizing content for your students.
Course Assignments
Assignments are used as graded items in conjunction with the Gradebook. Each assignment has an optional Dropbox, where students can submit files that you can grade and leave comments on. Assignments can also be given a Due Date, which will automatically display the assignment in the Calendar and Upcoming areas for all members.
You can create online Tests/Quizzes for your students to take on Schoology. Currently, this feature supports the following question types: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. True/False Multiple Choice Ordering Short-Answer/Essay Questions Fill in the Blank Matching
Each test/quiz appears in the Gradebook and is automatically graded unless there are subjective questions (e.g. Short-Answer/Essay Questions). You can override these grades manually, add comments and customize a wide array of settings for each test/quiz.
Course Discussions
Create an interactive discussion for your students to participate in. Each discussion has threaded commenting, allowing students to respond to any post by another student. These comments can also be moderated, which will require a course admin to approve each post before it can be seen.
Course Pages
Create a custom page of text, images, videos, html or any combination of these elements. Each page has a rich-text (WYSIWYG) editor that allows you to customize font styles, colors, indents, etc. You can also upload files, embed videos, and customize the html of the page.
Course Updates
You can use Course Updates to create announcements for your course. Updates are meant to be brief messages posted to your course to promote ease of reading for your students (there is a 400 character limit). When updates are posted to your course, they will appear in the Updates section of your course as well as on each individual homepage of all members in your course. By default, only course administrators can post Updates. If you would like to give your students the ability to post updates, follow these steps: 1. Go to Edit Settings in the left menu of your course.
2. Under the Other Settings headline, find the first option called Post course updates. 3. Check the box for All Members 4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to complete. The default landing page for your course can also be set to the Updates area by following these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Edit Settings in the left menu of your course. Find the last option called Default landing page. Select Updates from the dropdown. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to complete.