CNS ATM Final Presentation

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Communication Navigation Surveillance System Air Traffic Presented by: Management Amado Basa Jr.

Jed DR. Villacorte

What is CNSATM?

Histo ry

Emerging New Concepts on CNS/ATM

a. Required Total System Performance (RTSP) b. Required Communication Performance (RCP) c. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) d. Required Surveillance Performance (RSP)

Communication System

Navigation System

Satellite Navigation 1. Global Systems Positioning System

(United States) -accepted by ICAO in 1994

2. Global (Orbiting) Navigation Satellite System(Russian Federation) -accepted in 1996 by ICAO

GPS and GLONASS require varying degrees of augmentation. Augmentations are classified in three categories: aircraft-based, groundbased and satellite-based.
1. Air-borne based system (ABAS) Two types:





2. Ground-Based Augmentations System (GBAS)

3. Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS)

Geo-stationary Earth Satellites (GEOS)


Five SBAS service provider in the world:


Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) (USA)

2. European Geo-Stationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS) (Europe)

3. Multi Functional Transport Satellites (MTSAT) Satellite Based Augmentation System (MSAS) (Japan)

4. GPS/GLONASS and Geo-Stationary Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) (India)

5. Ground Regional Augmentation System

Air Traffic Control (ATC).

Surveillance -Surveillance is the eye of the System

Two Types of Surveillance System: -Dependent Surveillance -Independent Surveillance

Dependent Surveillance: a. Automatic Dependent Surveillance

b. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-B (Broadcast)

Independent Surveillance: a. Voice Position Reporting b. Primary Radar (PSR) c. Secondary Radar (SSR) Surveillance


Air traffic Management -is the aggregation of airborne

functions and ground-based functions required to ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft during all phases of operation.

* The general objective of the ATM is to allow aircraft operators to comply with the estimated times of departure and arrival and to follow preferred flight profiles with a minimum limitations and without jeopardizing agreed level of safety.

1. Air Space Management (ASM)

2. Air Traffic Flow Managemen (ATFM)

3. Air Traffic Service (ATS)

Thank you..

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