13C NMR Spectros

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13C NMR Spectroscopy

Presented by: Junie B. Billones, Ph.D.


The power and usefulness of 1H NMR spectroscopy as a tool for
structural analysis should be evident from the past discussion.

Unfortunately, when significant portions of a molecule lack C-H

bonds, no information is forthcoming.


Even when numerous C-H groups are present, an

unambiguous interpretation of a proton NMR spectrum may
not be possible.
Pairs of isomers (A & B) which display
similar proton NMR spectra

These difficulties would be largely resolved if the carbon atoms of a

molecule could be probed by NMR in the same fashion as the hydrogen

Fortunately, 1.1% of elemental carbon is the 13C isotope, which has a

spin I = 1/2, so in principle it should be possible to conduct a carbon
NMR experiment.

It is worth noting, that if much higher abundances of 13C were

naturally present in all carbon compounds, proton NMR would become
much more complicated due to large one-bond coupling of 13C and 1H.
Obstacles needed to be overcome before
carbon NMR emerged as a routine tool:

i) As noted, the abundance of 13C in a sample is very low

(1.1%), so higher sample concentrations are needed.

ii) The 13C nucleus is over fifty times less sensitive than a
proton in the nmr experiment, adding to the previous
iii) Hydrogen atoms bonded to a 13C atom split its NMR signal
by 130 to 270 Hz, further complicating the NMR spectrum.

Use of high-field pulse technology coupled with broad-band
heteronuclear decoupling of all protons.

The Spectrum of Camphor

The dispersion of 13C chemical shifts is nearly twenty times

greater than that for protons.

Unlike proton NMR spectroscopy, the relative strength of
carbon NMR signals are not normally proportional to the
number of atoms generating each one.

13C Chemical Shift Ranges*

Low Field
High Field

* For samples in CDCl3 solution. The δ scale is relative to TMS at δ=0. 6

The isomeric pairs previously cited as giving very similar proton NMR
spectra are now seen to be distinguished by carbon NMR.

1 signal 2 signals 5 signals 4 signals 4 signals 5 signals

27.1 ppm 20.4, 123.5

Structurally Equivalent Atoms & Groups

For each of the compounds A through F indicate the number of structurally-

distinct groups of carbon atoms, and also the number of distinct groups of
equivalent hydrogens. Enter a number from 1 to 9 in each answer box.

A Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

B Number of distinct carbon atoms: ... Number

of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...
Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

B Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

F Number of distinct carbon atoms: ...

Number of distinct hydrogen groups:

1. You have three unlabeled vials each containing a trichlorobenzene isomer.
In order to correctly identify each compound and properly label its container
you have taken their 13C nmr spectra. Match the spectrum characteristics
given below with a compound from the following group:

13C NMR:
(i) Two peaks between δ125 and 140 ppm
(ii) Six peaks between δ125 and 140 ppm
(iii) Four peaks between δ125 and 140 ppm
Spin-Spin Splitting in 1H NMR

What splitting pattern in the 1H nmr spectrum would you expect for
the hydrogen atom(s) colored red in the compounds shown below?

Your choices are: s singlet d doublet t triplet q quartet m multiplet.




Answers: A) m B) d C) q D) s E) m F) t
Interpreting an NMR Spectrum
The following 1H-NMR spectrum of a C10H12O2 compound was
obtained on a 90 MHz spectrometer.

1. Ignoring the TMS, how many discrete groups of proton signals are present in this spectrum? ...
2. What is the multiplicity ( s, d, t, q ) of the highest field signal from this sample? ...
3. The sample has a singlet at δ = 3.8 ppm. In units of Hz how far is this signal from the TMS signal?
4. What structural feature is suggested by the singlet at δ = 3.8 ppm? ...
A CH3–C=O B –CH2– C –O–H D –O–CH3 E C–CH3 F C=C–H
5. From Js, which of the other signals is coupled to the quartet at δ = 2.9 ppm?
A δ = 1.2 ppm B δ = 3.8 ppm C δ = 6.9 ppm D δ = 7.9 ppm
6. Using the integrator trace and the formula of the sample, assign a whole number ratio to the
sample signals as follows:
7.9 ppm signal ; 6.9 ppm signal ; 3.8 ppm signal ; 2.9 ppm signal ; 1.2 ppm signal
Using Spectroscopy to Determine a Structural Formula

Each of the following 'unknown' problems provides sufficient

spectroscopic data to enable you to draw a structural formula.

A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen has a

molecular ion at m/z=112 amu in its mass spectrum. The base peak
is at m/z=28 amu. The infrared spectrum shows strong absorption in
the 2850 to 2980 cm-1 region, and very strong absorption at 1717
cm-1. The 1H nmr shows a single sharp signal at δ = 2.7 ppm, and
the 13C nmr has two signals ( δ = 37 & 208 ppm ).

A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen has a molecular
ion at m/z=90 amu in its mass spectrum. The base peak is at m/z=45
amu. The infrared spectrum shows strong absorption in the 2840 to
2980 cm-1 region, and very strong absorption from 1105 to 1125 cm-
1. The 1H nmr shows two sharp signals at δ = 3.40 & 3.55 ppm
(intensity ratio 3:2 respectively), and the 13C nmr also has two signals
( δ =59 & 72 ppm ).

A compound used as a moth repellant has three molecular ion peaks
at m/z=146 (100%), 148 (65%) & 150 (10%) amu in its mass
spectrum. A pair of smaller peaks are seen at m/z=111 (34%) & 113
(11%). The infrared spectrum shows sharp absorption just above
3000 cm-1 region, and also at 1480 cm-1. The 1H nmr shows a single
sharp signal at δ = 7.2 ppm, and the 13C nmr has two signals ( δ
=133 & 130 ppm ).

Thank you for your time
and attention!

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