Mass Spectros

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Mass Spectroscopy

Presented by: Junie B. Billones, Ph.D.

Mass Spectroscopy

Mass spectroscopy is an analytical technique based on the

measurement of mass of the sample and its fragment ions.

In MS, a substance is converted into fragment ions.

The fragments (usually cations) are sorted on the basis of

mass-to-charge ratio, m/z.

The bulk of the ions usually carry a unit positive charge, thus
m/z is equivalent to the MW of the fragment.

The analysis of MS information involves the re-assembling of

fragments, working backwards to generate the original molecule.
A schematic representation of a mass spectrometer

Mass analyzer


Ion Source
Sample Introduction

i) direct insertion into the ionization source

ii) through coupled chromatograph

- high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
- gas chromatography (GC)
- capillary electrophoresis (CE)

The sample is separated into a series of components

which then enter the mass spectrometer sequentially for
individual analysis.

Sample Ionization
Ionizing Agent
Electron Impact (EI) Energetic electrons

Chemical Ionization (CI) Reagent ions

Charges imparted to fine
Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
droplets of sample solution

Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) Energetic atoms

Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Laser excited matrix

Ionization (MALDI)

Field Desorption / Field Ionization (FD/FI) High-potential electrode

Secondary Ion Mass Spectro (SIMS) Energetic ions
Thermal Desorption (TD) Heat
Plasma Desorption (PD) High-energy fission
fragments from 252Cf
Electron Impact (EI) (1920)

The original mass spectrometry (MS) ionization method and is

still probably the most widely used.

In EI, the sample is vaporized into the ion source, where it is

impacted by a beam of electrons with sufficient energy to ionize
the molecule.

M + e → M.+ + 2e
Radical cation

EI is only appropriate for molecules that are volatile under

the conditions of the ion source.

Chemical Ionization (CI) (1965)

The sample is combined with an unstable electron-poor

species which has been created by electron bombardment.

The electron-poor species stabilizes itself by donating a

hydrogen ion to the species under study.

H2 + electron bombardment → H2+

H2+ + H2 → H3+ + H
Strongest acid
CH4 + H3+ → CH5+ + H2
CH3CH2OH + CH5+ → CH3CH2OH2+ + CH4
sample observed

Electrospray Ionisation (ESI) (1985)

-well-suited to the analysis of polar molecules ranging from 100

to 1,000,000 Da in molecular mass.

During standard ESI

The strong electric

field converts the
sample into highly
charged droplets.

In positive ionization mode, a trace of formic acid is often
added to aid protonation of the sample molecules

In negative ionization mode a trace of ammonia solution or a

volatile amine is added to aid deprotonation of the sample

Samples (M) with molecular

masses up to ca. 1200 Da
give rise to singly charged
molecular -related ions: Isotope effect
(M+H)+ in (+)ve mode and
(M-H)- in (-)ve mode [M+Na]+

Samples (M) with molecular weights greater than ca. 1200 Da give rise to
multiply-charged molecular-related ions such as
(M+nH)n+ in positive ionization mode and
(M-nH)n- in negative ionization mode.

The number of charges on an ion is usually not known, but can be
calculated if the assumption is made that any two adjacent members in
the series of multiply charged ions differ by one charge.

For example, if the ions appearing at m/z 1431.6 in the lysozyme

spectrum have "n" charges, then the ions at m/z 1301.4 will have
"n+1" charges.
1431.6 = (MW + nH+)/n
1301.4 = [MW + (n+1)H+] /(n+1)

These simultaneous equations can be rearranged to exclude the

MW term and give:
n = (1301.4 - H+) / (1431.6 - 1301.4)

Hence the number of charges, n, on the ions at m/z 1431.6 is

1300.4/130.2 = 10
Substituting the value of n into the equation:
1431.6 = (MW + nH+)/n
gives 1431.6 x 10 = MW + (10 x 1.008)
therefore MW = 14,305.9 Da

Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation (MALDI)

deals well with thermolabile, non-volatile organic compounds

especially those of high molecular mass

used successfully in biochemical areas for the analysis of

proteins, peptides, glycoproteins, oligosaccharides, and

MALDI is also a "soft" ionization method

generates singly charged molecular-related ions regardless of

the molecular mass, hence the spectra are relatively easy to

Fragmentation of the sample ions does not usually occur.

MALDI is based on the bombardment of sample molecules with
a laser (N2 @ 337nm) light to bring about sample ionization.

The sample is pre-mixed with a highly absorbing matrix

compound (e.g. sinapinic acid is common for protein analysis) .

The matrix transforms the laser energy into excitation energy for
the sample, which leads to sputtering of analyte and matrix ions.

In this way energy transfer is efficient and also the analyte

molecules are spared from excessive direct energy that may
otherwise cause decomposition.

Positive ionization is used in general for protein and peptide analyses.

Negative ionization is used for oligonucleotides and oligosaccharides.

Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB)

FAB remains a popular ionization technique for involatile and/or

thermally labile molecules.
It works best for polar and higher molecular weight compounds.

Generally FAB utilizes a fast moving beam of neutral atoms

(typically Argon or Xenon at 8 kV) which bombard a metal target
coated with a liquid matrix in which the sample has been

Typically [M+H]+ pseudo-molecular ions are formed, together

with fragment ions at lower mass.

The spectra can be complicated by the presence of :

(i) [M+ Cat]+ ions (where Cat = Na, Li etc.);
(ii) cluster ions
Separation and Analysis of Sample Ions

Magnetic sectors analyzer

Quadrupoles analyzer

Time-of-flight (TOF) analyzer

Ion trap analyzer

Fourier transform

Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometers

The dependence of
ratio on the electric
and magnetic fields
is easily derived.

Ions that have a constant kinetic energy, but different mass-

to-charge ratio are brought into focus at the detector slit at
different magnetic field strengths. 17
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers

The quadrupole mass analyzer is a "mass filter".

Combined DC and RF potentials on the quadrupole rods can be set

to pass only a selected mass-to-charge ratio.
All other ions will collide with the quadrupole rods, never reaching
the detector. 18
Time-of-Flight Mass Analyzers

A time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer measures the

mass-dependent time it takes ions of different masses to
move from the ion source to the detector.
Trapped-Ion Mass Analyzers

Operates by storing ions in the trap and manipulating the ions by using
DC and RF electric fields in a series of carefully timed events.

Unique capabilities: extended MS/MS experiments, very high

resolution, and high sensitivity.
Tandem (MS-MS) Mass spectrometers
- quadrupole - quadrupole
- magnetic sector - quadrupole
- magnetic sector – magnetic sector
- quadrupole - time-of-flight

A Protein Identification Study

Detection and recording of sample ions
detector - monitors the ion current and amplifies it

The signal is then transmitted to the data system where it is

recorded in the form of mass spectrum .

mass spectrum shows the

i) number of components in the sample,
ii) molecular mass of each component, and
iii) relative abundance of the various components

The output of the mass spectrometer (mass spectrum) is a
plot of relative intensity vs the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z).

base peak
(Intensity: 100%)

The most intense peak in the spectrum is termed the base peak
and all others are reported relative to it's intensity.
The most stable cations and radical cations predominate and give
intense signals in the spectrum.

The highest molecular weight peak observed in a spectrum will

typically represent the parent molecule, minus an electron, and is
termed the molecular ion (M+) or parent ion peak.

Generally, small peaks (so-called M+1, M+2, etc) are also
observed beyond M+ due to the natural isotopic abundance of
13C, 2H, etc.

M+1 and M+2 peaks

Many molecules with especially labile protons do not display
molecular ion (M+) peak.

Alcohol (R-O-H) – hydroxyl H is slightly acidic; highest
MW in the spectrum corresponds to
M-1 fragment.
Benzyl cation
due to loss of H; stable
due to πe delocalization
(i.e. base peak)
It is often more
informative to
identify fragments
by the mass which
has been lost.
Commonly Lost Fragments m/z value
CH3 M – 15
OH M – 17
H2O M – 18
CN M – 26
CH2=CH2 M – 28
CH2CH3 M – 29
OCH3 M – 31
Cl M – 35
CH3C=O M – 43
OCH2CH3 M – 45

CH2 M - 91

Common Stable Ions

O+. +.
m/z = 43 m/z = M - 1


m/z = 91

The relatively stable benzyl cation is thought to undergo
rearrangement to a very stable tropylium cation.

The strong peak at m/z = 91 is a hallmark of compounds

containing a benzyl unit.

CH3+. CH2+.

M+ M-1

m/z = 65 tropylium ion


Simple alkanes tend to undergo fragmentation by the initial
loss of a methyl group to form a (M-15) species.

The carbocation can then undergo stepwise cleavage down

the alkyl chain, expelling neutral two-carbon units (ethene).

Branched hydrocarbons form more stable secondary and

tertiary carbocations, and these peaks will tend to dominate
the mass spectrum.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons
The fragmentation of the aromatic nucleus generates a
series of peaks having m/z = 77, 65, 63, etc.

- difficult to describe but they do form a pattern (the "aromatic

cluster") that becomes recognizable with experience.

Benzyl unit cleaves to generate the benzyl carbocation, which

rearranges to form the tropylium ion.

Expulsion of acetylene (ethyne) from tropylium

generates a characteristic m/z = 65 peak.
Aldehydes and Ketones

The predominant cleavage in aldehydes and ketones is loss

of one of the side-chains to generate the substituted
oxonium ion.

This is an extremely favorable cleavage and this ion often

represents the base peak in the spectrum.

The methyl derivative (CH3C≡O+) is commonly referred to

as the "acylium ion".

Carbonyl compounds (and in nitriles, etc.) undergoes expulsion
of neutral ethene via a process known as the McLafferty

Esters, Acids, and Amides

As with aldehydes and ketones, the major cleavage involves
expulsion of the "X" group, to form the substituted oxonium ion.

from unsubstituted
from acid amide
In addition to losing a proton (M-1) and hydroxy radical (M-17),
alcohols tend to lose one of the α-alkyl groups (or hydrogens) to
form the oxonium ions.

Following the trend of alcohols, ethers will fragment, often by
loss of an alkyl radical, to form a substituted oxonium ion.

Organic halides fragment with simple expulsion of the halogen.

The 35Cl/37Cl ratio is roughly 3:1 and for bromine, the 79Br/81Br

ratio is 1:1.

Thus, the M+ of a Cl-containing compound will have two peaks,

separated by two mass units in the ratio 3:1.

The M+ of a Br-containing compound will also have two

peaks, separated by three mass units having
approximately equal intensities.
Example 1
Analysis: C5H12O MW = 88.15

m/z = 88 M+
m/z = 87 M-1; loss of H
m/z = 73 M-15; loss of CH3
m/z = 70 M-18; loss of H2O , charac. of alcohols
m/z = 45 must be the oxonium ion R’CR”=OH+,
where R’ = CH3 and R” = H


MS Fragments:

Example 2
Analysis: C7H12Br MW = 171.04

Tropylium ion;
Benzyl unit is present
- C2H2 M+ = 2 peaks of
equal intensity ;
characteristic of Br-
containing compound


bromomethyl benzene (benzyl bromide)

Example 3
Analysis: C9H10O MW = 134.18

Acylium ion;

- C2H2 M+

loss of Me


1-phenylpropan-2-one (benzyl methyl ketone)

Example 4
Analysis: C11H12O3 MW = 192.21


ethyl 3-oxy-3-phenylpropanoate (ethyl benzoylacetate)

Rearrangement Mechanisms in Fragmentation


M+ 41

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and attention!

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