Name of Project Main Content/Standards Project Idea/Driving Questions Texts and Books Writing Assignment Community Partners & External Evaluators?

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Los Angeles School of Global Studies

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Main Content/Standards

Project Idea/Driving Questions

Texts and books

Writing Assignment

Community Partners & External Evaluators? last years freshmen, student authors

9th - Pay It Forward PBL

-intro to literary analysis and literary techniques (bookmarks) -intro to reading and taking notes in books -intro to a writing a 5-paragraph essay -intro to CAPS (capitalization, articulation/grammar, punctuation, spelling rules

-What do authors do to make a strong piece of literature? -Students read the book published by the last freshman class English and Spanish in order to nominate sophomores for literary awards in English and Spanish. -Students nominations must be defended with a 5 paragraph essay proving that the author uses creative literary techniques and explores deep themes in their writing. -What makes a compelling personal narrative? -Students write an autobiographical narrative with: character development setting development dialogue internal monologue figurative language strong adjectives, adverbs, and verbs -How are poems different than prose? -Students study poetry and compete as teams with their own original poems in a Poetry Slam

The book published by last years freshmen

-how to write body paragraphs for literary analysis, intro, and conclusion (traditional 5-paragraph format) -5-paragraph group essay -5-paragraph individual essay (at end)

9th - Whats Your Historia? PBL

-components of narrative / storytelling -the writing process (drafting) -literary techniques and themes -focus on parts of speech (as used in narrative writing to add details, active voice, etc.)

Literature Circle Autobiographies in English & Spanish -Always Running -Child Called It -Go Ask Alice -When I Was Puerto Rican -Dreams from My Father -Speak

-how to write a narrative -5-paragraph literary analysis essay on their book (want to do this) -5-paragraph literary analysis essay on their own narrative (want to do this)

826LA writing coaches (publishing narrative online) KidsTalkRadio (podcasts)

9th - Poetry Slam PBL

-poetry vs. prose -emphasis on creative literary techniques -concise expression of ideas -interpretation and inference

Literature Circle Poetry books -Maya Angelou -Cool Salsa -Red Hot Salsa -Pablo Neruda -Tupac Shakur Romeo and Juliet Literature Circles 1. 1984 2. Like Water for Chocolate 3. Twilight 4. Their Eyes Were Watching God 5. Hard Love 6. The Notebook 7. The Reader 8. All the Pretty Horses 9. Romiette and Julio Op-Ed pieces Their own book

-personal poem -5-paragraph literary analysis essay about their own poem -5-paragraph literary analysis essay about a poem in their book

school-wide audience

9th - (new) Shakespeares Ghost Debates PBL

-Romeo and Juliet/Shakespeare -literary analysis and essays -compare/contrast

-How do artists/authors influence the ones who come after them? -Which characters, themes, plots, and motifs are archetypal? -Each group member will write a compare/ contrast essay focusing on one aspect to compare between their book and Romeo and Juliet -Teams will debate each other on two sides: the side of Shakespeares ghost, who wants credit/royalties for the parts of his play that have been robbed by more contemporary authors; and the side of the modern authors, who defend their originality and artistic license.

-individual 5-paragraph compare/ contrast essays comparing a specific aspect (character, theme, motif, symbol, etc.) in their book to Romeo and Juliet

.not sure yet who the audience will be yet... maybe advisories?

10 - Reporter Project

-reading newspaper articles -integrating citations -overview of modern world problems

Op-Ed piece structured commentary

Facing History Ss post work


and comment on work by others from around the world on a social networking (ning) site What is democracy, after all? Fahrenheit 451 or The Giver Complex instruction materials Songs

10 -- School House Rock: Democratic Revolutions

- rhyming - Enlightenment, English Democ, American Rev., French Rev, etc.

10 -- Industrial Revolution Trial: Problem or Progress

Problem or progress?

Inconvenient Truth, Chew on This, Lyddie, Counting on Grace, Frankenstein, etc

Persuasive Essay (structure of trial = structure of essay) Timed writing: Process Paper Character Testimony (narrative from character perspective including citations) Anthology of short personal narratives -outlined essay

Visiting judges

10 -- Holocaust & Human Behavior

Intolerance Anthology -WW1 and WW2

How do our individual choices make a difference in history?

Night/Frederich Schindlers List Facing History and Ourselves Holocaust and Human Behavior Book Susan Bauer The History of the World Volume 3 and 4

Facing History and Ourselves, Sara Terry, Stop Genocide Now, 826LA, Contemporary World History Project

10- Modern World Problems and Global Forum

-Nation building/ World Economy -Understanding the causes/ consequences/solutions of the following world problems: Gender Rights, Human Rights, Nuclear Non-Proliferation , Terrorism, Trade, Child Labor, World Health, Global Warming -Nigeria, Pakistan, Japan

The problems confronting the world community are complex and challenging. In order to contribute to a fruitful discussion, students must develop an understanding of the historical background to the specific modern problems. In addition, they must expand their knowledge of the large issue areas of human rights, environment, international security, and international economics. Solving international problems requires international cooperation. Students must gain an understanding of different perspectives and they must have a feel for the human dimension of global problems if they are to build constructive relationships with people of different communities, ethnicities, races, religions, and nations in pursuit of positive social change.

Iqbal, Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind, Things Fall apart, Half of a Yellow Sun, The Other Side of Truth News--NY Times, LA Times, Aljazeera, Dawn, CNN, BBC, etc. CWHP Scenario Book

Research Paper Current Event Summaries/analyses

Contemporary World History Project, Facing History and Ourselves

10-International Film Festival

-Consequences of Imperialism -Film analysis -Expository Essay -Asia, Latin America

How did European Imperialism impact and shape the economic, political, and social development of Africa, Asia, Latin America?

Books: 3 Cups of Tea , They Poured Fire on us From the Sky, Chain of Fire, Cry, the Beloved Country Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow and/or

5-paragraph Film analysis (1-3 literary analysis essays)

Stop Genocide Now, Facing History and Ourselves

11th - State Secrets & American Democracy (4 weeks)

How do we decide who gets to keep secrets? What are the rights & responsibilities of citizens regarding privacy, access to information, and free speech? How do we balance security and democracy? What is the importance of a free press? What would it mean to heal the wound between the American Government and Indian tribes? How do reservations embody both the historical oppression of Native Americans and the opportunity to preserve their political, economic, and cultural strength? What specific steps should be taken to address the social justice issues involving Native Americans? Students explore the persistence of the past and the significance of race in America through an examination of African American history, literature, and personal experience. Driving questions: What is racism and how does it affect our lives? How do we explain the persistence of racism in America? What is the role of economics, politics, culture and ideology in the formation and perpetuation of racism?

Choice of essay, website, prezi, powerpoint or 3-panel display.

11th American Indians: Healing the Wound (4 weeks)

View and discuss the film, Smoke Signals. Sherman Alexies, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Completed bookmarks. Group Persuasive Essay

11th Racism & the Black Experience (5 weeks)

Students choose among three novels: Morrisons, Beloved; Butlers, Kindred; Shaaras, Killer Angels or Harlem Renaissance poetry.

Timed Essay

11th Immigration, the Class Struggle & the American Dream (5 weeks)

The project tries to put the students in control of the immigration discussion, rather than being its passive objects, by linking historical knowledge, personal experience, and analytical muscle to craft a political intervention. Driving questions: Who is an American? Why is there such a disconnect between the centrality of immigrants to our country and the intense hostility directed toward them by hostile nativists?

Students read The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair or Macho, by Victor Villasenor Illustrated Jungle Immigration history and policy issues provided by American Vision textbook and Immigration unit of Choices. Fitzgeralds, The Great Gatsby.

E-mail to Obama Blog Posts

11th Grade 1920s & National Identity

Chapter summaries & timed essay?

11th Grade Economic Crisis, Human Lives, & Social Responsibility (5 weeks)

Grapes of Wrath, In Dubious Battle, or of Mice & Men by Steinbeck and Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. Students examine the Military-Industrial Complex and American Global domination from WWII to the present. View the film, Why We Fight. Choice of Catch22, The Things They Carried, Slaughterhouse Five, or Fallen Angels. Which university is the right match for me? (Based on my major, my likes and dislikes, surroundings, and capability, where would I be most happy?) -SAT Prep books -Princeton Reviews Nations Colleges -Essays That Worked Essays That Worked 826 LA: personal statement writing worksho

11th America as a Global Power

12th College Application: A Match To Be Made

-UC (4) & CSU (4) online application -Common App online (8) applications -Senior Porfolio (collection includes): -Learning Logs (reflections) on 10 college websites -Brag sheets to complete (online) to email teachers -updated resume -copy of most recent transcripts -A-G Requirements & Checklist -3 scholarship applications -SA T scores (reasoning & subject) -ACT score

Freshman applicant prompt a:Describe the world you come from for example, your family, community or school and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. b:Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

12: Sugimoto: Dare to DREAM

DREAM Act: In Between Dreams Art Exhibit: What is an American?

Underground Undergrads

Opinion Editorial to submit to The Globe

Artists in the community as well as at Caracen

12: Sugimoto: Senior Independent Project (Fall Semester)

Online research, LAUSD databases

1. 2.

Task 1: Rationale (narrative) Task 2: Research Paper (expository 6-8 pages) Task 3: Methods & Actions Report (narrative 2-4 pages) Task 4: Reflections & Implications (2 pages)

12: Sugimoto: Senior Independent Project (Spring Semester)

How can I better my community through research and personal interests?

No text necessary

1. 2.

12: Sugimoto: Journey Through Literature

How do we make world/classic literature more accessible to students in our community? * Students create a movie trailer

Candide Siddhartha Catcher in the Rye The Alchemist

Literary Analysis essay (3-5 pages) including the writing process: brainstorming, note-taking, outlining, drafting, revising, final draft in MLA

advertisement based on selling their book to a younger audience; awards style movie trailer marathon 12: Sugimoto Tempest Comic Book Adaptation Project -Shakespeare as social commentary Shakespeares Tempest (in class) Spark Notes readings at home Film adaptation of the Tempest - The Forbidden Planet Play acted out on film 12: -Student Autobiography Essay - That the past creates our short-term and long-term goals. -What our personal histories? Textbook & internet research.


Literary analysis essay? Letter to publisher?

Shakespeare groups in LA?


-Parents and relatives.

12 Berumen: 1st semester Project 1 12 Berumen: 1st semester Project 2 12 Berumen: 1st semester Project 3 12 Berumen: 2nd semester Project 1 (Dream House Project 12 Berumen: 2nd semester Project 2

- Critical analysis of the Mid-Term Elections. Who develops U.S. foreign policy?

- What are the voting patterns of Latinos/ as? - What drives U.S. foreign policy toward Third World Countries? - How does the Judicial Branch lives? affect our

Textbook & internet research. Textbook & internet research. Textbook & internet research. Textbook & internet research.

- Research Paper (& Presentation).

- Research Paper (& Presentation).

- What does the Judicial Branch do?

- Research Paper (& Presentation).

What is involved in buying a house?

- Is the American Dream of buying a house accessible today?

- Research Paper (& Presentation).


Why do we have poverty in the United States?

- U.S. Supreme Court cases, the U.S. Constitution

- Essay, Research, & Presentation

- Realtors, bankers, etc.

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Project Idea/Driving Questions


Writing Assignment

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