Discipline Policy 2011-Part 2

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Additional Information Related to LASGS School Culture and Discipline

Information related to the following topics is provided in this document: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Students on Our Floor Campus Safety Outside of Classroom Expectations Role of Content teachers in School Culture and Discipline Role of Advisor in School Culture and Discipline Role of Administration in School Culture and Discipline

I. Students on Our Floor Los Angeles School for Global Studies is an independent high school occupying one corridor in the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex, while sharing common facilities (library, cafeteria, auditorium, etc.) with the other schools on the campus. LASGS students should not wander to other floors, and nonLASGS students are not permitted on the Global Studies floor except to access the Nurses Office. Students must at all times be wearing a Global Studies lanyard and ID around their neck or a white sticker on their shirt. Students without these items may be considered trespassing and either security will be called or they will be accompanied to the Global Studies office for out of class referral. Global Studies students without their lanyard may also be subject to restricted use of school materials and grounds as determined by their instructors. II. Campus Safety Any acts of extreme defiance or acts of a physical nature that jeopardize student safety should be handled by campus security. In case of emergency, pick up classroom phone and dial the following numbers: Campus Security: 8-3850 Felipe Velez, Principal: Ext. 8-3851 or (214) 240-3851 from a cell phone or (310) 403-9862 to cell Global Studies Main Office: 8-3850 or (213) 240-3852 from a cell Be sure to also notify the students Advisor of the incident as soon as possible. III. Outside of Classroom Expectations LASGS students are expected to exemplify school expectations and professionalism at all times, especially while on school grounds, in hallways, and at school sponsored activities on or off campus. In particular students are expected to behave in compliance with LAUSDs Sexual Harassment Policy (Education Code 212.5), and LAUSDs Anti-Bullying Policy (Bulletin 10.38.1). Additionally, students are to treat all adults they encounter in the hall with respect. When possible, instructors, administrators, and support staff should have a presence in the hallways between classes. If a major infraction occurs within the halls, the nearest certificated adult should handle it. As part of a safe campus policy and professional atmosphere, students and adults should identify themselves immediately when asked. Serious infractions related to this include students who refuse to identify themselves, or do so incorrectly, as well as students who do not acknowledge adults addressing them. These infractions will be considered and treated as acts of defiance and students will be sent to the principals office immediately where the principal and advisor will decide appropriate disciplinary action.

IV. Role of Content teachers in School Culture and Discipline The majority of classroom management issues should be handled within the classroom. It is up to the teacher(s) to decide how to manage their discipline consistent with the LASGS mission statement, learning outcomes, dress code, and rules of conduct previously agreed upon as a whole staff. (Additional information related to this may be found in the LASGS School Culture and Discipline Policy.) An instructors discipline plan should be one that focuses on motivating the students to maintain proper conduct for a professional environment. Minor infractions that should be handled within the classroom include: Excessive Talking Not Paying Attention Being off task Some methods of discipline/support that could be used for minor infractions are the following: Reflection Forms followed by Reflection Time Parent Phone Calls Deducting points off Professionalism grade Revoking privileges related to bathroom use or computers (No Fly List) Teacher Initiated Parent Conferences (Additional methods of discipline/support are listed in the Student Support Log. It is also important to engage Advisors early in conversations about students who begin to repeat minor infractions.) In more serious cases of misbehavior, teachers are encouraged to refer students to their Advisor for out of classroom intervention. This step should be taken when other methods of discipline listed above have failed and/or the student has committed a serious infraction or act of defiance that requires removing the student from the classroom and getting another adult involved. If a teacher(s) is referring students for out of class discipline excessively, this reflects a need for change in management style, strategies, and/or approach. Support for addressing this type of challenge should be provided by the grade level team or department team, in conjunction with the Advisor. Behaviors that may lead to out of class referral may include but are not limited to the following: Fighting Verbal or Physical Harassment of any stakeholders Defiance (Refusal to cooperate with teachers) Vandalism Constant disrespect after a multitude strategies are attempted by teachers V. Role of the Advisor in School Culture and Discipline An Advisors primary role is to develop a non-academic relationship with students in which they act as a students primary support person with the intention of giving each student personalized support and a sense of belonging and community. This includes but is not limited to academic, social, and behavioral support. Advisors foster these relationships during their class time with students, and also by building connections with students families and other support networks. They may further build these relationships by organizing activities, trips, and events for their advisory students. Advisors play a crucial role in the implementation of LASGS school culture and discipline. Advisors are called on to both motivate students and support them in their growth towards consistently meeting LASGS expectations. This means that an Advisors presence is crucial when dealing with discipline related issues.

Success requires open and consistent communication between content teachers and Advisors. There must also be an underlying trust in the actions and expectations that exist between content teachers and Advisors. For example, when a student begins to have repeated problems in a particular classroom, the content teacher should notify the Advisor. Advisors should follow up with students and the content teacher. In this way, the Advisor acts as a support system for both students and content teachers. Content teachers and advisors should dialogue about best ways to support particular students and agree upon next steps. When administration is not involved, Advisors are ultimately responsible for making decisions about ways to support students outside of the classroom but should always take into serious consideration the desires and needs of content teachers as well as the student being discussed. Content teachers should have reasonable expectations of Advisors and vice versa. A reasonable request from a content teacher may be to ask the Advisor to make a call home about a student who repeatedly does not turn in their homework. An unreasonable expectation may be to ask an Advisor to call home every day a student does not turn in their homework. Teachers may also send students out of the room to their Advisors, at which time an Advisor will support the student as they see fit, and follow up with the content teacher. Ultimately, Administration is always in charge of discipline and should be following up with Advisors. Administration can also override an Advisors decisions as necessary. Advisors should, as much as possible, be present for parent conferences, meetings with administration, and any additional support meetings regarding students in their advisory. Advisors should be notified of these meetings if they have not initiated them. In these meetings, Advisors offer relevant information about the student and offer solutions for supporting the student. Advisors are also responsible for documenting student support using the Student Support Log. They should also keep track of students academic progress, and other documents used to support students like the Tardy Contract and Reflection forms, and Daily Progress Reports. Advisors also support the prevention of discipline issues by disseminating information related to school culture and for encouraging students to get involved in school events, activities, clubs, and initiatives. One way they can do this by role modeling a positive and active attitude related to student and staff initiated activities, and also by offering incentives for students who embody the same attitudes and participation. They can also encourage and foster community among students in various ways including support groups, success partners, and dialogue groups. VI. Role of Administration in Discipline

The ultimate success of our approach to discipline requires that the Principal take overall ownership for school-wide discipline. With teachers having primary instructional responsibility, the school community relies on the Principals ability to observe classes and advisories and to engage in conversation with all community members so as to identify patterns of behavior and to identify those students who over the course of their school experience are having the most difficulty participating successfully in our community. Taking escalating or persistent discipline issues out of the individual classroom in a timely and effective way is crucial to ensuring that the discipline process is seen as reinforcing rather than undermining the school culture.

Suggested Protocols for Responding to Student Misbehavior

Non-Threatening or First-Time Infractions 1. Teacher and student discuss the expectation(s) that were not being met and come to an agreement about future behavior. Repeated Infractions 1. Teacher gives the student a Reflection on Expectations form. 2. Student meets the teacher to discuss the Reflection on Expectations form at teachers earliest convenience. 3. Teacher consults the students Advisory teacher and/or schedules a conference with the student and Advisory teacher to discuss ways to remedy the situation. 4. [Regarding tardies: an easy way to inform the advisor of excessive tardies is to place the stapled blue slips in their box at the end of the week.] 5. Teacher and Advisor may use the LASGS Support Menu as a guideline for supporting students. 6. Teacher asks Advisor to call parents or schedule a parent conference to discuss ways to remedy the situation. Teacher, Advisor, parent(s) and student should be in attendance. 7. Teacher and/or Advisor refers student to Counselor or Principal.

Threatening or Extreme Infractions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teacher escorts student directly to the Principal or Counselors office. Teacher calls the front office (8-3850) for assistance if necessary. Front office requests Advisor presence and provides coverage if necessary. Principal and Advisor review documentation of any prior incidents from student. Principal collects a statement from stakeholders involved. Principal provides the student with the choice of a letter of apology or face-to-face apology with those involved in the incident. Apology must be accepted by teacher and advisor or student will be required to repeat the letter or face-to-face apology. 7. Principal schedules a meeting with the student, parents, and teacher. 8. Principal may use the LASGS Support Menu as a guideline for supporting students.

LASGS expects all students to contribute to a professional school environment by attending school every day and arriving on time for every class. Excessive tardiness and/or absences are disruptive to both the classroom environment and the students learning experience. When students arrive late to school or return from an absence, they are expected to bring a written excuse, signed by their parents or guardians, to the office upon returning to school. The LASGS Office will maintain a record of unexcused tardies and absences. All tardy students will receive a phone call home to ensure parent/guardian awareness of both the tardy behavior and LASGS expectation that students will be on time. The students Advisor will also be notified and will follow up with the student. Teachers and Advisors will work with students in the classroom to make sure the expectation is understood and that the level of school-wide awareness is communicated. Teachers and Advisors will establish appropriate consequences for students who fail to meet these expectations. These consequences may include warnings, written reflections, detentions, parent phone calls, and parent conferences. At the discretion of either the Office staff or the teacher, students who persist in violating the tardy and absence policy will be referred to their Advisor. For repeated infractions, Advisors or teachers may refer students to the Principal. Upon referral the Principal and/or Counselor will arrange a parent/student conference with the Advisor for the purpose of implementing a Contract that will commit the student to change their behavior or face more serious consequences, up to and including a referral to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and/or a truancy officer. (Contract attached) If students or parents/guardians have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Principal Velez directly at LASGS (213) 240-3850. Thank you for your support in helping us to make LASGS a learning environment characterized by professionalism and mutual respect. Respectfully yours,

Felipe Velez, Principal Los Angeles School of Global Studies

Truancy Contract with LASGS

This contract is being entered into by the Los Angeles School of Global Studies and the student ____________________________ and his/her parent or guardian_______________________ , on ________________________________ . All parties acknowledge that this Contract has become necessary as a result of the frequent and persistent unexcused tardies and/or absences of the student. It is the goal of this contract to encourage appropriate future behavior consistent with the expectations of professionalism at LASGS and the law pertaining to school truancy. Successful adherence to these standards for the remainder of the current school year will lead to the release of the Contract and the return of the student to good standing. During the term of this Contract: Upon any further unexcused tardies, the student will not be permitted to join their class until the next passing period. They will be held in the office for the duration of the class period and any missed work may not be made up. In addition, Stakeholders may determine appropriate suspension of one or more LASGS school privileges. After one unexcused tardy during the Contract period, further violations will also result in additional loss of privileges. At the discretion of the Administration this can include participation in school events and extracurricular activities. Truancy tickets will be issued for appropriate unexcused tardies and absences. If these consequences fail to eliminate the students unexcused tardies and/or absences then a Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) will be initiated. Copy: I, ______________________________, understand the LASGS expectations regarding unexcused tardies and absences. I understand that my behavior has not met those expectations and I agree to change that behavior. I understand the consequences described above and am prepared to accept those consequences if my behavior does not change. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Students Signature: ______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________ Administrator or Counselor Signature _______________________________ Date ______________

Los Angeles School of Global Studies Daily Progress Report

Student Name: ______________________________ Advisor: ___________________________________

Date: _______________ Grade: ______________

The purpose of this Daily Progress Check (DPR) is to help parents, students, and teachers, get and give immediate and specific feedback to help support students who are struggling either academically, socially, or behaviorally at LASGS. Teachers will comment daily on the students progress and parents should read and sign the DPR each evening. Signed DPRs will be kept by the students Advisor for reference and to reflect on student progress.
1. Showing improvement academically 2. Showing improvement behaviorally 3. Participated in class activities 4. Doing satisfactory work 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Working well with others Missing homework Missing exam(s) Poor cooperation Wastes time in class 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Disrupts class Excessive tardies Excessive absences In danger of failing Failing class

Period 1/2 Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________ Period 3/4 Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________ Period 5 (ADVISORY) Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________

Period 6/7 Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________ Period 8 Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________ Period 9 Class: _________________ Teacher: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Comments: ________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework assigned: Y N Teacher Signature: __________________________

Parent Signature: _________________________________ Parent Comments/:__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________ Student Comments/Reflection: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Trust, Respect, Responsibility

LASGS Reflection on Expectations
At LASGS, we expect the highest standards of professionalism from our staff and students. We provide our students and staff with a professional environment that includes state-of-the-art teaching materials and methods. The New Tech Model of Project-Based Learning requires students to behave in a manner that upholds our school as a professional workplace environment. Which expectation(s) did you not meet? Abide by our motto of Trust, Respect, Responsibility, including academic honesty and personal integrity. Attend school everyday and arrive to classes early.

Come to class prepared with all required materials. Use class time wisely by staying on task. Complete homework assignments and projects tasks on time. Use polite and respectful language at all times. Wear appropriate clothing in accordance with the schools dress code. Follow the schools Appropriate Use Policy for technology. Help keep the classrooms, hallways, and restrooms neat and clean. Treat the school and all school equipment and materials with respect.

Why didnt you meet the LASGS expectations? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What will you do to prevent this from occurring again in the future? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Copy the following sentence: I understand that I must meet the teacher(s) for a reflection discussion today at lunch or after school to clear this incident. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Signatures Student:_______________________________ Teacher:___________________________ Parent:________________________________ Advisor:___________________________

Los Angeles School of Global Studies

Community Expectations
LASGS stakeholders are committed to creating a powerful community of active learners whose goal is to fulfill the mission and vision of the LASGS community: MISSION: LASGS prepares students for global citizenship and success in higher education. VISION: The LASGS learning community is dedicated to maintaining a personalized, rigorous, project-based learning environment. Our curriculum brings together the strength of modern technology, community partnerships, problem solving, interdisciplinary instruction, and global perspectives in a student-centered, collaborative community. At LASGS, all students and staff are expected to: Abide by our motto of Trust, Respect, Responsibility, including academic honesty and personal integrity. Attend school everyday and arrive to classes early. Come to class prepared with all required materials. Use class time wisely by staying on task. Complete homework assignments and project tasks on time. Use polite and respectful language at all times. Wear appropriate clothing in accordance with the schools dress code. Follow the schools Appropriate Use Policy for technology. Help keep the classrooms, hallways, and restrooms neat and clean. Treat the school and all school equipment and materials with respect. Our motto of trust, respect, and responsibility is the basis of our expectations for stakeholders in the community. By adhering to these expectations, we will together create a culture of positive academic and social growth. Participating in the LASGS community means to meet and exceed these expectations at all times.

Trust, Respect, Responsibility

Parent/Guardian Signature Rev 8/31/10 Name: ____________________________ Date Student Signature Date: ______________________________

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