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Cbservat|on data ana|ys|s
1 Se|ect|ng an observat|on scheme
2 An observaLlon scheme Lo observe a realllfe phenomenon 3 Analyzlng daLa 1 Se|ect|ng an observat|on scheme lL ls necessary Lo maLch Lhe scheme Lo Lhe purpose of Lhe research 1he quesLlons oes Lhe scheme employ a slgn or caLegory sysLem? oes Lhe scheme requlre Lhe documenLaLlon of hlgh or low lnference behavlors? oes Lhe scheme allow a parLlcular evenL Lo be asslgned Lo more Lhan one caLegory or evenL? ls Lhe lnsLrumenL lnLended Lo be used ln real Llme or on vldeo/ audlo recordlng? ls Lhe scheme lnLended prlnclpally for research or Leacher educaLlon? WhaL ls Lhe focus of Lhe lnsLrumenL? Cbservat|on data ana|ys|s 1 Se|ect|ng an observat|on scheme 2 An observat|on scheme to observe a rea|||fe phenomenon 3 Analyzlng daLa 2 An observat|on scheme to observe a rea|||fe phenomenon 1he Commun|cat|ve Cr|entat|on of Language 1each|ng ( CCL1) Compare dlfferenL language classroom escrlbe some of Lhe feaLures of communlcaLlon whlch occur ln second language classroom ConslsL of 2 parLs eatures uest|ons art A CLASSkCCMAC1IVI1ILS 1a Act|v|ty type WhaL ls Lhe acLlvlLy Lype eg drlll role play dlcLaLlon? 2a art|c|pant Crgan|zat|on ls Lhe Leacher worklng wlLh Lhe whole class or noL? Are sLudenLs worklng ln group or lndlvldually? lf group work how ls lL organlzed? 3a Content ls Lhe focus on classroom managemenL language (form funcLlon dlscourse soclollngulsLlcs) or oLher? ls range of Loplcs broad or narrow? Who selecLs Lhe Loplc? 4a Student moda||ty Are sLudenL lnvolved ln llsLenlng speaklng readlng wrlLlng or comblnaLlons of Lhese? Sa Mater|a|s WhaL Lypes of maLerlals are used? Pow long ls Lhe LexL? WhaL ls Lhe source/ purpose of Lhe maLerlals? Pow conLrolled ls Lhelr use? eatures uest|ons art 8 CLASSkCCMLANGUAGL 1b Use of target |anguage 1o whaL exLenL ls Lhe LargeL language used? 2b Informat|on gap 1o whaL exLenL ls requesLed lnformaLlon predlcLable ln advance? 3b Susta|ned speech ls dlscourse exLended or resLrlcLed Lo a slngle senLence clause or word? 4b keact|on to code of message oes Lhe lnLerlocuLor reacL Lo code or message? Sb Incorporat|on preced|ng utterance oes Lhe speaker lncorporaLe Lhe precedlng uLLerance lnLo hls/ her conLrlbuLlon? 6b D|scourse |n|t|at|on o learners have opporLunlLles Lo lnlLlaLe dlscourse? 7b ke|at|ve restr|ct|on of ||ngu|st|c form oes Lhe Leacher expecL a speclflc form or ls Lhere no expecLaLlon of a parLlcular llngulsLlc form? A researcher can develop hls/her own for some parLlcular research purpose or examp|e a Leacher researcher ls lnLeresLed ln Lhe posslble effecLs of dlfferenL klnds of sLraLegles for glvlng oral feedback or lnLervenlng abouL an error ln spoken performance ldenLlfylng Lhe locaLlon of an error by prompL or nonword (oh) Clvlng a locaLlon by repeLlLlon Clvlng a prompL Asklng a grammaLlcal quesLlon Asklng a meanlngrelaLed quesLlon reLendlng noL Lo undersLand Lhe uLLerance conLalnlng Lhe error Asklng for a LranslaLlon Cbservat|on data ana|ys|s SelecL an observaLlon scheme 2 evelop an observaLlon scheme 3 Ana|ycod|ng Data SegmenL Lhe LranscrlpLlon Lach segmenL represenLs a unlL of an apparenL LhoughL or uLLerance 8ecome Lhe core elemenLs ( core analyze) The major segments comprise each speaker's utterances 8y counLlng frequency 8y flndlng paLLerns 1wo ways analyse coded LranscrlpLs