The study examined the influence of student gender on teaching effectiveness of nasogastric tube and catheter insertion using high-fidelity simulation. Fifty-two nursing students participated. Thirteen students did not complete all training sessions or consent forms, leaving 39 students (27 women, 12 men). Male students held more positive views of the high-fidelity training than female students. The findings support that men are more receptive to novel technology than women.
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The study examined the influence of student gender on teaching effectiveness of nasogastric tube and catheter insertion using high-fidelity simulation. Fifty-two nursing students participated. Thirteen students did not complete all training sessions or consent forms, leaving 39 students (27 women, 12 men). Male students held more positive views of the high-fidelity training than female students. The findings support that men are more receptive to novel technology than women.
The study examined the influence of student gender on teaching effectiveness of nasogastric tube and catheter insertion using high-fidelity simulation. Fifty-two nursing students participated. Thirteen students did not complete all training sessions or consent forms, leaving 39 students (27 women, 12 men). Male students held more positive views of the high-fidelity training than female students. The findings support that men are more receptive to novel technology than women.
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The study examined the influence of student gender on teaching effectiveness of nasogastric tube and catheter insertion using high-fidelity simulation. Fifty-two nursing students participated. Thirteen students did not complete all training sessions or consent forms, leaving 39 students (27 women, 12 men). Male students held more positive views of the high-fidelity training than female students. The findings support that men are more receptive to novel technology than women.
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I C||n|ca| uest|on ls Lhere any lnfluence SLudenL Cender on 1eachlng LffecLlveness of lnserLlon of nC1 and caLheLer?
II C|tat|on Crady ]L , Kehrer RC , Trusty CE , Entin EB , Entin EE , Brunye TT
III Study Character|st|cs 9at|ents |nc|uded llfLyLwo sLudenLs ln Lhe flrsLyear nurslng currlculum were enllsLed as parLlclpanLs lnsLlLuLlonal revlew board approval for Lhe sLudy was obLalned prlor Lo parLlclpanL enrollmenL 1hlrLeen sLudenLs dld noL compleLe all of Lhe Lralnlng sesslons or falled Lo slgn Lhe consenL form and Lherefore were noL lncluded ln Lhe analyses of Lhe remalnlng 39 sLudenLs 27 were women and 12 were men now were the outcomes measured and mon|tored 1he researchers analyzed Lhe daLa wlLh coefflclenL alpha for Lhe posLLralnlng quesLlonnalre was 088 lndlcaLlng hlgh lnsLrumenL rellablllLy
I Methodo|ogy a Method used
llfLyLwo sLudenLs ln Lhe flrsLyear nurslng currlculum were enllsLed as parLlclpanLs lnsLlLuLlonal revlew board approval for Lhe sLudy was obLalned prlor Lo parLlclpanL enrollmenL 1hlrLeen sLudenLs dld noL compleLe all of Lhe Lralnlng sesslons or falled Lo slgn Lhe consenL form and Lherefore were noL lncluded ln Lhe analyses of Lhe remalnlng 39 sLudenLs 27 were women and 12 were men
b es|gn uescrlpLlve 8eLrospecLlve c Sett|ng aL niversity of Pittsburgh at ]ohnstown d ata sources &elfReport Questionnaires e Sub[ects se|ect|on Mannequlns were used f nas the or|g|na| study been rep||cated? nC g Jhat were the r|sks and benef|ts of the nurs|ng act|on]|ntervent|on tested |n the study? none
II kesu|ts of the Study
ln llne wlLh research llLeraLure suggesLlng gender dlfferences ln response Lo new Lechnology male sLudenLs held more poslLlve vlews Loward Lhe hlghfldellLy Lralnlng envlronmenL Lhan dld female sLudenLs Clven LhaL nurslng sLudenLs wlll confronL Lechnology ln almosL all aspecLs of Lhelr work alLernaLlve approaches Lo Lhe lnLroducLlon of slmulaLlon Lechnology lnLo Lhe classroom LhaL mlghL amelloraLe lLs accepLance by female sLudenLs ls cerLalnly an lnLeresLlng avenue of fuLure research 1hese flndlngs supporL Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL men are more recepLlve Lo novel Lechnology Lhan are women
III uthor's Conc|us|on and kecommendat|on
1hls research has examlned Lhe lnfluence of slmulaLor fldellLy level on Lralnlng effecLlveness for baslc nurslng procedures our flndlngs are conslsLenL wlLh Lhe growlng llLeraLure lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe lnLroducLlon of slmulaLlon Lechnology (eg hlghfldellLy medlcal mannequlns) supporLs poslLlve pedagoglcal ouLcomes Lven wlLh Lhe llmlLaLlons dlscussed above we Lhlnk Lhe currenL resulLs provlde sufflclenL evldence Lo promoLe Lhe use of hlghfldellLy mannequlns for nurslng educaLlon and lnsplre researchers and pracLlLloners allke Lo conLlnue researchlng Lhe lnfluence of slmulaLlon Lechnologles across a varleLy of appllcaLlons
IV pp||cab|||ty uoes Lhe sLudy provlde a dlrecL enough answer Lo your cllnlcal quesLlon ln Lerms of Lype of paLlenLs lnLervenLlon and ouLcome? Conslderlng Lhe cllnlcal quesLlon whlch ls Lhe focus of Lhls reporL answer Lhe followlng quesLlons a Jhlch area of nurslng speclallzaLlon wlll beneflL Lhe mosL from Lhls sLudy? ny fleld of nurslng b JhaL nurslng pracLlce can be modlfled ln Lhe care of Lhe paLlenLs based on Lhe evldence presenLed ln Lhls sLudy? nurse's effecLlve care ln paLlenLs c JhaL condlLlon/s of paLlenL wlll lmprove lf Lhe resulL of Lhls sLudy wlll be used? aLlenLs who are llkely needlng nasogasLrlc Lube lnserLlon and lndwelllng caLheLer d uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe resulL of Lhe sLudy can be used ln Lhe hlllpplnes? ln whaL way? ?es 8ecause here ln our counLry Lhere are paLlenLs needlng nC1 and caLheLer presenL ln every reglon 1hls could help ln LreaLlng Lhem Lhus prevenLlng compllcaLlon
V kev|ewer's Conc|us|on]Commentary JhaL can you say abouL Lhls sLudy ln Lerms of a 8elevance of Lhe sLudy Lo Lhe currenL lssues abouL healLh Lhe nurslng pracLlce/educaLlon/research/admlnlsLraLlon? lL ls relevanL Lo us sLudenL nurses Lo provlde safe and genulne care Lo whoever paLlenLs we wlll be handllng ln Lhe fuLure b Jlll you conslder lmplemenLlng Lhe new knowledge presenLed ln Lhls sLudy ln your pracLlce of nurslng? Jhy/why noL? ?es ln our nurslng pracLlce proper care ls needed Lo be able Lo provlde effecLlve nurslng care Lo Lhe cllenL
VI Lva|uat|ng Nurs|ng Care 9ract|ces Safe yes lL ls safe Slnce Lhere are no lnvaslve procedures or llfeLhreaLenlng acLs done for Lhe cllenLs l conslder lL safe Competent ln our professlon belng a compeLenL nurse glves you Lhe ldea LhaL you are efflclenL because you are Lhlnklng Lo sLrlve harder Lo achleve more C cceptab|||ty yes lL ls accepLable 1hls has been answered a many Llmes and as whaL has been sald above ln our nurslng educaLlon as whaL was sald above lL can provlde us correcL lnformaLlon and Lherefore we can provlde approprlaLe managemenL Lffect|veness lL wlll be effecLlve lf Lhe nurse focus Lhelr care Lo Lhelr lndlvldual cllenLs because every cllenL ls unlque Lo one anoLher Lhe care for one ls dlfferenL from anoLher L ppropr|ateness lL ls approprlaLe Lo provlde genulne care Lo paLlenLs I Lff|c|ency somehow wlLh Lhe used of dlfferenL mannequlns lL ls cosLly
Perception of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology Graduates To The New Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Curriculum in Central Luzon State University