EffectiveCommuniction Prsentation

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Session Overview

1. Definition of Communication
2. Ingredients of Communication
3. Communication Model
4. Direction of Communication
5. Communication Network
6. Forms of Communication
7. Barriers in Communication
8. Oral Communication
9. Practical Do's and Do not's while Telephoning,
Interviewing and Public speaking.
10. Current issues in Communication.
Effective Communication

Communication may be defined as an exchange of
facts, ideas, opinions or emotions and as a way that
individuals or organization share meaning and
understanding with other.

Communication is said to be complete and
effective when it is understood in the same manner
as desired by the sender
Ingredients of Communication




Communication Model / Process

Communication Msg Msg

Encoding Channel
Receiver Decoding
Direction of Communication

Downward : eg. From group leaders to their

Upward : basically used to provide feedback.

Lateral : b/w any horizontally equivalent
personal or groups.
Communication Network

The channel by which information flows.

Formal Network : follow the authority

Informal Network : Grapewine
Forms of Communication
➢ Oral Comm. : Telephone, dectaphone, radio,
meetings, conference etc.
➢ Visual Comm. : Slides, Neon hoardings, posters

➢ Audio Visual : T.V, Video, cinema
➢ Body Language / Non verbal Communication
➢ Written Comm. : Letters, circulars, notes,

memos, reports, questionnaires, manuals,

hoardings etc.
Barriers to Effective Communication
➢ Filtering

➢ Selective Perception

➢ Information Overload

➢ Defensiveness

➢ Language

➢ Jargon
Oral Communication : the advantages
➢ Saves Time
➢ Provides instant feedback and clarification.
➢ Use of tone, pitch and voice conveys the msg
➢ Personal touch
➢ Economical
➢ Withdrawl is easy

Examples : Telephonic,Interviewing,Public
Practical do's and do not's of oral
While telephoning:

Be prompt to answer

Organization / departments name to be put first

Do not shout

Avoid words like Yeah, Yep etc.

Be loud and clear

Never waste much time on personal talk.

Instaed of saying “he hasn't come to office yet”

Say “ he is not in office just now, but i'll be glad
to take the message if you like”
While Interviewing:

➢You have to climb down from the ' big –

shot' position.
➢ Build up the confidence.
➢ Be attentive
➢ Show no surprize of criticism in his

➢ Go through his biodata care fully.
➢ Do not bring an abrupt end to the interview.
Public Speaking :

Ensure the due attention of the audience before you
start speaking.

Personal appearance.

Eye contact with the audience.

Adopt proper stance and be composed.

Use visual aids.

Pitch your voice suitably.

Make a neat speech :
✔ Determine the purpose
✔ Analyse the audience
✔ Choose the ideas to be put across
✔ Collect and iterpret the data
✔ Organize the data
✔ Plan visual aids
✔ Always rehearse your speech.
Current issues in Communication:
➢ Communication barriers b/w men and women.
➢ “Politically correct” communication: eg.

Handicapped – physically challenged

Blind – Visually impaired
Elderly – Senior
Death – Negative patient outcome
Garbage – Post consumer waste material
Quotas – Educational equity
Women – People of gender
Bald – Follically challenged
➢ Electronic Communication : Does not convey

emotions and do not address to the affiliation


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