Xylene Isomerization Process

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UDC APPLICATION OF THERMAL INTEGRATION AT THREE DISTILLATION COLUMNS IN XYLENE ISOMERISATION PROCESS J.N. Fayruzova1, D.M. Perevezentsev "Salavatnefteorgsintez" JSC, Salavat, Russia e-mail: 1 [email protected] M.V. Klikov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Salavat Branch, Salavat, Russia
Abstract. Consider getting an o-xylene by isomerisation of xylene as raw material for production of phthalic anhydride. To reduce heat energy consumption is analyzed technological scheme. It is spoken about application of thermal integration between three distillation columns in o-xylene production, the conditions of its implementation and effectiveness of application. Keywords: o-xylene, film evaporator, isomerisation, thermal integration, dis-

tillation column

At present time on JSC "Salavatnefteorgsintez" there is a lack of o-xylene, as a feedstock for phthalic anhydride production. Acting unit of o-xylene production, situated in shop 34, is not put into full capacity (15 thousands tones per year). One of variant to solve this problem to apply xylene isomerisation loop. Isomerisation process flowsheet represented on Fig. 1. To reduce energy consumption it is offered to apply thermal integration between column -2, -3 and -6. The aim of research was optimization of columns -2, -6, -19 and -3 performance with the view of increase productive efficiency and ability of thermal integration application. It is supposed that columns -2, -6, -19-existing equipment, -3 new one. To study the possibility of thermal integration application we analyzed columns reboilers and condensers duty (Table 1).

_____________________________________________________________________________ Electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, 1 http://www.ogbus.ru/eng/


Figure 1. Xylenes isomerization process flowsheet

Table 1. Columns reboilers and condensers duty Column Condenser duty Reboiler duty Unit Mcal/h Mcal/h K-19 -0,3314 0,5092 K-2 -4,4321 4,2962 K-6 -2,0643 1,9368 -3 -6,3022 5,9565

The largest energy expenditures occur in the column -3. They can be completely covered, applying thermal integration of condensing vapors in the column K-2 and -6. Thermal integration is valid if the temperatures of the distillate, which is used as heat-transfer agent, and bottom part of heated column differs on more than 20 C. We studied output vapor temperature-pressure dependence (Fig. 2). Thus, according to carried out analysis we chose optimal process-dependent parameters of columns, which allow applying thermal integration (Table 2).

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Figure 2. Output vapor temperature-pressure diagram Table 2. Process-dependent parameters of o-xylene production columns Index -2 -6 -3 -19 Temperature of the top, 145,1 158,1 105,3 111 Temperature of the bottom, 159,4 177,1 113,7 157,7 Pressure of the top, barg 1,23 1,4 0,4 1,6 Pressure of the bottom, barg 1,29 1,41 0,42 1,6 Reflux ratio 5,1946 5,1646 4,6575 5,0345 Pressure drop, mbar/m 2,2851 0,8533 1,7306 Liquid load, m3/(m2.h) 19,9987 17,824 13,0791 10,741 Loading factor, Pa0,5 1,95 1,53 2,29 1,21 Condenser duty, Mcal/h 4,5087 1,9768 6,3161 0,33 Reboiler duty, Mcal/h 4,3446 1,8533 5,9518 0,5116 Also we offer to reduce power inputs by installation of film evaporators in the columns. Meanwhile, it is not required to replace existing shell-and-tube heat exchanger, only their reconstruction. The cost of reconstruction will not exceed 10 % of total evaporators cost. Film evaporators process vessel, in which the processed liquid is distributed over the heat transfer surface in the form of a film. In this way eliminated the hydrostatic pressure and an associated decrease in the temperature difference by raising the boiling point of the solution.

_____________________________________________________________________________ Electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, 1 http://www.ogbus.ru/eng/


In this study suggested that the film falling film evaporators, which are carried out in a vertical shell and tube heat exchangers consisting of a vertical tube bundle contained in the tube sheets. In the shell side evaporator is fed coolant. To organize the movement of the processed liquid in the form of a film flowing on the inner surface of pipes on the upper tube sheet are switchgears. In cocurrent evaporator liquid and secondary steam moving downward through the tube bundle and fed to the bottom of the distillation column or into the separator (Fig. 3a, b). In countercurrent evaporator secondary vapor flow moves toward the flowing liquid film (Fig. 3c, d). The main film evaporators circuits with falling film are shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Film evaporators circuits with falling film:

, b co-current; c, d counter-current film evaporators

In order to intensify the heat transfer process in a thin film inside the tubes can be placed ring spiral. Ring spiral layers can additionally mix the liquid film flowing on the surface of the ring turns of the helix. To intensify the heat transfer it is also used as artificial roughness in the form of spiral and annular grooves and notches on the inner surface of the tubes. The disadvantage of such devices is the difficulty of clearing the surface of pipes from deposits.

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In the Table 3 presented comparative engineering-and-economical performances of film evaporators and shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Table 3. Comparative engineering-and-economical performances of film evaporators and shell-and-tube heat exchangers Heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2) S&T 479,96 404,42 474,68 501,17 F 1777,9 1766,2 1789,9 1833,7 Temperature difference, S&T 56,04 41,67 54,92 57,97 F 15,1 9,5 14,6 15,8 Condensation heat of heattransfer agent, MJ/kg S&T F 1,89 2,06 2,03 2,14 1,85 2,02 1,76 1,94 Heat-transfer agent consumption, t/h S&T 1,07 12,69 9,9 4,73 F 0,98 12,2 9,06 4,29

Column -19 -3 -2 -6

Where S&T shell-and-tube heat exchangers, F film evaporator

In terms of presented data it is obvious, that heat-transfer coefficient increases in film evaporator will quadruplicate, consequently condensation point of heat-transfer agent (steam) decreases. Hence, condensation heat of heat-transfer agent increases and steam consumption decrease. Saving rate is presented in Table 3 and confirms that the installation of film evaporators is economically sound. For thermal integration realization for the column K-3 we have to install two films evaporators (Fig. 4). In first of them column K-2 distillate will play the role of heat-transfer agent and in second column K-6 distillate. Columns K-2 and K-6 distillates rebound heat and partially condense. Condensate goes to the reflux of the column K-2 (K-6). An uncondensed vapor goes to the air condenser, where it is cooled to 40 (Fig. 4). The calculation results of evaporators for thermal integration are presented in Table 4-7. On the assumption of received data we can conclude, that it is impossible to use shell-and-tube heat exchangers for thermal integration, as it is too high temperature difference.

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Figure 4. The schematic diagram of thermal integration between columns -2, -3 and -6 Table 4. Initial data for the feedstock Index Molecular weight Density Kinematic viscosity Dynamic viscosity Surface tension Thermal conductivity Heat of vaporization Specific heat Unit g/mole kg/m3 m2/s Pas /m J/(sm) J/kg J/kg Bottom part of column -3 108,005 796,056 0,00000036 0,00029122 0,01955497 0,11034729 350351,4 2029,1 Heat transfer agent Distillate from Distillate from K-2 K-6 104,099 106,217 852,171 864,416 0,00000061 0,00000072 0,00052038 0,00062222 0,02675619 0,02790551 0,12716597 0,12784209 344863,3 337987,2 1746,2 1790,297

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Table 5. Initial data for the evaporators Index Heat-exchange surface Secondary vapour consumption System pressure System temperature Heat-transfer agent temperature Temperature difference Evaporator pipe length Unit m2 kg/h Pa K m Bottom part of column -3 69047,9 Heat transfer agent Distillate from Distillate from K-2 K-6 300 198 41653,3 41346,1 386,8 418,25 31,3 2 431,25 44,3 2 27394,6

Table 6. Calculation results of film evaporators Index Heat-transfer coefficient, 1 Heat-transfer coefficient from heat-transfer agent to pipes, 2 Heat-transfer coefficient Temperature difference, required for thermal integration* Heat-transfer agent temperature, required for thermal integration* Unit W/ (m2) W/ (m2) W/ (m2) C C Heat transfer agent Distillate Distillate from K-2 from K-6 2030,03 860,5 603,9 33,5 147,2 2085,41 817,9 587,1 34,3 148,1

* taking into account the stock 15 %

Table 7. Calculation results of shell-and-tube heat exchangers Index Heat-transfer coefficient Temperature difference, required for thermal integration* Heat-transfer agent temperature, required for thermal integration* Unit W/ (m2) C C Heat transfer agent Distillate Distillate from K-2 from K-6 399,1 50,7 164,4 389,6 51,8 165,5

* taking into account the stock 15 %

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Heat-transfer agent consumption data is presented in Table 8. From these results follows, that thermal integration allows to reduce heat-transfer agent consumption on 50 %. Table 8. Heat-transfer agent consumption in different variants Heat-transfer agent consumption, kg/h Without film evaporators 27342,3372 With film evaporators 25374,886

Offered variant of thermal integration allow two times decrease consumption of heat-transfer agent in columns. Meanwhile saving rate around 25 mln. rub.

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_____________________________________________________________________________ Electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, 1 http://www.ogbus.ru/eng/

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