Manual Maintenance Outboard Motor Tomos4

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We welcome you as a new member of the large family of customerswho, for many years, have used our outboardmotors; we hope that you will enjoy many pleasantboat trips with your new TOMOS4. This manual is compiled to give the requisite informationon the handlingand maintenance the motor. Pleaseread throughthe instructions of carefullyand follow when mountingthe TOMOS4 on the boat. The manualalso includeslnstructionsfor making less complicated repairs.Unless you are fully familiar with the functioningof the motor you should ngt attempt any repairs not describedin the manual.our very extensivenetwork of service shops is at your disposal and you will certainly profit by utilizing them when in doubt. At the close of the boatingseasonwe suggestthat you hand in your TOMOS4 to one of our service shops for winter storage. The experlenceand technical knowledgeof our speciallytrained service personnel and mechanics a guarantee is that your ToMos 4 witl be inspected and stored in the best manner. And when you then launchyour boat agalnyou will be assuredthat your ToMos 4 is in top condition. yours Sincerely TOVARNAMOTORNIH VOZIL TO M O S KO PER Outboard division


5 4 10 I 3 2

6 I 7 1

11 14 13 12






Fig. 1

Fig. 2


10. Fuel connector joint 11. Hand pum p


1. Glamp screws for fixing the motor to the boat 2. Motor tilt angle adjusting screw 3. Motor anchoring eyelet 4. Steering handle 5. Inscription TOMOS 6. Starter handle 7. Choke-cold starting B. Short-circuiting button 9. Lighting connection

12. Fuel tank 13. Suction pipe connector 14. Filler cap with air vent 15. Engine cover release 16. Car r y ing h a n d l e 17. Steering resistance screw 18. Shac k le h a n d l e 19. Exhaust outlet 20. Cooling water inlet 21. O il f iller a n d d r a i n p l u g s Lubrication of engine by petrol and oil mixture Pe r m i ssi b l er .p . m . a tfi u l ,l o 'a d ... l r 4600-5900 TECHNICAL DATA ENGINE: Single cylinder, two-stroke, f an cooled with exhaust outlet below the anti-cavitation plate. Recoil starter. Water cooled exhaust. Stroke volume . , 59,6ccm 42mm 43 mm 7 ,5 : 1 4 ,5 b . h . p . Fig. 3 Fi g . 4

Diameter of cylinder Stroke Compressionratio . Maximum power .


BI NG * 15, 5 149

USE Mounting the motor on the boat Secure the motor to the transom of the boat with two clamps screws, Fig. 5/1. Fully tighten the clamp screws by hand. Do not use any tool, for clamp screws may bend When transom is not fitted with a capping, t h e m o t o r s h o u l d b e s e c u r e d with two screws as indicated in Fig. 5A, into the corresponding recesses at the stern brackets.

Main jet.....6 5 40 Slow running jet . ....flYw heel tgnit io n magneto A dvanced ign ition . . 1, 5m m Platinum contact 0,35-4,45 mm br.eakerpoint gap ?-", Sparking plug: BOSNA] -ir"i br equiv alent . F 80 . r . . . . . 0,5-0,6 mm Spark plug gap 6 V, 17 W Lightin g co nn ection two-blade Propeller Diameter of propeller 200 mrn Propeller pitch . . . 140mm E ngine pro pe ller red u2, 08: 1 ction ra tio . . "' .*;':r; -*xirir*: Propeller static pres-lW sure . . . , . . . ' A2k g. s q' c m . 15,5kg Weigt of the motor 12 litres Fuel tank capacity Maximum speed (depends on weight and uP to 18 km/h size of boat) Fuel consumption at 1, 6 1/ h av . f ull loa d FUEL AND LUBRIGANTS Fuel: mixture of motor oil and petrol at least 86 octane at a 25: 1 r at io (4 o/o). Use special two stroke engine oil or oil SAE 5 0. Fuel mixture table O il in lit r es

it by attaching a steel wire or a nylon r o p e t h r o u g h th e e ye l e t, Fi g . S/g .Th e motor should be aligned so that it will hang as near vertical as possible, when under way, Fig. 6.

tion of the propeller shaft, causing the stern to be lifted and the bow to dip. When in view of the stern lying abnormally deep and though the motor is adjustable, it is not possible to hang

Fig.5 'and the lf the transom is too thin clamp screws do not grip f irmly, an aluminiurn plate or an extra piece of wood (49 x 90 mm, 5 mm thick) may be screwed to the transom. lf the transom is thicker than 58 rnm, it is necessary to reduce its thickness. The reduced parts of the transom should be precisely cut out as large as the interspace between the two brackets, Fig. 5/8. To obviate the risk of losing the motor overboard, secure Fi g . 6

0,2 0,4 0,6

Lubricant for reduction housing: motor oil SAE 20 (0,10 litre) up to the top screw when the motor is in vertical position .

lf the stern lies abnormally deep, w h i l e t h e b o w i s r a i se d to o h i g h , a more favourable trim can be achieved b y r e d u c i n g th e a n g l e o f i n cl i n a ti o n . To do this, unscrew wing nut and move the bearing tube, Fig. S/2, closer to the transom, which is done by moving the thrust pin to a suitable hole. This w i l l b r i n g a b o u t a ch a n g e i n th e p o si -

the motor vertically on the boat, the transom has to be altered suitably. lf the boat tends to ride sluggishly, i. e. if the bow does not rise readily, especially in face of a head sea, the trim will have to be adjusted by increasing the angle between the transom and bearing tube. The stern will then dip and the bow will rise. When

running, the propeller should lie so deep, that it cannot draw air and cause the motor to race. With the boat unloaded, the distance between the water line and the anticavitation plate should be at least 100mm. lf the motor should race or the propeller grip unevenlydurlng running,the propeller should be lowered, either by cutting down the transom or, if this is not practicable, by using a long shaft motor or, by having separate parts f rom the long shaft execution built-in by an authorized service shop. When the motor is properly mounted, place the fuel tank in a suitable position in the boat, connect the quick coupling of the fuel line to the nipple as indicated by the arrow, Fig. 7. The air vent, Fig. 1/14, on the fuel tank filler cap should be opened several turns when the motor is in use.

g e s w i t h t h e fl yw h e e l . Wh e n p u l l i n g the starter, take care the motor does not tilt. Never let go of the starter handle when the cord is pulled out. Let the cord return and be rewound slowly, for it may damage the starter device. As the motor warms up move the choke lever upwards. When the motor is warm, the choke lever should be in position O open, otherwise the engine is supplied by too rich a mixture of fuel, which causes loss of engine power. Fig. I $tarting Before starting make certain that: the motor is properly mounted on the boat there is a sufficient quantity of fuet in the fuel tank the air vent on the fuel tank filler cap is properly open the water is deep enough for unrestricted rotation of the propeller there are no obstacles in the direction of running. As the motor is not equippedwith neutral gear, boat will start to move immediately. RUNNING AHEAD AND ASTERN The motor is delivered in non-run-in condition and should not be put into service immediately without special precautions,such as the use of richer oil mixture or speed limitation. lt is assumed, however, that the motor is to be used on normal boats and under normal conditions. Therefore - operate your new motor at medium speed for the f irst 15-20 working hours. In this period the throttle can be opened in full from time to time or even for some minutes w h i c h e n a b l e s a q u i cke r r u n n i n g - i n . Manoeuvring the boat: the motor is designed to turn round through 3600. This ability of the motor to pivot through a full circle makes your boat very easy to manoeuvre. When the motor is turned througli 600to 900in relation t o t h e s t e e ri n g a n g l e , a s w e l l a s i n motion astern, it is recommended to c l o s e t h e t h r o ttl e a l i ttl e . C h a n g i n g from normal running to moving astern: The control handle must be turned from horizontal - over vertical - into opposite direction again towards the boat. Grip the rear handle with f ree ha,n'd,arh'd fi;n,ieh,the tu,nn,i,ng. A'fter which the throttle may be opened.

While driving forward a submerged obstruction may be hit by the propeller front edge, which causes the motor to tilt into the boat. A safety device does not exist for reverse direction, therefore particular attention mus_tbe paid in observing the depth of water when running astern. Steering resistance may be increased or decreased by tightening or loosen i n g th e a d j u stm e n t scr e w , Fi g . I /1 7 . Clockwise turning of the screw gives heavier steering and anti-clockwise turning gives lighter steering. lt is advisable from time to time to check the clamping screws, Fig. 5/1 to ensure they are properly tightened. When the fuel tank is in horizontal position, it cannot be emptied completely. The remains of the fuel (approx. 0,5 litre), is intended as a reserve and can be used only when the fuel tank is placed on the corner (at the side where the suction pipe connector is s ituated, Fig. 1/ 13') .

Stopping the motor Close the throttle and depress the short circuiting button, Fig. 7/8. lf you wish to take the motor off the boat after running, or, if you wish to fix i t i n ti l t p o si ti o n , i t i s a d vi sa b l eto d i sconnect the fuel line, Fig. 1/10, from th e e n g i n e a n d w a i t u n ti l a l l fu e l i n carburettor is used up, which prevents flooding of the carburettor when the motor is carried or laid down. The motor is tiltable. When running ahead into severe shallows, the motor automatically tilts upwards and thus serious damage is generally avoided. Ti l ti n g i s a l so u se fu l w h e n b e a ch i n g . The motor is f itted with a tilt rest, Fig. 9, which is intended for holding the motor in a fixed position. When

Fig. 7

The motor may be locked to the boat by a padlock. Turn the screw clamps so that the holes in the levers are facing one another in line. Pass the padlock hasp through the holes, as in F ig. 8 .

Pump fuel to the carburettor by squeez ing t he h a n d p u m p , F i g . 1 / 1 1 , a f e w times until resistance is felt. The float chamber of the carburettor now contains the right amount of fuel. When the engine is cold, push the choke lever, Fig. 717 downwards, which reduces the quantity of air in the carburettor and eases starting. When warn engine is started, the choke lever open. Turn remains in position O the twist grip in a clockwise direction, Fig. 1/4, for a third of a turn, pull the starter handle slowly, Fig. 1/6, with right hand, until the mechanism enga-

!' _*1

the motor is tilted sufficiently high the shackle A comes into position marked by B. This position of the motor 'facilitates the cleaning of the motor or manoeuvring by means of oars in shallow water. When preparing to tilt the motor to the position C, it is necessary to take 'the fuel line off the engine. Then turn the motor round through 900.Now the throttle twist grip is turned upwards and the tilt rest A comes into position C. By means of steering resistance screw, Fig. I /17 , you can prevent the motor turning.

Carrying and laying-up the motor . NOTE_ IMPORTANT! When lifting the motor off the boat, and before its laying-up, hold it upright until all the water has run out of the lower unit. lf this is not done, water could find its way into cylinder which can damage its interior. The best *uV to lay-up the motor is to mount it on the wooden stand which is supplied as part of the packing. lf laid-up in this way, it is impossible to oil up the sparking plug which may render starting more difficult.

ne cover with the motor upper part, it should be assembled in reverse order of removal. Firstly place the engine cover into the groove on the f ront part of the engine below the starter handle which should be placed in the opening in the cover, Fig. 10. The rear part of the engine cover should then be pushed downwards.

Fi g . 1 0

Lubrication We strongty advise to lubricate the various parts of the TOMOS 4 with the motor oil SAE 20 and medium grease. Beside the regular changing of the oil in the propeller housing and lubrication of the starter device, it is necessary to lubricate f rom time to time the clarnping screws, os well as the throttle twist grip and throttle,control cable. Threads of clamping screws should be lubricated from time to time with oil or with a thin coat of grease. lf it is obvious that the motor cannot be pivoted easily, it is necessary to lubricate pivot support. Pour some drops of oil into the recess, shown by arrow, Fig. 11, even when the steering resistance screw is unscrewed to the en,d.

Lighting the boat On the front side of the power head cover the lighting connection6 V, 17 W, Fig. 7/9, is to be found which proves very useful' when running at night. In the tool accessories bag there is a plastic lighting plug which can be wired to a bulb to provide a cabin light. With a suitable rectifier the current can be used to trickle charge a 6 volt battery.

Cleaning and lubrication, dry test (testing out of water) and all other work on maintenance can best be done if the motor is mounted on the wooden support is advisableto saw off the two vertical parts of wood just above the transverse board which is intended for fixing the motor to the support. This operation facilitates work od maintenance of the motor, 10. : 'n Gleani,ng the motor Clean all outer parts with a soft rag or a sponge and water. Though the engine itseef is sufficiently protected, it is advisableto remove the ffiotor cover from time to time and clean the upper surface of the engine first by means of a wet and then by meqns of a dry Fog,especially after use in salt water. For cleaning the enamelled surfaces, n o r m a l c a r p o l i sh sh o u l d b e u se d , lf you want to remove the engine cover, unbucklethe engine cover release a n d p u s h t h e e n g i n e co ve r sl i g h tl y upwards. The starter rubber handle w i l l t h e n s l i p th r o u g h th e o p e n i n g i n the engine cover. The engine cover is in this way removed from the motor. When you want to assemble the engi-

MAINTENANGE Fig.9 General remarks Regular and careful maintenance is essential to obtain troublefree operation of the TOMOS 4. All maintenance work described under the following chapters could be done by the owner himself by means of the standard tools. Unless you are an expert yourself you will not be able to detect certain defects at once. But the trained mechanic will save you unnecessary expense so take your outboard to our official agents.

To return the motor to its working posit ion, tilt the mo tor s light ly higher ' , and push the protruding tongue of the tilt rest as indicated by the arrow, F ig, 9, at th e same t im e holding t he rnotor with left hand. By unscrewing the steering resistance screw, Fig. I /17 , you can turn the motor through 900, Reconnrbctthe fuel line to the motor.

Fi g . 1 1



The new throttle twist grip made of plastics does not require any special maintenance. In case of ),squeaking" the spiral groove and guide bushing should be greased with silicon grease (dismantling the throttle twist grip des,c'ri,be,d 'u;ndgir F,uel 'oh,arprtF System) ,

E N G INE Combustion of petrol and oil in twostroke engines causes a deposit of carbon in the interior of the cylinder head, in the exhaust bend as well as in the exhaust tube. The formation of the carbon depends on the quality of ,U,S,e Oil ,U,Sld(,the,re,f,Ore the SpeCial oils for two-stroke e,ngines), When the carbon in the combustion chamber is too thick it is likely to cause pre-ignition, and also to cause bridging of the spark plug gap. This will lead to bad starting and erratic running which indicates that the motor requires decarbonising. To clean the cylinder head and the top of the piston remove the blower hood from the cylinder head, Fig. 12. In case it is necessary to clean the exhaust bend, Fig. 13/ A, the intake silencer, Fig. 16/A, and engine cover carrier inset p iece, F ig. 1S/ 8, s hould be removed. Before this operation, unscrew three screws, Fig. 18/D, and remove the fuel line from fuel pump, Fig. 18/C and let it hang on the lower part of th e ho using , Fig. 13/ 8. The earbon can be removed by means of a steel scratcher or a screwdriver. When cleaning, greatest care must be taken not to damage the piston or cylinder. No particle of carbon should enter the cylinder! After the cylinder has been decarbonised, the cylinder head should be refitted by crosswise tightening the nuts.

foreign matter are blocking the path of the exhaust gases and the water c a n n o t c i r c u la te . Ge n e r a l l y,'th e d i r t accumulates at , the water cooling i n l e t , F i g . 2 / 2 0 , w h i ch ca n e a si l y b e cleaned. lf the cooling system is clogged by foreign matter, they should be removed by means of a strong jet of water as described under the chapter >gf9y6'g,eof ,Motor<<r Fi g . 1 4 lgn,ition System Therefore a sparking plug with lesser thermal value i. e. BOSNA F 50 should be used. Here are the recommended types of sp a r ki n g p l u g
Average load

Fig. 12 The greatest care should be taken that ex haus t b e n d c o o l i n g t u b e , F i g. 1 3/ D , locates properly in the rubber inset piec e, F i g , 1 3 / E . After use in dirty waters, it is advisable from time to time to check the functioning of the cooling system. Sometimes during operation the vertical tube becomes overheated (especially F o r c h e c k i n g a n d a d j u sti n gth e i g n i ti o n system, it is necessary to remove first the complete starting device, F i g . 2 0 , a n d th e n th e fa n w h e e l , Fi g . 201E. To remove the starter device, it is necessary to partially unscrew the two screws which hold the blower hood. Through the opening of the magneto f lywheel, Fig. 14, it is posqible to adjust the contact breaker points, which should be from 0,35 to 0,45mm. Timing advance should be adjusted by rotating the magneto until the contact breakers are in the pos i t i o n a t 1 , 5m m b e fo r e T. D . C . To adjust the timing advance it is necessary to use special tools, this should therefore be done by our off icial agents. The correct sparking plug electrode gap is 0,5 0 ,6 m m , Fi g . 1 5 . Ad j u st it by means of the adjusting gauge s u p p l i e d i n th e to o l b a g . Th e r i g h t c h o i c e o f s pa r ki n g p l u g i s o f f u n d a mental importance for undisturbed running of the motor. The motor is delivered with the sparking plug BOSNA F 80 which thermal value corresponds to a normal loaded motor (runing at full throttle). lf you intend u s i n g y o u r m o to r fo r f i sh i n g , i t w i l l work on minimal throttle opening.

plugs Hecommended s,parking OHAMBosNA KLG BoscH P ION

Ful l L-5 th r o ttl e 7 8 0 FB0 w 240Tl L.Bl F7 5 F7 5 H W 225TI 1l2 throttle opened F 70 F 70 H W 190MLS L-7

w 175 Tl
Minimal throttle F 50 F 50 H

Tl w 145

L- 10

It is strongly recommendedto use the right brand of lubricant; therefore use the special oil for two-stroke engines. We suggest you always take along a pe,r,'fe'c,t rptl'uig,in conditio'n. spare g:parik

Fi g. 13 the upper part where exhaust gases enter); so hot that it is impossible to touch it. This meansthat dirt and 12

Fi g . 15


Fuel System Maintenance of the fuet system demands cleaning not only the carburettor but also the diaphragm purnp and the fuel tank. lf you wish to clean the carburettor remove the intake silencer. Unscrew the two screws in the opening of the a ir in take, Fig, 16/ A. By lifting, the intake silencer can be removed completely. When you want to rermoun,t'it, p,laicethe ,o,ri'fii,ce the of intake silencer into the rubber union sleeve on the carburettor, Fig. 16/8. T hen pu sh th e inta k e s ilenc er int o place and fix it by means of two screws,

Then, by tightening or loosening the screw, Fig. 16'lC, adjust to the most convenient number' of revolutions for. sfow running speed. ( 1s00 1G00 r ev / m in) . The adjustment is correct when the motor 'runs as slow as possible without stopping. lt 'fflust then blso immediately respond to a fast opening of the throttle. When necessary, the throttle twist grip should be dismantled as follows: Release the throttle control cable f rom the carburettor. Hemove the metal ring at the end of the rubber grip.

remainig plastics parts off the twist grip.

suction tube is unscrewed f rom the f uel tank. Take the greatest care to fill the fuel tank with proper and clean fuel mixture and, if necessary, pass the fuel mixture through a funnel equipped with a fine mesh gauze. lf the motor is to be stored for a lengthy period it is recommended to clean the complete fuel supply system.

Starting device

Fi g . 1I

To prevent corrosion of the starter device it is necessary to lubricate, from time to time, the parts made of ste e l : r e co i l sp r i n g , Fi g. 1 9 /A- g r e a se

Fig. 16

lf you want to remove the carburettor, slacken the screw, Fig. 16/D. Remove the carburettor from the inlet bend taking care not to bend the choke wire, Fig. 17 /A. Th e c hok e wir e is hooked on the choke and can be very easily unhooked by means of a screwdriver. When the carburettor has been removed, the f loat chamber can be unscrewed and cleaned. The carburettor must be ref itted in a vertical position. T he slow run nin g sp eed s hould be adjusted by loosening the screw, Fig. 161E,for 3/4 or of a turn 14

Fig. 17

Tur n th e r u b b e r g r i p i n t h e d i rection of the arrow on the metal ring and pull the rubber grip off t he t il l e r h a n d l e , b y h e l p o f a screwdriver. s t ic Su s h i n g . T u r n t h e p l a s t i c b u s hing i n l i n e w i t h t h e o p e n i n g i n the tube. By help of a screwdriver press the plastics inset piece tongue just enough to remove the

A fine mesh gauze filter is fitted to t h e m o t o r f u e l d i a p h r a g m p u m p , Fi g . 18/A, in order to prevent the entry of'foreign matter into the carburettor. Ther pump should be detached f rom the motor for cleaning after removing the engine carrier inset piece, Fig. 18/B (unscrew four screws and remo. ve without detaching the cables). Remove the screw, Fig. 18/C, remove the cover of the diaphragmpump, whereby the mesh gauze filter is now completely accessible.Clean the filter in petrol and blow it dry. When reassembling be very careful not to damage the sealing edge of the f i l t e r b y f a u l t y p o si ti o n i n g . Al so , d o not tighten up the screws, which hold the cover, more than is necessary to g i v e s a t i s f a c t o r y se a l i n g .A se co n d f ilter is f itted to the lower part of the suction pipe connector in the fuel t a n k , F i g . I / 1 3. Th i s fi l te r w i l l b e accessible for cleaning if the suction pipe connector together with the 15

starting device support-

oil oil

sta r te r d e vi ce r o l l e r s, Fi g . 2 A/Bb e a r i n g ca g e , Fi g . 2 0 /C - o i t

spring below the bearing cage and blower steel ring, Fig. zA/D - oil It i s a d vi sa b l e to u se th e l u b r i ca n ts: SAE 20 or medium grease. When lubricating the recoil spring and support it is necessary to remove the starting device cover, Fig. 19/C, f ixed by three screws. The cover should be lifted very carefully, for the recoil spring, when treated carelessly, may spring out of its support. The starter device support should be lubricated th r o u g h th e h o l e B, Fi g . 1 9 . l f o th e r parts of the starter device are to be lubricated,the complete starter device should be removed, (the device is f ixed to the engine by four scr"ews and two bolts). When the starter device is being removed from the engine


upper part, the recoil spring should be covered with the starter device cover. It ' is advisable to lubricate the recoil spring and starter device support every two months during seasonaluse. When the season is over, we recommend you protect the complete starting device against rust.

should be done with the motor in the vertical position. Unscrew the drain screw, Fig. 22, bY means of a screwdriver (it is not necessary to remove it completely). lf the oil starts to flow past the drain screw, it means that there is no water

Fig. 20 Fi g . 2 1 of the starter device to be placed tn position as shown in F i g . 2 0 / 8 .

deposit in the propeller housing. lf only a few drops of water flow past the drain screw and immediately after them the oil itself, it means that the seal ring is still in good condition but it should be checked more often. lf plenty of water and emulsion (oil and water together) f lows past the drain screw the propeller housing should be emptied completely. Ascertain the defect and let the repair be done by a service workshop. At least every twg months during the season and at the end of the season the oil in the propeller housing should be replaced. Before refilling, the interior of the propeller housing should be washed out with special oil and not with petrol. When refilling the propeller housing with fresh oil (approx 100ccm), 'it is advisable to tilt the motor, together with the wooden support, so that the oil (SAE20) can be poured in easily.

TO WHICH PROPELLER GHOOSE? Fig . 1I Pr,opeller housing lf the propeller hits a submerged obs t ac le, t h e s h e a r p i n w i l l b r e a k . l t is then necessary to immediately stop the motor lest the propeller,hub wears out too much, especially if it is not lubricatedwith water-resistantegrease. To replace the broken shear 'pin with a new one, unwind the propeller plastic nut (ATTENTION LEFT HAND THREAD ) and remove the propeller. ! Then fit the new shear pin, lubricate the shaft and remount the propeller (spare shear pins are to be found in the Accessories and tool bug). The quantity of. oil in the propeller housing should be examined as often as possible to ensure that water has not penetrated the housing.This check TOMOS 4 is designed to operate efficiently at or close to a certain rpm. Each new TOMOS 4 is equipped with a standard propeller (white colour) designed to give good performance on the average type of craft with which the motor will be used. As a rule it is seldom necessary to change the propeller on motors up to 10 h. P., since the boats on which such motors are used are sufficiently similar in design and weight to permit the propeller to operate eff iciently. If the boat or its load is correct white Go;p,Fotpelle'F, use ,s,ta,ndand will ffirffl.Trhe rm,oto,r lour, pritch 1{Qr then operate within the desired speed range from 10 to 15 km/h. Fi g . 2 2 17 lf the boat or its load is heavier than average, use lower pitch Pro'

The starter is designed to last for the life of the motor, but after Several year's use the nylon rope may begin to show signs of wear and should be replaced. If it is obvious that the nylon rope is worn out, it should be replaced by a new one, if this is not done the rope may break at a less opportune moment. Although it is ,no t d ifficu lt to do t his , t he job should be done by someone who is familiar with the mechanism and we suggest you take the starter unit to your TOMOS dealer for this job. When reassemblingthe starter device, we strongly recommend the rollers


pe'lle,r120imrm, blue co,lo,ur, a,n,d the motor will operate within its norm a l spe ed ran ge 1 0 k m / h. lf the boat is lighter than average lru bb er b oa ts), u s e a higher pit c h ip,rorpetliler 160,m'm,red colour. Tihe motor will operate over the speed range of 15 km/h, An important fact to remember is that the speed ot the boat is determined by t he de sig n of the hull and t he h. p. of t he en gin e used . T he m ain pur pos e in cha ng ing a p rop eller is t o per m it the motor to operate at the maxirnum efficient speed for which it was des igned i

Repla c e o i l i n p r o p e l l e r h o u s i n g Lubricate starter device Lubricate throttle control cable Clean the entire fuel system. Clean and empty the carburettor. Refill the empty fuel tank with 1 litre of mixture (gasoline + anti-corrosion oil in 1 0 : 1 r a t i o ) . L e t t h e e n g i n e idle ( l o w r . p . m . ) f o r t w o m i n u t e s . Then rernove the fuel tank with the rest of the mixture, rinse the, inner walls of the fuel tank by shaking it vigorously and leave the mixture in it.


Approxi,mately every g0 days: Storage of the motor To protect all moving parts of the motor against rust, if the motor is to be stored for a long period, clean all outer parts and surfaces especially if the motor had been used in salt water. Use a soft yag, or sponge and water. Remains of salt water within the motor should be removed by means of running water. Inner walls of motor leg should be washed out. For this purpose put the motor, with its lower unit into a fresh water tank and run motor for 5-1 0 minutes under f ull throttle. You can also f lush out the motor leg by means of water circulation. Water is directed into the motor leg by means of a hose connected to a tap and itXed to the water inlet situated under the anticavitation wing, F ig. 2/20 . lt is most im por t ant t hat during the flushing out by means of a hose the motor stands in a vertical position, so that the water can f ind its way out through the exhaust outlet. After flushing the interior let the engine run out of water for 3-4 rninutes at quarter th rottle to dry. 18 ullrsGfwthe ,sparking p|ug and pull the starter a few tiimes rinse the inner walls of the fuel ta,nk by vi,g,orous shaking

Prepar,ing the storage





clean the sparking plug, empty the anti-corrosionmixture and refill the fuel tank with fresh mlxture ratio 25 : 1 (4 o/o). Do not use stale mixture as this may cause serious damage to the engine. Run the motor for five minutes under varying speed

FAULT FINDING Even though you observe all the operating instructions carefully, sometimes faults will occur. If the carburettor is flooded as a res ult of us i n g t h e p r i m e r p u m p o r u s i n g t he c hok e w h i l s t t h e e n g i n e i s w a r m , proceed as follows:


Telephone:Horley 2321 (e lines) Gables: Ailsotor, Rodhill, Surrey

pe,l'leir 120imrm, blue colour, a'n,d the motor will operate within its normal speed range 10 km/h lf the boat is lighter than average lrub be r bo ats), use a higher pit c h rp,rorpeililer ,nnm, red colour. Tihe 160 motor will operate over the speed range of 15 km/h. An important fact to remember is that the speed ot the boat is determined by the d esign o f th e hull and t he h. p. of the engine used. The main purpose in cha ng ing a p rop eller is t o per r nit the motor to operate at the maximum efficient speed for which it was des igne d. 'n

Repla c e o i l ' i n p r o p e l l e r h o u s i n g Lubricate starter device Lubnicatethrottle control cable Clean the entire fuel system. Clean and empty the carburettor. Refill the empty fuel tank with 1 litre of mixture (gasoline + anti-corrosion oil in 1 0 : 1 r a t i o ) . L e t t h e e n g i n e idle ( l o w r . p . m . ) f o r t w o m i n u t e s . Then remove the fuel tank with the rest of the mixture, rinse the..inner walls of the fuel tank by shaking it vigorously and leave the mixtur e in i t .

Approxi,mately every g0 days: Storage of the motor To protect all moving parts of the motor against rust, if the motor is to be stored for a long period, clean all outer parts and surfaces especially if the motor had been used in salt water. Use a soft rag, or sponge and water. Remains of salt water within the motor should be removed by means of running wa ter. In ne r walls of m ot or leg should be washed out. For this purpose put the motor, with its lower unit into a fresh water tank and run motor for 5-10 minutes under full throttle. You can also f lush out the motor leg by means of water circulation. Water is directed into the motor Ieg by means of a hose connected to a tap and iiked to the water inlet situated under the anticavitation wing, F ig. 2/2 0. lt is most im por t ant t hat during the flushing out by means of a hose the motor stands in a vertical position, so that the water can f ind its way out through the exhaust outlet. After flushing the interior let the engine run out of water for B-4 minutes at quarter throttle to dry. rmrgcysltry sparking p|ug and pull the the starter a few tiimes rlnse the inner walls of the fuel ta'nrk by vi,g,orous shaking

Completely open the throttle twist grip and pull the starter rope a few times. lf after this the engine does not start, c l e a n t h e s pa r k p l u g o r a d j u st th e sparking plug electrodg gap, which s h o u l d b e 0 , 5 to 0 ,6 m m , lf it is obvious that the fuel does not enter the carburettor, it is necessary to clean the entire fuel system. Troubles with starting the motor may also be caused by small quantities of water in the carburettor float chamber (clean the carburettor), or else by moist or salt deposits accumulatedon the ignit i o n c a b l e a n d i g n i ti o n ca b l e p l u g ( w i p e dry with a rag).

lf your motor has a poor performance check the following points: 1 . C h o ke cl o se d o r h a l f cl o se d . 2. Carburettor loose on inlet pipe. 3. Intake silencer damaged or obstructed. 4. Rubber washer in fuel connector d a m a g e do r w o r n . PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUC. TION S AN D KEEP YOU R TOM OS 4 NEAT AND CLEAN: IT WILL ALWAYS BE READY FOR EASY STARTINGAND OPERATION. EFFICIENT

Preparing the storage



u$e after

clean the sparking plug, empty the anti-corrosionmixture and refill the fuel tank with fresh mlxture ratio 25 : 1 (4 o/o). Do not use stale mixture as this may cause serious damage to the engine. Run the motor for five minutes under varying speed

FAULT FINDING Even though you observe all the operating instructions carefully, sometim es f ault s w i l l o c c u r . lf the carburettor is flooded as a res ult of us i n g t h e p r i m e r p u m p o r u s i n g the choke whifst the engine is warm, proceed as follows:




Gontrol and other equipment Technical data . .

4 5 6 6 6 B I I 10 10 10

C fe a n i n g th e m o to r Lubrication . EN GIN E lrgrnitio,fl System Fruell Sysfiem . . .

11 11 12

Fuel and lubricants USE.I Mounting the motor on the boat Starting , . , ,

13 14 15 16 17 18

r .

S,tarrfii,nrg devi,ce r . P,r,Orpellg'prfugrgSirng.. TO WHfCH iPROiPEILER CHOO$E?. Storage of the motor FaUtl'tFi,n,d,iing , . . .

Running ahead and astern Stopping the motor Carrying and laying-upthe motor Lighting the boat MAIINTEINANGE



, Telephone: Horley 2321 (6 lines) Surrey Gables: Ailsotor, Mhill,

Technical data:
Fig. 3 2 7 5m m 1 1 0m m 1 4 5m m 76 mm 200 mm Fig. 4 605 mm (23.43'in"); 252mm (9.44 in.) ; 1 7 2 m m ( 6 . 2 2 i n . ) ; 1 5 - 5 5 m ( 0 .0 1 - 2 .2 8 .) ; m in 322 m'm ( 12.60 in.) ; 131mm (S.ZO ; in) 4 6 0m m [ 1 9 . 0 9 i 'n .) ; ( SZO m ) ( 2 3 .0 3i n .) ; m 568mm (23,43in.) ; (678) mm (27.36 in.) ; 1 0 0 0m m ( 3 9 . 9 6i n . ) ; ( 1 1 1 0m m ) ( 4 3 .9 0 i n .) ; 1 0 8m m ( 4 . 2 5 i n . ); ( t t O m m ) ( 4 .9 Si n .) Stroke vo,lume:59,6ccm (3.64cu. in.) D i a m e t e r o f c y l i n d e r : 4 2 m m ( 1 .6 5i n .) S t r o k e : 4 3 m m ( 1. 6 9 i n .) Advanced ignition: 1.5mm ( .06 in.) Platinumcontact breaker point distance: 0.35i,n. 0.45mm ( .O1SS - 0'177in.) Diameter of propeller: 200mm (7.8T in.) Stroke: 120mrm (4.72 in.) Propeller static pressure: 43 kp (94.80 lbs.) Weight of the motor: 15,5,k9 (33.07 lbs.) Fuel tank, separated 12 litres (2.0Sltm, Maximal speed [depends on weight and size o f b o a t ) : u p t o 1 8 k m /h ( 9 ,5m .p .h .) Fuef consumptionat full load: 1,6l/h av. (2,64 pts.) r ( 1 0 . 7 3i n . ) ; 1 6 5m m ( 6 .5 0 i n .) ; (4.33in.) (5.20in.) ( 2 . 9 9 i n . ) ; 1 0 2m m ( 4 .0 2 i n .) ; (7.87 in.) ;

Manoevring the boat:

Th e r e m a i n s o f th e fu e l ( a p p r . 0 ,5 l i tr e ( 1 .2 g pts.) lgnition system:

. it is possible to adjust the contact breaker points, which should be fr:om 0,35 to in 0 ,4 5m m ( .0 t3 5 to .0 '1 7 7 .) . P a g e 1 3 a n d w i th th e p i sto n i n a b o u t 1 ,5m m ( 0 .6i n .) The right sparki'ngplug under the T.D.C. e l e ctr o d eg a p sh o u l d b e 0 ,5- 0 ,6 m m ( .0 1 9i n . - 0 2 3i n .) .

Propeller housing:
cu P a g e 1 8 - U se 1 0 0c.c. ( 9 .1 5 i n .) o f m o tor oil SAE 2'0.

Storage of motor:
P a g e 1 8 - Th e n p o u r 3 0 c. c. ( 1 .8 3cu . i n .) o f a n ti co r r o si o n o i l ... ...Fi l l th e fu e l ta n k with 1/2 - 1 litre (0.e2- 1.76 pts.) of antio co r r o si o r n i l ...

When the obstructions apper and their

rffiovfll: . . . o r r e g u l a te th e sp a r ki n g 19 Pa g e 'plug ele,ctrode gap, which should be 0,5 to 0 ,6 m m ( .Otg i n . to ,0 2 3 i n .) .

Fuel mixture table:

Petrol 5 l i t r e s ( t l m , p . g a l .) gal.) 10 litre,s (2 I'mtp. 1 5 l i t r e s ( S l m p . g a l .) Oi l 0 ,2 l i tr e s ( 0 .3 5p t.) 0,5 litres (0.70pt.) p 0 ,6 l i tr e s ( t.OS ts.)

Lubricant for reductor in propeller housing: pt.) M o t o r d i l S A E 2 0 : 0,10 litre (0.26 Mounting .the motor to the hoat:
lf the transom is too thin and the screws do not grip f ir,mly, an aluminium plate or an e x t r a p i e c e o f w o o d ( 4 9 X9 0 m m ( 1 .9 3 i n . X 3.86 in.) 5 mm (0.20 in.) thick) may be screwed to the transotm.In case the transom is thicker than 58 mm (2.28 in.), it is necessary t o r e d u c e i t s t h i c , kn e ss.Pa g e B - Wi th th e boat unloaded, the distance between the water line and the anti-cavitationplate should b e a t l e a s t 1 0 0m m ( 3 .9 9 i n .) .




Fl ItI


SALFORDS . REDHILL . SURREY RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS For the AILSA CRAIG 4 En g ine: Gearhousing: Grease Points: Lay-up: lgnition Waterproofing: Duc k ham sO ut boar dTwo- St r ok eO il R a t i o 2 5 : 1

DuckhamsOutboardGear Oil (Hypoid 90) or O2O-50 l

D uckh a m s Ke e n o l Gr e a se

Adfilm 73O DuckhamsDry-Spark

Ad di tiv es of th e f r i c t i o n r e d u cin g o r visco sity im p r o vin g typ e must not be used

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