Fatman's Guide To Cable Training

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Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training


A brief overview of cable training history,

exercises and regimens

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training


Why Train With Cables? .........................................................................................................3

How Cables Work the Muscles ................................................................................................8
Cable Training / Strandpulling Personages .........................................................................11
Cable Training Exercises .......................................................................................................17
Combining Cables with Other Forms of Training...............................................................41
Some Cable Training Workout Templates...........................................................................46
Cable Training Methods.........................................................................................................51
Nutrition 101............................................................................................................................59
Closing Notes ...........................................................................................................................63

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Why Train With Cables?

Cable (expander) training, a popular training method and strength stunt of old-time
strongmen, is experiencing a major revival at the beginning of the 21st century. Many
of the modern-time strength and conditioning gurus – Matt Furey, John Brookfield,
Budd Jeffries and the brains behind Ironmind and Oldtime Strongman websites, to
name a few – are promoting cable training as an excellent addition to your training, or
even a stand-alone training method in itself. Looking back, it can be noted that many
of the old-time strongmen who published strength-training books in the early 1900s
devoted parts of those books, or entire publications, to cable training or
“strandpulling”. The names of Sandow, Bonomo, Danks, Noe and others spring to
mind. Given the recent resurrection of old-time lifts and training methods, the
increased interest in cables comes is hardly surprising. It seems as if the strength-
training world is forced to revert to training philosophies from almost one hundred
years ago, which gives one a good notion of the actual progress (or rather lack
thereof) made in this field.
Cable training/strandpulling can be defined as the activity of stretching out elastic
strands/bands, usually rubber tubing or steel springs, to a certain length in certain
positions. Strandpulling can either be used to enhance an existing weight-lifting
program, or put the finishing “touches” on a physique forged through diligent use of
iron, or as a strength and flexibility program unto itself, or combined with non-
apparatus and bodyweight exercises. Powerlifters use rubber bands attached to
barbells when training for acceleration and power, or for stretching purposes, or for
strengthening, rehab and prehab of weaker muscle groups that do not receive
sufficient work from the usual weightlifting movements. Wrestlers and other
participants in grappling sports combine them with sandbags and calisthenics for
developing functional, sport-specific strength. Even sprinters, runners and swimmers
can benefit from resistance band training, again for conditioning and strengthening of
specific areas.
The basic idea of this instructional is to offer some insight into the history of this
method of exercising, provide a list of some of the most beneficial cable exercises in
my view and share some of the experiences I have had with cable training. A brief
disclaimer: I am by no means a strength training expert or professional athlete/coach;

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

I do not have the expertise of the established exercise gurus, and my educational
background is in finance rather than physical training or medicine. Many of the
thoughts and opinions presented here are not my own; where this is the case, I will
clearly indicate the original author. Make sure to follow up on these references and
read a bit more about cable training from experienced professionals. Also, always
consult a qualified physician before starting an exercise program – I’m not going
to be held liable if you drop dead from being dumb enough to start training despite a
potentially lethal medical condition. Stupidity claims more lives per year than cancer
and AIDS combined – don’t become a statistic.
In order to fulfill, or even come close to fulfilling, your maximum strength, size or
performance potential, you cannot rely solely on what some guy will tell you in a
book. An advanced athlete should be in touch with his/her body to an extent that
allows him/her to know how to train, rest and gauge performance on the basis of
his/her individual needs. However, some guidance is always useful. Get acquainted
with as many ideas as possible, try them out and retain only the stuff that you find
useful. Remember: it’s always better to learn from someone else’s mistakes than from
your own. This applies not only to cable training, but strength training in general. I
have frequently stuck with routines that had ceased to bring results out of a mental
dependency – for example, if you enjoy benching heavy weights and see good gains
from it for a while, you become kind of reluctant to drop bench presses from your
routine altogether once you stop seeing improvements. If you’re not a competitive
weightlifter or bodybuilder, what have you got to lose if you switch to a routine that
proves to be ineffective? Don’t fear to try out new stuff. On the other hand, don’t
change routines every now and then, as this is highly counterproductive. Find a good
training routine that is in line with your goals, abilities and available time/space, and
stick with it for a while until the gains stop coming. Then find another routine and
start using it. It really is as easy as that.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

If cables are that great, why aren’t they more present in the “muscle media”, i.e. why
don’t we see Ronnie Coleman or the other pros “pumping rubber”? It is true that,
recent revival notwithstanding, you won’t see cables featured in Flex magazine and
similar publications. The reason for this is simple: cables aren’t a great sell. A set of
Lifeline TNT cables (two handles, door attachment and three R4 cables) will set you
back around $30; throw in an additional set of “reds” – which is more or less all you’ll
need for a long, long time, even if you’re pretty strong – and the sum total comes out
to around $50. After deducting production, marketing and shipping costs, there isn’t
really that much net profit left for the supplier. Once you buy a set of cables, you
don’t need a gym membership either (you can train with them just as effectively at
home), so you’re not deriving any income from this source either. Conversely, there
isn’t much incentive for cable manufacturing companies to pay exorbitant marketing
fees to pro bodybuilders to oil themselves up, smile those megawatt-smiles and
perform front pulls in front of the camera. They cater to a different clientele anyway.
The driving forces behind muscle magazines are large commercial gyms and
supplement manufacturers. They pay substantial amounts of cash for advertising. This
is how the people working for muscle mags earn their daily bread. Therefore, the
messages they send out through their publications are twofold:
a) you can only get huge and ripped training in a commercial gym: note the
exercises presented in the training plans of some of the physique champions –
they will often call for something like “3 sets of 12 reps on the latest Biceps
Optimizer 3000 machine, supersetted by one burn-out set on the Inclined Pec
Blaster”. Good luck fitting those two into your garage or living room, let alone
your budget. The only solution is to join a gym equipped with all this Star-
Trek equipment.
b) you need supplements in order to gain strength and size: I won’t even start on
why this is untrue. Muscle magazines have been pushing ridiculous ideas like
“one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day” for almost half a
century – is it really surprising that so many people buy into the supplement
hype? The supplement business is extremely profitable. A bottle of “metabolic
mega-booster” or a can of “micro-filtrated-isolated pre-digested whey protein”
costs as much as the entire cable setup described above. These firms can
afford Ronnie Coleman in ads for their product. Cable companies just don’t
find it profitable.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Between the gyms and the supplements, very little advertising space can be found for
the relatively inexpensive cables. I have absolutely no doubt that, if Jon Hinds of
Lifeline USA decided to dish out more cash to the muscle rags, the very next issue of
Flex or Iron Man would feature a pro bodybuilder’s cable-training routine “which he
used to prepare himself for the crown-winning performance at the Mr. Whatnot
competition held in California this July”.
Digression aside, we move back to the subject of cable training. What follows is an
(abbreviated) list of reasons why one should train with cables:
 Cables provide a different type of resistance to weights and “hit” the muscles
in a different way, plus they develop muscles that are difficult to “get to” with
regular barbell/dumbbell exercises;
 Cable exercises are very effective at “pumping” individual muscles, which is
beneficial as it provides the necessary flushing of the muscle with blood (and
removal of metabolic waste);
 Cables are light and take up very little space, so they’re very portable, great
for trainees who are frequently on the road for longer periods and want to get
some training done (like myself);
 Cables are extremely versatile – they can be used to replicate virtually all
weight-lifting exercises, plus a vast number of others that have no weighted
equivalent. They also provide unlimited options regarding muscles worked,
range of motion, etc.;
 Cables do not stress the joints and tendons the way heavy weights do
(although they do provide excellent joint/tendon loading), and hence lend
themselves better to speed or explosive work at lower risk of injury (e.g. cable
ballistic squats vs. barbell ballistic squats);
 Cables allow you to train with limit or near-limit resistance without the risk of
life-threatening injury: getting whacked by a poorly secured cable or handle is
very, very painful, but highly unlikely to permanently cripple you;
 Cables enable you to exercise against resistance coming from all angles,
unlike weights, where the resistance is provided by gravity (always
 Cables allow you to increase/decrease resistance easily and safely during the
exercise, simply by adjusting the length pulled (by adjusting the grip or, if a
door attachment is used, by stepping further/closer to the door);

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

 Cables are very useful for grapplers, as the resistance provided is similar to
that provided by an opponent;
 Many traditional cable movements develop flexibility along with strength, an
important aspect of physical development often neglected by weightlifters
(indeed, excessive flexibility can be detrimental to certain categories of
strength athletes, so this is something that is seldom, if ever, trained);
 Cables can be used for isolation exercises that target only the muscle worked,
or for compound, full-body exercises that require all the muscles to work in
unison; they cover the entire spectrum.
What a list! Are cables, then, superior to weightlifting? Well, the answer is no.
Neither method is “superior” to the other, they are very different. Granted, there is
some carryover between the two activities; a strong barbell-trained man will be able to
work against a greater elastic resistance than someone new to physical training, and a
cable trainee will have a distinct advantage when attempting to lift a barbell over a
strength-training novice. However, it must be understood that cable deadlifts
performed on their own will not make a person better at barbell deadlifts, just like a
guy who benches 500 lbs. will bomb on a back press with equivalent cable resistance,
or even fail to get the cable set into the starting position. Weightlifting, like all sports,
is movement-specific. I can’t even count the times I’ve read or heard questions like
“are pushups/close grip pushups/one-armed pushups going to help me increase my
bench press maximum?” Many don’t realize that this question is just as dumb as
asking “am I going to become a better basketball player by training for American
football?” Bench-press specific exercises are going to help you increase your bench
press maximum. One-armed pushups are going to increase your one-arm pushup
Okay, so why train with cables? Because, in order to become truly strong, you should
challenge your body in as many ways and directions as possible. I sincerely believe
that this is the only way to all-round strength, power and health. Why train for
impressive powerlifting totals, OR muscular endurance that enables you to crank out
hundreds of reps of bodyweight exercises, OR tremendous static strength, OR the
ability to perform cable exercises with resistances that most other guys couldn’t even
budge – when you can train for ALL these goals at the same time?

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

How Cables Work the Muscles

This should give you a good explanation of why and how cables place more load on
the muscles than barbells. Say you can bicep curl 100 lbs. over the full range of
motion, i.e. your muscles are capable of handling a load of this magnitude in this
particular movement. In the top portion of the curl (the part between having your
forearms at 90 degrees to the upper arms and the fully contracted position), your
muscles work at a more favorable leverage as the weight is supported by the bones of
the arm. Were you just to perform this part of the motion, you could probably lift 120
lbs. or more. However, the maximum poundage in a given lift is determined by your
weakest point in the lift, just like the old saying goes: “a chain is only as strong as its
weakest link”. Using the example of the curl, you can only get 100 lbs. past the
starting point (arms fully extended – weakest position), therefore this is your limit
poundage on the lift. However, you could lift 120 lbs. in the top portion. You’re
essentially robbing your muscles of the extra growth stimulus that could be derived
from the bicep curl exercise.
The same goes for other lifts. Perhaps you can perform a partial deadlift (from the
knees to lockout) with 400 lbs. Too bad you can only break 300 off the floor. Or you
can bench press 350 lbs. over the last 10 inches of the motion, but the sticking point
half-way off your chest limits you to 250. Full-ROM lifting is important for a
competitive powerlifter, but for those among us on a quest for muscular size, shape
and real, raw strength, overloading certain portions of the lift could be far more
beneficial. Strength over the full range of motion is still important, but heavy partials
have a lot of carry-over to full-ROM lifts.
If full-ROM lifting is flawed in this respect, what is the solution? Heavy partials are
one of the most common and effective methods. John Grimek, a weight-lifter and
bodybuilder from the pre-steroid era, performed partial overhead presses to strengthen
his overhead press (which was a competitive lift back in the day) and eventually
pushed one thousand pounds in this lift. Compare that to the average modern-day
trainee in an age in which overhead pressing has all but disappeared from the gyms.
He would struggle with a standing overhead press with one hundred pounds, or ONE-
TENTH of the same amount. Budd Jeffries, a modern-day strength wonder and the
author of the Twisted Conditioning series, has quarter-squatted almost two thousand

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

pounds. Think about that, then think about the fact that a quarter-squat is what passes
for a “squat” in most gyms. From what I’ve seen in commercial gyms, the one or two
guys who actually perform the squat on a regular basis employ the “double
progression” method: as the weight goes up, so does their butt at the bottom of the
“squat”, so they’re essentially upping the weight and shortening the ROM. And
thinking they’re making progress. I have long ago sworn never to make fun of these
people, so I don’t even bother explaining to them why what they’re doing is pointless.
Or perhaps I’m just an evil bastard who enjoys seeing other people stagnate and/or get
weaker and frustrated while I make slow and steady progress, in which case I need
assistance of the psychological variety. Enough about me, back to the topic of cable
One guy actually set out to make an entire training “philosophy” based on partial
training. His name is Peter Sisco and he advocates using nothing but partials and
heavy lockouts on all exercises, reasoning that a) this overloads the muscles harder,
and b) minimizes the chance of injury due to limiting the exercise to the “safe” part of
the motion. Now I’m not an advocate of partial-only training, as full-range exercise is
still the best for overall strength development, but you can gain a ton of strength and
size from partials. They help your body get accustomed to handling heavy weights
and trigger your central nervous system into muscle-building overdrive. Just
remember that partials are a tool in getting your full-range lifts up, not a substitute for
full-ROM training. Many get seduced by the fact that they’re lifting so much weight
and become mentally dependant on the poundages.
How do you combine the best of both worlds – get the benefits of full-range lifting
and also enjoy the overload in the strongest part of the motion? You got it – cables!
Using cables you can add resistance to the top part of the motion while keeping the
resistance in the initial part of the lift low enough for you to be able to “break out” of
the weak portion. There are two ways you can achieve this:

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

The first method is pretty straightforward – just use cables as a substitute for barbell
and dumbbell exercises. The Lifeline TNT cables are great for this, as they have all
the necessary features:
1. They can go up to Goliath resistances;
2. They are long enough for exercises like standing presses, up-right rows or
curls, where you stand on the cable and hold the two handles to perform
the exercise, as well as door attachment exercises, like presses, pulls and
sled-dragging exercises;
3. They have solid handles, which allows for proper “weight” distribution
(you need a solid handle to stretch “heavy” cables).
I’m sure other cables work just as well, it’s just that I have experience with the
TNT model.

The second method is even better – combine the best of both worlds. In other words,
combine barbell/dumbbell movements with cables. I must note here that the TNT
cable set is not the best instrument of achieving this, as it consists of straight lengths
of plugged rubber tubing – the flat, looped bands sold by Ironmind or Elite Fitness are
much more useful for this purpose. The Westside Barbell Club uses the cable +
barbell method in their training to break through sticking points in the powerlifts: they
teach their lifters to lift at high speed through the combined use of bands and barbells,
in other words develop acceleration to blast through the sticking points.
Although I train regularly with weights and perform the three powerlifts, I have not
implemented this speed-training portion of the Westside Barbell Template into my
sessions. What I have in mind is the combination of barbells and cables for increasing
muscular tension during an exercise for the purposes of building muscle mass. The
cables would provide extra tension in the “strong” portion of the exercise – not just
the bench, squat and deadlift, but also rows, curls, dips, pull-ups/chin-ups, etc.
Hopefully I’ll be able to implement this training method in the future; until then, if
anyone has experience with this type of training, I’d be interested in hearing about it.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Cable Training / Strandpulling Personages

Who invented the expander? That’s as tricky a question to answer as “who invented
weights?” It is impossible to determine the origin of cable training, but they have been
around for a good while. The concept of training with elastic resistance dates back to
the invention of the bow. Here is a quote from an excellent strandpulling article1:

“(...) Expanders. Strands, Cables, call them what you will ... they are not as modern
an idea as you may think.
Their actual origin (as far as my own research goes), are from the Sumerians of about
3,000 BC (No that's NOT before cables).
There are many records of their Archers using Bows to practice pulls. They would use
bows of increasingly stronger pulling power, as they became stronger themselves.
Often they would tie two or even three Bows together, simply to increase the
resistance in their training.
Practicing the 'Archers Pull', wasn't the only exercise they did, which shows how
much they understood physical training.
Interestingly enough, they would use BOTH HANDS to do the pulls. Now as an
Archer, would always use the same hand to hold the Bow and the other to draw with,
using both hands during training showed they were thinking beyond just improving
the Archer's Pull.
In fact one inscription on an old Vase, mentioned that it was advised that ALL
Warriors should practice the bow for better performance.”

I would only add that other cultures that relied on the bow also used bows of
progressively heavier resistance to train their bodies for combat. The exact training
methods are largely unknown, although the archer pull and a variation of the up-right
row have made it onto ancient pottery. The Sumerians appear to have adhered to a
comprehensive system of training, but making up your own exercises on the go is
always a possibility with cables (and one of the reasons why they’re so great).
With the advent of rubber into Europe, the rubber cable expander was devised, first as
a curative device for the medical profession, later as a strength training tool. The steel
spring expander also became popular in more or less the same period.

Turton, Dave: On The Pull, courtesy of SFUK Articles and Interviews

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

In the era of mail-order bodybuilding courses, strandpulling / chest expander work

received a lot of attention. Back in those days, many performers of strength feats and
physique champions picked up on the immense cash-earning potential of the strength
training and muscular development market. However, the technological and
infrastructural limitations of the period stood between them and the future cash cow.
Barbells and dumbbells could only be found in athletic clubs and the gyms owned by
the strongmen themselves – there was no mass production of disc-loading bells like
there is today. Heavy weights were cumbersome and... well, heavy. Making and
transporting heavy weights by stage-coach or train would have been an extremely
unprofitable endeavor. Gyms and athletic clubs were not as readily available as today,
and many of them did not cater to the iron crowd, preferring club-swinging and
gymnastics to iron-slinging. Selling weights would have made these courses so
expensive that they would be pretty off-limits to the general public. So the muscle-
men thought about their options (yes, back then musclemen could think, contrary to
popular opinion!). They came up with an ingenious solution: strength-training
courses... without weights!
The first of these courses were based mostly on self-resistance exercises and
calisthenics. From what I’ve seen, you would send away for a training course and the
Lessons would arrive monthly by mail. They also included tips on general health,
hygiene and nutrition. As is common to all newbie trainees, the ones who took up
these exercises registered increases in muscular bodyweight, strength and definition.
Remember, back then a 14-inch muscular arm was considered “big”. Most physical
culture enthusiasts were thin and small, often the victims of childhood ailments; back
in the day the vast majority of naturally big guys did not deem it worthy to exercise.
They trained faithfully and they grew. After some time spent on this type of program,
they would be strong enough to commence a weight-lifting routine. Many of these
former pupils later became mail-order strength coaches themselves. This makes you
think about an age when pencil-necked scrawny “personal trainers” and “gym
trainers” would have been laughed at instead of listened to as they are today, does it
As civilization advanced, roads became better and the post offices covered more
ground. It was still pretty expensive to sell mail-order dumbbells, but mail-order
courses could be written as to include a simple piece of equipment. For value-for-
money, effectiveness and transportability, rubber cables could simply not be beat.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Steel springs might have been somewhat more expensive, but this too was an
affordable piece of equipment. So the chest expander business grew.
One of the more famous chest expander courses from the early 1900s was written by
the great Eugen Sandow, considered by many to be “the man who started it all” in
physical culture. He engineered a bizarre expander device with two light dumbbells
for handles; the dumbbells themselves were halved lengthwise and connected by steel
springs, so one had to squeeze the dumbbells in order to obtain a good grip on the
expander and use it for the various exercises. Albeit an inspired method of training the
grip, using weights and cables simultaneously, the device was most likely a gimmick;
the dumbbells were light, and in my opinion using weights as chest expander handles
allows the force of gravity to help the user in stretching the cables in certain positions
or pulls, hence defeating the purpose. However, I have no experience with the
“Sandow Developer” and cannot vouch for its effectiveness, or lack thereof. It has
been reported that a number of users of the Developer in fact did develop decent
physiques, and even had contests for best built physical culturist. In conclusion, it can
be said that this device was different.
There appears to be one household name in cable training, and that is of Fred Rollon,
also known as “the Human Anatomy Chart”. The data that can be gleaned on this
early 20th century strongman and performer is unreliable to say the least, and there
seems to be no mention of him in any of the old-time exercise and lifestyle books. The
only actual image of him can be seen on any internet website promoting strandpulling
and cables and pictures him doing a back pose, like in a bodybuilding contest.
So what does the legend say on old Fred? He was a German turn-of-the-century
strongman who trained exclusively with cables (none of the old-timers trained
exclusively with anything, but we’ll let that one pass). He was immensely strong and
his cables could resist the pull of horses. He was also an accomplished weight-lifter –
he could lift heavy barbells when challenged, but again, trained only with cables.
I have been unable to find any additional information on Fred Rollon, therefore would
appreciate any input immensely.
Another strongman and physical culturist who trained exclusively with cables was a
gentleman named Alfred Danks. His work, the Danks System, is a very good book on
cable training; it was based around a regular expander-type device.
Earle Liederman, another weight-lifting and physical culture legend, also ran a very
successful mail-order course based on chest expander exercises. It was a follow-up

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

course of his initial self-resistance/calisthenics course. I have heard this referred to as

one of the best cable training courses ever written, but unfortunately have not had the
opportunity to read it.
Thomas Inch, another famous strength athlete and performer, also included a list of
expander exercises into his books on training. He also had a “challenge expander”
(like the famous “Inch Challenge Dumbbell”), and used to perform a strength stunt
where he would back press a heavy-duty, then ask two hefty volunteers to hang from
his outstretched arms for additional resistance. He would then twirl around with this
ponderous load before an astounded audience. Inch’s expander exercises were based
around a cable device that could be attached to a wall, which allowed for some
creativity in exercise invention.
Another popular figure from the period was Joe Bonomo. He appears to have written
courses on everything, from calisthenics to isometrics to cables to weights. Roy H.
Noe was not a physique star or weightlifter, but he owned a company that
manufactured rubber exercise devices (“Noe’s Graduated Xercisors”) that consisted
of handles and a single flat rubber band. I have heard these spoken of in a very
affirmative tone, but it’d be difficult to find any of these devices today, as the
company went out of business long ago.
Cable training became so popular that contests began to be held in Europe, with the
big cable boom taking place in Great Britain. Officially the sport was called
strandpulling, and the contestants would stretch cables and springs using an official
list of pulls which will be presented further in this text. I remember owning a not-so-
recent Guinness Book of Records that quoted some of the strandpulling records, and
some impressive poundages were being hoisted/pulled. A great article by Brad Reid,
whose father Jack appears to have been a cable-training authority of some note in the
US, mentions a cable pulling contest held on US soil in the 1940s, but it seems as if
the strandpulling bug never really caught on in the States.
A number of more recent physique stars were known cable-users. Bodybuilding
legend Reg Park wrote a brief but informative cable training brochure describing
cable exercises. He devoted a portion of his time to cable training. Fred Hutchinson
is a name that crops up frequently in cable training discussions; he wrote a number of
strandpulling articles for the strength publication MILO, but I’m unfamiliar with his
work, except through what I’ve read from other sources. Syd Devis was a British
champion puller in the 9 and 10-stone categories, and I’ve come across a forum post

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

regarding a book he had written: some of this material will be presented in the
following chapters.
Modern-day cable trainees of note include grip master John Brookfield, who
published an excellent book titled Training with Cables for Strength, available
through Ironmind Enterprises, in which he provides descriptions for over fifty
exercises using an Ironmind chest expander. Some criticize the book for poor quality
of photographs; if it’s large color photos you’re after, buy Sports Illustrated or
Playboy, for crying out loud. Other “intelligent” comments on the book include “not
enough exercise routines” (you’re supposed to create your own – if you don’t know
how to do that by now, then perhaps strength training is not for you) and “he didn’t
offer anything new”. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. The same people who
won’t buy Brookfield’s book because it’s “not innovative” are quite ready to dish out
hundreds of dollars to a certain internet guru who sells books that teach you how to do
squats and pushups. That said, the price could be lower and the quality of print better
(the same can be said for all Ironmind books), but nothing can be taken away from the
quality of training information. I own the book and recommend it heartily.
Dennis Rogers, “Pound-for-Pound the World’s Strongest Man”, also uses cables in
his training. He seems to avoid conventional training methods and performs strength
stunts like crumpling up frying pans like they’re made of paper, resisting the pull of
two motorcycles moving in opposite directions, etc.
Budd Jeffries, the author of Twisted Conditioning and one hell of a strong guy
(quarter squat of around two thousand pounds), also includes training with chest
expanders into his mixed exercise regimen. I have not had the pleasure of reading the
work of Mr. Jeffries, but I enjoy his website and featured articles. He uses all sorts of
exercises – high-rep calisthenics, bodyweight strength moves, agility exercises, heavy
weights, heavy partials, cable training, plyometrics, etc., and has attained an
unbelievable level of strength and conditioning. When you see a 300-lb. guy doing
flips and cartwheels, you tend to think that you’ve seen everything. And then he does
some handstand pushups. Great strength, great approach to training. Make sure you
check out his website, Strongerman Productions.
Cable training is experiencing a revival today, and is mostly used by athletes from the
grappling arts, mostly wrestlers, armwrestlers and MMA fighters. However, it is
becoming increasingly popular among athletes from other sports, most notably
bodybuilders and weightlifters. The training methods espoused by Westside Barbell

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

include a lot of work with elastic resistance. The main part of their resistance band
training relates to the development of lifting speed (speed squats, benches and
deadlifts performed with rubber bands attached to a relatively light barbell), but a
significant portion of time is dedicated to rehab and prehab band movements. These
exercises are quite dissimilar to the cable pulls and presses employed in classic cable
training, but the principle (exerting force against a variable resistance and developing
what they term “compensatory acceleration”) is the same. While these exercises could
not be classified as “strandpulling”, they still fall into the broad category of cable
As opposed to weightlifting and training with bodyweight exercises, where everyone
seems to have discovered “the ultimate way to train”, little cable training information
is available through the internet. Apart from the books offered for free on the Sandow
Museum website (www.sandowplus.co.uk) and some excellent articles posted on the
(now sadly defunct) Strandpulling Message Board, most of this material is pretty hard
to come by through the internet. The following chapter will detail training information
I have compiled from several sources. Please take note that the material presented
therein was obtained free of charge on the Web, and sources will be referenced as

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Cable Training Exercises

This chapter will include descriptions of a number of cable exercises. I felt that
detailed descriptions should be provided, as the average trainee is rather unfamiliar
with this type of exercise. Most people who have set foot in a gym know how to
perform a bench press or a barbell squat; in comparison, the number of trainees who
are familiar with the back press or front pull is relatively low. Having said that, cable
exercises are simple and easy to master – then it’s just a question of adding resistance.

Important note: although cables are generally safer than weights, i.e. it’s unlikely that your cable set
will crush you to death in case of muscular failure, injuries are still possible. The common causes of
injury are twofold:

- Improper securement of cables: some exercises require one end of the cable set to be attached to a
fixed object, or secured underfoot. A stretched cable is like a cocked bow, so there is always the danger
of a handle slipping and hitting random bodyparts at full velocity. A more extreme variant would be
attaching the cable to an unstable anchor and bringing the entire structure down on your head. Use
common sense on this one.

- Using too much resistance: remember, the positive portion of a cable exercise begins at low
resistance which increases as the cable is stretched further. The negative portion, however, begins with
the cables at maximum resistance. Using too much resistance can cause quite a “snap” back, and
sprains can easily occur. With exercises like cable sled dragging, the kick-back could easily throw you
off your feet. It is important to stay focused on the exercise throughout the workout.

Cable training exercises can be loosely divided into two categories:

a) Classic strandpulling exercises (i.e. the old competition pulls): these are
primarily what one would term “chest expander” exercises, as this was the
cable device used in competition pulls;

b) Assistance/supplementary exercises: these appear not to have been included in

the competition pulls (at least the list I was able to obtain), but should be
practiced for development of strength and muscular size; also performed with
“chest expanders”

c) Simulations of exercises with barbells and dumbbells: this is self-explanatory.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

d) Everything else: given the versatility of cables, this latter category can contain
hundreds upon hundreds of exercises. I will try to include as many as possible,
but the only real limit is your imagination.
The competition pulls/exercises are all excellent upper-body developers.
Unfortunately, none of these exercises seem to target the lower body. Therefore, if
you’re embarking on a training routine consisting of competition pulls, I would
suggest performing a few heavy lower body exercises with weights in addition to the
cable exercises, perhaps one session per week, to attain solid overall development.
Suggestions will be presented later in this text. Due to the versatility of the Lifeline
TNT cables, you could also add some lower-body work from my list of other cable
exercises. However, I am a firm believer in the superiority of weights for lower body
training. Heavy barbell squats cannot be replaced by any other exercise, and you
should be performing them once or twice per week unless you suffer from a medical
condition that makes squatting dangerous or impossible.
This is a list of the competition pulls sanctioned by BASPA (British Amateur Strand-
Pulling Association)2:
No. Exercise Name
1 Overhead Downward Pull (knuckles inwards)
2 Overhead Downward Pull (knuckles outwards)
3 Two arms lateral raise (back and front)
4 Two Arms Front Chest Pull at attention
5 Two Arms Front Chest Pull (Anyhow)
6 Right and Left arm front chest pull (anyhow)
7 Right and left arm Military Press
8 Two Arms Back Press at Attention
9 Two Arms Back Press (anyhow)
10 Dislocation at the attention position
11 Dislocation (anyhow)
12 Two Arms Press from Behind Neck
13 Two Arms Upward Front Chest Pull (feet apart)
14 Right and left arm Front chest Pull (in erect position)
15 Right and left Arm Upward Push Anyhow

For those familiar with cable exercises, the names of the pulls will be more or less
self-explanatory. It is important to define certain terms used:

Devis, Syd: All About Strandpulling, provided courtesy of the Strandpulling Message Board. Original
book published cca. 1940, quoted information from reprint from 1950.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

“Anyhow” – body positioning is not important, as long as the cable is stretched to

lockout. It is sometimes possible to stretch “heavier” cables by contorting the body to
accommodate the line of resistance and complete the pull. The “anyhow” would mean
that there is no need for strict body positioning, i.e. anything goes.
“At Attention” – back and legs straight, knees locked out, heels touching each other.
This term appears to be interchangeable with “military” (as in “military press”).
“Erect Position” – get your minds out of the gutter. This simply means standing
upright, back straight.
So a “back press anyhow” would require less strict form than “back press at
attention”. The difference is similar to that between the military press and push press
in weightlifting. Bear in mind that this is the interpretation I’ve come to through study
of various articles – I don’t own the original course with the exact explanations and
So on to the exercises:

1 and 2: Overhead Downward Pull, Knuckles Inward/Outward:

Hold the cables overhead with palms facing out
(knuckles inward version) or in (knuckles outward
version) on straight to almost-straight arms, and pull
laterally until the cables are pressed firmly across the
traps and the hands somewhat below the plane of the
shoulder. Make sure that you don’t bend the arms much
during the movement. As a general rule, use less
resistance on the “knuckles outward” version. A great
exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscles.
Brad Reid’s cable training article3 mentions that the
overhead pulldown is an exercise that is best performed for high repetitions, “up to 20
is fine”. I have performed this exercise for as low as three all-out reps, and I must say
that it is rather tricky to perform with high resistances. I often get kinks in my traps
and neck from going “heavy” on the ODP. On the other hand, it is my opinion that
you aren’t going to build much strength from 20-rep sets. A happy medium would be
using a resistance that allows for 8-12 reps before you feel a “burn”.

Reid, Brad: A Primer on Cable Training, courtesy of Fred Crivello’s website

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

3: Two Arms Lateral Raise (Back and Front):

Hold a set of cables with the arms fully extended downward. The cables should lie
across the front of your body (for the front variation), or behind the body (back
variation). Don’t snap the cables, but pull the slack out and quickly accelerate the
cables until your arms are held laterally at about clavicle/chin height. In my
experience the back variation is more difficult.

4 and 5: Two Arms Front Chest Pull –At Attention and Anyhow:
Hold a cable set directly out in front, arm placement as on 9
and 3 o’clock on an imaginary clock face. Keeping the
arms straight or slightly bent, pull the strands straight back
to shoulder plane height but extend slightly further back,
snapping and stretching the cables across the upper chest
for increased range. At attention – keep the “military
position” and pull without contorting the body. “Anyhow”
allows for the use of a less strict body position; I usually
dip the knees and bend the torso slightly to start the pull
when performing the “anyhow” variant. Either way, this
exercise is an awesome deltoid and upper back developer, probably better than either
weights or bodyweight exercises.

6: Right and Left Arm Front Chest Pull (Anyhow):

Same as the other chest pull variants, only in this version you start from the position
of the completed pull and perform the exercise with one arm. In other words, if you’re
working the right arm, stretch the cable set to full extension, then keep the left arm
outstretched and perform repetitions with the right arm. Switch arms and perform
another set.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

7: Right and Left Arm Military Press At Attention:

Similar to the exercise performed with dumbbells. Here’s how Brad

Reid describes it: “If working the right arm, hold the left hand palm
pressed against the left hip in a position so that the anchoring cable
handle is sandwiched between the hand and the hip. This is your
braced “anchor” from which the cable is pulled laterally across your
back where your right hand holds the other handle for the actual
press. Brace the anchor hand hard against the hip and press the right
arm to full extension vertically overhead.” This is a good exercise for
the shoulder and triceps. There is no “anyhow” variant of this
exercise, so make sure you maintain proper “military” positioning.

8 and 9: Two Arms Back Press, At Attention and Anyhow:

This press is a behind-the-back stretch performed in a
lateral direction (both sides) until both arms are fully
extended. The back press is typically performed with
the cables riding along the outside or top of the arm
(see illustration); this version places greater emphasis
on the triceps, and is one of the best tricep developers
around. John Brookfield presents a variant with the
cables passing under the arm, which tends to
emphasize the deltoids. Either variant is excellent. This is an exercise where the cable
positioning is conducive to huge pulls, therefore requiring more cable resistance than
any other. Again, loose style – “anyhow”, strict style – “at attention”.

10 and 11: Dislocation, At Attention and Anyhow:

To perform this exercise, start off in the ending position of a back press. The arms are
stretched laterally in line with the shoulders. Keeping the arms straight, bring the
cables upward until they are above your head, then over the top of your head and level
with the clavicles (in other words, from the finishing position of the back press to the
finishing position of the front pull). This requires a lot of shoulder flexibility and a
“snap” of the cables can cause you some consternation, so start off with a light
resistance and warm up thoroughly. Dipping the knees slightly to get the cables over
your head is a popular method for the “anyhow” variation.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

12: Two Arms Press from Behind Neck:

This exercise is performed like a back press, only instead of pressing laterally with the
arms and upper back, press the cables to arms’ length, then perform tricep extensions
by bending the arm at the elbow (like barbell skullcrushers), with the upper arm

13: Two Arms Upward Front Chest Pull, Feet Apart:

Like a regular front chest pull, only pull one cable handle upward and the other
downward until the arms are fully extended (locked out). Again, arms should remain
straight throughout the motion. Switch arms between sets. This variant emphasizes the
front deltoid; you’ll probably need to use less resistance than in the front chest pull.
The “feet apart” element of the exercise is probably self-explanatory.

14: Right and Left Arm Front Chest Pull (in erect position):
As the Two Arms Upward
Front Chest Pull, only keep
the non-working arm
extended (in the bottom
position) and pull upward
with the working arm.

15: Right and Left Arm Upward Push Anyhow:

This exercise is similar to a barbell push press and performed as the One-Arm
Military Press, only without the “military position”. In other words, you’re allowed to
dip the knees and jerk the cable handle from the shoulder. Positioning of the
anchoring hand is the same as in Exercise 7.
Regular practice of the competition pulls will result in strength and size gains,
especially if you work with lots of resistance in the 5-10 repetition range. Singles,
low-rep sets (below 5 repetitions) and even partials are also possible with cables – this
will be covered in the “cable training methods” chapter. Due to the specific strain
imposed by cable resistance, primarily the lack of energy expended for stabilization

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

and support purposes (which is always present with barbell exercises), cable exercises
can be performed for higher repetitions with good results. I have provided a table of
repetitions and training goals in the next chapter; this is based on personal experience
with both weights and cables, and you should adapt it to your own needs after some
Supplementary exercises are those practiced by strand-pullers and cable trainees for
the development of strength for the competition pulls, but also increases in muscular
size and shape. They can be summarized in the following table:
No. Exercise Name
16 Archer Pull
17 One-Hand Curl
18 Reverse Curl
19 One-Hand Front Raise
20 One-Hand Tricep Press With Trunk Slightly Bent
21 Prone Front Chest Pull
22 Prone Front Chest Pull With Sit-Up
23 Prone Chest Pull With Leg Raise
24 Bent-Over Front Chest Pull with Trunk Raise
25 Wrist Curls From Front Chest Pull, Half-Way Position
26 Front Chest Pull With Squat
27 Neck Press-Out
28 The Whippet
29 The Shoulder Shimmy
30 Front Downward Pull, One-Armed
31 Front Tricep Pressdown, One-Armed
32 Pull-Over Exercise
33 One-Hand High Pull
34 Cable Front Squat
35 Front Press
36 Behind-the-Head Tricep Extension
37 One-Hand Behind-the-Back Lateral Raise

16: Archer Pull:

This is one of the staple chest expander exercises, and I was rather surprised to learn
that it is not included in the list of competition pulls (perhaps other strand-pulling
federations had different rules).
Holding a chest expander, press the non-working arm out,
level with the shoulders. The other hand is in front of the
shoulder of the non-working arm, like a bow before the string
is drawn. Keeping the non-working arm stationary and both

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

hands in level with the shoulders, pull with the other hand (like drawing a bow-string)
as far back as possible. Return slowly to starting position and repeat. This is a great
exercise for the upper back and biceps, and the triceps get a solid workout too (from
holding the static tension).

17 and 18: One-Hand Curl and Reverse Curl:

To perform this classic biceps-builder, anchor one handle of the

cable set underfoot. Keep the body straight and curl the working
hand to your shoulder. Keep the wrist supinated (palm up) for
the regular curl, pronated (palm down) for the reverse curl. The
latter version engages the forearm and brachialis muscles more.
The man in the image is Alfred Danks, author of one of the
legendary cable training courses. He is performing the classic
One-Hand Curl.

19: One-Hand Front Raise:

Anchor the cables as for the Reverse Curl (wrist pronated), extend the working arm
downward to full lockout; keep it straight and raise the cable handle to slightly above
shoulder level. Lower slowly and repeat. This exercise works the front portion of the
deltoid and helps balance deltoid development from the competition pulls. It is
inferior to the Front Chest Pull and Lateral Raise variations, but is a good method of
strengthening the shoulder as preparation for the more difficult pulls.

20: One-Hand Tricep Press With Trunk Slightly Bent:

Assume the position as for the Right and Left Arm Military Press. Bend the trunk
slightly away from the working arm and press the cables out to lockout. Now lower
the cable handle by bending the arm backward at the elbow (engaging the triceps),
with the upper arm remaining motionless throughout the movement.

21 - 26: Front Chest Pull Variations:

Prone variations: the Prone Front Chest Pull is performed like the competition pull,
only while lying on your back. This dictates
perfect style and isolates the upper back and
deltoid muscles, so use less resistance.
Adding the sit-up is simple – stretch the cable

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

as you’re going up into the seated position, lower as you’re returning to the prone
position. The leg raise is introduced in the same way: stretch the cable as you raise the
feet (legs straight!), lower as you return them to the floor. These two exercises
activate the abdominal muscles.
The Bent-Over Front Chest Pull with Trunk Raise begins with the trainee bent over at
the waist, cables held in the FCP4 position. Then the cables are stretched as in a FCP
and the trunk simultaneously raised to erect position. This variation stresses the lower
back muscles.
For the Wrist Curl variation, stretch the cables to the midpoint of a FCP and perform
wrist curls in this position with both arms simultaneously. Muscles worked – flexors
and extensors of the forearm. You can also
perform this exercise with the expander stretched
as for a lateral raise.
Front Chest Pull With Squat: a method of
engaging the leg muscles and a popular exercise
of old-time wrestlers. Stretch the cables when
coming up from the squat, lower when lowering
yourself into the bottom position. If you’re really
strong, you can do these on one leg at a time (“pistols”)

27: Neck Press-Out:

Stand upright, cables behind the back and resting against the back of your neck.
Knuckles are facing inward. Stretch expander laterally to arms’ length, then bring
arms forward, resisting the cables with your neck. Once you get the hang of this
exercise, it becomes a tremendous neck-builder.

28: The Whippet:

Use a light cable set and press it out in a back press motion. Relax the shoulders and
pectorals and pull the arms backward as far as
possible under the tension of the cables (i.e. let them
“drift” away from the back), then bring them forward
until they touch the upper back again. This is a
stretching exercise, excellent for shoulder flexibility.

FCP = Front Chest Pull

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

When bringing the cables forward (i.e. to the point where they touch the upper back),
you can continue the motion and pull them slightly forward, as in a chest fly motion.

29: The Shoulder Shimmy:

Perform a heavy back press and hold the cables out at full extension. Contract the
shoulder blades together while keeping the arms outstretched; in other words, you’re
shortening your arm span without bending the arms. Now extend the arms as far as
possible through an effort of the scapular muscles. At first the range of motion will be
minimal, but as you obtain better control over these muscles you can double the
ROM. This exercise develops the countless small muscles that lie between the
shoulder blades. I recommend it to anyone who also practices heavy pressing
exercises with weights, for upper back (and consequently shoulder) health.

30: Front Downward Pull, One-Armed:

Hold the non-working arm (the anchor for the cable) extended overhead, slightly in
front of the body. Grasp the free handle with the working arm; keeping it straight, pull
the handle down, across the body and to the hip on the working-arm side. A good
exercise for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles and triceps (if the working arm
continues to travel past the hip and backwards).

31: Front Tricep Pressdown, One-Armed:

Set the cables up as for Exercise 30, only bend the working arm at the elbow. Keeping
the upper part of the working arm
straight, press the cables down to the
hip and further back. Emphasize the
end contraction and hold it for a
couple of seconds before returning
back to starting position. This is
similar to a tricep pushdown exercise
performed on a cable pulley stack.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

32: Pull-Over Exercise:

This is a variant of the pullover performed with a barbell or dumbbell. Excellent for
the development of the torso muscles. Start the
movement in a prone position on your back. The
cables are held across the front of the body (thighs).
Now stretch the cables keeping the arms straight (like
a Front Lateral Raise), simultaneously raising your
arms above the head; the cables reach a full stretch above your head. Inhale deeply as
the cables are traveling upward. Bring them back to the starting position across your
thighs, exhaling on the way down. Perform for high repetitions.

33: One-Hand High Pull:

Anchor one end of the cable underfoot. Grasp the other handle with a pronated grip
(palms downward) and pull the handle to chin level. Lower, repeat, then switch arms.
A great upper back / trapezius developer.

34: Cable Front Squat:

You will need a rod or broomstick for this exercise. Anchor one cable handle
underfoot and place the stick through
the other handle. Grasp the handles
with both hands and hold it across
your collarbones. Maintaining the
torso erect, perform squats against the
combined resistance of your
bodyweight and the cable. This
exercise could be tricky to learn at
first. Switch anchoring feet between
sets to work both legs equally.
Alternatively, just hold one handle close to the chest and perform squats.

35: Front Press:

Hold the expander handles at chest level and press laterally – like a back press
performed in front of the body. It is not a Front Chest Pull, so don’t turn it into one. A

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

potent developer of the pressing muscles, although you’ll be able of much less
resistance than in the back press.

36: Behind-the-Head Tricep Extension:

A great isolation exercise for the triceps. Hold the non-working arm close to your
side, extended downward, hand grasping an expander handle. The
working arm grasps the other handle and holds it at the side of the
head, palm facing downwards. This is the starting position. From this
position, extend the working arm so that the cables are stretched
upward; the upper arm should not move.

This is best explained by means of the illustration on the left, taken

from the Reg Park cable course. For those who’ve never heard of the
name, Park was a legendary bodybuilder and the second man to bench
press 500 lbs. He was one of the foremost cable training personages, a
powerful weightlifter and splendidly built. If they worked for him,
they’ll certainly work for you.

37: One Hand Behind-the-Back Lateral Raise:

Hold the cable as for the Two-arms back lateral raise, but one
arm should remain stationary while the other performs the pull.
Switch arms between sets, or alternate pulls (i.e. a few reps with
the left arm, then a few with the right).
This exercise is a powerful deltoid developer. Use it as a
substitute for the two-arms variety, or perform it at the end of a
shoulder-dominant workout. It works very well when combined
with weight-lifting exercises for the shoulders.

That covers exercises with a chest expander. The list is by no means comprehensive –
I’m sure that there are plenty other cable pulls that I’ve failed to include here. Again,
strive to build on the knowledge contained here and share the information. On the
other hand, practicing the abovementioned 37 exercises on a regular basis will bring
about great changes in strength and development. In reality you won’t need more than
10 or so. Try to get as strong as possible in the “big” pulls and gains will follow.

Some of you will note that I have not included any of the standard chest expander leg
exercises in the list. To be honest, I find these rather ineffective for leg development;

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

they also tend to work the grip/arms more than the legs, as they usually rely on the
arms anchoring the handles while the legs perform stretching movements. Given that
your arm muscles are smaller and weaker than the leg muscles, it is only obvious that
they fatigue more quickly and that the legs can press far more than the arms can
support. In this manner the legs are somewhat “short-changed” by the performance of
these exercises.

For ultimate leg development, perform heavy movements with weights as a

supplement to your cable training. For the “purists”, I have devised a number of leg
exercises that I find better suited for developing leg power. The only worthwhile
exception would be the Cable Front Squat. Front Chest Pulls with Squats or Pistols
are also good exercises for leg development.

The length of Lifeline’s TNT cables can be altered to allow for different uses. I loop
the plugged cables in a single handle (i.e. both ends of a single cable into the same
handle) and perform chest expander exercises. However, I sometimes use them for
their intended purpose as well. This would bring us to the topic of simulations of
barbell and dumbbell exercises with cables. I told you these cables can do anything!

What follows is a list of cable exercises that can be used to simulate weightlifting
movements, for diversified strength. No, doing these without practicing actual
weightlifting won’t make you stronger in the barbell/dumbbell exercises, but there
will be some carryover. Perform them as part of a cable routine that also uses
competition pulls, or on their own. They will add a unique “twist” to regular
weightlifting exercises. Descriptions are less detailed, as the trainee will probably be
more or less familiar with the associated barbell/dumbbell exercises.

Some of the exercises require a door attachment – this comes included in the TNT
cable set. If using a different cable set, you’ll need to make your own. This can be
done in a few simple steps:

1. Find a medium-length piece of a relatively thin, flexible, durable material. The

TNT attachment is made from webbing; I found that this is optimal, but a judo
or karate gi belt works just as well. Thin rope could also work well.

2. Tie a knot in the belt/rope, the way you would tie a neck-tie. Don’t tighten the
“noose” part all the way; leave a loop in the belt/rope. This type of knot is

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

adjustable, i.e. by drawing one of the ends of the rope you can increase /
decrease the loop.

3. Find a door that closes towards you.

4. Place the knot over the other side of the door (practically, in the other room).
The loop should be hanging towards you from above or the side (depending on
placement). Close the door and lock it to make sure it won’t open under the

5. Thread the cables through the loop and start exercising.

No. Exercise Name
38 Double Shoulder Press
39 See-Saw Shoulder Press
40 Jerk Overhead Press
41 Standing Lunge and Press
42 Kneeling Press
43 Latissimus Pulldown
44 Squat and Pull
45 Tricep Overhead Press
46 Tricep Pushdown
47 Two-Arms Bicep Curl
48 Two-Arms Reverse Curl
49 Two-Arms Hammer Curl
50 Concentration Curl
51 Wrist Curl
52 Good-Morning Exercise
53 Overhead Squat to Box
54 Overhead Lunge
55 Zercher Squat
56 Ballistic Squat
57 Seated Hamstring Curl
58 Deadlift (One and Two-Arm)
59 Hip Lift (Hand-and-Thigh Lift)

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

38: Double Shoulder Press:

Step onto mid-section of cables and grab the handles; your feet should be spaced wide
enough to provide you with a stable base to press from - shoulder-width is a good
guideline. Clean the handles to your shoulders and press them either simultaneously
or alternately. You can make this exercise more difficult by spreading your feet
outward (hence the length of the cable that is actually pulled is shorter and requires
more resistance to stretch). The opposite movement makes it easier (e.g. for a
military-type press less resistance is employed). Make sure that the lengths of cable
running from each foot to the corresponding handle are equal, otherwise the resistance
will be different on each pressing arm.

39: See-Saw Shoulder Press:

As above, only press the handles alternately and bend the torso slightly away from the
working arm on each press.

40: Jerk Overhead Press:

As double-shoulder press, but performed with a quick dip of the knees before the
pressing part to gain momentum. More resistance can be used here than in the “strict-
style” presses. This is an excellent exercise to develop power and coordination of
effort throughout the body.

41: Standing Lunge and Press:

Thread the cables through the door attachment, set at a height around your middle
back. Face away from the point of attachment (so that the attachment is behind your
back). Lunge forward until you can feel tension in the cables. Brace yourself to
prevent the pull from the cables throwing you off balance backwards. Press the cables
to full extension of the arms, then return to starting position (resisting the pull of the
cables). You can press in all directions - straight ahead, upward or downward.
Pressing downward eliminates most of the back pull of the cables, therefore in this
direction most resistance can be used.

42: Kneeling Press:

As above, only kneel on the floor instead of lunging forward. This is a safer version,
as you cannot be “thrown back” by the cables.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

43: Latissimus Pulldown:

With the door attachment set directly above you, grasp the cable handles and kneel/sit
until your arms are fully extended and there is tension in the cables. Look up and pull
the cables downwards using your latissimus muscles first, then your arms. The arms
are moving in a semi-circular line from the fully upward-extended position to the
sides of your thighs (not just the clavicles, like on a lat pulldown machine). Hold the
contracted position (you'll should feel a strong contraction in the latissimus dorsi),
then reverse. Repeat. Properly performed, this exercise should resemble an upside-
down lateral raise.

44: Squat and Pull:

Thread the cables through the door attachment, set at a height around your middle
back (below sternum). Face towards the point of attachment and walk backwards until
you feel tension in the cables when your arms are completely extended. Brace
yourself to prevent the pull of the cables from throwing you off balance forward. Pull
the cables into your torso, then back into starting position (resisting the opposing pull
of the cables).

45: Tricep Overhead Press:

As the Double Shoulder Press, only keep the upper arms stationary and bend at the

46: Tricep Pushdown:

Cable setup as for the Latissimus Pulldown, only performed standing, by bending the
arms at the elbows and pushing down on the handles. Essentially like a Front Tricep
Pressdown, but with two hands and with the cable attached above the head (not locked
out with the non-working arm).

47, 48 and 49: Two-Arm Bicep Curl and Variations:

Step onto mid-section of cables and grab the handles with a supinated grip (palms
facing upwards); your feet should be spaced wide enough to provide you with a stable
base to curl from - shoulder-width is a good guideline. You should feel tension in the
cables with your arms fully extended downwards. In a smooth, controlled motion curl
the handles into the arm-flexed position and lower slowly. Repeat.
Reverse curl: As above, only grab the handles in a pronated grip (palms facing

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Hammer curl: As biceps curl, only thread a short towel or rope through the handles
and grip it in a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Curl to arms-flexed position,
lower and repeat. This exercise has a shorter ROM as the hands are not on the
handles, but on the extensions.

50: Concentration Curl:

This exercise requires a shortened chest expander set. With the Ironmind set or any set
with looped strands, simply shorten the loops. With the TNT cables, I loop a cable
around a single handle like for the expander exercises, then double it up again and
perform the exercise holding the handle and “bend” of the cable in the same hand.
Resistance here increases suddenly (as you’re essentially stretching the cable beyond
its recommended length), and moving up to the next stronger cable is difficult as a 10-
lb. difference is essentially multiplied by 4, providing a significant jump in poundage.
Anchor the shortened cable set underfoot. Sit on a chair or bench and press down
firmly with the foot on the working side, hand still holding the cable. The shortened
cable is now half its length. Place the elbow of the working arm against the inner
thigh on the same side and curl the handle towards your shoulder. Lower and repeat.
This exercise hits the biceps hard and helps you achieve a “peaked” look, if you
believe in muscle shaping.

51: Wrist Curl:

Cable setup as above. Place the supinated (palm up) hand so that it hangs over the
knee on the same side and perform wrist curls. Can also be used with the pronated
grip, in which case use less resistance.

52: Good-Morning Exercise:

Step into a looped cable (this cannot be performed with a chest expander set). Place
the bend of the cable across your back and step onto the other end with both feet.
Keeping the back straight, bend forward from the waist until the upper body is parallel
with the floor, then straighten up again. Repeat for high repetitions.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

53: Overhead Squat to Box:

Step onto mid-section of the cables (feet comfortably wide, probably double shoulder
width). Place a low box under your behind, set at such a height that allows you to
lower yourself down into the wide-stance squat position (feet flat on the floor, top of
knee below hip crease) when sitting on it. While on box, grab the handles and press
them upward (like a shoulder press). Lock your shoulders, triceps and lats to keep the
handles in arms-extended position. Holding the handles in the pressed position, squat
up until erect. Pause briefly, then lower yourself back down maintaining the pressed
position, making sure you touch the box at the bottom of the movement. Repeat.

54: Overhead Lunge:

Get into top of lunge position and step on the mid-point of the cables with one foot
(cables are placed in front of you so the line of your foot and the line of the cables
form a "T"). Lunge down, then grab the handles and press them out as described
above. Maintaining the pressed position, perform lunges with the cables adding
tension onto your working leg. Alternate legs for equal amount of reps, equal strand

55: Zercher Squat:

Step onto mid-section of the cables (feet comfortably wide, probably double shoulder
width). Place a low box under your behind, set at such a height that allows you to
lower yourself down into the wide-stance squat position (feet flat on the floor, top of
knee below hip crease) when sitting on it. While on box, pass your arms thought the
handles so that the holds rest in the crook of your elbow. Hold arms at sides with arms
either locked together or turned upward, to prevent the handles from slipping. Squat
up from this position, locking the legs at the top of the movement, pause briefly and
repeat. Alternatively, do not lock out at the top of the movement or drop to the bottom
- just do continuous limited-range squats to pump the legs. This variant of the cable-
resisted squat places more stress on the quadriceps muscle and front abdominals than
the others.

56: Ballistic Squat:

Pass the cables across your upper back and step onto the handles. The diameter of the
handles will force you on your toes. Lower yourself to just below parallel, then
explode back up to a full stretch of the cables. Drop back into the low position and
repeat. Maintain speed throughout the movement.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Given that the thickness of the handles forces you on your toes and hence makes
balancing harder (especially when maintaining speed of the movement), it is advised
to hold onto a fixed object with your hands for balance. This enables you to perform
the movement with speed. At the top of the movement the resistance in the cables is
very high and produces an excellent "burn" effect. High-rep sets, as in 15 and above,
work great. They condition the lungs as well as the legs. Another most important
exercise for grapplers.

57: Seated Hamstring Curl:

Thread a single cable through the door attachment and plug the free end into the same
handle (so the result is a shortened cable). Walk back until you feel significant
resistance in the cable. This is the "extended leg" position. Now place a chair a foot or
so behind that point and place your leg into the inner space of the cable. Sit onto the
chair, maintaining resistance in the cable. There should be tension in the cable in the
extended position. Now curl your leg slowly until it's at 90 degrees to your body,
lower back and repeat.

58: Deadlift:
Take two looped cables and place them on the floor, the opposite ends of each cable
on the same side (e.g. handle of cable 1 and bend of cable 2 on the right, handle of
cable 2 and bend of cable 1 on the left). Step onto the cables, making sure the free
section of the cables on each end (between the foot and the handle) is of equal length.
Bend down, grasp the handles and bends on either side and pull.
One-armed variety: Double up a shortened cable. Step onto the two newly formed
bends with the foot of the working side. Squat down and grab the handle with the
working hand. The starting position is a semi-squatting pose with the working arm
extended fully, cables relaxed. Now straighten up, maintaining the extension of the
arm (so you're pulling with your legs and back mostly). Stand up straight, then repeat.

59: Hip (Hand-and-Thigh) Lift:

As for the deadlift, only start the movement from about knee-level. You can use a
LOT of resistance in this exercise. Great for developing the muscles of the posterior
chain and grip.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

That would cover the exercises with long cables (i.e. not chest expanders). For some
of these exercises the Lifeline TNT product reigns supreme, as the tubing is pretty
long and stretches to a length of 6 ft., and the handles are solid plastic, which allows
for better force distribution and bigger pulls. For the leg work variations, the flat
bands made and promoted by Dick “The Band Man” Hartzell would be much more
appropriate. I think these are available through Ironmind. Hartzell also markets a
special platform that enables you to loop several strong bands and perform squats and
deadlifts / hip lifts, so this would certainly be a valuable addition to your home band
gym. I have read that the tension at the locked-out position of a band squat performed
with this setup can go up to 600 lbs., so you can only imagine the developmental
effect of a hard set of 20 breathing squats done on this platform.
Finally, there is the “everything else” category. Here you can invent exercises of your
own: just think about how a particular muscle works, then consider how to resist that
motion with cables. If you’re not feeling creative, here’s a brief list of exercises that
I’ve come up with:
No. Exercise Name
60 Judo Throw
61 Isolation Latissimus Pulldown
62 Prone Bicep Curl
63 Sled Dragging, Arms Extended
64 Sled Dragging, Arms Crossed
65 Cable Crunch
66 Cable-Resisted Push-Up
67 Chest Press
68 Floor Press
69 Bridge and Press
70 Cable Pull-Apart
71 Knee Extension
72 Face Pull
73 Cable Punching
74 Cuban Press
75 Cable-Resisted Crawl

60: Judo Throw:

With the cables set up as for the Squat and Pull, face the attachment and walk back
until you feel tension in the cable. Now perform a "throw" as follows (if throwing to
the left): left arm - pull and press the cable handle downwards; right arm - elbow
reaches under the handle to help lift off the imaginary opponent, press the handle

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

upward, then turn to the left side and press forward; hip action (simultaneous with the
arm work) - twist the right hip toward the left (pivoting around the left hip) until
facing in the throwing direction (left side, looking backward), body tilted forward at
the lower back; legs - right leg crosses in (about half distance from the cables) and
serves as a pivot for the twisting motion, at the end of the movement toes face in the
throwing direction (left and back), left leg moves toward the right leg and finishes the
"driving" motion, or extends up toward the area between the handles and serves as a
lever to move the imaginary opponent up and over the left hip.
This is a great conditioning exercise; it develops not only the muscles per se, but also
coordination and agility (as the resistance of the cables is similar to the resistance
provided by an opponent). Stability and balance are also developed. For grapplers, the
importance of this exercise need not be emphasized. Perform the standard or towel
variations (by placing a towel through the handles and pulling on that instead). It is
important to coordinate the movements described into one fluid motion, retaining
balance throughout. End with the arms, back and legs powerfully contracted against
the resistance of the cables. This is one throw. It will take most people (even
experienced grapplers) some getting used to, as the pull of the cables in the contracted
position is enormous.

61: Isolation Latissimus Pulldown:

This is essentially a latissimus pulldown... with a twist. The door attachment setup is
identical, only instead of grasping the handles place your arm between the cables at
the point of attachment of the plugged ends into the handle so that your triceps rests
on the handle. This is better performed with flat looped bands you simply place the
arms inside the loop. Perform pulldowns as before, only this time you’re not using
your arms (just contracting the latissimus dorsi).

.62: Prone Bicep Curl:

Lie on the floor on your back and place the cable set across the bottoms of your feet.
Grab the handles and fully extend your arms. Now curl the handles to your shoulders;
your upper arms and upper back should remain in contact with the floor throughout
the movement. Hold contraction in the peak position, lower slowly and repeat.
Prevents any form of cheating on the curling exercise.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

.63 and 64: Sled Dragging Variants:

Arms extended: Thread the cables through a door attachment set almost at ground
level. Face the door, arms extended, holding the cable handles. Now walk backwards;
you will feel the tension in the cable increase. You can "sit" back a little in order to
stretch the cables as far as you can. Once further movement is impossible, hold the
position and slowly walk back until the cables are slack. This is one repetition. Repeat
for a desired number of repetitions, time, or at certain speed.
Arms crossed: only cross your arms after grasping the handles, or thread your arms
through the handles and cross them tightly against your chest.

.65: Cable Crunch:

Place the door attachment strap on the top of the door and secure. Thread a cable
through the attachment. Face the door and hold the handles to your chest. Now crunch
the top of your body downward, working against the resistance of the cables. Make
sure your hands aren't moving or working against the cable resistance! They are there
simply as an anchoring point. Hold the bottom position and squeeze your abdominals,
then come up and repeat. Perform high repetitions.

. 66: Cable-Resisted Push-Up:

Again, this works better with flat looped bands, but can also be done with cables.
Simply place a cable around your back (so that it passes under your arms), assume
push-up position and press down on the ends of the cable. Now perform push-ups.
Vary the resistance by adjusting your hold on the cable ends. Best performed for high-
speed sets of 15-20 reps.

. 67 and 68: Chest Press and Floor Press:

Chest Press: Best performed with a chest expander set. Start this position like the
Two-Hands Back Press. Instead of pressing the cables out laterally, pass the handles
under the armpits so that you’re pressing them forward (like a standing bench press).
Press to arms' length, then return slowly. Repeat.
Floor Press: Same as above only performed while lying on the floor. The ROM of this
exercise is shorter than that of the Chest Press (as the arms cannot move further back
than the floor), so this variation will stress the triceps more.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

. 69: Bridge and Press:

As the chest / floor press, only get into a wrestler’s bridge first, then hold the bridge
and press the expander handles perpendicular to the torso. You can also practice
bridging before each press. A superb compound exercise, it stresses the posterior
chain, neck, shoulders, triceps and pectorals.

. 70: Cable Pull-Apart:

Grab the cable (no handles) as for a Front Chest Pull (arms extended in front, shoulder
width, 3 and 9 o'clock positions on an imaginary clock face). Stretch the cable as in a
front pull until it touches your chest, hold briefly and return to starting position.
Perform high reps. This is a rehab/ prehab exercise that ensures shoulder health.

. 71: Knee Extension:

Thread cable through the attachment as above. Now walk backwards until you feel
resistance in the cable, then place your foot against the inside of the bend. Your
working knee is bent slightly. Straighten your knee against the resistance of the cable,
then relax; this is one repetition. Repeat for high repetitions.

. 72: Face Pull:

Set the door attachment at face level. Thread cables through door attachment loop,
grab handles, face the attachment, walk backwards until you feel tension in the cable
(with arms outstretched), and pull the handles toward your face. Hold contracted
position briefly, return to starting position and repeat.

. 73: Cable Punching:

Attach cables to a door attachment and face away from it. Hold the handles and walk
forward until you feel tension in the cables, then assume a fighting stance and throw
punches against the cable tension. Commonly performed either for speed or for rep
total. I am no boxer, but I have read that this develops great punching speed-strength.

. 74: Cuban Press:

Step on one end of the cable and grab the free end with the working arm (on the same
side of the body). The fist of the working arm is turned knuckles-down to the floor.
Raise your upper arm until it is at right-angles to the body, and the forearm is at right-
angles with the upper arm. Without moving the upper arm, rotate the forearm in a
180-degree arc (i.e. until the knuckles of the working arm are facing upward). The

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

forearm of the working arm remains at right-angles to the body throughout the

. 75: Cable-Resisted Crawl:

Set the door attachment to a low point on the door. Face away from the door and pass
your arms through the cables (the cables should come up almost to shoulder level).
Now crawl on your hands and knees until the tension in the cable makes further
movement impossible. Back-track carefully and repeat. Perform for time or for
You can also perform pushups or explosive pushups in the "cable stretched" position.
Be careful or the cables might slip from your arms and cause some damage/pain. This
is an excellent total-body conditioner. If you feel up to it, perform a few pushups or
plyometric pushups at the stretched position. Your muscles are fighting gravity
(down) and cable tension (back), and the combined effect is something you've
probably never experienced before.

The seventy-two exercises listed above are more than enough to develop every muscle
in your body. Naturally, you won’t be performing all of them as a regular training
routine, or even on different days. I provided them for variety purposes. In my
opinion, practicing the competition pulls (not all of them!) and 5 - 8 supplementary
strandpulling exercises, along with a few barbell exercises targeting the lower body,
would provide the best overall development. Alternatively, lower-body cable
exercises can be substituted if one does not have the inclination or the possibility to
train with weights.

Bodyweight exercises can and should be practiced as part of any balanced routine,
and the same goes for cable training. The following chapter will provide more
information on combining cables with other forms of exercise.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Combining Cables with Other Forms of Training

Cables are a great strength and size development tool. They will also tone existing
muscle mass and help you obtain the “shredded” look. However, cables will not help
you lift heavier weights, or be more proficient with difficult bodyweight exercise
progressions. It is my opinion that, for greatest diversified strength, you need to
include all these training methods into your exercise schedule.
Cables fit into a weight-training schedule easily. The resistance they provide is quite
different than that of heavy weights for three reasons. One, cables offer resistance in
all planes of motion, while a barbell is subject to gravity, i.e. the resistance is always
acting vertically downward. Two, cable resistance increases the further the cable is
stretched, while the weight of the barbell remains the same and in fact offers less
resistance toward the lockout part of the motion due to more favorable leverages.
Three, cable pulls don’t stress the entire body the way heavy barbell exercises do, as
they do not require hard work on behalf of a myriad of stabilizer muscles just to keep
the body in the lifting groove.
Due to these considerations, it is quite possible to train with cables and weights on
alternating days, or even on the same day, or even in the same session. This does not
mean that you should go all out and perform random exercises; exercise selection will
depend on the specific goals of the trainee. These goals can include:
a) Focus on strand-pulling exercises;
b) Focus on weight training, supplemented with some cable exercises;
c) Bodybuilding-type training with cable exercises thrown in for muscularity.

Focus on strand-pulling exercises with barbell/dumbbell exercises added in for

diversified strength:
The best barbell/dumbbell exercises for use with a comprehensive strand-pulling
program are as follows:

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

No. Exercise Name

W1 Barbell Power Clean & Press
W2 Barbell Power Clean
W3 Barbell Overhead Press
W4 Barbell Back Squat
W5 Barbell Front Squat
W6 Barbell Deadlift or Hip Lift
W7 Dumbbell Swing
W8 Barbell / Dumbbell Bicep Curl
W9 Dumbbell Overhead Press

Again, there is no need to do all of these exercises; just pick ones that compliment the
cable pulls you’ve selected. The most logical choice would be a version of the squat
(back or front), power clean or power clean & press, deadlift and bicep curl, but any
other combination also works well. Adding some heavy leg work is essential.
As for the training session distributions, there are two basic templates: either do the
weight two to three times a week (two if you’re using heavy weights), then add two to
three strand-pulling sessions in the same week, allowing one to three rest days, or do
combined weights and cable pulling sessions.
The exact parameters of the weight-lifting part program would be up to the strand-
puller. Again, I turn to the Syd Devis material (who knows better than a strand-pulling
champion?); his book suggests the following routines5:
Course A
1. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles inwards
2. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles outwards
3. Two Arms Lateral Raise (back and front)
4. Right and Left Arm Front Chest Pull (anyhow)
5. Two Arms Front Chest Pull, At Attention
6. Two Hand Press with Barbell (a.k.a. barbell overhead press)
7. Two Hands Snatch with Barbell (if you’re not familiar with the snatch, replace
with Dumbbell Swing – less technical and just as beneficial)
8. Two Hands Curl with Barbell
9. Right and Left Arm Military Press
10. Two Arms Back Press At Attention
11. Dislocation At Attention Position

Devis, Syd: All About Strandpulling, provided courtesy of the Strandpulling Message Board. Original
book published cca. 1940, quoted information from reprint from 1950.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

12. Two Arms Press from Behind Neck

13. Two Arms Front Chest Pull (anyhow)
14. Prone Front Chest Pull
15. Front Chest Pull with Sit-Up
16. Prone Front Chest Pull with Leg Raise
17. Bent-Over Front Chest Pull
This is too much for the beginner, obviously designed to be used by an advanced
athlete. Devis recommends one set of each exercise, starting with a resistance / weight
you can pull / lift for 5 reps and increasing repetition numbers whenever possible;
once you get 10 reps, increase resistance / weight used slightly and start back at 5. It
will develop superb strength, size and shape if practiced regularly. He suggests this
regimen to be performed 4 times per week. You could do it on alternating days, i.e.
work one day, rest the next, etc. 17 exercises seems like a lot, but then again it’s only
17 sets overall. Many bodybuilders do more than 17 sets just for the biceps.
I will present another Syd Devis cable / weights routine (actually, the one that you’re
supposed to do after one month of the above routine) in the following chapter. This
was merely presented for illustration purposes – how you can combine weight training
and chest expanders.

Focus on weight-training, with strand-pulling exercises added in for diversified

strength and / or joint health:
I have mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating: weight training does not
damage one’s joints. However, certain exercises do place the joints in potentially
hazardous positions, and if the small stabilizer muscles are not strong enough you
have trouble brewing. The bench press is a classic example: though abuse of this
exercise, many lifters end up having to call it quits due to shoulder pain. Cables are
great for strengthening these stabilizers, and for providing resistance to muscles from
other angles, not just “down” as weights do.
This is where alternating weight-training with cable-training days comes in handy.
This way you’re able to get the most out of weight training, recover, then hit the
cables on a separate day and focus on working the muscles that are also involved in
weight training. The difference between doing the course outlined above and this type
of training is that you use moderately heavy to heavy weights, but perform more than
one set (as you don’t have to spare the energy for heavy cable pulling). Then on the

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

cable-training days you use less resistance and focus more on range of movement and
strengthening of particular muscles. All chest expander-type exercises are good for
this purpose – there is no need to perform exercises that simulate weight-training
movements. Give this a try; if you’re a weight-lifter, you’ll find that your strength will
increase and that you’re more injury-free than before; if you’re just interested in
getting strong, you’ll find that cables and weights develop muscles capable of
exertions in any direction.
The exact training template is up to you. Good weight-training programs can be found
throughout the internet, and they’re not the focus of this instructional. Sample cable
workouts will be presented in the following chapter. Experiment with different ideas
and find what works best for you.

Bodybuilding-type training with cable work thrown in for added muscularity:

This is an idea taken from Dennis B. Weis, powerlifter, bodybuilder and strength
author. He suggests cable training for bodybuilders preparing for an upcoming
contest. Most people reading this are probably not interested in participating in such
contests, but a bit of extra muscle and definition will hardly hurt your goals, right?
The basic idea is this: add one or two high-rep sets of cable exercises at the end of
every “bodypart” workout. E.g. if you’re doing a chest / shoulder / triceps day (a
common bodybuilding split), perform all your exercises, then do 1-2 sets of 10-12, or
even 20 reps for each muscle group. This will produce an unusual muscle pump.
There is no need to go overboard with exercise selection – here’s a short list of the
most effective exercises:
Chest – chest presses or front presses or front pulls
Shoulders – lateral raise (any variant), front chest pull
Triceps – one-arm front pushdown or tricep press
Latissimus dorsi – overhead downward pull, one-arm row
Trapezius – up-right row
Biceps – bicep curl, concentration curl
Quads – cable front squat
Hamstrings, quads – overhead squat or lunge
Work the exercises until you feel a deep “burn” n the muscles. This is quite different
from a “burn” obtained through exercising with weights. It will take your muscularity
to new levels.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

As for bodyweight, I won’t present exercises or routines. Cables are a great addition
to your current bodyweight training regimen: use them on their own, or to add
resistance to basic bodyweight movements, like pushups, squats, dips and even
pullups. Such training sessions will work your body as a unit. If you’re a beginner,
you can also use bands and cables to assist you in the performance of difficult
exercises. E.g. if pullups are too difficult, loop a rubber band around the pullup bar
and place your feet on the bottom bend. The elastic nature of the cable will provide a
lot of assistance at the bottom (the further it’s stretched), while at the top of the
movement the assistance will be minimal. Conversely, if you’re a stud that cranks out
pullups in the 20s, throw a cable loop around your shoulders and attach the other end
to a fixed object; the band will provide more resistance as you progress toward the top
of the motion. Again, chest expander cables are not the best option for this – use flat
looped bands instead.
Always try to combine as many different forms of strength training into your routine
as possible. Depending on your schedule, you might or might not be able to do ALL
the desired exercises when you want, or as often as you want. This is understandable;
just make sure you find some time for them, this week or a week from now.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Some Cable Training Workout Templates

Yes, I know... you’re too lazy to design your own workout, or new to exercise and
need some guidance. I’ve read this complaint often enough in various strength book
reviews. People are always searching for the “ultimate fool-proof workout” that’ll
turn them into supermen/women overnight. Well, there is no such thing... but that
doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to come up with some pretty great workouts.
I will present several different training methods in the following chapter. This one
will contain the wisdom of old-time cable training authorities. Feel free to mix and
match the two – cable training is a versatile tool.
So for the novice to cable training here is more Syd Devis6:
First Month Course:
1. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles inwards
2. Right and Left Arm Front Chest Pull, anyhow
3. Two Arms Back Press, at attention
4. One-Arm Curl
5. Prone Front Chest Pull with Sit-Up
6. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles outwards
7. Two Arms Front Chest Pull, at attention
8. Right and Left Arm Military Press
9. Two Arms Back Press, anyhow
10. Prone Chest Pull with Leg Raise

Do one set per exercise. Start at a resistance that allows for 5 repetitions to be
performed, try to increase the number of repetitions by one per training session. When
you work up to 10, add resistance and lower the reps back to 5, etc. This is called the
“double progression method”.

Bear in mind that the Devis courses were designed for the competitive strand-puller.
The idea behind the preliminary courses is to prepare the puller for the heavier work
to come in the future. For general development, one or two sets in the 8-15 repetition
range would work just fine. See next chapter on “Cable Training Methods” for more
Devis, Syd: All About Strandpulling, provided courtesy of the Strandpulling Message Board. Original
book published cca. 1940, quoted information from reprint from 1950.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Second Month Course

1. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles outwards
2. Right and Left Arm Upward Push, anyhow
3. Two Arms Press from Behind Neck
4. Reverse Curl
5. One Arm Front Raise
6. Two Arms Front Chest Pull, anyhow
7. One Arm Press with Trunk Slightly Bent
8. Prone Front Chest Pull
9. Bent-Over Front Chest Pull with Straightening of the Trunk
10. Wrist Curls from Front Chest Pull, Half-Way Position
Repetitions and sets as for the first course. Devis stressed the importance of
performing the exercises in the exact sequence given and obtaining plenty of rest
between the exercises.
For the intermediate to advanced trainee, he provided the following three courses, to
be followed one after the other (i.e. after one month of Course 1, move on to Course
2, etc.):
Course 1 Course 2 Course 3
Right and Left Arm FCP, Overhead Downward Pull, Right and Left Arm FCP,
anyhow knuckles inwards anyhow
Right and Left Arm Military Two Arms Lateral Raise Right and Left Arm Upward
Press (back and front) Push, anyhow
Two Arms Back Press, at Two Arms FCP, at attention Two Arms FCP, anyhow
Dislocation, anyhow Dislocation, at attention
Two Arms Back Press,
Right and Left Arm FCP, Right and Left Arm Upward Dislocation, anyhow
erect position Push, anyhow
Two Arms Back Press, Two Arms FCP, anyhow Two Arms Press from
anyhow Behind Neck
Two Arms Press from Two Arms Upward Front Two Arms Upward Front
Behind Neck Chest Pull, feet apart Chest Pull, feet apart
- Overhead Downward Pull, Right and Left Arm Military
knuckles outwards Press
There are fewer exercises in the more advanced courses, but the resistance employed
is greater. Devis recommended starting off with poundages around 3/4 of your
maximum for each pull, progressing in the same manner as before (5 reps – increase
by 1 rep each session – once you get to 10 reps, increase resistance, etc.). The
supplementary exercises have been excluded – for development purposes, I suggest

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

you keep them. Either find a way to include them into the regular training sessions, or
do them on their own, as a “light” day.
If you’re not after becoming a champion strand-puller (I doubt that they still have
competitions going), and for strictly developmental purposes, here is a suggestion by
Jack Reid, a physical culturist of note who used cables exclusively in his training. For
the advanced trainee, he suggested limiting the number of exercises to eight, but not
just any eight... the ones he found most effective for development7:
1. Overhead Downward Pull (grip not specified – knuckles in or out)
2. One-Arm Curl
3. Front Press
4. Front Chest Pull
5. Neck Press-Out
6. Back Press, Two Arms (either at attention or anyhow)
7. Reverse Curl
8. Forearm Exercise (hold elbow to hip and perform wrist curls)
9. One Arm Press (military variant)
10. Archer Pull
The general set / rep guidelines are two sets, 10 reps per set. Exceptions are Exercise
1, repeated for 15 counts, and Exercise 8, for 20 counts. Both Jack and later his son,
Brad, an accomplished all-round lifter and athlete, seem to recommend high-rep
training routines, or at least the use of higher reps than normally prescribed by weight-
training courses.
As a continuation of the previous chapter, here is the Syd Devis combined weights &
cable course No. 2 (to be started after performing the first course for a month):
1. One Arm Curl (cable)
2. Reverse Curl (cable)
3. One Arm Front Raise (cable)
4. Two Arms Upward Front Chest Pull (anyhow)
5. Two Arms Back Press (anyhow)
6. Dislocation (anyhow)
7. Right and Left Arm Upward Push Anyhow
8. Right and Left Arm Front Chest Pull

Reid, Jack: The Function and Use of Chest Expanders, courtesy of the Strandpulling Message Board

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

9. One Arm Side Press, dumbbell

10. Deep Knee Bend (i.e. full squat) with barbell
11. Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles inwards
12. Two Arms Lateral Raise (back and front)
13. Two Arms Front Chest Pull, at attention
14. Two Arms Back Press, at attention
15. Dislocation at attention position
16. Two Arms Press, barbell
17. Two Arms Snatch, barbell
18. Two Arms Slow Curl, barbell (controlled bicep curl)
This being a very tough course, keep the reps down to 6 (still, only one set). Use a
weight that limits you to 6 repetitions. In your next session, increase the weight (he
advises 5 lb. increases) and try for 4 reps. Once you get those, add 5 more lbs. and try
for two reps. Attempt personal bests on the last training day of every week of this
course. Of course, warm up thoroughly fist.
This is an insanely tough routine, and I would not advise doing it more often than 3
times a week, with plenty of rest between the days and even between the exercises.
This is especially important for stronger trainees, who will be handling heavy
poundages in the lifts and pulls. Beginners might be able to do the routine up to four
times per week.
Finally, a program provided by Brad Reid – the “Traveling Salesman” cable workout.
It is simple yet effective, and focuses on the main exercises with chest expanders8:
No. Exercise Sets / Repetitions
1 Two Hands Back Press 2 warm-up sets of up to 5 reps, then 3 sets with
enough resistance to limit first set to 10-12 reps
2 Overhead Downward Pull, knuckles 1 warm-up set of 5-10 reps, then 3 sets with
inwards enough resistance to limit first set to 20 reps
3 Front Chest Pull 3 sets with enough resistance to limit first set to
12-15 reps
4 Lateral Raise, Front 3 sets with enough resistance to limit first set to
15-20 reps, then 1 set with extra resistance –
perform a positive front chest pull, then lateral
raise for the negative part of the exercise
5 One-Arm Curl 1 warm-up set of 5, then 3 sets with enough
resistance to limit first set to 8-12 reps
6 Shoulder Shimmy 3 sets of 8-12 reps at maximum back press
7 Whippet 3 sets of 10-12 reps at same resistance used for
lateral raise

Reid, Brad: A Primer on Cable Training, courtesy of Fred Crivello’s website

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

In my opinion, the “Big Four” of cable pulls are as follows:

1. Two-Hands Back Press
2. Overhead Downward Pull (I prefer the knuckles-in version, or palms-out)
3. Front Chest Pull
4. Archer Pull
These exercises should form the core of your cable workout. As in other forms of
exercise, as you become stronger you’ll find that “less is more”, in terms of sets, reps
and exercises used. Of course, if your ambition is to progress in all the competition
pulls, you have to train all of them, but this is not necessary for general development

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Cable Training Methods

So, how many reps? As with weights, bodyweight and any other form of training, this
is a tough one to answer and depends primarily on the abilities and physical pre-
disposition of the athlete. Of course, if you already have some training experience
below your belt and have attained a decent strength and development level, I have
nothing to say – you should already know what works best for you. The only input I
can offer is that cable training lends itself to slightly higher repetitions than weights,
probably due to resistance distribution and the lack of stabilizing effort in most
exercises. So the rep chart for different goals in cable training as compared to
weightlifting would be as follows:

Training Goal Weights (reps) Cables (reps)

Absolute strength 1-3 1-5
Strength with some hypertrophy 4-6 6-8
Hypertrophy with some strength gains 7-10 9-12
Hypertrophy mostly 11-15 13-20
Muscular endurance 16-20 20 - 25
Waste of time and effort combined with
increased chance of injury 20+ 25+

The above table is based completely upon personal observation and experience, and
your actual numbers may vary (although each training goal has a pretty comfortable
rep range to accommodate different needs). For example, some guys just don’t see
any progress from heavy singles with weights, while others thrive on this sort of
program. The last row gives it pretty straight – if you can lift it for more than 20 reps,
it’s generally not worth the effort. Do bodyweight exercises instead, they integrate all
the muscles and condition the entire body when performed for high reps. 20 bicep
curls or bench presses are a waste of time; 20 or 30 pushups, squats, etc. are excellent
conditioning exercises, especially when combined with adequate breathing. Same
goes for cables – if you can stretch it for 25 reps, you better put another strand into the
But there are exceptions, you’ll say. What about 20-rep squats, or 20-rep deadlift
training? Are they not a valuable addition to any weight-lifting/body-building
program? Yes, they are. But read the text: to perform the old “Squats & Milk”

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

program, you use a weight that you can lift for TEN repetitions and squat/deadlift it
for TWENTY. One set, some auxiliary work, and that’s it. Squatting 20 reps with
your 20-rep maximum isn’t much of a challenge, to be perfectly honest. Yet this is
how most wannabes interpret the time-tested 20-rep program.
Not reading carefully seems to be people’s problem in general. I once opined an
answer to a forum question; the issue was the quintessential “How do I get real big
and strong, fast?” My idea was simple and well-known – use multiple sets of low reps
with heavy weights or difficult exercise progressions, keeping in the 5-6 rep range.
Simple, huh? The reply I got flabbergasted me: some time later, that same guy wrote
that my advice wasn’t working. He said had been performing pushups in the 5-6 rep
range and wasn’t seeing ANY strength or size gains. The thing was, he was
performing NORMAL pushups, which he could probably crank out in sets of 20, for
low reps! Obviously the “heavy resistance” bit that should go together with “low
reps” somehow got lost in his interpretation. So, to re-iterate the point: LOW reps of
HEAVY resistance. Low reps are a function of the heavy resistance – after all, if you
can perform ten reps with 80-90% of you one-rep max, something is seriously wrong
with your estimates.
Most articles/books I’ve read on cable training recommend using 8-12 repetitions,
even 20 if maximal muscular development is the goal. As stated above, cables lend
themselves better to high-rep work than weights, as far less effort is expended in
supporting the weight of the implement itself. Therefore a better contraction of the
muscle worked is possible, and the tendons and joints are exposed to greater stress the
further the cable stretches. The supporting muscles don’t get as fatigued and hence
more work is provided to the muscle actually being worked.
The set and rep ranges that have worked best for me were as follows:

 6-8 sets of 2-3 “heavy” repetitions, performed explosively: I have found it

difficult to just do singles with cables, as it’s kind of tricky to add just enough
resistance to make the jump from a double/triple to a single. This works best
with exercises like jerk presses and power pulls. Perform three reps using as
much force as possible, “racing” the cable tension in order to complete the rep
before the resistance prevents further motion. Think about it as a clean and
press – if you try to clean the weight slowly, you won’t be able to lift it to your
collarbones. Explosiveness is a necessity.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

 6-8 sets of 2-3 “heavy” repetitions. Cables are good for “grinding” strength
work, as you can pause under tension, regroup your effort and try again. Try
this with weights and you’ll find yourself crushed under a limit-poundage
bench press.
 5 sets of 5 “heavy” repetitions. Use less resistance than on sets in the 1-3 rep
range (obviously). A good rule of thumb is using the maximum resistance you
can stretch for eight reps (as an all-out effort), then performing five sets of
five. Bear in mind you’re NOT using the resistance you can stretch for five
sets of eight! Keep the resistance high and the reps low.
 2-4 sets of 6-8 reps. For cables, this is still considered strength-dominant
training. This version is a substitute for 5x5 if you’re not feeling up to training
hard on a given day, or if you’re doing a full-body routine (as 5x5 on all
exercises in a full-body routine would be exhausting and time-consuming,
neither of which is conducive to strength training).
 3 sets of 8-12 reps. An excellent hypertrophy method – plenty of volume for
the muscles to get a tremendous “pump” from. Combine this method with one
of the strength-hypertrophy methods above, alternating them every 2-3 weeks,
and I can almost guarantee great development.
 1 or 2 sets at 15-20 reps. This is very useful to bodybuilders trying to “muscle
out” added bulk. Perform one or two exercises for each muscle group (in other
words, total body training) and pump the muscles to a maximum with one or
two sets, using a light resistance. This is also an efficient method to use on
your “light” day, if you’re following the heavy/medium/light training protocol.

On to the topic of training modalities. I have found cables to work best when
combined with the following training methods:

“Slow Cooking”: this is analogous to the power rack training method used in weight
training. It is a method than enables you to use more resistance over a shortened range
of motion. In weightlifting, you can quarter-squat far more weight than you can squat
to parallel position. The progressive power rack training method goes as follows: use
weights well over your one-rep maximum and perform short-range partial squats,
dipping your knees a few inches for a number of reps, say 4 inches for 15 reps. During
your next squat training session, keep the weight the same but increase the range of
motion (from 4 to 7 inches) and lower the reps (from 15 to 12-10 reps). Keep applying

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

this method until you work your way down for a single repetition in the full range of
motion, and you’ll have set a new personal best. Even if you don’t manage to do a
full-ROM single with the weight you were using for the “slow cooking” method, your
one-rep maximum will have increased by a solid amount. The same principle can be
applied to the bench press, deadlift and overhead press. This type of training
progressively adapts your body to handling heavier loads, and gains in strength are
rapid; many experienced powerlifters have broken through agonizing plateaus by
using this system.

Similar, or even greater, gains are possible with cable pulls. Fred Hutchinson, one of
the foremost authorities on cable training, comments on the “slow cooking” method9:

“The absolute best method for increasing cable pulling ability is “slow cooking”.
How good is it? Using the system simultaneously for the front chest pull anyhow,
overhead pulldown, single-arm front pulldown and back press, I doubled my strength
on all four exercises in just eleven weeks. This was with just one set of each
movement, once a week. Believe me, this is a significant gain with cables (especially
for an experienced cable puller – Note F.), one that you can see in the mirror and feel
in your body”.

How do you decrease the range of motion? First, find your strongest range in each of
the lifts you wish to increase. Then attach loops of rope or belt onto the cable handles,
or perhaps even an additional handle (rope/belt is cheaper, but also more painful on
the hands initially).

As for resistance used, Hutchinson mentions going for “two-and-a-half to three times
the usual resistance used”. This would not be a smart thing to do with barbell
exercises in the power rack, but for short-range cable pulls it carries no added danger
of injury. Bear in mind that, unlike with weights, lengthening the pull increases the
actual resistance, not just the range of motion (ROM).

The progression? Start with the dramatically increased resistance and pull over the
last few inches of the movement. You should be able to work in a relatively high
repetition range; if not, decrease the resistance. In each subsequent “slow cooking”
workout, keep the resistance the same but shorten the handle extensions, thus

Hutchinson, Fred: How to Gain With Cables, published in MILO magazine, provided courtesy of the
Strandpulling Message Board.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

lengthening the ROM. Naturally, your rep numbers will decrease with each shortening
of the extensions.

Eventually you’ll hit a sticking point where it’s nearly impossible to complete the pull
at 250%-300% of your maximal cable resistance. At this point remove some cables
(or use “lighter” cables), bringing the resistance down to “only” double the maximum.
The reps should be pretty high again. Keep shortening the cable handles until you’re
doing full-ROM movements with double the original maximal resistance.

As with weights, even if you don’t hit double your old max at the end of the program,
you’ll still have increased your maximum pull by a lot.

Some final pointers given by Hutchinson can be summarized as follows:

 Make sure you work your way down gradually – don’t make jumps of 2 or 3
inches at a time, rather go for ½ inch increments if needed;

 You can also do an abbreviated “slow cooking” program for a smaller increase
of your personal best: just add one cable to your set and extend the handles a
couple of inches, then work your way down in a few sessions; you will be
pulling the increased resistance in no time;

 Alternatively, you could go for the long-term approach and use triple the
original resistance throughout the progression: use smaller length increments
(as low as ¼ inch at a time), it will take you longer to get to the full-ROM
movement but you’ll have tripled your original maximum instead of doubling
it. Patience is a must.

Rest-Pause Method (also: 50-Rep Total Method): This one is simple. Pick a
resistance that limits you to 15 or 25 repetitions, perform a set to failure, rest a few
seconds and do a few more reps, rest again and repeat until you complete 50
repetitions. This compresses the workload into a shorter period of time, which
according to many strength authorities leads to gains in size and strength.

“Negatives” and Combination Negatives: This method relies on the fact that you
can perform the negative portion of an exercise with much more resistance than the
positive portion. Therefore you would add enough cables to create a resistance
slightly higher than the one you can pull, obtain some assistance in completing the
pull (usually done with one-handed exercises, with the non-working hand helping in

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

getting the cables into position), and lower the cables back into the starting position
slowly and under control (without assistance). The one-handed curl is a perfect
candidate for this type of training. With two-handed exercises, you would need a
training partner to complete the positive portion of the exercise.

Combination negatives are great if you train alone – here the positive part of the
exercise is completed using a similar exercise that allows for better leverage, hence
more resistance is used. A good example would be the front chest pull / lateral raise
combination: perform the positive portion of a front chest pull, then lower the cables
to starting position using the front lateral raise. Or do a back press to dislocation
(anyhow) to front press negative. Creativity is the key here.

Isometrics: Cables are great for isometric exercises. Use more cables than you can
press/pull, then exert maximal force against them. You'll probably be able to budge
the cables slightly over the first inch or so, therefore you're easing into the movement
(rather than combating solid resistance from the very start, as in yielding isometrics
with weights). An additional benefit is that cable iso’s are safer - there is no danger of
getting squashed by a heavy weight in case you fail to support it. Work them in the
usual isometric training patterns - max efforts for 3-7 second exertions, or 20-60
seconds at lower resistances (60-70% of your one-rep maximum) for hypertrophy.

Ballistic: Cables are also superior to weights for ballistic, or exercises performed at
high speed. A set of speed squats with a barbell will take its toll on your joints as the
inert weight stresses the lower back and knees (rapid rebounding at the bottom, quick
lockout at the top) no matter how light the total poundage is. High-rep ballistic squats
are much easier on the joints, which is especially important for lifters who wish to
perform these fundamental exercises but suffer from lower back or knee pain. Other
cable exercises also lend themselves well to this type of training. A couple of sets of
high-velocity high repetitions are excellent for conditioning. Low-rep explosive sets at
high resistances are great for speed and power. Dennis Weis, The Yukon Hercules,
had the following to say in an article from (don’t laugh) www.bodybuilding.com
covering training with expanders (cables)10:
“...Expander cable training builds tendon and ligament strength - flushes the muscle
area - gives added muscle tone and gives sharpness to the muscle which cannot be

Weis, Dennis: Expander Cable Training, courtesy of bodybuilding.com

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

obtained by weights alone... During this 30 minutes to 1 hour program (four days per
week), use SPEED with smooth movement in each of your exercises.... Strive for
shorter rest periods between each set of exercise. In this way, you will be able to add
more and more sets in the allowed 30 to 60 minute program...”

Isometronic: I first saw this term used in Charles Poliquin's The Poliquin Principles,
but the training method has been around for much longer. This excellent method
combines the best of both worlds - an isotonic movement combined with an isometric
effort. Cables are far better suited for this than weights, as the resistance increases as
you progress through the movement. Basically you load a cable set to a resistance
slightly higher than your maximum, then stretch the cable until further movement
becomes impossible, then hold an isometric contraction for 3-5 seconds. Return to
starting position slowly and repeat. The reason why cables work so well is that you
are usually able to stretch the cable a certain length to begin with as the resistance in
the beginning position is lower, hence movement is possible. As the resistance
increases you'll find it impossible to stretch the cable further and here a maximal
contraction is possible. Worked for sets of 4-7 reps this is a great strength and size
building tool.

Peak Contraction: Let me state this clearly - I am, and never will be, an advocate of
slow-motion training. This type of training is unnatural. Real life situations demand
real-life explosiveness and a powerful contraction throughout the range of motion,
and by doing slow-motion training you're essentially coaching your body to forego its
natural tendency toward lifting heavy weights in an explosive manner. However,
adding a brief 2-3 second squeeze at the top of the motion will greatly increase the
tension in the muscle and contribute to better shape and size gains. Yes, all the hard-
core “functional training” fanatics out there (who seem to focus less on functional
training and more on flaming bodybuilders by means of custom-made internet forums
with every passing day) will say that it’s “muscle pumping” and that it belongs in the
training arsenal of some spandex-wearing, fake-tanning “boobybuilder”. We can
ignore that group – they jump on and off the bandwagon whenever a new training
“philosophy” rears its head, and anyway it’s much more impressive to be big and
weak than small and weak. End of story.

“21” Training: This was a favorite of bodybuilding guru Vince Gironda (if you stick
around strength training long enough, you’ll learn to hate two words: “guru” and

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

“functional”). He recommended it with weight training, but it applies quite well to

cable training too. Everybody’s probably heard of it – gym rats often use it to “pump
their guns” (bringing their bi’s over the 14-inch mark... for about half a minute, until
the pump is gone). The system involves seven partial reps over the first half of the
range of motion of an exercise, followed by seven reps over the second half of the
ROM, finishing off with seven full-ROM reps. Naturally, the 21 repetitions are
performed back-to-back, i.e. they all combine into one set. This type of training is
used to “belly-out” the muscle, in other words, make it fuller. It is the ultimate form of
“pump training” and not really conducive to strength gains, but pretty effective as a
muscle-shaping exercise.

Basically, if you think it’s a good idea and it works for you – neglect everything
written above and do your own thing. You set the goals and hold the ultimate
responsibility. Remember, if you place 100% effort into an exercise it will produce
results, regardless whether you’re lifting a barbell, stretching a cable or simply
contracting the muscle isometrically.

It has been said before, but focus on proper form and muscular activation throughout
the performance of a repetition. The mind-to-muscle connection is of utmost
importance in exercising – this is the element of training that takes you to the next
level, or that’s responsible for stagnating progress in size and strength. Mechanic
performance of exercises and movements is acceptable for beginners, but progressing
to heavy weights and / or resistance is impossible without focusing the mind on the
task at hand.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Nutrition 101

Is there anything left to be said on nutrition? All this information is floating around
us. Eat high carbs and low fat. Eat high fat and no carbs. Eat high protein, but without
carbs and/or fat. Don’t mix carbs and fats in the same meal. Eat six small meals a day.
Eat one huge meal a day. Eat at night. Don’t eat after six pm. Eat nothing but meat on
one day, nothing but starches on another. What should a guy / gal do, with all this
conflicting information?
The most frustrating thing is, all these diets work! People drop dozens of pounds
following each and every one of these feeding regimens. Certain body-types find
certain diets more suitable, but there’s something out there for everyone. Still, for
every person who follows a diet successfully there are two or three who cross over the
obesity line. Even worse, many dieters who lose pounds following their diet of choice
soon get weary of it and drop off, regaining lost pounds rapidly and with “accrued
interest”. It is therefore not surprising that the diet industry is one of the most
profitable industries around – you sell your high-priced products to overweight
people, they lose weight and buy them like crazy for a while, then get tired of the
monotonous feeding patterns and foodstuffs and stop buying them (which is not a
problem, as for every portly customer that you lose you find one or two new ones),
then they get fat again, only to return to your diet as a “tried and tested” solution. It’s
an ever-expanding market, with unlimited potential for growth (both in terms of
financial opportunities and body-mass).
Why do diets fail? There is a plethora of reasons, but here are the ones I consider key:
1. The only reason a diet works initially is because it limits your food options. If
you’re not allowed to eat certain foods, you’ll tend to eat less; e.g. if the
Atkins diet calls for a steak meal, but all you’ve got is cereal and you have
neither the time nor the inclination to go buy a steak, you’ll probably miss that
meal. In addition to this, if a steak is required and you’ve been eating steak for
the past 6 days, you won’t really feel like eating steak again. End result – you
give it a miss, or you eat less than you normally would. From here onwards, it
is all mathematical: less calories in plus same calories out equals calorie
deficit, which in turn equals weight loss. Once your food options are not as

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

limited, you’ll usually find a new (heightened) appetite for certain things...
what happens after that is pretty straightforward.
2. Totally eliminating certain foods or beverages results in cravings. Then you
“break down” and end up face-planted in a gallon of ice-cream. I’ve even read
about people craving things that they don’t normally eat at all – the
psychological effect of “forbidden fruit” is lethal to one’s diet.
3. Many people also tend to take up exercise during their dieting periods.
Misguided as their routines might be, the health effects of a regular exercise
regimen on sedentary folks are enormous. This also ties in with the ‘less
calories in – more calories out’ equation, equaling weight loss. The end of a
diet is usually the end of the exercising. Ah, back to where we started.
So are weight-reduction diets bad? No. Some people, the really obese part of the
population, do need radical procedures to lose weight. I firmly believe that any type of
exercise, except for perhaps light walking, could kill truly obese people. This is the
only instance where I would advise dieting without exercise; however, once their
bodyweight reaches normal limits, exercise should be introduced, very light at first,
building up to higher intensities. This is not impossible, but it takes determination.
What, then, would be an appropriate eating regimen for a dedicated cable puller or
weight-lifter? In my opinion, the answer is simple. An active person should follow
these general guidelines:
• Increased protein uptake – preferably through food (milk, red meat, chicken,
fish, cheese, nuts). You can consume 2-3 servings of meat / chicken per day
without adverse effects, contrary to popular superstition. Fish is great – eat all
you can.
• However, if one does not have the time to prepare high-protein meals, or the
funds to purchase quality protein foods (busy folks in the former, or college
students in the latter instance come to mind), a good protein supplement is
required. I recommend whey protein isolates (“mass gainers” are full of insane
junk). Try to get a decent brand – a lousy protein supplement produces gas, not
• Simple carb intake should be limited to the morning and / or the post-workout
meal (the first thing you eat after a workout). Even then, simple carbs should
come from natural sources like fruit and honey, not sugar, candy, cakes and

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

other refined sugar foodstuffs. Refined sugar is a poison that causes a number of
health issues.
• Eating 5 – 7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day is very beneficial. However,
those of us who live in the real world might have a problem with this sort of
feeding frequency. Three servings is a minimum, with a serving being equal to
one cup, or one medium-sized fruit (or a large small fruit, such as a kiwi, or a
half of a large fruit, such as a grapefruit), or 20 grapes, cherries and similar
fruits. Aim for several servings in one sitting – eating two medium apples at
once as a snack would see you well on the way towards the recommended 7
• Water is important – aim to drink around 2 liters per day (slightly over half a
gallon), and make sure you don’t gulp it all down at once. Try to keep the body
hydrated. Getting enough liquid and proper nutrition will increase your strength
by 10-15% - many trainees would gladly pay big bucks for a supplement or
miracle solution that produces the same effect.
• Reduce starchy carb intake. Breads, pasta, rice and potatoes are something most
people in the developed world could stand to reduce from their diets. That said,
whole-wheat versions are OK (but practice moderation).
• Avoid these modern-day plagues: refined sugar and carbonated drinks. CO2 is
toxic – this is something that your body releases through metabolic processes, a
waste product. People in their right mind wouldn’t drink their own urine, would
they? Refined sugar causes B-vitamin depletion, destroys the teeth both from the
inside and the outside, weakens the bones and is probably the leading cause of
obesity. Plus I probably don’t need to delve into the perils of diabetes.
• Alcohol is a nerve stimulant and should be avoided. Some moderate
consumption is beneficial. Limit yourself to a couple of glasses of wine, or a
couple of beers a day. Sometimes this will be impossible, but strive to eliminate
alcohol as much as you can. Beer also has the disadvantage of being high in
simple carbs and a carbonated drink. Choose other options whenever possible.
• You can’t maintain a tight diet 100% of the time – this is unhealthy both from a
physical and mental point of view. Sometimes you have to give in to cravings,
but make certain this is not done too often. If you can stay on target 80% of the
time, you’ll do OK.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

• Here are some foods you can eliminate without much pain: candy and soda. This
is pure poison without any nutritional value. The good side is, even if you
consume these on a regular basis, 2-4 days after eliminating them from your diet
your soda / candy cravings cease.
That would be about it as far as nutrition is concerned. Mix and match what you know
for optimal results. Bear in mind that an active person can live off a less-than-optimal
diet without getting fat, so training gives you some leeway in this direction.
For trainees looking to gain weight, I would stress two nutritional points:
• Eat lots of calorie dense food, like red meat and nuts. Add a liter of two of milk
per day on top of the other food you consume.
• Eat right before going to bed, making sure carbs are limited to a minimum in this
meal. Good choices: tuna, meat, cheese, peanut butter. You can add a small
protein shake too, but whey is digested quickly, so make sure you include a
slow-releasing protein too (cheese works very well).
As for supplements, the following is advised:
1. Protein powder,
2. Multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet,
3. Additional vitamin supplementation: vitamins C and B,
4. Fish oil capsules,
5. Glucosamine supplement (protects the joints).
With supplements, less is more. Don’t take vitamins on a daily basis, introduce mini
recovery cycles for the body. When you feel like a cold is coming on, increase
vitamin C supplementation, it is truly a “wonder drug”.
Stick to a reasonable diet and train hard, and results must come. The old-time
strongmen gained mountains of muscle following a natural diet. More importantly,
most of them were paragons of good health, a quality lost in today’s body-builders.
Remember, physical culture goes beyond an impressive pair of shoulders and arms.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

Closing Notes

What you have just read is a compilation of articles and personal thoughts on cable
training. This is by no means a comprehensive instructional, but I feel it covers most
bases. The difficulty in finding information on cable training is the fact that the
competitive version of the sport has all but disappeared off the face of the Earth (I
haven’t been able to find a single reference to a modern-day strand-pulling
competition), and years of abuse of the public image of cables through various types
of “yoga stretch bands” and similar gimmicks has hardly helped the chest expander
establish itself as a strength and conditioning tool.
Fortunately, several strength specialists have correctly identified the enormous
strength and size-building potential of cables, leading to a revival of interest in this
type of training. The cable is a training tool suited for everyone, from the middle-aged
exercise novice to the elite strength athlete.
Instead of turning this into a repeat of the introductory chapter which explains why
cables are great, I’ll close off here. Allow me to reference some sources:

Article Author Source / Provided By

All About Strandpulling Syd Devis Strandpulling Message Board
How to Gain With Cables Fred Hutchinson Strandpulling Message Board
A Primer on Cable Brad Reid Fred Crivello’s website
The Function and Use of Jack Reid Strandpulling Message Board
Chest Expanders
On The Pull Dave Turton SFUK Articles & Reviews
Expander Cable Training Dennis B. Weis Bodybuilding.com
As you’ve seen, a lot of the information in this instructional has been borrowed from
other sources. Feel free to follow up on the names and sources I have mentioned
above – should you find more information on cable training, please share it with the
rest of the training community.

Please note that I do not endorse internet piracy. All the information presented in this
instructional is either my own, or available free of charge through different websites.
Do not reproduce portions of books for public viewing unless you obtain the
permission of the author.

Fatman’s Guide to Cable Training

On the other hand, make sure you distribute this instructional to as many individuals
as possible. Training information is difficult to come by, especially information on
cable training. Finding the few articles I quoted above took me several months of
searching. While every other “strength expert” has a thing or five to say about weight
training and bodyweight training, cable training info is difficult to come by.

So take the information from this instructional, dissect it, find the useful gems and
toss the junk aside and train. If you find one useful exercise among the seventy-two
outlined above, your time has not been wasted. Plus the price can’t really be beaten,
can it?

Again, should you chance across new and exciting information on cable training that
hasn’t been included here, please share. I can be contacted through the
Bodyweightculture forum (www.bodyweightculture.com), screen name Fatman.

Good Luck in your training!



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