A Synchronous Data Transfer
A Synchronous Data Transfer
A Synchronous Data Transfer
A control signal is accompanied with each data being transmitted to indicate the presence of data The receiving unit responds with another control signal to acknowledge receipt of the data
Employs a single control line to time each transfer. The strobe may be activated by either the source or the destination unit.
Da ta b us S o urc e unit S tro b e (a ) Blo c k d ia g ra m De s tina tio n unit S o urc e unit Da ta b us S tro b e (a ) Blo c k d ia g ra m De s tina tio n unit
Da ta
Va lid d a ta
Da ta
Va lid d a ta
1- Source-initiated strobe
2- Destination-initiated strobe
To solve this problem, the HANDSHAKE method introduces a second control signal to provide a Reply to the unit that initiates the transfer
Handshake: 1- Source-initiated
Da ta b us S o urc e un it Da ta va lid Da ta a c c e p te d (a ) Blo c k d ia g ra m De s tin a tio n un it
Da ta
Va lid d a ta
Da ta va lid
Da ta a c c e p te d (b ) Tim ing d ia g ra m
Ac c e p t d a ta fro m b u s Ena b le d a ta a c c e p te d
Handshake: 2- Destination-initiated
Da ta b us
a high Handshaking providesreliability degree of flexibility and because the successful completion of a data transfer relies on active participation by both units
S o urc e unit
Da ta va lid Re a d y fo r d a ta (a ) Blo c k d ia g ra m
Re a d y fo r d a ta
Da ta va lid
Va lid d a ta Da ta b us (b ) Timing d ia g ra m
S o urc e unit
Ac c e p t d a ta fro m b us Dis a b le re d a y fo r d a ta
(c ) S e q ue nc e o f e ve nts
Character bits
A character can be detected by the receiver from the knowledge of 4 rules; - When data are not being sent, the line is kept in the 1-state (idle state) - The initiation of a character transmission is detected by a Start Bit , which is always a 0 - The character bits always follow the Start Bit - After the last character , a Stop Bit is detected when the line returns to the 1-state for at least 1 bit time The receiver knows in advance the transfer rate of the bits and the number of information bits to expect
Transmitter Register
- Accepts a data byte(from CPU) through the data bus - Transferred to a shift register for serial transmission Receiver - Receives serial information into another shift register - Complete data byte is sent to the receiver register Status Register Bits - Used for I/O flags and for recording errors Control Register Bits - Define baud rate, no. of bits in each character, whether to generate and check parity, and no. of stop bits
Mano. M. Morris, Computer System Architecture/ M.
Morris Mano-- 3rd Edition.