Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally Book Sample

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Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


We want to thank you for purchasing this book and for taking the time
out to stop and read it. We are very grateful for helping us become more
successful as people, authors and of course ‘brothers’. In return we
hope the information you require from this book really helps you
improve your game. We also like to personally shout out our ‘brother’
The Dark Prince who helped us do the Graphic designs for the front and
back cover, you are truly appreciated. He is very good and has a kind
soul (which is rare) and we highly recommend him to you, you can get
at him at [email protected] and you can check out
his works at

~ Ultimate Virtue of a Man (Mack); Live Respected, Die Regretted~

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Acknowledgement .........................................................................................................................3
Introduction.................................................................................................... 7

GOD ................................................................................................................................................... 10
The Ten Commandments ......................................................................................................... 10
PAUL DOBRANSKY ...................................................................................................................... 11
Ten Laws of Being A Man ........................................................................................................ 11
TARIQ “KING-FLEX” NASHEED ............................................................................................. 12
The Art Of Macking. 20 Rules ................................................................................................ 12
The Blue Book .............................................................................................................................. 12
Starting points ............................................................................................................................. 12
STEVE PAVLINA ........................................................................................................................... 14
How to be a Man. 10 Rules ..................................................................................................... 14
HUSTLER ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Rules and the mentality of a true game hustler............................................................ 18
PLASMA CANNON………………………………………………………………………………… 19

10 Cool Tips To Help U Score With The Ladies. .............................................. 19

20 Questions you should ask yourself ............................................................................... 21
UNKNOWN AUTHOR ................................................................................................................... 24
8 Rules on lifting the lid on the science of persuasion............................................... 24
BOSSMACK TOPSOIL ................................................................................................................. 32
13 Laws ........................................................................................................................................... 32
UNKNOWN AUTHOR ................................................................................................................... 37
25 ways to impress your lady ............................................................................................... 37
UNKNOWN AUTHOR ................................................................................................................... 40
8 THINGS WOMEN WISH MEN KNEW ABOUT SEX ........................................................ 40
BRUCE LEE ..................................................................................................................................... 43
7 Rules about self ....................................................................................................................... 43
THE PLAYER................................................................................................... 44
25 things to remember when picking up women ......................................................... 44

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

8 rules to remember about Self Improvement .............................................................. 49

14 rules to remember about relationships & dating ................................................... 51
DAVID DEANGELO ...................................................................................................................... 54
10 Most Dangerous Mistakes ................................................................................................. 54
The 6 Things That Attract Women…………………………………………………………. 54

10 steps to a Guaranteed Great Date…………………………………………….. ……….54

8 Personality Types That Naturally Attract Women…………………………………. 55

Lover Personalities……………………………………………………………………………… 56

Provider Personalities…………………………………………………………………………. 56

ROSS JEFFERIES.......................................................................................................................... 57
10 Rules and Attitudes ............................................................................................................. 57
MATHS ............................................................................................................................................. 58
10 Mack Commandments ........................................................................................................ 58
JOHN C MAXWELL ....................................................................................................................... 59
21 Laws that you need to know and work on to be a great leader....................... 59
21 Qualities that a leader needs in order to be an effective leader……. …...... 59

The Mirror Test (5 things to realize)……………………………………………………… 60

ALAN ROGER CURRIE ................................................................................................................ 61

Seven Primary Principles of maintaining a "Mode One" attitude
& demeanor.................................................................................................. 61

UNKNOWN AUTHOR ................................................................................................................... 63

The right way of touching a woman ................................................................................... 63
MICHEAL PILINSKI .................................................................................................................... 66
6 characteristics a man should take care of ................................................................... 66
UNKNOWN AUTHOR ................................................................................................................... 67
The way to kiss ............................................................................................................................ 67
MR FINGERS .................................................................................................................................. 68
Comparing the Alpha and Omega Male ............................................................................. 68
GEORGE LEONARD ...................................................................................................................... 69

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

The keys to success and long term fulfillment .............................................................. 69

NAPOLEON HILL .......................................................................................................................... 70
13 Steps to riches ....................................................................................................................... 70
BLAKE RICHARDS ....................................................................................................................... 71
7 Principles that can change your life ............................................................................... 71
5 Principles that will make her obey you completely………………………..……… 71

SCOTT PETERSON ....................................................................................................................... 72

50 Tips for Attraction ................................................................................................................ 72
THUNDERCAT ................................................................................................................................ 74
10 Flirting Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 74
What not to do when flirting (5 rules)…………………………………………………… 74

MYSTERY METHOD...................................................................................................................... 75
When your value increases a woman will show interest. Things to look out for
when a woman shows interest (39 Things).................................................................... 75
The most important things to look out for (4 things)………………………………. 76

KEVIN HOGAN .............................................................................................................................. 77

9 Unconscious Laws of Persuasion ..................................................................................... 77
AL RIES & JACK TROUT ............................................................................................................ 78
22 Laws of Marketing................................................................................................................ 78
MALTZ MAXWELL………………………………………………………………………………… 79

8 Relaxation techniques to learn…………………………………………………… …….. 79

5 Tips for Being More Optimistic…………………………………………………………… 79

Antidotes to flaws (3 of them)……………………………………………………………… 79

Success type Personality……………………………………………………………………... 79

The Failure type Personality (Signs of failure)………………………………........... 80

JAMES ALLEN ................................................................................................................................ 81

3 Keys to Maintain By ............................................................................................................... 81
ROBERT GREENE ......................................................................................................................... 82
48 Laws of Power ....................................................................................................................... 82

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

TOM LEYKIS................................................................................................................................... 95
101 Dating Rules (Only 39 rules was found) ................................................................. 95
DALE CARNEGIE .......................................................................................................................... 97
30 Principles to win friends and influence people ....................................................... 97
UNKNOWNAUTHOR....................................................................................... 98

38 Rules for a Young Bachelor Lifestyle…………………………………………. ……….98

SHAHRAZARD ALI……………………………………………………………………….. ......... 100

It seems like to be a Man you must follow 10 rules………………………............. 100

DR RUTH K.WESTHEIMER……………………………………………………………...........101

10 things Women wish Men knew about sex…………………………………………..101

DANIEL ROSE………………………………………………………………………………………102

A review of some quick ways to improve Immersion (9 Rules)…………………. 102

JIM THOMAS………………………………………………………………………………………..105

21 Rules for Successful Negotiating………………………………………………………. 105

KELLY GARETT……………………………………………………………………………………..106

The Art of Foreplay (5 Rules)………………………………………………………………...106

VIDEO JUG…………………………………………………………………………………………..109

6 Ways to tell she is Interested……………………………………………………………..109

PIMPING KEN………………………………………………………………………………………110

48 Laws of Pimpology…………………………………………………………………………..110

DON MIGUEL………………………………………………………………………………………. 112

The Four Agreements……………………………………………………………………………112

PETER WINK………………………………………………………………………………………..113
11 Characteristics of a trustworthy Negotiator………………………………...........113
Something to remember………………………………………………………………………. 113
Listen, Listen, Listen……………………………………………………………………………. 113

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

DALAI LAMA....................................................................................... 114

Interaction of Life.........................................................................................114
RECOMMENDED BOOKS OR EBOOKS..................................................... ........ 115

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


All the players change but the Game remains the same. This book is a
compilation of many teachings, opinions and laws from different
authors that ‘coach’ in the game. Being a man is what every little boy
strives to be, he has to crawl before he walks. A boy has to realize
that the days of throwing tantrums are over. He must understand
and be aware that he has to approach every situation as a man. He
must be a man inside and out. Women respond to manhood not ‘little
boys’. When every boy becomes a man, he is able to easily attract,
affect, and Mack his way through life.
Macking is the technique of manhood. It leaves the man (mack) open
to choices. This book was created for you to be aware as to what a
man is suppose to be and how he is to conduct himself in terms of
self image, life, money and women. From all the information that has
been put down, you will find a commonality or a pattern that will
enable you to create a formula to cater to your game and improve it.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

The Ten Commandments

1) Do not worship no other God but me.

2) Do not worship anything above the heavens or below the earth.
3) Do not use my name in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
5) Honor your father and your mother.
6) Do not kill.
7) Do not commit adultery.
8) Do not steal.
9) Do not bear false witnesses.
10) Do not get jealous over anybody else’s possession.

Summed up in two laws: 1) Love God with all your heart, soul and
strength. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Ten Laws of Being A Man

1) Know that in everything you do, you must balance its value in
furthering your MISSION as a man, with its value at building
satisfying connections to WOMEN.
2) Respect and avoid it, but do not fear death.
3) Character is Destiny.
4) Choose the right woman, or all is lost.
On, Fired, Or Unfulfilled.)
6) You are the cause of all failures and losses(Avoid Breakups, Losing
Jobs, and Lack of Wealth)
7) Never give up on your mission (but always know when to quit what
doesn’t work.)
8) You cannot succeed with women or in your mission without friends.
9) Give to the next generation, or risk failing your mission.
10) Freedom is your key, your power, and your birthright as a man.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


The Art Of Macking. 20 Rules

1) Always have confidence.

2) Always keep up your appearance.
3) Never "lie on your dick."
4) Don't talk too much.
5) Always appear to be calm and relaxed.
6) Don't ever dwell on getting "dissed," it
happens to the best of us.
7) Never be at a loss for words.
8) Always have platonic female friends.
9) Never pay for sex.
10) Keep your demeanor as emotionless as
11) Listen more to a woman's nonverbal
12) Never fight with another man if your
lady chooses him.
13) Always keep new females coming into
your fold.
14) Don't "high side" or act "flossy."
15) Don't be a bug-a-boo.
16) Don't argue with women.
17) Never let women figure you out.
18) Never seem overly anxious when you're
hooking up with a female.
19) Never hit women.
20) Never, ever, ever trick off your money.

The Blue Book

Starting points

100 points = Wifey Material

90 = Top Notch Female
80 = Seal The Deal Playa
70 = Now You Doing Good
60 = Above Average Girl
50 = Workable (Average Girl)
40 = Charge Her To The Game
30 = Step Your Game Up Playa
20 = Value Yourself As A Man
10 = Simping Ain’t Easy
0 = You Need Your Ass Beat!

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Automatic Deduction that women get

50 points deduction for any diseases.

10 points deduction for any 10 pound overweight.
10 points deduction for any kids the woman has.
10 points deduction for every 10 years the woman is over 18.

Looks Rating (On a scale from 1-10)

5 points added every time the ratings goes up (it only starts from 5).
For example;

If a lady is given the rating 6, she receives 5 points (6 is higher than

5 so 5 points).
If a lady is given the rating 7, she receives 10 points ( 7 is two ahead
from 5 so that’s 5+5=10 points).
But if a lady is given the rating 4 she loses 5 points (4 is below the
starting point which is 5 so 5 points deducted [-5]).

Cooking Skills

10 points if she can cook.

10 point deduction if she can’t cook.

Body Features

5 points for a Nice Ass

5 points for Nice Breasts.
5 points for Cute Feet.
10 points deduction for ugly feet.


15 points for good oral skills.

5 points for a good personality.
5 points for good hygiene.
5 point deduction for bad hygiene.
15 points deduction for a Ghetto Attitude

The Different Types Of Females

A-Class females (attractive women with game)

B-Class females (attractive women with no game)
C-Class females (mannequins)
D-Class females (unattractive women with game)
F-Class females (unattractive women with no game)

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

How to be a Man. 10 Rules

1) Make real decisions.

A man understands and respects the power of choice. He lives a life
of his own creation. He knows that life stagnates when he fails to
decide and flourishes when he chooses a clear path.

When a man makes a decision, he opens the door he wants and

closes the doors he doesn’t want. He locks onto his target like a
guided missile. There’s no guarantee he’ll reach his target, and he
knows this, but he doesn’t need such guarantees. He simply enjoys
the sense of inevitability that comes from pushing the launch button.

A man doesn’t require the approval of others. He’s willing to follow

his heart wherever it leads him. When a man is following his heart-
centered path, it’s of little consequence if the entire world is against

2) Put your relationships second.

A man who claims his #1 commitment in life is his relationship
partner (or his family) is either too dishonest or too weak to be
trusted. His loyalties are misplaced. A man who values individuals
above his own integrity is a wretch, not a free thinker.

A man knows he must commit to something greater than satisfying

the needs of a few people. He’s not willing to be domesticated, but
he is willing to accept the responsibility that comes with greater
challenges. He knows that when he shirks that duty, he becomes
something less than a man. When others observe that the man is
unyieldingly committed to his values and ideals, he gains their trust
and respect, even when he cannot gain their direct support. The
surest way for a man to lose the respect of others (as well as his
self-respect) is to violate his own values.

Life will test the man to see if he’s willing to put loyalty to others
ahead of loyalty to his principles. The man will be offered many
temptations to expose his true loyalties. A man’s greatest reward is
to live with integrity, and his greatest punishment is what he inflicts
upon himself for placing anything above his integrity. Whenever the
man sacrifices his integrity, he loses his freedom… and himself as
well. He becomes an object of pity.

3) Be willing to fail.
A man is willing to make mistakes. He’s willing to be wrong. He’d
rather try and fail than do nothing. A man’s self-trust is one of his
greatest assets. When he second-guesses himself by worrying about
failure, he diminishes himself. An intelligent man considers the

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

prospect of failure, but he doesn’t preoccupy himself with pointless

worry. He accepts that if a failure outcome occurs, he can deal with

A man grows more from failure than he does from success. Success
cannot test his resolve in the way that failure can. Success has its
challenges, but a man learns more about himself when he takes on
challenges that involve risk. When a man plays it safe, his vitality is
lost, and he loses his edge.

4) Be confident.
A man speaks and acts with confidence. He owns his attitude. A man
doesn’t adopt a confident posture because he knows he’ll succeed.
He often knows that failure is a likely outcome. But when the odds of
success are clearly against him, he still exudes confidence. It isn’t
because he’s ignorant or suffering from denial. It’s because he’s
proving to himself that he has the strength to transcend his self-
doubt. This builds his courage and persistence, two of his most
valuable allies.

A man is willing to be defeated by the world. He’s willing to be taken

down by circumstances beyond his control. But he refuses to be
overwhelmed by his own self-doubt. He knows that when he stops
trusting himself, he is surely lost. He’ll surrender to fate when
necessary, but he won’t surrender to fear.

5) Express love actively.

A man is an active giver of love, not a passive receiver. A man is the
first to initiate a conversation, the first to ask for what’s needed, and
the first to say “I love you.” Waiting for someone else to make the
first move is unbecoming of him. The universe does not respond
positively to his hesitation. Only when he’s in motion do the
floodgates of abundance open.

Man is the out-breath of source energy. It is his job — his duty — to

share his love with the world. He must wean himself from suckling
the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy
himself. He must allow that energy to flow from source, through him,
and into the world. When he assumes this role, he has no doubt he is
living as his true self.

6) Re-channel sex energy.

A man doesn’t hide his sexuality. If others shrink from him because
he’s too masculine, he allows them to have their reaction. There’s no
need for him to lower his energy just to avoid frightening the timid. A
man accepts the consequences of being male; he makes no apologies
for his nature.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

A man is careful not to allow his energy to get stuck at the level of
lust. He re-channels much of his sexual energy into his heart and
head, where it can serve his higher values instead of just his animal
instincts. (You can do this by visualizing the energy rising,
expanding, and eventually flowing throughout your entire body and

A man channels his sexual energy into his heart-centered pursuits.

He feels such energy pulsing within him, driving him to action. He
feels uncomfortable standing still. He allows his sexual energy to
explode through his heart, not just his genitals.

7) Face your fears.

For a man, being afraid of something is reason enough to do it. A
man’s fear is a call to be tested. When a man hides from his fears, he
knows he’s fallen out of alignment with his true self. He feels weak,
depressed, and helpless. No matter how hard he tries to comfort
himself and achieve a state of peace, he cannot overcome his inner
feeling of dread. Only when facing his fears does a man experience

A man makes a friend of risk. He doesn’t run and hide from the tests
of fear. He turns toward them and engages them boldly.

A man succeeds or fails. A coward never makes the attempt. Specific

outcomes are of less concern to a man than his direction.

A man feels like a man whenever he faces the right way, staring
straight into his fears. He feels even more like a man when he
advances in the direction of his fears, as if sailing on the winds of an
inner scream.

8) Honor the masculinity of other men.

When a man sees a male friend undertaking a new venture that will
clearly lead to failure, what does the man do? Does he warn his
friend off such a path? No, the man encourages his friend to
continue. The man knows it’s better for his friend to strike out
confidently and learn from the failure experience. The man honors
his friend’s decision to reach out and make the attempt. The man
won’t deny his friend the benefits of a failure experience. The man
may offer his friend guidance, but he knows his friend must fail
repeatedly in order to develop self-trust and courage.

When you see a man at the gym struggling to lift a heavy weight, do
you jump in and say, “Here… let me help you with that. Maybe the
two of us can lift it together”? No, that would rob him of the growth
experience — and probably make a quick enemy of him as well.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

The male path is filled with obstacles. It typically includes more

failures than successes. These obstacles help a man discover what’s
truly important to him. Through repeated failures a man learns to
persist in the pursuit of worthy goals and to abandon goals that are
unworthy of him.

A man can handle being knocked down many times. For every
physical setback he experiences, he enjoys a spiritual advancement,
and that is enough for him.

9) Accept responsibility for your relationships.

A man chooses his friends, lovers, and associates consciously. He
actively seeks out the company of people who inspire and challenge
him, and he willingly sheds those who hold him back.
A man doesn’t blame others for his relationship problems. When a
relationship is no longer compatible with his heart-centered path, he
initiates the break-up and departs without blame or guilt.

A man holds himself accountable for the relationships he allows into

his life. He holds others accountable for their behavior, but he holds
himself accountable for his decision to tolerate such behavior.

A man teaches others how to treat him by the relationships he’s

willing to allow into his life. A man refuses to fill his life with
negative or destructive relationships; he knows that’s a form of self-

10) Die well.

A man’s great challenge is to develop the inner strength to express
his true self. He must learn to share his love with the world without
holding back. When a man is satisfied that he’s done that, he can
make peace with death. But if he fails to do so, death becomes his
enemy and haunts him all the days of his life.

A man cannot die well unless he lives well. A man lives well when he
accepts his mortality and draws strength from knowing that his
physical existence is temporary. When a man faces and accepts the
inevitability of death… when he learns to see death as his ally
instead of his enemy… he’s finally able to express his true self. So a
man isn’t ready to live until he accepts that he’s already dead.

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

Rules and the mentality of a true game hustler

1) Love your family because in the end that's all you got.

2) Don't let no n*gga disrespect you. Your reputation means the

world, and your word is your bond. Protect it with your life.

3) Keep your enemies close. It's easier to contemplate their moves

against you.

4) Keep your mind on paper. Money is power, and power is respect.

And always remember that a real man won't ask for respect; he will
take respect.

5) The wrong woman can destroy you. Watch who you stick your dick
in. The wrong man can destroy a woman.

6) Educate yourself. Education teaches strategy. No force or

opposition can stop a prepared mind.

7) Always make yourself an outlet. In all situations have yourself a

back up plan.

8) Don't get high off drugs. Bottom line, using drugs is a weakness
and a for sure destruction.

9) Birds of a feather flock together. Eagles don't hang around with

chickens; because chickens can't fly.

10) In order to rule, you must know and become familiar with
different walks of life, not just the ones you were taught in the hood.
To prepare your self for urban battle you must be prepared for global

11) Keep everybody on a need to know basis. Never discuss drug

business with goons. Likewise, never discuss goon business with
drug business

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

10 Cool Tips To Help U Score With The Ladies.

10) Set a boundary with her as soon as possible

Setting boundaries with women -- when done correctly -- establishes
leadership, status and masculinity. This is especially important if
you’re one of those guys (like I was) who feels an urge to give a
woman whatever she wants. The problem with giving her exactly
what she wants is that it kills attraction. A woman doesn’t want you
to be a doormat -- she wants you to be a man. Let’s say a woman
reaches over and touches you; tell her, half kidding, “Don’t touch
me.” Even though you’re having fun here, your comment
communicates that you understand boundaries -- that you “get it.”
So, set boundaries in a playful and fun way, but set them when it
comes to serious issues as well. And don’t hesitate to set boundaries
if a woman is playing games with you.

9) Don’t give all of yourself to just any woman

When most guys meet a woman they really like, they immediately
offer “everything” they have to her. Unfortunately, the message that
a woman gets when you do this is that you aren’t the most important
person in your life -- she is. This is a bad, bad move. Instead, keep a
part of yourself “off limits” and totally unavailable to women. If you
want to maintain the attraction, don’t hand over the keys and the
pink slip, but let her enjoy the feeling of being able to be near you for
a while.

8) Be the star, not the planet

When it comes to dating, most men behave like planets looking for a
star to orbit. If you want to build attraction with a woman fast,
however, take on the mindset of being the star instead. Be a
“centered” man whom women want to orbit. When you become so
rock-solid internally that no random woman can knock you off
course, then you begin to affect them. Work on losing your concern
for what women think of you. When you do, you’ll free up your mind,
emotions and communication to be yourself. The positive aspect is
that it makes you far more transparent and authentic and the
negative is that if you don’t have your “inner game” together and
your immature boy nature dealt with, it will shine through and reveal
things that will hurt you. Learn how to handle this part of you,

7) Learn to deal with “two-sided” women

As a mature man, you will encounter many attractive young women
who have “double identities.” On the one hand, they’re the perfect,
proper and innocent little girl, while on the other, they’re the
promiscuous, herd-following, manipulative, and distrustful girl-

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

woman. Unfortunately, most men fall into the trap of seeing only the
“angel” in a woman and not seeing the “other” side of her
personality -- and even worse, they’re not suspecting that it’s even
possible that it could be there.

One mark of a mature man is the combination of his ability to see

and accept the reality of any and all “sides” of a woman with his
ability to make a woman feel accepted for who she really is. Don’t
get confused; this doesn’t imply that you must “tolerate” or “accept”
second-class behavior or poor ethics from any woman.
6) Cultivate the “real man” inside
Women want to be with a “real man,” but what exactly does that
mean? It means that you feel comfortable in the presence of
beautiful women, high-status people and uncertainty. It means you
keep composure in the face of competition from other men, tests
from women and drama. It means you have clear values when
dealing with the women you’re dating, other men and people in
influential positions. Keep these concepts in mind, make them a part
of who you are and your success with women will skyrocket.

5) Build a happy single life

Most guys go from being unhappy alone to finding a woman to cling
to and end up holding on too tightly and giving away power,
effectively destroying the attraction in the relationship. If you want
to succeed with women, you need to build a single life that’s so fun
that you actually prefer and choose to be single for a while -- and
then decide if you want to find a special lady with whom to settle
down. Make your single life so fantastic that you almost don’t have
time for a relationship. Enter a relationship to improve your already
great life, not to be your life. And if you’re already hooked up, build a
personal life to enjoy on your own so you can be at your best when
you’re with your woman.

4) Stop worrying about what she’s thinking

Most guys make the mistake of acting based on what they think
women will think of their true thoughts. Let’s say you’re with a
woman and you’re thinking, “Wow, I can’t believe how beautiful she
is…” Most guys start acting as if she knows you’re thinking about her
looks, which causes all sorts of unnatural and “weird” behavior.
Instead, be OK with whatever you’re thinking, and don’t care about
what she’s thinking. Work on being open and authentic, and you’ll go
a long way in making women feel a gut-level attraction to you.

3) Get your “cool” on

We all know that women have a special attraction for guys who are
“cool,” but what exactly is cool? The word implies a temperature
that’s between warm and cold; if you apply this idea to your attitude,
it means neither coming on too strong nor being overly standoffish. A

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally

“cool” guy isn’t too excited about anything, isn’t too affected by
anything, isn’t emotionally reactive, and has control of himself. A
cool guy has an offbeat sense of humor, a sense of style, music and
food, and can make fun of himself. He has a calm confidence, doesn’t
act “above” others and assumes a “cool” connection with everyone
he runs across. You have a hidden potential for cool deep inside of
you -- learn how to bring it out and women will react instantly.

2) Polish up how you talk

Most of what you communicate to a woman has more to do with how
you communicate than with the words you use. So, work on
communicating in a way and style that dials up the attraction. Here’s
a simple exercise that will get you thinking about the way you
communicate: Try saying,

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


Ten Laws in Being a Man by Paul Dobransky

The Mack Within by Tariq Nasheed
Play or Be Played by Tariq Nasheed
The Art Of Macking by Tariq Nasheed
The Black Book by The Player
21 Iffutable Laws of Leadership by John C Maxwell
21 Indespensable Qualities of Leadership by John C Maxwell
Mode One by Alan Roger Currie
Without Embarrassment by Micheal Pilinski
Weapons of mass Seduction by Mr Fingers
Mastery by George Leonard
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Game by Blake Richards
50 Tips of Attraction by Scott Peterson
The Art of Approaching by Thundercat
Mystery Method by Mystery Method
Mind Access Coffee by Kevin Hogan
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al ries & Jack Trout
Psychocybernetics by Maltz Maxwell
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
How to win friends and Influence people by Dale Carnegie
Double Your Dating by David DAngelo
Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game by Pimping Ken
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel
Negotiate Your Way to Riches by Peter Wink

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


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[BOTG-Brotherhood Of The Game]

Be A Man About Everything & The Macking Comes Naturally


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