Peptic Ulcer Disease Patho
Peptic Ulcer Disease Patho
Peptic Ulcer Disease Patho
Predisposing Factors y Age (40-60) y Gender y Lifestyle (Alcohol Ingestion) y Familial tendency Precipitating Factors y Malignant tumors y Gastric Hyperacidity y Stress y Irritating Foods
Damage to mucosa with alcohol abuse, smoking, use of aspirin & NSAID s
Acid & pepsinogen release with chronic vagal response to increased stress
Low function of mucosal cells; low quality of mucous; less of tight junction between cells
A damage mucosa could not secrete enough mucus to act as a barrier against gastric acid
Severe ulcerations: Signs and symptoms: Epigastric pain Hematemesis Dyspepsia Pyrosis