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Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of A Solenoid System To Generate Magnetic Field For An ECR Proton Source

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Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of A Solenoid System To Generate Magnetic Field For An ECR Proton Source

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S dhan Vol. 35, Part 4, August 2010, pp. 461468.

Indian Academy of Sciences a a

Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoid system to generate magnetic eld for an ECR proton source
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452 013 e-mail: skjain@rrcat.gov.in MS received 3 March 2010; revised 9 June 2010; accepted 13 June 2010 Abstract. Solenoid coils with iron jacket (electromagnets) have been designed and developed for generation and connement of the plasma produced by an electron cyclotron resonance source operating at 2450 MHz frequency. The magnetic eld congurations designed using the solenoid coils are off-resonance, mirror, and at, satisfying electron cyclotron resonance condition along the axis of the plasma chamber. 2D Poisson software was used for designing. Details of design, fabrication, and magnetic eld mapping of the solenoid coils are presented in this paper. Keywords. ECR plasma source; electromagnet; poisson software.

1. Introduction An electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma source operating at 2450 MHz frequency is under development for extracting 30 mA proton beam current at 50 keV beam energy. This source will be used as an injector for the 100 MeV proton linac, proposed to be constructed as initial part of a 1 GeV proton synchrotron (Bhawalkar et al 2003). An ECR plasma source nds potential applications in accelerators for producing singly as well as multiply charged ion beams (Bilman et al 1972; Taylor & Wills 1991; Baskaran et al 1992, 1993). Different magnetic eld congurations like off-resonance, resonance, mirror with and without permanent magnets, have been widely used to produce heavy and multiply charged ion beams to conne the plasma axially as well as radially (Alton & Smith 1994; Drentje 2003; Mishra et al 2004; Koivisto et al 2004; Saitoh et al 2004). In the presence of the magnetic eld, as the charged particles are forced to gyrate along the magnetic eld lines, their diffusion perpendicular to the magnetic eld lines is restricted, thereby conning the plasma radially to produce homogeneous, high-density plasma. ECR proton and deuteron sources (Celona et al 2000, 2004; Gobin et al 2004; Ciavola et al 2004; Delferriere et al 2008) have been widely used for development of high-energy accelerators for transmutations (Carminati et al 1993; Lagniel 1998a, 1998b), neutron spallation (France et al 1996; Lagniel et al 1997), and material science research (Schriber 1994; Tojyo et al 2002; Biri et al 2008). Standard software packages like Poisson and Pandira (http://laacg1.lanl.gov), Opera (www.vectorelds.com),

correspondence; Present address: sunil.kumar.jain@cern.ch



S K Jain, P A Naik and P R Hannurkar

and Intmag (Becker 1989, 1990) are commonly used for simulation of magnetic eld patterns using solenoid coils, or permanent magnets. In the present case, the requirement is to get the singly charged ion beam (proton). Accordingly, conventional solenoid coils have been used to produce the ECR plasma, as the solenoid produced magnetic eld congurations have been widely used by the ECR community for the extraction of singly charged ion beams. The 2D Poisson software package has been used in the present work for simulation of the magnetic eld pattern using solenoid coils with iron jacket (electromagnet) for shielding the fringing magnetic eld and to reduce the power consumption. The use of jacket is to provide a return path for the magnetic eld lines and thereby shield the adjacent components. The use of electromagnet has wide exibility of tuning the plasma to get the best operating conditions. The use of electromagnet (instead of permanent magnets) helps one to investigate the plasma parameters to optimize the beam current. A conventional ECR ion source uses the principle of adiabatic invariance for mirror reection, and high magnetic eld mode of operation to successfully generate and conne plasma.

2. Design of the electromagnet The magnetic eld required to satisfy the ECR resonance condition (Geller 1966; Brown 1989; Zhang 1999) is given by f = 28B (from the electron cyclotron frequency expression ce = eB/m, where f is the microwave frequency (in MHz), B is the critical magnetic eld (gauss), m is the mass of an electron, and e is the electronic charge. The magnetic eld corresponding to a microwave frequency of 2450 MHz is 875 gauss. The magnetic eld in the plasma chamber was analysed by using the 2D Poisson software. To start the simulations, the initial parameters of the solenoid coils with iron jacket were xed as: inner radius 75 mm, outer radius 150 mm, the gap between solenoid coils 20 mm, width to be 70 mm and 80 mm for middle and side solenoid coils respectively. Three solenoid coils were used to get; (i) mirror eld, (ii) at eld, and (iii) off-resonance eld conguration. Two side solenoid coils, which were identical, generated the mirror eld, and the middle solenoid coil was used to compensate the dip in the magnetic eld, to have a at magnetic eld. The use of at eld conguration with high eld in the centre has been reported to provide better extraction of proton current in the high intensity light ion sources (Celona et al 2000, 2004; Gobin et al 2004; Ciavola et al 2004; Delferriere et al 2008). The combinations of these three solenoid coils can also produce the off-resonance magnetic eld. The permeability table for soft iron, low carbon, TATA A grade steel has been incorporated in the Poisson code itself. A number of iterations were carried out to get the desired magnetic eld congurations. This was accomplished by varying the size of the solenoid coils, thickness of iron jacket, and amp-turns (NI). The optimum values of NI for the side and middle solenoid coils were obtained to be 12950 and 8250 respectively. Based on these parameters, the total length of the conductor was calculated. A copper conductor having a square cross-section of 5 mm 5 mm with hole diameter 3 mm for water cooling was used. The optimized design parameters for solenoid coil with iron jacket are presented in table 1. The optimized axial ux along the axis of the source is shown in gure 1. The optimized magnetic eld proles using Poisson software for (a) mirror magnetic eld, and (b) at magnetic eld are shown in gure 2. The calculation was also performed analytically (Montgomery 1966) using standard relations for calculating magnetic eld.

Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoid system

Table 1. The optimized design parameters for solenoid coil with iron jacket. Description Coil type Coil size Bore diameter amp-turns (NI) Conductor size N,N/L,L Total conductors length Power supply Coil resistance (measured) Solenoid coil 1 300 mm 80 mm 12950 Solenoid coil 2 Solenoid coil 3


Water cooled solenoid coils 300 mm 70 mm 300 mm 80 mm 150 8250 12950

Rectangular with cross-section 5 mm 5 mm hole diameter 3 mm 144, 12, 12 110, 10, 11 144, 12, 122 95 m 80 m 95 m 0146 ohms 032 V, 100 A dc (Three) 0127 ohms 0156 ohms

3. Fabrication of the electromagnet The solenoid coils were fabricated using super enameled hollow copper conductor (refrigeration type) of square cross-section (5 mm 5 mm) with hole diameter 3 mm (for water circulation). The insulation to the conductor layer was provided using H class breglass insulation tape. The diameter of the bore was 150 mm so that plasma chamber including water-cooling jacket and high voltage insulator could be tted in this. One side ange of the plasma chamber was split type, so that the solenoid coils could be tted to the plasma chamber. The bore of the solenoid coils was fabricated using high voltage glass epoxy. Each side solenoid coil had 12 turns/layer (N/L), and 12 layers (L) {i.e. 144 turns (N)}, and the central solenoid coil had 10 turns/layer (N/L) and 11 layers (L) {i.e. 110 turns (N)}. The total length of the conductor used for the side solenoid coils and the central solenoid coil was 95 meters and 80 meters respectively. The coils were impregnated into high voltage, high temperature epoxy for the outer layer insulation. The iron jacket of the solenoid coils was fabricated from 10 mm thick low carbon TATA A grade steel. The jacket was fabricated in ve parts consisting of two side plates and three cylindrical shapes, of diameter equal to the

Figure 1. The optimized axial ux along the axis of the source.


S K Jain, P A Naik and P R Hannurkar

Figure 2. The optimized magnetic eld proles using Poisson software for (a) mirror magnetic eld, and (b) at magnetic eld.

bore diameter of the solenoid coils. These electromagnets were placed around the plasma chamber to produce the necessary magnetic eld. The cross-sectional view of the integrated assembly of the three-solenoid coils with iron jacket (electromagnet) is shown in gure 3. The solenoid coils were cooled using low conductivity water (conductivity less than 1 S/cm) having inlet temperature of 27 C. Based on the length of the conductor, water pressure drop and ow, the inlet and outlet connections were provided. Total ve inlet and ve outlet connections were provided. The water ow rate 3 liter/min. and pressure 35 kg/cm2 was maintained. The rise in temperature was restricted to less than 20 C. The inductance and resistance of the solenoid coils were measured using precision LCR meter (Model:PM6306,

Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoid system


Figure 3. The cross-sectional view of the integrated assembly of the three-solenoid coils with iron jacket (electromagnet).

Make:Fluke). The high voltage insulation to the solenoid coils up to 5 kV dc was tested using high voltage Megger (Model:220123-47, Make:Megger, Biddle, England).

4. Magnetic eld mapping The performance of an electromagnet gets inuenced by the design and material limitations, errors in construction, and the stability of the power supply used to energize it. Therefore, after the electromagnets are built, they have to be tested for their performance. The magnetic eld measurements were done using computer controlled three-axis coordinate measuring machine (Jain et al 2010). A Hall probe (MPT-141) was attached at the Y-arm with a probe holder. The Hall probe had eld ranges of 03, 06, 12, 30 tesla and corresponding serial/general purpose interface bus (GPIB) resolutions 0001, 001, 001, 001 G, respectively. The probe size was 15 mm 5 mm 2 mm, with sensitive area 1 mm 05 mm. Measurement rate was 10 measurements per second. The error associated in the magnetic eld measurements was less than 05%. The electromagnets were energized using three independent dc power supplies of rating 032 V and 100 A. The stability of the power supplies was 01%. The quality of the electromagnets was fully characterized before installation in the dynamical environment. The successful operation of an ECR source greatly depends on the quality of the magnetic elements and uniformity in the magnetic eld (better than 5 G). Imperfections in


S K Jain, P A Naik and P R Hannurkar

Figure 4. The measured magnetic eld proles along the axial distance for (a) mirror magnetic eld, and (b) at magnetic eld.

the magnetic eld can cause diffusion of the plasma particles to the wall of the plasma chamber. The measured magnetic eld proles along the axial distance for (a) mirror magnetic eld, and (b) at magnetic eld are shown in gure 4. The measured values (i.e. experimental data shown in gure 4) and the design values (i.e. simulation results shown in gure 2) agree within 3%. The electromagnets were characterized for 45 A to 75 A at steps of 5 A. The variation of magnetic eld with solenoid current is shown in gure 5. It is observed to be linear with a slope of 215 G/A. The ampere-turns were determined to produce the maximum possible magnetic eld on the axis. The size and the power consumption of the solenoid coils were the limiting factors. In order to increase the axial magnetic eld and to obtain the required distribution, soft iron jacket were used. The mirror ratio (maximum to minimum) eld of the electromagnet was 11. A maximum at eld of 1400 G was obtained when all the three coils were independently energized. Using these magnets, ECR plasma was successfully produced (Jain et al 2007) using nitrogen, argon, and hydrogen gases. The plasma was characterized using a Langmuir probe (Jain et al 2006). A total ion beam current of 25 mA was extracted, with two-electrode extraction geometry, at 15 keV beam energy.

Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoid system


Figure 5. The variation of the magnetic eld with solenoid current.

5. Conclusions The solenoid coil magnets described here offers a continuous control of the axial magnetic eld, giving tuning capability. The ne tuning the magnetic eld is very important for the stability of an ECR plasma source, as any small change in the distribution of the axial magnetic eld can results large changes in the source parameters. The three solenoid coil system is capable of producing off-resonance, mirror, and at magnetic eld congurations. A mirror ratio of 11 and a maximum at eld of 1400 G has been obtained. The measured values and the design values are found to have a good agreement within 3%.

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