Nano Gaby
Nano Gaby
Nano Gaby
D OI: L0.1002/adma.200700430
A Novel Method of Synthesis of Dense Arrays of Aligned Single
Copper Nanotubes Using Electrodeposition
in the
Presence of a Rotating Electric Field**
Bv M. Venkata Kamalakar* and Arup K. Raychaudhuri
also be used to deposit nanotubes of many semiconductors
which can be prepared by electrodeposition.
The method of synthesis of metal nanotube arrays de-
scribed here exploits the basic principle of electrodeposition
in a rotating electric field, which we believe has never been
utilized in such synthesis using electrodeposition.
The novelty
of this method lies in its generality, simplicity and efficiency'
As a generic example, we report the synthesis of single crys-
talline copper nanotube arrays by electrodepositing copper
into the pores of porous anodic alumina template in the pres-
ence of a lateral rotating electric field which is applied in addi-
tion to the longitudinal d.c electrodeposition current. The ap-
plied rotating field as our simulation shows (described later
on) makes the ions graze the surface of the pores in helical
paths and thus makes the deposition selectively occuring in
the region near the wall of the nanopores.
The single crystalline copper nanotube arrays are prepared
by electrodeposition in nanoporous anodic alumina mem-
branes placed in the plane of a rotating electric field' TWo si-
nusoidal electric fields of the same amplitude with a phase dif-
ference of nl2 (as shown in Scheme 1a) constitute the rotating
electric field. The principle is well illustrated in Scheme 1'
With average direct current densities (Faradic current that
does the actual deposition) of 6 mA cm
' ,
the time of deposi-
tion of the tubes in 200 nm pore diameter anodic alumina
(membrane area
L cm' , membrane thick-
60 pm) is 15-20 min. This shows that the method is rel-
atively faster than other reported methods.[12' 13]
This method gives very high quality MNT arrays as estab-
lished by various structural characterization tools. Figure lc
shows a typical array of copper nanotubes fabricated by the
method described, as imaged by a Scanning Electron Micro-
scope (SEM). Figure 1d shows a closer view of the tubes pro-
truding out from the partially etched anodic alumina tem-
plate. The tubes shown in Figure 1, were fabricated in porous
alumina templates with pore diameters specified as 200 nm'
The wall thickness of these tubes as observed (upon further
zooming into the image) is
20 nm. The Energy-dispersive
(EDS) of the tips of the tubes revealed that
these tubes are composed of the element copper-
The Tiansmission Electron Microscope (TEM) image
(Fig. 2a) shows clearly that these tubular structures have con-
stant wall thickness throughout their length. Figure 2b shows
a 160 nm diameter tube with a thickness of approximately
l 5 nm. The sel ect i ve ar ea di f f r act i on pat t er n oI a si ngl e nano-
The discovery of carbon nanotubes[l] in 1991 initiated the
:nterest on tubular nanostructures because of their immense
:undamental importance as well as their potential applications
:n the nanoscale devices, sensors, catalysis, thermal materials,
itructural composites, field emission, biomedicine and energy
t] membranes such as anodic alu-
nina, polycarbonate membranes, block copolymers etc' have
opened up the possibilities of the synthesis of arrays of or-
Jered nanowires of a number of materials. Use of electrode-
position to synthesize ordered arrays of nanowires in such
templates is well studied.
However till date there are very few reports of the synthesis
of arrays of metal nanotubes[&15] using nanoporous templates'
\4ost of the earlier work in this area involve chemical modifi-
cation of the pore surface of porous templates to enhance the
deposition of the metal on the pore walls. Such chemical mod-
ifications often add impurities to the nanotubes.[l2' r3] These
methods are often specific for a particular kind of metal to be
deposited and cannot be used for a variety of materials. Often
it is also specific to an application. The processes are time
consuming because of the complexities involved.Lr2' 13] Thus a
general and efficient method for the synthesis of metal nano-
tubes (with controlled length, diameter and wall thickness)
still remains a challenge particularly in templates which allow
synthesis of large ordered arrays.
We present here a novel, versatile and general approach for
preparing metal nanotube (MNT) arrays. The method uses a
template like anodic alumina and has full control on length,
diameter and wall thickness of the nanotube. The method is
general enough and in principle, can be applied to prepare
single metal nanotubes of all metals which can be deposited
by electrodeposition technique. This method in principle can
f . l
M. V Kamal akar , Pr of . A. K. Raychaudhur i
DST Uni t f or Nanosci ences, Depar t ment of Mat er i al s Sci ence
S N Bose Nat i onal Cent r e f or Basi c Sci ences
Bl ock- . 1D, Sect or - l l l , Sal t Lake, Kol kat a 700 098 ( l ndi a)
E- mai l : venkat @bose. r es. i n
1' *,1
The authors thank the Department of S-ci ence
Technol ogy, Govt.
of I ndi a f or f l nanci al suppor t i n t he f or m of a Un' *. MVK t hanks
CS l R, 6ovt . of I ndi a f or f el l owshi p. We al so t hank t he U n i t f or Nano-
sci ence and Technol ogy, I ndi an Associ at i on f or t he Cul t i vat i on of
Sci ence, Kol kat a, I ndi a f or TEM supPor t . Sur f ace physi cs di vi si on,
SI NP, Kol kat a i s hi ghl y acknowl edged f or SEM suPpor t .
Adv. M oter. 2008, 20, 1 49-1 5 4 O
2008 WI LEY- VCH Ver l ag GmbH & Co. KCaA, Wei nhei m
' t , r /
. . i i : i ; r . , " ; i . ; ; : , . " , ; l 149
i Consrant deposi t i on f rel d)
Top view:Trajectory of an ion
i nsi de a pore
Radi us of hel i cal pat h > Radi us of pore
( b)
/ - -
\ , ;
Radi us of hel i cal pat h < Radi us of pore
tube is shown in Figure 2c. The
diffraction data is indexed into
the (220) plane. The TEM data
shows that these tubes are single
crystalline in nature. The single-
crystalline nature of the MNT
arrays have been further estab-
lished by X-Ray diffraction
(XRD). A typical XRD pattern
of the as synthesized samples is
shown in Figure 2d. The XRD
data were taken by retaining the
MNTs within the template. The
reflections are indexed to the
face-centered cubic (fcc) struc-
ture (Space group: Fm3m). No
other peaks were obtained ex-
cept those of copper which indi-
cates the purity of the nanotubes
formed. The XRD pattern
(Fig. 2d) shows that the (220) re-
f l ect i on i s t he onl y pr omi nenl
peak in comparison to the other
reflections, indicating the fact
that the array of tubes have a
pr ef er ent i al gr owt h di r ect i on
along the (220) plane. The XRD
Scheme l . a) Det ai l ed pr i nci pl e of synt hesi s of met al nanot ubes. b) The t r aj ect or y of an i on wi t h t he r adi us
of i t s hel i x ) por e r adi us. c) The t r a, j ect or y of an i on wi t h t he r adi us of i t s hel i x < por e r adi us.
data are in conformity with the
TEM diffraction data presented before.
The electrodeposition technique that is
widely used to make metal nanowires in tem-
plates uses the deposition field which is essen-
tially longitudinal so that they are along the
axis of the pore. Our innovation is based on
controlling the motion of ions during electrode-
position and restricting the ions to the walls of
the pores. This is achieved by a rotating electric
field which is always perpendicular to the elec-
trodeposition field and thus the extra field
forces the ions to graze along the surface of the
walls. The rotating electric field is produced br
perpendicular superposition of two sinusoidal
electric fields (of identical amplitude and fre-
quency) to each other, differing by a phase of
nl2. Thrs is in accordance with the Lissajous fig-
ures where two sinusoidal signals with identical
amplitude and frequency give rise to a circle
when superposed perpendicularly with a phase
difference of n/2. Since the pores to be filled
have circular cross section, we used a phase dif-
ference of nl2 between the lateral two sinusoi-
dal fields. The electric fields acting on the ions
are shown i n Scheme 1.
The mechanism of the formation of nano-
tubes can be understood in the following war' .
Taking p, the mobility of ions, the velocity
0 2 4 6 I 1 0
Fi gur e l . a) Copper nanot ubes af t er t he r emoval of al umi na t empl at es. b) EDS Spect r um
of t he copper nanot ubes. c) SEM i mage of a l ar ge ar r ay of copper nanot ubes. d) Si de vi ew
of t he nanot ubes ( The wal l t hi ckness i s cl ear l y vi si bl e) .
Adv. M ater. 2008, 20. 1 49-1 51
2008 WI LEY- VCH Ver l ag CmbH & Co. KCaA, Wei nhei m
When the process of electrodeposition is
started, an additional electric field E, acts
along the z-axis making the trajectory of each
ion a helix. The radius of such a helix is given
by R which can easily be tailored by the field
amplitude ,Es and frequency ar. Thus each ion
gets deposited following such a trajectory.
Within the pores of the template the motion of
the ions gets constrained by the pore walls if
the radius R is more than or equal to the pore
radius R6. This way ions, irrespective of their
initial positions, upon reaching the pore walls
will move staying close to the surface wall of
the pores. For a given pore radius Re we can de-
f i ne a cr i t i cal l i el d E.
t Ro
wher e R = Ro.
When E6
E" the depostion will occur prefer-
entially at the pore wall.
The above simple picture of the formation of
nanotube with a rotating field of constant am-
plitude (Eo) at all points along the radius of the
tube, however, gets modified in the real situa-
tion. The field seen by the ions is not the same
as the applied electric field because of the
much larger dielectric constant of the electro-
lyte compared to the surrounding alumina. If
Ee is the amplitude of the applied field, the am-
plitude of the field deep inside the electrolyte
, , c
^ l t Lo
Fi gure 2. a) and b) TEM i mages of copper nanotubes after bei ng separated from the al u-
mi na t empl at e. The t ube i n b) i s par t i al l y br oken t o show t he wal l of t he t ube. c) El ect r on
di f f r act i on pat t er n of a t ube. d) XRD pat t er n of t he copper nanot ubes.
an ion in an electric field E is proportional to the velocity,
with p, being the proportionality constallIr6l
- pE ( 1)
We first consider the effect of the rotating field. With two si-
nusoidal electric fields acting along the x-axis and y-axis re-
spectively, the two velocity components are
is Es1..- Uo
where K denotes the dielectric
constant of the medium concerned. However. this field reduc-
tion will not occur abruptly at the alumina
electrolyte inter-
face. The applied electric field decays exponentially to 8"1""
with a characteristic Debye screening lengthtrTl 1
where eo is the permittivity of free space, e. is the dielectric
constant, ft is the Boltzmann' s constant, I is the temperature,
e is the elementary charge, and C6 is the ionic concentration.
Using the relevant numbers we find that the screening length
,1. is comparable to the radius of the pore and thus the field is
not screened abruptly at the interface. This makes the electric
field dependent on the distance from the tube wall and thus a
function of the position. As a result one cannot use the simple
relation as given in Equation 6 to find the radius of the tube
To test the above mechanism of formation of the nanotubes.
we made a computer simulation of the experiment using the
above model and the field amplitude profile given by the rela-
tion E(r)
EEl". + (Eo
Eet".)e ' instead of simply E6. r
is the distance from the centre along the radius and l" is the
characteristic screening length.
The results from the simulation show that the thickness of
the nanotube AR/R6 (expressed as fraction of pore radius Re)
- ^
er enK I
U- ac{ t '
Vr :
dt : l l t : ocos( Dt
: 4! : . uEt , si nut t
' d t
These equations essentially imply
"i n,,1
( 4)
, , F .
f l cos. r
( 5)
So the motion of the ion due to the superposition of the
electric fields follows a circular orbit with a radius R
Adv. Mater.2008. 20. 149 154
2008 WI LEY- VCH Ver l ag GmbH & Co. KCaA, Wei nhei m 151
\ . /
Scheme 2. a) Typi cal t r aj ect or y of an i on. b) Nanot ube f or med by el ect r odeposi t i ng
50000 at oms i n a por e havi ng 10 nm di amet er . Fr equency of t he r ot at i ng el ect r i c f i el d
i s20 Hz. c) - e) cor r espond t o t he t ubes f or med f or descendi ng l at er al f i el d ampl i t udes
l . l 3E. , E, 0. 86E. f or t he same ) ' l Ro=0. 47' f ) - h) Repr esent t he t ubes f or med f or
0. 47, 0. 4, 0. 33 of i l Ro, r espect i vel y at Eo: Ec.
, / / \ \
, / ; \ \
( h) (f)
has a simple dependence on the parameter )lRo for a given
applied field and as one would expect AR/R9 increases as ,l/Re
becomes smaller. For a given )lR6 the wall thickness AR/Rg
also depends on,Eo. Our computer simulations reveal that for
).Ro> 0.47
with Ee
Ec, any ion, irrespective of its initial po-
sition, manages to reach the pore walls and traverses a helix
grazrng the surface of the pore (Scheme 1b) before getting de-
posited when it comes in contact with the atoms of the work-
ing electrode or the growing deposition front. A typical trajec-
tory of a single ion for such a case is shown in Scheme 2a. Fot
other values of )lRn and Es (unless E6 is too high such that
E6'), the trajectory becomes helical with fluctuating ra-
1c). Formation of a nanotube with diameter
10 nm, with 50000 atoms (whose initial positions and veloci-
ties are randomized) is shown in Scheme 2b. The nanotube so
formed in the simulation has a wall thickness
2 nm. This is a
typical example of a metal nanotube formation.
In the Scheme 2c-e we show development of tubes of dif-
ferent thicknesses for the same ^olRo
= 0.47 but for different
E0. Our simulations also reveal that for Eo
= Ec, the tube for-
mation initiated even with values starting from TlRo
0.2 and
for fields Eo > Ec, tube formation can occur even with a/Ro
0.2. For a fixed field (Ee =
Ec) the development of
tubes for different ,t/Rs is shown in Scheme 2f-h.
The frequency of rotating electric field deter-
mines the number of revolutions an ion makes
grazing the wall surface of the pore before getting
deposited. This is very important in the formation
il [ il|l Tllll l|illttil]] nflll ililtilItilil ill filt III|fl
iment, for the actual growth we chose a frequencv
of around 10 Hz in such a way that the ions make
enough revolutions along the pore walls through a
column of 60 pm pore depth before getting depos-
ited. The lateral rotating electric field is produced
by two pairs of copper plates, each pair being
perpendicular to the other. Each pair consists of
two rectangular shaped copper electrodes kept par-
allel to each other separated by a distance of 2 cm.
With these specifications and taking the standard
mobility of copper iotts[16] as 5.56 x 10-8 -z t
we chose the voltage amplitude (V6) of the
rotating electric field (Ee =
Vold; d betng the dis-
tance between the electrode pairs) as 3 V (,E0 > Ec
corresponding to 100 nm) to get a helical path of
ion perfectly grazing the wall of a pore of radius
100 nm.
From the simulation results, we infer that for a
radius of 100 nm, a screening length ,1
20 nm will
result in the formation of a tube at Eo
E6'. For E6
> E6, the tube formation can take place even with
)" < 20 nm. This is the typical value of the screenins
length for electrolytes with ionic concentrations
closer to millimoles. Due to the depletion of ions
due to deposition and inhomogeneity (refer to ex-
perimental), the electrolyte inside pores is of ap-
proximately millimolar concentration and this in-
itiates the formation of the tubular structures.
Figure 3a shows the result of electrodeposition in the po-
rous membrane in the absence of a lateral electric field. In the
absence of a rotating field one obtains nanowires, as expected.
The effect of the lateral rotating electric field of 3 V (voltage
amplitude) is shown in Figure 3b, which shows a large arrar'
of MNTwith wall thickness
15-20 nm. A decrease in the lat-
eral electric field is seen to increase the wall thickness, as evi-
dent f rom Fi gure 3e (Vo--2 V) and Fi gure 3f (%
1. 5 V).
This will correspond to the tube formation for the simulation
shown in Scheme 2e (E < E.). The resulting tubes have wall
thicknesses of 70 nm and 95 nm respectively with outer tube
diameters being 230 nm. From the simulation we expect the
wall thickness to be
85 nm and 110 nm, respectively for
2 Y and 1.5 V. Thus our simulation results agree reason-
ably well with the experimental results. This establishes the
fact that the basic mechanism proposed for the formation of
the tube is correct. The thickness of deposition also depends
on the time of deposition. After the initiation of the tube wall
growth, the modified electrodeposition field lines which will
mostly terminate on the top edge of the tube wall peripherr' .
will favor the growth of the tube further. The exact formula-
152 @
2008 WILEY-VCH Verl ag CmbH & Co. KGaA, Wei nhei m Adv. Mater.2008. 20. 149-154
to the synthesis of any metal/compound
nanotubes which can be electrodeposited.
The simulation of the method gives a physi-
cal insight into how metal nanotubes can be
formed inside porous templates. To our
knowledge this is the first method which is
not only simple and fast but also based on
designing the shape of an electrodeposited
metal by controlling the ionic dynamics in-
side an electrolyte. The MNT have a con-
stant wall thickness throughout the length
as seen in the TEM images. Thus they can
act as a hollow nanoelectrode and give op-
tions of filling them with other materials
like semiconductors and high dielectric con-
stant materials for such applications in
fields like nanoelectronics, solar cells, su-
percapaci t ors et c.
An important issue in formation of me-
tallic nanotubes is its chemical purity in ad-
dition to its structural integrity. To test that
we measured the resistance of the nano-
tubes from 4.2 K to 300 K. Electrical mea-
surement of the nanotube arrays has been
done by a pseudo four probe -"rno6[la] (re-
fer Experimental Sec.). The resistance data
is shown in Figure 4. The electrical resis-
tance increases as a function of tempera-
ture, typical of metallic behavior, with re-
sidual resistivity ratio (R3ees/Ra26) of 3.5.
This residual resistivity ratio is typical of
copper films and is indicative of a reason-
able chemical purity and absence of signifi-
cant structural defects. The metallic behav-
ior makes these single crystalline copper
nanotubes highly promising materials for
nanoelectronic applications.
In summary, ordered arrays of single
crystalline copper nanotubes have been
prepared by a novel potentiostatic electro-
deposition technique in nanoporous tem-
plates in the presence of a lateral rotating
electric field. The wall thickness of the met-
al nanotubes so obtained are in the range of
15-20 nm and can be controlled by chang-
ing the amplitude of the rotating field. The
X-ray diffraction results show that the cop-
per nanotubes grown have a preferential di-
tion of the tube thickness on the time and modified field lines rection of growth. The electron diffraction results show that
are issues being considered for further study. the tubes are single crystalline in nature. The study of electri-
The principal benefit of this approach is that it is general, cal resistance as a function of temperature shows that these
and it does not need any chemical modification or partial tubes have a metallic behavior. The synthesis method is a stm-
coating of the pores for synthesizing the nanotubes. The meth- ple innovation that controls the ion dynamics during electro-
od also does not alter the chemistry of the standard electrode- deposition. We believe that this is a general method for
position that is used for a given material. It only changes the growth of other metal nanotube arrays and can be applied to
external electric field configuration. Thus this can be applied many materials which can be grown by electrodeposition
Fi gur e 3. a) SEM i mage of Copper nanowi r es f or med wi t h t he vol t age ampl i t ude of l at er al r o-
t at i ng el ect r i c f i el d zer o. b) A l ar ge ar r ay of copper nanot ubes f or med wi t h t he vol t age ampl i -
t ude 3 V. c) Si de vi ew of t he copper nanot ubes ( Vol t age ampl i t ude 3 V) . d) Cl oser vi ew of cop-
per nanot ubes ( Vol t age ampl i t ude 3 V) . e) SEM i mages of si ngl e copper nanot ube of 230 nm
di amet er ( V. ol t age ampl i t ude 2 V) . f ) SEM i mages of si ngl e copper nanot ube havi ng 230 nm
di amet er ( Vol t age ampl i t ude
' l . 5
V) .
Adv. M ater. 2008. 20. 1 49-1 5 4
2008 WI LEY- VCH Ver l ag CmbH & Co. KGaA, Wei nhei m 153
0. 55
0. 50
0. 45
For i magi ng by scanni ng el ectron mi croscope (SEM), the templ ate
contai ni ng the nanotubes i s etched parti al l y wi th 3 M NaOH sol uti on
to di ssol ve most of the al umi ni um oxi de l ayer. The remai ni ng tem-
pl ate after washi ng several ti mes wi th Mi l l i pore water was used for
the i magi ng. SEM i mages were taken wi th the Quanta 200 FEG SEM
(FEI Co.) For Transmi ssi on El ectron Mi croscopy (TEM), the tem-
pl ate was compl etel y etched wi th 6M NaOH sol uti on and washed
10 ti mes wi th Mi l l i pore water before sprayi ng on a carbon coated cop-
per gri d. Images were obtai ned by a JOEL, JEM-2010 havi ng LaB6
el ectron gun for operati on between 80-200kV. Structural characteri za-
tion was done by PANALYTICAL X-ray powder diffractometer with
Cu Ka radi ati on (), = 1.5418 A; wi ttr the nanotubes remai ni ng em-
bedded i n the templ ate.
El ectri cal characteri zati on has been done by measuri ng the resi s-
tance usi ng a pseudo four probe method by retai ni ng the nanotubes
wi thi n the al umi na templ ate whi ch bei ng made of al umi na i s i nsul at-
i ng. Two copper wi re contacts are made on each si de of the anodi c
al umi na templ ate usi ng a conducti ve si l ver adhesi ve paste from Al fa
Aeser. Each pair of copper wires served as current and voltage probes
on each si de of the templ ate contai ni ng nanotubes. El ectri cal resi s-
tance as a function of temperature is measured in a pulse tube cryo-
generator (CRYOMECH, Model PT405 Cryogeni c Refri gerator).
Received: February 18, 2007
Revised: August 16, 2007
Published online: December 7.2007
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' 6
n o r
w. 4r
0. 20
0. 1 5
0. 1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fi gure 4. El ect ri cal resi st ance as a f unct i on of t emperat ure.
technique, including compound material nanotube arrays. We
therefore expect that our method for the synthesis of metal
nanotubes will lead to further development of a broad new
class of materials for nanoelectronic devices. Further work is
underway to formulate the details of the growth method and
have better control on the thickness of the nanotube by un-
derstanding its dependence on the growth field.
Anodi c al umi na and pol ycarbonate membranes (procured from
Whatman Corp.) were used to prepare the copper nanotube arrays.
The anodi c al umi na membranes speci fi ed as 200 nm are observed to
have a pore si ze di stri buti on varyi ng from 150 nm to 300 nm wi th
most of the pores having diameters ranging between 200-240 nm. A
200 nm thi ck l ayer of si l ver was sputtered on to one of the surfaces of
the membrane. Thi s si l ver l ayer acts as the worki ng el ectrode i n the
three el ectrode potenti ostati c el ectrodeposi ti on. A Saturated Cal omel
El ectrode (SCE) was used as the reference el ectrode. A pl ati num wi re
was used as t he count er el ect r ode. A I M CuSOa' 5H2O ( 99. 995 %
puri ty, procured from Si gma Al dri ch) i s sl owl y i nj ected i n the mi l l i -
pore water taken i n the el ectrodeposi ti on cel l through a nozzl e at the
top of the cel l duri ng el ectrodeposi ti on. The deposi ti on i s stopped
when an abrupt ri se i n current i s observed as i ndi cati on of growth of
tube over the compl ete l engths of the pores.
El ectrodeposi ti on was carri ed out at a potenti al of
Vol t wi th
respect to the SCE. The membrane was pl aced i n the pl ane of a rotat-
i ng el ectri c fi el d duri ng el ectrodeposi ti on. The l ateral rotati ng el ectri c
fi el d was created by two pai rs of paral l el copper el ectrodes perpendi c-
ul ar to each other and separated by Tefl on spacers. If the two pai rs of
el ectrodes are pl aced al ong the x and y axi s, then the deposi ti on i s car-
ri ed out al ong the z axi s wi th the templ ate pl aced i n the mi ddl e of the
four el ectrodes maki ng the si des of a square. A si nusoi dal l y varyi ng
vol tage from a si gnal generator was appl i ed to one of the pai r of par-
allel copper electrodes. A similar signal was phase shifted by rl2 and
was appl i ed to the other pai r of copper el ectrodes. The frequency used
i n the experi ment was 10 Hz.
' . 20M.
' l54
2008 WILEY-VCH Verl ag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Wei nhei m Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 1 49-1 54