Adams, Mike - Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines

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The document reveals secret sources for purchasing healing foods, natural medicines, superfoods and herbal products. It also discusses the health benefits of these items and recommends ways to stay informed on health topics.

Some secret sources revealed include Emergency Essentials, Jenny Lee Naturals, Walton Feed, Amazon Herb Co., Herbal Advantage, Astaxanthin and Ancient Harvest.

Freeze-dried berries are mentioned to lower cholesterol, fight cancer, enhance immune system function, prevent cardiovascular disease, and provide other health benefits.



Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Table of Contents
What Youll Find Here Page 04

Priceless Health Know-How

Page 05

Why Im Giving This Away

Page 05

Most People Dont Have a Clue Where to Get These Items

Page 06

Ugly Packaging, Beautiful Nutrition

Page 06

No Financial Relationship with Suppliers

Page 07

Secret Source #1: Emergency Essentials

Page 07

Secret Source #2: Jenny Lee Naturals

Page 15

The True Story of the Coming Inuenza Pandemic

Page 19

Secret Source #3: Walton Feed

Page 28

Secret Source #4: Amazon Herb Co.

Page 31

Secret Source #5: Herbal Advantage

Page 38

Secret Source #6: Astaxanthin

Page 43

Secret Source #7: Ancient Harvest

Page 46

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #8: House of Nutrition

Page 50

Revolutionary New Blue Laser Health Technology

Page 51

Wrap Up

Page 64

Sources of Life-Saving Information

Page 64

About This Report

Page 66

About The Author

Page 66

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

What Youll Find Here

This book reveals the little-known sources where you can purchase foods, food ingredients and herbal products that very few people know about and yet are critical for overcoming chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and clinical depression. For example, in this book youre going to learn about where to buy freeze-dried berries that work as powerful whole food vitamins that will lower cholesterol, ght cancer, enhance immune system function, prevent cardiovascular disease, and provide a long list of other healthful benets. But thats only the beginning. Youll also learn about a little-known source for rainforest herbs that holds the key to reversing cancer, ghting off infectious disease and even surviving a u epidemic. Beyond that, Ill also tell you where you can get freeze-dried vegetables that you can eat like snacks as a replacement for potato chips or fried foods. These freeze-dried vegetables give you the crunchy texture you crave when youre wanting comfort foods, but without all the trans fats and calories found in fried foods. They serve as a fantastic replacement for eating fried snack foods. Ill also tell you where you can get the best superfoods mixes on the internet. These mixes are powders that contain a variety of superfoods with the ability to prevent and even treat chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, clinical depression, and many more. Ill also share the best sources for getting chlorella and spirulina. Youll even learn where to buy quinoa and other ancient grains for just pennies on the dollar. Normally if you go into a health food store and want to buy quinoa, youre going to pay as much as $10 / pound for it. Ill show you where to get it for a little over $2 / pound! Ill also show you where to get ax seeds for about a $1 / pound, or where to buy oat bran for a little over $2 / pound. Ill show you where to get real salt thats been harvested from the ocean rather than concocted in a synthetic chemical factory (as is common table salt). Ill reveal where to purchase stevia extract powder (a natural herbal sweetener that replaces sugar) at the very best price youll nd anywhere. Ill show you how to buy sea vegetable powders for pennies on the dollar, Ill reveal sources for getting healthy oils like avocado oil and cancer-ghting apricot kernel oil (which some people claim is an outright cure for many forms of cancer). Youll learn where to get disease-preventing powders like broccoli powder and beet root powder that you can mix into drinks as part of your daily nutrition. Ill show you how to get coral calcium at a fraction of the price youve been paying in the health food stores. Ill also explain where to get a powerful mushroom blend that works to boost immune system function and even helps ght cancer. Unlike the manufacturer of all these products, I am not bound by unfair FDA restrictions that prohibit free speech. I can tell you the truth about these products and that is exactly what I am going to do in this book. Youre going to learn exactly how to prevent and even treat chronic disease with the most powerful healing foods and natural medicines on the planet.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Priceless Health Know-How

Essentially, I am going to give you information that will not only save you a considerable amount of money over purchasing these food items at the grocery store or at health food stores, Im also going to give you dozens of strategies for replacing unhealthy comfort foods and snack foods with healthier choices that enhance your health instead of compromising it. Im going to give you ways to use foods to ght cancer, reverse diabetes, treat heart disease and cardiovascular disorders. Im going to show you how to get your nutrition from whole foods in a convenient way that anyone can follow, even if you dont like to cook. Im also going to reveal a powerful, little-known vitamin that I call vitamin X that is just now emerging on the market, and that has been shown to be 500 times more powerful than vitamin E as an antioxidant. Ill tell you where you can get vitamin X and Ive even managed to convince two manufacturers to offer exclusive coupons that give you a discount on vitamin X just by reading this report. This is the kind of information youre going to get in this book. This is the kind of information that it has taken me years to gather and learn from experience. I use this information myself every single day. This is exactly where I purchase my own foods, herbs, freeze-dried berries and other supplements that I use as the main ingredients in my own diet. Essentially, I am giving you the blueprint to my own healthy diet and revealing the exact sources where I acquire the products that make this possible.

Why Im Giving This Away

You might be wondering, If this information is so valuable, why is Mike crazy enough to give it away? The short answer is that not everybody in the world is a greedy, money-grubbing corporate CEO that has to make a buck off every single thing. But the more accurate answer is that I hope to accomplish three important things with this: First, I am deeply dedicated to the mission of helping people transform their health. I truly want to live in a world where people are healthier, and giving away this information is just one small way in which I can help make that happen. Second, I hope to support the companies offering health-related products. The best way to keep these companies in business is to make sure they have lots of customers. So even though I dont earn a dime from your purchases of the products mentioned here, youre still doing the world a favor by supporting the nancial well being of these companies. And they deserve your business! Third, I hope that you will give this report to a hundred friends and that they, in turn, will nd out about, and all the health-related information available through those online resources. The more people I reach with a message of disease prevention and health transformation, the better I feel about being alive. No kidding. So by stealing this report and giving it away to people you know, youll also be helping me out. And thats how you can return the favor, frankly. (If you want to send me Christmas cards as a thank you, thats okay too.)

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Most People Dont Have a Clue Where to Get These Items

Whats really interesting about all this is that most consumers around the world have no idea how to really eat healthy. They dont really know where to get the food sources they need to support health. And they also tend to spend a fortune on foods at the grocery store. People always say to me, Hey Mike! I cant eat in the healthy way that you describe because that would cost me a fortune! Then they go to the grocery store and buy foods like macaroni and cheese or dinner mixes that are actually ten times more expensive than the foods I am going to reveal to you in this report. The truth is, it isnt expensive to eat healthy if you know the secret sources that I am going to reveal in this book. Youre going to save a small fortune on feeding yourself and your family just by following this information. Let me give you a concrete example of what Im talking about here. If you want to have a healthy meal, one of the best grains to use is quinoa. And quinoa is very expensive if you go into the health food store. But once again, Im going to reveal a source where you can buy organic quinoa at $15 for 7 pounds! Thats a large #10 can -- and it comes out to a little over $2 / pound! Youd normally pay quadruple that price at a local retailer.

Health illiteracy is widespread: neither patients nor doctors grasp the fundamentals of nutrition Ive found health literacy to be astonishingly low among the general population -- even among people who can read just ne! A fundamental grasp of nutrition, for example, is almost completely lacking in our population. Ive listened to people tell me that they think eating white rice at a Chinese restaurant is good for them because it contains so much ber. Thats quite a surprise to hear, since white rice has virtually no ber whatsoever and isnt healthy at all: its more like a dietary sugar than a health food.

By the way, one pound of dry quinoa is enough to make a meal for a large family, especially if you throw in some other ingredients like organic chicken, onions, garlic, broccoli and make a quinoa soup out of it. You can also make quinoa chili or use it as our and make quinoa pancakes or pastas. The point is, for $2 worth of quinoa, you can feed yourself or an entire family a whole lot of food. Its not expensive. And as youll nd here, it will save you a small fortune over purchasing more popular foods at the grocery store. Its also incredibly easy to prepare as a food. No baking required.

Ugly Packaging, Beautiful Nutrition

The other thing youll notice in this report is that Im talking about the purchase of foods, products, and food ingredients that are shipped to you in ugly packaging. None of these are beautifully-packaged products, but the foods inside are outstanding. You see, when you buy foods at the grocery store, they come in pretty color printed packaging. When you buy brand-name food products, youre paying a lot more for the packaging than you are for the ingredients inside! Your average box of cereal, for example, contains ingredients that cost only a fraction of what it costs to produce the box itself. So for most people who go shopping for food at the grocery store, they are actually paying for all of the hype and packaging. Theyre paying for the color printing, the plastic packaging, the food containers. And the stuff inside the box? Its mere pennies. Nutritionally speaking, most of the stuff inside is worthless.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

But you, using the information in this book, are going to be spending your money on wholesome food and food ingredients rather than pretty packaging. Because if you want to go out and buy pretty cardboard, you can do that on your own. But dont confuse that with shopping for food.

No Financial Relationship with Suppliers

One nal point on all this is that I make absolutely no money from the sales of the products I mention here. None of the companies paid to be listed here. This is not a giant advertisement. Many of the companies here are not even aware they are being listed. By the time you read this, they will probably be well aware. But when I wrote it most werent aware that they were going to be listed. I chose these companies because they are the ones that I use personally. And once again, I make absolutely no money whatsoever from the purchase of products mentioned here. This aint no payola factory!

Secret Source #1: Emergency Essentials

The rst secret source Im revealing here is a company called Emergency Essentials The URL for this is Emergency Essentials is actually a company that caters to people purchasing food for long-term storage -- people who want extra food for emergency use. Thats not a bad idea because given all the hurricanes, power outages, terrorist attacks and everything else going on in this world, being prepared is certainly a smart strategy. But thats not the purpose for mentioning them here. Instead Im going to tell you how to use these preparedness foods as a source of outstanding nutrition. And to do that, youre going to want to look at a line of products sold by Emergency Essentials known as freeze-dried products. What Im specically talking about here are freeze-dried vegetables, meats and fruits. I will list specic items here and describe what theyre good for.

The Advantages of Freeze-Dried Foods

Whats so interesting about freeze-dried foods? First of all, they have an incredibly long shelf life. Freeze-dried foods can stay stored in the cans in which they are shipped for ten years or more. So you dont need to worry about them going bad on your shelf. Secondly, the freeze drying process conserves much of the nutrition of these foods. In fact it conserves far more nutrition than just drying the foods... and certainly far more than canning them. Thats because freeze-drying doesnt subject these foods to extremely high temperatures for a long period of time. Its more like ash freezing. And what really happens during the freeze-drying process is that the water in these foods is very rapidly forced out of the food through a phase transformation process called sublimation, leaving just the crunchy, dry fruits or vegetables without any of the water. As a result, they are less expensive to ship as well because youre not shipping the water weight.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Freeze-Dried Berries: Disease-Fighting Gifts From Nature

Freeze-dried berries are my favorite products from Emergency Essentials. You can easily add them to a wide variety of foods and drinks and, in doing so, transform them into healing meals that prevent and even help reverse chronic disease. Do you remember the breakfast cereal called Lucky Charms and how much fun it was to eat Lucky Charms as a kid? Lucky Charms had these little wheat bits surrounded by tiny crunchy marshmallows, which were basically pure sugar with articial coloring. Those were delicious, right? You can get close to that experience today by using this freeze-dried berry blend product from Emergency Essentials. For $26 you get a #10 can full of a blend of freeze-dried berries that are absolutely loaded with antioxidants and health-enhancing phytonutrients. If you make a bowl of cereal using some healthy low-sugar cereal (such as Hi-Lo cereal or some other high ber cereal), you can toss in a couple of spoonfuls of freeze-dried berries, and it instantly transforms that boring bowl of cereal into something that looks and tastes a whole lot like Lucky Charms... but without the sugar! With this magic combination, you have crunchy, sweet, nutritious berry clusters oating around in your bowl of cereal. Its a true delight. Better yet, youre not eating any rened sugars: all the sweetness comes straight from the berries, the way nature intended. At the same time, youre getting a vast array of beautiful, natural colors: the blue from the blueberries, red from the raspberries, and so on. It is precisely these pigments that exhibit powerful disease-ghting characteristics.

Tremendous Health Benets from Eating Berries

Blueberries have been clinically proven to lower cholesterol even better than statin drugs. They also improve vision health and protect against oxidative damage to the eyes. Raspberries enhance the health of your kidneys and cardiovascular system. All of these berries contain antioxidants and a wide spectrum of phytonutrients that conventional medicine doesnt even know about yet. They all enhance your health in profound ways that have yet to be understood (or even described) by modern medical science. When you eat this freeze-dried berry blend product youre getting all the benets of these berries in their natural form without the inconvenience of buying berries at the grocery store and having them go moldy on you in a day or two. Thats the problem with buying berries, isnt it? I often try to buy blackberries or raspberries from the store and after you get them home, if you dont eat them within a matter of hours, it seems like they start molding.
Blueberries, cranberries, strawberries all contain powerful phytochemicals that ght cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol and more Heres more good news on how nature can help you prevent and reverse chronic disease. Berries such as blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and raspberries are rich in diseaseghting phytochemicals that prevent and even reverse serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stomach ulcers and even help lower cholesterol levels.

When you buy freeze-dried berries, you dont have this problem. The berries are available to you anytime you want them. You just add a couple of spoonfuls of this berry blend into any food or drink you want. If youre making a healthy breakfast drink, for example, put in a couple of spoonfuls of the berry blend, and it will greatly enhance the health of the breakfast shake while also turning it a wonderful dark berry color.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Real Blueberry Pancakes for a Change

Another great idea is to use these berries in baking mixes. If youre making some pancakes for breakfast (hopefully youre using a healthy whole grain pancake mix like something made by Bobs Red Mill or another trusted manufacturer), you can toss in some of these berry mix powders. Youll get some blueberries, some raspberries, some strawberries, and it will make a delicious pancake recipe thats far superior to anything you could buy at the store (both in terms of taste and health impact). Remember that when you buy mixes at the store that are labeled as blueberry mixes, such as a blueberry mufn mix or blueberry pancake mix, they almost never contain actual blueberries. They contain little chunks of fructose colored with articial colors to make them appear purple. All that does is promote disease and neurological disorders thanks to the toxic side effects of articial colors. If you want the real colors, get the real berries. And the way to do that is to buy these freeze-dried berry blend products from Emergency Essentials.

Mass media hypes up statins, calling them wonder drugs while ignoring their dangerous side effects Statins are extremely potent prescription drugs with dangerous side effects that include sudden death from heart failure, a sharp drop in sex hormones, disruption of normal liver function, and complex hormonal imbalances that are only beginning to be identied.

You can also buy freeze-dried blueberries all by themselves for $25 for a #10 can. This is a product I especially recommend for anyone with heart disease or high cholesterol. If youre taking statin drugs or even considering taking statin drugs, try these blueberries instead. For just $25 you can have an entire #10 can of blueberries, and you can mix them in with your breakfast cereals, blended drinks or other foods and consume them in large quantities on a daily basis. Your cholesterol numbers will vastly improve in a matter of a few weeks. With the right dietary changes, your doctor will probably tell you that you dont need to take statin drugs after all. And remember, these blueberries wont go bad on you either. So you can keep them around and use them any time of the year, any time you wish.

Freeze-Dried Strawberries
The next berry product I recommend is freeze-dried sliced strawberries at $22 for a #10 can. Why do I like this product so much? Because if you go out and buy a typical breakfast cereal claiming to contain actual strawberries, youll nd that there are maybe two or three strawberries in that entire box. And theyve chopped that strawberry up into tiny little pieces to try to make it look like theres a lot more in there. Theres really not much fruit in the cereal box at all. Using this can of freeze-dried strawberries, however, you can transform any boring cereal into a delicious strawberry cereal by just putting in a cup or so of freeze-dried strawberry slices. And its absolutely delicious. It makes any cereal far more interesting (and sweeter) without adding rened sugars of any kind.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Freeze-Dried Garden Pole Beans

Lets move on to the vegetables here. One of my favorite freeze-dried vegetables is the green garden pole beans, which is $16 for a #10 can. That kind of price may seem a bit expensive, and its true -- these are some of the more expensive food items in this book. Its not cheap to produce freeze dried fruits and vegetables. Thats because the freeze-drying process reduces the weight of the fruits and vegetables so much that youre actually getting a lot more food than you think. If you were to add water and rehydrate the foods, youd get a much better idea of how much food is actually in there. But without that perspective, when you open up a can of freeze-dried garden pole beans, you think, Gee! I spent $16 for this? It looks like a large bag of snack chips! So let me explain whats good about this. First of all, you can eat these freeze-dried garden pole beans as if they were snack chips. They are crunchy. You can pop them in your mouth and chew on them... and you think youre eating something like green Fritos or some kind of odd-shaped potato chip. Its a handy snack food, but without the negative health effects. Whenever youre in the mood for something crunchy, and you dont want to be eating fried snacks that promote heart disease and have trans fatty acids (and other dangerous chemical compounds like acrylamides), you can reach for the can of green garden pole beans and start munching on those. Thats what I do. And youll nd that even though the can costs $16, it lasts a long time. Thats partly because when you eat these as snack foods, you must drink a lot of water at the same time, and the water reconstitutes the foods, making them take up more space in your stomach (which makes you feel full).

Safety Note: Always Drink Lots of Water

From a safety perspective, drinking lots of water is critically important because if you dont drink extra water while consuming freeze-dried foods, you could end up with serious gastrointestinal problems. Thats because all freeze-dried foods will soak up water once you swallow them. And if youre eating them in their dry form, your body is going to start pulling water out of your stomach and out of your digestive tract in order to rehydrate these foods. So its important to consume a large amount of water at the same time youre eating these foods: a good guideline is to drink 8 oz. of water for every one cup of freeze-dried fruits or vegetables you consume. Of course, drinking water is good for you anyway, but it is especially important when youre eating freeze-dried vegetables. The strategy of eating freeze-dried vegetables is a great hunger buster. I cant tell you how many times this has gotten me through a tough evening when I felt really hungry and wanted to eat some kind of crunchy snack food. But of course, I dont touch fried foods, nacho chips, or other popular snack foods. Instead, I just reach for the freeze-dried garden pole beans and start munching until Im full.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Freeze-Dried Broccoli: Much Better Than Youd Suspect

Next on the list of vegetables is freeze-dried broccoli orets. Whats so good about broccoli orets? A couple of things. First, you can eat these as a replacement for crunchy snacks like potato chips or cheese puffs. Theyre quite delicious, and if you want to add some spices, you can throw in some salt or taco spices to alter the avor. The great thing about these broccoli orets is that when you eat them in the freeze-dried state, they dont taste bitter at all (like fresh broccoli sometimes does). They are genuinely good. And because they are broccoli, they are powerful anti-cancer foods. In fact, I recommend this as a snack for anyone who has a history of cancer in their family or who has been diagnosed with cancer or pre-cancerous conditions. Ive often stated that broccoli is such a powerful anti-cancer food that if the pharmaceutical companies could patent it and sell it to consumers, they would charge $100 for a plateful of broccoli.
Heal your own cancer with broccoli You dont have to know how it works to gain the benet: just eat broccoli. Its one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods you can nd at any grocery store. In fact, broccoli contains such powerful anti-cancer compounds that if drug companies could put the benets of broccoli in a pill, that pill would be front page news and cost a hundred dollars a week. Broccoli works against prostate cancer, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, lung cancer, colon cancer, and even cancers of the organs like liver cancer.

In contrast, for just $12, you can get an entire can of freeze-dried broccoli orets that are powerful immune boosters and cancer ghters. And you can eat these like the garden beans: they are crunchy, they make an excellent snack food, and theyre extremely nutritious at the same time. As always, be sure to drink lots of water when you eat freeze-dried broccoli orets. One more thing, you can also toss these into soups or even into the blender when youre blending up some healthy drinks. Theyll turn any drink or meal into a cancer-busting meal.

Freeze-Dried Peas
Next on the list are freeze-dried fresh peas. You may be familiar with a snack product called Wasabi (Wasabi peas). Those are peas that have been rolled in rice our and Wasabi spices such as horseradish. And theyre quite delicious. But if you dont want the sugar and the rice our, you can just buy these freeze-dried fresh peas and eat them right out of the can. Its $17 for a #10 can, and just like the other freeze-dried vegetables, you can eat these as snacks or add your own spices. They are absolutely delicious! In fact, these fresh peas are fairly sweet, making them another of my favorite vegetables for munching on when I want some snack food.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Popcorn Cauliower
Next on the list is freeze-dried cauliower, or what I call vegetable popcorn. Thats because it looks a lot like popcorn. In fact, if you take a bowl of this freeze-dried cauliower, put some butter avor on it and add a bit of salt, you can crunch on it like popcorn and probably fool yourself into thinking it might be popcorn (that is, if you have a good imagination). And yet, its far healthier for you than popcorn. For one thing, it doesnt have the high glycemic index of popcorn. Nor does it have the unhealthy fats or added sugars typically found in popcorn snacks. Its also loaded with immune boosting, cancer ghting phytonutrients similar to the way broccoli is. In fact, cauliower is in the same group as broccoli: cruciferous vegetables. It is well known to contain potent cancer-ghting phytochemicals. The freeze-dried cauliower costs $16 for a #10 can. Its one of the vegetables I purchase and consume on a regular basis. It makes a great snack that wont murder your heart and pack on the pounds.

Phytochemicals in broccoli and cauliower ght cancer, says new research Broccoli is one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods in the world: it contains phytochemicals so effective that if drug companies could patent them, theyd charge consumers a hundred dollars a pill for the same thing you get from a serving of broccoli. Cauliower, too, is a powerful cancer ghter. The truth is, cancer is almost entirely preventable through food choice and physical exercise alone. Nature has provided an abundance of healing foods that can prevent and reverse chronic disease, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and more.

Quality Meats: Freeze-Dried Chicken

Next, lets move to the meats. The only meat I recommend is freezedried chicken, which is $40 for a #10 can. Thats pricey, but theres a lot of chicken in there, and its pure chicken meat with no avors, additives or preservatives. The format is diced chicken chunks, and by the time you receive the shipment through UPS, some of it will probably have turned to chicken dust at the bottom of the can. But the point is, if you ever want quality animal protein in your diet, this is a good way to do it (especially if youre traveling). Its very hard to get good quality protein when youre eating at a restaurant, on an airplane, or at work. With this freeze-dried chicken, there are no preservatives, no avors, no salts, no MSG and none of that other garbage that you normally nd in other meat products. And dont forget about sodium nitrite, because sodium nitrite is a dangerous chemical preservative found in virtually all packaged meats in the grocery store. Its well known to cause cancer in the human body due to the formation of nitrosamines during digestion. Freeze-dried chicken from Emergency Essentials has no sodium nitrite whatsoever. So without the preservatives, youre just getting good quality proteins without any associated health risks. On the down side, freeze-dried chicken is rather tasteless. Dont expect to fall in love with the taste of this food. Its not just bland, its almost offensive. This is hard-core food for people who are very disciplined about what they eat. Dont dive in with this product if youre expecting something that tastes like Chicken McNuggets. The other downside is that this chicken meat is not free-range or organic chicken meat. Unfortunately, organic freeze-dried chicken meat doesnt exist as far as I know, so youre stuck with conventional chicken meat if you want it freeze-dried.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Avoid Manufactured Food Products

By the way, there are many other products available from Emergency Essentials, but I dont recommend them. There are plenty of products you want to avoid from Emergency Essentials. And that includes most of the mixes or meals the company offers. Anything that is a prepared product such as an MRE or a prepared meal is likely to contain harmful ingredients that I certainly do not recommend for your health. Remember, manufactured foods almost always contain additives. In contrast, freeze-dried berries, vegetables or meats have no additives whatsoever. The only products I recommend are the ones Ive mentioned here: the freeze-dried fruits, vegetables and meat products. And by the way, I dont recommend the freeze-dried turkey product because the quality of that meat wasnt nearly as high as the quality of the chicken product (at least not when I ordered it). So thats the scoop on Secret Source #1 Emergency Essentials. Theyre at Its a great place to get food products that can enhance your health, that can help prevent chronic disease and that can serve as healthy snack foods so that you can avoid consuming unhealthy fried foods when you get that craving for a comfort snack.

How to save money with Emergency Essentials

As a service to readers, Ive negotiated an exclusive discount with Emergency Essentials. Type newstarget in the promo code box of the shopping cart at, and youll get free shipping on any order over $20. Im not certain if this applies outside the USA, however.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Summary of Recommendations

Price $26

Item Freeze-Dried Berry Blend

Nutritional Benets Excellent source of antioxidants, protects against heart disease, lowers LDL cholesterol, helps prevent cancer, protects against nervous system disorders, adds sweetness to foods or drinks without using rened sugars Proven to lower LDL cholesterol better than statin drugs, without any negative side effects. Outstanding source of antioxidants. Excellent antioxidant source, high in vitamin C. Great for using on cereals. Another great source of natural antioxidants. Yet another great source of natural antioxidants. Excellent replacement for fried, crunchy snack foods. (But a bit pricey.) Anti-cancer food: contains an assortment of phytochemicals clinically shown to prevent the growth of cancer tumors. Also boosts immune system function. Can be eaten as a snack. Good choice for late night snack food for when you have the munchies. No fats, no unhealthy additives like MSG. Natural popcorn alternative. Add butter avor and natural salt to make a veggie popcorn snack. Also offers an assortment of anti-cancer phytochemicals, similar to broccoli. Pure chicken meat product with no additives or avors. Great for traveling, since quality protein is difcult to nd in airports, restaurants, etc.


Freeze-Dried Blueberries

$22 $25 $29 $16 $12

Freeze-Dried Strawberries Freeze-Dried Raspberries Freeze-Dried Blackberries Freeze-Dried Garden Pole Beans Freeze-Dried Broccoli


Freeze-Dried Peas


Freeze-Dried Cauliower


Freeze-Dried Chicken Meat

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #2: Jenny Lee Naturals

Secret Source #2 is a company called Jenny Lee Naturals that can be found at This is a small company that sells superfoods like chlorella, spirulina and supergreens mixes that I consider to be the very best on the internet. This is partly because I know their ingredients are well sourced: all spirulina used at Jenny Lee Naturals is Hawaiian spirulina made by Cyanotech in Kona, Hawaii (a company I toured and interviewed for a series of feature articles). This company has earned my ve-star rating for providing quality products at a reasonable price. The thing to realize here though is that youre not going to get fancy packaging from Jenny Lee Naturals. This is true with many of the companies I recommend here. What you are going to get are the highest quality ingredients with no llers. Jenny Lee Naturals offers four key products worth mentioning: Chlorella: offered in capsule form (free-form chlorella), this is a potent disease-ghting superfood covered in depth at Jenny Lee Naturals offers very competitive pricing on their chlorella, which is sourced from Japan.

Spirulina research shows treatment of breast cancer, tumors, HIV virus, and other viruses The other interesting compound in spirulina that really isnt found anywhere else in the plant kingdom or animal foods is something called phycocyanin. This is a blue pigment. Thats why spirulina is actually called blue-green algae, because of the phycocyanin blue pigment. And its a phycobiliprotein and research has shown that it really provides a great deal of protection to both the liver and the kidneys. Its actually an antioxidant pigment or protein pigment.

Spirulina: also offered in capsule form, this is Spirulina Pacica, a unique strain of spirulina grown only in Kona, Hawaii, in pristine waters pumped from deep in the Pacic ocean. Supergreens: this is Jenny Lees feature product, and its one I use every day. Its a blend of superfoods like chlorella, spirulina, quinoa, ax meal and various cereal grasses. Its a food supplement powder that compares to The Ultimate Meal, a product found in most health food stores. Jenny Lee A-V tincture: a super-powerful tincture made of the most potent anti-viral herbs found on the planet, including shiitake mushrooms, echinacea, astragalus, licorice, olive leaf extract, cats claw (Una de Gato), lemon balm and many other herbs. This product greatly boosts your u immunity, helping you resist u infection while also giving you natural medicines to more quickly overcome a u. This product was actually modeled after my top medicinal herbs for resisting the u list which appears in The Flu Solution, an ebook on beating the u (or even the inuenza pandemic), found at See the next chapter of this book for more details on the inuenza pandemic. Whats so secret about Jenny Lee Naturals? The company is fairly well known for their chlorella and spirulina products, but as of this writing, no one knows about the A-V tincture product. And this is the product that will be in very high demand as the inuenza epidemic grabs more headlines. In fact, it wont be long before Jenny Lee Naturals wont be able to keep up with orders for their A-V product, especially if we start to see more headlines about the spread of inuenza or a difcult u season.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Chlorella and Spirulina With No Binders

If you order spirulina or chlorella, youre going to get a product with no binders. And thats important. Jenny Lee Naturals is the only company I know of that packages their chlorella and spirulina products with capsules rather than using binders to create small tablets. By the way, capsules are expensive. So the fact that Jenny Lee Naturals continues to provide a competitive price is downright amazing. I imagine their prot margin is quite slim on these products. In producing these capsules, Jenny Lee Naturals simply takes the raw spirulina or chlorella ingredients and encapsulates them using a high-end encapsulation machine. This way, when the capsule dissolves youre getting what I call free-form powdered chlorella or spirulina that makes it fast-acting and easy to digest. With other companies, youre getting tablets that have to be broken down through the process of digestion. And worse yet, youre getting binders, because tablets have to have binders in them in order to get the chlorella or spirulina material to stick together. In other words, the binders are a type of glue that makes the ingredients stick together into the shape of a tablet. And some of the binders used out there at competing companies are chemicals that I wouldnt want to be putting in my own body. So if you want free-form chlorella and spirulina without questionable binders and in an easy-to-digest format, get it from Jenny Lee Naturals. Just get their encapsulated spirulina, which is four bottles for $1116 or their encapsulated chlorella which is four bottles for $116 also.

Spirulina from Hawaii

I should also tell you that the spirulina is spirulina pacica, which means that it comes from the company called Cyanotech located in Kona, Hawaii. This is not spirulina sourced from cheaper sources such as Southeast Asia. Its spirulina from Hawaii. It is organically produced. It is grown in pristine waters. And Ive actually toured the facilities that manufacture this spirulina, so I have seen the level of professionalism and dedication that the people there at Cyanotech give their product. There is quite simply no better spirulina product in the world than what youre going to nd in the Jenny Lee Naturals spirulina capsules.

An inside look at spirulina production: an exclusive interview with Dr. Gerry Cysewski, CEO of Cyanotech Corporation Id like to point out that Cyanotech, the name comes from cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, and Cyanotech is a microalgae company -- all of our technology and products are based on microalgae. We think microalgae holds tremendous potential for human health and nutrition. There are over 30,000 different species of microalgae, and they produce everything from fuels to very nutritious foods, sometimes even pharmaceuticals. And thats why were in this area -- we think that microalgae is really an unexploited, vast potential natural resource.

Supergreens for Health and Disease Prevention

I also strongly recommend the Jenny Lee Naturals Supergreens product. Its just called Jenny Lee Supergreens, and its 4 bottles for $100. This is a product that was formulated to compete with The Ultimate Meal, which is a product that I had been recommending for several years, and in fact still recommend as a superfoods whole meal powder. This Jenny Lee Supergreens powder contains all the superfoods that you need to achieve a high state of health, and its something I eat myself on a daily basis and even feed to my dog, too.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Whats interesting about the Jenny Lee Supergreens formula is that if you look up the documented health enhancement effects of the ingredients it contains, youll nd that the superfood supplement is a powerful disease ghter. It is: Anti-cancer (due to powerful anti-cancer phytochemicals and detox effect) Anti-diabetes (due to blood sugar regulating effects, quality protein, GLA, etc.) Anti-osteoporosis (due to its alkaline nature and bone-building mineral content) Anti-heart disease (omega-3 containing ax meal) Anti-obesity (complex carbs like quinoa, quality proteins) Immune boosting (due to wide-ranging phytonutrients) Liver boosting (due to cleaning effects of green ingredients, plus the lecithin) Brain boosting (GLA, acetylcholine, etc.) Mood boosting (regulates blood sugar, which steadies moods) Digestive health boosting (quality bers, plus cleansing chlorophyll) ... and a whole host of other benets. The ingredients are: organic quinoa, organic Hawaiian spirulina, open-cell wall chlorella from Japan, ax seed meal, lecithin, soy protein, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, wheat grass, coral calcium, stevia The organic quinoa our provides a complete protein and offers outstanding ber and complex carbohydrates. When considering the Hawaiian spirulina, open cell wall chlorella and ax seed meal, these are some of the superfoods I recommend the most. The ax seed meal also promotes cardiovascular health and it has lignans that are powerful antioxidants and anti-cancer nutrients. The spirulina and chlorella offer phytonutrients including chlorophyll that cleanse the blood, cleanse the organs and prevent chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. In fact there are so many benets to these two products that I encourage you to go read the book Ive written on it called, Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina. You can nd that at

The top four superfood products for optimum health and disease prevention/reversal; recommended by Mike Adams They can absolutely help reverse chronic disease. Heres the truth about this: the FDA has outlawed nutritional supplement companies from telling the truth about their own products. If The Ultimate Life company, for example, stated on the label, this product prevents chronic disease, the FDA would consider that to be an unsubstantiated health claim (even though its true!) and would ruthlessly attack the manufacturer, eventually putting them out of business. Also found in the Jenny Lee Supergreens product is lecithin, which is an important source of acetylcholine, which is very important for both liver function and healthy brain function. I realize that a lot of products use lecithin as a ller, meaning they use it as the primary ingredient. But in Jenny Lee Supergreens, its actually the fth ingredient. So its put in as a nutritional ingredient and not as a primary ller.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Also in this product, you get soy protein, alfalfa sprouts, barley sprouts, wheat grass, coral calcium and a little bit of stevia to sweeten it up (although it still remains quite bitter thanks to all the greens). This is the product that I use on a daily basis. It is, in my opinion, the very best Supergreens product out there and the price just cant be beat. You can nd cheaper products with a lot more ller, or you can nd similar quality products at as much as twice the price at local retail stores, but I dont think you can nd a better value with the wholesome ingredients that you can get from Jenny Lee Supergreens. But once again, keep in mind, Jenny Lee Naturals is a fairly small company. So dont be surprised, if after this report gets out theyre having some difculty lling the orders on time. You might have to wait one to two weeks to actually get your order lled. In fact, that can be true for a lot of the companies I mention here in this report.

Summary of Recommendations:

Price $29.95 16oz.

Item Jenny Lee Supergreens powder

Nutritional Benets Powerful prevention of chronic disease, including cancer, diabetes, mental disorders, osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis and many more. Outstanding superfood for preventing or treating cancer, diabetes, liver disorders, nervous system disorders and many other chronic diseases. Also an outstanding superfoods for beating cancer, diabetes, nervous system disorders, obesity, and even heart disease. Contains trace minerals, phycocyanins that destroy breast cancer tumors, high-quality proteins / amino acids, and an impressive array of phytonutrients. Contains powerful combination of anti-viral herbs for beating the u or surviving the coming inuenza pandemic. Signicantly boosts immune system defenses, combines the most well-researched anti-viral herbs on the planet: shiitake mushrooms, echinacea, astragalus, garlic, cats claw, olive leaf, and many more.

$116 for 4 bottles

Chlorella Capsules

$116 for 4 bottles

Spirulina Capsules


Jenny Lee A-V Tincture (2 oz.)

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

The True Story of the Coming Inuenza Pandemic

How it may infect 30% of the worlds population, and what you can do to survive the outbreak even if theres no vaccine This section reprints the entire report, Surviving the Coming Inuenza Pandemic, which is available as a separate downloadable ebook at In the fall of 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) held a meeting of scientists, researchers, and vaccine manufacturing company representatives. In that meeting, the World Health Organization reached some startling conclusions that many people still have not fully grasped. The organization stated that the next global u pandemic is fast approaching. There is a strong chance it may become an epidemic as soon as next year, and if that happens, literally 30% of the worlds population will become infected with inuenza. The particular inuenza strain being watched is the H5N1 bird u virus. Should an outbreak occur, the total deaths expected around the world, according to the WHO, numbers in the tens of millions of people. Furthermore, the WHO says that the United States currently has no vaccine to distribute to the population that might offer protection from this u epidemic. In their own words, ... the H5N1 strain has demonstrated its capacity to infect humans and cause severe disease, with high fatality, on three separate occasions beginning in 1997. The disease in humans has no vaccine to confer protection and no specic treatment once illness becomes severe.

H5N1 avian strain expected to become next viral pandemic The World Health Organization is to be applauded for its efforts to try to ramp up product of vaccines to protect people from the coming u pandemic. Despite their best intentions, however, the world isnt ready for such a viral outbreak. Should such an epidemic actually occur soon, millions of people will likely be killed while waiting for vaccines. There simply isnt enough u vaccine production to go around.

Source: Even with this clear threat to public safety, the United States currently has no plans to manufacture any vaccine whatsoever. Even if a vaccine theoretically existed, the U.S. doesnt have a system in place to distribute it to citizens. And waiting for the u pandemic to appear will undoubtedly be too late. Vaccines and antiviral agents are unlikely to meet demand, even for industrialized countries able to purchase them, explains an investigative medical article entitled, The Next Inuenza Pandemic: Lessons from Hong Kong, 1997 by Ren Snacken, Alan P. Kendal, Lars R. Haaheim, and John M. Wood, published by the Centers for Disease Control, It goes on to explain, Waiting until a pandemic strikes to determine access to [vaccines and medicines] inevitably contributes to inequities in supply for countries lacking facilities to produce antiviral agents or vaccines or lacking resources to competitively purchase supplies at a time of scarcity. The issue of equity cannot be resolved by individual governments or manufacturers. We should have learned that lesson many times over, but still the vaccine problems persist. The winter of 2004 saw a complete breakdown in the U.S. vaccine infrastructure when the winter u vaccine experienced a severe shortage because the vaccine manufacturer Chiron was found to be producing contaminated product.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

That left the entire country without adequate u vaccine, creating an instant shortage. Now imagine what would happen if there were truly a global killer u, an inuenza virus that mutated and made the cross-species leap from birds to humans. Imagine that this virus is spreading around the world from city to city, being carried by travelers in airplanes, and then being spread from person to person in those cities through coughing, shaking hands, touching doorknobs or just from being in the same elevator with another person. Now imagine 30% of the United States population getting infected with this u. The result would be nothing short of a national crisis. As the World Health Organization explains, Vaccines, antiviral agents and antibiotics to treat secondary infections will be in short supply and will be unequally distributed. It will take several months before any vaccine becomes available. They also explain, in their own words, that: Medical facilities will be overwhelmed. Widespread illness may result in sudden and potentially signicant shortages of personnel to provide essential community services. The effect of inuenza on individual communities will be relatively prolonged when compared to other natural disasters, as it is expected that outbreaks will reoccur.
The world is on the brink of a major u epidemic one that could claim more than a billion lives, the head of the Russian Virology Institute, Academician Dmitry Lvov said at a press conference organized by the RIA-Novosti news agency on Thursday. Up to one billion people could die around the whole world in six months, Lvov said. The expert did not give a timeframe for the epidemic, but said that it is highly probable that it will start this year. We are half a step away from a worldwide pandemic catastrophe, the academic said. The Russian expert said that U.S. researchers possessed data suggesting that if a pandemic hits, up to 700,000 people will fall ill in the United States. He said that the population of the United States can be roughly compared to that of Russia and thus the number of cases will be approximately the same. The academician said the pandemic was most likely to be caused by the so-called bird u stem. The death rate among those who contract this type of u reaches 70 percent, Lvov said. The expert called for the Russian authorities to prepare for the epidemic. The country will need a reserve of at least 300,000 hospital beds if an epidemic breaks out, he said. news/2004/10/28/pandemic.shtml Flu pandemic could kill one billion people around the world, say experts They may be on the high side, but even the World Health Organization now says the next global pandemic is overdue. Furthermore (and perhaps even more importantly), the world is not at all prepared to manufacture and distribute enough vaccines to protect the global population from the coming pandemic. Health ofcials cant even get u shots distributed without creating a near-panic in the population. Imagine the fear and confusion that would be created by a killer virus: a u pandemic.

Source: Incredibly, the above description may actually be the good news. A Russian scientist, Dr. Dmitry Lvov, head of the Ivanovsky Virology Institute, estimates that this particular strain of the u is so aggressive and deadly that as many as one billion people around the world could die from it. He estimates that in the United States alone, we could be looking at 700,000 dead. Granted, his estimates may be high, but this man is no stranger to infectious disease. In any case, it does give you an indication of the seriousness of this next global outbreak.

Conventional Medicine Offers No Real Defense

As I have been discussing these points with a few people, Ive been met with looks of utter confusion. People tell me things like, I thought we overcame infectious disease, I thought these u epidemics were things that just happened in history, they shouldnt happen today, we have modern medicine... Unfortunately, they are dead wrong about conventional medicine.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

As the World Health Organization explains on their site, Although health care has improved in the last decades, epidemiological models from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA project that today a pandemic is likely to result in 2 to 7.4 million deaths globally. In high income countries alone, accounting for 15% of the worlds population, models project a demand for 134 233 million outpatient visits and 1.5 5.2 million hospital admissions. Source: In fact, modern medicine is largely helpless against such outbreaks. Even in recent times, outbreaks have been frequent. And throughout history, they have devastated populations. The 1918 - 1919 Spanish Flu pandemic killed 20,000,000 people around the world. The 1956 Asian Flu pandemic killed hundreds of thousands. In 2002 - 2003, SARS very nearly became a global pandemic, and it killed an astounding 10% of those infected. Today, all eyes are on the avian u virus H5N1, which was rst detected in pigs in Vietnam in February, 2004. And the people who study infectious disease know the next pandemic is right around the corner. During the last few years, the world has faced several threats with pandemic potential, making the occurrence of the next pandemic just a matter of time. - the World Health Organization ( For a fascinating look at the full chronology of the H5N1 avian inuenza, as published by the World Health Organization, visit

Primed for Infectious Disease

Historically speaking, were overdue for the next outbreak. In many ways, the world today is even more conducive to the spread of these dangerous viruses than in times past. Today we have higher population density than ever before, which means the virus can spread more easily from one person to the next. Today, we have faster global travel than ever before, meaning the virus can jump from city to city in a matter of hours. Given the high level of global trafc, the pandemic virus may spread rapidly, leaving little or no time to prepare. - the World Health Organization, On top of that, we have a medical system that is actually breeding superbugs in hospitals where antibiotics abuse encourages the mutation of extremely aggressive infectious strains with innate immunity to every known antibiotic. Simultaneously, we have bizarre animal feeding habits where cows are being fed chicken litter (containing chicken dung and feathers). We have cows being fed the ground up remains of other cows and animals, including spinal cord tissue and brain tissue, and thus were creating an environment for the rapid mutation and distribution of aggressive viral strains. This is partly whats causing mad cow disease to be such a concern, and it could play a hand in the next global pandemic.
Northeaster University professor lays out the truth about mad cow disease: it may be in your freezer Heres a must read article on mad cow disease. It focuses on the comments from a professor at Northeastern University who says that contaminated beef is right now sitting in grocery stores and personal freezers all across the country. He goes on to state that the reason the beef and cattle industries are ghting so hard against mad cow testing other animals is because they know that many more animals are affected, and is simply dont want to be faced with the reality of nding that out!

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Today we have all the conditions to foster a global outbreak. And yet we have virtually no defense against it: no vaccines, no vaccine distribution system, and no policies to decide who gets vaccines and who doesnt. The only thing thats missing is the virus itself; and in fact, it already exists as well. Its the inuenza A (H5N1) strain right now living in pigs and birds in Southeast Asia. Should it make the jump to humans, it may very well become the next global pandemic. It is not an exaggeration to say that millions would die from it. The Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are saying exactly the same thing. Check the headlines yourself at Much the same is also being stated by one of the worlds leading experts on inuenza: Dr. Robert G. Webster, a member of the Infectious Diseases department of St. Jude and co-author of the Nov. 28, 2003 article about inuenza published in the journal Science. You can see some of Dr. Websters credentials at,2512,407_2030_3957,00.html. As Dr. Webster explains, If an inuenza pandemic started tomorrow, we would not be able to head it off with vaccines because the production facilities available to produce them are grossly inadequate. He also mirrors the preparedness assessment offered by the World Health Organization. Namely, that neither the United States nor the world is prepared for a u pandemic. In the face of a pandemic, the available supplies of antiviral drugs would be used up in days, he says. It would take up to 18 months to make more drugs from scratch. Stockpiling is the only answer.

Take Charge of Your Own Defense

All this leads to the humbling realization that anyone who wishes to prepare for the coming u pandemic is going to have to take charge and stop relying on their governments to save them. So whats a person to do? I asked myself the very same question. To nd the answers, I searched through over 400 books written by some of the most respected doctors, physicians, naturopaths and authors in the natural health community. And in each book, I pulled out passages relating to antiviral herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This resulted in 500 pages of citations from these 400 books, or a little over one page from each book, on average. What I ended up with was an authoritative list of the most powerful nutrients for ghting viral infections. (The full list, with detailed explanations, is included in the book The Flu Solution available at Through this research, I was able to document the astounding antiviral capabilities of all varieties of medicinal herbs, including rainforest herbs, Chinese medicine herbs and Western herbs. These herbs have such strong antiviral effects that they have even been described as stronger than antiviral prescription drugs. When used synergistically, they provide a full-spectrum antiviral defense for the human body, meaning they help you overcome all varieties of viral infections, including inuenza H5N1.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

The Top Twelve Herbs

From this research, I narrowed the list down to twelve of the most powerful antiviral herbs I could nd. These are the Big Twelve as I call them. Theyre the most well-documented, the most clinically proven, the most aggressive antiviral herbs known to the natural health community. Then I said to myself, People need a tincture made with these twelve herbs. So I searched the internet trying to nd if there was such a product, thinking Id be recommending it to people. I couldnt nd one. Nothing like this existed. There was no product that combined the top twelve herbs in a powerful antiviral tincture that could help people not only avoid the u, but even survive the coming u pandemic.

One Source Agrees to Manufacture It

So I put the word out to a few of my contacts -- people I know in the industry from doing what I do -- and I asked, Who wants to manufacture this? Because if you are willing to manufacture this herbal tincture, I would love to mention it to people and help get this into peoples hands. The answer came back from a company Ive been recommending for quite some time, and thats Jenny Lee Naturals ( They said, yes, theyd be willing to manufacture this product and attempt to meet whatever demand exists for it, and they decided to call it Jenny Lee A-V tincture, which stands for Anti-Viral. As a result, this product is now available. Its in a 2-oz. tincture. It is a very potent tincture (taste it yourself to see what I mean) that uses a tremendous quantity of these herbs to make what I consider to be the single most powerful antiviral natural medicine available anywhere in the world. I dont think theres any herbal combination that comes close to the ability of this product to protect you against viral infections. And by the way, as it turns out, most of the ingredients in this tincture also have very strong, well documented anti-cancer properties, so this exact same tincture could even be sold as an anti-cancer or cancer prevention tincture. Ill describe the exact ingredients below. (Remember, too, that you can buy the bulk herbs yourself and make this tincture on your own. The recipe is no secret, I list the ingredients right here.) (By the way, as always, I must remind you that I have no nancial involvement with Jenny Lee Naturals or the sale of this product. I dont earn a dime. Whether you purchase this product or not is entirely up to you. It wont impact my bottom line either way.)

What This Product Can Do

Now remember, the company making the product, Jenny Lee, cant really tell you anything about it. This is true for all nutritional supplement manufacturers, thanks to the suppression of accurate product descriptions by the FDA (which doesnt want you to know how to treat disease with herbs, for one thing). So dont expect Jenny Lee to tell you what this product does. But Ill do it instead. This product will greatly boost your immune system function. It will offer you the strongest protection that I know of against viral infections. It can be used to treat existing viral infections that you may have, including HIV, cold sores, inuenza or other viral diseases. But most importantly, this is a product that can literally save your life if we see this global pandemic become a reality. It doesnt mean this product is a magic bullet thats absolutely going to save your life. Because if you dont support your immune system by changing your lifestyle to get healthier, then youre going to have

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

reduced odds of success. In other words, if you continue to smoke cigarettes, eat fried foods, avoid physical exercise, avoiding taking vitamin D supplements, avoid getting natural sunlight on your skin, if you spend most of your time under uorescent lights or breathing toxic fumes during a long commute, or you have a high stress environment, then all of those things are going to suppress your immune system and theres no medicine in the world that can cure you of inuenza. To beat the u pandemic, you have to get plenty of water, you must get adequate levels of sleep, you need to radically alter your diet, shift to healthier foods, give up unhealthy habits like drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, drinking large amounts of alcohol, breathing secondhand smoke and so on. All these things affect your outcome. But even if you have a poor lifestyle, a product like this Jenny Lee A-V tincture will still enhance your odds of resisting the u and surviving it. So even if you are smoking cigarettes, eating pizza and chowing down on fried foods all the time, at least a product like this can increase your odds, but its not a replacement for being a wise consumer. So I hope Im making myself clear on this: dont look at this product or any product out there as a miracle cure, especially if you continue to pursue unhealthy lifestyle habits. But if you want an ally in the battle to resist the u and survive the u pandemic, this is an excellent choice. If you dont buy it from Jenny Lee Naturals, then at least, for your own sake, buy some of the bulk herbs and make your own tincture. (Recipe below.)

You Can Taste the Potency

Let me warn you up front, this is not a delicious tincture. This is not some candy being disguised as medicine. This stuff tastes pretty awful and if you think about whats in it, youll understand why. There are some rather bitter-tasting herbs in there. But it is in fact the taste that lets you know this is the real thing. Because if you buy some herbal tincture that tastes sweet, or it just doesnt taste very strong, then chances are youve purchased a product thats highly diluted (a lot of cheap herbal tincture products are like that). Real herbal tinctures with medicinal value have a strong taste. They are usually extremely bitter. They should make your face go into all sorts of bizarre contortions. Thats how you know youre getting a potent herbal tincture, and that is denitely the case with this Jenny Lee A-V product. Ive tasted it myself and at that moment I made myself a promise that I would never use it again unless I was around people who were infected with the u, or if there were a global u pandemic and I wanted to have the best possible defense against that pandemic. This is denitely not a product you want to be using on a daily basis. This is not some vitamin supplement. You dont need these herbs every single day unless youre ghting the u or battling cancer. The other thing to know about this product is that you shouldnt take it if youre pregnant or if you are expecting to become pregnant. Some of these herbs are contraindicated with pregnancy. One of the ingredients, St. Johns Wort, is also known to interact with various prescription drugs, so if you plan to take this product, this is something you should denitely discuss with your doctor to make sure it is aligned with whatever health strategy you are currently pursuing. In particular, St. Johns Wort can interfere with various heart drugs and reduce their effectiveness. So prescription drug dosages may need to be modied when taking this product.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Dont Wait Until the Pandemic Strikes to Prepare

By the way, if youre reading this and the global u pandemic has In the face of a pandemic, the available supplies of antiviral drugs would be not yet become a genuine outbreak, then you still have a chance to used up in days. It would take up get these products. They have an extended shelf-life -- several years to 18 months to make more drugs from scratch. Stockpiling is the only if you refrigerate them -- meaning that you can buy them now, put answer. them in your fridge and use them years later with the same medicinal - Dr. Robert G. Webster, member, the effect. And why should you buy them now? Because this report is Infectious Diseases department of St. Jude being shared freely with readers around the world, and experience tells me that when people get their hands on this information, theyre going to forward it to their family and friends and coworkers, and this is going to wind up being downloaded and read by a very large number of people, probably a few hundred thousand (and thats BEFORE theres a u pandemic). Most of those people are going to wait around and do nothing about the u pandemic until it hits. They wont modify their lifestyle, they wont boost their own immune system function, and they wont order products that can defend against the u until the day this epidemic really hits. One of these days there will be a news headline in USA Today or some other national newspaper that says Global u epidemic strikes USA! -- and it will be talked about on the news, in all the newspapers, and all over the internet. Youll hear that people are getting sick and dying from this u pandemic and, oh, the U.S. government didnt do anything to prepare for it, and gee, theres not enough vaccine to go around. I can hear the useless chatter already.

Most People Will Wait Until Its Too Late

Thats the day when its too late to order this product, because I can absolutely guarantee that, given human nature and the way people think, 99% of the population will wait until that day to do something about it. On that day people are going to call up Jenny Lee Naturals and theyre going to start ordering 20 or 30 bottles at a time, and Jenny Lee Naturals is going to run out of product in a matter of hours. Even with their best efforts, they wont be able to manufacture enough product to meet the skyrocketing demand as people suddenly become aware that this pandemic is real, and they suddenly want to be saved from it, because none of them actually did anything to enhance their immune system function. They kept on suppressing their bodys defenses by eating unhealthy foods and following unhealthy habits. Now all of a sudden the pandemic has hit and they are scared... they want something to protect them and theyre going to buy it in large quantities, foolishly thinking they can buy their way out of a personal health crisis. Thats human nature, thats the way people think. And if you wait until that day, youre probably going to nd yourself at the end of a long waiting list. So then what will you do? Youll go out to the health food store thinking, well, Im going to buy up all these ingredients myself, and youll nd that, strangely enough, all of these key antiviral ingredients are already wiped out of stock at the local health food store. So youll say, well, gee, Ill go online and Ill nd an herbal store or some kind of vitamin store and Ill order these products there. So you do that, and sure enough they take your order and charge your credit card. You think youre all set until, a few hours later, you get an email that says All the items you ordered are out of stock, please wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Youre thinking, I need this stuff TODAY, not in four to six weeks!

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Its at that point that youre going to realize youre too late, and youre going to get desperate. What Im saying here is dont get caught with your pants down in this situation. Dont be the last person to realize that something needs to be done. Dont join the masses who are ignoring this problem and then, all of a sudden one day, getting panicked because its showed up on the evening news and now they realize they really, truly might be killed by this virus if they dont get some protection.

The Government Wont Save You

And for goodness sake, dont trust the U.S. government to do Vaccines and antiviral agents are unlikely to meet demand, even for anything about this. As usual, the bureaucrats are bumbling around industrialized countries able to doing absolutely nothing useful for the public. There will be no purchase them. vaccine distribution system in place thats sufcient to reach the entire The Next Inuenza Pandemic: Lessons from Hong Kong, 1997, published by the population. Some people are going to have no vaccine whatsoever, no Centers for Disease Control, question about it. The vaccine, if it even exists at all, will be rationed. snacken.htm There will be extremely limited supplies. The elderly will probably get it rst, followed by young children. Most adults are unlikely to get any vaccine whatsoever. And all the while the government is going to be making public statements saying that it is doing everything in its power to protect the public from the u pandemic. Of course, it will all be hogwash, because if they were doing everything in their power, theyd be doing something today to put such a system in place and there wouldnt be a vaccine crisis in the rst place. But just like the population, the government doesnt like to plan ahead. The bottom line to all this is that I recommend you get this product right now. Get a couple of bottles for yourself, and if you have family members, you might want a few extra for them, too. Make sure you have enough of this in your house so that if this global u pandemic strikes, you are well protected. At the same time, if you do manage to catch a cold at any time of the year, you can use this product to help get over that cold far more quickly. And its important to take immediately when you start to feel symptoms. If you get a sore throat, start to get a stuffy nose, or aches and pains in your muscles and joints, then start taking this product. It will help you overcome that cold or u far more quickly. Of course, I recommend you also take lots of zinc and vitamin C at the same time because those are the top two vitamins and minerals for overcoming viral infections. If you combine vitamin C and zinc with this tincture youre going to get the most powerful viral protection available anywhere in the world. Of course, always visit a qualied medical professional (preferably a naturopath) who can help you overcome the infection without turning to dangerous drugs or toxic procedures.

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Ingredients of Jenny Lee Naturals A-V Tincture

Heres the recipe of the Big Twelve antiviral herbs identied through the research: Echinacea Astragalus Cats Claw St. Johns Wort Olive Leaves Licorice Ginger Lemon Balm Garlic Shiitake Mushrooms Onion Green Tea As you can see, this list is a combination of Amazon herbs, Chinese herbs, Japanese mushrooms and Western herbs. If you dont want to buy the tincture, you can make it yourself by buying the bulk herbs and soaking them in strong vodka for several weeks (the longer, the better), then straining out the liquid. If you cant get all twelve herbs, get what you can and make the tincture from that. Even if you only have 2-3 herbs, its still better than nothing. You can get bulk herbs at Herbal Advantage (, local health food stores, or by visiting a local herbalist (either Chinese or Western). They may even have their own additions to the formula, based on their own experience. Another great source for antiviral herbs and tinctures is Michael Tierras Planetary Formulas, found at Once you have a tincture, store it in a dark place to avoid light damage. Inside your refrigerator is a great place to store them. To learn more about how to beat the u and survive the coming u pandemic, check out The Flu Solution at The Flu Solution lists the top herbs, vitamins, minerals, foods and antiviral products that can literally help save your life. Plus, the book offers straightforward advice on boosting your immune system function so that you never get u symptoms in the rst place. It also provides a three-stage strategy for defending against the u or conquering it once symptoms appear. The book is available as an instant download (PDF le, which you can read with Adobe Acrobat reader).

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #3: Walton Feed

Secret source #3 is a company called Walton Feed. Visit their web site at I have been using Walton Feed for many years. I learned about this company years ago when I was helping people with preparedness and nutrition. Walton Feed is absolutely the best source for affordable healing foods such as whole grains and quinoa. At Walton Feed, you can feed yourself and your family at a fraction of the price youve been spending at the grocery store. Let me give you several examples:

You can get 7 lbs of quinoa for $15 at Walton Feed. Likewise, you can get ax seeds for less than $1 per pound. Stop for a minute and think about how amazing that price is. When you go to the grocery store, you probably spend $5 per pound for ax seeds. I have seen stores that charge $8$10 per pound. The fair market price on ax seeds is really only about $1 per pound, and thats what you pay at Walton Feed. So stop spending your money like water on healthy products from places that are charging an arm and a leg. Buy healthy products in bulk (and in plain packaging) from places like Walton Feed. Youll have all the ax seeds you need to keep you t and promote cardiovascular health.

You can also buy oat groats from Walton Feed. For those of you who dont know what they are, oat groats are what oatmeal was before it got rolled into a at shape. Oat groats are the way oats should be eaten -- as whole grain oats. If you boil oat groats as a cereal, youll nd out what oatmeal is really supposed to be. Common instant oatmeal that you nd in grocery stores isnt really true oatmeal. Its a processed form of oatmeal with lower nutritional value. Eat oat groats if you want the real thing and buy them from Walton Feed. If you want to make healthy oatmeal, take some oat groats, boil them and add a couple of spoonfuls of oat bran. Youll get a high ber, high bran, oatmeal-like cereal, but with a lower glycemic index than typical oatmeal, which is important for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Oat bran is an excellent source of ber. Some qualied health claims now say that oat bran reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. But the real claim should be that oat bran provides the insoluble ber most people are missing in their diets. At Walton Feed you can get oat bran for just over $2 per pound, and thats for organic oat bran. If you go to grocery stores or health food stores, oat bran can cost you four or ve times that much. Get oat bran from Walton Feed for just a couple of dollars a pound and save yourself a fortune. (Wheat bran is another product you can get from Walton Feed. It has the same function as oat bran, but as you guessed, its derived from wheat.)

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Wholesome Grains
How about some ancient grains, also known as healthy grains? Buckwheat, available in bulk at Walton Feed, is the number one grain for people who are diabetic because it has a very low glycemic index. You can also buy kamut, millet, spelt and barley at a fraction of the price youd pay in any local retail store. Walton Feed prices simply cant be beat. Are you looking for some healthy organic brown rice? If you like to eat rice, brown rice is the only type you should be eating. Walton Feed sells a six-pound bag of brown rice for $11 -- an incredible deal. Check the price of brown rice at your grocery store. You will nd that prices are three or four times that much for brown rice. Only fools buy whole grains and rice products at grocery stores. Smart consumers who want to be healthy and save money buy grains in bulk, in plain packaging, from places like Walton Feed. Again, you cant beat $11 for 6 pounds of brown rice.
Eating buckwheat lowers blood glucose in diabetics Diabetes is primarily a disease induced by food choice. Consuming soft drinks, rened white sugar, white our, cookies, cakes and other products causes diabetes. Now it turns out you can eat something to help control it. Buckwheat, researchers have found, controls blood sugar. This isnt new -- holistic nutritionists have known this for a long time -- but its new to see it in the mainstream news. As an added benet, Walton Feed offers grains and seeds in #10 cans. Insects and mice cant get into these grains because they arent held in wimpy plastic bags. The grains and seeds that are shipped in #10 cans are sealed for long-term storage. Thats right; your grains wont go bad! You can store the cans for ve or even ten years, pull them off the shelf and eat the food stored inside. Not only is buying canned grains and seeds good for saving money, its also a great idea to have some healthy organic foods standing by for preparedness purposes. When theres a rainy day, an ice storm or a power outage, youll need some backup food. The world is full of unexpected events.

Real Salt
Another item you can get from Walton Feed is real salt. Real salt implies an opposition to fake salt -- and thats true. The salt you buy at the grocery store is synthetic salt. Sodium chloride is not salt, folks! Real salt comes from the ocean. It has dozens of minerals and trace minerals in it. If youre salting your food with salt from the grocery store, youre giving yourself hypertension and heart disease. You should be using real salt instead. You can purchase 9 pounds of real salt from Walton Feed for $30. Thats enough salt to last a very long time. Even if you eat a lot of salt, 9 pounds goes a long way! Youll nd that $30 is the best price you can nd on the internet.

Just as I mentioned previously with Emergency Essentials, there are many products you should avoid from this secret source, Walton Feed. Please avoid all meal ready-to-eat (MRE) products and food mixes like powdered fruit drinks and boxed dinners. You should also avoid all milk, butter, margarine, shortening and sugar products. Products such as their pancake mixes are loaded with sugars and white our, and you certainly dont want those in your diet. Dont buy products just because they are from Walton Feed. Do order quinoa, ax seeds, whole grains, ancient grains, pearled barley, brown rice and so on. These are the products that should be part of your healthenhancing diet and can help you save a fortune on groceries.

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Summary of Recommendations:
Price $15.10 Item Quinoa (organic) 88 oz. #10 can Nutritional Benets A near-perfect grain: high in protein and ber, easy to cook. Used by the Incas for centuries. Flax seeds contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids shown to prevent cardiovascular disease. You can grind ax seeds in a regular coffee grinder just before sprinkling them on cereals or other foods. Excellent source of complex carbohydrates and ber. Boil oat groats to make a real oat meal (theyre not easy to chew, however, so be warned). Excellent source of ber, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, reduces effective glycemic index of foods eaten, helps prevent colon cancer. Can use together with oat groats to make a high-ber oatmeal. An excellent, high-ber grain with a remarkably low glycemic index, making it ideal for diabetics. An ancient grain, one of the ingredients in the popular Kashi whole grain product. Another ancient grain with a small grain size. Like the other grains here, it can be ground up and used as our, or boiled whole. An ancient grain and excellent replacement for wheat. Spelt has (slightly) more protein that most varieties of wheat. Can be boiled and eaten in its whole grain form. A healthy, high-ber rice that serves as a replacement for disease-promoting instant rice or white rice. Great for diabetics: a complex carbohydrate and good source of ber. Barley also helps cleanse the kidneys and stabilize blood sugar. Real salt from the ocean, with complex minerals and trace minerals.


Flax 76 oz. in #10 can


Oat groats 85 oz. in #10 can


Oat bran ne (organic) 57 oz. in #10 can


Buckwheat hulled (organic) 85 oz. in #10 can Kamut (organic) 85 oz. #10 can Millet hulled (organic) 84 oz. #10 can

$7.95 $6.65


Spelt (organic) 85 oz. in #10 can


Brown rice (organic) 84 oz. in #10 can Pearled barley 92 oz. #10 can



Real Salt 128 oz. #10 can

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Tips for dealing with Walton Feed

The company doesnt necessarily like to be widely known. They even seem to go to great lengths to hide their shopping cart on their website, making it difcult for people to nd. While the company has always been 100% fair and honest in dealing with me, dont be in a huge hurry or get pushy with this company. Because their product pricing is so good, they have the luxury of choosing who they want to deal with, and if you give them a difcult time, theyll just tell you to go somewhere else. As this report gets more widely distributed, you can expect order fulllment times at Walton Feed to exceeds two weeks. This is to be expected. Be nice to these folks. Theyre performing a wonderful public service in making healthy foods so affordable (and in helping people prepare with long-term storable foods, too). Where to Order:

Secret Source #4: Amazon Herb Co.

Secret Source #4 is a wonderful company called the Amazon Herb Co. It sells what may very well be some of the most medicinally useful herbs in the worlds: rainforest herbs. These include herbs like Cats Claw, Chanca Piedra, Sangre de Drago, and many others. But these arent just standard rainforest herbs, either. These are the most medicinally powerful herbs Ive ever tasted. When I rst learned about Amazon Herb products, I ordered a few for myself, including an 8 oz. bottle of Recovazon, a product that helps speed recovery from heavy physical exertion. It claimed to be a liquid extract of a variety of rainforest herbs. Before I tasted the product, I said to myself, Yeah, sure, this is going to taste like water because its probably 99% water. Boy was I wrong! One sip told me the truth: these liquids are as concentrated as most tinctures you buy at the health food store for $20 / oz. In other words, this 8 oz. liquid contained the same concentration of herbs that could have easily cost $160 if I had purchased them as tinctures from another company. And yet the Amazon Herb prices were quite reasonable -- just a fraction of that $160. Amazon Herb products are based on truly miraculous medicinal herbs. Its no exaggeration to say that these herbs can prevent and even reverse chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The anti-cancer ability of these herbs is far superior to chemotherapy, yet without the negative side effects of chemo. The ability of these herbs to prevent heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders is truly stunning. And their use as detoxifying agents that cleanse the human body of dietary and environmental pollutants is quite simply unmatched.

Uniquely Prepared for Maximum Potency

Another thing I really like about the Amazon Herb products is that they are harvested and prepared in a traditional, sacred manner that honors these herbs as gifts from nature. This is important, because the energy and attitude that goes into harvesting herbs is transmitted to you when you consume them. Call it a homeopathic inuence, if you want, but the truth is that the emotions and intentions of the people producing these products really do have an impact on your health. For example, if you buy herbs and vitamins from companies that are primarily interested in greed and prot, you wont get near the health benet from the same ingredients provided by a company that

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

hires passionate, loving wildcrafters who honor the plants for their gifts. It may sound a bit out there, but its absolutely true: energy and intention really matters. The Amazon Herb Co. goes even further and uses what they call a spagyric process for transferring the healing power of the harvested herbs into a consumable product. First, the plants are soaked in natural solvents (water and grain alcohol) to extract their medicinal compounds. Next, the herbs are composted to form an alkaline ash, which is recombined back into the product solution. So nothing gets thrown away, and the full energy of the original plant is reconstituted back into the liquid or capsules that customers purchase. This spagyric process, which is only practiced by a few companies around the world, may help explain why I have personally found these Amazon Herb products to be so potent and medicinally valuable. These herbs are so powerful that if I had a family member who was diagnosed with cancer, for example, I would immediately send them a combination of products from Amazon Herb Co., including Cats Claw (Una de Gato) and Gravizon. I would explain that chemotherapy is extremely toxic, that cancer surgery is all but useless, and that the only way to survive cancer in the long term is to support their bodys innate ability to heal itself. Id beg them to start taking these herbs, and if they did, they would stand a much greater chance of surviving their cancer and going on to live a healthy life. Of course, theyd have to make radical lifestyle changes, too, so they didnt continue giving themselves cancer, but thats another book.

The Right Ethics from an Herbal Product Company

Its hard to nd a company with stronger creative intention than the Amazon Herb Co. This company has the right ethics: instead of going into a rainforest area and clear-cutting it to make room for cattle ranching (like some greedy corporate CEOs would try to do), this company, headed by Amazon John Easterling, shows indigenous populations how to prot from the gifts provided by the rainforest itself. Essentially, Amazon John believes that the rainforest is more valuable alive than dead, and I agree with him. You can support his philosophy and the economic sustainability of the rainforest by becoming a regular customer of the Amazon Herb Company. Ive been one for months, and I love this company! Frankly, if I wasnt writing about this company, Id get involved myself and promote their products as a distributor. But I cant, since part of my job is to remain 100% neutral and to receive absolutely no nancial benet from the companies and products I recommend. So I can reveal right here that I am not a distributor for the Amazon Herb Co., and I receive no nancial benet from any products you purchase from them. I recommend this company because I know the products can help people overcome chronic disease, and because I applaud this companys approach to honoring the herbal gifts provided by nature.

Ofcial nutritional information for cancer patients offers wimpy advice; heres how to really prevent and even reverse cancer Its laudable when people with cancer decide to get serious about nutrition and avoid cancer-causing foods. When people avoid red meat, stop eating all hydrogenated oils, and give up soft drinks for life, theyre obviously going to have a lower risk of cancer. But the ofcial advice on how to avoid cancer is purposely wimpy: its just enough advice to keep people in limbo so that they stand a good chance of getting cancer again down the road. 001483.html

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The Secret Truth That the Amazon Herb Co. Cant Tell You About its Own Products
As usual, the company cant tell the truth about its own herbal products due to the campaign of suppression by the highly corrupt FDA, which now seeks to outlaw all nutritional supplements and even criminalize senior citizens who buy drugs from Canada. (Read my articles about the FDA at: Thankfully, Free Speech remains intact in this country, and that allows me -- as an independent researcher and author -- to tell you the truth about Amazon Herbs and what they can do for you. So heres the straight truth about a few of the best products at the Amazon Herb company:
Una de Gato (Cats Claw) Anti-cancer

The Truth About What It Does, According to the Informed Opinions of Mike Adams
The most powerful anti-cancer, immune-boosting, and digestive cleansing herb from the rainforest. This herb is a true miracle. Ill bet the drug companies wish they could patent the chemicals in this herb, because the benets would be front page news all around the world. If you have cancer, or youre trying not to get cancer, buy this product from Amazon Herb Co. and take it regularly. It also alleviates high blood pressure and protects against colds. Boosts your immune system, defends against cancer, enhances adaptogenic response, accelerates skin healing, and even contains Pau DArco, a powerful cancer ghter.

Arcozon Immune boost, especially good for those ghting cancer, viral infections or other immune system challenges Calmazon Calms the body and mind Envirozon Detoxies your body, boosts liver function, recommended for anyone who eats the Standard American Diet (fried foods, hydrogenated oils, etc.) Gravizon Powerful cancer ghter, much stronger than chemotherapy, with zero negative side effects Metabazon Strongly recommended for type-II diabetics and hypoglycemics Lunazon Womens health, hormone balance Recovazon Accelerates healing and recovery from physical stresses, great for people who exercise or strength train Sangre de Drago Antioxidant + wound healing, excellent rst aid product

Relaxes your system, helps you get to sleep more quickly, calms your mind, suppresses the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Detoxies your system, removes heavy metals, cleanses liver and kidneys, and even helps you recover from serious illnesses. Contains Boldo, a powerful liver cleanser. Also contains Jurubeba, which stimulates healthy liver function.

Powerful anti-cancer product. The phytochemicals in graviola target and destroy cancer cells much better than chemotherapy, without the negative side effects or the sky-high cost. Drug companies actually tried to steal the phytochemicals from graviola and patent their own anti-cancer medicines from it. Excellent for diabetics, this product stabilizes blood sugar levels and supports healthy pancreas and liver function. One of its key ingredients, Pedra Hume Caa, is known as vegetable insulin for its ability to lower blood sugar levels. Balances monthly hormone levels for women. Can really work miracles in eliminating cramps, mood swings, etc. One of my personal favorites (because I train so hard), this product reduces joint pain and muscle soreness, aids in recovery from strenuous activities, and even helps sprains and other minor injuries heal more quickly. It also contains several blood purifying herbs such as Sarsaparilla and Manaca. I recommend this product strongly for strength trainers. Powerful antioxidant and anti-parasitic product. Enhances skin health and the healing of minor skin wounds. Also shows benets for cardiovascular health due to antioxidant content.

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Shipibo Matte Tea Weight loss

I drink this stuff all the time. Its a great aid to weight control or weight loss if youre overweight. The Mate is a metabolic booster without the caffeine jitters of green tea or other stimulants. It also has antioxidant properties that help boost immune system function. Its sort of like rainforest Viagra, but far better for you. It boosts vitality, energy, sexual performance, mental focus, and even helps with emotional stability. If youre looking for just one Amazon Herb product that offers the most medicinal plants in one formula, this is it. Illumination has ingredients that ght cancer, dissolve kidney stones, regulate blood sugar, enhance joint health, boost immune system function, defend against infections, boost cardiovascular health, improve mental function, improve physical endurance and much more. If I had kidney stones, Id be drinking this tea twice a day. In addition to Chanca Piedra, this formula also contains medicinal herbs that boost cardiovascular stamina and immune system function, thereby allowing your body to more easily overcome cancer and other immune-related disorders. It also contains Chuchuhuasi, which is known for alleviating back pain and joint pain. This formula is based on the Suma plant which is an adaptogen as well as a nerve tension reliever. This is a fantastic ber supplement that contains the most powerful digestive-boosting herbs Ive ever seen in a single formula. If youre suffering from constipation or gastrointestinal disorders, you owe it to yourself to investigate Fiberzon. It contains Una de Gato, Sangre de Drago, Boldo, Jatoba and a dozen other helpful ingredients, including psyllium husk, fenugreek seed (anti-parasite), oat bran and ax seed. High recommended as a ber supplement. Based on kava, a medicinal herb that has been traditionally used for its calming effects, Kavazon alleviates anxiety, soothes the nervous system and calms the body and mind. The FDA cant wait to outlaw kava, though, so if you want some Kavazon, better order it quick. (The FDA attempts to discredit all herbs because they compete with protable prescription drugs.)

Warrior Sexual energy & vitality, mental energy Illumination All in one formula (anti-viral, anti-cancer, accelerated wound healing, blood sugar regulating, detoxifying, immune boosting, joint health, etc.) Shipibo Treasure Tea Kidney stones, stamina, anti-cancer, pain relief

Sumacazon Rejuvenation, energy, stamina, endurance Fiberzon Healthy digestion and elimination

Kavazon Calming

(You can order these products at The only product I dont recommend from the Amazon Herb Co. is called ChocaMaca because it contains sugar (dehydrated cane juice). Otherwise, its an excellent product offering real rainforest chocolate (theobromine cacao) as well as maca, an herb often used in weight loss formulas.

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So Which Amazon Herb Products Should I Get?

Heres a simplied list of the products I recommend based on your current health challenges. (These recommendations are based on researching the health effects of key ingredients in each of these herbal formulas. Once again, dont self-diagnose. Work with a naturopathic physician when attempting to treat diseases. Nothing in this book should be taken as medical advice of any kind.)
Cancer: Gravizon Una de Gato Illumination Diabetes: Metabazon Heart disease: Illumination Infections, colds, the u, or a global viral outbreak Illumination Arcozon Una de Gato Injuries, muscle aches, soreness, etc. Recovazon Sumacazon Sluggish liver, kidneys, pancreas, or for people who eat fried foods, processed foods, junk food, etc. Envirozon Digestive disorders (constipation, IBS, Chrons disease, etc.) Fiberzon Chronic stress Kavazon Calmazon Weight loss Shipibo Matte Tea Kidney stones Illumination Shipibo Treasure Tea

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I rmly believe that if the entire population would use these products, even in low doses, wed see cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases virtually eliminated. These products are, indeed, that powerful. We could save literally hundreds of billions of dollars on medical costs and lost productivity in this nation if people would avail themselves of these healing rainforest herbs. And yet these herbs largely remain a secret, thanks to the suppression of the FDA and conventional medicines ongoing effort to discredit all herbs and nutritional supplements.

Even Simpler
If the above list is too complicated, theres one product from Amazon Herb Co. that does it all: Illumination. It combines the best ingredients from several different recipes to create an herbal powerhouse for healing. Its excellent for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, nervous system disorders, digestive disorders, kidney stones, detoxication and much more. In fact, this is the product I recommend the most because the other products are often too complicated for people. They just want one single product that does it all. Illumination is exactly what theyve been looking for.

Ordering Amazon Herbs

I have no involvement whatsoever with the Amazon Herb company, and I earn no money from your purchase of these products. As with all products I recommend, I do not nancially benet from my own recommendations. But I do have a contact I recommend. Shes not only a warm, well-informed and passionate believer in rainforest herbs, shes also contractually agreed to donate 50% of her revenues from these orders to international charities that help children and suppressed populations around the world. Her name is Terry Pezzi, and by ordering Amazon Herb products through Terry, youll pay the exact same price youd be paying everywhere else, yet at the same time, youll be helping support muchneeded international charities that are doing good work. Heres how to reach Terry: Phone: (520) 247-1700 Toll-free USA: 1-866-693-8622 Email: [email protected] Website: Amazon Herb ID# 95284 Feel free to contact Terry with any product questions you might have, but remember that she cannot provide medical advice, and since shes nancially involved with the products mentioned here, she cant even tell you the statements Ive printed here. Remember: I have absolutely no nancial involvement with Terry or the Amazon Herb Co., so I can tell you the truth about these products without interference from the highly corrupt FDA.

Getting involved with Amazon Herbs

Heres how rainforest herbs can help you achieve not only health, but also wealth: if youre looking for an ethical, health-related business opportunity, I strongly recommend getting involved with the Amazon Herb Company enough. Ill even help you be successful with it. How? Like this:

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

As a reader of NewsTarget articles, you have the full permission to take any articles, reports or ebooks I publish (including this book) about the Amazon Herb Company and freely distribute them to others as part of your marketing and educational efforts. You dont have to pay me a dime, but I do ask for credit (include my name, Mike Adams, and a link back to, please). In addition, Im hosting a page that will list all the NewsTarget readers who join with Terry Pezzi as Amazon Herb distributors. Ill post your name, short bio and contact information so that other readers can reach you. In this way, youll benet from the publicity of the NewsTarget network to help you achieve your Amazon Herb business goals. Youll even get a link back to your own website, and you may even be able to hook up with people in your local area. All of this is offered free of charge, and I dont ask for anything in return. Thats how serious I am about supporting this company and its products. If you get involved, Ill do my part to help you succeed. And I hope you spread the word about these products and make yourself wealthy at the same time, because these are the kind of products the world needs to know about. These products can literally save lives, and the success of this company can transform the economics of the rainforest, preserving a national treasure of medicinal herbs that, astoundingly, remains largely unexplored (only 1% of the rainforest herbs have been tested for medicinal compounds). How do you get involved? Just contact Terry Pezzi and sign up! Shell hook you up with literature and other materials you need to share the news about these products with the people you know. And remember, you can freely use anything you nd on to help you be more successful. Im even going to make downloadable PDF les available for all the articles about Amazon Herb products. These articles tell the truth about what these products can do for people! All I ask is that you dont contact me with questions about the product or the business. I simply dont have time to provide this level of support, since Im spending so many hours a day writing new material to help educate people about how these products can literally save their life. Thats my mission: to share real health solutions with the people who need this information the most! The bottom line? If youre looking to get involved with an honest company with a solid product line thats doing tremendous good in the world, this is an unsurpassed opportunity. And youll be receiving tremendous assistance from myself and the NewsTarget Network in terms of materials you can freely give out to other people. Making this work is as simple as it gets. To learn more or get started right now, call Terry Pezzi: Phone: (520) 247-1700 Toll-free USA: 1-866-693-8622 Email: [email protected] Website: Amazon Herb ID# 95284 Or, if youre already involved, good for you! Feel free to use all the articles and materials I publish about Amazon Herb products to help promote your business and spread the word about these products. Youre part of a unique group of people who are truly making a difference in the world!

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #5: Herbal Advantage

Secret Source #5 is a company located in Southern Missouri called Herbal Advantage ( Ive been dealing with this company for many years, and they do sell you what they promise and get it to you in a timely manner. The owner, Steve Marsden, will give you an honest deal on every order. So what can you nd at Herbal Advantage thats interesting in terms of enhancing your health and saving money? Herbal Advantage is the best source for Stevia extract powder, an herbal sweetener that Ive been using for at least the last eight years. Stevia is the only sweetener you should be using: it has virtually no calories, no carbohydrates and wont spike blood sugar levels. Plus, its much safer than aspartame or Sucralose. To read more about aspartame: To read more about Sucralose: After youre convinced that Stevia is the sweetener for you, youll get it at a great price from Herbal Advantage. You pay about $25 for lb of Stevia, or around $75 for a full pound. I bought a pound of Stevia several years ago, and I have not run out of it yet! Stevia does seem to last forever, because it is 300 times sweeter than regular sugar -- you need very little to sweeten up your drinks, breakfast cereals, pancake batters, or whatever recipe you are cooking. Stevia is the way to go, and Herbal Advantage has it for a great price!

Sea Vegetable Powders

A High-Carbohydrate Diet With Added Sugars Doubles Your Risk of Breast Cancer, Says New Research A new study carried out by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health reveals a strong correlation between the consumption of rened carbohydrates -- especially rened white sugar -- and increased risk of breast cancer. This is apparently a major eureka for these scientists, who are just now beginning to suspect that there are in fact links between diet and cancer.

Theres something else I want to tell you about at Herbal Advantage: sea vegetable powders. Sea vegetables are one of the recommended superfoods that I encourage people to put into their diets on a regular basis. Herbal Advantage carries several powdered sea vegetables like dulse, bladderwrack, and kelp. The prices range from $6 to $17 / pound depending on which vegetable you need. There are many ways to add sea vegetable powders to your diet: add the powder to your blended drinks, to avor soups, or in your main course recipes. Be aware, sea powders can alter the taste of a food adding a salty, seawater avor. In Asian cooking, chefs use the taste of sea powder to their advantage to add a salty avor to soup or perk up the taste of a main course.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Healing Foods Powders

One of the products that I really like from Herbal Advantage is dehydrated minced garlic. Garlic is a powerful anti-cancer herb, boosts your immune system, and is very healthy for your digestive tract. If youre interested in being healthy, you need to nd a way to make garlic a part of your diet on a regular basis. Herbal Advantage offers dehydrated minced garlic at $5.30/lb. If you buy garlic at your local grocery store, you could be paying almost $30/lb for garlic -thats ridiculous! You will save a lot of money and get a high quality garlic product by ordering it from Herbal Advantage. Another great buy is beetroot powder. Beetroot powder is an excellent liver cleanser and can be made part of almost any diet. You can use it as a food coloring by adding a little bit to your blended drinks (health shakes) or bowl of breakfast cereal. If you add freeze dried strawberries to your breakfast cereals, beetroot powder adds a beautiful bright red color that turns milk into strawberry milk. Herbal Advantage sells beetroot powder for $8.80 / pound.

Everyday herbs prove to be convenient healers; garlic proves itself against cancer and cholesterol Garlic and ginger are named two of the most potent anti-cancer foods in the book Eat To Beat Cancer, a highly recommended read for those who want to prevent or reverse cancer. In fact, they are far more effective and safe than any prescription drug.

Anti-cancer Apricot Kernel Oil

Lets take a look at apricot kernel oil. Herbal Advantage cant tell you the true purpose for this product, but I will. If you are battling cancer, and you want to ght the disease using natural methods, one of the best ways to do that is to take apricot kernel oil two or three times a day. Apricot kernels contain a phytochemical that functions as powerful chemotherapy at the cellular level, meaning that it targets and destroys cancer cells and tumors. The active chemical is Laetrile, also known as Vitamin B-17, which is found in abundance in apricot kernels. Herbal Advantage sells apricot kernel oil in 16 oz. bottles for $11. Many people who are battling cancer take apricot kernel oil to ght their cancer and supplement their immune system function. If youve ever tasted apricot kernel oil, you may already know that taking it three times a day is difcult. The taste is extremely bitter due to the medicinal properties of the phytochemicals found in the oil, and I dont take apricot kernel oil on a regular basis. However, if you are facing a desperate ght with cancer, apricot kernel oil could be a huge positive factor in your treatment regime.

New science proves that cancer is reversible, but organized medicine insists that cancer cannot be cured Fascinating new research is showing that cancer is reversible. A cloning experiment conducted on cancer cells showed that those very same cells can revert to healthy cells and result in the creation of a healthy organism, free of cancer. This is ground-breaking new research on cancer because it shows that malignancy is not the inevitable fate of cancer cells.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Avocado Oil
Another oil with a notable health benet is avocado oil. There are many health benets to avocado oil; your heart, nervous system, and brain function all benet from adding this oil to your diet. Of course, I recommend eating avocados in their whole food form, but if you want to use the oil because its more convenient to put into foods or drinks, you can get a 16 oz. bottle for $22 from Herbal Advantage.

Bulk Medicinal Herbs

A large variety of medicinal herbs, from A to Z, is available from Herbal Advantage. In fact, their catalog is listed in alphabetical order to make it easier for you to nd your favorite herb. Most of the herbs are available as powders or bulk ingredients like bark, sticks, or leaves. To effectively use these herbs, youll have to make your own tinctures or use a small capsule machine to stuff the powders into gelatin capsules (which isnt fun). Its generally much easier to make a tincture by soaking the herbs in high-proof alcohol or vodka, then ltering out the herbs with a cheesecloth or strainer, leaving only the tincture liquid. One of the herbal blends that I highly recommend is the Seven Mushroom Blend. This is a potentially lifesaving product if youre battling cancer or you have other immune system challenges. Seven Mushroom Blend is $48 / pound. These mushrooms have been used in Japan for centuries. They contain powerful, well-documented, scientically proven anti-cancer phytonutrients. The combination blend offers you a powerful anti-cancer strategy, whether you are trying to overcome an existing case of cancer, or just working to prevent cancer. At $48 / pound, you dont need to buy an entire pound (you can get smaller quantities from Herbal Advantage). Seven Mushroom Blend is an immune system booster that everyone can benet from by adding just a little bit to their diet from time to time.

Coral Calcium at a Reasonable Price

Another item that is very popular right now is coral calcium. People seem to be buying it in large quantities these days, but they are also going to health food stores and paying over $200 / pound for coral calcium capsules! At Herbal Advantage, you can get coral calcium for $37 / pound as a bulk powder -- a fraction of the retail price. Are coral calcium capsules a good way to get calcium and other minerals into your diet? Sure, but there are better ways; like eating lots of whole foods and adding organic spirulina to your diet. However, there is nothing wrong with coral calcium and I do take it on a regular basis myself.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Beating Kidney Stones With Cornsilk

Another item thats worth mentioning is cornsilk. What is cornsilk? The next time youre husking a piece of corn, pay attention to the ne, string-like bers that envelope the corn: thats cornsilk. What you might not know is that cornsilk is a powerful medicinal herb that can help dissolve kidney stones and support urinary tract health. At Herbal Advantage, cornsilk is $9 / pound. To get the powerful medicinal benets of cornsilk, you need to make cornsilk tea, preparing it as you would any fresh herbal tea: boil the cornsilk in a pot of water, strain it, and youve just made cornsilk tea. I recommend adding a sweetener like stevia, or adding some delicious herbs like peppermint or ginger to make a great tasting cornsilk tea. You can get high quality cornsilk from Herbal Advantage, or you can also go to the produce section of your grocery store and get it yourself!

Bulk Fibers: Psyllium Husk Powder

One last item I want to mention is bulk bers. Everyone is familiar with Metamucil, but you can buy Psyllium Husk powders for a fraction of the price. If you buy Psyllium Husk powder from Herbal Advantage, youll pay $6 / pound. Buy Metamucil at your local store, and youre paying a 300 to 400 percent markup for practically the same product. If you want to add ber to your diet, get it from Herbal Advantage and youll save yourself a considerable sum. Almost every item you nd at Herbal Advantage is cheaper that what you would pay in a grocery or health food store. Its a great place to buy stevia sweetener, medicinal herbs, healthy oils, and food additives like minced garlic and broccoli powder. I have only skimmed the surface of all the products available at Herbal Advantage ( Go to their website and see for yourself what products can improve your health. If you take the time to educate yourself, you will not only get the health products that will benet you, but get them at a great low price. As with most of the suppliers mentioned here, however, there are some products I dont recommend buying from Herbal Advantage. Particularly, I dont think their spirulina product is Hawaiian Spirulina, so its not the type of spirulina I recommend. With all the research Ive done on the subject of spirulina, I can only recommend spirulina grown in Kona, Hawaii, from a company called Cyanotech. Their product is called Hawaiian Spirulina, and it has much higher levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients than any other spirulina, mostly due to the unique drying process that avoids long exposure to high temperatures. Plus -- and this is the most important point of all -- its grown in the pristine Pacic ocean waters pumped from deep ocean surrounding the Hawaiian islands. I emailed Steve Marsden to verify the source of their spirulina, but at the time of this writing, I havent heard back.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Summary of Recommendations:
$6 - $17 per lb.

Sea vegetable powders

Nutritional Benets
Excellent source of trace minerals, anti-cancer phytochemicals, antiviral compounds and a variety of health-enhancing nutrients. Can be easily used in soups, health shakes and a variety of recipes. An unbeatable price on a culinary herb with outstanding medicinal value. Garlic helps prevent cancer, ghts infection, boosts immune system function and much more. Use for adding color to drinks and foods (looks like a strawberry color). Beetroot powder is an excellent cleanser. It supports liver function, helps cleanse the blood, and helps remove some toxins from the body. Powerful anti-cancer phytochemicals. Works like natures own chemotherapy, but without the toxic side effects. Has been shown to shrink cancer tumors. A heart-healthy oil that can be easily added to health shakes, soups, salads or other recipes. Herbal Advantage sells bulk herbs from A - Z. Every common herb -- and lots of uncommon herbs -- are available at Herbal Advantage. A blend of seven of the most medicinally potent mushrooms. Provides powerful anti-cancer benets, anti-viral effects, and immune system support. If drug companies had developed this, theyd call it a miracle cure for cancer. Similar mixtures have been used to treat cancer in Japan and throughout Asia for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. Straight coral calcium powder. This is essentially ground-up coral at perhaps the best price youve seen yet. Can be spooned into health shakes, a glass of milk or soy milk, and various recipes. As most people are chronically decient in calcium, this supplement can have seemingly miraculous health effects (especially with cardiovascular health and neurodegenerative disorders), but theres nothing magical about it. Its just calcium from the ocean. This herb helps dissolve kidney stones and supports urinary tract health. Boil it to make a tea (together with some stevia, ginger and peppermint, for example) or pack it into capsules and take it as a supplement. Practically the same as Metamucil, but without the sky-high price. Psyllium husk ber can be blended with water (use LOTS of water!) and consumed quickly to add ber to your diet. Helps lower cholesterol, prevents the absorption of heart-damaging fats, and encourages more frequent bowel movements (so its good for colon health). The #1 recommended herbal sweetener. Ive been using it for years, and it allows you to make all sorts of foods and recipes with no sugar, almost no carbs, and denitely no big blood sugar spike. You probably wont need a full pound, however: 1/4 pound is just $25.

$5.30 / lb.

Minced garlic

$8.80 / lb.

Beetroot powder

$11 / 16 oz.

Apricot kernel oil

$22 / 16 oz. $varies $48 / lb. (powder)

Avocado oil Bulk herbs A - Z Seven Mushroom Blend

$37 / lb.

Coral Calcium (powder)

$9 / lb.


$6 / lb.

Psyllium husk ber

$75 / lb.

Stevia extract powder

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #6: Astaxanthin

This source is actually two companies that provide a little-known antioxidant nutrient called astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble carotenoid nutrient that has anti-inammatory and immunestimulating properties. It has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, meaning it offers health protective effects for the eyes, the brain, and the entire central nervous system. As an antioxidant, astaxanthin has been shown to be 500 times more powerful than vitamin E, and yet it also multiplies the effects of vitamins E and C to create powerful antioxidant benets throughout your body. Most people have never heard of astaxanthin. I call it Vitamin X, and it comes from micro algae that turn red when exposed to environmental stresses such as a lack of water. Astaxanthin is responsible for the red coloring in salmon and farmed sh. It also provides the coloring in shellsh like shrimp and lobster. Of course, people dont normally eat the shells of those shellsh, so they arent a convenient source of the nutrient for humans.

Eliminating Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

Astaxanthin is truly a wonderful nutrient for supporting human health. Whats it good for? First off, it eliminates or reduces joint pain, arthritis pain, muscle soreness, back pain and repetitive motion pain. Ive been using this for quite some time and Ive noticed a signicant reduction in the amount of pain due to soreness when I engage in heavy strength training or gymnastics training. It has truly helped me pursue a higher level of physical activity and it has also helped increase my exibility. The nutrient is also highly benecial for your cardiovascular health. Thats because its a powerful antioxidant, and antioxidants are important for preventing free radical damage to your cardiovascular system. In a similar way, astaxanthin is also a powerful immune booster. People are using it right now to prevent and treat cancer, colds, us and other immune system challenges.

Potent antioxidant Astaxanthin shows promise as anti-inammatory for arthritis, joint pain, back pain, muscle soreness and carpal tunnel syndrome We became aware of the very potent antioxidant properties of natural astaxanthin, and as we did more research and started looking more at the scientic literature, we found that natural astaxanthin has three very unique properties: rst of all, its an extremely potent antioxidant. Some studies have shown over 500 times stronger than vitamin E. Its also anti-inammatory, and third it crosses the blood-brain barrier and delivers these health benets to the central nervous system.

Severe Sinus Infection Cured with Astaxanthin

As one quick example of how well this works for boosting immune system function, I recently adopted a new dog from the humane society. Unfortunately, she had a severe upper respiratory infection. She was sneezing blood all over my house (not a pretty picture, I assure you, thank goodness for tile oors). Of course, I wanted to treat my dog with natural methods, so I started feeding her astaxanthin supplements right away. The humane society told me it would take several weeks for this respiratory infection to go away, and my holistic vet repeated the same thing, warning me to expect the sneezing blood episodes to last for at least two more weeks. It turns out that my dog overcame this respiratory infection in just three days with the help of astaxanthin. Her energy is much higher and shes recovering very quickly from the hysterectomy performed on her by the humane society. I suspect, by the way, that astaxanthin also helps wounds heal more quickly because of its powerful anti-inammatory and antioxidant properties. But thats not something that is yet supported by the evidence. 43
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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Nutritional Sunscreen
One thing that is supported by anecdotal evidence is astaxanthins ability to prevent damage associated with overexposure to ultraviolet light. In other words, you can take this supplement and get a lot more sunlight on your skin without suffering sunburn. I think thats an important benet, especially when you consider the fantastic health benets of getting more sunlight on your skin. Unfortunately, a lot of people avoid getting sunlight because they are afraid of getting burned. And their past experience has taught them that they burn quickly. But astaxanthin can help them with that by boosting their resistance to sunburn. I know all about sunburns. I used to burn quickly too, but after changing my diet and eliminating food ingredients like processed sugar and white our, my resistance to sunburn skyrocketed. And now after taking astaxanthin, Ive found my radiation resistance to be even higher. I can spend literally hours under the sun, even the tropical sun of Hawaii, without any sunscreen whatsoever, and not get burned. Thats astonishing. (I used to be the kid that would get a sunburn in 30 minutes.) By the way, astaxanthin is also extremely helpful for protecting your eyes from light-induced damage. So if you want to support your eye health and avoid macular degeneration, this is a supplement that you should denitely consider.

Lowering Cholesterol, Reducing Inammation and More...

Astaxanthin is also showing benets in reducing high cholesterol. In one self-reported survey of astaxanthin users, 78% of respondents said their cholesterol condition was improved by taking astaxanthin. In that same study, 73% said their prostate condition was improved. There were also positive results reported in post-surgery inammation, macular degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, sore muscles and joints, osteoarthritis, and even asthma. Astaxanthin, or Vitamin X as Im calling it, may some day be widely known as the super antioxidant. It is clearly far more powerful in terms of brute free radical scavenging power than any other antioxidant I have studied yet. There are two sources where you can purchase astaxanthin, and because this isnt a well-known nutrient yet in the United States, most health food stores dont carry it. Thats going to change in the years ahead, probably due to some of the reports Ill be releasing on the subject, but in the meantime there are two sources where you can get it. You can nd them both, along with exclusive discount coupon codes, at:
Astaxanthin sources revealed: super antioxidant eases arthritis pain, joint pain, sore muscle and protects against heart disease What is astaxanthin? I call it Vitamin X, and its a supercharged antioxidant derived from microalgae. Its 500 times stronger than Vitamin E and crosses the blood/brain barrier, meaning it offers powerful oxidative protection for the nervous system (eyes, brain, nerve tissues, etc.) I used astaxanthin as part of my strategy for achieving a whopping 89,000 score on the Pharmanex nutrition scanner!

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

The two companies that manufacture astaxanthin are both located in Kona, Hawaii. Ive toured both. Ive visited their facilities and Ive talked to the presidents and CEOs of both companies. In fact, they are located right across the street from each other. And some of the employees in one company used to work at the other company. So essentially, youre getting a lot of the same knowhow whether you order products from one company or the other. There may be differences in quality between the two products, but I havent been able to determine them.

Better Than Anti-Inammatory Prescription Drugs

For all those people who were taking Celebrex or Vioxx and now are hearing that Vioxx has been pulled from the market because it causes sudden death, heart attacks and strokes, there is a much better alternative. And that alternative is astaxanthin. You dont need to be taking toxic, expensive, anti-inammatory drugs and COX-2 inhibitors like Celebrex or Vioxx. All you need is this powerful anti-inammatory known as astaxanthin. Its far safer. It doesnt have the gastrointestinal side effects and it wont cause heart attacks or strokes. In fact, it will protect you from heart attacks and strokes. I cant help but chuckle when Im reading headlines these days about all the people panicking about Vioxx being pulled from the market. These people are running around so concerned about whats available to take instead of Vioxx. Theyre basically looking for alternative drugs. But they dont know that astaxanthin exists and that it is a much smarter alternative than any prescription drug. So if you have inammation, if youre dealing with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, or if you have joint pain or back pain, this is a nutrient that you owe it to yourself to try.

Merck caught in scandal to bury Vioxx heart attack risks, intimidate scientists and keep pushing dangerous drugs, Vioxx lawsuits now forming The truth has nally come out about Vioxx: insider emails published by the Wall Street Journal reveal that Merck, the maker of Vioxx, was fully aware of the health risks of its COX-2 inhibitor anti-inammatory drug as early as March, 2000. As is apparent from the published emails, there was a concerted effort to bury the negative evidence and even distort the drug trials by excluding heart patients from the Vioxx studies so that, ...the rate of cardiovascular problems for Vioxx patients would not be evident.

And by the way, this nutrient is extracted from micro algae that are grown in ponds similar to those used to grow spirulina. This isnt extracted from shellsh; its grown in large ponds that are fed deep ocean water off the coast of Hawaii.

Strong User Satisfaction

One of the most fascinating things about this product is that once people start using it, they see such a tremendous positive effect from it that they keep on ordering it. It follows that people are really nding it works for them. And again, if youve been taking Vioxx or Celebrex or some other anti-inammatory drugs, I urge you to get off of those drugs and get on this natural substance found in micro algae and manufactured right here in the United States in Kona, Hawaii. By the way, just to reassure you again: even though Im promoting this product, I do not earn a dime from any of your purchases. There is no afliate structure, there is no commission structure, I dont get any benet whatsoever when you purchase this product. I am promoting it because I believe it is a safe alternative to the dangerous prescription drugs that people have been taking. And Im promoting this as a service to my readers and because this is something I have experienced personally and that I believe is a safe, effective nutrient that can help improve the quality of life for everyone.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Secret Source #7: Ancient Harvest

Secret Source #7 is a company called Ancient Harvest (also known as the Quinoa Corporation) Ive already talked about quinoa and how you can get it from Walton Feed. But in case you want more than just the quinoa grain, if you want quinoa pasta or quinoa our, you can get that from the Quinoa Corporation. They sell quinoa our for about $3 / pound, which is a great deal. You can use that our to make your own pancake mixes, cake mixes, breads or an assortment of other pastry items. I use it to make pancakes every once in a while and of course, I throw in some freeze-dried blueberries that I purchase from Emergency Essentials. Ancient Harvest also sells quinoa akes, which you can boil like oatmeal to make a delicious high-ber, high-protein, oatmeal-like breakfast without wasting your money on instant oatmeal (which is actually a rened grain that will cause blood sugar swings). If youre looking for quinoa our in large quantities (like a 25-pound bag), you can get it from Ancient Harvest. I keep a 25-pound bag of quinoa our in my house and use it from time to time when Im making various recipes. By the way, if youd like to learn more about Quinoa and what a fantastic food product this is for your health, Im working on an ebook about Quinoa that will be released at Heres a few pages from that book:

Quinoa the Supergrain

Quinoa is sometimes called a supergrain, and it deserves that name because it really is an impressive healing food. Its a food source thats high in vitamins, minerals and ber. Learning a little about the attributes of this impressive grain will give you a sense of just how amazing it is. First off, quinoa looks a lot like very tiny grains -- almost like amaranth, if youre familiar with that. Or like small little dried beads. Quinoa stores very well for many years. You typically buy it dried. By adding water to the quinoa and boiling it, youll nd that the grain soaks up the water and vastly increases its size -- much more than other grains. This means you dont need a lot of dry quinoa to make a very large quinoa meal. The unique shape of quinoa is also fascinating. The grain has an outer edge that looks something like a UFO. Its almost like the grain is wearing a hula-hoop. This outer edge can come off when the grain is boiled, or it may stay attached -- looking something like a tiny pigtail (this is actually the germ of the quinoa grain). This structure is unique for a grain: its not something you see in wheat or rice.

High protein diet good for your health, good for weight loss, says startling new research The most important consideration in all this, by the way, is: where do you get your protein? If youre getting your protein primarily by eating red meat, youre going to cause all sorts of other health problems (like heart disease) in your body due to the saturated fats found in red meat, the additive ingredients such as sodium nitrite, and the high concentration of pesticides and other potentially harmful contaminants such as mad cow disease. If you want to be healthy on a high protein diet, you must choose healthy sources of protein.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

You see, in most grains, the germ is usually a very tiny structure found on the end of the grain. But in the case of Quinoa, the germ circles the entire grain. Remember that in every grain, the germ is very high in protein. With the germ being so large in the quinoa grain, it explains why quinoa as a whole is very high in protein compared to most other grains. In fact, it has the highest protein content of any grain. It is the protein king of the plant world. Theres simply no other grain that has as high a level of protein as Quinoa. In fact, youd have to get into superfoods like spirulina to even come close. When you cook it, quinoa has a texture similar to tapioca pudding. Some people might mistake it for rice pilaf or some kind of boiled grain, but I think it most closely resembles tapioca. In fact, pudding is one of the many wonderful things you can make out of quinoa. Later in this report, youll learn how to use it in some delicious pudding recipes that have no rened sugars and provide outstanding nutrition.

A Complete Protein
Quinoa is not only high in protein in terms of grams per serving, its also high in the amino acids that create a complete protein. The eight essential amino acids youll nd in quinoa are the ones your body must acquire through foods in order to live. You cant synthesize these amino acids, you have to get them from your diet. Some would say that you can get these amino acids from eating meat or other plants. The trouble is, many plants dont provide complete proteins, or theyre very low in amino acids such as lysine. Quinoa is high in lysine, and it is a complete protein as well. Vegetarians, for example, do very well on quinoa.

A Great Source of Calcium

But thats not the only good news about quinoa. Quinoa is also very high in calcium. This is a rather important mineral that many people dont get enough of, even though the conventional wisdom is that you can get calcium from drinking milk. In fact, a cup of cooked quinoa has more calcium than a cup of milk. If youve seen anything written about cows milk at, you already know that cows milk is not a good source of nutrition. It has all sorts of nutritional problems and imbalances in terms of human need. Cows milk is perfect for baby cows, just not for humans. Quinoa is a much better source of calcium.

Skinny on Dairy: Diet Value Unclear Aside from the chronic sinus infections, asthma and constipation caused by cows milk, the beverage also contains homogenized fats which are proven to promote cardiovascular disease. Even beyond that, milk is loaded with pus -- yes, pus -- that nearly always exceeds the pus levels allowed by federal law. Cows milk also contains blood, hormones that have been banned in most civilized countries, and potentially pesticides and other toxic chemicals that have been fed to the dairy cows.

Quinoa also contains other minerals like magnesium (also typically decient in the western diet), zinc, potassium and iron. Beyond the minerals, it has a fairly high B-vitamin content -- another important nutrient that most western diets are lacking. Quinoa also contains a healthy serving of ber, found in the germ itself.

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Very Low Caloric Density Grain Suppresses Appetite

So thats the nutritional breakdown of quinoa; now lets discuss the absorption factor. The amount of water quinoa absorbs while cooking is rather remarkable. You can take a cup of quinoa, boil it, and end up with a couple of bowls of boiled quinoa cereal, ready to eat. This may not sound like a big deal, but let me explain why it is in terms of appetite and weight control. Its no secret that a lot of people overeat, but one reason they do that is because the foods they eat take up very little space in their stomach, but are very high in calories. In other words, they have a high caloric density. Those foods often include cheese, pizza, potato chips, french fries, candy bars, snack crackers -- basically anything that contains a lot of fat or rened sugars. These are all foods that pack a lot of calories into a small space. We tend to get into trouble as consumers when we eat foods like that, because our hunger signals are not really ne-tuned to what weve eaten. Our hunger is, in part, affected by the physical space foods take up in our stomachs. So we tend to continue eating, regardless of the calories consumed, until we have a physical sensation of fullness. Once this happens, cells in the stomach and small intestine actually broadcast a hormone signal that tells the endocrine system to turn off the hunger signals. It is at this point that we nally stop feeling hungry. Eventually, we might even stop eating. The important thing to note in all this is that our feeling of hunger has nothing to do with the number of calories we are eating. Its largely determined by the amount of physical space foods take up in your stomach. Because of this, quinoa can be very benecial in suppressing your appetite and, therefore, helping you lose body fat. How? Quinoa takes up a lot of space in your stomach without giving you a lot of calories. In other words, you can eat a very large bowl of quinoa and you can feel like you are completely stuffed. Yet you may have only eaten 300 to 400 calories. Thats astounding! To get that same level of fullness from eating pizza, you might consume 1500 or 2000 calories (which would denitely pack on the pounds). You can see theres a huge difference. For people who are attempting to moderate their intake of calories, who want to lose weight, who are battling diabetes or obesity, quinoa can be a very helpful dietary tool. You get the nutrition you need and yet you dont feel hungry. Lets face it, most of us like to eat vast quantities of food if we can get away with it. But, its the type of foods we eat in vast quantities that determine whether we are thin or obese. You can eat quinoa in tremendous quantities and youll probably never gain weight. With quinoa, you will be losing weight even while feeling full. If you were to make quinoa a part of every meal, you can really moderate your caloric intake. Say youre having dinner: you enjoy a side dish of quinoa pilaf rst, before you head over to the steak, or the barbecue, or pizza, or whatever else youre going to have. Youll automatically eat less of that other food because you had the quinoa rst, and its taking up lots of physical space in your stomach. As your body digests the quinoa, it will eventually gure out that there werent a lot of calories in the meal. But by that time, youve already won the appetite battle. The meal is over. Youve already fooled your stomach into thinking youve had a huge serving. This is a little trick to get around your ancient appetite control system -- the one were all pre-wired with as human beings.

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Eat Your Water

Further along during digestion, your body will extract the water out of the quinoa grain, leaving the ber and nutritional content to be used by the body. Fiber will, of course, help with your digestive tract health. Youll also have more frequent bowel movements, which is another good thing for your health. In the meantime, your body will extract the water from the grain, and thats good too because a lot of people dont eat enough water. You could say drink but I used the word eat on purpose because with quinoa, youre actually eating the water. And for a short period of time, that water is locked up in the grain as it sits in your digestive tract. You can think of the quinoa as little water beads. You see, most people are in a state of chronic dehydration. And that actually causes hypertension, asthma, constipation, immune system suppression, and a long list of other symptoms and diseases. So quinoa can actually be a good water source. After you eat it, your body pulls the water out and puts it to good use.

Hypertension caused by chronic dehydration, says doctor; but pharmaceutical industry prescribes drugs that cause further water loss Hypertension is another one of these problems. When there isnt enough water in the body, or the body becomes dehydrated, 66% of the water loss is from the interior of the cells. 26% is from the environment around the cells, and only 8% is lost from the vascular system. If people drank water on a regular basis and took enough salt and minerals to expand the capillary beds, hypertension would disappear completely.

You can see how quinoa helps you on many fronts. It gives you the ber thats not found in typical processed grains. It also gives you a high level of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and even some iron. You even get a large dose of B-vitamins. You get ber, protein, all eight essential amino acids including lysine, plus extra water. No wonder they call this a super grain!

Summary of Recommendations:

Price $2.69 per lb.

Item Quinoa Flour Also available: quinoa pastas like spaghetti, shells, elbows, linguine, etc.

Nutritional Benets A versatile healing food our thats can replace our in most recipes. Quinoa is an ancient grain, used extensively by the Incas. It offers the highest protein of any grain, even boasting a complete protein (all essential amino acids). Its also high in ber and delivers healthy, complex carbohydrates.

Order site at:

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Secret Source #8: House of Nutrition

The House of Nutrition ( is the only place Ive found where you can reliably purchase the brand of spirutein soy protein powders I recommend: the unsweetened Natures Plus Simply Natural spirutein products. I recommend this line of products because it offers delicious avors such as chocolate, peaches and cream, strawberry, vanilla and so on, and its offered at a good price, about $15 per can (.82 lb. / 370g) from The House of Nutrition. Using these products is a great way to get some soy protein into your diet, and I use these products in my breakfast drinks on a frequent basis. Just keep in mind that theres not a lot of spirulina in these products, because if there were, then the products would be green, and they arent. That tells me theres hardly any spirulina at all. In fact, I think the product should be called Simply Natural Soy Protein. I dont think theres enough spirulina in it to even warrant putting it on the label. So dont make the mistake of thinking this is a good source of spirulina. This product isnt a superfood, its just avored soy protein.

Delicious pudding with no sugar and almost zero carbs

These products are fantastic for making delicious low-carb, near-zero-sugar puddings! One of my favorite recipes is to take one scoop of the Natures Plus Simply Natural Spirutein banana soy protein, combine it with 2 cups of soy milk, add a good dose of stevia (as the sweetener), then throw in some thickener like glucomannan powder, xanthan gum powder or guar gum (all will work). Blend it in a powerful blender until its the thickness of pudding. There you have it! Its a delicious banana pudding, with NO fats, NO sugar, virtually NO carbohydrates, and it took NO TIME at all. (About 60 seconds, actually.) This is a fantastic recipe for feeling full without actually eating much in the way of calories. And you can make peach pudding, chocolate pudding, strawberry pudding, or a long list of other puddings by using these unsweetened Natures Plus Spirutein products. So if you want a great quality soy protein with delicious avors, this is the way to go. Check out The House of Nutrition and buy their unsweetened Natures Plus Simply Natural Spirutein products. By the way, the products are not always described on the website as being unsweetened. The only way you know theyre unsweetened is if they say Simply Natural. Any spirutein product that doesnt say Simply Natural is going to be sweetened with fructose, which is something I would denitely NOT recommend. Stevia is the only natural sweetener I know of that offers zero carbs, no sugars, and no calories.

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How Revolutionary New Blue Laser Health Technology Promises to Forever Change the Landscape of Modern Medicine, Nutrition and Disease Prevention
... and how you can personally exploit this proven technology to radically overhaul your own health, prevent every common disease known to modern medicine, and even choose how long you wish to live.
No discussion of nutrition and health would be complete without talking about a brand new technology, just emerging, that allows you to actually measure the level of nutrition in your body without any invasive techniques (like drawing your blood or taking X-rays). When it comes to nutrition, theres a huge question in everyones mind. Thats, How do I know whether this is working? People say, Gee, Im taking all these vitamins, Im taking these nutritional supplements, but I dont really know if theyre working! And how do you know when youre taking enough, anyway? Other common questions about nutrition include: What if Im immuno-suppressed in other ways? Maybe Im smoking cigarettes, or engaging in heavy physical exercise. Maybe Im under heavy stress or not getting enough sleep or Im exposed to environmental toxins through the air, the food or the water. How do I know whether the nutrition Im taking is enough? And until now, the answer has been that you dont know! It was very difcult to tell. You had to take a guess at how you felt, and that was a rather subjective way to determine if your nutrition was working.

The Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner For More information visit:

But now, theres a genuine breakthrough that changes all this. I am ecstatic to report about brand new technology that I believe will revolutionize the elds of nutrition and disease prevention. Years from now, this technology will be in every doctors ofce, every hospital, every public school and even many homes. What is this technology Im talking about? Its called the Nutrition Scanner, and by non-invasively scanning the tissue in the palm of your hand, it can tell you your level of health and disease prevention almost as if by magic. Dont believe me yet, by the way. It sounds like magic, but its actually good, solid science. Let me explain:

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X-Ray Vision Through Advanced Technology

Remember Superman and how he had X-ray vision? He could see through walls and view objects on the other side. What if there were a device that had a type of X-ray vision that could peer into your tissue and actually see the level of antioxidants at the site of action where they battle free radicals? You might think, well, gee, theres already technology like that, its called an MRI or CT scan, but the answer is no, those dont detect antioxidants at all -- they only show the physical structure of your body. Theyre designed to show broken bones, cancer tumors or malformed biological structures, but they dont show your tissue saturation. In fact, until the development of this technology, the only way to measure antioxidants was to take some blood out of your body and send it off to a laboratory for chemical analysis. And of course nobody likes to do that; who likes to have their blood taken? Its a painful, invasive procedure. Besides, measurement in the blood is not a true reading of the bioavailabitity of antioxidants to your tissue, a more stable and accurate representation of your antioxidant protection level. But this nutrition scanner device is something altogether different. It has a sort of X-ray vision, but without using X-rays or any kind of dangerous radiation at all. All it uses, in fact, is a low intensity blue laser. Its similar to the laser light that reads your audio CDs in your CD player. Or if youve ever purchased a small laser pointer that allows you to shine a red dot on the wall, thats about the same intensity of laser light were talking about here. Its completely safe, and you feel absolutely nothing during the scanning procedure.

Live Tissue Analysis With Coherent Light

Heres how it works: you put your hand over this laser light, which is being produced by a device about the size of a breadbox (it looks like a small desktop computer). Hold your hand in place for approximately three minutes. During that three-minute time, this device scans the tissues of your palm. And because this blue laser light can penetrate your skin, it has the ability to excite the molecular structure of chemical compounds in your tissues. Laser light is a coherent light, of course, which means that it propagates at a single wavelength. This wavelength has been chosen to resonate with the molecular structure of carotenoid antioxidants in your tissue. Once these antioxidant molecules Heres How it Works: Hold your hand in place for approximately three become excited by the laser, they begin to give off photons. minutes. During the scan, the Nutrition Scanner is bits of The easiest way to understand this is to think about uorescent gathering thousands ofemitted information about the level of photons being from the antioxidants rocks or glow in the dark chalk. If you take uorescent rocks in your tissue. It then converts this information into a number. This number is your antioxidant score. and you shine a black light on them, they will uoresce (give off light) on a variety of different wavelengths. They may appear bright yellow, green or red. Or if youve ever had glow in the dark chalk and drawn something interesting and then shone a black light on them, you see that they uoresce. Much the same thing is happening with this blue light laser; its causing the chemicals in your tissue to emit photons at a specic wavelength that can be detected.

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These emitted photons are shifted towards the green. Theyre not of an intensity that can be detected with the naked eye, but they are able to be detected by this very sensitive, calibrated equipment known as the Nutrition Scanner. During the scan, the Nutrition Scanner is gathering thousands of bits of information about the level of photons being emitted from the antioxidants in your tissue, which of course correlates with your level of antioxidants (the more antioxidants you have in your tissue, the more green light will be detected). It then converts this information into a number. This number is your antioxidant score.

Decoding Your Antioxidant Score

This antioxidant score number is fascinating, because it quite literally tells you your health future. Its sort of like having a crystal ball that can peer into your future and tell you how much disease youre going to experience (and how soon). The number typically ranges from 10,000 to 40,000. Lets take a closer look at what these numbers actually mean: Below 20,000 Many individuals in the United States, who are consuming the standard American diet and being exposed to environmental toxins while avoiding taking nutritional supplements will score in the sub-20,000 range. Your average person off the street might score at around 18,000. At that score, it means theyre going to get chronic disease very soon... in fact, theyre already well along with the disease process. They dont have enough antioxidants in their body, and they arent getting the level of nutrition they need to prevent chronic disease. In fact, any score below 20,000 indicates rapid aging and accelerated degeneration of health. A person at the sub-20,000 level is aging at perhaps twice the rate of a healthy person. They can look forward to dealing with chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer or other degenerative diseases in their forties or early fties. These are diseases that should never appear that early in the human lifespan. 20,000 - 30,000 Someone who takes a few vitamins, or who follows a moderately healthy lifestyle, may score in the 20,000 - 30,000 range. Thats a better score, but it certainly doesnt represent optimum health. This might be a person who eats a few servings of fresh fruit and vegetables, but who also goes out and eats pizza, fried foods, fast foods or junk foods. It could also be a person who engages in heavy physical exercise but who doesnt have the wisdom to take nutritional supplements that compensate for the physical stresses being placed on their body through their physical training. It might be a person whos taking supplements, but isnt taking quality supplements, or who is exposed to chronic stress through relationship difculties, job troubles, or family problems. Perhaps they dont live in a clean city with clean air; maybe theyre not drinking clean water, or theyre getting a lot of pollutants from the food they eat. Perhaps theyre eating a lot of foods made with white our and other ingredients that actually deplete the body of critical nutrients. Regardless of the reason, a score in the range of 20,000 - 30,000 is still a poor score. It still means that person is going to show symptoms of chronic disease at a relatively young age (typically their 50s).

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30,000 - 40,000 Healthier people will score in the 30,000 to 40,000 range. These are people who are actively protecting their health. They are watching what they eat, and they take measures to reduce the level of stress in their lives. They take nutritional supplements, especially whole food supplements and superfood supplements. They tend to avoid prescription drugs and they avoid toxic therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. They typically avoid conventional doctors, and when they have medical problems, they go see naturopathic doctors, nutritionists or herbalists. These people typically dont smoke cigarettes, they dont drink soft drinks, and they may drink various herbal teas such as green tea or black tea. These are the healthiest people in the population. These are the people you see on the street and you say Wow! They sure look healthy! They dont have excess body fat and theyre not suffering from chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes or cancer.

Good Health Takes Planning and Effort

The important thing to note is that people dont get to this level without making an effort. No one just happens to nd themselves in this 30,000 - 40,000 range out of pure luck. Its not something that strikes from the sky like a bolt of lightning. Its something you have to work for. And if you do work at it, the Nutrition Scanner is going to tell you your score and provide objective, scientic proof that what you are doing is working. Put it all together, and what we have here is technology that can tell you your level of health right now and can serve as an accurate predictor of what youre going to experience in terms of chronic disease and aging. The correlation between these numbers and your level of health is very strong. I have no doubt that if you were to go out and test people who are suffering from cancer or heart disease right now, you would nd that they would almost universally score in the sub-20,000 range. If you were to take these people and get their scores above 30,000 youd tend to nd their diseases regressing. If you got them over 40,000, youd start to see some of these diseases literally disappear.

Beyond 40,000: The Pathway to Longevity, Health, and Zero Medical Bills
If you choose to follow an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and you take superfoods (like the Jenny Lee superfoods product Ive been recommending for quite some time, or the Berry Green product youll nd at most health food stores) or nutritional supplements like astaxanthin and organic whole food concentrates, then you can boost your score beyond 40,000. If you avoid chronic stress in your life, dont smoke cigarettes, dont eat fried foods, dont drink soft drinks, dont consume ingredients like hydrogenated vegetable oils, dairy products or white our, then you can achieve an even higher score. How high? Consider this: In learning about this machine, I decided to have my own antioxidant level tested, and the results conrmed that the lifestyle I choose to lead is indeed a very healthy one. My score came back as 89,000 - which was the largest score ever recorded on the particular scanner I used.

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What does a score of 89,000 mean? In my view, it just conrms everything that my naturopathic physicians have told me and that my blood chemistry lab results indicate (Ive posted my blood chemistry results on a public page at Ultimately, heres what it all means: with a score of 89,000, its impossible for me to get heart disease, its impossible for me to get cancer, and its impossible for me to suffer from neurodegenerative diseases. Its not just that the risk is reduced, its that these are IMPOSSIBLE. With this blood chemistry, with this level of antioxidants in my tissue, with these exceptionally good laboratory results, it is literally impossible for these diseases to appear. Why? Because disease is a process of cause and effect, not bad luck.

No Such Thing as Chance When it Comes to Disease

Physicians like to talk about your risk of getting disease, but in reality, there really is no chance involved here. Chance isnt even an element. Its all cause and effect. If you have heart disease, that disease has a cause. What was the cause? It was probably decades of consuming foods and following a lifestyle that promoted heart disease. Add up ve hundred pepperoni pizzas, ve thousand soft drinks and fty thousand french fries over the last few decades, and you start to understand how these habits add up. Fortunately, you can eliminate the cause of disease by making different choices in your life. And as you do that, this Nutrition Scanner will objectively show you the positive effect of those choices.

Step One: Determine Where You Stand

The strategy, then, is straightforward: rst of all, get yourself scanned right now so you can nd out where you stand in terms of your health. Are you in the sub-20,000 level where you are practically guaranteed to have chronic disease in your body right now that just hasnt been diagnosed yet? Are you in the 20,000 - 30,000 range, where youre probably going to get chronic disease in your forties or fties and end up taking toxic prescription drugs for the rest of your life? Or are you in the 30,000 - 40,000 range, where youre a relatively healthy individual and probably wont get chronic disease until much later in your life? Perhaps youre even in the above-40,000 level. Maybe you can hit 50,000, or 60,000, or 70,000 or even higher, meaning that you have virtually no chance of ever being diagnosed with these chronic diseases. Its important to know where you stand today. And conventional medicine cant tell you that. Seriously: when was the last time your doctor actually spent ten minutes talking to you about preventing chronic disease? If youre fortunate, you have a doctor who does that. But most doctors simply dont have the time. The only way to know where you stand is to get scanned with this Nutrition Scanner and nd out what your numbers are.

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Next: Boost Your Numbers

From there, the winning strategy is to boost your numbers. How do you do that? One of the rst things you can do is follow everything youre reading in my nutrition and health books at I talk about how to get adequate nutrition, how it works in your body, what supplements to take, and so on. So if you do all that, your antioxidant score could be boosted by 50% or more. You can also, of course, avoid the things that promote disease. That means avoiding all the things that suppress your immune system such as chronic stress, metabolic disruptors (dangerous food ingredients), processed foods, fried foods, junk foods, snack foods, restaurant foods, frozen TV dinners, those lunch snack boxes at the grocery store, popular canned soups and everything else Ive been talking about in articles on When you avoid all those things, even if you dont take nutritional supplements, your Nutrition Scanner score will skyrocket.

Decide How Healthy You Wish To Be

Where do you want to end up in six months? Some people are satised to be in the 30,000 range. Personally, I think that everyone should strive to be over 40,000. In fact there are people who are involved with the company that manufactures this product, a company called Pharmanex, that have been able to boost their scores from 20,000 to 60,000 and beyond. And how are they doing that? Theyre doing it by taking the Pharmanex nutritional supplements. Thats where the scanner comes in quite handy, because it tells the truth about whether your nutritional supplements are actually working. It tells you whats really happening in your tissue from taking those supplements. So if you buy some cheap multivitamin product from the corner discount store, and its made with a collection of isolated, synthetic chemicals that have names like vitamin E and vitamin C, its probably not going to help your nutrition score much.
World Health Organization adopts global health and diet recommendations: reduce sugars, processed foods, soft drinks and junk food advertising The World Health Organization has accomplished the nearly impossible and ofcially adopted a global health strategy that advises the countries of the world to teach their citizens how to modify their diets to avoid chronic disease and experience enhanced health. The primary recommendations by the WHO report? Reduce the consumption of rened sugars (added sugars), processed foods, and salt, restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, and enhance product labeling and health education so that people can make better informed decisions about foods.

But on the other hand, if you go to a trusted source, like the Pharmanex company, or youre taking superfoods supplements like the Jenny Lee supergreens (, or you are eating lots of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, berries, broccoli, onions, cauliower, ginger, garlic... and if youre taking Chinese herbs, Western herbs, or rainforest herbs from the Amazon, then youre going to see your numbers skyrocket. Because the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner tells the truth. It tells you the effectiveness of what youre doing. It is an unbiased judge of the health impact of the choices you make every day. And thats why I consider this to be revolutionary technology.

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The Future of Nutritional Medicine

The conventional medical community hasnt gured all this out yet, by the way. This is such new technology that its implications have yet to be realized by old-school doctors. Even worse, most conventional doctors and physicians are still not being taught nutrition and disease prevention. As a result, they arent aware of the health value of nutritional supplements. Not surprisingly, many physicians are in very poor health. But if they were to look at their Nutrition Scanner scores, theyd see right away: Gee, Im only at 18,000... If they had that their own antioxidant scores, they could create a workable health strategy by saying, alright, my scores too low, what do I need to do to make it higher? And then they might start asking questions about nutrition, the value of supplements, the importance of avoiding toxic foods, and the wisdom of avoiding pharmaceuticals which no doubt lower your Nutrition Scanner score (most prescription drugs actually suppress the immune system, and many cause nutritional deciencies). If they were to start using this technology to scan patients suffering from chronic diseases, they would nd an obvious correlation between the numbers and the health of their patients. Before long, they would start to notice, Hey, its funny, everybody who comes into this cancer center scores around 15,000 on this Nutrition Scanner. Thats interesting! How can it be that everybody scores about the same when theyre getting cancer? Maybe cancer has something to do with a suppressed immune system. Maybe if we start to nd ways to boost that immune system function, we can actually prevent people from getting cancer in the rst place!

Dont Wait for Conventional Medicine to Come to its Senses

In fact, thats the truth of the situation, but it has yet to be acknowledged by the conventional medical community. But you, as an individual, dont have to wait around for modern medicine to gure this out. You dont have to wait ten years for medical schools to start teaching this. The conventional medical community is very slow to change their minds about anything. Remember, it took the American Heart Association twenty years to even admit that vitamins are good for you! And today, the group continues to deny the health benets of antioxidants like vitamin E. In fact, I wrote an article about the American Heart Association called: Follow American Heart Association Advice and Die From Heart Disease. (

Follow American Heart Association Advice and Die From Heart Disease The rst thing you have to do to understand this news is put the AHA in perspective. This is an organization that has for decades discredited and fought against the use of vitamins. The AHA has even strongly recommended for many years that people avoid virtually all dietary fats, including healthy fats that are unquestionably shown to enhance cardiovascular health.

The AHAs advice has been so poor for so long that they even put people on strict low-fat diets that avoided the consumption of hearthealthy oils like olive oil, ax oil, salmon oil and other Omega-3 oils that we now know actually prevent cardio-vascular disease. It was the AHA that argued against those heart-health oils for years and years, so dont expect the AHA or the American Cancer Society, or any of these other disease associations to recognize the benets of this high-tech Nutrition Scanner.

If you wait around for them, you might be dead before they nally get the picture. You need to take it upon yourself to take charge of your own health, today, by nding out what level of nutrition youre at right now and then making changes to improve it. And its surprisingly easy to do so.

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Watch Your Score Improve as Your Health is Transformed

As you start altering your lifestyle, taking the Pharmanex supplements, eating superfoods, and avoiding the foods and beverages that promote chronic disease, your score will begin to rise. And if you get scanned once a month, which is my recommendation, you will know just how well youre doing each and every month. You can set a goal for yourself, such as, I want to be at 40,000 in six months. Then, you can track where you are and measure that against your goals. If you start at 20,000 and you want to get to 40,000 in six months, that means you need to gain an additional 20,000 points in six months, which comes out to around 3500 points each month. So if you start at 20,000, then a month later you want to be at 23,500, and the next month you want to be at 27,000. You can monitor your progress and start taking supplements, altering your lifestyle, and keeping tabs on exactly where you are. Remember, the Nutrition Scanner doesnt lie. The number tells you where you stand (and how far you still have to go).

You Can Create Any Health Outcome You Desire

You might nd that you can get to 40,000 and still have some comfort foods in your life. Perhaps you can still drink a few cups of coffee. Maybe you can still eat pizza every once in a while. You will know the effects of what youre doing and you can make a conscious choice about how much chronic disease you really want in your life and how soon you want it to hit you. You can choose to have cancer, heart disease or neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers disease at a young age, or you can make a different choice and live a life free of those diseases. And its really all up to you. With the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner, you have the power to do it and to know exactly whether your strategy is working. Thats the breakthrough. Thats whats going to revolutionize the world of nutrition and disease prevention.

How to Get Started

So how do you get started with getting scanned with this product? Heres the catch: its such a new technology that there arent a lot of scanners out there yet. But there are several hundred in the United States and in major world cities right now, so theres probably one near you if you live in a major metropolitan area. The distribution network is growing rapidly, so this situation is improving very quickly. There are scanners throughout Europe, many in Asia, some in South America, lots in Canada, etc. I believe there are even scanners in Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan and Japan. So the rst thing you want to do is get hooked up with an associate of this company who can put you in touch with a local scanner in your area. Youll nd a list of contacts at

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

The next thing to do is improve your score, and you do that by taking the supplements sold by the same company that makes the scanner. This company, Pharmanex, offers a line of potent, high-end nutritional supplements that will unquestionably raise your Nutrition Scanner score. Ive reviewed some of these supplements at, and I have nothing but positive reviews for them: theyre outstanding nutritional supplements. Theyre well-formulated and many of them are, in fact, anti-cancer products (even though Pharmanex cant call them that). Almost all of the Pharmanex products boost immune system function. Theres a whole line of supplements available. If you start taking these supplements, you will boost your Nutrition Scanner score, and in doing so you will be extending your lifespan and preventing the onset of chronic disease. Its simple cause and effect. Note: I have no nancial interest whatsoever in this product line. As with all products I review and recommend, these are unsolicited, unpaid recommendations based on my own personal passion about these products and their ability to transform your health. This article is in no way endorsed by Pharmanex. In fact, they arent even aware it is being published. So get in touch with a Pharmanex associate and nd out how you can get yourself scanned and start getting some of these supplements to boost your scanner score. Getting scanned costs just $10. Its very affordable, making it something you can do every month. Buying these nutritional supplements costs more than $10 depending on what you get, but its cheap compared with being in the hospital. Think about it: how much does it cost to have cancer? Not in terms of just dollars, but the lost years of your life. Whats the cost of having heart disease? How much is 20 years of your life actually worth? What about the quality of your life, whats that worth? By comparison, investing in these nutritional supplements is dirt cheap, its pennies on the dollar. Prevention is always a bargain.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Lastly, if you are looking to get on board with a truly unique opportunity with this breakthrough technology, the Pharmanex company is signing up distributors who can operate these scanners (and its easy to operate, it even comes with its own laptop computer) and who can help share the information about this technology and their line of nutritional supplements. If youd like to get involved with this company, I think its a great opportunity to do well by doing some good at the same time. Personally, Im not involved with the company, but thats only because I have to main neutrality in covering the technology as an outside observer. Whats so good about getting involved with Pharmanex? I love the idea that there are people out there who are helping spread the word about breakthrough technology that can prevent chronic disease, save peoples lives and even help reduce the healthcare costs of populations around the word. We dont need to live in a society where we have skyrocketing rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, bone disorders and all sorts of suffering and death from the onset of these degenerative diseases. We dont need all that. We can live in a society that is primarily disease-free.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Now we have access to technology that can detect when a person is going off track and needs help in preventing chronic disease. There are physicians, chiropractors, and naturopaths all over the world getting involved. Some of the medical doctors and book authors that I have interviewed on are now using the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner in their clinical practices. Theyre scanning patients and helping them boost their numbers. You can get involved in this, even if you dont have a medical degree, and help bring this technology to people in your local community or around the world. You know, they say Be healthy, wealthy and wise and I see this technology as encompassing all three. If you use it and pay attention to the numbers, youll be healthy. If you get involved with the company and share this good news with the people around you, you could make yourself quite wealthy. And if you listen to the wisdom of your body and the wisdom of nature by relying on quality nutritional supplements and the innate healing ability of your own body to prevent chronic disease, then youll be wise. Its a win/win/win situation. I for one am going to get myself scanned on a regular basis. And Im going to keep doing everything in my power to boost my score. I dont know what the upper limit is to this score, I dont know if the machine blows a fuse if you hit 100,000 or if anyones ever hit 100,000. Maybe its not even possible. But Im going to keep boosting my own score as well as I can to serve as an example for everyone out there who truly wants to prevent chronic disease and take charge of their health. Because, lets face it, conventional medicine isnt really helping most people prevent chronic disease. If you grab patients as they come out of doctors ofces, and you set them down in front of the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner, theyre mostly going to scan in the sub-30,000 range. Thats because their doctors really arent teaching nutrition. Theyre not putting people on nutritional supplements, and theyre not telling patients what foods and beverages they have to avoid in order to be healthy. Many physicians will even admit that to you -- especially the open-minded ones who are now teaching themselves about the value of nutrition and the true underlying strategies for being a healthy individual and living a long life with clarity of mind, outstanding physical stamina and healthy mental balance. Those are the pioneering doctors, and their numbers are increasing.

Conventional Medicine Isnt Focused on Preventing Disease

Conventional medicine is simply not interested in prevention. To the drug companies, hospitals and medical schools, there is no nancial incentive in making people healthy. In fact, if you get healthy, the drug companies lose a customer. If you get your entire family healthy, they lose perhaps four or ve customers. You see, they were counting on those revenues from you. They need those revenues for the rest of your life. Theyd much rather see you on Alzheimers drugs for the rest of your life, taking diabetes drugs for decades, or being doped up on antidepressant drugs because, after all, you could be depressed for the rest of your life as well. Theyre all about building revenue streams, and those revenue streams depend on people being diseased. In contrast, what Im describing here is the opportunity to build a revenue stream by doing something positive. Why dont we make some money by getting people healthy? Theres a fascinating idea. Lets generate income streams by helping people prevent cancer; lets have health and wealth synergistically combined in a way where everybody wins. Lets give people back their quality of life! Lets give them back the years they deserve, the years that they should

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

be experiencing if they werent killing themselves with foods and pharmaceuticals and environmental toxins. Lets show people how to get off of prescription drugs by restoring their health and vitality. Lets get them out of a system of oppressive medicine, and into a system of disease prevention, nutrition, clarity of mind and youthful energy at any age. How does that sound? Does that interest you? I think that would interest a whole lot of people these days, because I think the population is, as they say, sick and tired of being sick and tired. People know the game is up -- they know the pharmaceutical companies are dishonest, that the drugs are over-hyped and that the toxic side effects of pharmaceuticals are minimized (if not outright hidden). They know the FDA is in bed with the drug companies, that its a highly corrupt agency that does practically nothing to look out for the health of the public. Even the FDAs own top drug safety scientist, Dr. David Graham, recently testied before the U.S. Senate that, The FDA is incapable of protecting Americans.
Massive medical fraud exposed: pharmaceutical company paid doctors to prescribe drugs and run sham clinical trials Heres a must-read article for anyone interested in learning how the pharmaceutical industry really operates. Its a case of aggressive marketing gone bad, with a mixture of corrupt physicians, underhanded payola and a near-total disregard for patient health. And yet its business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry: drug maker Schering-Plough, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has been outright bribing physicians to prescribe drugs and operate sham clinical trials.

Smart People Are Taking Charge

Smart people are starting to realize that if they want to be healthy, theyre going to have to take charge of their health, and theyre going to have to look beyond conventional medicine. As a result, theyre increasingly interested in vitamins, nutrients, healthy oils, health food stores, whole grains, nutritional supplements, physical activity, and now the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner. Why do you think interest in health foods is exploding all over the country? Why are people taking more salmon oil? Why is the nutritional supplement industry experiencing such high customer demand? Why are herbal medicines nally starting to catch on? Its because people are wising up. You have a role to play in this. You can limit that role to yourself, by just taking charge of your own health, getting yourself scanned and doing everything in your power to enhance your own Nutrition Scanner score, or you can get involved in a much larger way. You can play a bigger role and positively inuence the health of people around you. You can make a difference in your community. You can be helping awaken someone to disease prevention in a way that could literally save their life. You could help communicate the idea that people can take charge of their own health and avoid virtually every chronic disease now responsible for killing people in every developed nation in the world. Today theres a great sense of helplessness when it comes to health. People have been trained that disease is something that happens to you; its just bad luck, or its something thats caused by your genes, or its your ancestors fault, because they died from heart disease, or they died from cancer. These are the distorted beliefs taught to us by conventional medicine, and they disempower people. Read my book, its called Take Back Your Health Power -- youll nd it at This book tells you how the medical industry has stolen your power and taken away your responsibility. People are tired of that: they want to take their power back. They want to take charge of their own health and choose a better life for themselves. And there is no better technology available for guiding you along this path than the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner, because for the rst time, this is a tool that virtually everyone has access to.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

The Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner doesnt require a medical degree to operate, and you dont have to pay health insurance fees or ll out a mountain of paperwork to get it done. Its affordable, its objective and it tells the truth about your level of health. This allows you to take charge of your health. It puts you in the drivers seat. At the same time, it gives you new responsibilities because now you have the obligation to make the right choices about your own health. For some people, thats a burden because it means they have to take responsibility for eating all those fried foods, smoking cigarettes, not taking nutritional supplements, consuming white bread, soft drinks, candy bars and other products that directly promote disease. Now all of a sudden they have to take responsibility for that, and for some people thats too much. They dont want to be responsible for their own actions -- theyd rather just blame it on their genes!

The Nutrition Scanner Puts You In the Drivers Seat

For others, though, its a new opportunity. Its empowering. Now, they can see how to make a real difference. Theyre no longer backseat drivers -- theyre in the drivers seat! Theyre deciding whether to turn left or turn right, or how fast to go down the road. They decide how quickly they want to get to their destination, and they can even name the destination they want. They can say, I want to be at a destination where Im in a state of perfect human health. Then they can point themselves in that direction and get there. They can do that by making a series of choices aided with the objective, scientic measurements provided by the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner. Its similar to the way in which a pilot ies an airplane from New York to London. He doesnt take off from New York and point the airplane at London and then leave the cockpit. He uses the help of technology, and that technology measures where the airplane is at each second, asking itself the question Are we still heading towards London? Because perhaps some wind comes along and pushes the plane off course, or maybe the aerodynamic characteristics of the plane are not symmetrical, and the plane veers slightly to the left or right. Regardless of where the pilot wants the plane to go, the onboard computer tells the pilot where it really is. Then the pilot makes corrections. You get from New York to London by making a thousand corrections along the way. You point yourself in the general direction of where you want to go, and then you nd out where you are at every step of the way and correct your heading to match your goal. And when you do that, as a pilot, you can land an airplane to the precision of a few meters on a runway at Heathrow Airport in London. You can do the same thing with your health. You can go from chronic disease to perfect health. And you get there by pointing yourself in that direction (and thats by educating yourself with material like this, or the articles at, then nding out where you are at every step in the journey (by using this Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner). If youre not yet where you want to be, you correct your course by continuing to improve your lifestyle, avoiding the things that cause disease, and supplementing with the things that prevent disease. Thats all there is to it. Here it is again:

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Step 1: Decide where you want to go. Do I want to be healthy in my 40s? My 50s? My 60s and beyond? Decide what Nutrition Scanner score you want, like 60,000. Step 2: Start moving in that direction: educate yourself and make new choices in foods, nutrition and exercise. Take nutritional supplements that boost your score, and avoid foods and habits that suppress your score. Step 3: Find out where you are every month: get scanned with the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner and check your score. Step 4: Adjust your course. If youre not at 60,000 yet, you have more work to do in terms of nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle changes. Thats all there is to it, just four simple steps that can get you from a state of chronic disease to a state of perfect health. And now, with the development of this technology, theres no excuse for not heading towards that destination. Youre no longer driving in the dark. With the Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner, the numbers are screaming at you, saying Get healthier! Get healthier! Make some changes in your life!

Let the Positive Feedback Roll!

The great news is that as you make those changes, your Nutrition Scanner score starts to rise, and you start to receive positive feedback. All of a sudden, you feel great again, you feel like hey, Im making progress. Have you ever done something really well and been publicly recognized for it? Remember how good you felt? You felt like, wow, Im really good at this! I can do this! And thats the way health can be. It doesnt have to be a huge struggle. Granted, its not always easy to avoid the foods you might have loved in the past that made you unhealthy. Its not easy to give up habits like smoking or drinking coffee or that late-night chocolate x. It may not be easy to remember to take all the nutritional supplements you need to support a healthy body and mind. None of these are easy, but theyre all within your reach and they will move you one step closer to your destination. Let me make this perfectly clear: today, you can choose whatever health destination you want. You are NOT a prisoner of your genes. You are NOT a victim of bad luck. You are NOT powerless to overcome chronic disease, reverse obesity or regain your youthful energy. In fact, you have the power to do all these things. With this in mind, I urge you to get yourself on this track toward outstanding health. Get scanned to nd out your Nutrition Scanner score as soon as possible. Get involved with this company, or at least be involved as a customer and boost your score in every way that you know how. You can transform your health, and you can revolutionize your own personal success by showing others how to transform their health, too. Join thousands of forward-thinking people who are experiencing true breakthroughs with this technology. Get hooked up with a Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner, start boosting your score, and see if you can get into the 60,000 range in the months ahead. You will prevent chronic disease, enhance your longevity, vastly improve your quality of life, enhance your level of energy, clear away the brain fog, and work your way towards eliminating the possibility of ever being diagnosed with chronic disease. Thats the transformative power available to you right now that was never available to anyone in the history of the world before today. I strongly advise you to exploit this technology to your advantage. Learn more at

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Wrap Up
So there you have it. All the secret sources of where to get the foods, the herbs, the medicinal products, the stevia, the food ingredients, the supergreens, and a multitude of other healing foods and natural medicines. Weve covered how to get freeze-dried berries and use those in cereals and pancake mixes or breakfast drinks in order to give yourself antioxidants and cholesterol-lowering phytochemicals. Ive talked about Jenny Lee Naturals and how to get supergreens mixes and A-V (anti-viral) tincture at a great price. Ive talked about Walton Feed and how you can get quinoa, whole grains and ancient grains for a fraction of the price youd be paying in most grocery stores. Ive introduced you to the Amazon Herb company and how its products have the capacity to prevent and even treat chronic disease. Ive introduced you to Herbal Advantage, shown you where you can get stevia, sea vegetables, apricot kernel oil, mushroom blends, minced garlic, bulk herbs, coral calcium, bulk bers and many other products at fantastic prices from honest companies that you can trust. Ive also given you a brief introduction to astaxanthin, or what I call Vitamin X, which I think is destined to be one of the most popular and widely used vitamins and antioxidants in the years ahead. Ive also told you about Ancient Harvest, where you can get quinoa our, quinoa pasta, and quinoa akes. And Ive told you about The House of Nutrition, where you can get unsweetened soy protein powder mixes from the Natures Plus Simply Natural spirutein product line. Finally, Ive introduced you to the breakthrough Pharmanex Nutrition Scanner and explained how it stands to revolutionize modern medicine, consumer health and disease prevention. I hope youve enjoyed this tour! Please use this information to enhance your own health. Its a complete waste of time if you read this and dont actually do anything with it, so be sure to start making incremental changes in your life right now.

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

Sources of Life-Saving Information

Theres more: Hopefully you already know about the website. There, youll nd literally thousands of articles covering a wide variety of health topics. You can get free access to those articles and even sign up free for the NewsTarget Insider email newsletter that brings you new health-enhancing articles each day (and without a bunch of annoying advertising, too). You can use the search function at the bottom of any article to search for topics that interest you. If you want to nd articles on medicinal herbs and diabetes, just search for diabetes. If you want to nd articles on osteoporosis, just search for osteoporosis and you will get a whole selection of articles authored by myself or other well-known doctors and authors. Thats the source of information that the Fraud and Drug Administration (FDA) hopes you never nd out about. Thats what the drug companies dont want you to be reading. Food manufacturers, you can bet, dont want you to see that information as well, because I tell the truth about whats in their food and what you need to be avoiding if you want to be healthy for the rest of your life. If you want more ebooks on a variety of health topics, go to Thats where you will nd books on a variety of topics: health, wellness, disease prevention, losing weight and so on. Together, and are online destinations where you can learn more about the truth of whats going on in the health industry these days -- and how you, as an empowered individual, can take control of your health, save yourself a fortune, and transform your quality of life all at the same time. Because, really, the bottom line is that you dont need to go through life diseased or obese or depressed. There are simple solutions that are cost-effective, if not downright free of charge, that can not only prevent these diseases, but actually reverse them. If everybody in the world knew about this information, we wouldnt even have an American Cancer Society. We wouldnt have a health care industry thats draining away hundreds of billions of dollars in productivity each year. We wouldnt have sky-high health insurance rates and people falling over dead from the toxic side effects of prescription drugs. And why wouldnt we have all that? Because people would be healthy. Theyd live their lives without chronic disease, and theyd save fortunes by not wasting money on prescription drugs, hospital stays and useless surgical procedures that really do nothing to make them healthier in the long run. If you truly want to be healthy, you do that by educating yourself with information like this, and then by taking action to integrate it into your own life. So please take steps to do that in your life right now. And if youre not already a subscriber to the Newstarget Insider, then go to right now and subscribe so that you can start getting free e-mails that can keep you informed on topics like this. As always, I wish you the best in personal health and happiness. - Mike Adams

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Secret Sources For Healing Foods and Natural Medicines That Can Save Your Life

About This Report

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About The Author

Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist with over 4,000 hours of study on nutrition, wellness, food toxicology and the true causes of disease and health. He is well versed on nutritional and lifestyle therapies for weight loss and disease prevention / reversal. Adams uses no prescription drugs whatsoever and relies exclusively on natural health, whole foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements and exercise to achieve optimum health. To prove the value of nutrition and physical exercise in enhancing health, Adams publishes detailed statistics on his own blood chemistry (with full lab results) at For additional books authored by Mike Adams, visit To read timely articles and commentary on todays health topics, visit For free access to Adams book on superfoods, visit

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