Country Almanac of Home Remedies - Time-Tested Almost Forgo

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Tom, Sunflower, Rainbeau, Jade, Solwyn,

Luna, and Mitch. Mom and Dad, I am so grateful for all
the wonderful blessings you created in my life.
—Brigitte Mars For my mother, Marion Fiedler, who first taught me
the value of natural cures, and to the Universal Life Force
that supports me in all I do.
—Chrystle Fiedler
Safety First
Dosage Guidelines
Herbal Preparations
Herbal Tinctures
Facial steams
Mouthwashes and Gargles
Bath Therapy
Aromatherapy Preparations

Combating colds and Flu
Relieving sore Throat or strep Throat
Relieving a cough
Fighting Fever
Helping Laryngitis and Hoarseness
Improving Your Immune Resistance

Alleviating Arthritis
Easing Backache Pain
Helping Heal Headache
Easing Hemorrhoid Discomfort
Avoiding Jet Lag and Other Traveling Pitfalls
Preventing and Treating Hangover

Healing Animal Bites and Scratches
Relieving Burns
Healing Hives
Getting Rid of Lice, Crabs, and Scabies
Ditching the Itch of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak
Remedying Ringworm
Soothing Sunburn
Soothing Boils
Soothing Blisters
Preventing Insect Bites and Easing Itch
Soothing Painful Shingles

Treating Cuts and Wounds
Bettering Bruises
Easing Black Eye Inflammation
Stopping Bleeding
Drawing out Splinters
Soothing and Healing Sprains
Soothing Scars
Healing Faster from Surgery and Accidents
Treating Poison Exposure
Soothing Crushed Fingers
Recovering from Fainting
Cooling Off Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion
Avoiding Hypothermia
Stopping Nosebleed

Treating Eye Ailments
Treating Ear Ailments
Treating Foot Ailments
Helping Hypothyroidism
Harmonizing Hyperthyroidism
Balancing Hypoglycemia

Regulating Appetite: Anorexia and Bulimia
Overcoming Infertility
Preventing Miscarriage
Easing Morning Sickness
Soothing Stretch Marks
Bettering Breastfeeding
Soothing Mastitis
Easing Menstruation Woes
Handling Menopause
Alleviating Vaginal Dryness
Vanishing Varicose Veins
Stopping Yeast infections

Children’s Dosing Info
Calming Colic
Moisturizing Cradle Cap
Soothing Diaper Rash
Soothing Teething Pain
Fighting Ear Infections
Calming Temper Tantrums
Eliminating Bedwetting
Soothing Chicken Pox
Boosting Attention in ADHD

Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Improving Prostate Health

Taming Colitis
Curing Constipation
Stopping Diarrhea
Soothing Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Easing Indigestion
Healing Stomach Ulcers
Stopping Hiccups
Easing Nausea and Motion sickness
Getting Relief from Food Poisoning
Eliminating Parasites or Protozoa
Fixing Flatulence

Easing Allergies
Breathing Easier with Asthma
Breathing Easier with Bronchitis
Soothing Sinusitis

Building the Blood for Anemia
Lowering Cholesterol
Improving Poor Circulation
Lowering High Blood Pressure
Reducing Gout Inflammation

Curing Incontinence
Curtailing Urinary Tract Infections
Eliminating Kidney Stones

Diffusing Anger
Taking the Edge off Anxiety
Alleviating Depression
Quelling Grief or a Broken Heart
Improving Memory
Alleviating Stress
Treating Trauma

Alleviating Acne
Erasing Age Spots
Moistening Dry Skin
Easing Eczema and Psoriasis
Nixing Warts
Repairing Wrinkles
Getting Rid of Dandruff
Remedying Hair Loss
Getting Rid of Body Odor
Strengthening Weak Nails

Freshening Bad Breath
Soothing Canker Sores, Cold Sores, or Fever Blisters
Improving Gum Health
Soothing Toothache
Achieving Total Tooth Health the Natural Way

Solving Insomnia
Chasing Away Nightmares
Stopping Snoring

Quitting Smoking
Overcoming Alcoholism
About the Authors

Growing up part time in a small village north of Quebec, folk remedies were a
part of my everyday life. My cousins and I all wore little medicine bags filled
with garlic and camphor during the cold and flu season to ward off illness.
Grandmère had a remedy for every thing, it seemed. A cabbage poultice could be
applied to a swollen wound, cucumber slices applied to sore, weary eyes to
refresh them, and if we did get a chest cold, a mustard footbath would be
administered. Though I also spent part of my childhood in upstate new York and
my parents quite sensibly took me to the doctor’s office for my childhood
ailments, I realized that the folk remedies I had been exposed to were often more
pleasant and just as effective. (Let’s see, would you rather have the honey lemon
syrup or the latest drug?) As an herbalist who has practiced for over 40 years, I
know that remedies from nature are safe, time-tested, and often worth trying
before resorting to modern drugs. The world Health organization estimates that
between 65 to 80 percent of the world’s population use traditional (alternative)
medicine as their primary form of health care. Remember, it is the folk remedies
that really are the traditional medicine. After all, which has been around longer,
Prozac or lemon balm?

Today, in many cases, we also now have the ability to better understand
scientifically what millions of people have known all along. For example, garlic
really is antimicrobial, cabbage and cauliflower are truly anti-inflammatory, and
a mustard footbath does move congestion out of the chest by increasing
circulation to the lower part of the body.
With so many people lacking health insurance, it often makes sense to see
what nature has to offer. The information you’ll find in this book will enable you
to cure many common conditions with items you can find in your pantry,
kitchen, and garden, without a trip to the doctor. Of course, preventing illness is
always best, so good nutrition and a healthy exercise program should be on
everyone’s agenda.
Often, these treatments cost just pennies, so you’ll be saving money, too. By
using natural remedies, we also contribute to greening our planet. Of course, if
nature’s remedies do not give you the assistance you need, it’s smart to see your
health-care practitioner.
May this book bless you with health, practical knowledge, and consciousness.
Blossom with healthy radiance!
Brigitte Mars, AHG
(American Herbalist Guild)

In the following pages, you’ll find common ailments and conditions that can be
treated effectively with natural remedies you can find in your kitchen, pantry,
garden, and health food store. For each one, you’ll find a brief description of the
condition, along with its symptoms and causes. You’ll learn first about which
herbs are best, then any supplements, essential oils, homeopathics, and
aromatherapies that are available, before moving on to food do’s and don’ts and
helpful practices to find relief. Sidebars titled ″Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen,″
″Good to Grow!″ (for what you can grow yourself), ″Thrifty Cures, Skip This!″
(for what to avoid), ″Good to Know!″ (important info), and When to See Your
M.D. Will guide you as you read.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about a few caveats to keep in mind before you
begin treating yourself. Please refer to this section often for any safety guidelines
and dosage questions. You’ll also find helpful information in the appendices. If
you have any questions, please consult a qualified health professional for
Safety First
Before using any of the herbs listed in this book, be sure to consult Appendix A
for any contraindications, such as what to avoid during pregnancy or when
nursing or taking prescription drugs.
If you’re taking prescription medication, don’t take any herbs that are not
regarded as safe for all persons without first checking with your health-care
practitioner. If you’re taking medication for a particular ailment, you shouldn’t
also take herbs for that ailment without first checking with your health-care
practitioner. Mixing herbs with prescription drugs can cause exacerbated or
unpredictable effects. This is especially the case when you are using an herb for
the same purpose as a drug. You may end up with a double dose!
It may be wise to gradually decrease the amount of drugs you are taking while
gradually increasing the amount of herbs taken internally over a period of time
rather than making any abrupt changes. Separating drugs from herbs for at least
three hours can also be wise as many combinations have not been tried or tested.
Dosage Guidelines
Dosages will depend in part on the herbs you are using. If you’re using a
commercial product, of course you should follow the dosage guidelines on the
product packaging. If you’ve made your own tea or tincture, in general, 1 cup
(235 ml) of tea, 1 dropperful of tincture, or 1 or 2 tablets or capsules qualifies as
a single dose. For an acute, serious, right-there-in-your-face type of illness, one
dose every hour or two would be appropriate. Except while sleeping, of course—
rest is good medicine in its own right.
For a chronic health concern, one dose three or four times daily is appropriate.
Some herbalists recommend “pulsing” remedies to treat chronic conditions,
which means ten days on, then three days off, in a continuing cycle. Pulsing
helps the body acclimate and learn to respond even without the herbs. Another
pulsing regimen is six days on, one day off, with a three-day break every two or
three weeks.
When you are using herbs for therapeutic purposes, continue with the
appropriate dosage for at least a week, and then evaluate your progress. If your
health concern has been remedied, then you can stop taking the herb formula on
a regular basis. However, you might wish to include some of it in your diet from
time to time as a “tonic tune-up.“

The general dosage guidelines discussed above are generally true for adults of
average weight. However, dosages may need to be adjusted for different people
or different categories of people. For example, large people need more than
small people. Women may need less than men. Reduce the dose by one-fourth
for those over 65 and by one-half for those over 70.
To figure out a dosage for children, follow one of two rules:
1. COWLING’S RULE: Take the child’s age at his or her next birthday and
divide by 24. The resulting fraction is the amount of the adult dosage the child
can have. For example, a five-year-old will be six at his next birthday. The
number 6 divided by 24 equals 1/4; this child should have 1/4 of the adult
2. CLARK’S RULE: Divide the child’s weight by 150. The resulting fraction is
the amount of the adult dosage the child can have. For example, for a 50-
pound (23 kg) child, 50 divided by 150 equals 1/3; this child can have 1/3 of
the adult dosage.
Check with your health-care practitioner if you have any questions or

In general, one cup of tea equals one dropperful of tincture equals two capsules
or tablets. If dealing with an acute condition, such as if you are fighting an
infection, it may be necessary to use either one cup of tea, a dropperful of
tincture, or two capsules or tablets every two waking hours, at least for a couple
of days. Then as the condition improves, make those dosages further apart, to a
couple of times a day, until no longer needed.

Homeopathy is based on the law of similars, or the philosophy that “like cures
like.” It was developed from the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843)
who sought an alternative to the barbaric medicinal practices of his time and
wanted to offer a safer, more effective form of treatment.
A homeopathic remedy is a tremendously diluted solution of a substance that
would, in the body of a healthy person, produce symptoms similar to those of a
particular illness. The solution contains an infinitesimal amount of the substance;
you might say it contains a pattern replica of the substance. Exposure to the
pattern replica, however, triggers a powerful healing response from the body. In
other words, by stimulating the body’s own healing response, a homeopathic
remedy encourages the body to heal itself.
Homeopathic remedies can affect amazingly fast-acting and profound cures.
The degree of success, however, depends on selecting the right remedy for a
person’s constitution. Some basic guidelines for choosing and using
homeopathic remedies follow, but you may also benefit from consultation with a
professional homeopath to gain insight into the best remedies for your
constitution. Note that homeopathy often calls for very small doses of substances
that in large doses could be toxic. Do not confuse homeopathic remedies with
herbal remedies.
Homeopathic remedies come in the form of small pellets, alcohol solutions,
and water solutions. The usual dosage is three or four pellets, or as many liquid
drops as the package label recommends, taken under the tongue four times daily.
Rather than swallowing the pellets whole, allow them to dissolve slowly under
the tongue to be better absorbed by one’s mucous membranes. For best results,
do not eat or drink for ten minutes before and after taking a homeopathic

Check the label for dosage suggestions.


Do not use essential oils internally. For external use, use two drops of pure
essential oil to 1 tablespoon (30 ml) of carrier oil such as sunflower oil.
Lavender and tea tree oil can be applied undiluted (neat) using no more than five
drops at a time. Avoid using essential oils topically during pregnancy, unless you
have consulted with your health practitioner.

Chances are you have many of the ingredients you need in your kitchen, pantry,
or garden to make home remedies. If not, they are easily obtained at health foods
stores and even some grocery stores. Once you have everything you need, you
can use this section of the book to create beneficial preparations for over one
hundred conditions. Let’s start with herbal preparations.
Herbal Preparations
For our use, an herb is defined as any useful plant. Herbs are an important
component when it comes to treating many of the conditions you’ll read about
here. In this section, you’ll learn how to procure, prepare, and preserve herbs for
maximum effectiveness.


The first step in making an herbal preparation is to select herbs that are colorful
and fragrant and to buy them in bulk. As much as possible, purchase dried herbs
that are cut rather than powdered, because powdering causes them to lose their
essential oils more quickly.

Growing your own herbal remedies is a wonderful pursuit! Keep in mind,

though, if you have fresh herbs in your garden or find them in the wild, you will
need to use two to three times the amount listed here, as fresh herbs weigh more
than dried herbs. You can also dry your fresh harvest by placing herbs loosely in
a clean paper bag and allow them to dry in a shady warm area of the house (such
as an attic) or even the backseat of your car.
Whether you are buying dried herbs in bulk from a store or using dried herbs
from your garden, store the herbs in a glass jar or non-plastic airtight container.
(Plastic is too permeable to protect plant remedies.) Be sure to avoid any
moisture on the rims and remove any cardboard inner lid. Ideally, you should not
be able to smell the herbs through the container. If you can find amber-colored
bottles (I’ve used recycled bottles that some types of vitamins are sold in), they
are great. These dark-colored bottles help keep out light, which will bleach your
herbs and cause them to lose their medicinal properties more quickly.
Store herbs in a cupboard where they can be protected from light and heat to
better conserve their flavors and therapeutic properties. Many herb books say
that leaves and flowers keep for one year and that roots and barks keep for two
to three years. However, taste, color, and smell are even better indicators of
potency. Nature will provide more herbs the next year, so ideally purchase no
more than you are likely to use within the year.


Six months from now, it might be difficult to recognize catnip from oregano, so
label all of your herbs upon storage. It is also a good idea to write the date of
when you purchased or dried the plant material. I also like to write the Latin
name of the plant on its container. It helps me learn these beautiful poetic names,
which are the same in every language. After writing and saying them a few
times, they’ll become part of your memory! You’ll find the Latin names in
Appendix A.

Grinding herbs is necessary if you are using larger pieces of your own harvested
plant material (such as fennel seed, cinnamon sticks, or rose hips) or when you
need to bruise whole seeds that are tightly compacted and need help in releasing
their flavors. To grind herbs, put the ingredients into a mortar and crush gently
with a pestle.
You can also use a blender for grinding herbs, just be sure to do only small
batches. If you ever need to grind resinous or sticky herbs, place the herbs in the
freezer for a few hours first and they will break up easily in a blender. A coffee
grinder also suffices for most dried herbs, but don’t use it for coffee too or your
coffee will taste like herbs and your herbs like coffee. However you decide to
grind your herbs, do it just enough to release some of the aromas from the herbs.
When making herbal products, singing, praying, and offering blessings are
always good practices!
You can use herbs in many ways for healing. Instructions follow on how to
make a tea, tincture, compress, poultice, eyewash, facial steam, and more. Let’s
get started!

For centuries, people have enjoyed the benefits of herbal teas. Nothing warms
the body and soul like holding a fragrant steaming cup of herbal tea, inhaling its
subtle scents as you slowly sip. Why limit ourselves to caffeinated beverages
like coffee when the world of herbs can bring us flavor, variety, nutrients, and
numerous health benefits?


Another benefit from drinking herbal teas is that it gives us an opportunity in our
busy days to take a bit of time for ourselves. Tasting and savoring herbal teas
provides us with time for reflection and peace. As we drink herbal tea, we can
use the time to think, “I’m nourishing my nervous system” or perhaps “I’m
strengthening my immune system,” as our brain receives signals from the subtle
qualities of the plants.
When using teas for healing, use them for at least one week and then evaluate
your progress. If your health concern has gone, then you can stop using the herb
on a regular basis and instead include it from time to time as a “tonic tune up.”


Teas that are sold prepackaged in tea bags provide convenience for the go-go-go
lifestyle. Yet in order for herbs to be put into these tea bags, they need to be
ground into a very fine cut that exposes the surface areas of the herbs thousands
of times, thus allowing flavorful and therapeutic essential oils to evaporate more
Herbs available in loose bulk form make a wider world of herbs available.
With the help of a tea strainer, you can bring the benefits of less processed herbs
into your life. It can also be less expensive to buy herbs in bulk, and doing so
offers you the opportunity to select exactly what herbs you need and want. When
fresh herbs are available and abundant in your garden, they are also wonderful to
use in herbal tea.
If you must buy prepackaged tea in tea bags, we suggest that you buy from
companies that support your beliefs, whether it is organic farming, recycled
packaging, hemp tea bags, employing indigenous peoples to harvest herbs and
protect the rainforest rather than destroy it, or all of the above.


When making tea, start with pure water—distilled (not from plastic bottles as
they may contain carcinogens), spring, filtered, or well water. Use one heaping
teaspoon (5 g) of dry herbs per cup (235 ml) of hot water. If you are using fresh
as opposed to dried herbs, triple the amount as fresh herbs contain high levels of
Health food and herb stores offer muslin tea bags and tea balls, which can be
filled with herbs and used to steep them to make herbal tea. However, when
filling a tea ball, only fill it half way, as tea will expand several-fold as it steeps.
If you don’t have a strainer or a way to strain out the herbs, know that herbs will
eventually sink to the bottom of the cup.


Tea can be enhanced with a touch of honey, agave nectar, apple juice (or its
concentrate), maple syrup, raw sugar, or a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, or
orange. Raw honey contains enzymes which help reduce inflammation, as well
as nourishing minerals and antiseptic compounds. The darker honeys are the
more nutritious in terms of mineral content. The lighter-colored honeys tend to
have a milder flavor. Remember that honey should never be given to babies
under one year of age, as there is a slight danger of botulism. I often add
cinnamon extract as a sugar-free sweetener. Some tea drinkers like to use maple
Licorice root or stevia leaf (an herb from South America) is also added to teas
to impart sweetness. Licorice is an anti-diuretic and added to herbal tea blends in
Asia to help prevent the herbs from quickly being urinated out. However, use
licorice with caution in cases of high blood pressure and water retention. Adding
milk to herbal tea usually masks the delicate herbal flavors.


There are a variety of methods for making tea. Try a few different ones and see
what becomes your favorite. Here are a few methods to choose from.

The Teapot Method

Teapots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and can delight even the most
whimsical of tastes. Prepare your china or porcelain teapot by filling it with hot
water and allowing it to stand for a minute or so before you add any tea. This
warms the pot so that the tea you pour into it will not cool down quickly and
impede the steeping process. Then pour off the water, add loose herbs (1 heaping
teaspoon [5 g] for each cup plus 1 extra teaspoon “for the pot”), and fill the pot
with boiling water. Cover and allow the herbs and water to steep for 10 to 15
minutes. This also allows the tea to cool to a comfortable drinking temperature.
To serve the tea, simply hold a strainer over each cup as you pour.

Hot-Water Infusion
The infusion method refers to teas made from fresh plant material. This is an
ideal method for herbal leaves, flowers, and seeds and even roots (such as
ginger, osha, and valerian) that have delicate essential oils that would be
diminished if boiled. It is best if seeds are lightly bruised using a mortar and
pestle to help release their flavor and properties.

To prepare a hot-water infusion, simply boil 1 cup (235 ml) of water and
remove it from the heat. Add 1 heaping teaspoon (5 g) of herb, cover (to prevent
the delicate essential oils from evaporating), and allow it to steep for 10 to 20
minutes. When making a more medicinal tea, up to 1 ounce (28 g) of herb can be
used per 1 pint (475 ml) of water. Strain the herbs out with a strainer as you pour
your tea into a cup before serving.

French Press
A French press is a glass pot protected by a metal frame. Although they are
marketed for serving coffee, they work great for herbal tea. Simply add a
heaping teaspoon (5 g) of dried herb per cup of water to the press, cover with hot
water, and allow the mixture to steep for 10 minutes. The press automatically
strains out the herbs, and you can press the herbs with the plunger of the French
press to further release their therapeutic value. Note that if you break the glass
pot, you can buy a replacement without having to replace the metal frame.

Sun Tea
To make sun tea, place 1 cup (30 g) of herb or herb mixture or 12 tea bags and 1
gallon (3.8 L) of water in a clear glass container. Allow the herbs to sit in
sunlight for 4 to 6 hours. It is best to cover the jar to prevent leaves and other
items from blowing into the jar. Strain before serving. Note that sun teas work
best with leaves and flowers.

Cold Water Infusion

Cold-water infusions retain more vitamin C and have a brighter color than hot-
water infusions. To prepare a cold-water infusion, simply fill a glass pitcher with
fresh-picked herb from the list below and cover with spring water. Allow the
mixture to steep in the refrigerator for 8 to 12 hours or overnight.

The following are good choices for cold infusion:

• Anise seed
• Bee balm herb
• Catnip herb
• Hyssop herb
• Lavender flowers
• Lemon balm herb
• Lemon verbena herb
• Lilac flowers
• Peppermint herb
• Rooibos herb
• Rose flowers
• Rosemary herb
• Spearmint herb
Cold-water infused tea keeps for up to 4 days in the refrigerator. Should you
desire to warm the herbs slightly after the steeping process, do so at preferably
no higher than 110° F (43°C) to protect the enzymes. You can also brew tea in
the refrigerator for 4 to 5 hours.

A decoction is a tea-making method that uses more heat and time and is the
preferred method for making teas with roots and barks and some seeds, which
are harder, woodier, and require more energy to extract their precious qualities.
This is because a decoction helps to draw out the mineral salts of a plant. To
prepare a decoction, simmer 1 heaping tablespoon (10 g) of herb in 3 cups (705
ml) of water for about 20 minutes, keeping the pot covered. Be sure to keep the
heat very low, as many roots and barks (such as ginger and cinnamon) can
evaporate and flavor and medicinal properties can be lost. The herbs can be
strained out or left to steep overnight before straining.

Overnight Jar Method

The overnight jar method is an excellent method for extracting the maximum
amount of medicinal potential from an herb. It takes time, but it is well worth the
effort. This method is more appropriate when the goal of the tea is more
medicinal rather than, “Company’s coming. Let’s have some tea.”
Add about 2 ounces (55 g) of root or bark or 1 ounce (28 g) of flower or leaf
to the bottom of a clean 2-quart (1.9 L) canning jar. Cover with enough boiling
water to reach the top of the jar and put the lid on, allowing the herbs to steep for
as long as 30 minutes for seeds, 2 hours for flowers, 4 hours for leaves, and
overnight for roots and barks. In the morning, strain the herbs out and enjoy the
nutrient-rich brew.
Note that this method is not suggested for licorice root, slippery elm bark, or
valerian root, which will simply taste too medicinal or in the case of slippery elm
will become too mucilaginous to bear consuming.

You can return the herbs that you strain out of the tea to the earth by composting
them or by simply throwing the leftover herbs into your yard, garden, or
peppermint or whatever patch. Always be conscious of giving something back to
the planet rather than just taking from it. An old Hindu saying to remember is,
“If you have water to throw away, throw it on a plant.”


Tea is full of life force, and any microorganism that enters the tea can multiply.
If there is any sign of spoilage, such as bubbles or fermentation, or you a notice a
flat flavor, discard the tea and make a fresh batch. Most refrigerated teas will
keep for four days in the refrigerator.
Herbal Tinctures
While sipping a cup of tea is lovely, depending on your condition, you may want
to use a tincture instead. A tincture is a more concentrated form of an herb. As
you read through the book, you’ll be instructed on when it’s best to use either or
both. You can find herbal tinctures at natural food stores or learn to make your
own. Here’s how:
Tinctures have traditionally been made on the new moon so that the energy of
the moon can draw out the properties of the herbs. The herbs you are tincturing
are known as the mark. Prepare the herbs by chopping or grinding them. You
may tincture several herbs together if you are creating a formula.
Put them into a jar and cover with about an extra inch of brandy or vodka.
Alcohol will help to preserve the herbs and extract both the water-soluble and
alcohol-soluble properties (any substance used to extract the herbs is known as
the menstrum). Keep in mind that alcohol must be at least 50 proof to have good
preservative qualities. Vodka is the purest grain alcohol. (Alcohol is also ideal
for extracting fats, resins, waxes, and most alkaloids.) Tinctures made in alcohol
will last for many years.
Tinctures may also be made using vegetable glycerin rather than alcohol. This
is best when making tinctures for those who are alcohol intolerant as well as for
children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Glycerin is both a solvent and
preservative that has an effectiveness somewhere between water and alcohol. It
is naturally sweet, pleasant tasting, and helps to extract mucilage, vitamins,
minerals, and tannins from plant material. It is good for herbs high in tannins but
doesn’t extract resins well. It is slightly antiseptic, demulcent, and healing when
diluted. Glycerites are usually prepared using 1 part water to 2 parts glycerin.
Glycerites have a shorter shelf life than tinctures prepared with alcohol, about 1
to 3 years.
Apple cider vinegar, preferably organic, can also be used as a menstrum. Look
for vinegar with 5.7 percent acetic acid or thereabouts for a long shelf life. It is
also a digestive tonic and can be used to season food. Warm the vinegar first
before pouring over the herbs. Avoid using a metal lid as it may rust, or place a
piece of waxed paper between the jar and the lid. This type of tincture will have
a shelf life from 6 months up to 4 years.
Regardless of the menstrum used, shake daily and strain after a month, first
with a strainer and then through a clean, undyed cloth, squeezing tightly.
Pressing the herbs through a potato ricer while still in the cloth can be helpful.
Bottle in amber glass bottles. Compost the mark. Label and date. Store away
from heat and light. Take tinctures by putting a dropperful in a bit of hot water.
You’ll hear quite a bit about compresses in this book. That’s because compresses
are a very effective way to use herbal teas topically to help heal wounds,
inflammation, rashes, and skin infections. We absorb what we put on our bodies
through the skin. The warmth or cooling properties of a compress can also give
comfort. Compresses can also be used to relieve pain, headaches, and menstrual
cramps, soothe sore joints and sprains, improve circulation, relieve spasms,
soothe bug bites, repair tissue, and stimulate sweat glands and the lymphatic


The best way to determine whether you should use a hot or cold compress is to
ask the person needing treatment whether they think cold or hot will offer them
the most relief. In general, however, hot compresses are good for backache,
arthritis pain, and sore throats. Applying a hot compress to a sluggish area of the
body will increase circulation. Ginger compresses are especially warming and
pain relieving. Hot compresses should be left in place until the heat has
dissipated. Replace with another compress when removing the first one. Three
applications are common. After the third hot compress, apply a cool compress to
the area briefly.
Cold compresses constrict blood flow and are best for inflamed conditions
such as swellings or a headache (you can actually use a hot compress on the
back of the neck with a cold compress on the head for relief). Peppermint
compresses are especially cooling and inflammation reducing. When a cold
compress becomes warm, replace with a new cool cloth. Whenever a compress
is done, keep the treated area warm afterwards to avoid chilling the person
receiving treatment.


Compresses are made by soaking a clean towel (preferably soft cotton or linen)
in hot or cold herbal tea or five drops of essential oil per cup of water. Be sure to
stir the oil into the water to disperse it. The cloth is then wrung out and applied
to the area needing treatment. Covering the wet cloth with a dry towel will help
the cloth stay hot or cold. Applying a hot-water bottle can also help the compress
retain its heat. Applying a bag of frozen vegetables or crushed ice over the
compress can further enhance a cold compress.
You can hold a compress in place by applying a cut clean sock or pair of tights
to hold the compress in place so it doesn’t slide off. However, resting while a
compress is on is ideal. When the compress temperature changes (the hot cools
down or cool warms up), resoak the cloth in the hot or cold tea and reapply. This
can be repeated for several rounds if needed.

A poultice is an herb applied directly to the skin, which can also bring relief
from many of the conditions you’ll read about here. To prepare a poultice, crush
fresh or dried herb, and mix with hot water, apple cider vinegar, or olive or
castor oil (the amount depends on what your needs are and what is available) to
make a thick paste. The liquid helps to hold the herbs together and in place. If
you are using dried herbs, you can add cornmeal or freshly ground flaxseed to
thicken the paste, once mixed with water.


Apply the poultice to the area of the body needing attention, such as a wound,
being sure to use enough herb to cover the area. Poultices can be reapplied
several times a day or in a succession during one sitting. Either comfrey or
plantain leaves or a simple washcloth can be used to hold poultices in place.
Poultices are best when moist. Therefore, when a poultice dries out, reapply it.
Also, when a cold poultice gets hot or a hot poultice grows cold, remove the
spent one and reapply a fresh one if desired.

Here are a few of the healing properties of herbs when used in a poultice:
• Cabbage draws out pus and toxins.
• Carrots repair bruises and chapped skin.
• Comfrey leaves or root decrease swelling, sores, and wounds.
• Cucumber cools inflammation and moistens.
• Oatmeal can reduce inflammation and insect bite itches.
• Plantain draws out toxins.
• Potato reduces the inflammation of bruises and sprains.
• Tofu draws out fever and inflammation.

Eyewashes can be used for tired and inflamed as well as infected eyes. Using an
eyewash causes the blood vessels of the eyes to contract and then relax. It’s the
perfect antidote when your eyes are tired from reading or working at the
computer. Some even claim eyewashes can improve vision.


Place 1 scant teaspoon (3 g) of herb in 1 cup (235 ml) of water and simmer at
low heat for 10 minutes to assure sterility. Note that eyewashes use herb amounts
that are somewhat weaker than tea. Use a very fine strainer to strain the tea to
avoid getting particles of herbs in the eyes. Cool the tea to body temperature
before administering. Be sure to remove contact lenses before administering any
Next, pour the well-strained tea into a sterilized eyecup. Lean back and pour
the mixture into the eyes, being sure to blink several times so the eye is well
bathed. Lean forward into a sink to catch the remaining solution and repeat with
the other eye.
Only use herbs mentioned in the text that have traditionally been used and
recommended as eyewashes. Make eyewashes fresh for each day being used to
avoid introducing bacteria into the eyes. Whatever is not used in one treatment
should be refrigerated and then slightly warmed or allowed to reach room
temperature before using. Especially in cases of eye infections, it is important to
sterilize the eyecup between uses either by running it through the dishwasher
with a heat dry cycle or by filling the cup with boiling water for a minute and
discarding the water.
Facial Steams
A facial steam is an excellent way to use herbs to do a deep cleansing, to relax
facial muscles, and to improve circulation. It’s especially lovely before a party or
when you want to look your best, as an invigorating facial steam provides a rosy
glow. Facial steams can benefit conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, cough,
laryngitis, nasal congestion, and sinus infections by helping to increase
circulation and loosen mucus from the respiratory tract.
To perform a facial steam, first wash your face. Next, pour 1 quart (950 ml) of
boiling water over a handful of herbs in a heatproof glass bowl. If you have long
hair, tie your hair back. Locate your head above the bowl of water and drape a
towel over your head. Keep your face about 10 inches (25.4 cm) away from the
water source to avoid getting burned as you inhale the sensuous steam for 5 to 7
minutes. If the steam starts to cool down too much, gently blow into the herb pot
to cause more steam to rise. Facial steams can be done once or twice a week, or
twice daily when congested for 3 to 4 days in a row.
Mouthwashes and Gargles
Mouthwashes and gargles are made by preparing a standard tea and allowing it
to cool. Gargle if you want to treat the throat and/or rinse the mouth if that is the
place of concern, swishing the liquid around in the mouth and then spitting it
into the sink. This can be repeated up to half a dozen times.
Bath Therapy
Merging herbs and warm water can be a great way to incorporate two healing
principles, as well as improving relaxation. We absorb the properties of plants
through the skin. It is best to bathe at least a couple of hours after a big meal to
avoid interfering with digestion. Baths before bed aid sleep as they elevate the
body’s temperature and the body will compensate by lowering its temperature,
thus making us ready for sleep.
To use herbs or substances such as uncooked oatmeal in a bath, simply tie a
handful of either fresh or dried herbs or grain into a washcloth and secure with a
hair tie. Use a dark cloth so you don’t stain your light-colored ones. If you have
a stash of clean lost “single” socks, those also work great for bath bags.
You can also make a strong herbal tea with about 1/2 cup (15 g) of herbs.
Simmer for 20 minutes, and then strain the tea into the tub. Or simply throw a
few ready-made tea bags into the bath. Place the herb-filled cloth or tea bags in
very hot running water. As you bathe, use the herb-filled cloth to scrub your
body as you deeply inhale the benefits.
When draining the water out of the tub, if you have used something that is
floating loose and not enclosed, such as seaweeds or fresh flowers, be sure to use
a metal filter over the drain so that you don’t clog your pipes. The spent flower
and plant material can then be composted.


An even easier way to prepare the bath is use five to ten drops of pure essential
oil (if it’s available) as a substitute for the desired herb. For example, you can
make a bath with lavender flowers, either in a sock or a tea, or you can simply
add 5 to ten drops lavender essential oil to the bath. Add essential oils after
filling the tub so that the fragrance does not dissipate and swish the water before
getting in so the oil doesn’t stick to one part of your body. It can be helpful to
close the shower curtain or door to hold in steam. When the bath has cooled to a
comfortable temperature, get into it.
Note that if you choose to use any of the citrus products such as lemon peel or
orange essential oil, use these at night, as getting exposed to sunlight after
bathing in citrus products can make you more photosensitive. Also, if you are
using fresh or dried citrus peels, be sure they are organic since they will be
coming in contact with your skin.
Following are a few bath ideas for specific conditions. As a rule of thumb, add
a couple of handfuls of herbs per bath.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR BATH: This helps relieve sore muscles, itchy
skin, and sunburn. Vinegar helps draw pollutants out of the body. It is an acid
medium and contains alpha hydroxy acids. It is also mildly antiseptic, antifungal,
and naturally deodorizing. You can even infuse therapeutic herbs—such as
calendula, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, peppermint, spearmint, rose petals,
sage, and scented geraniums—into the vinegar to make an herbal vinegar. Add
1/4 cup (8 g) herbs to 1 cup (235 ml) vinegar and let steep two weeks to a
month. Strain the herbs out before using and rebottle the vinegar.
BAKING SODA BATH: This alkalinizing and detoxifying bath can help calm
allergic reactions, chicken pox, eczema, hives, itchy skin, insect bites, poison
ivy, sunburn, and fungal infections. Use 1 pound (455 g) per bath.
COLD AND FLU BATH: Try the following bath additions when you want to
soothe deep muscle aches that often accompany viral infections: Epsom salts,
ginger root, marjoram, mustard seed powder, pine needles, and thyme leaves.
DETOX BATH: Consider using the following cleansing herbs in the bath to
help the body get rid of environmental pollutants, internal toxins, and to cleanse
the lymphatics: Apple cider vinegar, cypress essential oil, Epsom salts, ginger
root, grapefruit, juniper, lavender flowers, lemon peel, rosemary leaves, sage
leaves, seaweed (can be bought dried in natural food stores unless you live close
to the ocean), and tea tree essential oil.
DRY SKIN BATH: Herbs can have a soothing, lubricating effect from the
outside. Moisturize with calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, comfrey leaves,
elder flowers, fennel seed, jasmine flowers, lavender flowers, oatmeal, rose
buds, and violet leaves.
EPSOM SALTS BATH: This method cleanses the lymphatics, is relaxing for
sore muscles, softening to the skin, and detoxifying after bodywork. Epsom salts
help to get drugs, chemicals, and pollutants out of body. Those with diabetes,
hypertension, or heart disease should rinse off after the bath to avoid absorbing
excess sodium from the salt.
FLOWER POWER BATH: Float fresh flowers or orange or lemon peels into
the bath water for a refreshing flower power bath. Flower suggestions include
lilac, dandelion, daisies, honeysuckle, jasmine, camellia, or lavender. Or, you can
trim aromatic leaves (mint, lemon balm, etc.) and put the excess in to the bath.
ITCHY SKIN BATH: To calm itchy skin resulting from insect bites, chicken
pox, and poison ivy, use apple cider vinegar, baking soda, chickweed herb,
lavender flowers, oatmeal, red clover blossoms, or violet leaf. All of these
substances have soothing, anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oils to use in
an itchy skin bath include cedar wood, Roman chamomile, lavender, peppermint,
and sandalwood.
OATMEAL BATH: Oatmeal calms irritated skin, poison ivy, and dermatitis,
and helps lower high blood pressure and alleviate stress. It is rich in minerals
like calming calcium, and its naturally occurring mucilage provides a protective
balm to sooth the skin. It is very simple to whiz plain uncooked oatmeal in the
blender to make a bath powder, or tie 1/2 cup (40 g) into a bath bag.
OILY SKIN BATH: Help balance excess oil production in the skin with the
astringent properties of basil leaf, lemon peel, or apple cider vinegar.
PREMENSTRUAL BATH: Calms cramps and emotional upheaval with
nature’s bounty of chamomile flowers, clary sage flowers, or lavender flowers.
SALT BATH: Salt helps to soften the skin and has been used to treat burns.
Salt baths are also good after bodywork and for eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and
sore muscles. Salt is considered cooling and draws out toxins. Baking soda
mixed with salt is suggested after exposure to radiation. Use 1/2 cup (120 g) to 2
cups (240 g) of sea salt. People with insulin-dependent diabetes, serious heart
disease, and open sores should avoid salt baths as you can absorb the sodium
through the skin. Salt can sting on an open cut!
SITZ BATH: Use a baby bathtub for this, if you have one, and sit down in it.
Sit so that the water is below the knees and not above the naval. The water
should come up about 5 inches (12.7 cm) and the feet should not be submerged.
Use cold-water hip baths for back and lower organ problems such as menstrual
pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, hemorrhoids, and congestion in the liver and
spleen. A cold compress can be applied to the forehead. Sitz baths can be taken
as 3 minutes in hot water, followed by 2 minutes in cold water. Alternate, always
ending with cold. Keep warm afterwards.
When done bathing, visualize the tension draining out of you, as the water
runs out of the tub. Know that you have been soothed by the warm water and
Earth Mother. Rise carefully from the bath to avoid lightheadedness. Follow the
bath with a cool rinse if desired.
Aromatherapy Preparations
Aromatherapy can be soothing and uplifting. From reducing stress to easing
depression, this is one natural remedy you’ll want in your tool kit. There are
many ways to bring the fragrant beauty of aromatherapy into your daily life.
You’ve already learned about using aromatherapy in the bathtub, but its use
definitely does not stop there. Here’s how:
FACIAL SPRAY: Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vodka to 1/4 teaspoon (1 ml)
essential oil and 4 ounces (120 ml) of distilled water in a clean spray bottle.
Shake and mist the face with eyes and mouth closed.
MASSAGE OIL: Mix 1 ounce (28 ml) of your favorite oil with 12 drops total
of birch, rosemary, juniper, or lavender oil. Or use 25 drops of essential oil in 1/2
cup (120 ml) of oil.
MOUTH WASH: Add 1 or 2 drops of peppermint or tea tree essential oil to
1/4 cup (60 ml) water. Swish around in your mouth and spit out.
ROOM SCENT: Essential oils are antibacterial and can be used to freshen a
sick room and prevent others from catching an illness. To use aromatherapy
scents in your home, try putting 20 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon (15
ml) of brandy (to keep the oils dispersed rather than floating to the top of the
bottle) into a clean spray bottle. Add 8 ounces (235 ml) of water and use as a
room spray. You can also place about ten drops of essential oil in a humidifier,
on a radiator, or in a pot of water on top of the stove. There are also many
aromatherapy diffusers ranging in price that can fill any size room with beautiful
SHOWER: Add 8 drops essential oil maximum to a washcloth and use it to
vigorously scrub your body.
STEAMING: Add essential oil to a pot of hot water, place a towel over your
head, and breathe in the steamy aroma.
TISSUE: Place several drops of essential oil on a tissue and inhale deeply.
TOOTH POWDER: In 4 ounces (115 g) baking soda and 1 ounce (28 g) sea
salt, add 15 drops essential oil (peppermint, clove, cinnamon, or tea tree are all
good choices).

We can’t always avoid getting sick. It can even be an opportunity to rest.

Here are some ideas to help you get through an illness with a minimum of
Combating Colds and Flu
Colds and flu are both viral infections that often occur in the winter when we are
stressed out and stuck inside with lots of people and germs. Viruses enter the
body through the respiratory tract and attach to cells lining the nose, throat, and
bronchial tubes. Exposure to cold, damp, wind, and rapid temperature change
can make us more susceptible to viruses. Colds manifest slowly with cough,
nasal congestion, and sore throat, usually without fever. Flu comes on more
suddenly with fever, sore muscles, fatigue, and cough. These ailments can last
from a few days to about a week, but they can progress into bronchitis, strep
throat, or asthma if not properly treated. The sooner one takes action against
infection, the easier to minimize its effects. Let’s look at some natural remedies
you can use to combat colds, flu, and related illnesses.


Herbs can help fight infection by stimulating white blood cell production and
through their direct antiseptic properties. Many herbs help relieve colds and flu:
Echinacea root stimulates immune-supporting white blood cells, T cells,
macrophage, and interferon activity. If you take echinacea at the first sign of a
cold, it can ease symptoms according to a study published in the Journal of
Clinical Pharmacological Therapy in 2004.
When high fever is of concern, boneset is an important immune stimulant and
one of the most effective herbs for colds and flu. This is due to its diaphoretic
properties, which means it promotes sweating and the release of toxins. It is
extremely bitter, so it is best taken as a tincture or in capsule form.
Yarrow leaf and flower also reduce fever through diaphoresis and are
antiseptic. Peppermint leaf promotes sweating, has antiviral properties, and is
gentle enough for children. When nausea accompanies an illness, ginger root,
known as the warming herb, warms chills, fights infection, and alleviates
stomach distress. Peppermint is also beneficial, being both antiviral and a
digestive aid.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons (13 ml)
of honey in 1 cup (235 ml) of hot water and drink three times daily to
break up mucus congestion. Diluted lemon in hot water or berry juices
can help relieve fever. These have antimicrobial properties and help to
thin mucus secretions.

Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin C, warms chills, and decreases congestion.

Garlic dilates bronchioles, decreasing congestion and chest colds, and is
considered an herbal antibiotic. Thyme leaf expels phlegm and relieves
congestion. It is antiseptic and an immune stimulant. You can look for teas,
tinctures, or capsules at natural food stores that offer combinations of these
herbs, or you can make your own remedies (see ″Preparations 101″).
With acute conditions such as colds and flu, take a dose of your herbal remedy
every couple of hours (when not sleeping), decreasing the dosage as you


prepackaged herbal combinations that have long traditions of use, can also be
effective in treating colds and flu. Yin Chiao is used at the onset of infection to
combat fever, sore muscles, chills, dry cough, and sore throat. Gan Mao Ling is
used to combat cold and flu symptoms of fever, sore throat, swollen glands, and
muscular stiffness. These remedies come in pill form. Follow the directions on
the labels as pill size can vary greatly.

VITAMINS FOR COLDS AND FLU Many people find vitamin C stimulates
antibody response. You can take 1,000 mg up to three times daily to shorten the
duration of a cold, though it does not necessarily prevent a cold from occurring.
This is confirmed by over 30 studies that were analyzed by the Cochrane
Database Systematic Review in 2004.
Zinc, especially in the form of lozenges, helps prevent viral replication of the
cold virus in the throat by stimulating T cell response. Research at Dartmouth
College showed that when people took a zinc lozenge every two hours, it
shortened sick time to an average of four days. Stay under 50 mg daily unless
recommended by a competent health-care practitioner.


help colds and flu. Anas barbariae is a homeopathic remedy used for the onset of
flu symptoms, nasal discharge or congestion, chills, ear pain, and frontal sinus
pain. It is available in health food stores under the name of Oscillococcinum.
You can also consult with a homeopath or select the remedy that most closely
resembles your symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are usually taken as three to
four pellets under the tongue three times daily.

Elderberry can minimize the duration of flu symptoms including catarrh, chills,
headache, and respiratory infection. According to a 2004 study published in The
Journal of International Medical Research, when people were given elderberry
syrup, (the brand name is Sambucol), 90 percent felt better after just three days!
Elderberry syrup is also delicious! Take a dose every couple of hours you are
awake when fighting something off. Decrease as you improve.


Foods beneficial during illness include chicken soup or miso-vegetable soup.
The heat, garlic, and onions (use plenty) help break up congestion. Applesauce
with cinnamon is easy to digest and cinnamon has antimicrobial properties.
Pureed or baked winter squash and sweet potatoes are easy to eat when you need
some nourishment but have no appetite. They are rich in beta-carotene, which
helps strengthen the mucus membranes of the lungs. Broccoli, cabbage, carrots,
mustard greens, parsnips, and turnips are antioxidant rich. Drink honey-
sweetened lemonade as it is high in vitamin C.


which 1 cup (225 g) of Epsom salts and 7 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus or
ginger has been added can promote sweating and the release of toxins. This can
be done while sipping some diaphoretic herbs such as elderflower and ginger.
After, dress warmly and rest.
During recovery time, rent some funny movies. Laughter can help boost
immunity. Take time to rest. Be grateful that your body is telling you to slow
down and take better care of yourself.

Skip This!
Drinking lots of fruit juices can cause sugar overload, and the acidity of
orange and grapefruit juice may further irritate a sore throat. Minimize
dairy and wheat products for a few days to curb mucus production.

AROMATHERAPY FOR COLDS AND FLU An aromatherapy diffuser can

prevent other household members from getting sick and clear the congested
person’s sinuses. Essential oils to use include eucalyptus, juniper, lavender,
marjoram, peppermint, pine, rosemary, and tea tree. A diffuser creates a fine mist
of antimicrobial molecules in the air, which get inhaled.
Relieving Sore Throat or Strep Throat
Sore throats are a real pain in the neck! A sore throat usually develops gradually
(one to two days) and may be characterized by cough, headache, tingling around
the soft palate, runny nose, mild fever, and swollen neck glands. Strep throat is
characterized by its sudden onset, pus in the throat, a temperature from 102 to
104°F (39 to 40°C) and swollen glands. There may be red or white spots on the
tonsils; however, this only indicates strep about 50 percent of the time. The good
news? Sore throats can be an opportunity for self-healing. You’ll find several
remedies that bring relief here.

Propolis, a substance produced by bees from tree resins, helps fight infection and
can be sucked in lozenges.

NATURAL RELIEF FOR SORE THROATS Frequent gargling rinses away

microbes and leaves an antiseptic coating on a sore throat. Use 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
salt added to 1 cup (235 ml) of warm water or teas of echinacea, goldenseal, or
juniper berry or 2 tablespoons (28 ml) apple cider vinegar in water. Gargle every
hour initially, and then spit the mixture out. As you improve, gargle every three
The resin propolis, a powerful infection-fighting agent that bees collect from
trees to keep their own hives infection-free, helps to strengthen epithelial tissue
that lines the throat, creating healthy mucosal tone and treating inflammation.
Take a dropperful or two capsules every three hours that you are awake.
Natural food stores carry herbal sprays that contain antiseptic and anti-
inflammatory herbs like propolis, echinacea, and myrrh. Spray on sore areas of
the throat five to six times daily. Soothing a sore throat can be aided by licorice
root, which soothes irritated mucus membranes and stimulates interferon
production. Marshmallow root soothes inflamed mucus membranes including
sore throat. Osha root relieves respiratory congestion and improves immunity
and also relieves sore throat pain. Note that you should avoid taking osha root
during pregnancy as it can stimulate uterine contractions.
To help bring relief and improvement to a sore or strep throat, you can also
make a compress. First, brew a strong tea of ginger. Next, soak a face towel in
the hot tea, wring, wrap around throat, and cover with a dry towel. When the
compress cools, resoak it in the hot tea. Reapply three or four times. You can do
the same thing with warmed apple cider vinegar. Compresses bring increased
circulation to an area, moving swelling and toxins, which can then be eliminated
more quickly. (See ″Preparations 101″ for how to make teas and compresses.)

BEST FOODS FOR SORE THROAT RELIEF When you have a sore throat, it is
not unusual to have a decreased desire for food. However, the right food choices
can be beneficial. Berries, such as blackberries and mulberries, are cooling to an
inflamed throat. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps to digest
dead tissue that is permeated with infection. Barley cooked as a grain or added to
soup is soothing. Garlic, leeks, and onions are all infection fighters. Leafy greens
like kale are alkalinizing and are beneficial for a sore throat. Pureed carrots,
sweet potatoes, or winter squash are all rich in beta-carotene and help to
strengthen mucous membranes. Light soups and soft foods are ideal.

Thrifty Cures!
Holding a clove of garlic in your mouth is a powerful infection fighter
because of its antiviral and antibacterial effects. When tired of holding
the garlic in your mouth, slowly chew it up and swallow it.
Salt also helps to relieve pain. Warm some coarse kosher salt in a frying
pan and then wrap it in a clean long sock, tied at the end. Wrap it around
your neck, secure with a towel, and leave in place for an hour. If you are
at the beach, gargle with seawater! You can even suck on a black-pitted
olive, which is high in astringent tannins that are also antiseptic.


triple your fluid intake when you have a sore throat. Helpful beverage
suggestions include herb teas like licorice and slippery elm. Since it’s important
to consume more fluids, take frequent sips of these herbal teas throughout the
In addition, you can boil 1/2 ounce (15 ml) hulled barley in 1 quart (950 ml)
of water for 30 minutes with the lid on. Strain, reserving the grain for use in a
soup. Drink the remaining barley water.
Apple juice with seven whole cloves (which are anesthetic and antimicrobial)
blended into it and strained can also help.
You can also mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of honey and 2 teaspoons (13 ml) apple
cider vinegar in 1 cup (235 ml) of hot water and sip to curb pain and decrease


Vitamins to consider using to treat or prevent a sore throat and strep throat
include 1,000 to 3,000 mg vitamin C taken with 500 mg bioflavonoids, which
are astringent, tonifying, and infection fighting. (Discontinue if it burns or
irritates your mouth.) Vitamin A and/or beta-carotene (10,000 IU once daily)
help strengthen the mucous membranes, thereby decreasing susceptibility to
Zinc lozenges inhibit viral replication. They usually contain about 15 mg of
zinc per lozenge and up to five can be taken daily for up to a week.


Essential oils that soothe sore throats include eucalyptus, geranium, lavender,
lemon, bitter orange, pine, Clary sage, and tea tree. Add 3 to 6 drops of essential
oil to 1 cup (235 ml) of water and use as a gargle or put in an atomizer and spray
directly on your throat. You can also add these oils to a vaporizer or
aromatherapy diffuser to infuse the air with their antiseptic properties.


The throat is the center of expression and communication. The tendency for
people to swallow anger and suppress tears and feelings of fear of rejection may
all be contributing factors in sore throats. If you experience this disorder
frequently, look at what you can do to bring about better communication in your


Strep throat is potentially serious and therefore must be treated with care, either
holistically or allopathically. Consult a medical doctor if your throat is sore for
longer than 3 days or is extremely red (look with a flashlight), if white spots
appear on your throat, if there is blood in your phlegm, if you have a rash or
difficulty swallowing, breathing, or opening your mouth, or if you have a fever
over 102°F (39°C). When in doubt or if natural remedies do not bring about
improvement within 48 hours, contact a competent health-care professional.


Acupressure points to stimulate for 30 seconds each several times daily include
Lung 1, Large Intestine 4, and Stomach 9. Consult acupuncture books that
demonstrate the points, or consult a trained professional.
Go outdoors if it is a sunny day and direct some solar rays directly into the throat
at the site of pain. Spend three to five minutes getting sunlight right in your
throat. Sunlight is one of nature’s great antiseptic agents. You can feel the
warmth and healing right away! Also focus on breathing more deeply and slowly
while you take in the benefits of fresh air.


You can also gargle with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar blended with
two cloves of garlic and a pinch of salt. Both are soothing and anti-inflammatory.

Try This!
Certain exercise techniques help relieve strep throats by bringing
increased blood flow to the is done by sticking out your tongue as far as
possible, holding for 30 seconds, and then repeating five times. This may
be done several times a day. Other helpful postures include the Plow,
Windows of the Sky, Shoulder Stand (for the adept only), and Neck
Lock. Consult a book on yoga or take a class from a trained professional
to perform these poses.
Relieving a Cough
A cough is the body’s response to inflammation or irritation in the throat, larynx,
bronchial tubes, or lungs. There are two basic kinds of coughs, congested and
dry, with each one having different underlying causes. Coughs can be caused by
colds, flu, bronchial infections, heartburn, sinus congestion, smoking, and the
need to rid the throat of foreign matter such as dust, pollen, chemicals, and other
irritants. Let’s look at some natural remedies you can use to stop that nasty
cough now.


Drink hot wild cherry bark, horehound, or pine needle tea to break up the mucus
and open and moisten the airways. You can also chew on a piece of ginger,
which helps to disperse mucus congestion.
Cough drops or hard candy often help stop the tickle and moisten the throat if
you have a dry cough. Look for herbal lozenges or candy in natural food stores
that contain mint, ginger, horehound, hyssop, or wild cherry to calm your cough.
Licorice root, marshmallow root, and slippery elm bark all bind with phlegm
and carry it out of the body via the intestines. Use as tea or lozenges as needed,
up to a dozen daily.


The feet contain points that correspond to all parts of the body. By massaging
them, you can move blockages in other parts. To affect the lungs, rub the padded
area below your big toe in various directions at the first sign of a cough. Also,
hold back the toes and press on the raised area with your thumb. This will help
relieve chest congestion and corresponds to the lungs according to foot
See your doctor if you cough for more than three days for no apparent reason or
if you have any of the following:
• Shortness of breath or sharp pains in your chest when you cough.
• A fever along with a persistent cough—this could be indicative of a serious
respiratory illness. If you have a high fever and difficulty breathing,
• you may have pneumonia.
• If you cough up blood or bloody mucus or if your mucus is yellow, brown, or
green and does not improve in a few days—this may indicate that you have an
• Persistent chills or excessive night sweats
• Laryngitis and a persistent cough that lasts for more than three weeks


Drink at least eight 8-ounce (235 ml) glasses of water each day to relieve a
cough. This is especially important if your cough is due to an illness. Water is
the best expectorant you can take and will help thin the mucus and loosen the
cough. Drink hot water for the best expectorant effect. Also, keep a glass of
water with 2 teaspoons (10 ml) apple cider vinegar in it by the bed. Take a
couple of swallows if you wake up coughing.


Breathe in steam from a vaporizer, hot shower, or pan of boiling water. The
moist air will soothe the airways and loosen sinus congestion and phlegm in
your throat and lungs.
A few drops of essential oil can help fight infection and disperse congestion.
Use eucalyptus, cedar, cypress, or pine to help this process.
During the winter, if your house is dry, use a humidifier and a cool-mist
vaporizer in your bedroom at night. This will help thin the mucus. Be sure to
thoroughly clean the vaporizer as it can harbor bacteria. Elevate the head of your
bed to allow sinuses and nasal passages to drain better.

Thrifty Cures!
To ease that cough, mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in 1 cup (235
ml) of water and use it as a gargle for a couple of minutes. (You can also
gargle a glass of water or juice to which you have added 15 to 20 drops
of Tabasco sauce.) Cayenne pepper is antiseptic and rich in vitamin C,
helps clear congestion, and draws blood to the throat to fight infection.


A folk remedy for a cough is to loosely tie a black thread around your neck. It
has to be black. Many people vouch for this remedy. We have no idea why it
works, but it might be worth a try!

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When you have a cough, avoid foods that increase the production of
mucus, such as dairy products and wheat.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To relieve a cough, grate one or two cloves of garlic and mix with 1
teaspoon (13 g) of honey, or mix 1 teaspoon (13 g) honey with the juice
of a fresh lemon. Not only does honey soothe the tickle, it also has
antibacterial properties. Take a dose every three hours if needed.

Fighting Fever
It may not feel like it, but fever is actually your body’s ally, causing it to heat up
and destroy infection. Trying to suppress fever actually traps the infection in the
body and can make it worse. Don’t try to lower a fever unless it’s higher than
103°F (39°C). If it is, try these tips.


First, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of cool water. Next, soak your feet in cool
water and apply to your forehead cool-water compresses to which 5 drops of
peppermint or lavender essential oil have been added.
You can also mix 2 teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar (10 g) and honey
(13 g) in a glass of warm water and drink three times daily. Tea made from
ginger, peppermint, lemon balm, and yarrow—all of which are diaphoretic—will
help eliminate toxins, heat, and infection from the body. See page 13 for how to
make tea or look for herbal tea combinations for colds and fever at natural food
stores and use one tea bag per 1 cup (235 ml) of water. Drink three to five cups
(0.7 to 1.18 L) daily.
Helping Laryngitis and Hoarseness
When the vocal cords become inflamed, it can be difficult to talk. You can have
short-term loss of your voice (acute) or a long lasting problem (chronic).
Possible causes include infection, allergens (including smoke and dust
exposure), and even heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Turn
the page to learn how to speak up.

Thrifty Cure!
Apply a raw potato poultice to the soles of your feet to draw heat out of
the body.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Did you know that berries have a cooling effect? Strawberries and
raspberries both contain anthocyanins, which have an anti-inflammatory
effect on the body. Why not blend them together into a honey lemonade?
This is better than any lemonade you had as a kid!
Here’s how to make it:
2 cups (475 ml) water
1 cup (235 ml) peppermint tea
1/2 cup (120 ml) lemon juice
1/4 cup (38 ml) strawberries
1 tablespoon (20 g) honey (not for babies under 1 year old)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and liquefy. Makes 2 servings.
Drink up to a quart (946 ml) daily.
Eat pieces of ginger or drink ginger tea, which are antibacterial and increase
circulation to the chest. Hot peppermint or sage teas will stimulate circulation to
the throat and help relax the vocal cords. Drink up to four cups daily.
It’s smart to suck on herbal lozenges periodically throughout the day to
moisten your throat. Choose moistening slippery elm bark, licorice root, or
marshmallow root and bronchodilating ginger, hyssop, or peppermint.
Marshmallow root, plantain, slippery elm, and/or violet leaf will also moisten
throats. You can use up to a dozen lozenges daily, when sick, but be aware that
many contain sugar.

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Avoid alcohol and caffeine when you have laryngitis or hoarseness. Both
are dehydrating and aggravate the throat.


Drink plenty of fluids to keep the larynx moist. Gargle with 1 teaspoon (5 g) of
salt or 2 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water three times daily to combat any
infection that might be present.
You can also drink 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of apple cider vinegar (10 g) and raw
honey in a cup (235 ml) of warm water 3 times daily for its antibacterial and
soothing properties. Cayenne pepper is also effective. Pour 1 cup (235 ml) of
boiling water into a cup. Add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a few drops of
lemon juice. Stir and sip slowly, the hotter the better.


A steam inhalation can help you feel better fast. Just boil a pot of water and
remove from the stove. Add 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil, 3 drops lavender
essential oil, and 2 drops pine essential oil. Make a tent over your head and the
pot and inhale.
And remember to rest your voice. Even whispering can stress the vocal cords
more than talking in a regular voice. Write things down if necessary.


Get medical attention for the following:
• A child who has a fever over 103°F (40°C) that lasts for over 12 hours
• Pregnant women with a fever over 102°F (39°C).
• If you have a fever over 101°F (38°C) that is accompanied by a sore throat.
• If you have a fever over 102°F (39°C) for more than five days.
Improving your Immune Resistance
The immune system is like a symphony of chemicals, cells, and organs playing
together to bring about a harmonious state of health in the body. This 24-hour
security system is always on alert, helping the body distinguish between itself
and foreign matter (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, and parasites) and removing
damaged, worn-out cells.
We have immune cells throughout our bodies. However, the lymphatic organs
—the spleen, thymus, and tonsils as well as the lymph nodes—play a major part.
The respiratory system also contains lymph tissue that produces lymphocytes,
the digestive system secretes acids that kill pathogens, and the urinary system
contains lymph tissue that expels pathogens and maintains the body’s pH
balance. When stressed, fatigued, and under-nourished, the immune system has a
difficult time doing its job. Here’s how to build the immune strength you need.


A number of herbs that have been time tested by various world cultures are
known to boost immune health. Astragalus is a deep immune tonic, rich in
polysaccharides, which strengthen the wei chi (also known as the body’s natural
defense energy) and increase phagocytosis, interferon, and T cell activity and
blood cell production. Baptisia is high in polysaccharides and increases
phagocytosis. It is good for lymphatic swelling and deep inflammation.
Echinacea is high in polysaccharides and stimulates interferon production and
helper T cells, making cells more resistant to pathogens. Garlic is an antioxidant
and an antiviral that kills a wide range of disease-causing organisms, including
viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. It also increases the body’s resistance to
infection and protects against epidemics. Ginger improves circulation to all parts
of the body and inhibits biochemical pathways associated with inflammation.
Reishi mushroom is a deep immune tonic and improves cellular immunity. It
also boosts resistance to bacterial, parasitic, and viral infection due to its rich
polysaccharide content. Use a dose of herbs in tea, tincture, or capsule form
every couple of hours that you are awake.


Nutrients that can help strengthen the immune system include beta-carotene and
vitamin A (10,000 IU daily of either), which improve the health of mucus
membranes and make them more resistant to airborne and intestinal invaders.
These nutrients stimulate the thymus gland to produce T cells needed in the
prevention of infection, and vitamin A helps killer cells digest invaders.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Eating black bean soup is a folk remedy for restoring one’s voice. Also
try eating three cloves of raw garlic a day. Try stuffing one into a pitted
date to make it easier to eat!

Vitamin C (1,000 mg daily) is an antioxidant that strengthens the body’s

resistance to infection. It helps protect white blood cells, boosts macrophage
activity, and raises interferon levels as well as thymic hormones and antibody
levels. Quercetin, (100 mg three times daily), also part of the C complex, has
antiviral capability.
Vitamin E (400 IU daily) and selenium (200 mcg daily) are considered
antioxidants. Vitamin E is a free-radical scavenger that increases helper T cells
and antibody response. It strengthens the membranes of macrophages. Selenium
is necessary for antibody production and potentates phagocytes to kill bacteria.
Zinc (15 mg daily) has inhibiting effects on viral replication. It also helps
increase natural killer cell activity in smokers. Zinc also stimulates the
production of histamine, which dilates capillaries so that white blood cells can
rush to the area of infection.

Every one of the 100 species of common disease–causing bacteria has at least
one strain resistant to antibiotics, and that number is rapidly increasing and
becoming a major medical threat. The overuse of antibiotics (which literally
means “against life”) is a contributing factor in weakening the immune system.
Antibiotics are effective only against bacterial infections, not viral ones, and they
kill off helpful bacteria as well as the harmful.
Probiotics (1 high potency capsule three times daily) inhibit candida and other
unfriendly microorganisms, which can contribute to a weakened immune system.
Onions, garlic, scallions, chives, and leeks all contain quercetin, which acts as a
powerful antioxidant in your body, scavenging up damaging free radicals. One
study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that this family of
veggies even lowered the risk for prostate cancer.
Cayenne, chives, cinnamon, garlic, horse-radish, leeks, oregano, rosemary,
scallions, and thyme all have infection-fighting properties. Also include plenty
of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and
arugula for their sulforaphane content, which is an antioxidant and stimulator of
natural detoxifying enzymes.
Vegetables high in beta-carotene, such as carrots, winter squash, green leafy
vegetables, and sweet potatoes, protect against carcinogens, induce protective
enzyme activity, and suppress cell-destroying free radicals. Fermented foods
such as yogurt, miso (made from soybeans), homemade pickles, and
unpasteurized sauerkraut help promote healthy intestinal flora and inhibit the
growth of harmful bacteria.
Include sea vegetables in the regimen as they provide a wide range of
minerals not present in most land-grown food. Seaweeds bind with and carry
harmful chemicals and pollutants out of the body and nourish the kidneys, bones,
and teeth. Marine vegetables exhibit antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal
Shiitake mushrooms are immune enhancing, cholesterol lowering, interferon
stimulating, and have antitumor activity. Wild and brown rice, quinoa, and
barley are immuno-strengthening grains.
Every day, eat at least five of these immuno-supportive foods. You can use
several in a soup or salad easily!


Immune-enhancing essential oils that have strong antimicrobial properties
include cedarwood, cinnamon, clove, Clary sage, garlic, grapefruit, juniper,
lavender, lemon, lime, marjoram, orange, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, pine,
rosemary, and tea tree. These oils can be diluted in the bath, added to massage
oils, or used in diffusers.
Practice dry brush skin massage daily. You can find this kind of brush at your
health food store. Stroke the brush over your skin (gently!) toward your heart to
rev up circulation and the release of toxins. Then shower and end your shower
with cold water if you are feeling brave! This constricts blood vessels on the
surface, sending blood deeper into the body, facilitating the removal of toxins,
and increasing T cell production. A far infrared sauna can be an excellent (and
more enjoyable) way of removing toxins from the body. Be sure and get one
from a reputable dealer to ensure it is built to last.

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Excess sugar and fruit juice can contribute to hypoglycemia and suppress
T cell activity and phagocytosis. Caffeine and alcohol, when consumed
in excess, cause depletion of nutrients, especially calcium and B
vitamins. Excess alcohol consumption can suppress lymphocyte
development and their ability to produce antibodies. A high-fat diet slows
down macrophage ability to destroy infection-causing invaders. Excess
fat can also lead to shrinkage of the thymus gland and lymphoid tissue.
Chemical additives such as artificial food colorings, nitrates, and
preservatives stress the kidneys and liver. Eating food to which one is
allergic is a stress, causing the body to focus on neutralizing the allergen
rather than healing. Eating less animal food minimizes contact with
pesticides and other chemical additives. Choosing organic foods
minimizes exposure to harmful chemical additives.
Finally, during inclement weather dress warmly. Protect the kidneys,
head, and feet from overexposure to wind and temperature extremes.

Stay active. Get outside and enjoy sports or just tromp around. Yoga, chi
kung, and tai chi can be done indoors during any kind of weather. Be sure to get
adequate sleep as well. We need our zzzzzs to produce sleep immune specific
chemicals, as during rest is when much of the body’s repair work is done.
Meditation, prayer, deep breathing, and inspirational readings are all good
ways to reduce stress. Practice right living, positive thinking, and healthy
relationships for a healthy immune system. Beware of negative thoughts and
minimize stress. Have creative outlets and a job you enjoy. Avoid disciplines that
stress you out.
We can’t always avoid every cold, flu, or sore throat that comes our way.
Once in awhile we should give ourselves the opportunity to rest, recover, and be
nurtured. Maybe have someone else make us soup. Practice visualization. See
yourself in good health!

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

One effective and pleasant way to incorporate a number of immune-
stimulating foods and herbs in your diet is to make an “Immune Soup.”
First, sauté garlic and onions in a bit of olive oil. Then add some chopped
vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, or carrots. Include several sliced
shiitake mushrooms. Add 2 or 3 pieces of astragalus (you won’t eat it but
it will impart its therapeutic qualities to the broth) or codonopsis. Add
enough water to make it the consistency you desire. Adding a small
handful of sea vegetables will provide a host of minerals.
If you are not vegetarian, you can simmer a hormone-free chicken (with
the skin removed) in your soup. It’s also possible to add previously
cooked beans or whole grain quinoa or brown rice to the still simmering
After a couple of hours, measure out 1 teaspoon (5 g) of miso for every 1
cup (235 ml) of water that you used in the soup. Make a paste by mixing
the miso with a bit of the soup broth and then add it into the soup. Miso
is high in lecithin and helps break down fatty deposits in the body. You
have now made a very nutritious and delicious Immune Soup!

All it takes is one small part of your body to experience pain to cause you to
feel out of sorts. Here are some remedies to get to the source of the pain and
improve your body’s response to it so you feel better fast.
Alleviating Arthritis
The word “arthritis” comes from the Greek word arthron, meaning “joint,” and
itis, meaning “inflammation.” When the condition is acute, joint swelling, pain,
heat, and redness may be present. As a chronic condition, joint pain, stiffness,
lack of mobility, and eventually bone deformity can occur. Rheumatoid arthritis
is an inflammatory condition and autoimmune disease. Osteoarthritis affects the
weight-bearing joints (knees, hips, and spine). Here’s how to ease pain and


Ginger compresses can be deeply comforting. Just dip a clean washcloth into 1
cup (235 ml) of hot (not scalding) ginger tea and apply it to the aching joint in
question. Cover with a dry cloth to help hold the heat in until it’s cool. Replace
as needed.
You can also apply cayenne pepper cream (available at health food stores and
some pharmacies), using enough to cover the afflicted area to decrease the
amount of a neurotransmitter, called substance P, which relays pain messages to
the brain. The key ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. A study published
in the Journal of Rheumatology in 1992 showed that capsaicin is effective in
relieving the tenderness and pain associated with osteoarthritis. It can be applied
2 or 3 times daily.
To make your own liniment (a tincture applied to the skin) for topical use to
alleviate arthritis pain, steep 1 tablespoon (5 g) cayenne pepper in 1 pint (475
ml) of apple cider vinegar for two weeks, shaking daily. Strain. Apply gently to
the skin but wash your hands afterward and avoid getting it close to your eyes,
which would sting.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Use a cabbage leaf poultice (see page 19) to help draw out the pain and
inflammation associated with arthritis. Another folk remedy that many
people swear by is drinking a mixture of 2 teaspoons (13 g) raw honey
and 2 teaspoons (10 ml) unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in 1 cup (235
ml) of warm water. The high potassium content of the vinegar dissolves
calcium deposits around the joints. Potassium also promotes the growth
of cells and tissues. This can be taken up to three times daily.


Take 1,000 mg daily of calcium for healthy bones, as well as 400 mg magnesium
and 1,000 IU vitamin D daily so that the calcium is properly absorbed into the
body. Magnesium also relaxes tight muscles and inhibits the action of
hyaluronidase, which can destroy synovial fluid and joints.
Glucosamine sulphate is essential for the formation of mucopolysaccharides,
necessary for connective tissue. This nutrient reduces inflammation, helps to
repair traumatized tissue, and cushions joints, so it is particularly helpful in
relieving osteoarthritis. Glucosamine also thickens synovial fluid and stimulates
the production of new cartilage and connective tissue. Take 250 to 500 mg three
times daily.
Bromelain, an enzyme that comes from pineapple, also reduces inflammatory
prostaglandins. Take 500 mg daily.

A deficiency of copper can contribute to osteoarthritis. Copper bracelets are
reported to be beneficial by many people who suffer from arthritis. This may be
because our skin is porous enough to absorb trace amounts of copper, which can
stop free-radical damage to the tissues.


Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, so anything you can ingest to “cool off”
the body is important. Essential fatty acids found in fish oil can reduce
inflammation, lubricating the joints. Take one to three fish oil capsules daily. For
the same reason, include at least a couple of servings weekly of fatty fish like
salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and halibut in your diet. Chia seeds, hemp
seeds, and flax seeds can also be consumed on a daily basis for their quality
lubricating oils.
Other beneficial foods for arthritis include nutritive and anti-inflammatory
almonds, avocados, barley, brown rice, carrots, celery, kamut, quinoa, millet,
oatmeal, black beans, artichokes, beets, burdock root, endive, kale, okra, parsley,
parsnips, sweet potatoes, water-cress, winter squash, yams, and pecans.


Did you know that you can get relief from arthritis by stinging the afflicted area
with nettles? That’s right. This sort of therapy is called urtication. Just cultivate a
nettle patch or find some growing wild and wriggle any arthritic area in the
plants, getting stung several times. Nettle sting contains formic acid, which
stimulates a natural antihistamine reaction. Although the sting is less than
pleasant, the technique provides excellent relief. My friend’s grandfather in
Germany would roll naked down a nettle-covered hill to treat his arthritis!
Raw string beans have long been considered a therapeutic food for arthritis
because of their ability to eliminate uric acid, which can contribute to joint pain.
Celery seed as a condiment helps eliminate uric acid in the body too. Cherries,
hawthorn berries, and blueberries are rich sources of anthocyanidins and
proanthocyanidins, which are water-soluble colorful pigments in food that have
antioxidant activity and help prevent collagen breakdown.
Use turmeric in food for its anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking a shotglass
of aloe vera juice 10 minutes before each meal also reduces inflammation. Look
for it at natural food stores.


Bathing in warm water to which 1 pound (455 g) of Epsom salts has been added
is very pain relieving. Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils of coriander,
eucalyptus, fir, ginger, lavender, pine, rosemary, or wintergreen. All of these
herbs help improve circulation, and wintergreen even contains salicin, a pain-
relieving compound. If you are feeling bold, practice dry brush skin massage and
alternate hot and cold showers (ending with cold).

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Minimize foods rich in oxalic acid, such as beet greens, rhubarb, Swiss
chard, and spinach, which can contribute to irritating crystals forming in
the joints. Nix foods in the nightshade family like tomatoes, eggplant,
potatoes, green pepper, paprika, and tobacco because they contain
solanine, which is a neuromuscular toxin.

Exercising in water can be a soothing way to stay in shape, and such exercise
has less impact on the joints. Swimming and bicycling are beneficial exercises
that are less likely to cause stress on the joints. If it’s too much to be active every
day, alternate one day on, one day off. Don’t exercise beyond feeling “good
tired.” Otherwise, you will be wiped out the next day!
Easing Backache Pain
When you have a backache, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to function
effectively. I know. I was in a private plane crash years ago. We came down hard
and my back ached for years afterwards. A chiropractor friend suggested the
book, Somatics by Thomas Hanna. I followed the exercises in there and within a
week, the pain I had harbored for more than a decade was gone. This is a great
place to start. These cures can help you too.
Thrifty Cures!
Interestingly, there is a popular folk remedy that suggests those who
suffer from arthritis should carry a raw potato in their right pocket until it
shrivels up, at which time it is replaced with a new one. It is believed that
the potato absorbs inflammation. In fact, ladies of days gone by even had
special potato-carrying pockets sewn into their dresses for this purpose.


A hot ginger tea compress, or a salve containing wintergreen (a natural
analgesic) and capsaicin (made from cayenne pepper, which blocks the brain’s
perception of pain) can help soothe a bad back when applied topically to the
painful area.
Eat black beans and chia seeds, which are high in minerals that support the
kidneys. The kidneys, when weak, can cause lower back pain.


Sleeping in a position known as “Lazy S” is often the best for a sore back. It
entails putting a pillow under the head and upper neck, keeping the back flat on
the bed, with a pillow under the knees. This keeps the hamstring muscles from
pulling and exerting pressure on the lower back. Roll carefully out of bed.
Stretch to move circulation. Be sure you have a supportive mattress too!
Waterbeds are not helpful.


Soaking in a tub to which 1 pound (455 g) Epsom salts has been added is
soothing for an aching back. The magnesium content of the salts helps relax sore
Soothing yoga postures include the cobra, backbend, locust, plow, bow, full
twist, alternate leg pull, and elbow to knee. Swimming is an excellent exercise
that does not stress the back.
Wear the color blue to help your back heal. Blue is considered cooling and
anti-inflammatory. It is perceived by the brain as calming.
And finally, try to brace yourself when sneezing to prevent further
Pain in the upper back corresponds to the heart, pain in the midback can
correspond to issues of digestion and emotional security, and pain in the lower
back can indicate kidney issues or feeling a lack of support.


Get medical attention for a backache in the following situations:
• That comes on suddenly with no apparent cause.
• That is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cramps, chest pain, fever,
stomachache, or breathing difficulty.
• That lasts more than two weeks without relief and/or if the pain radiates down
the leg to the foot.
Helping Heal Headache
Oh, your aching head! Headaches are one of the most painful and debilitating
afflictions. Vascular headaches result from dilation of the blood vessels in the
head, whereas non-vascular, or psychogenic, headaches result from stress. Many
headaches are caused by neuromuscular skeletal imbalances. Low blood sugar
can also be a cause.
Migraines are considered a vascular condition. They are often preceded by
auras in which objects appear surrounded in light. Strange smells, numbness, and
difficulty with speech may also occur. Blood vessels can constrict and then over
dilate, which causes pain. The pain can be general or local, but it is usually on
one side of the head, in the frontal or temporal region. Migraines may also
manifest as numbness, tingling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The pain may
shift from one side of the head to the other. Attacks may last less than a day, up
to three days, and in some cases weeks. Migraines may occur cyclically or from
a particular food allergy. Yeasted breads, gluten-rich foods, citrus fruits, and
processed meats can also bring on migraines. Menstrual cycles and birth control
pills also may be factors.
Stress, poor posture, and lack of sleep can all contribute to tension headaches.
Tension headaches are more likely to occur as one’s day becomes increasingly
stressful. Neck pain often goes along with tension headaches. The pain may be
on one or both sides. Here’s how to find relief from headache pain.


A number of herbs can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Look for capsules containing the following herbs at natural food stores and take
as directed:
• Butterbur, also known as petasites, has a potent anti-inflammatory/anti-
allergenic effect, which has been shown very effective in reducing headaches,
specifically migraines. Two-thirds of participants in a study published in the
medical journal, Headache (2005) had more than a 50 percent reduction in
migraines when taking butterbur.
• Feverfew stops blood platelets from releasing too much serotonin and
histamine, both of which can dilate blood vessels and lead to headaches. A
review of research about feverfew published in the medical journal, Public
Health Nutrition in 2000 showed that it was safe and effective at preventing
migraines. Feverfew works best as a preventative taken on a daily basis rather
than when a headache is already in progress.
• Ginger inhibits biochemical pathways associated with inflammation and
prevents blood platelet aggregation. It also increases oxygen utilization and
blood flow to the brain.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

An Irish folk remedy for curing headaches is to loosely tie a bandanna
around the head and slip slices of raw potato between the head and
bandanna. Place the potatoes where the pain is, over the temples or eyes.
Lie down in a quiet room. After an hour, the potato slices should be
warm and the headache relieved. Slices of apples or peeled aloe vera can
be used in place of the potatoes.

• White willow inhibits prostaglandin production, which can contribute to

inflammation. It contains salicin, a forerunner of aspirin, but it is much milder.
You can also try making a compress of tea of lavender, peppermint, or
rosemary. Soak a cloth in the hot tea and apply it to the forehead and back of the
neck. Chilling the tea and making a cold application may feel even better. You be
the judge.

Thrifty Cures!
Eating two apples a day can help prevent headaches by providing
sufficient anti-inflammatory enzymes. Go for tart apples, as the sour
flavor will help move liver stagnation, which according to Asian
medicine is a contributing factor in headaches.

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Caffeine causes blood vessel constriction, so caffeine consumption and
withdrawal can cause headaches. It is best to gradually decrease caffeine
rather than remove it from your diet all at once. Nicotine can also cause
headaches by constricting blood vessels. Other foods that can trigger
headaches include chocolate, wheat, citrus, corn, tomatoes, apples,
bananas, peaches, peanuts, onions, and red meat. These are common
allergens and thus cause inflammation. Minimize excess spicy foods,
chocolate, fats, and fried foods, and avoid ice-cold foods and drink. Ice-
cold foods cause constriction in the blood vessels, which can cause the
head to feel tight and painful.
Foods high in the amino acid tyrosine, such as aged cheese and wine, can
cause migraine headaches. The class of chemicals known as vasoactive
amines can also cause headaches in some people. This includes the
• Histamines in aged cheese, eggplant, spinach, tomato, chicken liver,
and wine
• Tyramines in avocados, bananas, cheese, citrus, red wine, peanuts,
fermented, pickled and smoked foods, plums, sourdough bread and
baker’s yeast
• Phenylethylamine in chocolate and cheese
Also avoid chemical food additives such as sulfites, nitrates, nitrites, and
red and yellow dye. Chewing gum can also stress muscles, leading to a


Throbbing in the eye area (caused by vasoconstriction) can be eased by 100 mg
of niacin, which is a vasodilator. Don’t be afraid of the ten-minute hot prickly
rash this may produce. It will not last and will not harm you.
Magnesium (500 mg daily) relaxes muscles and can help migraine and tension
headaches. Essential fatty acids such as those found in fish, flax, and hemp seed
oil can also help by reducing the inflammation associated with headaches. Take
1 teaspoon (5 ml) daily or follow the directions on the bottle of capsules you
The supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) is a precursor to serotonin, and
those with low levels of this brain chemical are more susceptible to pain. Taking
this supplement according to the bottle’s dosage guidelines may help as well.


Eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep blood sugar levels on a more even keel
and to prevent headaches. Foods to eat more of include black sesame seed,
carrots, celery, and scallions. They are all rich in important trace minerals and
improve liver function which promotes optimal health.
Eat raw cabbage to cure any headache, and use radish to cure headaches in the
back of the head. Both help energy move downward in the body, rather than
rising to the head.
If you’re in the kitchen, also try inhaling deeply from a jar of mustard! It helps
improve circulation to the head via the nasal passages.

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Electromagnetic pollution can be a factor in headaches. Do you live near
major power lines? Is your bed near an excessive number of clocks, a TV,
stereo equipment, or computer ware? Do what you can to minimize any
of these factors, such as moving the bed or electric paraphernalia.
Avoid exposure to hot sun, which can bring on headaches. Wear a hat
when outdoors.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

A simple folk remedy to cure a headache is to sit with your feet in hot
water. Add 1 teaspoon of ginger (2 g) or mustard powder (3 g) to each
gallon (3.8 L) of water. While doing this, apply a cold compress to the
back of the neck at the base of the skull for five minutes.
Another folk remedy is to dunk both hands into hot water (within reason)
for 1 minute.


Try unwinding in an aromatherapy bath of lavender, peppermint, or rosemary.
Stuffing a sachet full of aromatic headache herbs like peppermint, rosemary, and
lavender can make an aromatherapy headache pillow. Take it to bed with you.
Breathe in the comforting aromas.
Pay attention to how you hold yourself. When muscles are tight, circulation
throughout the body is impeded, often resulting in pain. Do you clench your
jaws or hold your neck tight? Biofeedback training can teach a headache-prone
person to relax more and can also improve circulation. When dealing with a
headache, lie down, do deep slow breathing, and practice tensing then relaxing
each part of your body.
For tension headaches, try yoga. Pranayama, meditation, and neck rolls can all
relieve headaches, but avoid excessive forward bends and backbends.
One hydrotherapy technique for alleviating headaches is to sit on a waterproof
stool in the shower with your legs apart, bending forward with your hands
clasped in back of your neck. Allow your elbows to fall between your knees so
your upper back muscles get stretched. Aim a spray of warm or hot water toward
the back of your head for 5 minutes. Turn off the water, dry off, and then soak a
face towel in very cold water. Apply it to the same area you were spraying with
hot water. Leave in place for half a minute. Some find that spraying a cold jet of
water directly onto the soles of the feet constricts blood vessels and relieves
headache too.
You can also take ten deep inhalations from a bottle of essential oil of
rosemary to alleviate a headache. Visualize breathing in the colors violet, blue,
or green, which are cooling to inflammation.


An Asian folk remedy for curing a headache is called Li-Shou. It is done by
standing with your feet about 20 inches (50.8 cm) apart. Rub your hands
together to warm them and then gently stroke your face 30 times from the
forehead to the chin in the same direction. While doing this, partially close your
eyes and look down at your toes. Then extend your arms in front of you at waist
level with your fingers touching, swinging them back and forth 100 times. This
helps to divert blood from the head to the hands as well as stimulate endorphin


Sometimes headaches require medical attention. See your health-care
practitioner for the headache in the following situations:
• Was caused by a blow to the head.
• Gets worse when you cough, sneeze, or vomit.
• Is accompanied by fever, memory loss, double vision, or speech or hearing
• Is accompanied by sexual, bladder, or menstrual problems
• Appears suddenly in a patient who is elderly and if arteries on the side of the
head are engorged.
• Is accompanied by sweating and fever.
• Begins after taking some kind of medicine.
Rather than simply blocking out the pain of a headache, it is important to
determine the cause and change it.
The acupuncture point hoku can be stimulated with the fingers to give headache
relief. It is located in the fleshy mound in the hand just above where the thumb
and forefinger bones come together.
Many who suffer from headaches have also been helped by hypnosis, which
can help you let go of emotional patterns that contribute to head pain.
Craniosacral work is also very helpful in releasing stored tension in the head,
neck, and spine. Some people even find that if they can have a bowel movement
at the onset of a headache, the headache will diminish because the body is
eliminating toxins.
Easing Hemorrhoid Discomfort
Hemorrhoids are considered “varicose veins in an unfortunate place.”
Hemorrhoids, also known as “piles,” are enlarged veins located in the lower
rectum or anus that are caused by blood blockage in the veins of the
hemorrhoidal complex. The hemorrhoids begin above the internal opening of the
anus and may become large enough to protrude. The subsequent squeezing of
them while sitting brings on pain.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, check to see if you’ve been consuming too
much coffee, alcohol, or fried or extremely spicy foods that may be irritating the
liver and thus the anus.
Hardened stools and constipation are primary causes of hemorrhoids.
Constipation may be caused by diet, lack of fluids, and certain medications,
among other things. When someone is constipated, the wavelike motion
(peristalsis) that moves the bowels through the intestines is nearly nonexistent,
and the straining to have a bowel movement causes hemorrhoids. For more
information, see the chapter on constipation. For now, here’s what you can do to
ease hemorrhoids!


Good herbs to use internally include collinsonia, witch hazel, white oak bark,
and plantain. Collinsonia is an astringent that especially affects the liver, veins,
and colon. Witch hazel and white oak bark are astringent, which helps tighten
prolapsed tissue, and plantain is soothing and anti-inflammatory.

Thrifty Cures!
Strange as it may seem, I have had excellent results treating hemorrhoids
using a whittled out suppository-shaped piece of raw potato. Insert the
suppository (lubricated with a bit of oil) high into the rectum at night
before bed. Do this for three nights in a row, inserting a fresh one each
night. Don’t try to remove it, as it will come out in your stool the next
A compress of chilled witch hazel extract can also be applied topically to
hemorrhoids to reduce swollen tissue due to the presence of astringent
tannins in the witch hazel.

Bleeding hemorrhoids will stop if you take 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of apple cider
vinegar in a glass of water at every meal. You can also take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (1
to 2 g) of cayenne pepper in a glass of water at every meal for several days until
the hemorrhoids are gone, then once or twice a week for a good maintenance
dose. Cayenne can also be taken as 1-capsule doses. This will clear up
hemorrhoids and keep them from reoccurring.
Studies done in Europe found that horse chestnut helps to increase blood flow,
strengthens connective tissue, tightens veins, and decrease redness and
inflammation. One of its compounds, escin, has been found to close the small
pores in the walls of the veins, making them less permeable, stronger, and
reducing leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissues. Take horse chestnut
capsules 2 to 3 times a day. Avoid horse chestnut if you have liver or kidney
disease or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Health food stores usually carry some sort of topical herbal salve you can
apply to hemorrhoids. These salves often contain astringent herbs such as white
oak bark, horse chestnut, and yarrow; soothing anti-inflammatory herbs such as
plantain and comfrey; and antiseptic herbs such as yellow dock and goldenseal.
You can also apply apple cider vinegar (which is antiseptic and astringent), aloe
vera gel (which is soothing and anti-inflammatory), and vitamin E (which
promotes tissue regeneration) to hemorrhoids. Apply any of these healing and
astringent substances externally to hemorroids up to three times daily, especially
before bed.


Blueberries, blackberries, cranberry, raspberries, and cherries all contain
flavonoids that strengthen the walls of veins. It is also often helpful to take a
supplement of 500 mg of bioflavonoids plus rutin daily to strengthen the


Though it takes a bit of effort, a sitz bath (hip bath) can bring great relief to
hemorrhoids. Simply fill two baby bathtubs—one with a hot tea of witch hazel,
white oak bark, comfrey, and plantain, the other with ice water. Sit your bottom
into the hot tea bath for three minutes. Then go immediately to the ice cold bath
for one minute. Alternate from one to the other. Always start with the hot bath
and end with the cold one. Dry off, apply some healing salve to the inflamed
hemorrhoids, and then dress comfortably.


One of the most helpful techniques for healing hemorrhoids is Kegel exercises.
Simply tighten and relax the anal sphincter. This helps to strengthen and tone the
area rather than it becoming flaccid and giving out as time passes. Sets of 21
flexes 3 times a day is a good goal.
Yoga postures such as the fish, plough, and shoulder stand are also helpful as a
hemorrhoid preventative as well as for treatment.
Avoiding Jet Lag and Other Traveling Pitfalls
Flying long distances is stressful for the body and can lead to jet lag. A plane’s
environment is often lower in oxygen than the regular atmosphere and also quite
dry, which may cause you to become dehydrated. Once you arrive at your
destination, you may also encounter unfamiliar bugs and parasites that can wreak
havoc on your system. But you can arrive refreshed and stay healthy. Here’s


Before taking your trip, load up on antioxidant vitamins A (10,000 IU), E (400
IU), and the mineral selenium (50 mg) daily for a week before departure. This
will help protect you against free-radical damage caused by radiation during the
flight. Also take an anti-stress high-potency B-complex (50 mg) vitamin with
1,000 mg of time-release vitamin C once daily while on your trip.

Rescue Remedy is a combination of five Bach flower remedies. It is available in
natural food stores. It is good for helping you deal with all sorts of stressful
situations that can occur when traveling, such as fear of flying, lost luggage, or
stolen passports. Bring some along to stay calm just in case you encounter a
crisis along the way. Take three drops under the tongue or in a half glass of water
as needed.
Diarrhea is a common traveling ailment. Start taking a high potency probiotic
supplement a week before leaving and during the trip to help establish friendly
intestinal flora. Look for the types that don’t require refrigeration. Take 1 capsule
three times daily. Take three garlic capsules daily to prevent dysentery if
traveling to areas where that is a problem. If you can, bring your own activated
charcoal water filter. Look for one that will remove giardia.


During the flight and afterward, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially
water, to rehydrate your body. If you land during the day, get some sunlight to
recharge your batteries. This will help you adjust to the new time zone.
The hormone melatonin is manufactured in the brain during periods of
darkness to promote sleep. It helps reset your body clock and facilitates deep and
restful sleep. The level of melatonin in the body decreases with age, making
people over the age of 50 more susceptible to jet lag. If you are traveling across
time zones, take up to 8 mg of melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime at your
destination. Take for four days after arriving to make you less sleepy, more
efficient at work, and less moody. Also, try to schedule your arrival before 9 pm
so you can get a rejuvenating night’s sleep. A drop of lavender oil on your pillow
can also help you sleep in a new environment.


Whenever possible, try to keep your feet above your head. For example, when
lounging on the couch, support your legs and back and drape them up over the
top of the couch. Inverted postures help divert circulation from the area of
inflammation and elevate the area needing inflammation reduction.
Once you depart, take ginseng or eleuthero, as both are considered
adaptogens, an agent that helps the body adapt to different environments, climate
changes, altitudes, and stress. Use ginseng or eleuthero twice daily in capsules or
tincture, following the dosage guidelines on the bottle.
A lavender or rosemary aromatherapy bath and a clay mask followed by a
quick cold shower can have you feeling refreshed and alive in no time. There is
also nothing wrong with allowing some time to get your feet back on the ground
before beginning a whirlwind schedule. Stay put for a day or two before “le
grand tour” if possible.
The Chinese patent formula cerebral tonic Pills can also be used to help
overcome jet lag. Take as directed on the packaging.

Bring along a bottle of versatile lavender, peppermint, or tea tree essential oil.
Your spray mister can serve a double purpose. On arrival, spray the bedding to
deter bed bugs.

If you get a cut in a tropical climate, apply tea tree oil directly to prevent the nick
from becoming major jungle rot. Even bathing in contaminated water can be a
problem. Every time you wash, add one drop each of tea tree, eucalyptus, and
lavender essential oil to a sink full of water.
A few homeopathic remedies that can help alleviate jet lag by balancing the
body’s energy are as follows:
• Arnica: Helps alleviate the shock and stress of changing time zones
• Cocculus: Helps alleviate irritation, weakness, fogginess, nausea, and
• Nux vomica: Helps alleviate nervous debility with trembling, lack of appetite,
irritation, and constipation
• Phosphorus: Helps alleviate dizziness, sluggishness, absentmindedness,
nausea, and fogginess
Natural food stores carry many homeopathic combinations that help overcome
jet lag. Usually three to four pellets are dissolved under the tongue three or four
times daily.

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Avoid caffeine and alcohol when flying as they will dehydrate you.


Salads washed in unsafe water can transmit parasites, so stick with peeled or
cooked vegetables. Vegetables need to be washed in purified water if uncooked.
Eat only fruit that can be peeled like bananas, papaya, and pineapple. Papaya and
pineapple both contain natural digestive enzymes and make an excellent way to
end a meal. Papaya seeds have anti-parasitic properties and can be consumed in
doses of 1 teaspoonful (3 g) daily.
Both pomegranates and cranberries also have anti-parasitic properties.
Liberal use of raw garlic and onions also helps prevent unfriendly
microorganisms (and even bug bites!). Squeeze lime or lemon juice on as many
things you eat as possible as such juice has detoxifying and anti-infection
Freezing does not necessarily kill parasites, so think twice before eating that
popsicle or ice cream, no matter how refreshing it sounds. If you do eat meat,
make sure it is well cooked and eaten hot; otherwise, potential parasites make
this is another good reason to avoid meat. Raw seafood can carry hepatitis.
Avoid eating with unclean hands.
Be aware that ice cubes are often made with parasite-infested water (ice tends
to create more thirst and hinder digestion anyway).


A high-protein meal will increase alertness and the ability to think clearly. A
high-carbohydrate meal will make it easier to sleep either on the plane or at your
When buying bottled water, make sure the bottle is properly sealed. If in doubt,
order beer or soda in moderation. Wine is considered safe and even antibacterial.
The rule to remember is, “If you can’t peel it, boil it, or cook it, forget it.”


Should you find yourself with diarrhea, you can make an electrolyte-rich
beverage to replace lost nutrients by mixing 8 ounces (235 ml) of clean water
with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Another formula to replace
lost nutrients is made by combining 1 quart (950 ml) of boiled water with 1/2
cup (120 ml) lemon juice, 2 tablespoons (13 g) honey, 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, and
1/4 teaspoon baking soda. You may also want to tuck a few packets of
electrolyte powder into your travel first aid kit. Homeopathic Arsenicum can
help diarrhea that is the result of eating tainted food.
Ume concentrate made from the umeboshi plum can also stop diarrhea,
prevent parasites, treat food poisoning and digestive upsets, relieve a hangover,
as well as prevent typhoid. It truly is one of those “Don’t leave home without it”
remedies. It can be purchased in pills or as a paste. Charcoal capsules are another
excellent for stopping even a severe case of the runs. Take two capsules three of
four times daily.
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Avoid alcohol at high altitudes for the first couple of days as its diuretic
effects will contribute to the body’s loss of minerals and to making you

Research the areas you will be traveling to better equip yourself for the trip.
Know before you go. Tourist and resort areas, though less adventurous, are
usually at lower risk for disease. Check with health officials to find out if
malaria, dysentery, cholera, encephalitis, or other health bugaboos are a threat
where you are going and be prepared.
People often find it difficult to sleep in an unfamiliar environment, no matter
how exhausted they are. Consider bringing along some herbal sleeping potions
such as valerian capsules or chamomile tea bags. You might also want to travel
with an herbal sleep sachet stuffed with hops and catnip to place in your pillow.
A wise traveler should bring along an extra set of prescription glasses. No
point in sightseeing if you can’t see! If you are on medication, be it herbal or
otherwise, keep it with you should your luggage get lost. It is also wise to have
the Latin names for any herbs you are on (they are the same in every language)
or generic names for any medication you are using should they need to be
Ideally, travel with few enough possessions so that you can keep your luggage
with you rather than checking it. The wise traveler brings twice the money and
half the clothes one would expect to need. Make copies of your passport and
credit cards and leave them with someone you trust. Keep a separate paper with
you that lists your passport number, date, and place of issue. Only exchange
currency at official places such as banks and stations. Have a solar calculator to
keep track of exchange rates accurately. Treat the local people with respect.
Traveling is supposed to be different from home. That’s why we do it. Have an
Preventing and Treating Hangover
Hangovers tend to occur because you have consumed more than your liver has
been able to cope with. The drinks most likely to cause hangovers include
bourbon, brandy, champagne, cognac, rum, rye, whiskey, and red wine. Vodka,
gin, and white wine are less likely to cause hangovers. In general, the less flavor
a substance has, the less likely it is to cause a hangover. Mixing several kinds of
drinks increases hangovers and so does the use of carbonated beverages, which
enter the system quickly. Symptoms of hangovers include irritability, depression,
headache, nausea, and dizziness. Let’s look at some folk remedies for hangover
prevention and treatment.


Take 2 to 6 teaspoons (13 to 40 g) of honey every 20 minutes upon waking,
depending on the severity of the hangover. Continue with the honey until you
start to feel better and then take 4 teaspoons (27 g) with your first meal. The
potassium in the honey helps counteract the effects of the alcohol and will
decrease the cravings for it.

Thrifty Cure!
Eat a banana! Bananas are rich in the important electrolytes magnesium
and potassium, which are severely depleted during heavy drinking.

To help ward off a hangover, take a 100 mg B complex vitamin before bed
and again upon arising to break down alcohol in the body. B vitamins are water
soluble and get washed out of the body by the diuretic effects of alcohol.
Hangovers are produced by dehydration (alcohol is a diuretic) and
hypoglycemia (alcohol is full of sugar). So drink plenty of fluids before and after
drinking to prevent dehydration. Aim for twice as much water or non-alcoholic
beverage to each drink you take. Sports drinks, which are high in electrolytes,
help replenish what the kidneys have excreted during drinking. Take before
bedtime. In the morning, a glass of orange juice or tomato juice can help dispel a
hangover more quickly, as can teas of anise, mint, or chamomile.
Eat before imbibing. That’s because when the stomach is full, alcohol
absorption is slowed.
Fruit juice contains natural sugars, which help the body metabolize alcohol
faster. Elevating blood sugar levels by eating a snack of fruit before bed can help
prevent a hangover. Eating oily foods like cheese or nuts before drinking and
starchy foods while drinking also help prevent a hangover. Eating a few dates in
the morning or a grapefruit will also elevate blood sugar levels, making you feel

Take one tablet of activated charcoal per drink while you are drinking. The
charcoal absorbs the impurities in the alcohol, which are the cause of the
hangover. However, note that the charcoal also absorbs important nutrients, so if
you are a heavy drinker, don’t use this remedy daily as you will end up with
nutritional deficiencies.

A Siberian folk remedy to sober up is to have the person lay on their back while
someone briskly rubs their ears in a circular motion. Don’t rely on this or any of
the other methods discussed here to still drive.

Thrifty Cure!
Try a compress of water on the head to which a few drops of geranium
oil have been added to soothe a hangover-induced headache.

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Coffee has long been used to sober folks up. However, it is a strong
diuretic that can cause further dehydration so it should be avoided.

Whether we are indoors or outside, life sometimes presents challenges. It

helps to know what to do so that a little problem doesn’t have to become a
big one. Here are some suggestions for relieving burns, bug bites, and skin
afflictions naturally.
Healing Animal Bites and Scratches
A dog bite or a cat scratch can be distressing for both man and beast. Fortunately,
there are plenty of simple things you can do to heal wounds fast, from healing
herbs to homeopathic remedies.


Bleeding will clean out a wound or scratch, but you’ll also need to wash it with
antiseptic soap and hot water. Allow the water to flush the wound by running
over the bites for 10 minutes. Next, apply a few drops of lavender or tea tree
essential oil, echinacea tincture, or hydrogen peroxide topically to further
disinfect the wound.
You can also apply some goldenseal powder, a plantain leaf compress, or
charcoal poultice over the wounded area, using enough of the moistened remedy
to cover the area. (See ″Preparations 101″ on page 18 for information on how to
make a compress.) After applying the poultice, apply a sterile dressing.
Take an extra 500 mg of vitamin C for kids and 1,000 mg for adults and a
dropperful of echinacea tincture several times daily internally to prevent
infection for at least three days afterwards.


Get medical attention in any of the following circumstances:
• A bite occurs from a human or wild animal.
• The bite is on the face, which can leave scarring.
• A child who has allergic tendencies has been bitten.
• The bite results in a bluish discoloration at the bite site, indicating nerve or
blood vessel damage.
• Signs of infection appear.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Treat second-and third-degree burns by blending 1/2 cup (120 ml) wheat
germ oil with 1/2 cup (170 g) raw honey and 1/2 teaspoon lobelia
powder. Store in a clean glass jar in a cool place. When needed, add
enough chopped or blended comfrey leaves to make a paste. Apply
gently with a new clean paintbrush! Don’t clean off the paste, just keep
painting on additional layers 2 or 3 times daily to regenerate new skin.
Comfrey contains allantoin, which stimulates tissue regeneration.
Give homeopathic Ledum if the wound is deep, especially if the area is swollen,
red, and feels cold. Give homeopathic Apis if the wound is hot and stingy and if
cold applications bring relief. Homeopathic Lachesis is a remedy specific for
dog bites, whereas homeopathic Acetic acid is for cat bites. In all instances, take
3 to 4 pellets under the tongue 4 times a day if needed.

Teach children to avoid petting animals they do not know and to not approach
wild animals. Wild animals that allow themselves to be petted are more likely to
be sick. Large dogs can cause the most serious bites. Do not leave children alone
with animals and avoid interfering with animals that are mating, fighting, or
Relieving Burns
Burns are a nasty surprise. First-degree burns leave a red painful mark without
blisters and often occur from mild sunburn or brief contact with a hot object.
Only the first layer of skin is affected. Second-degree burns cause blisters and
swelling. This can happen when you are splashed with boiling water or even
from severe sunburn and can cause scarring. Third-degree burns may look white
and charred and may occur from prolonged contact with hot objects or severe
electrical shock. Such burns can involve all the skin layers, including the
subcutaneous tissue, and often damages muscles and other tissues.
To help alleviate pain from any type of burn, elevate the burned area above the
heart to slow circulation. Avoid breaking blisters or removing tissue. An
insulated dry cold pack can help relieve pain and so can these tips.


Fill a basin with cold (not freezing) water and submerge the burned area in it for
as long as it takes for the pain to subside. If water is scarce, rinse gently with
milk or beer or apply clean water compresses. Never apply anything to a burn
before doing this as you can actually seal in the heat, causing more damage.
Soaking burned areas in salt water, especially kosher salt, is also beneficial.
Calendula salve, grated carrot, comfrey poultice, cucumber slices, raw honey,
tofu, wheat grass, plantain poultice, raw potato or potato juice, vinegar, yogurt,
or cooled damp black tea bags can all be applied topically to first-degree burns
after the heat has been soaked out of them. These all will have a cooling and
anti-inflammatory effect.
After soaking the burn, apply undiluted lavender or tea tree essential oil to the
burned area. Give 2 drops Rescue Remedy under the tongue to minimize the
trauma of the situation.
Topical application of Saint John’s-Wort oil is also an excellent burn remedy
and helps repair nerve damage. Apply any of these remedies three to four times
daily. Protect any burned areas from the sun. Avoid applying anything with
cotton balls, which have irritating fibers that can stick to the burn. Use clean
fingers, a clean piece of cloth, or even a clean new paintbrush.
If you burned your mouth, rinse it with cold water. Then take 2 teaspoons (10
ml) of olive oil and slowly swish it around your mouth. Sucking on ice cubes
also helps.


Homeopathic Urtica urens can be given for first-degree burns. Homeopathic
Hypericum is used internally to help repair nerves damaged by burns.
Homeopathic Arsenicum album is for burned skin that appears seared, scaly, red,
swollen, and is sensitive to touch. Take homeopathic Cantharis, Hypericum, or
Causticum for second-degree burns. Homeopathic Urtica can be given for pain
that feels like stinging. Homeopathic remedies are used as 3 to 4 pellets
dissolved under the tongue 3 or 4 times daily as needed.

Thrifty Cures!
If you burn a fingertip, place your thumb on the back of your earlobe and
the burnt fingertip on the front. Press firmly for a minute for relief.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Try drinking this beneficial tea to help the body heal from a burn:
2 parts comfrey leaf
1 part red clover blossoms
1 part nettles
1 part skullcap
1 part marshmallow root
Drink 1/2 cup (118 ml) every 2 hours along with 1 capsule comfrey root
to promote cell regeneration and 1 capsule echinacea to prevent blood
poisoning and infection.


Eat lots of healing chlorophyll-rich super foods such as spirulina, chlorella, and
blue-green algae. These are available in capsules; take up to two capsules three
times daily. Also recommended is eating soothing oily avocados, olives, and
olive oil to help burns heal and to keep the skin moist.
Burn victims are prone to candida, as injured tissue provides a breeding
ground for opportunistic infections. Use an acidophilus supplement to minimize
fungal overgrowth, one to two capsules between meals three times daily.
For the recovery phase of burns, take an antioxidant vitamin supplement that
contains 1,000 mg vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, and 15 mg zinc to promote
healing and minimize scarring.


remove rings or tight clothing in the area of the burn; if swelling does occur,
these items may be difficult to remove later.


A Chinese patent herbal formula for burns is topical application of Jing Wan
Hong (also known as Ching Wan Hung), which can be applied directly to the
skin after cleaning or onto clean gauze and then applied to the skin.
Drink plenty of fluids when burned to help replace lost fluids. However, never
give an unconscious person anything to consume. Turn an unconscious person
on their side to allow body fluids like vomit or saliva to drain to prevent
choking. Raise the opposite side of the body with a supportive pillow or cushion.

Aloe is naturally cooling and anti-inflammatory, so keep a jar of aloe vera in the
refrigerator to use for topical burn application. Aloe plants benefit from having
their outer leaves cut, so use the inner gel from older, lower leaves on first-and
second-degree burns and reapply several times daily.


Second-degree burns covering more than 15 percent of an adult and 10 percent
of a child and all third-degree burns should receive medical attention. In
addition, burns that increase in pain more than two days after the incident,
discharge pus, or cause problems in moving the joints, or occur with a high fever
should be seen by a health professional. Burns on the face may result in
blockage of the respiratory tract; get prompt medical attention if swelling occurs
or breathing becomes impaired. If there is shock that doesn’t improve, seek
medical attention.
Healing Hives
Hives are hot and itchy and can make you want to hide. First, try to figure out
the cause of the hives. Are you very stressed? Are you using a new lotion,
bubble bath, makeup, or detergent? Are you eating a food you’re allergic to? If
possible, change whatever you suspect may be a cause. Next, try these remedies.


Drink two to three cups of either a single herb or a combination of the following:
calendula, chamomile, dandelion leaf and root, nettles, plantain, and red clover
tea to help the body’s normal channels of elimination such as the kidneys, liver,
and lymph. Natural food stores carry pre-made detoxifying herbal tea blends.
Soak in the bathtub with a couple of handfuls of oatmeal tied into a washcloth.
Pat the soothing oatmeal mucilage that exudes from the cloth on the skin. Or
bathe with a pound (455 g) of alkalinizing baking soda.
After you dry off, apply cooling and soothing aloe vera juice or cooled
chamomile tea with clean fingers or a soft cloth as an anti-inflammatory agent to
the affected area.
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Avoid spicy foods like ginger and cayenne, as they tend to bring toxins to
the surface of the skin by powerfully increasing circulation. Foods likely
to cause rashes, as they are common allergens, include citrus fruit,
strawberries, mangoes, tomatoes, shellfish, nuts, and chocolate.


Eat a bland diet including alkalinizing celery, cucumbers, and kale and other
green leafy vegetables. Wear cooling blue rather than red or orange.
Getting Rid of Lice, Crabs, and Scabies
These three parasites can make those infected with them very uncomfortable.
Head lice are prolific, and females lay between 50 and 300 nits in their life
cycle. Nine days later, the eggs hatch. Nits are tiny yellow ovals that attach
themselves firmly to the hair shaft and survive by biting and sucking blood.
They can live up to two days without a host.
Pubic lice are also known as crabs. Crabs are generally transmitted by sexual
contact. They are hard to see but look like tiny black-or rust-colored spots
clinging to the base of pubic hair. Using a magnifying glass can help them be
more visible. They are treated in the same manner as head lice.
Scabies, also known as body lice, infest the body, especially in areas of the
wrists, finger webs, hands, elbows, underarms, waist, feet, scrotum, and nipples,
burrowing into skin and causing itching. Scabies can live in the seams of
clothing, migrating to the body for their twice-daily feedings.
Parasites are more likely to invade those in poor health, so a lifelong practice
of good hygiene and sound nutrition is wise. Strengthen your energy shield! If
you do get infected, here’s how to stop the itch.


To make a natural lice shampoo out of herbs, add 5 drops each of essential oils
of tea tree, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus to a base of 5
teaspoons (28 ml) of pure olive oil. Add a small amount of regular shampoo to
the mixture and put this all over the hair to the ends. Leave on an hour under a
shower cap to prevent drips. Rinse and shampoo the hair.
You can also add 20 drops of these same essential oils to 1/2 cup (120 ml)
apple cider vinegar and an equal amount of water. Shampoo, rinse, and pour the
solution over your head. Leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing out. Avoid
getting any essential oils in your eyes or mouth. Repeat in 10 days.
Another remedy is to blend 12 cloves of garlic in 1 pint (475 ml) of water and
work the solution into the hair and scalp. Cover the head with a plastic shower
cap, leave on one hour, and then wash your hair. Repeat treatments again in 10
days. After shampooing, rinse the hair and scalp with vinegar. This loosens the
glue that holds the nits onto the hair shafts. Rinse with hot water—but not so hot
that it burns. Follow the same procedure as with the mayonnaise (see page 62) to
remove remaining nits.

Every person in the household will need to be checked. Human lice do not live
on animals (and vice versa). And it is only polite to let the parents of any
children your child was in contact with know that they should inspect their own
children. This sounds embarrassing, but it’s not a great idea to let other children
get more and more lice before their parents notice. Also, you do not want any of
these children giving lice back to your child! It is especially important to inform
the school office and your child’s teacher.

Pregnant wmen or infants should consult with a competent health-care

professional before following any of the remedies for treatment of parasites.
Essential oils can be too strong for young skin, and essential oil use during
pregnancy has not yet been well researched.


Eat lots of garlic and seaweed to make the parasites dislike the taste of your
blood. Also consume liver-cleansing foods such as carrots, beets, burdock,
dandelion greens, and barley. Drink blood-purifying teas such as cleavers,
dandelion root, echinacea, and red clover blossoms three times daily. By
detoxifying the blood, you’ll make the parasites less interested in you and more
apt to seek out a less healthy host.
Use a salt rub on your skin by moistening salt with water and rubbing all over
the body. Leave on for 1/2 hour. Soak deep in a hot bath scented with tea tree oil
for 30 minutes to an hour. Then friction dry. Take a sauna. Scabies can’t survive
in temperatures of 120°F (49°C) for more than 5 minutes.
After the heat treatment, apply undiluted tea tree and lavender oil to infested
areas of the skin to deter the critters, who won’t like the taste and will leave.
Itching can persist for several days, even after the parasites are dead.
Parasite invasion symbolizes letting others have power over you. Reclaim
your body and life. You are stronger and smarter than they are. Don’t allow
things to get under your skin.

If there are any nits on the eyelashes or eyebrows, coat them thoroughly with
Vaseline. Reapply four times a day.

Thrifty Cure!
Head and public lice can be killed quickly, easily, cheaply, and safely
with mayonnaise. Buy a new jar of real mayonnaise as one in the
refrigerator may be too cold and old. Grab several handfuls—enough to
cover all the hair, being sure to get behind the ears and down the neck a
bit. Cover with a disposable plastic shower cap to keep the mess to a
minimum. Leave the mayonnaise on for two hours to smother the lice
and developed eggs. Remove and dispose the shower cap, wash the
hands well, and shampoo. It may take two or more shampoos to get the
hair clean.
The mayonnaise may not kill the newest nits since the unborn lice inside
may not have developed enough to need air yet. To deal with nits left
behind, under good lighting (such as natural sunlight), comb out any
remaining eggs with a fine-toothed metal comb. Nits are usually found
near the scalp. Check the hair by tiny sections, especially around the
edges of the hair, at the neck, and behind the ears. Put each nit or hair
into a bowl of vinegar. Flush away any contaminated tissues. Boil the
comb for three minutes in water or throw it away after use.
Repeat the smother-the-hair-with-mayonnaise-technique seven to ten
days after the first application to kill any survivors. Continue to check the
hair daily for a few weeks since you or your child may still be around
others who are infected.

Disinfect Everything!
Your hair or your child’s hair is not your only worry. All of the clothing
that you or your child has worn and towels used for the last week should
be washed in hot water. If there is some item that will shrink in the
washer, you can put it through the dryer on the hot cycle for 30 minutes
without washing it first.
All bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows, pillowcases, comforter, mattress
cover) needs to either be washed in hot water, dried dry on the hot cycle,
or put into a plastic bag and left sealed up. (They say that lice can only
live away from the human host for 48 hours or so, and the nits can
survive 7 to 10 days without a host, but keep the bags sealed for at least
two weeks—just in case—and because more eggs could hatch during this
time period or new lice could be brought home.)
Bagging will also be necessary for stuffed animals, hats, throw pillows,
barrettes, ponytail holders, hair ribbons, helmets, necklaces, and anything
else that has come in contact with you or your child or combs and
brushes. Vacuum the mattress, couch, chairs, rugs and floors, car seats
and backs, car rugs, and upholstered church pews thoroughly then
dispose of the vacuum bag.

Ditching the Itch of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

Poison ivy and poison oak are a hot mess. And it’s not the type of hot mess you
see on Project Runway! It’s the kind that is red and itchy. Poison ivy is more
abundant east of the Rocky Mountains, with poison oak growing west. Both
plants are very similar, with poison oak having more lobed leaves, similar to that
of an oak tree. The toxic principle in both is called urushiol. It is one of the most
potent external toxins on earth. Usually within 6 to 72 hours, the skin may burn,
itch, and look red. Small blisters that look similar to fleabites will appear first.
Later, a crust may form.
Not only can you get this nasty itch from touching the plant, you can also get
it from touching clothes, pets, sporting equipment, car seats, tools, or anything
else that has been in contact with the plant. People with delicate or fair skin who
are very sun sensitive are considered the most susceptible. A number of home
remedies can help comfort and speed healing of “the awful itch.”


Seek medical attention for cases of poison ivy or poison oak occurring near the
eyes, mouth, genitals, covering more than half the body, or causing a high fever.


Herbs that have shown the most success as far as bringing relief when applied
topically are made from teas of the following plants: burdock leaf and root,
calendula, goldenseal root, grindelia, myrrh, plantain leaf, and white oak bark.
They all have blood-purifying and soothing properties.
To make a tea for topical application, put 1 cup (30 g) of any of these herbs or
a combination of them in a half-gallon (1.9 L) canning jar. Fill the jar with
boiling water or hot apple cider vinegar. Cover and let stand 12 hours. Strain the
tea and apply the liquid by patting it on gently to the afflicted area.
Another excellent herb for topical use is jewelweed (Impatiens spp.), which is
rich in natural tannins. However, rather than making a tea of this plant, the fresh
juice is preferable. (You can simply run the fresh herb through a juicer.) Since
jewelweed is available only during the summer months, and poison ivy is around
longer, you can freeze the jewelweed juice into ice cubes and store them in
plastic bags in the freezer. Apply the juice or frozen cubes directly to the skin.

Thrifty Cures!
Once you have poison ivy or poison oak, cleanse your system by
drinking teas three times daily of burdock root, dandelion root, nettle
herb, and red clover blossom. You can also make a poultice of green clay
and apple cider vinegar and apply to the itchy area.


Many people find that homeopathy can help them better resist poison ivy.
Homeopathic Rhus tox (which is actually made from poison ivy) 12x or 30c
potency (homeopathy is measured in x or c doses), where 3 pills are taken every
2 hours, can be used before or after exposure.

If you do get poison ivy, avoid washing with a washcloth as this will cause it to
spread. You may find that bathing helps to bring some relief. Add 1 cup (235 ml)
of apple cider vinegar, oatmeal (80 g), or baking soda (221 g) to the bath.

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Avoid citrus and tomato products during a poison ivy or poison oak
outbreak as these foods can exacerbate the rash due to their high acid
content. Also avoid foods in the Brassicaceae family such as cabbage,
broccoli, cauliflower, and mustard greens. They are so cleansing that they
will cause the rash to spread during an outbreak.

Keep your nails short and change and wash clothing daily. Try to avoid
sweating or getting too much sun.
Learn to identify the plant and avoid it. Wear gloves and clothing that covers
you well before going out in infested areas. If you think you have contacted
poison ivy or poison oak, remove and launder your clothing. Wash your body
within 10 to 30 minutes. It is important to use an alkaline soap without an oil
base to avoid spreading the urushiol.

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Burning poison ivy or poison oak can cause dangerous smoke that
irritates the eyes and lungs. Don’t do it!


A folk remedy for poison ivy and poison oak prevention is to rub fresh artemesia
leaves on exposed skin when going out. It grows wild in many parts of the

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Make a paste of water or apple cider vinegar mixed with baking soda,
oatmeal, or Epsom salts. Aloe vera juice, tofu, and watermelon rind all
provide cooling relief. One pint (475 ml) of buttermilk to which 1
tablespoon (18 ml) of sea salt has been added is also helpful.

Remedying Ringworm
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect the scalp, body, feet, and nails.
The name comes from a characteristic red ring of small scales that appears on
the infected person’s skin and has nothing to do with worms, thank goodness.
Though it is not dangerous, it is contagious. As a first step, you need to practice
excellent hygiene, washing clothing, bedding, and towels in hot water followed
by a dryer cycle. Avoid sharing towels. Next, use these natural cures.


Apply 3 to 5 drops of essential oils of lavender or tea tree topically to the area.
You can also use echinacea tincture, goldenseal tincture, and/or myrrh tincture
simply by applying enough to cover the affected area three times daily.

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Cut out sugars, alcohol, and fruit juices when you have ringworm as all
of these foods nourish fungi.
Thrifty Cures!
A traditional folk remedy for ringworm is to place a copper penny in
vinegar until the penny turns green and then rub the wet green penny on
the affected area. Another folk remedy is to make a paste of apple cider
vinegar and salt and apply to the affected area. Repeat three times daily.

You can also rub a crushed garlic clove briefly over the area several times
daily, but don’t leave the garlic clove on the skin as it can burn. Garlic oil, a
major antifungal agent, can also be used internally (take three capsules daily). In
addition, take one dropperful of black walnut tincture (a powerful antifungal
agent) three times daily and a probiotic supplement three times daily to help the
body better resist fungal overgrowth.

Fungi thrive in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms and swimming pools
and in skin folds. Avoid sharing clothing, sports equipment, towels, or sheets.
Add 1 cup (235 ml) of apple cider vinegar to the final rinse water of your
Wear loose-fitting natural clothing and use natural fibers in bedding so the
skin can breathe and fungal infections will not thrive.

Soothing Sunburn
Spending too much time in the sun can leave you feeling overdone. Excessive
sun exposure can contribute to premature aging, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.
Prevention is the key. But if you do get toasted, here’s how to feel better fast.
After excess sun exposure, take a cool shower or soak in a tepid bath to which
you have added 1 cup (235 ml) of alkalinizing apple cider vinegar or 7 drops of
cooling and anti-inflammatory peppermint or lavender essential oil. Black or
green tea bags are high in pain-relieving astringent tannic acid and can be
moistened and applied to the skin or made into a tea and added to the bath water.
Another soothing bath for sunburn is 1/2 cup (111 g) of baking soda and a
small handful of sea salt. Tepid oatmeal baths (use 1 cup [80 g]) are also
soothing and cooling.
After your bath, apply 1 cup (235 ml) aloe vera juice with 10 drops of
lavender oil to soothe the skin. Use just the amount needed to cover afflicted
areas. Store remaining portions in the refrigerator in a clean, labeled glass jar.
Drink peppermint tea to cool you from the inside. Drink plenty of water to
help rehydrate the skin.

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Avoid further sun exposure until symptoms have subsided. Do not break
blisters. Avoid midday sun. Be aware that you can get burned through
light cotton clothing.

Look for natural sunscreens at health food stores and apply 30 minutes before
exposure. Wear a hat that gives shade to the back of the neck and drink plenty of
Soothing Boils
Boils, also known as furuncles, are a sign of excess heat in the body. These
tender pus-filled areas are often dark red or purplish in color. Symptoms include
itching, mild pain, and localized swelling. Boils are most likely to occur on the
face, scalp, buttocks, legs, and underarm area and can be caused by food
sensitivity, poor hygiene, infected hair follicles, and weakened immunity. Here’s
how to bring things to a head.


If possible, elevate the site of infection so that it is above the heart. To draw a
boil to its head, which will draw the toxins to the surface and thus out of the
body, apply a hot ginger tea compress. (See ″Preparations 101″ on page 12 for
information on how to make a hot ginger tea compress.)

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Look in your fridge for sunburn relief. Blend up some yogurt and
cucumber and apply directly to the skin or apply a grated potato poultice.
Or you can even apply a compress of cold milk! For sunburned eyes,
apply cucumber slices, grated raw potato or apple, or chamomile tea bag

Alternatively, you can soak the afflicted area in a hot Epsom salt solution (1/2
cup [115 g]of salt to 1 quart [950 ml] of hot water). You can even apply a hot
black tea bag!
Next, mix red clay with enough apple cider vinegar to make a thick paste and
apply directly to the affected area. Leave it on until it dries. This helps to dry the
boil and draw toxins to the surface. Do this several times a day.
After the boil breaks, apply echinacea extract or lavender oil to the area
several times a day. You can also take echinacea, red clover, violet leaf, and
burdock root as a tea, tincture, or capsules, as all of these herbs are considered
alterative, or blood purifying.
Soothing Blisters
Breaking in a new pair of shoes or just walking too much can lead to a blister. A
blister is a small pocket of fluid within the skin’s upper layers, often caused by
friction, burning, freezing, chemical exposure, or infection. Most blisters are
filled with a clear fluid called serum or plasma. However, blisters can be filled
with blood (known as blood blisters) or pus if infected. Here’s how to feel better.
Seek medical help for a boil:
• If red streaks appear to radiate outward from the boil site.
• If the patient is an infant or very elderly.
• If the boil is on the upper lip, nose, scalp or outer ear (all are too close to the
• If the boil is in the armpit or groin or on the breast of a nursing mother.
• If a fever over 100°F (38°C) persists.


Keep the area clean and relieve any pressure on the blister. It is best to leave
blisters unbroken. Treat blisters as you would an open wound.
If you must pop a blister, first, make a small puncture at the base of the blister
using a sterilized needle. Next, wash with soap and water and apply a plantain
poultice, echinacea tincture, or essential oil of lavender or tea tree topically.
Cover with a breathable Band-Aid.

Consider wearing two pairs of socks to prevent foot blisters. Wear gloves or
wrap hands when handling tools.
Preventing Insect Bites and Easing Itch
Bug bites result in itchy welts that you shouldn’t scratch, even though you really
want to! Such welts appear when the saliva injected by a mosquito, bee, or ant
causes a histamine response. Here’s how to prevent bites and treat them too.

Essential Oil Remedy to Ward Off Insects

To ward away insects, try this herbal insect repellent:
2 ounces (60 ml) almond oil
5 drops essential oil of eucalyptus
5 drops essential oil of lavender
5 drops essential oil of tea tree
5 drops essential oil of citronella
5 drops essential oil of rosemary
Mix together and apply liberally, avoiding the eyes and mucus membranes.
To create a more bug-free environment, consider diffusing essential oils of
citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, rosemary, and tea tree. You can also
make a room spray by combining water with a few drops of the oil. Hanging a
bouquet of dried tomato plant leaves in the room also wards off insects. Perhaps
some insects just don’t like the aroma.
Here are a few ideas to keep bugs from finding you an easy target:
• When heading out, tuck in your hair and shirts and socks so bugs have less
access to your skin.
• The best colors to wear are white, tan, and light green, which are less
attractive to bugs.
• Avoid floral prints (you don’t want to look like a flower), loose clothing, the
color blue (the preferred color of mosquitoes), hair spray, perfumes (you don’t
want to smell like a flower either), sandals, and shiny jewelry (which can also
attract attention from the bug world).

Taking 3 or 4 garlic capsules a day will also make you an unappetizing host. 100
mg (50 for kids) of vitamin B complex taken orally creates a smell that many
bugs don’t like. Taking homeopathic Staphysagria also may prevent you being
bitten. Essential oils such as cedarwood, citronella, lavender, and tea tree can be
applied topically to pulse points such as the wrists, behind the knees, and behind
the ears every hour or so.


You can treat ant bites topically with any of the following:
• Apple cider vinegar (or a paste of baking soda and apple cider vinegar)
• Green clay
• Cucumber juice (or just rub a slice of cucumber over the area)
• Essential oil of lavender
All of these will help neutralize any venom and dry up the itching and stinging
chemicals left by the ants.


Remove the stinger by dragging the edge of your fingernail or a credit card
across it. Wash the area with soap and water. Make a paste by adding water or
vinegar to meat tenderizer, which is made from papain, the enzyme derived from
papaya. This helps break down the inflammatory properties of the venom.
Baking soda mixed with water and applied directly to the stung area also
provides relief.


For some, insect bites have the potential to be dangerous. Watch for skin
flushing, severe coughing, wheezing, anxiety, blurred vision, and vomiting. Rush
to the nearest emergency room if you or others experience any of these
symptoms when bitten.


Include aromatic plants such as artemesia, lavender, or rosemary in your garden.

You can rub them on your body to prevent insect bites!
Take a dropperful of echinacea several times during the day to reduce
swelling. Taking 100 mg of bromelain (an enzyme derived from pineapple) and
quercetin (a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory activity) orally every 4 hours will
also help reduce inflammation.

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Stay off of meat and spicy, oily, and heavy-protein foods. You want your
body to focus its energy on healing, not breaking down foods that are
difficult to digest. Avoid sugar too as sugar provides food for bacteria.

Insects are attracted to people who eat lots of bananas, so curb your banana
intake. Alcohol consumption causes blood vessel dilation, thus making you more
desirable for mosquitoes.
Homeopathic Apis is ideal for stings that are swollen. Take 4 pellets under the
tongue 4 times a day. If you have some vitamin C handy, take about 1,000 mg to
reduce swelling.
If you are allergic to bee stings, carry an emergency kit with you or seek
medical attention immediately.


Apply tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, or witch hazel to bites by dabbing a few
drops from the bottle with your fingers. You can also apply a paste of powdered
charcoal. Just open a capsule or two and mix with enough water or apple cider
vinegar to get it to stick. All of these substances help relieve pain and itching due
to their anti-inflammatory actions.


Brush off a caterpillar or centipede in the direction they are traveling or irritating
hairs may remain in your skin. Apply essential oil of lavender to the bite as
needed. Echinacea tincture can be used topically and internally. Repeat these
treatments three or four times daily until you have relief.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

If you’ve been bitten by a bug, soak in a bathtub with 1 cup (235 ml)
apple cider vinegar or 1 pound (455 g) baking soda. (Use half as much
for children.) Or try adding 1 gallon (3.8 L) peppermint tea or 1/2 cup
(235 ml) of sea salt.


Wash the bitten area and apply three to five drops essential oil of lavender or
some apple cider vinegar. Apply ice. Other helpful things to apply topically
include mud, plantain leaf poultice, witch hazel, lemon juice, and baking soda
mixed with enough apple cider vinegar to make a paste and moistened with
vitamin C powder. Essential oils that can be applied directly to a bite include
peppermint, lavender, and tea tree.

When removing a tick, use disinfected tweezers, grab the tick as close to the
head as possible, and pull straight out. Wash the bite area and your hands well
with antiseptic soap, dry and then apply a few drops of Echinacea 3 times daily.
For wasp stings, apply apple cider vinegar, damp tea leaves, garlic, an onion or
potato poultice, and baking soda as a paste. Take homeopathic Vespa 30x
internally. Taking 1,000 mb of vitamin C and 100 mg of panothenic acid for 3 or
4 hours helps provide a natural antihistamine effect, thus reducing swelling.
Soothing Painful Shingles
Shingles, also known as Herpes varicella-zoster virus, can be very painful.
Shingles occur when the chicken pox virus (which lays dormant in the body after
you get it) is reactivated by stress, fatigue, or another illness. Shingles can cause
pain along the nerves, and is first signaled by a burning or shooting pain,
pricking, or tenderness. The nerves on the chest, face, back, neck, arms, and legs
are most often affected. The pain is due to the swelling of the blisters, though
pain may persist even after the blisters heal as the nerves have become irritated.
Attacks have been known to last from a week in younger folk, though older
people may suffer as long as two months.


Choose anti-inflammatory and antiviral herbs such as black walnut, dandelion
root, echinacea, licorice root, lomatium, Oregon grape root, and yellow dock.
These can be used in teas (1 cup [235 ml] of tea), tinctures (1 dropperful) or
capsules (1 to 2) three times daily.
Propolis tincture and aloe vera juice can also be used topically to provide
antiviral properties. Use enough to cover the affected area.
The Chinese patent formula Chuan Xin Lian is also anti-inflammatory and
antiviral. Look for it at natural food stores and follow the directions on the label.
Homeopathic Rhus tox can speed recovery by stimulating the body’s immune
response. Take four pellets four times daily.
Hops, passionflower, oatstraw or seed, skullcap, and valerian help calm pain
and stress. Look for an herbal tincture containing some of these relaxing herbs at
health food stores and take a dropperful three to four times daily.


Salves used topically often help shingles. Look for a salve that contains antiviral
substances such as the amino acid lysine and the herbs calendula, chaparral leaf,
comfrey leaf or root, echinacea root, goldenseal root, licorice root, marshmallow
root, plantain leaves, tea tree oil, and Saint-John’s-Wort.
Peppermint essential oil can also be applied topically to numb the pain.
Peaceful Mountain makes a product called Shingles Rescue that many have said
is helpful. Get these in the health food store and apply three to four times daily.


Take a daily dose of vitamin A (10,000 IU), vitamin C (1000 to 3000 mg), and
vitamin E (400 IU) to help fight infection and promote healing. Take a good B-
complex vitamin (50 mg) as well as calcium (1,000 mg) and magnesium (500
mg) daily to help your body deal with the stress of this illness. Lysine can help
keep the virus from replicating by inhibiting its growth. Take 500 mg up to six
times daily for up to 2 weeks.


With an inflammatory condition like shingles, you’ll want to eat foods to cool
the blood, mostly fruits and vegetables. Mung beans, apples, beets, carrots,
cucumbers, lemon, and water can all be taken. Drink 11/2 quarts (1.4 L) of beet,
celery, or cucumber juice daily (unless pregnant) to alkalinize the body and cool
inflammation internally.


Color therapy can help you feel better. Color is energy, and the last colors in the
spectrum have a calming and cooling effect. Use green (generally healing) for
the acute stage and violet for painful nerves. Blue helps calm pain. Wear those
colors or spend time under lights of those colors.


Taking an extra B12 (500 mcg) every hour for the first day and 200 mcg a day
thereafter can help relieve pain and speed healing of the blisters.

Knowing what to do in an emergency is essential so you can act quickly.

This section will help you know just what to do when an injury occurs. If
you are in doubt, call your doctor or go to your nearest emergency room.
Treating Cuts and Wounds
You might have been slicing a vegetable, opening a can of cat food, or tackling
that home improvement project when you got cut. A superficial cut is called an
abrasion. If the wound is deep, it is a laceration. If the wound is deep or was
caused by something rusty, seek medical attention. Also if infection develops
pus, if there is swelling or excess redness, if foreign material is embedded in the
wound, or if you have a fever, get thee to a health care professional. If not, use
these tips to heal thyself.


Wash the injured area with soap and water. Rinse and blot dry. If there is visible
dirt, use sterile gauze to wipe it out. However, do not use cotton balls, which can
leave fibers in the wound.
Next, apply a calendula herbal salve (available at natural food stores), honey,
or lavender or tea tree essential oils, which are all soothing and antibacterial.
You can also take echinacea tincture orally to help prevent infection.
For a paper cut, which can be painful yet too tiny for a bandage, moisten the
wound and apply some powdered cloves for their anesthetic properties.
It is best to leave a wound exposed to air so it can breathe. However, if your
kids like to play in the dirt, cover the wound with a bandage or sterile gauze to
keep it clean. Use a butterfly bandage if the wound is large; this will help the
wound “knit” back together more easily.


Homeopathic remedies for cuts include Hypericum, especially for wounds where
there are many nerve endings, such as fingertips, or for wounds manifesting as
sharp shooting pain. Homeopathic Ledum is for deep puncture wounds,
especially if the area is swollen, reddish, and numb or cold. Take as directed.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Grate raw potato and apply it directly to soothe the bruised area. Or try
using cabbage leaf, which is improved by breaking up the cabbage by
rolling the leaf with a rolling pin! Witch hazel and castor oil both cool,
soothe, and reduce inflammation as well.

Bettering Bruises
You may have knocked your shin on a coffee table or bumped into your desk.
You get a bruise when the skin is struck with force yet the skin is unbroken and
blood rushes to the damaged tissues below the surface. As a first step, elevate the
area that is bruised. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling. After the first 24
hours, heat can be applied after swelling and inflammation have subsided. These
tips can help you feel better too.


A serious bruise may indicate underlying injuries. Head bruises could be a sign
of skull fracture and may require medical attention. If pain from a bruise is
worse after 24 hours, get checked out to make sure there is not a broken bone. If
bruises occur without any evidence of trauma (such as bumping into things),
they may be an indication to get checked for anemia, leukemia, or a deficiency
in vitamin C with bioflavonoids or vitamin K.

If you bruise easily, take a supplement of vitamin C with bioflavonoids and rutin
to help strengthen collagen production and the capillaries. Look for a
combination remedy that contains about 1,000 mg vitamin C and 250 mg
bioflavonoids daily.


Bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme derived from pineapple, can reduce
swelling and inflammation. Take 500 mg two or three times daily.
You can apply an herbal salve, like comfrey, to a bruise or essential oil of
lavender (no more than 5 drops) can be applied as it is a powerful anti-
inflammatory agent.
Chinese patent formulas that help bruising include Zheng Gu Shui, Dit Dat
Jou, and Tiger Balm. Gently apply them to the bruised area three or four times


Consume plenty of vitamin K–rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, which
improve your blood-clotting ability. Nettle tea is also high in vitamin K.
Drinking 1 quart (950 ml) daily can help if you bruise easily.


Usually 3 or 4 pellets of the following homeopathic remedies are slowly
dissolved under the tongue 3 or 4 times daily for bruise relief:
• Homeopathic Arnica soothes deep bruises. You can take this by mouth and
topically, in the form of a salve, oil, or gel, but only on unbroken skin.
• Homeopathic Ruta graveolens helps pain caused by a blow and for one who
feels as if the bone is bruised. Ruta is most often used when it is the elbow,
kneecap, or shin that has been bruised.
• Use homeopathic Hypericum for bruises to sensitive areas such as fingertips,
lips, nose, or eyes.
• Homeopathic Bellis is taken for bruising with swelling that is worse from
pressure and better from motion and rest.
• Homeopathic Ledum is the remedy for bruising with extreme tenderness that
is made better by cold and rest and worse from warmth and motion.
• Homeopathic Rhus tox is good for swelling and inflammation around the soft
tissue and when the joint feels better after having moved a bit.
Easing Black Eye Inflammation
You can think of a black eye as a bruise around your eye. It happens when blood
and other fluids collect in the space around the eye, resulting in swelling and
dark discoloration. Here’s how to feel better fast.


Use homeopathic Ledum for black eyes when cold applications help.
Homeopathic Hypericum can help excessive pain. Homeopathic Arnica can help
if there is injury to the soft tissue above or below the eye. If there is injury to the
eyeball, use homeopathic Symphytum.
Stopping Bleeding
Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhaging, is the loss of blood from the
circulatory system. When a wound bleeds, it can be scary. But what’s important
is taking control immediately and calling for help if you need it. These solutions
can also help.


Most black eyes are minor injuries and heal on their own in a few days; however,
they may signify a more serious injury. Seek medical attention if vision problems


Lay the victim down and keep the person calm. Stress can elevate blood pressure
and increase blood loss. Cover with a clean cloth and apply pressure directly
unless there is a large object embedded in the wound. Maintain continuous
pressure for 5 to 10 minutes. If the wound is large, squeeze the sides of the
wound together firmly but gently. Raise the wounded area above the heart to
help control bleeding unless a fracture is suspected.
To stop bleeding in the lower part of the body, press on the femoral artery
against the pelvic bone. It helps to have the victim lay flat on their back as you
place the heel of your hand on the crease of the thigh and groin. These two
pressure points are to be used only if pressure and raising the limb don’t stop the
bleeding. Discontinue the points once bleeding has ceased. They should not be
pressed for longer than five minutes.


Shred up some plantain leaves, mix with a bit of water, and apply topically as a
poultice. It will draw out any remaining debris and soothe and protect the injured


One of the most common things that sends people to the emergency room in my
town is trying to slice frozen bagels with a sharp knife. It’s important to thaw
them first!


If an object is deeply embedded in the victim, seek medical attention. Bleeding
occurring from the ear, mouth, or nose can be an indication of chest or head
injury. Place the person in a semi-sitting position with the head leaning toward
the injured side to facilitate the blood to drain and call for help. Internal bleeding
is characterized by tenderness, pain, swelling, and discoloration of the urine,
stool, vomit, and sputum. Don’t move the person if internal injuries are suspect
until help has arrived.


Seek medical attention for the following wounds:
• Are so wide a butterfly bandage can’t hold them together.
• Are very deep.
• Affect a finger or joint.
• Are due to a broken bone or human or animal bite.
• Are due to a broken artery.
• Have caused the loss of function of a body part.
• Have a high risk of tetanus.
• Can’t be well cleaned but need to be.
If the object that caused the wound is still imbedded in it, attempting to remove
it could increase bleeding. Cover the wound gently so that the object will not be
forced in deeper and seek medical attention.


The herb yarrow, a potent astringent, can seal up a wound so quickly that dirt
could still be trapped in it, so you’ll need to clean if first with a good antiseptic
soap. Use yarrow topically because it has an astringent or tightening effect.


Spider webs contain a coagulating substance that can be applied to cuts. Just
make sure there is no spider in the web and that the web looks clean!

Thrifty Cures!
Apply slices of raw potato or cucumber on the area to cool inflammation
and reduce pain and swelling. If you have them in your garden, you can
collect some plantain leaves, shred them up with a bit of water, and apply
them over the closed eye as a poultice.

Just grab a handful of the fresh plant’s leaves. Chop it up a bit and press into the
wound to stop minor bleeding.
Nettles are a good herb to give people prone to excessive bleeding as they
contain vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting. Take 2 to 4 capsules (internally)
daily if needed.
An excellent Chinese patent medicine to stop bleeding is Yunnan Pai Yao
(made from tienchi ginseng, which has strong blood-clotting properties). Take
either topically and/or internally as directed on the packaging. Avoid internal use
during pregnancy as its safety has not been studied for use during that time.

Thrifty Cures
Apply cayenne powder on the wound to encourage it to stop bleeding
(note that this does sting). Just sprinkle some on a bleeding wound and
apply pressure. Avoid contact with the eyes or mouth, which could burn.
You can also take cayenne pepper powder internally in cases of bleeding.
Take 1 teaspoon (2 g) in 1 cup (235 ml) of water.

Drawing Out Splinters

It’s easy to get a splinter. As a first step, use tweezers sterilized with a bit of
alcohol to remove the splinter. If the splinter is deeply imbedded, freeze the area
with ice first to help anesthetize the area and try using a sterilized needle. Once
the splinter is out, wash with soap and water and then apply an antiseptic
solution such as echinacea tincture, tea tree or lavender essential oil, or hydrogen
peroxide. These natural cures can also help.

Thrifty Cures!
Apply a piece of Scotch or adhesive tape to the area of the skin
containing the splinter. Yank it off quickly and that splinter will come
Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen
Draw splinters out by taping a slice of raw onion to the area. (Onions pull
objects to the surface of the skin.) Apply overnight and use a band-aid to
keep in place. In the morning, the splinter should come out.


Homeopathic Ledum can help a stubborn splinter rise to the surface. Other
homeopathic remedies include Silicea to help expel a foreign object. Hepar sulph
is used when the area is sore and tender to the touch and helps it come to the
surface. Take 3 or 4 pellets under the tongue three times daily for a few days
until the splinter is removed.
Soothing and Healing Sprains
Sprains can happen during athletic activities, but they can also happen just by
stepping off a curb and landing with your foot in the wrong direction. Sprains
result when a ligament (the tissues connected to the bones near a joint) is
stretched beyond its normal range of motion. There is likely to be pain, swelling,
and discoloration. What’s most important is to take action right away.
In addition to the arnica tincture compress mentioned in the ″Good to Know″
sidebar on page 79, other topical poultices or compresses can be made of apple
cider vinegar, tofu, comfrey, plantain, clay, cabbage, onion, grated raw potato,
tea tree essential oil, turmeric, burdock leaf, or ginger tea. You can also mix
apple cider vinegar with sea salt and gently apply it to the area. Cool any teas
well before applying. Use enough to cover the area well. (For directions on how
to make a poultice or compress, see page 18 and 19.)


Get medical attention if the splinter is large, deep, made of broken glass, if the
object is embedded near an artery or the eye, or if the area becomes swollen, red,
and bleeds.


Eat foods rich in the photochemical anthocyanadin, such as blackberries,
blueberries, cherries, and raspberries, to strengthen blood vessels and muscles.
Take a daily supplement of calcium (1,000 mg)/magnesium (500 mg)
supplement to keep muscles supple. Vitamin E (400 IU) and potassium (99 mg)
supplements can also be taken. Taking bromelain in 100 milligram doses 3 times
daily can help reduce pain and swelling.
Turmeric is another herbal ally to reduce inflammation. Take one or two
capsules three times daily. Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids every
2 hours to reduce inflammation.


Homeopathic Arnica and arnica oil can be applied topically. Homeopathic
Byronia is used when the injury is hot, red, and swollen, when pain is worse
from movement, and when the injury needs to be held tightly.


If pain and swelling do not diminish after 2 or 3 days, consult a medical
professional to be sure the bone is not broken. If you are in doubt as to whether
you have a sprain or a fracture, treat the injury as a broken bone and seek
medical attention.
Homeopathic Ledum is for sprains that are purple and puffy, when the injury
feels cold, yet when cold compresses bring relief. Homeopathic Rhus tox is for
sprains that feel better with movement, especially when the ligament is
damaged, worse when initially moved, but better after repeated motion.
Homeopathic Ruta graveolens is for old sprains that are worse from being still
and better with movement.
Soothing Scars
Your skin gets plenty of wear and tear. Fortunately, skin has an amazing ability
to heal and regenerate. In general, there are three stages of skin healing. In the
first stage, a scab forms and is often accompanied by tenderness, swelling, and
redness. During the next stage, new skin forms underneath the scab as the body
produces collagen and reforms what constitutes the intercellular matrix. The last
stage is where the inner and outer layers of skin rebuild.
As time passes, the scab decreases, redness and inflammation are reduced, and
the skin hopefully returns to normal. Many scars can be prevented. Here’s how.


In case of injury such as a sprain, remember the acronym RICE, which stands for
Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Rest means you’ll need to lie down to
prevent further trauma to the area. Avoid using the injured area and immobilize
it by using a sling or splint. Ice helps to constrict blood vessels, which will
minimize bleeding and swelling. Fill a plastic bag with some ice and secure it
before applying to the injured area. You may want to be prepared by wetting a
washcloth and keeping it in a secured plastic bag in the freezer so you have it
ready for emergencies. When the area begins to feel numb from the cold, remove
the cold compress until the numbness subsides and reapply. This can be repeated
routinely for at least six to twelve hours following the injury.

Make a compress by adding 10 drops of lavender oil to a pint (475 ml) of cold
water, mixing, soaking a washcloth or face towel with the solution, and applying
to the injured area. Next, elevate the injured area above the body if possible such
as propping an injured foot onto a pillow. Keep the afflicted area above heart
level. After a couple of days, pain and swelling should be relieved. At that time,
alternating hot and cold compresses can further speed up healing but avoid heat
until at least a couple days after the injury.
Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen
Make a liniment for sprains by adding 1 tablespoon (5 g) cayenne pepper
and 1/2 teaspoon (475 ml) oil of birch to a pint of apple cider vinegar.
Apply topically to the injured area, cover with a cloth if desired, then
elevate and rest.


If you have a wound attempting to heal, you’ll want to allow the skin to breathe
as much as possible to prevent scarring. If a bandage must be used, make sure it
is breathable or use gauze with tape only at the sides of the wound. Remove any
coverings at night if possible. Keep the damaged area clean but don’t overclean.
A small amount of aloe vera gel can be applied for its biogenic (new skin
growth) stimulating properties. Research published in the Journal of the
American Podiatric Medical Association in 1989 showed that aloe vera speeds
wound healing.
After the wound has healed somewhat, to promote further healing, apply
salves that contain skin-softening avocado oil, calendula flowers, castor oil,
cocoa butter, comfrey, honey, plantain, shea butter, and vitamin E. These are all
allies to treat and prevent scars.


Good essential oils that help heal and prevent scars include frankincense,
geranium, lavender, and neroli. Natural food stores carry salves that carry
various combinations of these remedies. Keep using these after the scab has
gone. Scars can take from several months to two years to heal.
Scars are best treated when they are newer, but calendula and castor oil and
plantain have even helped old scars. AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) peels or laser
resurfacing can help reduce any scar that is persistent. Talk to a licensed
esthetician about these procedures.


Vitamin E (400 IU) taken both internally and topically is a favorite remedy for
preventing scars. Taking zinc (25 mg to promote wound healing), vitamin C
(1,000 mg daily for collagen production), and bromelain (500 mg three times
daily to reduce inflammation) internally may also help prevent and treat scar
If there is a potential for a scar, consume foods rich in beta-carotene, vitamin
C, and vitamin E, all of which support collagen production. Especially good are
apples, apricots, cucumbers, millet, rice, rye, apricots, and sea veggies.
Vegetable juices of diluted carrot, celery, endive, lemon, and pineapple are also

Skip This!
Avoid using heavy pore-clogging creams on any wound. They will
prevent the wounded area from getting adequate oxygen. Nix synthetic
fragrances or harsh cleansers as well. Avoid getting lots of sun with a
wound that has the potential for scarring as it can render the scar more
permanent. Picking at scabs can cause scarring that might not have
occurred otherwise.

Healing Faster from Surgery and Accidents

Not only does your trusted physician say surgery is in your best interest, you’ve
had two second opinions. Or perhaps you have been incapacitated by an accident
and are in need of long-term rest. Remember that often our problems in life can
be transformed into opportunities! Here are some ideas that promote healing so
that you can come through the ordeal like a champion.

Read about the procedure so you know what to expect. Discuss your fears and
feelings with your doctor, family, and spiritual counselor. Get your personal
affairs in order, including naming someone to have power of attorney in case it is
needed. Let your doctor know about any herbs, drugs, or supplements you are
currently taking at least 1 week before surgery. Consider making a donation of
your own blood, so that if blood is needed, a safe, perfect-for-you type is
Do your best to be in good health before surgery. Cut out or minimize the use
of health-robbing substances such as cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, and junk food.
Lose or gain weight reasonably if appropriate. If you feel yourself getting
nervous as surgery draws near or in dealing with the aftermath of an accident,
Rescue Remedy can be an excellent ally.

Music during the operation as well as during any recovery phase can reduce
anxiety and blot out noise pollution that could be detrimental. Taking an mp3 to
the hospital will assure that you hear what you need and want to hear.


The following herbs can be taken as tea, tincture, or capsules and can be used
three times daily following surgery:
• Chinese ginseng and Eleuthero help the body acclimate to stress.
• Nettles are high in iron and minerals that aid in blood building if the patient
has lost blood.
• Ginger can help allay some of the residual nausea from anesthesia.
• Turmeric helps reduce inflammation and reduce pain.
• Gotu kola promotes wound healing. Research shows that the triterpenoids in
Gotu kola help prevent scar formation after surgery.
• Aloe vera also speeds wound healing time and stimulates new cell growth.
• Using astragalus, echinacea, and reishi mushrooms can help you be more
resistant to infection.


Vitamin A (10,000 IU) works as an antioxidant and promotes the repair of
epithelial tissue. Beta-carotene (10,000 IU), which is converted into beta-
carotene in the body, has the same properties. Both help prevent post-surgical
infections and normalize white blood cell counts.
Vitamin C (1,000 mg) helps promote wound healing and is needed for the
syntheses of collagen. Zinc (915 mg) promotes tissue repair and improved
immune function. These vitamins, including vitamin E (400 IU), are all helpful
for one recovering from an accident.
Bromelain (250 to 500 mg) taken three times daily can reduce post surgical
and traumatic swelling, inflammation, and pain. Calcium (1,000 mg) and
magnesium (500 mg) can promote bone healing.
Consider daily doses of the above supplements following surgery and for at
least a month afterwards.


After surgery or an accident, you may need to follow certain dietary guidelines
for important reasons. Depending on your dietary guidelines, the following
simple and nourishing foods will help aid in your recovery:
• Unsweetened applesauce is high in pectin, which helps to normalize bowel
• Miso soup and yogurt help replenish your system with friendly intestinal flora.
• Pureed vegetables and soups are a simple way of getting a variety of nutrients
without having to consume many different dishes if you have a decreased
• Seaweeds help prevent the body from absorbing radiation from x-rays.
• Winter squashes and yams are filling and nutrient rich.
• Bioflavonoid-rich foods such as blueberries and rose hips have capillary
strengthening abilities.
• A congee, which is a watery nourishing porridge that is easy to digest, can be
prepared by cooking one part rice with seven parts water.
• Chi and blood tonics like ginseng root and dong quai are invigorating and can
help you regain your energy.


After surgery, you can take vitamin E (400 IU) both internally and externally to
help reduce scarring. You can also use it topically after sutures have been
removed. If you have been given lots of drugs or anesthesia, use alterative herbs
(which can help detoxify the body of drug residue) such as alfalfa leaf, burdock
root, raw dandelion root, nettles, and red clover blossom. They can be taken as
teas three times daily. If you have been on antibiotics, take probiotic capsules
three times daily to prevent fungal overgrowth. You can also take homeopathic
Arnica before and after surgery to reduce swelling and trauma. Put four pellets
under the tongue three times daily.
If the hospital staff tries to give you chemical green electrolyte beverages, if
you can, take an alternative from the health food store without dyes and artificial
flavors. When friends come to visit, ask them to bring a fresh vegetable juice of
carrot, beet, and celery, which can be diluted and enjoyed. Enjoy homemade
meals and other healing gifts your friends know how to provide.


Would having your own colorful sheets brighten your spirits more than antiseptic
white ones? Bring them. You may also prefer to have your own comfortable and
familiar pajamas from home with you instead of hospital garb.
Allow healing sunlight and adequate fresh air into the room. Cleanliness and
brightness will help inspire health and good cheer.
CDs with beautiful healing music (such as Bach, Mozart, and Vivaldi) and an
aroma-therapy diffuser that is electric (candles are a fire hazard) can lift your
spirits during a hospital stay. The smell of lavender essential oil is both uplifting
and antiseptic.
Consider bringing an easel so you can display a piece of beautiful
inspirational art with you to have in your hospital room. This will do a lot more
for your psyche than white walls or generic hospital art! Bring oxygen-giving
green plants into the recovery room. Invite a stuffed animal to share your bed.

A salve made of comfrey, calendula, and vitamin E can be used to heal bedsores
should they occur. Apply topically using enough to cover the affected area.
Read some of the books you’ve always wanted to. Spend some time studying.
Maybe there’s a subject you’ve always been interested in but never had the time
to pursue? This may be the only time in your life you decide to read about a
period of history or art that interest you. Check out books on tape if you are not
up to reading.
Remember and enjoy the art of drawing and coloring. Learn to play some
Visualize placing your healing and consciousness into the parts of your body
that need it. Send healing light and colors to all parts of your being. Take time to
pray and give thanks for the things that are right in life.
This may be a good time to keep a journal. Tell the story of your life, illness,
or your accident. Do it again in two weeks and see how it might be different. Or
write the story of how you want your future to look. You can also use a journal
to learn more about the meaning of dreams. Write poetry and short stories.
Sleep as much as you can. Use this time for healing, to regenerate and renew
so that you emerge with new strength and vitality. Use this time to do anything
that soothes you and promotes your healing.
When it is time to get back on your feet, do it gradually with care and
moderation. Take care and revel in the taking time out for your own healing

Skip This!
There are many herbs to avoid before surgery, including the following:
• Ephedra: Can elevate blood pressure.
• Feverfew: Can increase bleeding.
• Garlic: Can decrease blood platelet aggregation.
• Ginkgo: Can decrease blood platelet aggregation.
• Ginseng: Can increase bleeding in some people.
• Goldenseal: Might increase blood pressure.
• Kava: May increase the effects of some antiseizure medications.
• Licorice: May aggravate electrolyte imbalance and increase blood
• Valerian: Can increase the effects of some anesthesia or antiseizure
Also a week before surgery, avoid aspirin, Motrin, Advil (anti-
inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs), vitamin E, COQ10, selenium, ginger,
white willow bark, hawthorn, and turmeric (okay in food) as they all
have blood-thinning properties.

Emotions that are unexpected and sometimes irrational are likely to occur and
can be part of the healing process. Screaming into a pillow for no more than ten
minutes can be releasing and therapeutic if you feel a need for it during the
recovery process.
Treating Poison Exposure
A skull and crossbones on a container in a B movie means poison. But you can
become poisoned from household cleaners, plants, and substances in the air like
carbon monoxide. Kids can take poisonous substances out of a trash container or
get access to such substances when visiting people who do not have childproof
homes. Using poisonous volatile substances in a poorly ventilated area can cause
them to be inhaled and absorbed through the body. Symptoms of poisoning
include dizziness, nausea, headache, impaired speech, visual disturbances, chest
pains, convulsions, and even paralysis..


Dilute poisons by drinking lots of water or milk (which has some fat content to
buffer caustic substances ingested). However, drink slowly enough to avoid
vomiting if vomiting is contraindicated, such as after consumption of corrosive
substances such as ammonia, bleach, and detergents. If there are burns around
the lips, this can be an indication that the substance ingested was indeed
corrosive. A universal antidote for poisoning is:
2 parts burnt toast (charcoal to adsorb toxins)
1 part strong black tea (tannic acid to offset alkaline)
1 part Milk of Magnesia (alkaline to offset acids)
Just using charcoal by itself is good to pass the poison out of the body.
Homeopathic remedies for poisoning include the following:
• Homeopathic Arsenicum: Can help when there is intense vomiting with
restlessness and anxiety.
• Nux vomica: For poisoning that results in nausea that persists.
• Veratrum album: For serious vomiting with a cold sweat on the forehead.
Vomiting is often recommended for noncorrosive substances such as toxic
plants and most drugs. If Poison Control suggests vomiting, give syrup of ipecac
with lots of water. The standard dose is 1 tablespoon (15 ml) for children and 2
tablespoons (28 ml) for adults followed by 1 or 2 cups (235 to 475 ml) of water.
Repeat in 20 minutes if vomiting doesn’t occur. Sticking a finger or spoon in the
back of the throat can also induce vomiting.


Call your local poison control center if poisoning has occurred. Have the poison
container in your hand when you call. Be prepared to give the approximate
weight and age of the person poisoned. Try to find out if they have vomited. If
there is a sample of vomited material, scoop it into a container along with the
poison container for analysis. If the poisoned victim is unconscious, make sure
they are breathing, that their air passages are clear (place them in a position that
allows for ventilation and be sure their air passages are not blocked by vomit or
mucus), loosen their clothing, and get them to a hospital.
After vomiting, give the person 1 to 2 tablespoons (14 to 18 g) activated
charcoal in a glass of water to adsorb remaining poisons. Since charcoal can
adsorb even the syrup of ipecac, do not administer charcoal until after vomiting
has occurred.


If the poisoning is from a dry chemical, first brush away as much as possible
with a soft brush or duster. Be careful to protect your hands. Next, remove
contaminated clothing and rinse the body off. If the poisoning is from a wet
chemical, rinse repeatedly with plenty of water for about 10 minutes. If needed,
seek medical assistance.


Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and hard to detect. Stoves and all forms
of fire are potential causes of carbon monoxide poisoning. Get the victim into
fresh air and encourage them to breathe deeply and evenly as you call for
medical attention. Loosen tight clothing. Maintain an open airway and perform
artificial respiration or CPR if needed and you are qualified. After exposure to
carbon monoxide, consuming some sort of stimulant like coffee or black tea can
be helpful.

Skip This!
Never give food or liquid to an unconscious person. Do not induce
vomiting unless directed by poison control and never in an unconscious
person. Never induce vomiting in cases of ingestion of strong acids,
strong alkalis, and petroleum products. They can be inhaled on their way
up the esophagus and absorbed into the lungs.

Household chemicals and medicines should be stored out of sight and reach of
children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Avoid storing chemicals and medicines
on the same shelves as food. Make sure everything is properly labeled and do
not transfer poisonous substances into unmarked bottles, cups, or glasses.
Never take medications in the dark without turning on the lights, and always
read labels before using.
Avoid taking medicines in front of small children who will want to imitate
you. Drugs that are colorful or sugar coated are especially tempting to them.
Never leave poisonous substances open “just for a minute.” Most poisoning
fatalities occur in children between the ages of one and three.
Soothing Crushed Fingers
Ouch! Slamming your finger in the car door is truly painful. First, be sure the
finger isn’t broken by bending it in different directions. If you can’t bend your
finger, seek medical attention.
If your finger is merely bruised, think CPR-Cold, Pressure, and Raise it. Soak
the finger in ice water immediately until the cold feels painful (usually not more
than 30 seconds). Then raise and squeeze the finger, and repeat the cold, pressure
and raise technique up to a few dozen times. These remedies can also help.


Apply a plantain poultice, Saint-John’s-wort oil, or herbal salve, using enough to
cover the injured area, to reduce swelling. (See page 19 for directions on making
a poultice.) Take 3 or 4 homeopathic Arnica pellets internally under the tongue
and apply arnica salve topically to move fibrin, a blood protein that forms at the
site of injury and causes swelling.


Homeopathic Hypericum is good for injuries where there are lots of nerves as it
has a restorative effect on the nerves. Rescue Remedy also has a restorative
effect. Take 2 drops under the tongue or in a glass of water. Another quick fix is
to squeeze the fingers (or toes) of the opposite uninjured hand (or foot) firmly to
cause nerve pain to travel down a less painful pathway.


If you feel you may faint from heat, try rubbing an ice cube or a cold-water
compress on your wrists. Lie down in a cool place and drink liquids. If you are
feeling faint after long periods of standing, try rocking gently from the balls of
your feet to the heels.

Recovering from Fainting

Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness usually caused by a decrease in blood
supply to the brain. If you feel you may be about to faint, lie down (preferably)
or bend over with your head at knee level. Even better, lie down with your feet
and torso elevated, with your head lower than your heart. If you are attending to
someone who has already passed out and is lying down, leave them lying but
elevate their feet 8 to 12 inches (20.3 to 30.5 cm) and try to position their head
below heart level, turning it to the side. Loosen tight clothing.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Use a simple grated onion poultice on damaged fingers or toes to reduce
pain and inflammation. Use enough to cover the area and leave on for 10
to 20 minutes.

You can also pinch the fleshy part between the upper lip and nose using a
slightly upward pressure, which is an important acupressure point known as GV
26 that increases alertness. Applying cold moist towels to the neck and face can
help as well. Do not give anyone who is unconscious anything to eat or drink,
but when they are conscious, sips of cool water are fine. Be sure to allow access
to fresh air, which may be blocked by looming crowds. Here’s what else can help
bring that someone around.


Simply smelling the essential oils of lavender, peppermint, or rosemary can help
prevent fainting or bring someone out of fainting. Smelling a strong raw onion
can also be helpful. The nasal cavities are in close proximity to the brain, and
smelling something with a strong aroma sends a different message to the brain.
A few drops of Rescue Remedy can be placed behind their ears or onto their lips
or wrists. If they are revived, two drops of Rescue Remedy can be taken in water
or directly under the tongue.


Most people recover from fainting within a few minutes, but encourage them to
remain calm and still for a few minutes after they recover. Get emergency
medical help if the person does not become conscious within 5 minutes, if there
is a serious health condition involved, or if the person is elderly. Place them in
the recovery position and check their breathing and heart periodically. If you
faint without knowing why, consult a competent health professional.

Cooling off Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

If you’ve been exercising in high temps, working in the hot sun, or even tanning
yourself too long, you can suffer from heat stroke, which is the overheating of
the body due to fluid depletion Heat exhaustion is more serious and the result of
the loss of minerals and the body’s heat regulation system stops functioning.
Symptoms of both heatstroke and heat exhaustion can include disorientation,
headache, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, high body temperature, red, hot,
dry skin, thirst, and strong rapid pulse. Victims may become unconscious. With
heat exhaustion, the victim’s skin will be normal temperature, but with heat
stroke, a high temperature will be present and the person may become
disoriented and unable to notice their predicament.
Before using any natural remedies, get the person out of the sun and remove
or loosen their clothing. Lie them down and slightly elevate their head. Use a
hand towel and sponge their bare skin with cool water and fan them vigorously
with anything available.


Vitamin C can help prevent heatstroke or heat exhaustion. Siberian ginseng in

capsules, tincture, or tea can also help people acclimate to changes in climate.


To help cool a person with heat stroke/exhaustion, make cool compresses by
soaking washcloths in a sink full of cool water to which 10 drops of essential oil
of cooling lavender or peppermint have been added. Compresses can be applied
to the forehead, over the wrists, and around the neck to help cool body
temperature. Alternatively, make a spritzer by filling an 8-ounce (235 ml) spray
bottle with spring water, 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of witch hazel, and 10 drops of
lavender and 10 drops of peppermint essential oils. Spritz over the person’s face
(with glasses removed, eyes and mouth closed), neck, and upper chest for a
cooling and reviving gentle blast.


Make an electrolyte beverage by adding 1/4 teaspoon each of baking soda and
sea salt to 8 ounces (235 ml) of water. A bit of fruit juice can be added to
improve the flavor. Watermelon juice is also helpful in cases of heatstroke.
Hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, strawberry leaf, and peppermint tea all make
cooling beverages, especially when chilled. Squeeze lemon or lime into water
for a cooling effect. Give sips of fluid every 10 minutes. However, give fluids
cautiously asone suffering from heatstroke can be more likely to choke.


Heatstroke can be fatal. Should the victim of heatstroke become unconscious,
place them in the recovery position and seek medical attention immediately.
Both cucumbers and watermelon are very cooling to eat. Many victims of
heatstroke are deficient in potassium, so if you feel you may be at risk, be sure to
include potassium-rich foods in your diet, such as bananas, cantaloupe, and
potatoes. During hot weather, eat lighter fare like salads, yogurt, smoothies,
melons, and green leafy vegetables.

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Drink lots more fluids but avoid alcoholic beverages and stimulants such
as coffee, which can be further heat the body and are diuretic, causing the
body to lose more important minerals.

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Immersion in very cold water is vasoconstrictive and can result in death
or brain damage by preventing the heat from escaping. But after initial
cooling takes place, one can slowly get into tepid water feet first, parts at
a time. Ice packs can also be placed under the armpits, behind the neck,
on the wrists and forehead, and over the groin.

To prevent heatstroke or heat exhaustion, take a nap during the hot part of the
day when you are likely to feel low in energy. Avoid strenuous exercise during
midday and instead exercise early. Go for a walk after sunset. Have sex later in
the evening when the weather has cooled rather than during the heat of the day.
Wear lighter cotton or hemp clothing. Use a hat with a brim and make sure
your arms and legs are covered with light-colored clothing. In the morning of hot
days, apply coconut or sunflower oil to the body before bathing to help you feel
cooler. Slow down your activities.
In cases of heat cramps (symptoms include dizziness, shallow breathing,
nausea, and muscle cramps), get into the shade and drink water to which a pinch
of salt has been added to 1 pint (475 ml) of fluid. Since most heat cramps occur
in the legs, elevate them and apply firm pressure on cramped muscles.
Avoiding Hypothermia
Exposure to cold, wind, and rain can bring on hypothermia, as can exhaustion,
lack of clothing, food, or shelter, and not being prepared. Mild hypothermia can
occur when the body temperature drops to 95°F (35°C). The brain is one of the
first organs affected, so it’s not surprising that the first symptoms of hypothermia
include confusion. Symptoms of later stages of hypothermia include slurred
speech, stumbling, irrational behavior (such as sudden bursts of energy followed
by fatigue), blurry vision, abdominal pains, and unconsciousness. The elderly,
very young, and very thin are most prone to hypothermia. Anyone pulled from
cold water can be assumed to be suffering from hypothermia. Here’s how to
warm up fast.


If you have severe hypothermia, you should go to a hospital as soon as possible.

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Cigarettes are vasoconstricting and will reduce blood flow. Avoid contact
with cold metallic objects as well as cold foods, water, and wind. Avoid
wearing rings and metal jewelry, which can impair circulation. Avoid a
hot bath before going into cold weather, as the blood vessels will dilate
on the skin’s surface. Avoid over-washing, which can strip the body of its
natural oils.

Unless it is to get the victim out of the cold, avoid moving them. Avoid
rubbing or massaging them and put them into a warm not hot bath.
Putting them into a hot bath can send cold blood to the heart and cause
ventricular fibrillation.


First, seek shelter from the cold and wind, preferably indoors. If outside, build a
fire. Next, get into dry clothes, one garment at a time. Drink sweet hot drinks
such as spiced apple cider, ginger tea, or warm soups. Sprinkle a bit of cayenne
pepper between your shoe and socks to keep your feet warm.
When the weather is very cold, to stay warm longer outdoors, eat more
warming foods—such as anchovies, buckwheat, butter, oatmeal, parsnips, and
soups—rather than salad. Use more cayenne, garlic, and ginger as warming
condiments. Teas of angelica, cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek, nettles, and roasted
dandelion root help you stay warm longer as well.

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If you plan on spending a long time out in the cold, to avoid
hyperthermia, don’t drink too many liquids as this can make you colder.

Thrifty Cure!
Stuff your clothes with dry grass, moss, leaves, or rumpled newspaper to
provide your body with warmth. Avoid depending on lightweight space
blankets as your only way to get warm as they will keep moisture from
evaporating and end up making you colder if used for long periods.
Waterproof outer clothing can be life saving.


You can also place warmth (warm hand, warm rocks, hot water bottle) in areas
where blood is close to the skin (at the stomach, armpits, small of the back, back
of the neck, wrists, and between the thighs). This can then transport heat
throughout the body. Don’t put warmth on the legs or arms, which will draw
blood away from the torso. Scrunch your face and then relax and exercise your
hands by shaking them or clenching then releasing to keep circulation moving.
Huddle together. Take turns putting different people in the middle, which is
the warmest position. Toes and feet can be warmed by placing them on the belly
of a friend. Keep an eye on each other. If one succumbs to hyperthermia, others
in the group may follow. If the condition is severe, get naked in a sleeping bag or
warm bed with the victim of hypothermia. Skin to skin is the most warming.
Sleeping with your clothes on inside the sleeping bag will ensure warmth.
Wear a waterproof hat and remove it every once in a while if your head gets hot.
Have appropriate waterproof gear. Mittens are warmer than gloves. An extra pair
of socks can be used as mittens. Tight clothing will impair circulation.
If clothes are damp, spread them between the bag liner and sleeping bag or
beneath the sleeping bag and sleep on top of them. If clothes are dry, roll them
up and use as a pillow inside the sleeping bag so they will be warm in the
morning. Replace wet clothing with dry whenever possible.
Should you fall into water and quickly get out, rolling immediately in fluffy
snow will blot up much of the moisture. Should your boots get wet, stepping into
a snow bank will absorb some of the water perhaps to the extent of keeping it
from wetting the feet.
Stopping Nosebleed
A nosebleed can result from a trauma to the nose or when the nasal passages are
dried out and blood vessels or capillaries rupture. Blood-thinning medications
(including aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs), allergies, nose picking,
hypertension, blood disorders, and even smoking or alcohol abuse can make one
more likely to have nosebleeds.


Seek medical attention in the following situations:
• Blood flows from both nostrils.
• The nosebleed occurs after a head injury.
• Bleeding lasts for longer than 30 minutes despite applications of cold and
• Bleeding is from a severe blow that causes dizziness and nausea.
• The nose looks crooked and could be broken or fractured.
• The patient is elderly, has high blood pressure, or is using blood-thinning
• You are having recurrent nosebleeds for no apparent reason.
Senior citizens, especially those with hardening of the arteries, should give home
remedies a try for 10 minutes and then seek medical attention if still needed.
Most nosebleeds don’t last longer than 15 minutes. As a first step, it can be
helpful to blow vigorously one time to discharge any blood clot that is keeping
the blood vessels open. Loosen any clothing around the neck. Lie down with
head and shoulders elevated and mouth open. Lying down flat will cause you to
swallow blood (which may cause stomach upset).
Pinch the soft part of the nostril closed by pressing with the thumb and index
finger below the cartilage for at least 10 minutes and then slowly release. Open
your mouth to avoid choking on blood. If bleeding is still occurring, keep
closing your nose. Breathing through your nose will help dry up the blood, but it
may be easier to breathe through your mouth.

Thrifty Cure!
Placing a clean plantain leaf, a dime, a copper penny, or even a piece of
brown paper bag (or tightly rolled strip on undyed, unscented tissue)
under the upper lip (acupuncture point GV 26) will stimulate a point that
controls circulation and will help stop the bleeding.

Try not to swallow a lot of blood. Take it easy and rest for at least 30 minutes
after your nose stops bleeding. Avoid vigorous exercise for a day or two
afterward so that the nose doesn’t start bleeding again. Here’s what else you can


When dealing with an acute situation, apply a cold water or vinegar compress of
2 teaspoons (10 ml) apple cider vinegar and 1 cup (235 ml) of cool water to the
base of the neck and to the top of the nose to help constrict blood vessels. You
can also drink 2 teaspoons (10 ml) apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 cup (235
ml) of water for its astringent effect. Do this daily if bothered by frequent
episodes of nosebleeds.
If nosebleeds occur frequently, eat more green leafy vegetables, which are
high in vitamin K and promote blood-clotting ability. Consider taking a
supplement of vitamin C (1,000 mg) with bioflavonoids (500 mg) and three
doses daily of nettles, shepherd’s purse, or yarrow in tea, tincture, or capsule
form to strengthen the capillaries and promote healthy blood clotting.
If the nose is bleeding due to excessive dryness, apply a bit of herbal salve
inside the nose at the area of bleeding. Use a humidifier to moisten the air and
drink more water.

Thrifty Cure!
Placing a clean plantain leaf, a dime, a copper penny, or even a piece of
brown paper bag (or tightly rolled strip on undyed, unscented tissue)
under the upper lip (acupuncture point GV 26) will stimulate a point that
controls circulation and will help stop the bleeding.

How to care for all the parts of our being that serve us so well is worth
learning about. Here are some techniques from around the planet that can
help heal.
Treating eye Ailments
The precious gift of sight, which brings light and color into our lives, is worth all
the attention we can focus toward achieving and maintaining healthy vision. Our
eyes are long-range preceptors. All organs give the purest part of their energy to
the eyes, helping to create their alertness and brightness. Our eyes are much like
a camera. The lenses at the front of the eye collect and focus light rays. The
colored iris works as an aperture. The retina is compared to film, which captures
the image. Tears are fluids that help to wash the lens with lysozyme, a powerful
germ killer. Crying can actually be a therapeutic way to clean and heal the eyes!
Keep in mind that eye problems are usually a long time in the making and
consistency is needed to allow natural remedies to demonstrate their full
benefits. Let’s get started!


During World War II, Air Force pilots were given bilberry jelly, which is
actually a type of blueberry, to improve their night vision. Bilberry extract is
even available in capsule form these days. Take as directed on the bottle daily.
Also helpful are goji berries. These sweet, reddish dried berries are considered
helpful for blurred and poor vision. I like to use goji berries like raisins, mixed
into cereal or added to trail mix. Consume 1/8 cup (15 g) daily.
The herb eyebright has a long history of use in treating eye disorders. The
French often refer to this herb as “casses lunettes,” which means “break your
glasses.” Ancient peoples found this herb slightly resembles an eye and used it
for poor sight. Eyebright has a cool, acrid, slightly bitter taste that stimulates
liver function, thus improving blood supply to the eye. Eyebright can be taken
internally in tea, capsule, or extract form using a dose of either 2 to 3 times daily.
Many have also found that using the strained tea as an eyewash helps to reduce
eye inflammation.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Herbal eyewashes have long been used to strengthen the eyes and
improve vision. To make an herbal eyewash, pour 1 cup (235 ml) of
boiling water over 1 heaping teaspoon (5 g) of herb such as cornflower,
eyebright, and or fennel seed. Allow to steep for 15 minutes. Strain well
(through a clean coffee filter) and wait until the tea is lukewarm to use.
Make fresh each day to avoid introducing any bacteria into the eyes.
Herbs that can be used as eyewashes include chamomile, cornflower,
eyebright, fennel seed, and violet leaves.
Other herbs that benefit the eyes when included in teas and tinctures (one dose
taken three times daily) include the following:
• Barberry root, which contains the alkaloid berberine, long used for eye
infections and redness.
• Calendula flowers, which can be used in a compress or as drops and are anti-
inflammatory and a circulatory stimulant.
• Ginkgo, which improves circulation to the retina, tones capillaries, and
increases visual acuity.
• Nettle and schizandra berries, which improve vision.
• Parsley leaf, which is great for eyestrain.
• Antiseptic and nutritive violet leaves, which can be used as a compress or in
an eyewash for sore eyes.


Vitamin A is often referred to as “the eye vitamin” because it helps to strengthen
the mucus membranes of the eyes. It is manufactured in the liver from carotene.
The rod cells in our eyes contain a substance known as visual purple or
rhodopsin. If the body is deficient in vitamin A, the cells’ ability to make visual
purple is impaired, and night blindness, dry eyes, and loss of color vision may
result. People who work in bright lights, sunlight, or snow, who face car
headlights, or who have to see in the dark may benefit from this nutrient.
Beta-carotene is present in orange-colored foods, which gets converted into
vitamin A in the body. Beta-carotene can also help prevent dry eyes and reduce
the risk of macular degeneration. 10,000 IU daily of either can be used.
Vitamin B1 deficiency may lead to dimness of sight. Riboflavin, also known
as Vitamin B2, is also essential. It is thought that light enters the eyes through a
screen of riboflavin before reaching the visual purple. A deficiency in riboflavin
can manifest in extreme light sensitivity (photophobia) or in bloodshot eyes that
burn, itch, and water frequently. People deficient in B2 may rub their eyes a lot.
The lenses of our eyes contain more vitamin C than any other body part,
except some endocrine glands. Vitamins C and E may both help prevent cataract
formation by preventing oxidative damage. In cases of cataracts, vitamin C is
usually deficient.
The omega 3 fatty acids can be used for dry eyes, macular degeneration,
glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. The omega 6s are anti-inflammatory and
enhance lubrication of the eyes. Pycnogenol (100 to 200 mg daily) which is
found in pine bark and grape seeds, elevates, elevates glutathione levels and can
benefit cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. DHA (docosahexaenoic
acid) nourishes the eyes and brain to delay bone degenerative rod loss in the eyes
(350 IU 2 times daily).


Besides eating a wholesome diet, foods that are known to be particularly
beneficial to the eyes include colorful antioxidant-rich blueberries, raspberries,
raw sunflower seeds, black beans, black sesame seeds, beets, carrots, celery,
green leafy vegetables (especially kale, dandelion greens, spinach, and
watercress), leeks, sweet potatoes, barley, dates, mulberries, goji berries, and
According to research in the Journal of Nutrition, the antioxidants lutein and
zeaxanthin found in dark green leafy veggies like kale, spinach, collard and
turnip greens, and broccoli all help protect your eyes from UV light, which can
cause cataracts. Aim for nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day for optimal
ocular health.
Spirulina is also beneficial as it is rich in beta-carotene and can be added to
smoothies. Use chervil, cilantro, paprika, and parsley frequently as they improve
blood flow to the eyes. Garnish your meals with fresh dandelion, calendula, or
marigold petals which are rich in lutein.
You can also make a tasty beverage in your blender that is rich in many
nutrients for visual health. Good juices to mix are cholorophyll-and beta-
carotene-rich beet, carrot, celery, endive, parsley, and spinach. Drinking several
cups of barley water daily moistens the liver, which governs the eyes and
moistens them.
Eyes should get exercise just like any other part of the body. Attached to our
eyeballs are six little muscles that can be tonified. Eye exercises can also
increase circulation to the eye area.
When reading or focusing for long periods, squeeze your eyes shut for a few
seconds to increase blood flow to the area. If you spend your days looking at
close objects, every half hour, take a break and gaze off into the distance. It truly
is worth the time to improve circulation and strengthen the muscles attached to
the eyes to keep them in working order.
You can also use the following exercise to improve your vision:
1. Keeping your head still, look up and down 7 times. Close your eyes and rest
10 seconds.
2. Look from one side to the other 7 times. Close and rest 10 seconds.
3. Look diagonally from one direction to the other 7 times. Close and rest 10
4. Look diagonally from the opposite direction to the other 7 times. Close and
rest for 10 seconds.
5. Roll your eyes in an upper half circle and back 7 times. Close and rest for 10
6. Roll your eyes in a lower half circle and back 7 times. Close and rest 10
8. Place the backs of both hands over closed eyes and rest for a full minute.
Another simple way to exercise your eyes is to hold a finger or pen 10 or 12
inches (25.4 or 30.5) away from your face, focus on the tip, and then look off
into the distance. Turn your head from side to side as if saying no emphatically.
Repeat several times.


Acupressure on the feet can benefit the eyes, especially if you pay special
attention to the bottom of the second and third toes. If your eyes need some extra
help, you may want to massage the correlating reflex points at the base of the
bottoms of the second and third toes in a firm circular motion. Deep massage at
the base of the neck may help to relieve tension that impairs vision.

If you spend your days in front of computers, keep the lighting in the room low
with screen brightness three to four times that of the room. Consider using full-
spectrum lighting in the home and workplace. Natural light improves visual
acuity and helps prevent eyestrain.
Minimize glare by keeping monitors away from light sources such as
windows. Consider using an antiglare screen. Make sure characters on the screen
stand out sharply. Have the screen positioned 14 to 20 inches (35.6 to 50.8 cm)
away from eyes just below eye level. The colors of display characters on a
computer that are easiest on the eyes are amber and green. Fifteen minutes out of
every hour, try to do some non-computer sort of work.
When it is safe and can be done without strain, try to spend a few minutes
each day without anything covering your eyes (glasses, sunglasses, or contact
lenses). Close your eyes and allow the sunlight to rest upon your closed eyelids
for 3 to 5 minutes. Another beneficial eye strengthening technique is called
“sunning.” It is done by standing or sitting with closed eyes (though no glasses
or contacts). Then move your head slowly from the left to the right, allowing the
sun’s rays to gently cross over closed eyes. This is best done outside, preferably
when surrounded by the calm, cooling, healing green colors of nature. An
ancient folk remedy to benefit the eyes is to gaze at the cooling rays of the


Your eyes can get puffy from crying, but puffiness can also be a sign of a food
allergy, sinus problems, weak kidneys, sulfites in wine, alcohol consumption,
excess sugar or fat consumption, and exhaustion. If your eyes are red, itchy,
burning, and begging for attention, give them some genuine nurturing rather than
using synthetic eye drops, which provide only temporary relief and can lead to
more irritation later.
Apply cooling and anti-inflammatory slices of raw peeled potato (red ones are
best, according to traditional folklore), apple, cucumber, melon, or tofu over
each eye.
To make an eyewash for puffy eyes, bring 1 cup (235 ml) of distilled water to
a boil and remove from heat. Add 1 heaping teaspoon (5 g) of herb such as
cornflower, eyebright, and or fennel seed and allow to steep while covered for 15
minutes. Strain through a coffee filter. When the tea is cool, place into a clean
eyecup and gently apply and bathe the eyes several times daily. Make fresh daily
and refrigerate any unused portion to avoid introducing any bacteria into the eye.
If you do use an eyewash or eyedrops, close your eyes for a couple of minutes to
retain the benefits of the remedy.


An exercise for puffy eyes is to squeeze both eyes shut tight. Looking inwards,
draw the lids inward toward the nose without using your hands, just the muscles
in the corners of the eyes. Keep the eyes relaxed and then move the eyelids
outward. Hold for three seconds. Repeat seven times. This exercise works
quickly. Start by doing it every night for ten nights and then reduce the
frequency to three times a week.

Sleep on your back, as sleeping on your side causes creases in your face, leading
to permanent lines. Using two pillows to elevate your head keeps fluids from
pooling around the eyes. Puffy eyes could also be related to allergies to the
bedding, such as a down pillow or comforter.
Beware of heavily chlorinated pools or swimming in unclean water, which can
cause eye infections or irritations. Wear watertight goggles if necessary.


Cataracts are a degenerative condition that result in visual cloudiness or opacity
in the lenses of the eyes. Cataracts develop from the slow deterioration of the
lens’s protein, often caused by oxidation, and can cause gradual vision loss.
(Follow the guidelines given on page 97 for eye foods, exercises, and herbs.)


The conjunctiva is a thin protective tissue over the sclera (white) of the eye.
When it is inflamed, it is commonly known as pinkeye. Causes can include
allergies, overexposure to the elements, viewing overly bright objects (such as
electric welding) with the naked eye, bacteria, virus, “burn out” (adrenal
exhaustion), as well as foreign objects such as dust and pollution. Conjunctivitis
is highly contagious and can be spread through washcloths, towels, and fingers,
so keep them clean and separate from others. Here’s what else can help.

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Cheap sunglasses filter only some rays and may allow harmful rays to
penetrate. The best sunglasses are gray, green, then brown in that order.

Eating cooling cucumbers and mung beans is also helpful if you have
conjunctivitis. Take cooling anti-inflammatory herbs, such as burdock,
chickweed, Echinacea, and red clover blossom, in tea, tincture, or capsule form
three times daily. A probiotic supplement taken three times daily between meals
helps inhibit unfriendly microorganisms that may be contributing factors in the

Thrifty Cures!
Splash cold water over your eyes several times a day to improve
circulation. Ahhh!

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To make a compress to reduce puffiness in the under-eye area, make a tea
of chamomile, cornflower, elderflower, eyebright, marshmallow root,
peppermint, and/or black tea, strain, and chill. Soak a small clean cloth in
the chilled brew and lie down and relax with the compress over your
eyes. Black tea bags, which have been used to make tea, can be set aside
to cool and applied later. Also helpful for sore eyes is to soak cotton balls
in cool milk and apply over closed eyes.


Got something in your eye? The first step is to blink frequently to induce the
eyes to tear and wash the object out. If that doesn’t work, try these tips.
You can flush the foreign body out with 2 drops Saint John’s Wort tincture in
8 ounces (235 ml) plain water or simply 2 drops of warm olive oil directly to
wash out the particle. One drop of fresh lemon juice in 1 ounce (28 ml) of warm
water used to rinse the eye is soothing and helps remove the particle.
You can also blow your nose vigorously while closing the nostril on the
opposite of the affected eye to dislodge the foreign object. If this is unsuccessful,
gently flood the eye with water using a gentle spray kitchen sink nozzle or fill a
clean sink with water, place your face in it, and while holding your eye open,
move your head from side to side while the water flows over the eye.

Be sure you aren’t using an eye cream you are allergic to. Eye creams are
designed to be richer and thicker than other moisturizers as the area around the
eyes lacks oil glands. If the puffiness disappears as the day wears on, fluid
retention may be the cause, which is ultimately a kidney concern.
Try pulling the upper eyelid out and down over the lower lid, which can help
dislodge pesky particles. If you are helping someone else dislodge a particle
from their eye, have them look up and down and left and right as you examine
their eye. If the particle is visible, use a clean handkerchief to remove it. Do not
use cotton or tissue as they have fibers that can come loose in the eye.


Glaucoma is a degenerative disease in which the pressure inside the eye is too
high (referred to as intraocular pressure). Glaucoma results from an imbalance
between the production and outflow of the aqueous humor. Symptoms of
glaucoma include morning eye pain, blurry vision, halos around light, peripheral
vision loss, and inability to adjust to a dark room. There are usually no
symptoms until damage has been done to the eyes.
A folk remedy for both cataracts and glaucoma is to make a juice out of the
aboveground portion (including the flower) of greater celandine. Apply the juice
to the outer eyelids daily. Do not apply directly to the eye. Refrigerate any
unused portion, which will keep fresh for up to six days. You can also follow the
tips for cataracts.


Consult with a competent, preferably holistic-oriented optometrist or
ophthalmologist for problems such as seeing colored rings around lights, blurred
or double vision, seeing imaginary spots, lines, or flashes of light, and burning,
watery, or itchy eyes for a proper diagnosis.


Macular degeneration is a retinal disorder that can block central vision and is
one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly. There is a dry form of the
disease, which can cause blurry vision, and a wet form caused by abnormal
blood vessel growth behind the retina, causing the retina to separate from the
eye. The dry form of macular degeneration can develop into the wet form.
Smokers, postmenopausal women, and those with light-colored eyes seem to be
at highest risk. Overuse of aspirin can be a causative factor in macular
degeneration, as can excessive sun exposure. Follow the same guidelines
regarding food, herbs, and supplements for vision health and cataracts.

Safety glasses can help prevent eye accidents. Look for glasses with shatterproof
lenses and use them for hazardous carpentry, art projects, sports, and cleaning.


A stye is an infection of the eyelid oil gland or hair follicle, sometimes caused by
Staphylococcus. The eyelid lining may have a pimple and can become red,
sensitive to light, burn, sting, and produce discharge. Styes can occur when a
person’s eyes are tired and they have been rubbing their eyes excessively.
To promote drainage, apply a hot compress using antiseptic herbs such as
barberry, calendula, elderflower, eyebright, goldenseal, parsley leaf, and
raspberry leaf for 15 minutes up to four times daily using a fresh clean washcloth
each time. You can also apply aloe vera juice to the outside of the closed eye
several times daily for its soothing antimicrobial effect. Black tea bags can be
used as a compress as they contain antibacterial and astringent agents.
Alternatively, you can use a charcoal poultice over the closed eye to help draw
out the infection. Drinking alterative (blood purifying) teas like burdock,
echinacea, and red clover three times a day will also help prevent and treat styes.

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If you have a stye, avoid dairy food and foods that contain gluten as they
are likely to cause excess phlegm.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To help with cataracts, make an eyewash from chamomile, eyebright, and
fennel and apply 3 drops with an eye dropper 3 times daily. You can also
put one drop of pure honey or two drops of castor oil in the eyes nightly
before bed. You can also put 1 drop of pure coconut juice into the eyes
daily. (See page 20 for directions on making an eyewash.)


If the eye has been penetrated, get emergency care immediately. Cover the eye
loosely and get someone to take you to an urgent care facility. Also seek medical
attention in the following situations:
• You are unable to remove the object.
• The object is made of glass or metal.
• The person will not stay still for the eye to be examined.
• The object can’t be located.
• The object appears to be embedded.
• The object is on the pupil or iris.

After the object has been removed, seek medical attention if there is swelling in
the eye or sharp or even mild pain 24 hours later. Also seek medical attention if
there is light sensitivity, visual disturbances, the eye is unable to stay open, or it
still feels as if something is in the eye.

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Avoid rubbing the eyes or using any instrument to remove a foreign

Treating Ear Ailments

Our ears tune us in to the sounds of the world. They enable us to listen to the
voices of our loved ones, the melodies of music, and the orchestra of our natural
(and unnatural) environment. Because our sense of hearing is so precious, it is
well worth protecting this vital sense.
NOTE: For earache, see ″Natural Remedies for Baby and Child Care.″

Thrifty Cures!
For babies, a few drops of mother’s milk, which is high in antibodies, can
be applied directly to the eyes 3 times daily.

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Avoid hot spicy food, coffee, and alcohol. According to Asian medicine,
the health of the eyes is governed by the liver. Anything that dries or
irritates the liver also affects the eyes.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Use an herbal eyewash, especially of chamomile, eyebright, goldenseal,
or barberry, for conjunctivitis. (See page 20 for directions on making a
soothing antimicrobial eyewash.)


The word tinnitus comes from Latin roots, meaning “tinkle like a bell.” For this
annoyance, it is important to determine the cause and attend to the source of the
problem. Ear ringing is sometimes caused by excess consumption of coffee,
alcohol, or aspirin, medication, catarrh, smoking, trauma, exposure to loud noise,
arteriosclerosis, and allergies. If only one ear is affected, it is more likely to be
the left ear.
Ginkgo biloba taken orally (a dose daily of tea, tincture, or capsule) can help
diminish the sounds of tinnitus by improving nerve signal transmission as well
as increasing the brain’s utilization of oxygen. Other herbs that help diminish the
sounds of tinnitus include elder flowers (opening to the channels, including
Eustachian tubes), oregano (which moves blockage), black cohosh (which is
antispasmodic), violet leaves (which have been used since ancient times to open
the ears), and chamomile (which calms inflamed nerves). Look for combinations
of some of these herbs at natural food or herbal stores and take a dose three
times a day as a tea, tincture, or capsule.
Niacin supplementation may also help by improving circulation to the ears
and moving blockages. Try 50 mg three times daily. (Note that this will make
you feel hot, red, and prickly for up to 10 minutes as it improves circulation.)
Drink some water and rest or take with a meal.


Also known as barotitis, this complaint occurs when a plane ascends or descends
and the surrounding air pressure changes and causes vacuum pressure to form in
the middle ear, causing pain. Simple remedies include swallowing, yawning, and
chewing gum. (Look for chewing gum at a natural food store; otherwise, you
might be stuck with artificial sugary stuff from the airport.) Infants can be nursed
(most comforting) or given a bottle or pacifier during takeoff and landing to
remedy airplane ears. You’ll find more information about treating baby’s earache
in the section on “Natural Remedies for Baby and Child Care.”


Swimming exposes the ears to a number of possible problem-causing bacteria
and fungi. To prevent swimmers’ ear, shake the head somewhat vigorously or
jump up and down with the head tilted to one side after being in water. If
necessary, you can make a simple solution to put in the ears after swimming by
adding 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of white vinegar to 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of freshly
boiled water (allow to cool before using). After swimming, put 2 drops of the
mixture in each ear up to three times daily. Store in the refrigerator.


Should you accidentally get a foreign object in your ear or disobey your mother
and put beans in your ears, remember that an imbedded object is best removed
by a doctor, who will have the tools to do so without puncturing the delicate
membrane of the ears.


To remove a bug from your ear, turn your ear toward the sun, as many bugs are
attracted to the light. If it’s nighttime, darken the room and shine a flashlight in
the ear to draw the pest out. If this does not work, pour 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of
warm olive oil in the ear and let it sit with the ear turned upward for 1 to 2
minutes. The last resort is to gently fill the ear with warm water. These last two
remedies drown the bug and get it to float to the top.


The purpose of earwax is to lubricate and protect the ears. It is also considered
antiseptic. An excess of this substance (called ceruminosis) may be due to over-
consumption of fats and sugars in the diet. Putting cotton swabs in the ears can
also push dirt and wax further into the ears, causing wax buildup.
To safely remove earwax, add several drops of mullein flower oil into the ears
every night for a week. You can also use special earwax candles (find them in
your health food store) based on a tradition used be ancient Egyptians and
Native Americans. These uniquely designed hollow candles are placed in a
person’s ear one at a time while the person is lying down, a towel protecting his
or her hair and face. An assisting person holds the candle and lights the top.
When it burns down and feels warm to the person holding it, the candle is
plunged into a nearby glass of water.

If you examine the candle, the bottom portion will be filled with one to
several inches of wax (and also some ash from the candle). I have found these
candles beneficial in improving hearing and relieving blockages such as airplane
ears and even in some cases of earaches.


More than 12 million people in the U.S. are deaf, and the number is increasing.
Hearing loss can be aggravated by genetic tendencies. Pinched nerves in the
neck or upper spinal column can impair hearing. Accumulations of fat and
mucous in the inner ear can also impair hearing, thus it may be helpful to
eliminate foods like fatty meats and dairy products.
The auditory nerve vibrates in response to sound, and if it is coated, it can lose
its sensitivity. The cochlea contains a fluid that transmits sound vibration. Should
this fluid become overly thick and sticky due to dietary imbalances, sound
transmission may also be impaired. An eardrum that is overly loose (often due to
excess use of sugary, cold foods and drugs) will not be able to conduct sound
well. The food most likely to contribute to ear congestion is ice cream—dairy,
cold, and sugary. Massaging a few drops of cajeput oil in front and behind the
ears helps to improve hearing by increasing circulation. Applying a ginger
compress over the ears and kidney area helps to break up accumulations of fat
and mucous.


Foods that have a long tradition of being considered beneficial to the ears based
on their antioxidant properties include colorful fresh fruits and berries
(especially blueberries and blue elderberries); adzuki; kidney and black beans;
green leafy vegetables like kale, collards, and mustard greens; dark yellow
vegetables such as pumpkin, acorn, and butternut squashes; garlic; and onions. I
am very fond of eating wild violet leaves in salads for strengthening the ears. An
antioxidant vitamin is also helpful in protecting our hearing. A vitamin D
deficiency can contribute to hearing loss of the higher frequencies. Taking a
supplement of 1,000 IU daily may be helpful.
The herb ginkgo has also been shown to be beneficial in improving hearing
loss, especially when due to nerve deafness. Ginkgo leaves increase cerebral and
peripheral blood flow and improve nerve transmission. This herb may be taken
in tea, extract, or capsule form 2 to 3 times daily.
In Oriental medicine, the ears are said to correlate to the kidneys. The kidneys
are often treated with acupuncture or moxibustion to help improve the ears. It is
interesting that the ears and kidneys are similarly shaped. You can practice
acupressure by tapping the ears firmly with two fingertips with the top portion of
the ear gently folded over the ear opening, of the other hand 50 to 100 times
every day. Also gently tap the sides of the head above the ears.

Yoga postures that improve various ear disorders include the Palm Pose, the
Lion, the Wheel, the Plow, the Shoulder Stand and the Neck Pose.

Treating Foot Ailments

We need our feet to get from A to B, so it’s important to do everything we can to
keep them in shape. Follow these tips for your tootsies, and you’ll walk with


You don’t have to be an athlete to suffer the itching irritation of athlete’s foot.
Those who frequent public pools, gyms, and shower rooms, who sweat a lot, or
wear tight nonbreathable shoes are the most likely to develop this problem.
Athlete’s foot is seven times more prevalent in men than women and is more
common where conditions are hot and humid. Prolonged exposure to moisture,
nail injuries, and cuticle damage can all lead to fungal infections. With all foot
conditions, it’s important to take care of little problems in the feet so that they
don’t become big problems.
Create an antifungal foot powder by mixing 1/4 cup (55 g) baking soda with
10 drops each of essential oils of tea tree, geranium, and lavender. Combine
ingredients and store in a glass jar. Liberally apply to affected areas. You can
also try soaking your feet in 3 quarts (2.8 L) of warm water to which 1 cup (235
ml) of apple cider vinegar has been added. Dry the feet well, especially between
each toe, and apply some tea tree oil, an excellent antifungal agent, to the
affected area.

Avoid sharing pedicure tools like nail clippers. Wear rubber sandals when
showering in public places.

As much as possible, air your feet out in the sun for short periods of time. Wear
natural fiber socks that are changed often and shoes made of natural materials
that allow your feet to breathe, rather than synthetic materials. Alternate the
shoes that you wear so that shoes have the opportunity to air out. Many health
professionals feel that athletes’ foot can also be a symptom of yeast overgrowth
in the body. Keep in mind that sugar, fruit juice, alcohol, and yeasted breads may
all be foods contributing to yeast overgrowth in the body.


Bunions are bony bumps, often on the sides of the toes. Although they can be
hereditary, tight shoes can cause this otherwise painless ailment to be irritated.
As a first step, you can cushion the area with a foam pad when wearing shoes.
Exercise can also help with bunions. Loop a big rubber band around the big
toe and then pull the toe away from the smaller toes, holding each pull five
seconds. Repeat ten times. Also practice spreading the toes.
Castor oil can also be applied to bunions twice daily to penetrate the skin
deeply and help move congested hardened tissue.


A callus refers to hardened skin, often on the ball or foot heel, caused by the way
we walk or foot pressure on shoes at odd angles. A corn occurs when the skin
over the toe forms a hard protective coating, usually due to pressure. As a start,
insert insoles into your shoes to cushion the area.
Corns can be softened by soaking the feet in warm salt water for 10 minutes
and then using a pumice stone before applying castor oil twice a day to the
afflicted area. Apple cider vinegar can also be applied directly to corns and
calluses twice daily to increase circulation to them, thus helping them break up.


Do your feet feel sore and tired? After being on your feet all day, it feels
delightful to soak your feet in a basin of warm water to which 7 or 8 drops of
pure essential sage, rosemary, or lavender oil has been added. Also consider
wearing insoles in the shoes and supportive house shoes (rather than outdoor
shoes that track in dirt and pollution) rather than walking barefoot on hard
You can find foot massage tools at any natural food stores. A foot massage
feels heavenly! You can give one to yourself or show the one you love just how
pleasurable this can be. Then you can trade!


If your nose runs and your feet smell, you are built upside down! Foot odor can
often be improved by taking 3 capsules of chlorophyll daily, which acts as a
natural deodorizer. You can also put sage leaves in your shoes for weeter-
smelling feet. And remember to choose natural fiber footwear so that your skin
can breathe.


If you have “burning soles,” it may indicate diabetes or other health conditions,
including nerve damage, fungal infection, or excess alcohol consumption.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

The following are great treatments for athlete’s foot.
1 gallon (3.5 L) comfortable hot water
1/4 cup (60 ml) apple cider vinegar
5 drops tea tree oil
5 drops lavender oil

Soak for 20 minutes once or twice daily.


An ingrown toenail usually occurs on the big toe. To prevent this ailment, be
sure to cut the toes nails straight across rather than in a sloping fashion.
To treat an ingrown toenail, soak the foot in hot water and apply a healing
herbal salve to help reduce inflammation. You can also secure a juicy slice of
lemon to the affected area with a Band-Aid before going to bed, and in the
morning the nail should be soft enough to be eased away from the skin and
trimmed. Do your best to keep the skin away from the nail by taping some
athletic tape and gently pulling the skin away from the toe.
If the problem is chronic, a misshapen toenail may be the problem. Consult
with a podiatrist.

Thrifty Cures!
You may find it helpful to fill a container with marbles and walk around
in it to take the ache out. Or pour some dried beans into a shoe and walk
for a few minutes as a foot/massaging exercise.
Be sure to choose shoes that fit well and don’t cause unnecessary pressure.
Avoid buying shoes in the morning, as the feet expand during the day and what
fits perfectly at 10 am might seem too tight by 6 pm. If you walk to work or a
ways to the subway or bus, consider wearing sneakers and then changing into
other shoes during work.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Poultices that can be applied to bunions include grated lemon peel or
chopped onion soaked in apple cider vinegar held in place overnight by a
bandage, allowing the circulatory-stimulating properties of the poultices
to move stuck energy and help break down the bunion.
A folk remedy for corns is to tape the inside of a fresh lemon peel to the
area overnight for several nights in a row. Garlic oil can also be applied
to calluses twice daily.


For tired, aching feet, simply prepare the herbs below as you would for drinking
tea, strain, cool slightly, and then pour into a bucket and soak your sore feet:


• Chamomile For sore, swollen feet

• Lavender Refreshes tired feet
• Marjoram For tired, achy feet
• Peppermint Stimulates tired feet
• Thyme For fungal infections, also refreshes tired feet

To deodorize your feet simply prepare the herbs below as you would for drinking
tea, strain, cool slightly, and then pour into a bucket and soak your feet:


• Horsetail Reduces perspiration

• Lovage Strong natural deodorant
• Rosemary Naturally deodorizing
• Sage Antiperspirant, deodorizing


For healthy feet, keep these tips in mind:

• Spend some time with your feet elevated by lying on a slant board or spending
a few minutes a day in the shoulder stand yoga posture.
• Sit with your legs outstretched in front of you and rotate your feet in circles a
dozen times in each direction to keep your ankles flexible.
• Whenever possible and safe, spend time barefoot to tone your feet. When
trying on shoes, wriggle your toes to make sure they are roomy enough.
Helping Hypothyroidism
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland on either side of the windpipe directly
below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland has many functions, including
governing metabolism and aiding in digestion, mental processes, sex drive,
muscle and cardiac activity, and bone repair.
When your thyroid gland is underperforming, it’s called hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, brain fog, moodiness or
depression, weight gain, constipation, dry skin and hair, headaches, low libido,
high cholesterol, poor short-term memory, anxiety or panic attacks, poor sleep,
flu-like symptoms, hoarseness, hypersensitivity, and fluid retention. Heredity,
viral infection, fluoridated water, and some medications can all affect the thyroid
adversely. Here’s how to boost your thyroid function.


Nature provides herbs that can naturally boost thyroid health. Nettle seed is a
natural thyroid tonic, being both nourishing and providing trace minerals needed
by the thyroid. Look for it in tincture form and take a dropperful three times
daily. You can also gather it wild and dry the seeds to sprinkle on food.
Irish moss, a seaweed, moistens dry skin and soothes swollen glands. It is a
nutritive and moistening tonic for the body. It can be found in capsules and taken
as directed, usually three times daily.
A deficiency of vitamin A can reduce the thyroid’s ability to assimilate iodine
and contribute to goiter. In cases of hypothyroidism, it’s better to take a vitamin
A (10,000 IU) supplement rather than its precursor, beta-carotene, which
becomes vitamin A in the body. An iodine supplement, which is usually derived
from kelp, should also be taken as sea vegetables contain the minerals needed for
all endocrine functions. You can also look for combination remedies in natural
food stores that contain herbs and vitamins to support the thyroid.


Essential oils are powerful fragrances that are able to improve circulation to
parts of the body that need attention. Massage Saint-John’s-wort oil in the area
of the thyroid gland several times each day to invigorate it by increasing its
circulation to function more optimally. You can boost the thyroid’s effectiveness
by adding 5 drops of essential oils of frankincense, geranium, or catnip to 1
teaspoon (5 ml) olive oil or coconut oil. The ideal massage technique is to grasp
the front of the throat at the gland level using all fingers and move the area up
and down.


If iodine is deficient, the thyroid gland tends to swell, and blood vessels get
hardened. The Japanese, known for their diet high in iodine seafoods and sea
vegetables, such as dulse, kelp, and hiziki, rarely have goiter associated with
hypothyroidism. The sea vegetables, constantly bathed in the rich brine of the
ocean, have a softening and cleansing effect. Do your best to consume at least 1
gram daily. It is simple to sprinkle kelp or dulse on dishes.
Apricots, parsley, Swiss chard, tahini, and watercress are considered beneficial
foods for thyroid health. Include some in your regular regimen. Coconut oil is
made primarily of medium-chain fatty acids, which increase metabolism and
promote weight loss. Coconut oil can also raise basal body temperatures while
increasing metabolism, benefiting those with low thyroid function.
Harmonizing Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism means your body is producing too much thyroid hormone. This
can result in heart palpitations, hot sensations, sweating, weight loss, chest pain,
and muscle weakness. A goiter can also form around the necklace line of the
neck due to poor thyroid function. Natural Cures for Hyperthyroidism
Motherwort herb calms heart palpitations, hot flashes, anxiety, skin
hypersensitivity, and thyroid enlargement. Mullein leaf is also used for
hyperthyroidism and reduces glandular inflammation. Take each in tea or
capsule form three times a day.
A supplement of essential fatty acids three times daily may help decrease
excessive thyroid hormones. The amino acid L-tyrosine (500 mg 2 times daily)
is a precursor to the thyroid hormones, meaning it becomes transformed into
thyroxin and triodthyronine. The thyroid gland has a high need for vitamin B1,
especially when overactivity is the problem. Niacin, or vitamin B3, is needed for
smooth functioning of all the endocrine glands. B6 improves iodine assimilation.
Taking a vitamin B complex (50 mg) once daily should help nourish both hypo-
and hyperthyroid conditions.
Balancing Hypoglycemia
If you get jittery when you haven’t eaten in awhile, you may have hypoglycemia.
Many people think of hypoglycemia as the opposite of diabetes, but this is not
true. With diabetes, there is a deficiency of insulin; in hypoglycemia, excess
insulin is produced. If this process continues, the pancreas may become
exhausted, lose its ability to produce insulin, and diabetes may occur.
Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia include allergies, appetite fluctuation
(such as ravenous hunger to no appetite, feeling hungry after a meal),
depression, dizziness, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, hyperactivity, inability
to concentrate, and waking up exhausted after a full night’s sleep. Consulting
with a qualified health professional to get a glucose tolerance test should help
give you a clearer idea of what you are dealing with. In order to treat
hypoglycemia, the pancreas needs to be re-educated and the adrenal glands
strengthened. These natural cures can help.

Skip This!
Foods that inhibit thyroid function include millet, peanuts, and soybeans.
Eating large amounts of foods in the Brassicaceae family, such as
broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga, turnips, and Brussels
sprouts, inhibits the uptake of iodine, a necessary nutrient. However,
consuming plenty of mineral-rich sea vegetables makes this concern less.
The thyroid gland becomes damaged by excessive consumption of
caffeine, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, all of which stimulate
pituitary activity and damage its ability to produce the necessary
hormones that activate thyroid function. Fluoridated water can also
inhibit thyroid function.


If you have hypoglycemia, important nutrients include B complex (50 to 100
mg), magnesium (500 mg), and zinc (15 mg), all given in daily doses. Research
published in the medical journal, Metabolism (1987) has also shown that taking
200 mcg of chromium (as chromium chloride) twice daily for three months
improves hypoglycemia symptoms. If any of these are deficient it can make one
more predisposed to hypoglycemia. As a bonus, chromium reduces the craving
for sugar.


A simple test called the Barnes Basal Temperature Test checks thyroid function.
Refrain from drinking alcohol that night. Before bed, shake down a thermometer
and place it by your bed. In the morning, put the thermometer firmly in the
armpit and rest for 10 minutes. A normal resting reading will be 97.8°F. (37°C).
Repeat the next day. If it is lower than that, you may have an underactive
thyroid. Women should do this after their menses is complete, as temperature
levels will fluctuate more during this time.


Folklore for improving hypoglycemia is to eat small frequent meals. It is also
important to consume complex carbohydrates such as potato, sweet potato,
pumpkin, and winter squash rather than refined grains. Avocados help to
suppress excess insulin production. Also enjoy lots of cooked high-fiber
vegetables, such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, green leafy
vegetables, kohlrabi, and string beans, which nourish the pancreas and increase
the fluids in the body. Snap beans are very alkaline (note: the green beans are
more nutritious than the yellow ones). They are rich in beta-carotene, B
complex, calcium, and potassium. Sea vegetables improve the entire glandular
It is important to have some protein at every meal. Whole grains such as
barley, wild rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, black beans, and tahini are good
protein sources. Almonds and hazelnuts also make good protein-rich snacks.
High-protein super foods include spirulina, blue-green algae, and chlorella.
Nutritional yeast, rich in protein, chromium, and B vitamins, is a blessing for
hypoglycemics, helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.
Moderate amounts of fresh fruit that is not excessively sweet, such as tart
apples, papaya, and strawberries, may be enjoyed. If a sweetener is desired,
consider stevia, which stabilizes blood sugar levels in hypoglycemic people. On
occasion, moderate amounts of barley malt or brown rice syrup can also be used
as sweeteners.


Learn to manage your stress. You’ll find benefits in yoga, meditation, relaxation
tapes, or stress management programs. Erratic blood sugar levels can contribute
to erratic moods. Find multiple ways to get grounded.
Pay attention to underlying cravings for sweetness and gratification in life.
Look at any unexpressed feelings that leave one bitter, overburdened, and
hopeless, which are said to correspond to blood sugar problems.

Skip This!
Eliminating refined sugars and grains (such as white rice, white bread,
and other white flour products) is essential. Refined grains are too rapidly
absorbed. Fruit juices as well as sweet vegetable (carrot and beet) juices
should not be consumed; they are too sweet, lack the fiber of whole food,
and tend to overstimulate the pancreas. Dried fruit, dates, grapes,
artificial sweeteners, and honey are also too concentrated if you are
hypoglycemic. Heavily salted foods can cause insulin overreactions.

A diet that is rich in sweets and lacking in fiber sets us up for the blood sugar
blues. When blood sugar levels elevate too fast due to glucose overload, the
pancreas “panics” and over-secretes insulin, which then causes the blood sugar
level to drop very low. At this point, we are likely to crave another sweet fix and
begin the cycle over again. As this is repeated, the pancreas becomes
hypersensitive. Overusing stimulants also contributes to hypoglycemia, as this
raises blood sugar levels by overstimulating the adrenal glands. This causes a
flight or fight reaction, causing insulin to be released. After years of this process,
the adrenal glands become exhausted and unable to function properly. Heredity
can also be a factor in hypoglycemia. Allergies can also cause stress on the body
and can be exhausting to the adrenal glands.


Hypoglycemia should not be taken lightly. If it persists, it weakens the body and
can be a factor in many other disorders. So pay attention when your body speaks.
Walk in balance!

This section covers natural remedies for conditions that affect women.
You’ll learn how to use food, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other natural
therapies to help you center yourself and feel more balanced. Women are
often the ones who give care to others. Here are some simple yet effective
ways to give back to ourselves.
Regulating Appetite: Anorexia and Bulimia
If you are anorexic or bulimic, your food intake is out of balance. Anorexia
nervosa is chronic undereating and obsession with thinness and a fear of weight
gain. Bulimia nervosa is a repeated cycle of eating excessively, called binging,
and then purging, either by vomiting or through the abuse of laxatives.
Both anorexia and bulimia are more likely to occur in women (about 90
percent), but they do occasionally occur in men. Practicing prayer, meditation,
guided visualization, and yoga can all help you become more serene and stable.
So can these practices.
Herbs that can be used in connection with anorexia and bulimia are listed below.
Since many of them fit into the category of a digestive bitter, they are best used
in capsule or tincture form, taken three times daily 10 minutes before a meal.

If you are anorexic or bulimic, it’s important to correct any underlying health
problem (such as low thyroid or biochemical imbalance). It can also help to get
counseling by a professional trained in eating disorders.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To soothe the digestive tract, try my Slippery Elm Gruel. Just mix a
spoonful of slippery elm powder with a pinch of cinnamon powder and
drink in a cup of hot water. Slippery elm provides a soothing protective
coating on an irritated digestive tract, reduces inflammation, and is very
nourishing and easy to digest.


Ashwaghanda Builds stamina and calms stress

Centaury Stimulates and normalizes appetite; improves digestion; used for
Chamomile Restores an exhausted nervous system; improves digestion
Gentian Stimulates and normalizes appetite
Ginger Eases nausea and indigestion
Hops Helps you to gain weight; used for anorexia, anxiety,
indigestion, and irritable bowel
Licorice Soothes a digestive tract irritated from bulimic vomiting
Marshmallow Soothes a digestive irritated tract from bulimic vomiting
Oatstraw For debility associated with appetite loss; eases anxiety and mild
Peppermint Relieves indigestion, irritable bowel, and stomachache
Saint-John’s Inhibits serotonin breakdown while enhancing its efficiency;
wort used for anxiety and depression

You can also look for a product in your health food store called a “digestive
bitter combination,” which stimulates digestive secretions and improves appetite.


Research published in the medical journal Lancet in 1985 showed that anorexics
are deficient in zinc. If you can’t taste a solution of zinc sulfate or if it tastes just
like water, you may need this nutrient—50 mg of zinc sulfate taken three times
daily with meals can help improve your sense of smell and taste.
If you are anorexic, you can also benefit from supplementing with essential
fatty acids, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(1985). Essential fatty acids in fish oil can also help ease depression and stabilize
the emotional body by feeding the brain. Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of fish oil daily.
Taking 500 mg of the amino acid l-tyrosine one to three times daily can reduce
For bulimics, taking 10,000 IU of a beta-carotene supplement daily can help
heal mucus membranes irritated from lack of nourishment as well as vomiting
and laxative use.


Eat foods that calm the spirit, nourish the stomach and spleen, and tonify the
heart, such as barley, rice, well-cooked beans, organic chicken, corn, pumpkins,
sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Watery-cooked grains with some vegetables
cooked into them are ideal.

Thrifty Cures!
Stimulate your appetite by adding cilantro, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger
to your food.

Include raw juices and fruits like persimmons and ripe pineapple, which are rich
in enzymes that help digestion and reduce inflammation. Consume soothing
foods like soaked chia seeds and mashed avocado (which contains the enzyme
lipase, which aids in the digestion of fats). Add these foods in gradually to your
diet, a little at a time.
Keep a daily food journal to observe mood patterns and what foods are binge
triggers and to promote awareness.

Skip This!
Eliminate caffeine, which can aggravate feelings of anxiety and
depression and increase the desire to binge eat. Some people with eating
disorders may actually have food intolerances such as to gluten, which
when consumed can cause damage to the intestinal lining. This makes
food abusers more likely to choose foods that require little digestion,
such as sugar, white flour products, and alcohol, which are best avoided.
Yeast overgrowth, also known as candida, can also be a contributing
factor in eating disorders. Sugar feeds unfriendly yeast microorganisms,
making them proliferate and you miserable. You can learn more about
beating sugar addiction in the book Beat Sugar Addiction Now!
(Fairwinds Press 2010).

Overcoming Infertility
Fertilization occurs only when an egg cell (ovum) fuses with a sperm cell.
Women reach peak fertility in their early 20s. It diminishes from the mid-30s in
women and about 10 years later for men. After 30, one in four women will have
some difficulty conceiving. It is estimated that one sixth of all married couples
are infertile. Infertility can be due to any combination of factors, including
blockage due to scar tissue, fibroids, or endometriosis. Hormonal imbalances can
also be a factor.
Some ulcer medications as well as many other drugs lower sperm count and
so can heat from hot baths, tight underwear, jock straps, tight jeans, long bike
rides, and even hot car seats. If nerve damage occurs in men due to diabetes, it
can cause ejaculated semen to back up into the bladder. Erectile dysfunction or
premature ejaculation can make it difficult to conceive. Even sitting for extended
periods of time can lower sperm count!
Many women whose mothers took the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) have
experienced fertility problems and reproductive disorders. Irregular menses or
lack of menses can make it difficult to predict when or if ovulation is occurring.
No matter whether the problem is more with the woman or the man, both should
work together for the best results.
Knowing when ovulation occurs and having sex close to that time will greatly
increase your chances of conceiving. Chart your temperature to determine when
ovulation occurs using special thermometers or kits from a pharmacy. Take your
temperature every morning before doing anything. On the day of ovulation, your
temperature will rise 0.4 to 1°F (-17.5 to -17.2°). Chart your menstrual cycle too.
Notice when your cervical mucous is stringy, like an egg white, when held
between two fingers; this is another sign of fertility. Fertile mucous is stretchy
and doesn’t soak into toilet paper. Infertile mucus is pappy and breaks apart
easily. Learn to read your body to improve your timing. Here are some other
ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant.


Ashwaganda root is a male reproductive herb that increases sperm count.
Asparagus root is an ovarian tonic that supports estrogen activity. It’s also an
aphrodisiac. False Unicorn Root is an alkaline uterine and ovarian tonic. One of
my teachers said, “It’s the next best thing to sperm for getting you pregnant!”
Take in tea, tincture, or capsule form three times daily.


Lubricants can slow down sperm motility. Even saliva, which contains the
enzyme amylase, may have an inhibitory factor. Egg white at room temperature
is one of the only things that can be used as a lubricant that won’t adversely
affect conception. However, if one of the partners is allergic to eggs, this is best
avoided. Remember, foreplay is the best way to stimulate the body’s natural
Ginseng nourishes the entire female reproductive system and can also help
correct erectile dysfunction and low sperm count. Women should stop using if
they become pregnant. Licorice root encourages normal ovulation. It contains
phytosterols that provide the raw material for hormonal production.
Oat straw helps relieve exhaustion and stress, nourishes the nerves, and makes
tactile sensations more pleasurable. It’s also an aphrodisiac. Raspberry leaf helps
regulate hormones. Red clover blossom is very alkaline, nutritive, and
phytoestrogenic. Vitex berry affects the pituitary gland and stimulates ovulation.
Vitex can also be used the first trimester of pregnancy to maintain the corpus
luteum in women with a history of miscarriage before the twelfth week. Take a
dose of herbal tea, tincture, or capsules three times daily.

Skip This!
Female smokers have a 40 percent higher rate of infertility than
nonsmokers. Male smokers show a 33 percent rate of reduced sperm
motility. Even electromagnetic energy from microwaves, electric
blankets, waterbeds, computers without protective screens, x-rays,
pollution, and toxins can affect fertility. Stress can also affect your ability
to conceive. It can interfere with both sperm production and the female
reproductive cycle. Avoid toxic cleaning products, heavy metals, and
chemicals. Drink pure water. Love the weeds, learn to eat them, and stop
using herbicides!


Vitamin E (400 IU daily) helps prevent sterility in men and women and also
prevents miscarriage. A deficiency in vitamin E can contribute to sluggish
sperm. According to in vitro studies, taking a vitamin E (400 IU daily)
supplement enhances the ability of sperm to penetrate an egg. Taking 200 mcg of
selenium also improves the activity of vitamin E.
Zinc is found in the outer layers of sperm, in seminal fluid, and in vaginal
lubrication. It is essential for the growth and maturity of the gonads and can help
to increase the number and motility of sperm. Men with azoospermia (absence of
living sperm) and oligoosperma (low sperm count) have both benefitted from
zinc supplementation. Taking 15 mg daily improves testosterone production.
Taking 500 mg of L-arginine three times daily is essential for sperm formation
and to promote normal sperm count and motility. Note, however, that arginine
may aggravate existing herpes conditions and should be used only after other
nutritional approaches have been tried.


Foods beneficial for fertility are also good for health and sexuality. Buy organic.
Raw sunflower, black sesame seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin are rich in potent
zinc and vitamin E. Almonds, pine nuts, and walnuts are also great as they
provide vitamin E and zinc.
Whole grains such as wild rice and quinoa contain beneficial complex
carbohydrates. Oatmeal and barley help build sexual fluids. Other fertility fruits
include seed-rich elderberries, figs, goji berries, pomegranates, and raspberries.
Seeds contain the germ of life. Indeed, if you were to plant some of them they
would grow into plants themselves! Use them liberally.
Carrots, yams, and winter squash are also good foods for fertility. Consider
drinking vegetable juices made from beet, carrot, and spinach three times a
week. Since juices are sweet, dilute them with 50 percent water. Miso,
unpasteurized tamari, sea weeds, and Celtic salt are rich in trace minerals and
therefore beneficial condiments when used in small amounts, particularly for
low sperm count.
Avoid margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated oils as these can contribute to

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

If you are trying to conceive, make this shake. It’s great for both of you
in providing protein and essential fatty acids!
11/2 cups (355 ml) fresh raw almond milk
1 tablespoon (15 g) raw tahini
1 tablespoon (20 g) raw honey
1 tablespoon (4 g) raw pumpkin seed
2 ripe bananas
Mix ingredients together well. Share the mixture and make a toast to
each other and to new life.


Essential oils that can be used to increase fertility in massage, bathing, and
inhalations include angelica, anise, basil, Clary sage, cumin, fennel, geranium,
jasmine, lemon balm, neroli, and rose. Note, however, that these are not
suggested during pregnancy as they have not been studied for safety during that

The best position for conception is the missionary position. If the woman can put
her feet on her partner’s shoulders, this is enhancing. Other beneficial positions
include rear entry and lying on your sides. The positions least likely to promote
conception are those that involve sitting, standing, or woman on top. It is not
imperative for a woman to have an orgasm for conception to occur, yet she
should be stimulated enough to produce vaginal mucous. When the man
ejaculates, he should go deep and stop thrusting.


Try Reflexology The kidney point is a reflexology point located at the center of
the ball on each foot that connects through the meridians to the kidneys. It is
beneficial to stimulate the foot reflex point in a circular motion for three minutes
a day to increase fertility. Also work on the area of the Achilles heel, which
correlates to reproductive organ points on both men and women.
After union, the woman should lie on her back with her knees elevated to her
chest (urinate before sex so you won’t need to urinate right after) for at least 20
minutes. Use a pillow or two to elevate your hips. The very adept yogini can
stand on her head after intercourse during her fertile period. (If you’re not adept
at yoga, don’t try it!) A shoulder stand can help too. Most importantly, keep in
your hearts and minds the love and good feelings you have for one another and
trust the process of life.
Preventing Miscarriage
About one in ten pregnancies end in miscarriage. Environmental pollutants,
drugs, stress, overexposure to radiation, fibroid tumors, infection, structural
abnormalities, and nutritional deficiencies can all be contributing factors to
miscarriage. Miscarriage is sometimes nature’s way of letting go of a being that
may be less than perfect. It is only during the first stage, referred to as threatened
miscarriage, that one can prevent the end of the pregnancy. Bleeding, spotting,
and cramping are all symptoms. When the blood becomes heavy and bright red,
it is considered too late to prevent. These natural remedies may be able to help,
but of course it’s wise to consult your doctor or midwife as well.
Black haw is a powerful uterine sedative, strengthens a weak cervix, and has
helped many women continue a threatened pregnancy. Women who have had
repeated miscarriages may want to take a dropperful in a bit of water 3 times
daily to prevent problems before they begin. If you can’t find black haw, cramp
bark, a close relative, can be used in the same way. Keep using these daily until
the threat of miscarriage has passed.
Another herb to prevent miscarriage is wild yam, which is an antispasmodic.
It can be used in tea, tincture, or capsule form; one dose is taken three times
Foods to consume that strengthen the reproductive system and have high
nutritional profiles, and can help prevent miscarriage according to folkloric
traditions, include black beans, millet, quinoa, wild rice, and winter squash.
Low thyroid function can also be a factor in miscarriage. Consider eating
more sea vegetables or taking a kelp supplement.
Easing Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is kind of a misnomer because this condition can last all day
long when you are expecting. Causes can include low blood sugar and the
increased protein requirements of the developing fetus, the liver not being able
to break down the extra hormones, stress, certain aromas, and diet.
But nausea during pregnancy may be a positive sign. It causes us to pay
attention to ourselves. Research shows that women who have nausea early in
their pregnancies may have a lower risk of miscarriage, perhaps because
hormonal levels are high. And here’s more good news. For many, morning
sickness disappears by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Here’s what to
do until it passes.

Homeopathic remedies to consider for threatened miscarriage include Apis
mellifica, which helps calm premature labor and stinging ovarian pains. Arnica
montana can prevent miscarriage brought on by physical trauma such as falling.
Note: It is always wise to let your midwife or doctor know before taking any
herbs or supplements while you are pregnant.


For thousands of years, women around the world have relied on healing
botanicals to help with morning sickness. Herbs such as peppermint leaf, anise
seed, red raspberry leaf, and ginger root have all been helpful in relieving
morning sickness. They are all available as tea and capsules, and ginger is also
available in honey-sweetened sodas, candies, and syrups. If you choose to use
candied ginger, rinse the sugar off before you eat it.


Vitamin B6, in doses of 25-50 mg, can really help reduce nausea. But before
adding, B6, note how much is already in your prenatal vitamin formula. Take no
more than 150 mg as a total daily dose unless recommended by your physician
or midwife.
Low levels of magnesium have been found to be a contributing factor in
morning sickness. Green leafy vegetables and almonds are good sources of this


Morning sickness is often worse when the stomach is empty and blood sugar
level lowest. Small, frequent, bland complex carbohydrate meals throughout the
day may be beneficial. Have a high-protein snack such as raw almonds before
bed. If carbohydrates are all you can tolerate, see how you feel about sweet
potato, chia seed porridge, or flax crackers. If nausea is worse at certain times of
the day, eating something half an hour beforehand may help. You can also suck
on frozen honey lemonade popsicles or chew a natural peppermint or spearmint
gum to ease the nausea.
Drink between meals rather than with meals. Sip 2 teaspoons of apple cider
vinegar (10 ml) and honey (13 g) in a cup (235 ml) of warm water. If you do
experience vomiting, be sure to consume adequate fluids to prevent dehydration,
preferably in small sips between meals which is easier to keep down.


Homeopathic remedies that help morning sickness include Ipecac, Nux vomica,
Phosphorus, and Sepia. Talk to a homeopath about which remedy would best suit


Get professional attention if you lose weight (more than a couple of pounds [0.9
kg]), become dehydrated and do not urinate, or can’t keep anything down
(including water, tea, or juice small occasional sips are best tolerated) for over
four to six hours.


Take up to seven deep inhalations of essential oil of lemon or peppermint to
calm nausea.
Use Sea Bands that gently press on acupressure points known as Pericardium
6 on the inside of the wrist to help alleviate morning sickness, available in health
food stores.

Place a cool lavender-scented compress on your forehead and a warm vinegar

compress over your rib cage to ease morning sickness. Lie totally still with the
eyes closed for best effect.
Get out into fresh air and take a walk every day.
Find pleasant diversions such as reading uplifting books and doing gentle
exercise. My daughter Rainbeau has an amazing yoga DVD called Zen Mama
( that may help.
Try to maintain a positive attitude about this time in your life. A healthy baby
makes it all worthwhile!
Soothing Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a common aftermath of pregnancy. It’s important to lubricate
your body daily to help prevent them. This is especially important the last three
months of pregnancy so your skin will be supple and stretch during delivery.
You’ll want to apply this Pregnant Belly Butter to the perineal area, belly, hips,
thighs, and breasts, which are all areas where stretch marks can occur. Here’s
how to make it:

Pregnant Belly Butter

2 cups (475 ml) olive oil or coconut oil
1/2 ounce (15 g) calendula flowers
1/2 ounce (15 g) comfrey leaves
1 tablespoon (15 ml) vitamin E oil
5 drops essential oil of lavender

In a dry, clean glass jar, place the crushed herbs and oil. Allow to steep for two
weeks. Strain through a clean dry cotton cloth while squeezing the oil out of the
herbs. Discard the herbs. Stir in the vitamin E and lavender oil. Bottle. Apply to
areas prone to stretching at least twice daily.

Bettering Breastfeeding
Mother’s milk is the perfect temperature, requires no preparation, is easy to
digest, is free of bacterial contamination, is available at no extra cost, creates
bonding and emotional security, promotes facial and muscular development and,
best of all, is totally fresh! The benefits of breastfeeding are enormous. Babies
that are breastfed are less likely to suffer from allergies, colic, diarrhea, ear
infections, eczema, and infections. Breast milk helps protect babies from
microbes including bacteria, fungi, and viruses and from disorders such as celiac
disease and Crohn’s disease. Breast milk also seems to contribute to higher IQs,
perhaps because it is higher in essential fatty acids omega 3, 6, and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid). Here’s how to boost production.


Galactagogue is the word for herbs that encourage milk production. It comes
from the word galax, meaning ”milk,” and is from the same root as the Milky
Way Galaxy. Galactagogue herbs that increase lactation include the following:
• Alfalfa leaf
• Anise seed
• Blessed thistle
• Caraway seeds
• Dandelion leaf
• Dill seed
• Fennel seed
• Fenugreek
• Goat’s rue
• Hops
• Nettles
• Oatstraw
• Red clover
Marshmallow root helps to increase the fat content of breast milk and thus
aids weight gain in the baby. Vitex causes the pituitary gland to produce more
prolactin, which governs lactation.
You can find all of these in your health food store. Drink three to four cups
daily or look for teas or capsules already prepared at natural food stores such as
Nursing Mothers Tea by Traditional Medicinals or Nursing Support by Yogi
Hops, another herb, promotes lactation in mothers who are stressed and
anxious. Good dark beers that are rich in hops can help relax a new mother and
increase milk production. Nonalcoholic beers are available that provide the same
benefits. One nightly should be enough.
Essential oils such as anise and fennel can enhance milk production too. Add
10 drops to 1 ounce (28 ml) of coconut oil in a small jar and massage a
teaspoonful into the breasts using gentle circular motions daily. Rinse the breasts
off before nursing.


It is best to wean a child slowly to make the transition easier for mother and
child. The World Health Organization suggests nursing for at least two years. As
a child nurses less, less milk will be produced. The milk becomes saltier and
thicker. To decrease milk production, drink a cup (235 ml) of sage tea up to eight
times daily and drink less of other fluids.


Good nutrition is as important when you are breastfeeding as it was during your
pregnancy. To support healthy milk production, choose plenty of calcium-rich
foods like almonds, apricots, asparagus, barley, string beans, beets, carrots, green
leafy vegetables such as beet and dandelion greens, kale, parsley, watercress,
peas, pecans, sesame and sunflower seeds, oatmeal, brown rice, sea vegetables,
sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Do your best to eat at least three servings of a
selection of these foods daily.
When you are nursing, it’s common to get depleted of essential fatty acids,
especially the omega-3 fatty acids. A deficiency can result in postnatal
depression and developmental deficiencies in your baby. Flax and chia seeds, a
good source of essential fatty acids, also increase milk supply. Sprinkle freshly
ground flax seeds (get them at your health food store) on cereal and yogurt. Soak
chia seeds overnight and eat as an omega 3 source.

Thrifty Cures
Check and see if you already have any of these galactagogue herbs on
your spice shelf such as anise, dill, fennel, and caraway. It’s simple to
make a tea from them by steeping 1 heaping teaspoon (5 g) of the
crushed herb (use a mortar and pestle or blender) in 1 cup (235 ml) of hot
water for 10 minutes.

Nursing mothers need to drink plenty of fluids, at least half a gallon (3.8 L) a
day. Good choices include barley water, green smoothies, and carrot juice
(diluted with at least 50 percent water).


If your breasts aren’t emptied, it is easy for them to become painfully engorged.
As a first step, you’ll want to increase lactation. It can also be soothing to
alternate hot and cold compresses, simply by soaking a cloth in hot or cold water
briefly and then wringing it out and applying the hot compress until it cools
down and then the cool compress until it warms up (about 5 minutes each).
Cover the wet compress with a dry towel to hold in either the heat or cold longer.
Cover the chest after doing compresses to prevent getting a chill.
Soothe sore nipples by applying a salve of calendula and comfrey available at
natural food stores. Aloe vera gel can be used but it must be rinsed off before
nursing. You can even apply some of your own breast milk, which has
antibacterial properties and lubricating oils.

To promote healthy lactation, it is important to have a good “latch on.” Elevate
your baby to the level of your nipple and encourage him to latch on to the areola
rather than the nipple. Start each nursing time with a different breast and vary
positions so that the areola doesn’t get too much intense pressure. Have your
baby do all of her sucking when breastfeeding. Frequent use of pacifiers can
reduce nursing time, and many of them are made of polyvinyl chloride,
bisphenol, and pthlates.
Be calm when you are nursing. Relax and nurture the relationship and focus
on the nursing experience rather than nurse while cleaning house or watching
Soothing Mastitis
Mastitis is a breast infection that is more likely to occur in mothers who are
overdoing things and tired. Does this sound like you? Plugged ducts from the
mother not drinking enough fluids or the baby not nursing long enough to empty
the breasts can all contribute. As a first step, slow down and rest more. Next use
these helpful suggestions.


To reduce engorgement, it’s a good idea to take cleavers herb and dandelion leaf
in tea or tincture form to cleanse the lymphatics. Take a dose of the Thrifty Cure
below every two hours. You can also use a dropperful of echinacea tincture
orally every two hours to combat infection and boost white blood cell count.
Also take 500 mg of vitamin C every three hours. If you have a fever, drink a hot
infusion of elderflower, which is diaphoretic and will help eliminate toxins
through sweat. Essential oils that can be used in compresses, massage oils, or in
a bath for sore swollen breasts include fennel, geranium, lavender, and rose. (See
page 23 for aromatherapy guidelines.)

Thrifty Cures!
Add 2 teaspoons (10 ml) each apple cider vinegar and honey (13 g) to 1
cup (235 ml) of hot water and sip every hour until the infection has
passed to reduce infection and inflammation. Eat plenty of celery and
cucumbers (or juice) to cool the inflammation from the inside.


Look no further than your fridge to relieve swelling. A poultice of grated raw
potato can be applied directly to the breast to help relieve pain and blockage.
Remove after about 20 minutes and repeat with a fresh potato several times
during the day.
Cabbage leaf compresses reduce swelling of the breast caused by breast
infection. Cabbage has both antibiotic and anti-irritant properties. It contains
sinigrin (allylisothiocyanate) rapine, mustard oil, magnesium, and sulphur. This
mixture of ingredients helps decrease tissue congestion by dilating (opening)
local capillaries (small blood vessels), improving the blood flow in the area.

Nursing the baby on the side where infection occurs will not pass infection on to
the baby and can help drain the breasts. Though it will be painful, it can help. If
the condition is too painful or an abscess occurs near the nipple, nurse on the
other side for a day while you actively treat the infected side with compresses
and salves.
To make a cabbage leaf compress, rinse common green cabbage leaves and
cut a hole for the nipple. Right before applying, crush the veins of the cabbage
leaves with a rolling pin (or roll a glass bottle over the leaves) to break open the
veins. Apply the cabbage leaves directly on the breast. Usually one or two leaves
per breast works well. Make sure to cover all inflamed or engorged tissue with a
cotton bra (synthetic fibers can trap sweat, contributing to a moist environment
that encourages infection) and a clean T-shirt.
In 1 to 2 hours, when the cabbage leaves have wilted, remove the leaves and
reapply fresh leaves. Repeat 4 to 6 times for a total of 8 hours. Use the cabbage
leaves only until the engorgement subsides. Prolonged use of cabbage leaves on
the breast can reduce milk supply according to folklore.


Any fever that occurs in the mother within the first few weeks of birthing should
be reported to your health care practitioner to determine whether a uterine
infection, also known as childbed fever, could be occurring. This is a serious
condition that needs to be treated.
Easing Menstruation Woes
Women, like the moon, are always going through changes. In fact, the word
menstruation comes from the Latin mensis, meaning “month,” which is derived
from the word for moon. Menstrual time can be a time of healing, rest, and
regeneration. Many women experience this as a time of increased awareness.
The process of menstruation occurs between the brain, hormonal levels, and
female reproductive system. The pituitary gland releases follicle stimulating
hormones (FSH), which signal the ovaries to secrete estrogen into the blood in
the middle or follicular phase of the cycle. This signals a blood supply to build
up in the uterus. An egg is released into the uterus. Progesterone is secreted,
while lutenizing hormone (LH) flows into the blood from the brain and causes
more blood to supply the uterus in preparation for a baby. This is the luteal or
last phase of the cycle. When bleeding begins, the body prepares for a new cycle
by releasing FSH from the pituitary, which causes the next egg to begin maturing
within the ovary.


If you have premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it can feel like you are on edge and
out of sorts. Symptoms include breast swelling, mood swings, sweet cravings,
depression, crying spells, irritability, anger, and agitation. Being more accident-
prone or absent-minded are also common symptoms. Besides using the herbs
mentioned here, find ways to nurture yourself during your “moon” time. Take an
aromatherapy bath. Drink warming herbal teas. Get a massage for tense parts of
your body. Play relaxation tapes. Practice deep breathing. Take a long walk. Take
a day off around the first day of your menses for self nurturing.
When menstrual bleeding occurs at irregular intervals or outside the duration
of normal menses, it is called metrorrhagia. Menses that are delayed 8 or 9 days
longer than a 28-day cycle could be due to a cyst, late ovulation, or lack of
ovulation (anovulation). Here’s how to fix menstrual difficulties in a natural way.

If you exercise regularly, you’re less likely to have menstrual difficulties.
Exercise improves circulation and liver function and stimulates endorphin
production. It also can help relieve emotional problems related to physical
disharmonies by detoxifying the body, causing perspiration, and helping to
regulate fluids. Brisk walking and swimming are two helpful forms of exercise
for menstrual difficulties.


If you get cramps, try using pads rather than tampons. The blood is trying to
flow out and anything that is keeping it inside will cause the body to cramp more
to expel what it is trying to get rid of.
Excessively early or late menses can be due to a chi deficiency, or general lack
of energy. Menses that come early may be due to an insufficiency of
progesterone. If menses occuring early is due to lack of ovulation, estrogen may
be deficient.

Some of the herbs that help PMS and menstrual difficulties work by inhibiting
prostaglandins that have inflammatory actions. Plants with phytosterols can help
keep hormonal levels from plunging. Herbal therapy can improve circulation,
build the blood, improve liver function, and be diuretic. Herbs that can help
regulate the cycle include vitex, dandelion root, and raspberry leaf. If the menses
is always coming too early, avoid dong quai but use sage and rose hip teas. For
delayed menses, raspberry leaf may be used. Here is some information about
these herbs and others:


Alfalfa leaf Improves anemia and fatigue with its rich mineral content and
its phytosterols help nourish estrogen receptors
Crampbark An antispasmodic; calms cramps and emotional upheaval
Ginger root Improves circulation, helping amenorrhea (lack of menses),
dysmenorrhea (painful periods), and nausea
Nettle herb Prevents anemia and helps control excessive bleeding (thanks
to vitamin K); is a circulatory stimulant, diuretic, hemostatic,
nutritive, and thyroid tonic
Raspberry Contains calcium, magnesium, and iron as well as phytosterols,
leaf helping amenorrhea, anemia, dysmenorrhea, and menorrhagia;
is also a hormonal regulator
Red clover Builds the blood and resolves blood clots; is anti-inflammatory,
antispasmodic, diuretic, nutritive, and phytoestrogenic
Vitex berry Helps regulate too heavy and frequent periods; for amenorrhea,
breast tenderness, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia and PMS; also
helps menstruation-related acne and headaches


Taking 50 mg of B complex daily supports the liver.
Taking 400 IU of vitamin E daily can help ease breast tenderness.
Bioflavonoids inhibit estrogen by competing with its receptor sites and they also
strengthen the capillaries.


Essential oils that bring comfort to both body and mind during menses include
basil, chamomile, Clary sage, fennel, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juniper berries,
lavender, marjoram, myrrh, neroli, peppermint, rose, and rosemary. These can be
used as inhalations, in the bath, or diluted for massage once daily. (See
Aromatherapy on page 23 for more ideas.)


Green leafy vegetables and seaweeds help build the blood and prevent
deficiencies. Seaweeds also can help regulate erratic menstrual cycles by
providing missing minerals and nourishing thyroid function. Carrots also help
regulate the cycle. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and
cauliflower can also keep estrogen levels normal by helping the liver do a better
job in breaking down hormones no longer needed.
Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and miso are good sources of
phytoestrogens, which can help reduce the body’s production of its own
estrogen. These are best consumed as fermented foods such as miso and tempeh,
making them easier to digest and less allergenic.
Eating a high-fiber diet and using acidophilus as a supplement can help
normalize estrogen levels.
Cutting down on salt will help prevent water retention and bloating. Eat foods
that are naturally diuretic such as artichokes, asparagus, watercress, and
watermelon (including the seeds). Drinking more water helps the body to excrete
sodium and excess fluids. Add the juice of half a lemon to a cup of water at least
once a day to improve liver function.


Dysmenorrhea is derived from the Greek word meaning “difficult menstrual
flow.” After ovulation, the uterine lining prepares itself for a fertilized egg, and
arteries become enlarged. If fertilization doesn’t occur, the uterine membranes
start to die off and the lining is shed during the menstrual blood flow. The
arteries may spasm as the lining dies off. The cramping usually ceases as
menstrual blood helps to clean out the area. Constipation can cause pressure on
the uterus and contribute to cramping. If the spine is out of alignment, pinched
nerves can cause cramping. This can be remedied by yoga, bodywork, and/or
chiropractic adjustments.
Black cohosh, chamomile, cinnamon, cramp bark, ginger, peppermint,
raspberry leaf, and yarrow are all antispasmodic, relaxing cramps and spasms.
Take them in tea, tincture, or capsule form up to three times daily when needed.


If cramps become suddenly worse or change locations, get a proper diagnosis.
Eat a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation, which creates pressure in the
digestive region. Include omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids such as fish oils, chia,
and flax seed, which can nourish brain function. Green leafy veggies such as
kale and collards can also help reduce cravings, breast tenderness, and PMS
weight gain by improving liver function, where hormones get broken down. One
meal a day should be green leafy vegetables.
For painful menses, essential oils that can be used in massage, bathing, and
inhalations include anise, carrot seed, Clary sage, jasmine, and rose.

Women who practice deep diaphragmatic breathing are less likely to get cramps.
It is a good idea to wear loose clothing during your period. Cramming
yourself into tight jeans and belts will make you more likely to suffer from
Do leg lifts and you’ll ease menstrual cramps by moving stuck energy in the
pelvic cavity.
Do acupressure on the Achilles tendon to relieve menstrual cramps.
Acupuncture has helped many women open channels of blockage in their bodies.
Stay warm during menstrual cramping times. Avoid cold drinks and icy foods,
which can cause muscle contractions. Keep the kidneys warm so the rest of the
body doesn’t get chilled.

Thrifty Cures!
Try these thrift cures to relieve cramps:
• Castor oil compresses are messy but worth the effort for cramping.
(For directions on how to make a compress, see page 18).
• Salt packs retain heat well and can easily be reused. Warm some salt in
a dry pan and pour the salt into a cotton pillowcase. Secure well and
apply the salt pack to the sacrum, at the base of the spine.
• A hot water bottle is a great folk remedy to place on a sore womb or
painful lower back.


In cases of extreme menstrual difficulties, get a checkup to rule out conditions
such as fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, or cancer. See your doctor if you have any


Menorrhagia is excessive bleeding. See your gynecologist to have an exam and
rule out a cyst, tumor, or a complication in pregnancy. Then try these natural
remedies for relief.
Herbs that can decrease the flow of blood due to their natural astringency
(usually from their natural tannins) include cinnamon bark, ladies mantle,
nettles, raspberry leaf, shepherd’s purse, uva ursi, and yarrow. Use any of them
or in combination in tea, tincture, or capsule form three three to five times daily
as needed.
Taking 1,000 mg vitamin C with 500 mg bioflavonoids daily can help
strengthen capillaries and therefore reduce bleeding.

Include plenty of blood-building foods such as beets and dark green leafy
vegetables to compensate for blood loss. Cold-water fish such as salmon,
herring, sardines, and mackerel as well as essential fatty acids from chia, flax
seed, evening primrose, or black currant seed oil can help normalize hormones.
Seaweed nourishes the thyroid gland, which helps to regulate all the cycles of
the body, including the menstrual cycle, and replenishes minerals lost through


In women who are past puberty, not pregnant, lactating, or in menopause, a lack
of menstruation is called amenorrhea. An imbalance in hormones, infertility,
tumors, nutritional deficiency, glandular problems, weight imbalances,
environmental toxicity, stress, certain medications, and less than 18 percent
bodyfat can all be factors. First, schedule a thorough physical to determine the
cause. In addition, try these natural cures.
Herbs that can help amenorrhea by building the blood and improving
circulation to the pelvis include angelica, basil, blue cohosh, burdock root,
cinnamon bark, licorice root, nettles, and raspberry leaf. Take them in tea or
capsule form 2 to 3 times a day. Take a good multi-vitamin and mineral that
contains vitamin B complex too, along with 400 mg of vitamin E.

Thrifty Cure!
Hot Sitz baths can increase circulation to the reproductive organs as well
as move stagnant energy in the body to get moving. Alternate a 2-minute
hot sitz bath with a 2-minute cold Sitz bath. Bundle up after! (For more
information on sitz baths, see page 49.)

Blood-building foods include beans, beets, blueberries, green leafy vegetables,

parsley, raspberries, and nettles. Increase foods rich in iron (to build blood) and
take an essential fatty acid supplement. Also nourishing for women who have
amenorrhea are sea vegetables, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, oats, fish, eggs,
and organic dairy products.
For menses that are scanty, always late, or nonexistent, essential oils to use
topically include Clary sage, fennel, lavender, and rosemary. Combine 1
tablespoon (28 ml) of olive oil or coconut oil scented with about 5 drops
essential oil total. Massage beginning in your lower right abdominal area, using
clockwise circles, and move up toward your ribcage, laterally across your navel
to your left lower ribcage area, and down to your lower left abdominal region.
Handling Menopause
Menopause is more than the normal cycle of life in which menstrual cycles
cease. It’s a rite of passage that can be empowering, freeing us from monthly
periods and the need for contraception. It can also be a catalyst for positive
change, a chance to start over in midlife.
Menopause can be natural, premature (occurring before age 40), or surgically
induced. It may occur quickly or take several years. Smoking cigarettes, illness,
and genetic tendencies can bring menopause on earlier. Here’s how to handle it


Plants are sometimes referred to as being phytoestrogenic or phytoprogesteronic.
This means that the plants have molecular structures similar to hormone
molecules. The molecules of these plants can occupy the receptor sites in the
body that would normally be taken up by hormones. Therefore, plants can in
some cases can both increase and decrease hormonal levels in the body. Some
herbs can even provide the raw material so that the body can produce its own
hormones. Herbs to help menopause include the following:

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Sugar raises glucose levels, which then crashes, leaving us on an
emotional roller coaster. Keep blood sugar levels stable by eating smaller,
more frequent meals. Alcohol consumption can contribute to fatigue and
headaches, so avoid drinking excessive alcohol as well. Eat less animal
fat to keep estrogen and prostaglandin levels lower. Remember too that
many commercially raised farm animals are fed estrogen-type drugs to
promote earlier maturity, weight gain, and higher yields of milk and eggs.
This can definitely raise our own levels of estrogen unfavorably, so be
careful with your consumption of these foods.

• ALFALFA can raise or lower estrogen levels by providing the raw material to
create estrogen or by binding to estrogen receptor sites and decreasing its
production. (Avoid using this if menstrual bleeding is excessive.)
• BLACK COHOSH contains phytoestrogens, which bind to estrogen receptor
sites. Because it’s a muscle relaxant and a sedative, it helps improve edema,
hot flashes, heart palpitations, depression, and headaches. A study reported in
the International Journal of Cancer in 2007 showed that Remifemin, a
specific formulation of black cohosh, also lowers the risk of breast cancer by
up to 60 percent!
• MOTHERWORT is a bitter member of the Mint family. It cools and lessens
frequency of hot flashes, emotional upheaval, heart palpitations, and night
sweats, and also calms uterine pain associated with stress. It nourishes vaginal
walls and decreases vaginal dryness.
• NETTLES as a food, tea, or juice is rich in minerals, tonifying the bones and
muscles. Nettles also break down fat and build the blood. Their vitamin K
content can curb excessive bleeding.
• RASPBERRY LEAF is rich in calcium, magnesium, and iron and aids in
regulating menses and reducing hot flashes.
• RED CLOVER BLOSSOM contains phytoestrogens including diadzein and
genestein as well as the estrogenic isoflavones biochanin and formononet,
helping to calm hot flashes and night sweats.
Look for these herbs in your unsprayed fields and gardens. Learning to
include them as teas and tonics three times daily is easy! (See page 13 for how-
to instructions.)


Vitamins that can help a woman through changes include vitamin A or beta-
carotene (10,000 IU of either daily) to nourish mucus membranes. Hot flashes
can deplete B vitamins. Taking 50 mg of a B complex daily will boost your
energy, strengthen the kidneys, and reduce nervousness. Vitamin E (400 IU
daily) can reduce hot flashes, balance mood swings, and prevent vaginal dryness.
Vitamin C with bioflavonoids support immunity, nourish the adrenal glands,
and are needed for collagen production so that skin remains elastic. They can
ease some of the problems of heavy and irregular bleeding, relieve hot flashes,
and increase vaginal lubrication. Take 500 mg twice a day. Calcium (1,000 mg)
and magnesium (500 mg) are important for bone health and promote calmness
and good sleep.

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Minimize your intake of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, carbonated beverages,
fried foods, and high-fat products as excessive consumption can worsen
hot flashes.

If menstrual bleeding is excessive, an iron supplement can help prevent

anemia. Evening primrose oil aids estrogen production and can decrease
menstrual flooding. A fish oil supplement can help keep the skin moist. Of
course, you can also focus on eating foods rich in these nutrients, like leafy


Essential oils of basil, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, and peppermint
help relieve hot flashes and can be used as inhalations, in the bath, or in massage
on a once daily basis (see Aromatherapy on page 23 for other ideas). Clary sage
and cypress can help counteract vaginal atrophy. Use Clary sage to scent some
olive oil and apply it to vaginal tissue. Clary sage can also help irregular menses
and lift depressed spirits when diluted and applied to the skin. Oils that have
estrogenic activity include Clary sage, sage, anise, fennel, angelica, coriander,
cypress, and niaouli.


Eat foods that build blood and strengthen the liver, such as barley, beets, beet
greens, black beans, black sesame seeds, deep sea fish, green leafy vegetables,
jujube dates, goji berries, millet, mulberries, mung beans, pomegranates, string
beans, sweet potatoes, walnuts, and wild rice. Seaweed is mineral rich and helps
promote vaginal elasticity.


Personality changes may occur with menopause. Take more time to yourself.
Many women have spent their lives pleasing others, often not taking care of
themselves in the process. A personal retreat can be wonderful and soul
enriching. Take a class or learn about what has always been a passion you had to
put off.
Stretching helps maintain flexibility. Kegel exercises help keep reproductive
organs in good tone.
Simplify your life. Let go of activities that get in the way of keeping yourself
in good spirits and health. Menopause can also be a good time to clean your
karma. Are there people in your life to whom you owe an apology, a letter,
perhaps flowers? Are there people who you need to confront to clear the energy
—a parent or an old lover? This may be a good time to record your life story on
paper. Complete any unfinished business. Enjoy this time of changes and
growing wisdom.

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Avoid washing with drying soaps as these may further dry the vaginal


Hot flashes feature warmth that is intense and often accompanied by heart
palpitations, anxiety, faintness, flushing, headache, and night sweats. The
average hot flash lasts about three minutes, but anything between half a minute
and an hour can occur. It may be helpful to keep a record of what is going on and
under what conditions hot flashes occur.

When hot flashes occur, ride the wave. Wear cool clothes and dress in layers so
you can dress and undress as need be. Use a fan to cool yourself. Try pinching
the fleshy area between the nose and upper lip to cool off.

Drink lots of cool beverages. Consume cooling foods like cucumbers, celery,
melons, lemon, and fresh chickweed salad, which are considered refrigerants,
literally cooling the body. Make your own dressing with extra virgin olive oil, as
commercially heated oils congest the liver, causing it to become overheated and
thus result in hot flashes. Avoid hot and spicy foods. If hot drinks bring on hot
flashes, drink your teas at room temperature.
Spritz your chest, neck, and face (with glasses off and eyes and mouth

closed) with water scented with essential oils such as cooling peppermint or
lavender when you feel the heat come on. Avoid oil-type massages if you are
suffering from hot flashes. Instead get shiatsu or other bodywork that is done
without heavy oils, as oil massage is heating to the body.

A hydrotherapy technique for hot flashes is to walk or stand in a tub filled with 6
inches of cold water. (You can also add 3 drops of essential oil of peppermint or
some lemon peels from your last salad dressing project.) Then dry your feet, put
on your shoes, and go for a short walk.

Herbs to use as tea or tincture three times daily to curb hot flashes are
motherwort and sage, both of which are astringent.

Finally, express your feelings in a healthy way. Bottled up emotions can cause
you to heat up and blow your top!
Alleviating Vaginal Dryness
During menopause, vaginal secretions decrease because there is less estrogen to
nourish mucus membranes. What’s the good news? One of the best ways to
prevent drying and atrophy of the vagina is to keep having orgasms! Sexual
activity can stimulate vaginal secretions and blood flow. Make sure to engage in
plenty of delicious foreplay to get your love juices flowing. Other natural cures
can also help. Here’s how.
To make a suppository for vaginal dryness, melt 1 ounce (28 g) of cocoa
butter and add the following powdered herbs:
1 tablespoon (14 g) dong quai
1 tablespoon (14 g) licorice root
1 tablespoon (14 g) wild yam
1 tablespoon (14 g) marshmallow root or slippery elm bark powder
2 tablespoons (30 ml) vitamin E oil
This can also be scented with a couple of drops of pure essential rose oil. Pour
into a glass baking dish and cut into suppository size pieces. Store in the
refrigerator in a covered container. Insert one vaginally before bed.
Yeast overgrowth can be a contributing factor in vaginal dryness. It can be
curbed by a probiotic capsule that is vaginally inserted to help produce
Many creams containing wild yam are available in health food stores that can
be used topically as a vaginal lubricant. Cotton swabs lubricated with sesame oil
can be inserted vaginally overnight to improve dryness. You can also take
vitamin E oil from a pricked vitamin E capsule and apply it to vaginal tissues.
Use a 400 IU capsule daily. Be aware that latex condoms can be broken down by
Takinge a sitz bath with emollient herbs such as comfrey or marshmallow root
can also be a comfort. Black cohosh can help build vaginal mucus membranes,
when taken as a tincture or capsule three times daily.
An omega 3 fatty acid capsule helps lubricate the body from within.

Remember your Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles,
building tone and elasticity in the pelvic region.


If a rash or ulceration appears on the skin, it may indicate a more serious
condition than surface varicose veins and should be checked by a competent
health professional. Varicosities around the ankles are more inclined to rupture
and bleed. Should this happen, apply pressure and seek medical attention.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Apply apple cider vinegar to varicose veins and drink 2 teaspoons (10
ml) of apple cider vinegar in warm water three times daily to strengthen
the venous system. You can also apply a cabbage leaf or cottage cheese
poultice or apple cider vinegar compress overnight. (For more
information on how to make a compress or poultice, see page 18 and 19.)

Vanishing Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are veins in the lower legs that are distended, widened, and in
some cases twisted. Normally, blood flows into the veins after it has deposited its
nutrients into the capillaries and returns to the heart so it can be reoxygenated.
But when the valves in the legs that help move blood upward aren’t working
properly, blood can pool in the legs, causing pressure and bulging varicose veins.
You usually find varicose veins on the sides of the legs, the upper parts of the
calves, and the inner thighs. Varicose veins may also appear around the anus and
are called hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of varicose veins include cramping, dull aching pain, heavy feeling
in the legs, swollen ankles, itching, and tingling and burning sensations in the
skin of the legs. Women are about four times more likely to be affected than men
(which is why we cover them in this chapter on women’s special concerns).
Obesity, heredity, pregnancy, and age put one greater risk. When the veins are
near the surface, they are more of a cosmetic problem than a health threat.
However, a blockage of deeper veins can lead to thrombophlebitis, pulmonary
embolism, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Here’s what you can do to help.


Doctors have a nebulous catchall phrase, chronic venous insufficiency or CVI, to

describe vein circulation problems. All this means is that a person’s vein
circulation system is failing, and blood is backing up either in the tissues or
veins. Symptoms of CVI include nighttime leg swelling, leg pain, and cramping.


Put an aloe vera plant in your windowsill and use the gel to relieve varicose vein


For ulcerations, apply a soothing salve or poultice of calendula, chickweed,
comfrey, or liquid chlorophyll (available in bottles from natural food stores). To
ease the pain or discomfort of varicose veins, apply a moist warm compress of
mullein, sage, and white oak bark yarrow tea, all of which are astringent and
tonifying. (For more information on how to make a compress or poultice, see
pages 18 and 19.)
Bilberry helps to improve the strength of capillaries. Take one 80 to 160 mg
capsule of 25 percent anthocyanosides three times a day. Butcher’s broom also
helps improve the strength of capillaries and it contains a compound called
ruscogenin that reduces swelling. Research published in the medical journal,
Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research showed that taking butcher’s
broom eased the symptoms of varicose veins such as pain, leg cramps, itching,
and swelling. Take 150 mg three times a day.
Studies done in Europe found that horse chestnut helped to increase blood
flow up and out of the legs, strengthen connective tissue, tighten up veins,
decrease redness and swelling, and relieve painful leg conditions caused by poor
circulation. One of its compounds, aescin, has been found to close the small
pores in the walls of the veins, making them less permeable. This strengthens the
vein walls and reduces leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissues. Take horse
chestnut capsules containing 50 to 300 mg of aescin two to three times a day or 1
to 5 drops of horse chestnut tincture three times a day. Improvement should be
within six weeks.
Avoid horse chestnut if you have liver or kidney disease or if you are pregnant
or breastfeeding. You can find products in natural food stores that contain
capsules of combinations of these herbs, which can be used three times daily.
A quart (946 ml) of nettle and/or horsetail tea daily is rich in silica, which
helps build strong connective tissue.
You can apply a witch hazel compress as an astringent twice a day to the

Thrifty Cures!
At night, alternate hot and cold foot baths to alleviate varicose veins.
Begin with hot water and end with cold.

Supplement with daily doses of 1,000 mg vitamin C and 500 mg

bioflavonoids to help strengthen the capillaries. Vitamin E helps the blood utilize
oxygen better and prevents blood clots so 400 IU a day supplement is
A supplement of 500 mg omega-3s three times daily can also help prevent
blood platelet aggregation and keep vessels more flexible. Take two tablets of 6x
calcium fluoride, mornings and evenings, to impropve elasticity of blood vessel


Eat more ginger, garlic, and onions as these foods help break down the fibrin
surrounding the varicose veins. Add them to every dish you eat if you can!
Varicose veins are rare in parts of the world where a high-fiber diet is
common. When fiber is lacking, one is likely to be constipated and tend to strain
during bowel elimination, putting pressure on the veins. So it’s important to eat
more vegetables (especially dark leafy greens, beets, cabbage, okra, and sea
vegetables) and salads. Use purslane raw as a salad green as it is a rich source of
omega-3s. Also add small amounts of cayenne pepper to food to improve

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Avoid deep massage atop a varicose vein as loosening a blood clot may
be dangerous. However, gently applying some arnica oil to the area can
gradually help disperse congestion. Do this only on unbroken skin.

Eat fruits high in bioflavonoids, such as berries and cherries. Whole grains
beneficial to the circulatory system include barley, buckwheat, and oats. Also
good to strengthen the vascular system are fish, especially bass, cod, flounder,
hake (whiting), halibut, mackerel, salmon, snapper, trout, tuna, whitefish, and
yellow perch. Consider using fiber supplementation such as flax seed (best if
freshly ground before use), chia seed, or psyllium seed (take 1 teaspoon [2 g] in
a bit of water three times daily).
Eat a relatively low-fat diet to avoid creating viscous blood. Cut down on red
meat, high-fat dairy products, fried foods, and baked goods laden with fats. Nix
margarine or hydrogenated oils. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

The following are some additional ways you can avoid or heal varicose veins:
• If you stand for long periods of time or do lots of heavy lifting, pressure in the
veins increases. Instead, move around, walk, or bike ride. Do deep knee bends
and a short walk when taking a break instead of drinking another cup of
coffee. This helps pooled blood move back into the circulatory system.
• Regular exercise helps strengthen muscle tone and improve circulation. Brisk
walking, roller-skating, aerobic dancing, swimming, cross-country skiing, and
biking are all excellent activities for one prone to varicose veins.
• Wriggle the toes and flex and rotate the feet. Raise up on the toes and slowly
sink to the heels. You can also practice isometric exercises by tightening the
muscles and then relaxing. The old high school gym exercise “bicycling,”
where you lie on your back, elevate the hips and legs, and make a bike
pedaling motion, is also excellent.
• Avoid long periods of sitting, especially with your legs crossed. If you must
cross your legs, do so at the ankles, not the knees. Elevate your legs when
sitting if possible. If you have a desk job, adjust your chair so that there is not
a lot of pressure on the backs of your thighs. Sit on the floor with your legs
stretched in front of you whenever possible (like when watching an occasional
movie on TV).
• Raise the foot of your bed by four inches (10.2 cm). Before jumping out of
bed in the morning and applying sudden pressure on your legs, stay in bed a
few minutes and stretch and flex your legs and feet before getting up.
• Whenever possible during the day, elevate your legs. Use a slant board to
elevate the feet above the heart. If you are into yoga, the shoulder stand or
head stand is a great way to ease varicose veins.
• Use color therapy to ease varicose veins. Focus on lemon yellow, which helps
to dissolve clots, and turquoise, which is a blood-purifying agent.
• According to those that study psychoneuroimmunology, standing in a situation
which one hates, feeling overworked, overburdened, and not being able to
stand up for oneself can be contributing psychological factors to varicose
veins. Do your best to improve these situations.
• Do your best to avoid walking on paved surfaces and choose more natural
uneven places to promenade so that you use a wider variety of muscles.
• Clothing that is too tight, including shoes or boots, will restrict circulation and
may cause varicose veins by not allowing the blood to properly flow through
your body. Snug-fitting girdles, pantyhose, and belts, tight socks, and shoes—
especially high-heels—cut off circulation, thus forcing blood to seek
alternative routes or causing pressure on the veins. Support hose, on the other
hand, help promote circulation. Make sure they are the kind that is tighter at
the ankles, gradually decreasing in pressure as they get higher up the leg. If
you can’t find a good over-the-counter brand, they can be medically
Stopping Yeast Infections
Candida is a yeast (scientifically, a single-celled fungi known as Candida
albicans) that grows on the surface and mucous membranes of most living
organisms, including people, animals, grasses, drinks, and food. Pregnancy can
increase yeast overgrowth as the vagina becomes less acidic and as more sugar
gets stored in the vaginal walls. Some women experience candidiasis during
Use of antibiotics can also cause yeast to overgrow. That’s because antibiotics
kill both good and bad bacteria. When good bacteria aren’t present in the gut in
sufficient amounts, yeast will proliferate. Symptoms of a yeast overgrowth
include acne, allergies, asthma, bad breath, bloating, chronic fatigue, craving
sweets, depression, diaper rash, diarrhea, and emotional swings. Frequent sinus
and bladder infections also indicate a yeast overgrowth. Here’s what you can do
to keep yeast in check.


Interestingly, probiotics and candida have similar binding sites in the intestines.
The more acidophilus is present in the intestines, the fewer sites for candida to
flourish. As a first step, take a probiotic capsule four times daily for at least three
Soaking in the bathtub with 1/2 cup (60 ml) apple cider vinegar or sea salt (or
use both) will help give relief from candida itchiness and clear up the condition.
While you want to avoid using douches too much as this can wash away friendly
vaginal flora, a good douche can be done by combining 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of
apple cider vinegar to a pint (475 ml) of water twice daily. Other possible
douches include 1 teaspoon (5 g) of acidophilus in 1 quart (945 ml) of water or 1
teaspoon (6 g) salt and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to 1 quart
(950 ml) of water. This should be done just for a few days during an acute

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Sugar feeds yeast and needs to be avoided. Minimize high-carbohydrate
foods, such as peas, potatoes, winter squashes, and lima beans. Use
stevia, a natural sweetener, instead of sugar. Other key foods to leave out
of the diet until the yeast is under control include breads (which contain
yeast), fruit juices, coffee, alcohol, peanuts, and mushrooms, all of which
contain yeasts.

Afterwards, insert some plain cultured yogurt (chock full of acidophilus)

vaginally using a diaphragm jelly applicator or soaking a natural fiber tampon
before inserting. Wear a cotton sanitary pad to avoid having yogurt dripping
down your clothes.
You can also insert a “00” size capsule filled with boric acid (don’t ingest) or
two capsules of probiotic. Look for probiotics containing the bifidus and
bulgaricus strains. Just make sure you are using capsules that dissolve and not
some enteric coated capsules that won’t break down as easily. Insert the capsules
high into the vagina for five to seven nights in a row.
Note that if you are pregnant, avoid putting anything into the vagina,
including a douche, without consulting your health professional.
It’s also very effective to use a garlic clove vaginal suppository. Simply peel
the paper off a single clove of garlic, and without breaking the skin of the garlic,
gently insert it vaginally before bed. In the morning, remove it. Some women are
frightened that they may never find the clove again. Although this is highly
unlikely, you can put the clove into a piece of cheesecloth and tie it securely with
some dental floss, leaving a string of floss hanging out far enough to aid retrieval
of the garlic-filled cloth the next day. Squatting while bearing down will also
expel the clove. Be sure not to cut the clove or it can be irritating to delicate
After having a bowel movement or urinating, it can be helpful to wipe the
perineal area well and squirt onto the area some antifungal herbal teas such as
calendula, echinacea, garlic, myrrh, rosemary, thyme, or yarrow. (For directions
on how to make tea, see page 13.) Keep a week’s supply in the refrigerator and
take out one day’s supply and leave it in the bathroom so it will be at room
temperature. What isn’t used in a day’s time should be discarded.

Thrush is a fungal condition caused by the yeast organisms Candida and Monila.
Monila normally exists in the vagina but is a problem when it overgrows. A
white cottage cheese like discharge may occur in the vagina along with itchiness,
soreness, and burning. It can also affect the perineum area. Follow the same
suggestions as treating candida.


You can use a therapeutic bath to inhibit yeast. Just add 1 cup (235 ml) of apple
cider vinegar or a pound of salt (455 g) or seven drops of tea tree oil to a clean
bathtub. Tea tree oil is antiseptic, germicidal, and antifungal. It can even be used
topically on yeasty areas of the skin such as athlete’s feet or jock itch. It is one of
the few essential oils that can be applied “neat,” meaning straight and undiluted.
Other essential oils that can be used in bathing, massage, or inhalations that
inhibit candida are allspice, chamomile, cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, geranium,
lavender, patchouli, and rosemary. Add seven drops of your choice after filling
the bath. The body’s cleansing process can also be aided with colon cleansers
and saunas.
When bathing, use coconut-based soaps. Lubricants that contain glycerin are
sweet and can feed yeast overgrowth. Diaphragms and tampons can keep yeasts
inside the vagina, encouraging an environment for their proliferation.


Start each day with a pint (475 ml) of warm water to which the juice of a fresh
lemon has been added to help the body’s natural process of detoxification. The
sour flavor stimulates liver and bowel cleansing.
Yeast flourishes on gluten-rich grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, so eat
these foods in moderation, if at all. Millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, and
wild rice are better grains to use. Lots of fiber is important as a slow-moving
bowel becomes more alkaline, an environment that candida thrives on.
The best vegetables are low in carbohydrates, such as asparagus, beet greens,
collards, kale, celery, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, radish,
and spinach. Eating dandelion greens, nettles juiced, and chickweed as wild
foods can be helpful in curbing yeast overgrowth.
Green foods are rich in chlorophyll, which promotes healthy intestinal flora
and cools this damp heat condition. You can also top a salad with an olive oil
dressing to stop the proliferation of yeast. It contains oleic acid, which inhibits
candida growth. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid, another antifungal agent.
When cooking, use warming culinary herbs such as black pepper, cayenne,
cinnamon, cloves, curry powder, garlic, ginger, oregano, and turmeric, all of
which help dry damp conditions and inhibit yeasts. Seaweeds contain beneficial
yeasts that outnumber the undesirable yeasts. Before modern drugs were
available to treat yeast, iodine, found in seaweeds, was the drug of choice in
treating yeast!
Contrary to what you may have heard, using some fermented foods helps to
defeat candida. Rather than killing the candida, outnumber it! So do use some
fermented food products such as yogurt, unpasteurized sauerkraut, unpasteurized
apple cider vinegar, and miso.

Damp, muggy weather can often worsen candidiasis symptoms. While you can’t
do anything about that, it is important to eliminate dampness in the home. Mold
can grow in damp basements and in carpeting. Sprinkle Borax as an antimold
agent in damp areas. Get rid of piles of damp clothing and old newspapers that
can harbor mold. Severe mold may necessitate replacing old carpets with wood
Leaky gas stoves can also pollute our internal environment. Have your stove
checked and fixed or replace with electric if needed. Do your best to eliminate
airborne chemicals in the home.
Use only white unscented toilet paper as it exposes you and the environment
to less irritating chemicals. Avoid pantyhose, synthetic fabrics, tight-fitting
clothes, and sleeping in underwear. Change out of wet clothes as soon as
possible. When privacy is available, a five-minute air and sunlight bath of
affected areas can clear up yeasts quickly. And of course wipe from front to
Stick with the program. Candida is resilient and many give up too soon or
don’t realize how easy it is to sabotage progress by cheating. There are some
health practitioners that blame everything on candida and some that barely
recognize its existence. It’s important to find a holistic doctor who will work
with you to get well. Get a culture of unusual discharge to determine what is the


When beginning a yeast control program, it is not unusual to feel temporarily

worse. Proteins from dead yeast can cause a histamine reaction, resulting in
irritating symptoms like anxiety and fatigue. But taking a high dose of powdered
vitamin C (1,000 milligrams) once a day will help clear the symptoms. Taking
300 mcg of biotin, a part of the vitamin B complex, daily helps prevent candida
from transforming from a yeast vacuole into a fungal mycelia, which contributes
to more yeast formation.

Caprylic acid, made from coconut and palm kernel, has been used as a natural
antifungal agent since the 1940s. It can be taken orally to inhibit yeast. Pau
d’arco tea can also help yeast die off. Take one to two capsules or three cups of
tea daily.

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Avoid vitamin formulas that use yeast as a base.

Babies respond well to the gentleness of natural remedies. Here is how to

treat little ones safely and effectively. When in doubt, always see your
Children’s Dosing Info
When offering your child herbal remedies, it’s easier for kids to take an herb as a
tincture than to swallow pills or drink tea. To figure out a dosage for children,
follow one of two rules:
1. Cowling’s Rule: Take the child’s age at his or her next birthday and divide by
24. The resulting fraction is the amount of the adult dosage the child can have.
For example, a five-year-old will be six at his next birthday. The number 6
divided by 24 equals 1/4; this child should have 1/4 of the adult dosage.
2. Clark’s Rule: Divide the child’s weight by 150. The resulting fraction is the
amount of the adult dosage the child can have. For example, for a 50-pound
(23 kg) child, 50 divided by 150 equals 1/3; this child can have 1/3 of the
adult dosage. Look for products specially made for children such as
Wishgarden Herbs and and dose according to their directions.
Calming Colic
Colic can be stressful both for you and your baby. The most common symptom
of colic is when babies draw their knees up to their stomach and furrow their
forehead. Colic happens when trapped gas causes spasms in the still-developing
digestive system. Tension in the home environment can also be a contributing
factor. It is also possible that the baby is sensitive to something the nursing mom
is ingesting (see sidebar, page 146). These tips can provide much-needed relief.


Herbs to treat colic can be taken by the nursing mother. Ideally, the nursing
mother will drink a cup of the tea or take capsules 3 times daily. These herbs can
also be taken in tablespoon doses in bottles by infants older than three months of

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Make your own teething solution with 5 drops each of essential oil of
cloves and anise diluted in 2 tablespoons (18 ml) olive oil. Rub a small
amount on the afflicted area up to four times daily.

The following herbs are gentle and help ease digestion by increasing circulation
to the digestive tract due to their presence of essential oils:
• Anise seed
• Catnip herb
• Chamomile blossom
• Cumin seed
• Dill seed
• Fennel seed
• Lemon balm
• Peppermint herb
• Spearmint herb
Nursing mothers can also take a magnesium supplement (500 mg daily),
which helps prevent the spasms of colic in your baby by relaxing the muscles.


Massage the baby’s abdomen gently in a circular clockwise motion (up on the
baby’s right, across and down on the left; the directions the intestines move food
through) with 1 ounce (28 ml) of olive oil scented with 5 drops of anise,
chamomile, fennel, ginger, or peppermint oil.
You can also give your baby a warm bath in which you add three to five drops
of one of these essential oils or several cups of herbal tea such as catnip or
You can also soothe your baby by applying a warm (not hot) compress of
ginger or peppermint tea over the baby’s abdomen. Cover with a dry towel to
hold the warmth in. (See page 18 on how to make a compress.) You can also
wrap a warm (not too hot) hot water bottle in a towel and apply it next to the
baby’s belly to provide relief.

It helps to carry a colicky baby with his or her belly against your shoulder.
Rocking and car rides can also be soothing. Be sure and keep the baby’s feet
warm, which helps them feel more relaxed and secure, thus calmer!
Exercise can also help a colicky baby. Gently take the baby’s legs and pretend
it is pedaling a bicycle by pressing the legs to the baby’s stomach and then out
and down. Lay the baby across your knees and gently rub his or her back.
Feed babies who suffer from colic small frequent meals rather than large ones
to minimize gas. Be in a relaxed state when feeding the baby as babies pick up
on your stress and tension. Keep the baby’s head above the feet when feeding,
which allows burps to be released more easily.
After you’ve tried everything, it might just be time to drink a cup of relaxing
tea yourself!

For some babies, sensitivity to cow’s milk that the mother is consuming can
cause infant colic. So try switching to goat’s milk, which is much easier to digest
than cow’s milk. Adding 1 tablespoon (28 ml) of liquid acidophilus per 8 ounces
(235 ml) of milk can also help digestion. Learn to make nut milks. (For more
information on raw food preparations, read my book, Rawsome!)

Moisturizing Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is a type of infantile seborrheic dermatitis caused by overactive
sebaceous glands or in some cases by a yeast called Pityrosporum ovale. It is not
caused by poor hygiene. Babies may have flaking of the skin and redness on the
scalp and head and also under the arms and groin area. It is not itchy, contagious,
or painful and tends to bother the parents more than the child. It usually begins
between two weeks and three months of age and can last until the toddler stage.
These natural remedies can help.

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Signs that might indicate that the baby is allergic to something the
mother is eating include red cheeks, constipation, frequent ear infections,
dark circles under the eyes, spitting up frequently, gas, and sweating
while nursing. Foods to avoid because they can cause colic include
wheat, corn, beans, sugar, chocolate, nuts, and curries. Foods that are
likely to give the mother gas such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale
(all in the Brassicaceae or Mustard family), as well as beans, garlic, and
onions, all high in gaseous sulfur, are also likely to aggravate colic in
infants. Cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, fried foods, eggs, alcohol,
peanuts, and caffeine are all also notorious contributors.


At night, rub the baby’s scalp with 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of olive oil or coconut oil
scented with 3 drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil. You’ll also want to
avoid using harsh soaps and shampoos on the baby. Instead, wash the baby’s
scalp with a tepid tea of burdock root, chamomile, chickweed, meadowsweet, or
violet leaf. Leave the tea on the scalp and when it is dry, apply some cocoa butter
on the scalp to soften the crusts. Use a fine-tooth comb to loosen the afflicted


When you are nursing, add two omega-3 capsules and burdock root tea to your
daily diet to respectively help in fat metabolism as well as in controlling any
fungus, as both poor fat metabolism and yeast overgrowth can be causes for
cradle cap.

Skip This!
If your child has diaper rash, avoid rubber or plastic pants as well as
disposable diapers. They keep the skin from breathing and create a damp
moist environment where rashes proliferate.

Thrifty Cures!
Make a cloth bag and fill it with oatmeal. Use the oatmeal that exudes
from it to wash your baby’s scalp.

Soothing Diaper Rash

Diaper rash can be painful. Ask any baby! It can occur when either the mother’s
or baby’s diet is overly acidic. It may indicate that tomatoes, citrus products,
sweets, and even fruits are being over consumed. To heal diaper rash, as a first
step, keep the baby’s bottom diaper-free as much as possible, ideally exposed to
sunlight, and change the diapers more often. These remedies can also help ease
baby’s sore bottom!
You can apply plain yogurt to your baby’s bottom to help clear up a persistent
diaper rash. Also consider giving your baby an internal probiotic supplement that
is formulated for infants. (Nursing mothers may also want to use an adult
acidophilus supplement.) Acidophilus, a type of probiotic, is a friendly bacteria
that naturally occurs in yogurt. Since many diaper rash conditions can be due to
yeast overgrowth, this is outnumbered by the probiotics.
You can also apply calendula salve to your baby’s bottom. Find it at your
health food store.
Thrifty Cures!
If you launder your own cloth diapers, add 1/4 cup (60 ml) apple cider
vinegar to the final rinse water. This will make them softer for your
baby’s skin.

Soothing Teething Pain

Teething is a time that may leave both parent and child sleepless and slightly
frazzled. Here’s how to soothe your baby.
If you are a nursing mom, try drinking catnip and chamomile tea. Both herbs
are quite calming. You can also soak a washcloth in the cooled tea and allow
your baby to chew on the cloth.
Unsulfured dried apple rings make handy teething food. One of their virtues is
that you can put the fruit ring around a couple of the baby’s fingers, thus
prolonging the amount of time before the object falls to the floor. Several types
of natural teething cookies are also available.
Look for natural teething solutions to apply topically to the gums at your
natural foods store. Many have also found homeopathic teething tablets effective
in bringing relief.


Anytime you allow a baby to chew on anything, be present, in case he should


Fighting Ear Infections

Babies and young children often have earaches. Earaches are classified as either
Otitis externa, which is an infection and inflammation of the external ear, or
Otitis media, which pertains to the middle ear. In the latter, excess fluid and
mucous impair drainage through the Eustachian tubes. Symptoms of ear
infections include pain, throbbing, discharge, and/or a feeling of fullness. Infants
too young to talk may cry shrilly, pull and rub their ears, and have low-grade
fever and/or diarrhea.
One of the causes of earaches is an allergy to cow’s milk and other dairy
products. Other common allergens include wheat, eggs, corn, soy, citrus, peanuts
and peanut butter, and tomatoes. A food sensitivity may cause an increase in
mucous production and even swelling, thus creating blockage and pressure. For
those with extreme sensitivities, even a tiny amount of the offending food may
be a catalyst to an ear infection. For breastfed babies, the mother may need to be
scrupulous in her avoidance of the offending substance, as it would be passed on
to the baby through her milk. Here’s how to get natural relief from ear infections.


To help the body fight an ear infection, use the very effective herb echinacea
(Echinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia). This herb has large polysaccharide
molecules, which the body perceives as a bacteria, thus white blood cell
production becomes activated, making the immune system stronger. One simple
way to administer echinacea to a baby is in an extract or tincture form. Dosages
on the bottle will usually be for an adult unless you purchase a product dosed for
kids such as Wishgarden Herbs. Look for kid-friendly tinctures made with
vegetable glycerin rather than alcohol. They can be placed directly in the child’s
mouth or added to tea, juice, cup, or bottle.

Bottle-fed babies have more frequent ear infections than those who are nursed.
Not only is there more exposure to possible allergenic substances, but the baby
given a bottle has to suck harder, which creates more negative pressure in the
Eustachian tubes. Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding while the baby is lying in a
prone position may also contribute to more frequent ear infections as milk or
fluid can drain into the ears. It is best to hold the child slightly more upright.
Teething infants are often prone to ear infections, especially when molars are
coming in, as this may cause swelling in the maxilla bone plate.
Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen
Make your own teething solution with 5 drops each of essential oil of
cloves and anise diluted in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Rub a small amount
on the afflicted area up to four times daily.


When an ear infection is present, gently massage behind the ear, around the outer
ear and ear opening, and pull slightly on the earlobes, massaging gently down
the neck to encourage lymphatic drainage. Rubbing the temples helps increase
blood flow to the area as well as to move toxins. Using a drop or two of essential
oil of lavender makes this antiseptic as well.


I often make my own ear drops in the summer by gathering the fresh picked
golden blossoms of mullein, layering them in a clean glass jar with slices of
garlic, and covering the mixture with olive oil. Cover the mixture with a piece of
cheesecloth secured around the jar with a rubber band. This allows excess
moisture to evaporate while keeping dust and debris out. In two weeks, strain
and rebottle the liquid portion into amber-colored dropper bottles. These can be
stored in the refrigerator for up to two years.

Thrifty Cures!
A simple way to treat an ear infection is to position the ear so that the
sun’s rays are directly warming the painful region. Keep doing for up to a
minute for a child or three minutes for an adult at a time, repeating if
needed. It doesn’t cost a thing!

Stimulate the reflex points to the ears by pressing deeply for about 20 seconds
in a circular motion at the base of and between the fourth and fifth toes. These
points may be tender yet often provide relief.
Massaging children with two drops essential oil of lavender will help to
relieve congestion and alleviate pain. Massage behind the ear, down toward the
neck. Keep away from the eyes and mouth.


For children old enough for food, give plenty of warm fluids (tea and soups) or
lemon in water or 2 teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar (10 ml) and raw honey
(13 g) in 1 cup (235 ml) of water to help thin mucus secretions. (Note: Do not
give honey to babies under a year old because of the slight danger of botulism
spores.) Goat’s milk is more easily tolerated, and its high fluorine content
actually helps to improve lymphatic drainage.

Skip This!
Avoid congesting foods (dairy and wheat are common culprits) if you are
nursing a baby with an ear infection.


The remedies on page 148 work for older kids and adults. Here are a few more
that older kids and adults can try:
• Deliberate yawning may also help to open blockages in the ear.
• For those familiar with yoga, the simple lion pose also helps to open the ears.
• During the night, it is best to elevate the head slightly to promote better
drainage of the ears. (In the case of children, do this only if the child is old
enough to sleep with a pillow.)
• When you are having a treatment done to your ears, breathe deeply and
visualize sending healing energy to your ears. A painful ear is an ear calling
for attention!
• If anger and turmoil fill your household, it makes sense to create more
harmony so you will feel less compelled to “tune out” the negativity by
perhaps psychologically blocking the ears. Louise Hay suggests that the
person with the earaches, if old enough, frequently repeat the affirmation
“Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am
a center for love.”


If an earache persists for more than 48 hours, if the person has a high fever, or if
the earache is accompanied by a discharge of blood or green or yellow pus, it is
time to consult with a health professional.

Calming Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums can be a common occurrence if you have a little one. It’s a lot
easier to stop a tantrum that’s just starting than one in high gear. These tips can
also help you soothe your agitated child.

If your child is yelling and screaming, ask him to come to you instead of asking
him to stop screaming. It can help to change environments, which will remove
the child from the source of the temper tantrum. When your child stops crying (if
necessary give a 5 minute time-out), talk about the frustration the child has
experienced. Try to help solve the problem if possible. Teach the child new skills
to help avoid temper tantrums such as how to ask appropriately for help and how
to signal a parent or teacher that he or she knows they need to go to “time away”
to “stop, think,” and “make a plan.”

Thrifty Cures!
To treat the ears even more directly, I have had excellent results using
herbal and oil drops, found in health food stores, usually made with
garlic, mullein flowers, and olive oil. Before application, place the closed
bottle in a glass of hot water to gently warm the oil for a few minutes, as
cold oil does not relax the ear canal.
Have the person with the earache lie down on their stomach with the
painful ear facing upward, while putting 2 or 3 drops of oil in the ear.
Pull down gently on the earlobe to facilitate the oil getting into the ear.
The oil helps with the pain and to fight infection. It is best to treat both
ears, even if only one seems afflicted, as infection may be present though
not discernable.

Teach the child how to try a more successful way of interacting with a peer or
sibling, how to express his or her feelings with words, and how recognize the
feelings of others without hitting and screaming. Teach children how to make a
request without a temper tantrum and then honor the request.
It can also be helpful to reflect back what they are feeling without any
judgment, such as “Maybe you’re angry because you can’t watch TV.” Make it
clear that despite her feelings, there are boundaries to her behavior. “Even
though you are angry, you must not yell and scream in the store.”
The best way to bring these feelings under control is to express your love and
concern. Reward children with positive attention rather than negative attention.
During situations when they are prone to temper tantrums, catch them when they
are being good and say such things as, “Nice job sharing with your friend.”


Homeopathic Chamomila (6C) is used for children who are irritable and difficult
to please, as well as for those with a low pain threshold. (It is also well known
for its soothing effect on infant colic and teething.) Do your best to get 2 or 3
pellets into their mouth, which will quickly dissolve.
Chamomile is a gentle relaxant that tones the nervous system for those prone
to temper tantrums. It helps restore an exhausted nervous system and relaxes
muscles. Chamomile before bed also helps prevent nightmares. It can be given
as a tea, 1/2 cup (120 ml) 3 times daily.
After an episode, a warm (not hot) bath scented with 5 drops of lavender
essential oil also has a calming effect.


The following are some additional tips that may help you avoid temper tantrums
in your little one:
1. Give children control over little things whenever possible by giving choices. A
little bit of power given to the child can stave off the big power struggles later.
2. Keep off-limit objects out of sight and therefore out of mind.
3. Distract children by redirection to another activity when they tantrum over
something they should not do or cannot have. Say, “Let’s read a book
4. Signal children before you reach the end of an activity so they can get
prepared for the transition. Say, “When the timer goes off 5 minutes from now,
it will be time to turn off the TV and go to bed.”
5. When you are visiting new places or unfamiliar people, explain to the child
beforehand what to expect. Tell them you are there to support and protect
them and that they are safe no matter what.

If tantrums occur frequently, see if there is any common food that has been
consumed: sugar, artificial color, grains, dairy products, peanuts, citrus, or soy.
Allergens and food sensitivities can cause inflammation, which may be affecting
brain chemistry.
6. Do not ask children to do something when they must do what you ask. Do not
ask, “Would you like to eat now?” Say, “It’s suppertime now.”
7. It’s also important to recognize and avoid flash points. Kids are more likely to
freak out when they are tired, hungry, or feeling rushed.

Family tension can be something that kids pick up on and can manifest itself as a


In very rare instances, a child who becomes emotionally upset and holds her
breath may have a true seizure. Some neurological problems can also cause
seizures, so your doctor may want to evaluate your child to make sure she is in
good health. If tantrums increase in frequency, intensity, or duration, consult
your child’s doctor. Also seek medical attention if the child is self-injurious,
hurtful to others, depressed, showing signs of low self-esteem, or is overly
dependent on a parent or teacher for support. Your pediatrician or family
physician can check for hearing or vision problems, chronic illness, or
conditions such as Asperger’s syndrome, language delays, or a learning
disability, which may be contributing to your child’s increasing temper tantrums.
Your physician can also direct you to a mental health professional who can
provide assistance for you and your child.

Eliminating Bedwetting
If your tot is under 6, bedwetting is to be expected and not a cause for concern.
After that, it’s important to check to see if something is bothering your child.
Perhaps it’s a new sibling or problems at school (or home). Other causes can
include kidney or bladder problems and food allergies. These tips can help your
child feel better and more in control.


Certain herbs can help soothe bladder inflammation and promote the strength
and integrity of the bladder. These include corn silk, fennel seed, horsetail herb,
marshmallow root, and parsley leaf. It’s easier for kids to take an herb as a
tincture than to swallow pills or drink tea. Follow the children’s dosing
guidelines in the beginning of this chapter and give the child’s dosage three
times daily.


Give your child 1 tablespoon (20 g) of honey before bed to help the body retain
fluid. (Note: Don’t give honey to infants under 1 year of age due to the slight
possibility of botulism spores.)
Chewing on a cinnamon stick before bed can also be helpful as it has a drying
effect. Also limit beverage consumption after 5 pm.
Check at your health food store for homeopathic Hyland’s Bedwetting Tablets,
which also help deter bedwetting.


If bedwetting persists, you’ll want to see your pediatrician to rule out the
possibility of infection.
Due to their rich multi-spectrum mineral content, black beans, miso soup,
celery, chia seed, pumpkin seeds, and wild rice help to strengthen the kidney and
bladder. Add these to your child’s diet on a regular basis.


Nighttime can be particularly stressful for little ones. But these tips can help:
• Use acupressure. When putting a child to bed, take their pinkies with your
thumbnails and apply pressure on the two lines of each hand for about 30
seconds to affect the meridians. Teach kids how to apply pressure to the
acupressure point on the topside between the little finger and ring finger.
• Put a portable potty close to the bed. This will help your child to urinate
without having to travel to the toilet in the middle of the night.
• Have your child try sleeping with his or her legs slightly elevated by putting
them on a pillow to reduce the gravity force of urinating.
• Teach your child to do Kegel exercises. To practice Kegels, tighten and then
release the muscles that control the flow of urine. To find them, tell your child
to stop midstream the next time he or she is urinating. Then release. Suggest
they do 7 to 21 Kegels sets three times daily.
• Be sure and provide a night light in the bathroom so it’s not scary to go to the
• A parent can take the child to the bathroom before they retire for the night.

Scolding kids tends to make them more uptight and more likely to wet the bed. A
mother recently told me that she would put on several layers of sheets covered
with plastic so she didn’t have to completely change the bed in the middle of the
night or get overly resentful about having to do laundry so often. Kids older than
eight who have to change their own sheets are likely to get more proactive about
the situation. Help your kids stay positive too by using an affirmation. “I will
wake to go to the bathroom.”
Soothing Chicken Pox
Also known as varicella, chicken pox is a common childhood disease that is
easily spread by direct contact, through the air, or via contaminated linen.
Chicken pox is most common in the winter and spring in temperate climates, yet
it occurs year round in tropical climates. At the onset, your child may feel
fatigued, have a headache, fever, and cold-like symptoms. An outbreak is most
likely from 10 to 21 days after exposure. Lesions appear first like small insect
bites and then become blisters, which will eventually form brown crusts. New
lesions may appear for 4 or 5 days as the old ones recede. Lesions may even
appear in the mouth, vagina, rectum, and urethra. For some kids, the disease is
mild, but for those over 10 years old, it’s more likely to be severe. Here’s how to
benefit from natural cures.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Using 1/2 teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass
of warm water to acidify the urine and prevent bacterial growth, which in
some cases can contribute to incontinence. Avoid carbonated drinks and
orange juice, which can irritate the bladder.


Give your child a 30-to 60-minute hot bath when you first notice the symptoms
of chicken pox. Doing so at the outset will help to bring on the pox by being
diaphoretic (causing perspiration), thus releasing and eliminating toxins. After
that, frequent baths to which 1 pound (455 g) of baking soda or 1 cup (235 ml)
of apple cider vinegar has been added will provide comfort and reduce itchiness.
Two handfuls of oatmeal (which has soothing qualities) can be securely tied into
a washcloth and added to the tub. After a bath, pat the skin dry rather than
rubbing it.
Scratching may lead to infection and possible scarring. After bathing, apply
calamine lotion or a paste of baking soda mixed with apple cider vinegar made
by simply mixing together until it is wet enough to apply and stick to the skin.
Aloe vera gel can help cool the inflammation and is also antibacterial and
antiviral. To prevent scratching, keep the nails short.
If your child has mouth sores, use saltwater mouth rinses by stirring 1/2
teaspoon of salt in 1/2 cup (120 ml) of water, swishing it around in the mouth,
then spitting, repeated 3 or 4 times to help dry up the mouth ulcerations. Do this
3 or 4 times daily.
Also offer your child detoxifying herb teas of burdock root, red clover
blossoms, cleavers, calendula, and chickweed, all of which help open the body’s
normal cleansing channels such as the lymph glands, colon, and kidneys. Steep
for a few minutes before serving to increase effectiveness. Aim for a cup or two
each day.


Give your child supplements of vitamin C (250 to 500 mg), vitamin E (100 to
200 IU), and beta-carotene (10,000 IU) to promote healing and to prevent
scarring as these antioxidants help promote skin regeneration. A study in the
medical journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine in 2004 showed the
protective antioxidant effects of beta-carotene on the skin.
To help speed healing of lesions and prevent scarring on the eyelids, apply a
salve made with comfrey and calendula, available at natural food stores. Place
carefully on eyelids (not eyes) or any other part of the body needed.


Keep the diet light and simple, as there may be sores in the mouth that will be
stung by salt or acids. Fare such as applesauce, fruit kantens (see sidebar), soups,
and fare that is not too spicy, salty, and acidic is best. Avoid citrus fruits as they
can also sting the inside of the mouth.

Change the bed linen daily and clothe your child in light natural fibers that are
warm but allow the skin to breathe. Do everything you can to make your child
more comfortable. Stories, picture books, uplifting videos, and foot massages
can all help your child feel better.

Skip This!
Never give aspirin to children under 19 as this may increase the likeliness
of Reye’s Syndrome.


Get medical attention for the following situations:
• Fever lasts more than four days or goes above 102°F (39°C).
• There is a severe cough or breathing difficulty.
• An area of the rash leaks pus or becomes red, warm, swollen, or sore.
• Lesions are on the eyeballs.
• The patient has a severe headache, is unusually drowsy or confused,
experiences extreme light sensitivity, has problems walking, is very ill,
vomits, and/or has a stiff neck.
Boosting Attention in ADHD
If your child can’t sit still or focus, he or she may have attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Approximately 4 percent to 6 percent of
children in the United States have ADHD. Many will continue to have ADHD
concerns as adults. There are a number of contributing factors to ADHD, which
can include environmental toxins such as molds and chemicals, genetics, heavy
metal toxicity, loud music, fluorescent lighting, and stressful family situations.
Though taking prescription medications can be helpful, there are many other
solutions you can implement first.

Natural food stores carry herbal tinctures that can help ADHD. Look for
tinctures that use vegetable glycerin rather than an alcohol base, which can be
too strong for a child.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Berries are cooling to a fever, rich in vitamin C, and have antimicrobial
properties. Use this recipe to give your child relief from chicken pox.

2 tablespoons (16 g) agar flakes
1 cup (235 ml) cold water
1 cup (235 ml) boiling water
1 cup (235 ml) unsweetened pineapple juice
1/2 cup (170 g) honey
1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice
2 cups (145 g) raspberries, blueberries, elderberries, mulberries, or a
Mix agar flakes with cold water and allow to sit 1 minute. Add 1 cup
(235 ml) of boiling water and bring it all to a boil for 2 minutes. Allow to
cool and add pineapple juice, honey, and lemon juice. In a glass baking
dish pour raspberries, blueberries, elderberries, mulberries, or a mixture.
Pour the liquid over the berries and allow to gel in the refrigerator. Makes
6 servings.


The herb bacopa increases attention span and improves behavior, memory,
learning, and motor coordination. It enhances learning new tasks and aids in
retention of newly learned material. In one double-blind controlled study
published in the Journal of Research for Ayurveda and Siddha in 1993, 110 boys
ages 10 to 13 took either a bacopa supplement or a dummy wafer (placebo)
every day for nine months. The boys who took the bacopa supplement showed
significant improvement in math skills and memory. Suggested dose is 50 mg
twice daily.
Guarana (250 mg twice daily for kids over 12) helps focus attention and can help
calm excessive motor activity, much the same way as Ritalin (which is a
stimulant for adults, but a sedative for children) does. Since it contains caffeine,
include only in small amounts for younger children like a cup of green tea or
yerba maté daily (one half at a time) depending on age. (See page 13 for more
information on how to make green tea and yerba mate.)
Lemon balm protects the cerebrum from excess stimuli. It calms anxiety and
relieves depression, hysteria, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, and
nightmares. Passionflower quiets the central nervous system and slows the
breakdown of neurotransmitters. It is an herb of choice to relieve anger, anxiety,
hyperactivity, hysteria, irritability, insomnia, muscle spasms, restlessness, rapid
speech, and stress. Look for teas, tinctures, and capsules at natural food stores
and take when needed, up to 3 times daily.
Valerian is a strong central nervous system relaxant. It can help poor
concentration for those under stress. Tinctures made from fresh plant or capsules
are best. Take them twice a day.
Calming herbal baths can relax and center stressed kids (and adults!).
Consider adding lavender or chamomile to the bath. (See page 21 for more
information on herbal baths.)


Try these calming vitamins to calm a child with ADHD:
• Calcium and magnesium have muscle-relaxing properties and aid sleep.
Recommend dose is 1,000 mg calcium, 500 mg magnesium for adults/half as
much for kids depending on size and age.
• 25 to 50 mg of a yeast-free B complex (50 mg daily) can also have a calming
effect and improve neurotransmission and appetite.
• GTF chromium helps keep blood sugar levels stable and decreases sugar
cravings. 50 to 100 mcg can be taken up to three times daily between meals.
• DHA made from fish oils or algae can be very effective in relieving a wide
range of brain-related concerns. Most brands suggest 2 capsules daily.
• Digestive enzymes such as bromelain, papain, and pancreatin can help reduce
inflammation and calm moods. Use 2 capsules daily.
• GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) helps to keep excitatory/anxiety-related
messages from bombarding the brain. Recommend dose for kids is 250 mg
two to three times daily (see dosage guidelines for kids in “Preparations
101”). It has a very tranquilizing effect and calms anxiety without sedation.
Make sure all supplements are free of artificial color and flavoring.
Beneficial aromas for ADHD include orange, lavender, peppermint, and
rosemary. They can be used as inhalations, with three drops placed on a
handkerchief and ten deep inhalations taken. Five drops can be added to the bath
or used with an aromatherapy diffuser.


Children and adults who have ADHD may have had digestive, respiratory, and
ear disorders early in life, which are all signals of food allergies. Allergies to
wheat (as well as gluten also found in rye, barley, spelt, and kamut), dairy, eggs,
tomatoes, corn, soy, sugar, peanuts, shellfish, citrus, and yeast can all cause
behavioral problems. One of the no-brainer lifestyle changes you can make is to
eat differently. It’s easier on everyone if the whole family participates!
Besides these problematic foods, you’ll want to avoid hydrogenated oils,
artificial colorings, chemical sweeteners (even aspartame can cause hyperactivity
and behavioral problems), and meats treated with nitrates. It is better to eat a
piece of fruit than drink fruit juice, which can elevate blood sugar levels.
Refined grains like white flour, bread, many cereals, and potatoes are also high
in sugar. Practice a food elimination diet and keep a food journal to determine
what the culprit may be.


First, try to keep to a schedule of regular mealtimes (and bedtimes). When you
eat, encourage a peaceful atmosphere. Turn off the phone, begin with a blessing,
speak calmly, listen, and eat more slowly. As much as you can, create a calm
loving environment.
Spend one-on-one time daily with the person with ADHD. Physical contact
such as hugging and massage can stimulate calming endorphin production.
Minimize TV and video games with their frantic messages, constant visual
changes, violence, and hyper chatter. (Although there are video games such as
The Wild Divine that teaches techniques for exercising your brain in a positive
way.) Watch select programs together or not at all and then only after chores and
homework are done. Spend more together time reading and playing games.
At school, encourage hands on learning. Seat children away from distractions
such as the pencil sharpener and areas of traffic. Consider tutoring or alternative
schooling such as home school, smaller classes, or private schools.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Ask your kids to select a produce item for each color of the rainbow to
provide a wide array of phytochemicals. Green leafy vegetables,
especially celery and cucumbers, are cooling to an overly heated ADHD
condition. Sea vegetables can be added to soups in small amounts
(without being noticed) to provide many trace minerals. Both green foods
and sea vegetables are naturally rich in DHA. Eat wild salmon or
sardines once a week for their beneficial essential fatty acids. Raw tahini
and chia seeds are a good vegan source of essential fatty acids. Use foods
that are as organic as possible to minimize the amount of chemicals the
child is exposed to. Drink plenty of pure water to help the body eliminate

Men, like women, have concerns specific to their gender. Here are some
ideas to help empower men to care for themselves and promote optimal
Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Erection occurs when blood rushes in from the penile arteries, engorging the
erectile tissue and causing expansion in the penis. In order for a man to have a
strong erection, he needs to have healthy blood, muscles, nerves, and bones. It is
estimated that about 75 to 85 percent of erectile dysfunction (ED) concerns are
physical and between 15 and 25 percent are due to emotional concerns.
Performance anxiety is one of the major causes of psychologically induced ED.
It may also be nature’s way of telling you relationship issues need to be
addressed or that you are stressed, fatigued, or working too hard. Find out what
might be going on in your relationship and work on healing that. Consider
erectile ability a shared responsibility. You may need to heal something in the
relationship before you can “connect” again. Love can be deepened by helping
each other through difficulties!


Herbs that can improve circulatory function and improve ED include ginkgo and
ginger. Look for these herbs in capsule or tincture form at natural food stores and
use as directed on the bottle, usually twice daily.
In cases of ED, these are some supplements that can help ensure all the bases
are covered. Zinc (15 mg) daily indirectly stimulates testosterone production.
Nitric oxide (80 mg daily) is the chemical responsible for erection that has the
same action as prescription sexual enhancers. It is made from the amino acid
precursor arginine. Products containing arginine are delivered transdermally
(through the skin) and improve blood flow to the genitals. 125 mg of DMG (di-
methyl-glycine) taken sublingually twice a day may be effective for some men.
Be sure to get adequate protein, including arginine, to improve erections.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

When in season, eat watermelon and chew up the seeds to help clean out
the urinary tract. A watermelon won’t grow in your belly, despite what
your mama told you!


A healthy man will have an average of three to five erections during the night,
usually during the REM stages of sleep, some lasting as long as half an hour. If a
man doesn’t get erect at night, it is wise to get a medical diagnosis. So just how
does one know if erection occurs during sleep? Try sticking a strip of postage
stamps snugly around the base of the penis before retiring (like Charlotte did to
check Trey’s ability to have an erection on Sex and the City). If the strip is
broken in the morning, erection occurred.


Massaging a man’s big toes stimulates meridians that boost sexual virility. A
Taoist exercise to improve erection capability is for the man to sit in a hot bath
and stimulate himself manually to an erection. When erect, he grasps the
testicles and squeezes, gently pulling down on them 100 to 200 times. In Japan,
men are advised to firmly but gently squeeze the testicles daily, once for every
year of age, to maintain potency. Another exercise to improve erection capability
is to stroke the perineum and press with the fingertips. These exercises stimulate
hormonal production and can be used to regain erectile ability.
Sex therapists suggest that couples experiencing ED “sensate focus,” backing
off from a focus on pelvic connection and instead touching, exploring, getting
naked, and communicating for a two-week period. In fact, 200 years ago, the
recommendation for ED was to go home and have six loving connections
without coitus. Sexologists even suggest that in cases of ED, it is best to
completely avoid intercourse for a month and focus on caressing and other forms
of intimacy. It is possible to connect, breathe together, do Kegels (both
partners!), and share sensual pleasures without an erection if you use a lot of
It’s also important to look at what might be going on in one’s life or
happening in the past when erectile difficulties began. Does ED occur after
drinking, with a new or familiar partner or when stressed? Telling your partner
beforehand that you have been experiencing ED can remove pressure and help
her be more nurturing rather than taking things personally or getting
disappointed. Instead she may be pleasantly surprised!
For more information, please check out my book, The Sexual Herbal.

Skip This!
Cut out saturated fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils,
sugar, and icy cold foods and beverages if you have ED. They contribute
to blocking the circulation in the body, and if the blood isn’t getting to
the genitals, erection just won’t happen. Correct nutritional deficiencies,
environmental chemical exposures, and even constipation that may block
the flow of chi to the sex organs.

Improving Prostate Health

The prostate gland is made of both muscular and glandular tissue and shaped
much like a chestnut. It is located at the base of the bladder, against the rectum
and encircles the urethra, which is the beginning of the urinary tract. This gland
is where urine, sperm, and sex hormones meet. Half of the men in America over
age 50 will have prostate difficulty at some time. When the prostate enlarges, it
can constrict the urethra. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the term for
prostate enlargement or adenoma. Signs of BPH include frequent urination,
feeling full right after urinating, painful urination, dribbling after urination, and
nighttime urination (nocturia). Here’s how to treat prostate enlargement


Flower pollen (which is different from bee pollen as it is collected directly from
flowers and saves bees a lot of work) can help relieve prostatitis (enlarged
prostate). It has anti-inflammatory properties and is antiandrogenic, meaning it
helps to counteract some of the effects of excess testosterone. Two 250-mg
tablets can be taken twice daily.
The amino acids alanine, glutamine, and glycine (500 mg each twice daily)
help shrink an enlarged prostate gland. They can often be purchased in
combination with beneficial herbs for reducing enlargement.
An acidophilus supplement will help discourage unfriendly microorganisms
from invading the prostate region. Take three capsules daily.
Look for herbal combinations at natural food stores in capsule or tincture form
that contain several of the herbs mentioned on page 171.


Foods that are considered beneficial to the prostate gland include apples, barley,
blueberries, brown rice, carrots, fermented soy products, cherries, olives, and
yams. Seaweeds such as kelp and kombu have a softening and draining effect on
hardened masses in the body, including a swollen prostate. Consume plenty of
beta-carotene-rich foods such as carrots, green leafy vegetables, parsley,
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, apricots, and peaches that help nourish
the tissues of the body, including the prostate. Drink plenty of pure water to
make the urine less acidic and irritating. Diluted pure cranberry juice helps to
prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the genitourinary system, thus
preventing the likelihood of inflammation.


Diseases that can contribute to ED include atherosclerosis, vascular disease,
heart disease, and high cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can clog the
arteries of the penis and impair blood from reaching the penis. Smoking, drug
and alcohol abuse, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, endocrine disorders,
Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, congenital problems,
sickle-cell anemia, cancer and radiation treatments, Lou Gehrig’s disease, pain,
prostate disease, injury to the penis, and Leriche’s syndrome all may contribute
to ED. Many medications can adversely affect libido, including antidepressants,
antihistamines, antipsychotics, blood pressure medications, and tranquilizers.
Consult with a doctor if you have concerns about medications you are taking and
to see if ED can be due to an underlying health condition.
In nations where a high-fiber diet and exercise are common, prostate problems
are considered rare. A high-fiber diet helps promotes normal elimination. There
is only a thin tissue separating the rectum from the prostate gland, so avoiding
constipation improves the health of the colon as well as the prostate.

The prostate gland contains more zinc than any other body part. Zinc is also an
important component of sexual fluids. Good food sources of zinc include
almonds, beans, sunflower seeds, tahini, oatmeal, nutritional yeast, eggs, and
oysters. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc and essential fatty acids. They can
help prostatitis and improve difficult urination. You can also take 15 mg daily of
chelated zinc.


Alternate hot and cold sitz baths, beginning with hot water for three minutes and
ending with one minute of icy cold. Alternate several times to improve
circulation and thus move stagnation out of the area.
You can also apply a hot water bottle to the perineal area (between the anus
and scrotum). Warm baths relax the pelvic muscles and soften the prostate.

Skip This!
A diet excessively high in fats is believed to be a contributing factor in
BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate inflammation). Eating red
meat especially can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels, which can
impair prostate function and contribute to BPH. Fried foods can
contribute to hardening of the arteries and blockage in the genitourinary
tract. It’s also important to minimize coffee, alcohol, salt, and dairy
product consumption, which can irritate the prostate gland. Cadmium
exposure from cigarettes, contaminated drinking water and shellfish, and
some paints can also increase abnormal prostatic growth.

A slant board or inverted yoga posture such as the shoulder stand can help
move blood congested in the area. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Walking, swimming, and dancing are excellent and nonjarring forms of exercise
that do not irritate an already inflamed prostate gland.
Do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. Another
exercise to help the prostate gland is to lie on your back and put the soles of your
feet together. Extend your legs with the soles still together and bring them as
close to the chest as possible. Repeat ten times, twice daily.
Finally, keep in mind that when you are struggling with emotional issues
about sexuality, imbalances can result in the reproductive system. When working
with the prostate gland, do what you can to insure that sexual attitudes are
healthy and sexual fulfillment and relationships are in balance.
Take a dropperful of tincture or two capsules three times daily. Herbs to
improve prostate health include the following:


Cleavers Helps eliminate wastes from the body—it is rich in silica and
vitamin C and soothes prostate inflammation and reduces the
urge to urinate frequently.
Corn silk Helps relieve prostate inflammation and soothes irritated tissues
Couch grass Is cooling to irritated mucus membranes
Marshmallow Soothes inflammation due to the presence of mucilage
Nettle leaf and Improves metabolism of the prostate gland—it contains sterols,
root including beta sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol, which
decreases DHT (dihydrotestosterone) activity, which when
unchecked can increase prostatic enlargement.
Pygeum Decongesting action that blocks cholesterol buildup in the
prostate. Anti-inflam-matory—buy only from cultivated
sources to avoid endangering this herb.
Saw Reduces inflammation and frequent urination, lessens pain, and
palmettoberry enhances blood flow

Using natural remedies is a gentle way to tame tummy troubles. Herbs and
other natural cures also help to ensure optimal digestion, which is essential
to overall good health.
Taming Colitis
Colitis (irritable bowel) is a chronic inflammation of the colon that manifests as
alternating constipation and diarrhea and abdominal pain. It occurs when there is
inflammation in the mucosa of the colon. Proliferation of unfriendly
microorganisms due to overuse of antibiotics and food allergens can also be
contributing factors. Here’s how to soothe your digestive system.
Using demulcent (soothing to inflammation) herbs such as marshmallow root,
licorice root, plantain leaf, and slippery elm bark in tea form is an excellent way
to soothe the digestive system. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day.
A shot glass of aloe vera juice taken 10 minutes before each meal is also
soothing to irritated intestines. Juices of carrot, cabbage, and celery can be taken
diluted with water for their soothing alkalinizing properties.
Curing Constipation
There are over 700 brands of colon cleansers available in America, which tells
you something about our nation’s state of inner health! However, most
commercial laxatives can destroy beneficial intestinal flora. Constipation can be
acute or chronic and can cause not just discomfort in the abdominal region, it
can also be a factor in appendicitis, backache, bad breath, headaches,
hemorrhoids, kidney problems, pressure on the heart, as well as a number of
colon problems such as diverticulitis and colon cancer. Here’s how to find relief

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Soak 4 teaspoons (16 g) of whole flaxseeds overnight in 1 quart (945 ml)
of water. In the morning, strain the liquid off and drink daily to soothe
irritated tissues.


There are many plants that help relieve constipation. Best are fiber laxatives
such as psyllium, which is a bulking and lubricating agent. It is best to use the
nonirritating husk or seed coatings as they contain mucilage that swells 8 to 14
times their volume when added to water. They gently clean the intestinal walls,
speed bowel transit time, and soften the stool. Usually 1 teaspoon (15 g) is taken
in a bit of water one to three times daily. Drink it before it gels up or it can be
very difficult to get down. Again, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids to
prevent making constipation worse.
Flaxseed is a nonirritating bulking and lubricating agent. It is suitable for
long-term use. Simply stir 1 to 3 tablespoons (12 to 36 g) of flax into a cup of
applesauce (245 g), yogurt (230 g), or cereal (80 g), The seeds can be crushed (a
blender works fine), but they should then be refrigerated and used that same day.
It is fine to use them whole, but don’t be alarmed if they pass through you
unchanged. Soaking flax seeds overnight or making flax crackers are both
excellent ways to consume this soothing, slippery food that is high in essential
fatty acids.
You can also use a few mustard seeds daily (whole is okay) as a condiment to
increase circulation to the bowels.

Use an acidophilus supplement (2 capsules 3 times daily) between meals to help

establish friendly intestinal flora. Eat small frequent meals rather than large
sporadic ones. Blend or puree foods to make them more digestible.

Irritants, also used as laxatives, irritate the wall of the large intestines, causing a
reflex evacuation. Examples include cascara sagrada, buckthorn, and senna.
Cascara sagrada (which means sacred bark) is a very bitter inner bark of a
tree. It must be aged for one year before it is used. This is one of the gentler
irritating laxatives but is best on occasion rather than on a regular basis. Two
capsules are usually taken right before bed.
Buckthorn is the next mildest of the anthraquinone (considered a mild
stimulant) containing herbs. The dried bark is the part most often used and is
only minimally irritating. It can be given for spastic bowel. The fruits are also
used and considered gentler still. Buckthorn is also used as a stool softener. Use
this only on occasion. Take two capsules before bed.


Chicory, dandelion root, and yellow dock root are herbs that stimulate the liver
and thus bile production. (Bile helps to make the stool soft by incorporating
water into the feces.) These herbs can be used in tea, tincture, or capsule form.


Use a common-sense rule and seek medical advice when physical symptoms
recur or persist for any length of time. If you suffer a progression of bloody
diarrhea or fever, consult a doctor.
Senna is one of the stronger irritant laxatives and is best used for occasional
acute conditions. The leaves are a gentler laxative than the pods. Excessive use
can cause dependency. Use this only on occasion, two capsules before bed. A
study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology in 1987 showed that using
psyllium and senna together may be more effective.


Folk remedies for treatment of constipation include taking 1 tablespoon (28 ml)
olive oil daily, or 2 tablespoons (40 g) blackstrap molasses before bed (brush the
teeth after as it is sweet and sticky).

The tissue in the colon is smooth and slippery, much like the tissue in the mouth.
During the digestive process, nutrients and fluids are broken down in the small
intestines. Absorbed nutrients go into the blood-stream, then into the liver where
they are further broken down. The remaining indigestible material then goes to
the large intestine to be eliminated. It is in the large intestine that the body
absorbs more water and nutrients. Peristaltic action, the “urge to go,” is under
the domain of the parasympathetic nervous system.
For young children, a gentle laxative tea can be made by simmering 1
teaspoon each of licorice root (5 g) and raisins (3 g) for 20 minutes in 1 pint (475
ml) of water. Babies can also be fed soaked-then-blended prunes, figs, and
apricots to treat constipation.


High-fiber colon-cleansing foods include apples, apricots, bananas, beets, black
cherries, cabbage, carrots, celery, chia seeds, dates, figs, grapes (especially with
seeds), okra, papayas, parsley, peaches, pears, persimmons, prunes, raisins,
rutabaga, sesame and sunflower seeds, spinach, and sweet potatoes. All fruits
should only be consumed when ripe or they can cause digestive problems.
If you are constipated, consume foods that promote friendly intestinal flora
(especially if you’ve been on antibiotics, which can kill good bacteria). We need
intestinal bacteria to aid digestion and help in the production of vitamins such as
B1, B2, B12, and vitamin K. To do this, eat yogurt with active cultures, kefir,
miso soup, blue-green algae, spirulina, and unpasteurized sauerkraut.

Skip This!
Avoid dairy products, with the exception of yogurt, as a dairy allergy is
common in cases of colitis. Many people find when they remove gluten
(found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and kamut), which is very
inflammatory, the bowel irritation goes away. Stay away from coarse
fibrous foods, though blending or pureeing them will help these foods be
in a more predigested form. Intake of coffee, fried foods, and very spicy
foods needs to be curbed as they can be irritating to the digestive tract.


Drink a glass of room temperature water 1 hour before and after meals. Always
avoid icy cold beverages as they cause constriction and are not conducive to
good digestion. Drinking 2 glasses of warm water (with the juice of 1/2 a lemon)
and then resting in the frog position (laying on the floor on the belly, feet and
arms spread out flat on the floor and bent like you were going to hop) for ten
minutes is another helpful technique to aid bowel movements.

Thrifty Cures!
You can drink the juice of half a lemon in a cup (235 ml) of hot water,
which will activate the liver to produce bile, which will then stimulate
peristaltic action.


Massage over the intestinal area is a good way to improve intestinal function.
Try using 8 ounces (235 ml) of olive oil that has been scented with 20 drops of
any combination of pure essential oils of cumin, fennel, or rosemary. Warm the
bottle of massage oil slightly by placing the closed container into a glass of hot
water for about 10 minutes.

Skip This!
Foods that may contribute to constipation include milk, cheese, ice
cream, unripe bananas, white flour products, gluten, alcohol, meat, and
blackberries. Coffee also irritates the bowel even though it has a laxative

Soaking a flannel cloth in castor oil, applying it over the abdominal area, and
then covering it with a sheet of plastic and a hot water bottle is very effective
and comforting.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

A laxative candy can be made by mixing together 1/2 cup (75 g) raisins,
1/2 cup (88 g) prunes, and 1/2 cup (84 g) flax seeds. Grind the
ingredients in the blender, adding a bit of liquid if necessary. Shape the
mix into 2-inch (5.1 cm) balls, which can then be rolled in coconut or
sesame seeds. Store in the refrigerator. Eat a couple daily.

The massaging should be done with a kneading action in a circular clockwise

motion, going up on the right side, across, and then down on the left. This is the
same direction that the intestines function. Another massage technique is to start
at the navel and work outwards in a spiral along the pathway of the colon.


Stimulating the indentation between the bottom lip and the chin in a circular
motion for a couple of minutes helps to alleviate constipation. Other acupressure
points to help normalize bowel function are Stomach 37 (located two hand
widths down from the knee and 1 thumb width on the outer side of the tibia, the
bone felt on the front of the leg) and Stomach 25 (located two thumb widths on
both sides out from the navel). Push these spots deeply and massage in a circular
motion for 1 minute daily.
To promote regularity, take a few minutes at the same time each day to sit on the
toilet. Squatting on the toilet or having a low stool available to place under your
feet helps ease elimination by lifting the knees and bringing the thighs closer to
the abdomen. During the day, spend more time sitting cross-legged on the floor
rather than using chairs. As I write this book, I am sitting on a large exercise ball
that keeps me gently stretching as I work!
To improve bowel health, take daily walks while practicing deep breathing.
Breathing more deeply and fully into the lower belly area also helps to prevent
stagnation, while laughter sends healing energy to a congested lower belly.
Another beneficial technique is to lie on your back with your knees flexed to
your chest while holding them. Take short rapid breaths and roll to the right then
left. Repeat several times.
Another effective practice to ease constipation comes from the yogic tradition
called Kapalabhati. Sit cross-legged, take two normal nasal breaths, and then
exhale forcefully while sharply contracting the abdomen. Pump the abdomen in
and out 10 times. Hold your breath, then exhale. Repeat two times. I find this
most beneficial when done 10 minutes after drinking the hot water and lemon
mixture mentioned in the beginning of this chapter.
If you’ve had symptoms for more than three weeks and folk remedies are not
helping—even with plenty of fluid, fiber, and exercise—see your doctor. You
should also consult your doctor if there is blood in your stool.
Finally, to be more regular, it also helps to have regularity in your life when it
comes to patterns of eating and sleeping.
Stopping Diarrhea
Although uncomfortable and inconvenient, diarrhea can be nature’s way of
eliminating something that probably shouldn’t be in the body. Viral or bacterial
infections, intestinal parasites, side effects from medication, laxative abuse,
eating while stressed, eating too fast, and food intolerance may all be factors.
The key is to bring your body back into balance. Here’s how.


A teaspoon of carob powder blended into a cup of spring water is an excellent
diarrhea remedy that can be used for children as well as adults. Carob contains
tannins that are astringent. They may also bind to (and thereby inactivate) toxins
inhibiting bacterial growth. The natural sugars make carob gummy, acting as a
thick-ener to absorb water. Carob is also rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols, a
type of antioxidant. Research published in the Journal of Pediatric
Gastroenterology and Nutrition in 1989 showed that carob powder helped to
reduce the duration of diarrhea in children. Adding 1/2 a banana and 1/2
teaspoon cinnamon (either by itself or in a carob smoothie) and blending in a
blender tastes great and also has stool solidifying (banana) and antimicrobial
(cinnamon) properties.
Strawberry leaf tea is good even for infant diarrhea as it is, like carob, also
mildly astringent. The astringent qualities, due to tannic acid content, have a
tightening effect. Other beneficial herbal teas to help stop the runs due to their
astringent effects include blackberry leaf (milder) or blackberry root (stronger),
cinnamon bark, raspberry leaf, and white oak bark. Drink three to four cups
Psyllium is usually used as a laxative but can also help to solidify the stool.
Take two capsules three times daily or stir one rounded teaspoonful (5 g) of
psyllium into a bit of water. Slippery elm can also do the trick. Just mix a
spoonful of slippery elm powder (to help solidify the stool) with a pinch of
ginger powder (antimicrobial) and drink in a cup (235 ml) of hot water.
Two tablespoons of bentonite clay mixed with water can also help relieve
diarrhea. Look for it at natural food stores.


Think BRAT, an acronym for banana (moderately ripe), rice, apples, and toast
(slightly burnt so it provides its own charcoal remedy). These are all traditional
foods to stop diarrhea that have a binding and absorbing quality. Other beneficial
foods include applesauce (with cinnamon!), blackberries, puréed carrots, rice
pudding with cinnamon, yogurt with cinnamon, or miso soup. Most of these
foods contain pectin, a natural solidifying agent. You’ll also want to increase
your fluid intake. Whatever is eaten or drunk, take in small amounts at a time,
using only food or beverage that is warm or room temperature.


Charcoal can be a powerful antidote to diarrhea. No, not the kind you grill with
in the summer time (that can be toxic!). We’re talking about charcoal capsules,
which are known for their ability to adsorb toxins. Taking 2 charcoal capsules
every 2 hours should help stop even the most stubborn cases.
A time-tested natural remedy is to eat an umeboshi plum, which has
antibacterial properties. This popular Japanese alkalinizing paste is made of a
pickled fruit (Prunus mume). It can be found in Asian markets or health food
stores. Stir about 1/8 teaspoon of the concentrate or 1 teaspoon (5 g) of the paste
into 1 cup (235 ml) of warm water up to three times daily. You can also take this
as a supplement.
As an adjunct to help good digestion, it’s wise to take a good probiotic
supplement. Doing so will recolonize the intestines with friendly bacteria. Look
for probiotic pearls as they pass through the stomach and dissolve in the gut,
where they are needed. Take one “pearl” three times daily between meals.
Diarrhea also causes loss of minerals, especially sodium, potassium, and
magnesium, so take an electrolyte supplement from a natural food store once or
twice daily.


Diarrhea can be very serious if it is persistent, and in many parts of the world it
is the leading cause of infant mortality. Signs of dehydration from diarrhea
include sticky saliva, dark or scanty urine, a temperature of 103°F (39°C) a fast
pulse, lethargy, and sunken eyes. Seek medical attention of any of these
symptoms occur.

Soothing Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Heartburn is aptly named since it feels like your stomach is on fire! Heartburn is
the symptom you feel when acid splashes up and out of the stomach. Heartburn
is used interchangeably with acid reflux. Food sensitivities, allergies, insufficient
digestive enzymes, yeast overgrowth, bacterial infection, and low stomach acid
can all be factors. In pregnant women, heartburn can be due to progesterone
having a relaxing effect on the valve at the stomach’s end so that the stomach’s
acids can pass into the esophagus. As the baby grows and pushes the stomach
upward, heartburn can be worsened.
GERD is severe or chronic acid reflux. When acid (HCL) builds up in the
stomach, it can splash up and irritate the sensitive tissues of the esophagus,
causing GERD. Here’s how to feel better fast.

Thrifty Cures!
To soothe heartburn and GERD, add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of apple cider
vinegar to 1 cup (235 ml) of warm water and sip slowly. Though apple
cider vinegar is acidic, low stomach acid often causes heartburn.

To soothe and buffer the tummy, stir 1 teaspoon (5 g) of slippery elm bark or
marshmallow root powder into a bit of water and drink to buffer any irritation.
Or chew on a bit of organic dried orange peel for its bitter digestive properties.
One cup (235 ml) of licorice root tea or a shot glass of aloe vera juice will also
soothe inflammation when taken 10 minutes before each meal.
Enjoy teas of chamomile to soothe heartburn and GERD but do not drink
more than three cups (705 ml) daily to prevent diluting digestive enzymes. Eat
more raw fresh fruits and vegetables, which are naturally high in digestive
enzymes. Drink fresh cabbage juice for its ulcerative healing balm, vitamin U.
Easing Indigestion
Have you got indigestion? Many people do. Digestive disturbances contribute to
bloating, discomfort, gas, halitosis, and heartburn. Incomplete digestion can lead
to colitis, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel. Here are a few suggestions for how
to ease tummy troubles now:
• Try ume concentrate or umeboshi plum paste. Both can be found in Asian
markets or health food stores and are very alkalinizing and have antimicrobial
properties. Stir 1 teaspoon (5 g) of the paste or 1/8 teaspoon of the concentrate
into 1 cup (235 ml) of warm water and drink it slowly, up to 3 times daily.

Skip This!
Gulping cold things may further irritate the digestive tract.

• Papaya tablets contain papain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of protein.
Take 1 or 2 after a meal that feels difficult to digest.
• Drink 2 teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar (28 ml) and raw honey (13 g) in
a glass of warm water daily for its pH balancing effect.
• Use a probiotic supplement to help colonize the digestive tract with friendly
• You can also massage clockwise over the abdomen with 1 ounce (28 ml)
coconut oil scented with 20 drops total anise, fennel, and ginger essential oils
(good for several applications).

Skip This!
Avoid peppermint and spearmint as they can irritate the gut wall. Sugar,
juices, milk, fatty foods, overly spicy foods, and tomato products can all
be contributing factors in heartburn, so you may want to minimize or
avoid them. Taking baking soda or sodium bicarbonate preparations can
also upset the body’s acid/alkaline balance. Don’t cook in aluminum and
copper cookware. Commercial antacids may contain aluminum and bring
quick relief, but in the long run, they are not the best choice. Also note
that it is best to not lie down when experiencing heartburn to avoid a
backflow of stomach acids into the esophagus. If you must lie down, lie
on your left side as this position aids digestion and helps remove stomach
acid. Sleeping on the right side has been shown to worsen heartburn.
Healing Stomach Ulcers
One in ten people are likely to develop an ulcer at some time in their lives.
You’re most susceptible if you suffer from stress or exhaustion, work day and
night shifts, are exposed to noise from industrial jobs or traffic sounds, have type
O blood, or have a history of ulcers in your family. Type A personalities are
likely candidates for ulcers. If you drink alcohol, smoke, use lots of aspirin
(irritating to the stomach), consume rich foods, and are prone to stomach and
intestinal infections, you are also a likely candidate.


Foods that are easy to digest because they tend to be nonallergenic and soothing
include apricots, asparagus, avocadoes, bananas, beets, carrots, celery, fennel,
fish, green leafy vegetables, kefir, millet, rice, sweet potatoes, wild rice, and
yogurt. Eating a small amount of organic orange or grapefruit peel, which are
both high in bitter compounds, will stimulate natural digestive secretions.


There are two main types of ulcers: Gastric ulcers make up about 20 percent of
cases and occur in the upper stomach and its lining. Peptic ulcers are more
common, less dangerous, and may affect the esophagus, duodenum, lower
stomach, or small intestine. In general, food makes a gastric ulcer worse,
whereas eating brings temporary relief to a peptic ulcer.
The bacteria Helicobacter pylori may also be a contributing factor. Symptoms of
ulcers include gnawing pain that reoccurs day after day, nausea, retching, and
black stools, which may indicate the ulcer is bleeding. In any case, ulcers are a
wake-up call that something in our lifestyle must change! Here’s what to do.


Many herbs have been used to heal ulcers. Look for combinations that contain
several of these herbs and take them as needed, up to 3 times daily. These
include the following:


Aloe vera Stomach tonic that is anti-inflammatory—Drink 1 shot glass 10

minutes before each meal. You can also blend aloe vera with
the herbs mentioned below for extra soothing benefits.
Licorice Contains carbenoxolone, which protects the stomach lining
from gastric acids-Three chewable tablets can be taken daily.
Using deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is safe and effective in
healing ulcers, according to a study in the British Journal of
Clinical Practice in 1972. Consult first with a health
practitioner if you have high blood pressure or edema.
Marshmallow Rich in mucilage, which reduces inflammation in the digestive
root tract
Plantain Rich in mucilage, which soothes inflamed and irritated tissues.
Psyllium Soothing stool softener, provides mucilaginous intestinal bulk
—Drink 1 teaspoon (5 g) in a glass of water or juice three times
Slippery elm Rich in mucilage and calming minerals that soothe irritated
mucus membranes.


A number of vitamins can help heal an ulcer:
• Vitamin A (10,000 IU) daily helps to strengthen the mucous membranes,
including that of the stomach and intestinal tract.
• Vitamin C (500 mg daily) in a buffered form (often with calcium) that makes
the C less acidic helps to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation.
When it also contains bioflavonoids, it can strengthen capillaries so they are
less likely to ulcerate.
• Vitamin E (400 IU) daily helps promote healing and prevents scar tissue.
• Calcium (1,000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg) daily nourish the nervous
system, helping one to be less likely to develop ulcers due to stress.
• Zinc (15 mg) daily speeds up healing time and inhibits infection.
• Essential fatty acids such as in fish oils can reduce ulcer inflammation and
inhibit H. Pylori. Take 1 capsule three times daily.
• Probiotics can inhibit the growth of H. Pylori and promote beneficial intestinal
flora. Take one capsule three times daily.


In cases of stomachache, get medical attention if pain is severe, is localized in
one area, increases, is worse after eating, or if there is blood in the stool (other
than slight streaks), there has been a recent abdominal injury, or feces are
continuously black.


Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to 4 ounces (120 ml) of olive oil or coconut oil
and gently massage over the abdominal region. Oils that are beneficial for ulcers
include chamomile, coriander, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, jasmine,
lemon, marjoram, neroli, rose, and ylang-ylang. The aromas are calming and
uplifting, and the massage is nurturing.
Take a relaxing warm bath to which a few drops of these essential oils have
been added. Enjoy the beneficial fragrances and when done bathing and imagine
all your tensions going down the drain.

Thrifty Cures!
Look to your spice rack to ease indigestion. Use fennel or anise seed,
ginger, caraway, dill, spearmint, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, and
cumin liberally in your cuisine to prevent digestive distress. These spices
all contain essential oils that increase circulation to the digestive tract.
They can even be made into a tea!


During the acute stage, a bland, low-fiber diet should be eaten. You can later
move to more high-fiber fare.
Cabbage has been found to especially helpful in curing ulcers. Research done
at San Quentin prison and published in the medical journal, California Medicine
in 1949 showed that 92 percent of patients with ulcers who ate cabbage were
cured in 3 weeks. In fact, there is a vitamin present in cabbage known as vitamin
U, named after its ability to help ulcers. Find ways to include it in your diet 3 or
4 times a week.
Other foods that soothe ulcers include avocados, barley, buckwheat, chia
seeds, oatmeal, cream of brown rice cereal, sweet potatoes, Irish moss, kudzu,
tapioca pudding, bok choy, green leafy vegetables, blended carrots, okra, sea
vegetables, turnips, apples, bananas, plantains, persimmons, yogurt, and fresh
ground flax seeds.
Thrifty Cures!
Castor oil compresses applied over the abdominal region where the ulcer
occurs can bring relief. (See page 18 for directions on how to make a

It is wise to eat small, frequent meals and avoid having the stomach either too
full or empty. Be sure to chew food well to allow it to mix with digestive juices.
This will help protect intestinal linings from erosion. Drinking water between
meals rather than with meals also improves digestion as this avoids diluting
digestive secretions.

Skip This!
To heal an ulcer, it is wise to avoid coffee (even decaf), black tea, and
cola drinks, which stimulate stomach acid production. Fried foods, sugar,
acidic fruits like citrus, tomatoes, vinegar, alcohol, and carbonated drinks
are all best eliminated. Avoid hot spicy foods if they bother you. It was
once believed that milk helped neutralize stomach acidity, yet it has been
found that milk actually stimulates acid production. If you do consume
dairy products, those of a cultured variety are the easiest to tolerate.
Studies show that those who don’t smoke or who quit smoking, heal
faster. Aspirin can have a damaging effect on the stomach lining.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of aloe vera juice 4 times a day before meals
and bedtime to help restrict gastric juices and heal an ulcer. A teaspoon (5
ml) of olive oil taken with each meal helps to soothe the irritated mucosa.
Or take 1 teaspoon (5 g) of umeboshi plum extract in 1 cup (235 ml) of
hot water and sip slowly.
Bleeding ulcers occur when the ulcer corrodes a blood vessel. Excess bleeding
can cause anemia, lower blood pressure, and leave you feeling in a weakened
state. If you experience blood in the stool or the vomit or have severe abdominal
pain, see a competent health professional.

Focusing on breathing more deeply and slowly will allow the life force to flow
more evenly through your body. Acupuncture, hypnosis, and guided imagery
have all provided relief to people who suffer from ulcers. Yoga exercises also
help to relax the mind and body. In a study of 40 ulcer patients who took up
yoga, 90 percent of them claimed benefit.
It may take 2 to 6 weeks to improve an ulcer, though the symptoms may be
relieved in a few days. Initially, bed rest, even for a couple of weeks, may be
Having an ulcer is an opportunity to find ways to nurture yourself, de-stress
your lifestyle, and make the changes necessary for a healthier lifestyle! It Be
sure to look at “what’s eating you” from the inside.

Thrifty Cure!
Eat a tablespoon of peanut butter! It will change your breathing so your
hiccups will stop!

Stopping Hiccups
Hiccups are caused by a spasm in the diaphragm. The hic sound is air being
sucked in and then cut short by tightened vocal cords. Folk remedies for hiccups
abound, all with the intention of changing your breathing to hopefully get the
hiccups to stop. Here are a few of the most common:
• Drink water from the far side of a glass.
• Drink from a glass of water (or lemon and water) while someone pulls down
firmly on your earlobes (remove earrings first).
• Breathe into a paper bag without allowing air to escape. Do ten strong inhale
and exhalations.
• Drink a tall glass of water.
• Chew on a few mint leaves.
• Put 1 teaspoon (6 g) of salt on half a lemon and suck out the juice.
• Hold your arms above your head and pant like a dog.
• Drink anise or dill seed tea.

Easing Nausea and Motion Sickness

Nausea is caused by a virus, overindulging, stress, or an imbalance in the inner
ear. Traveling can create motion sickness. You can ease both with these natural


Ginger syrup, ginger capsules, ginger soda (I love Reed’s Ginger Honey
sweetened soda), and candied ginger (wash the sugar coating off) are all helpful
in alleviating nausea. In fact, in 2009, researchers at the University of Rochester
Medical Center showed that taking ginger supplements with standard
antivomiting drugs before chemotherapy can reduce nausea up to 40 percent.
You can also suck on peppermint candies or sip 1 teaspoon of umeboshi plum
paste stirred into hot water. The flavors of these plants open different neural
pathways rather than the nauseous one. Some find that drinking green tea helps.
You can also try sucking on a lemon or olive, both of which have an astringent
effect, decreasing salivation.


Essential oils of peppermint, lemon, and ginger can be inhaled to curb motion
sickness. Simply place a few drops on a tissue and take ten deep inhalations. Or
just take up to ten deep inhalations at a time from the bottle. You can also get
outdoors and breathe some fresh air.
To avoid motion sickness, if you are in a car, sit in the front. Look out of the
front window of a car as looking out the side worsens nausea. Keep a window
cracked to allow some fresh air in.
When flying, sit toward the front of the plane or over the wings as these
sections move less than the back. Turn on the overhead vent.
On a boat, open a window or sit toward the middle of the deck, where there is
the least motion.
Sit next to the window on any means of transportation and focus on things that
are far rather than close. Keep your head still. Save reading and writing for later.
If you must read, slouch down into your seat and hold the reading material close
to eye level. Looking down makes some people nauseous.
Getting Relief from Food Poisoning
You had a nice dinner out, but a few hours later you are curled up in a ball
suffering from abdominal cramps. You may also feel nauseous and have
diarrhea, fever, chills, and a headache, all of which can lead to dehydration and
exhaustion. Food poisoning is usually caused by eating organisms or toxins in
contaminated food, often including common bacteria such as staphylococcus or
E. Coli. Here’s how to feel better fast!


Take ume concentrate or umeboshi plum paste. Made of a pickled fruit (Prunus
mume) it’s both alkalinizing and antimicrobial. Find it in Asian markets or
health food stores. Stir about 1/8 teaspoon of the concentrate or one teaspoon (5
g) of the paste into a cup (235 ml) of warm water up to three times daily.

Thrifty Cures!
To ease nausea, slowly sip peppermint or ginger tea, which is rich in
carminative essential oils. This soothes the tummy and eases gas. You
can also drink 2 teaspoons (10 ml) each of apple cider vinegar (13 ml)
and honey in a warm water.
The acupressure point for nausea is the fleshy area between the thumb
and forefinger. Hold firmly for several minutes. You can also rub the
tendons on the tops of your feet between the second and third toes.
Skip This!
Eat small, easy to digest meals. Don’t eat oily and sweet foods. Avoid
being around smoke and don’t drink alcohol.

You can also take 2 charcoal capsules. Charcoal absorbs toxins, thus
preventing your body from absorbing them.
Homeopathic Nux vomica helps digestive distress caused by overindulgence.
If the food poisoning results in both vomiting and diarrhea, give homeopathic
Arsenicum album every 2 hours, up to 3 doses.


Taking the herb echinacea (1 capsule two times daily) and vitamin C (500 mg
daily) for a few days while you recover can protect you from pathogens by
activating the immune system to destroy invaders. Echinacea also increases
levels of properdin, which helps your body resist infection. A study in the
medical journal, Alternative Medicine Review showed that echinacea raised
properdin levels by 21 percent.

Thrifty Cure!
Taping a copper penny to one’s navel is a folk remedy for motion
Traveling at night will minimize motion sickness. Acupressure
wristbands can also be helpful.

Garlic, which has antibacterial properties, can help kill pathogens acquired
from eating tainted food and can prevent their proliferation too. It is used to treat
and prevent infections in the digestive tract. It is best raw but can be taken in
capsule or tablet form too. You can even blend a few cloves with a tablespoon
(20 g) of honey. One dose should do the trick in most cases.
Acidophilus, a probiotic, can help recolonize the digestive tract with healthy
bacteria. Take one probiotic capsule three times daily before meals so it doesn’t
compete with the food in the digestive system (or get killed off by heat, such as
from soup).
Keeping hydrated is important. Drink whenever you feel thirsty.
Chances are you won’t feel like eating much when you have food poisoning, as
your body might need a rest, but when you do, eat only small amounts at a time.
Focus on easy to digest, soothing foods such as miso soup broth, applesauce,
baked sweet potatoes, winter squash, or yogurt. Do your best to remember what
food caused the food poisoning and remove its availability to others. It is wise to
notify any restaurant involved.

Sometimes throwing up gets rid of what was bothering you and you feel better.
But to ease a severe case of vomiting, warm half a cup (120 ml) of apple cider
vinegar, soak a cloth in it, wring it out, and apply it to the bare stomach.
Applying a hot water bottle over it makes this even more effective.


To prevent food poisoning, use clean cutting boards. Wood is the best choice as
it is actually the least hospitable to bacteria.
Keep meat products refrigerated and once cooked, do not allow them to come
to room temperature again. Avoid eating meat that still has pink in it and cook
fish long enough so that it flakes (10 minutes per inch).
Reheating deli food makes it safer to eat in case it sat out longer than it
should. Keep in mind that microwaving food can cause food to heat unevenly.
Avoid cans that bulge at either or both ends and foods that smell and taste off.
When home canning foods, make sure they are boiled at least 10 minutes. And
when in doubt, throw it out!

Thrifty Cure!
Chances are you have apple cider vinegar and honey in your pantry. If
you do, just mix a tablespoon (15 ml of vinegar and 20 g of honey) each
in warm water and sip it. This effective cure can help deter the
replication of unfriendly microorganisms as well as replenish the body
with depleted minerals.

Eliminating Parasites or Protozoa

Parasites. Ick. It’s a word that can make your skin crawl. The word “parasite” is
derived from Greek para, meaning “besides,” and sitos, meaning “food.” A
parasite can be a plant or animal that lives on or in another organism to obtain
sustenance without making contribution to the host’s survival.
There are at least 134 varieties of parasites, with two main types.
Ectoparasites live on the outside of the body (fleas, ticks, and lice) and
endoparasites (giardia and amoebas) live on the inside, primarily in the digestive
system. Parasites considered dangerous are known as pathogens. The World
Health Organization considers parasitic invasion among the six most harmful


Get medical attention if nausea or vomiting occurs after a head injury, lasts more
than three days (unless pregnant or on a boat), if violent retching continues for
more than two hours, if you are unable to retain fluids for 10 to 12 hours, if
blood is in the vomit or vomit looks like coffee grounds, or if you experience
constant severe abdominal pain.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Peppermint tea is very calming to digestive distress and has antimicrobial
properties, helping your body get rid of the germs that caused the food
poisoning. Drink up to three to four cups (705 to 940 ml) daily.

You can contract parasites from swimming in contaminated water, walking on

polluted beaches, taking mud baths, or sitting on sauna benches. Raw meats and
fish can carry parasites. Overuse of antibiotics can also leave one susceptible to
parasites. Symptoms of parasites include blisters on the inside of the lower lip,
bloating, bluish or purplish specks in the whites of the eyes, burning urine,
constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, emaciation, extreme hunger, fatigue, gas,
immune deficiency, itchy nose, irritable bowel, joint and muscle pain,
malnutrition, skin problems, sleep disturbances, night sweats, bleeding from the
bowels, colitis, teeth grinding, irritability, weakness, and white coin-sized
blotches on the face.
Many microorganisms see the human being as a lovely place to live. Such
organisms can block the function of organs. They cause depletion of nutrients as
they consume what is valuable to us. They eliminate their own waste products,
leaving us overloaded with toxins to break down. Here’s how to make your body
and home an inhospitable place for such creatures to settle down.


Boiling water for at least 10 minutes at sea level and 15 minutes at higher
altitudes is the only sure way to destroy critters. This kills protozoa—
microscopic organisms that can take over one’s intestinal tract and invade other
organs as well. Giardia, a protozoan endoparasite that thrives in the duodenum
and small intestines, is the most common. Giardia and amoebas have two main
stages of life: the mobile, active form (trophozoite) and the inactive stage (cyst).
Washing food, dishes, or brushing teeth in contaminated water can cause
infestation. One half teaspoon of Clorox (not the generic) added to a gallon (3.8
L) of water can be used to soak vegetables and fruits for 15 to 30 minutes. After,
soak produce in clean water for 10 minutes. One-fourth cup (60 ml) of apple
cider vinegar can also be used per sinkful as a parasite-deterring cleanse for
Grapefruit seed extract can be used to purify water and produce by following
label directions. Grapefruit seed extract in its own right combats a wide range of
digestive problems including parasites.
Applying petroleum jelly scented with a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, or
tea tree oil to the rectal area of people affected by pinworms every night for six
weeks will keep the female worms from being able to lay eggs and help relieve

Follow meticulous hygiene. Wash hands in hot soapy water before meals and
after going to the bathroom. Keep fingernails short and clean to deter scratching.

Consider getting a water filtration system as parasitic outbreaks sometimes come
through tap water. A water filter with a size no less than 3 microns helps remove
the 5-micron size giardia cyst. The Katadyn brand filter is highly recommended
for travel.
To avoid infestation, wash laundry, including sheets and towels, in hot soapy
water and dry in a hot dryer to kill eggs. Avoid shaking bed sheets out in the
morning, which will cause the eggs to spread. Just fold them carefully before
washing. Wash toilet seats and vacuum everything including the couch.
For children with worms, have them wear underwear tight enough to keep
parasites from spreading to other family members. Wash hands after diaper
changes. Toys and water faucets should be sponged down with a mild bleach
solution daily.

Skip This!
Coldness in the intestines can cause constriction, so nix ice-cold foods
and beverages if you have this ailment. Dairy products, gluten (found in
wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and kamut), Brassicaceae family vegetables
(such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), improperly cooked beans, eggs,
and copious amounts of fruit juice and carbonated beverages can all
cause gas.

Fixing Flatulence
Gas is often the result of fermentation in the intestines. Changing your diet,
eating too fast, not chewing well, eating while stressed, eating before bed, and
overeating all cause gas. These tips can help alleviate gas:
• Use carminative herbs such as anise, caraway, dill, fennel, ginger, and
peppermint, which help the body eliminate gas. These can be taken in tea,
tincture, or capsule form when needed, up to three times daily.
• Eat foods high in lactic acid such as yogurt, which promote healthy intestinal
flora that create an inhospitable environment for parasites.
• Take two charcoal capsules when the need arises. Note that these are best used
only on occasion rather than daily. They may interfere with nutrient
absorption from food if overused.
• Apply a hot water bottle to the belly if experiencing stomach pain to increase
circulation to the area and calm pain.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Aloe vera juice helps repair tissue damage done by parasites. Drink a
shot glass four times daily before meals. Parasites will also find you poor
company if you drink 1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar with
water three times daily.

Our lungs connect us to the environment. The ability to breathe deeply and
fully can even affect our mental states because our brain depends on
oxygen. In this section you will learn how to use food, herbs, and other
natural remedies so you can breathe and function to your full capacity.
Easing Allergies
Achoo! Allergies can be caused by animal dander, dust, food, mold, and pollen.
Antibodies are produced by the body in response to an allergen. It’s these
histamines that cause the common symptoms of itchy eyes and sneezing. The
best strategies for allergies include avoiding the allergen, strengthening the
immune system, and easing the symptoms. Here’s how.


Herbs that can soothe allergies include elderflower and elderberry because both
are anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, and expectorants, and they reduce bronchial
and upper respiratory phlegm. Ginger improves circulation and respiratory
capacity thanks to its anti-inflammatory activity, which can reduce swelling in
the respiratory passages. Take in tea, tincture, or capsule form three times a day.
Dandelion root and leaf improve liver and spleen function and are helpful for
skin problems related to allergies, including rashes and itchiness. They are also
anti-inflammatory, expectorants, and immunosupportive. Take in tea, tincture, or
capsule form three times a day.
Marshmallow root contains flavonoids and helps to reduce the inflammation
of the skin and digestive tract by moistening dry tissue. For this reason, it is
good for coughs and scratchy throats. Take it as a tea up to three times daily.
Nettle is a natural antihistamine and expectorant, so it helps to dissolve mucus
in the lungs. It’s also naturally high in vitamin C and chlorophyll and relieves
allergic reactions. Research published in the German medical journal,
Arzneimittel Forschung in 1990 showed its effectiveness in treating allergic
rhinitis. Take in tea, tincture, or capsule form three times a day.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Eyebright herb (whose tiny flowers resemble a bloodshot eye) contains
flavonoids, an antioxidant that strengthens mucus membranes of the nose
and eyes. Eyebright clears heat and dries excess mucus. It relieves
catarrh, congestion, hay fever, rhinitis, and sinusitis. You can use it as
compress over your eyes to relieve swelling.
(See page 18 for instructions on how to make a compress.)


Chickweed is an herb that often comes up as a weed in people’s garden. Gather

this anti-allergenic herb fresh from an unsprayed yard in the early spring and use
it as a salad green. It will keep for up to a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.

Nutrients can prevent and minimize allergy symptoms:
• Vitamin A or beta-carotene strengthens mucus membranes and helps prevent
allergenic substances from entering cell walls. Take 10,000 IU daily.
• Vitamin C lowers blood histamine levels according to a study in the Journal
of Nutrition in 1980. It also detoxifies foreign substances and strengthens
adrenal glands and immune system. Take 1,000 mg daily.
• Flavonoids, including quercetin and catechin, which are considered
antioxidants, stabilize mast cell membranes, thereby decreasing histamine
release and are thus an alternative to antihistamine drugs. Take one 500-mg
capsule two to three times daily.


Eat a wholesome diet focusing on fish, seeds (for their essential oil content and
adrenal strengthening properties), and antioxidant-rich fresh vegetables.
Especially beneficial are green leafy vegetables like kale and collards and dark
orange vegetables like carrots and winter squashes for their beta-carotene and
flavonoid content, which help promote immunity against infection. Seaweed can
help you resist allergens by providing a plethora of minerals. Simply sprinkle a
teaspoon (5 g) of kelp or dulse from a shaker on food.
Small amounts of organic lemon or orange peel nibbled throughout the day
provide bioflavonoids, which lower histamine response according to the Journal
of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in 1984. When you eat an orange or squeeze
a lemon, just chew on an inch or two. They can even be soaked in some honey
for two to three days, and then eaten as a treat.
Consume plenty of fluids. Diluted green, leafy vegetable juices such as carrot,
beet, cucumber, horseradish, parsley, and spinach can also bring some temporary
relief when allergies are severe. If you have a juicer, you can make these juices
at home. Otherwise, visit a juice bar that makes its own juice and dilute the juice
with half water so it is less concentrated.


Food intolerance, allergies, or hypersensitivity is a response triggered by the
immune system. The most common food allergens are cow’s milk, eggs, wheat,
gluten, corn, soy, and peanuts. Allergies can manifest in many ways. Respiratory
congestion, excess phlegm, and a runny nose are common symptoms. There are
many other ways allergies can affect us, though, including digestive distress,
skin reactions, even mental fogginess. Shopping at health food stores can make
food allergies easier to deal with as you’ll find substitutes for just about every

Skip This!
Avoid foods that tax the liver, such as fried foods, margarine, chemical
additives, caffeine, and refined sugars. The liver helps to break down
allergens, and if its function is impaired, it simply can’t do its job.

Aspartame sweeteners, monosodium glutamate, and artificial food coloring

can be problematic for some people. Many people react adversely to unripe fruit.
Don’t eat it—it’s not good for you and doesn’t taste good anyway. Sulfites,
which are sometimes added to preserve the color of fruits and vegetables, can
cause bronchial spasms in sensitive people.
To diagnose a food allergy, omit suspected foods for at least three weeks to
allow allergic symptoms to diminish. Reintroduce a food every three to seven
days and see if there is a reaction. Keep a food journal and rate your symptoms
as mild, medium, or severe.
Read labels and be careful of the hidden factors. You might know you’re
allergic to eggs, so you never eat them, but what about that egg-laden salad
dressing, mayonnaise in the sandwich, or egg added to a muffin mix?
Manufacturers also often use equipment for multiple purposes, which can expose
you to soy or peanuts, for example.


Gluten is used in food products to give elasticity to flour and is present in wheat,
semolina, rye, oats, barley, spelt, and kamut. But the gliadin in gluten flattens out
the mucosal lining of the intestines and makes it difficult to assimilate nutrients.
Instead, use gluten-free grains such as amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet,
quinoa, rice, and teff. Soaking and sprouting grains and beans before cooking
can help them be less likely to aggravate allergies and more digestible for
Breathing Easier with Asthma
Asthma is caused by muscle spasms that make bronchial tubes close and cut off
the passage of air and blood supply to the lungs. The result—shortness of breath,
coughing, wheezing, chest retraction, flaring nostrils, and rapid heartbeat. In
fact, the word “asthma” is derived from the Greek word for panting. An asthma
attack can last from a few hours to several days. And one asthma attack can lead
to another as the cilia membrane is destroyed, thus lowering resistance. Here’s
what you can do to feel better.
A cup (235 ml) of black tea contains the alkaloid theophylline, which works as a
mild bronchial dilator and can be helpful at the onset of an attack to open the air
passages. Drink a cup of preferably organic black tea up to twice daily (but not
in the evening, as it can interfere with sleep).
Lobelia tincture, which is considered an antispasmodic, can help stop the
spasms associated with asthma when an attack is occurring. Five drops of lobelia
tincture can be taken in a small amount of water up to four times daily during an


In some severe cases, food allergies can cause life-threatening anaphylaxis and
even death as airways constrict and breathing is impaired. Immediate medical
attention is necessary if this happens. Doctors can also perform skin and blood
tests (such as the radioallergosorbent test [RAST] or the ELISA brand) to help
you determine whether you have a food allergy.
Applying a ginger compress to the chest and back is also helpful during an
asthma attack. Simply take a clean washcloth and dip it into a cup of hot ginger
tea. (You can even use herbal tea bags.) Wring it out and apply it to your chest
(and later back). Make sure the temperature is not hot enough to burn the skin.
Cover with a dry cloth to help hold the heat in. Hot compresses should be left in
place until the heat has dissipated. Replace with another compress as soon as
removing the first one.


Take supplemental vitamin C (1000 mg) to boost immunity and 10,000 IU beta-
carotene daily to help strengthen the mucus membranes of the lungs. This will
make them less susceptible to irritation and can help promote rapid healing. A
study in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1998 showed that vitamin C
improves pulmonary or lung function.
Magnesium helps to open constricted bronchial tubes by relaxing spastic
muscles. Take 250 mg twice a day, on a regular basis.


The foods you eat can trigger an asthma attack. To help figure out what the cause
of your asthma is, try keeping a food journal to track food allergies. See if there
is a pattern. Foods likely to contribute to asthma, as they are all common
allergens, include dairy products, eggs, wheat, citrus, tomatoes, potatoes, and
sulfite preservatives (which are often found in dried fruits, alcohol, and in some
salad bars). The yellow food coloring tartrazine can also trigger an asthma
attack, as can monosodium glutamate and aspirin (both common irritants). It
may take a couple of days for an offending substance to have an affect. Be aware
that even trace amounts of a food can be a culprit.
The most beneficial foods for the asthmatic include orange-colored, high beta-
carotene lung strengthening and immune boosting foods that are rich in
phytochemicals. These include winter squashes, pumpkins, papaya, apricots, and
carrots. Include green, leafy vegetables for their oxygen and transporting of
Make use too of manganese-rich foods such as buckwheat, cherries, beans,
and nuts, as studies show that people with low intakes of manganese have an
increased risk of bronchial reactivity. Try to eat at least a serving daily.
Pungent condiments known for their bronchodilating properties include garlic,
onions, horseradish, ginger, mustard greens, radish, thyme, rosemary, and fennel.
Use these condiments liberally in food preparations, such as when flavoring
soups and salad dressings.
Lotus root is a traditional Asian medicine that strengthens the lungs and opens
the airways. A few root slices can be simmered into a soup or made into a tea.


It’s easy to grow common herbs such as rosemary and thyme. Just get a big pot
at least 2 feet (60 cm) deep and fill it with potting soil. Add plants that you get at
your local greenhouse. (You can also grow from seed, it just takes longer.) Put
the pot in a place that is exposed to 5 to 6 hours of sun a day. Water regularly.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

One of my favorite remedies for treating an asthma episode (as well as
other lung problems) is the following:
1/2 cup (170 g) raw honey (Note: Never give honey to children under 1
year of age.)
1/2 cup (120 ml) fresh lemon juice
1 inch (2.5 cm) of fresh ginger root
7 cloves of garlic
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend into a syrup. Pour into a
glass jar and give one teaspoonful as often as needed. Store the unused
portion in the refrigerator. This formula helps to thin mucus secretions,
break up congestion, and dilate the bronchioles.
More Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen
Steam inhalations can benefit conditions such as asthma, by helping to
warm, increase circulation, and loosen mucus from the respiratory tract.
Try the following when respiration is compromised.
First, boil a quart of water and add 4 heaping teaspoons (25 g) of herbs
such as eucalyptus, pine (break up the needles to better release their
properties), and wintergreen, or add 5 to 10 drops of pure essential oil.
One to two tablespoons fresh garden herbs such as oregano, thyme, or
peppermint can also be used for an herbal steam after being added to a
pint of boiling water.
Remove the pot from the stove to a padded kitchen counter. Drape a
towel over your head and the pot, lean over, and breathe in the steam for
seven minutes or so. If the steam starts to cool too much, gently blow
into the herb pot to cause more steam to rise.
This can be done up to three times daily.


Try exhaling forcefully through a drinking straw placed in a large bottle of water
to expand the bronchial tubes. It is a good idea to practice deeper breathing all
the time, not just when you are sick.
Practice yoga breathing. I have seen this empower people to have control over
their breathing rather than have their breathing control them. Learn to do it when
not in the throes of an attack so that you’ll know how when needed.
One simple method is to practice a deep relaxation breath: Lie on the floor
with a pillow supporting your knees. Place your palms over your abdomen, with
your fingers gently laced just above your naval. Breathe in to a count of three as
your abdomen pushes your fingers toward the ceiling. Exhale to a count of five
as your fingers and abdomen move toward the floor. With every third breath,
blow out through your mouth as you suck your belly inward.


Avoid dehydration and help keep the mucus secretions thin by consuming plenty
of fluids. Both lemon in water and cranberry juice will help to thin mucous
secretions. Just add the juice of 1/2 lemon once or twice a day to a glass of
water. Cranberry juice can be diluted with water as part of your daily beverage
intake (about 1/4 cup [60 ml] juice to 1 cup [235 ml] of water).

According to color therapists, putting the gemstone citrine under your tongue
at the first sign of an asthma attack may bring relief. Visit a gem shop to find this
golden stone. You can also visualize breathing in its healing golden ray. Wearing
orange clothing or having an orange light in the room may also be beneficial.
Breathing Easier with Bronchitis
Bronchitis occurs when mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes become
inflamed and mucous blocks the lungs’ airflow. Infection as well as external
irritants such as sulfur dioxide, smoke, and airborne pollutants can cause
bronchitis. A cold or flu can develop into bronchitis too. Here’s how to breathe

The culinary herb thyme is antiseptic and bronchodilating. Grow it in your

flower box and then use it as a condiment to flavor soups and dressings.


Herbs such as anise, fennel seed, licorice root, marshmallow root, pleurisy root,
slippery elm bark, and wild cherry bark relax bronchial spasms by soothing
inflammation. Natural food stores carry teas, capsules, syrups, and tinctures that
include these botanicals. They can be taken every 2 or 3 hours during respiratory
Fenugreek, ginger, hyssop, juniper berries, osha root, and thyme break up
mucus congestion, curb infection, and expectorate mucous so you can breathe
better and cough less. They are also available in tea, capsule, syrup, and tincture
form. A dose can be taken every 2 or 3 hours during respiratory distress.


When you have bronchitis, include three to five servings of these foods daily:
• Garlic and onions, which help break up congestion and open the airways
• Salmon, which contains anti-inflammatory oils
• Chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables, which help the body better utilize
• Yellow and orange vegetables high in beta-carotene including potatoes, winter
squash, apricots, and persimmons, which help the lungs resist infection


If home remedies are not helping, seek medical attention, especially if symptoms
worsen and you feel there is nothing else you can do at home. If this is a first
attack or you are coughing up yellow, brown, or bloody phlegm, seek proper
medical attention immediately.
Soothing Sinusitis
When your sinuses are blocked, fluids collect in the head, causing pain, pressure,
and misery. Symptoms of a sinus infection include head-ache, snoring, cough,
earache, greenish/yellow discharge exuding from the nose, pressure, fever, facial
pain, and sensitivities in the teeth to sugar and temperature changes. Sinusitis or
sinus infections often begin after a bad cold and are often worse in the morning,
before mucous has a chance to drain. Other factors that contribute to sinus
problems include overexposure to dust, pollen, and airborne chemicals, candida,
stress, and poor dental hygiene. Here’s how to ease that pressure and congestion.


Irrigate your nasal passages with 1/4 teaspoon sea salt with 1/4 teaspoon baking
soda and 1 cup (235 ml) warm water. Stir and pour into a neti pot, spray bottle,
or ear syringe. Wash out each nostril one at a time over the sink with the
opposite nostril down. When clearing sinuses, it’s a good idea to blow one
nostril at a time (by covering the other sinus with a finger and tissue) to avoid
causing pressure and bacteria buildup in the ears.

Next, apply a thin film of almond oil or sesame oil into the nose to help
protect it from further viruses. If the nasal passages get too raw, apply a small
amount of vitamin E oil or a salve made from soothing herbs like comfrey or
Herbs that help relieve sinusitis include echinacea, (stimulates immunity),
eyebright (decreases congestion), and fenugreek (decreases mucus). The Chinese
patent formula Bi Yan Pian is also helpful to many people with a sinus infection.
Herbal doses are usually taken three times daily.

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Cut out gluten and dairy products for a while and you might find that
phlegm production decreases.

A few nasturtium leaves and flowers from your garden added to salads also help
to open the respiratory passages.
Essential oils that help relieve sinus congestion include camphor, eucalyptus,
lavender, pine, peppermint, and rosemary. Olbas inhalers are available at many
health food stores and help clear nasal congestion for up to a couple of hours.


Re-evaluating your diet is a good place to start in improving sinus problems. It
may be helpful to decrease consumption of dairy, wheat, eggs, and sugar. Citrus,
corn, and peanuts can also be potential allergens causing excessive phlegm. Try
eating more foods that are pungent and opening to the respiratory tract such as
cayenne, garlic, ginger, horseradish, and onions. (Don’t overdo it though, as too
much may cause irritation.) Adding some chopped lotus root to soups helps to
dissolve mucous. The juice of half a lemon in water helps to thin mucous
secretions. Carrots and carrot juice, turnips, winter squash, and dark green leafy
vegetables are all rich in beta-carotene and strengthen mucous membranes.
Drink plenty of water.


You have eight sinuses, four pairs of air-filled hollow spaces lined with mucous
membranes located on both sides of the forehead, between the nasal cavities and
eye sockets, and in the maxillary cheekbones. All of the sinus openings, which
are thinner than a pencil lead, drain into the nasal passages. Our sinuses help to
equalize pressure and also warm, purify, and moisten the air we breathe. The
sinuses also give the voice resonance.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

When sinuses feel especially painful and congested, a ginger compress
can be very helpful. First make a tea of fresh chopped ginger root,
simmered for 20 minutes. Soak a couple of washcloths in the
comfortably hot tea, wring, and apply gently over the afflicted sinus
areas. Reapply three or four times daily as needed.
Food allergies, especially to dairy and gluten products, can be a possible cause
of sinus problems. Often the food sensitivity comes first, then the germs find a
haven in the excess mucous. The mucous can sometimes be acidic in nature,
causing more irritation. It can take up to three weeks to see the results of
eliminating a particular food.

Exercise like brisk walking in pure air or gentle aerobics or stretching can help
improve circulation in your sinuses. Massaging sore sinuses increases
circulation, which helps move stagnation. You can also massage the base of the
threesmallest toes, which corresponds to the sinus area.
It is possible to confuse a sinus infection with a toothache. To find out which
is which, jump up and down, landing on your heels. A sinus infection will be felt
in the sinus region above the teeth or both sides of the upper jaw. A toothache
will be felt in the tooth.

Blood moves through the body, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and immune-
supportive chemicals, and it also carries away wastes. Here you’ll learn how
to ensure that blood is healthy and flows with ease.
Building the Blood for Anemia
Are you feeling tired? You may be anemic. You’ll become anemic if you don’t
get enough iron. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of folic acid or vitamin
B12, blood loss (from menses, peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, or blood donation),
red blood cell destruction, or deficient red blood cell production. Addressing
anemia will help you to regain your strength and vitality. Here’s what to do.


Many herbal teas are rich in iron and can help build the blood. These include
teas made from alfalfa leaves, burdock root, dandelion leaves, nettles, red
raspberry leaf, and watercress. Drink any of these herbs individually or in a
combination up to three times daily.
Yellow dock helps improve iron assimilation and has been found to free up
iron stores in the liver. It can be used in tea, tincture, or capsule form up to three
times daily.

Chlorophyll, found in green plants, helps the body utilize oxygen better.
Chlorophyll can also be taken in liquid or tablet form as directed on the bottle.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Good therapeutic juices to consume for anemia include beet, carrot,
parsley, spinach, blackberry, black cherry, black currant, kale and red
grape. Dilute juices with at least 50 percent water as they can be very
sweet and overstimulate the pancreas.
Folic acid, another nutrient needed for healthy blood, is derived from
foliage, as in leafy greens. To up your intake of folic acid, eat green leafy
vegetables, beans, nutritional yeast, and whole grains. Keep in mind that
anti-cancer drugs, epileptic drugs, and birth control pills can contribute to
a need for more folic acid.

Though only a blood test known as a hematocrit can determine whether you
have anemia for certain, pale fingernails and tongue and lack of color inside the
lower eyelid may also be indicators.


Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in anemics. Dairy products and red meat are
important sources of B12. Some fermented foods, such as miso, tamari, and
tempeh, also have very trace amounts. Other vegetarian sources of B12 are
fortified nutritional yeast, seaweeds, and sunflower seeds. Try to eat a few grams
a day of a selection of these foods. You can also supplement with 1,000 mcg of
B12 daily.
Note that you can supplement with iron, but it can be constipating and toxic.
Ferrous sulfate is often recommended by physicians, but only 10 to 30 percent of
it is assimilated. Instead take ferrous fumarate or gluconate, which is less likely
to cause digestive problems like constipation.
Taking 500 mg of vitamin C with each meal will help improve the
assimilation of iron.
Two products I have long used to improve anemia are Floradix, which is an
herbal iron tonic, and Mega Foods Blood Builder, which contains iron, vitamin
C, and B12 in appropriate doses as one tablet. Both are available at health food


Foods that are high in iron can build the blood and correct anemia. These include
almonds, amaranth, apricots, beans, bee pollen, beets, blackberries, blackstrap
molasses, burdock root, cherries, eggs, figs, dark green leafy vegetables, liver
(organic, please!), mugwort-mochi, prunes, raisins, red meat, and seaweeds.
Lowering Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a white, waxy, crystalline substance that can be good or bad. High
LDL (low-density lipoproteins) or “bad” cholesterol can be caused by a diet high
in processed fat and sugar or by heredity. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or
“good” cholesterol protects the body by moving LDL cholesterol away from the
artery walls and back to the liver where it gets excreted with bile to the
intestines. If you have too much “bad” cholesterol, don’t despair. Even those
with blocked arteries can turn back the progression of the disease. Here’s how.


Hawthorn berry can help lower cholesterol by gradually breaking down fat
deposits in the body. Clinical trials in Europe have proven that it is safe and
effective in helping to treat early congestive heart failure, mild angina,
arrhythmia, and hypertension. It also helps you recover from a heart attack. Talk
to your doctor about whether hawthorn berry may be right for you. If so, take a
dose either in tea, tincture, or capsule form three times daily.

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Coffee, black tea, and excess bran can inhibit iron absorption due to their
diuretic and laxative effects.

The commonly available Ayurvedic formula Triphala can reduce cholesterol

levels and arterial plaque by improving digestion and fat metabolism. Tablets are
available at natural food stores and 1 or 2 can be taken as directed on the bottle.
Essential fatty acids can also lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and
lower the risk of thrombosis (clot formation). Omege-3 oils taken as a
supplement contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which helps keep the blood
from clumping together. Researchers at the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality recently showed that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil
reduce the risk of heart attack. Look for good-quality fish oil free of heavy metal
contamination. Good brands include Nordic Naturals and Garden of Life. Take 1
teaspoon (5 ml) daily or aim for three servings a week of salmon, tuna,
mackerel, sardines, herring, or blue fish.

A normal cholesterol level is around 150 mg/dl or less, and ideally your
cholesterol level should be 180 mg/dl or less, with more of the HDL than the
LDL. New recommendations by the national heart, lung, and Blood institute say
that a desirable level for LDL is 130 mg/dl. HDL is considered at risk if levels
are below 35 mg/dl.
Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, increases cardiac output, dilates the blood
vessels, and decreases resistance in the circulatory system. Niacin works in the
liver to lower “bad” cholesterol. The Journal of the American Medical
Association in 1986 recommended it as the first supplement to be used after diet
to lower cholesterol. However, even though niacin is helpful, it can cause
discomfort for about 10 minutes, including itching, flushing, and gastro-
intestinal discomfort. A newer sustained release formula prevents this. Excessive
use of niacin has the potential to irritate the liver. Talk to your health
professional about taking 50 mg three times daily.
Coenzyme Q10 naturally occurs in the heart muscle and has been used to
lower high blood pressure and to treat heart failure. It also increases the amount
of oxygen received by the heart tissue. Taking statin prescription drugs to lower
cholesterol can deplete the body of CoQ10. If you are taking statins, take from
50 to 200 mg daily of CoQ10.

Thrifty Cures!
Eat a couple of raw cloves of garlic daily to unblock the arteries, as garlic
helps to prevent blood from clumping together.


Water-soluble fiber such as oat bran and oatmeal lowers cholesterol levels by
binding to “bad” cholesterol in the body, according to many studies. Barley,
carrots, apple pectin, chia seeds, blueberries, guar gum, and psyllium may also
help lower cholesterol by binding with bile acids in the digestive system, which
are then eliminated through the bowel.
Other foods than can help lower cholesterol include apples, artichokes,
broccoli, cabbage, chili peppers, citrus fruits, dandelion greens, garlic,
grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, lemon, lime, melons, onions, rutabaga,
seaweed, soybeans, spinach, sweet potato, and turnip. These foods work by
improving liver function so the liver can more easily breakdown fatty deposits or
because they are high in a fiber called pectin, which binds with cholesterol and
carries it out of the body via the bowels.

To elevate HDL (good) cholesterol, eat lots of onions and garlic and take a daily
B vitamin complex. Regular exercise such as walking, dancing, and aerobics
elevates the beneficial HDL and lowers LDL.
Improving Poor Circulation
Poor circulation can occur when there is an insufficient supply of blood flowing
through the veins and arteries. Stress can cause blood vessels to dilate and
contract and can short-circuit circulation. Food allergies can also contribute to
frequent cold hands and feet. Here’s how to get things moving.
Niacin supplements (50 to 100 mg daily) can be taken for brief periods during
extremely cold weather to inhibit spasms of the small arteries.
Culinary herbs that promote circulation include black pepper, cayenne,
cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, horseradish, and paprika. This is due to their
warming essential oil content, which promotes the movement of chi (energy) in
the body. Simply use more of these foods in your cuisine to obtain their benefits.
Ginkgo improves circulation to the body’s extremities by preventing the blood
from clumping together. Use one capsule 2 or 3 times daily.
Avoid cold by dressing in layers, wearing a hat, and choosing mittens rather
than gloves. Wear red or orange long johns, undershirt, and socks as these colors
psychologically make us feel warmer. Breathe more deeply to allow energy to
move more readily throughout the body. Protect your extremities with quality

Extreme cold hand syndrome is known as Raynaud’s disease. It can cause
extremities to turn white, then blue or red. The nose and earlobes may also be
affected. Pain and numbness can occur with the white and blue stages and a
burning sensation with the red stage. Episodes may last for as long as three
minutes and up to an hour. See your doctor if this occurs.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is more a symptom than it is a disease.
Hypertension can make one a more likely candidate for heart attack, stroke,
kidney damage, and vision problems. Symptoms of hypertension include
breathing difficulties, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, heart palpitations, intestinal
problems, nosebleeds, and numbness and tingling in the extremities. Here’s how
to lower your blood pressure now.


Vitamin B6 (50 mg daily) can help lower blood pressure through its diuretic
effect. Calcium (1,000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg) both daily have a calming
effect on the nerves and arteries and a strengthening effect on the heart muscle.


High blood pressure is diagnosed with a device called a sphygmomanometer.

Two numbers are given in a reading. The first number in a blood pressure
reading is systolic—the amount of pressure inside the arteries during the
pumping phase. The second number is diastolic—the amount of pressure during
the resting phase. A normal reading is 120/70. Higher than 140 systolic or 90
diastolic are high blood pressure indicators. Readings done at home are often
lower than readings taken in a doctor’s office. People can elevate their blood
pressure simply by worrying about it!
Often people who have hypertension don’t have enough Coenzyme Q10
(CoQ10). This antioxidant is especially important to the heart muscle. Research
published in the European Heart Journal in 2006 showed that CoQ10 improves
functioning in people who have advanced chronic heart failure. Take 100 to 300
mg each day.


Cold-water fish such as bluefish, mackerel, and salmon have blood pressure-
lowering properties. Garlic taken as a supplement can expand blood vessel walls
and inhibit the blood from clumping together.
Foods that are rich in hypotensive compounds include broccoli, carrots, celery,
fava beans, garlic, green leafy vegetables, kiwi, and onions. Hawthorn berries,
leaf, and flower can all be used to help normalize high blood pressure,
strengthen the heart, and break down cholesterol.
Even chocolate can help lower your blood pressure thanks to the flavonoids it
contains, which are antioxidants. A study in the Journal of Nutrition and
Metabolism in 2006 showed that cocoa and chocolate lower blood pressure. Eat
1 to 2 ounces (28 to 55 g) of dark chocolate, at least 70 percent cacao, each day.


Essential oils that promote a strong and healthy vascular system and can calm
blood pressure include basil, bergamot, citronella (increases heartbeat),
geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, orange, rose, and rosemary. Use them as
inhalations, in the bath, or with massage. (For ideas on using essential oils, see
the section on “Aromatherapy” on page 23.)


For a healthy heart system, keep blood pressure levels normal, reduce
cholesterol, lose weight if necessary, don’t smoke, and exercise more. Get
aerobic exercise at least three times a week for 15 to 30 minutes. Dancing,
cycling, jogging, swimming, jump roping, and rowing are all considered aerobic
heart-healthy exercises.
Yoga, stretching, brisk walking, deep breathing, meditation, and verbalizing
one’s feelings are all beneficial for a healthy heart. Some find watching fish in a
fish tank lowers blood pressure.
Music that has 60 beats per minute, such as Baroque music, can lower high
blood pressure and reduce anxiety. Also consider playing the soothing sounds of
the ocean. Slow down your speech to help lower blood pressure and take in more
oxygen. Interestingly, your blood pressure elevates when you are talking and
decreases when you are listening.

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Caffeine elevates blood pressure and strains the heart. High sodium
intake retains fluids in the body so that blood volume will be higher, thus
raising blood pressure. Most people with hypertension have too much
sodium retention and not enough potassium. Losing weight can help
reduce high blood pressure. Cut back on refined carbohydrates, including
sugar, which can cause elevated levels of insulin.

Meditation can lower blood pressure as effectively as drug therapy.

Biofeedback training can help people achieve a state of calmness.
At the end of your day, take a short tepid bath, between 92 and 98°F (33 to
37°C) for 10 to 30 minutes to gently dilate blood vessels and lower blood
pressure. When sleeping, use only a small pillow so your head is not too high
above your heart, making it easy to get blood to the brain. Body alignment is
important day and night.
Use visualization. Picture your heart beating regularly, pumping a healthy
amount of blood with each beat. See your arteries gently dilating, allowing the
blood to flow, and imagine your blood vessels growing and supplying oxygen
and needed nutrients to your heart.
Happiness also helps lower blood pressure, so open your heart to love.


If you have cardiovascular health concerns, consult with a health practitioner to
help you lower your medication as you improve your health with diet, herbs,
supplements, and other natural methods. But never stop taking heart medicine


Good supplements for gout include a vitamin B complex 50 mg), vitamin C

(1,000 mg), and vitamin E (400 IU) once daily. Tablets made from alfalfa leaf
(12 daily) are also helpful. A multienzyme tablet can also be helpful in reducing
inflammation. Take it three times daily between meals so it can help reduce
inflammation rather than focus on food digestion.

Reducing Gout Inflammation

Gout, a type of arthritis, used to be considered the disease of royalty and the
upper classes because of their consumption of meat and wine, which makes
people more susceptible. Gout is most common in men. It happens when high
levels of uric acid that are not properly broken down by the kidneys result in
sodium urate crystals that cause joint inflammation in the toes, ankles, insteps,
heels, knees, and wrists. Elevate the joints during periods of inflammation to
reduce swelling. Here are some natural remedies that will make you feel better.
Eating cherries is especially helpful in treating gout. That’s because they
contain nutrients called anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation and relieve
gout pain. Research at the University of California-Davis showed that eating just
one serving of fresh cherries a day reduced uric acid by up to 15 percent in
women. You can also benefit from dried cherries and cherry juice.
Apples, burdock root, celery juice, blueberries, green leafy vegetables, and
strawberries are also beneficial. All of these foods help break down excess uric
Turmeric root in capsule form is also excellent for reducing inflammation.
Two capsules can be taken 2 or 3 times daily. Bromelain, the enzyme found in
pineapple, also reduces swelling in gout. Take 500 mg three times daily.

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A diet low in animal foods can greatly help gout. That’s because meat is
high in uric acid and its consumption increases uric acid in the body.
Alcohol can also inhibit the body’s ability to secrete uric acid through the
kidneys, so avoid it if you are prone to gout as well. Avoid excess beans,
which also become purines, natural substances found in all of the body’s
cells and foods. However, purines are excessively high in anchovies,
brains, kidneys, game meats, herring, liver, mackerel, meat, mussels,
sardines, scallops and sweetbreads, and purines can increase uric acid
levels. Cut down on fats, dairy products, restrict alcohol, and drink plenty
of fluids. A yeast free diet may help as well. Visit for more information.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

During a gout attack, soak the afflicted area in warm water to which 5
drops of essential oil of celery has been added. Essential oil of celery
helps decrease uric acid buildup and reduces inflammation. You can also
soak your feet in warm celery seed tea.

The urinary system controls what remains in the body and what is
eliminated as urine. This delicate system requires the right amount of
nutrients for optimal functioning. Here you’ll learn which herbs, vitamins,
minerals, and other natural cures can help.
Curing incontinence
Incontinence (also called enuresis) refers to a lack of bladder control. Weak
kidneys are often the source. Food allergies (often dairy), overconsumption of
diuretic foods such as citrus products and coffee, and certain prescriptions can
also be factors. Use these tips to bring this problem under control.
Teas that help incontinence include soothing buchu, chamomile, corn silk, and
plantain leaf. Drinking cranberry juice can be helpful as it tonifies the bladder
with its high flavonoid content. Two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar (10
ml) and raw honey (13 g) stirred into a cup (235 ml) of hot water three times
daily will work as a urinary tract antiseptic and curb the urge to go.
Kegel exercises will also help improve muscle tone in the area.

Remember, kidneys need warmth, nourishment, and preservation to continue

their constant job of cleansing and balancing. Time alone, quiet, good sleep, the
sound of nature and running water, and peaceful music all benefit the kidneys.
Curtailing urinary Tract infections
If you feel like you have to urinate all the time, and when you do, it burns, you
may have a bladder infection. Actually, urinary tract infections can affect the
urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis), or kidneys (nephritis). Usually Escherichia
coli is present. Here are some ways to soothe the irritation.

Some find that urinating, then standing up, then urinating again helps them more
fully empty their bladder. Empty the bladder more completely by pressing on it
(just above the pubic bone) while bending forward at the waist or leaning
slightly forward when urinating. During the day, try to establish a routine for
urinating, such as every three hours. If you feel the urge to go after having just
urinated, relax your bladder. However, if you really do need to go, heed nature’s


Vitamin C helps prevent bacterial infection by directly fighting infection and
boosting immunity. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.
Vitamin E can help prevent scarring of bladder tissues due to its hydrating
effect. Take 400 IU daily.
Another time-tested cure if you feel a bladder infection is coming on is to
drink a glass of water to which you add 1 teaspoon (15 g) of baking soda. This
helps alkalinize the urine. Repeat only once every 8 hours and only when needed
for short periods as it can cause bowel problems and overexcite the nervous
system. You can also drink 1 teaspoon (5 ml) apple cider vinegar in a glass of
warm water to help acidify the urine and inhibit bacterial growth.
Essential oils that are good to use in a diluted base for massage over the
bladder include eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, and juniper. Add 25 drops total of
essential oil in 1/2 cup (120 ml) extra virgin olive oil and apply a few
teaspoonfuls over the area. The antiseptic properties of the essential oils will be
absorbed through the skin. You can also add a few drops of these oils to a bath.


If you are plagued with repeated infections, see a health professional to make
sure you do not have a sexually transmitted disease or another disorder. It’s also
important to see your doctor if you have back pain, fever, and chills because the
infection may have spread to the kidneys.


When dealing with bladder infections, eat cooling anti-inflammatory foods such
as asparagus, barley, carrots, celery, cucumbers, grapes, lotus root, millet, mung
beans, parsley, pomegranates, red beans, squash, string beans, strawberries,
vegetable juices, water chestnuts, and watermelon. Blueberries, cranberries, and
prunes all help to prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract.
Drinking cranberry juice helps to ease common bladder infections because it
inhibits the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract so that the infection can’t
proliferate. Drinking 8 ounces (235 ml) of this juice as needed works better than
4 ounces (118 ml), according to research presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting
of the Infectious Diseases Society of America in 2004.

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Avoid excessively spicy food, alcohol, and carbonated beverages, which
can irritate the bladder if you are struggling with incontinence. Also,
citrus juice is very diuretic, and coffee can be irritating to the bladder and
contribute to leakage. Constipation can put pressure on the bladder, so
see the section on constipation if that seems to be part of the problem.
A shot glass of aloe vera juice three times daily between meals also cools
bladder inflammation and deters infection.
Drink eight tall glasses of pure water a day to flush out bacteria in the urinary

If you can, wear only natural fiber underwear. It is important that the body can
breathe, and synthetic fibers cause a sweaty, moist environment where bacteria
love to thrive.
Tampons can obstruct the neck of the bladder, so women may want to use
smaller tampons, change them more frequently, or better yet, use external
protection during their menses.

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Avoid fried foods, heavily spiced foods, alcohol, artificial sweeteners,
fruit juices (except cranberry), coffee, sodas, and tomatoes, all of which
can irritate the ladder.

Eliminating Kidney Stones

Having a kidney stone has been compared to giving birth. Yes, it’s that painful.
Kidney stones are a common problem affecting people in their 30s to 50s. Men
are more likely to get them than women. Stones form when mineral salts from
the urine clump together and grow. Stones not only can form in the kidneys but
other parts of the urinary tract as well. The stones are usually composed of
phosphates, calcium, oxalates, struvites, and uric acid. They often go unnoticed
until a stone becomes trapped in the urinary tract, causing excruciating sharp
pain that may cause a person to double over. Chills, fever, blood in the urine,
decreased urination, and vomiting may also accompany the blockage. Here’s
how to get rid of this common, yet very painful, complaint.

It is important to urinate completely to prevent residual bacteria from being
trapped. Try to urinate at three-hour intervals. Be sure to wipe yourself front to
back using undyed and unscented toilet paper. Also urinate before having
intercourse and right afterwards, even if it means having to drink a large glass of
water. Then you can go back and snuggle!


People with kidney stones are often deficient in magnesium. A supplement of
magnesium (500 mg daily) with 50 mg of B6 (which helps make the magnesium
more effective) will help to bind with oxalates and prevent the precipitation of
calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. If you take calcium as a supplement
with meals, it will minimize the likeliness of stone formation. Planetary Herbals
makes an excellent formula called Stone Free.


Apply a castor oil compress to the kidneys to help ease the passage of kidney
Using some of the following herbs can also help to be beneficial:


Buchu Soothes and strengthens the urinary system

Cleavers Clears heat and reduces inflammation
Corn silk Regenerates and soothes irritated tissue; eases passage of
Couch grass Soothes renal tissue due to high mucilage content; eases
passage of stones
Goldenrod Cleanses kidneys; helps dissolve stones
Gravel root Aids removal of uric acid and breakup of small stones in
bladder and kidneys
Marshmallow Eases passage of stones
Parsley root Eases kidney inflammation and stones
Uva-ursi Diuretic and antiseptic; helps eliminate kidney stones

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

The acids in apple cider vinegar can help dissolve kidney stones. Drink 2
teaspoons (10 ml) daily in a cup (235 ml) of hot water, one to three times


Consuming beta-carotene–rich foods such as apricots, broccoli, carrots, winter
squash, and sweet potatoes all benefit the urinary lining. Drinking diluted carrot
juice also help.
Asparagus contains a substance called asparagin, which helps the body
eliminate excess uric acid.
Kale, lettuce, and parsley provide vitamin K, which helps urinary glycoprotein
to prevent the growth of calcium oxalate crystals.
Foods with a favorable magnesium/calcium ratio such as avocado, banana,
barley, buckwheat, lima beans, oats, and rye can also be consumed.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially noncarbonated pure (you don’t need the
phosphates) water. This will help to prevent buildup of components that cause
stone formation. Cranberry juice, without sweeteners, can be diluted and added
to pure water to reduce the amounts of ionized calcium in the urine. Cranberry
inhibits the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract, perhaps due to a polymer in
the plant, thus allowing bacteria to be eliminated.

Thrifty Cures1
Add 1 cup (235 ml) of apple cider vinegar to the bath one to two times
daily to inhibit infection. A sitz bath of baking soda (1 whole box) can
also be helpful in reducing microbes. Simply add the baking soda to the
bath and soak for about 20 minutes. Make sure the bathtub is very clean.

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If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, low-fiber, high-fat, high-salt
foods, and consume a lot of alcohol, this can cause mineral imbalances in
the body and lead to a kidney stone. It’s also a good idea to avoid foods
with a high oxalic acid content such as beans, beets greens, black tea,
chocolate, nuts, rhubarb, spinach, strawberries, and Swiss chard, as
oxalic acid can contribute to stone formation. Also eat lower amounts of
meat and dairy products, which can elevate levels of uric acid. Cut down
on salt and alcohol. Foods that are fortified with vitamin D can cause
excessive retention of calcium in the urine. Limit intake to about 400 IU
daily. Also limit intake of antacids and aspirin, which can be a factor in
stone formation due to their content of calcium carbonates and silicates.

According to Asian medicine, emotional health can contribute to physical

problems, and physical problems can contribute to emotional imbalances.
When you take a whole body approach, it’s important to deal with both
aspects. Here’s how.
Diffusing Anger
Anger often occurs when we resist change, when someone disappoints us, or
when our expectations are unmet. In Asian medicine, anger is characterized as
Liver Fire Rising. Anger stimulates a contraction of chi (energy) that causes
stress to the liver. Anger can cause shallow inhalation and strong panting
exhalation, dizziness, contribute to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol
levels, tight shoulders, stiff upper back, jaw tightness, eye problems, increased
hydrochloric acid production, and ulcers. But what is more dangerous than the
experience of anger is the repression of it. Pent up angry feelings can be a factor
in hemorrhoids, migraine headaches, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart
disease. Here’s how to calm down now by safely defusing anger.

According to traditional folklore, herbs that help cool the liver and thus soothe
anger include blessed thistle, dandelion root, licorice root, oat straw, and
skullcap. Take them as a tea two to three times a day.
Along with behavior counseling, the amino acid 5-HTP (5-hydroxtryptophan)
can help curb anger and violence by elevating serotonin levels. Take 50 mg
twice daily.
A good daily supplement of calcium (1,000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg)
helps to quell an angry countenance by nourishing the nerves and relaxing the

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

What you eat can change how you feel. So try eating yogurt, which is
high in calming calcium, green, leafy vegetables provide nerve-
nourishing magnesium. Lettuce also helps to calm anxiety, being high in
the calming alkaloid lactucin. Include whole grains such as buckwheat,
millet, quinoa, and wild rice and veggies such as sweet potatoes and
winter squash. These will help keep your blood sugar on an even keel.
Avoid stimulants like caffeine, sugar, and fruit juice that rev you up and
put your body into panic-alert.
Foods that benefit the liver and thus mellow the emotion of anger include
artichokes, barley, berries, daikon radish, dandelion greens, green leafy
vegetables, lentils, mung beans, rye, and sour green apples. Dandelion root tea
helps to cleanse emotions of anger stored in the liver, according to traditional
Essential oils that can be used to diffuse anger include basil, cardamom,
chamomile, coriander, frankincense, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, lavender, lemon
balm, lotus, marjoram, neroli, pine, rose, and ylang-ylang. Essential oils can be
used as inhalations, in the bath, or diluted and used in massage. (For guidelines,
see the section “Aromatherapy Preparations” on page 23.)
Flower essences are made by soaking flowers in spring water. Though subtle,
they can be effective in helping to balance the emotional body. To learn more
about flower essences, read any of the books about Bach Flower Remedies.
Placing four drops of the following flower essences on or under your tongue or
in a glass of water is also recommended:
• Cherry plum: For those prone to temper tantrums
• Heather: For those easily irritated
• Holly: For jealousy and sibling rivalry
• Impatience: To help you be more patient
• Walnut: For those going through big life changes


In a journal, make a list of what aspects of the anger you are accountable for.
Focus on what you can do about it. Avoid blaming.
It has been said that “art is toxic discharge.” So get out there and paint, write,
create music, or find some way to express yourself and contribute to your own
Some people say that anger makes them “see red.” Try counting to 10 while
you visualize the color blue. There may be some occasions where counting to
100 is what is takes.
Learn what triggers your anger and try to avoid those situations. Consider
writing up a disaster scale and rating the things that make you angry from one to
ten. You may find that some of them are not as important. Consider humor a
more valuable ally than profanity.
In dealing with anger, it helps to affirm that you are angry. Be clear about
what it is that is really bothering you. Take a breather and then discuss the
conflict. Without attacking, let your feelings be known. Avoid statements like
“you always” or “you never.” Listen to what the other person has to say and do
your best to understand. If you need to, give yourself a “cooling off” period first.
Finally, be willing to forgive!

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Excess garlic and onions can aggravate the emotion of anger. Coffee and
sugar can also make one more likely to fly off the handle. Be aware that
allergens such as gluten, corn, and soy may cause inflammation, a sense
of unease, and anger in some people.

Taking the edge off Anxiety

Anxiety is fear, plain and simple. It can happen when we are stressed or afraid
and the “flight or fight” mechanism is triggered. It can occur when we are out of
harmony within ourselves and with the people and things around us. Anxiety can
cause shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest tightness, trembling, sweating,
dizziness, numbness, shaking, and muscular tension. If you have panic attacks,
you may feel as if you’re dying or going crazy. Though panic attacks rarely last
longer than 10 minutes, they can be very disabling. Here’s how to calm down


Choose nervine mineral-rich herbal teas such as California poppy, catnip,
chamomile, hops, lemon balm, oat straw, and passionflower. Drink 3 cups (705
ml) daily.
Hops and valerian tincture are not so lovely to taste but have strong sedative
properties to calm anxiety and relax tight muscles. Put 4 drops in water and sip.
Kava kava extract was recently approved in Germany for its anti-anxiety
effects. A study in the German medical journal, Arzneimittel Forschung in 1991
showed that this herb significantly reduced anxiety levels. Take 100 mg 3 times


Taking calcium (1,000 mg daily) and magnesium (500 mg daily) can help ease
anxiety. So can taking a good B-complex vitamin (50 mg daily). These nutrients
help calm and restore the nervous system.
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) helps protect the brain from excitatory
messages so one is less likely to feel overwhelmed. Take 250 mg up to three
times daily.
The amino acid 5-HTP (5-hydroxytrytophan) is a precursor to serotonin,
which has a calming effect. Take no more than 50 mg twice daily.


Have Rescue Remedy, a combination of five Bach Flower Remedies, with you in
several convenient places such as your briefcase, desk, purse, and glove
compartment and use it when anxiety starts to come on. Take four drops under
the tongue or in a glass of water as often as needed, up to every 15 minutes.
You can also take Aspen flower essence if you feel fearful and anxious but
don’t know why. Take four drops under the tongue or in a glass of water.
Mimulus flower essence and Agrimony flower essence also ease restlessness and
anxiety. Take four drops under the tongue or in a glass of water three times daily.


The brain is in very close proximity to the nasal passages, so taking ten deep
inhalations from an opened bottle of pure essential oils changes neural pathways
in a moment. Inhale the anxiety-relieving essential oils of basil, bergamot,
cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender,
marjoram, melissa, neroli, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, or ylang-ylang. You can
find these in your health food store.


If your anxiety has a significant effect on your life, consider therapy. Cognitive
Behavior Therapy teaches a person to view situations that tend to cause panic
differently. Visit for information.


Remember to breathe and feed your brain the oxygen it craves for serenity. Deep
diaphragmatic breathing can actually help relieve anxiety. For this reason,
exercise is a good way to reduce anxiety.
Use a peaceful mantra to calm the spirit. Say “OM” (the sound of everything
in the universe all at once), “the Universe supports me,” or any other centering
phrase over and over. I’ve always liked “Om Mane Padme Hum,” which means
“God is a lotus in my heart.” Repetition gets you to breathe more slowly and
calms a racing heart.
Write about what has triggered your anxiety. Are there any common
denominators such as a food, place, theme, a certain person, or a situation? Ask
what the anxiety is trying to protect you from. Make a list of the people and
places you typically encounter. Ask which of those feel safe and which don’t.
Put a mark by all those that feel threatening. Try to avoid those situations to
reduce anxiety until you feel strong enough to face them.

Massage can help release tension and, in turn, anxiety. Hold the thumb of one
hand with the other as a calming technique. Rub the third eye (center of the
forehead) to calm the spirit. Holding your toes, especially the middle toe, helps
to bring the energy down from the head and ground it so you feel calmer.

Alleviating Depression
Depression is more than feeling down. It’s like living under a cloud all the time.
In Asian medicine, liver stagnation is at the core of depression. That’s because a
healthy liver is needed to maintain even blood sugar levels, filter blood, and
remove waste products as well as negative emotions. If the liver is impaired, the
filtration process becomes weakened; toxins circulate throughout the body and
affect the brain. Of course, life can present us with difficult circumstances that
leave us depressed. Many people also find that during the grayer months (from
October to April), they experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which
includes depression, lack of energy, weight gain, and decreased libido. Here’s
what you can do to clear those clouds away and feel better.


The following herbs have been traditionally used to lift people’s spirits. Use one
to three times daily in tea, tincture, or capsule form:
• Saint-John’s-wort slightly inhibits both A and B monoamine oxidase, thus
slowing down the breakdown of neurotransmitters norepinephrine and
serotonin. It also appears to inhibit serotonin reuptake and is good for mild to
moderate depression. Many studies, including one published in the German
medical journal, Fortschritte der Medizin in 1993, show its benefits on mild to
moderate depression.
• Lemon balm is useful for depression, homesickness, insomnia, nervousness,
nightmares, and coping with difficult life situations. The famous Arabian
physician Avicenna said of this herb, “It causeth the mind and heart to be
merry.” It makes a lovely tasting tea.
• Motherwort is effective for depression, anxiety, exhaustion, gloom, and
• Oat straw is high in the nerve nutrients calcium and silica, which means it
helps soothe the nervous system.
A popular remedy that contains several of these herbs is Phyto-Proz by Gaia
Herbs. It can be found at many health food stores.


Eating the right foods can help ease the blues. Consume raw, soaked chia seeds
daily for their omega-3 brain-nourishing properties. Fish is especially beneficial
for depression because it contains essential fatty acids that are excellent brain
food. Eat several servings a week of cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, or
mackerel, or supplement with 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of a good-quality fish oil each
When blood sugar elevations shift from extreme highs to low, emotions might
also seem like a rollercoaster ride. Avoid refined foods like white sugar, white
bread, white flour, and white rice, which contribute to high blood sugar levels.
The pancreas tries to compensate by secreting extra insulin, giving you a
temporary lift with an undesirable let down feeling later. Instead, consume small
frequent complex carbohydrate meals that keep blood sugar levels even. Eat
whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and oatmeal. Foods
like beans, tempeh, root vegetables such as carrots and dandelion root, green
leafy vegetables, miso soup, onions, and scallions are also stabilizing to the
blood sugar. Use basil, ginger, and oregano as condiments, which are herbs with
high essential oil content that can invigorate the brain.

Thrifty Cures
Two ripe bananas a day help production of serotonin and norepinephrine,
brain chemicals that can make you feel happier.

Chew your food well, breathe deeply, and try to be in a relaxed state when
dining. A blessing before a meal can help put you in the right frame of mind.
Using essential oils has been shown to enhance moods. This is due at least in
part to the close proximity of the nerve endings in the nasal cavities and the
brain. Essential oils used to lift one’s spirits include basil, bergamot, cedar wood,
cinnamon, clay sage, clove, coriander, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli,
palmers, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, thyme,
vetiver, wintergreen, and ylang-ylang.

It has been estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of all depressed people
have low thyroid function or hypothyroidism. If you do have hypothyroidism,
eat mineral-rich sea vegetables such as dulse, kelp, or wakame to nourish the
thyroid and boost a sluggish metabolism. For more information on thyroid
disorders, visit
You can use these oils in diffusers to scent an entire room, or add a few drops
to bath water or massage oils. Massage is an excellent way to improve
circulation and wake your mind and body. You can also simply open the bottle
and take 10 deep inhalations. Repeat as necessary. Note that you should never
ingest essential oils.


Exercise stimulates endorphin production. It also increases the brain’s intake of
the essential nutrient oxygen. Spending time near a river, ocean, or even a
fountain can also boost serotonin levels. The negative ions in running water will
also improve your mood. A brisk walk in the radiance of nature or gardening and
helping things grow will also lift your spirits. You’ll also be exposed to the sun,
which will elevate your mood if you have SAD.
Delight your senses with color, beauty, and aromas. Wear uplifting colors to
make your mood brighter. Pleasing pinks, scarlets, and oranges may well have a
beneficial effect on your outlook. Brighten your living environment too. A clean,
comfortable space with pleasant colors, art, and flowers will do a lot more for
your head space than dirt, dreariness, and clutter. Yoga and t’ai chi stimulate
one’s life force too. Listen to beautiful and rhythmic music and dance!

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Alcohol is in itself a depressant and is the last thing a depressed person
needs. Food allergies, sensitivities, and food additives such as chemical
sweeteners and colors may be perceived by the body as foreign particles,
thus causing a brain allergy and mood changes. Yeast in food, sugars,
fruits, and juices can aggravate yeast overgrowth, which can lead to the
blues. Keep a food journal to help correlate dietary patterns to moods.

Here are a few other ways to improve your mood:

• Choose ten activities to accomplish every day (even if it is as simple as getting
dressed and making the bed).
• Write down goals that you can accomplish.
• Learn a new skill to build your self-esteem.
• Listen to uplifting and motivating tapes.
• Enjoy books and movies that are inspiring.
• Get counseling and share your feelings.
• Let go of old scripts from the past and other peoples’ opinions.
• Start loving and forgiving yourself.
• Spend time with happy uplifting people.
• Pray or meditate to reconnect with our Source.
• Find some creative outlet such as writing poetry, working with clay, or music.
Creativity helps to counteract depression.
• Count your blessings!


If you are seriously depressed, see a mental health professional. Don’t try to go it
alone. If you are suicidal, temporary hospitalization may be necessary.
Quelling Grief or a Broken Heart
Good Grief! This is a favorite lament of Charlie Brown, but if you are grieving,
you know it’s not funny. When we grieve, our heart rate increases and adrenaline
and hydrochloric acid production are increased. It is not unusual to experience a
sensation of numbness, pain along the breastbone, and sinus congestion when
grieving. In Asian medicine, the lungs and large intestines are associated with
grief. Being grief stricken for extended periods can lead to a weakened
immunity. But crying can be a great release, so don’t fight the tears. Crying helps
provide emotional release that lowers blood pressure and muscular tension.
Chemicals released in tears include endorphin, which helps relieve pain.
Suppressing tears can make us more vulnerable to disease. You can also support
the body with these strategies.

Vitamin B complex (50 mg daily) is a great ally during times of emotional
distress, as our supply of B vitamins is quickly diminished.


A formula for heartbreak-type sorrow is made with 2 parts hawthorn leaf, flower,
or berry, 1 part motherwort, 2 parts lemon balm herb, and 1 part violet leaves.
Make them into a tea and drink 3 cups (705 ml) daily.


Herbs can provide comfort during times of grief. Consider the benefits of
calming hops, lemon balm, and passionflower. Saint-John’s-wort is beneficial
when you are worn out from sobbing. Gardenia can cheer you. It is known in
Chinese medicine as “the happiness herb.” Use these herbs in tea, tincture, or
capsule form three times daily.


A good homeopathic remedy for sorrow is Ignatia. Use it for grief, loss, and
hysteria and for disappointment in love or the death of a loved one. It’s also
indicated if you can’t sleep or are nervous and shake. Also, it helps for those
bereaved individuals who strongly identified with the person lost and feel they
cannot exist without them. Take 3 pellets under the tongue 3 times daily as


Essential oils can stimulate chemical changes in brain chemistry by opening
different neural pathways. Adding some essential oils to a bath can be a good
way to let the tears flow. Helpful essential oils include cedarwood, clary sage,
cypress, frankincense, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, lemon
balm, jasmine, marjoram, neroli, orange, rose, rosemary, or ylang-ylang. Let the
water out and visualize your sadness going down the drain as you stay in the tub
for a few moments.
Essential oils are absorbed through the skin and when used topically can be a
way of nurturing and relaxing specific parts of our being. You can also make an
essential oil blend by putting two drops of essential oil in one ounce (28 ml) of
vegetable oil and massaging over the heart and lungs. Apply some rose oil gently
over the solar plexus to dispel grief and bring comfort. Melissa oil is good for
heartbreak over a love relationship. You can also use these oils in a diffuser.
Flower essences have been used since the research of Dr. Edward Bach in the
early 1900s. They have been found to have subtle though transforming
properties for the emotional body. Take 2 drops in a glass of water 3 times daily
if needed. Flower essences that are helpful include the following:
• Bleeding heart: For grief related to the loss of a love or separation; helps to
foster peace and detachment.
• Mustard: For deep gloom that comes on strong then suddenly leaves.
• Star of Bethlehem: For great physical shock and trauma such as rape, injury,
robbery, and accidents—it can also be used when one is having a difficult time
coping with death of a pet or loved one. Dr. Edward Bach calls this “the
comforter and soother of pains and sorrows”.


Besides crying, groaning is a sound you can use to help dissipate sadness and
pain. While groaning, think of the reason for your suffering. When you exhale,
visualize the sorrow being exhaled from your body. Stand facing the rising sun
and let its rays beam on your heart. Visualize the sun healing the grief. Breathe!
Rest is always an important healer of grief. As we heal from the trials of grief,
travel can also help the heart and give us new perspectives. The color violet is a
good color to wear, visualize, and surround yourself with when needing to heal
feelings of grief. Practice deep slow breathing to cleanse the emotions of grief.
Exercise can also raise dopamine levels. Time is a great healer.


We often assume that the jubilance of love can carry us through life and conquer
all problems and differences. But when one partner has completed the lessons
needed and the other hasn’t, the partner wanting to end the relationship can feel
sad and guilty and the one being left can feel heartsick. If you are the one being
left, loss and separation can cause feelings similar to death of a loved one. Here’s
how to move on.
You may want to have a closing ritual. Place a photo of your ex, a sprig of
rosemary (for remembrance), and a candle in a bowl filled with sand or dirt.
Anoint the candle with a fragrance that reminds you of your ex and etch his or
her name into the candle. Light the candle with a prayer of thanks for the lessons
learned in the relationship and as it burns down reflect or write in your journal
about the relationship. Make a list of what you have learned.
Make a list of all the reasons the relationship could not have survived. Write
about how each of you benefited one another. Be willing to look at any part of
you that may have contributed to the ending; then let go of it. Write about what
you will look for in a new partner. This is very soul cleansing. Give your story a
title. Allow the candle to burn itself out.
It can also help to write your ex a letter, for your eyes only. Use this as an
opportunity to collect your thoughts, getting everything off your chest. Vent
venomously! Include a list of all their flaws. Eventually you may want to send a
modified version (without the bad language) to them. Or burn it. The important
thing is to clear it out of you.
Here are some other suggestions for mending a broken heart:
1. Avoid calling or running to your ex-partner when you are sad, scared, or
depressed. Calling just to “check in” should be minimized. Listening to the
same music and hanging out where you hope you will run into him or her
keeps you thinking too much of the past and causes you to avoid new
2. Remove mementos. Put your ex’s belongings into a box and return things with
a minimum of drama. Be fair about giving back heirlooms and expensive
things that were not gifts. It is not worth fighting over CDs or books that can
easily be replaced.
3. Clean everything. Feng shui your home. Burn some sage or artemesia to clear
the air.
4. Get busy. Enjoy new experiences. Improve the way you look. Get into health.
Exercise helps lift depression. Practice yoga.
5. Quit bad habits. Overdoing alcohol, drugs, and junk food will only make this
time more difficult.


According to color therapists and gemologists, the color violet is good to wear
and visualize when you are experiencing grief. Sleep with a rose quartz in your
hand and your dreams may have a healing effect on your heart.
6. Put energy into your career. Develop talents and work on personal growth.
Take a class. Read self-help books. Learn a new language. Start enjoying all
the things you were unable to while in the relationship.
7. Call a few of your best friends over and allow them to cheer you up. Seek out
those who want to see you happy and avoid negative people. Call friends you
neglected during the relationship.
8. Tell your friends not to give you constant gossip reports about who your ex
has been seen with and where (unless you really need to know). Ask friends
who invite you to gatherings to inform you if your ex will be there to avoid
surprises and so you can choose whether you still want to attend. Go dancing
with friends. Get out there and flirt!
9. Make an appointment with a spiritual counselor or therapist to process
unexpressed feelings and help resolve them.
10. Next time you run into your ex, let him or her see the new improved version!
If he or she is with a new love, walk over and introduce yourself, making it
sweet but brief. Show you have class! If you are at a party and you are both
alone, say hello but refrain from leaving and having sex. Continuing to sleep
with someone when the relationship is really over prolongs pain.

Time is a great healer. Be glad for the happiness and lessons you shared.
Hopefully you have learned things that can be of value in other aspects of life
and future relations. Sometimes the one who was left fares better than the one
who left, as the hurt person has to look at him or herself and do emotional
healing. Let go of the old to make room for the new!
For ideas on finding and keeping new love, please check out my book The
Sexual Herbal.
Improving Memory
Are to-do lists scattered all over your house? Are you constantly forgetting or
losing things like your keys or your phone or missing appointments you need to
keep? Natural remedies can help you focus. Here’s how.


Ginkgo is an ancient herb that improves the brain’s ability by enhancing
peripheral blood flow. Bacopa herb enhances neurotransmitter function and
serotonin production. Gotu kola herb improves the movement of impulses from
the left and right brain hemispheres. Ginseng root increases cerebral circulation.
Take them in tea, tincture, or capsule form three times daily.
Also good is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is a primary component of
brain structure. A new study in the Journal of Neuroscience Research (2010)
showed that DHA (found in fish oil) helps preserve brain function in rats as they
age. Take 300 to 500 mg daily.
Phosphatidylserine enables brain cells to metabolize glucose and to release
and bind with neurotransmitters. Take 500 mg daily. Choline is part of the B
vitamin complex and is a precursor of acetylcholine, a stimulatory
neurotransmitter. Take 250 to 500 mg daily.
Inositol, another component of the B vitamin complex, helps maintain proper
electrical energy and nutrient transfer across the cell membrane. Take 100 to 300
mg daily.


The nasal cavities are in close proximity to the brain. Perhaps this is why ancient
Greek scholars wore laurels of rosemary when taking examinations. When
receiving important information, inhale up to ten breaths of pure essential oils
like basil, lemon, lemon grass, lime, peppermint, or rosemary to help imprint the
information into the psyche. When you need to recall something, smell the same


Green foods are high in chlorophyll, which transports oxygen to the brain. Make
at least one daily meal a salad of leafy greens, even wild ones like dandelion. Eat
a handful of raw sunflower seeds daily. Drink 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of raw apple
cider vinegar in water three times daily before each meal to improve memory.
High cholesterol clogs arteries, decreasing blood supply to the brain. So use
good fats such as extra virgin olive and cold pressed coconut oil. When you
prepare food, use liberal amounts of brain-enhancing antioxidant herbs like basil,
cilantro, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme.


Many medications affect your brain. If you are experiencing memory problems,
learn about prescriptions you are taking (visit, type in the drug
name, and click on side effects) and talk to your doctor. Also when memory loss
starts getting you into dangerous situations, seeing a neurologist can be a good

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Avoid excessive exposure to substances such as tobacco, alcohol,
pollutants, MSG, and toxic body-and house-cleaning products. Food
sensitivities and allergies, addiction, and nutritional deficiencies can also
contribute to memory impairment.

High-carbohydrate foods such as pasta and bread are more for feeling serene
and stuffed rather than sharp. Go for protein with greens rather than carbs with
protein. Saturated fats and heated oils can lead to feeling soggy, foggy, and


Exercise increases the body’s intake of oxygen and speeds up nerve impulses.
Working up a sweat at least three times a week can open the receptor sites. Make
exercise fun—go for a walk with a friend. Even walking a different direction
inspires new thoughts as we take in various sights. In classrooms, sit closer to
the front but move to different spots to increase perception by seeing from a
different angle.
Exercise the brain too. Learn two new vocabulary words a week, using them
soon after, do puzzles, play challenging games, or journal. To remember names,
associate the name with a picture. Eileen has big blue eyes and is leaning.
Visualize Bob becoming a bobcat. Soon after being introduced, use their name.
If you don’t catch their name, say, “Spell it, please?” Or picture all the people
you know named Eileen or Bob standing together.

Using the opposite hand a few minutes daily on simple tasks help to open neural
When you want to remember something, repeat it aloud. Visualize it being
imprinted upon your brain and file it. Then practice retrieving and refilling it.
The following are some other ideas on how you can improve your memory:
1. Hang with intelligent folk. Have deep discussions. Ask questions. Get
2. The color yellow is cerebrally stimulating. Use yellow to highlight important
passages when reading. Try a yellow legal pad. Wear accents of yellow or use
it in décor where mental work is being done.
3. Read things that are challenging and give new insights. If fiction is usually
your thing, try a biography, self-help, spiritual, or even science fiction book.
4. Think positively. Success is most likely when affirming, “I can do this” rather
than “I’ll never make it.”
5. Record flashes of brilliance and words of wisdom! You never know when you
may get a great idea. Meditate to expand calmness and consciousness.
6. Try different foods and things wherever you are on the planet.
7. Learn and practice handicrafts. Take classes. (I just learned to crochet!)
8. Practice the art of brainstorming to lead to fruitful concepts.
9. Break blockage and negativity with diversion. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Go
to a film. Take a bath.
10. Wearing an amethyst crystal, according to gem therapists, improves memory.
Alleviating Stress
We all know that life is full of stress. Stress can be caused by anything disturbing
the serenity of our lives, including change, pressure, emotions, and physical
trauma. Even activities such as skiing down a mountain, aiming for higher goals,
or falling in love can take a toll on one’s nerves. Unfortunately, during difficult
times, people often take worse care of themselves. Though stress may be
unavoidable, we can come through most ordeals if our lifestyles are balanced by
faith, rest, good nutrition, and exercise. Here are some natural ways to take care
of yourself.


Nature’s floral pharmacy provides many herbs that nourish and support a frayed
nervous system. Taking the time out to savor a cup of soothing herbal tea made
out of one of these herbs is a wonderful way to nourish your nerves:
• Valerian calms nerves without dulling the mind and relaxes the muscles,
leaving you less uptight.
• Catnip contains nepetalactones, which are chemically similar to valepotriates
in valerian, both calming chemicals. It calms anxiety, hysteria, insomnia, and
• Chamomile is a great nerve restorative for exhausted systems. Use it for
anxiety, hysteria, insomnia, nervousness, and nightmares.


Good posture promotes the best brain function because the oxygen and nutrients
the body needs all get delivered where they need to be.
• Hops is helpful for anxiety, hysteria, insomnia, irritability, nervous heart,
nightmares, and stress.
• Kava kava is good for anxiety, stiff muscles, and tension that prevents sleep.
• Oat straw calms anxiety and nervous exhaustion.
Natural food stores carry herbal combinations of calming plants in tea,
tincture, or capsule form. Use when needed, up to three times daily, though some
prefer these remedies at night as they can make you too restful during the day.


Essential oils that relieve stress include anise, basil, cardamom, chamomile,
clary sage, cypress, fennel, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon,
marjoram, melissa, neroli, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, pine, rose, rosewood,
sandalwood, spearmint, and ylang-ylang. You can take up to ten deep inhalations
from the bottle or add five to seven drops to bath water.


During tense times, you owe it to yourself to choose nutritious foods. Small,
frequent whole-grain meals rich in complex carbohydrates help to keep the
blood sugar on an even keel as well as provide important B vitamins. Oatmeal
and yogurt are two foods that are easy to digest and rich in calming calcium.
Other good stress foods include almonds, beans, raisins, and sunflower seeds, as
they are rich in nerve-nourishing minerals like calcium and magnesium as well
as B vitamins. Onions contain tension-relieving prostaglandins.


Here are a few other ideas to enhance the serenity of your life.
1. Exercise improves respiration and circulation, sends nutrients to the cells and
stimulates endorphin production. Yoga and t’ai chi can help relax the mind
and body.
2. Every day, do something you really enjoy. Read books that are uplifting. Act
like a kid. Throw a Frisbee. Read fairytales. Play with clay.
3. Get a massage or massage your own hands, face, and feet.
4. Reach out to someone. Hug your child, love your mate, pet your dog or cat,
get in touch with an old friend, lend a hand to someone in need.
5. Breathe more deeply and slowly. Oxygen nourishes the brain. Alternate nostril
breathing is an excellent technique to relieve stress.
6. Slow down your eating, talking, walking, and driving. Do whatever you need
to do, but do it slower. Even speaking more calmly can have a calming effect.
7. Psychotherapy can be essential for releasing pent-up feelings that cause stress.
8. Wear comfortable clothing that allows your skin to breathe and allows
freedom of movement. Some people find that wearing the blue and green is
calming. Avoid yellow as it contributes to anxiety.
9. When choosing music, select that which is calming and contemplative.
10. Get out of bed 15 minutes earlier to allow time to take care of what’s needed.
Prepare your clothes, paperwork, and perhaps lunch the night before rather
than starting your morning in a frenzy.
11. Rather than letting your mind carry around so much, get an engagement book
and write down numbers, errands, and appointments.
12. Write down all your problems and brainstorm possible solutions for solving
them. Remember that you don’t need to be perfect.
13. Learn to say no to the things you really don’t want or have time to do.
14. Get rid of clutter in your life. Clutter causes confusion.
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Foods that increase the negative effects of stress include alcohol,
caffeinated beverages, fruit juices, and sugar.


Stress depletes the body’s reserves of vitamins and minerals, so it’s wise to take
daily supplements during stressful periods. Consider a vitamin B complex (50
mg) with C (500 mg) to replenish the water-soluble nutrients. They not only can
nourish the nervous system but also give you the energy you need to deal with
life’s problems. Calcium (1000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg) help to ease
tension and irritability.
15. Practice visualization. There a many tapes available where you close your
eyes and visualize yourself floating on a cloud or lying by a trickling brook.
Visit these tranquil places in your mind.
16. Learn to do a craft. To create things of beauty is great for self-esteem.
17. Get a set of Chinese hand balls, available at many natural foods stores. Learn
to use them.
18. Be prepared for lines that keep you waiting. Have something to read so you
don’t have to feel like you are wasting time.
19. Smile. Relaxing your face helps the rest of your body as well as putting those
around you at ease.
20. Spend time in the beauty and quietude of nature. Go outside and look at the
sky. Sit by a stream.
21. Pray for guidance and/or meditate. Have some alone time every day.
22. Take a short nap when you can.
23. Make two lists: one of the stresses in your life you can change and the other
of the stresses you can’t.
24. Plan something to look forward to.
25. Remember to count your blessings!
Treating Trauma
Unfortunately, many people experience trauma on planet Earth. Trauma may be
verbal, physical, psychological, sexual, and/or violent. Rape, miscarriage,
robbery, and accidents are all traumatic. Though females are the most often
affected by sexual abuse, abuse occurs to many males. In some cases, both
partners have been victims of sexual trauma. If abuse issues are never brought
up, they can continue to affect current relationships in subtle ways. If abuse
occurred via the opposite sex, feelings of hurt, anger, and grief can be transferred
to others of that sex. Counseling can help even if the trauma occurred years ago.
It’s important to ask for what you want and need to heal completely. Here are
some natural remedies that also help.

Herbs that ease trauma include oat straw, motherwort, and Saint-John’s Wort, all
of which nourish the nervous system. Oat straw makes a lovely tea, but the last
two can be found in tinctures and capsules and 1 or 2 can be taken up to 3 times
Schizandra berries are beneficial following trauma and eleuthero can also
support the body during times of stress. Both are adaptogens, helping the body
adapt to difficult situations, and are available in tea, tincture, or capsule form,
taken as directed on the package up to 3 times daily.

Raspberry leaf, which is mineral rich and targets the reproductive centers, can
be taken in tea, tincture, or capsule form 3 times daily to help heal sexual


Flower essences for trauma include Star of Bethlehem, which is beneficial for
great physical shock and trauma such as rape, injury, robbery, and accidents.
Rescue Remedy is a combination Bach Flower remedy good for panic, shock,
grief, despair, and other crisis. Take two drops in a glass of water 3 times daily.
It can also help to smell lavender oil or even take a bath in it. Rose essential
oil can be inhaled to soothe emotional traumas.


Soak your feet in warm water to which a bit of cayenne pepper has been added
and stirred. The warmth infuses the body with a feeling of safety and security.
Apply acupressure to point two thirds up from upper lip to nose.
Eat soothing nutrient-dense foods, seaweeds, wild rice, black sesame seeds,
and especially chia seeds, which can be soaked and consumed as a raw breakfast
cereal. (Flavor with blueberries, apples, raisins, and/or honey.) According to
Asian medicine, foods that are black in color are high in minerals that affect the
kidneys, the organ system associated with fear.

A Chinese patent formula to use for stress resulting from bad fright or severe
shock to the emotional body is ding Xin Wan, also called Calm heart Pill. It can
also help relieve posttraumatic stress. Follow the directions on the bottle.
Surround yourself with the healing color green. Green clothes, green bedding,
green foods, and green plants all have a calming presence.
When you allow the pain of old emotions to resurface, after you feel them,
you can release them. It can help to discuss your wounds with a trusted friend.
Don’t be afraid to express feelings of hurt, anger, and grief. It’s okay to feel! You
can also benefit by writing about your feelings.
Another way to heal is to take two deep inhalations, allowing hurt feelings to
leave the body with each exhalation.


Homeopathic Ignatia helps when sexuality has been altered by grief or trauma.
Take 3 or 4 pellets slowly dissolved under the tongue as needed, up to four times
daily. For more information, see my book sexual herbal.

If you are providing comfort to someone experiencing trauma, offer words of
encouragement, such as “it’s okay. I’m here for you. I care.” offer a tissue. Avoid
correcting or analyzing. Don’t tell the person to get over it or put it behind them.

The condition of our skin, hair, and nails not only adds to our beauty but
can also be a reflection of our true inner health. Rather than using only
cosmetic fixes, learning about nourishing foods and herbs can help us reflect
our most beautiful self.
Alleviating Acne
The dreaded zit—also known as Acne vulgaris, or simply pimple outbreaks, is an
inflammation of the skin that results from clogged pores. Acne is likely to occur
when sebum, a waxy substance that lubricates the skin, and keratin, a skin
protein, block the sebaceous glands. Acne can have many causes, including
allergies, poor circulation, constipation, food sensitivities, medications,
nutritional deficiencies, smoking, stress, yeast overgrowth, inadequate sloughing
off of the skin’s cells, overactive oil glands, and lack of fatty acids (which reduce
inflammation). Excess sebum production can be partly genetic or hormonal, thus
acne is most likely to occur on oily skin. Stress can cause the skin to produce
more oil. These tips can help.

Herbs that can be used in tea, tincture, or capsule form that can help improve
skin quality include burdock root, raw dandelion root, Oregon grape root, and
yellow dock root. These herbs are available in combinations at health food stores
and help improve liver function, bowel action, and help the body metabolize
fats. Burdock and Oregon grape root also have mild antibacterial activity.
Herbs to apply to an impending breakout include tea tree oil or lavender
essential oil. Either can be applied undiluted to a problem area. A study
published in the Medical Journal of Australia in 1990 showed that tea tree oil
was just as effective in treating acne as benzoyl peroxide lotion, with less
dryness, stinging, burning, and redness.
Spirits of camphor, available at drugstores, is also effective for spot
treatments. Just dab this on an impending pimple and it will help dry it up
The company Desert Essence makes a blemish stick (available at health food
stores) that contains tea tree oil and is a favorite product for those who suffer
occasional breakouts.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To encourage healthy skin, drink the juice of half a lemon in a glass of
water one to three times daily to help the liver break down toxins. You
can warm the water up slightly but not so hot that it destroys the vitamin
C in the lemon.


Foods that are most beneficial for improving acne include apples, apricots,
artichokes, barley, beets, carrots (with the skins), celery, cucumbers (organic
with the peel), flaxseeds, green leafy vegetables, lemon in water, parsley,
radishes, sweet potatoes, raw sunflower seeds, and winter squashes. All of these
foods are cleansing yet high in minerals or beta-carotene that can help the skin
be more resistant to outbreaks.
A raw high-fiber diet, without heated oils, refined carbohydrates, dairy, sugar,
and wheat, is the ultimate.
Foods to minimize include peanuts, peanut butter, wheat, high-fat dairy
products, sugar, heated oils (this includes commercially bottled salad dressing
and oils like canola, soy, and safflower oil), fried foods, and hydrogenated oils.
Not only is eating fried foods a possible problem, but heated oils in the air (such
as those around a fryer) can also clog the pores. Acne can be inflammation
related to a food allergy. By removing the offending food, the problem can go

Thrifty Cures!
At the first sign of an acne outbreak, apply an ice cube wrapped in a
washcloth for several minutes at least twice daily to reduce
inflammation. After cleansing the face, apply a cotton ball soaked in
equal parts apple cider vinegar and water to restore the skin’s proper pH.


Here are some additional clear skin tips:
• Consider changing your pillowcase every other night to minimize exposure to
• Wash hands frequently during the day and avoid touching the face
unnecessarily, and only touch with clean hands.
• Keep hair off the face and be aware that hair products such as sprays, gels, and
mousses can contain pore-clogging ingredients. Be aware that products that
are used on the skin (make up, cleansers, moisturizers, even sun screen) can
also contain pore-clogging mineral oil, allergens, or chemicals that cause
• Keep in mind that holding a telephone receiver against your face can contact
you with bacteria that causes acne. Wipe the phone down with alcohol daily.
Erasing Age Spots
Age spots, also known as liver spots, sunspots, solar lentigines, and senile
keratosis, are changes in the skin’s pigmentation, usually of light to dark brown
or light to dark gray coloring, and may appear on the face, neck, V of the neck,
and backs of the hands. Though they often come on as we age, that does not
have to be the cause. Age spots can also be brought on through nutritional
deficiencies, free-radical damage, elevated blood sugar levels, sun exposure, and
topical alcohol contacts (such as cologne and some cosmetics). To prevent age
spots, protect the skin from the sun, even if it means wearing a hat and cotton
gloves. Natural food stores carry sunscreens made with quality ingredients that
can offer sun protection.
Age spots take years to form and eliminating them will take time too, so don’t
give up! Try a remedy for a few months, and if the condition hasn’t improved,
try another one.


Things to apply topically twice a day for at least a month include aloe vera juice,
apple cider vinegar, plain yogurt, castor oil, lemon juice, fresh papaya, or
pineapple slices. Just rub any of these items on the area you have spots, leave on
for 15 minutes, rinse off, and dry. All of these remedies, many of which are high
in alpha-citric acid, help heal damaged tissue, lighten the skin, or cause the dead
layers of skin to easily exfoliate, so new skin will be healthier and visible.


You can even use dandelion sap for age spots. Just pick a dandelion, break open
the hollow stem, and apply the white juice inside on the spot. It contains
enzymes that help break down spots.


Eat more blueberries and vitamin C rich foods, which help increase collagen
production, making the skin more resistant to free radical damage. Eat at least
five servings daily of tart apples, berries, red pepper, and fresh fruit in season.
Eat fresh raw leafy greens daily and dark orange vegetables, such as carrots,
winter squash and sweet potatoes, which are all high in beta-carotene, which
makes the skin more resilient to damage.

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To avoid age spots, avoid refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, junk
foods, and heated or rancid oils. All of these foods are stressful for the
body and rather than being health giving can expose the body to free
radicals that show up eventually as skin damage.


If you have irregular dark spots that increase in size or change color or texture,
have them checked immediately by a doctor.

Moistening Dry Skin

Is your skin as dry as the Sahara desert? Weather, sun exposure, and the heating
and cooling of homes, cars, and workplaces can all exacerbate dry skin
conditions. It’s important to protect your skin from the elements, especially
when outdoors in the summer (or year round in temperate climates) between the
hours of 10 am and 4 pm. Avoid sunburn, tanning booths, and excessive heat
such as sitting close to a fire. Keep the heat lower in your house, especially at
night. Use more blankets! You’ll not only save energy and reduce your power
bill, you’ll also save your skin. For more skin soothing tips, read on.

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Caffeine, alcohol and tobacco are all dehydrating to the skin.

The best time to apply a moisturizer is right after cleansing as water helps keep
the skin’s outer layers from drying out and oil seals it in. Avoid poor-quality
cosmetics that contain mineral oil, chemicals and artificial colors and fragrances.
Some of my favorites include Astara, Weleda and Aubrey organics. A massage
done with a good-quality massage oil can be both relaxing and moisturizing.


Moisture-providing herbal teas that can be drunk up to a cup three times daily
include fennel seed, marshmallow root, plantain leaf, red clover blossoms, and
violet leaves.


Avoid using soaps and cleansers that contain deodorants and detergents.
Cleansers made of oatmeal, white clay, vitamin E, coconut oil, shea butter, or
olive oil are least drying. Cleanse the face with warm water (not hot) and rinse
with at least ten splashes of cold water to remove any residue of cleanser.
During the day, rehydrate the skin, especially the face, which is most exposed
to the elements. One half cup (120 ml) each of rose water and mineral water can
be used as a moistening mister. Another easy spray can be made with 8 ounces
of spring water and 10 drops of chamomile, geranium, lavender, neroli, or rose
essential oil. Shake before spraying. If you fly in airplanes, keep in mind that
cabin air is very drying and a small spray mister is great to use for external
The best way to hydrate the skin is from the inside. Drinking at least a quart of
pure water a day is essential to being moist on the outside. If you are dry inside,
your skin will reflect that fact.


Showers that are short and not too hot are less drying than baths. If you do like
to soak in a tub, mix up a rich bath oil with 2 cups (475 ml) cold-pressed coconut
oil and 1/2 ounce (15 ml) of pure lavender oil. Shake the oils together and add 2
tablespoons (28 ml) to the bath.


Foods that improve skin quality include the dark orange and green beta-
carotene-rich foods like apricots, carrots, green leafy vegetables, parsley,
pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squash, as well as moistening almonds, apples,
avocados, barley, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds,
sunflower seeds, and yogurt. Beta-carotene protects the cell membranes and
stimulates the growth of new skin cells.
It is essential to consume the right kinds of fats. Commercial oils such as soy,
corn, and canola contain omega-6 fatty acids, which can contribute to
inflammation. Use instead skin-beautifying extra virgin olive oil, even to make
your own salad dressing.

Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin and increases collagen
production. These are important reasons to be active!
Easing Eczema and Psoriasis
Eczema, also known as contact dermatitis and allergic dermatitis, can be chronic
or temporary and is characterized by abraded, cracked, blistered, weepy, crusted,
patchy dry skin along with intense incessant itching, inflammation, and a
tendency for anything you touch to make it worse. It most often occurs in the
autumn. It is worse at night. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition
characterized by small scaly silvery pink and red patches, commonly occurring
on the knees, elbows, chest, scalp, lower back, and buttocks. Psoriasis can be
mild to disabling and is considered more stubborn than eczema. Here’s how to
soothe the skin you’re in.


A dose of tea or tincture taken 3 times daily of burdock root, calendula,
chickweed, cleavers, raw dandelion root, nettle leaf, Oregon grape root, plantain
leaf, prickly ash bark, red clover blossoms, and/or yellow dock root improves
skin health. Look for a combination in natural food stores that contains some
combination of these herbs designed to improve liver, lung, and colon function,
all helping to reflect clearer skin.
Turmeric root in capsules is a potent anti-inflammatory agent to help clear up
skin condition. Take three times daily.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Cold pressed coconut oil is also a nourishing emollient for the skin.
Here’s one way to include it in the diet:

1 cup cold pressed coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon Celtic salt

Mix together and serve on dehydrated crackers.


Salves to apply topically include those made from aloe vera, burdock, calendula,
chickweed, comfrey, echinacea, goldenseal, plantain, and Saint-John’s-wort,
green tea, and/or tea tree oil. Apply three times daily, especially after bathing.
Use only the best and more natural quality moisturizers for elsewhere on the
Essential oils that best clear up eczema and psoriasis include bergamot,
Roman chamomile, geranium, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, (aka
melissa), neroli, rose, sandalwood, or tea tree. Apply these oils topically in a
jojoba-, olive-, or coconut-oil base 2 or 3 times daily.


Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables to get more alkaline to your skin. Soak chia
seeds to make a moistening raw porridge that lubricates the skin from the inside.
Use extra virgin olive oil as your main fat. Eat 3 tablespoons (21 g) of freshly
ground flaxseeds daily or learn to make flaxseed crackers.
Drinking an ounce of aloe vera juice after each meal can help calm


Houseplants are moisturizing to the air and body. They take in atmospheric
toxins and use them as food, while releasing fresh, clean oxygen into the air we
Drinking a diluted vegetable juice daily made of celery, cucumber, beet, and
parsley provides skin supporting trace minerals. Taking 1 tablespoon (28 ml)
daily of organic hemp seed oil might be helpful in providing healing moisture for
the skin.


Many chemicals are irritating and harsh on the skin and can contribute to eczema
and psoriasis. Soaps, bubble baths, shampoos, hair dyes, lotions, cosmetics, nail
polish, laundry soaps, pet dander, and chlorinated and overly hot water are
common examples of skin irritants. Avoid scrubs, harsh cleaners of any sort,
overly hot water, bubble baths, loofahs, or anything else that might aggravate
these conditions. Use fragrance-free products and avoid contact with chemicals
on the skin. Remember what gets on your body can be absorbed by as much as
60 percent. Don’t pollute your body or the planet!
Be aware of what you wear. Avoid wearing elastic, nylon, spandex, suede,
wool, and synthetic fibers. Dry cleaning fluid residue and synthetic laundry
soaps can irritate the skin. It may be helpful to add 1 cup (235 ml) of apple cider
vinegar to the final rinse of a laundry load to neutralize possible irritants.

Thrifty Cures!
A folk remedy worthy trying on either eczema or psoriasis is to apply
raw potato juice (made from a juicer) to the affected area 2 or 3 times
daily. It can be left on until your next bath.

Climatherapy indicates that brief exposure to natural sunlight can improve or

even clear psoriasis. Swimming in the ocean may be helpful to both eczema and
Get plenty of fresh air and exercise to ensure good circulation. Saunas can
also be a way to clear internal toxins.
Anger, anxiety, fatigue, frustration, grief, and worry can also be contributing
factors to eczema and psoriasis. Slow down. Practice stress reduction. Massage
is also a good way to soothe the tension from the body.

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Avoid chocolate, dairy products, citrus, tomatoes, meat, eggs, peanut
butter, potatoes, wheat products, gluten, soy foods, fried foods, food
additives, and hydrogenated and even heated oils (which can include
bottled salad dressings). Any food allergen can be a contributing factor to
a skin condition.

Nixing Warts
Warts are caused by viruses, not toads! The proper medical name for warts is
Verruca vulgaris. These hard pale protrusions often occur in groups and are
considered benign skin tumors caused by strains of the papilloma virus. They are
contagious and can be transmitted through contact with a person who has warts
or by using their towels or clothing. It’s important to treat the warts so they don’t
continue to spread. Here’s how to get rid of them naturally.


Herbs to use internally to get rid of warts include burdock root, cleavers herb,
dandelion root, echinacea root, nettles leaf, and peppermint herb, all of which
help detoxify the body. Look for a tea, tincture, or capsule combination that is
considered a natural detox agent and consume a dose three times daily.


Daily doses of beta-carotene or vitamin A (10,000 IU), vitamin C (1,000 mg),

vitamin e (400 IU), and zinc (15 mg) may be helpful for skin resiliency and

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Add 1 pound (455 g) of baking soda and 1 cup (235 ml) of apple cider
vinegar or 2 handfuls of oatmeal tied into a cloth into the bathtub to ease
eczema and psoriasis. (See the section on therapeutic baths on page 21
for more ideas.) You can also apply black tea with a clean cloth to
affected skin as the tannic acid helps dry the eczema blisters.

Essential oils that can be applied topically to get rid of warts include
bergamot, cedarleaf (also known as thuja), cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, garlic,
lavender, lemon, niaouli, oregano, patchouli, and/or tea tree.
Salicylic acid is a substance that occurs in nature and is available in over the
counter anti-wart preparations. But avoid using over the counter wart remedies
on the face or genitals as they can irritate the delicate surrounding tissues.


Supplements that help get rid of warts include daily doses of vitamins A (10,000
IU), B complex (50 mg), C (1,000 mg), E (400 IU), and zinc (15 mg). You can
find them all in an antioxidant formula. Also include 500 mg of lysine daily as
an antiviral agent.


To get rid of warts, eat more apples, asparagus, avocados, barley, carrots, celery,
cucumbers, endive, garlic, millet, onions, pineapple, radish, seaweed, and winter
squash. All of these foods invigorate the blood and disperse stagnation. Avoid
fried foods and hormonally treated animal products, which congest the body,
overload the liver, and make it more difficult to break down other toxins.


Taking homeopathic Thuja (30c, four pellets under the tongue four times daily)
will help the body’s immunity against warts.


Here are some other remedies you may want to try to get rid of a wart:
• Cover the wart (including plantar warts on the soles of your feet) with any
kind of medical or first aid tape or a bandage and leave on around the clock
for three weeks, removing only to change the tape.
• Gently file the wart down with an emery board.
• Moxibustion, usually done by an acupuncturist (until you learn to do it
yourself), can help a wart to atrophy and fall off within several days.
• Apply duct tape to a wart for up to six days. Remove the tape and gently rub
with a pumice stone or emery board. Leave the tape off for a night and reapply
in the morning, continuing for six more days.

Skip This!
Plantar warts, those on the soles of your feet, are contagious and are
frequently picked up in moist areas such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and
around swimming pools. Avoid going barefoot in these areas and keep
your feet dry. To get rid of them, first use a pumice stone to remove any
dead skin. Next, make a paste of baking soda and castor oil, apply it, and
cover it with a waterproof band-aid. Plantar warts are difficult to get rid
of and may take three to six weeks before any progress is noted.

• Consider drawing a picture of the body with the warts and then throwing the
drawing in the fire. Warts have been demonstrated to be susceptible to the
power of suggestion. When working on getting rid of a wart, tell it, “You will
be gone by August 21 (or other date several weeks in advance).”
• Warts can be emotionally related to harboring anger and resentment. Forgive
the past and protect yourself with thoughts of joy and peace.


As with any virus, warts are contagious, but not in the normal sense of being
contagious as in catching someone else’s cold. The other person needs to be
susceptible to the virus. Only genital warts and those around the anus are
especially contagious through contact, and care must be taken not to spread them
to others. If they are in an area you shave, stop shaving. If you scrape them or
use a hair removal cream, the scraping will spread the wart virus.

Thrifty Cure!
Make a compress from the inside of a banana peel to get rid of that wart!
You can also take some green (not fully ripe) black walnuts and make a
few incisions in the outer shell and rub the juice on the warts. There may
be a slight stinging sensation or the area may turn brown, but this is only
temporary. It’s a very effective cure!
Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen
Some of the most effective topical folk remedies for warts include
applying the fresh juice of dandelion stem or flower, castor oil, fresh
elderberry juice, raw potato, garlic oil, milkweed juice, or a paste of
baking soda and enough apple cider vinegar to moisten. You can also
apply a fresh slice of garlic daily to the affected area, but cover up the
nearby skin with some Vaseline to prevent it from becoming irritated
from the garlic. You can also prick a vitamin A (2,500 mg) capsule and
apply it topically.


see your doctor for the following:
• You are not sure whether a skin growth is a wart.
• You are older than 60 and have never had warts.
• Home treatment is not successful after 2 to 3 months.
• Warts are growing or spreading despite treatment.
• Infection develops, including increased pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, or
• Red streaks extending from the area or the presence of pus.
• You have a fever.
Repairing Wrinkles
As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, circulation decreases,
and sebaceous glands function less actively, resulting in wrinkles. Both smoking
and drinking can cause you to wrinkle more easily, as can exposure to the sun.
But you can repair the damage. Here’s how.


To keep your skin moist and deter wrinkles, drink mineral-rich herbal teas of
marshmallow root, Irish moss, plantain leaves, and violet leaves. All of these
herbs are rich in soothing emollient compounds that help provide lubrication to
the body. Aim for 3 to 4 cups each day. Drink plenty of water too, at least 8 to 10
glasses daily.

Slant boards are a wonderful way to de-stress on a daily basis, and lying on one
for 10 to 20 minutes daily helps prevent wrinkles and improves skin quality by
improving circulation to the face. I bought one as a present to myself a few years
back and love it. However, don’t use slant boards if you have had a recent stroke,
have high blood pressure, or have a detached retina without consulting with your


Repetitive facial movements and extreme facial expressions, such as frowning,

squinting, wrinkling the nose, and propping one’s face in one’s hands, pull on the
skin and weaken its supportive structure. Avoid squinting and frowning, as this
will edge unnecessary lines in your face. Use a small hand mirror to watch
yourself speak on the phone sometime to observe just how many face-wrinkling
movements you might be making.

If you smile, you’re more likely to have smoother skin than those who frown
constantly. When you smile, you only use thirteen muscles. Frowning uses many
more. So get grinning!
Vitamin C (1,000 mg daily) is necessary for collagen production. Vitamin E
(400 IU daily) helps our bodies utilize oxygen better, balances hormonal
production, and preserves the skin’s elasticity. Zinc (15 mg daily) helps
synthesize collagen and is essential in restoring dry flaky skin into balance.


Essential oils against wrinkles include chamomile, frankincense, lavender, and
neroli and can be found in many natural cleansers and moisturizers. You can also
make your own, here’s how:
Magic Moisturizer
3/4 ounce (21 g) beeswax
1 cup (235 ml) vegetable oil such as almond or coconut
15 drops essential oil of frankincense
15 drops neroli essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
1 cup (235 ml) water
Grate the beeswax, add the vegetable oil, and gently melt them together in a
double boiler. When the wax has melted, allow it to cool for a few minutes, but
not long enough for it to harden. Pour the water into a blender. Turn the blender
on to high speed and slowly add the beeswax and oil mixture. After about 3/4 of
the oil has been added, the mixture will begin to harden. Turn the blender off and
stir. With the stirring implement removed, restart the blender, adding the rest of
the beeswax/oil mixture. Then add the essential oils. Don’t over blend. Put
moisturizer into clean, wide-mouth containers. Store any extra in the refrigerator.
Use it on your face and body.

For directions on making other cosmetic preparations, please check out my

book Beauty by Nature (Book Publishing Company, 2006).


Fruit, yogurt, and buttermilk contain the much-touted alpha-hydroxy acids that
stimulate new cell growth, are humectants, and result in younger-looking skin.
Eat these on a regular basis. Moisture-rich foods include avocados, chia seeds,
freshly ground flax seeds, oatmeal, barley, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.
Also consume antioxidant-rich colorful fresh fruits (like blueberries and
cherries) and vegetables. Do your best to eat at least three servings of some of
these foods daily.


Don’t scrub or rub your face as this causes wrinkles. So does over cleansing the
face with harsh soaps that contain deodorants and detergents. This can strip the
face of moisturizing oils. Choose soaps with white clay, oatmeal, or olive oil.
These are the least drying. Better yet are gentle nonsoap cleansers available with
dry skin-soothing ingredients such as calendula. After you wash your face, apply
moisturizer. Water helps to keep the skin’s outer layers from drying out and oil
seals it in. You know better than to suntan or use tanning booths!
During the day, rehydrate your skin with a mineral water spray, even over
makeup. Reapply moisturizer faithfully. The keratinized protein of the top layers
of skin requires water to look and feel supple.
Before bed, massage a small amount of serum, which is concentrate of potent
substances that nourish the skin (containing less water than a cream or lotion)
and then moisturizer in any lines you want to reduce.
Sleep on your back, as sleeping all crunched causes creases leading to
permanent lines. Sleep with an open window. Not only does fresh air encourage
sleep, it provides oxygen to your body.
Getting Rid of Dandruff
Snow on your shoulder can be embarrassing when it comes from dandruff.
Dandruff can be caused by an excessively dry or oily scalp, by sensitivity to hair
and scalp products (color, perms, sprays, conditioners, etc.), by fungal
overgrowth, and by stress, trauma, and illness. Simple dandruff (pityriasis)
manifests as dry, flaky scalp, especially when the hair and scalp are brushed.
Seborrheic dermatitis results from overactive sebaceous glands causing an oily
scalp and can range from small scaly dandruff to large patches. The best
remedies for dandruff are good nutrition and hygiene.


Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain tea tree, lavender, or rosemary
essential oils, all of which are antifungal. Selenium in dandruff products helps
remove scalp buildup and control itching and flaking. Sulfur when used in
dandruff products can help restore damaged hair. Zinc is often included in
shampoos to relieve dandruff, as it is immune enhancing.
A folk remedy to treat dandruff is to mix the juice of ginger with an equal
amount of cold-pressed coconut oil. Apply before bed and shampoo it out in the
morning. Jamaicans rub aloe vera juice into the scalp until the dandruff
disappears. In Burma, coconut oil is used in the same way.

Dandruff that is fungal-related can be contagious, so avoid sharing towels,
combs, hats, or other materials that come in contact with the head.

The following anti-dandruff aromatherapy rinse works great!
2 tablespoons (10 ml) apple cider vinegar
5 drops essential oil of rosemary
1 cup (235 ml) pure water

Mix together the ingredients and apply to the scalp after every shampoo. Leave
on for at least five minutes, but ideally just leave it on.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Make a facial mask with mashed ripe avocado, banana, or carrot pulp.
Just mash up the fruit, apply to the face, and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.
Rinse well and apply moisturizer.

Jojoba oil helps to dissolve imbedded sebum in the scalp, so look for jojoba-
based hair care products.


It is normal to experience some flaking of the scalp, but if it’s excessive, your
diet may be too rich in sugar, fat, dairy products, and fried foods. A tablespoon
(15 ml) of cold-pressed hemp seed oil or two omega-3 oil capsules daily will
help the body better metabolize fats and help balance both dry and oily scalp
conditions. Broccoli and onions are both high in selenium and sulfur, which help
curb dandruff from within. Drink a quart (950 ml) of nettle herb tea daily for its
high antifungal sulfur content.
Remedying Hair Loss
Alopecia totalis is the loss of all scalp hair. Sometimes hair loss is genetic
(androgenic alopecia), but it can also occur from stress, psoriasis, a variety of
drugs (those for blood pressure and cholesterol, for example), hormonal
imbalances, kidney disease, thyroid deficiency, and more. Nutritional
deficiencies (including anorexia and bulimia) can also impede the cell
proliferation and division of hair. One frequent cause of male balding is
excessive production of the hormones androgen and testosterone. Both of these
hormones can cause the hair follicle to shrink. In men, hair loss patterns
typically follow the maternal rather than paternal side. Though it is most
common in men, hair loss can also be experienced by women. Here’s how
natural remedies can help minimize hair loss.


Many herbs have been used to improve hair growth and diminish hair loss. For
all of these herbs, mix a blend of your choice and drink three cups of tea from
them daily:
• Nettles and oat straw, with their high mineral content, are good for women and
men with hair loss.
• Burdock root is a nutritive herb that helps break up fatty deposits that can
obstruct bodily functions, including hair growth.
• Horsetail is rich in the minerals silica and selenium, which helps promote
good scalp circulation.
• Rosemary improves circulation to the scalp and all other parts of the body.
• Licorice root prevents testosterone from becoming dihydrotestosterone, which
is a substance believed to damage hair follicles, thus curbing hair loss in men.
• Saw palmetto also prevents the conversion of testosterone into


Schizandra berries were widely used among the royalty of ancient China as a
youth preserver, beautifier, and sexual tonic. They nourish the kidney essence,
calm the liver, purify the blood, and promote radiant skin and hair. They are both
astringent and demulcent, having the ability to both dry and moisten the system
as needed.


If the hair roots are still alive, rubbing a clove of garlic or a piece of onion
(preferably when sleeping alone!) over the scalp before bed increases circulation
and encourages hair growth. The scalp can be first warmed with a steaming
towel to be even more effective. Shampoo and condition in the morning..
You can also take fresh-peeled ginger dipped in brandy and rub it over the
balding area, or mix castor oil with equal amounts of fresh onion juice, cover
with a scarf and leave on overnight. Do this for two consecutive weeks.
Applying tincture of cayenne to the balding area of the scalp also increases
circulation and stimulates hair growth. Keep it away from the eyes and mouth.
Aloe vera gel can be applied to the scalp until it tingles fully. This stimulates
the hair follicles and promotes thick, full hair.


Sudden hair loss can be a sign of serious health changes and should be discussed
with a competent health professional.
Other folk remedies to use to stimulate hair growth and stop hair loss include
applying fresh stinging nettles to the balding area by lightly beating them on the
head. Be aware that this can cause a rash and irritation that lasts up to 24 hours,
yet can be very helpful. I would never suggest such a harebrained idea, except it
is valid part of European herbal practice, and my own husband since 1978 has
done this many times and still has beautiful hair.
I personally know of three men who have told me the following remedy
worked for them: Buff your fingernails against each other in a circular motion.
Do this five minutes at a time, three times daily. This sure beats biting your nails
and is also said to help slow down hair loss and graying.


Soybeans help to block the formation of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone
associated with hair loss. They are best when fermented in the form of
unpasteurized miso or nama shoyu tamari.
Eat a diet that tonifies the kidneys such as black and kidney beans, chia seeds,
black sesame seeds, wild rice, and sun cured olives, all rich sources of trace
Eat silicon-rich foods such as kelp and onions. Also eat the outer (organic)
skin of cucumbers and red peppers for their high silica content, a nutrient needed
for healthy hair.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Use an apple cider vinegar rinse (1/3 cup [80 ml] vinegar, 2/3 cup [160
ml] water). Pour on after rinsing your shampoo off and leave on. The
vinegar smell will leave when your hair dries. This works as a great
antifungal agent.

Other good foods include cabbage, kale, watercress, cauliflower, raspberries,

parsnips, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, oats, onions, nuts, buckwheat, barley,
nutritional yeast, almonds, seaweeds, and seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower.
These foods are high in hair-healthy nutrients such as sulfur, protein, B vitamins,
and zinc.
Finally, drink juices of beet, carrot, nettle, and spinach with a bit of onion to
help improve circulation to the body (including the scalp) and provide a variety
of trace minerals.

Thrifty Cure!
Coloring the scalp in thin areas of hair with a soft eyebrow pencil can
minimize the visibility of hair loss until natural remedies have a chance
to take effect.

To preserve hair, don’t shampoo every day as it causes more hair to fall out.
Wear the hair loose to avoid pulling at the scalp.
Spend about 20 minutes daily lying on a slant board to allow increased blood
flow to the scalp. You can also consider yoga postures such as the shoulder stand
or headstands as they improve blood flow to the scalp. However, note that these
are advanced poses and should not be attempted unless you are familiar with
Let go of negative thought patterns. Rather than saying, “I’m losing all my
hair,” try “I’m taking better care of myself. My hair will grow thick.” Bald can
also be beautiful!

Skip This!
Avoid a diet high in heated fats and refined sugar. Hydrogenated oils are
likely to clog the pores. Minimize alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and refined
carbohydrate consumption, which all cause the body to become overly
acidic and unhealthy.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Here is a super smoothie you can drink daily to help promote hair

1 cup (235 ml) raw almond milk

1 ripe banana
1 tablespoon (6 g) nutritional yeast
1/2 cup (32 g) raw pumpkin seeds
1/2 teaspoon bee pollen
1/2 teaspoon sea kelp
1 tablespoon (20 g) blackstrap molasses

Whiz in the blender until smooth and then enjoy.

Getting Rid of Body Odor

Body odor comes from sweat, which is made up of water, sodium salts, lactic
acid, sulfuric acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and urea. Sweat is secreted by
the exocrine glands, which are located in the armpits, face, chest, pubic area, and
anal regions. Sweat actually has a purpose, moisturizing the skin, maintaining a
healthy acid balance, and preventing unhealthy proliferations of microbes. But
too much can be off putting. Here’s how to smell sweeter!


Add a 1/2 teaspoon of an essential oil such as lavender, sage, or rosemary to an
ounce of baking soda and apply a bit to the underarm area after bathing or when
getting dressed to absorb mild to moderate perspiration. Aloe vera juice can be
applied directly as an antibacterial, antifungal, and deodorizing ally.


To smell sweeter, eat plenty of greens and radishes and drink lemon in water, all
of which are naturally detoxifying. Use super green foods like wheat grass,
spirulina, barley grass, or chlorophyll, which are available in capsules, three
times daily. Chlorophyll is regarded as a natural deodorizer.

Many deodorants contain aluminum chlorohydrate, a manufactured form of
aluminum that many believe contributes to Alzheimer’s disease. It is known to
accumulate in the tissues, especially when applied to broken skin. This is a real
problem as many people apply it just after shaving. Yikes! Many deodorants also
contain synthetic fragrances and methyl-and propylparabens, both of which have
been implicated in breast cancer. Instead, look for deodorants that contain
ingredients such as coriander and tea tree oil. You can find some good
deodorants in natural food stores. Weleda’s spray deodorants work great.
Another practice that can help is to wear natural-fiber clothes so the skin can
breathe. Certain synthetics produce an unpleasant smell soon after wearing and
do not allow sweat to evaporate naturally.


In order to make themselves more alluring, harem women ate fenugreek seeds to
produce a seductive smell. You can eat fenugreek sprouts or make a tea of this
herb, available at health food stores.
Strengthening Weak Nails
We use our hands to express ourselves, so healthy nails are important. Nails are
made of keratin, a strong fibrous protein that is produced by cells beneath the
cuticle at the nail’s base. Nails grow about 1/250 of an inch daily (about 1/3 to
1/2 as fast as hair). Nail growth is generally faster during the summer and
between the ages of 18 and 28 for some yet-undiscovered reason. Here are some
natural ways to strengthen weak nails.


The best nail hardeners are nourishing foods, rich in trace minerals and
phytochemicals: fresh fruit and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, sea
vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Drink mineral-rich teas of nettles, horsetail, and oat
straw, one quart (950 ml) daily individually or mixed together.
Gently massage the cuticles whenever applying hand lotion to keep them
pliable and less likely to crack. Polishing nails with a buff gives them a natural


Biting your nails and cuticles can cause swelling and redness and make one
prone to infections of the hands. Nail biting can also cause dental problems.
Biting the nails can be an indication of stress and/or a calcium deficiency. So as
a start, take a daily supplement of calcium (1,000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg).
You can also use tea tree oil topically on the fingers as the pungent taste is a
bitter deterrent to nail biting.
To stop biting your nails, start by making a list of the reasons why you should
stop. Put it where you will read it—above a sink, on a mirror, on a bookmark, or
in your wallet. Being clear about why you want to give up a habit is important.
If you do catch yourself indulging in the habit, say “Stop” aloud to yourself
and later under your breath. Every time you catch yourself engaging in a bad
habit, write it down in your calendar or journal. Wear a loose elastic band around
your wrist and snap it hard every time you indulge.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

To reduce body odor, look in your fridge. Rub lemon peel (not the juice)
or fresh sage leaves on skin to inhibit bacteria and odor. When using sage
leaves, simply grab a handful of the leaves from the garden, crush them
between your fingers, and rub the pieces on potentially odiferous areas of
the body such as under the arms. You can even rub a piece of cucumber
into potentially smelly body portions.

Have someone photograph you indulging in your addiction or habit while you
look into the camera. When you get the photo back, look at it carefully and ask
yourself what it is trying to tell you. Put all that extra energy into doing
something good that helps society and yourself.
Whatever part of the body is involved in the habit (nails, hair, skin, etc.), do
something different and more positive. Instead of biting your nails, buff them.
Instead of picking at your face, massage it. Play with toys for a few minutes such
as modeling clay or Chinese handballs. Keep these tools where you are likely to
need them.
Be consistent and keep track of your progress. Consider showing your
progress chart to someone you really trust. Tell them you are not asking them to
nag at you, but ask them in what ways they can best help you. Reward yourself.
For example, if you go all day or week without engaging in a habit, put some
money in a piggybank so that you can buy something special.
Decide to change. Refuse to be enslaved by anything. Learn to deal with any
lapses in a positive healing way. Be a free conscious being. Habits are automatic
and the way out of them is to remember the way out.

Skip This!
Nail polish removers are hard on the health of nails. Of all the cosmetics
available, nail polish is one of the most allergenic. Acetone is more
harmful than acetate. Avoid using cuticle removers or pushing them back
as the cuticle helps protect the fingers.

Oral health is key to healthy teeth, gums, and fresh breath. Here’s how to
care for this gateway into our internal health.
Freshening Bad Breath
Bad breath is at least embarrassing and at worst offensive to others. It can be
caused by eating a food you are allergic to (like dairy products), constipation,
detoxifying the body, some medications, tooth or gum problems, poor health in
the lungs, as well as eating garlic. When the mouth is dry, such as in the morning
from not having had any water in several hours, salvia production decreases and
can contribute to bad breath. Here’s how to freshen up now!

Drink a tea using anise seed, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, fennel, orange peel
(if organic), parsley, or peppermint or let the tea cool and use it as a breath-
freshening mouth-wash. They are all high in antimicrobial essential oils.


Bacteria can collect on the tongue. Brushing your tongue or using a tongue
scraper gets rid of twice as much bacteria as simply brushing your teeth. You can
even use a soup spoon instead of a tongue scraper. Just insert the spoon upside
down and press the edges into the tongue. Rub it across the surface several times
and then follow with a rinse of cool water.
If you still suffer from bad breath, take three chlorophyll capsules daily, which
act as a natural deodorizer.
Soothing Canker Sores, Cold Sores, or Fever Blisters
Canker sores are an irritation inside the mouth that can make eating difficult and
painful. Cold sores or fever blisters are painful ulcerations caused by viruses that
appear on your lip, mouth, or nose. Too much sugar and stress can all make you
more prone to both. Here’s how to soothe those sores right now.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

It’s easy to make an instant breath freshener. Just take 1/2 cup (120 ml)
of water and add 4 drops anise, fennel, cinnamon, peppermint, or tea tree
essential oil.

For cold sores, do a warm salt-water swish (1 tablespoon [18 g] of salt in 8

ounces [235 ml] of water) every hour. Though it will sting, it will help heal the
cold sore more quickly. It can also help to apply ice held in a white handkerchief.
Leave it on as long as you can and do it as often as possible.
Salves that contain combinations of soothing and antiviral substances
including the amino acid lysine (which inhibits the virus’s replication), anti-
inflammatory licorice, and antiviral melissa (aka lemon balm) essential oil can
help heal cold sores. Look for these salves at a natural foods store and apply
them 3 or 4 times daily.

Thrifty Cures!
Chewing on whole cinnamon bark pieces, cloves, fennel seed, or peeled
cardamom pods will give your mouth an alluring flavor your lover will
want to kiss. My favorite breath-freshening remedy is to suck on a whole
clove for a long-lasting, inexpensive breath freshener. Even if you take a
few bites of food, you can tuck the clove between your cheek and gum
with your tongue and then bring it back in your mouth after eating. You
can also eat a sprig of parsley or a small piece of lemon peel to freshen
the breath. Apples and celery are natural breath fresheners too. Eat them

You can also apply aloe vera gel, a pinch of baking soda, apple cider vinegar,
calendula salve, goldenseal powder, or tea tree oil to help combat bacteria.
Finally, take probiotics (1 capsule three times daily) and lysine (550 mg 3
times daily) to boost immunity when feeling vulnerable. You can also find lysine
in flounder, nutritional yeast, and potatoes.
Improving Gum Health
Healthy gums can mean the difference between keeping your teeth or not.
Unfortunately, one in three people over the age of 30 has some form of
periodontal disease but are unaware of it because it is a problem that develops
silently and painlessly. Periodontal disease occurs when bacteria in plaque infect
the gums and bones that anchor the teeth. Bleeding gums, inflamed gums, loose
teeth, change in bite, and recession are all indicators of periodontal disease,
which accounts for 70 percent of tooth loss. Bacterial toxins are also released
into the bloodstream, beginning a cascade of health problems. Recent research
has revealed a relationship between periodontal infection and more serious
health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases,
and preterm low birth weight babies. So it’s important to do all you can to make
your gums healthy. Here are some natural remedies for your gums.

It’s important to replace your toothbrush after a canker sore or cold sore episode
because the virus thrives in a damp environment.
Both sage and sea salt have antiseptic properties that reduce inflammation and
promote healing. They are also astringent, which helps tighten the gums. Just
pour 1 cup (235 ml) of boiling water over 1 tablespoon (2.5 g) of sage leaves,
cover and steep for 15 minutes, strain, and add 2 teaspoons (10 g) of sea salt.
Use twice daily after brushing your teeth. Refrigerate between uses.
You can also add a drop of tea tree oil to your toothbrush on top of your
toothpaste and brush as usual. Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the native
Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contains antiseptic compounds which help
prevent gum disease. Make sure the product label says it is 100 percent pure tea
tree oil.
Chewing burdock root massages the gums and improves stomach activity. You
can also massage bleeding gums with a piece of inner lemon rind. Or try my
plaque fighting, gum strengthening solution:

Take 1/8 ounce of coconut oil; add 8 drops oil of myrrh, 8 drops tea tree oil,
and 2 drops peppermint oil. Shake before using and massage a few drops into
your gums to promote healthy teeth and gums.
Another formula to massage into receding gums to increase circulation,
tighten tissues, and decrease microbes as follows:
2 parts yerba mansa
1/2 part myrrh
2 parts echinacea
2 parts prickly ash bark
For bleeding gums, you can make a mouth rinse or use herbal tea of some of
the herbs mentioned above to run through a Water Pik oral irrigation type device
that shoots out a gentle stream of water to clean and massage teeth and gums.
This is a great way to clean out any missed places, stimulate circulation, and get
an herbal treatment at the same time! Use once a day.
Soothing Toothache
A toothache usually indicates it is time to visit the dentist. Do not delay! But if
it’s the middle of the night or the weekend and you can’t get an appointment,
natural remedies can ease the pain temporarily. Here’s how.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

For loose teeth, drink 3 cups (705 ml) of parsley leaf tea daily. Eat raw
carrots and celery to strengthen and exercise the gums. Place a clove of
garlic on the tooth and gum to encourage the tooth to re-root. Every time
you urinate, clench your teeth firmly to plant them more deeply into the

Apply a few drops of clove oil to the area with your finger. It’s a natural
anesthetic and germicide containing the active ingredient eugenol. For children,
dilute the clove oil with equal amounts of olive oil. After applying, keep your
mouth open a few seconds to allow it to dry and minimize the strong clove blast
on your mouth and tongue. A plantain poultice or resin from a pine tree can also
be applied to draw out infection.
Another good idea? Place a piece of garlic on the area of the painful tooth for
twenty minutes. It will increase circulation to the area and combat infection. A
hot ginger compress applied to the cheek area over the afflicted tooth will also
help relieve pain.


Several studies have shown that chronic dental infection is associated with a
significant increase in the risk of stroke. Here’s why: bacteria from dental
plaque, including Streptococcus sanguis, can enter your bloodstream and cause
blood platelets to clump together and clot abnormally. Normally, the bacteria are
cleared from your body by the immune system, but if your immune system is
compromised, as is the case with any infection, the bacteria create a major risk
factor. Gum infections lead to chronic inflammation and the buildup of arterial
plaque, which reduces circulation. The result is atherosclerosis, or hardening and
narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
In addition, a hot ginger or mustard footbath will help to draw pain away from
the head. Just soak your feet for three minutes in hot tea and then plunge them
into icy cold water for a minute. You’ll want to alternate back and forth for about
15 minutes. Start with the hot and end with the cold.
Every couple of hours, add 1 teaspoon (6 g) of salt to 1 cup (235 ml) of water
(hot or cold) and swish it around to help remove bacteria. Apply cold
compresses or ice in the mouth for numbing qualities as needed. A hot water
bottle can also give comfort. You’ll need to decide whether warm or cold
applications make the pain worse or better.
Take 50 to 100 mg of niacin to help move congested blood at the site of a
toothache. Goldenseal and myrrh in capsule or tincture form and applied
topically can help clear up an infection.
Achieving Total Tooth Health the Natural Way
As children, most of us had 20 teeth. As adults, the norm is 32, including 8
incisors, eight premolars, 4 canines, and 12 molars. Some people who lose their
second set of teeth get a third one—from their dentist! Even though Americans
have checkups, fluoridated water, and new improved toothpastes, about 35
percent will have full or partial dentures by age 60. Some tooth problems are
hereditary, others aggravated by lack of care. Many tooth problems can be
helped with good nutrition and proper care. Here’s how.


Cultures that use chewing sticks for oral hygiene have lower instances of dental
disease. Pick a twig from a bay, beech, birch, dogwood, fir, eucalyptus, juniper,
maple, neem, oak pine, poplar, or sumac tree. Peel off the bark. Use your teeth to
chew the twig end until it is bristly.


If you lose a filling (which can make your tooth ache) keep any broken tooth
part, especially if it is gold or porcelain, and bring it with you to the dentist. Fill
the hole temporarily with a piece of beeswax so you don’t scratch your tongue.
Then use this to gently massage your teeth and gums. You can also dip the twig
in water and baking soda.
Herbs that provide nutrients for strengthening the teeth include alfalfa,
horsetail, nettles, and oat straw. Try drinking a tea of various combinations of
these plants three times daily. Bilberry and hawthorn are high in flavonoids,
which may be helpful in protecting the periodontal ligaments.


Calcium, the main element of which teeth are composed, is a necessary nutrient
for teeth and gums. Calcium can help prevent bone loss and teeth grinding. Be
sure to use a calcium supplement that is either a chelate, citrate, or
hydroxyapatite. Calcium is best assimilated with some magnesium, so take 1,000
mg calcium and 500 mg magnesium daily. Note that excess soft drinks and meat
can contribute to calcium loss.


If your tooth is knocked out, get to a dentist within half an hour! if the tooth is
loose but doesn’t fall out of your mouth, keep it in your mouth (place it into the
socket), cover with sterile gauze, apply slight compression, and get to a dentist
or an emergency room where dentists are on call.

If the tooth falls out of your mouth, rinse off any dirt and blood and replace it in
the socket. The roots of the tooth must be kept moist. Don’t hold the tooth by the
root! if it does fall out and can’t be kept in the mouth due to other injuries, store
it in milk wrapped in a cloth or piece of gauze as you hasten to the dentist. Or
simply hold the tooth under the tongue until dental health has been obtained.

Take two drops of rescue remedy and homeopathic arnica (3 or 4 pellets under
the tongue four times daily) to help deal with the trauma of the event.
Vitamin C (100 mg daily) with bioflavonoids (500 mg daily) can help prevent
and treat sore and bleeding gums since they help collagen production. Vitamin C
deficiency can contribute to breakdown of connective tissue that produces blood
vessel walls, bone matrix, cartilage, collagen, and dentin. However, it is best to
avoid chewable vitamin C, especially for adults, as the ascorbic acid can be
corrosive to dental enamel.
Deficiency of B vitamins, especially folic acid, can cause weakened gums.
Birth control pills can create a need for more B complex. Take 50 mg B complex
and 400 mg folic acid daily (which is likely to be contained in the B complex
tablet). Coenzyme Q 10 (take 50 to 100 mg twice daily) has been found helpful
for gingivitis. It improves circulation and increases oxygen levels in the tissues.
Vitamin E (400 IU) and selenium (50 mg) are both natural antioxidants. Rub
them on gums to tonify the tissues, after pricking the capsule with a pin. Vitamin
D (1,000 IU) helps bone formation. Zinc (15 mg) inhibits plaque formation and
inflammation. These last two supplements are taken orally daily.
Essential fatty acids can also help reduce inflammation. Take 2 or 3 capsules
of a good quality fish oil each day.
Thrifty Cures!
Rub a fresh cut raspberry or strawberry over the teeth for its natural
whitening action due to their high concentration of acids. Or use this
tooth whitener you can make at home. Just add 1 teaspoon (5 g) baking
soda to enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Use it to brush teeth
for two minutes.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

Make a simple tooth-cleaning powder with 1 cup (221 g) baking soda, 2
tablespoons (30 g) sea salt, and 5 drops essential oil such as anise,
cinnamon, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, or tea tree. The essential
oils will freshen the breath and they taste good!
Baking soda cleans teeth, removes stains, and does not damage tooth
enamel. It also is antibacterial and neutralizes plaque acids.
Salt helps to draw out agents that contribute to decay. Salt also helps to
lessen the reactions of sensitive teeth from hot or cold and curbs bleeding
from the gums. Use this mixture a few times a week. It can be abrasive if
used excessively.


Teeth are nourished through their roots, building and renewing from the
materials we eat. Foods considered beneficial for the teeth include yogurt
(calcium and probiotics inhibit bacterial growth), tomatoes (lycopene, an
antioxidant), shiitake (lentinan combats plaque), green tea (catechin inhibits
plaque), onion (combats mouth bacteria), celery (cleans teeth), and kiwi (vitamin
C strengthens gums). Fluorine in moderate doses can help prevent tooth decay
and occurs naturally in avocados, cabbage, black-eyed peas, brown rice, cheese,
rye, sea vegetables, green tea, green leafy vegetables, and goat’s milk.
Snacks of crunchy foods like raw carrots, celery, sunflower seeds, and apples
massage the gums. Eating fresh corn helps to strengthen the teeth and gums. The
French tradition of eating some cheese at the end of a meal helps counteract
mouth acids and is beneficial. Snacks considered okay for the teeth include eggs,
fish, raw vegetables, popcorn, and plain yogurt. Chewing all food well helps seat
the teeth more firmly.


Flossing first allows you to brush away dislodged particles later. Flossing is even
more important than brushing. Take 18 inches (46 cm) of the floss of your choice
and wrap it around the middle fingers of both hands. While holding the middle
of the floss between the extended thumb or forefinger, insert it gently between
two teeth in a “C” fashion. Press the floss toward the back of one tooth while
you gently bring it into the gum and move the floss up and down several times.
Pull the floss forward against the other tooth and floss up and down several
times. Avoid forceful flossing that can cut into the gums. If you use waxed floss,
look for brands using beeswax or jojoba rather than petroleum products and dye.
After a thorough flossing, use a soft brush and brush at a 45-degree angle at
the gum line, pressing gently. Jiggle the brush back and forth, and then rotate it
downward to wipe off the tooth. Do this a few times in each location before
moving on. This is known as the “modified bass technique.” Ask your dentist for
a demonstration. Brush not only the teeth for about two minutes but also the
gums and tongue with toothpaste or baking soda. Brushing too hard can cause
gum recession and tooth destruction. Give yourself five minutes to do a good
cleaning job. Natural bristles can be too rough and sharp. Rounded bristles are
gentler. Change your brush about every six weeks to three months.


Use this tooth powder to keep teeth healthy:

Brigitte’s Tooth Powder
1/4 cup (55 g) baking soda
20 drops peppermint essential oil
20 drops tea tree essential oil

Combine ingredients and sprinkle on a damp toothbrush. Store the remainder in

a clean glass jar with a lid. Remember the oil folk saying: “Be true to your teeth
or they’ll be false to you!”
Brush after eating sticky foods such as dates and raisins as their sugars can
stick to the teeth. Sugary foods produce acids that cause tooth decay and
decrease the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria. Use a disclosing
tablet on occasion to note the areas that are being missed. There are a plethora of
gadgets to clean your teeth. Talk to your dentist about what she suggests.

Some dentists may also offer acupuncture or relaxation tapes. A headset of
beautiful music can help mellow the dental drilling sounds. You may find
valerian tincture relaxing before a dental appointment. Taking a 500 mg
supplement of bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, can help lessen
swelling from dental surgery. Take some before and for a few days after major
dental work, up to three times daily.
Health food stores have selections of beneficial products for mouth care.
Some natural toothpastes contain xylitol, a sweet-tasting substance derived from
birch trees. It has anti-cavity properties. You can also find chewing gums made
with xylitol that are used to increase saliva production and reduce cavities.
Green tea helps inhibit plaque buildup.

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Refined carbohydrates, which break down quickly, also feed the bacteria
that cause tooth decay. Many respected health authorities deplore the use
of fluoride in our water supply. Though it does help prevent decay, a
lifetime of use can mottle the teeth and bones.

Foods likely to stain teeth include coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, and
tobacco. Smoking also contributes to the buildup of tartar and decreases
the body’s supply of vitamin C. Even milk and rice can cause a buildup
of yellowish plaque on the teeth.

Abrasive substances to be careful of using to extreme on the teeth include

calcium carbonate (made from stone), dicalcium phosphate (which is
bone), and silica, which is a sand substance. They can be damaging to
tooth enamel over the years.

Saccharin and artificial colors are not great things to put into your mouth.
Harsh chemicals in dental products can aggravate teeth sensitivity. That’s
why it’s important to read the labels on your tooth care products.

Blissful sleep is that rejuvenating, recharging repose in which about one

third of our lives is spent. Only during rest do bone marrow and lymph
nodes produce substances to empower our immune systems. It is during the
beginning of our sleep cycle that much of the body repair work is done. But
for many of us, the peace of sleep may be elusive. Here are natural ways to
get those zzzzzs.
Solving Insomnia
When sleep escapes you, there are remedies from the realm of lifestyle, diet,
herbs, and supplements that can help you to rest more deeply. Get to the cause of
the condition and try a natural cure.


Many herbs can be consumed in the evening to aid sleep. Take a dose of herbal
tincture or two capsules an hour before bed. Avoid tea because drinking tea
before bed is likely to cause you to awaken to urinate!

Chamomile has long been used as a remedy for sleep. It is considered a nerve
restorative and helps calm people with anxiety and stress. Chamomile is high in
nerve-and muscle-relaxing calcium, magnesium, potassium, and some of the B
vitamins known to aid relaxation. Chamomile is also known for its anti-
inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that can help a tense person unwind.
Add some chamomile tea to a child’s bath before bed to help them sleep
peacefully. Taken before bedtime, chamomile is also a traditional remedy to help
those prone to nightmares.

Hops help to induce sleep and provides a pleasant numbing sensation. Hops
contain lupulin, which is considered a strong but safe sedative. Hops can help
mellow a person with a quarrelsome nature and is an anodyne, meaning it can
help pain. Though its taste is bitter, it is safe for children.

Kava kava
Kava kava is an ancient Polynesian remedy for insomnia and nervousness and is
reputed to induce vivid dreams. It is often used in the islands ceremoniously as a
religious ritual to welcome guests and honor births, marriages, and business
deals. It helps foster open communication and a feeling of “letting go.” It is an
analgesic, antispasmodic, and sedative.

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

A folk remedy is to cut a piece of yellow onion and place it in a jar.
Cover and set on the nightstand. If you wake up or can’t fall asleep, open
the jar and take several deep inhalations. Recover the jar, lie back down,
and you should fall back to sleep within 15 minutes.

Passionflower helps to relax the mind. It is useful for worried insomniacs. It
slows down the breakdown of serotonin and norepinephrine, allowing one to
maintain a more peaceful state of consciousness. Passionflower has traditionally
been used to treat hysteria, nervousness, and to aid recovery in nervous
breakdown. It is an antispasmodic and sedative.

Skullcap is considered one of the best tonics for the nervous system. It has long
been used to calm teething babies and reduce convulsions, delirium, insomnia,
neuralgia, restlessness, and even help emotional upsets. It is rich in calcium,
magnesium, and potassium. Scutellarin, one of its active ingredients, gets
transformed into scutellarein, which stimulates the brain to produce more
endorphins. Use skullcap to help rebuild a nervous system that is exhausted.
Skullcap is best when used over an extended period of time.

Valerian helps sleep disorders that are the result of anxiety. There are some
individuals who find valerian works for them as a stimulant rather than a
sedative. When this occurs, it is often because their bodies are unable to
transform the essential oils in valerian into valerianic acid, one of the main
calming components.
For many people, though, valerian calms fear, anxiety, and panic. During
World War I, valerian was used to treat shellshock. In Germany, valerian is used
for childhood behavioral problems yet still gives the children good reaction time
and muscle coordination. Research published in the medical journal,
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior with 128 volunteers showed that
valerian helped people fall asleep faster.

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Sleeping pills are often habit forming and paralyze the part of our brains
that control dreaming. They can leave us feeling less than rested and
impair clarity of thought. Many prescribed drugs can leave us unable to
sleep. Antibiotics, steroids, decongestants, cold remedies, appetite
suppressants, contraceptives, and thyroid medications all can make sleep
difficult. However, always see your doctor before stopping any
medications you are on now.

You’ll probably find the smell or taste of valerian objectionable, so use it in a

capsule or tincture form rather than as a tea. Valerian is best used for two-to
three-week periods or when needed rather than on a daily basis. If you are prone
to depression though, check with your health care practitioner first.


A homeopathic remedy that can help induce sleep is Hyland’s Calms Forte. You
can also use these remedies as needed and indicated:
• Arsenicum album: For insomnia caused by fears, worry, and anxiety—Take
this if you wake up in middle of the night and feel the need to walk around or
if you are too tired to sleep.
• Chamomilla: For young and old, especially when the cause of insomnia is
physical, such as pain
• Coffea cruda: For sleeplessness due to excited mental energy and dreams—
Feeling groggy in morning is another indication that this might be the right
remedy for you.
• Nux vomica: For sleeplessness due to overindulgence of food, coffee, alcohol,
or drugs, and for mental strain and work worries


Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and made from the neurotransmitter
serotonin. It helps the body regulate circadian rhythms. Getting out in the sun for
a bit during the day and turning off the lights earlier at night can help trigger our
natural production of melatonin.
Food sources that stimulate natural melatonin production include bananas,
barley, and rice. Also eating foods that contain tryptophan, such as bananas,
cottage cheese, dates, figs, milk, tofu, and turkey, can boost melatonin levels.
The pineal gland converts tryptophan into melatonin. You can also use melatonin
sublingually to promote a restful night’s sleep. Take 0.03 to 3 mg in the evening
for bed.
Melatonin, because it is a hormone and has not been evaluated for its safety
during these conditions, should not be used by children, pregnant women, or
nursing mothers as well as people with hormonal imbalances, depression,
autoimmune disorders, or those on steroids.

Another way to use herbs to help you sleep is to make a 5 by 5 inch (13 × 13 cm)
sachet and fill it with hops, lavender, chamomile, woodruff, or lemon balm and
put it in your pillowcase. The calming aroma will help you slumber. Both King
George ii and Abraham lincoln are said to have used hops pillows to help them
sleep. Other pleasant smells like lavender and myrrh will soothe your spirits. Use
them in aroma lamps, diffusers, on your pillow, or simply inhale these essential

A warm bath before bed is also comforting. Add 7 drops of essential oil of
chamomile or lavender to the bath water. Adding a pound of baking soda makes
the water alkalinizing and sedative. When done bathing, remain in the tub for a
few minutes while you let the water out and visualize all your tensions going
down the drain. A sauna before bed can also help produce a state of calmness.


It has been said that “Sleep doesn’t interfere with digestion, but digestion
interferes with sleep.” Avoid eating late at night as many foods stimulate the
adrenal glands and elevate blood pressure. However, if you insist on eating late
at night, the few foods that can actually help sleep include bananas, lettuce,
oatmeal, and yogurt. A cup of plain yogurt is naturally rich in calcium and the
calming amino acid tryptophan. For some insomniacs, caffeinated food and
drinks such as chocolate, coffee, black tea, and sodas may be too stimulating
even when consumed early in the day.


Studies show that people who are more active in the day are less likely to have
problems with sleep. But don’t exercise too close to bedtime. The hours between
4 pm and 8 pm are ideal. Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.


As we get older, our requirements for sleep actually decrease. If you lie awake
for more than 30 minutes, get up and write a letter or read something that is not
too action packed. If you wake up, don’t snack (or your body can get used to
demanding 3:00 am munchies). Return to bed after urinating and breathe deeply,
thinking of nothing but the in and out of your breathing.
Yoga postures that help to relax the mind and body and that aid sleep include
the corpse, cobra pose, shoulder stand, and mountain. T’ai chi, meditation
breathing exercises, biofeedback, and guided visualizations can all be effective
noninvasive methods to aid sleep.
If your thoughts are keeping you awake, why not download your mental
baggage onto a piece of paper before bed and then rest easily knowing that the
cares of tomorrow will not be forgotten.
When trying to sleep, allow no thoughts except the in and out of your breath.
You should soon be able to bore yourself to sleep. Try some sort of visualization,
such as with one breath relax your toes, with the next breath your feet, and
moving slowly up your body to help you slumber.
Another sleep technique is to get comfortable in bed and take 8 breaths while
lying flat on your back. Then take 16 deep breaths while lying on your right side;
then take 32 breaths while lying on your left side. Most people are asleep before
completing the exercise.

The following are some additional tips for getting a good night’s sleep:
1. Establish a regular sleep and awakening time and do your best to stick with it.
2. Sleeping with one’s head to the magnetic north is said to improve sleep and
dream quality.
3. Sleeping on the back is said the give one’s internal organs the most room for
optimum function. Sleeping on one’s left side can put excess pressure on the
4. Paint your bedroom a calm color, like blue. Keep your bedroom space sacred
and don’t use it as a place to do homework, business, or carry out arguments.
Also, try to put your bed in the quietest and darkest corner of the room.
5. Keep the bedroom between 60 and 66°F (16 and 19°C). Allow a bit of fresh
air into the bedroom at night, though not directly by the head.
6. Make sure your bed is comfortable and fabrics that are as natural as possible
are used as bedding to allow the skin to breathe. If you don’t suffer from
allergies, you may find a feather bed a comfortable addition to place on top of
your mattress.
7. Be aware that electromagnetic pollution too close to your body can stimulate
your nervous system as well as weaken your immune system. Avoid having
clocks, stereos, or electric blankets as your nighttime companions.
8. Remember that light is a stimulant. If there is light shining brightly through
your windows at night, consider getting heavier curtains. Many mechanical
gadgets such as clocks also emit light that can encourage wakefulness.
9. Avoid excess mental activity right before bed, such as action packed TV or
page-turning novels. Sex, however, can be a pleasurable prelude to sleep.
10. You may need to use earplugs or eye masks to help shut the world out for a
Chasing Away Nightmares
Nightmares can make you afraid to go to bed at night. Often, the sensation you
get when you have a nightmare follows you into wakefulness, leaving you
feeling strange. Here’s how to erase nightmares.
For those prone to nightmares, herbal teas and sachets made of basil,
chamomile, dill seed, and rosemary provide a pleasant aroma and are said to
dispel disturbing dreams. These herbs can also be hung as sprigs over the bed.
Rubbing garlic briefly on the soles of the feet can end night fears and repel evil
influence. (Hey, it works to ward away vampires!)
The flower essences Aspen, Rock rose, and Rescue Remedy also help
alleviate nightmares. Take 2 drops under the tongue or in a cup of water when
Using the color violet helps calm the spirit. Finally, keep in mind that
nightmares are a way of getting your attention, and you may want to explore
what their significance is.
Stopping Snoring
If your mate snores, it can keep you from sleeping. Most snorers breathe through
their mouth. An obstruction of the airways, usually the tongue, is the cause of
this nocturnal noise. Often, when a snorer relaxes into deep sleep, the tongue
falls back against the soft palate and tissues at the back of the throat. As one
breathes, air enters the throat and causes the tongue and tissues to vibrate against
one another. Heavy snorers may even have their tongue sucked into their airway
and thus block their breathing!

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Avoid eating sweets after dinner or right before bedtime. Excess rich and
spicy or oily foods as well as food allergens can provoke nightmares.

When breathing temporarily ceases, survival instincts kick in and the snorer
awakens to pull the tongue in before falling back to sleep and repeating the
process. This is known as sleep apnea. A person with sleep apnea can be more
susceptible to strokes, high blood pressure, and heart attack, not to mention
feeling fatigued from lack of sleep. Doctors will may suggest surgery to fix it.
However, here are some gentler alternatives you may want to try first:
1. Sew a marble or golf ball into your pajamas at the back of the neck area. This
will encourage you to sleep on your side, which usually minimizes snoring.
2. Elevate the head slightly, ideally by placing a brick or two under the bed head.
Extra pillows will just give you a sore neck. Special pillows are available that
help deter snoring. Look for them in catalogs or bedding supply stores.
3. Try the devices now available in grocery stores and drugstores that you tape to
your nose to keep nasal passages open.
4. Natural food stores carry homeopathic drops and sprays that help snorers
breathe more easily.
Ask your dentist or doctor about a tongue-retaining antisnoring device.
Have a friend, lover, or spouse record your snoring to see if you need to seek
medical attention.

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Avoid alcohol for at least three hours before bed as it is a central nervous
system depressant and can increase episodes of apnea. Avoid heavy
eating and smoking before bed as they both contribute to congestion.
Ditto sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and antihistamines as they can also
cause the throat muscles to be overly relaxed. Nix foods such as dairy
and wheat products that cause mucous congestion. It is worth going a
few weeks without any dairy or wheat (as well as gluten) products to see
if this makes a difference. Food allergies and sensitivities can cause
throat swelling and nasal blockages that lead to snoring. Lose weight if
you can. If weight is excessive, the excess bulk in the throat can block
Thrifty Cures!
Put a drop of sesame oil into each nostril, which moistens the tissues and
decreases their tendency to vibrate loudly.


If home remedies are not effective, get evaluated by a medical doctor for the
possibility of apnea or obstruction in the respiratory passages.

Despite all our attempts at healthy living, such as eating right and
exercising, an addiction can get in the way of ultimate well-being. Here are a
few ideas to liberate yourself from addiction.
Quitting Smoking
It may take several attempts to quit smoking may before you succeed. That’s
because nicotine in cigarettes is extremely addictive. When you smoke one
cigarette, it sets you up to want another and so on and so on. Nicotine is a mild
central nervous system stimulant and a strong cardiovascular stimulant. It even
stimulates digestive secretions and shortens bowel transit time, thus decreasing
nutrients available to the body. For some people, though, it acts as a sedative,
settling nerves—but at a high cost. Quitting smoking enhances the senses of
smell and taste, benefits breath, and provides whiter teeth and healthier
respiratory and circulatory systems. Help save lives, money, and the environment
with one hand! Here’s how to quit for good.


The following herbs can help you quit:
1. Lobelia contains the alkaloid lobeline, which helps to satisfy the body’s
craving for nicotine. Oat straw helps to nourish and calm the nervous system
when you are giving up tobacco. There are several preparations for both these
herbs available in natural food stores in tea, extract, or capsule form. Use them
when you crave a cigarette, up to six times daily.
2. Using garlic as a supplement (one capsule three times daily) during the period
of quitting helps open the lungs.
3. Chewing on about five juniper berries a day helps to open and detox the lungs.
You might also want to try smoking the nontoxic herb mullein (Verbascum
thapsus) instead. It can be put in a pipe or rolled with cigarette papers for a non-
nicotine smoke that helps you let go of the habit. Some people mix tobacco in
with the mullein and gradually decrease the amount of tobacco they use.


Helichrysum aids tobacco detoxification and black pepper essential oil will help
alleviate nicotine withdrawal. Lemon, lime, grapefruit, and orange are other
essential oils that can be used in aromatherapy to alleviate the desire for a
smoke. Whenever you feel a strong craving, open a bottle of essential oil and
take a few deep breaths from the bottle.


Many addictions like smoking have their roots in low blood sugar. Most
addictions temporarily elevate blood sugar, but when the effects wear off, blood
sugar drops, leading you to feel like indulging again. Eat smaller, frequent meals
with adequate protein like wild fish, beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds,
and olives to keep blood sugar levels stable.
When you are overly acidic, you also experience more cravings. Get alkaline
with apples, berries, carrots, celery, dandelion greens, figs, raisins, and spinach.
Include high-chlorophyll vegetables like kale to better utilize oxygen. High
beta-carotene foods like carrots and winter squashes and high sulfur vegetables
such as broccoli and cabbage nourish the lungs and boost immunity.
Chew on licorice roots or cinnamon sticks—they are hollow and you can even
inhale a sweet flavor from them.
Enjoy raw sunflower seeds in the shell to keep that hand to mouth connection
busy and out of trouble.
Suck the juice from an organic juicy orange, poking a hole in it about the size
of a cigarette. Enjoy the sweetness and vitamin C rich succulence!
Drink lots of fluids, especially water, and sip liquids through a straw.


The following are some tips for best practices to help you quit:
1. Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit and have it somewhere you can
look at frequently.
2. Set a target date a month in advance in case you need to gradually wean
yourself off. Switch to a brand you don’t like. Once you have reached your
target date, cease saying, “I’m trying to quit,” but instead say “I quit.” Get rid
of smoking accessories like ashtrays and lighters and make an appointment to
get your teeth cleaned.
3. Wrap cigarettes packs in several layers of paper or perhaps in a beautiful cloth
to give you pause when you want to light up.
4. Stop smoking between certain hours and extend the time by one half hour
progressively. If you smoke when you are bored, stressed, in certain social
situations, or drink certain beverages, change those patterns.
5. Only smoke half the cigarette, where tars are least concentrated, using the
hand you usually don’t smoke with. Avoid inhaling.
6. Make a list of other small pleasures in life, such as taking an aromatherapy
bath, reading a great novel, or trading foot massages with your partner, and try
to engage in these activities instead.
7. Go for a brisk walk after a meal rather than lighting up. It will get more
oxygen into your lungs. Aerobics also help reduce stress and increase energy.
8. Take up a craft or activity that keeps your hands occupied. Use Chinese
handballs, sketch, knit, crochet, do origami, or journal.
10. Put money saved from smoking less into a special fund to buy something
nice. This small bank can be kept in the Wealth Corner of the feng shui
bagua (furthest left corner from the entrance). Fill it with every bit you save,
even if it’s just a tuppence at first!

Thrifty Cures!
Chewing on pieces of ginger slices or candied ginger (wash off the sugar)
can helpful curb cravings. Or you can suck on a whole clove.

11. When desiring a smoke, take deep diaphragmatic breaths, inhaling deep and
slow, letting the abdomen fill with air, and expand. When exhaling, pull the
abdomen in, sending out old stagnant energy. Feed your head and body
oxygen. You don’t have to smoke to breathe more deeply.

When smoke is inhaled, the body responds to the stress by producing adrenaline
to help eliminate the toxins by speeding up the metabolic process. Tobacco
stimulates mucous production and promotes glucose release into the blood
stream. The “high” that people initially experience from smoking is caused by
increased adrenaline levels, elevated blood pressure, blood vessel constriction,
and elevated heart rate, as well as increased production of fatty acids. It
increases salivation and heart palpitations and constricts the blood vessels of the
skin. Tobacco leaves are usually cured with sugar and thus when smoked they
increase the rate of glucose released into the blood stream.

Overcoming Alcoholism
Drinking a glass or two of wine each day can improve health, stimulate the
appetite, and ease stress. But if you abuse alcohol, it can have disastrous effects
on your life. Next to sugar, alcohol is the oldest and most prevalent addiction in
America. Here’s what you can do to overcome your addiction.


Important note! When it comes to using herbs, you’ll want to stick to tea or
capsules rather than use herbs in alcohol tincture form. (You can use herbs in a
vinegar or glycerin tincture.)
Start with kudzu flowers, a long-standing remedy in Chinese medicine for
drunkenness and alcoholism. Research published in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences in 1993 showed that when mice were given
kudzu, they decreased their alcohol consumption by 50 percent. That’s because
kudzu root contains daidzin, a substance that helps reduce the craving for
alcohol. It’s available in capsules at natural food stores. Take two capsules three
times daily.
After 20 minutes without a cigarette, heart rate and blood pressure fall to normal
levels. After eight hours, carbon monoxide levels drops to normal. After only 24
hours, the risk of heart attack decreases. 48 hours after the last smoke, the sense
of smell and taste improve. After two weeks, lung function improves and
circulation is bettered. Going without cigarettes for one year allows the natural
cilia of the lungs to regrow and reduces the risk of lung infections.
Milk thistle seed capsules help prevent and repair alcoholic-induced liver
disease. A study in the Journal of Hepatology in 1989 showed that it helps to
treat cirrhosis of the liver. One to two capsules can be taken daily.
Angelica when used as capsules or tea is said to help create a distaste for
alcohol due its own presence of natural sugars. One capsule three times daily can
be used or brewed into a tea if you enjoy the flavor of celery and spice.
The antioxidant herb chaparral helps to eliminate drug and alcohol residues
from the body. Use for no longer than 21 days consecutively as it is high in
resins that can stress the liver if used too long.
Cinnamon helps keep blood sugar levels stable as it is naturally rich in


Milk thistle seed helps detoxify the liver and repairs damage to this organ.
Sesame seeds are high in nerve-calming calcium. You can also make this to
sprinkle on food:

Milk Thistle Seed Gomashio

1/2 cup (32 g) milk thistle seeds
1 cup (144 g) sesame seeds (black, if you can find them)
1/4 cup (60 g) Celtic salt
Grind the ingredients in a blender, or use a mortar and pestle. Keep in a glass jar
in the refrigerator to season soups and vegetables.


Supplements of essential fatty acids like hemp, fish, evening primrose, or borage
seed oil can reduce alcohol cravings and help restore brain and liver function and
minimize withdrawal. One capsule can be taken three times daily.
The amino acid L-glutamine can deter alcohol cravings, possibly by
protecting cells in the appetite regulation portion of the hypothalamus in the
brain. Take 500 mg four times daily between meals and at bedtime.
The sedative valerian root, in capsule form, can also help during the first few
days of withdrawal. Take 1 or 2 capsules up to 3 times daily, when feeling very
Vitamins B (50 mg daily), C (1,000 mg daily), and the amino acid cysteine
(500 mg daily) can help protect against cellular damage from alcohol


When you are giving up alcohol, the following essential oils are helpful:
bergamot, clary sage, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, lemon, marjoram, rose, and
rosemary. Simply smelling them affects the brain directly, opening neural
pathways away from “I want a drink” to “I am breathing deep and accessing
plant memories.” (See page 11 for suggestions on using essential oils.)


A high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet with nutritional supplements can help you
stay sober. Tomato juice with lemon squeezed into it can ease the urge to drink
since it contains fructose and helps satisfy the body’s desire for alcohol.
Drinking plain water with the juice of half a lemon will help detoxify the liver.
Drinking plenty of water when getting off alcohol will help diminish cravings.
Alcoholics need to beware of moving into sugar addiction. Avoid sugar, fruit
juices, and caffeine, which will keep the blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride. Get
your sweets from fresh fruits that contain fiber, like an apple, instead. Miso is a
great way to keep blood sugar levels stable. Small frequent meals will also help
stabilize blood sugar levels. For more information about sugar addiction, read
Beat Sugar Addiction Now! (Fairwinds Press 2010), and Addiction Free
Naturally(Inner Traditions 2001).

If you feel you are drinking too much or those around you say you are, get help
from Alcoholics Anonymous. You’ll find it in the yellow pages or at It is inexpensive and available worldwide. It has changed many
people’s lives for the better!

Cures from Grandma’s Kitchen

A folk remedy that can create a distaste for alcohol is to eat apples three
times daily. This helps by cleansing the liver and keeping blood sugar
levels stable. Bananas, unsweetened fresh coconut, and romaine lettuce
are other folk remedy foods to deter alcohol desire, perhaps due to their
calming properties. The minerals in celery help to neutralize the body’s
pH balance so it’s considered an antidote for alcohol. Eat three to four
stalks daily.
APPENDIX A: A Closer Look at Herbs

Here you will find in-depth information about the herbs mentioned in this book
(including when they are safe to use and some that aren’t) that you may want to
explore using. This will help you better understand the vast array of benefits
plants offer! For more in-depth information on the herbs mentioned here and
how to use them, check out my book, The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine
(Basic Health Publications).
ALLSPICE (Pimenta dioica, P. officinalis) is a member of the Myrtaceae
(eucalyptus) family. Dried, unripe fruit is the part used. During pregnancy, avoid
excessive use; moderate culinary use is permitted.
ALOE VERA (Aloe vera, A. barbadensis, A. ferox) is a member of the
Liliaceae (lily) family. The gelatinous substance in the stalks is the part used.
Aloe should not be used internally during pregnancy.
ANISE (Pimpinella anisum) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family.
The seed is most often used medicinally. Avoid therapeutic doses during
pregnancy except under the direction of a healthcare professional. Culinary use
during pregnancy is fine.
ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus membranaceus, A. hoangtchy, A. mongolicus) is
a member of the Fabaceae (pea) family. The root is the part used. Astragalus is
not recommended in cases of severe congestion, extreme tension, or an
overactive immune system. It is generally not recommended in cases of fever
and inflammation or extreme dryness (as evidenced by persistent thirst, dry skin,
and constipation). It is best to avoid its use in cases of hot, toxic skin lesions and
at the onset of cold and flu symptoms. It tends to hold infection in the body, so if
you use astragalus during cases of infection, combine it with diaphoretic herbs.
BIRCH (Betula alba, B. lenta, B. pendula, B. nana) is a member of the
Betulaceae (birch) family. The leaf bud, leaf, and inner bark are the parts used.
Birch is considered safe when used appropriately.
BLACK COHOSH (Actaea racemosa, formerly Ciimicifuga racemosa) is a
member of the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. The rhizomes and roots are the
parts used. Excess use can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and low blood
pressure. If pregnant or nursing, use only upon recommendation of a competent
health professional. It is generally not recommended during pregnancy. Avoid
with heart conditions.
BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum thalictroides) is a member of the
Berberidaceae (barberry) family. The rhizome is used. Use only the dried root as
the fresh plant may cause dermatitis and the berries are toxic. Avoid its use
during pregnancy until the onset of labor or until labor is overdue and then use
only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.
BONESET (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Large doses can cause vomiting,
trembling, weakness, drooling, stiffness, and diarrhea. It is best to use boneset
for no more than five days in a row.
BUCHU (Agathosma betulina, formerly Barosma betulina, Diosma betulina)
is a member of the Rutaceae (citrus) family. The leaf is used. Avoid buchu
during acute inflammatory conditions, as well as during pregnancy and while
nursing. Large amounts can cause nausea and vomiting. It is not unusual for a
person who has been drinking buchu tea to have his or her urine become scented
like buchu, although this is not harmful in any way.
BUGLEWEED (Lycopus virginicus, L. americanus, L. europaeus) is a
member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid
bugleweed during pregnancy.
BURDOCK (Arctium lappa, A. minus) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The root and seed are used. Take care to avoid the sharp spines when
working with the seeds. If you are collecting in the wild, avoid confusing
burdock with rhubarb, which has similar-looking but toxic leaves.
CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The flower is used. Calendula is generally regarded as very safe.
CARAWAY (Carum carvi) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family. The
seeds are used. Caraway is safe when used appropriately.
CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum) is a member of the Zingiberaceae
(ginger) family. The seeds are used. It is considered very safe, but avoid it if you
have an ulcer.
CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family. The
leaves are used. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy,
CAYENNE PEPPER (Capsicum frutescens, C. annuum, C. Species) is a member
of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. Keep away from eyes. Wash hands after
contact with any loose form of cayenne. Avoid large doses when pregnant and
nursing. Seeds can be especially hot and in some varieties are best avoided.
CELERY (Apium graveolens) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family.
The seed and stalks are used therapeutically. Large amounts of celery seed may
increase photosensitivity, so avoid using the essential oil topically when going
out in the sun. Use only in moderation during pregnancy, as large amounts could
have an abortifacient effect. Avoid celery seed in cases of kidney inflammation.
CHAMOMILE (Matricaria recutita) (German chamomile; formerly
Chamomilla recutita; syn. M. chamomilla), Chamaemelum nobile (Roman
chamomile; syn. Anthemis nobilis) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family.
The flowers are used. Some people may be severely allergic to chamomile,
especially those sensitive to ragweed. It can cause contact dermatitis in some
individuals. Roman chamomile is more likely to cause an allergic reaction than
the German variety. On the other hand, chamomile is sometimes used to treat
allergies. Use the herb with caution the first time you try it. Otherwise,
chamomile is considered very safe. It is not recommend during pregnancy.
CHICKWEED (Stellaria media, S. graminea, S. alsine) is a member of the
Caryophyllaceae (pink) family. The aboveground plant is used. Excess use may
cause diarrhea.
CINNAMON (Cinnamomum cassia, C. zeylanicum,) is a member of the
Lauraceae (laurel) family. The inner bark is used. Avoid cinnamon during hot
feverish conditions. Avoid large amounts during pregnancy (culinary use is
okay) and large amounts can decrease mother’s milk. Avoid large doses for long
periods of time.
CLEAVERS (Galium aparine, G. verum) is a member of the Rubiaceae
(madder) family. The aboveground plant is used. Cleavers is not recommended
in cases of diabetes as it will increase urination. Contact dermatitis from the
fresh juice is a rare occurrence.
CLOVE (Eugenia aromatica) is a member of the Myrtaceae (eucalyptus)
family. The dried flower bud is used. Avoid large amounts during pregnancy or
in cases of fever. Prolonged contact of the essential oil with gum tissue can be
CODONOPSIS/DANG SHEN (Codonopsis pilosula) is a member of the
Campanulaceae (bell-wort) family. The root is used. It is generally regarded as
safe when used appropriately.
COLLINSONIA (Collinsonia canadensis) is a member of the Lamiaceae
(mint) family. The rhizome is used. Avoid during pregnancy. Beware the
aboveground portion of the plant, which can be emetic even in small amounts.
COMFREY (Symphytum officinale) is a member of the Boraginaceae
(borage) family. Comfrey is recommended only for short-term use of less than
six weeks and is not recommended for use during pregnancy or while nursing.
Herbalists debate about the safety of using herbs containing pyrrolizidine
alkaloids, and more research needs to be conducted to determine whether
comfrey is safe for internal use. But there is no problem with using it topically.
Because comfrey causes rapid wound healing, make sure a wound is clean of
any dirt before applying comfrey. Also be sure of your species; poisonings have
occurred from novices collecting toxic foxglove, mistaking it for comfrey.
CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley)
family. The seed is used. There have been rare reports of allergic reactions to
CORNSILK (Zea mays) is a member of the Poaceae(grass) family. The
stigmas from the female flowers are used. When used appropriately, it is
considered very safe.
CORYDALIS (Corydalis formosa) is a member of the Papaveraceae(poppy)
family. The rhizome is used. Use corydalis only as needed and do not take more
than is needed. Large amounts can be toxic. Avoid during pregnancy.
COUCH GRASS (Elytrigia repens, also known as Agropyron repens) is a
member of the Poaceae (grass) family. The rhizome and roots are used.
Couchgrass is generally regarded as safe.
CUMIN (Cuminum cyminum) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family.
Cumin is generally regarded as safe.
DAMIANA (Turnera aphrodisiaca, T. Diffusa) is a member of the
Turneraceae (turnera) family. The aboveground plant is used. Damiana is
generally considered safe, but avoid using it in cases of urinary tract disease and
during pregnancy.
DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale) is a member Asteraceae(daisy) family.
All parts are used. Dandelion is generally regarded as safe, even in large
amounts and even during pregnancy. However, as is the case with any plant,
there is always a possibility of an allergic reaction. There have been a very few
cases reported of abdominal discomfort, loose stools, nausea, and heartburn
associated with dandelion. The fresh latex of the plant can cause contact
dermatitis in some sensitive individuals.
DEVIL’S CLAW (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a member of the
Pedeliaceae (sesame) family. The secondary tubers are used. There are no
known harmful side effects from long-term use of devil’s claw. It may take a
couple of weeks to notice results. Use devil’s claw in combination with
demulcent herbs to avoid irritating the digestive tract and avoid it during
DILL (Anethum graveolens) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family.
The seed is used medicinally. Avoid therapeutic doses during pregnancy, but
culinary use is fine.
DONG QUAI (Angelica sinensis, A. polymorpha) is a member of the
Apiaceae (parsley) family. The root is used. Avoid dong quai during pregnancy
except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Avoid in
cases of diarrhea, poor digestion, abdominal distention, heavy menstrual flow, or
high fever with a strong fast pulse or when using blood-thinning medications.
Use of dong quai can increase photosensitivity.
ECHINACEA (Echinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia, E. pallida) is a member
of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. The root, rhizome, leaf, flower, and seed are
used medicinally. Excessive use of echinacea can cause throat irritation, nausea,
dizziness, and excessive salivation. Rare cases of allergic reactions have been
reported. Those with a compromised immune system, such as might result from
lupus, should use echinacea only under the advice of a qualified healthcare
professional. Echinacea can be taken frequently (every couple of hours) during
acute infection, but this sort of dosing should be undertaken only for a few days.
Echinacea commonly produces a slightly tingly sensation on the tongue, which
is a harmless reaction.
ELDER (Sambucus nigra, S. canadensis) is a member of the Caprifoliaceae
(honeysuckle) family. The flower and berry are used as medicine. Avoid elder in
cases of fluid depletion, as elder is a diuretic. Cook or dry ripe berries before
consuming large quantities of them as excess amounts can have a laxative effect.
Know your species and avoid using red-berried elders as many of them are
EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus, E. Species) is a member of the
Myrtaceae (eucalyptus) family. Large amounts taken at one time can cause
headache, vertigo, convulsions, and even death. The essential oil may cause
irritation or burning; avoid contact of the essential oil with mucous membranes.
EYEBRIGHT (Euphrasia rostkoviana, E. officinalis, E. americana) is a
member of the Scrophulariaceae (figwort) family. The aboveground plant is
used. Though this herb is regarded as safe, eyebright is best used under the
guidance of a qualified healthcare professional in cases of serious eye disorders.
Avoid during pregnancy.
FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare, F. officinale) is a member of the Apiaceae
(parsley) family. The seeds are used. Excess use of fennel seed can overstimulate
the nervous system. Avoid therapeutic dosages during pregnancy, though
culinary use is fine.
FENUGREEK (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a member of the Fabaceae
(legume) family. The seeds are used in medicine. Avoid fenugreek seed during
pregnancy as it can be a uterine stimulant. Although fenugreek can be used to
lower blood sugar levels, diabetics should use it for this purpose only with
guidance from a qualified healthcare practitioner.
FEVERFEW (Tanacetum parthenium) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The flowers and leaves are used. In rare cases, feverfew can cause
irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, or tongue. Taking it with food can
minimize this possibility. Avoid during pregnancy and nursing. Don’t use
feverfew if you are on blood-thinning medications or about to have surgery
within a week because it can have an effect on the rate of blood clotting. If you
are very allergic to ragweed, use under supervision of a health professional.
FLAX (Linum usitatissimum, L. lewisii, L. perenne) is a member of the
Linaceae (flax) family. Once flax seeds are ground or made into an oil, they can
quickly go rancid.
GARCINIA (Garcinia cambogia, G. indica, G. atriviridis) is a member of the
Clusiaceae (Saint-John’s-wort) family. Those allergic to citric acid (citrus fruits,
tomatoes) may have sensitivities to garcinia. It has been safely used as a food for
many centuries. Avoid during pregnancy and nursing. Large doses can be
GARLIC (Allium sativum) is a member of the Lilliaceae (lily) family. Garlic
breath can be a problem, remaining in the body for up to ten hours. Do not apply
cut garlic directly to the skin for more than a few minutes as it can burn the skin
(always dilute with vegetable oil). Avoid large doses during pregnancy and while
nursing as it may cause digestive distress in the mother and baby.
GENTIAN (Gentiana officinalis, G. lutea, g. andrewsii, G. villosa, g
campestris, G. macrophylla, G. scabra) is a member of the Gentianaceae
(gentian) family. Gentian can aggravate hyperacidic conditions and ulcers. Large
doses can cause nausea and vomiting.
GINGER (Zingiber officinale) is a member of the Zingiberaceae (ginger)
family. The rhizome is used. Although ginger can relieve morning sickness,
pregnant women should not ingest more than 1 gram daily. Avoid in cases of
peptic ulcers, hyperacidity, or other hot, inflammatory conditions. Avoid
excessive amounts of ginger in cases of acne, eczema, or herpes. Ginger may
cause adverse reactions when used in combination with anticoagulant drugs such
as Coumadin or aspirin; if you are using such medications, seek the advice of a
qualified healthcare practitioner before commencing use of ginger.
GINKGO (Ginkgo biloba) is a member of the Ginkgoaceae (ginkgo) family.
The leaves are the most used part. Side effects from using ginkgo leaves are rare.
However, large amounts have been reported to cause gastrointestinal
disturbance, irritability, restlessness, and headache. Ginkgo leaf can negatively
affect the blood’s ability to clot, so avoid ginkgo for at least a week before
surgery; in cases of hemophilia; or in concurrence with anticoagulant drugs such
as Coumadin, aspirin, or monoamine-oxidase inhibitors.
GINSENG (Panax quinquefolium: American ginseng) (Panax ginseng: Asian
ginseng) is a member of the Araliaceae(ginseng) family. The root is the part
used. Avoid ginseng in cases of heat and inflammation, such as fever, flu,
pneumonia, hypertension, or constipation. Do not give to children for prolonged
periods as it may cause early sexual maturation. Avoid during pregnancy and
while nursing. Do not take ginseng in conjunction with cardiac glycosides except
under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. It is best not to take
ginseng at night as it can inhibit sleep.
GOJI (Lycium chinense, l. barbarum) is a member of the Solanaceae
(nightshade) family. The berries are used. Avoid buying bright red berries that
may have been trested with sulfite preservatives.
GOLDENROD (Solidago species) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The aboveground plant is used. In cases of chronic kidney disorder,
consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using. Avoid in cases of
edema resulting from heart or kidney failure. Goldenrod is often accused of
causing hay fever. However, its pollen is actually quite heavy and falls to the
earth rather than becoming airborne. It is more likely ragweed, which blooms at
the same time as goldenrod, that is culprit.
GOLDENSEAL (Hydrastis canadensis) is a member of the Ranunculaceae
(buttercup) family. Avoid during pregnancy, in cases of high blood pressure, or
in the week preceding surgery as it may increase blood pressure. It also can
elevate blood sugar levels and blood pressure in one who is already so inclined;
use only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional in such cases.
Use only for short periods (three weeks or less) as long-term use can kill off
friendly intestinal flora and reduce assimilation of B vitamins. Follow a course
of goldenseal with probiotics such as acidophilus.
GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid during pregnancy, except under
the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Avoid in cases of overactive
GRAVEL ROOT (Eupatorium purpureum, E. ternifolium, E. verticullatum,
E. Maculatum) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. Large doses may
cause vomiting. Avoid during pregnancy. Gravel root contains some pyrrolizine
alkaloids and it is not recommended for use for periods of more than six weeks.
GRINDELIA (Grindelia camporum, G. robusta, Gg. squarrosa, G. rigida) is
a member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. The tops (flowers, buds, and upper
leaves) and resin are used. Excessive dosages, due to all the resins can irritate
kidneys. Grindelia can collect high doses of selenium from the soil, which can
cause large doses of this plant to be irritating.
GUARANA (Paullinia cupana, P. sorbilis, Cupania americana) is a member
of the Sapindaceae (lychee) family. The seeds are used. It contains caffeine and
can cause nervousness, insomnia, and B vitamin depletion. Guarana is
contraindicated for those with heart disease, ulcers, diabetes, and epilepsy. Avoid
in cases of high blood pressure. Avoid guarana during pregnancy and nursing.
GUGGULU (Commiphora mukul, C. africana) is a member of the
Burseaceae (frankincense) family. The resin is used. In rare cases, an allergic
skin reaction can occur. It disappears when use of the herb is discontinued. In
cases of bowel inflammation, liver disease, or diarrhea, consult with a competent
healthcare professional before using.
GYMNEMA (Gymnema sylvestre) is a member of the Asclepiadeceae
(milkweed) family. The leaves are used. If you are insulin dependent, consult
with your physician before using gymnema as insulin levels may need to be
HAWTHORN (Crataegus oxycantha, C. species) is a member of the
Rosaceae (rose) family. The leaf, flower, and berry are used. Using hawthorn
may potentiate the effects of heart medications such as beta-blockers, digoxin, or
Lanoxin. If you are using heart medication, consult with a qualified healthcare
professional before commencing use of hawthorn. It is generally considered safe.
HIBISCUS (Hibiscus sabdariffa, H. rosa-sinensis, H. spp.) is a member of
the Malvaceae (mallow) family. Persons who are very chilled should avoid
hibiscus as it is cooling.
HOPS (Humulus lupulus) (European hops) is a member of the Cannabaceae
(hemp) family. The strobiles are used. Avoid during pregnancy and in cases of
depression. Use in conjunction with pharmaceutical sedatives only under the
guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. It may exacerbate their effects.
HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint)
family. The aboveground portions are used. Large doses may be laxative and
cathartic. The juice of the fresh plant may cause dermatitis. Avoid during
HORSE CHESTNUT (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a member of the
Hippocastanaceae (horse chestnut) family. The seeds, leaves, flowers, and bark
are somewhat toxic unless processed. Use in one fourth the dosages of other
herbs. Avoid using if pregnant or nursing.
HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense, E. Species) is a member of the
Equisetaceae(horsetail) family. Large amounts can be toxic due to the presence
of the enzyme aneurinase, which, if eaten over a long period of time, can cause
B vitamin deficiency. Small amounts are fine. However, drying, cooking, and
tincturing horsetail destroys that enzyme, making horsetail safe. Avoid long-term
use during pregnancy.
HO SHOU WU (Polygonum multiflorum) is a member of the Polygonaceae
(rhubarb) family. The processed root is used. Avoid ho shou wu during bouts of
diarrhea and excessive phlegm.
HYDRANGEA (Hydrangea arborescens) is a member of the Saxifragaceae
(rockfoil) family. Only the root and rhizhome are used. Excessive amounts can
cause gastrointestinal distress, dizziness, and chest congestion. Hydrangea is not
recommended for long-term use or during pregnancy.
HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
Avoid during pregnancy.
IRISH MOSS (Chondrus crispus) is a member of the Gigartinaceae
(gigartina) family. Because Irish moss has some blood-thinning properties,
people who are on anticoagulating medications should avoid its use.
ISATIS (Isatis tinctoria) is a member of the Brassicaceae (cabbage) family.
The root is primarily used. Do not use isatis for more than three weeks at a time.
Long-term use can deplete the body of friendly intestinal flora, weaken
digestion, and cause internal coldness.
JUJUBE (Ziziphus jujuba) is a member of the Rhamnaceae (buckthorn)
family. The berries are used as food and medicine. Avoid jujube in cases of
bloatedness or intestinal parasites.
KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum) is a member of the Piperaceae (pepper)
family. The root and upper rhizome are used. Avoid during pregnancy and while
nursing and do not give to young children. Avoid in cases of Parkinson’s disease
and severe depression. Do not take in conjunction with with alcohol, sedatives,
tranquilizers, or antidepressants as it can potentiate their effects. Try to avoid
driving, operating heavy machinery, or other activities that require fast reaction
times after taking kava kava. On the plus side, kava kava, unlike many sedatives,
is not habit forming. Daily use of kava shouldn’t exceed three months, though
occasional use is fine for healthy people. Kava kava may cause the tongue,
mouth, and other body parts to feel somewhat numb and rubbery temporarily;
this is normal. However, excess amounts can cause disturbed vision, dilated
pupils, and difficulty walking. Large doses taken for extended periods can have a
cumulative effect on the liver, causing kawaism, a condition marked by a
yellowish tinge to the skin, a scaly rash, apathy, anorexia, and bloodshot eyes.
LADY’S MANTLE (Alchemilla vulgaris) is a member of the Rosaceae (rose)
family. The leaf and flowering shoot are used. Avoid during pregnancy except
under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Do not use in
conjunction with oxytocin.
LAVENDER (Lavendula species) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint)
family. The flower is used. Avoid large doses of lavender during pregnancy.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Lemon balm is generally considered very
safe and a favorite children’s herb. It can lower thyroid function, however, which
is beneficial in some cases but not for those with a hypothyroid condition.
LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus) is a member of the Poaceae(grass)
family. The leaf is used. Avoid large doses during pregnancy as it can stimulate
the uterus.
LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra: European licorice, G. uralensis: Chinese
licorice, G. glandulifera: Russian licorice) is a member of the Fabaceae (pea)
family. The root, also known as stolen, which is an underground stem, is used.
Avoid licorice in cases of edema, nausea, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat. Licorice
is not recommended during pregnancy or in combination with steroid or digoxin
medications. Large doses may cause sodium retention and potassium depletion
and may be emetic. Prolonged or excessive use may elevate blood pressure and
cause headache and vertigo. Continuous use is not recommended in excess of six
CHINESE LICORICE (G. uralensis) is said to be less likely to cause side
effects than the European variety (G. glabra). All these precautions
notwithstanding, licorice is often added in very small amounts to other herbal
formulas to harmonize them and prevent undesirable side effects. Before using
licorice in moderate amounts daily, for longer than six weeks, consult with a
competent healthcare practitioner.
LINDEN (Tilia platyphyllos, T. americana,. cordata, T. x europea, T. spp.) is a
member of the Tiliaceae (tilia) family. The flower is used. Tilia americana
should be consumed only in moderation as large doses may cause nausea and
excess use may damage the heart. Older flowers of most species used in making
tea can have a slight narcotic effect.
LOBELIA (Lobelia inflata, L. siphilitica: blue lobelia, L. cardinalis: red
lobelia, cardinal flower) is a member of the Lobeliaceae (bluebell) family. The
entire plant can be toxic if not used properly. Avoid during pregnancy or in cases
of hypotension, hypertension, fainting, paralysis, shock, pneumonia, or fluid
surrounding the heart or lungs. Avoid overdosing, as overdose can cause
sweating, nausea, vomiting, pain, paralysis, lowered body temperature, rapid
pulse, coma, and even death. Lobelia is best used in combination with other
herbs and in small amounts, being one-fifth to one-third of a formula.
MACA (L. Peruvianum) is a member of the Brassicaceae (mustard) family.
The root is used as food and medicine. It is generally regarded as safe. High
doses may contribute to insomnia.
MARSHMALLOW (Althaea officinalis) is a member of the
Malvaceae(mallow) family. The root is used. The mucilage in marshmallow may
cause a delay in the effects of pharmaceuticals taken at the same time.
MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria) is a member of the Rosaceae
(rose) family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid meadowsweet in cases of
sensitivity to salicylates, such as those found in aspirin.
MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum) is a member of the Asteraceae(daisy)
family. The seeds are used as food and medicine. There have been occasional
reports of bloating, diarrhea, and a laxative effect. Mint (Mentha spp., especially
M. x piperita [Peppermint] and M. Spicata [Spearmint]) is a member of the
Lamiaceae (mint) family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid mint in cases of
coldness, such as chills or yin deficiency, and during acute gallstone attack.
Pregnant women should ingest no more than 1 to 2 cups (475 ml) daily of
peppermint tea. Nursing mothers should avoid large amounts of mint, which can
dry breast milk.
MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid motherwort in cases of excessive
menstrual bleeding. Avoid during pregnancy (but note that motherwort can be
helpful during labor, under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner).
The plant may cause contact dermatitis in some people.
MUIRA PUAMA (Ptychopetalum olacoides, P. uncinatum) is a member of the
Olaceae (olive) family. The inner bark and root are used. It may cause insomnia
in some people if taken before bedtime.
MULLEIN (Verbascum thapsus) is a member of the
Scrophulariaceae(figwort) family. The leaf and sometimes flower (without the
calyx) are used. Mullein leaves are generally regarded as safe, though the leaf
contains coumarin and rotenone, which in the past have drawn expressions of
concern from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
MYRRH (Commiphora myrrha, c. abyssinica) is a member of the
Burseraceae (frankincense) family. Use only small amounts internally and only
for short periods of time as resins can be difficult for the body to eliminate.
Avoid during pregnancy as myrrh can stimulate the uterus. Large amounts can be
overly laxative.
NEEM (Azadirachata indica) is a member of the Meliaceae (mahogany)
family. The bark, twigs, leaves, roots, seeds, and sap are used. Neem is
considered safe and has a long history of use. However, long term internal use
may result in anemia, weakness, appetite loss, and weight loss. It should not be
used for infants, the elderly, or infirmed.
NETTLE (Urtica dioica, U. urens) is a member of the Urticaceae(nettle)
family. The aboveground plant is used. All fifty species of the genus Urtica can
be used medicinally, but stick with urens and dioica species unless you have
consulted with local herb authorities on the safety of local varieties. Nettle is not
known as stinging nettle for nothing; avoid touching or eating the fresh plant
unless it is very young and/or you are very brave. Touching the fresh plant can
cause a burning rash. Wearing gloves when collecting can help prevent this, but
the hairs in large plants may still pierce through. A nettle sting can be soothed
with a poultice of yellow dock or plantain or even the juice of the nettle plant
itself (but good luck obtaining this without getting many more stings).
OAK (Quercus alba: white Oak) is a member of the Fagaceae (beech) family.
The inner bark and gall (growth produced by fungus or insect) are used. Oak
galls are extremely astringent; use only in small quantities. Use oak bark for no
longer than a month continuously.
OAT (Avena sativa: cultivated oat, A. fatua: wild oat) is a member of the
Poaceae (grass) family. The seed (unripe) and stem (also known as oat straw)
are used. Those with gluten allergies should use oats with caution.
OLIVE LEAF (Oleum europea, O. olviva) is a member of the Oleaceae
(olive) family. Olive leaf is used as medicine and the fruit as food. Olive leaf and
oil are generally regarded as safe. “Die off” reactions have been reported from
olive leaf use, where the body experiences the die off of pathogens, which can
manifest as aches, sore throat, or flu like symptoms. Some have found olive leaf
tea irritating to the stomach.
ORANGE (Citrus reticulata: mandarin orange or tangerine, C. x aurantium:
bitter or Seville orange, C. vulgaris: sweet orange) is a member of the
Rutaceae(citrus) family. The peel is used. Use bitter orange with caution during
pregnancy as large doses may stimulate contractions. Use of orange peel
essential oil in massage oils, baths, and other cosmetics make increase
OREGON GRAPE (Mahonia aquifolium), (synonym) Berberis aquifolium,
Mahonia repens, m. Nervosa, m. pinnata, berberis repens, b. vulgaris) is a
member of the Berberidaceae (barberry) family. The root, root bark, and
rhizome are used. Use only the dried plant as the fresh root can be excessively
purgative. Avoid during pregnancy. Avoid in hyperthyroid conditions. Don’t use
in cases of excessive flatulence.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare, O. spp.) is a member of the Lamiaceae
(mint) family. The aboveground portion is used. Avoid large medicinal dosages
during pregnancy, though culinary use is fine.
OSHA (Ligusticum porteri, L. canbyi, L. scoticum, L. filicinum, l. grayi, l.
tenuifolium) is a member of the Apiaceae (parsley) family. The root is used.
Avoid during pregnancy.
PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum: curly leaved, p. latifolium: broad leaves,
P. sativum, P. tuberosum: hamburg parsley) is a member of the Apiaceae
(parsley) family. The leaf is used. Large amounts are contraindicated during
pregnancy, though culinary use is fine.
PASSIONFLOWER (Passiflora incarnata, P. edulis: yellow passionflower,
P. spp .) is a member of the Passifloraceae(passionflower) family. The leaf, vine,
and flower are used. Large doses may cause nausea and vomiting. Avoid large
doses during pregnancy. Unripe fruits have some level of toxicity and should not
be consumed.
P’AU D’ARCO (Tabeuia spp., including T. impetiginosa, T. rosea, and T.
serratifolia) is a member of the Bignoniaceae (bignonia) family. The inner lining
of the bark (known as phloem) and bark are used. Excess use may loosen bowels
or cause nausea and vomiting. Avoid during pregnancy and nursing. Product
adulteration is common, so be sure that your source is trustworthy.
PEPPER (Piper nigrum: black pepper) is a member of the Piperaceae
(pepper) family. The dried unripe fruits are used as food and medicine. Overuse
may cause hypersecretions of digestive juices, leading to a burning sensation in
the digestive tract. Large amounts may elevate blood pressure.
PINE (P. spp.,including P. sylvestris: Scotch pine, P. tabuliformis, P. strobus:
white pine, P. pinaster, P. pinea, P. Nigra, P. contorta: lodgepole pine) is a
member of the Pinaceae (pine) family. The inner bark, needles, young buds, and
pitch are used. Some may experience contact dermatitis if in contact with the
wood, resins, or sawdust of some pine species.
PLANTAIN (Plantago major: broad-leaf plantain, P. lanceolata: lance-leaf
plantain, P. Media: hoary plantain, sweet plantain) is a member of the
Plantaginaceae (plantain) Family. The leaf and seed are used. Plantain is
generally regarded as safe.
PRICKLY ASH (Zanthoxylum americanum: Northern prickly ash, Z. clava-
herculis: Southern prickly ash ) is a member of Rutaceae (rue) family. The bark
is the portion used. Avoid during pregnancy, in cases of stomach or intestinal
inflammation, and in conjunction with blood-thinning medications. Prickly ash
can produce a hot, tingling sensation throughout the body that is not a cause for
alarm; it is as strong a stimulant as cayenne pepper but is slower acting and
longer lasting.
PSYLLIUM (Plantago psyllium, P. ovata, P. indica) is a member of the
Plantaginaceae(plantain) family. The seed and outer husk of the seed are used.
Always use psyllium with plenty of liquids; otherwise, it can cause constipation.
Psyllium can dilute digestive enzymes and is best taken between meals,
especially before bed or first thing upon rising, rather than with food.
RASPBERRY (Rubus spp.) is a member of the Rosaceae (rose) family. The
leaf is used medicinally. There are no known toxic levels. Once nursing is
established, excess consumption of raspberry leaf should be avoided as its
astringent properties could lessen the amount of breast milk.
RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) is a member of the Fabaceae (pea)
family. The flower and young leaf are used. Red clover is not recommended for
use during pregnancy, though it can be used prior to pregnancy as a fertility
tonic. Avoid red clover for at least a week prior to surgery.
REHMANNIA (Rehmannia glutinosa) is a member of the Scrophulariaceae
(foxglove) family. The root is used. Avoid excessive use in cases of loose stools
or a very coated tongue.
REISHI (Ganoderma lucidum) is a member of the Polyporaceae (polypor)
family. The fruiting body is used. Reishi has a very low potential for toxicity.
Some may experience dry mouth, dizziness, and digestive distress from
ingesting reishi after long-term use. Pregnant or nursing women should consult
with a competent healthcare professional before using reishi. Because reishi can
inhibit blood clotting, it should be avoided at least one week before surgery,
birthing, or if using blood-tinning medications.
ROSE (Rosa spp., including R. canina: dog rose, R. Species) is a member of the
Rosaceae(rose) family. The flower and hip are used. As with all herbs, avoid
using rose flowers or hips that have been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Remove
the irritating hairs from the rose hip seeds before eating them. When making a
tea from them, use a strainer to filter out the fine hairs.
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid therapeutic doses during
pregnancy (though moderate culinary use is ok). Though rosemary is generally
considered so safe that it is a common kitchen herb, extremely large doses can
cause convulsions and death.
SAINT-JOHN’S-WORT (Hypericum spp., including H. perforatum) is a
member of the Clusiaceae (Saint-John’s-wort) family. The flowering tops are
used. Saint-John’s-wort should not be combined with antidepressant
pharmaceuticals (for example, Celexa, Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, Parnate, Paxil,
Prozac, or Zoloft), protease inhibitors, or organ antirejection drugs (such as
cyclosporine), except under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. In
fact, because Saint-John’s-wort cleanses the liver, it is best to use it with caution
in conjunction with any pharmaceutical drug. Saint-John’s-wort is not
recommended during pregnancy, while nursing, or for children under the age of
two. It may cause photosensitivity, especially in fair-skinned individuals. There
have been rare reports of dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and dry mouth from its use.
Some people may experience contact dermatitis from the plant.
SARSAPARILLA (Smilax aristolochiifolia, S. aspera, S. officinalis, S.
ornata, S. papyracea, S. regelii: Jamaican sarsaparilla) is a member of the
Smilacaceae(smilax) family. The rhizome is used. Avoid during pregnancy.
SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa repens) is a member of the Arecaceae (palm)
family. The berry is used. Avoid during pregnancy and while nursing, at least
until further research has been done to ascertain its safety during these times.
Mild gastrointestinal disturbances are a rare side effect.
SCHIZANDRA (Schisandra chinensis) is a member of the
Schisandraceae(magnolia vine) family. The berry is used. Avoid schizandra in
cases of excess heat (such as fever), overly acidic conditions, cough, epilepsy,
intracranial pressure, or in the early stages of rash. Schizandra is not
recommended during pregnancy. Do not give to children under the age of two,
except under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner.
SENNA (Senna alexandrina, S. spp.) is a member of the Fabaceae (legume)
family. The leaf, pod, and seed are used. Avoid senna during pregnancy, while
nursing, and in children under age twelve. Avoid in cases of colitis or conditions
of inflammation of the digestive tract. Do not use in conjunction with cardiac
glycoside pharmaceuticals, except under the guidance of a qualified healthcare
practitioner. The seeds have a gentler effect than the leaves and are more
appropriate for the young, the elderly, and those prone to stomach cramps. To
prevent gripe, combine senna with carminative herbs such as cinnamon,
cardamom, coriander seed, fennel seed, ginger, or peppermint. Overuse may
cause laxative dependency, so do not use senna for more than ten days in a row.
Large doses or overuse can cause bloody diarrhea, intestinal cramps, nausea,
vomiting, and nephritis. Long-term use can cause dehydration and can deplete
the body of electrolytes, including potassium, worsening constipation and
weakening the muscles. Senna may cause the urine to become reddish, which is
no cause for concern.
SHEPHERD’S PURSE (Capsella bursa-pastoris) is a member of the
Brassicaceae (mustard) family. The aboveground plant is used. Use shepherd’s
purse only in moderate doses, as large doses may be toxic. Avoid during
pregnancy, except during labor, and then only under the guidance of a qualified
healthcare professional.
SHIITAKE (Lentinus edodes) is a member of the Polyporaceae (polypor)
family. The cap of fruiting mushroom body is used. Shiitakes are considered
nontoxic and generally safe. Avoid in cases of extreme weakness or diarrhea.
There have been rare reports of allergic reactions affecting the throat, lungs, or
SKULLCAP (Scutellaria californica, S. cane-scens, S. galericulata, S.
lateriflora, S. pilosa, S. tube-rosa, S. versicolor) is a member of the
Lamiaceae(mint) family. The aboveground plant is used. Avoid during
pregnancy. Large doses may cause confusion and giddiness.
SLIPPERY ELM (Ulmus rubra; syn. U. fulva) is a member of the
Ulmaceae(elm) family. The inner bark is used. Slippery elm is regarded as one
of the safest herbs. When consuming slippery elm in capsule form, be sure to
take in plenty of fluids as it absorbs moisture in the body and can be
SPILANTHES (Spilanthes acmella) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Spilanthes is nonpoisonous to humans
though toxic to cold-blooded organisms. Eating the plant can cause numbness in
the mouth. The volatile isothio-cyanates cause an intense pungent sensation in
the mouth.
STEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana) is a member of the Asteraceae(daisy) family.
The leaf and flower are used. It is generally considered safe. Too much stevia
can leave an aftertaste.
TEA (Camellia sinensis) is a member of the Theaceae (tea) family. The leaf
bud and young leaf are used. Excessive use of tea may cause nervous irritability
and digestive distress such as ulcers. Some believe tea to be addictive. Avoid tea
in cases of hypertension and insomnia; avoid large doses during pregnancy and
while nursing.
THYME (Thymus spp., including T. vulgaris: garden thyme, T. serpyllum:
wild thyme) is a member of the Lamiaceae(mint) family. The aboveground plant
is used. Avoid therapeutic doses during pregnancy, though culinary use is fine.
TRIBULUS (Tribulus terrestris, T. cistoides) is a member of the
Zygophylaceae (caltrop) family. The sharp fruit is used. Avoid during pregnancy
except under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Avoid in cases
of dehydration or blood or chi deficiency.
TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) is a member of the Zingerberaceae (ginger)
family. The rhizome is used. Some people have experienced skin rashes from
using turmeric. It may cause photosensitivity in some individuals. Therapeutic
dosages should be avoided during pregancy (though culinary use is fine).
USNEA (Usnea barbata, U. Species) is a member of the Parmeliaceae
(usnea) family. The mycelia (of the thallus), which is technically the tissue of the
plant, is used. There have been rare cases of contact dermatitis from applying the
herb directly to the skin. It is best avoided during pregnancy.
UVA-URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. Species) is a member of the
Ericaceae (heath) family. The leaf is used as medicine. Use for ideally no longer
than one week. (Take a one-week break and then resume, if needed.) Large or
frequent doses may be irritating to the stomach mucosa and can cause nausea
and vomiting. Long-term use may be constipating. It can be beneficial to
combine uva-ursi with a demulcent herb such as cornsilk, marshmallow root, or
licorice. Avoid during pregnancy as uva-ursi may decrease circulation to the
uterus. Arbutin inhibits the breakdown of insulin and should be used cautiously
by those who are hypoglycemic. It can turn urine a greenish color, due to the
hydroquinone, though this effect is not harmful.
VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis, V. spp.) is a member of the Valerianaceae
(valerian) family. The root or rhizome is used. Large doses of valerian can cause
depression, nausea, headache, and lethargy. Some individuals, especially those
who are already overheated, may find valerian stimulating rather than sedating.
Do not use large doses for more than three weeks in a row. Avoid during
pregnancy except in very small doses. Do not give to children under the age of
three. Avoid in cases of very low blood pressure or hypoglycemia; avoid long-
term use in cases of depression. Use with caution if you are going to be driving,
operating heavy machinery, or undertaking other activities that require fast
reaction times. Valerian may potentiate the effects of benzodiazepine and
barbiturates. Those taking sedatives, antidepressants, or anti-anxiety medications
should use valerian only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare
VIOLET (Viola odorata) is a member of the Violaceae (violet) family. The
leaf and flower are used. Violet is not recommended in cold conditions such as
chills. Otherwise, violet leaf tea is safe and gentle; it even can be used as a
substitute for baby aspirin. Do not substitute African violets as a medicine plant.
VITEX (Vitex agnus-castus) is a member of the Verbenaceae (vervain)
family. The berry is used. Discontinue if diarrhea, nausea, or abnormal menstrual
changes occur. Large doses can cause formication, a strange symptom, where
one feels as if ants are crawling on their skin. To improve hormonal problems
with vitex, the herb should be taken for at least six months.
WALNUT (Juglans regia: English walnut, Persian walnut, J. nigra: black
walnut, J. cinerea: butternut) is a member of the Juglandaceae (walnut) family.
The leaf, dried inner bark, green hull of nut, and nut are used. Avoid walnut leaf,
inner bark, and green hull during pregnancy; the nut is safe. The nut has caused
mouth sores in sensitive individuals. The green hulls and leaves have been
known to cause contact dermatitis. The inner bark should be dried for one year
before use, as the fresh bark can cause intestinal gripe.
WILD CHERRY (Prunus virens, P. aviium: wild cherry, Prunus serotina:
black cherry, P. virginiana: choke cherry) is a member of the Rosaceae(rose)
family. The dried inner bark is used. The bark is toxic in large doses. Do not boil
bark; simply steep in hot water. It may cause drowsiness. Though it helps
coughs, it does not treat the infection that may be causing the cough. Do not use
during severe infection.
WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa, D. batata, D. japonica, D. bulbifera) is a
member of the Dioscoreaceae (yam) family. The root and rhizomes are used.
Avoid large doses during pregnancy unless suggested by a competent healthcare
professional. Avoid large doses in cases of constipation or with high blood
WILLOW (Salix alba: white willow, S. spp.) is a member of the Salicaceae
(willow) family. The inner bark is used. Willow is not recommended during
pregnancy. Avoid in cases of hemophilia or in others at risk of hemorrhage, and
do not use in conjunction with blood-thinning medications. Avoid giving willow
bark to children with a viral infection accompanied by headache to avoid the risk
of Reye’s syndrome. Those who suffer from tinnitus or who are allergic to
aspirin should use willow with caution.
WITCH HAZEL (Hamamelis virginiana) is a member of the
Hamamelidaceae (witch hazel) family. The bark, twig, and leaf are used.
Because of its high tannin content, witch hazel is very astringent. Topical
applications of witch hazel should use only products made from the twigs, as
those made from the bark or leaves may be disfiguring. Tincture of witch hazel
can be too astringent for topical skin use. Use witch hazel internally only for
short periods of time as the high tannin content can be too astringent for the liver
and constipating. Although distilled witch hazel does not contain tannins, it often
contains rubbing alcohol, and it should not be used internally or applied close to
mucus membranes, on broken skin, or in the eyes.
WOOD BETONY (Stachys officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae(mint)
family. The aboveground plant is used. Wood betony is generally regarded as
safe. However, large doses may cause vomiting. Pregnant women should avoid
large doses, except during labor, and then only under the guidance of a qualified
healthcare practitioner. Do not confuse Stachys species with Pedicularis species,
which are also known as betony, as their uses are not interchangeable.
YARROW (Achillea millefolium) is a member of the Asteraceae (daisy)
family. The flowering top is used. Overuse may cause skin photosensitivity,
dizziness, and headache in some people. Rare individuals may be sensitive to
yarrow and experience dermatitis after use. Avoid yarrow during pregnancy.
YELLOW DOCK (Rumex crispus) is a member of the Polygonaceae
(buckwheat) family. The root is used. Yellow dock leaves are high in oxalate,
which can impair calcium absorption and potentially aggravate kidney stones,
arthritis, gout, and hyperacidity. Large amounts of the leaves or roots may cause
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
YERBA MANSA (Anemopsis californica) is a member of the Saururaceae
(lizard tail) family. The root and leaf are used. It is generally considered safe
when used appropriately.
YERBA MATÉ (Ilex paraguariensis, I. Domestics, i. Sorbilis, I. Mate) is a
member of the Aquifoliaceae (holly) family. The leaf is used. Maté contains
caffeine; however, its tannins tend to bind with the caffeine, thereby reducing the
effects of both compounds. Most people who find that caffeine impairs their
sleep will not experience this effect with maté. However, those suffering from
anxiety, heart palpitations, or insomnia should use maté cautiously. It is best to
avoid consuming maté with meals, as the high tannin content can impair nutrient
YUCCA (Yucca species, including Yucca baccata: banana yucca/Our Lord’s
candle, Y. brevifolia: Joshua tree, Y. filamentosa: Adam’s needle, Y. glauca:
soapweed, Y. schidigera: Mojave yucca) is a member of the Agavaceae (agave)
family. Use only dried yucca root. Avoid during pregnancy. The fresh leaves
have been reported to be toxic to livestock and should not be consumed.
Appendix B: Herbal Education
American Botanical Council
P.O. Box 144345
Austin, TX 78714-4345
Publishes Herbalgram; sells herbal books American Herbalists Guild
141 Nob Hill Road
Cheshire, CT 06410
Offers a member directory of peer-reviewed herbal practitioners American
Herb Association
P.O. Box 1673
Nevada City, CA 95959
Provides listing of herb schools throughout the
country and an excellent newsletter California School of Herbal Studies
P.O. Box 39
Forestville, CA 95436
Provides in depth on site herbal education with many fine teachers Herb
Research Foundation
5589 Arapahoe Ave. #205
Boulder, CO 80303
Clearinghouse for herbal information

The Science and Art of Herbalism Correspondence Course

P.O. Box 420
East Barre, VT 05649
An excellent home-study program designed by
beloved herbalist Rosemary Gladstar Tai Sophia Institute
7750 Montpelier Road
Laurel, MD, 20723
Provides in depth herbal education and a degree program United Plant Savers
P.O. Box 400
East Barre, VT 05649
Group that promotes awareness about rare
and endangered species and offers a great newsletter
Appendix C: Resources for Buying Herbs and Supplies
Asia Natural Products
590 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Sells quality Oriental herbs Astara Cosmetics
Astara Biogenic Skincare
Los Angeles, CA
Distributers of Rescue Remedy and other Bach
Flower remedies Boiron Homeopathics
6 Campus Boulevard
Newtown Square, PA 19073-3267
Offers a complete line of homeopathic products Bragg live Foods, Inc.
Box 7
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Sells the best raw apple cider vinegar

Desert Essence
P.O. Box 14007
Hauppauge, New York 11788
Sells quality aromatherapy and beauty products,
many based on tea tree oil Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps
P.O. Box 28
Escondido, CA 92033
Excellent soaps for cleaning everything on the body
and in the home Flora Inc.
P.O. Box 73
805 E. Badger Road
Lynden, WA 98264
Makes Floradix herbal tonics

Frontier Natural Products Co-Op

P.O. Box 299
Norway, IA 52318
Offers mail-order herbs and herbal products

Herb Pharm
P.O. Box 116
Williams, OR 97544
Makers of excellent quality herbal tinctures
Herbal Products Allergy Research Group
2300 North Loop Road
Alameda, CA 94502
Sells homeopathic products for specific allergens Honey Gardens, Inc.
P.O. Box 52
Ferrisburg, VT 05456
Sells the best raw wildflower honey

Horizon Herbs, LLC

P.O. Box 69
Williams, OR 97544-0069
Offers an excellent selection of herbal seeds
and seedlings Little Moon Essentials
2475 West Highway 40
Steamboat Springs, CO 80477
Sells excellent bath and body care products, salves,
and bug repellants MegaFood
P.O. Box 325
Derry, NH 03038
Sells vitamins enhanced with super foods

Mountain Rose Herbs

P.O. Box 50220
Eugene, OR 97405
Sells herbs and herbal products such as strainers,
empty tea bags, and tincture bottles Peaceful Mountain
5345 Arapahoe Ave, Suite B-1
Boulder, CO 80301
Makes a wide selection of healing salves and balms,
including for pain, shingles, eczema, and sprains Planetary Herbals
P.O. Box 1760
Soquel, CA 95073
Sells herbal remedies based on the work
of Dr. Michael Tierra Primal Essence
1351 Maulhardt Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93030
Makes excellent tea additions such as cinnamon,
chai, ginger, and peppermint essences StarWest Botanicals
11253 Trade Center Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Offers mail-order herbs and herbal products Sunburst Bottle Company
4500 Beloit Drive
Sacramento, CA 95838
Sells glass and plastic bottles and containers
for herbal preparations Sunstar Dimensions, Inc/Astara Skin Care
5017 E Washington Unit 105
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Sells excellent natural cosmetics Weleda North America
1 Closter Road
P.O. Box 675
Palisades, NY 10964
Sells remedies and body care products including baby care
Appendix D: Bibliography
American National Red Cross, Standard First Aid and Personal Safety. New
York: C.V. Mosby, 1993.
Angier, Bradford. How to Stay Alive in the Woods. New York: Black Dog &
Leventhal Publishers, 2001.
Blate, Michael. First Aid Using Simple Remedies. Columbus, NC: The G-Jo
Institute, 2005.
Bragg, Paul C., ND, PhD, and Patricia Bragg. Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle
Health System. Santa Barbara, CA: Bragg Health Sciences, 2009.
Brown, Jude. Aromatherapy for Travellers. San Francisco: Thorsons Publishers,
Brown, Tom. Tom Brown’s Field Guide to Wilderness Survival. New York:
Berkley Trade, 1987.
Chamberlain, Mary. Old Wives’ Tales: The History of Remedies, Charms and
Spells. London: Tempus Publishers, 2002.
Clouatre, Dallas, PhD. Getting Lean with Anti-Fat Nutrients. San Francisco: Pax
Publishing, 1994.
Elliot, Rose, and Carlo de Paoli. Kitchen Pharmacy: A Book of Healing
Remedies for Everyone. New York: Orion, 1998.
Gardner, Joy. The New Healing Yourself: Natural Remedies for Adults and
Children. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1989.
Geelhoed, Glen W., MD, and Jean Barilla, MS. Natural Health Secrets from
Around the World. New Canaan, CN: Keats Publishing, 1997.
Greenbank, Anthony. The Book of Survival. Long Island City NY: Hatherleigh
Press, 2003.
Harris, Ben Charles. Kitchen Medicines: Curative Recipes and Remedies. New
York: Pocket Books, 1970.
Heinerman, John, PhD. The Healing Benefits of Garlic: From Pharoahs to
Pharmacists. New Canaan, CT: Wings, 1994.
Igram, Cass, DO. How to Survive Disasters with Natural Medicines. Hiawatha,
IA: Cedar Graphics, 1995.
Irons, Diane. 911 Beauty Secrets. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 1999.
Kirkwood, Byron. Survival Guide for the New Millennium. Grass Valley, CA:
Blue Dolphin, 1993.
McIntyre, Anne. The Herbal for Mother and Child. London: Thorsons
Publishers, England, 2003.
Maleskey, Gale, and Brian Kaufman. Home Remedies: What Works. Emmaus,
PA: Rodale Press, 1997.
Mayell, Mark, and the editors of Natural Health Magazine. The Natural Health
First Aid Guide. New York: Pocket Books, 1994.
Meyer, Clarence. American Folk Medicine. Glenwood, IL: Meyerbooks
Publisher, 1985.
Newman, Bob. Survival in the ‘90s. Birmingham, AL: Menasha Ridge Press,
Nyerges, Christopher. Urban Wilderness. Culver City, CA: Peace Press, 1979.
Reader’s Digest Staff. Reader’s Digest Action Guide: What to Do in an
Emergency. Montreal, 1989.
Sun Bear, Wabun, and Nimimosha. The Bear Tribe’s Self-Reliance Book. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.
Tkac, Debora and Prevention Magazine Health Books editors. The Doctor’s
Book of Home Remedies: Thousands of Tips and Techniques Anyone Can Use
to Health Everyday Health Problems. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1990.
Vogel Alfred. Health Guide through Southern Countries. Teufen, Switzerland:
Vogel, 1975.
Werner, David. Where There is No Doctor. Palo Alto, CA: Hesperian
Foundation, 1992.
White, Martha. Traditional Home Remedies: The Old Farmer’s Home Library
Almanac: Time Tested Methods for Staying Well The Natural Way. New York:
Yankee Publishing, Inc., 1997.
Wilen, Joan, and Lydia Wilen. Live and Be Well: New Age and Age Old Folk
Remedies. New York: Harper Books, 1992.
Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen. More Chicken Soup and Other Folk Remedies.
New York: Ballantine Books, 2000.
Wiseman, John. Survive Safely Anywhere. New York: Crown Publishers, 1986.


The Herbal Pharmacy: The Interactive CD-ROM Guide to Medicinal Plants.
Boulder, CO: Hale Software, 1998.
Rawsome: Maximizing Health, Energy and Culinary Delight with the raw Foods
Diet, 2007.
Healing Herbs and Wild Food, Herb TV, 2009,

The Herbal Renaissance: How to Heal with Common Plants and Herbs.
Louisville, CO: Sounds True, 1990.
Natural Remedies for a Healthy Immune System. Louisville, CO: Sounds True,
You can order these tapes directly from Sounds True by calling their mail-
order number: 800-333-9185.
About the Authors
Brigitte mars is an herbalist and nutritional consultant from Boulder, Colorado,
who has been working with natural medicine for more than forty years. She
teaches herbal medicine through Naropa Universty, Omega Institute, Esalen,
Hollyhock, Boulder College of Massage Therapy, and Bauman Holistic College
of Nutrition. She is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild.
Brigitte Mars is also available for herbal formulations and consultations. She
blogs for The Huffington Post, Care2, and My Intent. For more information, visit
her website at www

Chrystle fiedler has written more than a hundred articles on health topics for
many national publications, including Woman’s Day, Better Home & Gardens,
Prevention, Natural Health, Remedy, Medizine’s Healthy Living, The Health
Monitor Network, Great Health, Vegetarian Times, Bottom Line/Women’s
Health, Heart Healthy Living and Health magazine. Chrystle is also the co-
author of Beat Sugar Addiction Now! (Fair Winds Press 2010) and The Complete
Idiot’s Guide to Natural Remedies (Alpha 2009). For more information, visit her
website at
A heartfelt thank-you to Fair Winds Press: Jill Alexander, Marilyn Allen, and
Shannon LeMay-Finn.
Many thanks to Rosemary Gladstar, Mindy Green, Diana DeLuca, Kathi
Keville, Beth Baugh, Sara Katz, Cascade Anderson Geller, Pam Montgomery,
Jane Bothwell, and Chanchal Cabrerra. Susun Weed and Amanda McQuade
Crawford, you inspire! Briggs Wallis, your spirit of adventure is refreshing.
Debra St. Claire, Farida Sharan, Lilja Oddsdottir, Gitte Lassen, Trish Flaster,
Mark Blumenthal, and Rob McCaleb, you all make such a contribution to the
herbal realm.
To Laura Lamun for joy, laughter, and song. To friends and celestial artisans
Bob Venosa and Martina Hoffmann. To Steve McIntosh and Tehya Jai, always
on the path of truth, beauty, and goodness. Rebecca and Robbie Gordon—such
amazing friends you are. Elysabeth Williamson, Bob Ramey, Naomi Boggs,
Norm Allard, Jia Gottlieb, and Kate Bullings, you have great healing gifts.
Thank you my beloved friends at Pharmaca. Kimba Arem, Donelda Curren,
Jirka Rysavy, and Donna Eagle, you all bring your wonderful contributions to
the planet.
Matthew Becker, herbalist extraordinaire, you always comfort and heal with
your kindness and wisdom. Thanks to herbalists Michael and Lesley Tierra,
L.Ac., A.H.G, Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., A.H.G., Roy Upton, Herbal Ed Smith,
David Winston, David Hoffmann, Win Smith, L.Ac., Matthew Wood, James
Green, Paul Bergner, N.D., Rick Scalzo, and the late and great ones: Rosemary
Woodruff Leary, Jeannine Parvati Baker, William LeSassier, and Terence
acne, 223–224
acupressure, uses for bedwetting, 153
constipation, 169
cough, 31
eye health, 96
menstrual cramps, 129
morning sickness, 121
sore throat, 30
acupuncture, headache and, 48
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), 155–157
age spots, 224–225
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 195
airplane ears (barotitis), 102
alcoholism, 260–262
allergies, food, 148, 151, 157, 183–185, 191
aloe vera, 66, 136
Alternative Medicine Review, 178
amenorrhea, 130
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 115
American Journal of Gastroenterology, 167
anemia, 193–194
anger, 207–208
anorexia, 114–116
antibiotics, overuse of, 36
anxiety, 209–210
aromatherapy, preparations of, 23
aromatherapy, uses for ADHD, 157
alcoholism, 261
anxiety, 209
bath therapy, 21
colds, 27
flu, 27
smoking, quitting, 258
stomach ulcers, 174
arthritis, 40–42
Arzneimittel Forschung, 183, 209
asthma, 185–188
athlete’s foot, 105, 106

Bach, Edward, 214
Bach Flower Remedies, 208
back pain, 42–43
Barnes Basal Temperature Test, 111
barotitis (airplane ears), 102
bath therapy, 21–23
bedsores, 82
bedwetting, 152–153
bee stings, 68–69
bites/scratches, animal, 56–57
black eye, 75
bleeding, stopping, 75–77
blisters, 67
blood pressure, 197–198
body odor, 238
boils (furuncles), 66–67
breastfeeding, 122–125
breath freshening, 242
British Journal of Clinical Practice, 173
bronchitis, 188–189
bruises, 73, 74–75
bulimia, 114–116
bunions, 105, 107
burns, 56, 57–59

California Medicine, 175
calluses, 105–106
candida (Candida albicans), 139–140, 142
canker sores, 242
cataracts, 98
caterpillar/centipede bites, 69
chicken pox, 153–155
Chinese remedies, uses for bleeding, stopping, 77
bruises, 74
burns, 59
colds, 26
flu, 26
jet lag, 51
shingles, 70
sinusitis, 190
trauma, 221
cholesterol, 194–196
circulation, improving, 196
Clark’s Rule, 10, 144
clotting, improvement of, 74
Cochrane Database Systematic Review, 26
cold sores (fever blisters), 242–243
colds, 25–27
colic, 144–145
colitis, 165
compresses, 18–19
conjunctivitis (pinkeye), 98
constipation, 165–169
corns, 105–106
cough, 31–32
Cowling’s Rule, 10, 144
cradle cap, 146
cramps, menstrual, 128–129
craniosacral massage, 48

dandruff, 234–235
decoction, 16
depression, 210–212
diaper rash, 147
diarrhea, 50, 52, 170–171
digestive tract, soother for, 114
dosage, guidelines for, 9–11, 144
Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 136
dry brush skin massage, 37–38
dysmenorrhea, 128–129

ear, removal of bug from, 103
ear drops, 149, 150
ears, 101–104, 148–150
earwax, removal of, 103
eczema, 227–229
enuresis, 201
erectile dysfunction, 159–160
essential oils, dosage guidelines, 11
essential oils, uses for anger, 208
athlete’s foot, 105
bladder, infections of, 202
blisters, 67
blood pressure, 197
breastfeeding, 123
bruises, 74
burns, 58
cramps, menstrual, 129
dandruff, 234
depression, 211–212
eczema, 228
fainting, 87
fertility, 119
grief, 213
gums, 244
healing skin, 80
heat stroke/heat exhaustion, 88
hypothyroidism, 109
immune health, 37
insect bites, 70
insect repellent, 67–68
insomnia, 253
lice/crabs, 60–61
memory, 216
menopause, 133
menstrual flow, lack of, 131
menstruation, difficulties with, 128
morning sickness, 121
motion sickness, 176–177
psoriasis, 228
sinusitis, 190
sore feet, 106
sore throat, 29
stress, 218
sunburn, 66
toothache, 245
trauma, 221
travel, 51
warts, 230
wrinkles, 233
yeast infection, 140
European Heart Journal, 197
for bunions, 105
for eyes, 96, 97
for strep throat, 30
for varicose veins, 138
eyes, 94–101

facial steams, 20–21
fainting, 86–87
far infrared sauna, 38
fever, 33
fever blisters (cold sores), 242–243
fingers, crushed, 85–86
flatulence, 181
flower essences, uses for anger, 208
anxiety, 209
grief, 214
nightmares, 255
trauma, 220
flu, 25–27
food poisoning, 177–179
foot ailments, 105–108
foot odor, 106
Fortschritte der Medizin, 210
Free Radical Biology, 154
French press, 15
furuncles (boils), 66–67

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), 171–172
glaucoma, 99
gluten, 185
gout, 198, 199
grief, 213–215
gums, 243–244

Hahnemann, Samuel, 10
hair loss, 235–237
hangover, 53–54
Hanna, Thomas, 42
Hay, Louise, 150
headache, 44–48
Headache, 46
hearing, loss of, 104
heartburn, 171–172
heat stroke/heat exhaustion, 87–89
hemorrhoids, 48–49
defined, 12
dosage guidelines, 10
preparation of, 13
herbs, uses for acne, 223
ADHD, 156
alcoholism, 260–261
allergies, 183
anemia, 193
anorexia, 114–115
anxiety, 209
arthritis, 40
asthma, 185
backache, 43
bath therapy, 21
bedwetting, 152
bee stings, 69
bites/scratches, animal, 56
bleeding, stopping, 76–77
blisters, 67
body odor, 238, 239
boils, 66–67
breastfeeding, 122–123
breath freshening, 242
bronchitis, 188–189
bruises, 74
bulimia, 114–115
chicken pox, 154
circulation, improving, 196
colds, 25–26
colic, 144–145
colitis, 165
conjunctivitis (pinkeye), 98
constipation, 166–167
cough, 31
cradle cap, 146
cramps, menstrual, 128–129
depression, 210–211
diarrhea, 170
ear infections, 148–149
eczema, 227
erectile dysfunction, 159
eyesight, 94–95
fertility, 117
flatulence, 181
flu, 25–26
food poisoning, 178
foot deodorant, 108
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), 172
grief, 213
gums, 244
hair growth, 235
headache/migraine, 44–45
healing, 81
hearing loss, 104
hemorrhoids, 48–49
hives, 60
hoarseness, 34
hyperthyroidism, 110
immune health, 35
incontinence (enuresis), 201
indigestion, 172
insomnia, 251–252
jet lag, 51
kidney stones, 204
laryngitis, 34
mastitis, 124–125
memory, 216
menopause, 131–132
menstrual flow, 130–131
menstruation, difficulties with, 127
miscarriage, prevention of, 119–120
moisturizing, 226
morning sickness, 120
nails, strengthening, 239
nightmares, 255
poison ivy/poison oak, 63
prostate, 163
psoriasis, 227
ringworm, 65
shingles, 70
sinusitis, 190
smoking, quitting, 258
sore feet, 108
sore throat, 28
stomach ulcers, 173–174
stress, 218
styes, 100
teeth, healthy, 246
temper tantrums, calming, 151
tinnitus, 102
toothache, 245
trauma, 220
varicose veins, 136–137
warts, 229
wounds, 73
wrinkles, 232
hiccups, 176
hives, 60
hoarseness, 33–34
homeopathic remedies, defined, 10–11
homeopathic remedies, uses for bedwetting, 152
bee stings, 69
bites/scratches, animal, 57
black eye, 75
bruises, 74–75
burns, 58–59
colds, 26
diarrhea, 52
flu, 26
food poisoning, 178
grief, 213
insomnia, 252–253
jet lag, 51
morning sickness, 121
poison ivy/poison oak, 64
poisoning, 84–85
shingles, 71
splinters, 78
sprains, 78–79
swelling, 86
temper tantrums, calming, 151
trauma, 221
warts, 230
wasp stings, 70
wounds, 73
hot flashes, 134
hyperthyroidism, 110
hypnosis, 48
hypoglycemia, 110–112
hypothermia, 89–91
hypothroidism, 109

immune health, improvement of, 35–38
incontinence (enuresis), 201
indigestion, 172
infertility, 116–119
inflammation, reduction of, 74
influenza, 25–27
infusions, 15, 16
insect bites, 67–70
insomnia, 251–255

jet lag, 50–51
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 184
Journal of Clinical Pharmacological Therapy, 25
Journal of Hepatology, 261
Journal of International Medical Research, 26
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 216
Journal of Nutrition, 96, 184
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 197
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 170
Journal of Research for Ayurveda and Siddha, 156
Journal of Rheumatology, 40
Journal of the American Medical Association, 195
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 80
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 36

Kegel exercises, 49, 135, 153, 160, 163, 201
kidney stones, 203–205

Lancet, 115
laryngitis, 33–34
laxatives, 166–167
lice/crabs, 60–62
macular degeneration, 100
massage, dry brush skin, 37–38
massage, uses for anxiety, 210
bladder infections, 202
constipation, 168–169
ear infections, 149
erectile dysfunction, 160
sinusitis, 191
mastitis, 124–125
Medical Journal of Australia, 223
melatonin, 50, 253
memory, 216–217
menopause, 131–134
menorrhagia, 130
menstruation, difficulties with, 126–131
Metabolism, 111
migraine, 44–45
miscarriage, prevention of, 119–120
morning sickness, 120–121
motion sickness, 176–177

nail biting, 239–240
nails, strengthening, 239
nausea, 176–177
nightmares, 255
nosebleed, 91–92

overnight jar, tea preparation in, 16

parasites/protozoa, 179–181
pinkeye (conjunctivitis), 98
plantar warts, 230
poison, exposure to, 84–85
poison, universal antidote for, 84
poison ivy/poison oak, 63–64
poultices, 19
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 260
propolis, 27, 28
prostate, 161–163
psoriasis, 227–229
Public Health Nutrition, 44
pulsing remedies, 10

Raynaud’s disease, 196
antifungal foot soak, 106
asthma, 187
astringent for gums, 244
bath oil, 226
chicken pox, 155
cough syrup, 32
dandruff rinse, 234
ear drops, 149
eczema, 229
eyewash, 20, 94, 100
facial spray, 23
fever, 33, 155
gargle, 21, 28
grief, 213
hair growth, 237
hair rinse, 236
hoarseness, 34
immune health, 38
incontinence, 153
insect repellant, 67
liver repair, 261
massage oil, 23
moisturizer, 227, 233
mouth wash, 21, 23
mucous congestion, 25
poison ivy/poison oak, 64
psoriasis, 229
receding gums, 244
replacement of lost nutrients, 52
room scent, 23
sprains, 79
stretch marks, 122
tooth-cleaning powder, 23, 247, 248
vaginal dryness, 135
reflexology, 119
Rescue Remedy, 50, 58, 86, 209, 220, 246
ringworm, 65

salves, uses for bedsores, 82
eczema, 228
fever blisters (cold sores), 242–243
psoriasis, 228
shingles, 71
sauna, far infrared, 38
scabies, 60–62
scars, 79–80
The Sexual Herbal (Mars), 160, 215
shingles, 70–71
sinusitis, 189–191
skin, healing, 80
skin, moisturizing, 226–227
smoking, quitting, 258–260
snoring, 255
Somatics (Hanna), 42
sore throat, 27–30
splinters, 77–78
sprains, 78–79
strep throat, 27–30
stress, 218–220
stretch marks, 122
styes, 100
sun tea, 15
sunburn, 65–66
supplements, uses for ADHD, 156
alcoholism, 261
allergies, 184
anemia, 194–195
anger, 207
anorexia, 115
anxiety, 209
appetite, 115
arthritis, 41
asthma, 186
bladder, infections of, 202
blood pressure, 197
blood sugar, balancing, 111
bruises, 74
bulimia, 115
chicken pox, 154
colds, 26
cradle cap, 146
diarrhea, 171
erectile dysfunction, 159
excessive menstrual flow, 130
eyesight, 95
fertility, 118
flu, 26
gout, 198
grief, 213
hangover, 54
headache/migraine, 46
healing, 81, 82
healing skin, 80
hyperthyroidism, 110
hypothyroidism, 109
immune health, 35–36
improving circulation, 196
indigestion, 172
jet lag, 50
kidney stones, 204
lowering cholesterol, 194–195
memory, 216
menopause, 132–133
menstruation, difficulties with, 127
morning sickness, 120
nausea, 177
prostate, 161, 162
shingles, 71
sore throat, 29
stomach ulcers, 174
stress, 219
teeth, healthy, 246–247
tinnitus, 102
varicose veins, 137
warts, 229, 230
wrinkles, 233
yeast, control of, 142
surgery, healing from, 80–83
swelling, reduction of, 86
swimmers’ ear, 102

teapot, preparation of tea in, 14–15
teas, preparation of, 13–17
teeth, healthy, 245–249
teething pain, 147
temper tantrums, calming, 150–152
thrush, 140
ticks, 70
tinctures, herbal, 17
tinnitis, 102
toenails, ingrown, 107
tooth, knocked out, 246
tooth-cleaning powder, 247, 248
toothache, 244–245
trauma, 220–221
travel, food tips for, 52

ulcers, stomach, 173–176
urinary tract, infections of, 201–203

vaginal dryness, 135
varicose veins, 136–139
vomiting, 178

warts, 229–232
wounds, 73
wrinkles, 232–234
yeast infection, 140–142
yoga postures, uses for, 49, 104

Zen Mama (yoga DVD), 121
Text © Brigitte Mars and Chrystle Fiedler
First published in the USA in 2011 by
Fair Winds Press, a member of
Quayside Publishing Group
100 Cummings Center
Suite 406-L
Beverly, MA 01915-6101

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized, in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission in
writing from the publisher.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-59233-446-9
ISBN-10: 1-59233-446-6

Digital edition: 978-1-61059523-0

Hardcover edition: 978-1-59233-446-9

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Mars, Brigitte.
The country almanac of home remedies : time-tested wisdom for treating
hundreds of common ailments naturally / Brigitte Mars and Chrystle Fiedler.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59233-446-9
ISBN-10: 1-59233-446-6
1. Self-care, Health. 2. Traditional medicine. I. Fiedler, Chrystle. II. Title.
RA776.95.M27 2010

Cover + book design: carol holtz |
Photographs:, 24; 39; 55; 72; 143; 158; 182; 200; 206;
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Illustration: Mike Wanke
Printed and bound in China

Note: The information contained in this book is intended to educate, delight,

and expand your understanding of your health. For any health concerns,
first take responsibility for your own health, and then seek the advice of
a competent health-care professional when needed.

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