19 March 2012

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Weekly Friday Newsletter Term 1 2012 19-23 March 2012

Monday 19 March Tuesday 20 March Wednesday 21 March Thursday 22 March

Kowhai Library Enviro Lead Team and Schoolgen Lead Team Jenny CRT Day (half day) Technology Year 7/8 Katrina CRT Day (half day) Assembly 9am Hosts: Connie, Shri, Mina, Kyle Cricket Coaching at the park 1:45 pm (Kauri and Kowhai) Golf coaching 1pm-3pm (Seniors) Board of Trustee Meeting 5:30pm at CTMS Spanish/Kapa Haka

NOTICES: Interview Slips need to be returned to the office.

Parents, please action

Friday 23 March

ACTION: Civil Defence Kits: Please replenish your childs Civil Defence Kit container.

Cyber Safety Agreement: There are a few Cyber Safety Agreement forms still outstanding. Please check you have discussed, signed and returned your child/childrens Cyber Safety Agreement. Entertainment Books: Thank you so much to the parents who have been selling the Entertainment Books at their workplaces. If anyone else would like the word document with the Order Here link, please let Raewyn know and she will e.mail it to you. Yummy Fruit Stickers: The sticker sheets are on the noticeboard outside Kauri, please help yourself if you want some for home or your workplace cafeteria. Kowhai Library on Monday: Please ensure your child returns their books. Interview Slips: Please return these asap.

NOTICES: Goal Setting Parent/Teacher Interviews this term: Monday 26 March, Tuesday 27 March, Wednesday 28 March (late night). During the year a number of opportunities are available for parents to meet with teachers to discuss the learning progress of their child/children. This term we have Goals Setting Interviews with parents/teachers and students and will have the opportunity to discuss their learning and the goals they believe are important to progress their learning. These are established together with parents and the homegroup teacher. Before the evening we take some time in class to discuss goals and areas of learning importance. These will help with the Interview meeting. It is also an opportunity for us as teachers to share the assessments the children completed earlier this term. Please, check you have completed and returned your childs interview time slip. Board of Trustee Meeting: The BOT meet on Thursday 22nd March from 5:30pm-7:30pm in the school staffroom. Parents are welcome to join us. Please let Alison (Chairperson) know if you are interested in attending the meeting.

Term 1 Full Calendar of CTMS Events

Week 7 Week 8 19 March Kowhai Library 26 March Kauri/Kahikatea Lib. Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:155:30pm 2 April Kowhai Library 20 March 27 March Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:155:30pm 3 April 21 March 28 March Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:157:30pm 4 April Student Council morning Piano Recital 3:30pm 22 March 29 March 23 March 30 March

Week 9

5 April Last School Day of Term



The CTMS mission statement To inspire in each pupil a thirst for learning, drawing on the rich opportunities available to a small inner-city school is embedded in the CTMS curriculum. At CTMS we have a strong commitment to developing essential literacy and numeracy skills, expression through the arts, environmental education and critical thinking through inquiry learning. Parents can read more about how we implement these elements by reading the CTMS Charter 2012 (available from the office). Parents are often curious as to how our rich learning experiences at CTMS (many of these experiences occur outside the classroom) are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum. This chart outlines the rich learning opportunities that your child has experienced already this term and endeavours to provide parents with an opportunity to see these links to the NZ Curriculum.

Term 1 2012 Rich Learning Experiences

Community Night

NZ Curriculum Achievement Objectives

PE/Health Community Resources Students will participate in communal events and explain how such events enhance the well-being of a community. PE/Health Movement Concepts and Motor Skills Students will develop a wide variety of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments. Technology Technological Practice Students will undertake planning to identify the key stages and resources required to develop an outcome Social Sciences Students will understand how belonging to groups is important for people. Students will understand that people have different roles and responsibilities as part of their participation in groups. Visual Arts Students will understand and apply a range of conventions from established practice, using appropriate processes and procedures. Explore a variety of materials and tools and discover elements and selected principles. Visual Arts Develop and revisit visual ideas, in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination, supported by the study of artists works. Visual Arts Students will investigate, develop and revisit visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation and imagination supported by the study of artists works. Visual Arts

Golf and Cricket Coaching

Year 7/8 Technology sessions at Mount Cook School (engineering and sewing)

School Agreement/School Charter

Visual Arts-Observational Drawing

Visiting Artist Paul Forrest (painter ) Artists Talkpreparing for NZ Festival of the Arts Michael Fowler Centre Paul Forrest-Artist in action City Gallery- NZ Sculptors Exhibition

Dowse Art Gallery-Shapeshifter Exhibition

Term 1 2012 Rich Learning Experiences

Students will investigate, develop and revisit visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation and imagination supported by the study of artists works. Share the ideas, feelings and stories communicated by their own and others objects and images.

NZ Curriculum Achievement Objectives 2

Capital E - NZ International Festival of the Arts - White

Michael Fowler Centre NZ International Festival of the Arts Peter & the Wolf Visiting performers Wayang Kulit (Indonesian shadow puppets)

New Dowse Art Gallery-Shapeshifter Sculpture Exhibition

Environmental Education presentation by Brittany Packer

The Lorax-Save Our Environment

Environmental Education-Recycling

Literacy Stu Duval-visiting storyteller


Performance Arts Dance/Drama Understanding the Arts in Context Students will develop an understanding of how dance/drama is visible and experienced in their lives and in their communities. Music-Sound Arts Communicating & Interpreting Reflect on the expressive qualities of others music, both live and recorded. Drama Communicating & Interpreting Respond to drama, identifying ways in which elements, techniques & technologies create meaning in others work. Understanding the Arts in Context Investigate the purpose of objects and images from past and present cultures and identify the contexts in which they were or are made, viewed and valued. Visual Arts Students will investigate, develop and revisit visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation and imagination supported by the study of artists works. Values and Key Competencies Ecological Sustainability Students will show care and action for the environment. Students will be actively involved in local communities. Technology/Science Technological Practice Students will describe the nature of an intended outcome, explaining how it addresses the need or opportunity. Science Investigating in Science Students will extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through play, asking questions and discussing simple models Earth Systems Students will explore and describe natural features and resources Interacting Systems Students will describe how natural features are changed and resources are affected by natural events and human actions Reading- Making Connections/Identifying and summarizing main ideas (achievement objectives developed for appropriate levels of curriculum) Writing- Recount/Review Writing (achievement objectives developed for appropriate levels of curriculum) Number and Algebra (addition and subtraction) Number Strategies and Knowledge (achievement objectives developed for appropriate levels of curriculum)

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