Events 15 Aug

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Weekly Friday Newsletter Term: 3 Week: 3 15 August 2011

Monday 15 August Tuesday 16 August Wednesday 17 August Thursday 18 August

Friday 19 August

Kauri/Kahikatea Library Chess Classes 9:30-10:30am School Band with Jonathon Crehan Technology Years 7/8 School Assembly Practice Hosts: Zach Edward, Ida, Felix L. Assessment Evening: 6.30 p.m. Spanish/Te Reo Maori Kapa Haka Orchestra performance at Te Papa 11:15am

NOTICES: Assessment Information Evening 18th August at 6:30pm

BOARD UPDATE Welcome to the first of the new weekly Board Updates! We had our first Board meeting of Term 3 last night and talked about a number of governance matters. Two items of key importance were National Standards and the election of a new Board Chair! The Co-Principals tabled and talked to our collective progress against National Standards, the Board agreed that these results should be shared at the Assessment Evening next week we look forward to seeing you there! The Board unanimously voted Alison Finnie as the new Board Chair as Sharon Paine is standing down from the role of Board Chair with the end of her term on the Board in November. Congratulations Alison! In late October/early November we will be holding Board elections and are keen to hear from any parents who would like to join the Board. If you would like to find out more about what this involves please contact the CoPrincipals or Alison Finnie. NOTICES Orchestra Performance: Years 1-4 will be attending an orchestral performance at Te Papa Theatre on Friday 19 August at 11:15am. We will be leaving school to walk down to Te Papa at 10:30am. We need 5 parents for this trip as Te Papa has an adult/child ratio of 1:6. School Band: A reminder that the band will meet each Tuesday afternoon from 1:30-2:00pm. Students will need to bring their musical instruments on Tuesday. Bark Chips: Many thanks to Max Denisov and our senior students who helped spread back chips on Tuesday. Our Little Adventure is looking wonderful! Measles: As you are aware the Ministry of Health is concerned with the latest outbreak of measles. The measles outbreaks in Auckland and Waikato are mainly affecting unimmunised school children. Measles symptoms Measles is a highly infectious disease and is more serious than many people realise. Symptoms include fever, cough, red eyes and a runny nose, and then a rash which develops after about three days. Complications can include middle ear infections, pneumonia, and, more rarely, encephalitis or brain inflammation. The best measles prevention is the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine which is free for all New Zealand children. Any student or teacher with measles must stay away from school for seven days from the appearance of the rash and until recovery, depending on the advice of the medical officer of health. Unimmunised students, or those with no immunity to measles, who have been in close contact with a measles case during the infectious stages should stay away from school for 14 days from their last contact. This requirement is under the Health (Infectious and Notifiable Diseases) Regulations 1966 (Regulation 14). School Reports: Mid year reports have been sent home today. Please check your childs bag. Opera: We have had a disappointing response to the Opera event. Students who have attended these performances in the past have always thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Tickets for the evening performance of Cavalleria Rusticana & Pagliacci Opera dress rehearsal at the St James Theatre will be $12.00. Please send along $12 in a named envelope if you would like your child to attend. Jenny and Brigid will be attending the event with the children. We have now opened this event up to Year 4 students.

Enrolment Intentions for 2012: Please return the tear off slip attached to last weeks Events asap. Parents will be receiving an email follow-up request for this information.

Assessment Information Evening: A small number of parents have indicated that they will be attending the Assessment Evening from 6.30 p.m. -8.00 p.m. on Thursday 18 August. This is a great opportunity for parents to learn more about National Standards and the New Zealand Curriculum. We will be screening a DVD for the children of those families who are unable to get childcare. Please indicate whether you will be attending the Assessment Information Evening Please return the tear off slip. Farewell: This week we sadly farewell Grace Tromop and her family who are moving to France! Robert and Christine have been very active within the CTMS community and we thank them for their contribution over the past five years. Bon voyage! School Carpark: We have had feed back from the community that parking in the school carpark is currently at a premium, particularly around drop-off and pick-up times. Please show consideration for others by using minimal parking space. Yummy Fruit Stickers/McCains Barcodes: We are wanting to replace our old wheelbarrow and need 20 McCains barcodes of frozen chips, peas or corn. Please bring them to school and pop them in the box upstairs. We are also collecting yummy fruit stickers. These go towards sports equipment for the children! Long Term Plan for Term 3: Please find attached an overview of the terms curriculum.

Events! Our weekly Events newsletter is full of useful information. Please read it! If you miss it, it is available on our school website.
Term 3 Calendar of CTMS Events
Week 3 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August Assessment Night 25 Opera 1 September 8 15 22 BOT Meeting 29 6 Talent Quest (tbc) 19 August Te Papa trip 26 2 9 16 23 30 7

Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

22 29 5 12 19 26 3 October

23 30 6 13 20 27 4 School Photos (tbc)

24 31 7 14 21 28 5

Term 4-Kids for Kids Carol Concert (CTMS students performing) Term 4-Thursday 8 December .. CTMS Assessment Information Evening Thursday 18th August at 6:30pm

We will be attending the Assessment Information Evening. We will not be attending the Assessment Information Evening.

Name:. Signed:

A DVD will be playing in Kahikatea for any children in attendance on the night.

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