Comparative Police System Summary

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The notes cover different police systems around the world and compare their organization, ranks, requirements, and agencies. Key aspects like roles, administration, training, and historical origins are discussed.

A quasi-military organization, a uniformed patrol and traffic-control force, plainclothes divisions for criminal investigations, and a set of enforcement priorities that reflects the community’s way of life are some characteristics common to most police forces.

In this context, 'comparative' denotes examining the degree or grade to which one police system's properties or qualities differ from another system.

NOTES ON COMPARATIVE POLICE SYSTEMS (A Reviewer for Law Enforcement Administration)

Compiled and Edited By: Dr. Rommel K. Manwong Registered Criminologist For the 2011 Review Season Uploaded material for With contributions from: Mr. Aldrin Farinas Registered Criminologist Mr. Nicholas Caballero Registered Criminologist


Course Description under CHED Memo 21 S 2005 This study covers the different transnational crimes, it nature and effects as well as the organization of the law enforcement set-up in the Philippines and its comparison of selected police models and their relation with Interpol and UN bodies in the campaign against transnational crimes and in the promotion of world peace. Comparative Denotes the degree or grade by which a person, thing, or other entity has a property or greater or less in extent than that of another. Police Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. The word comes via French word Policier, from Latin politia ("civil administration"), from ancient Greek polis ("city"). Characteristics common to most police forces include a quasi-military organization, a uniformed patrol and traffic-control force, plainclothes divisions for criminal investigations, and a set of enforcement priorities that reflects the communitys way of life. Administration may be centralized at the national level downward, or decentralized, with local police forces largely autonomous. Recruits usually receive specialized training and take an exam. The modern metropolitan police force began with Sir Robert Peel in Britain c. 1829. Secret police are often separate, covert organizations established by national governments to maintain political and social orthodoxy, which typically operate with little or no control. The study of comparative police system, criminal justice and law is a fairly new field and has corresponded with rising interest in a more established field, comparative criminology. However, in this chapter, we will present some issues which will bring you to discover ideas useful in the conceptualization of successful crime control policies. System quality

Combination of parts in a whole; orderly arrangement according to some common law; collection of rules and principles in science or art; method of transacting business (Webster) Comparative POLICE System Process of outlining the similarities and differences of one police system to another in order to discover insights in the field of international policing. THE NEED FOR INNOVATIVE POLICING Theories and practices in law enforcement have been compared in several studies under various circumstances, the goal is to test whether the theory and practice in policing needs modernization to meet the demands of the present trends in crime fighting. Comparative research is usually carried out by the safari method (a researcher visits another country) or collaborative method (the researcher communicates with a foreign researcher). Globalization Is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Globalization refers to the integration of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization involves technological, economic, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure.

Effects of Globalization

( If you visit several countries, you can easily feel the effect globalization has on our daily lives. The following are some of the most significant effects of globalization. Industry: The world has become a huge market where you can buy and sell things produced in any part of the world. There are a lot of international brands operating worldwide. These include Culture: Globalization means a decrease in the cultural diversity that used to exist in the world earlier. You can find people in several countries dressing up like Westerners. Food is another good example. Young people especially are eating more of American or Chinese foods then their own cultural dishes. The way people speak is also changing. For example teenagers in the Middle East are much influenced by the way the black Americans speak. They think its cool. Legislation: There has been an increase in the establishment of International courts of justice where someone accused could be dealt with in any part of the world. Interpol is another example of International law enforcement agency. Language: With increased globalization, people tend to forget their mother tongue and use English instead as there is an idea that it makes them superior in some way. This might also help them in job searches etc. Information: With the wide use of Internet and other kinds of information technology, it has become much easier and faster to share information worldwide. Live TV channels are another good example of quick information sharing. Finance: Globalization has made it easier to raise finance through individuals and firms outside the country. The International Monetary Fund is a good example of an International Institute which lends money to countries in need for finance. Politics: Powerful countries and individuals nowadays have political control over the whole world, not only their country. The United States is an example of a country that influences the whole of the world politics. It is believed that globalization is a positive development generating more trade and hence welfare of the whole world. Nevertheless it also has some significant disadvantages which should not be forgotten.

These include:

Increasing trends in migration of labor to developing countries as large firms shift their production to developing countries. Some powerful people and countries control the whole world Loss of jobs in countries that cannot compete with larger firms Increased dependency on each other. The recent financial crisis is a good example of that.

The negative effects of globalization

Opponents of globalization point out to its negative effects. Some of them are listed below.

Developed nations have outsourced manufacturing and white collar jobs. That means less-jobs for their people. This has happened because manufacturing work is outsourced to developing nations like China where the cost of manufacturing goods and wages are lower. Programmers, editors, scientists and accountants have lost their jobs due to outsourcing to cheaper locations like India. Globalization has led to exploitation of labor. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods. Job insecurity. Earlier people had stable, permanent jobs. Now people live in constant dread of losing their jobs to competition. Increased job competition has led to reduction in wages and consequently lower standards of living. Terrorists have access to sophisticated weapons enhancing their ability to inflict damage. Terrorists use the Internet for communicating among themselves. Companies have set up industries causing pollution in countries with poor regulation of pollution. Fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are spreading in the developing world. People are consuming more junk food from these joints which has an adverse impact on their health. The benefits of globalization are not universal. The rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Bad aspects of foreign cultures are affecting the local cultures through TV and the Internet. Enemy nations can spread propaganda through the Internet. Deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS are being spread by travelers to the remotest corners of the globe. Local industries are being taken over by foreign multinationals. The increase in prices has reduced the governments ability to sustain social welfare schemes in developed countries. There is increase in human trafficking.

Multi-National Companies and corporations which were previously restricted to commercial activities are increasingly influencing political decisions.

The positive aspect of globalization Globalization has a positive side as well. Supporters of globalization argue that it is good and beneficial. Some of their arguments are listed below. 1. Globalization has created the concept of outsourcing. Work such as software development, customer support, marketing, accounting and insurance is outsourced to developing countries like India. The company that outsourced the work enjoys the benefit of lower costs because the wages in developing countries is far lower than that of developed countries. The workers in the developing countries get employment. Developing countries get access to the latest technology. 2. Increased competition forces companies to lower prices. This benefits the end consumers. 3. Increased media coverage draws the attention of the world to human right violations. This leads to improvement in human rights. The Future Globalization is a tool that should benefit all sections of mankind. One cannot ignore its negative effects. These must be addressed for the worlds peace and prosperity. Impact of globalization and new organizations

technologies on drug-related crime and Criminal

Cyber Crime The term cyber crime covers many types of activities but essentially can be used to describe violations of law that are committed and/or facilitated through the use of electronic media. In comparison with ordinary crime, cyber crime requires few resources relative to the damage that can be caused, it can be committed in a jurisdiction without the offender being physically present in it and, in many countries, offences are inadequately defined or not defined at all; hence, personal risk and the likelihood of detection are low.

Impact on Drug-Related Organized Crime Organized crime has its own operative code, which flouts the rule of law and depends upon violence for its enforcement. It has, however, adopted some of the business practices that characterize the legitimate economy. Organized criminality has become more transnational and has been restructured and decentralized; in other words, it too has globalized. The pyramid-shaped structure of the single organized criminal group has tended to make way for fluid networks of cell-type structures in which national identity is subordinate to function or skill, although nationality itself can be a function if it opens the door to a new market or permits the penetration or corruption of a particular institution. Transnational criminals do not respect borders in that, in carrying out their activities, they trail their activities across several jurisdictions to minimize law enforcement risks and maximize profit; thus, no single State can presume that a particular criminal activity falls entirely under its jurisdiction. The network is the organizational form that characterizes globalization in both the licit and illicit sphere. For a drug trafficking organization, the network structure has distinct advantages over the traditional hierarchy: it has a well-protected, dense core of organizations or people connected to a looser border by a multiplicity of links, which makes it more capable of evading law enforcement efforts. Drug trafficking groups utilize new technologies in two distinct ways: to improve the efficiency of product delivery and distribution through the medium of secure, instant communications; and to protect themselves and their illicit operations from investigation by drug law enforcement agencies, sometimes using techniques of counter-attack. New technologies enable drug trafficking groups to commit traditional crimes with new methods for example, to conceal information about the shipment of illicit drug consignments by means of encrypted messages or to launder drug-related funds by electronic transferand to commit new offences with new means, for example, by using information warfare or digital attack against intelligence activities of drug law enforcement agencies. Drug traffickers use computers and electronic pocket organizers for storing information (such as bank account numbers, contact details of associates, databases of assets and financial activity, sales and other business records, grid coordinates of clandestine landing strips and recipes for synthetic drug manufacture) and for electronic mail (e-mail) and other correspondence.

Surrogates receive instructions by telephone, fax, pager or computer on where to deliver warehouse loads, whom to contact for transportation services and where to send the profits. Greater protection derives from the use of prepaid telephone cards, broadband radio frequencies, restricted-access Internet chat rooms, encryption, satellite telephony and cloned cellular telephones (so called when the identity codes assigned to legitimate customers are intercepted and programmed into cellular telephones used by criminals). Members of drug trafficking organizations can program their computers to detect attempted intrusion and to use back-hacking techniques in order to damage the investigating source. Such techniques are of particular value to the organizers of drug trafficking activities, who rarely need to leave the protection of their home base in order to organize or supervise their operations. Narcotics police in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China report that detecting the laundering of drug-related funds has become more difficult with the advance of electronic commerce and Internet banking facilities. Drug traffickers communicate with each other mainly by using mobile telephones with prepaid cards that can be bought anonymously. China has also reported a case in which criminals tried to avoid detection by penetrating the customs database to alter the details and status of a commercial freight consignment, a case that undoubtedly has implications for drug trafficking. In Australia, drug traffickers use a facility offered to all clients by worldwide courier services to track their shipments on the companys web site. A delay may indicate to the traffickers that a controlled delivery operation has been set in motion. Drug law enforcement authorities involved in such operations must therefore act within an extremely narrow time limit in order to avoid suspicion. The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the Organization of American States (OAS) noted in its Hemispheric Report 1999-2010 that the Internet had become the most widely used medium for expanding the production of synthetic drugs in some countries and that globalization, instant communication and electronic fund transfers had been utilized by organized criminal groups to improve the efficiency of drug trafficking activities. Drug law enforcement authorities in the Czech Republic report that nowadays illicit drug sales and purchases are agreed online at Internet cafes or through the use of cellular telephones. Because illicit

drug deals are arranged instantaneously and over short distances, interception by drug law enforcement authorities is much more difficult. Since 1996, companies based in the Netherlands have been using the Internet to sell cannabis seeds and derivatives. According to the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), at the beginning of the year 2000 authorities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland identified over 1,000 websites worldwide offering to sell illicit drugs, mostly cannabis but also methylene dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy), cocaine and heroin, in direct violation of the international drug control treaties. The Netherlands and Switzerland had the highest number of such web sites. Law enforcement agencies in the United States of America attribute the rapid increase in seizures of laboratories used for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine to the evolution of technology and the increased use of the Internet. In the past, drug recipes were closely guarded secrets but, with modern computer technology and chemists increasing willingness to share their knowledge, this information is now available to anyone with computer access. It does not require a college-educated chemist to produce amphetamine. Less than 10% of suspects arrested for illicitly manufacturing methamphetamine are trained chemists, a fact that explains the many fires, explosions and injuries in clandestine laboratories. A drug investigation carried out jointly by Colombian and United States authorities led to the arrest of 31 drug traffickers in October 1999. It was found that the traffickers had kept in touch with each other by using Internet chat rooms protected by firewalls to make them impenetrable. The details of each days trafficking activities had been fed into a computer located on a ship off the coast of Mexico, ensuring that even if other computers had been penetrated it would have been impossible to bring down the whole network. The same group had used encryption that law enforcement authorities had been unable to break in time to act on the information. Those methods, in addition to cloned cellular telephones, had enabled the traffickers to move hundreds of tons of cocaine during a period of several years before being detected. Colombian and Mexican drug association have used sophisticated equipment for the surveillance of investigating officers and interception of their communications, collecting photographs of the officers and other personal information.

This has also occurred in Europe. In 1995, a drug trafficking group in the Netherlands hired computer specialists to carry out hacking operations and to encrypt their communications. Encryption software installed on palmtop computers enabled the traffickers to create a secure database on unmarked police and intelligence vehicles. A laptop computer and disks belonging to the investigating authorities were stolen and the resultant information was used to intercept communications between police officers, who were subsequently observed and threatened. The Effects of Globalization on Human Rights

Human rights and globalization are profoundly, though not always positively, linked. When countries export labor or increase international co-operation, human rights are sometimes trampled. Subsequently, many of the effects of human rights on globalization are reactions to the exploitation of people. Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly the covenant on civil and political rights and the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights? Attempting an answer to this question is not an easy task, mainly because of the different and contradictory connotations of the term globalization. If globalization is conceived as turning the whole world into one global village in which all peoples are increasingly interconnected and all the fences or barriers are removed, so that the world witnesses a new state of fast and free flow of people , capital , goods and ideas then the world would be witnessing unprecedented enjoyment of human rights every where because globalization is bringing prosperity to all the corners of the globe together with the spread of the highly cherished values of democracy , freedom and justice . On the other hand if globalization is conceived as turning the world into a global market for goods and services dominated and steered by the powerful gigantic transnational corporations and governed by the rule of profit then all the human rights of the people in the world, particularly in the south would be seriously threatened. Literature on globalization, in general, by both the so called advocates and opponents of globalization is abundant. However the critics of globalization lay much more emphasis on its impact on human rights, particularly of the poor people and of the developing countries. Their analysis and

conclusions are usually supported by facts and figures drawn from international reports and statistics to prove that human rights have been adversely affected by globalization. They usually relate one or the other aspect of human rights to one or the other aspect of globalization, such as relating poverty in developing countries to debt or relating unemployment to privatization, or relating health deterioration to the monopoly of medicine patents, or they enumerate the aspects of deteriorations in human rights, such as impoverishment and lowering standards of living, increasing inequality discrimination , deprivation of satisfaction of basic needs such as food clean water and housing , illiteracy, etc and explain these facts by globalization in general through making comparisons between the state before globalization ( usually before the 1990s ) and after it , such as stating that progress in reducing infant mortality was considerably slower during the period of globalization (1990-1998) than over the previous two decades. The advocates of globalization do not deny the fact that in some regions basic human rights are not respected during the past decade but they explain this by the resistance of some countries and peoples to globalization and they claim that globalization must have winners and losers. The losers resistance to globalization is attributed to their state of stagnation and rigidity or to their traditional culture or even to the nature of their religions which is anti democratic and anti modernization. So both advocates and critics of globalization agree on the fact that human rights are in some way or the other adversely affected by globalization particularly in the south , but they differ in their explanation of this fact and hence in their prescription for the remedies . While the advocates prescribe more absorption of peoples and countries in the global system, the critics of globalization prescribe opposition and resistance of the hegemony of the transnational corporations and the injustice inherent in the globalization process. THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE ORGANIZATION (INTERPOL) INTERPOL is the worlds largest international police organization, with 188 member countries. Created in 1923, it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime. INTERPOL aims to facilitate international police co-operation even where diplomatic relations do not exist between particular countries. Action is taken within the limits of existing laws in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Interpols constitution prohibits any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.

Interpols Four Core Functions

Interpols activities are guided by the following four core functions: Secure global police communication services Interpols global police communications system, known as I-24/7, enables police in all member countries to request, submit and access vital data instantly in a secure environment. Operational data services and databases for police Member countries have direct and immediate access to a wide range of databases including information on known criminals, fingerprints, DNA profiles and stolen or lost travel documents. INTERPOL also disseminates critical crime-related data through a system of international notices. Operational police support services INTERPOL provides law enforcement officials in the field with emergency support and operational activities, especially in its priority crime areas. A Command and Co-ordination Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can deploy an Incident Response Team to the scene of a serious crime or disaster Police training and development INTERPOL provides focused police training initiatives with the aim of enhancing the capacity of member countries to effectively combat transnational crime and terrorism. This includes sharing knowledge, skills and best practices in policing and establishing global standards. Interpols Leadership and Governance The President of INTERPOL and the Secretary General work closely together in providing strong leadership and direction to the Organization. Interpols Structure

As defined in Article 5 of its Constitution, INTERPOL (whose correct full name is 'The International Criminal Police Organization INTERPOL) comprises the following: General Assembly Executive Committee General Secretariat National Central Bureaus Advisers The Commission for the Control of Interpols Files The General Assembly and the Executive Committee form the organizations Governance. General Assembly Compose of delegates appointed by the governments of Member Countries. As Interpols supreme governing body, it meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international co-operation, working methods, finances and program of activities. It also elects the Organization's Executive Committee. Generally speaking, the Assembly takes decisions by a simple majority in the form of resolutions. Each Member State represented has one vote. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is Interpols select deliberative organ which meets three times a year, usually in March, July and immediately before the General Assembly. Its role, in accordance with Article 22 of the Constitution, is to: supervise the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly prepare the agenda for sessions of the General Assembly submit to the General Assembly any program of work or project which it considers useful Supervise the administration and work of the Secretary General. In accordance with Article 15 of the Constitution, the Executive Committee has 13 members comprising the president of the organization, 3 vice-presidents and 9 delegates. These members are elected by the General Assembly and should belong to different countries; in addition, the president and the 3 vice-presidents must come from different regions. The president is elected for 4 years, and vice-presidents for 3. They are not immediately eligible for re-election either to the same posts, or as delegates to the Executive Committee. Voting is by secret ballot. A two-thirds majority is required for the election of the president. If this majority is not obtained after the second ballot, a simple majority is then sufficient. Vice-Presidents and delegates are elected on a simple majority. Each member state has one vote; those member states attending the General Assembly are eligible to take part in the election, providing they are not prevented from doing so under Article 52 of the General Regulations. Composition of the Executive Committee President Vice Presidents Delegates

The former Filipino President of INTERPOL in 1980 1984 - Jolly R. Bugarin (Philippines) General Secretariat

Located in Lyon, France, the General Secretariat operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run by the Secretary General. Officials from more than 80 countries work side-by-side in any of the Organizations four official languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. The Secretariat has seven regional offices across the world; in Argentina, Cameroon, Cte dIvoire, El Salvador, Kenya, Thailand and Zimbabwe, along with Special Representatives at the United Nations in New York and at the European Union in Brussels. Secretary General The Secretary General of the Organization is appointed by the General Assembly for a period of 5 years. He may be re-elected. The Secretary General is effectively the Organizations chief full-time official. He is responsible for seeing that the day-to-day work of international police co-operation is carried out, and the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and Executive Committee. National Central Bureaus (NCB) - Each INTERPOL member country maintains a National Central Bureau staffed by national law enforcement officers. The NCB is the designated contact point for the General Secretariat, regional offices and other member countries requiring assistance with overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives. Advisers these are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly. Commission for the Control of Interpols Files (CCF) this is an independent body whose mandate is threefold: to ensure that the processing of personal information by INTERPOL complies with the Organization's regulations, to advise INTERPOL on any project, operation, set of rules or other matter involving the processing of personal information and To process requests concerning the information contained in Interpols files.

INTERPOL 188 Member Countries Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Antigua & Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina - Faso | BurundiCambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Congo (Democratic Rep.) | Costa Rica | Cte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech Republic Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia Fiji | Finland | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Gabon | Gambia | Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea Bissau | Guyana | France Haiti | Honduras | Hungary Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy Jamaica | Japan | Jordan Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea (Rep. of) |Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar Namibia | Nauru | Nepal | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Norway Oman Pakistan | Panama | Papua New Guinea |Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal Qatar Romania | Russia | Rwanda St Kitts & Nevis | St Lucia | St Vincent & the Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino | Sao Tome & Principe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | Somalia | South Africa | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Timor - Leste | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad & Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States | Uruguay | Uzbekistan Vatican City State | Venezuela | Vietnam Yemen Zambia | Zimbabwe Sub Bureaus United Kingdom: United States: China: Bermuda | Gibraltar | Cayman Islands | Anguilla | Montserrat | British Virgin Islands | Turks and Caicos Puerto Rico | American Samoa Hong Kong, Macao

Interpols distinctive signs


The official abbreviations

O.I.P.C - Stands for Organization internationale de police criminelle' ICPO - Stands for International Criminal Police Organization'.

The official name is 'ICPO-INTERPOL' The word 'INTERPOL' is a contraction of 'international police', and was chosen in 1946 as the telegraphic address. In 1956, the International Criminal Police Commission changed its name to become the International Criminal Police Organization - INTERPOL. The Emblem The emblem, in use since 1950, comprises the following elements:

The GLOBE represents the worldwide activities of the INTERPOL The olive branches in either sides of the globe symbolize PEACE the name 'INTERPOL' below the globe in the center of the olive branches The Vertical Sword behind the globe, representing police action The Scales below the olive branches symbolize JUSTICE The flag

The flag has been in use since 1950, it has a light-blue background the emblem is in the center the four lightning flashes arranged symmetrically around the emblem represent telecommunications and speed in police action.

Background to the organization's distinctive signs At the 1947 General Assembly session in Paris, it was recommended that all member states adopt the name 'INTERPOL' as the telegraphic address (Resolution AGN/16/RES/12) At the 1949 General Assembly session in Berne, the organization (then known as the International Criminal Police Commission) adopted the INTERPOL emblem and flag At the 1956 General Assembly session in Vienna, the name 'International Criminal Police Organization' was adopted At the 1958 General Assembly session in London, member states were asked to take measures to protect the word 'INTERPOL' (AGN/27/RES/1) At its 1961 session in Copenhagen, the General Assembly recommended that members take further measures to protect the name 'ICPO-INTERPOL' from unauthorized use (AGN/30/RES/6) At the 1972 General Assembly session in Frankfurt, Indonesia proposed that Interpols emblem be modified so that all regions would be represented. At the 1973 General Assembly session in Vienna, the emblem was modified, and now depicts all the regions of the world.

Protection of the distinctive signs As an international organization, Interpols distinctive signs are protected by the 1883 Paris Convention. Under the terms of Article 6 of this Convention, which has been ratified by the majority of Interpols member states, the signatory countries have agreed to refuse to register as trademarks and ban the use of coats of arms, flags, emblems, initials and names of states and intergovernmental organizations. The organization's emblem and the name 'INTERPOL' have, in addition, been registered as European Community and US trademarks. Authorization to use Interpols distinctive signs In exceptional cases, the organization may authorize a third party to use its distinctive signs. Authorization can only be given by Interpols Secretary General. In any event, authorization to use the organization's distinctive signs is limited: authorization is given for a specific, identified project the duration of the authorization is specified authorization does not confer any exclusive rights The authorization specifies that the organization's signs may not be modified or adapted. Where appropriate, the media (documents, films, etc.) must be submitted to the organization for approval before publication. The organization may automatically revoke the entitlement to use its distinctive signs if it transpires that the project for which the organization has given its agreement is likely to prejudice its reputation or image. The Interpol National Central Bureau Manila Director General Philippine National Police ---------Chairman Director, National Bureau of Investigation -----------Member

Commissioner, Bureau of Customs ------------------- --Member Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue ---------Member Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration -----------------Member Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas -----------------Member Executive Director, Dangerous Drug Board ----------Member Commissioner, EIIB ---------------------------------------------Member The first four were designated by the President, and the last four were unanimously chosen by members of the NATIONAL Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC) as authorized by the President thru NALECC Resolution 93-10 dated 21 July 1993.

What is Transnational Organized Crime? Transnational organized crime is a crime perpetuated by organized criminal groups with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offenses in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or

other material benefit. In order to be considered as transnational, a crime must involve the crossing of borders or jurisdictions. Criminal Organizations

Definitions of what constitutes organized crime vary widely from country to country. Organized groups are typically involved in many different types of criminal activity spanning several countries. These activities may include trafficking in humans, weapons and drugs, armed robbery, counterfeiting and money laundering. Interpol acts as a central repository for professional and technical expertise on transnational organized crime and as a clearinghouse for the collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of information relating to organized crime and criminal organizations. It also monitors the organized crime situation on a global basis and co-ordinates international investigations. Interpols mission in this regard is to enhance co-operation among member countries and stimulate the exchange of information between all national and international enforcement bodies concerned with countering organized crime groups and related corruption. What are the examples of Transnational Crimes? Pharmaceutical crime Trafficking in Persons Environmental Crime Economic Crime Cyber Crimes Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Intellectual Property Theft Cultural Property Theft Illegal Trafficking of Small Arms Money Laundering Terrorism Drug trafficking

Pharmaceutical Crimes

Counterfeit medical products and illicit medicines represent a global public health crisis. They range from inactive, useless preparations to harmful, toxic substances, and are often indistinguishable from the genuine product. They pose a major risk to public health and are becoming increasingly prevalent in all parts of the world. High costs of legitimate drugs and inadequate controls mean that patients turn increasingly (knowingly or otherwise) to counterfeit drugs. At best, these substandard drugs are likely to be less effective, but they can also be harmful, even life-threatening. Fake anti-malarial drugs are believed to be a contributory factor in a significant number of tragedies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Also increasingly available are counterfeited treatments for life threatening diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. The dangers of counterfeit medical products Counterfeit products are harmful and can even be fatal. Fake medicines range from useless to highly dangerous. They often contain the wrong level of active ingredient too little, too much or none at all or an active ingredient intended for a different purpose. In some cases, fake medicines have been found to contain highly toxic substances such as rat poison. In all these scenarios, the person taking the counterfeit medicine is putting their health, even their life, at risk. One can easily be deceived by counterfeit medicines: they are often packaged to a high standard with fake pills that look identical to the genuine ones. Sometimes a laboratory test is the only way to identify the difference. The Extent of the Problem Counterfeit medicine is now a truly global phenomenon, and all countries of the world are affected as source, transit or destination points. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 1% of medicines available in the developed world are likely to be counterfeit. This figure rises to 10% globally, but in some areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America counterfeit goods can form up to 30% of the market.

Counterfeiting applies not only to 'lifestyle' medicines, including erectile dysfunction and weight loss medicines, but also to 'lifesaving medicines' including those used to treat cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. And it's not just medicines. Fake medical devices also pose a risk. The term 'medical device' covers a wide range of healthcare products from contact lenses to condoms; syringes to surgical instruments; and wheelchairs to radiotherapy machines. Risks of buying medicines over the Internet More and more people are buying medicines and medical devices over the Internet, through online pharmacies and auction sites. Unfortunately, a large number of these Internet sites are unauthorized, unregulated and trade in illicit or sub-standard products. If an online supplier conceals its physical address, this is a warning sign that their products could be dangerous the WHO estimates that 50% of medicines available from such websites are counterfeit. In particular, buying prescription-only medicines from unauthorized or dubious sources significantly increases the risk of getting substandard or fake products. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for prescription-only medicines and to obtain the medicines from a regulated source. Buying medicines online may seem cheaper, quicker and more convenient than going through your doctor and high street pharmacy, but the dangers outweigh the benefits by far. Don't take the risk. The Response At INTERPOL, the Medical Product Counterfeiting and Pharmaceutical Crime (MPCPC) Unit works to bring together different players from police, customs, health regulatory authorities, scientists, and the private sector to tackle these crimes. Our network of 188 member countries allows us to connect stakeholders across the world, and carry out effective training and operations in specific regions. We have also developed targeted enforcement activities against counterfeit medical products through our membership of the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT), led by the World Health Organization. SELECTED POLICE SYSTEMS CANADIAN POLICE

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the Canadian national police service and an agency of the Ministry of Public Safety Canada. The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. We provide a total federal policing service to all Canadians and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), more than 190 municipalities, 184 Aboriginal communities and three international airports. JAPANESE POLICE - please check this website CHINESE POLICE Rank Police Rank 4 Police Rank 3 Police Rank 2 Police Rank 1 Police Officer Rank 4 (Inspector)(Sub-Lieutenant) Police Officer Rank 3 (Senior inspector)(Captain) Police Officer Rank 2 (Superintendent) Police Officer Rank 1 (Senior Superintendent) Police Supervisor Rank 4 (Superintendent General) Police Supervisor Rank 3 Police Supervisor Rank 2 Police Supervisor Rank 1 Police Supervisor Rank Supreme (Police General) Insignia One Star on One Horizontal Bar Two Stars on One Horizontal Bar Three Stars on One Horizontal Bar Four Stars on One Horizontal Bar One Star on Two Horizontal Bars Two Stars on Two Horizontal Bars Three Stars on Two Horizontal Bars Four Stars on Two Horizontal Bars One Star on Three Horizontal Bars Two Stars on Three Horizontal Bars Three Stars on Three Horizontal Bars Four Stars on Three Horizontal Bars

MALAYSIAN POLICE The Royal Malaysian Police (Abbreviation: RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM;) is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force is a centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from traffic control to

intelligence gathering. Its headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. The police force is led by an InspectorGeneral of Police (IGP). The post is held by Tan Sri Ismail Omar. In carrying out its responsibilities, the regular RMP is also assisted by a support group comprising of Extra Police Constables, Police Volunteer Reserves, Auxiliary Police, Police Cadets and a civilian service element. Rakan Cop is a community outreach programme launched in 9 August 2005. The RMP constantly co-operates closely with police forces worldwide, which include those from the four neighbouring countries Malaysia shares border with: Indonesian National Police, Royal Brunei Police Force, Royal Thai Police and Singapore Police Force. Police rank
Senior Officers Gazetted Officers Commissioners Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIGP) Commissioner of Police (CP) Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police I (SAC I) Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police II (SAC II) Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Superintendent of Police (SP) Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Chief Inspector (C/Insp) Inspector (Insp) Probationary Inspector (P/Insp)


Non-gazetted Officers


Subordinate Officers

Rank In File Officers Sub-Inspector (SI) Sergeant Major (SM) Sergeant (Sgt) Corporal (Cpl) Lance Corporal (L/Cpl)

Constable (PC)

Low rank of police officers apart from sub-inspectors wear their rank insignia on the right sleeve of their uniforms. Sub-inspectors and higher ranks wear their rank insignia on epaulettes on both shoulders. INDONESIAN POLICE The Indonesian National Police (Indonesian: Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia) is the official police force for Indonesia. It had formerly been a part of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia since its independence from the Dutch. The police were formally separated from the military in April 1999, a process which was formally completed in July 2000.[1] With 150,000 personnel, the police form a much smaller portion of the population than in most nations. The total number of national and local police in 2006 was approximately 470,000. The strength of the Indonesian National Police stood at approximately 285,000 in 2004. The national police force was formally separated as a branch of the armed forces and placed under the Office of the President in 1999. It also includes 12,000 marine police and an estimated 40,000 Peoples Security (Kamra) trainees who serve as a police auxiliary and report for three weeks of basic training each year. The Headquarter, known as Markas Besar/Mabes in Indonesian, is located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Indonesia. RANKS In the early years, the Polri used European police style ranks like inspector and commissioner. When the police were included into the military structure during the 1960s, the ranks changed to a military style such as Captain, Major and Colonel. In the year 2000, when the Polri conducted the transition to a fully independent force out of the armed forces 2000, they use British style police ranks like Inspector and Superintendent. The Polri have returned to Dutch style ranks just like in the early years.

High ranking officers o Police General / Jenderal Polisi (Jend. Pol.) - equivalent General in the army o Police Commissioner General / Komisaris Jenderal Polisi (Komjen Pol.) - equivalent Lieutenant General o Police Inspector General / Inspektur Jenderal Polisi (Irjen Pol.) - equivalent Major General o Police Brigadier General / Brigadir Jenderal Polisi (Brigjen Pol.) - equivalent Brigadier General Mid rank officers o Police Grand Commissioner / Komisaris Besar Polisi (Kombespol) - equivalent Colonel

Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant / Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi (AKBP) - equivalent Lieutenant Colonel Police Commissioner / Komisaris Polisi (Kompol) - equivalent Major Low rank officers o Police Commissioner Adjutant / Ajun Komisaris Polisi (AKP) - equivalent Captain o First Police Inspector / Inspektur Polisi Satu (Iptu) - equivalent First Lieutenant o Second Police Inspector / Inspektur Polisi Dua (Ipda) - equivalent Second Lieutenant Warrant officers o First Police Inspector Adjutant / Ajun Inspektur Polisi Satu (Aiptu) - equivalent Chief Warrant Officer o Second Police Inspector Adjutant / Ajun Inspektur Polisi Dua (Aipda) - equivalent Warrant Officer Non-commissioned officers o Chief Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Kepala (Bripka) - equivalent Sergeant Major o Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi (Brigadir) - equivalent Chief Sergeant o First Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Satu (Briptu) - equivalent First Sergeant o Second Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Dua (Bripda) - equivalent Second Sergeant Enlisted o Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi (Abrip) - equivalent Chief Corporal o First Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi Satu (Abriptu) - equivalent First Corporal o Second Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi Dua (Abripda) - equivalent Second Corporal o Chief Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara Kepala (Bharaka) - equivalent Chief Private o First Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara Satu (Bharatu) - equivalent Private First Class o Second Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara Dua (Bharada) - equivalent Private
o o

POLICE IN BRUNEI The Royal Brunei Police Force (Malay: Polis Diraja Brunei (PDRB)) was founded in 1921 with the passing of the Brunei Police Force Enactment. The police force is in charge of prisons, fire services, the issuing of licenses, immigration, and keeping law and order in the streets. The RBP has been a member of INTERPOL since 1984

SINGAPOREAN POLICE The Singapore Police Force (Abbreviation: SPF; Chinese: ; Malay: Pasukan Polis Singapura; Tamil: ) is the main agency tasked with maintaining law and order in the city-state[1]. Formerly known as the Republic of Singapore Police (Abbreviation: RSP; Malay: Polis Republik Singapura), it has grown from an 11-man organization to a 38,587 strong force. It enjoys a relatively positive public image,[2] and is credited for helping to arrest Singapore's civic unrests and lawlessness in its early years, and maintaining the low crime rate today despite having a smaller police-citizen ratio compared to other major cities. Singapore has been ranked consistently in the top five positions in the Global Competitiveness Report in terms of its reliability of police services. The organization structure of the SPF is split between the staff and line functions, roughly modeled after the military. [6] There are currently 15 staff departments and 13 line units. The headquarters is located in a block at New Phoenix Park in Novena, adjacent to a twin block occupied by the Ministry of Home Affairs. RANK A standard rank structure is used throughout the police force, although some ranks may be unique to specific organisations. These ranks are denoted where applicable in the following list, which lists them in ascending seniority: Police officers The rank of Corporal was abolished in 1972, but reinstated in 1976. In 1997, all ranks were shifted from the sleeves to the epaulettes, except for the Gurkha Contingent. Also in the same year, the Station Inspector rank was changed from collar pips to epaulettes with a new design similar to that of the SAF Warrant Officers, and the rank of Senior Station Inspector was introduced. In 1998, the Senior Station Inspector (2) rank was introduced, and changes were made to the SI, SSI, and SSI(2) rank designs. The rank of Lance Corporal was abolished in 2002[23]. The 2006, the Gurkha Contingent adopted embroidered ranks as part of an overhaul of its combat dress, but are worn on the right front pocket.

Rank Constable Special Constable Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant

Abbreviatio n PC SC CPL SGT SSGT







Senior Staff Sergeant Station Inspector Senior Station Inspector Senior Station Inspector (2) Senior police officers Rank Inspector Chief Inspector Assistant Superintendent






SSSGT (V) SI (V) SSI (V) SSI(2)(V)










Deputy Superintendent Superintendent Deputy Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Senior Assistant Commissioner Deputy Commissioner of Police Commissioner of Police

INDIAN POLICE Ranks of Gazetted Officers Director Intelligence Bureau (post held by senior most Indian Police Service officer; not a rank)

Commissioner of Police (State) or Director General of Police Special Commissioner of Police or Additional Director General of Police Joint Commissioner of Police or Inspector General of Police Additional Commissioner of Police or Deputy Inspector General of Police Deputy Commissioner of Police or Senior Superintendent of Police Deputy Commissioner of Police or Superintendent of Police Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police or Additional Superintendent of Police Assistant Commissioner of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS Probationary Rank: 2 years of service) Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS Probationary Rank: 1 year of service)

Ranks of Non-Gazetted Officers Inspector of Police Sub-Inspector of Police Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police Police Head Constable Senior Police Constable Police Constable HONG KONG POLICE The Hong Kong Police Force (, HKPFalias Hong Kong PoliceHKP) is the largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the World's second and Asia's first police agency to operate with a modern policing system. It was formed on 1 May 1844, with strength of 32 officers. Queen Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter to the Hong Kong Police Force in 1969 for their handling of the Hong Kong 1967 riots, renaming the Hong Kong Police Force as the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. Following the Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the Police Force now uses the current name. The Hong Kong Police Force has been recognized for its professionalism, organisation, attitude on law enforcement and prompt response and efficiency, leading journalist Kevin Sinclair, Federal Bureau of Investigation and INTERPOL have acknowledged that the Hong Kong Police Force as "Asia's Finest". And in having set up the foundation for the social stability of Hong Kong, and has won a good reputation as one of the safest cities in the World. In 2008, a rating investigation of Asian police departments voted by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Agency, result in the Hong Kong Police Force have been rated the excellence of Asian police departments. The rating awarders commented that the Hong Kong Police Force are respectable and outstanding in their performance of upholding the law and maintaining public orders, keeping the Hong Kong people living and working in peace and

contentment. Furthermore, a quantitative research derived from the United States of America and United Kingdom with its statistical outcome, aims for the World's police forces' overall quality, including local public security, case cracking rate, incorruptibility, professionalism and language proficiency, etc. The result is the Hong Kong Police Force has been rated in the top of Asia, also as one of the best of the World. The current Commissioner of Police is Tang King Shing, including the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and civil servants, leading a force of about 40,000 personnel, which makes Hong Kong the second greatest citizen-officer ratio society in the world. In addition, the Marine Region with about 3,000 officers, and a fleet of 143 is the largest of any civil police force. RANKS The HKPF continues to use similar ranks and insignia to those used in British police forces. Until 1997, the St Edward's Crown was used in the insignia, when it was replaced with the Bauhinia flower crest of the Hong Kong government. The crest of the force was modified in 1997: Commissioner of Police (CP) Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP) Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Superintendent of Police (SP) Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) (insignia of a Captain) Senior Inspector of Police (SIP) Inspector of Police (IP) Probationary Inspector of Police (PI) Station Sergeant (SSGT) Sergeant (SGT) Senior Constable (SPC) Police Constable (PC) ENGLISH POLICE (UNITED KINGDOM) The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is the territorial police force responsible for policing Greater London, excluding the "square mile" of the City of London which is the responsibility of the City of London Police.[10] The MPS

also has significant national responsibilities such as co-ordinating and leading on counter-terrorism matters and protection of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom and senior figures of HM Government. At the end of February 2010, the MPS employed 52,111 personnel. This includes sworn 33,258 police officers and 4,226 Special Constables, 14,332 civilian police staff, and 4,520 non-sworn Police Community Support Officers.[6] This makes it the largest police force within the United Kingdom by a significant margin.[12] The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, known commonly as Commissioner, is the overall operational leader of the force, responsible and accountable to the Metropolitan Police Authority. The post of Commissioner was first held jointly by Sir Charles Rowan and Sir Richard Mayne. The Commissioner since 27 January 2009 is Sir Paul Stephenson, QPM who had previously been the Acting Commissioner since 1 December 2008. A number of informal names and abbreviations exists for the Metropolitan Police Service, such as "the Met", "Met Pol", "MP" and "the MPS". In statutes it is referred to in the lower case as the "metropolitan police force" or the "metropolitan police", without the appendage "service". The MPS is also referred to as Scotland Yard after the location of its original headquarters buildings in and around Great Scotland Yard, Whitehall. The current headquarters of the MPS is New Scotland Yard RANKS The Metropolitan Police uses the standard UK police ranks, indicated by shoulder boards, up to Chief Superintendent, but it has five ranks above that level instead of the standard three. The Metropolian Police approved the use of name badges in October 2003, with new recruits wearing the Velcro badges from September 2004. The badge consists of the wearer's rank, followed by their surname. Following controversy over alleged assaults by uniformed officers with concealed shoulder identification numbers during the G20 summit, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson stated that "The public has a right to be able to identify any uniformed officer whilst performing their duty" by their shoulder identification numbers.

Police Constable (PC) (Divisional call sign and shoulder number) Sergeant (Sgt or PS) (three point down chevrons above divisional call sign and Shoulder Number) an "acting" Sergeant, i.e. a substantive constable being paid an allowance to undertake the duties of a sergeant for a short period of time, displays two point down chevrons above divisional call sign, and Shoulder Number. The use of the three chevrons by an acting Sergeant is technically incorrect, and should only be used during a period of temporary promotion. Inspector (Insp) (two Order of the Bath stars, informally known as "pips")

Chief Inspector (C/Insp) (three Order of the Bath stars) Superintendent (Supt) (single crown) Chief Superintendent (Ch Supt) (crown over one pip) Commander (Cmdr) (crossed tipstaves in a bayleaf wreath); the first ACPO rank. Deputy Assistant Commissioner (DAC) (one pip over Commander's badge) Assistant Commissioner (AC) (crown over Commander's badge); Deputy Commissioner (crown above two side-by-side small pips, above Commander's badge) Commissioner (crown above one pip above Commander's badge)



Organizational Name

Philippine National Police(PNP)

National Police of Columbia Policia National

Peoples Police force

Law Enforcement in Japan

New Zealand Police


Department of the Interior and local Government (DILG)

Ministry on National Defense

Ministry of Home Affairs

National Police Agency or NPA

New Zealand Government/ Ministry of Police

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank

21 years old 56 years old Police Officer one (PO1) Police Director General

21 years old 50 years old Patroller Commissioner of Columbia/National Police High school Graduate/College Graduate

18 years old 60 years old Constables

21 years old 60 years old Police Officer (Junsa) Chief Superintendent (Keishie) Uppersecondaryschool graduate and university Graduates

20 years old 55 years in service Constable

Highest Rank

Police Director General


Minimum Qualification

Baccalaureate Degree Holder

Baccalaureate Degree Holder

Tertiary Education







Organizational Name

Australia Federal Police (AFP)

Afghanistan National Police

Sri Lanka Police

Cuerpo National Police (CNP)

Indian Police Service (IPS)


Federal Bureau of Narcotic Australia

North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)

Ministry of defense, Public Security, Law and order

Cuerpo Superior De Policia (CSP)

India Police Agency (IPC)

Entrance Age Retirement age

21 years old 57 years old

18 years old 58 years old

22 years old 58 years old Police Constable Rank4

18 years old 67 years old

21 years old 60 years old Police Constable (PC) Director Intelligence Bureau (DIB)

Minimum Rank

Probation Constable



Highest Rank


Master General Chief

Inspector General of Police


Minimum Qualification

Bachelors Degree


High School Graduate

Secondary Education

Bachelor Degree







Organizational Name

Royal Malaysia Police (RMP)

Hongkong Police Force (HKPF)

Royal Thai Police

Carabeneros de Cheli

Pakistan National Police (PNP)


Malayan Union Police Force (MUPF)

Security Bureau of Hongkong

Thailand National Police Department (TNPD)

Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

Federal Investigation Agency

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank

20 years old 58 years old Constable

18 years old 60 years old Police constable (PC)

20 years old 50 years old Constable/Police

15 years old 49 years old Aspiranti a Official (Officer Aspirant)

20 years old 60 years old Constable

Highest Rank

Inspector General Police (IGP)

Commissioner of Police Five Subjects including Chinese language and English language

Police General

Director General (General Director

Inspector General of Police

Minimum Qualification

Have a High School Diploma

High School Graduate

Baccalaureate Degree

High School Degree

PARTICULAR Organizational Name Agency

ARGENTINA Police Federal of argentine (PFA) Policia de Buenos aires 21years old

INDONESIA Indonesia National Police Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs 18 years old

BRUNEI Royal Brunei Police Force Polis Diraja Brunei (PDRB) 18 years old

LAOS Laos National Police Ministry of Defense 21 years old

FRANCE National Police France (Police Nationale de France) Ministry of Interior 17 years old

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank 55 years old Candidate or Cadet 45 years old Second Bhayangkara/ bhayangkara Dua (Bharada) 60 years old Corporal 60 years old Private 60 years old Gardien de la paix (Keeper of the peace)

Highest Rank

Superintendent General or Commissioner General

Police General/Jenderal Polisi (Jend.Pol.)

Inspector General


Directeur general de la police nationale (Derictor General)

Minimum Qualification

University Degree

voluntary military service; 2years conscript service obligation to age 45;Indonesia citizens only

required to posses atleast the Brunei Junior Certificate of Education(BJCE)

Bachelor Degree

French Baccalaureate Degree







Organizational Name

National Police of Uruguay

Federal Police of Germany

Abu Dhabi Police (ADP)

Metropolitan Police Service

National Police Agency


Ministry of the Interior of Uruguay 21 years old 54 years old Republican Guard Metropolitan Guard Ministry of the Interior High school /College Graduate

Federal Ministry of Interior

Ministry of Interior

Ministry of defense

Ministry of Interior

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank Highest Rank

16 years old 60 years old Senior Constable Inspector Police

18 years old 60 years old Policeman Commander General Complete college Education

18 years old 62 years old Policemen/ Constable National Commissioner

18 years old 60 years old Police Rank 4 Police Supervisor Rank 1 (Police General) High School Graduate

Minimum Qualification

High School Degree

Bachelors Degree

PARTICULAR Organizational Name Agency

SUDAN Sudan Police Force Ministry Interior



BRAZIL Policia Militar (PM) National Public Security And Social Defense System

UNITED STATE OF AMERICA State Police Department of Laws and Public Safety

Singapore Police Singapore Agency

Israel Police Minister of Internal Affairs

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank

18 years 55 years Lance Corporal

18 years old 45 years old Volunteer Special Constable Commissioner of Police Must be proficient in English Minimum 3 GCEO level credited

21 years old 55 years old Constable Inspector General

18 years old 49 years old Private (Soldado) Colonel (Coronel)

21 years old 55 years old Except Superintendent Trooper

Highest Rank

Inspector General


Minimum Qualification

Secondary School Certificate Examination

Bachelors Degree

High School Graduate

Bachelors Degree of Accredited University

PARTICULAR Organizational Name

MEXICO Federal Police Of Mexico


Secretariat of Public Security Mexican Armys3rd Brigade of the Military Police (Terecera Brigada E Policia Federal De Caminos) Fiscal Police (Policia Fiscal Federal) Interior Ministrys Investigation And National Security Center(Center E Investigacion Y Seguridad Nacional) 18 years old 60 years old Seargent /Private General/Colonel High School Graduate

Entrance Age Retirement age Minimum Rank Highest Rank Minimum Qualification

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