Biostatistics MCQ

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The document discusses different statistical concepts such as measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, normal distribution, sampling and hypothesis testing.

The mode is the most frequent value which is 23 and 25.

Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts.


1 What is the mode in the following distribution? 25, 17, 23, 23, 24, 25, 23 a. 25 b. 23 c. 24 d. 17 e. none 2 Which of the following divides a group of data into four subgroups? a. Median b. Quartiles c. Percentiles d. Arithmetic Mean e Deciles 3 Suppose data are normally distributed with a mean of 120 and a standard error of 30. Between what two values will approximately 68% of the data fall? a. 60 and 180 b. 90 and 150 c. 105 and 135 d. 140 and 170 e 110 and 130 4 A physician wants to calculate a measure of linear association between two continuous variables. Which of the following should he use: a. Simple Linear Regression b. Multivariate Analysis (MVA) c. Pearsons Correlation Coefficient d. rank Correlation Coefficient e. Chi-square test 5 Which of the following describe the middle part of a group of numbers? a. measures of central tendency b. measures of variation c. measures of association d. measures of shape e measures of skewness 6 The mean of a distribution is 23, the median is 24, and the mode is 25.5. It is most likely that this distribution is: a. Negatively skewed b. Positively skewed c. Normal d. Symmetrical e asymptotic 7 The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the coefficient of variation? a. 60.4% b. 48.3% c. 27.8% d. 35.7% e 37.5% 8 A set of data has mean 4.3 and standard deviation 2.5. Each observation is multiplied by 10 and the result decreased by 2. The mean and standard deviation of the transformed data is a. 41.0, 23.0 b. 2.3, 0.5 c. 3, 2.5 d. 1.0, 25.0 e. 41.0, 25.0. 9 In a sample survey the target population is a. the collection of items or people used in a survey b. the collection of items or people to which the results should apply c. the whole collection of people in an area d. all the people on a list from which a sample is chosen e. all the people in the sample 10 Normal curve is






a. Linear b. curvilinear c. parabola d. skewed e. symmetrical If a 95% confidence interval of prevalence of TB infection in pediatrics age group is 24% to 37%. The chance that the prevalence less than 24% is a. 1. b. 4% c. 2.5% d. 5% e. information is incomplete A good scheme for health is rejected by Health Department is an example of:a. Correct decision b. type I-error c. type II-error d. Level of significance e. none of them Which of the following is unrelated to the chi-square test of significance? a. Degree of freedom b significance level c. life table d. attribute e. qualitative variable For coverage of rare disease the most suitable method of sampling is : a. Simple random sampling b. cluster sampling c. snow-ball sampling d. Double sampling e. systematic sampling Thirty babies were born in a hospital, 10 was less than 2.5 Kg and 20 were greater than 2.5 Kg, which was the average to be calculated a. arithmetic mean b. Median c. Mode d.. Geometric Mean e. Harmonic Mean







a. standard error of proportion b. difference of means c. difference of proportion d. difference of probabilities e standard error of means Normal distribution was discovered by a. Abraham De Moiver b. Karl Pearson c. Sir R A Fisher d. K F Gauss e. Spearsman Given that the two regression coefficients are -2.06 and -0.47 then correlation coefficient is a) 0.98 b) -0.98 c) zero d) one e. 1.06 The graph of frequency distribution is best studied by a. Frequency polygon b. Historigram c. Histogram d. Ogive e. All of above For r x c contingency table, the degree of freedom is a. (r-1)(c-1)











b. (r+1)(c+1) c. r+c d. (r-1)+(c-1) e. (r-1)-(c-1) A clinical researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that the incidence of arthritis in females aged>45 is 12%, the null hypothesis that the incidence is a. Different from 12% b. Equal to 12% c. Less than 12% d. More than 12% e. Less or more 12% Standard error is measure of a. Conceptual error b. Personal error c. Observers error d. Sampling error e. Instrumental error Which is mode defined in measure of location a. Arithmetic mean b. Difference between highest and lowest value c. Value of middle observation d. The most frequent value e. All of above Another name of type I error is a. level of significance alpha error Beta error P-value e. none Education and marital status of patients are best studied by a. Association b. proportion c. percentages d. correlation e. ANOVA Which one of the following is NOT a source of existing data a. .Medical record in hospital b. survey of household c. World health report d. Health information in Health Department e. Vital events record in Corporation office When referring to a curve that tails off to the right end, one would call it a. Symmetrical b. positively skewed c. negatively skewed d. Normal e. none The area under normal curve within 3 SD of means is a. 99.99% b. 99.73% c. 68.26% d. 95.44% e 100% Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true. The Pearson correlation coefficient between two variables, x and y a. Is always positive. b. Is dimensionless. c. has value between 0 & 1 d. has value between -1 & +1 e. has value between -1 & 0 Weights of babies born in an Hospital is an example a. Discrete variable b. random variable c. attribute











d. continuous variable e. qualitative variable The value of 2 is always a. Negative b. greater than one c. Zero d. positive e less than zero For a set of variables , the correlation coefficient is 1.7, Then there is a. Strong relationship between X and Y b. Weak relationship between X and Y c. moderate relationship between X and Y d. Wrong calculation e. None of above The sum of deviation from arithmetic mean is always a. more than 1 b. less than 1 c. equal to 1 d. equal to zero e. not known BP of boys in a school is an example of a. Ordinal data b. continuous variable c. discrete variable d. random variable e. attribute Suppose the regression equation for predicting y from x is given by y= 10+3x. Then all the following are true except a. the intercept is 10 b. the correlation between x and y is negative c. the slope of the regression line is positive d. the predicted value of y for x=4 is 22 e. y increases as x increases An estimator that on average gives the same value as the parameter being estimated is said to be a. minimum variance b. maximum likelihood c. efficient d. unbiased e. symmetric A 99% confidence interval implies that a. the probability the given interval contains the true parameter is 0.99 b. the probability that 99% of the observations are in the interval is 0.99 c. on average, 99 out of 100 similarly constructed intervals would contain the true parameter d. the probability the given interval does not contain the true parameter is 0.99 e. there is a 1% chance the hypothesis is false It is reported that both Pearsons product-moment correlation and Spearmans rank correlation between two variables are zero. This implies a. the two variables are independent b. the two variables tend to follow a monotonic curve c. there is no linear or monotonic association between the two variables d. all of the above e. none of the above The wages of five laborers are 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. The mean of their wages is 10, and S.D = 2.83. After the sanction of an increment of Rs. 2 each of them, the new S.D will be a. 4.83 b. 3.91 c. 2.83 d. 2.37 e. 1.68 Records at OPD is an example of

Raw data Grouped data c. Condensed data d. Secondary data e. Discrete data 41 The most popular significant p value is a. 0.01 b. 0.005 c. 0.10 d. 0.05 e. 0.000 42 A data set has values -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, then the mean and SD are a. -5, -5 b. 5, 0 c. 0, -5 d. 0, 0 e. -5, 0
a. b.

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