Carbon Trust Costs Tidal Energy
Carbon Trust Costs Tidal Energy
Carbon Trust Costs Tidal Energy
Results of the Marine Energy Challenge: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Preface Executive Summary 1 About the Marine Energy Challenge Potential resource and industry status
2.1 Energy resource and carbon abatement potential 2.2 Development to date 1
16 16 17 19 22 23 23 28 30 32 33 33 34 35 35 36
4.4 Conclusions
Future growth
5.1 Key factors affecting growth 5.2 Assessment of growth potential
7 8 10 10 12 15
Next steps
6.1 Overall perspective 6.2 Strategic development objectives 6.3 Development costs and timescales 6.4 Approach to future support and investment 6.5 Next steps for the Carbon Trust
This report has been prepared by John Callaghan, Programme Engineer at the Carbon Trust with contributions from Richard Boud, Principal Consultant at Entec UK Ltd.
This report presents the findings of a detailed study into the cost-competitiveness and potential growth of wave and tidal stream energy (marine renewables). It follows the completion of the Marine Energy Challenge (MEC), a 3.0m, 18-month programme of directed engineering support to accelerate the development of marine renewable energy technologies. The study sought to answer the following key questions: What affects the costs and performance of marine renewables, and at what costs can electricity be generated from waves and tidal streams today? Can the future costs of wave and tidal stream electricity be reduced to become cost-competitive with other renewables and conventional generation in the future?
Can wave and tidal stream farms be developed to supply large quantities of electricity to the grid and make material contributions to energy supplies? What effect would this have on carbon emissions? In addition to answering these questions, this report also: Summarises the MEC approach and its outcomes; Indicates the size of wave and tidal stream energy resources, the potential economic prize and status of technology development; and Presents the Carbon Trusts overall conclusions on the marine renewables sector, identifying barriers to development and making recommendations for future support.
depth of water, because this has a bearing on the wave height and therefore the amount of energy. Offshore wave energy converters are designed for sites that are tens of metres deep while near-shore and shoreline systems are intended for shallower water. The latter are actually built-in to the coastline.
Channel width Flowing tidal stream
Wave height
Water depth
Wave energy occurs in the movements of water near the surface of the sea. Waves are formed by winds blowing over the sea surface, and the water acts as a carrier for the energy. The amount of energy in waves depends on their height and period (the time between successive peaks). The annual average power per unit length of wave crest (e.g. 40 kW/m) is a first indicator of how energetic a particular site is. Systems to convert wave energy to electricity are often categorised by their location in the sea, particularly the
Tidal streams are caused by the familiar rise and fall of the tides, which occurs twice a day around the UK coast. As water flows in and out of estuaries, it carries energy. The amount of energy it is possible to extract depends on the speed of the flowing stream and the area intercepted. This is similar to wind power extraction, but because water is much denser than air, an equivalent amount of power can be extracted over smaller areas and at slower velocities. The mean spring peak velocity* is a first indicator of how energetic a tidal stream site is.
* The greatest velocity that occurs over the tidal cycles, abbreviated as Vmsp in this report.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Executive summary
Future growth
In addition to cost of energy, future growth of wave and tidal stream energy will be affected by a range of factors. These include: Strategic and security of supply considerations;
All current cost estimates are based on technologies at their present stages of development deployed in small farms, with a 15% project rate of return. See the main report for other details of costing basis.
Learning rate: Fraction of cost reduction per doubling of cumulative production. For example, if it costs 1 to produce the first unit, the second unit would cost 90p at a learning rate of 10%.
Executive summary
The availability of finance for technology and project development (including public support); Technology and risks, particularly the readiness of technologies to be commercially exploited, and the approach to managing risks in the development process; Electricity networks, including the availability of grid connections, network capacity, the electrical engineering design of devices and variability/intermittency of power generation; and Environmental and regulatory factors, including local environmental impact, consents and permits processes and regulatory change. The number of factors and relationships between them make growth complex to model. We took a what you need to believe approach based on detailed assumptions in order to form a view on how growth could occur. The assumptions made for an optimistic but achievable view of the future. Results from the model indicate that across Europe, up to several gigawatts installed capacity of each of wave and tidal stream energy could be installed by 2020. This is comparable to the worldwide growth of wind energy during the 1980s. It will require investment and support of up to several billion, and lead to annual carbon dioxide abatements of 2.0 to 7.0 MtCO2/y. It is possible that a large share of the European deployment by 2020 could occur in the UK. Up to one sixth of the UK Government aspiration of 20% renewable energy by 2020 (i.e. 3% of total UK electricity supply) could be met by marine renewables, and this could be a significant share of the contribution by UK renewables overall. Beyond 2020, the industry could develop considerably further.
are at early stages, support and investment in technology development can be seen as maintaining the marine renewables option for future years, looking ahead to the time when the technologies are cost-competitive. In particular, we see that: There is a strong case for industry to accelerate the overall pace of marine renewables development beyond current levels. This translates into a requirement for both significant further public support and private investment in development activities; Considerable emphasis needs to be placed on cost reduction to ensure commercial viability for wave and tidal stream technologies; and Key to the availability of private equity is clarity of the route to market, particularly in recognition of the cost gap between marine renewables and other generation. Public support for costs of energy above those of conventional power and other renewables will be necessary in the medium term. Given this studys findings about cost-competitiveness and growth, we see a need for a parallel two-pronged approach to public support and private investment, which: Accelerates the progress of technology development, through ongoing RD&D into concept and detailed engineering design to bring about substantial reductions in cost; and Encourages early development of wave and tidal stream farms to accelerate learning effects. Public sector funders should consider: Giving increased support over time for marine renewables technology development, with greater support for RD&D and cross-cutting technology issues to help deliver cost reductions; Supporting marine renewables project development from now into the medium term, contingent on technologies proving technically viable in the first instance, and later, evidence of reducing costs; and Developing a clear long-term policy framework of support to the sector to give greater investment certainty. Based on the success of the Marine Energy Challenge, the Carbon Trust intends to continue playing an active role in supporting marine renewables. We are already forming ideas of what to do next in discussion with industry players, and we will develop these further over the coming months.
Next steps
We believe that UK public and private sector organisations should continue to encourage the creation of a wave and tidal stream industry, given: The potential for low carbon electricity generation in this country and others, which could be highly material amongst efforts to combat climate change and increase security of energy supplies; and The potential significant economic returns to the UK from sales of generation device, project development and revenue from electricity generation. The UK is well placed to leverage its skills and experience in offshore oil and gas, ship-building and power generation to accelerate progress in the marine renewables sector and capture the economic value for the UK. While technologies
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Several studies have been conducted into wave and tidal stream energy in recent years, including the 1999 Office of Science and Technologys Marine Foresight Panel report Energies from the Sea Towards 2020, and the Select Committee on Science and Technologys 7th report of session 2000-2001 on Wave and Tidal Stream Energy.
As well as the MEC, the Carbon Trust is supporting development of marine renewables technology through its Open Call R&D support programme, incubator support and venture capital activities, and also helping fund the European Marine Energy Centre at Orkney. Not restricted to the UK, and advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Figure 1 Marine Energy Challenge participants Technology developers Engineering consultants Management team and overall consultants The Carbon Trust Chaucer Consulting Entec UK Future Energy Solutions Other organisations
AquaEnergy Development UK Clearpower Technology Ecofys Embley Energy Lancaster University Ocean Power Delivery Seavolt Technologies Wave Dragon
Abbott Risk Consulting Arup Energy Atkins Process Black & Veatch Det Norske Veritas E On Power Technology Frazer-Nash Consulting Halcrow Group Peter Brotherhood
Paul Arwas Associates University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute David Milborrow
Note: The assistance of other organisations and individuals, notably in providing inputs to the tidal stream and Shoreline/Near-shore OWC studies, contributing to the peer review processes and helping steer the cost competitiveness and growth analyses, is gratefully acknowledged.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
The practical resource allows for practical and economic factors that combine to make developments commercially attractive. The technical resource describes the amount of energy technically available before such constraints are applied.
Source: ETSU (1985), The Department of Energys R&D Programme 1974-1983, ETSU Report R-26. Given developments in both wave energy technology and the availability of resource data since this assessment, we believe this figure could be higher. About 350 TWh/year. Source: DTI Source: Black & Veatch (2005), Phase II UK Tidal Stream Energy Resource Assessment. Source: Arup Energy (2005), Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Evaluation Report. Source: Entec (2005) ETSU (1999), A Brief Review of Wave Energy.
10 11 12 13
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Interest in marine renewables has picked up over the last few years, particularly in the UK. New concepts have been brought forward and old ones re-evaluated in the current political and economic context of increasing support for renewable energy to combat the threat of climate change, increase security of supply and create economic growth. Figure 3 (overleaf) shows notable recent UK events. Currently, many different concepts of wave energy converter and tidal stream energy generator compete for support and investment in technology development. Some concepts are more advanced than others, both in the sophistication of the technology and development progress to date. Overall, devices are at early stages compared to other renewables and conventional plant, and crucially, optimal designs have yet to be converged upon. A few largescale prototypes have been built and tested in real sea conditions, but no commercial wave and tidal stream projects have yet been completed. Figure 2 indicates the development status of concepts that the Carbon Trust is aware of. Figure 2 Development status of wave and tidal stream technologies
60 50 Number of concepts 40 Full-scale prototype 30 20 10 0 Part-scale model Detailed design Concept design Wave energy converters Tidal stream energy generators
Note: These numbers reflect the concepts the Carbon Trust is currently aware of, based on technology developers claims of progress and corroborating evidence where available. This is solely a tally of different concepts being pursued, not an indication of designs which may come to fruition, prove technically viable or cost-competitive. Source: Entec
It has previously been found that carbon dioxide emissions are broadly proportional to energy use, and given this, the most important life cycle stages are manufacturing of structural materials. Consequently, a preliminary estimate of life cycle emissions of a marine renewables device can be made by comparing the emissions due to structural materials with total energy production over the devices service life. See ETSU (1999), A Brief Review of Wave Energy.
15 16 17
Source: International Energy Agency/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2004), Renewable Energy: Market and policy trends in IEA Countries.
DTI started tidal stream part of New and Renewable Energy Programme
The New and Renewable Energy Centre launched The Carbon Trust published Low Carbon Technology Assessment
Marine Current Turbines Seaflow tidal stream turbine installed The Carbon Trust published Building Options for UK Renewable Energy Supergen Marine R&D programme launched Regen Southwest Wavehub concept launched The Carbon Trust Marine Energy Challenge launched DTI announced 50M Marine Deployment fund European Marine Energy Centre officially opened Ocean Power Deliverys Pelamis was first offshore wave energy converter to generate to grid
2004 2005
DTI ran workshops on consenting pre-commercial wave and tidal stream farms The Carbon Trust completed Marine Energy Challenge
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
What affects the costs of marine renewables, and at what costs can electricity be generated from waves and tidal streams today?
These questions were the starting point for our assessment of cost-competitiveness. This section summarises the findings based on data gathered during the MEC.
It should be noted that the capital costs of wave and tidal stream energy devices are not static and will change over time due to developments in technology, the costs of raw materials and components and experience gained in manufacturing and deployment. As might be expected, the total capital cost depends strongly on the number of devices built and installed, and also where they are deployed.
O&M costs
The O&M costs of marine renewables can also be considered in several parts, including: maintenance, both planned and unplanned; overhauls; where it is most economic to re-fit components during the service life; licences and insurance to allow the devices to be kept on station and to manage the associated risks; and ongoing monitoring of wave or tidal conditions and the performance of devices. Figure 4c gives a breakdown of O&M costs for a specific wave farm envisaged. Like capital costs, O&M costs also depend on the size of the installations and the location, and are also likely to vary from year to year. At present, it is much more difficult to estimate O&M costs than capital costs due to the lack of experience in operating wave and tidal stream farms, although it is possible to infer costs from experience with upstream oil/gas installations and offshore wind farms.
Capital costs
The capital cost of marine renewables technologies can broken down into: the cost of the generation device itself (materials, components and labour in manufacturing and fabrication processes); the costs associated with installing it (deployment); the costs of keeping it on station (foundations or moorings); and the costs of connecting it to the grid (electrical cables and switchgear). Some of these costs are more dominant than others, and the relative distribution of cost centres varies between different device concepts and site locations. For example, Figure 4 illustrates the cost make-ups for a specific wave farm (Figure 4a) and specific tidal stream farm (Figure 4b) that have been envisaged.
There will also be costs of decommissioning. Current estimates indicate these will be small compared to initial capital costs, and because they fall at the end of a project, the present value in a discounted cash flow analysis is low and has only a marginal effect on cost of energy.
The performance of marine renewables devices depends on: the energy available in the resource; the design of the prime mover (mechanical components) that extracts energy from the resource e.g. the rotor of a tidal stream turbine; and the power take-off system (equipment used to convert the mechanical energy into electricity). As wave energy converters and tidal stream energy generators can be configured in many different ways, their performance characteristics vary. It is necessary to study specific designs in order to understand performance characteristics in detail, but it is possible to make general observations about groups of devices and identify common requirements for high performance. These include the extent to which a devices capacity for energy extraction/conversion is matched to the available energy resource, the efficiency of the systems energy conversion (resource-to-wire) and its availability (proportion of time the device is ready to generate, whether or not the resource conditions are suitable for generation). Figure 5 indicates what the performance characteristics of wave energy converters (Figure 5a) and tidal stream energy generators (Figure 5b) may be like, in particular how the power output depends on different physical parameters (wave height, wave period and tidal stream flow velocity). Like other renewables and conventional generation, the generation performance of marine renewables can be described using the following terms: Annual Average Energy Production. This is the total amount of electricity expected over the service life divided by the length of the service life (allowing for the fact that annual generation may vary from year to year due to changing resource conditions, device availability and/or energy conversion efficiency); and Long-Term Capacity Factor. This is the ratio of average annual energy production to the product of rated capacity and the number of hours in a year. Data gathered during the MEC suggests that long-term capacity factors for wave farms and tidal stream farms may be of a similar magnitude to wind farms between 20% and 45%, depending on the technology and site.
Mooring 5%
Notes: Based on data gathered during the Marine Energy Challenge. The charts refer to specific types of wave energy converter and tidal stream energy generator, and are not representative/typical of wave energy or tidal stream technologies as a whole. There are considerable variations between different technologies, project locations and project sizes (numbers of machines installed). Also, future design improvements, performance/cost optimisations and learning effects could change the relative weighting of some cost centres. The O&M chart shows annual average costs evaluated over the entire life of a wave farm. Source: Entec, based on data provided by Atkins and Black & Veatch
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Figure 5 Performance characteristics of wave energy converters and tidal stream energy generators a) Example wave energy converter power surface Power shed above rated capacity Power shed in steep waves Rated
Cost of energy =
Power on vertical axis b) Example tidal stream energy generator power curve
Flow speed
Notes: These graphs indicate ranges of operating conditions for wave energy converters and tidal stream energy generators. They are for illustration only, and neither represents a specific device technology. In each graph, the grey area shows where power would normally be generated. The orange area highlights conditions where there is insufficient energy in the resource to generate economically, and the red areas where the available energy is at or above the rated capacity of the generator. Source: Entec
Choice of metrics
Given that costs depend strongly on the numbers of machines built and installed, a practical difficulty in discussing current costs is the present industry status. With no commercial wave or tidal stream projects yet built, the firmest evidence of costs and performance comes from large-scale prototypes. However, the capital costs of these are likely to be greater than production models for commercial projects for two reasons:
Prototypes are built as one-offs, whereas production models may be constructed in batches with associated economies of scale; and Design improvements resulting from prototype testing may reduce costs and/or increase performance before production models are built. Also, the performance of prototypes is likely to be much lower than production models because the prototypes are used primarily to gather engineering data for ongoing development, rather than generate electricity for revenue. Furthermore, in practice, one can only make broad-brush distinctions between prototype O&M costs and development activities. Prototype costs of energy are therefore not a good indicator of commercial costs of energy. An alternative is to estimate the costs and performance of first production models, but this usually requires assumptions about economies of scale, design improvements, performance levels and O&M costs. These carry large uncertainties and may not make for a selfconsistent design basis, lending doubt as to the validity of the results. Given these issues, our approach to reporting current costs is as follows: Describe capital costs for both first prototypes and first production models, since these can be estimated reasonably well and comparisons are instructive. However, for the time being, we allow only batch production benefits (small economies of scale) between the two stages; the significance of design improvements is discussed later. The capital cost figures therefore represent todays technologies manufactured in small volumes. Figures are given per unit installed generating capacity (/kW) since this allows comparisons with other technologies20 (e.g. offshore wind); and Give costs of energy for first production models, based on the reported capital costs and technology-specific estimates of performance levels and O&M costs. These were developed in detail by bottom-up calculations of annual average energy production and reference to O&M strategies and procedures (as far as defined). The following general assumptions apply to the figures quoted: Devices are installed in farms of 10 MW total installed capacity. This is broadly indicative of the size of early stage developments; actual first projects (or first stages of projects) may be smaller.
The project rate of return is 15%. This is based on discussions with energy project investors about risk/ return expectations. 15% is higher than some projects using conventional and renewable technologies achieve, but reflects investors perceptions about current technology risks for marine renewables.
In theory, a better metric is capital cost per annual average power generation, which takes into account the long-term capacity factor. However, for this to be meaningful for any single device, the certainty of the performance estimate needs to be high, and in order to compare between devices, the certainty of estimates should be similar. Our experience is that performance estimates often have wide error bands and that the certainty varies considerably between devices. This can make capital cost per annual average power generation figures misleading. Arup Energy (2005), Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Evaluation Report.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
First prototype tidal stream energy generators could cost up to 8,000/kW, but certain concepts have already been built for under 4,800/kW. Again, this should not exclude concepts with greater capital costs providing future cost reductions are possible. Initial tidal stream farms could have costs between 1,400/kW and 3,000/kW. Figure 6 Capital costs of first prototypes and first production models
10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Capital cost per unit installed generating capacity [/kw]
estimates in the sub-range 12p/kWh to 15p/kWh22. The fact that this range is smaller than wave energy converters is due partly to the choice of concepts being more limited, and partly to greater certainty about performance. Although O&M costs are uncertain, performance levels between lowest-cost group concepts are similar. This again points to capital cost per kilowatt as a good competitiveness indicator. It can readily be observed from Figure 7 that the central estimate costs of tidal stream energy are lower than those of offshore wave energy. It is important to emphasise that: This is solely a depiction of current costs, and gives no indication of how the costs of wave and tidal stream energy may reduce. This is discussed in Section 4; and The apparent advantage of tidal stream energy over wave energy needs to be taken in context of the resource estimates noted in Section 2. Notably, both the UK and worldwide offshore wave resources are estimated to be considerably greater than their tidal stream counterparts. Figure 7 Costs of energy today
8.5 6.0 5.0 2.5 Offshore wave energy converters
prototype, upper estimate prototype, lower estimate production model, upper estimate production model, lower estimate
As special cases: First prototype near-shore Oscillating Water Columns (OWCs) are estimated to cost between 3000/kW and 9000/kW; First production model near-shore OWCs are estimated to cost between 1150/kW and 2800/kW; First prototype shoreline Oscillating Water Columns (OWCs) are estimated to cost between 5500/kW and 10000/kW; and First production model shoreline OWCs are estimated to cost between 1550/kW and 5500/kW. Source: Entec
3.3 Conclusions
The current costs of both wave and tidal stream energy are considerably higher than conventional and other renewable energy generation. We consider this is unsurprising, given the early stage of technologies and the implications of the assumptions noted, particularly that projects are constrained to 10 MW total installed capacity and thus have limited economies of scale. The following section discusses how and to what extent the costs of marine renewable energy could be reduced.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Can the costs of wave and tidal stream electricity be reduced to become costcompetitive with other renewables and conventional generation?
This question is crucial to the future of technology development, and to date, uncertainty about the answer has been a barrier to commercialisation. This section explains our approach to assessing future cost reduction potential, indicates how the costs of wave and tidal stream energy could reduce with increasing installed capacity and notes implications for investment and support.
Engineering design can be considered in two respects: concept design, which concerns the fundamental operating principles and general assembly of devices, and detailed design, which is how the concepts are actually realised. Concept design improvements might involve changes to a devices size, shape or general assembly, while detailed design optimisations could, for example, improve performance in particular resource conditions or minimise the time required in maintenance. Reflecting the state of technologies on entry work in the MEC focused mainly on concept design improvements, particularly identifying the remaining design avenues to be explored as part of the iterative design process. However, some technologies within and outside the MEC are now ready for detailed design optimisations to enhance performance or reduce capital and O&M costs, beyond the platforms envisaged for first large-scale prototypes. In short, we identify four possible ways of reducing costs of energy (Figure 8)25: Concept design developments; Detailed design optimisations; Economies of scale; and Learning in production, construction, installation and O&M. Although sequenced logically, cost reductions may not occur in this order because the design process is iterative and the latter two effects are linked. It is therefore impossible to uniquely identify the benefit each mechanism could have in future (indeed, such disaggregation is often difficult for previously developed technologies). However, we believe that design improvements (both concept and detailed) are likely to be significant in the short to medium term.
See for instance IEA (2000), Experience Curves for Energy Technology Policy
Learning rate: Fraction of cost reduction per doubling of cumulative production. For example, if it costs 1 to produce the first unit, the second unit would cost 90p at a learning rate of 10%. An alternative interpretation of routes to cost reduction groups concept and detailed design into one category, learning by searching, and economies of scale, learning in production, construction, installation and O&M in another, learning by doing. These terms are found in academic literature.
about trade-offs between certain design changes and performance enhancements, which could only be resolved by further engineering analysis and testing beyond the scope of this study. Limited industry knowledge about certain novel engineering processes (e.g. volume fabrication in concrete) was also a constraint. We looked at the experience of other industries to form a long-term view of learning rates (the combined cost reduction arising from of economies of scale and learning). In particular, ship-building, offshore oil/gas and wind power were considered because the associated technologies have similarities in design and function to marine renewables and use many of the same parts. As far as possible we studied the sectors initial stages in order to gauge leaps made early on, but we also looked at cost reductions since the technologies have become more mature. This formed a common basis for our analyses of all marine renewables technologies, but beyond this, different approaches were taken for wave energy and tidal stream energy.
Economies of scale
Identification of design features likely to reduce costs is one objective of current work under the EPSRC Supergen Marine research programme (Work Package 7). Conclusions had yet to be reached at the time of writing but we remain in touch with the study team.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
By a combination of engineering analysis and inference, our consultants consider that the long-term learning rate in cost of energy for wave energy converters is likely to be between 10% and 15%27.
Revenue support Low fossil fuel unsupported 2.5p/kWh High fossil fuel unsupported 5.0p/kWh
In future, one might take different target costs, due to changes in both: The costs of energy of other conventional and renewable technologies, some of which are themselves following cost reduction trends (e.g. wind power); Changes in government instruments and market conditions to value carbon emissions.
27 28 29
In the UK, the Renewables Obligation and Climate Change Levy effectively increase the value of renewable electricity over conventional (fossil fuel and nuclear) power.
Figure 10a Offshore wave energy cost reduction scenarios Scenario A: 24.9p/kWh starting point, 10% learning rate
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 MW 100 MW 8.5 6 5 2.5 1 GW 10 GW 100 GW 1 TW
Figure 10b Offshore wave energy cost reduction scenarios Scenario B: 21.6p/kWh starting point, 15% learning rate
30 Cost of energy [p/kWh] 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 MW 8.5 6 5 2.5 100 MW 1 GW 10 GW 100 GW 1 TW
Cumulative installed capacity Range of electricity prices excluding ROCs and LECs Range of prices including ROCs and LECs
Note: Curves implicitly includes a gradually falling discount rate from 15% to 8%. Source: Entec
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Figure 10c Offshore wave energy cost reduction scenarios Scenario C: 10.0p/kWh starting point, 10% learning rate
30 Cost of energy [p/kWh] 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 MW
Cumulative installed capacity Range of electricity prices excluding ROCs and LECs Range of prices including ROCs and LECs
Note: Curve implicitly includes a gradually falling discount rate from 15% to 8%. Source: Entec
The obvious impact of the step change is to allow a much more rapid progression to the lowest target levels. Notably, the 6.0p/kWh hurdle is cleared below 400 MW, and although not shown, it turns out that the same level would be met below 1.0 GW had there been a step change to 10p/kWh and learning at 10%. Taking these findings with those for scenario B, it can be concluded that offshore wave energy could become competitive with CCGT generation within several gigawatts of installed capacity, provided that: A step change to 10p/kWh occurs and learning is anywhere in the range 10% to 15%; or A step change does not occur but learning is at 15%. The total investment required to install wave and tidal stream farms and make progress towards cost reductions can be deduced from the area under each learning curve. By comparing the three scenarios, it is possible to assess the significance of the learning rate and step change to 10p/kWh on the amount of investment needed to reach different target levels. To reach the high fossil fuel supported level (8.5p/kWh), 18.5b is needed in Scenario A while only 770m is required for Scenario B. This massive difference points again to the sensitivity to learning
rate, but also indicates that with slow learning, it would be prohibitively expensive to fund cost reduction down to even the highest target considered; and To reach the low fossil fuel supported level (6.0p/kWh), a total investment of 2.2b is required in Scenario B, while only 500m is needed for Scenario C. This further difference underlines the overall economic value of efforts to reduce costs of energy before large capacities of generation are deployed; particularly design improvements (the first two routes shown in Figure 8). Based on the total investment costs, it is possible to estimate the necessary costs of support30 above the base cost, ROC and LEC support. Assuming a constant high base electricity cost of 5.0p/kWh, this is 3.1b in Scenario A and 190m in Scenario B, but the figures are considerably higher at the lower base cost of 2.5p/kWh. In any case of base cost, the cost of additional support is much lower in Scenario C. This suggests that to make long term support above the RO and CCL likely, the base electricity cost may have to rise in combination with fast learning, or a step change reduction in the costs of offshore wave energy has to occur.
Again on a Net Present Value basis, such that no distinction is necessary between capital support and revenue support mechanisms.
Figure 11a UK tidal stream cost-resource curves a) Step wise cost-resource curve Vmsp = 3.5-4.5 m/s 12 Cost of energy [p/kWh] 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Installed Capacity [MW]
Note: Assumes deployments in a logical sequence depending on mean spring peak velocity Vmsp Sources: Black & Veatch, Entec
31 32
Vmsp = 4.5-5.5 m/s Vmsp > 5.5 m/s Vmsp < 2.5 m/s
6.0 5.0
Source: Arup Energy. Overseas developments could happen before the UK resource limit is reached, of course, but this is nevertheless a useful marker.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Similar to the wave energy cost curves, the total investment can be deduced from the area under the curve in Figure 11b. This would be 4.3b to achieve the 2.8 GW capacity. Depending on the base cost of electricity, the cost of support above the base cost, ROC and LEC support could be between only a few tens of million pounds to up to 500m. Figure 11b UK tidal stream cost-resource curves b) Smooth cost-resource curve
12 Cost of energy [p/kWh] 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 MW 500 MW 1 GW 1.5 GW 2 GW 2.5 GW 3 GW 2.5 8.5 6 5
4.4 Conclusions
Based on the above, we conclude that: There is potential for marine renewable energy to become competitive with other generation forms in future; In the present market conditions, wave and tidal stream energy is likely to be more expensive than other renewables and CCGT until at least hundreds of megawatts capacity are installed. By way of comparison, this capacity is equivalent to several offshore wind farms at the scale currently being constructed; Fast learning or a step change cost reduction is needed to make offshore wave energy converters cost competitive for reasonable amounts of investment; and Tidal stream energy could become competitive with current base costs of electricity within the economic total installed capacity estimated for the UK, 2.8 GW.
Cumulative installed capacity Range of electricity prices excluding ROCs and LECs Range of prices including ROCs and LECs
Note: Solid line indicates central estimates while the dashed lines show error bands.
Future growth
5. Future growth
Can wave and tidal stream farms be developed to supply large quantities of electricity to the grid and make material contributions to energy supplies? What effect would this have on carbon emissions?
In this section we develop the findings about costs of energy to consider the growth of marine renewables over time. Key factors affecting future growth are introduced and a set of assumptions necessary to take a future view are stated. We then indicate what progress could be made up to 2020, including estimates of total installed capacity, investment and support.
Fundamentally, growth of marine renewables depends on a willingness to finance both technology development and project development. Different parties will need to provide funds at different stages, and it is important to recognise the entry criteria, risk/reward expectations and exit points of each investor. Figure 12 indicates the parties who may be involved and the investment stages between technology development and initial project development. Given the early stages of technologies, financial support is needed particularly for technology development at present. This includes academic and industrial R&D, engineering design and prototype testing. Academic R&D support is likely to come mainly from governments, although this may be supplemented by a flow of private equity via technology development companies and/or university commercialisation initiatives. A combination of RD&D grants, venture capital and possibly strategic investments is probable to support technology development companies in engineering design and prototype testing. A few developers of more advanced concepts are now seeking to develop initial farms. Support to meet current costs of energy (see Section 3) will be necessary to make such projects economic, and notably, this is currently offered in two countries: the UK and Portugal33. While the support in each country is structured differently, a common feature is that it is effectively limited to tens of megawatts of installed capacity. Depending on fossil fuel prices and the extent of cost reductions within the scope of the schemes (see Section 4), there may still be a cost gap after the capacity limits are reached, and it is uncertain what will happen then; specifically, whether/how the cost gap will be bridged. In the UK, the Renewables Obligation ends in 2027. So for projects to benefit from ROCs over the 20 year period envisaged in Section 4, they need to be installed by 2007. It is likely that only a small number of wave and tidal stream farms will achieve this. Without changes to legislation, developments commissioned later than 2007 will benefit for only part of their project lives.
The UK DTI Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Demonstration Scheme was launched in 2005. This offers a capital grant of up to 5m for any single project plus revenue support at 10p/kWh for 7 years post-commissioning. A total of 42m is available. In Portugal, revenue support is available at 23 Eurocents/kWh for projects over 12 years post-commissioning. 50 MW total installed capacity is supported. Details about support in other countries are given in the Forum for Renewable Energy Development in Scotland (FREDS) 2004 report Harnessing Scotlands Marine Energy Potential.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Figure 12 Investment stages in technology development and project development Initial technology development Purpose of investment Concept and detailed engineering design, tank model testing, subassembly and component testing Large-scale prototype Manufacturing, fabrication, installation and testing/monitoring sea-going prototype. See note 1 Initial small farms Consents and permits, resource assessment, bathymetric and geotechnical surveys, site civil/electrical engineering design, transformers, subsea cables and switchgear, device installation and monitoring. See note 2 Technology development companies, project developers or standalone project vehicles High 5m to 10m per project. See note 2 Larger farms As initial farms but at larger scale
Destination of investment
Notes: 1. This assumes testing at a dedicated facility, development of which has already occurred and been financed by a third party(ies), and which offers readily available electrical connections. This is the model of the European Marine Energy Centre. 2. Some site development activities may not be necessary, and therefore associated costs not incurred, if third-party test hubs are used. This is the model of the proposed Regen Southwest Wavehub. Source: Entec
deploy resources. However, the extent of collaboration will be limited by the need to protect commercial intellectual property (IP) to attract private investment. Given the wide range of technology options, a key measure of progress in technology development will be the extent of convergence on optimal designs. This could be brought about by collaboration between developers and consolidation of IP. In parallel, developers of less promising concepts are likely to fail to attract investment, thereby further reducing the choice of technology options. Knowledge on the part of investors to enable the selection of promising technologies will have an important bearing on the convergence process. The success of technology development is also likely to depend on the approach to managing risks. There is a commercial pressure to develop rapidly in order to maximise the value of investments in technology development, and a related argument that to delay developments is to delay learning and progress towards cost
Future growth
reduction. However, because the engineering challenges of design, manufacturing, fabrication and installation are significant, a counter argument is that a slower, more progressive approach is better to manage risks.
Electricity networks
The growth of marine renewables projects is highly dependant on the ability to connect to the grid. Network
34 35 36 37 38
Source: Atkins The European Marine Energy Centre, Orkney, Scotland The New and Renewable Energy Centre, North East England In the UK, both EMEC and the Wavegen LIMPET shoreline OWC (Islay) are grid-connected. The British Wind Energy Association npower juice Path to Power project. This is also considering regulatory, environmental and financing issues.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Fire protection
Commissioning handover
unproven technology
By design, wave energy converters are subject to challenging environmental conditions of large waves and strong winds, and need to survive large structural forces. Access to offshore wave energy converters is also difficult, which makes reliable operation with minimal manual intervention important. Early in the MEC, we identified a need for guidance on the application of existing standards to wave energy converters. This was in consultation with technology developers and offshore engineering experts, some of whom had already begun applying standards to their designs. We subsequently commissioned Det Norske Veritas to produce a set of guidelines that give signposts to particularly relevant standards and an interpretation of where and why these are helpful. The guidelines are intended mainly as a design aid for wave energy technology developers but should also interest investors and insurers. The purpose of the guidelines is not to enforce existing standards onto wave energy converters necessarily. This would be misguided, since wave energy converters differ from other offshore equipment in several key respects (such as that they are unmanned and do not carry large quantities of hydrocarbons). Rather, it is intended that the guidelines will help developers identify where standards may be helpful, and by applying them in these cases, gain a head-start in designing technical risks out of their concepts. The guidelines do not represent new technical standards but rather interpret what is known already for the specific application of wave energy conversion. We see them as a stop-gap while dedicated standards for wave energy converters do not exist. Other parties such as EMEC have also begun work on standards for wave and tidal stream energy, and these activities are important to the sector. The Guidelines are available free on the Carbon Trust website. For initial wave farms, transmission capacity may be a secondary issue to the availability of distribution network connections, due to the ability to locate in many possible areas, some albeit with a compromise in energy resource, (which due to subsequently lower performance could cause costs of energy to be higher). However, if not accommodated in current upgrade plans, transmission capacity could be a major constraint to large wave farms of tens of megawatts capacity. Tidal stream developments of all sizes may be more affected by distribution and transmission network constraints than wave farms due to the more limited number of possible sites. The electrical engineering design of marine renewables devices impacts on their ability to be grid-connected. In particular, the choice of electrical machine and/or use of an inverter may influence the capacity that can be installed, due to low fault levels close to the coast. The response of generators under fault conditions may be important as installed capacities increase, as has been the case with wind turbines. However, these concerns are secondary to network capacity in the short term. Like the wind, waves and tidal streams are variable renewable energy sources. Their intermittent generation has implications for large scale grid integration, but at small scales is likely to have only a marginal impact on network management, similar to the effect of wind farms in the UK today. Variability is therefore not an immediate concern. In future, there could be some benefits of combining wave and tidal stream energy with wind energy (see box overleaf).
Future growth
Sources: Carbon Trust & DTI (2004), Renewables Network Impacts Study; DTI (2004), Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
this. The government intends to produce a draft bill in Autumn 2006, and the bill could be enacted by the end of 2007 at the earliest. The Marine Bills implications for wave and tidal stream projects are unclear, although a stated intention is to facilitate consents for offshore renewables projects. It is possible that a new Marine Agency could be created with responsibility for spatial planning. Development of wave and tidal stream farms may also impact upon other sea users and commercial activities, including shipping, fishing and aggregate extraction. However, due to limitations of available data, it was not possible to address these during this study.
39 40 41
Such as the impact of tidal stream energy generators on flow momentum. A UK, industry-funded environmental research organisation for the offshore wind industry.
DTI (2005), Guidance on consenting arrangements in England and Wales for a pre-commercial demonstration phase for wave and tidal stream energy devices (marine renewables).
Future growth
Assumptions: 2005-2010
Assumptions: 2010-2020
Fossil fuel prices are at sustained high levels, leading the base cost of electricity to rise gradually to 5.0p/kWh by 2020. 80m capital investment is made to support academic R&D, engineering design and prototype testing. This comprises government grants and venture capital investments. Between 120m and 200m capital investment is made into project development of initial wave farms. This comprises private equity investments in projects and government capital grants. There is still a cost gap after capacity limits associated with current support schemes are reached. But the success of demonstrating prototypes (see below) motivates further government support and private investment in both technology development and project development. Technologies converge on five or fewer optimal concepts (both wave and tidal stream). Subsequent efforts are focused on developing these. The convergence of technologies reduces the number of isolated actors and allows technology development to accelerate. Industrial R&D picks up in parallel with continuing academic R&D. Larger farms up to several tens of megawatts are developed, and their performance and reliability is demonstrated. A market pull occurs and causes deployment rates to accelerate rapidly.
Technology development is continuous and occurs at a rate proportionate to the amount of finance available. Academic R&D efforts accelerate beyond current levels and focus on key barriers to cost-competitiveness. Detailed design optimisation of better developed technologies progresses in parallel with work to prove/disprove alternative concepts. Large-scale prototypes of several types of wave energy converter and tidal stream energy generator are successfully demonstrated. In proportion to the capital available for project development, development of initial wave and tidal stream farms proceeds to a total installed capacity of between 60 MW and 100 MW. Progress with proving large-scale prototypes and initial farms dictates overall progress. Survivability, performance and reliability become clearer due to the results of largescale prototypes, but uncertainty remains about large-scale farms. Progress with technology development is not fast enough for a market pull to occur.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
Growth Factors
Assumptions: 2005-2010
Assumptions: 2010-2020
Risks are managed in progressive, step-wise technology and project development programmes. Technical risks in design, construction, installation and operation are well managed by the application of appropriate standards and testing. Electricity networks Developers of initial wave and tidal stream farms seek connection points where no upgrade is required. Network capacity does not increase due to demand from marine renewables projects. Overall, there are sufficient grid-connectable wave energy sites that distribution network capacity is not a constraint. However, the capacity of most sites is limited to 10 MW, and the choice of larger sites is restricted. Environmental and regulatory Project developers seek connections for projects of tens of megawatts installed capacity, some of which require upgrades.
The environmental impacts of large-scale prototype wave energy converters and tidal stream energy generators are monitored. Developments in some coastal areas are prohibited or restricted by ecological concerns, but this does not restrict overall growth. Regulatory arrangements to consent and permit wave and tidal stream farms are developed. They include strategic environmental assessment and spatial planning, both of which facilitate rather than hinder developments. Projects take between 12 and 24 months to consent from the time a proposal is raised with the relevant authorities.
The overall deployment is greater than the current installed capacity of UK wind farms, and equivalent to several large offshore wind farms43; and The progress in increasing installed capacity is similar to wind energy worldwide between 1980 and 1990. For comparison, the box overleaf gives further details of the historic progress of wind energy, including amounts of public support. It is possible that a large share of the deployment envisaged across Europe could occur in the UK. If this happened, up to one sixth of the UK government aspiration of 20% renewable energy by 2020 could be met by marine renewables (i.e. about 3% of total UK electricity demand).
Figure 15 Conclusions from growth model to 2020 across Europe Wave energy Total installed capacity (MW) Total capital deployed (m) NPV cost of support above base electricity cost (m) Annual carbon dioxide abatement (MtCO2/y)
Tidal stream energy 1,000 to 2,500 1,000 to 2,500 500 to 2,000 1.0 to 3.7
For instance, the London Array is proposed to have a total installed capacity of 1.0 GW. Source: London Array Ltd.
Future growth
Although the contribution to reducing carbon emissions would be relatively small in the context of total UK emissions, it could still be a significant share of the contribution by UK renewables overall.
Further benefits of the UK taking a leadership role in market development relate to the potential for economic returns, as indicated in Section 2 and discussed further in Section 6.
15 30 10 20 5 10
Note: The bars show worldwide cumulative installed capacity and the line indicates costs of energy. Sources: Growth figures: BTM Consult (2005); Cost of energy data 1980-1994 for Denmark: Chapman and Gross (2003), The technical and economic potential of renewable energy generating technologies: Potentials and cost reductions to 2020; and Cost of energy data 1995-2005 for Denmark and USA: Milborrow (2006), Windpower Monthly vol 22., No.1.
Cost reduction and subsidy support Figure 16 indicates how the cost of wind energy has reduced with growth in installed capacity. Evidence of the cost reduction trend was seen in the UK during the 1990s, with NFFO45 contract prices falling from 10.0p/kWh to below 3.0p/kWh46. Learning rates appear to have differed over time (meaning they depend on the time interval chosen for analysis) and between countries, but an overall rate of 18% has been identified47. Growth in installed capacity would not have occurred without subsidy support, and the cost of wind power is unlikely to have reduced to the extent it has without growth. By extension, therefore, the cost of wind power has been reduced by subsidies. Total subsidy support by European countries and the USA totals the equivalent of several b48, including 714 million support under successive NFFO rounds in the UK49.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
5.4 Conclusions
Although dependant on a complex array of factors, there is considerable potential for marine renewables to grow. By 2020, several gigawatts of generating capacity could be installed, and potentially meet a small but significant share of the 2020 UK renewables aspiration. Beyond 2020, the industry could grow much further.
44 45 46
Source: BTM Consult (2005). Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation (England and Wales), Scottish Renewables Order and Northern Ireland Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation.
Source: DTI (2001), A summary of the experience of wind energy support through the NFFO. Note that between the early NFFO rounds, the price reduction was partly due to a change in contract length. Sources: Junginger et al (2005), Global experience curves for wind farms; IEA (2000), Experience Curves for Energy Technology Policy.
47 48
Information on subsidy levels in different countries is fragmented, but the following are useful indications: The US spent $1.2 billion (1999 dollars) between 1947 and 1999 on wind energy subsidies (Source; Goldberg (2000), Federal energy subsidies: Not all technologies are created equal). Denmark spent DKr 3.8 billion (about 0.75 billion) on subsidies for wind between 1993 and 1998, including tax expenditures and prices subsidies (Source: OBrien et al (2001), Encouraging Environmentally Sustainable Growth In Denmark, Economics Department Working Papers No. 277, OECD; in money of the day). Germany is estimated to have spent a total 1.4 billion on R&D support, price subsidies and feed-in tariffs up to 2000, (source: Neij et al (2003), Experience curves- a tool for energy policy programme assessment). A different source indicates Germany spent around 1 billion on wind support in 2001 alone (Source: Eurelectric (2004), A Quantitative Assessment of Direct Support Schemes for Renewables). Data collated by Paul Arwas Associates.
Between 1990 and 2001. Source: Frontier Economics (2001), Evaluation of DTI Support for New and Renewable Energy under NFFO and the Supporting Programme
Next steps
6. Next steps
The preceding sections indicate the potential for future cost reduction of wave and tidal stream energy generation, and how growth could occur over the next fifteen years. Based on this evidence and our experience of working with technology developers in the MEC, this final section draws conclusions on next steps for the development of marine renewables in the UK.
The potential significant economic returns to the UK from sales of generation devices, project development and revenue from electricity generation, as indicated in Section 2. The UK is well placed to leverage its skills and experience in offshore oil and gas, ship-building and power generation to accelerate progress in the marine renewables sector and capture the economic value for the UK. While technologies are at early stages, support and investment in technology development can be seen as maintaining the option of marine renewables for future years, looking ahead to the time when cost reductions have occurred to an extent where the technologies are competitive with other conventional and renewable generation. We consider there is a strong case for industry to accelerate the overall pace of development of marine renewables beyond current levels, which translates into
Figure 17 Key actions to put marine renewables on the path to growth Technology developers Maintain strong focus on cost reduction; and Accelerate engineering testing and prototype demonstration to develop track records of survivability, reliability and generation performance characteristics. Public sector funders Give increased support over time for marine renewables technology development, with greater support for RD&D and cross-cutting technology issues to help deliver cost reductions; Support marine renewables project development from now into the medium term, contingent on technologies proving technically viable in the first instance, and later, evidence of reducing costs; and Develop a clear long-term policy framework of support to the sector to give greater investment certainty. Academic researchers and funding bodies Ofgem and electricity network operators Government, industry and environmental stakeholders Place greater emphasis on cost reduction topics, particularly to overcome cost barriers that are common to many device concepts. Actively consider the future capacity of wave and tidal stream energy when planning grid modifications and upgrades. Take a pragmatic, prioritised approach to overcoming environmental uncertainties; and Take a proportionate approach to local environmental impacts of small developments, recognising the global environmental benefits of low carbon generation from future, larger projects.
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
a requirement for both significant further public support and private investment in development activities. Given the current costs of energy found in this study, we think that considerable emphasis needs to be placed on cost reduction to ensure the commercial viability of wave and tidal stream technologies. The MEC has demonstrated that certain technologies have considerable potential for cost reduction, but further efforts in maximising performance and minimising capital and O&M costs will be needed for some years to come. Key to the availability of private equity is clarity of the route to market, particularly in recognition of the cost gap between marine renewables and other means of generating electricity. Our cost-competitiveness analysis indicates that public support for costs of energy above those of conventional power and other renewables will be necessary in the medium term. Figure 17 summarises our view of actions key players should consider to accelerate progress.
from developing both generation products and services to construct, install and operate in parallel. We consider that to maximise economic returns and make the fastest progress towards cost reduction and growth, UK plc should encourage both wave and tidal stream technology development and project development. We therefore see a need for a two-pronged approach to public support and private investment, which: Accelerates the progress of technology development, through ongoing RD&D into concept and detailed engineering design to bring about substantial reductions in cost; and Encourages early development of wave and tidal stream farms to accelerate learning effects. Noting the key barriers identified in this report of high costs, uncertain costs and performance, and the unproven nature and diversity of technologies, we identify four key objectives for development support: 1. Maximise the extent of cost reductions by all four of the routes identified in this study (concept design improvements, detailed design optimisations, economies of scale and learning). For offshore wave energy, set an environment for fast learning and maximise the likelihood of step change cost reductions; 2. Increase certainty about costs and performance; 3. Develop track records of survivability and reliability; and 4. Encourage convergence on optimal technologies as soon as possible.
For details, see the case study in Carbon Trust (2003), Building Options for UK Renewable Energy.
Next steps
Future Marine Energy: Cost competitiveness and growth of wave and tidal stream energy
In order for technology developers to make robust cases for private investment, they must be able to demonstrate a clear route to market which satisfies investors entry and exit criteria. Crucially, this requires a visible long-term policy commitment to support cost reduction and growth.
As further specific outcomes of this work, we intend to publish two technical reports: A summary of the MEC methodology for cost of energy assessment. This is to help others replicate the MEC process and help bring clarity and consistency to the commercial assessment of device concepts; and A summary of R&D requirements for cost reduction. This is to input to the R&D Roadmap initiative being conducted by Edinburgh University under the Future Sources of Energy theme of the UK Energy Research Centre.
The Carbon Trust works with business and the public sector to cut carbon emissions and capture the commercial potential of low carbon technologies. An independent company set up by the Government to help the UK meet its climate change obligations through business-focused solutions to carbon emission reduction, the Carbon Trust is grant funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Scottish Executive, the Welsh Assembly Government and Invest Northern Ireland. Whilst the Carbon Trust and its consultants that have contributed to this report have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in the report is correct, they give no warranty and make no representation as to its accuracy and accept no liability for any errors or omissions. Neither the Carbon Trust or its consultants are providing investment advice in this report and you must take your own view on the merits of, and the risks attached to, any investment decision you may undertake. You may wish to obtain professional advice. Nothing in this publication is intended to be, or should be interpreted as, an endorsement of or recommendation for any supplier, service or product. Any trademarks, service marks or logos used in this publication and copyright in it are the property of the Carbon Trust. Nothing in this publication shall be construed as granting any licence or right to use or reproduce any of the trademarks, service marks, logos, copyright or any proprietary information in any way without the Carbon Trusts prior written permission. The Carbon Trust enforces infringements of its intellectual property rights to the full extent permitted by law. The Carbon Trust is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under Company number 4190230 with its Registered Office at: 8th Floor, 3 Clements Inn, London WC2A 2AZ. Printed on paper containing a minimum of 75% de-inked post-consumer waste. Published in the UK: January 2006. The Carbon Trust 2006. All rights reserved. CTC601