Chapter-I: 1.1 Background

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The key takeaways are that tourism began flourishing after WWII, Nepal is a popular tourist destination, and tourism provides employment opportunities.

The main attractions for foreign visitors in Nepal are the snow-capped mountains, rich culture, scenic places, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna, historical monuments, different religious beliefs, and hospitable people.

The three main regions of Nepal based on topography are the Himalayan region, Mountain region, and Terai region.


INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background

Throughout history, people have traveled for many different reasons. Tourism as an industry, however, began to flourish after the Second World War, with per capita incomes in the developed countries increasing significantly and the development of efficient mass air transport. The tourism industry is the largest in the world and is a complex one. The demands of international tourists, the consumers- and of international destinations, the producers - are bridged by the tourism industry. The industry consists of a wide range of enterprises supporting the mass movement of people across varied areas within a country and across international boundaries, including a variety of wholesale and retail outlets for hotels, airlines, tour operators, etc. The tourism industry sells a unique product, often called an invisible export. The product may be sold and consumed locally, but foreigners, i.e., the external market, consume it. Nepal is one such popular destination for tourists from all over the world. (ICIMOD,1995:6) Tourism is also a source of employment. It is a highly labor-intensive industry offering employment to both the semi-skilled and the unskilled. Being a service industry, it creates employment opportunities for the local population. It is a major source of income- an employment for individuals in many places deficient in natural resources, which cannot readily contribute to the economic prosperity of the area except through the medium of tourism. This aspect of provision of employment becomes more important in a developing country where the level of unemployment and underemployment tends to be high. Besides, providing employment to a large

number of people, tourism can be the instrument of regional policy aimed at achieving an equitable balance between major industrial areas and the rest of the country. Tourism enables to be transferred in part to another. (Bhatia, 2000; ix)

Tourism is one of the most thriving industries in Nepal. It is the large foreign currency earner and employment provider. The sector has provided good employment opportunities to a large number of people both skilled and unskilled. It is due to these reasons that tourism industry is one of the successful stories in the development of Nepal's tourism industry. Nepal is beautiful destination for international tourists. The snow-caped mountains, rich culture of Nepalese, scenic places, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna, historical monuments, different religious beliefs, bilingual, and hospitable people are the main attractions for the foreign visitors. Nepal- located in South Asia is one of the small countries in the World. It is situated between big Countries like China and India. It is land locked, specially called India locked country, because only north side is bounded by China other three sides bounded by India. Its total Area is 1, 47,181 sq k.m. In addition, spread over 80004 to 88012 east longitude and 20022 to 30027 north altitude. Topographically, Nepal is divided into three regions: The Himalayan region, Mountain region and Terai Region. The Himalayan region account for about 15 percent of the total land area and altitude 4,877m- 8,848m and including 8 of 14 highest summits in the world; where exceed an altitude of 8,000m peaks such as Mt.Everest, Mt Annapurna, Mt. Dhaulagiri, and others. Mountain region accounts for about 68 percent of the total land area has an altitude range up to 4,877m from chure - Siwalik range. Terai region, the low land Terrain occupies about 17 percent of total land area of the country. By another ways, the country is divided based on

watershed area, in three Zones, as Koshi ,Gandaki and Karnakli. Politically the country is separated into five-development region, 14 Zones and 75 districts. There are 56 municipalities and 3913 VDC in the country. Nepal has immense diversity in natural and socio- cultural aspect. Nepal is occupying only 0.03 percent parts of the earth but have home to 2 percent of all the flowering plants in the world. 8 percent of the world population of birds (more than 848 species)4 percent of mammals of earth, 11 of worlds 15 families of butterflies (more than 500 species), 600 indigenous plants families, 319 species of exotic orchids (Nepal guide book, NTB, 2003). The number of total population is 2,31, 51,423 are living more than 60 ethnic groups and 70 language speakers reside in Nepal. The country is the place of several world-listed heritage, such like worlds highest summit Mt. Everest, Hanuman Dhoka, (Kathmandu Durbar square), Patan Durbar Square, Pashupatinath temple, Swambhunath,Chitwan national park, Lumbini. It is the boron and home place of world famous and religious hero: King Janak, Sita, Gautam Buddha, Araniko and brave Gurkhas. Being natural paradise, Nepal was region of attraction from ancient time. As puran and epics, Pashupatinath and Muktinath are famous pilgrimages of Hindus. Many Hindu religious people used to visit Nepal for pilgrimage from India since ancient time. In the modern context visiting from outside hade began to Nepal from eighteenth centaury .In 1772 AD Abdul Kadik Khan and Hi-Dankun had came as English representative in the country .In 1807 a group of 50 lead by Captain Max along with Dr.Hamiltan had visited Nepal. At the time of Rana ruler's was strictly regulated and limited for foreign visitors to Nepal. So only 153 people has visited during the period of 1807 to 1844 AD.

After the treaty of Sugaulee a British residence was appointed in Kathmandu. Dr.Wallich visited Nepal in 1817 and carried on his Botanical researches for a year (Lamsal, 1997).Sir Brain Holson, Sir Joseph Hooker Traveled the country for Botanical Survey and collection of the Nepal's flora and fauna. King Goerge V came for his famous shoot (hunting) in Nepal's Tarai in 1911. The Prince of Wales visited Nepal in 1921 on the invitation of Rana prime minister. These visits were only for hunting and research purpose ( Wagle, 2005) By the geographical panorama, variety of flora and fauna, and other sociocultural phenomenon, Nepal is became so beautiful country, and any body outsider may feel such like a piece of heaven. Despite the all of natural and cultural resources, the country is not prospering in the economic aspect. There is only 17 percent arable land but not been proper utilized and 33 percent cover forest and woodland out of one total area. Nepal is also based rural dominated economic condition. More than 80 percent people of the country live in village area holding agricultural occupation and nearly 39.0 percent part of total GDP contributed by agricultural sector. GNP in FY 2002/03 at current producers' price was Rs 454.93 billion. Growth rate was only 2.7 percent in that year. Per-capital income is 250 U.S. $ (Economic survey-2004). Human Develop Index lies at 129 ranking in the world, 42 percent people are below the poverty line (HDI-1998). According the economic indicators, Nepal has been ranking one of the poorest countries of the world. However, the country is not poor in naturally and other development potentiality. The main cause for poorness of the country is lack of proper utilization of natural resource, failing to exploit available potentialities etc. Nepal was not success to gain expected progress in the economic development in before, even the normal situation. Now, it is, moreover suffered by violence and political instability. The country is facing great crisis in every aspect is sinking is vicious circle.

Tourism sector is one most important sector of economy to overcome country from vicious circle and poverty. It is not only contributed to earn of foreign currency, helps to develop small cottage industries and creates the opportunities to employment. US $ 168100000 foreign exchange was generated from tourism in 1999AD. By 4, 81, 04 tourist were visited Nepal in the period and 80 thousands of people are employed in this sector. It has shared 15.9 percent earning of total foreign currency and 3.6 percent in GDP in the year. This sector is severlly victimized by the unsecured condition of the country. That is caused to downward rate was 23 percent of visitors and 23.8 percent revenue in 2003 A.D. (Economic Survey, 2003) Tourism being important sector in the economy, it is rapidly increasing than the other sector of world trade. The international tourist arrivals increased from 25,282 thousand in 1950 to 616,635 thousand in 1997 with an average annual growth of about 7 percent up to forecast the number of international arrivals is expected to reach US $937 million by 2010 A.D. (WTO, 1998). The receipt from international tourism was US$ 2100 million in 1995, that has increased to US$ 448,265 million in 1997 with an increase of 12.1 percent annual growth rate (WTO 1998), That is growing faster than world trade in 1980. With worldwide increasing trend of tourism, Nepal should catch that opportunity that would comparably benefits to our economy. The country can improve the economy from advancing the sector by using her potential resources of tourism. So Nepal holds great prospective of tourism. There is need of suitable plan and policy for required management and marketing. The country has done some efforts for promotion tourism but those are not enough. Various beautiful destinations have not visualized and presented for tourism perspective, which would help to develop the economy of the concern destination.

1.2 Statement of problems

Tourism is output of modern civilization of human society. It is raised as significant part of economy and need of civilized human. Nepal is a reputed destination of international tourism and it has taken important place in national economy. It is a major source of foreign exchange earning in the country. 491504 tourists visited Nepal in 1999, which is largest figure up to now. Tourists visit the country for various reasons such as holiday pleasures, trekking and mountaineering, business, pilgrimage etc. The popular destinations for tourism in Nepal are Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitawan, Annapurna region, Khumbu region, Helambu Langtang valley are main destination for trekkers in Nepal. Among them Annapurna region is most famous destination for that. More than 50 percent trekkers out of total trekkers in the country visit this region. The first famous trekking area Annapurna region is recognized as conservation area title of ACAP area (Annapurna Conversation Area Project). It covers some parts of Kaski, Manang, Lamjung, Mustang and Myagdi. Two VDCs of Myagdi Narchyang and Sikha are included in the ACAP area. Therefore, Myagdi lies on the way of Annapurna circuit trade. It is on the road to Mustang, Dhorpatan and Dolpa trek. Dhaulagiri Mountain a major range in Nepal, which lies in Myagdi, is the major attraction for mountaineering expedition in the country.This range constitutes dozen of mountains. Of them, Dhaulagiri first (8167m.) is seventh tallest summit in the world. Four groups of mountain expedition had come in 2002. Dhaulagiri round trekking route is embodied in Annapurna circuit trekking routes. Some trekkers visit both areas. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, the only one hunting reserve in the country also covers some parts of the district. It means this district is very important from tourism point of view. It is close to ACAP area and near Pokhara surrounded by

major tourist attractive trekking destination Dolpa, Manang, Mustang and Kaski district and host of Dhaulagiri mountain range, the world's deepest gorge 'Andha Galchhi also lies in the district. Myagdi has also important cultural, religious and historical cites . There are plenty of eco-tourism resources. About fifty thousand tourists entered in Myagdi in 1999. Myagdi has plenty of tourism attractive destinations and significant numbers of tourists are visiting but these destinations are not properly recognized at national as well as international level agency despite the route of ACAP area. Dhaulagiri trekking circuit is recognized as difficult routes so it may causes hesitation to visit that areas. Though attractions of Myagdi are not highlighted, most of tourists came for trekking and mountaineering purpose. There is a lack of diversity in tourism in this region. About half percent tourists come in Nepal for holiday pleasure purpose. They are out of attraction in the district. Despite a highly prospects in tourism, there are so many obstacles in terms of infrastructure and service management . There is not any special plan and policy for tourism promotion activities in this area by national level and local level either government sector or private sector. For the economic development and prosperity, tourism is an important sector. Nepal has limitless potentiality of tourism. However, the development of this sector is not satisfactorily. There are more efforts to do by the central as well as local level, by the government sector as well as private sector too. For the promotion of tourism in the country to the local level must be concerned. There are need to identify more new and various tourism products and resources to all over the country and, develop required infrastructures. There are need of improvement and maintenance of available means and place and expanse scope for that. There must be recognized current conditions problems and prospective for adopt new efforts to prepare plan and policy, to add new kind of infrastructure. It has needed more research and scientific study, not only on central level but to grass root level and

rural area as well. Therefore, the researcher has objected of a rural area, one of the remote areas from capital and tried to contribute by highlighting additional attractive source of tourism and suggest developing the area. Myagdi is tourism potential region. There is bright future in tourism in the district. However, that requires special efforts to do for that. Therefore there should be deep study and evaluate the present condition of tourism in the district. Problems should be identified and potentiality of tourism attractions should be highlighted, that would be helpful for perceiving clear plan and policy of the district and destinations.

1.3 Identification of the study Area

The selected site to study is Myagdi District. The researcher is a residence of the district. The Myagdi lies in Dhaulagiri zone under the western development region and surrounded by Mustang (north),Dolpa (north-west),Rukum (west), Baglung (south) , Parbat and Kaski (east) district. Famous the Dhaulagiri Himalayan range is situated in northen part of the district.More than half dozens peaks including the word 7th tallest summit the Dhaulagiri -1st (8167m)are existed in the range, which are famous destination for mountaineering expedition and adventure trekking tour. It attracts thousands of tourists in a year .The Dhaulagiri mountain range is a neighboring range of the Annapurna mountain range to western side. Two VDC of Myagdi district are included in Annapurna conservation area (ACAP). Some group of trekkers visits both regions at a same plan .The world deepest George Andha Galchhi, charming falls: the Rupse, Hot spring pond, Himalayan originated rivers Myagdi khola, KaliGandaki, Raghhuganga and Mirasti khola are major natural resource to attract tourists. Some parts of Royal Dhorpatan hunting reservation enters in the western side of the district, which is only one

hunting reservation area in the country. Myagdi is not attractive only Natural and geographical point of view, there are valuable cultural, Historical, Religious important heritages. Pulahshram, GaleswerDham, Khayar Barah are reputed religious places from ancient time. Beni Bazar, Dholthana and Takumkot are historically important places; they are related to Parbat state before the unification Nepal. The district lies on the trekking rout to Annapurna region, Mustang, Dhaulagiri circuits. Therefore, Myagdi is very important in tourism point of view in various aspects. There were conducted tourism promotional festivals (Mudi and Ghorepani Mahotsab) during the period of visits Nepal year 1998 and celebrated Maghe sankranti Mela and Beni Festival in the 1st week of Magh 2060.Myagdi being destination and routs both thousands tourists inflow every year. It seems immense potential area in tourism point of view. In this reason, the researcher hopes that the study will be fruitful to tourism development in the district as well as to country.

1.4 Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study are mainly to evaluate current trends of tourist's inflow relatively to national level and highlighting the potentiality of tourism of Myagdi. The specific objectives are to: a) Observe current trends and nature of tourist's inflow in Myagdi district. b) Highlight the potentiality of tourism. c) Evaluate the infrastructure and service management of tourism. d) Recommend suggestions on policies and plans for the development of tourism in Myagdi district.

1.5 Significance of the study

Tourism being a major and important source of foreign exchange earner has an important role in economic development in least developed country like Nepal. With the development of this sector, employment opportunities will increase and Nation can be benefited directly and indirectly. Taking into account this fact HMG/N has adopted policy of expanding and promotional activities related to tourism in the district. The fact that tourism industry occupies important place in Nepal and that HMG/N putting efforts to level based development of this sector is exhibited by HMG/N declared and celebrated in 1998 as 'Visit Nepal Year'. Expansion and explanation of more tourism destination and resources will help to attract more number of tourists. This sector will be benefited by tourism promotional activities adopted by central level and local level. This case study of Myagdi district will help to think and do about tourism promotion program and plan for government and other stakeholders. Whole Myagdi district may develop as famous tourism region and if it initiates efforts like ACAP area. There are very similarities with ACAP area. Dhaulagiri Mountain range is attractive no less than Annapurna mountain range. Dhaulagiri First is higher than Annpurna First. Dhaulagiri mountain range is close to Annapurna. Both ranges can be viewed from many places. This region now is easily accessible from Pokhara by motor road. Transport facilities are going to extend. There are more than one dozen peaks for mountaineering expedition. That region is connected with Dolpa region. If Dhaulagiri region develops like ACAP area and Khumbu region, more tourists will come in the country. From the tourism intervention, it is expected that economic condition of the district can be improved. Tourism sector is only the viable industry in the district. Now, district is dependant on the remittance a cash income source coming from foreign employment. Tourism is potential and suitable for the district. Government, private sector at both local level and central level should give priority


to this sector. This study may helpful to draw the concern of stakeholders, policy makers and planners of the district. It may provide tourism development guideline to set strategies for economic development of the district.

1.6 Methodology
The research design is case study type. Data, information, and facts used both are primary and secondary. This study is conducted by generating primary data as well as secondary data. In order to collect secondary information concerned people were consulted. Secondary information were taken from Nepal tourism Board , ACAP Office Pokhara, related documents from Ministry of Tourism, Department of tourism, Ministry of finance, National planning Commission, Nepal Rastra Bank for required information and data. Various bulletins and booklets on tourism and media source like news paper, Radio, internet were also consulted .District profile of DDC Myagdi ,Profiles of VDCs are used to collect the related information and data. Local tourist hotel owners, Hotel managers, local journalists, intellectuals, Politicians were also consulted for that. The primary data and information is taken by questionnaire and interview method from local tourist hotel, tourist visitors' .For primary data, 4 Hotel owners of Beni Bazaar and Galeswar, and 120 tourists' visitors were selected through convenience sampling for interview during the survey period October of 2004. Almost data are analyzed and described in different chapter. Some of them are ignore though were collected through questionnaire method. Data and information have analyzed mainly by descriptive method. Some aspects of this thesis are used quantitative method by applying statistical tools; Rate value of average, percentage, and mean and linear correlation, regression models and statically tests. Approaches of analysis are both quantitative and qualitative types.


1.7 Limitation of the study

The researcher does not have sufficient time and resources for the very deep investigations. So the study is limited by varies aspects. The study is focused on Myagdi district only. The analysis depends on available data and information from local tourist hotel and concern agencies. The study is limited by following ways
1) This study focuses on tourism of Myagdi district. 2) The study is depended on available data and information from Tourism

Board, ACAP office Pokhara, DDC Myagdi, field survey and related newspaper, Magazine, books and booklets.
3) For the field survey, has visited all four-tourist hotel of Beni Bazaar and

Galeshwer. 4) For primary data, responding, Indian and Domestic visitors are excluded. 5) Period of primary data collection was October and November of 2004. Secondary data are used of until 2003.
6) This study focuses on afore mentioned objectives.

1.8 Organization of the study

The present study includes seven different chapters. This study starts with I) II) III) IV) V)

Introduction Review of literature Research methodology Tourism overview on National level General outline of study area Tourism attraction in Myagdi Tourism in Myagdi

VIII) Summery conclusion and recommendations



The word 'tourism' is derived from French word 'tourisme' consists of all those aspects of travel through which people learn about each other's way of life. Tourism is defined and explained various ways; according to Hunziker and Krapt: it is the sum of the phenomenon and relationship arising from the travel and stay of non-residents in so for as they do not lead to permanent residents and has not connected with any earning activities. It means tourism is a temporary travel and staying in any place by people. It is temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence. The activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations facilities catch their needs. To be tourist there should be journey from own native place. As the dictionary of universe, the tourist is a person who made journey for the fun of curiosity, for the fun of traveling or just to tell others that he has traveled, in this way tourist is that who travel and goes to journey without their compulsion for satisfaction and pleasure. (Dahal, 2060 BS;) According to Bhatia (2000 AD) - tourism is also being recognized as a source of employment, it is a highly labor intensive industry. Being a service industry, it takes employment opportunities for local population. It has economic importance helps to reduce economic inequalities. It enables the wealth earned in the part of the country to be transferred in part to another. Bhatia(2000 AD) further explains in his 'Tourism Development, Principles and Practice' besides economic benefit to a country, by way of earning foreign exchange and employment generation tourism also makes a tremendous contribution to the improvement of social and political understanding. Travel in different countries foster a better rapport between people's in various stocks. Personal international contacts have always been an important way of spreading

ideas about other cultures. Tourism is those an important means of promoting cultural exchange and international cooperation. The experiences gained through travel have a profound effect upon the life of the individual as well as open society as a whole. Travel exercises very healthy influence on international understanding and appreciation of other people's life. (Bhatia 2000 AD) Tourism those is highly complex phenomenon, it is an important human activity of great significance in addition to economic significance it has sociocultural, educational and political significance as well. As mass phenomenon and essentially social nature, tourism can longer be viewed as a triangle activity, both in the use it makes of time, space, and its relationship with the production of goods and services. Tourism has become one of the pivotal concerns of nations and of the international community (Bhatia 2000; ix). Tourism is a package of activities consists certain components, according to Bhatia, three of when may be considered as basic. These three basic components of tourism are transport locale and accommodation. A tourist in order to get its destination has to travel and therefore some mode of transport is necessary for this. This mode of transport may be motor cars, coach, airplane, a ship or a train, which enables travelers to reach his predetermined destination. The locale may be used to include the holiday destination and it offers to the tourist. The holiday destination may offer natural attractions like sunshine, scenic beauty or sporting facilities etc at these attractions. Accommodation is another basic component, which is essential for providing food and rest. After having reached destination, a tourist must have some kind of accommodation, which provides him food and sleep. (Bhatia 2000 AD). According to Robinson, the attractions of tourism are, largely, geographical in their character. Location and accessibility are important. Physical space may be thought of as a component for. There are those who seek the wilderness and solitude, scenario or landscape is a compound of landforms, water and the

vegetation and has an aesthetic and recreational value. Climatic conditions, especially in relation to the amount of sunshine, temperature and participation are of special significance. Animal life may be an important attraction, firstly, in relation to birds watching or viewing game in their natural habitat; secondly for sporting purposes, e.g. fishing and hunting. Man's impact on the natural landscape in the form of his settlements historical monuments and archeological remaining is also a major attraction. Finally, a variety of cultural features ways of folklore, an artistic expression etc provides valuable attractions to many. In addition to, three basic components of tourism namely- transport, locale and accommodation, there are certain elements or ingredients of tourism. These elements predispose towards tourism development. These elements which are the fundamental attractions of tourism are i) pleasing weather ii) scenic attractions iii) historical and cultural factors iv) accessibility v) Amenities (Bhatia 2000 AD). Tourism sector covers very vague scope of traveling activities. So there are various kinds of purpose, style and activities in that field. Those kinds of activities are classified as types of tourism. Although there is no one accepted way of classifying different types of tourism, one could classifying tourism into four general types namely leisure tourism (shopping, general observation) , recreational tourism (mountaineering, fishing, trekking, rafting etc), cultural tourism(archaeological, historical sites)and eco-tourism (birds and wild life watching, photography, scenery, scientific tourism etc) (ICIMOD,1995). A type of tourism is classified as Dahal Om Prasad in his work 'Rural tourism'(2060BS) as international tourism, domestic tourism. Tourism also classified based on purpose and destination. It is classified as 1) Eco-tourism 2) Recreational Tourism 3) Cultural and Religious Tourism 4) Historical Tourism 5) Agro-Tourism6)Adventure Tourism 7) Health Tourism 8) Sports Tourism 9) Business and Tourism 10) Space Tourism etc.

vi) accommodation


The concept of mountain tourism highlighted by study of ICIMOD on mountain enterprises and infrastructure at the title of "Mountain tourism in Nepal" as that mountain tourism would be composed of recreational tourism, cultural tourism and eco-tourism. Recently the concept of eco-tourism has gained much ground.For tourism and natural areas, recently a new concept, eco-tourism is introduced and usage of this concept is simple to understand. In the past few years, many definitions of eco-tourism have been introduced. The definition varies from a description of nature tourism to a broader definition whereby not only the activities of the tourists are involved but also elements such as the conservation of eco-system and sustainable development (Kunwar, 1997) "Eco- tourism seems to be a catchword that means many things to many people. To some it means ecologically sound tourism. To others, it is synonymous with nature tourism. Eco- tourism is both the things but it must go a step further. It must be a force for sustaining natural resources. Eco- tourism is nature travel that advances conservation and sustainable development efforts. It seems that the development of the eco- tourism concept has led to a concept based on the desire to have ideal tourism term like most be and should be in these definitions indicate this desire. There is however almost no indication on what ideal is and how the development of this ideal situation should be organized (Kunwer, 1997).According to father of eco- tourism, Prof. Lars eric Indblad." Eco- tourism is a multi disciplinary equity approach where all disciplines can be allies rather than inevitable adversary and can avoid negative dimensions" Recent evidence further reveals that Nepal's capacity to realize the full benefits from tourism are below optimum, primarily because of the overall low level of development in the country, including import substitution industries. The scope for enlarging the tourism sector to generate more income and employment is believed to be enormous. The natural beauty of Nepal, especially in the northern half of the country that possesses many natural wonders, has not been subject to

development. Tourism development in these 'niche' of natural wonders can generate income and employment to mitigate the rampant poverty of such areas. Proper planning can help link mountain development with tourism development, and the scope for providing income and employment in the mountain areas can be greatly enhanced. ( ICIMOD, 1995) There is, however, a need to exercise caution in the development of the fragile environments of the hills and mountains. Although trekking and mountaineering tourism have had visible positive effects in terms of employment and income generation, tourism has also generated negative effects that are serious in some areas. Many lessons have been learned from tourism activities in the hill and mountain areas; thus, past mistakes should not be repeated while developing new areas for trekking and mountaineering tourism. The benefits resulting from tourism have also not spread widely due to poor planning of tourism development. In order to realize greater benefits from tourism and to minimize its negative effects in the mountain areas, it is necessary to see mountain areas in terms of their different environmental resources and their economic value.(Baskota K1995;2) The main reason for the low returns from tourism in the mountain areas has been due to an under-valuing of the environmental resources that the mountains harbor. Many of these resources are unique and have no substitute, so that, theoretically, the scarcity value of such resources should be high. Another related problem is the lack of integration of mountain development and mountain tourism. Tourism development in the mountain areas should not be undertaken in isolation from mountain development. Mountain tourism is but one important dimension of overall mountain development. Given that the mountain environment is endowed with unique resources, it should be conserved for future generations. Hence, environmental conservation has to be the guiding philosophy of overall mountain development, including trekking, mountaineering, and other forms of development. (Baskota and Sharma ,1995)

The benefits derived from mountain tourism have also been wanting. Benefits have been realized primarily in terms of income and employment but more significant benefits based on the value of the environmental resources remain to be realized. The concentration of tourists in some mountain pockets, the seasonal nature of mountain tourism, and lack of integration of tourism with the local economy are important issues that warrant concern about the distribution of benefits from tourism. (Baskota K and Sharma B, 1995).The economy and environment of the mountain areas need to be developed in a well-integrated manner. The mountain environment cannot be expected to sustain the continuous growth of tourism. The capacity of the environment to sustain economic development in the mountains has to be better understood. The complementary nature of environment and investment has to be studied and planned. Remedial actions and a code of conduct have been formulated, but the fact that negative impacts, or excess stress, on the carrying capacity continues to occur indicates the failure of existing policies or their ineffective enforcement. Furthermore, in some mountain areas visited by the tourists, tourism management is entirely absent. This has not helped local people to realize greater benefits from tourism, nor has the effects on the environment been monitored. Thus, effective policy and institutional frameworks are necessary to conserve the environment as well as to promote income and employment in such areas. (Baskota k and Sharma B, 1995) Human History of traveling very old and probably immemorial, it is hard to say where people first started traveling to enjoy the Mother Nature. However with increased urbanization and the introduction of faster mode of transport coupled with or raised in the west, which gave rise to tourism as one of largest industries in the world. The important point here is that one person's enjoyment becomes the livelihood for others. (Bhatia, 2000)


Men since antiquity have been innovative traveler in ancient times. The main motivations were trade, pilgrimage and conquest. The Renaissance aroused a new spirit of inquiry. Travel became the means of acquiring culture in Europe. The tradition of grand tour when started in the seventeenth century by the aristocracy of Europe was more firmly established in the 18th century and 19th century by the emergence of alleviant mercantile classes. Another by the product of The Renaissance was the spirit of adventure and discovery as the new motivation for travel. Columbus, Marco polo, Vastodagama and Sir Francis Drake were few names who extended the horizons of the word. (Wagley, 2005) Until the First World War, travel was still the privilege of small segment o the society. The First World War had kept the people in the cabin and confined for four years. Because of it obstructed travel in the inter-war years. After that, travel for pleasure stated thereby transformation of travel into tourism began. That era of organized tourism had started. (Bhatia 2000). After the Second World War, Europe lay in ruins. The Marshal Plan that was introduced by USA for the revival of the European countries made tourism ones of its plans. It provided several billion dollars for the reconstruction of hotel and tourism infrastructure of Western Europe. Tourism for the first time was viewed as an engine for economic development, official tourist organization at the national and international level was established in most of the European countries. (Wagley 2000). Various writers have studied about tourism in the global prospective Alvar W. Carlson (1980) studied tourism under the topic of "Geographical research on international and domestic tourism." According to him, tourism is a worldwide industry, which has become important at all levels of economic development. Tourism was considered by academician, for decades, to be primarily an economic activity. Geographers and others in 1970 turned largely to amazing the impact upon

cultures and the physical environments of the destinations areas. The common goal is careful planning of future tourism development. Tourism Master Plan (1972) highlighted potentiality tourism in Nepal as scenery beauties of the natural environment are regarded, as it is new raw material for tourism, owing the geographical setting. Nepal display an environmental spectrum of unmatched variety ranging from the tropical Jungle belt to high alpine region abandoned of extremely scenic landscape embarrassing richly varied wealth of recreational resources. It is those unique with features some of earths most spectaculars tourist attractions. The magnificent mountain mass of the Himalayas is lure for not only world's mountaineers but also representation of fundamental asserts to recreational use and an important factor for cultural tourism. The mid-altitude region set against the Snow-capped peaks and comprising the traditional zone of cultural and civilization after a scenic potential suitable for recreation oriented tourism. The master plan explained about plenty ness of recreational resources in like mountain range and scenic beauties. Cultural tourism is another potential sector of tourism in Nepal. The study for the Tourism Master plan (1972) shows given the present situation where more than 90 percent of all international visitors are attracted by cultural potential of Katmandu valley concludes that cultural tourism playa the most important role in Nepal. Cultural resources of potential use for tourism exists though in less spectacular, a combination of northern and southern Asian culture representing no less than six major ethnic streams, a few dozens of dialects, three major languages and two religions. It explained cultural heritages for tourism attracting as a important resources for tourism in Nepal. Shrestha (1999) in her Ph. D. dissertation Tourism in Nepal; Problems and Prospects, has identified the basic problems of tourism in Nepal. The study also highlighted tourism industry having great prospects in Nepal. The study has observed that the average growth rate of tourist arrival in Nepal from 1975 to 1997

is 7.27 percent per annum. As regards that arrival from SAARC countries, the highest numbers of visitors come from India while arrival from other SAARC countries is around 1 percent or even less than that. It reveals that Nepal has not been able to promote regional tourism and has relied on heavily only a few countries. Nepal's share in international arrival rose from 0.04 percent in 1975 to 0.07 percent in 1997. On the other hand, the share of South Asia has increased from 5.91 percent to 9.27 percent during the same period. By increment of tourism, activities it develops as an important part of economics sector not remain only cultural recreation matters. 'International Tourism' receipts grow faster than world trade (i.e. commercial services and merchandise exports) in 1980. They now constitute a higher proportion value of world export than all sectors other than crude petroleum products and motor vehicles parts/accessories (the Qsoblal tourism forecast to the year 2000 AD beyond, the world 1995 vii). The international tourists arrivals increased from 25, 282 thousand in 1950 to 616,635 thousand in 1997 with an average annual growth of about 700 percent' world tourism organization (WTO) forecasts the number of international arrivals is expected to reach 2010. The receipt from international tourism was us $ 2,100 million 1950. That increased to US$ 448,265 million in 1997 with an increment of 12.1 percent annual growth rate (WTO, 1998 AD). The receipts from international tourism can provide a valuable source of earnings for many countries are the developed as well as developing. Although tourism is sensitive to the level of economic activity in the tourism generating country, it provides more stable earnings than primary products. The income from has tented to increase at a higher rate than merchandise exports in a number of international tourism was US $2.100 million 1950. That increased to US$448, 265 million in 1997 with an increment of 12.1 percent annual growth rate (WTO,1998).


The receipts from international tourism can provide a valuable source of earnings for many countries are the developed as well as developing. Although tourism is sensitive to the level of economic activity in the tourism generating country, it provides more stable earnings than primary products. The income from has tented to increase at a higher rate than merchandise exports in a number of countries. There is how almost an assured channel financial flows from the richer country to the not so richer and developing ones raising the volumes export earnings and rate of economic growth. The Bhatia highlights the economic significance tourism. 'Marketing of tourism is to be understood as systemic and coordinated execution of business policy foresight undertakings whether or state owned at local, regional, national or international level to achieve on appropriate return (Dahal,2060BS;32) Tourism has been growing at outstanding ratio in the recent years and now, in terms of economic volume, worlds biggest and fasted growing exports industry. Many countries commence fostering the development of tourism encouraged by the high increases and potential benefits that accrue from tourism through increased income opportunities and fact that earnings in tourism can gradually impose the balance payment (Nepal:TourismMasterPlan,1972). 'Tourism prospect in Nepal ' (Chetana august 1978), reports that the mystery filled art and cultural stupidities, the national splendors, the challenge of the snowy height of Himalayas and the lure of the peaceful hidden valleys of Nepal are becoming a source of special fascination for many countries of the world ". so we can say that Nepal has a enormous potential resource for tourism development. Pilgrimage of Nepal (1979) has related tourism to the touristy blessing ,as rich cultural heritage , the temples dedicated to varies deities , the breath taking


monasteries , the ageless monuments there entire combine to make it a wonderful museum beneath the blue dome sky . Kayasth (1979) pointed out that natural as well as man made beauty and wild life are major attraction for the majority of tourist visiting in Nepal . The further revealed that the purpose of out going Nepalese tourists to south Asian countries has been found particularly for business and official work. Nepal has always been a tourist destination. This has been possible because of existence of interesting and unique things and experience in the country. Nepal is famous for the highest mountain in the world along with other high mountain, historical cities and wide range of geographical diversities within very limited land area. More important has been the culture of the people. The most popular tourist activities have been pleasure and trekking. The tourist industry comprises of hotel, travel and trekking agencies .airlines and the best of the other service sector. (Dhakal, 1997). A study made by Burger (1978:5) state tourism in Nepal is of rather recent origin. Before 1950, no foreigners were allowed to visit Nepal without the permission of the Rana rulers. He indicated that more than 10000 tourist arrived Nepal in 1976. Since 1962, the number of tourist arrivals has grown at an average rate of 20 percent per annum and more than 80 percent of the tourist arrived in the country by air and 20 percent arrived by road. He pointed out that majority of tourists come for pleasure and sightseeing purpose. The most important finding of his study was that only one out of six tourists who visited India also visited Nepal. His study concluded with the view that although tourism is recent phenomenon in Nepal, it has grown at an astonishing rate. The pointed out that Europe had been the major tourist generator for Nepal in 1975.


Economic survey (1998-99) shows that for the period of one year, 1997, there was an increase of 7.2 percent with the total numbers of tourist traveling to Nepal reaching 421857. It is estimated that there was an increase in total tourist arrivals by 9.9 percent with 463484 visitors in 1998, while the average length of stay of tourist was 10.5 days in 1997, it is estimated that it had risen to 10.5 days in 1998. According to WTO Report (WTO:1998) the number of visitors has increased from 25 billion in 1954 AD to 617 million in 1997 and tourism revenue has grown from US $ 2.1 billion in 1950 to US $448 billion in 1997. Karki (The Rising Nepal 2000- Aug.) finds the following major point regarding to the tourism. The number of tourist arrival in Nepal since 1975, has gone up from 92440 in 1975 to 162897 in 1980 with an average annual growth rate of 7.21 percent Tourist arrival by air has also increased significantly from 78995 in 1975 to 442124 in 1999 with an average annual growth rate of 7.22 percent. Annual growth rate of tourist has fluctuating. A study of number of tourists' arrival growth rate and duration of their stay in Nepal reveals that their arrival in Nepal has varied from year to year. By the end of 1997, such arrivals have increased by 9.9 percent and in the following year-end of 1998, growth dropped to 6.0 percent to the total number of tourist arrival to 491504 at the end of 1998. At the following year-end 1999, the growth in tourist arrival estimated to have further slide down by 9.1 percent to 447000. As regards the tourist stay it averaged 12.8 days in 1998 with the marginal drop to 12 days in 1999(Economic survey-2001) The preceding paragraphs reveals that tourism is one of the popular activities from ancient time to present that affects the economic as well social life of the people of the particular destination and country. It is, therefore, relevant to study the tourism in Myagdi, which have prosperous tourism resources and potentialities.


The research design is case study type. Data, information and facts are used both primary and secondary types. The primary data and information is taken by questionnaire and interview method from local tourist hotel, tourist visitors and related government and private agencies or organizations. Sampling survey method is applied. Table graphs pictures rate value of average, percentage, and mean and linear correlation, regression models and statistically tests are used. Approaches of analysis are both quantitative and qualitative type.

1. Selection of the study area

Myagdi district is purposely selected for this study. It is located region of Dhaulagiri mountain range, surrounded by famous tourism area in Nepal like ACAP area, Mustang, Dolpa and Dhorpatan. It lays on the routes of Annapurna round, Dhaulagiri round, Dolpa, and Mustang and Dhorpatan treks. Myagdi have immense prospective and bright future in tourism point of views. There are plenty of other attraction, scenic viewpoint, cultural and religious heritages, Natural beauty and Historical places etc. The researcher is a residence of this area. He has spent whole life up to now in this area.

2. Nature and types of study

This study is both descriptive and exploratory in nature. Adequate efforts have been made to gather information from varies relevant sources and field.


3. Research design
The research design of the study is case types of tourism sector in Myagdi . To get the reliable primary information required for the study. Questionnaires were prepared for field survey.

4. Sources of data
This study is based on primary and secondary data and information. Primary information collected from fieldwork. The tools of the data collection are questionnaires interview and discussion are applied. The sources of primary information obtained by using structured questionnaires with.
a) Hotel and Lodge owners of Beni and Galeswer Bazaar.

b) Tourists visitors Altogether, four Hotel Lodge owners and 120 tourists visitors are been interviewed during the field survey period October and November of 2004. The respondents are done through convenience sampling in the area. The respondents also selected to find pattern, main purpose, destination and satisfaction level of visitors. Further more additional information has been taken following source for secondary information. a) Hotel and lodge records
b) Local intellectuals c) Tourism Board Office, Bhrikuti Mandop, Kathmandu d) ACAP Office ,Pokhara

Other information are consulted from Ministry of Tourism, National annual statistical report of Tourism department , report of Nepal Rastra Bank, National Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance, Office of District Development committee ,Myagdi, profiles of DDC and VDC, local journals and news paper, library text , local intellectuals and professionals.


5. Methods of primary data collection

The primary information is collected from Hotel and Tourists visitors in Beni Bazaar and Galeshwer of the Myagdi district. The required information also been collected through the used questionnaires, interviews four hotel and 120 tourists responded are chosen during the survey period. Convenience sampling is used for selection of respondents.

6. Data analysis and interpretation

Data and information obtained from the field have been thoroughly reviewed to avoid the problems and ambiguities. Both quantitative and qualitative information are analytically presented. The data are presented in table. For analysis using simple statistical tools such as average, percentage frequencies etc. simple correlation and regression models are applied to calculate relative two variable data and fitting the trend line to predict relative effect. Likewise, qualitative information's are presented in pre-used form in simple way. Only relevant information are presented in the report to be more specific and consisted with objectives of the study. Following Regression model formula are applied.
Y = a + bX

Where Y= Dependant variable X = Independent variable a and b = Regression parameters

X Y X XY Then a = N X ( X )
2 2 2


N XY X Y N X 2 ( X )


The correlation co-efficient of two variables x and y:

rxy =

[ X

XY N X Y N ( X ) ][ Y N (Y )
2 2

Where, Average of X: X = Average of Y: Y =


7. Experiences during the field work

Reliable primary information could not obtain without field visits. In the field works creates opportunity to feel live reality of concern sector. Field works no easy task. To get required information properly needs to create a favorable situation, mood of spot and respondent by researcher attitude and efficiency. Researcher should be succeeding to take helps and support of respondent and concern stakeholders. The researcher experienced both happiness and difficulties in the field visits. When Researcher visit hotel owner with that purpose they were very positive and helpful. They were eager to discuss about the sector and sincerely tried to provide available information, experience and opinions. They help to motivate tourist respondent to fill up the prepared questionnaire. Some visitors denied filling up that feeling fear ness. Questionnaires form were filled by themselves .some information were not cleared. Hotel managers and staffs also were helpful for that. There are very difficulties not only to get primary information also secondary information. When researcher reached to concern agency, there was not available expected information, adequate and up-to-date data. Often they used to refer to another agency for but they were also referred.


4.1 Numbers of Tourists' arrivals in Nepal

After the political revolution of 1950, Nepal becomes open for common foreigners to visits easily. Then, air aviation service was started. First aeroplane landed in 1950 on the Gauchar of Katmandu. Those airports developed as international airport later. When the Admund Hillary and Tenjing Norge Sherpa succeeded in Mount Everest expedition in the first time in 1953, Nepal became famous allover the world as an attractive destination for Mountaineering. Mass tourism started in Nepal when a group of 60 travelers landed in 1955, through airways by British Travel agency named 'Thomas cooks and Sons'. Government also started fulfill the institutional requirement and to adopt tourism promotional policy and plan. Tourism department Board established in 1962. Tourism law and policy introduced. Tourism activities grew gradually in Nepal. Before 1962, there was not management of systematic recording of tourists' arrivals activities in the country. As the beginning, record of tourist arrival in Nepal only 6179 tourists has visited in 1962, and 12567 in1966. There is given in the table data of tourists' arrival Nepal from 1962. The number of tourists visiting in Nepal had been increasing until 1999. The number of tourist visiting Nepal has increased each year except in the year 1989, 1993, 2000, 2001and 2002 respectively. In 2000, 2001, 2002 the trend of tourist arrival had decreased by 7.2 percent, 22.09 percent and 23.74 percent respectively due to present situation of the country. The number of tourist visiting in Nepal was increased by 7.2 percent in 1997 as compared to the previous year.During the year, 1998 there was an increase of 9.9 percent with the total number of 463684 tourists traveling Nepal.


Table 4.1.1
Tourists' arrivals in Nepal(1962 to 2003)
Total Growth By air By land Number rate Number Number 1962 6179 1966 12567 11206 1361 1970 45970 36508 9462 1974 89838 74170 15668 1978 156123 130034 26089 1982 175448 153509 21939 1986 223331 182745 40586 1987 248080 11.1 205611 42469 1988 265943 7.2 234945 30998 1989 239945 -9.8 207907 32038 1990 254885 6.2 226421 28464 1991 292995 15 257932 25063 1992 334353 14.1 300496 33857 1993 293567 -12.2 254140 39427 1994 326531 11.2 289381 37150 1995 363395 11.3 325035 38360 1996 393613 8.3 343246 50367 1997 421857 7.2 371145 50712 1998 463584 9.9 398008 65676 1999 491504 6.0 421243 70261 2000 463646 -5.7 376914 86732 2001 361237 -22.1 299514 61723 2002 275468 -23.7 218660 56808 2003 338132 22.7 275438 62694 Source: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation,2004 Year Average Length of stay

13.2 11.8 13.3 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 9.3 10.1 11.9 10.0 11.3 13.5 10.5 10.8 12.3 11.9 12.0 7.9 9.6

In 1999 tourist, arrival increased by 6 percent and 491504 tourists visited Nepal. In addition, in 2003 the total tourist arrival was increased by 22.75 percent compared to previous year. The total number of tourist arrival in2003 was only 338132. The highest number of tourist visited Nepal in 1999 with the number of 491504 tourists. The tourists' arrival in 2003 increased but it is not satisfactory. If we compare 2003 with 1999, the number is decreased. The main causes of decreasing tourist arrivals since 2000 were, obviously Maoist insurgency, rapidly increasing political instability, conflict, strikes, blocked, environment degradation, etc. The table 4.1.1 presents tourist arrival in Nepal, mode of transport, and their length of stay.


Number of tourist's arrivals and average of staying determine economic yield from tourism. The general trend of tourist arrival in number was positive increment and average staying was nearly constant in average term. However, since 2000 situation has been turned to downward in both variables. In 2003, has shown a turning point to upwards direction. The largest number of tourist arrival is 491504 in 1999, the best position of growth rate was in 1995 (11.3 percent) and longest stay time was 13.5 days in 1996. The lowest point in all indicators is in 2002.

4.2 Tourist's arrival by purpose of visit

Tourists travel with various purpose in the world. In Nepal purposes of visitors are classified as; Holiday pleasure, Trekking and Mountaineering, Business, Pilgrimage, Official, Others etc. Tourists come for Nepal more purposes than that for the above purpose they come in significance numbers. The given table presents structure of purposive visiting in Nepal from 1999 to 2003

Table 4.2.1
Purposive visiting of tourists in Nepal (1999 to 2003)
Purpose of visit Holiday pleasure Trekking /Mountaineering Business Pilgrimage Official Others Total 1999 290862 107960 23813 19198 30097 19574 491504 2000 255889 118780 29454 15801 26431 17291 463646 2001 187022 100828 18528 13816 18727 22316 361237 2002 110143 59279 16990 12366 17783 58907 275468 2003 97904 65721 19387 21395 21967 111758 338132 Total 941820 452568 108172 82576 115005 229846 1929987 Average(%)


Source: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, 2003 AD

According to the above table 4.2.1, 48.8 percent tourists had come for holiday pleasure purpose, during the five-year period 1999 to 2003. In this way, for trekking and Mountaineering purpose 23.45 percent visitors arrived in that period. Rest visitors are 5.6 percent for Business purpose, 4.28 percent for pilgrimage, 5.96 percent for official visits and 11.91 percent others According to these facts, recreational activities and Holiday pleasure purposed f Tourism are most popular in Nepal. About half portion (48.8 percent),

Tourists come for that. Second popular tourism activities (23.45 percent) seem trekking and mountaineering. It reveals nearly one forth portion of tourists come for the purpose. Mountain: high Himalayan and hills are very significance resources for tourism in Nepal. With trekking and mountaineering, the holyday pleasure recreational tourism is related to mountains; Sight seeing to panoramic natural beauty of Himalayans and geographical diversities. Mountain resources are center point of almost tourism activities in Nepal.

4.3 Economic contribution from tourism

The most important economic benefit of tourism is the earning of foreign exchange among others. Tourism provides a valuable source of earning for many countries both developed and developing. Tourism is sensitive business but it provides more stable and inelastic earning of foreign exchange as compared to other primary products. The income from tourism has higher rate of increment than merchandise export in many countries, in both developed and developing countries like Nepal. In Nepal, tourism being very important in economic aspect, it has multiple effect in national economy. This shared 2.6 percent in GDP and 8.2 percent in total foreign exchange earning in the fiscal year 2002/03. Rs. 11747.7 was obtained in that year.

Table 4.3.1
Foreign exchange earning from tourism
year Total foreign exchange earning from tourism 2 8973.2 9521.2 8523.0 9881.6 12167.8 As percent of total value of merchandise exports 3 50.8 47.9 37.6 35.9 34.1 32 As percent of total value of exports of goods and non-factor services 4 21.8 23.3 13.7 17.4 18.5 In million As percent of total foreign exchange earning 5 17.3 21.4 17.6 15.2 15.9 As percent of GDP 6 4.1 3.8 3.0 3.3 3.6

1 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99

1999/00 12073.9 24.2 2000/01 11717.0 21.0 2001/02 8654.3 14.9 2002/03 11747.7 23.1 2003/04 7166.1 27.3 Source: Nepal Rastra bank, 2004 AD

13.0 12.0 10.6 15.2 18.0

8.8 7.4 6.1 8.2 9.1

3.2 2.9 2.1 2.6 1.5

By the observation of above table, the highest amount, earning is 11216 in 1998/99 year and largest portion sharing to GDP is in 1994/95 year (4.1 percent). Despite increasing, the amount of earning from tourism but the sharing portion to GDP is decreasing. Tourism sector has been adversely affected by internal conflict as the table. In 2001/02 that was declined in lowest point of indicator. The year of 2002 is the most dismal for tourism sector. That justify by following table.

Table 4.3.2
Gross Foreign Exchange Earning in convertible Currencies 2001vs 2003 year Rs (000) Us$(000) percent change in us $ 2001 10468205 140276 2002 8300553 106822 -23.8 2003 14508396 192832 +80.5 Source. Ministry of culture, Tourism and civil aviation. 2003 AD

The income from tourism in us dollar was declined by 23.8 percent. Since 2003 has started to take over showing, positive trends turned 80.3 percent positive change in that year. The economics aspects in above tables Nepal could not take expected benefits.This sector has not been yet major source of GDP of the country. As the natural characteristics of Nepal, tourism sector should be developing as leading sector in Nepalese economy. There should lot efforts to be that.

4.4 Trend of tourist inflow regional level

As the Tourism point of view Myagdi district is a domain part of Annapurna conservation area. Tourists inter here through Pokhara and ACAP area .The Beni bazaar of Myagdi district is a very important point of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri round trekking rout. Tourist inflow in this area: ACAP, Pokhara andMyagdi is


interrelated .So to analyze the trend of tourism flow of Myagdi district should be observed tourist flow of this native region: ACAP, Pokhara and Mustang.

Table 4.4.1
Comparative feature of tourist flow in this region (Trekking group)
Year Tourists in Tourists in Trekkers in Nepal 76865 84787 88945 91525 112644 107960 118780 100828 59279 841613 23.6%/100% Trekkers in ACAP Area 44733 50012 52399 54078 65587 67371 76398 65313 38277 514168 14.45%/61.1% Trekkers in Mustang Nepal Pokhara 1994 325631 59201 1995 363395 63782 1996 393613 86504 1997 421857 92717 1998 463684 103895 1999 491504 105546 2000 463646 95095 2001 361237 77853 2002 275468 50533 Total 3560035 735126 Percent 100% 20.65 % Source; ACAP Office Pokhara ,2003

21568 20815 14865 17698 74946

By the table, 4.4.1 shows that significant portion of tourists visit Pokhara out of total visitors of the country.Almost trekkers come to ACAP area. Most of them are trekkers of mount Annapurna and Dhaulagiri circuit. According to Nine years data in above table averagely 20.65 percent tourists visit Pokhara out of total visitors in the country and 61 percent trekkers visit ACAP area out of total trekkers in Nepal. .Pokhara and ACAP area, which are native region of Myagdi, are most popular and important in the country; visitors of those regions could be attracted to neighboring District Myagdi by effective promotional activities.

4.5 Conclusion
Tourism is an important sector for economic development of the country. It shares remarkable portion in GDP and foreign exchange earning. Nepal, possesses highly potentiality in the tourism but it is not exploited satisfactorily yet .Now a days


tourism activities are adversely affected since 2000 by the region of internal violent conflict. ACAP or Pokhara area is major region for tourist inflow in the country. Myagdi is domain area of that as tourism point of view; therefore, tourism inflow of Myagdi is directly affected by tourism inflow of that area.


Map of Myagdi District


This chapter presents the tourism aspect of Myagdi district. The selected area is a part of the country and selected field is an important aspect of social and economic sector in the district as well as the nation. Being interrelationship among every sector of society, there need to take over view on whole dimension of the district before enter into one particular sector. Therefore, a slight observation is given to general outline of Myagdi district. There includes geographical-natural, social-economic and infrastructural development aspect, which mostly affects tourism of district.

5.1 Geography
5.1.1 Location
The Myagdi district lies in Dhaulagiri zone and Western Development Region .District headquarter Beni Bazaar is 290 K.M. far from Kathmandu and 80 km from Pokhara to the west. Parbat and Kaski (in the east), Baglung (south), Rukum (west) and Dolpa and Mustang (north) are neighboring districts of Myagdi. It is located 83008' to 83053'est longitude and 28020' to 28047' north altitude .It is stated 782 m. to 8167 m. height (Dhaulagiri-I ) from sea level. It covered 2297.06sq.k.m; out of that, the geographical pattern is structured by 8 percent plain valley, 56 percent high hill and 36 percent Himalayan Mountain. The total land used pattern is 15 percent land arable with 5 percent grassland, 40 percent forest 45 percent non-arable land.


5.1.2 Topography
Myagdi district is a highly mountainous district and deeply dissected by river and Streams.Myagdi River is a major river, which follows west to east in lower part. The district name derived from the river. The district lies mainly in the transition zone .It is the meeting point of western and eastern vegetations types. From biodiversity point of view, it provides the habitat of many flora and fauna. The identification, types, species, genies is still under quarry.The northern parts of the district lies in the high Himalayan area. Middle mountain zone occupies very small area of the district. Topographically, it is subdivided into sub-tropical, mid temperate and alpine climate zone.

5.1.3 Climate:
There are much variation in altitude and topography resulting variation in climate also. The major climate types include subtropical, temperate and alpine climate .Myagdikhola and KaliGandaki have revering valley, which has subtropical climate. Mountain slope lying in southern and northern parts of the district with 1000m to 2000m altitude has mid temperate climate. All mountain ridges fall under temperate climate zone. High peaks falls under alpine climate. Annual average rainfall 2960 mm maximum to 407 mm minimum and temperature goes up to 36 c.

5.1.4 Land system and utilization

In the district 36 percent, land area lies in high Himalayan zone, 56 percent in transition zone and rest in Middle Mountain. There are five land system and 27 land types in the district.The 'land use' map of the district shows the usage of spatial areas for different purposes. As the land use map, approximately, 34.67 percent land


areas are forests, 27.09 percent are ice rocks area, 16.27 percent are grassland, 10.01 percent are cultivated land, and 8.21 percent are bush/shrub land in the district. Remaining land is of different usage such as glacier, water bodies, swamp, wasteland, and landslide area. Land utilization pattern derived from land resource mapping project (LRMP) map is as follows

Land utilization pattern
Land use description Area Cultivated land 229.10 Grass land 372.34 Bush/shrub land 199.31 Forest land 793.24 Glacier land 9.71 Ponds/lakes 0.21 Sandy area 25.86 Water bodies 4.02 Ice/Rocks 603.74 Rocks 16.01 Swamp 0.01 Waste and Barel land 30.33 Land slide Area 4.16 Total Area 2288.04 Source: Resource mapping report of Myagdi district.2059 BS percent Distribution 10.01 16.27 8.71 34.67 0.43 0.01 1.13 0.18 26.39 0.70 0.00 1.33 0.18 100

5.2 Natural resource:

5.2.1 Forest and Vegetation
Forest has occupied more than 34 percent of the total area of the district. Topographically, the land of the district is not suitable site for growth of vegetation but diversifications. In altitude allows diverse vegetation pattern in the district. Natural vegetation described here is based on the technical report prepared by J.F.Dobremaz and C.Jest (1970). Types of natural vegetations in the district There are four types of vegetation in the district. 1) Subtropical forest

a) Subtropical riverain forest (1000-2000m) These types of forest are found in a narrow belt starting from middle of Durbang and extending along Myagdi River up To Beni. Likewise such types of forest is also found in belt starting from middle of Ghasa and Dana and extending along the KaliGandaki river up to Beni.The main species consists of Altus , Nepalensis,Cnderella,tana andAbizzia mollies and Macarena postulate. b) Sub tropical wet forest These types of forest are found at altitude between 1000m and 2000m with precipitation of more than 2500 mm per year. It is found towards the southern parts of Raughat khola . The main species consists of schema, wallichil,castanopsis , indica and Engelhard species. c) Pinus roxburghil forest Pure of Pinus Roxburgil is found an altitude below 1600m, which encountered in southern aspect of Arje khola, Dukhukhola and Dang khola sub watershed. Thulo salleri Ban of Ghatan is a prominent one in the district. 2) Temperet forest (2000m-3000m upto m) Such types of forest are situated in area with precipitation of less than 1000m per year. Some of the notable vegetaton includes Rhododendron specxies,Ouergus lamellosa, Abies spectabills and Betula utiis. 3) Sub alpine forest Sub alpine forest is situated between 3000m-4000m altutudes. Prominent species fall under the type include Junipers. This forest is found in Gurja, Lulang and Mudi VDC. 4) Alpine forest


Alpine meadows exist towards the south of Dhualagiri Himal at elevation between 3500m and 5000m.The vegetation is composed mainly of Graminaceae and cyperaceae. Types of forest based on species, condition.

Vegetation classification based on Geographic
S.N. 1 2 3 4 Forest type Conifer Conifer broadleaf broadleaf Mixed Mixed shrubland Geographic zone High Mountain Mid mountain High Mountain Mid mountain High Mountain Mid mountain Area(he) 10979 836 11572 30071 22909 3588 4497 Total area(h) 11813 41643 26497 4497 84452

Total Source: Ashok Baniya,SDP Report,DDC,Myagdi,2003AD Non-timber forest products (NTFP) NTFP, which also, known as minor forest products are found abundantly in the district. Herbal aromatic as well as medicinal and other cash forest products are the major ingredients of the non-timber forest products.( Source: Ashok Baniya) a) Medicinal plants Major plants species found in this districts are piccrorhiza, kurroa,swertia,characid, aconitum, delphium, Nardostachys, grandiflora, dactylorhiza, Hatagirca, cordyceps, sinensis, paris polyphylla, rheum, auntrale b) Other cash income generating plants Daphne spps Edgeworthia, Thysanolaena, Maxima, Amomum, Sublatum,girardinia diversifolia, Resin,Taxol,Allo.


5.2.2 Wild animals and birds

Myagdi being the diverse microclimate is favorable habitat for many wild animals and birds. The major wild animals and birds are as follows. Animals
Panthera pardus(Chituwa) Panthera uncia Muntiacus muntjak(Ratuwa) Moschus Moschifereous(Kasturi) Predois naur Macaca Mulata( Bander) Presbytis entellus(Langure Bander) Nemorhaedus Goral(Ghoral) Snow panthera pardus( Hiun chituwa) Source:District forest office, Myagdi,2059BS

Lophophorus Imlejanuas(Danfe) Tragopan Satyra(Munal) Lophura Leucomelana(Kalij) Gallus Gallus (Luinche) Corvus Splendens(Kag) TurdosipNepalensia(Kande Vyakur)

5.2.3 Rivers:
KaliGandaki is a famous river of the country as a main branch of Sapt -Gandaki. It run north to south throughout the eastern side of the district .Its substeam are Mirasti Khola,Raghu Ganga, Beg Khola ,GharaKhola etc. Myagdi River is the river names the major river of the district .The district. Nearly half parts of the district is covered by its watershed area and origins from Dhaulagiri Mountain Range. It runs north to south up to Darbanga and takes turn west to east from there.

5.2.4. Lakes and Pond:


The hot spring (Tatopani-Kund) pond is famous in the district. There are two major spot of hot spring and Pond. One of them is Dana Tatopani at the bank of Kali-Gandaki River being a attracting point for foreign and domestic tourists. Another one is Singha Tatopani at the bank of Myagdi River 10 K.M. far from Beni bazaar. Thousands people come to take bath there in every year for treatments of varies disease from neighboring district too. There are available other spot of hot spring source: in Ratopani(Shikh VDC),Dova VDC-2,Mudi VDC-2, in Dagnam VDC. The Khayar Barah and Gosai lake are famous lake in the district, which lies in Shikha VDC.

5.2.5 Falls:
Rupse falls is famous falls of the district locating in Dana V.D.C. on the way of Annapurna trekking circuits.Amrke fall lies in Mudi VDC . There are more than14 falls in the district.

5.2.6 George:
The Andha Galchhi is the deepest gorge in the world (6987m deep) leis in the Dana V.D.C.

5.2.7 Minerals
Copper,Silajit,Kharidunga,Slatedunga are major mineral available in the district.in18 th places are found copper mine in the district .they were used in the time of Parbat state.The OkharBot copper mine was run up to some decades ago. The slate dunga Khani is running until now.Dust of Gold is found in the sand of KaliGandaki River. In the medieval era, gold was used to search in th sand of KaliGandaki professionally.

5.3 Social /Economic Aspect


5.3.1 Population: Table

Demography and General description
Description Total population Male population Female population No. of settlement No. of household Rural population Population density Crude death rate Crude birth rate Population growth Life expectancy Literacy rate Female Literacy rate Male literacy rate Source: central statistical department, 2059 BS Numbers /percent 11554 53901 61643 579 24671 106544 55.52 per sq/km 9.6 Per thousand 3.31 Per thousand 1.4 percent 59.7 year 43.1 percent 28 percent 58.2 percent

According to primary result of the population of census in 2058, total number of population showed 115,544. Out of them 53901 are male and 616439 are female with density 55.52 per /sq km and total household are 24671 domiciled in 579 settlement. 58.83 percent people are economically active out of total population in the district. They are engage in agriculture, labor, foreign employment, industry, hotel business, technicians and jobs. The demographical description is presented based on that as DDC profile Myagdi in 2059.

5.3.2 Cast/ religions

Myagdi is a home place of various cast and indigenous group. Most of them are from Mongolian stream specially Magar (45 percent out of total pop.),Gurung, chhantyal, Thakali, and others are Brahman , chhetry, Damai , Blacksmith, Sarki etc. Nepali is mother tongue of 98.3 percent people.


Population as tribunal base
C.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. Tribe Magar Chhetry Kami Brahman Damai Mijar Chhantyal Thakuri Newar Thakali Gurung Gitri Others Total Household 11186 4297 2987 1863 1281 712 689 514 363 332 224 67 161 24671 No. of population 52350 20110 13971 8719 6017 3332 3224 2405 1698 1554 1048 313 803 115544 percent 45.30 17.40 12.09 7.55 5.20 2.88 2.79 2.08 1.47 1.34 0.90 0.27 0.69 100percent

Source: central statistical department 2059 BS

5.3.3 Income and occupation:

According to the Human Development Report of Nepal in 1998 GDP of the district is R 1,14,96,62,000/- and per-capita income is 9,000/- .But the survey of

DDC Myagdi :show the GDP of the district is Rs.2,10,96,62,000/- and per-capita 18,258/-. These Marked differences in these indicators are observed.

Sector-wise GDP of District(In Rs 000)
Sector GDP Agriculture 650022 Forestry 9000 Animal farming 190000 Mine 800 Industry 102940 Construction 10000 Trade 100000 Hotel and Restaurant 19200 Transport and communication 10000 Housing and finance 50000 Community and Social service 1000 Tourism 6700 Foreign employment 960000 Total 2109662 Source: District profile analysis 2059 by DDC, Myagdi CN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 percent 30.81 0.427 9.006 0.038 4.879 0.474 4.74 0.91 .474 2.37 0.047 0.318 45.5 100 Engagement 55607 2000 1101 300 2821 1000 470 241 100 100 1627 1000 8000 74367 percent 74.8 2.69 1.48 0.4 3.79 1.34 0.63 0.32 0.13 0.13 2.19 1.34 10.8 100

Most people are engaged in agriculture field (74.8 percent) but most part of GDP (45.5 percent) is sourced from foreign employment. In the tourism sector 1.34 percent, people are engaged and 0.318 percent shared in the GDP of the district.

5.3.4 Human Development Statue

Myagdi is one of the average districts of Nepal in Human development Index with average economic activities. Myagdi ranked seventeen out of seventy-five district of the country in Human development index (HDI), indicating lower than average level of human development in the district. A component wise HDI for Myagdi, based on the Nepal Human development Report-2004, is given below.


Human Development Indicators of Myagdi
S/ Index Parameters Average Highest (Kath) 0.652 1 46511 0.590 Lowest (Mugu) 0.302 75 9192 Status (Myagdi) 0.498 17 16362 0.416 N (National) 1 Human Development Index 0.471 2 Human Development Rank 3 Per-capita Income(in Rs) 17722 4 Income Index 0.429 Source: Human Development Report of Nepal-2004

5.4 Infrastructure
The economic development of the district depends on the state of infrastructure development in the district. Myagdi is legging behind on that, it directly effects on tourism, so here is need to observe on that in various aspect.

5.4.1 Transports
Myagdi have directly linked of road transports to Pokhara -Kathmandu and Narayanghat Sunauli. There is some extension of road transport network in the district. Foot trails way networks dominate district.

Road and foot trials networks in Myagdi district
S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Roads Baglung-Beni-Jomsom Maldunga-Beni-Jaljala Beni-Ghatan-Pakhapani Arthunge-Pulachaur Ratnechaur-Bhakimly FootTrails (Ghodeto) Routs Baglung-Beni Beni-Galeshwer Galeshwer-Baisary Beni-Babiyachaur Beni-Ghatan Length 18 km 3.5 km 5 km 14 km 6 km 6 km 5.8 km 33 km 24 km 55 km 75 km Part of Trekking Routs Annapurna circits Annapurna circuits

Ratnechaur- Bhakunde Beni -Dana Beni -Pakhapani Beni-Darbang-Lulanga Beni-DarbangLulanga-JalJala Source: District profile analysis 2059 by DDC, Myagdi

Annapurna circuits Dhaulagiri Cirrcits Destine to DhorPatan

Baglung Beni-Jomsom Roads is under the construction. Beni to BegKhola has started Jeep vehical Service for transport. It helps to make short the Beni Jomsom


Treks. The Beni Babiyachaur Road has made easier to Dhaulagiri Base-Camp Treks .The Beni-JalJala FootTrails is the approach to DhorPatan hunting conservation area.

5.4.2 Communication
Communication is very important pre-requisite for development .Tele-phone .Email Internet; the modern means of communication are available in Beni Bazar: the districts headquarter of Myagdi district. The telephone service was approached to remote village too, before the climax of the conflict.

Means and quantity of communication Service in the district
S/N 1 2 3 Means of service Post Office Wireless Telephone District Post office Area Post office Additional Post office Quantity 1 10 29 4 143 lines 76 25 35 10

STD ISD Fax Email Internet Source: District profile analysis 2059 by DDC, Myagdi

5.4.3 Electricity
Electricity is a basic infrastructure for development. Without electricity cannot be opened the gate of economic modernization. State of that facility indicates the stratus of development. Only, 21.37 percent of populations have facility of electricity. Total produced capacity of electricity is 2265.6 K.W.

Total generated electricity Power in the district


S/N Source of power Tatopani small hydro electricity central Micro hydro projects by(REDP) Micro hydro projects by(A.D.Bank) Local Petric -Set Solar panel

Capacity(kw) 2000 189 20 40.6 16 2265.6

Benefited household 2870 1623 170 386 413 5462

Source: District profile analysis 2059 by DDC, Myagdi

Power of Tatopani small electricity centre is connected to national grid that benefits most people. The electricity consumers of micro hydro are in significance portion. There is immense potentiality of hydro electrical projects from KaliGandaki and Myagdi Rivers.

5.4.4 Health Service

In the health sector, there is a district level hospital with posts of MBBS medical superintendents in the district headquartering Beni bazaar and at least one sub-health post is available in each V.D.C.

Health Service Center in the district
S/N Kinds of service centre 1 District hospital 2 Primary health center 3 Health posts 4 Sub-health posts 5 Private clinic 6 Aurvedic health care center Source: District profile analysis 2059 by DDC, Myagdi Number of Service center 1 1 8 30 17 3

5.4.5 Banking and finance


In the field of finance and Banking sector, there are two commercials banks: Rastriya Banijya Bank and Nepal Bank Limited, an agricultural development bank, a finance company, three saving and credit co-operation P.LTD.

5.5 Conclusion
Myagdi is a mountainous district. Famous Dhaulagiri Mountain range lies in. It has wide geographical variation that results of immense bio- diversity. It is rich in natural resources: like natural beauty, forest, wild animals, Minerals, Herbals plants, water resources etc. Economically Myagdi is lagged behind in the national average. Most peoples are depended on agricultural occupation, but foreign employment is being main source of cash income. The state of infrastructural development and social services are in beginning stage. Starting of Motor able Road expansion, electricity distribution, approach of communication, banking and educational service is interrupted now by Maoist insurgency. There is need of great efforts to take of economically on developing stage. Available resource and potentiality should be exploited properly in time. General outline of Myagdi district presented in previous pages shows that Myagdi has profound potentiality for tourism development. If this sector is developed with vision and plan, the socio-economic condition of people of Myagdi is definitely being upgraded and improved.


Mount Dhaulagiri


There are many tourism attractions in Myagdi. It is near to the tourism city Pokhara. Only 3 hours travel by motor is enough to reach Myagdi -Beni,the district headquarter, from the Pokhara . As mentioned before, some parts of the district lies in ACAP area. In addition, some renowned places of the district lies in the routs on Annapurna circuit treks. A famous Himalayan ranges the Dhaulagiri mountain range with world 7th tallest summit the Dhaulagiri 1st of 8167m height lays in the district. Dhaulagiri round treks is an attractive destination in the country. Almost parts of the treks lie in this area. Royal Dhorpatan hunting reservation area, which is only one hunting reservation area in the country, also covers some parts of the district to the western side. This region was famous destinations from the very beginning. Several Mountain travelers come for the Dhaulagiri 1st to ascend. First successful ascend was made by Swiss International expedition group headed by Max Eiselin with two Nepali Sherpa, in 13 may 1960 AD. The first try to ascend on the mountain was of French's group in 1950. This chapter is main objective part of the study. Some glimpses of tourism attractions in the district are presented. There are various types of resources to attract tourists. Some major features of the resources are taken to observe potentiality of tourism in the district. The resources are classified as adventure tourism, eco-tourism, socio-historical tourism and health tourism.

6.1 Adventure Tourism

6.1.1 Mountaineering Himalayan Peaks Most significant resources of adventure tourism in the district is mountaineering, not only the district but are in the country as well. There are world famous the


Dhaulagiri mountain range and peaks. The Annapurna Mountain is also connected with them. Major peaks of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna ranges can be looked from almost all hilltop of the district. Mountaineering expedition to the Dhaulagiri range is main attraction for adventure tourism .The majors peaks remained in the range are given in table.

Peaks in Dhaulagiri mountain range
S.N. Name of peaks 1 Dhaulagiri-I 2 Dhaulagiri-II 3 Dhaulagiri -III 4 Churen Himal 5 Putha Himchuli 6 Mukut Himal 7 Dhaulagiri-IV 8 Dhaulagiri-V 9 Dhaulagiri-VI 10 Gurja Himal Source: DDC, Myagdi 2003 AD Height (in M) 8167 7751 7715 7371 7246 6639 7661 7618 7268 7193 Range Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri Dhaulagiri location Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi Myagdi

The Dhaulagiri -I peak is the world 7nth and Nepal's 6nth tallest peak. Therefore, that is a major destination of mountaineering in Nepal. The first conquering on the peak was in 1960 may 13 by Swiss International expedition group headed by Max Eiselin. Mountain Ridge Middle Mountain Ridge, in hilly region is also so high and amazing. There are some reputed Mountain ridges in the district. They are potential viewpoint of the district.

Major mountain ridges in the district
s.n Mt. ridges heights s.n Mt. ridges heights


Asman ko Dhuri Raychaur ko Dhuri Malika Pahad Dhuri Bhitribang Dhuri D Source : DDC, Myagdi2003

3507m 5724m 3169 3531

Barun Dhuri Sarpang Dhuri Niskot Dhuri Jugja Pahad

3273m 5007 3033 3721

According to Topo-Map of Myagdi Published by, Survey Department of HMG/N, About 16 peaks are having more than 7000m height, About 20 peaks having altitude 6000 to 7000 m height and About 20 with 5000m to 6000 m height in Myagdi. Glaciers Glaciers are attractions in Himalayan. There are three major glaciers in the district. They are as follows 1)Conaban Glacier, 2) Tsaurabong Glacier 3) Chhonbardon Glacier.

6.1.2 Trekking
Trekking is another field of adventure tourism. Almost portion of total tourists come in the district for trekking. Main rout of trekking in the district is Dhaulagiri round .It is a long trekking rout in the country. Some important parts (Ghorepani, Dana, Tatopani, Beni) of The Annapurna trek circuit also covers the district. There is immense prospective of short trekking in the district. There could be great pleasure adventure on crossing more than 5 thousand miter high leveled Dumpuse and French pass near the Dhaulagiri base camp. Anyone may feels heavenly pleasure into the hidden valley in the Himalayan.The main way to go Dhorpatan hunting conservation area, which situated in western border of the district pass through the district from Beni bazaar. Major routes for trekking in the district are described below. Annapurna Circuit:


The most famous trekking destination in Nepal is Annapurna region. Some parts of Myagdi district lies in the region. Annapurna circuit is almost attractive/ popular trekking route in the country. More than 50 percent trekkers out of total trekkers in the country visit this region. Two VDCs of the district named Shikha and Narchang lies in the region of Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP). Some famous places lie in the route of the Annapurna circuit trek. Ghorepani is entry point to Myagdi from the eastern side. Trekkers when used trekking route from Pokhara to Kande, Lumle,Ghandruk or Nayapul, Ulleri then they come Ghorepani from eastern side. Ghorepani, Sikha, Tatopani, Dana are famous places in the route. There are available of number of lodges, hotels, restaurants. Poon hill viewpoint, rhododendron forest, hot sprint pond in Tatopani, Andha Galchhi and Rupse Chhahara of Dana are major attractions in the route. This route goes to Jomsom north from Dana, Tatopani. Some visitors use route through Beni Bazar along with KaliGandaki bank side. If they want catch vehicle quickly, tourists can go directly from Pokhara via Beni Bazar. There are available motor transport facilities to cross some parts of district. There seem almost tourists' returns through Galeshwor and Beni Bazar to Pokhara. Who enter from various ways there is another option of Khayar Barah Trek in the route. Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek The Trekking of Dhaulagiri Circuit is recognized as a part of Annapurna Trekking Area in some parts there used same route in both trekking. Dhaulagiri round trekking begins from Beni, when trekkers come by bus from Pokhara. From Beni journey begins by foot. This flows with Myagdi River to west and north from Mudi. Singha Tatopani, Babiyachaur, Darbang,Takam, Muna, Mudi are main places on the route. After 3 day traveling from Beni Bazar there comes Italian camp where is located Chhonbarran glacier, across the glacier Dhaulagiri base camp comes, a rugged spot with same spectaculars view of the western face of Dhaulagiri.

From Dhaulagiri base camp the trial crosses French pass which at 5360m is the highest point of the trek. After crossing, the French there starts fascinating area of hidden valley. There is another high-level pass Dumpus-Pass roughly 100 m lower than French Pass. After crossing that, trekkers can reach Marpha or Tukche of Mustang, which lie on the way of Annapurna circuit. Dhaulagiri round trek the minimum time that should be allowed to these itinerary is 18 days Pokhara to Pokhara. However, a few extra days to allow for site trips or bad weather are advisable. Dhorpatan Circuit Dhorpatan is famous destination for tourists. There lies Royal Dhorpatan Hunting Reservation Area. This circuit recognized as 8 or 9 days treks from Tansen to Beni. Dhorpatan is situated in a large valley surrounded by a ring of hills. There are several settles in the valley. There are living Tibetan refugees. There is unused airport also. There has to cross Jalajala Pass which lies in Myagdi district. From Jalajala Pass, by top of the ridge, view reward with extensive panorama of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri massif. When returning from Jalajala pass there meet to way of Dhaulagiri base camp trek in Muna VDC of Myagdi. Trekkers use the same routes of Dhaulagiri trek from Muna to Beni- Pokhara which take at least 3 days time. This way also used to go and return Dolpa trek. Trekking Through Raghu Ganga to Kalapani from Beni There are some tradition routes having extreme potentiality of modern trek. There are not explored yet as trekking way. Among them, one is very amazing route through Ranghu Ganga river valley. This route traditionally used by local people to go Mustang. That is relatively shorter than Dhaulagiri Circuit lying near southern face of Dhaulagiri and Mana Pathi. That route runs through Ghans Kharka, Duwari crossing high mountain ridge to Kalapani of Mustang.

There are many sites to search, explore and develop several trekking routes within the district. That may be short and long. There are immense potentiality of eco-trek and village-trek in the district.

6.1.3 Rivers for Rafting/Kayaking / Canoeing:

There are major three rivers, which may be used for rafting and kayaking in the district. Kalagandaki is the famous river in the country for rafting. Myagdi Khola and Ranghu Ganga are suitable for that with sufficient flow and speed of water current. These potentialities have to explore and highlighted.

6.1.4 Other Potentiality for Adventure Tourism

Mountain biking, rock climbing, mountain flight, bungy jumping, Mountain Race activities can be conducted in the district. There are suitable places in the district for adventure tourism.

6.2 Sight Seeing and Village Tourism

There some view points and places from where visitors could fulfill different types of recreational desires by multidimensional tourism activities. Any one can watch panoramic scene of Himalaya and landscape, can observe flora, fauna, and village life style also. Different kinds of tourism activities could occur in a place in a visit like recreational tourism, Eco-tourism, Village Tourism and Cultural Tourism etc. Some of them are described as below.

6.2.1 Ghorepani
Ghorpani is a most famous tourism spot in Annapurna region. It is entry point to Myagdi district, which lies on the way of Annapurna circuit through Nayapool,

Ullery to Tatopani from Pokhara. Ghorepani is beautiful village of Magar ethnic group. It is situated at 2800 m altitude. It lies in Sikha V.D.C. of Myagdi district. There are hotels, lodges and restaurant facilities for tourists. Visitors can reach there in a day from Pokhara. Anyone can go to Beni from Ghorepani in a single day. Main attractions of that place are as follows: Poon Hill Poon Hill is famous view point for tourists. It is situated at the height of 3200 m. It takes just 2 / 3 hours to reach there from Ghorepani. From there all parts of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalayan range, Phewa Lake of Pokhara, almost all parts of Myagdi, Baglung and Parbat district can be viewed. Tourists can also watch sunrise from there. There are facilities of tower and telescope for clear vision. Forests: In Ghorepani there is a large area covered by jungle of Rhododendron. It is considered as the largest jungle of Rhododendron in the world. Most than 16 species of Rhododendron flowers can be found. That is suitable for Jugle safari trek and eco-tour. Magar Community: Main dwellers of Ghorepani are Magars. Village of that community are the attractions for tourists. Nagi, Ramche, Sikha, Paudar, Khibang are attractive villages in this region. Life style and local culture, feast and festivals and rituals may impress visitors. Khayabaraha, Tatopani are native places of Ghorepani.

6.2.2 Dhorpatan
Dhorpatan is a large valley covered by dense forest and grassland. That is the habitat of different kinds of wild animals and birds. It is as recognized as Dhorpatan Hunting Reservation area which was declared in 1978 by government. This reservation area covers 1,325 sq. km. 126 km part of Dhorapat lies in Myagdi district. Other parts lie in Baglung and Rukum district. People of Tibetan origin are living around Dhorpatan. Flora is typical of middle hill with good strands of forests interspersed with agricultural and pasture lands. The northern sections of the walk

is rich in wild life including musk deer, grey wolf, red panda and many more common spices. Dhorpatan is 75km far west from Beni Bazar, the district headquarter of Myagdi. It takes nealy 3 days to reach there from Beni by foot.

6.2.3 Gurja Khani

Gurja village is located far west from Beni. It is a small valley lies in the lap of Gurja Himal. It is the village of minority Chhantyal community. This is surrounded by dense forest. To reach there one has to cross Gurja Deurali of 3500 m height GurjaDeurali from where rare scene of moving glaciers without lens can be viewed. It takes 2 days time to reach there from Beni.

6.2.4 Todke-Gajane
Todke and Gajane are the middle mountain ridges near Beni Bazar. They are the viewpoints of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountain range and glaciers. Gajane is closer to Beni Bazar. It takes 3/4hours to reach at the summit from Beni, which lies in Pulachour VDC. Todke is farther from Beni. It takes 5/6 hours to reach there, which lay Kunhun V.D.C. It is famous for the vegetable, radish. There is a small village on the top of the hill surrounded by the jungle.

6.3 Eco-Tourism
Myagdi district is very suitable for eco-tourism .It has mostly geographical variation with significant bio-diversity. There are available various species of vegetation, mammals, birds and flora-fauna. The world famous Guranshe Ban (rhododendron forest) is remained here; which is assumed as largest rhododendron forest in the world. It is home place of famous animals and birds like Kasturee andDanfe.Some parts (12600h) of Royal Dhorpatan hunting reservation area covered the western parts of the district.There are available almost kind of climates, vegetation, mammals, birds and flora-fauna including numbers of Khola-Nala and

Jharana. Every settlement is close to forest with fully natural environment .So it has great prospects of eco-tourism point of view. In the district, there are numbers of places to provide panoramic view of Himalayan, Rivers, and beautiful landscape. Ghorepani- punhill is the most reputed viewpoint spot for sight seeing with facility of view tower. Almost peaks of mount Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Nilgiri Himalayan ranges with very wide landscape of Mahabharat Parbat can be viewed to take fully natural relax from there. Such that other view point spot are available like Pula danda, Tudke, Bhakundechaur ,Niskot, Takum etc.

6.4 Cultural Tourism

There are numerous cultural, religious, Historical heritages and resources in the district for cultural tourism. Now a day, original life style of village is being interesting to tourists. The tradition, custom, festivals, agricultural system and instruments are important resources for that. Mostly typical lifestyle, custom and social system is alive until now, which are going too disappeared in modern world with latest development. Therefore, those create cultural tourism. There are living different caste and indigenous groups like Brahmin, Chhetry, Damai ,Kami, etc of Khash- Aryan community and Magar, Chhantyal, Gurung , Thakali etc of Mongolian origin community . They are very rich own unique culture and custom. One of the cultural heritages of the district is Mela-Jatra. Every village has to conduct at least one Jatra in a year on occasion of sacred date and festivals. Then launch various program of Puja(worship),sports,dancing,singing etc.Those jatra often organize in new year, Chandi Purnima, Janaipurnima,Teeej, Dashai, Tihar,Maghe Sankranti,Fagu Purnima. It has commercial important as marketing and shopping activities.Main purpose of Jatra is to enjoy by traditional way.There


celebrates varies festivals by peoples. Some are of particular communities and some are common to all. Dashain, Tihar,Maghe Sankranti, Fagu purnima etc are common festivals in the district. Myagdi is famous for folk culture in the country too. It has some original/typical: folk song, dance, music like Yanimaya, Salaijo, Rimai shirful etc. Therefore, it is rich in that. Some local hand made products are reputed to other places in economics point of view. Galaicha,Radi, Pakhi, Bhangro etc are famous in clothes and Doka,Dala,Mandra etc .bombo made are important in daily life which are export goods of the district . There are traditional agricultural and industrial equipment and tools like Halo, Juwa, Diki, Janto,Kol etc to observe a glimpse of ancient life style.

6.5 Religious tourism

There are famous religious places carrying prospective of religious tourism. They were pilgrimages and living place of ethically reputed persons in ancient time. The history of that goes to pre-historical period.

Galeswerdham is a famous pilgrimage of Hindus. There are temples of God Shive and others god. They are constructed on a huge rock .It is a pre-historical and ethical importance. Being place of God Jad bharat(an incarnation of God Vishnu) and King Raghugana it is very important pilgrimage of Hindus in national level. It is located bank of the KaliGandaki and Raghuganga Rivers 3 km far north from Beni bazaar.

6.5.2 Pulahshram:


Pulahshram (pachhai) is the ashram of Rishi Pulastya who assumed to be the grand father of Lankesh King Ravan in pre-historical era. Hindus take it as a sacred holey place. It has both religious and historical importance; located 2km North -West from Beni bazaar on 1750 m height. In the locality, called Pachhai is a very suitable viewpoint of sight seen to Himalayan range and landscape of river's valleys and hillside. The Pulashram is an ethically important place. Its name is mentioned in Hindu's popular ethics like Shrimadvagbat Purana, Barah Purana, Ramayana, Mahabharat etc. According to that some great ethically heroes like as: Emporer Bharat,God Balaram(brother of god Krishna) , philosopher Kapilmuni, Ravan and his father Bishrawa had visited the Pulahshram. Therefore, it is great pilgrimage of Hindus with great potentiality of religious tourism.

6.5.3 Beni bazaar

Beni Bazaar; the district headquarter of Myagdi is a significant pilgrimage itself along with several temples and monuments. The Shivalay monument of 16th century that has uniqueness of structure. A big banyan tree is planted on the temple. thre are others famous temples and sacred place in the Beni. They are Laxmi Narayan Mandir, Bhagwati Mandir, Mahaarnisthan, Buddha Bihar, Kot Bhandar etc . Beni is the junction (Dovan) of KaliGandaki and Myagdi River, They are holey rivers of the Hindus as Mantra of " Jayanti Mangala Kali ." . Therefore, it is renowned pilgrimage of Hindus with the immense potentiality of religious tourism.

6.5.4 Jagannath
Jagannath temple is famous pilgrimage in Myagdi. It was established by Parbate King, Dimba Bam Malla in 1550 B.S. It is located at the height of 2100


m in Pulachaur V.D.C. It is 6km west north far from Beni Bazar. It is near Dolthana and Pulaashram .

6.5.5 Others:
Malikasthan , Takumkot , Shikh Deurali, Rikhar - Mandali, Khayar Barah are others famous pilgrimage and holey places of the district. They are located in very remote area and high level. The Khayar Barah is located near to Annapurna Mountain, Rikhar is in near the the Dhaulagiri Himal and The malika is on hilltop of 3200m high.

6.6 Historical Tourism

Myagdi is historically important place in the country .It was under the Parbat state before the unification of Kingdom. Beni Bazaar was the winter capital of Pasrbat State and summer headquarter was in Dholthana. The Parbat state, a powerful member of the Chaubise region in that period and Bam Malls were Rulers. They ruled about 300 years over the state. Before then, Thapa chhetry ruled up to 15th century since 12 century. Takum was previous headquarter of the rulers. Magars were leaders (as king) in early time before 12 century. Being long history and important historical heritage, it might be destination of historical tourism.

Takam is important historical place in the district. It is 37km far West from Beni Bazar. It was the first capital of Parbate King, Dimbabam Malla and whole period of Thapa Chhetri rulers who ruled for 300 years. After the victory of Bam Malla, the capital was shifted to Dolthana during the reign of Dimba Bam Malla. Takam is a beautiful village with attractive landscape. It is ancient settlement of mixed community of all tribes, Brahmin, Chhetri, Damai, Kami, Sarki, Magar, Gurung, Thakali, Chhantyal etc. Main inhabitants are Brahmin and Chhetri. It lies


on the way of Dhaulagiri base camp and Dhorpatan Trek. Takam is called a historically important place. War weapons of medieval time and ancient war trench can be still found in that area. Takam Kot is archaeologically and religiously important place.

6.6.2 Dholthana
Dholtana was the capital of Parbat State up to last time of the state. It is located 5 km northwest from Beni Bazar. There was a previous palace of Prabate King in Dadhekot near Dhloltana. The remains of that palace can be still found. Jagannath Mandir, Gajane, Pulaashram are neighboring places of Dolthana.

6.6.3 Beni Bazar

Beni was winter capital of Parbate State until the end of Parbate State. It was used as absolute administrative centre. It was trading centre of this region. Some religious temples and monuments were established during the Malla period and are still in existence. Beni kot is main sign of the state. There are traditional weapons such as Dhal, Tarbar, Bhala, Barsa, Khunda, Top etc. Shibalaya Temple, Laxmi Nayan Temple, Maharanisthan were built then. Beni now is the district headquarters of Myagdi district. It is main trading centre and gateway to whole district. It is located juntion of the Myagdi and Kali Gandiki River. Beni was the trading point between India and Tibet during Medieval period. Now it is also on the way of Muktinath pilgrimage, Annapurna Trek, Dhaulagiri Base camp trek, Dhorpatan and Dolpa Trek. So it has become the centre point for various destinations of trekking and pilgrimage and it has become the important place itself.

6.7 Hot spring Tourism


There are hot spring pond spot, among them two are most famous for bathing in the pond. One is Bhurung Tatopani and another is singha Tatopani. The Bhurung Tatopani is using for relax bathing by tourists. The Singa Tatopani Pond is used for treatment of varies diseases like gastrotrich, Skin disease etc. Thousands peoples in a year come to take bath from far distance too. Those hot spring ponds are tourismattracting spot itself for relax and used for treatment too. Therefore, it could be developed health tourism resource also.

6.8 Conclusions
Some sorts of glimpse is given in above description. That is hard to explain in detail. There are innumerable attractive resources and valuable heritages for various kinds of tourism activities. Myagdi is full of natural, cultural, historical and religious resources to be attractive tourism region. Various kinds of tourism activities like adventures, mountaineering, trekking, sightseeing, eco-tour village tour, religious pilgrimage, historical observation, research can be entertained in Myagdi district. The figures described in preceding pages shows that Myagdi district has profound potentiality and attractions for tourism development. It is also observed that Myagdi district could be developed as a destination for adventure tourism, Historical Tourism, ethnic tourism, pilgrimage tourism, wild life tourism, nature tourism and health tourism as well. The following chapter observes the tourist flow in Myagdi district.


Expedition on Dhaulagiri-I


In this Chapter is a slight observation on trend of tourist's arrivals inflow in the district, with the relationships to ACAP areas and National level. There is a short calculation of present economic impact of tourism in the district. Micro level analysis is attempted to pattern of tourism, based on field survey data. Feelings and satisfactions are also tested by the information.

7.1 Tourist inflows in the district

For the study of trends of tourist, arrivals inflows in the district required reliable and authentic time series data should be available. However, tourist arrival numbers are not recorded properly; therefore, there are no available authentic data of previous years. Only last 7-year's data is obtained from DDC profile of Myagdi and Hotel records. According to that figures analysis result is presented as below.

Table 7.1.1
Tourist enrollment in the district with regional and National level
N. of N. of tourists No tourists visitors percent visitors percent tourists in in the ACAP in the share of Myagdi share of Myagdi the district area country in ACAP area in the country 1997 22134 53183 421857 41.62 5.25 1998 23365 61715 463684 37.86 8.86 1999 47326 67485 491504 70.13 9.63 2000 31957 76407 463646 41.82 6.89 2001 30284 65313 361237 46.37 8.38 2002 28000 38642 275468 71.46 10.16 2003 30000 40668 338132 73.77 8.87 213066 403413 2815528 52.816 7.568 Data source: DDC Myagdi,ACAP Office Pokhara , Hotel's records in Myagdi 2004AD. Year

According to 7 years time series data presented above table 7.1.1, 7.568 percent of National visitors and 52.816percent out of ACAP Area visitors averagely visits Myagdi district. At least 37.36 percent of ACAP area trekkers visits Myagdi in 1998 and next year in 1999 Myagdi was visited by 70 percent out of ACAP area trekkers,. Visiting portion to Myagdi is in increasing trends out of ACAP area

trekkers. In the last year's 2002, and 2003 more than 70 percent trekkers of ACAP area came through Myagdi. This area is being popular in the ACAP area but there are very vast variations in percent. Average 7.568percent visit Myagdi out of total visitors in national level. At least 5 percent were in 1997 and highest 9.63 percent and 10 percent were in 1999 and 2002. Range of variation is less then ACAP area. Trends portion of visitors in Myagdi to National level data is stable.

7.2 Trend of tourist arrival in Myagdi

Statue of tourism in the district is the assessment of present condition of tourism based on macro and microanalysis. The trend of tourism inflow in the district and correlation with regional and national inflows needs to observe and analysis as time series data for macro analysis .That can predict to future year of tourism in the district and impact of that. Table 7.2.1 Computation the trend line of tourist inflow in Myagdi
X(Represents Y(Number of tourists X2 study years) rrivals in Myagdi).000 1997 1 22 1 1998 2 23 4 1999 3 47 9 2000 4 32 16 2001 5 30 25 2002 6 28 36 2003 7 30 49 28 212 140 Data source: DDC Myagdi,Hotel's records in Myagdi 2004AD Year Y2 484 529 2209 1024 900 784 900 6830 XY 22 46 141 128 150 168 210 865

For the estimation trend line , as least square methods, the trend of tourism arrival in the district on the basis of succeeding year from 1997 to 2003. Least square model for regressions :Y on X , Y = a+bX When a =

X Y X XY N X ( X )
2 2 2


N XY X Y N X 2 ( X )

After the calculation above table as formula then obtained;


a=27.857 ,b= 0.607 approximately By the fitting of trend line of tourism in Myagdi, is :Y = 27.857 +0.607X Constant value of 'a' is 27.857; it shows at least 27857 tourists come in Myagdi even zero year also. The estimator's coefficient value of 'b' is 0.607 with sign. That shows tourists arrival per-year is in increasing trend gradually. According to that trend-line Further Tourists arrival in Myagdi up to 2015 AD are projected as following.

Table 7.2.2
The projections of tourists' arrivals in Myagdi as the obtained trend-line
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ,,,,, ,,,,, 2028 X:(Represents years) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, 32 Computing the trend-line as succeeding years Y= 27.857 +0.607 8 Y= 27.857 +0.607 9 Y= 27.857 +0.607 10 Y= 27.857 +0.607 11 Y= 27.857 +0.607 12 Y= 27.857 +0.607 13 Y= 27.857 +0.607 14 Y= 27.857 +0.607 15 Y= 27.857 +0.607 16 Y= 27.857 +0.607 17 Y= 27.857 +0.607 18 Y= 27.857 +0.607 19 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Y= 27.857 +0.607 32 Y:(Projected Figures of Tourists arrivals in Myagdi).In thousands 32.72 33.32 33.93 34.54 35.15 35.748 36.355 36.962 37.569 38.176 38.783 39.39 ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 47.29

The highest number of tourists' arrivals in Myagdi was forty seven thousand in 1999. After then the data of tourists' arrivals turned to downward trends. Main reason of decreasing the number was climax of conflict and announcing emergency period in the country. Hardship situation has been creating to tourism as well as other sector of economy up to now. The violent conflict in the country is very harmful to every sector of society with economic development. Tourism sector of Nepalese economy is a most adversely affected sector by the conflict. In the reality


the questions like how much harmful the conflict is to the economy, to what extent did it hamper to tourism sector is clearly demonstrated by afore mentioned tables pertaining to trend line . As the trend line based on seven-year data 1997 to 2003 AD, predicts only in 2028 will be meets the highest tourists' arrivals record of 47 thousands in 1999. It means the loss of progress will be recovered only after 29 years. The tourism sector in Myagdi the district draw backed or lagged behind by nearly three decades. It proves negative impacts of the conflict on the tourism sector that is very wide and deep. Persistence of political stability, peace and safe environment is inevitable for economic development of tourism sector. The prediction power of regression models is less significant in forecasting the prospect of tourism. The numbers of tourist decreased significantly from 1999 up to 2002. Only the year 2003 seemed turning point to rise. Therefore, prediction based on dismal year result could be dismal. As that numbers of tourist will be only thirty thousands in 2010, when forty-seven thousands tourists had come in 1999. Despite that there seeming positive trends reveal that if there have or will have been normal situation the trend line could be highly favorable. It shows future of tourism in the district is very bright and hopeful, if politically normal situation in the country have prevail.

7.3 Tourism relationship of Myagdi to ACAP area treks

Number of tourists in Myagdi is sharing of ACAP Areas and notional level tourists' number. So it is required to observe level and degree of relationships with ACAP area and national level both. The examination result of the relation and dependency on ACAP are of Myagdi are as given bellow.

Table 7.3.1
Computation relationship between ACAP area and Myagdi

X( No. of tourists in Y(Number of tourists X2 Y2 XY ACAP area).000 in Myagdi).000 1997 53 22 2809 484 1166 1998 62 23 3844 529 1426 1999 67 47 4489 2209 3149 2000 76 32 5776 1024 2432 2001 65 30 4225 900 1950 2002 39 28 1521 784 1092 2003 41 30 1681 900 1230 Sum 403 212, 24345 6830 12445 Data source: DDC Myagdi,ACAP Office Pokhara , Hotel's records in Myagdi 2004AD. Year

Above computation is done by least square methods of regression and Carl person's correlation models, taking dependant variable of number of tourist in Myagdi on independent variable number of tourist in ACAP area. Least square model formula for regressions: Y on X ;Y = a+bX When: a =

X Y X XY N X ( X )
2 2 2


N XY X Y N X 2 ( X )

The correlation co-efficient of two variables x and y:

rxy =

[ X

XY N X Y N ( X ) ][ Y N (Y )
2 2

X , Average of Y: Y =


Average of X: X =


The trend line set as by the calculation of the data as the above formula. Y= 18.21+0.21X Where are the constant value Co-efficient regression And correlation between both variable 'a'=18.21, 'b'=0.21 'r'=0.35

According to above table 7.3.1, calculation finds correlation value 0.35, which is near to zero .It, indicates that the relationship between them is less significant. However, is positive. Tourism increment in ACAP area positively effect to increment in this area. Degree of effect shows less elastic. Constant value of 'a' is 18.21; it exposed 18210 tourists come in Myagdi even the ACAP area being nil.


The less significant value of correlation coefficient indicates that not all trekkers of ACAP area visit to Myagdi. The promotional programs in ACAP area are not sufficient for tourism development in Myagdi. Therefore, for tourism development in Myagdi is required of local based promotional program in Myagdi. The tourism promotional activities should be focused to local level for tourism development in Myagdi.

7.4 Tourism relationship of Myagdi to National level

Table 7.4.1
Computation relationship between National level and Myagdi
X( No. of tourists in Y(Number of tourists X2 Y2 XY national level).000 in Myagdi).000 1997 422 22 178084 484 9284 1998 464 23 215296 529 10672 1999 492 47 242064 2209 23124 2000 464 32 215296 1024 14848 2001 361 30 130321 900 10830 2002 275 28 75625 784 7700 2003 338 30 114244 900 10140 2816 212 1170930 6830 86598 Data source: DDC Myagdi,ACAP Office Pokhara , Hotel's records in Myagdi 2004AD. Year

Least square model for regressions Y on X:


Y = a+bX
2 2

X Y X XY When: a = , N X ( X )
rxy =


N XY X Y N X 2 ( X )

The correlation co-efficient of two variables x and y:

[ X

XY N X Y N ( X ) ][ Y N (Y )
2 2

Average of Y: Y =


Average of X: X =

The trend line is setting as Y=16.42 + 0.034 X





Study the effect, relationship between Myagdi and National level tourist's arrivals, and promotional activities may be very important. By the calculation of above table 7.4.1 with the time serious data of both level the correlation value of that is r= 0.333, a=16.42. It indicates that at least 16420 tourists come in year for Myagdi only. Tendency of relationship indicators between Myagdi and National level tourist's arrivals shows as ACAP Area but slightly less. According to that trend line, number of tourists' arrival in Myagdi will be 57866 approximately in 2015, if meets national level target of 1219000 fixed by government

7.5 Mountaineering Expedition on Dhualagiri Himal

Mt. Dhaulagiri I is main tourism attraction in the district. It has 8167 m height, which is world 7th tallest peak. We can know popularity of the peak by the comparative observation of mountaineering expedition teams in different year. There are given three years records of mountaineering expedition teams to the Dhaulagiri I with Mt.Annapurna I and Mt. Everest.

Table 7.5.1
Numbers of expedition's team for Dhaulagiri I with Mt.Annapurna I and Mt. Everest. Name of peaks Dhaulagiri I Annapurna I Mt. Everest Source: Ministry of tourism2003 Numbers of expeditions teams in different years In 1986 In 1993 In2002 7 6 4 8 7 4 18 5 11 17 35 Total 17

According to records of mountaineering expedition in 1986, 1993 and 2002 on Dhaulagiri I, Annapurna I and Mt.Everest; Total numbers of team is same 17 in those years of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna, nearly double 35 for Mt.Everest. The above table 7.5.1 exposes that Dhaulagiri-I is a famous and attractive Mountain for


expedition in the country as Annapurna-I after Mt. Everest. However, promotion for diversification of mountaineering in Dhaulagiri I is highly recommended as there are 7 teams of mountaineering both in Dhaulagiri-I and Mt.Everest in 1986.

7.6 Economic impact of tourism in the district

Table 7.6.1
State of Tourism Business
S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description unit year 1992 29 116 87 18240 400/3 2000 55 220 241 30264 700/3 Change growth (%) (in%) +89.65 +89.65 +177 67.31 11.2 11.2 22.12 8.23

Tourist hotel No. Direct employment No. Indirect employment No. Tourist entry No. Per day expenditure of tourists Rs Average staying of tourists days Data source: DDC profile of Myagdi2059BS

As the above table 7.6.1 is given comparative figure of change in tourism figure in eight year period number of tourist hotel increased by 89.67percent( 29 to 55) from 1992 to 2000 AD. There is change in same rate in direct employment and more in indirect employment. Per day, average expenditure of tourists is increased 400 to 700. 0.40 percentages out of total population of the district are engage in the sector. It seems significant portion in the economic activities shares by tourism.

7.7 Pattern of tourism

For microanalysis of tourism pattern in the district is used sampling method of data collection for field survey. Questionnaires are used for taking required information. Only 120 respondents replied the questionnaires .The language of questionnaires was English so, it may be difficult to answer the questions for non-native English speakers.

7.7.1 Displays the frequency and percent of various of respondent Table

The profile of Tourists based on the sample (N=120)

Characteristic Sex Country Frequency and percentage Male 84(70percent) Germ. France 21 Age Group 19 Female 30(30percent) Israel Japan Kore 9 7 a (5.8) 6(5) above 61 3(2.5)

Belgi 11

oth Eu. 21

USA 13

Austr alia

other 7 (5.8)

(17.5) (15.8) (9.2) 1-15 16-30 3(2.5) 39(32.5)

(17.5) (10.8) 31-45 57(47.5)

6(5) (7.5) 46-60 18(15)

Source: Field Survey of 2004, October The figure inside parenthesis indicates the percentage

The table shows that the male (70 percent) and female (30 percent) respondents are interested to visits Myagdi. At the national level in 2001 are male visitors (59.1 percent) and female (40.9 percent) (Department of tourism HMG 2001). The reason could be that male more preferred for long treks. This is slightly different from national level data but in same trend majority of male visitors. Most numbers of visitors are from Europe specially German, France, Belgium it means Europe is major source of tourism marketing. The table expose that most of the visitors are of (31-45) and (16-30) age groups (47.5 percent) and (32.5 percent) respectively both covers 80 percent of total visitors that is more than national level data, which are 32 percent and 26.5 percent respectively. Comparatively young visitors prefer trekking tourism and this region.

7.7.2 Main purpose and destination of the visitors Table

Main purpose and destination
SN 1 2 3 4 5 Main purpose and destination Dhaulagiri round treks Annapurna round treks Mustang /Jomsom visits Dolpa visits Others Source : Field Survey 2004 October Numbers 36 34 24 16 10 (out of N=120) percent 30 29 20 13 8


The table explains that most of visitors (59percent) come for trekking in this region. Main routs of trekking are Dhaulagiri round (30percent) and Annapurna round (29percent). Mustang (20percent) and Dolpa(13percent) are another important destination for tourism.

7.8 satisfaction and feelings of visitors

7.8.1 Satisfaction from attraction Table
Satisfaction level
Satisfactory best resources Natural beauty 66(55) 15(12.5) Cultural heritages 39(32.5) 15(12.5) Attitudes of peoples 63(52.5) 27(22.5) Source: Field survey 2004 October satisfaction better level good 18(15) 15(12.5) 9(7.5) not so good 9(7.5) 15(12.5) 9(7.5) no response 12(10) 36(30) 12(10)

The figure inside parenthesis indicates the percentage

The table shows that by Natural beauty, 55percent are highly satisfied and by attitudes of people 52.5percent are highly satisfied but by cultural heritage only 32.5percent are highly satisfied. Panoramic beauty of natural heritage and harmonious behavior of local people are highly impressive resources to attract tourists.

7.8.2 Opinion on services and pricing Table

Opinion on service and pricing Accommodations 45(37.5) 36(30) 33(27.5) Food and beverage 39(32.9) 45(37.5) 27(22.5) Pricing Very cheap Cheap 27(22.5) 75(62.5) Source: field survey of 2004 October The figure inside parenthesis indicates the percentage 6(5) 9(7.5) Expensive 6(5)


The satisfaction level of hotel service the table explains that 37.5percent visitors are highly satisfied to accommodations but to food and


beverages, most 37.5percent are only normally satisfied. On the opinion to pricing most (62.5percent), visitors felt normally cheap.

7.8.3Feelimg of mostly favorite things in this area Table

Extremely favorite resources to visitors
S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extremely favorite resources Natural beauty Mountain Range Peoples Rivers Spikes Taxi to Pokhara Fry food No response Source: Field survey 2004 October favorer visitors In figures 49 25 15 6 6 6 3 10 In percent 40.8 20.8 12.5 5 5 5 2.5 8.4

The table shows 40.8 percent visitors extremely preferred to natural beauty, 20.8percent preferred to mountain range and 12.5percent to peoples. Scenic view and heartiest peoples are main attraction in this region towards tourism.

7.8.4 Interest to revisit in this area Table

Interest to revisit
Response Yes May be Figures 60 18 Percents 50 15 Source: Field survey 2004 October No 30 25 No response 12 10

Half- percent visitors want to revisit this area and others 15percent area also interested to that as the table It means this area is so attractive to recall the visitors.

7.9 Major problem of tourism in Myagdi

Myagdi district area is tourism region but there is not any special organized promotional plan and program for tourism development in the district despite the ACAP area parts .It is surrounded and connected by very reputed tourism

destination in the country like Annapurna region, Manang, Mustang, Dhorpatan, Dolpa. Glorious natural heritage Dhaulagiri mountain range and peaks lies in here. To visit those numbers tourists come in per year. According to tourism business man near about 50 thousands to one lakha tourists come in a year to Ghorepani . More than one dozens camping group come to Dhaulagiri base camp trek. This region has been attracting tourists but economic benefits from that are negligible. Only 0.318 percent contributes in GDP of Myagdi and 1.34 in employment in the district. Therefore, there is necessary to calculate major problems and have to remove them to take proper advantage from this sector. Below are some major obstacle and problems discussed :


Less diversity in purposes and destinations

Tourism activities are concentrated only to some particular destinations and

purpose for a long time. Based on locality; almost tourism activities are occurred in northeast region Ghorepani, Shikha, Tatopani in the district which lies on the way of Annapurna round trek. They are economically benefited by tourism. From the west-north side of the district comes most tourists for only to Dhaulagiri base camp and its surroundings and very few for Dhorpatan. Therefore, there is lack of diversity and verity in destinations. Other destinations are neither identified nor recognized and developed. Tourism activities are running as traditional since long time. Based on purpose wise visiting; almost all come for trekking and mountaineering .Most of tourists come for holiday pleasure, that kind of tourism is rare here and other types of tourism is unknown. Therefore, without diversity in destinations and purpose in tourism, the district could not take advantage properly.

7.9.2 Lack of exposition


Many tourism resource and potentiality of the district are not exposed. There is lack of effective publicity for highlighting additional attraction and routes in the district. Without proper recognition of resources, tourists could not attract to visit. For that, local initiation is not sufficient. There are no required responses by central level to highlight and introduce potential resources diversity for tourism in this region.

7.9.3 Tourism service management /infrastructure

Tourist hotels and lodges are available only east/ north parts of the district .In the western parts on the Dhaulagiri Base camp treks or sight tourist standard hotels and lodges are not found. Therefore, tourists have well equipped for self-camping in more than three days treks. There is impossible to visits individual travelers. There comes only package tour in large groups. By those kinds, camping group tourism the local area could not benefited. However, may suffer by pollution of their wastes.

7.9.4 Shortening foot trail

Tourists come in this region for trekking purpose. Most parts of this region used for routes than destination. Now days by extension of motor roads; foot trail of trekking routes of Annapurna round and Dhaulagiri round are going to cut. By shortened the foot trail time span of trekking also shortened it creates the threats to Tourism business: Hotel/ lodge of traditional places to be collapse. Now it is decreasing gradually year by year. Tourism business of Beni Bazaar and Galeswher are adversely affected. To survive tourists business in this area needs to diversity of alternative types and destination of tourism than except traditional ways.

7.9.5 Lack of institutional efforts


There is not any special agency to promote tourism by district level. There are not any special policy and plan for that by govern and private sector. There are problems of infrastructure to visits in alternative potential region. There need of strong institutional efforts to promote tourism in this region in the age of competition.

7.9.6 Protection of Historical and Archeological heritages.

Historical and archeological things are going to disappeared in the absence of protection. Therefore, it is problem to preserve evidence of history.

7.9.7 Conflict
Most crucial problem in tourism sector in Myagdi district of which heavily affected by Maoist insurgency . District headquarter Beni was faced largest attack of Moaist. Visitors are discouraged to visit this area by forceful donation. Telephone facilities of remote area are disconnecting now. So now, it is main obstacle and problems for tourism in the district and the country too.

7.10 Conclusion
Myagdi is mountainous district locating western development region. There lies Dhaulagiri mountain range with Dhaulagiri-1st peak of 8167 m height. There is immense diversity in geographical structure, natural heritage and social environment. Dhaulagiri base camp and Annapurna round treks are main destination and purpose of tourism traveler in Myagdi. It is behind legged in infrastructure development.

Myagdi possesses various potentialities in tourism like adventure tourism, ecotourism, cultural tourism etc. The significant numbers of tourists inter for trekking in the district from different routes. Other type's tourist number is negligible. Some people are engaged in tourism service sector. Most of visitors come from Europe. They are highly satisfied by natural beauty. They felt journey of Myagdi cheap and harmonious. Most visitors are interested to revisits Myagdi. That is bright sign of future in tourism to Myagdi.

Nepal is a beautiful and tourism potential country in the world. However, tourism enrolment in the country is not satisfactorily. Information shows the numbers of tourist entry is badly affected by political instability and security threat in the country since 1999 AD. Tourist arrivals was reached in lowest point in 2002 AD in all related variable like numbers, growth rate, Average days of stay and income generation from that. The arrival numbers was 491804 in 1999 but declined to 275468 in 2002, from 2003 has seemed positive turn to recovery. Average staying is remained in around 10-11 days from beginning. Tourists arrive for various purpose in the country; among them most of tourists come for holiday pleasure purpose. 48.8 percent tourists had come for holiday pleasure purpose, during the five-year period 1999 to 2003. In this way, for

trekking and Mountaineering purpose 23.45 percent visitors arrived in that period. Rest visitors are 5.6 percent for Business purpose, 4.28 percent for pilgrimage, 5.96 percent for official visits and 11.91 percent others The economic sharing in GDP by tourism sector is going to dismal level. It shared only 1.5 percent in GDP in FY 2003/4 and shared only 9.1 percent in total foreign exchange earning in FY 2003/4. Economic sharing portion is declined gradually in latest year. Tourism sector contributes 0.318 percent in GDP of Myagdi district; there engage 1.34 percent people in the district Pokhara and Annapurna conservation area are major tourism destination in Nepal. 21.5percent out of total arrivals of country visited Pokhara in 1999. Myagdi district is native region of Pokhara and Annapurna Region. Myagdi district is remained back in infrastructural developments that are related to tourism sector also. The district is not connected by blacked taped highway from outsides. Motor able roads are under the construction in the district. Approximately 40km motor roads are constructed in various routs but more than half of that are not serviceable smoothly. Modern means of communications like Telephone, Fax, Email, Internets are available only in district headquarter. The telephone service to a dozens VDC remote areas are disrupted now.21.37percent population is facilitated by electricity. 2265.6 kW electricity generates in the district. One hospital of 20 beds is in the district headquarter Benibazaar for health service. Banking services are centralized in headquarter Beni bazaar. Political instability and inter conflict blocked the development of infrastructure and shrink the facilities of communication, Banking, education and transportation. Magars are main inhabitants (45percent) and cast are mixed there. The mother tongue is Nepalese of (98.3percent) people. Economically, most of the people (74.8 percent) are depended on agriculture but GDP of the district covers


only 30.8 percent by it and most portion of the GDP in the district generate from foreign employment (45.5) where only 10.8 percent people are engaged. In the tourism sector, 1.34 percent people are engaged and only 0.318 percent shared in the GDP of the district. World famous natural heritage: theAandha Galchhi( the deepest goerge of the world ) and the Dhaulagiri-1st; are existed in the district. There are numerous famous peaks in Dhaulagiri Himalayan range including Dhaulagiri 1st of 8167 m height for mountaineering expedition. The Dhaulagiri -I peak is the world 7th and Nepal's 6th tallest peak. Therefore, that is a major destination of mountaineering in Nepal. The first conquering on the peak was in 1960 may 13 by Swiss International expedition group headed by Max Eiselin. About 16 peaks are having more than 7000m height, About 20 peaks having altitude 6000 to 7000 m height and About 20 with 5000m to 6000 m height in Myagdi Almost tourists come for trekking to Myagdi. Main trekking routes are Dhaulagiri round, some parts of Annapurna circuits' lies in Myagdi. The Dhaulagiri base camp is main destination of trekkers. The Dumpush Pass, French Pass and Hidden valley are amazing points of trekkers. The KaliGandaki and Myagdikhola are suitable for rafting. The world famous Guranshe ban (Rhododendron forest) in Ghorepani and Royal Dhorpatan hunting reservation are important to eco-tourism resources.GhorepaniPunhill,Puladanda,Tudke , Bhakundechaur,Niskot,Takum are major view point for sightseeing to Himalayan range like Dhaulagiri, Annapurn, and Nilgiri Mountain range and landscape of Mahabharat Parbat ranges. There are unique lifestyle, custom, tradition and rituals of various indigenous groups like Magar,Chhantyal, Gurung and Aryan communities. There are important religious and historical places like Galeswerdham , Pulahshram, Benibazaar, Rikhars , Khayar barah,Malikasthan for religious tourism. Myagdi is a historically

important place. it has long history. It was under Parbat state before the unification of Nepal. Beni Bazaar, Dholthana and Takum were capital of the Parbat state. Hot spring pond are available for relax and health treatment especially in Dana Tatopani and singha Tatopani. Myagdi holds immense potentialities of adventure tourism, eco-tourism, Cultural tourism, and Historical tourism and Health tourism. Tourism products for such types of tourism are available and can development. Information from 7 years data 1997 to 2003 AD, 7.68percent of level visitors visits Myagdi and 52.619 percent of trekkers of ACAP area use routs of Myagdi . Averagely, 30,430 tourists visit the district per year. In 1999, AD 47,326 Tourists came in Myagdi that is highest numbers yet. Averagely 20.65 percent tourists visit Pokhara out of total visitors in the country and 61 percent trekkers visit ACAP area out of total trekkers in Nepal. .Pokhara and ACAP area, which are native regions of Myagdi, are most popular and important in the country; visitors of those regions could be attracted to neighboring District Myagdi by effective promotional activities. . 52.816percent out of ACAP Area visitors averagely visits Myagdi district. At least 37.36 percent of ACAP area trekkers visits Myagdi in 1998 and next year in 1999 Myagdi were visited by 70 percent out of ACAP area trekkers. Visiting portion to Myagdi is in increasing trends out of ACAP area trekkers. In the last year's 2002, and 2003 more then 70 percent trekkers of ACAP area came through Myagdi. This area is being popular in the ACAP area but there are very vast variations in percent. Average 7.568percent visit Myagdi out of total visitors in national level. At least 5 percent were in 1997 and highest 9.63 percent and 10 percent were in 1999

and 2002. Range of variation is less then ACAP area. Trends portion of visitors in Myagdi to National level data is stable AS least square regression model calculation, at least 27857 tourists come in Myagdi even zero years also. The estimator's coefficient value of 'b' is 0.607 with positive sign. That shows tourists arrival per-year is in increasing trend gradually. The fitted trend line, according to the available time series data, Predicts that only in 2028 will be meet the highest tourists' arrivals record of 47 thousands of 1999. It means the loss of progress will be recovered only after 29 years. The tourism sector in Myagdi the district draw backed or lagged behind by nearly three decades. It is proved that negatives impact of the conflict on the tourism sector is very wide and deep; to be prevailed of political stability, peace and safe environment is inevitable for economic development of tourism sector as well as other sector. According to calculation correlation value obtained 0.35, tourists' arrivals between Myagdi and ACAP area. Which is near to zero .It, indicates that the relationship between them is less significant. However, is positive. Tourism increment in ACAP area positively effect to increment in this area. Degree of effect shows less elastic. Constant value of 'a' is 18.21; it exposed 18210 tourists come in Myagdi even the ACAP area being nil. By the calculation the time serious data of Myagdi and National level the correlation value of that is r= 0.333, and the constant value a=16.42. It indicates that at least 16420 tourists come in year for Myagdi only. Tendency of relationship indicators between Myagdi and National level tourist's arrivals shows as with ACAP Area but slightly less.According to trend line, number of tourists' arrival in Myagdi will be 57866 approximately in 2015, if meets national level target of 1219000 fixed by government

According to records of mountaineering expedition in 1986, 1993 and 2002 on Dhaulagiri I, Annapurna I and Mt.Everest; Total numbers of team is same 17 in those years of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna, nearly double 35 for Mt.Everest. The above table exposes that Dhaulagiri-I is a famous and attractive Mountain for expedition in the country as Annapurna-I after Mt. Everest As the information of 1992 to 2000 states of tourism business in Myagdi district has changed by 89.65 percent in Numbers of tourists hotel and direct employment, 177percent in indirect employment, 67.31percent in tourist entry and Rs700 per day expenditure from 400/- Average staying of tourists is in constant of 3 days. Information from field survey shows most visitors are male (70percent), Most of them come from European country like France, German, Belgium, USA etc. 80percent visitors of 16-43 age group. Young prefer to visits Myagdi, almost visitors are trekkers to Dhaulagiri round (30percent) Annapurna round (29percent), Mustang treks (20percent) and Dolpa visits (13percent). Tourists come into the district for trekking purpose often. It shows there is not diversity in tourism. Information exposed visitors are highly satisfied by natural beauty (55percent) and attitudes of people (52.5percent). Most visitors are satisfied to accommodation service (37.5), normally satisfied to food /beverages. Almost visitors felt normally cheap (62.8) to pricing of services. Information table of preference of visitors indicates most visitors (40.8percent) impressed by natural beauty, (20.89percent) by mountain range and (12.5percent) by people. The scenic view and heartiest people are main attraction to tourist in this region. Half- percent of visitor's wants to revisits here and others 15percent are also interested to that.


Lack of institutional efforts, Less diversity in purpose and destinations, Lack of exposition , Tourism service management /infrastructure, Shortening foot trail, Conflict are major problems and obstacles for tourism development in Myagdi. Diversification of tourism is all most important from national level; therefore, it is highlighting to diversity tourism activities especially in western parts of the country. Among the western parts of the country Myagdi district is one of the most important destination from tourism point of view.

8.2 Recommendation
Myagdi possesses various kinds' potentiality in tourism like adventure tourism, ecotourism, cultural tourism etc. The significant number of tourists inter for trekking in the district from different routes. If the potentialities are properly used in tourism economics scenario could be changed of the district. Tourism development of the district can play vital role for economics development of the district and country too. To expect benefits from tourism, it requires strong efforts to promote the tourism sector in this district. In order to promote tourism development in Myagdi, the following recommendations are suggested. Tourism is hampered by political instability and conflict in the country. First of all political and security condition should make suitable for development of tourism sector.

Tourism resources of Myagdi should be highlighted from central level and should be declared as tourism region.

There are needs of tourism promotional efforts, in instructional ways with public private partnership to develop tourism in the district.


There should explore and develop alternative and diverse resources and area for tourism in the district. Tourism resource for eco-tourism, sight and others should highlight, expose by publishing information to national and international level.

Short trekking routes from Beni bazaar should be introduced and developed for eco-tour and sight seeing to Puladand, Dholthana,Todke and Bhakunde Chaur.

Community forest should be manage and develop as eco-tourism resources. Available cultural, Historical, religious heritage should preserve. A park could be established with a museum of traditional cultural goods. Handicrafts and special local products should promote as to tourist selling goods. Transports communications and other tourism infrastructure should reestablish, extend and develop properly. There should improve in tourism service and management.

The Raghuganga corridor routes to Kalapani Mustang should recognize to explore alternative trekking routes in this region. The way of The Dhualagiri base camp trek should improve and to be explored alternative way to go Dhaulagiri base camp.

Community forest could apply wild animal farming project concept especially for Kasturee and deer.



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