Secret Projects FWaTA

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An imprint of
Ian Allan Publishing
by Bill Rose
First published 20I 0
ISBN 9781857803204
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Photograph on half-title page:
The first unmarked XB-35 seen as it is towed
across the runway at Northrop's Hawthorne facility.
orthrop Grumman
Photograph on title page:
A B-2A strategic bomber of the 509th Bomb Wing
in flight. USAF
Introduction 6
Chapter One British Tailless Aircraft 10
Chapter Two German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 34
Chapter Three US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 70
Chapter Four US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 95
Chapter Five US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 109
Chapter Six Soviet Tailless Designs 130
GlossalY 143
Index 144
Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft 5
The flying wing is the purest form in aviation.
Millions of years before mankind existed it
was evolved by nature as a simple and effi-
cient way of transporting seeds over consid-
erable distances. When men first nviously
cast their eyes skywards and considered the
idea of undertaking flight, birds were the obvi-
ous inspiration; however, some pioneers
studied the way that certain trees used the
wind to carry aerodynamic seeds to new loca-
tions. This would encourage experiments
with flying wing models and large manned
gliders. However, various technical problems
and a resistance to new ideas restrained the
development of powered designs, with rela-
tively slow progress being made until World
War 2 when engine performance improved
dramatically. The flying wing was then con-
sidered for the role of advanced fighters and
intercontinental bombers.
Th perfect flying wing is a shape reduced
to the bare minimum, with few, if any protu-
berances, no significant visible fus lage sec-
tion and the efficient use of internal space.
This type of aircraft promises high lift and low
drag, although stability and handling were
challenges for early designers. Subsequently,
many flying wing aircraft were aerodynamic
compromises. The early flying wings required
vertical stabilisers for effective control, while
fuselage sections spread beyond the wing's
boundaries, and in some cases, engine pods
were added. Becau e of this, many so-called
flying wings were more accurately defined as
'tailless aircraft' and the wing could be swept
back, swept forward, swivelling in an oblique
manner, traight, of variable geometry, or
Typically, the flying wing and closely
related configurations are unsuitable for
development as a supersonic aircraft
because of their large wingspans. Neverthe-
less, there are some interesting exceptions to
the rule and scope for supersonic perfor-
mance with certain highly-swept tailless
designs. That aside, the flying wing is poten-
tially a very efficient aerodynamic configura-
tion for carrying substantial payloads at
subsonic speeds over long distances.
Some historians will rightly attribute the
earliest designs for a manned flying wing to
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) who pro-
duced a detailed drawing of a man-powered
ornithopter (flapping wing device) around
1485. The de ign was little more than a fanci-
ful idea, but intere t in the possibility of
manned flight gath red momentum during
the following centuries, eventually leading to
experiments with balloon and mall hand-
launched gliding models.
One particularly interesting idea that
stemmed from a simple paper dart was a fly-
ing wing design produced by James William
Butler and Edmund Edwards in 1867. They
envisaged a scaled-up man-carrying aircraft,
powered by some form of steam propulsion
and patented the design, although many
a pect of the concept were ahead of its time.
This was followed by the first demonstration
of sustained flight when Alphonse Penaud
(1850-1880) flew a rubber band-powered
model for a distance of 131 ft (40m) on 18
August 1871 in Paris. Having shown that pow-
ered flight was possible, Penaud went on to
conceive a series of astonishingly advanced
flying wing aircraft that were never flown, but
set th standard for all future de igns. Penaud
was succeeded by the aviation pioneer Louis
Pierre Mouillard (1834-1897) who, it is
believed, made a short flight of 90ft (27m) at
an altitude of 30ft (9m) in his fourth glider
near Cairo, Egypt, on 3 JanualY 1878.
While Otto Lilienthal (1848-1896) is often
credited with flying the first succes ful
manned glider in 1891, it is widely claimed
that Mouillard and Lilienthal were following
in the foot teps of Engli h inventor Sir George
Cayley (1773-1857). He designed and built
several gliders, which were reportedly te ted
by an unknown 10-year-old boy and Cayley's
coachman on several occasions between
1799 and 1853. Whether or not Cayley
deserves to be credited with the first manned
glider flight remains open to debate. Another
early pioneer was Igo Etrich (1879-1967) who
built gliders based on the winged liana seed
and this work proved to be influential to many
future designers. The application of an inter-
nal combustion engine to a tailless design
was then adopted by pioneers such as French
engineer Rene Arnoux and British designer
John William Dunne (1875-1949).
World War 1saw vast improvements in avi-
ation technology with aircraft becoming a
valuable military asset. After ho tilities
ceased in 1918, German engineer Hugo
Junkers turned his attention towards building
an efficient aircraft known as the JG-1 that
The German glider pioneer Olio Lilienthal
undertaking a short flight at Berlin on an
unspecified date in 1896. He experienced many
accidents during these trials and died as a result
of serious injuries sustained in a crash on 9 August
1896. His last words were 'Sacrifices must be
made'. Bill Rose Collection
would seat passengers within the wing.
Unfortunately for Junkers, the design was
deemed to have contravened conditions of
aircraft construction set out by the Allies and
the JG- I was therefore scrapped. Junkers had
patented a flying wing aircraft in 1910 and
was a trong supporter of this configuration,
envisaging future giant transporters capable
of carrying 1,000 passengers.
Although such a design never materialised,
there would be significant progress made in
Germany during the following decades by
Alexander Lippisch and the Horten brothers
who were re ponsible for a number of highly
significant tailles designs. World War 2 saw
major developments of their work with Lip-
pisch and the Horten designing advanced jet
and rocket-powered aircraft that pushed
towards the boundaries of supersonic flight.
In North Am rica, the main advocate and
developer of the flying wing was Jack (John)
Northrop, although it should be noted that
Vincent Burnelli (1895-1964), who is often
overlooked, made great strides with lifting
body designs.
At one stage during World War 2, American
strategists believed that Britain would fall to
Germany and Jack orthrop was given the
task of designing a new US Army Air Corps
bomber capable of reaching Europe. Thi
project led to construction of the futuristic
B-35 flying wing; however, by the time it flew,
the propeller-driven warplane was virtually
obsolete. The design was re-engin ered into
the jet-powered B-49, but the new Northrop
aircraft was t chnically flawed and could not
compete with the relatively straightforward
B-47 produced by Boeing. Subsequently, the
B-49 never became operational and interest
in flying wings sharply declined.
While designers continued to study the fly-
ing wing, no significant aircraft of this type
were built for many years, although British
post-war interest in tailless aircraft led to the
successful delta-wing Avro Vulcan bomber.
By the 1970s, advances in computer technol-
ogy were making the flight control of unusual
designs a reality and scientists recognised the
potential of the flying wing as an aircraft wilh
an exceptionally low radar cross section.
The Burgess-Dunne Flying Wing Biplane of 1914.
Bill Rose Collection
'Le Stablavion' (stable aircraft) was built by French
constructor Rene Arnoux and demonstrated to the
public in 1913. Powered by a 55hp (41 kW) Chenu
piston engine, the performance and handling were
said to be disappointing. Bill Rose Collection
Featuring a pusher configuration, Rene Arnoux's
two-seat flying wing monoplane was demonstrated
in Paris during 1914. Bill Rose Collection
6 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft 7
I -..
An illustration of the experimental Northrop NIM
flying wing during a test flight. Bill Rosel
Northrop Grumman
The futuristic Vickers Swallow supersonic nuclear
strike aircraft was designed in the 1950s and is
shown resplendent in RAF markings and anti-flash
white finish. The Swallowwas too far ahead of its
time to be a realistic proposition.
Bill Rose Collection
Northrop Grumman's proposal for the USAF's next
generation bomber expected to enter service in
2018. Northrop Grumman/Bill Rose Collection
handling problems for civil versions and
few airports could accommodate BWBs at
Because there are many grey areas
between true flying wings, tailless aircraft,
BWB designs and deltas, I have tried to avoid
setting definite limits on what kind of aircraft
are suitable for inclusion in this book. This has
proved to be quite a challenge, as it is often
unclear where to draw the line despite con-
siderable consultation with colleagues. As an
example, it now appears acceptable to
describe an aircraft in technical papers as a
'tailed' flying wing and some authors regard
designs such as the Mirage or Concorde as
belonging in the flying wing category. There-
fore, I have set my own guidelines and have
included various interesting tailless aircraft
ranging from the British World War 2 experi-
mental GAL gliders and the German Me 163
rocket fighter to the advanced variable geom-
etry of the Vickers Swallow and exotic
oblique wing designs.
This book mainly deals with manned air-
craft as the detailed additional coverage
required for unmanned tailless designs
would at least double the space and there
are practical limits in producing such a publi-
cation. I have not attempted to write an
exhaustive technical appraisal of the flying
wing or tailless design and this book is not a
definitive reference work containing exam-
ples of every known design. That said, I have
tried to provide background information on
many - often lesser-known - military con-
cepts and designs that have (in a few cases)
been built as prototypes and occasionally
reached production.
Many individuals provided assistance with
background material for this book, but I
would like to especially thank Chris Gibson
and Tony Buttler, Dr lain Murray, Robert
Bradley of the San Diego Air & Space
Museum, Martin Muller, Alexi Malinovsky and
Tony Chong of Northrop-Grumman.
Bill Rose, Norfolk, England
February 2010
B-49 and Avro Vulcan proved hard to delect
with prevailing ground-based radar syslems.
An ability to hide aircraft from enemy delec-
tion would have many advanlages and this
resulted in highly classified US research dur-
ing the 1970s 10 produce a low-visibility com-
bal aeroplane. This eventually resulted in the
Lockheed F-117A that was developed from a
diamond shape, and although it was
described as a fighter, was designed as a spe-
cialised subsonic attack aircraft that was
incapable of air-to-air combat. The ability to
launch a small-scale surprise attack was obvi-
ous, but the F-117A was not expected to fare
well in a major confrontation with the Soviet
Union, whose air defence capabilities
remained significant and were under con-
stant revision. Therefore, the USAF required a
nexl-generation bomber with an interconti-
nental range, a substantial payload capability
and relative invisibility to all existing and
anticipated radar systems. This led to propos-
als for an advanced bomber that resulted in
the Northrop-Grumman B-2A Spirit making its
first flight in 1986. Developed and built in great
secrecy, the B-2A strategic bomber became
to be the most expensive combat aircraft in
history, with its eventual use in small regional
conflicts widely regarded as overkill.
Nevertheless, the B-2A remains a technical
masterpiece and is a true flying wing aircraft
in every respect, although its shape was
selected for reasons of low visibility and the
sleek appearance was almost a by-product.
The US Navy also sought a newcarrier-borne,
multi-role combat aircraft with a stealth capa-
bility and this led to the A-I2AAvenger II, a tri-
angular-shaped flying wing developed by
General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas.
In some respects, this aircraft was more
advanced than the B-2A. However, spiralling
development costs brought the A-I2A pro-
gramme to an abrupt halt.
A new US manned bomber is currently in
its initial development phase and is widely
visualised as a second-generation B-2. How-
ever, the main application for low-observable
technology at the present time is for increas-
ingly sophisticated remote-control aircraft
that often feature flying wing configurations.
Further tailless aircraft seem inevitable as
designers look towards aerodynamically effi-
cient blended wing body CBWB) configura-
tions to satisfy demands for new tactical
airlifters, tankers and airliners. These aircraft
are likely to become a common sight in our
skies during the coming decades. BWBs will
not be capable of higher speeds than existing
aircraft in the same class, but will transport
greater payloads over longer ranges at lower
cost. On the down side, there may be ground
Fig. I.
Hugo Junker's influential 1910 patent for a new
type of aircraft that would contain its most
important features inside the wing.
ESP Patent Office
Engineer, aviation pioneer and founder of the
famous aircraft manufacturing concern,
Hugo Junkers was an advocate of the flying wing
and did much to secure its widespread acceptance.
Bill Rose Collection
It had been apparent that flying wings were
harder to detect with radar than conventional
aircraft and this was believed to be a feature
of the Horten jet fighter that first flew at the
end of World War 2. It is now suggested that
any stealth qualities the Horten jet fighter pos-
sessed were more accidental than inten-
tional, even when considering the significant
advances in radar countermeasures made by
German scientists during the war.
It has been reported on several occasions
that post-war aircraft such as the Northrop
Fig. 5

- Jft. 253788 -
nASSE 77 h. GRUPPE :l.
Pat.alStrt I. Otll"("" R.le", "011 1. fdft" 1910 d.
... Gleitflieger mit lur AurnahtDe yon nichl Auftrieb Tellu dieJlenden
Koblk6rper .

Fig. +-
8 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft 9
Chapter One
Baynes Bat
After leaving chool, Leslie Everett Baynes
(1902-1989) became immediately involved
with lh aviation industry. He worked for lhe
Aircraft Engineering Company in Hendon,
orth London, became a designer for Short
Brothers at Rochester and then d vised the
very succe ful cud I light sailplane. This led
him into a manufacturing partner hip with
F.D. Abbot, forming the company Abbot-
Baynes Sailplanes Ltd of Farnham, Surrey. In
1935, a powered version of the Scud was built
to meet a request made by Sir John Carden
who ran a company developing armoured
vehicles. As a consequence of this order, a
new partnership was formed, called Carden-
Baynes Aircraft, with a factory located at He -
ton, Middles x wh re powered aircraft were
manufactured. Baynes and Carden began
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controlled machine gun turrets were
mounted outboard of the propellers on each
trailing edge and a single forward firing gun
turret was positioned on the leading edge, to
the port side of centre. The control surfaces
appear similar to the larger de ign.
These designs were undoubtedly submit-
ted for official consideration, but went no fur-
ther as they were probably considered far too
unconventional. Undeterred, Professor Hill
continued to work on the concept, which he
now envisaged as a large trans-Atlantic air-
liner suitable for post-war operation This
proposal was known as the Pterodactyl
MkVlll and was to be powered by five Rolls-
Royce Griffon engines driving pusher pro-
pellers. The airliner was to have a cockpit
section protruding from the central leading
edge. Despite interesl from Short Brothers,
nothing came of this project.
A proposed six-engine, three contra-prop
Pterodactyl flying wing bomber, with an estimated
weight of 85,000 Ib (38,555kg). Bill Rose Collection
Professor Hill's wartime proposal for a four-
engine, propeller-driven flying \\1ng Pterodactyl
Bomber. Bill Rose Collection
also considered and Hill believed this design
could easily be modified when jet propulsion
becam available. Estimates of performance
are not quoted in any available documenta-
tion. The Pterodactyl bomber would be sup-
ported on a rather unusual fully retractable
undercarriage consisting of four larg main
wheels, positioned across the underside of
the wing at the centre of gravity and a single
nose-wheel. During take-offs and landings,
the pilot would sit in a capsule located
towards the centre of the aircraft. This would
be exlended below the wing to afford the
pilot a better view of the runway and it would
be possibl to use the front wheel as a posi-
tioning aid. For normal night, the pilot would
sit behind a windshi ld in the leading edge of
the wing, positioned slightly starboard of cen-
tre. Hill also planned to seat the navigator
alongside the pilot at the front of the aircraft,
with extra windows allowing downward
The bomber would be equipped with four
remote-conlrolled machine gun turrets, all
outboard of the engine bays and propellers.
Details of bomb carriage are unknown,
although it seems certain that at least two
separate bays w re envisaged on either side
of the cabin area. There were no vertical con-
trol surfaces, although in addition to elevons
and naps, Hill proposed movable wingtips.
One development of this design was an air-
craft carrier, able to transport up lo thr e pis-
ton-engine fighters (presumably Spitfires or
Hurricanes) on the upp I' wing. This would
make il possible to operale at ranges much
greater than might normally be available. Pre-
sumably the fighters would return to base
under their own power, or the pilot would
bailout at a pre-arranged location.
Hill also designed a smaller version of the
Pterodactyl bomber with a wingspan of
approximately 100ft (30Am) and a length of
about 38ft (ll.5m). It would have an antici-
pated weight of approximately 45,0001b
(20,411 kg). This design differed in having four
separate unspecified piston engine , each
driving a tail-mounted propeller. The fUlly-
retractable undercarriage would be slightly
simpler than the larger bomber, using three
separate main wheels and a single nose-
wheel. It appears that Professor Hill did not
consider th retractable pilot's cap ule nec-
essary for this aircraft. Rear facing remote-
Designed by Geoffrey Hill, the MkV Pterodactyl
was a military variant of this pre-war series of
aircraft developed to meet Specification F.3/32.
Asesquiplane in configuration with a small,
unsweptlower wing, the Pterodactyl MkV was filled
with two forward-firing machine guns and carried
a rear gunner who enjoyed an unrestricted view.
Bill Rose Collection
The Pterodactyl Bombers
In 1939, Professor Hill was recruited by the Air
Ministry to oversee various specialised mili-
lary research projects and his first assignment
involved a programme to assess various ways
of allowing an aircraft to cut enemy barrage
balloons' cables without slalling. In addition
lo a range of consultative work, Hill became
the chief cientific liaison officer between the
British and Canadian governments in 1942.
At the tart of this period, he began a private
design project for an advan ed tailless
bomber with initial plans being completed on
22 July 1942.
Hill's fir t proposal was a boomerang-
shaped nying wing with a straight c ntral
leading edge and the outer wing section
swept (at the leading edge) by approximately
44. The wingspan was 140ft (42.6m) with a
wing area of 3,350ft' (311 m') and the overall
length appears to have been around 50ft
(15.24m). The wing would have a central
depth of 7ft 6in (2.28m), making a substantial
pressurised crew compartment possible.
Quoled weight is 85,0001b (38,555kg) and
was presumably an all-up estimate.
Hill envisaged six forward-posilioned pis-
ton engines mounted in side-by- ide pairs,
driving three rear-mounted pusher configura-
tion contra-rotating propeller assemblie via
lengthy drive shafts. The use of turbojet was
bomb load. The prototype was ready to ny in
1933. During tests the performance was said
to b comparable to a Hawker Demon and
longitudinal stability was certainly superior to
arlier Pterodactyl designs. Despite its
promise, the MkV failed to win support for fur-
ther development. Although disappointed,
Hill ontinued to work on the Pterodactyl
design producing further tailless aircraft con-
cepts, but the project was effectively at an
British Tailless Aircraft
Cherub engine and new towards the end of
1925. In 1926, Hill joined Westland Aircraft,
which secured Air Ministry backing for further
development of the Pterodactyl design and
filed a patent for a wing adjustment design in
A series of small aircraft followed with Hill
designing a two-s at fighter version of the air-
craft for Specification F3/32, known as the
MkV. Construction began in 1932 with duralu-
min and steel being us d for the majority of
the fuselage framework and main wing.
From the outset, Hill decided to add short,
unswept lower wings for strengthening pur-
poses, making the MkV a sesquiplane. The
undercarriage consisted of tandem wheels
located beneath the centre of the fuselage
and skids below each lower wingtip with
small trailing wheels. A very troublesome
ROils-Royce Goshawk I engine in a forward
mounted position powered the MkV, provid-
ing a maximum speed in level night of around
190mph (306kph) and a service ceiling of
30,000ft (9,144m). When empty, the MkV
weighed 3,5341b (1,602kg) and around
5, I 00 lb (2,313kg) when fUlly loaded. The
wingspan was 46ft 8in (14.2m) with a wing
area of 396ft' (36.78m') and the overall length
was 20ft 6in (6.24m). As a fighter, the aircraft
would be equipped with several machine
guns and was capable of carrying a small
Geoffrey Hill
In late 1942, the K Director of Scientific
Research decided to form the Taille sAircraft
Advisory ommittee (TAAC) to over ee
development of new designs. German air-
raft designers were known to be int rested
in developing tailless military aircraft and
considerable research was also taking plac
in America. orthrop was working on a long-
range, nying wing bomber and the ational
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA-
the forerunner of ASA) was underlaking
extensive research into laminar now aero-
foils. Therefore, the British hoped to take
advantage of US developmenls for a future jet
propelled tailless bomber.
Tailless aircraft were nothing new in Britain
with the early pioneering work of John
William Dunne inspiring more advanced
designs by Geoffrey Terence Roland Hill
(1895-1955). Hill had become preoccupied
with the problem of stalling and this led him
to design the Pterodactyl Mk 1, a nying wing
with a 31
leading edge sweep and all-moving
wingtips. The aircraft was built during an 18-
month period with Air Mini try support and
n was a glider in December 1924. It was then
equipp d with a 33hp (24.6kW) Bristol
10 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft II
Ft 10

The quite distinctive central fuselage sec-
tion accommodated a two-man crew with
the flight observer sitting directly behind the
pilot and facing rearward. The Manx was
equipped with a tricycle undercarriage with
the rear wheels able to retract, but the nose
wheel fixed. This was normally fitted with a
streamlined fairing to reduce drag. Taxiing tri-
als began at Radlett in late 1940, although
tests became long and drawn out, with more
pressing wartime work often taking priority.
The company's senior test pilot, James
Richard Talbot (1909-1945), was now
involved with these trials, along with Edgar
Alexander 'Ginger' Wright (1914-1945), a Han-
dley Page test pilot who headed the
Observer's Office. On 12 September 1942, dur-
ing high speed taxiing trials, the Manx became
momentarily airborne, achieving a height of
about 12ft (3.65m), but after touchdown, it
was evident that the nose-wheel had been
damaged, so repairs and modifications were
made. Further attempts to fly the Manx fol-
lowed and it finally became airborne on II
June 1943, with Talbot at the controls. How-
ever, the cockpit canopy became detached
soon after take-off and the flight was immedi-
ately terminated. As trials continued on an
intermittent basis, the renowned glider pilot
Robert Kronfeld was invited to test fly the
Manx. Kronfeld was now an RAF Squadron
Leader, assigned to General Aircraft Ltd (GAL)
of Feltham, Middlesex, which was working on
its own experimental tailless glider project.
General arrangement of the tailless
HP.75 Manx experimental aircraft.
Chris Gibson
found to be substantially overweight and
there were serious problems with the type of
glue used during assembly. As a conse-
quence, the aircraft underwent a programme
of modifications and the main spar was
largely rebuilt. It is possible that this had some
bearing on the fact that Dart Aircraft had
ceased trading by the end of 1939.
Built mostly from wood, this aircraft
received the semi-official name Manx (after
the tailless cat). It has been claimed that the
company designation HP.75 may not have
been applied until 1945, although the official
registration H-0222 was issued at an early
stage in this project. The Manx was fitted with
two rear-mounted de Havilland Gipsy Major II
four-cylinder piston engines, each rated at
140hp (l04kW) and fitted with two blade pro-
pellers acting as pushers. The overall
wingspan was 39ft lOin (l2.lm), wing area
was 245ft' (22.76m
), the length was 18ft 3in
(5.5m) and the empty weight was 3,0001b
(I ,360kg). Maximum take-offweight was esti-
mated at 4,0001b (I,814kg) allowing a maxi-
mum speed of approximately 146mph
(234kph) and a service ceiling of about 10-
12,000ft (3,000-3,650m). The central section
of the wing on either side of the cockpit was
straight and the outer section was swept back
by 35 with elevons and leading edge slots.
An upright fin and rudder was attached to
each wingtip and an additional fin was
located on the upper rear of the fuselage to
enhance flight control.
Melrose 'Winkle' Brown was less enthusias-
tic about the Baynes BAT when he tested it,
finding the controls disappointing.
Why this difference of opinion arose is hard
to say, but the tests were still judged success-
[ul. Unfortunately, there were ongoing prob-
lems concerning tank suitability and it had
I> en realised that landing faster than the
tank's maximum speed was a serious issue.
I'his led to the idea of fitting an undercarriage
to the BAT, but it was considered over-com-
pi x and the Baynes BAT was then moved
onto the back burner. At the same time, a
heavy glider was being developed by General
o\ircraft called the GAL.49 Hamilcar, which
had been designed from the outset to carry a
substantial payload that included a Tetrarch
or the US-designed M22 Locust light tank.
While the Hamilcar eventually entered ser-
vice, the Baynes BAT never progressed to a
hill-sized carrier wing glider. It was then
transferred to the Royal Aircraft Establish-
III nt at Farnborough, which made good use
o[ it for stability tests that continued after the
war. In late 1946, the Baynes BAT was for-
lI\ally disposed of as surplus equipment,
Il(,jng purchased by British Light Aircars of
Hl'dhill, Surrey. It seems that the BAT was
then moved to Croydon Airport where it was
1,Ist seen behind a hangar in 1958, apparently
III poor condition. Soon after this, the glider
wa scrapped. Baynes, known to his friends
<lnd family as 'Baron', worked on many other
interesting wartime projects that included an
Iinusual tilt-rotor aircraft design and he was
Il'sponsible for design work on converting
I.ancasters to carry the Barnes Wallis bounc-
ing bomb used to breach several dams in the
I{uhr Valley during May 1943.
Handley Page Manx
In the late 1930s, Dr Gustav Victor Lachman
(1896-1966), an Austrian scientist who
headed the Design Office at Handley Page
Aircraft, turned his attention towards the pos-
sibility of improving aircraft performance by a
significant reduction in drag. He favoured the
flying wing design and the company chair-
man, Frederick Handley Page, fully sup-
ported this research and agreed to authorise
the construction of a small experimental air-
craft. The initial assembly would be con-
tracted out to Dart Aircraft of Dunstable,
Bedfordshire, which was a small specialist
company building gliders and replica light air-
craft. Work seemed to proceed well and the
airframe was returned to Handley Page at
Radlett, Hertfordshire, during September
1939, for completion. But the aircraft was
33ft 4in (I0.15m)
22' (leading edge)
160ft' (I4.86m')
11ft 4in (3.45m)
7631b (346kg)
9631b (437kg)
90mph (I45kph)
120mph (I93kph)
40mph (64kph)
The Baynes BAT during a test flight. This small
glider was designed during World War 2 to test the
possibility of building a much larger 'Carrier Wing'
capable of transporting a light tank to a combat
zone. Bill Rose Collection
Baynes Bat
Three-view drawing of the Baynes BAT.
Bill Rose Collection
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Empty weight
Gross weight
Cruising speed
Maximum speed
Stalling speed
known as the Tetrarch. This vehicle had a
combat weight of 16,800Ib (7,620kg) and car-
ried a crew of three. The glider's swept wing
would have a 100ft (30m) span with vertical
stabilisers at the wingtips. It was proposed
that just before landing the tank's engine
would be started, allowing it to go into action
immediately after touchdown.
The Baynes BAT received enthusiastic offi-
cial support and it was decided to build a one-
third-scale, proof-of-concept tailless manned
glider, with a wingspan of 33ft 4in (10m) and
using a single main spar. A small cockpit
accommodated the pilot and the undercar-
riage was composed of a lower centrally
located skid and wingtip skids. A wheeled
trolley was used for ground handling and
take-offs. A nacelle replaced the area
beneath the glider where the tank would be
carried. On the full-sized version, the wing
would be released at the moment of touch-
down and drawn away from the tank. A con-
tract was issued to Slingsby Sailplanes at
Kirkbymoorside for the manufacture of a pro-
totype. Built almost entirely from wood, the
glider was completed during spring 1943 and
issued with the serial RA809. The first test
flight took place in the summer of 1943 at Air-
borne Forces Experimental Establishment
(AFEE), Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorkshire. With
Fit Lt Robert Kronfeld at the controls, the
Baynes BAT was towed into the air behind an
Avro Tutor.
Kronfeld later reported that, 'In spite of its
unorthodox design the aircraft handles simi-
larly to other light gliders with very light and
responsive controls and is safe to be flown by
service pilots in all normal attitudes of flight.'
However, the RAE's chief test pilot Capt Eric
and the army was looking for ways to airlift
military cargo and equipment to operational
areas. In 1941, Baynes designed an unpow-
ered 'Carrier Wing' capable of transporting a
light tank to a combat zone, which was gen-
erally referred to as the Baynes Aerial Tank
Taking the form of a towed glider, it would
transport a light armoured vehicle, which was
expected to be the Armstrong Whitworth
MkVII Light Tank developed in 1938 and later
producing a sailplane (which was essentially
a Scud 3) equipped with a small retractable
249cc Villiers engine. The unit was mounted
above the aircraft in a pusher configuration
and a small tank carried enough fuel to run
the engine for about 30 minutes.
At the start of World War 2, Baynes had
become a scientific advisor to the Alan Muntz
Company in Heston and he took responsibil-
ity for organising its aircraft division. At this
time there were no suitable transport aircraft
12 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 13
I \ '..'
\ I
Top: The third GAL56 glider 'Maximum V' (TS513),
which made its maiden flight on 30 May 1947
at Lasham. Bill Rose Collection
Above: Three-view drawing of the GAL56
'Medium V'. Bill Rose Collection
Below: The GAL56 'Medium U' glider (TS510)
piloted by Fit Lt Robert Kronfeld, after release
from a Halifax tow aircraft. Bill Rose Collection
with it, describing it as very difficult to control
and noting that he 'could not relax for a sec-
ond, beginning right away with takeoff.
The second aircraft known as GAL56/04
(TS51O) was designated 'Medium U'. It dif-
fered from the first aircraft in having a parallel
chord centre section and swept outer leading
edge of 28.4. The wingspan was 51ft
(I5.54m, height 21ft (6.4) and length lOft
45ft 4in (I3.8m)
28.4' (leading edge)
317ft' (29.45m')
350ft' (32.5m')
19ft (5.79m)
8ft 9in (2.66m)
RAF 34 Modified
11ft 4in (3.45m)
4 3 ~ i n (1.1 m)
4,4001b (I,996kg)
58mph. E.A.S. (93.3kph)
150mph. E.A.S. (24Ikph)
Pilot and space for prone observer
51ft Ilin (15.8m)
36.4' (leading edge)
24ft 8in (7.5m)
5, 1741b (2,348kg)
Wing sweep
Flying weight
Wing sweep
Wing area (net)
Wing area (gross)
Aspect ratio
Aerofoil section
Flying weight
(crew +max ballast)
Stalling speed
Max towing speed
GAL56 'MediumV'
the wingtips and it was decided to add anti-
spin parachutes in wingtip containers for
emergency use.
No overall name was assigned to the glider,
but the models were referred to by their wing
configuration. The first to be completed dur-
ing autumn 1944 was the GAL56/01 (TS507)
'Medium V' which identified its 28.4 leading
edge sweep. An RAF-34 aerofoil section was
used and it had a modified contour to
enhance the elevon performance. The
wingspan was 45ft 4in (I3.8m), length was
19ft (5.79m) and it was 8ft 9in (2.66m) high.
The aircraft undertook taxiing trials at Alder-
maston during November 1944 and made its
first flight on 17 January 1945 at RAF Dunholm
Lodge in Lincolnshire. This location had been
assigned to GAL as a facility to store Hamilcar
heavy gliders and it was chosen for testing
because the GAL56 was a secret project and
there was less chance of the trials being
observed by anyone.
For the flight at Dunholm Lodge, an Arm-
strong Whitley Vbomber was used to tow the
glider into the air and test pilot Robert Kron-
feld was at the GAL56's controls. He reported
that the aircraft handled fairly well except in
extreme conditions and after making 48
flights at Dunholme Lodge, TS507 was trans-
ferred to RAE Farnborough in June 1945. How-
ever, when RAE test pilot Capt Eric Brown
flew the GAL56, he was far from impressed
GAL Gliders
Soon after it became established at the end of
1942, the Tailless Aircraft Advisory Committee
(TAAC) invited a number of aircraft contractors
to submit plans for experimental tailless air-
craft that could be used for research purposes.
Many companies (including de Havilland,
Saunders Roe, Hawker and Fairey) declined to
take part, leaving Armstrong Whitworth and
General Aircraft Ltd (GAL) as the principal par-
ticipants, followed by Handley Page which had
already built the Manx. Designers at GAL had
been interested in developing tailless aircraft
since the mid-1930s and proposals were sub-
mitted to the TAAC, which swiftly approved
several swept-wing prototypes that would be
used to test low-speed handling characteris-
tics. Initially, it was planned to build six proto-
types, but this was reduced to four. Two
would be gliders designated GAL.56 and two
powered versions referred to as GAL57, using
a single Lycoming R-680-13 radial engine in a
pusher configuration.
Construction would have to be cost effec-
tive, utilising common parts wherever possi-
ble. This was necessary to avoid diverting too
many resources away from war production.
It was decided from an early stage to use a
standard centre section with common
attachment points for wing anchorage. How-
ever, it became apparent that there would be
problems interchanging wings with different
profiles on a standard body and a decision
was taken to abandon the powered versions
and build four different gliders, taking the
simplest route to keep the project on course.
It was also agreed that GAL test pilots and
observers would conduct most of the initial
test flight. Refinement and construction were
then passed to an engineering team at the
Hanworth factory, Feltham, Middlesex,
which was headed by a Czech engineer
called Otto Wels (no connection to the pre-
war German politician), who specialised in
flight control systems.
Each central section utilised a tubular steel
framework covered in plywood and the
wings were mainly of wooden construction,
supported by a single spar. Off-the-shelf land-
ing gear was used for the GAL56, with the
main wheels being Dowty units designed for
the Lysander and the tail wheel normally
used on a Bisley. The serial numbers TS507,
TS510, TS513 and TS515 were issued on 21
October 1944, although it was finally decided
not to proceed with construction of TS515.
Each GAL56 accommodated a pilot and
observer in the centre section, with the main
difference between each model being the
wing profile. Fins with rudders were fitted to
39ft lOin (I2.lm)
245ft' (22.76m')
18ft 3in (5.5m)
3,0001b (I,360kg)
4,0001b (I ,814kg)
Two de Havilland Gipsy Major II
four-cylinder in-line piston engines
each rated at l40hp (I04kW)
146mph (234kph)
I0-12,000ft (3,000-3,650m)
Below: The HP.75 Manx in flight. Bill Rose Collection
Above: Receiving the semi-official name of Manx
(after the tailless cat), the experimental HP.75 was
mainly built from wood and powered by two rear-
mounted de Havilland Gipsy Major II four-cylinder
piston engines. Bill Rose Collection
Maximum speed
HP.75 Manx
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
He made at least two flights in the Manx
and reported that the aircraft handled well in
comparison to other tailless designs he had
flown. By late 1945, the Manx had logged up
to 30 test flights lasting for a total of around 17
hours. Talbot and Wright had flown many of
the missions, but both were killed on 3
December 1945 when a prototype Hermes I
airliner they were flying crashed shortly after
leaving Radlett Aerodrome. This loss had a
direct impact on the Manx programme and
the aircraft made one more test flight in April
1946 and was then placed in storage.
The Manx was an interesting design, which
was briefly considered for development as a
twin-engine transport aircraft, or possibly a
light bomber, with a canard configuration.
Nothing came of this and the Manx remained
in storage until 1952 when it was broken up
for scrap.
14 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 15
120ft (36.6m), later reduced to
112ft 6in (34.3m)
2,000.04fl' (1858m')
45ft (13.7m)
49, 7651b (22,573kg)
470mph (756kph)
480mph (772kph)
3,000fVper min (9 I4m/per min)
1,500 miles (2,414km)
(Metrovick) F.2/4 Beryl axialflow
turbojet engines, initially
producing 3,500 Ib (155kN)
static thrust
Provisionally, 2x20mm forward
firing cannons and one rear firing
remote controlled turret with
2x20mm cannons.
12,000 Ib (5,443kg)
Armstrong Whitworth AW.50
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
at sea level
at 30,000ft (9, 144m)
Rate of climb
Bomb load
cated from Plymax (a thin sheet of duralumin
bonded to a thicker sheet of plywood). This
allowed a very smooth finish that met the
requirements for effective laminar flow. The
central cockpit area accommodated a pilot
early design phase, but engine problems
appear to have ruled this out.
However, it was decided that a one-third-
scale size glider should be built to test the
aerodynamics, as there was little data to draw
on regarding the behaviour of flying wing air-
craft at lowspeeds or in unusual attitudes. Ini-
tially assigned the company reference AW.51,
design work started in May 1943, with the pro-
ject altering to AW.52, which finally became
AW.52G, with the last letter referring to its sta-
tus as a glider.
Assembly started at the beginning of March
1944, although proceedings were relatively
slow as priority was being given to more
pressing war production work. Wind tunnel
testing continued and AW.52G was finally
completed in early 1945. It was then assigned
the official registration RG324, but by this
time, the original flying wing bomber had
been cancelled. Nevertheless, AW.52G was
seen as a useful research tool and on 2 March
1945 was towed into the air behind a Whitley
bomber. This first flight was undertaken by
the company's test pilot Charles K. Turner-
Hughes, who reported no unexpected han-
dling difficulties.
Spruce and plywood (used for the single
box spar and ribs) were utilised in much of
the construction, with the outer skin fabri-
Right: One of John Lloyd's early design for an
experimental twin-jet aircraft, which appeared
in a UK Patent (2,474,685) filed during 1944
and released in 1949. This would eventually lead
to the AW.52. Bill Rose Collection/UK Patent Office
Bottom: AW.52G is towed into the air during a test
flight. Bill Rose Collection
work, which was supported by the Ministry of
Aircraft Production (MAP). Lloyd envisaged
the use of a smooth surface for the aircraft's
skin, fabricated from a fairly thick alloy,
strengthened by rolled corrugations of lighter
gauge metal to maintain adequate rigidity. At
the centre of the aircraft was a cockpit afford-
ing good visibility, with a slightly raised crew
section and a tail-mounted, rear-facing,
remotely controlled turret containing two
20mm cannons. In addition, it was also pro-
posed to equip the aircraft with two forward-
facing 20mm cannons located in the wings
between each engine.
Propulsion would be provided by four
advanced Metropolitan-Vickers (Metrovick)
F.2/4 Beryl axial flow turbojet engines. This
design was producing 3,500 Ib (15.5kN) of static
thrust by 1944, but the F.2/4 remained too unre-
liable for use in any production aircraft. Lloyd
hoped that the ongoing problems with the F.2/4
would be largely resolved by the time the
AW.50 was ready for production and improved
thrust might be available. The engines would
be located within the wings on each side of the
cockpit drawing air from four separate intakes
along the leading edge of the wing.
Split-flaps would be used, plus wingtip fins
equipped with rudders. The AW.50 was to be
equipped with a fully retractable tricycle
undercarriage. Lloyd's initial plans were for
an aircraft with a wingspan of 120ft (36.6m), a
wing area of 2,000ft' (185.8m') and an overall
length of 45ft (13/7m). The estimated maxi-
mum speed was 470mph (756kph) at sea
level and 480mph (772kph) at 30,000ft
(9, 144m), with a rate of climb slightly better
than 3,000fVper min (914m/per min). The
anticipated service ceiling is unknown, but
range was expected to be 1,500 miles
(2,424km). Gross weight was 49,7651b
(22,573kg) with the bomb load accounting for
12,0001b (5,443kg) of this figure. However,
within months, the design underwent a sig-
nificant revision, with the wingspan being
reduced to 112ft 6in (34.3m) and the wing
becoming thinner. As a consequence, the
centre section became recogni able as a
fuselage and the rear gun turret was
removed, leading to nominal changes in
weight and performance. A smaller twin-
engine experimental version of this aircraft
was considered at some point during the
An initial Armstrong Whitworth design study for
an advanced RAF flying wing jet bomber with the
company reference AW.50. Bill Rose Collection
In 1942, the Directorate of Scientific Research
approached Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft
(AWA) to develop an aerofoil section for wind
tunnel laminar flow experiments. As a result
of this, the company's chief designer John
'Jimmy' Lloyd (1888-1978) began work on
proposals for a military flying wing aircraft.
Lloyd produced an initial design study of an
advanced flying wing jet bomber for the RAF,
which carried the company reference AW.50
and he was authorised to continue with this
Armstrong Whitworth Flying Wings
The final and most advanced glider in the GAL
experimental series was the GAL61 (TS515). It was
completed in 1948 and shown at the SBAC Air Show
at Radlell during the same year. It was then
prepared for testing at Lasham, but never flew.
Bill Rose Collection
the glider entered a steep dive and became
inverted. Kronfeld told McGowan that he had
lost control of the glider and his observer
immediately bailed out. The altitude was
approximately 1,000ft (300m) and his para-
chute opened at about 100ft (30m) making it
a close call. Regrettably, Kronfeld stayed in
the aircraft until it hit the ground.
A significantly more advanced GAL experi-
mental glider was nearing completion at this
time, called the GAL61. It had been reas-
signed the original designation TS515 that
was intended for use with a fourth GAL56 pro-
totype. GAL61 featured a raised cockpit in the
centre of the aircraft, with a prone position for
an obselver within the wing. This design had
the same 36.4
leading edge sweep as the
GAL56 Maximum V and in overall appear-
ance, it loosely resembled the powered
orthrop N-IM flying wing. GAL61 had a
wingspan of 51ft 11in (15.8m), an overall
length of 24ft 8in (7.5m) and a gross weight of
approximately 5,1741b (2,346kg). A fully
retractable undercarriage was fitted as stan-
dard equipment and the GAL.61 was a true
flying wing in all respects. There were no ver-
tical stabilisers and the aircraft used elevons
and wingtip drag rudders for control. GAL61
was completed by mid-1948 and displayed
statically at the 1948 SBAC Air Show at
Radlett. It was then returned to Lasham for
testing, but approval to begin test flights was
never granted and the project was finally can-
celled in mid-1949. Although it was the most
interesting of the four gliders, GAL61 never
flew and is thought to have been broken up
for scrap in 1950.
(13.8m), with a length 23ft 6in (7.16m) and a
height of 9ft (2.74m).
All three gliders were exhibited at the Sep-
tember 1947 SBAC show held at Radlett Aero-
drome and the second GAL56 'Medium U'
was demonstrated by Robert Kronfeld after a
Halifax towed it into the air. But the pro-
gramme was dealt a severe blow on 12 Feb-
ruary 1948 when Kronfeld was killed while
testing GAL56/0I (TS507). He had left Lash-
man Airfield with his observer Barry
McGowan and they were towed behind a
Halifax until reaching 16,000ft (4,876m)
where separation took place. The purpose of
the flight was to carry out stall tests, but hav-
ing made a normal recovery from his first stall
" II
" II
~ __ I \
'.... ) '---.../
(3m). Medium U was assigned the reference
TS51 00 and it flew for the first time on 27 Feb-
ruary 1946 at Aldermaston and was then
moved to Lasham. It was damaged in an acci-
dent during 1949 and subsequently scrapped.
The third GAL56/03 (TS513) was called 'Max-
imum V' and featured a 36.4
sweep. It flew
for the first time on 30 May 1947 at Lasham.
This version of the glider featured nose flaps
and was designed to allow adjustment of the
wing dihedral on the ground. It was equipped
with two sets of split flaps. The first hinged at
the 50 per cent chord line, with the second
rear set hinged at 70 per cent. Used one set at
a time, this was selected on the ground. The
wingspan of 'Maximum V' was 45ft 4in
16 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 17
The AW.52G on the ground. Bill Rose Collection
Armstrong Whitworth AW.52G
Armstrong Whitworth AW.52 Jet (TG363)
120ft (36.58m)
102ft (31m)
2,61 1ft' (242.56m')
2,250ft' (209m')
80ft (24.38m)
75ft (228m)
32ft (9.75m) unconfirmed
113,000 Ib (5I,256kg)
101,1501b (45,88Ikg)
5xROils-Royce AJ65 Avon
turbojets, each rated at 6,500 Ib
(2 .9k ) static thrust
4xAJ65 engines, or po ibly
RR RB77 at 7,500 Ib static thru t
640mph 1,030Kph
575mph (925kph)
50,OOOft (15,240m)
Carrying a 10,0001b (4,535kg)
bomb load, initially expected to
be 1,724 mile (2,776km)
1aximum 20,000 Ib (9,071 kg)
bomb load. Either, one nuclear
weapon, two ground penetrating
bombs, 3x6,000 Ib (2,72lkg)
bombs, or various smaller
free fall bombs
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
(revi ed)
Service ceiling
Armstrong Whitworth AW.56 Flying Wing
Medium Bomber Project (OR.229)
the AW.52 prototypes was often difficult and
take-off and landing distances were unsati -
factory. In May 1954, the second AW.52 was
broken up for crap and it is thought that the
glider met the same fate.
In late 1946, the UK Air Staff requested pro-
posals for an advanced medium range jet
bomber. Known as Operational Requirement
(OR) 229, thi et out the RAF's future needs
for a fast, high-altitude aircraft, capable of
delivering a 10,000 Ib (4,535kg) bomb to a
release point 1,500nm (I726 mile or
2,776km) distant. Although the primaly
objective was the carriage and delivery of a
single atomic bomb, no British nuclear
weapon had been produced at this time and
a second requirement designated OR. I 00 1
(later given the codenarne 'Blue Danube')
was issued by the Air Staff to develop a pluto-
nium bomb. Both the aircraft and the bomb
represented a significant technical challenge.
The RAF was seeking a bomber that was
capable of sustaining a speed of 500kts
(926kph) at an altitude of 50,000ft (15,240m)
with a gross weight of 100,0001b (45,359kg).
Bearing in mind the state of aerodynamic
knowledge and ga turbine technology at the
time, this was a very tall order.
exhaust from the engines and there was a
boundary layer control system connected to
the engine air intakes and pressure balanced
control surfaces. The aircraft also utilised a
fully retractable tricycle undercarriage with a
steerable nose-wheel.
Like the AW.52G, the AW.52 was equipped
with vertical wingtip fins and rudders and
canisters were attached that contained anti-
spin parachutes for emergency use. The trail-
ing edge of the nying wing was occupied by a
substantial Fowler nap, which was contoured
to allow for each j t exhaust pipe. After a
period of tests and minor modifications, the
aircraft was partly dismantled and trans-
ported by road to the RAF Experimental
Establishment at Boscombe Down. Having
been reassembled, AW.52 spent the next
couple of months undertaking ground tests
and taxiing trials until a br ak in the weather
allowed the first night to be made on 13
ovember 1947.
The trial was undertaken by Armstrong
Whitworth test pilot Eric Franklin who
reported that the aircraft handled as antici-
pated. Following this ucce the AW.52 was
returned to Bitteswell Airfield (no longer in
existence) for further testing. The second
AW.52 (TS368) was completed in the Whitley
workshops during the summer of 1948 and
differed slightly by having two less powerful
Rolls-Royce Derwent 5 engines, each pro-
ducing 3,5001b (15,56k ) of static thrust.
Rolls-Royce engines appear to have been
chosen for reasons of reliability, although it
remains unclear why Derwent turbojets were
fitted to the second aircraft in preference to
the similar Nene units. TS368 fir t new on I
September 1948 and night-testing with both
aircraft continued until 30 May 1949.
On this date, John Lancaster was under-
taking a series of trials in the vicinity of the
Bitteswell Aerodrome with TS363. After enter-
ing a dive at about 320mph (510kph), Lan-
caster encountered severe pitch oscillation
and realising that the aircraft was about to
break up, he ejected, becoming the first
Briti h pilot to use this system in an emer-
gency. The second AW.52 was transferred to
the RAE Farnborough in October 1950 where
testing continued until September 1953 when
Armstrong Whitworth left the programme.
As a consequence, the RAE decided to con-
clude operations.
Exactly how useful the Armstrong Whit-
worth nying wing programme proved to be
remains debatable. Lloyd hoped that this
work would lead to a large nying wing airliner
powered by six turbojets, but there were too
many technical obstacl s. Laminar now
proved to be largely unworkable, control of
AW.52G would normally glide at around 100-
120mph (I60-190kph), with a maximum per-
mitted speed of 250mph (400kph) and tall
occurring at about 60-65mph (96-1 04kph).
Because there was so much interest in
boundary layer control, an experimental sys-
tem was devised to draw in air through a slot
forward of the elevons. The idea was to
reduce the possibility of wingtip stall at lower
speeds and to achieve the suction, small
wind-powered pumps were fitted to each of
the main wheel truts. Trials continued
throughout 1945, with the aircraft usually
being nown by company test pilots Charles
Turner-Hughes or Eric George Franklin. Some
refinements were made to the glider as the
project progressed and it was then decided to
build two somewhat larger experimental jet-
powered nying wings. The project would
receive the company reference AW.52 and
approval und r the original MAP specification
E.9/44 by the Ministry of Supply.
The new aircraft would be approximately
three quarters the size of Lloyd's initial design
for the AW.50. Its gross weight would be about
34,0001b (15,422kg) and two Rolls-Royce tur-
bojets would provide propulsion. In overall
appearance the larger jet-powered AW.52
was imilar to the glider, although the centre
of the wing now contained a recognisable
fuselage section that protruded forward. The
two turbojet engines were buried in the wing
on each side of the cockpit section and the air-
craft's internal structure was somewhat dif-
ferent to the AW.52G, with metal being used
throughout. The first AW.52 (TS363) was com-
pleted in Armstrong Whitworth's assembly
shop at Whitley, Coventry, by early 1947. It had
already been revealed to the public as a mail-
carrying aircraft, although this appears to have
been largely public relations spin.
Like the glider, this aircraft had an initial
sweep of 17.5, followed by 34to the wingtip,
which provid d the distinctive boomerang
shape. The AW.52 had a wingspan of 90ft
(27Am), a length of 37ft 4in (I I Am) and a
height of 14ft 4in (4.4m). Empty, the aircraft
weighed 19,6621b (8,919kg), with a gross
weight of 34, 1541b (15,492kg) and the aircraft
carried a crew of two. The engines chosen for
the fir t aircraft were Rolls-Royce ene 2 tur-
bojets, each rated at 5,000 Ib (22.2k ) of sta-
tic thrust. The estimated maximum speed of
the AW.52 was about 500mph (800kph), with
a ceiling of about 35-40,000ft (10-12,000m)
and a range of approximately 1,000 miles
(1,600km). The aircraft featured a pres-
surised cockpit and the pilot was equipped
with a Martin Baker Mk I ejector eat,
although not the passenger. The AW.52 wa
fitted with a thermal de-icing system using
53ft lOin (16Alm)
443.04ft' (41.16m')
19ft 4in (5.89m)
8ft 4in (2.54m)
6,0001b (2,724kg) approx
100120 mpg (I 60 190kph) approx
250mph (400kph)
Initial 17.5, followed by 34to
the wingtip (leading edge)
90ft (27Am)
1,314ft' (122m')
37ft 4in (I lAm)
14ft 4in (4.4m)
19,6621b (8,919kg)
34,1541b (15,492kg)
2x Rolls-Royce I ene 2turbojets,
each rated at 5,000 Ib (22.2k 1)
static thrust
500mph (800kph) approx
3540,000ft (10-12,000m) approx
1,000 miles (I ,600km) approx
Wing pan
Wing area
Empty weight
Gro sweight
Maximum peed
Wing pan
Wing area
Gross weight
Glide speed
Max permitted speed
and rear eated observer, with onventional
night controls, aside from a large handbrake
style lever used to actuate additional
hydraulically-operated, horizontal control
surfaces called 'correctors'. In addition to the
other control surfaces, a substantial hydrauli-
ally operated one-piece slott d nap with a
length of 15ft 4in (4.67m) is positioned along
the entire trailing edge of the central wing
section. As a precaution during testing, anti-
spin parachutes were housed in canisters on
each wingtip.
AW.52G utilised a fixed tricycle undercar-
riage with brakes and a non-steering nose-
wheel. The wingspan wa 53ft lOin (16Al m),
with a wing area of 443.04ft2 (41.16m'). Over-
all length was 19ft 4in (5.89m), the height was
8ft 4in (2.54m). The gross weight of the aircraft
was approximately 6,0001b (2,724kg). The
The first of two AW.52 experimental jet aircraft
(TG363) which were based on designs for the
larger AW.50 bomber. Two Rolls-Royce Nene
turbojets provided propulsion, each rated at
5,000 Ib (22.24kN) static thrust. Bill Rose olleclion
Astaged company photograph of the AW.52G with
crew and observers. The unusual attachment to the
trailing edge of the port wing is a frame for the pitot
comb used to measure airflow. Bill Rose Collection
18 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 19
engineers into uncharted territory and it was
recognised that a small demonstrator was
required to establish the viability of various
swept wing configurations.
During October 1945, the company's Chief
Designer Ronald Bishop finally selected asmall
experimental tailless proposal known as
DH.I 08, which was based on a Vampire with a
single swept tail fin. Propulsion was to be pro-
vided by a single de Havilland Goblin 2 turbojet
and because this prototype drew heavily on a
proven design, the development time and cost
could be minimised. In early ]946, the Air Min-
istry approved full development of what would
be Britain's first swept wing aircraft. Two simi-
lar, but slightly different prototypes would be
built to provide data for the proposed jet air-
liner, plus future jet fighters like the DH.] 10 Sea
Vixen. One of the experimental aircraft would
be used to evaluate the performance of the
swept wing at relatively low speeds while the
other would have a transonic capability. These
aircraft were now assigned the official (Exper-
imental) references E. ]/45 and E.II/45.
Much of the DH.I08's design can be cred-
ited to John Carver Meadows Frost (1915-
1979) who is now remembered for his work
on the Avrocar project in Canada. Both of the
DH.I08 aircraft started life as fuselages for
Vampire F.l jet fighters that were taken
directly from the production line. As originally
planned, the first aircraft was fitted with a
Goblin 2 turbojet engine, producing 3,0001b
(l3.4kN) static thrust. A new wing with a 43
sweep and fixed leading edge slats were fit-
2xBristol Orpheus turbojets,
each rated at4,8591b (21.6kN)
static thrust.
lOx RollsRoyce RBI08 turbojets,
each ratedat2,101lb (9.34kN)
static thrust
I,483mph (2,387kph)
17ft 6in (5.36m)
70ft7in (21.59m)
16,3091b (7,398kg)
(VfOL operations)
DH.I08 Swallow
Armstrong Whitworth AW.171
Gross weight
(horizontal flight)
Maximum speed
In 1943, the Brabazon Committee was
formed to consider requirements for civil air
transportation once the war had ended. This
resulted in approaches being made to a num-
ber of aircraft contractors for submissions
and one company who responded was de
Havilland, which had studied the Commit-
tee's Type 1V requirement for a jet-powered
] OO-seat airliner. This resulted in proposals
for a scaled up Vampire fighter, a tailless fly-
ing wing using four Ghost turbojets and a
more conventional concept that would even-
tually become the DH.I06 Comet. However,
such a project would take the designers and
(l2,192m) and progressively climbing to
50,000ft (l5,240m), which would be attained
after approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.
It was suggested that the Avon engines might
be replaced by MetroVick F.9s, which would
offer improved thrust, lower fuel consump-
tion and the ability to climb directly to 50,000ft
(15,240m). However, the requirements for a
new bomber were lowered after the Tender
Design Conference took place and this led to
a significant revision of the AW.56 proposal,
resulting in a slightly smaller aircraft. The
redesigned AW.56 would be fitted with the
new Rolls-Royce RB.77 engines, allowing
the use of four rather than five units. This
meant that the tail engine was removed, lead-
ing to better streamlining and a noticeable
weight reduction. This improvement would
provide the AW.56 with performance similar
to the proposed F.9 powered version.
Another alteration to the revised aircraft
was the use of a raised cockpit canopy for the
pilot. Offset to the port side, this would have
improved visibility considerably. AWA antici-
pated full completion of this second design
within two years and testing of the first proto-
type about five months later. But the design
was finally rejected by the MoS in favour of
the Avro 698 and Handley Page H.P.80 which
became the Vulcan and Victor.
Underside view of OH.I08 TG283 in flight.
Bill Rose Collection
The AW.171 is often listed as a supersonic fly-
ing wing by aviation sources and therefore
deserves to be briefly mentioned. Armstrong
Whitworth produced several designs during
the mid-1950s to meet a MoS specification for
a one-man supersonic research aircraft with
a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capa-
bility. The first was the highly swept AW.17]
which would be powered by two Bristol
Orpheus turbojets for horizontal flight and 10
centrally located Rolls-Royce RB.I 08 engines
mounted in an upright position for lift. This
was followed by the AW.I72 which utilised a
slightly different wing profile and propulsion
system. It appears that Rolls-Royce's leading
engine designer, Alan Arnold Griffith, was
involved with this project and he produced a
number of broadly similar designs which also
utilised centrally located lift engines.
Although the supersonic VTOL demon trator
was cancelled at an early stage, there was
some lingering interest in the idea of a larger
VTOL bomber or transport aircraft based on
the AW.171, which continued until 1957
when a wide number of advanced research
projects were officially cancelled.
effective laminar flow. At this time, experi-
ments to determine the viability of laminar
flow had been sponsored by Armstrong
Whitworth and were being conducted at
RAE Farnborough with a modified Hurricane
fighter (23687). Initial results had been disap-
pointing, but research continued, with a
modified Gloster Meteor Mklll jet fighter
and AWA's flying wing programme. The
Armstrong Whitworth laminar flow wing for
the AW.56 was to have a span of 120ft
(36.58m) and an area of 2,611 ft' (242.56m').
The overall length of the aircraft was initially
80ft (24.38m) with an unconfirmed height of
32ft (9.75m) and a gross weight of 113,000 Ib
(51,256kg). To meet the performance
requirement of B.35/46, five Rolls-Royce
AJ65 Avon turbojets would be used for
propulsion, each rated at 6,5001b (28.9kN)
static thrust. Four engines would be installed
in the wing roots with air intakes on each side
of the cockpit and another engine would be
located in the tail, with its own dorsal air inlet
located mid-way along the fuselage. The
gross weight was calculated at 113,0001b
(51 ,256kg), which suggested that the aircraft
would have a maximum speed of 640mph
(I ,030kph) and a ceiling in excess of 50,000ft
The AW.56's fuselage section would be
built using fairly conventional materials and
construction methods, although the two-spar
wing would be covered with an unusual
multi-layer skin similar to that developed for
the experimental AW.52 flying wing.
A fully retractable tricycle undercarriage
was planned for the bomber and a flight con-
trol system developed for the AW.52 would
be used, comprising of two tandem control
surfaces called a 'corrector' and a 'controller'.
The 'corrector' acted as a longitudinal trim
control and the 'controller' was similar in
function to an elevon. A crew of five would
man the aircraft, housed in a pressurised
nose section, with access to the bomb bay to
allow in-flight arming of the nuclear weapon.
No ejector seats would be installed, but it was
proposed that the entire nose section would
be jettisoned in an emergency and could be
lowered to the ground by four substantial
parachutes. As an alternative to a nuclear
weapon, the AW.56 could carry a variety of
conventional stores with a maximum weight
of 20,0001b (9,071 kg). Another interesting
design feature was the bomb bay doors
which opened transversely with sections slid-
ing fore and aft. This was considered an effec-
tive way of minimising impact on the
aircraft's speed and trim.
A long-range mission would involve the air-
craft ascending to an altitude of 40,000ft
The revised AW.56 design using four
of the new Rolls-Royce R677 jet
engines and undergoing changes to
the cockpit and various aerodynamic
features. Bill Rose Collection
The initial design of the AW.56 jet
bomber produced to meet Ministry of
Supply Specification 6.35/46 in early
1947. Bill Rose Collection
rating a host of advanced features with the
company reference AW.56.
From the outset, Armstrong Whitworth
believed that a tailless configuration would
generate fewer aerodynamic problems at
transonic speeds. They also proposed a series
of wing slots that would allow boundary layer
control at all speeds, leading to theoretically

Arm tr ng Whitworth r sponded to
R.229 with an initial ubmission and not sur-
prisingly th de igners drew heavily on their
flying wing and laminar flow research. After
th Ministry of Supply issued the more spe-
ilk pecification B.35/46 in early 1947, Arm-
strong Whitworth submitted detailed plans
for a swept-wing tailless jet bomber, incorpo-
20 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 21
39ft (II. 8m)
25ft lOin (7.9m)
,800 Ib (3,991 kg)
I xde Havilland Goblin II turbojet
rated at3, I00 Ib (13.8kN)
static thrust
280mph (450kph)
730 miles (I, I74km)
39ft (11.89m)
327. 6ft (30.47m)
I33kglm' (27Ib/ft')
26ft lOin (8.17m)
14ft (4.27m)
,940 Ib (4,064kg)
I xde Havilland Goblin 4turbojet
rated at 3,73 Ib (16.67k ')
static thrust
677mph (I ,090kph)
40,000ft (12, 192m)
Gross weight
De Havilland DH.I08 (TG283)
Maximum speed
De Havilland DH.I08 (VW120)
Wing pan
Wing area
Wing loading
Gross weight
Maximum peed
post-war era meant actually going out and try-
ing an idea to see if it worked. Both the US and
Russians lost experimental aircraft during this
period, simply as a result of pushing the enve-
lope that little bit further.
As a footnote, the DH.I 08 trials would inspire
the British film director David Lean to make a
fictional movie called The Sound Ban-ier,
which was released in 1952. Starring Ralph
Richardson and Ann Todd, it wa very suc-
cessful at the tirne, but is now largely forgotten.
The film featured a 'n w' j t fighter called the
Prometheus that was used in an attempt to
break the sound barrier. Prometheus was actu-
ally a ene-powered Supermarine Swift Type
535 prototype (WI 19).
descent at 30,000ft (9,000m). Although there
was no serious instability, Derry later reported
that the controls became heavy and unrespon-
sive, despite the power boost system. But once
he dropped down below Mach 0.96, everything
returned to norrnal and Derry resurned his
night to the de Havilland fa ility at Hatfield.
Trials with the third DH.l08 continued into
the following year, when the aircraft appeared
at the Farnborough Air Show and took third
place in the SBAC's Challenge Trophy Air
Race. It was then officially passed to the Min-
istry of Supply which continued with testing at
RAE Farnborough. Unfortunately, the third
DH.I08 was lost on 15 February 1950 with its
pilot Squadron Leader Stuart Muller-Rowland
being killed. He had been undertaking dives at
high transonic speeds above Bucking-
harnshire when the aircraft broke up. Wreck-
age carne down in the Little Brickhill area,
with a number of parts found near Bow Brick-
hill Church and some components as far
removed as Husborne Crawley. The local fire
service was mobilised, along with the police,
who were instructed to cordon off the area as
ome aspects of the aircraft remained classi-
fied. Witnesses reported hearing an explosion,
although this may have been a onic boom.
The cause of the accident wa later deter-
mined to have been an oxygen system failure,
resulting in the pilot losing consciousness.
The first DH.l 08 was still Oying, but on I May
1950, it crashed at Hartley Wintney, Hants,
during stalling trials killing the pilot Squadron
Leader George Genders. The three DH.108
Swallow aircraft completed a total of 480
nights, which provided invaluable data,
despite all being lost in fatal accidents. Many
observers have claimed the aircraft were
jinxed, cursed or the design was fatally
Oawed, but other believe these are not
entirely fair comment . At that time, the
DH.I 08 represented the cutting edge of aero-
nautical research and these aircraft were reg-
ularly Oown at their performance limits. Much
of the research undertaken in the irnmediate
De Havilland's third DH.108, based on a
production Vampire F.5 fighter and configured for
high-speed flight, was given the official reference
VW120. Piloted by John Derry, it set a world air
speed record of 605.23mph (974kph) on a 62-mile
(IOOkm) closed circuit during April 1948.
Bill Rose ollection
As a consequence, the main spar fractured,
the wings sheared off and the fuselage came
apart. Wr ckage showered down into the
muddy waters of Egypt Bay near Gravesend,
Kent, and de Havilland was killed. Recovery
of debris proved especially difficult and Geof-
frey de Havilland's body could not be located,
although it finally washed ashore at Whit-
stable on 7a tober 1946. This tragic accident
would hold up high-speed night testing for
another year, during which time it was
decided that the problems that had cau ed
the accident could be effectively dealt with.
In July 1947, a decision was taken to replace
the second DH.108 with a similar air raft,
albeit with a number of modifications and
The third DH.I 08 was based on a produc-
tion Vampire F.5 fighter and it received the
official serial number VW120. It was slightly
more streamlined than TG306 with a pointed
nose, giving it an overall length of 26ft 9 ~ i n
(8.165m). A sleeker, more aerodynamic
cockpit canopy was fitted, the pilot's ejector
seat was lowered, which reduced visibility
and the cockpit remained unpressurised.
With engine performance steadily (although
slowly) improving, this aircraft was fitted with
the latest Goblin 4 turbojet, producing 3,750 Ib
(I6.68kN) of static thrust. As a final major
upgrade, the third Swallow was fitted with
power-assisted elevons to address the prob-
lem of pitch oscillations.
Replacing Geoffrey de Havilland as the
company's hief test pilot was wartime night-
fighter ace John Cunningham (1917-2002)
who made his first night in the new Swallow
on 24 July 1947. The following year on 12 April
1948, this aircraft piloted by de Havilland test
pilot John Derry (I 921-1952), set a new world
air speed record of 605.23mph (974kph) on a
62 mile (I OOkm) closed circuit, later earning
him the prestigious Segrave Memorial Tro-
phy_ Flying this aircraft, Derry would also
become the first British pilot to exceed the
speed of sound, which took place on the
morning of 6September 1948 above Windsor.
For some weeks the Swallow had been
tested at gradually increasing speed and on
this occasion Derry decided that conditions
were good enough to push the aircraft a little
further. Rapidly descending from about
40,000ft (I2,000m), the aircraft nudged past
Mach I just before Derry pulled out of th
bridge was being used for classified RAF
experimental work and its lengthy, well-
maintained runway made this an especially
suitable location. Somewhat surprisingly, the
base was closed in March 1948 and passed to
the USAF everal years later.
The ecrecy surrounding the DH.I 08 con-
tinued until the beginning of June 1946 when
Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of
Supply Arthur Woodburn visited de Havilland
at Hatfi Id and disclosed the aircraft's exis-
tence (which had now returned to the facil-
ity). While minor modifications were being
made to the aircraft, it was already apparent
that a tailless design based on prevailing tech-
nology was less than ideal for an airliner.
Meanwhile, work continued on construction
of the second prototype designed for high-
speed night, which was fitted with a slightly
more powerful Goblin 3 engine rated at
3,3501b (I4.9k ) static thrust. The aircraft
was marginally shorter than the first DH.I 08
with an overall length of 25ft lOin (7.874m) as
opposed to 24ft 6in (7.467m) and featured a
45 leading edge wing sweep. Automatic
leading edge slots were fitted that could be
locked by the pilot, a more streamlined cock-
pit canopy was used and there were improve-
ments to the night controls.
This aircraft received the serial number
TG306 and was built to explore night at much
higher speeds and perhaps supersede the
existing air speed record of 616mph (991 kph).
TG306 first flew during June 1946 and
app ared at the Society of British Aircraft
Constructors (SBAC) September 1946 show
at Radl tt (which moved to Farnborough in
1948). As well as being a static exhibit, it was
Oown by Geoffrey de Havilland during the
show's final event and clearly impressed the
visitors. A couple of weeks later, on 27 Sep-
tember 1946, Geoffrey de Havilland took off
from Hatfield in the second DH.I08. He had
now logged 13 hours in the aircraft and
intended to push it towards its limits during
preparations for an attempt on the air peed
record, which had nowbeen unofficially bro-
ken in this aircraft. The emergency anti-spin
parachute containers had been removed and
the aircraft's metallic surface had been pol-
ished to a bright finish. However, things went
disastrously wrong above the Thames Estuary
when de Havilland encountered pitch oscilla-
tions at Mach 0.9.
The clean, compact de Havilland DH.l 08 tailless
experimental aircraft, which was based on the
Vampire jet fighter and drew heavily on wartime
German aeronautical research. This photograph
shows the second prototype, TG306.
Bill Rose Collection
r- ed I
MH 3
The third and most advanced DH.t08,
equipped with a Goblin 4 turbojet,
producing 3,750 lb (I6.68kN) of static thrust
and power-assisted elevons to assist with
controlling pitch oscillation problems.
Chris Gibson
enced this design. Having been completed in
what would now be regarded as an astonish-
ingly short period of time, the aircraft was
assigned the official serial number TG283 and
the DH.I 08 made its first night on IS May 1946,
with test pilot Geoffrey Roald de Havilland Jr
aBE (I 91 0-1946) at the control . (Son of the
original Geoffrey de Havilland.) The test night
was relatively uneventful and de Havilland
reported the DH.I08 handled well, despite
being restricted to a maximum speed of
280mph (450kph).
While the DH.I 08 was not a classified pro-
ject, some of the aircraft's technology was
considered sensitive and details of night trials
were treated with secrecy. There were run-
way repair problems at Hatfield, so it was an
easy decision to continue with trials at RAF
Woodbridge in Suffolk. At that time, Wood-
t d. Utilising quite a lot of wood in its con-
struction, the new wing had a span of 39ft
(I1.88m) and an area of 328ft' (30.4m'),
which was 15% greater than the Vampire.
ontrol of roll and pitch was undertaken by
elevons located outboard of the trailing edge
split Oaps and containers were fitted to the
wingtips that carried small anti-spin para-
hutes for emergency use.
A single vertical fin now replaced the twin
tail boom fitted to the Vampire and this
resulted in a sleeker more elegant looking air-
craft which was given the name wallow,
although it was never formally adopted. As a
r suit, this elegant-looking aircraft appeared
to be something of a Vampire crossed with a
wartime Messerschmitt Me 163B rocket inter-
ceptor, perhaps reOecting the fact that
German aeronautical development had inOu-
22 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 23
General arrangement of the Rolls-Royce
vrOL flying wing designed in the late
1950s by Geoffrey Wilde and John Coplin.
Bill Rose CollectionJUK Patent Office
They settled on a basic layout that would
utilise a large number of vertically positioned
turbojets in the centre of the aircraft to pro-
vide lift. An illustration shows the use of 30 jet
engines, but the complexity of such a system
would probably have made this design unat-
tractive for a production aircraft. Louvred
inlet and exhaust shutters would be used to
cover the engine in level flight and four jet
engines in ducts mounted on the trailing edge
of the aircraft would be used in forward flight.
Wilde also envisaged a boundary layer, drag
reduction system with air being drawn
through conduits from the wing and fed to the
intakes of the rear-mounted engines.
Proposed dimensions of this VTOL design
are unknown, although the cluster of engines
at the centre of gravity would result in a sub-
stantial wing thickness/chord ratio of as
much as 20 per cent. Combined with a rela-
tively low structural weight, this would allow
a considerable payload capacity for cargo or
passengers within the forward wing on either
side of the central cockpit area. As a light mil-
itary transport, it might have been especially
useful for inserting and extracting Special
Forces during unusual operations.
General performance figures are unknown,
but it seerns likely that speed, range and pay-
load capacity would have been superior to the
present day Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey. Nothing
came of this paperwork study, although Rolls-
Royce applied for a patent in 1959, naming
Wilde and Coplin as the inventors. This was
published in 1963 and it received the refer-
ence GB920875. There was no further notable
interest in flying wings at Rolls-Royce.
58Ft (l7.6m)
750Ft' (69.67m
55ft (167m)
2xRollsRoyce AJ65 Avon
turbojets, each provided 6,5001b
(28.9k ) stalic thrust. Specific
afterburner performance
650700mph (I ,OOO,!, 100kph)
e timate
50,OOOFt +(l5,240m+) estimate
4x30mm Aden cannons
Rolls-Royce vrOL Flying Wing
In 1956, Geoffrey Light Wilde was appointed
as the Head of the Advanced Projects Design
Office at Rolls-Royce in Derby. An outstand-
ing engineer, Wilde is now best remembered
for his initial work on the RB211 engine, but
back in 1956, his newly formed department
began detailed studies of many different
ideas for civil and military engine applica-
tions, including a number of VTOL aircraft
designs. Wilde was particularly interested in
developing a fixed wing VTOL aircraft and
specifically, a flying wing, which would use a
cluster of small engines for lift with separate
propulsion for horizontal flight. He began to
develop this particular idea in association
with one of his designers called John Coplin
and it seems very likely that A.A. Griffith, who
was the company's leading VTOL proponent,
also took part in this study.
Hawker P.I077
Wing pan
Wing area
Maximum speed
55Ft (l6.8m)
745ft' (69.2m')
43Ft 6in (l3.3m)
27,260 Ib (l2,365kg)
2xRolls-Royce AJ65 Avon
turbojets, each providing 6,500 Ib
(28.9k ) static thru t
632mph (1,017kph) at sea level
50,000ft+ (15,240m+) estimate
3x30mmAden cannons
Hawker Siddeley PJD.l44
One of the more unusual fighter designs to
emerge from Hawker Siddeley's design office
at Kingston during 1949 was the tailless two-
man P.I077 jet fighter, possibly intended to
meet Specification FA/48. It is almost as if the
designers had taken a look at the Westland
PJD.144 proposal and then set about upgrad-
ing it. The wingspan was 58ft (17.67m), the
length was 55ft (16. 76m) and was to be pow-
ered by two stacked Rolls-Royce Avon turbo-
jets equipped with afterburners. Air intakes
for the engines would be positioned around
the fuselage about mid-wing and the P.I 077
would carry 1,000 Imp gallons (4,546 litres) of
fuel. Specific perforrnance figures are
unknown, but this design was probably
intended to be capable of high tran onic
peed at altitude with a ceiling in the region of
50,000ft (I5,240m). The aircraft carried a
crew of two and would be equipped with air
intercept radar. The undercarriage consisted
of a bicycle configuration with fully
retractable twin nose wheels and four larger
main wheels. It seems almost certain that
outrigger stabilising wheels would have been
necessary. A radar dish would be fitted within
the nose of the aircraft and two large vertical
fins and rudders were positioned in the cen-
tre of each wing. Proposed armament were
four 30mm cannons in a ventral pack. eed-
less to say, this interesting design never pro-
gressed beyond the drawing board.
considered their options for an aircraft with a
tail and fitting one would negate any drag
reduction advantages of the tailless design.
The selection process continued during the
following year with the de Havilland DH.II 0
finally being chosen as the best available
de ign. This led to a contract being issued in
October 1948 for the construction of a DH.II 0
prototype to meet Specification NAO/46 and
for evaluation as a new RAF night fighter
under Specification FA/48.
Maximum speed
Wing area
Gross weight
Westland PJD.l44
British Tailless Aircraft
a split central duct feeding both engines. The
PJD.129/144 concept has been compared
with the Junkers EF.128 which was a German
proposal produced for the 1945 Emergency
Fighter Competition. To what extent the
designers at Westland were influenced by
captured research material is hard to say as
much of the documentation for the EF.128
project fell into Soviet hands. But it appears
that the Westland fuselage had more in com-
mon with aircraft like the de Havilland Vam-
pire and the similarities to the German design
are rather superficial.
The main differences between the PJD.129
and the PJD.144 were alterations to the wings
and fins. The leading edge wing sweep was
reduced from 45 to 38, made possible by
changes to the wing's outer chord and the fin
size was slightly increased. PJD.142 was
broadly similar to this aircraft, but lacked the
vertical wingtip fins and utilised a single
upright tailfin. PJD.143 was the most conven-
tional of these studies with an upright fin and
horizontal tail surfaces. It was also decided to
alter the engine layout and have the turbojets
side-by-side. Initially, Westland designed
these concepts around two unspecified tur-
bojet engines in the Rolls-Royce ene class
with a static thrust of about 5,000 Ib (22.24kN),
although the RAE decided that the newly pro-
totyped and more advanced Rolls-Royce
axial-flow Avon (then known as the Axial Jet
- AJ.65) was the preferred choice. Estimated
maximum speed at altitude was about
630mph (I ,0 13kph) and general dimensions
and weights complied with the AO/46 spec-
ification. Armament appears to have been the
same type for all variants and in this ca e,
three 30mm cannons were proposed.
A fully retractable tricycle undercarriage
was proposed for all models and the aircraft
would have been equipped with arrestor
landing gear. A radar dish for airborne inter-
ception was housed in the aircraft's nose and
this system would have been operated by a
second crew member who was seated
directly behind the pilot and facing rearward.
On 15 December 1947, a Design Study Con-
ference was chaired by the Director-General
of Technical Development (Air) for the MoS,
Stewart Scott-Hall, to assess all the submis-
sions for NAO/46. The Westland proposals
were an early casualty and it was decided
that performance projections for this aircraft
were unsatisfactory and there were general
concerns about the tailless design. Delegates
felt that in addition to lacking adequate per-
formance, the Westland proposal might suf-
fer from tip tailing and the anticipated
approach speed was too high. The Confer-
ence also decided that Westland had not fully
Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft
Hawker-Siddetey's PlO77tailless
two-man jet design produced by
the Kingston Design Office in
1949. Bill Rose ollection
The tailless Westland PJDI44 carrier-
based warplane designed in response
to Specification N.40/46 during the late
1940s. Bill Rose Collection
issued to a number of aircraft contractors and
one of the companies that responded was
Westland. It undertook a detailed study,
which resulted in an initial proposal desig-
nated PJD.129, followed by three differing
variations. These were PJD.142, PJD.143 and
PJD.144, with the designs completed in late
The version preferred by Westland was the
PJD.144, which was similar in overall appear-
ance to the initial PJD.129 proposal. It was a
completely tailless design with vertical
wingtip fins and rudders and this proposal
utilised two turbojets in a stacked configura-
tion along similar lines to the later English
Electric Lightning. Air intakes for the engines
were positioned on each side of cockpit with
In the immediate post-war years, the Royal
Navy b gan to consider its future needs for a
more advanced carrier-borne twin jet fight r
with the ability to operate at night. It would
need to be capable of achieving a maximum
speed of 500kts (927kph), have a gross weight
of no rnore than 30,000 Ib (13,608kg). A maxi-
murn wingspan of 55ft (16.8m) was recom-
mended and folded, the span could be no
greater than 18ft (5.5m). The rnaximum per-
missible length was 43ft (I 3.1 m). As isted
take-off was anticipated and the armament
would cornprise two or ideally four 30mm
cannons. This Operational Requirement
(0R.246) led to Specification NAO/46 being
Westland PJD.144
Sir Bames Wallis Kt, CBE, FRS, RDI, FRAeS
(1887-1979) is best remembered as the sci-
entist who devised the bouncing bomb that
wa used by the RAF in May 1943 to attack the
M6hne, Sorpe and Eder dams in the Ruhr.
This mission was called Operation 'Chastise'
(more widely known as the Dambusters
Raid) and it eventually earned Barnes Wallis
international fame, making him one of the
relatively few British aircraft designer to be
portrayed in a feature film (The Dambuslers,
1954). The bouncing bomb project was
essentially a one-off undertaking and when it
Vickers Swallow
The single-seat Heston JC-9 which was
built in sections and transported to
Weybridge for use during the Swallow
programme. However, it was never
reassembled and remained in a hangar
until the project ended and it was finally
scrapped. Bill Rose Collection
At this time, the design that would be used for
the fir t two full-sized prototypes (VX770 and
VX777) was essentially complete, although
the RAE had insisted on some significant
changes to the wing structure in late 1948,
which would delay the start of construction at
Chadderton and Woodford until early 1951.
Roly Falk undertook the maiden flight of the
fir t Type 698 prototype (VX770) on 30 August
1952. The test went well, aside from prob-
lems with trailing undercarriage doors which
required careful inspection by a Vampire
chase plane and a company 707. It was finally
determined that this didn't interfere with the
aircraft's ability to land and Falk put VX770
down on the runway with no problems.
Production aircraft were to be power d with
Bristol Olympus engines, but these were not
available at that time, so VX770 was fitted with
four lower-powered Rolls-Royce RA.3 Avons.
In October 1952, it was decided that the new
bomber should be given a proper name and a
Commonwealth capital city was favoured.
Ottawa was the preferred choice, but this idea
was soon dropped and Vulcan wa elected.
resulted in the aircraft crashing into the ground
moments after it left the runway. Both test
pilot and Chadwick were killed. This repre-
sented a significant setback to the programme
and almost led to cancellation of the contract.
Within a matter of weeks, (Sir) William Farren
had been appoint d as the new Technical
Director and soon managed to calm official
worries. This ensured continuation of the pro-
ject, with Ministry confirmation being received
on 27 November 1947.
Longitudinal stability remained a problem
and the idea of utilising a horizontal tailfin
similar to the Gloster Javelin was briefly con-
sidered. This was eventually dropped, but a
single upright tailfin was retained. There were
also issues with the staggered engine layout
and this was finally dropped in favour of a less
complicated side-by-side arrangement. Work
on the jet bomber continued and Avro was
awarded a contract to proceed to the hard-
ware stage on 1January 1948. The company
would now build a full-sized mock-up of the
bomber, two scale-sized proof-of-concept
demonstrators and two full sized prototypes.
The demonstrator initially comprised a
half-sized aircraft called the Avro 710, which
would be powered by two Rolls-Royce Avon
turbojets, and a one-third sized single Rolls-
Royce Delwent-engine version with the refer-
ence Avro 707. Work began on the prototypes
in 1948, but it was realised that building the
Avro 710 would be as complex and expensive
a a full sized aircraft, so construction of this
aircraft was stopped. However, it was decided
that the number of Avro 707s should be
increased and five would eventually be built.
The first Avro 707 (VX784) flew on 4 Sep-
tember 1949, but crashed on 30 September
1949, killing the pilot Fit Lt Eric Esler after
entering a low-speed stall which is b lieved
to have been caused by faulty air brakes.
proposed an additional crew area within the
leading edge of the port wing. There would
be two separate bomb bays at each side of
the engine compartment, each having
enough space to contain a single large bomb.
The fully retractabl undercarriage layout is a
litlle less clear from the one availabl drawing
of this early design, but it appears to comprise
two rear-mounted main wheels and two sep-
arate nose wheels. The whole package was
something of a design tour-de-force, combin-
ing many new ideas in a largely unproven
aerodynamic shape.
When Roy Chadwick finally retumed to the
office he was not entirely pleased with the
direction the project had taken and it seems
there were disagreements about what he per-
ceived to have become a science fiction con-
cept. However, Roy Chadwick finally came
around to the idea of flying wing design and
soon began to suggest modifications and
improvements. The appearance of the new
Type 698 began to evolve towards a triangu-
lar delta-winged shape, although some of the
existing features were retained. The forward
engine inlet was replaced with two intakes at
the leading edge and the rather strange dual
cockpit layout was replaced with a single
enclosure. Chadwick kept the two bomb
bays, but nowdecided that wingtip stabilisers
were necessary. The undercarriage under-
went considerable revision with the favoured
choice being a bicycle arrangement supple-
mented by outrigger wheels.
There were al 0 attempts to design various
crew capsule escape systems, but this was
considered too complicated and the idea
was finally abandoned. With concems about
weight, Chadwick hoped to reduce the num-
ber of turbojets to two, assuming it became
possible to build an engine with 20,OOOIb
(89k ) static thrust. This twin-engine delta
wing bomber continued to evolve and a fuse-
lage began to form in the centre of the wing
and protrude forward beyond the leading
edge, making it easier to produce a pres-
urised crew compartment and allow extra
space for essential equipment. But it was
clear that two engines remained an unrealis-
tic option and the Avro team eventually
a epted that four turbojets were necessary.
Modifications continued and the Type 698
now featured upright wingtip fins with rudders
and four Bristol BE. 10 (later Olympus) turbo-
jets arranged with two, staggered above the
others. Air intakes for upper and lower engines
on each side of the aircraft were located on
each ide of the forward fuselage ection. On
23 Augu t 1947, Roy Chadwick was being car-
ried as an ob erver on the test flight of an Avro
Tudor II. Incorrect servicing of the ailerons
unusual crescent-shaped wing with decreas-
ing sweep and decreasing chord, which was
intended to provide a constant limiting Mach
number across the entire wing at a high
cruise speed. Based on early research by Dr
Gustav Victor Lachmann (1896-1966), it
would become the Handley Page Victor. In
addition to the chosen bomber designs, Vick-
ers-Armstrong had been working on ideas for
jet bombers since 1944 and submitted a pro-
posal for OR.229. Their design was consid-
ered too con ervative and met with rejection,
but the company's chief designer George
Edwards managed to maintain interest in his
concept and the Air Ministry finally decided to
allow further development on the promise of
a prototype by 1951. Subsequently, Specifi-
cation B.9/48 was issued and the Vickers
bomber received the company designation
Type 660. onsidered as further insurance
against development problems with the
more advanced Vulcan and Victor, this air-
craft would become the Valiant.
However, prior to reaching the completion
date for OR.229, the design team at Avro con-
sidered everal ideas that differed consider-
ably from the later Vulcan delta wing
bomber. Heading the design office was
Avro's Technical Director Roy Chadwick
(1893-1947) who created the Avro Lancaster
and is now generally regarded as one of
Britain's greatest aircraft designers.
Initially, Chadwick envi aged a fairly con-
ventional jet-powered bomber that was not
totally dissimilar to the Vickers-Armstrong
proposal. It would have a streamlined fuse-
lage, four jet engines buried in the wing root
and a conventional tail plane. Unfortunately,
Chadwick contracted shingles in January
1947 and had to leave the bomber project to
his design team who included Bob Lindley,
Stuart Davi s and Donald Wood.
Influenced by the work that had been
undertaken in Germany by Alexander Lip-
pisch on delta configurations, Chadwick's
deputy Bob Lindley moved away from the
early outlines and began to draw up proposals
for a bomber which was for all intents and pur-
poses a flying wing with no vertical stabilisers.
It would use a boundary layer control system
with power provided by five centrally located
Avon or Sapphire turbojets. The intake for the
jet engines would be a large forward letterbox-
shaped duct at the front of the aircraft. One of
the most intere ting features of thi particular
design was the directional engine exhaust sys-
tem using large upper and lower flaps.
The aircraft would be fitted with two sepa-
rate cockpits and the forward section was
capable of tilting to provide better vi ibility
under certain circumstan es. Lindley also
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One of many early configurations for the
advanced post-war Avro jet bomber that
would become the Vulcan. Bill Rose Collection
An unusual flying wing design produced
during early studies that would lead to the
Vulcan bomber. Bill Rose olleclion
cial requirement was issued on 7January 1947
known as Specification B.35/46. The companies
responding to this request were quickly nar-
rowed down to Avro, which developed a pro-
posal called the Type 698, Handley Page with it
HP.80 design and Armstrong Whitworth which
suggested a tailless aircraft called the AW.56
(see earlier description). Th AW.56 was
rejected, while a preliminary study undertaken
by Avro's Project Office at Chadderton, Man-
chester, received enthusiastic support in official
circles and was given the go-ahead.
Handley Page was also contracted to
develop the HP.80, which was seen as a fall-
back against failure of the Avro design. The
advanced Handley Page proposal used an
Early Avro Vulcan Studies
In 1944, the Air Mini try produced a paper with
the title 'Future Bomber Requirements'. This
outlined idea for aircraft to follow the most suc-
cessful types in service such as the Avro Lan-
caster. With the war over, there were new
adversaries in the East and the RAF began to
seriously consider ideas for an advanced, flve-
man strategic bomber powered by jet propul-
sion. This led to an Air Staff Operational
Requirement (OR) 229 being is ued in late 1946
for a fast, high-altitude aircraft, capable of deliv-
ering an atomic bomb with an estimated weight
of 10,000 Ib (4,535kg), to a target l,500nm (1726
miles or 2,776km) distant. A more detailed offl-
26 Secrel Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 27
I (possibly 2)
75ft (22.86m)
30ft 9in (9.37m)
(fully forward)
(fully swept)
Aspect ratio
(lowspeed) 10.7 (16.7 wing only)
(swept) 1.88
Length 68ft 9in (20.95m)
Height Unknown
Empty weight 14,5001b (6,577kg)
Gross weight 25,0001b (II ,339kg)
Fuel weight 9,0001b (4,082kg).
Payload capacity 1,500 lb (680kg)
Powerplant 4xBristol afterburning turbojets
Engine pod dimensions 34in x24ft (0.86mx7.3m)
Maximum speed Mach 1.6
Take-off speed 155mph (250kph)
Landing speed 130mph (209kph)
Cruise altitude 35-40,000ft (l0,668-12,192m)
Ceiling 50,000ft (l5,240m).
Range Unknown
Armament None
Vickers Research Swallow 1958
wings fully forward and a wingspan of 30ft 9in
(9.37m) fully swept. One noticeable differ-
ence between the manned aircraft and ear-
lier models was the extension of the fuselage
rearwards to house additional equipment,
fuel or, in later versions, a military payload.
Height of the aircraft is unclear, although it is
known that a substantial ground clearance
was considered necessary for take-offs and
landings. The undercarriage was to be a
multi-wheel tricycle design with take-off
speed calculated at 155mph (250kph) and
landings made at 130mph (209kph). At low
speed the Research Swallow would have an
This version of the variable-
geometry Vickers Armstrong
Swallow was configured as a
nuclear strike aircraft. Roughly
comparable in size to the
Rockwell B-IB and manned by
a crew of four or five, it would
have possessed a maximum
speed of Mach 2. Chris Gibson
38ft (llo58m)
46ft 6in (l4.17m)
8ft 4in (205m)
Heston JC.9
Armstrong wind tunnel. Then trials began
with 10 models, each having full wingspans of
30ft (9.lm) and wingtip fins and elevons. The
models were built and issued with the serials
XK831-835 and XK850-854, with tests begin-
ning at Predannack Aerodrome in 1955 and
continued until the late 1950s. On one occa-
sion, a model powered by two rocket motors
reached a speed of Mach 2.5, while fully
developed models with dummy engine pods
underwent supersonic tests in the wind tun-
nel at RAE Bedford. Although the Swallow
was not chosen for 0R.330, official interest in
Wallis' project was considerable. Vickers
continued to receive financial support for the
Swallow trials and serious discussions about
building two different manned research air-
craft took place in 1957.
The initial proposal was for a small one-
man demonstrator with an approximate
weight of 10,000 Ib (4,535kg), which gave way
to a similar but larger aircraft with a gross
weight of 25,0001b (I 1,339kg). This aircraft
would have a similar airframe to later pro-
duction versions with a conventional forward
cockpit that accommodated a pilot and could
be adapted for a second crew member.
The Research Swallow had a proposed
length of 68ft 9in (20.95m) with the wings fully
swept, a wingspan of 75ft (22.86m) with the
By 1951, Wallis was considering ideas for a
manned variable geometry aircraft that
would perform well across wide a range of
different speeds and the next stage in his pro-
gramme would be the construction of a small
demonstrator. George Cornwall was the chief
designer for Heston Aircraft and his company
was heavily involved in the Wild Goose pro-
ject as the main sub-contractor. Wallis had
drawn up proposals for a small manned vari-
able geometry aircraft and Cornwall was
asked to finalise the design. A contract was
then issued to Heston Aircraft leading to the
construction of a prototype which received
the designation lC.9.
The single-seat lC.9 was 46ft 6in (I 4.1 m) in
length with a maximum wingspan of 38ft
(I 1.58m) and a height of 8ft 4in (2.5m). It was
fitted with a retractable tricycle undercar-
riage and appears to have been intended for
use as a glider with the possibility of installing
a turbojet later. In appearance, the lC.9 was
quite unusual having a bulbous rear fuselage
which tapered towards the nose and a single
swept, vertical tailfin. It was built in sections
and transported to Weybridge for final
assembly where it remained uncompleted in
a hangar for some time until the lC.9 was
finally scrapped. Exactly why this happened
remains unknown, although there is some
conjecture that Barnes Wallis was 'encour-
aged' to have this aircraft built despite his
strong opposition to the manned tests of new
prototypes. Could it be that he delayed the air-
craft's construction until it was no longer
Before the Wild Goose trials ended in 1954,
Wallis had started to work on the design of a
high-performance variable-geometry tailless
aircraft that might be developed to fly inter-
continental distances. At the same time, the
RAF was beginning to consideJ ideas for a
future high flying supersonic reconnaissance
bomber and 0R.330 was issued. Vickers was
not approached to submit a design for this air-
craft, but Wallis obtained a copy of 0R.330
and adapted his variable geometry concept to
meet this need. He envisaged a sleek arrow
shaped tailless aircraft with a flattened profile
and variable geometry wings pivoted towards
the rear of the fuselage, using a form of
knuckle joint. Engines in pods would be
mounted towards the wingtips which would
swivel and also be adjustable in pitch. This
would allow the propulsive system to take
over from conventional control surfaces.
Position of the engines was also important for
minimising centre of gravity problems as the
wing angle altered.
Small models of Wallis' new design called
Swallow were initially tested in the Vickers
research. The Wild Goose models would be
flown initially as gliders and controlled using
rather basic radio equipment. This presented
many challenges to Wallis' team as separate
operators were required for pitch and roll.
The models remained fairly stable in flight
with the team graduating to powered tests
using rocket propulsion. The National Physi-
cal Laboratory at Teddington, Middlesex, was
also conducting wind tunnel tests on Wild
Goose models and there was official interest
in using this research to develop a new sur-
face-to-air missile. The first really successful
flight of a Wild Goose test vehicle took place
in April 1952, although the model was written-
off in crash soon afterwards. The Wild Goose
trials continued until late 1954 when it was
realised that laminar flow was unattainable.
However, much of this research was being
supported by a classified weapons system
called Green Lizard which would comprise a
compact missile fired from a launch tube.
Early designs began soon after the end of
World War 2, with several patent applications
being made in 1949 and held unpublished
until 1956. The design was considered as a
surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missile,
eventually becoming a turbojet-powered M
missile that was equipped with flip-out swept
wings. It would be based around the British
Isles to protect against Soviet bombers and,
when used, it would dispense 100 sub-muni-
tions in the path of attacking bombers. Work
on this project was abandoned in the early
1950s, but some design features can be seen
on current air-launched weapons.
This drawing from a 1964 UK Patent (GB950400)
shows the internal system of rotary adjustment
for the Swallow's wings. UK Patents Office
The proposed Vickers Swallow supersonic nuclear
strike aircraft in RAF markings and anti-flash white
finish. Bill Rose Collection
General layout of the Swallow
Research Aircraft. Chris Gibson
trolley on rails at 100mph (I60kph). These
models comprised slender, smooth ovoid
bodies with aft mounted variable sweep
wings and a highly swept tail fin.
Vickers had been awarded a half million
pound contract for supersonic tests as part of
the abandoned M.52 project and the money
was now reallocated for Wallis' project that
had been called Wild Goose. It would utilise
models for wind tunnel and flight-testing. In
addition to the wind tunnel models, 12 larger
Wild Goose test vehicles were built and
issued with serials XA197-202 and XA947-952.
The models were slender with the wings
mounted towards the rear and the vehicle
was equipped with a single upright tailfin.
There was also provision to fit a small rocket
motor as the trials progressed.
In late 1949, flight tests began at Predan-
nack Aerodrome near the Lizard in Cornwall
and considerable secrecy surrounded the
project which was regarded as pure military
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was completed, Wallis returned to designing
massive ground-penetrating bombs such as
the Tallboy (I 2,000 Ib - 5.44 metric tons) and
the even bigger Grand Slam (22,000Ib - 9.9
metric tons) which were used with consider-
able success against special targets such as
rocket launching facilities, the German bat-
tleship Tirpitz and massively hardened
U-Boat pens.
Towards the end of World War 2, Barnes
Wallis began to take an interest in the possi-
bility of supersonic flight and considered the
idea of a tailless aircraft with movable wings.
In 1946, he wrote a technical paper entitled
'The Application of the Aerodynamic Proper-
ties of Three Dimensional Bodies to the Sta-
bilisation and Control ofAerodynes'. This was
followed by work on the design of a flying
model that would provide useful data on the
use of laminar flow techniques. Starting with
small hand-launched models, Wallis pro-
gressed to larger versions, propelled from a
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28 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 29
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sonic speed wasted about half the fuel
required to maintain level flight through drag
at the boundary layer. But an effective and
reliable system of control remained elusive.
In the post-war years, the US Navy tested var-
ious boundary layer control methods with a
modified Cessna 170 and a Grumman Pan-
ther jet fighter, while the USAF sponsored
tests conducted at Edwards AFB, using an
adapted F-84 fighter.
The RAE at Farnborough was using the
AW.52 flying wing for BLC trials, although
results proved disappointing and the project
was abandoned in 1953. evertheless, some
research continued at Handley Page's Radlett
facility under the direction of the company's
chief aerodynamicist Dr Gustav Lachmann
and his deputy Godfrey H. Lee. Mainly funded
by the Ministry of Supply, this took the form of
wind tunnel testing and airborne trials using
the prototype DH.113 Vampire fighter.
Certain aspects of this research had military
implications and were classified, but many
details found their way into the public domain
with Dr Lachmann outlining his project to the
Royal Aeronautical Society on 11 November
1954. By 1956, Lachmann was hoping to
utilise BLC methods with a fairly conventional
aircraft design, which initially looked like a de
Havilland Comet and steadily evolved into an
airliner resembling the Boeing 707.
Lachmann and Lee then concluded that an
entirely new kind of aircraft was required for
HP.117 Flying Wing Studies
The flying wing project described in this sec-
tion was another attempt to exploit boundary
layer reduction which is theoretically well
suited to this type of aircraft. The designers
hoped to develop an advanced transport air-
craft that was primarily aimed at the commer-
cial sector with secondary military aircraft.
Boundary Layer Theory (BLT) can be
traced back to the beginning of the 20th cen-
tury and it is generally attributed to the Ger-
man scientist Ludwig PrandtI. Many sources
also acknowledge concurrent research
undertaken in England by Frederick William
Lanchester and it is quite common to find ref-
erences to Lanchester-Prandtl TheOly. How-
ever, it was some years before anyone was in
a position to experiment with boundary layer
control (BLC) and the first practical tests
were undertaken in 1936 by the Swiss aero-
dynamicist Dr Werner Pfenninger, working at
the Institute for Aerodynamics in Zurich.
In 1939, NACA Langley conducted some
elementary BLC experiments using suction
slots, but the programme ended after the US
joined the war, with the focus of attention
switching to the perfection of laminar flow
aerofoils. At about the same time, Miles Air-
craft in Britain carried out similar trials and
scientists in Germany experimented with
BLC, using a modified Me 109. Aerodynami-
cists recognised that an aircraft flying at sub-
Vickers High/Low Level Bomber/ Vickers Military Transport Swallow/
Naval Strike Swallow Vickers Swallow Fighter Long Range Bomber
Crew 1-2 Crew Crew 4-5?
Wingspan Wingspan Wingspan
(Fully forward) 75f1 (2286m) (Fully forward) 75f1 (2286m) (open) 174f1 (53m)
(fully swept) 30fl9in (937m) (Fully swept) 30fl9in (937m) (folded) 71 fl6in (2179m)
Aspect ratio Aspect ratio Aspect ratio
(lowspeed) 107 (16.7 wing only) (low speed) 10.7 (16.7 wing only) (low speed) 10.7 (16.7 wing only)
(swept) 188 (swept) 188 (swept) 188
Overall length 68f19in (20 95m) Height Unknown Overall length (swept) 160fl (48.76m)
Height Unknown Overall length 68f19in (20 95m) Height Unknown
Empty weight 16, I00 Ib (7,302kg) Empty weight 15,2501b (6,917kg) Gross weight 150,000 Ib (68,038kg)
Gross weight 30,000 Ib (l3,607kg) Gross weight 30,000 Ib (13,607kg) Landing weight 95,750 Ib (43,431 kg)
Fuel weight 12,250 Ib (5,556kg) Fuel weight 13,220 Ib (5,996kg) Fuel weight 58,750 Ib (26,648kg)
Powerplant 4xBristol aflerburning turbojets Payload capacity 1,530 Ib (680kg) Powerplant 4xaflerburning turbojets,
Engine pod dimensions 34in x24f1 (0.86m x73m) Powerplant 4xBristol aflerburning each producing 12,850 Ib (57kN)
Maximum speed Orpheus turbojets static thrust
(high Level) Mach 2 Maximum speed Mach 2.5 Engine pod dimensions 40in x30fl (I mx9m)
(low Level) Mach 0.95 Take-off speed I72mph (276kph) Payload capacity 25,000 Ib (II ,339kg)
Take-off speed I 72mph (276kph) Landing speed 130mph (209kph) Maximum speed Mach 2.5
Landing speed 130mph (209kph) Cruise altitude 40,000FI (12, 192m) Take-off speed 164mph (263kph)
Cruise altitude 36,000ft (I 0,972m) Ceiling 80,000FI (24384m) Landing speed 131mph (2 IOkph)
Ceiling 80,000FI (24,382m) Improvised tactical airstrip Cruise altitude 67,000FI (20,42Im)
Range Unknown take-off distance 3,000FI (914m) loaded Range 4,600 miles (7,400km)
Payload capacity 1,500-2,000 Ib (680-907kg) Range 1,500 miles (2,414km) estimated Armament One, possibly two free fall
Armament Single tactical nuclear weapon Armament AAMs nuclear weapons
that development of the Swallow would take
at least 10 years to complete. Unfortunately,
1957 was the year of the infamous Duncan
Sandys' White Paper that suggested that the
era of manned military aircraft was drawing
to a close. As a direct consequence, many
advanced programmes were terminated.
Further official funding for the Swallow was
cut and Wallis was allowed to approach the
American Mutual Weapons Development
Programme (MWDP) Office in Paris for help.
This led to a US team visiting Weybridge and
a small delegation led by Wallis visiting NASA
at Langley.
All the Swallow research data was then
passed to the US and although a six-month
joint US-UK development programme was
discussed with MWDP staff, much of the
research was undertaken at Langley.
By June 1959, NASA was reporting lift/drag
ratio and pitch-up problems with the Swallow
design and it was angling to use the variable
geometry design for an entirely different
tailed design. Wallis' concept was effectively
dead, although a good deal of the research
undertaken during the Swallow programme
would find its way into the future F-Ill swing-
wing bomber. The Swallow was a superb
looking proposal and still seems futuristic
today. It is interesting to speculate on
whether this very complex design could have
been developed into an operational military
aircraft had sufficient funding been available.
some structural strengthening and modifica-
tions for the latter. The most likely choice of
propulsion for the Strike-Swallow was four
afterburning Bristol Siddeley BE.38 turbojet
engines. The BE.38 was a proposed high-per-
formance variant of the Orpheus engine, but
it was never completed.
The fighter version of the Swallow was sim-
ilar in many respects, although the maximum
speed quoted was Mach 2.5 and a realistic
range might have been approximately 1,500
miles (2,414km), although some documenta-
tion suggests substantially more allowing for
economic cruise. Armament is unknown, but
it seems probable that two or four air-to-air
missiles would be carried externally.
Several larger variable geometry versions
of the Swallow were proposed that included
a bomber with an overall length (at full 80
wing sweep) of approximately 130ft (39.6m)
and a wingspan (with the wings fully
extended) of about 130ft (39.6m), making it
quite close in size to the Rockwell B-1 B vari-
able geometry bomber. This version of the
Swallow would probably have carried a crew
of 4-5 and posses a maximum speed of about
Mach 2. The payload would have been a sin-
gle nuclear weapon ejected rearward from
the extended tail section.
As a supersonic military transport aircraft,
Wallis proposed a version of the Swallow
with an overall length (with full wing sweep)
of 160ft (48. 76m), a fully extended wingspan
of 174ft (53m) and a fully swept wingspan of
71ft 6in (21.8m). It would have exactly the
same aspect ratios as the smaller designs.
The aircraft would utilise a multi-wheeled tri-
cycle undercarriage layout with a substantial
ground clearance of about 20ft (6m), consid-
ered necessary during take-off and landing.
Its gross weight was set at 150,0001b
(68,038kg) with a maximum speed of Mach
2.5 and a cruise altitude of 67,000ft
(20,421 m). Operation range would be 4,600
miles (7,400km) and the payload capability
would be 25,0001b (ll,339kg). Powered by
four engines in wing-mounted nacelles, the
size of each unit would suggest that Wallis
was considering a choice of several different
afterburning turbojets.
While this aircraft was envisaged for mili-
tary use, Wallis also considered the idea of a
slightly smaller commercial supercruise air-
liner, capable of carrying 60 passengers to
Australia without any refuelling stops.
A further variant of the airliner would use
eight turbojets mounted in individual wing
pods. Various ideas were studied for cockpit
layouts that included a rising capsule that
would allow improved visibility at low
speeds. Nevertheless, it was now recognised
Aproposal for a Vickers-
Armstrong supersonic Swallow
fighter equipped with two
external air-to-air missiles.
Chris Gibson
' .. -"
A number of Swallow variants
were considered, including this
proposal for a long-range airliner
or military transport aircraft with
a Mach 2.5 capability. Cruising at
an altitude of 67,000ft (20,421 m),
this design would have had an
un-refuelled range of about 4,600
miles (7,400km). Chris Gibson
. .
As a bomber, the Swallow would have a
maximum performance of Mach 2 at a typical
altitude of 36,000ft (J 0,972m). In the low level
role, it would have a maximum speed of
Mach 0.95 at an altitude of 500ft (152m). The
service ceiling would be 80,000ft (24,382m).
Gross weight was estimated at 30,0001b
(13,607kg) and a payload was probably a sin-
gle rearward-ejected free-fall nuclear bomb
in the Red Beard (J 5 kiloton yield) class. It is
hard to see this aircraft being considered for
the delivery of conventional ordnance. Range
for the bomber is thought to have been about
5,000 miles (8,000km). This variant would be
capable of operating from an improvised tac-
tical airstrip such as a good stretch of straight
adequately wide roadway, or the deck of an
aircraft carrier, although it would require

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aspect ratio of 10.7 and this would alter to 1.88
fully swept. Wingtip stabilising fins were also
proposed. Empty, the aircraft would weigh
14,5001b (6,577kg) and the additional fuel
weight would be 9,000 Ib (4,082kg).
Four Bristol turbojet engines with afterburn-
ers would be housed in wing pods measuring
34in (863mm) in diameter and 24ft (7.3m) in
length. Suggested maximum speed was Mach
1.6 with a cruise altitude of 35-40,000ft (J 0,668-
12,192m) and a ceiling of about 50,000ft
(15,240m). Developed into a military aircraft,
the Swallow would have the same overall
dimensions as the Research prototype. Two
different variants were proposed for the RAF
and the Royal avy. The first was a high/low
level bomber or naval strike aircraft and the
second was a high performance fighter.
30 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 31
45ft 4in (138m)
221ft' (20 58m')
50ft 2in (15.2m)
15ft 6in (4.72m)
10,7401b (4,871 kg)
I xBristolSiddeley Orpheus BOr.3
Mk.805 turbojet, producing 4,000 Ib
(I 779kN) static thrust
Unknown, although the H.126 was
designed to explore lowspeed
and could fly at 32mph (51.5kph)
3flight 2cabin
50ft (15.24m)
57ft (l7.37m)
15ft (4.57m)
64,000 Ib (29,030kg)
444mph (716kph)
4x turbofan engines
100 pas engers (as an airliner)
A proposed layout for the Aerobus jet-flap
transport aircraft. Bill Rose Collection
Hunting Aircraft H.126
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum peed
Aerobus (I 962 proposal)
Wing area
Gross weight
Cruise speed
speed control and the remainder was
exhausted on each side of the lower fuselage.
The H.126 was a compact, single-seat air-
craft, built around its turbojet engine. The
cockpit was located in a forward position,
offering good visibility and the tricycle under-
carriage was of a simple, fixed position
design. Trials were mainly undertaken at RAE
Bedford between 1963 and 1967 with no seri-
ous problems occurring and the aircraft was
then loaned to NASA who conducted wind
tunnel tests at the Ames Flight Research Cen-
ter during 1969. H.126 was returned the fol-
lowing year and is now on display at the RAF
Cosford Museum.
The jet nap experiments showed that the
idea could be made to work, but it also
became apparent that the nozzle system was
too complex to be practical and the power
requirements were much greater than origi-
A related, although much simpler system
using air ducted from the compressor stage,
was utilised by several !960s combat aircraft
to improve low speed performance. This
'blown nap' can be found on several current
military transport aircraft.
recognised that a wing capable of vectoring a
jet now along most of its trailing edge would
present various engineering problems. There
was also the matter of howto maintain control
in the event of an engine failure. At cruising
speed, an aircraft using jet naps would behave
like a conventional fixed wing design, but at
lower speeds the jet now would be directed
downwards, generating considerable lift and
providing outstanding STOL performance.
The research programme continued with
Ivor Davidson presenting an outline of jet nap
development to the Royal Aeronautical Soci-
ety in October 1955. But it was nowbecoming
clear that this technology would be difficult to
use with the majority of existing fixed wing
designs and he realised that a new type of air-
craft was needed.
By the end of the 1950s, Davidson had out-
lined a compact transport aircraft called Aer-
obus that would take advantage of laminar
now aerodynamics and use the jet nap sys-
tem. This all-wing design would have a
wingspan of 50ft (15.24m), a wing area of
I ,240ft' (l15m') and a length of 57ft (17.37m).
The aircraft would be supported on the
ground by a retractable tricycle undercarriage
and the gross weight (as an airliner) was esti-
mated at 64,000 Ib (29,030kg) with the antici-
pated payload being 100 passengers and their
luggage. Propulsion would be provided by a
total of four turbojets in wingtip nacelles con-
nected to 16 trailing edge outlets via ducting.
This short-haul aircraft would cruise at
approximately 444mph (716kph) with an
operating altitude of 20,000ft (6,096m). The
Aerobus project continued into the early
1960s with the operating cost initially esti-
mated at 1.2 pence (old) per passenger mile.
Despite limited commercial and military
interest in Aerobus, the State-funded GTE
continued to develop jet nap technology, hav-
ing already requested the construction of a
proof-of-concept aircraft during the late 1950s.
This received Ministry of Aviation approval
and Hunting Aircraft of Luton, Bedfordshire,
was issued with a contract in June 1959 to
build two small demonstrators. The first pro-
totype known as H.126 (serial XN714) under-
took its maiden night at RAE Bedford on 26
March 1963 with Hunting's Chief Test Pilot
Stanley Oliver at the controls. By this time, the
second prototype was considered unneces-
sary and had been cancelled.
The jet nap system used on the H.126 con-
sisted of 16 nozzles located along the wing's
trailing edge, releasing approximately half of
the jet engine's exhaust gas. A small amount
of gas was also ducted to the wingtips for low
The Hunting H.126 prototype. BAE Systems
Davidson's Aerobus
encouraging, Lachmann and Lee continued
to evolve their design for the HP.1!7 as a 300-
seat airliner. It would now have a wingspan of
148ft (45m) and be powered by four or six
Rolls-Royce turbofans with the gross weight
reaching 330,0001b (149,685kg) and an esti-
mated range of 5,000 miles (8,000km).
Although there was a reluctance to con-
tinue spending government money on this
Handley Page programme, the Ministry of Avi-
ation agreed in 1963 to follow the research
taking place at Cranfield with trials of a test
wing fitted to a Hawker Siddeley HS.125 trans-
port jet. Continuing development of the
HP.lI7 led to a somewhat different design for
a very substantial military transport desig-
nated HP.135, which was displayed in model
form, but failed to attract the kind of interest
required for further development. In 1965,
Lachmann retired and one year later was sadly
dead. So was the HP.117 project. Work on
boundary layer control was now at a standstill
in Britain and the X-2IA trials concluded in the
US at about the same time. Northrop showed
that boundary layer reduction could be made
to work, but many of the previously identified
problems remained unresolved. In the 1980s,
there was a revival of US interest with trials
involving an F-III and F-14 flown from Dryden,
later followed by supersonic experiments with
the F-16XL. However, at the present time, an
application of this technology remains elusive.
1952 saw the beginning of a project at
Britain's National Gas Turbine Establishment
(NGTE) to utilise a system of directing a jet
now through a wing's trailing edge to improve
low-speed performance. The idea was not
entirely new and the German aerodynami-
cists H. Hagedorn and P. Ruden had noted
interesting trailing edge effects during bound-
ary layer control research in 1938.
After examining the data from these wind
tunnel tests, scientists at NGTE undertook
some very elementary experiments with
small desktop-sized models. This indicated
that increased lift and thrust might be
achieved by ducting a certain amount of jet
engine exhaust to the wing's trailing edge.
A thin jet sheet produced behind an aircraft
could be used in much the same manner as
a hinged wing nap, leading to the term 'jet
nap'. There were various ways the jet now
might be directed that included long slots,
nozzles and naps positioned in the jet now.
Heading the NGTE jet nap project was Ivor
Davidson who soon began to consider practi-
cal uses for this technology, although he
One of the HP.117 proposals
produced by Lachmann and Lee in
the late 1950s. Bill Rose Collection
official support for his research, which would
result in the development and testing of a
highly modified Folland Midge wing with a
45 sweep. This was mounted in an upright
position on the dorsal section of an Avro Lan-
caster (PA474) which belonged to the Col-
lege of Aeronautics at Cranfield. The first test
was considerably delayed and did not take
place until 2 October 1962.
The new aircraft proposed by Lachmann
and Lee was assigned the company refer-
ence HP.117 and the first rather loose set of
designs was completed by April 1959. Their
concept took the form of a swept nying wing
with wingtip stabilising fins, although various
options were reviewed for different perfor-
mance and payload requirements. Three to
six turbofan engines would power the HP.117
and a pusher turboprop arrangement was
considered at one stage, but found unsatis-
factory. The HP.117 would accommodate 200
to 300 passengers and it was finally decided
that the ideal wingspan was 125ft (38m) with
a sweep of 44at mid-chord.
A scale model of HP.1!7 was exhibited at Le
Bourget in 196! with claims to the media that
this design could reduce transatlantic fares by
as much as 30 per cent and make long dis-
tance travel a reality for many ordinary people.
Progress with the project remained sluggish
and although Lachmann met with representa-
tives of the Ministry of Aviation during 196!, he
failed to secure any financial support for the
construction of prototypes once the wing trials
at Cranfield had been completed.
Lachmann wanted to start with the conver-
sion of a Victor bomber for use as a test bed
and if this aircraft performed well with the
boundary layer reduction system installed, it
would be followed by the construction of two
scale size demonstrators based on the HP.!17,
which would be designated HP.119. Although
the response from the ministry was less than
46 (plus 200 passengers)
125Ft (38m)
44' at mid chord
5,820Ft' (540m')
101 Ft (30.78m)
42Ft (128m)
527mph (848kph)
55,000Ft (16,764m)
5,000 mile (8,046km)
330,0001b (149,685kg) later
revised to 305,0001b (138,345kg)
3or 4RollsRoyce RB163 turbofans
44Ft 8in (136m)
30,000 Ib (13,607kg)
3Bristol Siddeley Viper BSV.20
turbojets, each rated at 3,000 Ib
(l3.3kN) static thrust Two engines
for propulsion, the third to draw
off air from the boundary layer.
6,700 miles (I O,OOOkm) at 527mph
(848kph) at 40,000Ft (12, 192m)
this project and a nying wing was the optimal
shape for a long-range transport aircraft mak-
ing full use of boundary layer reduction meth-
ods. By 1958, both the RAE and NACA had
generally lost interest in BLC, although work
continued at Northrop under the direction of
Dr Werner Pfenninger who had been
recruited by Jack Northrop in the late 1940s.
This ongoing research was enough to keep
the Handley Page programme alive, espe-
cially with Northrop preparing to construct
three X-21A research aircraft which had
started life as Douglas WB-66Ds. Subse-
quently, Lachmann managed to maintain
Wing area
Cruise speed
Gross weight
Gross weight
32 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft British Tailless Aircraft 33
Arado's Ar 555-1 six-engine jet bomber
design. Many alternative versions were
considered, but the project was abandoned
in December 1944 with priority being
switched to fighter development.
Bill Rose Collection
Built almost entirely from steel and duralu-
min, E.555-1 would be powered by six BMW
003A turbojets, each providing a maximum
static thrust of 1,7601b (7.8kN). The aircraft
would have a wingspan of 69ft 6 ~ i n (21.2m)
with a wing area of 1,345.5ft' (125m'). The
overall length was approximately 60ft (18m)
and the height was calculated at 16ft 4in
(5m). Two substantial vertical stabilising fins
with rudders would be fitted and the antici-
pated gross take-off weight was 52,9111b
(24,000kg) with a payload of 8,8181b
(4,OOOkg) payload. Maximum speed at alti-
tude was expected to be 534mph (860kph)
with an economic cruise speed of 444mph
(714kph) and a ceiling of almost 50,000ft
(15,240m). A crew of three would be accom-
modated in a fully pressurised cockpit and
the aircraft would be supported on the
ground by a tricycle undercarriage. It was also
suggested that a 'jettisonable' take-off trolley
might be used (possibly with rocket assis-
tance) to improve range when carrying a full
payload and E.555-1 could be equipped with
extra internal fuel tanks. Defensive armament
would comprise two fixed forward-firing
30mm Mk103 cannons, plus a remotely-con-
trolled tail turret with two 20mm MG151/20
cannon and a remotely controlled dorsal tur-
ret also fitted with two 20mm MG151/20 can-
nons. The turrets would be controlled from a
pressurised cabin behind the main crew
compartment with the operator using a
periscope system.
The operational range of this aircraft
remained a major issue and attacking distant
targets meant that there would be little or no
loiter time available in the bombing area, so
(5,000km). Although the request for a new
long-range bomber had yet to be officially
issued, Arado was already at the forefront of
jet bomber development and had received
advanced warning of what was likely to be
required in the coming months. They now
hoped to utilise a flying wing design with a
laminar high-speed profile to provide the
expected level of performance.
Under the leadership of Arado's Dr W.
Laute, 15 different concepts were developed
from research undertaken by Dip!. Ing. Kosin
and Lehmann who had produced a study
called 'Flying Wing Aircraft for Long-Ranges
and High Speeds'. Laute's new study was
designated E.555 (the E prefix signifies
Entwurf - Draft Project) and the variations
became E.555-1 to E.555-15. In most cases,
the main difference between each design
was the number of engines, their locations
and minor variations in wingspan or length,
but the possibility of extending the fuselage
rearwards or utilising tail booms was also
considered. All available jet engines were
reviewed during the study and included the
BMWI09 003, Junkers Jumo 004 and Heinkel
Hirth He S 011, which would be housed in
external nacelles.
The initial studies were completed in early
1944 and a meeting between Arado repre-
sentatives and the RLM took place on 20 April
1944. Details of the new flying wing bomber
were then informally finalised. Within a mat-
ter of weeks, a decision had been taken to
proceed with further refinement of the Arado
E.555-I, which was intended for use against
targets on America's Eastern Seaboard and
deep within Russia.
69ft 6 ~ i n (212m)
60ft (I8m)
16ft 4in (5m)
1,345.5ft' (I 25m')
534mph (860km/h)
50,OOOft (15,240m)
2,982 milest (4,800kmt)
52,9111b (24,OOOkg)
Six BMW003A turbojets, each
providing amaximum static thrust
of 1,760 Ib (7.8kN)
Two fixed forward mounted
Mk I03 30mm cannons,
two MG151/20 20mm in tail turret
and two MG151/20 20mm cannons
in dorsal turret
8,8181b (4,OOOkg)
Arado Ar E.555-1
Wing area
Maximum speed
Maximum range'
Take-off weight
Towards the end of 1943, the design office of
Arado Flugzeugwerke GmbH at Landeshut in
Silesia (now Kamienna G6ra in Poland)
began work on a highly advanced flying wing
jet-powered bomber, intended to meet future
requirements of the Reichsluftfahrtsminis-
terium (RLM - German Air Ministry). The
objective was to develop an aircraft capable
of delivering a payload of at least 8,8181b
(4,OOOkg) over a range of at least 3,100 miles
Arado Flying Wing Projects
his first full-sized delta wing design was
called Delta I. A series of aircraft developed
from the Storch and Delta followed, with Lip-
pisch eventually vacating his position with the
DFS to join Messerschmitt in 1939 where he
worked on a rocket powered tailless aircraft.
As World War 2 progressed, German air-
craft designers became increasingly con-
vinced that jet and rocket powered tailless
designs represented the next generation of
high-performance warplanes. Most of the
major aircraft manufacturers produced tail-
less proposals, with many being tested as
wind tunnel models. Only a few reached the
early stages of construction. Had the war
taken a different course and lasted longer, it
is a certainty that some of these impressive
designs would have entered operational ser-
vice. Indeed, once hostilities ceased, the
Allies wasted no time securing German air-
craft research documentation and equip-
ment while making every effort to track down
those scientists and engineers who had
worked on the most advanced projects.
*With supplementary fuel tanks and full bomb load
Bomb load
in 1929 and became the world's largest land
based aircraft. At the beginning of the 1930s,
Reimar Horten (1915-1994) and his older
brother Walter (1903-1998) started work on
their first tailless glider called the HoI. Appar-
ently, this project received their parents' full
support and some of the construction took
place in their dining room.
The Ho1 was followed by the H02 in 1934
and during the following year was upgraded
by the addition of an 80hp (59kW) Hirth
HM60R engine connected to a rear mounted
pusher propeller with a drive shaft. This air-
craft was flown by the well-known test pilot
Hanna Reitsch (1912-1979) on 17 November
1938, who was quite critical of the design.
Nevertheless, her involvement with the pro-
ject was sufficient to encourage the con-
struction of a larger design called the H03 and
it would eventually secure official govern-
ment interest that would lead to the most
sophisticated experimental aircraft produced
during World War 2.
Another early aviation pioneer was Alexan-
der Martin Lippisch (1894-1976) who wit-
nessed a demonstration flight by Orville
Wright at Berlin in September 1909. This
experience made a lasting impression on the
14-year-old Lippisch and, having served in the
Luftstreitkrafte (Imperial German Army Air
Service) during World War 1 (as an aerial
photographer), he then secured a job with
Zeppelin and later Dornier as an aeronautical
designer. During his spare time, Lippisch pro-
duced plans for gliders and the well-known
glider pilot Gottlob Espenlaub built a full-
sized aircraft from one of his designs in 1921.
This would be followed by dozens of different
tailless designs and by 1925, Alexander Lip-
pisch had become Director of the Technical
Department at the RhOn-Ros itten
Gesellschaft (RRG), which later became the
German Research Institute for Soaring Flight
(Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Segelflug -
Lippisch now began work on his first pow-
ered aircraft called 'Storch' (Stork) and
undertook development of the delta wing. He
is credited with coining the term 'delta' for
this type of aircraft, having taken it from the
three-sided Greek letter and not surprisingly,
Chapter Two
German World War 2
Flying Wing Development
wing aircraft that represented a significant
advance in aviation design. Known as a Nur-
flugel (wing only) aircraft, Junkers recog-
nised the advantages of housing crew,
engines and payload within the wing. Once
the design had been registered, Junkers
established an aircraft design bureau at his
water heater factory in Dessau and this led to
small-scale manufacturing.
Although the Nurflugel was too far ahead of
its time to be built, Junkers began to produce
technical innovations that found their way
into conventional aircraft, such as all-metal
construction. World War 1gave the company
a significant boost with Junkers building hun-
dreds of warplanes in association with
Fokker and becoming established as a major
manufacturer. In 1924, Junkers produced
plans for a giant airliner capable of canying
100 passengers over long distances, but it was
too advanced for practical development. But
some elements of this concept were used in
the Junkers G.38 transport aircraft which flew
Aclassic Horten design, the Ho Ille Motorglider
was powered by a Volkswagen engine and was
flown during 1944. Peter ash Coli clion
Dr Alexander Lippisch, one of the most influential
aircraft designers of the 20th century, photographed
after World War 2. Bill Rose Collection
German interest in flying wings and tailless
aircraft pre-dates powered night, although
the most important early designer to set out
specific rules for this type of aircraft was Hugo
Junkers (1859-1935) who had spent the first
half of his life working as a very successful
heating appliance design engineer. During
his spare time, Junkers developed advanced
aircraft concepts and in February 1910, he
filed a Patent (253788) for a powered flying
34 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 35
31ft 2in (9.5m)
30ft 2in (9.2m)
11ft 4in (3.45m)
9,I381b (4,1 44kg)
I I,033 Ib (5,OO4kg)
I xliquid cooled Daimler Benz
12-cylinder DB603L engine,
utilising atwo-stage upercharger
and methanol-water injection
490mph (78 kph)
760 miles (l,223km)
3x30mm MkI08 cannons
BV P.208-3
Maximum peed
Empty weight
Gro sweight
While wind tunnel models of the P.208
were being tested, a twin-boom, single seat
Skoda-Kauba SK V-6 (itself a prototyp air-
craft designed by Austrian engineer Otto
Kauba) was requisitioned and extensively
modified to validate the Arrow Wing concept.
The pusher propeller design made the SK V-6
particularly suitable for these experiments
and the extensively modified aircraft, now
minus its original tail unit, was redesignated
as the SK SL6. Very little information is avail-
able for this test programme, which may have
been undertaken at Prague. On 30 April 1945,
almost all docum ntation relating to Skoda-
Kauba Flugzeugbau projects was burnt and
Otto Kauba made a swift exit from the city. It
is not thought that any of the Skoda-Kauba
prototypes survived the war.
However, it is understood that test nights
had started in late 1944 and may have ontin-
ued into early 1945, demonstrating the viabil-
ity of the unusual Blohm und Voss concept.
Vogt now began working on the P.209, a
more sophisticated Arrow Wing fight r
design with a fuselage built around a Heink I
He SOIl turbojet engine drawing air from a
forward no e intake. The aircraft would be
equipped with a tricycle undercarriage and
armed with two 30mm Mk I 08 cannon in the
lower forward fuselage. sing a similar
design of wing and control surfaces, th P.209
was slightly more compact than the P.208
with a wing pan of 35ft (10.66m) and an
increased sweep of 35. Maximum speed was
estimated at 559mph (900km).
The next design in this series was the P.21 0-
oI, which Vogt entered for the 1944 Volksjager
(People's fighter) competition. Thi wa the
RLM's attempt to obtain a lightweight, rela-
tively inexpensive jet fighter that could be pro-
duced by a semi-skilled workforce at
dispersed sites. The single-seat P.21 0-01 was
very similar to the P.209 in overall design, util-
ising a central tubular spar that formed the
Blohm und Voss
Flying Wing Projects
The Blohm und Voss Shipbuilding Company
was established in 1877 at Hamburg, Germany,
and it produced many famous vessels including
the battleship Bismarck. In 1933, the company
turned its attention to aircraft, becoming well
known as a constructor of nying boats. Accom-
panying this move into the realm of aviation
wa the recruitment of Dr Richard Vogt (1894-
1979) who was appointed as the company's
chief designer and i now remembered for
some of his highly unorthodox concepts that
reached the prototype stage in a few instances.
In late 1943, Vogt began work on a series of
ideas for a new lightweight interceptor, ini-
tially using a rear-mounted Argus, Junkers or
Daimler Benz piston engine driving a pusher
propeller. As the study evolved, Vogt devel-
oped this design into a turbojet-powered
interceptor to meet the Luftwaffe's future
needs. Despite heading the design office,
Vogt undertook much of the work himself,
with assistance from Hans Amtmann and the
company's aerodynamicists, George Haag
and Richard Schubert. The initial proposals
began to emerge in autumn 1944 with the ref-
erence P.208, which was generally known
within the company as the 'Arrow Wing'.
A a starting point, Vogt had taken some
feature from his earlier P.207 design for a
straight-winged fighter with a rear-mounted
three-blade propeller. Keeping most of the
fuselage section, he then dispensed with the
traight wing and tail control urfaces, fitting
a new 30swept wing with a constant cross
section and tip-mounted down-turned con-
trol fins. There were several objectives for this
design and Vogt saw potential for improving
maximum speed by minimising surface area
and reducing weight. The simple all-metal
construction would also help to bring down
the cost of manufacturing the aircraft.
The P.208 project had started out with the
intention of evolving quite quickly towards tur-
bojet propulsion, but there were endless
delay with the jet engines, so priority was
given to refining the aerodynamics. The first
three studie for the P.208 only differed in
engine installation, utilising the Jumo 222E,
Argus AS413 or Daimler Benz DB603L. The
P.208-3 was then selected, which used the liq-
uid-cooled Daimler Benz 12-cylinder DB603L
engine, equipped with a two- tage super-
charger and methanol-water injection. This
prototype engine was expected to provide a
maximum (sea level) power output of 2,761 hp
(2,059kW) at 3,OOOrpm. The engine's air intake
and radiator was positioned on the under ide
of the fuselage, directly below the cockpit.
60ft 4in 18.40m
807ft' (75.0m')
35' (leading edge)
4.5: I
42ft 6in 12.95m
12ft 6in (3.80m)
20,5021b (9,300kg)
34,6121b (I5,700kg)
2xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
each rated at2,8651b (I 275kN)
tatic thru t, or 2xBMW003A
turbojets, each rated at 1,760Ib
(7.8k ) static thrust
503mph (8IOkph)
2h 36m at economic cruise
42,000ft (I2,800m)
2or 4x30mm Mk213 cannon,
forward firing; 2x30mm Mk213
cannon, rearward firing; 2x30mm
Mk213 cannon firing upwards
from the centre of the aircrafl
In the ground attack role:
2x I, I021b (500kg) bombs
29ft 2 ~ i n (8.95m)
45' (leading edge)
263ft' (24.5m')
18ft 6in (5.65m)
8ft 6in (2.6m)
8,2311b (3,734kg)
5,410 Ib (2,454kg)
530mph (854kph)
IxHeinkel He SOil Aturbojet
rated at2,8651b (I2.75k )
static thrust
2x30mm MkI08 cannon
Europe wa almost over. The Ar I may have
been tested as a wind tunnel model, but
never got much further than the early design
Details of the Ar I and other Arado nying
wing projects were secured by US Intelli-
gence and the documentation appear to
have been passed to the US aircraft company
Vought, which used them to develop the
F7U-l Cutlass jet fighter.
Maximum speed
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Empty weight
Gross weight
Note: Some figures for the Arado design detailed on these
pages are the best available estimates and should not be
regarded a definitive.
Arado Ar 1 (E.583)
Wing area
Gross weight
Empty weight
Maximum speed
Arado E.581-4
AradoAr 1
Although the E.555 and E.581 both met with
cancellation at the end of 1944, the aerody-
namic research had already been made avail-
able to the company's design group headed
by Professor Walter Blume (1896-1964) who
was working on ideas for an all-weather/night
interceptor and a ground attack light bomber.
His team produced two distinctly different
concepts for this project. The first was an
advanced tailless jet-powered design desig-
nated Ar I and the second was a conventional
tailed alternative with an engine beneath
each wing known as Ar2. This second pro-
posal utilised experience gained from devel-
opment of the Arado Ar234 Blitz jet bomber
and was probably regarded as something of a
fallback option. The normal 'E' code does not
appear to have been assigned to this study.
The taille s Ar I combat aircraft utilised
what was effectively a delta wing with a 35
sweep and two vertical stabilisers with rud-
ders. The fuselage extended ahead of the
wing to allow the carriage of weapons and a
forward installed centimetric radar system.
There would also be a pressurised cockpit
able to accommodate two crew members.
Power for the Ar I would be provided by two
Heinkel He SOIl turbojets or two BMW003A
turbojets located on the underside of the
wing. The aircraft would be supported on the
ground with a tricycle undercarriage. At a
review of the Ar I project in March 1945, con-
cerns were expressed about problems of
drag induced by the wing's surface area and
the engine installation.
A deci ion was then taken to make imme-
diate corrections to the design, most notice-
ably by an alteration to the profile of the
wing's trailing edge. This revised version of
the Ar I also included changes to the fuselage
and a rearrangement of the cockpit layout to
allow the carriage of a third crew member. It
is hard to know if the project progressed very
far beyond these proposals as the war in
The design was virtually a delta shape in
appearance, using two vertical tabilisers
with rudders and it would have been
equipped with a retractable tricycle under-
carriage. The E.581-4/5 was fairly ugly when
seen side on with the fuselage looking rather
like a bathtub. However, there is no rea on to
suspect that it wouldn't have performed rea-
sonably well and the estimated maximum
speed was 530mph (854kph). Endurance
would have been fairly limited and its primary
role would have been as an interceptor. ev-
ertheles ,this project did not progress very far
and was crapped at the same time as the
Although the twin-jet powered Arado Ar I
never progressed to the hardware stage,
it appears to have strongly influenced
design of the later American Cutlass
carrier-based fighter. Bill Rose Collection
Developed alongside the Arado E555
bomber, this small tailless fighter
also met with cancellation in late
1944. Bill Ro e Collection
Arado's Flying Wing Fighter
Running alongside the Arado E.555 project
was a study for a high-speed single seat fighter
that would utili e ome of the same aerody-
namic properties. The name of this project
was Arado E.581 and there are known to have
been at least five separate proposals. Details
of E.581-1 to E.581-3 remain obscure, although
they are thought to have been extremely com-
pact configurations. The slightly larger Arado
E.581-4 and very similar E.581-5 were built
around a single Heinkel HeS 0II turbojet
housed in the fuselage below the wing with
the air intake below the nose.
methods of improving the aircraft's perfor-
mance remained under study. Dr Laute
hoped that the performance of jet engines
would continue to improve and progre ively
reduce this shortcoming. It is believed that
models were wind tunnel tested and
although E.555-1 was a very advanced con-
cept with considerable promise, it was also
showing signs of becoming a very expensive
project that would become a drain on essen-
tial war resources. As a consequ nce, the
Entwicklungs-HauptKomission (EHK) ordered
the proj ct's immediate cancellation on 28
o cember 1944.
36 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 37
31 ft 2in (9.5m)
24ft lOin (7.55m)
5,9741b (2,71 Okg)
9,2151b (4, 180kg)
I xHeinkel He S0IIA turbojet
rated at 2,8651b (l2.75k )
static thrust
600mph (965kph)
at 20,000ft (6,000m)
40,000ft (12,192m)
Different configurations including
2-7 forward firing 30mm Mk I0
cannons, R4M rockets or bombs
26ft 3in (8m)
45at 0.5 chord
23ft 4in (741 m)
9,2601b (4,200kg) (estimated)
I xHeinkel He SOil Aturbojet
rated at 2,8651b (l2.75kN)
static thrust
500mph (800kph) at altitude
3x30mm Mk I08 cannons in
the nose
Dr Richard Vogt was one of the great aero-
nautical designers of the 20th century. He died
at Santa Barbara, California, in 1979, aged 84.
BVAe607 P.217
BV P.212-03
Maximum speed
Empty weight
Gross weight
BV P.215.02
Wingspan (overall)
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Gross weight
6ift 8in (18.8m)
47ft 3in (144m)
38ft lin (11.6m)
16ft Sin (5.0m)
678. 13ft' (63m')
16,3141b (7,400kg)
32,3631b (14,679kg)
2xHeinkel He 0IIA turbojets,
each rated at 2,8651b (12.75kN)
static thrust
Maximum speed 560mph (900kph)
Ceiling 48,500ft (14,783m)
Range 1,400 miles (2,253km)
Endurance 5hour
Armament 5x30mm Mk I08 cannons
mounted in the nose, although various alternative layouts
were considered. It was also planned to fit two Mk108
cannon in aremotecontrolled rearfacing turret and the
idea of having two upwardfacing cannons was considered.
Other options were R4M unguided rockets and the
possibility of carrying bombs for use in the ground strike role.
Maximum peed
sidered included ejection seats. By most stan-
dards, the P.215-02 would have been heavily
armed with five forward-facing 30mm can-
nons, one or two rear-facing 30mm cannons
in a remotely controlled backward-facing tur-
ret and the option of two 'Schrage Musik'
(Jazz/Slanted Mu ic) upward firing cannons
to be used while passing beneath an enemy
bomber. The aircraft could also be used as a
light bomber with provision to carry two
I, I 021b (500kg) bombs beneath the fuselage.
Like the other Blohm und Voss tailless
fighter proposals, the P.215-02 could be easily
transported by road once the wings were
removed, allowing for use at improvised dis-
persed sites such as suitable stretches of
The Technische LuftrUstung modified its
requirements for a future jet-powered night
fighter in late February 1945 which was too
demanding for the P.215-02 and its fellow
competitors. Subsequently, it was decided to
go ahead with development and testing
which received official approval in March
1945. But with only weeks remaining before
the war ended, no further progress was made
with this interesting series of tailless aircraft.
Although these B&V jet fighters had rather an
unorthodox appearance, wind tunnel tests
indicated that the P.212 and P.215 would
have performed well. This appears to have
been confirmed in recent times by model air-
craft constructors who have built and flown
scale sized jet-powered replicas.
There was one other advanced Blohm und
Voss fighter project under development dur-
ing the final months of World War 2 with the
reference Ae 607 or P.217. This design dif-
fered considerably from all those previously
discussed. It was a small, single-seat light-
weight highly-swept flying wing fighter, pow-
ered by a Heinkel He S OllA turbojet.
Because of the velY compact nature of this
aircraft, it was necessary to offset the cockpit,
placing it alongside the engine in a central
position. Another unusual feature was the
small canard control surfaces that were
added to improve low-speed stability. Few
details of this study are available, but it is
understood that the Ae 607 was shelved in
favour of the P.212-03.
After hostilities ceased, Dr Richard Vogt
was recruited by the Americans under Oper-
ation 'Paperclip' and taken to the United
States. He worked for the USAF until 1954,
later becoming head of the design office at
the Astrophysics Development Corporation.
In 1960, Dr Vogt joined Boeing where he
worked on VTOL systems and hydrofoils.
His final work with the company involved
post-launch evaluation of the Boeing 747.
minium in non-load-bearing areas of the
wings. With wind tunnel testing underway,
the P.212-03 was entered for the Luftwaffe's
Emergency Fighter Competition, which had
been organised by the Oberkommando der
Luftwaffe (OKL - Luftwaffe High Command).
Other designs were submitted by Heinkel,
Junkers, Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf,
with Focke-Wulf's Ta-183 being selected for
development and production.
However, the P.212-3 was considered suffi-
ciently interesting to remain under consider-
ation as a future Luftwaffe combat aircraft.
Meanwhile, another tailless Vogt design that
carried the reference P.215-02 was under
review for the role of night fighter to meet a
1944 specification issued by the Technische
LuftrUstung (Technical Air Armaments
Office). They required a new combat aircraft
with a maximum speed of 559mph (900kph),
a minimum endurance of four hours, the abil-
ity to carry FuG240 or FuG244 radar and an
armament of four 30mm cannons. Vogt
responded with a broadly similar design to
the tailless P.212, but somewhat larger in size
to accommodate two side-by-side Heinkel
He SOIl A turbojets, air intercept radar equip-
ment and a pressuri sed cockpit capable of
accommodating three crew members.
Construction-wise, the Blohm und Voss
P.215-02 was built using all the same tech-
niques developed for earlier designs, with the
majority of components made from steel,
although some non-load bearing parts would
be aluminium and control surfaces would be
fabricated from wood. It was also planned to
make the nose section from shaped wooden
panels, as this component covered the radar
unit and needed to be non-metallic. Aside
from a short section of inner trailing edges,
the wing's chord was constant along its
length like all earlier proposals in this series.
The sweep was reduced to 30 and the
wingtip fin arrangement was almost identical
to the P.212. The overall wingspan including
the dihedral winglets was 61ft 8in (18.8m),
reducing to 47ft 3in (l4.40m) for the main
wing. The main supporting feature of the
wing was a centrally-located steel-welded
box and it was planned to divert warm air
from the engine compartment into the wings
for de-icing. A tricycle undercarriage sup-
ported the aircraft on the ground, comprising
of a rearward-retracting nose-wheel that was
normally used on the Heinkel He 219 and two
forward-retracting main wheels.
Several different cockpit layouts were con-
sidered, that included a side-by-side arrange-
ment for two crew members a two seat
tandem arrangement and provision for a rear-
ward facing radar operator. All options con-
35ft (I 0.66m)
24ft (7.3m)
I xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojet
rated at 2,8651b (12.75kN)
static thrust
559mph (900kph)
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons
37ft lOin (l1.52m)
24ft (7.32m)
I xBMW003A turbojet rated at
1,760 Ib (7.8k ) static thrust
+500mph (+805kph) approx
35-40,000ft (I 012,000m) approx
2x30mm Mk 108 cannons
BV P.210-01
BV P.209-01
Maximum speed
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
The Skoda-Kauba V-6 Experimental aircraft is seen
in its completed form before undergoing
modification that allowed testing of wing designs
for Blohm & Voss' advanced jet fighters. The fate
of this aircraft is unknown. Bill Rose Collection
series of jet fighters and his next proposal was
the P.212. It had been under development
since autumn 1944, with initial plans to begin
the construction of three prototypes in Febru-
ary 1945, with test flight commencing in
August 1945. The Blohm und Voss P.212-03
would be powered by a Heinkel He SOIl tur-
bojet and came to be regarded as the most
refined version of this tailless series with an
estimated maximum speed of almost
600mph (965kph) at 20,000ft (6,000m), a ser-
vice ceiling of 40,000ft (12, 192m) and unspec-
ified but apparently good endurance. The
forward positioned fully pressurised cockpit
would have provided good visibility and the
aircraft was to be supported on the ground by
a tricycle undercarriage. A wide range of
armament options were studied for this
design which included various numbers of
forward firing cannons, R4M rockets or
bombs for limited ground attack missions.
The overall wingspan was to be 31 ft 2in
(9.5m) although this was shortened slightly
during a review. It was also decided that the
45 sweep would be reduced to 40and the
chord would be altered to allow larger fuel
tanks and improved structural provision for
external stores. Although Vogt favoured an
all-steel construction, allowances were made
for the P.212-03 to utilise wood and alu-
then became P.211-02. The proposal was for a
rather crude-looking straight-winged aircraft
with a tail, powered by a BMW turbojet within
the fuselage. But the B&V designers also pro-
duced an altogether superior concept called
the P.211-01. This had a similar wing shape
and sweep to the P.210-01, but without the
booms and wingtip fins. In overall appear-
ance, the P.211-01 was somewhat similar to
the advanced Messerschmitt P.1IOI jet fighter,
which had almost been completed at the end
of the war and was secured by US forces.
Although the tailless B&V design was con-
sidered to be the best submission for the
RLM's Volksjager contest, the Heinkel
He 162A was finally selected for full develop-
ment. This lightweight fighter not only flew
before the end of the year but also saw oper-
ational service when fuel supplies permitted.
Despite losing out, Vogt was encouraged to
continue with development of the tailless
The most advanced version to emerge from the
Blohm & Voss tailless jet aircraft programme was
the BV215, designed as a night-fighter. It received
approval for full development in March 1945.
Chris Gibson
o Fl 10
i""?""f.icIii I
o Mtr )
engine duct and supported the wings. For
propulsion, a BMW003A turbojet would be
used, providing 1,760 Ib (7.8kN) static thrust. It
is difficult to verify the exact wingspan of this
design, but the best sources suggest an over-
all figure of 37ft lOin (11.52m). Sweep also
appears reduced to 30. The overall length
was about 24ft (7.32m) and take-off weight
would have been approximately 7,500 Ib
(3,402kg). There are no details available of
estimated performance, but it seems likely
that a maximum speed in excess of 500mph
(805kph) was anticipated, with a ceiling of at
least 35,000ft (I0,000m). The armament was
to be two forward firing 30mm Mkl08 can-
nons fitted on each side of the cockpit.
While this project was underway, Vogt and
Amtmann started working on a more conven-
tional alternative. There is some confusion
about the designation of this design, which
appears to have started out as P.210-02 and
38 Secrel Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircra!1 German World War 2 Flying Wing Deuelopmenl 39
, I
, I
31ft (944m)
40' (leading edge)
19ft IOin (6.04m)
8,5761b (3,890kg)
636mph (1,023kph)
45,000ft (13,716m)
I xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
rated at 2,8651b (1275kN)
static thrust
2x30mm MkI08 cannons
29ft6in (9m)
40' (leading edge)
191.6ft' (I7.8m')
20ft (6 1m)
7ft8in (233m)
637mph (I,027kph) at sea level
40,OOOftt (12,192mt) (estimated)
I xHeinkel He SOil Aturbojets,
rated at 2,8651b (12.75kN)
static thrust
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons
Heinkel P.I078C
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Heinkel P.I078B
a tailless twin-engine concept (P.I079B-I)
that used the same gull-wing wing profile as
the P.I078 designs. For stability, this aircraft
would use a single upright tailfin. Gunter
chose the same complicated folding tricycle
In 1944, Focke-Wulf attempted to fulfil the RLM's
requirement for a jet bomber capable of reaching
a maximum speed of 62 I mph (I ,000kph) and
carrying a 2,240 Ib (I,OOOkg) bomb load over a
distance of 621nm (I,OOOkm). This specification
became the Project 1000 x 1000 x 1000. The
drawing shown is for the Model B flying wing
proposal, Design Nr 031 0239/10. Bill Rose Collection
The engine's air-inlet was positioned
between both nacelles, there were no upright
control surfaces and the gull-wing profile was
virtually identical to that of the P.I 078A. The
third design for the emergency fighter com-
petition known as the P.l 078C also retained
this 40 sweep gull wing, but used a short
fuselage section without any upright control
surfaces. With an appearance more like the
Blohm und Voss P.212-03, this single-seat
design was chosen as Heinkel's preferred
entry for the competition. Powered by a sin-
gle Heinkel He SOIl turbojet fed from a nose
intake, the fuselage was constructed mainly
from steel with the wings built from wood.
This was also where the aircraft's entire fuel
supply was accommodated. A fully retracting
tricycle undercarriage was chosen with
wheels turning through 90to lie flat along the
fuselage and the proposed armament was
two 30mm Mkl08 cannons installed below
the cockpit, each with 100 rounds of ammu-
The Luftwaffe expressed concerns about
many of the aircraft's features such as the
unprotected fuel tanks in the wings and the
aerodynamic shape of the fuselage. It con-
cluded that this proposal was less satisfactory
than the other leading entries and as a con-
sequence Heinkel abandoned further devel-
opment work in late February 1945. Gunter's
department was now concentrating on
designs for a larger twin-engine night fighter
called the P.I 079 which began with a reason-
ably conventional design using engines in the
wing roots, a modest 35wing leading edge
sweep and V-tail. This was soon replaced by
Heinkel Tailless Projects
additional flight control. Down-turned stabil-
ising fins and rudders were positioned at the
wingtips and the wing's sweep was to be 45
(some sources claim slightly less). The air-
craft was supported on the ground by a fully
retracting tricycle undercarriage and the
cockpit was fully pressurised with the poten-
tial for expansion to accommodate a second
crew member. Although this Focke-Wulfpro-
ject progressed little further than the early
design stage, some aspects of the study
appear to have proved influential with US and
British designers during the post-war years.
Heading Heinkel's design office was Siegfried
Gunter (1899-1969) who was unquestionably
one of the company's greatest assets. He had
worked alongside his twin brother Walter on
a number of important Heinkel aircraft that
included the He 51, He 70 and He Ill. Walter
was killed in a car accident in 1937, but
Siegfried continued as a designer with the
company. Having been involved with the
early development of jet aircraft, Siegfried
Gunter and his chief engineer Karl Schwaer-
zler took direct control of Heinkel's entry for
the Volksjager Competition, which led to the
successful He 162A Salamander. The aircraft
was built, undertook its first test flight on 6
December 1944, underwent various revisions
to correct serious problems (thanks to the
assistance of Dr Alexander Lippisch) and
entered production almost immediately, with
a small number of He 162A fighters becoming
operational by March 1945.
With the He 162A in production, work at
Heinkel's design office in Vienna was
focussed on the development of more
advanced versions of this warplane and a
suitable proposal for the OKL's Emergency
Fighter Competition. This quickly led to three
very unusual concepts. Designated P.I078,
the first study in this series (P.I 078A) was the
most conventional looking and took the form
of a single-seat jet fighter with nose intake,
forward cockpit and straightforward tail unit.
In many respects, the fuselage was similar to
that of the Messerschmitt P.IIOI jet fighter,
but was fitted with rather unusual gull wings
with a 40leading edge sweep.
The second design (P.1078B) was for a
compact single-seat flying wing fighter, pow-
ered by a single Heinkel He S OIl turbojet.
However, this proposal had a very usual lay-
out with two forward fuselage nacelles. One
would accommodate the cockpit and the
other would house two 30mm Mk I 08 can-
nons and the forward undercarriage wheel.
I or possibly 2
46f1 (14m)
45' (leading edge)
592ft' (SSm')
19ft (58m)
9f1 (2.74m)
17,8571b (8, 100kg)
2xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
each rated at 2,8651b (12.75kN)
static thrust
659mph (IO,60kph)
46,OOOfi (14,OOOm)
1,305 miles (2, 100km)
Over 2,2041b (I,OOOkg) bomb load.
Initially, no defensive weapons.
Wing area
Gros weight
focke-Wulf fW IOOOxlOOOxlOOO Project B
Maximum speed
Focke-Wulf Fw 1000 X 1000 X 1000
Bomber Project B
In 1944, Focke-Wulf began a series of studies
to fulfil the RLM's requirement for a jet
bomber capable of reaching a maximum
speed of 1,000kph (621 mph) and carrying a
I,OOOkg (2,204Ib) bomb load over a distance
of I,OOOkm (621 miles). This specification
then became the name of the project: 1000 x
1000 x 1000. Focke-Wulf is known to have
worked on three different proposals. All were
to be powered by two Heinkel Hirth 109-11 A
turbojets and the first two studies were con-
ventional in appearance, rather like the post-
war Yakovlev Yak-25 (which might have
utilised some of this design work), while the
third was a tailless flying wing.
There is confusion about whether these
studies were simply called Project A, Band C,
or Project A-I, A-II and B. In addition, there is
one source that claims this study was desig-
nated 031 0239/10, which may have been the
correct company project number. On the
strength of what details are available, it is best
to simply refer to the Focke-Wulf flying wing
proposal under discussion as Project B. The
designer primarily responsible for this work
was Dr Heinz von Halem, who is nowremem-
bered for his very exotic Triebflugel (thrust
wing) fighter concept produced in late 1944.
While developing Project B, he was a sisted
by the brilliant aerodynamicist Dr Dietrich
Kuchemann, who later became a senior offi-
cial at RAE Farnborough, worked on Con-
corde and was honoured with a CBE.
The aircraft that emerged from this collab-
oration was the delta-shaped flying wing,
with its two engines located in a central posi-
tion and fed from leading edge air intakes at
the wing roots. It is also possible that deflec-
tor plates were proposed as a means of vec-
toring jet exhaust flow and providing
113f13in (34.5m) estimated
(all sources vary slightly)
60fl (18.28m)
14f19in (45m)
69,400 Ib (3I,480kg)
each rated at 7,4961b (33.3k )
static thrust
600mph (965kph) estimated
(sources vary)
2,485 miles (4,000km)
2x20mm cannons in remote
controlled tail turret and 11,020 Ib
(5,000kg) bomb load
Gross weight
During World War 2, BMW produced a
number of little known proposals for high-
performance jet fighters and bombers. This
drawing shows the advanced twin-engine
Strahlbomber II. Bill Rose Collection
\ .... ,..,J\....../
BMW Strahlbomber II
Maximum speed
crew compartment would be separate. The
Strahlbomber II would be equipped with a
remotely controlled gun turret in the tail fitted
with two 20mm MG151/20 cannons and the
aircraft would be capable of carrying an
11,0201b (5,000kg) bomb load. The aircraft
would be supported on the ground by a sub-
stantial tricycle undercarriage and the design
suggests that BMW may have been aiming for
good high-altitude performance. Relatively
little is known about these studies, but like
many other advanced German wartime pro-
jects, this particular design never left the
drawing board.
, ,
' .. ,.,1
BMW is not usually associated with the
design of combat aircraft, but during World
War 2, the company developed two propos-
als for a Strahlbomber (jet bomber). The first
design produced in 1944 was to be powered
by six BMW003A engines, with four of the
engines buried in the wings and two located
in a fairing beneath the cockpit at the front of
the fuselage. The aircraft would be a swept
wing design with no tailplane, flown by a two-
man crew. BMW's initial concept soon gave
way to a more sophisticated, twin-engine fly-
ing wing bomber, powered by two side-by-
side BMWI09-018 turbojets. This advanced
axial flow gas turbine was expected to deliver
7,4961b (33.3kN) of static thrust and it
remained in development until the end of the
war. BMWengineers placed these jet engines
at the second Strahlbomber's centre of grav-
ity to ensure stability and continued flight
should one engine fail. There were no vertical
control surfaces and by using the higher per-
formance 109-018 engines this aircraft was
expected to provide a significantly better
maximum speed and range than the first
The engines carried by the swept-wing
Strahlbomber II would be fed from an intake
at the nose, with the airflow ducted around
the cockpit. A crew of three would man this
aircraft, with the bomb aimer accommo-
dated in a ventral bay, and each pressurised
BMW Strahlbomber II
40 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 41
, ,
, ,
LJ u
pleted and test flown at Minden in 1943, the
RLM cancelled the contract. They now
instructed the Horten to proceed with devel-
opment of their proposed jet powered flying
wing fighter-bomber that would become the
Horten Ho IX. At this point, all the initial stud-
ies for this aircraft had been completed and
construction work was starting on the first
prototype Ho IX VI (Versuchs I - Experimen-
tal or Version One), which would be an
unpowered glider. The Hortens planned to
undertake extensive testing with this first air-
craft and once the bugs had been ironed out
they would move to construction of the Ho IX
V2, which would be powered by two
BMW003 turbojets.
Work on this project progressed at a fairly
pedestrian rate until it was brought to the
attention of Reichsmarschall Hermann
Goring who took a personal interest in the
The compact Henschel P.135 designed for
the Emergency Fighter Requirement of 1944.
Bill Rose Collection
With a full-scale war taking place and
awareness that Northrop was working on fly-
ing wing aircraft in the United States, senior
RLM officials agreed that the Horten's pro-
jects were of special importance. Subse-
quently, an entire facility known as
Sonderkommando (Special Detachment) 9
based at Gottingen Airfield was made avail-
able to them for the design and construction
of new military aircraft. In 1942, Major Walter
Horten took command of the installation and
Reimar soon joined him. In addition to Son-
derkommando 9, the Peschke furniture fac-
tory at Minden was placed at their disposal for
skilled fabrication work.
The brothers began by designing a pro-
peller driven two-seat tandem trainer called
the Horten Ho VII. Peschke was requested to
begin construction of a small batch of Ho VII
aircraft, but after the first aircraft was com-
30ft 2in (92m)
25ft 6in (777m)
612mph (985kph)
46,000Ft (14,020m)
9,0381b (5,000kg)
I x Heinkel He SOIIA turbojet
rated at 2,8651b (12. 75k )
static thrust
4x30mm Mk I08 cannon
Walter Horten (left) and Reimar Horten (right)
who produced designs for some of Germany's
most advanced combat aircraft during the World
War 2. Courtesy David Myhra
Having established themselves as construc-
tors of elegant and advanced gliders during
the 1930s, the Horten Brothers (Reimar and
Walter) joined the Luftwaffe in 1936 as pilots.
However, they were encouraged to continue
designing and building aircraft, leading to the
extraordinary Parabola that was damaged
during storage in 1938 and subsequently
destroyed having never flown.
In 1939, Reimar and Walter were offered
jobs with Heinkel and Messerschmitt, but dis-
agreements over the ownership of future
patents prevented the brothers from accept-
ing. Nevertheless, Walter had many high-
level connections within the Luftwaffe and
Reimar was married to Air Minister Ernst
Udet's secretary which allowed them almost
unprecedented scope to continue working
on their own aviation projects. It's also worth
mentioning that there was a third Horten
brother, Wolfram Horten, who played some
part in the development of their early designs.
He was killed when his Heinkel He II 1 was
shot down over Dunkirk.
Advanced Horten Projects
Maximum speed
Gross weight
Henschel P.135
ated by Chief Engineer Friedrich Nicolaus and
known as the P.135.
Powered by a Heinkel He SOlI turbojet,
the aircraft consisted of a compact fuselage
with a nose inlet for the jet engine and a cen-
trally located cockpit. The aircraft would be
supported on the ground with a tricycle
undercarriage and the P.135 used a sophisti-
cated compound swept wing with straight
edge wingtip sections. This was intended to
counteract turbulence at high speed by
spreading the effect of compression along the
length of the wing. This was an interesting
design, but it could not compete against the
Focke-Wulf Ta 183 and the project was
29ft 3in (8.9m)
215ft' (l9.97m')
26Ft 9in (8.15m)
621 mph (I,OOOkph)
2x900mm diameter LorinRohr
ramjets, each providing an
estimated 3,440 Ib (153kN) of
thrust at altitude, plus four solid
fuel booster rockets used for
takeoff, each providing
2,2041b (9.8kN) thrust
2x30mm Mkl08 cannons
Henschel P.135
Heinkel He P.I080
Gunter's most advanced Heinkel projects
until autumn 1945. There are two conflicting
stories about what happened to Siegfried
Gunter after this period. He is known to have
briefly worked for a Berlin car repair shop
owned by his father-in-law and was allegedly
kidnapped by the KGB and taken to Russia
where he was forced to undertake design
work on advanced military aircraft. Alterna-
tively, Gunter is said to have sought a job in
the US aviation industry. He was turned down
and subsequently approached the Russians
who made him an immediate offer. Accord-
ing to one unconfirmed source, the German
designer then travelled to Russia and under-
took much of the initial development for the
MiG-15 and MiG-17 jet fighters. It should be
mentioned that the early design history of the
MiG-15 remains somewhat obscure,
although the use of German research has
always been acknowledged. Having spent
several years in the Soviet Union, Gunter
finally returned to West Germany where he
joined the reformed Heinkel Company and
worked on supersonic VTOL projects. He
died in Berlin in June 1969.
Wing area
Maximum speed
Henschel came into existence during the
mid-19th Century as a constructor of locomo-
tives and by the mid-1930s, had become a
major manufacturer or armoured fighting
vehicles. The company produced huge num-
bers of Panther and Tiger tanks during World
War 2, made possible by the extensive use of
slave labour.
Henschel also operated an aircraft division
that developed a small number of combat air-
craft and several advanced guided missiles.
One particularly interesting Henschel
Flugzeugwerke AG proposal for the OKL
Emergency Fighter Competition of late 1944
was a small tailless single engine design cre-
The second completely tailless version of the
Heinkel Hel079 jet fighter designed by
Siegfried Gunter. hris Gibson
Although Heinkel He SOIl turbojets were the
preferred choice for propulsion, the option to
install Junkers Jumo 004B engines was also
considered, although this would have
reduced internal space and led to a reduction
in offensive armament, resulting in three
30mm cannons as opposed to four. A further
development of this design was the P.I 079B-2
which was broadly similar, but dispensed
with the tail fin. Various cockpit arrange-
ments were considered with the preferred
option to have the second crew member fac-
ing rearward.
One of the last projects undertaken by
Heinkel's Vienna design bureau was the
P.I080 ramjet fighter which utilised a number
of features borrowed from earlier tailless con-
cepts. The P.I080 was to be equipped with
two large ramjet engines on each side of the
fuselage, drawing fuel from tanks carried
between both units. To achieve the speed
required for these engines to become opera-
tional, four solid-fuel boosters would launch
the aircraft. Presumably, this would have
been undertaken with a trolley on a hard run-
way. The P.I080 was not equipped with a
retractable undercarriage and would utilise a
single extendable landing skid. Armament
comprised two 30mm cannons.
Work on these advanced designs contin-
ued until the end of March when Heinkel
hastily vacated its facilities in Vienna in
response to approaching Soviet forces. Much
documentation was destroyed and Gunter's
team moved to a safer location. However,
they were eventually detained by the US and
according to one report US Intelligence
encouraged them to continue working on
"I "
: nI T
43Ft (13.1 m)
45' (leading edge)
31rt (9.44m)
630mph 1,013kph (630mph)
+40,000ft (+ 12,192m) (estimated)
1,678 miles (2,700km)
2xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
each rated at 2,8651b (l2.75kN)
static thrust, or 2xJunkers Jumo
004B turbojets (providing reduced
4x30mm MkI08 cannons
(3 xMk I08 cannons in the
Jumopowered version)
43Ft (131m)
45' (leading edge)
31Ft (9.44m)
630mph (1,013kph)
+40,000ft (+ 12,192m) (estimated)
2xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
each rated at 2,8651b (12.75kN)
tatic thrust
1,678 miles (2,700km)
4x30mm Mk I08 cannons
Heinkel He P.I079B-I
undercarriage arrangement which min-
imi ed the amount of internal space required
when retracted. Armament was to be four
30mm cannons in the nose and the aircraft
would be equipped with centimetric radar.
Heinkel He P.I079B-2
Maximum speed
Maximum speed
42 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 43
project and provided them with his full sup-
port. It was obviously encouraging to have
backing from the head of the Luftwaffe when
trying to obtain prioritised components like
jet engines, but it also put the Hortens under
considerable pressure with Goring setting
schedules for the rapid introduction of this
new fighter aircraft.
The Ho IX VI was a flying wing in every
respect with no vertical stabilisers or ontrol
surfaces, although it is said that Walter Horten
was strongly in favour of including a single
upright fin on the aircraft. Various materials
were used in the Ho IX's construction, but the
main parts of the airframe were a c ntral
welded tubular steel framework with the
wings being mostly fabricated from wood.
The one-man cockpit was located just behind
the central leading edge and the glider
utilised a tricycle undercarriage. Th
retractable nose-wheel was salvaged from a
crashed Heinkel He 177 bomber, the two
main wheel were fixed in position and the
struts were enclosed in fairings. This was
apparently considered necessary to assist
with stability because there was no propul-
sion. Unusual for this time was a braking
parachute fitted in the tail that would be
Opposite page:
Top len: The constructional detail of the Horten
Parabola's airframe during assembly in t 938.
Bill Rose Collection
Top right: Drawing of the Horten Parabola that was
built as a glider but never flown. S Army
Centre len: The Horten Parabola was found to have
suffered damage following storage and apparently
repair was not an option. After the war, knowledge
of this glider led US Intelligence to suggest that the
Hortens had been secretly involved in the
development of flying disc-shaped aircraft,
although there was no truth to the idea.
Courtesy David Myhra
Centre right: The Horten Parabola glider was
deliberately set on fire after it was determined that
the aircraft had been damaged beyond practical
repair. Courtesy David Myhra
Boltom len: The prototype Ho IX VI flying wing
glider being moved by a ground crew in
preparation for a test flight at Oranienburg Airfield
during mid-1944. Courtesy David Myhra
Boltom right: The sleek Horten Ho IX VI at
Oranienburg Airfield. Courtesy David Myhra
This page:
Horten Ho IX VI being towed by a small truck
across a snow-covered airfield during 1944.
Courtesy David Myhra
The badly damaged centre section of the Ho IX VI,
prior to being scrapped. US Army
deployed on landing to slow the aircraft.
The Ho IX VI was first flown by test pilot
Heinz Scheidhauer at Gottingen Airfield on I
March 1944. Following several successful
flights, VI was transferred to Oranienburg Air-
field near Berlin for testing by members of the
Luftwaffe. When these trials concluded, VI
was tran ported to Brandis. It remained there
until 1945 when members of the American
9th Armored Division discovered the glider
and eventually destroyed it.
Meanwhile, the second prototype had
been assembled in a large garage at Gottin-
gen Airfield, although the planned use of
BMW turbojets was in doubt due to ongoing
engine reliability issues and uncertain deliv-
ery dates. The only option was to modify the
fuselage to take a pair of slightly larger
Junkers Jumo 004 jet engines. With changes
made to the engine bays, steel protector
plates were fitted to shield the central trailing
edge from hot exhaust from the engines.
By the time both 1,980 Ib C8.8kN) static
thrust jet engines were installed in the Ho IX
V2, it was late 1944 and the project was
behind schedule. This econd prototype was
closer to a production aircraft, although it car-
ried no armament. V2 was fitted with a fully-
retractable undercarriage comprising of a
nose-wheel salvaged from a Heinkel He 177
and main wheels from a Messerschmitt
Bf 109.
The first test flight wa undertak non 2 Feb-
ruary 1945 at Oranienburg by Leutnant Erwin
Ziller, an experienced test pilot who had
already gained some useful experience flying
an Me 262 jet fighter at the Rechlin test centre.
The initial flight of the new Harten aircraft was
consid r d successful, but at the end of the
second trial on the following day, Ziller ran
into problems deploying the parachute too
early and it resulted in damage to the under-
carriage. Thi was repaired, but it meant that
testing was delayed until 18 February 1945.
nfortunately, things went disastrously wrong
on this occasion. Ziller suffered a turbojet fail-
ure and attempted to land on one engine. He
lost control of the aircraft and wa killed in the
crash. The exact cause of the accident was
never discovered and the investigation that
followed could not rule out sabotage.
evertheless, these brief trials were judged
so successful that Reichsmarschall Hermann
Goring ordered the aircraft into immediate
44 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 45
Right: The largely completed centre section of the
Horten Ho IXV3. US Army
Below left: Nearly fully-assembled, the Horten
Ho IXV3, soon after discovery by members of the
US 3rdArmyVII Corps on 14 April 1945. US Army
Opposite, top: The Horten Ho IX V2 jet-powered
prototype under construction at Gottingen Airfield.
Bill Rose Collection/David Myhra Collection
Below right: The Horten Ho IX V6 was also
discovered by members of the US 3rd Army VII
Corps on 14 April 1945 at the Gotha works,
Friedrichsroda. US Army
Bottom right: The Horten Ho IX V3 at the
Smithsonian Institution's Garber Restoration
Facility in 2000. Courtesy Michael Katzmann
Bottom left: The engines already installed into the
Ho IX V6 airframe which was at an advanced stage
of assembly at the Gotha works by the end of
World War 2. US Army
55ft (I6.78m)
28' (leading edge)
576.9ft' (53.59m')
24ft 6in (7.47m)
9ft 2in (2.81 m)
II, 1751b (5,067kg)
18,7401b (8,500kg)
2xJunkers Jumo 0048 turbojets,
each rated at 1,980 Ib (8.8kN)
static thrust
590mph (946kph) at sea level and
607mph (976kph) at high altitude
4,330fVmin (I,319m/min)
52,500ft (I6,000m)
932 miles (I ,500km). This could
be doubled with two 275 Imp gal
(I ,350 litre) external drop tanks
2or 4x30mm Mkl08 cannons and
provision for 2x2,2041b (I,OOOkg)
SCIOOO bombs
Initial climb rate
Maximum speed
Wing area
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Horten Ho IXV3/Gotha Go 229A
Unfortunately at the time of writing this inter-
esting aircraft remains in rather a poor state
and it may be some time before this happens.
After the Americans removed V3 from
Gotha Waggonfabrik A.G, it is understood
that a team of engineers were instructed to
destroy the remaining uncompleted proto-
types before Soviet forces arrived.
Controversy surrounds the supposed
stealth capabilities of the Go 229A flying wing
and whether it was intended to have a low
radar signature from the outset. The smooth
boomerang shape and predominantly
wooden construction were a good combina-
tion for this. It is also worth noting that 17mm
thick sheets of plywood used for the skin con-
tained a middle layer of resin-bonded saw-
dust and charcoal which worked quite well
as a radar absorbing material (RAM).
The Germans had certainly made progress
with radar countermeasures during World
War 2 and managed to effectively mask
U-Boat periscopes with the use of a RAM
coating. It is also claimed that during a con-
versation in 1950, Reimar Horten remarked
that the largely wooden construction of the
Go 229Awould have made the aircraft hard to
detect by radar. While it remains conceivable
that this aircraft was intended to have a
stealth capability, it seems more likely that
this feature arose accidentally from the use of
low-cost materials. No documentation that
refers to the development or testing of RAM
for this aircraft has been located. Neverthe-
less, the possibility can't be entirely ruled out
and evidence could surface in the future.
By spring 1945, production was underway at
Friedrichsroda with the first prototype Go 229A
V3 (sometimes also called the Ho IX V3) at an
advanced stage of assembly. Several variants
of the Go 229 were also being assembled and
these were the V4, V5, V6 and V7. In addition,
components were being readied for produc-
tion of the first 20 Go 229A fighter-bombers.
The Go 229A V3 was almost ready to begin
flight-testing when US forces secured the
Friedrichsroda plant in April 1945. The two-seat
V6 was about half finished and work was
underway on the other pre-production aircraft.
V3 was then shipped to the RAE at Fambor-
ough, for initial evaluation and from
there taken to the United States where there
were plans to make it airworthy. But this never
happened and the aircraft was finally passed
from the USAF to the National Air and Space
Museum which intended to fully restore it.
0 II J II0 0
" f"\
: l (1 ::
\) I I \.)
Harten Ho IXV3, renamed
as the Gotha G0229A.
Bill Rose Collection
production as a new fighter-bomber. Plans
had already been drawn up for Gotha Wag-
gonfabrik A.G to begin assembly of several
experimental prototypes and a further batch
of 20 pre-production aircraft at the Friedrich-
sroda factory. This aircraft would be called
the Gotha Go 229A and the company's engi-
neers were officially requested to make a
number of general upgrades to the design
and minor modifications that would assist
with manufacture. These included cockpit
changes and the installation of a rudimentary
ejector seat, alterations to the undercarriage,
some aerodynamic modifications to the
engine intakes and structural improvements
within the engine bays. It was decided to
install four 30mm Mk108 cannons just out-
board of the engines and provide hardpoints
beneath the fuselage for either two bombs or
two drop tanks.
46 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 47
Astudy of the Horten Ho IX by Gotha's design team
led to an alternative aircraft with a number of
obvious improvements. While lacking the elegance
of the Horten flying wing, the P60A proposal made a
sufficient impression on the RLM to secure approval
for further development. Bill Rose ollection
, ,
45Ft Ilin (14m)
Initially 60at the no eand 43
to the wingtips. (Leading edge)
376.7ft' (35m')
35.5Ib/ft' (173.3kg/m')
23ft in (7.2Jm)
7ft 6in (2.2 m)
13,3931b (6,075kg)
I x BMW003A turbojet rated at
1,760 Ib (7.8k ) static thru t, or
preferably I xHeinkel HeS OIIA
turbojet, rated at 2,8651b
(1274kN) slatic thrust. (Early
prototype: I x240hp (I 79kW)
Argus As IOC V8pislon engine in
pu her configuration)
684mph (J,IOOkph) - He SOIIA
50,000ft (15,250m) - He SOJ IA
1,243 miles (2,000km) - He SOIIA
I x30mm MkI0 cannon and
2x 20mm MG151 cannons
The Hortens were working on a more advanced
successor to the Gotha G0229A which was
designated as the Ho X(seen here). It was
expected to enter service during t 946 as the new
Volksjager (People's fighter). Bill Ro e olleclion
peller for powered trials. This would be fol-
lowed by a more refined second version,
probably equipped with a BMW003A turbojet.
It is not clear what stage of development
this project reached by the nd of the war, but
Luftwaffe personnel destroyed the Ho X
before Allied forces arrived. early all docu-
mentation for the Ho X was burnt or simply
disappeared and the Horten Brothers
remained less than forthcoming about this
project after hostilities ceased.
Horten Ho XVolksjager
Wing pan
Wing area
Wing loading
Gross weight
Maximum speed
the pilot in a seated position. The design had
two intakes for the turbojet just behind the
cockpit on each side of the fuselage. It utilised
a tricycle undercarriage and a production
fighter would have been armed with three
forward firing cannons.
A second, more advanced design with an
arrowhead appearance was also called the
Ho X. It had a 60 leading edge weep and
wa powered by a single turbojet in the rear
of the body with the inlet just above and
behind the cockpit canopy. Some illu tra-
tions indicate an engine nacelle beneath the
wing. No vertical control surfaces appear to
have been envisaged and the aircraft would
be supported on the ground by a tricycle
undercarriage. The pilot would fly this aircraft
in a prone position. Almo t nothing is known
about this design and may have been more
closely related to the Ho XIII which is dis-
cussed shortly. During autumn 1944, several
mall models of HoX designs were built and
test flown. These are said to have had
wingspans of about 9ft lOin (3m). Nothing is
currently known about these trials, but the
con truction of a full ized prototype followed
at Gottingen Airfield. The Ho X aircraft was
assembled using the same materials and
method as the Ho IX with a welded tubular
steel central framework and wings made
from wooden components covered with ply-
wood panels. The aircraft may have been
either of previously mentioned de igns and
was intended to be flown as a glider first then
fitted with a 240hp (179kW) Argus AsIOe
inverted V8 piston engine and a pusher pro-
This aircraft was largely based on the
P.60B, but featured a tandem cockpit with
conventional upright seating and an
extended nose section containing air inter-
cept radar equipment and a 'Morgenstern'
(Morningstar) antenna. A variant of this
design was considered which would accom-
modate three crew members and another
change was the provision of vertical stabilis-
ers and rudders. It is believed that construc-
tion of a prototype P.60C continued until quite
late in the war, but the aircraft was finally
destroyed. Apparently, very little documenta-
tion for this project survived.
The Hortens arned a reputation for being
difficult to get along with and it app ars they
were not entirely happy about anyone else
trying to improve on their work. However, the
RLM recognised the superior features of the
P.60 series and 0 did the American scientists
who studied the project after the war. They
concluded that although the P.60 showed
greater induced drag resulting in a slight loss
of climbing rate and ceiling when compared
to the Go 229, the P.60 was a more stable
design with better directional control.
Although the RLM had been impressed with
the P.60, further developments of the Gotha
Go 299 were plann d which included a radar-
equipped night-fighter known as the Go 229B.
Following completion of the Go 229 proto-
types at Friedrichsroda, a brief period of
night-testing was anticipated before the first
batch of production aircraft were transported
to Brandis for operational deployment as
replacements for the Messerschmitt Me 163B
rocket interceptors.
The limited trials that had taken place with
the powered and unpowered Horten Ho IX
aircraft indicated that it was faster than the
Me 262 jet fighter, but less manoeuvrable than
the Me 163B rocket-powered interceptor.
Nevertheless, it was still more than capable of
attacking the anticipated high-altitude USAAF
B-29 bombers.
Horten People's Fighter
Before manufacture of the Go 229 com-
menced, the Hortens were already working
on an improved successor to this aircraft des-
ignated as the Ho X which was expected to
enter service in 1946 as the new Volksjager
(P ople's fighter). There is some confusion
about this design because the designation
Ho X appears to have been applied to several
different projects. This was apparently done
for security and disinformation purposes.
However, the intended successor to the
Go 229 was a compact one-man flying wing
aircraft with a central fuselage section and a
completely faired-in co kpit accommodating
44Ft 4in (13.5m)
45(leading edge)
588.7 Ft' (54.7m')
35Ft 9in (11.5m)
II Ft 6in (3.5m)
23,082 miles (J0,470kg)
596mph (959kph)
43,600Ft (13,300m)
1,367 miles (2,200km)
3.55 hI's
2x Heinkel He SOil each rated at
2,8651b (J 2.74kN) tatic thrust
2x Mk I08 30mm cannons firing
forward, plus 2x30mm Mkl08
cannon in centre section firing
upward at an oblique angle.
Exten ive radar and electronic
equipment for the night fighter role.
44ft 4in (1305m)
45(leading edge)
588.78Ft' (54.7m')
32Ft 6in (9.9m)
II Ft 6in (305m)
21 ,9431b (9,953kg)
604mph (973kph)
40,500Ft (J 2,400m)
1,740 miles (2,800km)
2x Heinkel He SOIl each rated at
2,8651b (12.74k ') tatic thrust
4x30mm MKI0 cannons
I x Rb50/1 camera and
I xRb30/l8 camera
40Ft Iin (J 2.2m)
45(leading edge)
504ft' (46.8m')
2 Ft II in ( .82m)
II Ft 6in (3.5m)
16,4241b (7,450kg)
569mph (915kph)
41,000Ft (J2,500m)
994 mile (J ,600km)
2x BMW003A turbojets,
each rated at 1,760 Ib (7.8kN)
static thru t
4x30mm MKI08 cannon
2x Rb50/18 cameras
Reconnaissance role
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Wing area
Gros weight
Maximum speed
Gotha Go P.60B
Reconnais ance role
Wing area
Gro sweight
Maximum peed
Gotha Go P.60A
Gotha Go P.60C
its cancellation and a switch to development
of a third version intended for use as a night
fighter called the P.60C.
tude Fighter) and assigned the project desig-
nation P.60NR. The pressurised cockpit was
flush with the aircraft's wing and took the form
of a glazed forward section with accommoda-
tion for two crew members, although they
would be lying side-by-side in prone positions.
While this would allow the crew to stand
higher g forces, it also raised serious ques-
tions about their ability to escape from the air-
craft in an emergency. To address thi
question, the idea of mounting both engines
below the wing was studied, but found to
reduce the roll rate. The problem of aban-
doning the P.60A in an emergency was never
resolved, although there were suggestions to
develop some kind of crew ejection mecha-
nism. The P.60A would be upported on a tri-
cycle undercarriage with a lengthy strut for
the nose-wheel which turned through 90
during retraction to minimise the use of inter-
nal space when stowed. Control surfaces on
the trailing edge of the wing were upple-
mented by drag rudder at the wingtips. To
counteract tall during landings, the wing's
leading edge was fitted with hydraulically
controlled split flaps.
Probable armament for the P.60A would
have been four 30mm Mk I 08 cannons. This
aircraft could have been fitted with a camera
pack for high altitude reconnaissance mis-
sions. A further development was the slightly
bigger P.60B that would benefit from a sim-
plified internal structure, a modest re-
arrangement of the cockpit and an engine
upgrade to Heinkel He S OIl turbojets.
Assembly of the first prototype P.60B was
underway during February 1945, although a
change of requirements within the RLM led to
~ ~ ~ : E : r : ~ ~
n 0 f'
" II
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Gotha Projects
Once Gotha Waggonfabrik A.G had been
selected to manufacture the Horten-designed
fighter-bomber, a team of company engi-
neers headed by Dr Hlinerjager set about
undertaking various improvements to the air-
craft that would make it more suitable for
Luftwaffe service and a easy and cost effec-
tive to produce as possible. Their initial
assessment of the Horten design led Gotha's
team to begin work on an alternative concept
for a flying wing aircraft that utilised many of
the same constructional features, but was
generally more advanced than the Go 229A
and could be upgraded with less difficulty.
Major differences included the use of exter-
nally mounted engines in nacelles and an
entirely different cockpit layout. The initial
proposal for this de ign was submitted to the
RLM in early 1945, which were sufficiently
impressed to commission further research.
This proj ct now rec ived the referen e
Gotha P.60A. It would be built from a combi-
nation of steel and wood with propulsion pro-
vided by a pair of turbojet mounted above
and below the centre of the wing. The initial
choice was BMW003A turbojets, although
these could easily be replaced with more
advanced versions, or engines manufactur d
by Junkers or Heinkel. Becaus the turbojets
were carried outside the aircraft's body, main-
tenance or replacement of these units would
have been much simpler than found with the
Horten fighter. A further development of the
P.60A was to install an additional Walter
HWK509B rocket engine and increase the air-
craft's ceiling and climb rate. This proposal
was referred to as the Hohenjager (High Alti-
48 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 49
The extensively-revised layout for
the Horten Ho XVlIIA long-range jet
bomber. Bill Rose Collection
o decisions were made at that time,
although several days later the Hortens were
invited to Reichsmarshall Goring's office and
advised by him that their design had been
selected. They were told that Junkers would
be responsible for building the new Amerika
Bomber with a i tance from Messerschmitt.
A meeting between the Hortens and engi-
neer from Junkers and Messerschmitt was
arranged and when it took place there was
considerable disagreement about the design
with Junkers engineers recommending a
major revision of the Horten's Ho XVIlla pro-
posal. Junkers wanted to add a large central
fin and rudder to the bomber and the Hortens
reluctantly agreed to this, plu the use of six
Jumo 004B turbojets located beneath the
wing in two nacelles and a fully retractable tri-
cycle undercarriage.
Heinkel He SOil turbojets were the preferred
method of propulsion, although it was
accepted that Jumo 004B turbojets might be
adequate. The possibility of using turboprops
in a similar configuration to the orthrop B-35
was also briefly con idered and rejected.
Engine intakes were located in the inner lead-
ing edge and the idea of using a rocket
assisted launch trolley and landing skid was
discussed as a weight saving measure. One
further idea considered by the Hortens was
in-flight refuelling, although it remained rela-
tively new and unexplor d technology and
met with final rejection. On 25 February 1945,
the Hortens were invited to present the
details of their Amerika Bomber proposals at
an RLM review in Berlin that was attended by
representatives of the five other aircraft com-
panies who were participants in the contest.
Horten Amerika Bomber
Another major design project to be under-
taken by the Horten brothers was a long-
range flying wing bomber. In 1944, the RLM
issued a requirement to the leading German
aircraft contractors for a long-range bomber
that was capable of undertaking attacks on
America' eastern seaboard. The Luftwaffe
wanted a high altitude aircraft capable of
delivering four tons of bombs (or possibly one
special weapon) to a chosen target and com-
pleting the round trip of about 7,000 miles
(11 ,265krn) without refuelling.
Five submissions were received by the
RLM, although every company expressed
concerns that the requirement was too
demanding with prevailing technology. As a
consequence, these designs were rejected
and the RLM requested fresh proposals. The
Hortens had not been approached to partici-
pate in the first competition but were aware
that it had not been a success, so they
decided to start design work on a flying wing
aircraft which they called the Ho XVIII
Amerika Bomber. By I January 1945, the
brothers had produced about 10 initial con-
cepts, mainly differing in the number of
engines used and their positioning.
The design preferred by the Hortens was a
large, smoothly-contoured flying wing with
four or six buried engines. This resembled a
cross between the Ho IX fighter and the mod-
ern B-2A bomber in appearance. Advanced
Original artwork for the Horten Ho XVIII strategic
jet bomber, looking decidedly advanced for its
time. Bill Rose Collection
Lippisch. The supersonic Ho XlIIb would
have been powered by a mixed propulsion
system. This could have been either a
BMW003R combined turbojet linked to a
BMW109-718 rocket engine or a Heinkel He S
011 turbojet and a supplementary Walter
rocket engin . The fighter was expected to
have a high rate of climb and be capable of
maintaining upersonic level flight during a
combat mis ion. The Hortens believed that a
maximum speed of Mach 1.4 was realistic,
although this may have been rather opti-
mistic. Supported on the ground by a
retractable tricycle undercarriage, the
HoXlllb would have been armed with two
30mm MG 213 cannons. The HoXlIIb repre-
sented the cutting edge of aircraft design in
1945. Proposals to have this aircraft in service
by 1946 seem like wishful thinking, but the
HoXIII project shows how much progress
had been made in a few short years and
explains why the Allies were so eager to
secure details of these programmes.
39ft 4in (12m)
60(leading edge)
39ft 4in (12m)
I xBMW003R combined turbojet,
producing 2,2051b (9.8k I) tatic
thrust and aBMW109-7181iquid
fuel rocket engine providing 21b
(3.92k ) thru t
1,118mph (1,800kph)
50,OOOft (l5,240m) approx
2x30mm MG213 cannons
39ft 4in (12m)
387.5ft' (36m')
60(leading edge)
32ft 9in (10m)
550lb (250kg)
727lb (330kg) approx
III mph (l80kph)
27mph (44kph)
27mph (44kph)
1aximum speed
Wing pan
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Empty weight
Take-off weight
Maximum speed
tall speed
Landing peed
Horten XIIIb (Ho X) Supersonic Fighter
Horten Ho XIIIa Glider
about the same size as the HoXllla with the
same 60 wing sweep. But unlike the glider,
there would have been a substantial upright fin
containing the cockpit in very similar fashion to
the proposed supersonic Lippisch P.13.
This similarity has often been remarked on
although Reimar Horten denied any knowl-
edge of Lippisch's work during his time in
post-war London. However, this se ms highly
unlik Iy and there was almost certainly
wartime contact between the Hortens and
Bouom: The Ho Xlllb supersonic fighter was the
Horten brothers' most advanced concept that
would have used a mixture of rocket and jet
propulsion. This is believed to be the general
appearance of the design. Bill Rose Collection
Left: Developed from small models, the Horten
Ho Xllla was a single-seat glider built with a sweep
of 60 to test various ideas about future supersonic
night. Trials began in 1944 and the next (eventual)
step would have been construction of a Ho Xlllb
prototype with supersonic performance.
Bill Rose olleclion
took place at Gollingen Airfield on 27 Novem-
ber 1944 and a further 19 nights were con-
ducted at Hornberg by Hermann Strebel who
reported that the glider handled well
although he complained about poor roll con-
trol, limited forward visibility and landing
problems cau ed by the extended skid.
Nevertheles ,the Hortens were contemplat-
ing the construction of a more advanced pro-
totype that would be powered by an Argus
AslO piston engine in a pusher configuration.
But this never came about and at the end of the
war a group of Ru sian soldiers who had just
been liberated from a prison camp discovered
HoXllla and destroyed it. Furthermore, all the
plans and research material for this project
vanished without a trace. It now appears that
the HoXlllb was the anticipated final develop-
ment of this programme and it was expected to
have supersonic performance under certain
conditions. Looking very much like an advance
Lippisch design, this fighter would have been
Horten Supersonic Fighter
By 1943, the Hortens were discussing the pos-
sibility of supersonic night. While this
remained uncharted territory, they decided to
experiment with a highly swept glider that
would provide an understanding of slow
speed handling with a highly swept configu-
ration that might by capable of reaching or
exceeding Mach 1.
The glider was designated HoXllla and
construction is believed to have begun in
early 1944. The aircraft u ed wings from the
Ho III attached to a newcentral section which
provid d a span of 39ft 4in (12m) and asweep
of 60. The design was very clean with few
protrusions apart from a dorsal spoiler and
there were no vertical control surfaces. The
pilot was housed in a gondola arrangement,
mounted below the centre section, with
access via a tail cone cover. In an emergency,
the pilot would jettison this cover and slide
out the back of the unit. The first test night
50 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 5t
carried a 118 Imp Gallon (540 litre) fuel tank
and the main 225 Imp Gallon (I ,025 litre) fuel
tank was positioned at the centre of the air-
craft between the cockpit and engine. The
pressurised cockpit was extensively
armoured and an ejector seat was fitted.
In February 1945, proposals for the EF.128
were submitted to the Emergency Fighter
Competition. The outcome is not entirely
clear as Junkers continued to work on this
design, producing an engineering mock-up
complete with a Heinkel He SOlI engine and
undertaking wind tunnel testing with scale
models. Plans were also drawn up for a
stretched version of the fighter able to carry a
second crew member with a radar system
and greater fuel load. It is unclear how far this
project had progressed by the end of the war,
but relatively little hardware or documenta-
tion survived.
Another very interesting Hertel flying wing
project came about during the final months of
the war while he was heavily involved in
development of the Horten Amerika bomber.
Carrying double the Horten aircraft's bomb
load, this larger aircraft was designed to have
true intercontinental range, allowing strikes
deep into America and Russia. The design ref-
erence is uncertain, but Hertel later called
this study the Very Long Range Bomber
(VLRB) project and he anticipated a crew of
eight to ten. Hertel also believed that this large
flying wing would make a good peacetime
transport and passenger aircraft.
The fuselage was fully integrated with the
wing and there was a rather ugly nose intake
for the engines positioned directly below the
cockpit. Hertel planned to use eight Heinkel
He S 109011 or eight Jumo 109012 engines
turbojets buried in the fuselage. The aircraft
The Junkers EF.128, proposed for the
Emergency Fighter Competition of February
1945. This project proceeded very quickly
from small models, which were wind tunnel
tested, to a complete engineering mock-up.
Chris Gibson
.'....L .J
Much of the initial aerodynamic work for this
project was undertaken by DFS which
resulted in the aircraft sometimes being
referred to as the DFS 130.
Construction-wise, the EF.130 would be
fabricated from low-cost materials with steel
components in critical or load bearing areas
and wooden sections wherever possible. A
crew of three would be housed in a pres-
surised glazed cockpit that protruded for-
ward from the leading edge and the aircraft
would be supported by a tricycle undercar-
riage. Two vertical stabilisers with rudders
were envisaged. The design was in the same
general class as Arado's Ar E.555 and the tail-
less Messerschmitt P.II 08. Wind tunnel mod-
els were constructed and tested, but the
aircraft failed to win acceptance with the
At the same time, Dr Hertel's office was
undertaking a parallel study for a smaller fly-
ing wing fighter which received the reference
EF.128. The design was for a compact single-
seat, single-engine jet fighter armed with two
30mm Mk I 08 cannons, each carrying 100
rounds and there was the option of fitting two
additional cannons. The fuselage would be
constructed from welded steel and many
parts of the wings would be made from
Each wing carried a vertical stabiliser with
a rudder and the aircraft would be supported
on the ground by a retractable tricycle under-
carriage. Junkers engineers hoped to use a
Heinkel He S OIIA turbojet rated at 2,8651b
(12.74kN) static thrust for propulsion,
although it is likely that the option of fitting a
Jumo 004 engine was considered. Air intakes
for the turbojet were located on each side of
the fuselage beneath the wings. Each wing
I (2 seats for aproposed
all-weather variant)
29ft 2in (89m)
45' (leading edge)
I89.4ft' (17.6m')
23ft (7.05m)
8ft 8in (265m)
4ft 2in (127m)
231.42ft' (21.5m')
5,7471b (2,607kg)
8,9881b (4,077kg)
47lb/ft' (231 kg/m')
2,7551b (1,250kg)
I xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojet
rated at 2,8651b (1274kN)
static thru t
562mph (905kph) at sea level,
615mph (990kph) at altitude
45,000ft (13,716m)
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons
78ft 9in (24m)
I,291ft' (120m')
36ft (11m)
83,790 Ib (38,000kg)
615mph (990kph)
40,000ft (12, 192m)
4,350 miles (7,000km)
4xBMW003A turbojets, each
rated at 1,760 Ib (7.8k ) static
thrust or 4xHeinkel He SOil A
turbojets, each rated at 2,8651b
(12.74k ) static thrust
8,8201b (4,000kg) bomb load,
defensive rearward firing 30mm
cannons possibly two forward
30mm cannon
In 1943, a team of designers working under Dr
Heinrich Hertel (I902-1982) began to con-
sider possible ways of meeting future RLM
requirements for a new long-range high per-
formance bomber. Their favoured choice
was a flying wing aircraft. The project was
designated EF.130 and as the concept
steadily evolved, a decision was made to
power the aircraft with four BMW003 or
preferable Heinkel He SOIl turbojets which
would be mounted side-by-side towards the
centre-rear of the flying wing's upper side.
Maximum speed
Wing area
Fuselage width
Fuselage area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Max wing loading
Fuel weight
Junkers EF.130
Junkers Ju EFl28
Junkers Flying Wing Projects
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
137ft 9in (42m)
62ft 4in (19m)
35' (leading edge)
97,0001b (44,000kg)
4xHeinkel He SOil each rated at
2,8651b (1274kN) of static thru t
530mph (852kph)
6,835 miles (II ,000km)
27 hours
Forward and rearward firing
defensive 30mm Mk I08 cannons.
8,820 Ib (4,000kg)
98ft 6in (30m)
1,780ft' (165.3m')
73,000 Ib (33,112kg)
6,000 US gal
6xJunkers Jumo 004B turbojets,
each rated at 1,980Ib (8.8kN)
static thrust
560mph (900kph)
52,500ft (l6,000m)
5,593 miles (9,000km)
Forward and rearward firing
defensive 30mm Mk I08 cannons.
8,8201b (4,000kg)
Horten XVIIIb Bomber
Maximum speed
Bomb load
The partly completed IA38 transport aircraft,
designed by Reimar Horten in Argentina during the
1950s. The stow pace of construction meant that it
was outclassed by the time it finally flew and met
with cancellation in 1962. Peter Nash
Bomb load
Derwent turbojet with a dorsal intake, the air-
craft utilised mid-wing stabilising fins with
rudders and a fully retractable undercarriage.
The armament would probably have been
two or four cannons and although perfor-
mance estimates are unknown, it would have
been in the class of other contemporary sin-
gle-engine jet fighters. Although this concept
was never built, Reimar Horten work d on
many other aircraft designs.
One project that began in 1951 and finally
flew in 1960 was the IAe.38 cargo aircraft. This
was a four-engine flying wing design with a
span of 105ft (32m) that flew on four occa-
sions. It was an interesting aircraft that
reflected wartime developments, but finally
met with cancellation in 1962.
Gross weight
Horten Ho XVIIIa Early Specification
Maximum speed
Wing area
Gross weight
Fuel capacity (max)
U 11 \"J
ing! Exactly how the aircraft would have per-
formed is debatable, especially as gas turbine
technology was still at an early stage. Engine
reliability was poor and turbojets like the
Junkers Jumo 004 were wom out after 25
hours of use. Even if the war had lasted long
enough for the Luftwaffe to field a few inter-
continental jet bombers capable of reaching
America or Soviet industrial areas beyond the
Urals, it would have made little difference to
the outcome of events.
Following the defeat of Nazi Germany,
Reimar and Walter Horten briefly worked for
the British. Reimar then travelled to Argentina
where he undertook a number of officially
sponsored aviation projects, while Walter
remained in West Germany. Having assem-
bled a small team of engineers at the Instituto
Aerotecnico at 6rdoba (later the Fabrica Mil-
itar de Aviones - FMA), Reimar Horten pro-
duced an initial design for a single-seat jet
fighter, which was classified as top-secret.
These studies began with a flying wing con-
cept, heavily based on the Horten Ho IX and
Horten Ho X. Powered by a single Rolls-Royce
Mter his arrival in Argentina, Reimar Horten began
work on a flying wing jet fighter for the government.
Powered by a single Derwent turbojet, this aircraft
was developed from wartime research and probably
represents the ultimate configuration of this series.
Nevertheless, it never progressed beyond the
preliminary concept phase. Bill Rose Collection
Although initially agreeing to these propos-
als, Reimar Horten remained unhappy about
the modifications and set about making fur-
ther alterations that resulted in a new aircraft
called the Ho XVII lb.
His revisions were accepted and it was
now agreed that four Heinkel He SOIl turbo-
jets would power the aircraft and these
would be located in underwing pods
attached to struts containing the landing gear.
It is clear that there was considerable pres-
sure being exerted on everyone involved with
this project. The RLM wanted the long-range
bomber in service at the earliest possible date
and Junkers was instructed to start produc-
tion as soon as was practical. Subsequently,
two huge bomb-proof underground hangars
near Kahla were prepared for manufacture
and assembly, while suitable runways were
built at the site to facilitate testing. It is possi-
ble that some rudimentary construction of
the first Ho XVIIlb was underway when the
war ended and the RLM expected this proto-
type to be completed during autumn 1945,
which seems to have been very wishful think-
52 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 53
30Ft 6in (929m)
I88.84ft' (I 754m')
17Ft 8in (538m)
4,6201b (2,095kg)
342mph (550kph)
I xWalter HWK R.1-203 liquid fuel
rocket engine providing amax
thrust of 6611b (2,94k )
Wing area
Maximum peed
Below left: Alexander Lippisch's Delta lYc,
which received the official designation DFS39.
The Delta lYc was the final incarnation of this
small flying wing. The aircraft handled well
and was considered extremely stable, providing
invaluable aerodynamic data for the Projekt X
programme, which eventually resulted in the
Messerschmill Me 163 rocket-powered interceptor.
Bill Rose Colleclion
Messerschmitt Bf 110 twin-engine fighter. The
Me 163A performed well, although there
were landing problems due to its very nat glid-
ing angle. With a sinking speed of about 5ft
(1.52m) per second at 137mph (220kph) and
lack of naps, precise touchdowns were very
difficult and this led to a couple of potentially
dangerous incident .
By mid-1941, the first two Me 163A proto-
types (Vl and V4) had undergone minor
modifications and were taken to Peene-
munde-Karlshagen for installation of their
Walter HWK RIl-203b rocket engines and fur-
ther testing. The fuel used by the RIl-203b was
DFS 194
Below: One of the Projekt Xwind-tunnel test
models built during the late 1930s. It bears a close
resemblance to the final design and is seen
suspended upside down, which was standard
practice during these trials. Bill Rose Collection
als and minor variants that are too numerous
to list, but all adhered to the same basic
design philosophy.
Development of the interceptor continued
for some time after the Me 163A had been
selected for prototyping. Two variants consid-
ered by Lippisch in 1941 utilised the same over-
all dimensions as the Me 163, but differed in the
cockpit arrangement. The P.01-117 was con-
ceived with a nush, pressurised cockpit,
accommodating the pilot in a prone po ition
and P.OI-118 was to have a complicated inter-
nal arrangement that allowed the pilot to
swivel for the optimal position. Both these
designs received serious consideration, but
nei ther was accepted for further development.
Lippisch also examined the possibility of
producing a turbojet version of the Me 163
after early details of production jet engines
had been reviewed. This resulted in several
proposals and the most notable was the P.OI-
115 conceived in mid-1941 that would be
powered by a BMW003 engine. This aircraft
was similar to the Me 163, but the fuselage
was broader along its entire length and there
was an engine intake above and behind the
cockpit canopy. A supplementary rocket
engine was also considered as an option.
Nothing came of these studi s, but the idea
would resurface in the future.
With construction of the first Me 163A pro-
totypes at an advanced stage, work began on
formalising the rocket-propelled interceptor
that received the reference Me 163B. This
design resembl d the Me I 63A, but it would
steadily evolve into a new aircraft during the
months that followed. Me 163A VI was com-
pleted in early 1941 and transported to Lech-
feld for unpowered glide tests. Dittmar new
the aircraft which was towed into the air by a
DFS 194 was adapted to accept a Walter
RI-203 rocket engine, modified to provide a
reduced maximum thrust of 660 Ib (2.93kN)
for the purpose of improving endurance.
When the work was completed in early 1940,
the DFS 194 was transported to Peenemunde-
Karlshagen where the engine was installed.
Heinrich 'Heini' Dittmar was the test pilot
assigned to this project. He began with gliding
trials which graduated to powered nights
(after being towed into the air), followed by
sharp starts (on the ground) using the rocket
engine. Initially, the speed was limited to
about 190rnph (300kph), but Dittmar had
soon pushed this to 342mph (550kph). The
construction of two Me 163A prototypes was
now undelway at Augsburg and although
Projekt X was highly classified, the pro-
gramme did not receive priority, so assembly
of these aircraft was slow with much of the
work only taking place when skilled person-
nel could be spared from the Messerschmitt
production lines. Because the rocket-pow-
ered Heinkel He 176 had proved disappoint-
ing, there was half-hearted official interest in
Projekt X. But once reports of the DFS 194 tri-
als at Peenemunde-Karlshagen reached the
RLM, there was an abrupt change of attitude.
Lippisch was now receiving the kind of sup-
port he needed with the RLM deciding that
Department L would receive more staff and
the number of prototypes should be
increased to six.
Lippisch had initially considered a military
adaptation of the DFS 194 which progressed
to a more refined proposal known as P.OI-Ill
that was completed in September 1939. His
designers then began to consider an armed
version of the more sophisticated Me 163A
prototype. This resulted in a series of propos-
Messerschmitt Me 163
In the late 1930s, Heinkel at Rostock-
Marienehe secretly built a small experimental
rocket-powered aircraft called the He 176.
The He 176 new and was not a great success,
but it indirectly led to a separate RLM spon-
sored rocketplane programme called Projekt
X that was undertaken by Dr Alexander Lip-
pisch and his team at DFS. Lippisch had pro-
duced an advanced tailless glider known as
the DFS 40 and his new rocket-propelled
design was partly based on this aircraft. In
1938, an area of the DFS facility was prepared
for assembly of the mainly wooden prototype
that had been given the reference DFS 194.
But working space was extremely limited and
it was agreed that only the wings would be
built at DFS and Heinkel would assist with
construction of the fuselage.
Because the project was classified as top
secret, there were security restrictions that
began to cause problems, so the RLM
decided that Lippisch and his team of 12 engi-
neers would move to Messerschmitt at Augs-
burg. This took place on 2 January 1939 and
Projekt Xwas able to continue in an enclosed
environment with less outside meddling. Lip-
pisch's group was assigned a new design
office called Department L and the relocation
seemed to work well, although Willy Messer-
schmitt considered this an unwelcome impo-
sition from the outset.
The DFS 194 had been largely completed at
Darmstadt by the time Lippisch and his staff
moved to Messerschmitt, so the airframe was
transported to Augsburg where it was fin-
ished by skilled assembly workers borrowed
from the Bf 110 production line.
Lippisch had originally intended to test the
DFS 194 with a piston engine driving a pusher
propeller, but this idea was dropped and the
cycle undercarriage was planned and the
wing profile remained very similar to the
wartime bomber design. But the French
authorities finally concluded that the project
was too ambitious and cancelled it on I
December 1948.
At this time, Hertel was working with the
German scientist Dr Helmut Zborowski who
was in the process of setting up an aviation
design consultancy at Brunoy called Bureau
Technique Zborowski (BTZ). But Hertel
decided not to remain in France and he
returned to West Germany during 1950,
accepting an academic post at the Berlin
Technical University. In 1959, he joined
Focke-Wulf in Bremen where he worked as a
design consultant until his retirement. c
Dr Heinrich Hertel's 1946 proposal to SNCASE
(Societe Nationale de Constructions
Aeronautiques du Sud-est) for a flying wing
research aircraft based on wartime research
in Germany. Issued with the reference SE1800,
the project received approval in 1947, but was
never built. Bill Rose olleclion
would be fitted with a single upright stabilis-
ing fin and rudder with support on the ground
provided by a robust tricycle undercarriage
and two-wheel nose unit and four wheels on
each main strut. It was also suggested that
small outrigger wheels might have been
required during landings.
Assistance with the aerodynamics for this
design was provided by DFS and an initial pro-
posal was submitted to the RLM in the last
month of the European war although nothing
came of this very ambitious project. How-
ever, the story did not end there and when
hostilities ceased Dr Hertel was recruited by
the French to work on new aircraft projects.
In 1946, the Marignane design office of
Societe Nationale de Constructions Aeronau-
tiques du Sud-est (S CASE) began to con-
sider various ideas for a nying wing research
aircraft and Dr Hertel took the opportunity to
propose a design that drew heavily on his
VLRB study. S CASE was impressed with
Hertel's ideas and assigned the project refer-
ence SE.1800. Official approval was granted
on 30 April 1947 (Document No 07776) with
the aim of drawing up plans for a tailless sub-
sonic nying wing aircraft.
This was almost a twin-engine, one-third-
size demonstrator version of the large nying
wing bomber that Hertel designed in 1945.
It was hoped this study would lead to sev-
eral military options, which included a high
performance transport aircraft with a gross
weight of 250 metric tons and a heavy fighter
with a cruise speed of 600mph (970kph) and
a range of 2,050 miles (3,300km). In appear-
ance, SE.1800 was more elegant than the
VLRB. It had a contoured cockpit and engine
intakes in the wing root leading edges. A tri-
, ,
\ .....'
I (possibly 2)
55Ft 9in (17m)
785ft' (73m')
45' (leading edge)
39Ft 6in (12m)
20,0861b (9, III kg)
33,0691b (15,000kg)
621 mph (I,OOOkph)
2xRolls-Royce ene turbojet
rated at 5,000 Ib (22.2k ) static
thrust, or 2xS ECMA Alar 101
turbojets, initially rated at 3,700 Ib
(l6.45kN) static thrust
168ft3in (51.2m)
45' (leading edge)
II ,840Ft' (I, 100m')
101Ft 8in (31m)
198,360 Ib (88,974kg)
47Ib/rt' (231 kglm')
8xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojet
rated at 2,8651b (12.74kN) static
thrust or 8xJunkers Jumo 109012
640mph (I ,030kph)
10,557 miles (17,000km)
Defensive cannons in upper and
lower remote controlled turrets.
17,6361b (8,000kg) bomb load
Project SE.1800
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Maximum speed
Junkers Very Long Range Bomber (VLRB)
Wing area
Gross weight
Max wing loading
54 Secrel Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 55
30ft6in (93m)
186ft' (17.27m')
22' (leading edge)
18ft lOin (57m)
9ft lOin (3m)
5, 7071b (2,588kg)
7,9961b (3,628kg)
560mph (900kph) at altitude
60fVsec (I mlsec)
38,000ft (I 1,582m)
584 miles (940km)
I xJunkers Jumo 004B turbojet
rated at 1,980 Ib (8.8kN) static
thru t
2x20mm Mk I03 cannons and
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons
33ft lin (10.08m)
215ft' (19.97m')
23' (leading edge)
21ft (64m)
7,9361b (3,600kg)
One Heinkel He SOIIA turbojet
static thrust
621mph (I,OOOkph) approx
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons in the
fuselage and 2x20mm MG151
cannons in the wings
" , ,
Lippisch P.IS
Messerschmitt (Lippisch) P.20
Wing area
Gross weight
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Rate of climb
Maximum speed
The elegant and compact Lippisch PI5 'Diana'
fighter proposal, conceived to use readily available
components produced for aircraft like the Hel62
jet fighter. Although ordered into production
towards the end of World War 2, the PI5 never
progressed very far. Bill Rose Collection
ward cockpit and fuel tanks. Like the Me 334,
this design would also use a fully retractable
tricycle undercarriage. Performance esti-
mates were very good for this proposal with a
maximum speed of 568mph (914kph), a ceil-
ing of 40,000ft (12,192m) and a range in
excess of 500 miles (800km). Armed with two
20mm and two 30mm cannons, the P.20
might have been a very effective low-cost jet
interceptor that would have been superior to
the later He 162 and perhaps safer to ny. How-
ever, a company review compared the P.20 to
the rival twin-jet Me 262 and Lippisch's pro-
posal was dropped.
Soon after this, on I May 1943, Lippisch left
Messerschmitt to become Director of the
Vienna Aviation Research Institute and most
of his staff went with him. It was undoubtedly
for the best as Lippisch was no longer on
speaking terms with Willy Messerschmitt.
Dr Lippisch designed one further very
promising warplane that was related to the
Me 163. III early 1945, he was officially
requested to develop an inexpensive alterna-
tive to the Heinkel He 162 jet fighter that could
be easily assembled from readily available
components. He responded by proposing a
more streamlined version of the P.20, which
evolved into a fighter called the P.15 based
around a new fuselage containing a Heinkel
He SOIIA turbojet, mated to the forward sec-
tion of a Heinkel He 162. A tricycle undercar-
riage would be used, employing the main
wheels from a Messerschmitt 8f I 09 and the
wings and tailfin would be very similar to
those built for the Me 163C. Intake for the jet
engine would be in the wing roots and the
fighter would be armed with two or four can-
that the wing profile of the forthcoming
Me 1638 required alteration to protect against
wingtip stall. This resulted in special fixed
slots being fitted to the outer wing section just
ahead of the elevons. Although production of
the Me 1638 began on I December 1941,
there were continuing problems with devel-
opment of the higher performance 'Hot' WaI-
ter HWKI09-509A rocket engine. The tricky Z
Stoff catalyst had now been replaced with a
mixture of methyl alcohol, hydrazine hydrate
and water called C-Stoff, but Walter's scien-
tists at Kiel had run into major difficulties with
the new engine. This meant that when the
first Me 1638 rolled off the production line in
April 1942, there was no propulsion system
for it. It would be another year before these
problems were resolved and late July 1943
before the new engines were delivered.
The Me 1638 differed considerably from
the Me 163A and it was designed to carry
more fuel which improved the maximum
speed, ceiling and range. It was initially
intended to arm the aircraft with two 20mm
MG151 cannons, but these were later
replaced by more effective 30mm Mk 108 can-
nons. The cockpit was unpressurised and
pressurisation was considered unnecessary
for a relatively short duration mission with the
pilot using a face mask. It was also decided to
install a substantial amount of forward and
rearward armour. However, the unsatisfac-
tory two-wheel dolly that dropped away after
take-off was retained and the aircraft would
land on a deployable skid and tail wheel.
Difficulties with development of the more
advanced rocket engine encouraged Lip-
pisch to design an alternative 'contingency'
propeller-driven version of the Me 1638
which was assigned the reference Me 334.
This aircraft would utilise some of the existing
Me 1638 components and could be assem-
bled on existing production lines. A forward
located 1,475hp (I, I OOkW) 12-cylinder piston
engine would drive a rear-mounted three
bladed pusher propeller. The Me 334 would
be equipped with a fully retractable tricycle
undercarriage and a tailfin and rudder were
positioned beneath the rear of the fuselage,
offering some protection to the propeller
blades during take-offs and landings.
Lippisch also designed a jet-powered
Me 1638, which undoubtedly drew on earlier
studies. This proposal was called the P.20 and
it would be propelled by a single Jumo 0048
turbojet, rated at 1,980 Ib (8.8kN) static thrust.
With an engine intake in the lower nose, the
fuselage dimensions remained similar to the
Me 1638, but there was just enough space to
accommodate the Junkers turbojet which
had a length of 12ft 8in (3,85m) plus the for-
30ft 7in (9.32m)
199 13ft' (I 849m')
23.3' (quarter-chord)
18ft 8in (573m)
9ft (276m)
4,200 Ib (1 ,905kg)
9,500 Ib (4,309kg)
596mph (959kph) at altitude
I I ,500fVmin (3,505m/min)
39,000ft (I 1,887m)
7min 30sec
50 miles (80km)
1xWalter HWK 509A-2 liquid fuel
rocket engine providing amax
thrust of 3,750 Ib (I668kN)
2x20mm MGI51 cannons with
100rpg or 2x30mm Mkl08
cannons with 60rpg
Me 163A V4 making a rocket-powered take-off.
Bill Rose Collection
ated to a speed of 624mph (I ,004kph) where
he ran into severe stability problems and had
to throttle back. He had broken all existing air
speed records by a significant margin, but the
achievement remained secret. Meanwhile,
the RLM was so impressed by the night they
ordered the newly designed Me 1638 into
immediate production.
Having analysed the problems encoun-
tered by Dittmar, Lippisch's team decided
Accidents, sometimes with fatal consequences
were continual throughout Germany's rocket
interceptor programme, primarily due to the
extremely dangerous fuels used to power the
rocket engine. This photograph is believed to show
Me 163A (GG-EA) V5 after an incident at
Peenemiinde. Bill Rose Collection
The first prototype Me 163A (Werk Nr 163000000I)
assigned the reference V4, which made its initial
test flight at Lechfeld in spring 1941.
Deutsches Bundesarchiv
Me 163B-IA
Wing area
Height (on dolly)
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Rate of climb
Powered endurance
thrust produced by these early engines was
considerable and the Walter RII-203 provided
a controlled output that could be varied from
about 330 Ib (I.46kN) to 1,650 Ib (733kN).
Powered nights began during September
1941 and on 2 October 1941 the fully-fuelled
Me 163AV4 piloted by Dittmar was towed into
the air behind a 8f II OC and released at an
altitude of 13,124ft (4,000m). Dittmar then
ignited the Walter rocket engine and acceler-
a mixture of highly corrosive concentrated
hydrogen peroxide (T-Stoff) and a calcium
permanganate liquid catalyst (Z-Stoff), which
converted the hydrogen peroxide to a hot
steam. This was a truly dangerous blend that
could easily explode, even when carefully
handled by highly trained operatives. Such
were the hazards posed by the use of Z-Stoff
and its tendency to clog jets that a replace-
ment was urgently sought. Nevertheless,
56 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 57
AMe 163B interceptor during take-off. Like the
earlier Me 163A, it had a two-wheel dolly that was
dropped after leaving the ground and the aircraft
would make a glide landing, touching down on a
deployable skid and tail wheel. This saved weight
avoided the need for a complicated undercarriage.
Bitt Rose Collection
lence in the fuel outlet. Luftwaffe pilots
assigned to EK16 were being trained to fly the
Me 163Agliders and by autumn 1943, a signif-
icant number of production Me 163B aircraft
had been completed at Regensburg. How-
ever, a B-17 bombing raid on 17 August 1943
resulted in most of the remaining airframes
being destroyed and production was passed
to Klemm Technik GmbH which would coor-
dinate dispersed production of components
in much smaller facilities. The Me 163B had
now received the name Komet (Comet),
although pilots often referred to the aircraft
within the EK16 as 'The Powered Egg' or 'The
Devil's Sledge'.
The best way to deploy the newinterceptor
remained under consideration and Haupt-
mann Spate proposed a chain of bases for the
aircraft, each separated by a distance of
about 90 miles (I50km). The rocket fighters
would attack the increasing waves of Allied
bombers during the inbound and outbound
stages of their missions.
The Luftwaffe accepted aspects of the pro-
posal with new bases being selected at
Wittmundhafen, Udetfeld, Stargard, Deelen,
Husum and Venlo. The first functional rocket
fighter staffel (squadron) known as I/JG400
was created during May 1944 and based at
Wittmundhafen with most of the personnel
being drawn from EKI6. But the combat
ready aircraft did not arrive until July 1944 and
then a decision was taken to relocate opera-
tions to Brandis Airfield near Leipzig because
rocket engine. This was intended for use in
the enhanced Messerschmitt Me 163C that
entered development after Lippisch and his
team left Messerschmitt. Three Me 163C pro-
totypes were completed by Messerschmitt
and had been test flown by 1945. This aircraft
was a considerable improvement on the
Me 163Bwith a lengthened fuselage and pres-
ble and Allied fighter pilots identified this
weakness, realising that the best time to
attack one of the rocket fighters was during its
glide back to base.
Work continued to improve the rocket
fighter and two Me 163Bs (V6 and V18) under-
went modifications to accept the more pow-
erful two-chamber Walter HWK 109-509 C
protection of the local Leuna synthetic fuel
plant had been given high priority. Brandis
was relatively small and a second-rate airfield
- workshops were inadequate, general facili-
ties were poor and there was nowhere safe to
store the dangerous fuels used by the Komets
which had to be shipped to the airfield by rail.
Furthermore, the Leuna facility was close to
the limits of the Komel's range. lt was a very
unsatisfactory situation, but Brandis still
became the centre of Komet operations dur-
ing the remainder of World War 2.
There had been one or two fleeting
encounters with Allied aircraft, but the first
operational mission took place at the end of
July and several kills had been recorded by.
the beginning of August 1944. By now, the
shortcomings of the Me 163B were becoming
apparent and the high approach speed during
an attack made it difficult for pilots to hit their
targets. Additionally, the Mkl08 cannons
would often jam.
Attacking the bomber formations at high
speed with cannon fire presented various
problems and consideration had been given
to the use of air-to-air R4M rockets. EKI6
undertook trials with an adapted Me 163Athat
was fitted with underwing racks carrying
R4Ms, but this did not work out and the idea
seems to have been abandoned.
A somewhat different and rather unortho-
dox idea was then adopted which involved
the use of 10 upward-firing 50mm projectiles
configured to be recoilless by simultaneously
discharging a downward counterweight. A
Komet equipped with this system would pass
beneath the enemy bomber at high speed and
a photoelectric cell would automatically trig-
ger the release of the projectiles at exactly the
right moment. Known as the SG-500 Jagdfaust
(Fighter Fist), this weapon had been fitted to
12 Me 163Bs by the end of the war and was
used operationally with Lt Fritz Kelbs shooting
down a B-1 7G during an interception.
Aside from that, the Me 163B's combat
record was poor. It is hard to determine the
exact number of kills that can be credited to
this aircraft, but it is certainly no more than IS
and the majority were USAAF B-17s.
Although the Me 163 enjoyed an astonish-
ing rate of climb and maximum speed, the
fuel burnt at a phenomenal rate of 18.31b
(8,3kg) per second, leading to rapid deple-
tion. Then the aircraft became very vulnera-
AMe 163B glides back to base after an operational
flight. Bitt Rose Collection
AMe 163B caught by the gun camera of a USMF
P-51 Mustang fighter just before it was shot down.
32ft 2in (9.8m)
219.583ft' (20.39m')
23ft lin (7m)
10ft (3m)
4,8501b (2,199kg)
11 ,6841b (5,299kg)
569mph (9l5kph)
40,000ft (I 2, 192m)
12 minutes
78 miles (I25km)
I xWaiter HWK 509C-lliquid fuel
rocket engine providing amax
thrust of 4,41 0Ib (I 9.61 kN)
2x20mm MG151 cannons with
100rpg or 2x30mm Mk108
cannons with 60rpg
Me 163C
Wing area
Height (on dolly)
Empty weight
Gross weight
Max speed at altitude
Service ceiling
Powered endurance
into the air by a Bf II O. By the start of the fol-
lowing year, an evaluation unit known as
Erprobungskommando 16 (EKI6) had been
assembled at Peenemtinde-Karlshagen
under the leadership of Hauptmann Wolf-
gang Spate who would go on to become one
of Germany's most highly decorated pilots.
Soon after their formation, EKI6 was relo-
cated to the Bad Zwischenahn Airfield north-
west of Oldenberg.
Hanna Reitsch was also involved with early
testing of the Me 163 and had been assigned
the task of conducting acceptance flights for
each Me 163B that left the Regensburg pro-
duction line. On 30 October 1942, she made a
glide test with the fifth aircraft, but the under-
carriage dolly failed to separate. Reitsch was
forced to make a crash landing and it put her
in hospital for many months.
Accidents with these aircraft were com-
mon and test pilot Heini Dittmar was badly
injured during an uncontrolled Me 163 crash
landing on a section of concrete apron. The
sudden 20G deceleration caused him serious
spinal injuries which confined him to hospital
for the next two years. His deputy Rudolph
Opitz also experienced a very hard landing in
a defective Me 163, and although not so
severe, it kept him in hospital for several
months. The accidents were investigated by
Dr Justus Schneider, who was a consultant
working for the Luftwaffe, and he made a
number of recommendations. As a conse-
quence, there were attempts to improve the
landing skid and make it more capable of
absorbing severe impacts, but this turned out
to be more difficult than envisaged. Attention
then switched to redesigning the pilot's seat
to make it torsion-sprung and this became a
standard feature for all Me 163 aircraft.
Walter rocket engines were now installed
in the Me 163B aircraft and tested, although
frequent problems arose with their operation
such as the engines cutting out due to turbu-
Unquestionably the most famous German pilot of
the Nazi era, Hanna Reitsch was involved with the
testing of several advanced military aircraft and
suffered serious injuries in 1942 after crash-
landing a defective Me 163B. Bill Rose Collection
nons. Bearing some resemblance to the
Me 163 series of designs, this hybrid tailless
aircraft offered a good combination of fea-
tures and it received the name Diana. Pro-
duction was assigned to Wiener Neustadt
Aviation, but the P.15 Diana progressed no
further than a scale model by the end of the
Development of the Me 163B had been
complex and troublesome, but the first pro-
duction aircraft was test flown as a glider on
26 June 1942 at Lechfeld, having been towed
58 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 59
Me 263A-l/Junkers Ju 248 VI
surised cockpit. A landing skid was still used,
although the tail wheel retracted. Armament
was similar but it was planned to fit the
Me 163C with the SG-500 Jagdfaust system.
The Me 163C addressed some of the earlier
criticisms and in overall terms the aircraft was
an improvement over the Me 163B, but the
Luftwaffe was unimpressed, mainly because
the aircraft retained the landing skid system.
This saved weight and avoided the need for a
complicated undercarriage, but it was possi-
ble for a dolly to bounce up from the ground
after release and hit the aircraft, or fail to
detach, which could be almost as bad.
Using a landing skid also created ground-
handling problems and could leave the air-
craft vulnerable to attack prior to retrieval.
Messerschmitt responded to these concerns
at the end of 1943 with proposals for a more
advanced aircraft that would be built along-
side the Me 163C. Designated as the Me 1630,
this new design was wind tunnel tested in
model form and then a wooden mock-up
was built and shown to RLM officials. Imme-
diate approval was given to proceed with the
construction of a prototype and this aircraft
was completed by spring 1944 with gliding
tests following within a matter of weeks. The
Me 1630 VI was essentially a stretched ver-
sion of the Me 163B with a similar cockpit
arrangement, a fully retractable tricycle
undercarriage, the improved two chamber
Walter rocket engine and larger fuel tanks.
But the RLM were not entirely satisfied with
the Me 1630 VI and voiced concerns that
Messerschmitt resources had become too
stretched to continue with the project. It was
31 ft 2in (9.50m)
190ft' (17.7m')
19ft lOin (6.05m)
8ft IDin (2.70m)
31 ft 2in (9.5m)
19ft lOin (6.05m)
8ft lOin (270m)
3,3181b (I,505kg)
8,5651b (3,885kg)
559mph (900kph)
at 30,000ft (9,144m)
9,113fVmin (2,777mJmin)
39,000ft (11,887m)
5min 30sec
I xMitsubishi KRI0(Tokuro2
or Ro.2) liquid fuel rocket engine
producing 3,300 Ib (l47kN)
of thrust
(J8MI) 2x30mm Type 5cannon
(J8M2) I x30mm Type 5cannon
(Ki-200) 2x30mm Ho1 05 cannon
MXY9 Shuka (Autumn Fire) received some
consideration by the Navy. This version
would utilise a Kugisho Hatsukaze II
(Tsu-II) ducted fan jet engine, although it
never progressed beyond the concept stage.
The Navy was also planning to build a deriva-
tive of the Shusui called the J8M2 which
would only be fitted with one cannon to allow
the carriage of a greater fuel load.
Wing area
Mitsubishi J8M Shusui (Sharp Sword)
Yokosuka MXY8 Akigusa (Autumn Grass)
Training Glider
Wing area
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Maximum speed
Rate of climb
Powered endurance
for test nights while development continued.
Fuel for the rocket engine was identical to the
German C Stoff and T Stoff, referred to in
Japan as Ko and Otsu. The Imperial Japanese
Navy received priority and the first pre-pro-
duction J8MI came off the Mitsubishi pro-
duction line at Nagoya in June 1945. It was
then transported to Yokosuka where a rocket
engine was fitted. With half full fuel tanks, the
first Shusui night took place on 7 July
1945.The project's senior test pilot Toyohiko
Inuzuka made a sharp start and left the
ground, successfully jettisoning the undercar-
riage and pulling up into a steep 45climb. But
seconds later, the rocket engine cut out and
the aircraft stalled.
In the first account of this accident, the air-
craft went into a steep vertical dive, hit the
ground and Inuzuka was killed instantly.
Alternatively, it has been suggested that he
managed to glide back to the airfield, but
struck the roof of a small building on the
perimeter and crash-landed. The prototype
caught fire and Inuzuka was rescued but died
the following day. Whatever the exact course
of events may have been, this accident was a
setback to the programme. Engineers finally
concluded that there were problems with the
engine's automatic cut-out system, probably
caused by an air lock in the fuel supply, result-
ing from the tanks only being partially filled.
Urgent modifications were made to the
design of the engine, although this does not
appear to have held up aircraft production at
It was planned to have the first Shusui inter-
ceptor unit operational by the beginning of
1946, but Japan had surrendered before the
next test night could take place. By the end of
the war, approximately 50 gliders had been
completed and seven or eight Shusui aircraft
built. A development of the glider called
A Japanese MXY8 Akigusa (Autumn Grass) training
glider built by the Naval Arsenal in Yokosuka.
Bill Rose Collection
B-29 raids were now underway and there
was an urgent need to produce an intercep-
tor capable of engaging these fast, high-nying
bombers. Something had to be done and
there was general agreement that waiting for
the next submarine to arrive was not an
option. After some discussion, it was decided
to build a reasonably authentic copy of the
Me 163B based on available information. It
was felt that there should be no significant dif-
ferences with the specification as the Messer-
schmitt aircraft was a proven design.
Mitsubishi was immediately assigned the
task of developing the aircraft and the project
was co-ordinated by Kiro Takahashi and Tet-
suro Hikida. This design was given the desig-
nation J8MI and would receive the name
Shusui (roughly translated as Sharp Sword).
By September 1944, a mock-up had been
completed and by October 1944, several
modifications had been made (mainly to sim-
plify production) with approval to commence
immediate production. Alongside this pro-
ject, a glider for training nights was being
assembled at the Naval Arsenal in Yokosuka
under the direction of Hidemasa Kimura. This
received the designation MXY8 and was
called Akigusa (Autumn Grass). MXY8 was
completed by the end of the year and test
nown at the Hyakurigahara Airfield by Lt Cdr
Toyohiko Inuzuka. He reported that the glider
handled very well and as a consequence two
further MXY8 gliders were built and supplied
to the Army and Navy for further evaluation. At
the same time, a manufacturing contract was
issued to Yokoi Koku KK to begin manufac-
ture of a production glider called Ku 13.
Work was nowproceeding at Mitsubishi on
the construction of 12 J8MI (Ki-202) proto-
types which externally resembled the original
Komet, but differed in certain detail such as
the lack of a small nose airscrew to drive a
generator. Two slightly different versions of
the aircraft would be manufactured for the
Army and Navy. Aside from minor differences
in the type of equipment carried, the
weapons varied. The Navy's J8MI would be
equipped with two 30mm Type 5 cannons
and the Army's version designated Ki-200
would carry two 30mm HoI 05 cannons,
although it appears that neither of these
weapons compared to the German Mk I 08
During trials, the Mitsubishi KR10
(Tokuro-2) rocket engine based on the Wai-
ter design delivered lightly less thrust than
anticipated, but it was considered adequate
During the Me 163's development, Japanese
officials were invited to observe test nights
under a joint technical exchange agreement.
The Japanese were impressed with the air-
craft and knew about America's forthcoming
Boeing B-29 bomber which would present
interception problems for existing fighters.
Following a visit to Bad Zwischenahn airfield
in 1943 by the Japanese military attaches, a
contract was signed for licensed production
of the Me 163B and its rocket engine. The Ger-
mans would provide blueprints, technical
material, fuel formulations and allow inspec-
tion of the manufacturing facilities. In addi-
tion they would provide several fully
functional Walter rocket engines and one air-
frame with the deal being completed by I
March 1944.
The Japanese 3,600 ton diesel-electric sub-
marine 1-29 Matsu (Pine Tree) was used for
several highly classified missions during
World War 2 and during December 1943, 1-29
was sent to German-occupied France with a
special delivery of rare metals and various
high-priority materials such as morphine. The
submarine arrived at Lorient on II March
1944 and before returning to Japan, the boat
was loaded with a secret cargo that included
blueprints and technical documentation for
the Me 163, plus several examples of the Wai-
ter HWK 509A rocket engine and possibly a
Me 163B airframe. On 16 April 1944, 18 pas-
sengers boarded the boat and she slipped out
of the port. 1-29 arrived at Singapore on 14 July
and disembarked its passengers. Amongst
these was the Berlin naval attache Eiichi
Iwaya, who had been involved in securing the
Me 163 deal. He then new on to Japan and the
special cargo remained onboard 1-29 for
return directly to Kure, Japan. On 26 July 1944,
1-29 was detected in the Balintang Channel by
Wilkin's USN Submarine Taskforce and
attacked by the submarine USS Sawfish
which fired four torpedoes at her. Three hit
1-29 and she sank immediately.
Mitsubishi already had enough technical
documentation to begin producing copies of
the Walter rocket engine (some sources indi-
cate that an engine was already in its posses-
sion), but it had no aircraft capable of using it.
With the disappearance and presumed loss
of 1-29, its only reference material was a
Me 163B handbook that had been provided to
Eiichi Iwaya. The accuracy of this claim
remains open to question with one uncon-
firmed report suggesting that some of the
Me 163B documentation plus a Walter rocket
engine (and a Junkers Jumo 004 turbojet)
were unloaded at Singapore and transported
directly to Japan.
then decided that further development of the
Me 1630 VI should be passed to Heinrich
Hertel's design office at Junkers. The project
was now renamed Ju 248 and Hertel's engi-
neers made a series of immediate improve-
ments. These included lowering of the
fuselage dorsal section and revising the cock-
pit which they heavily armoured, pressurised
and covered with a blister canopy. Produc-
tion aircraft would be built in three sections
with a removable tail unit to facilitate easy
engine maintenance. The wings were similar
to those found on the Me 163B, but now used
automatic slots and had larger naps. The air-
craft was designed around the Walter
HWK109-509C rocket engine, but allowances
were made for upgrading to the more
advanced BMW708 rocket engine which
promised significantly better performance
and ran on S Stoff (mostly nitric acid) and
R Stoff (crude oxide monoxylidene and tri-
By August 1944, the Ju 248 Vl had been
completed at Dessau, and soon after this,
glide trials commenced using a Ju 188
bomber as a tow aircraft. For each of these
nights the undercarriage was fixed in an
extended position and the Ju 248 VI proved to
handle more safely than the Me 163 at low
speeds. According to most reliable refer-
ences, powered nights followed during Sep-
tember or October with speeds in excess of
590mph (950kph) being attained. But there
were problems encountered as the centre of
pressure moved rearward beyond Mach 0.8
and this was an issue that needed to be
addressed. Then a rather petty disagreement
arose about the aircraft's designation and
Willy Messerschmitt complained to the RLM
which instructed Junkers to start using the
original reference Me 263.
At an RLM meeting in Berlin during Decem-
ber 1944, it was decided to press ahead with
production of the new aircraft, although
development slowed with other work taking
priority and serious fuel shortages limited fur-
ther testing. When hostilities ended, the
Me 263 VI was the only example to be com-
pleted, but airframes for the V2 and V3 had
reached an advanced stage of construction.
When Soviet forces secured the Junkers
plant, VI was shipped back to Russia, along
with most of the documentation and manu-
facturing equipment. While the Komet was
impressive for its time, this programme can
only be regarded as a failure, having diverted
valuable manpower and resources from
more worthwhile aircraft such as the Me 262
jet fighter. When the final Me 163B rolled off
the production line in February 1945, about
365 of these aircraft had been produced.
31 ft 2in (9.5m)
25ft lOin (7.88m)
lOft 5in (3, 17m)
4,640 Ib (2, I05kg)
11,3541b (5,150kg)
621mph (I,OOOkph) (HWK509C-4)
16,400fVmin (HWK509C-4)
45,000ft (I 3, 716m)
90 miles (144km)
I xWalther HWK509C-4 liquid fuel
rocket engine producing amax
thrust of 4,4101b (19.6IkN),
or I xBMW708 rocket engine
producing an estimated 5,500 Ib
(2446kN) thrust
2x30mm Mk I08 cannons with
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Rate of climb
Powered endurance
60 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 61
Post-War British Komet Trials
When the war in Europe ended, British forces
retrieved a great deal of German aeronautical
hardware for evaluation. The quality of the
equipment varied from brand-new condition
to badly damaged, but almost anything of
interest was transported to the Royal Aircraft
Establishment (RAE) at Farnborough where it
was examined and tested by the secretive
Experimental Flying Department.
In May 1945, the RAE took delivery of an
intact Me 163B, although the early history of
this Komet remains unknown. It was assigned
the official UK serial VF241, partly repainted to
show RAF colours and the engine was
removed. This space would be filled with test
equipment and ballast. Wg Cdr Roly Falk
undertook the first glide flights in July 1945,
but there were problems with the aircraft's
hydraulic system which held up testing for the
remainder of the year. It was also decided by
the Ministry of Supply that there should be no
powered flights made in this aircraft as it was
too dangerous. Whether or not this was ever
a serious consideration remains unknown.
Glide trials with VF241 resumed during
February 1946 using a Spitfire IXas the towing
aircraft. The flights were undertaken from
Wisley Airfield in Surrey which was owned by
Vickers-Armstrong, but is now derelict. Later
flights were made at RAF Wittering, although
it's not entirely clear why this more distant
location was chosen. However, both sites
were able to provide a grass landing area
which was essential for the Komet. Many of
the flights were undertaken by senior RAE test
pilot Capt Eric Brown, who is now credited
with having flown more different types of air-
craft than anyone else in history.
One of the purposes of these trials was to
gain experience with skid landing techniques
as the RAE was developing proposals for an
experimental swept-wing supersonic aircraft
designed by the German engineers Hans
Multhropp and Martin Winter. It was hoped
that the Multhropp-Winter aircraft would
reach at least Mach 1.26 and climb to an alti-
tude of 60,000ft (l8,288m). This alternative to
the supersonic Miles M.52 that was under
development carried the pilot in a prone posi-
tion and utilised a landing skid system to min-
imise weight.
But on 15 November 1947, VF241's
hydraulic landing skid failed as Brown
touched down and the Komet was badly dam-
aged. Brown was slightly injured, but the air-
craft was a write-off. The supersonic project
was cancelled at around the same time and
this would be one of the last captured German
aircraft to be te t flown by RAE personnel.
Nevertheless, the small rocketplane had quite
an impact on British designers and it is clear
that the experimental DH.108 programme
(described in the previous chapter) was
strongly influenced by the Me 163. The idea of
a rocket-powered interceptor also persisted
for several years with the Me 163 making a
lasting impression on Britain's senior air staff
who were increasingly concerned about the
threat from future high-flying Soviet bombers.
The jet engine was still relatively crude,
unreliable and incapable of delivering the kind
of performance needed by an interceptor. This
led to a requirement for an advanced pure
rocket-powered interceptor issued as Specifi-
cation F. I 24. Several military aircraft contrac-
tors made submissions and the winner was an
advanced delta-winged design from Shorts
known as PD. 7. However, it was soon replaced
by a proposal from Saunders Roe for a high-
performance mixed propulsion interceptor
called the SR.53 which was finally accepted for
development under a revised Specification
F. I 38. Two examples were built and there
were plans to progress to the Saunders Roe
SR. I 77 which would enter service with the
RAF, Royal Navy and Luftwaffe. The pro-
gramme continued until the late I 950s when it
met with sudden cancellation during major
defence cuts. Since the SR. 53's inception, gas
turbine technology had made considerable
strides and as a consequence, combat aircraft
using rocket propulsion were effectively dead.
US Komets
At the end of World War 2, five Messerschmitt
Me 163B Komets were shipped to the US for
evaluation by the USAAF. Each Me 163
received a Foreign Equipment serial number:
FE-495, FE-500, FE-50 I, FE-502 and FE-503. Of
these aircraft, FE-500 (also marked T-2-500)
was the example used for testing. This
Me 163B-1a (Werke Nr 191301) arrived at
Freeman Field, Indiana, on 10 August 1945
and it was displayed at the Wright Field Air
Fair during October 1945. Following this, the
aircraft was restored to fully operational con-
dition using components salvaged from other
Komets and work was completed by March
1946. FE-500 was then shipped to Muroc Field
(now Edwards AFB), California, on 12 April
1946. It was planned to test the Me 163B as a
glider and then switch to rocket-powered tri-
als, so a request was made to the US Navy for
a supply of Hydrazine hydrate. Dr Lippisch
had been detained in Austria by the USAAF's
Air Technical Intelligence branch and was
taken to Paris and London for debriefings. He
was then offered the opportunity to work in
the United States along with senior members
of his staff that included Ernst Sielaff and
Friedrich Ringleb under a scheme called
Operation 'Paperclip'.
Lippisch arrived in the US during January
1946 and was then transferred to Wright Field
(now Wright-Patterson AFB), Dayton, Ohio.
One of the first programmes he was asked to
participate in was a USAAF evaluation of the
Me I 63B and on 30 April 1946, Dr Lippisch and
former test pilot Ludwig Vogel were flown to
Muroc Field. The next day Lippisch and Vogel
examined FE-500 and pointed out various
faults with the landing gear, control system
and wing delamination. This resulted in
immediate work on the aircraft, with the
wings being replaced by those belonging to
FE-495. The Komet was finally judged airwor-
thy on 3 May 1946 and preparations were
made to undertake the first glide flight. Major
Gustav E. 'Gus' Lundquist had also been
flown in from Wright Field where he headed
the Fighter Test Section and was assigned to
make the initial glide flights in FE-500.
Several Me 163B Komets were secured by the
British during 1945 and the best example was
provided to the RAE for testing and evaluation,
having been given the reference VF241. The engine
was replaced with ballast and VF241 was partly
repainted with RAF markings. Bill Rose Collection
At the end of hostilities in Europe, the US Army
shipped vast quantities of advanced German
military hardware back to America for evaluation.
This included complete examples of aircraft such
as the Messerschmitt Me 163. Five of these aircraft
are known to have been shipped to the US and this
photograph shows one of these examples being
loaded into a Douglas C-54 transport aircraft. USAF
Restored to fully operational condition in the USA,
this Me 163B was assigned the reference FE500
and delivered to Muroc Field (now Edwards AFB),
California, on 12 April 1946. It was flown as a
glider and there were plans to test the aircraft
under rocket power, but the idea was finally
abandoned on the grounds of safety. USAF
The first attempt to fly the aircraft took
place on 3 May 1946 at Rogers Dry Lake using
a B-29 bomber as the tow aircraft. But there
were problems with the tow cable being
inadvertently released and the trials were
delayed. When flight tests finally got under
way, Lundquist experienced very serious
wake turbulence problems caused by the
B-29, but he was lifted to an altitude of about
32,000ft (9,753m) before gliding back to land
on the lake bed.
Further flights were made and it was
planned that Robert Hoover would fly FE-500
under full rocket power, although it was finally
decided not to proceed for safety reasons.
With the trials concluded, FE-500 was moved
to orton AFB where it was stored until 1954
and then handed over to the Smithsonian
Institution (now the National Air and Space
Museum). It remained on display until 1996
when it was loaned to the Mighty Eighth Air
Force Museum in Georgia which undertook a
full restoration. At the time of writing it is in the
process of being returned to the National Air
and Space Museum's Silver Hill facility.
Details of this aircraft's earlier history in
Germany remain unknown. As far as is
known, the other Komets taken to Freeman
Field had all been scrapped by the late 1940s
with some of the parts being retained as
spares for FE-500.
In addition to FE-500, two Japanese J8M1
Shusui aircraft were shipped to the United
States onboard the USS Barnes in November
1945. The first example received the serial
FE-300 (or T2-300), but the reference for the
second is unknown at present. This was briefly
displayed at Naval Air Station Glenview, Illinois,
and then scrapped. FE-300 was evaluated by
the Navy and then passed to the Planes of Fame
Museum, California, where it currently resides.
In 1960, a J8M1 was discovered hidden in a
cave at the Yokosuka region south of Tokyo.
Although in very poor condition, the aircraft
was displayed outdoors at a Japanese Air
Force base near Gifu for many years. In 1999,
Mitsubishi purchased this example and
undertook a full restoration which was virtu-
ally a complete replication. The aircraft is now
kept at the company's Komari Plant Museum.
Postwar Russian Komet Research
In early 1944, Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) and at
least one other Opytnoe Konstruktorskoe
Byuro (OKB or Experimental Design Bureau)
were requested to start work on developing a
Russian version of the rocket-powered
Me 163B interceptor. Proposals were drawn
up, but further development had not been
approved by the end of the war in Europe. It
remains unclear howsimilar this proposal was
to the German aircraft. After hostilities ceased,
the Russians secured several examples of the
Me I 63B, an example of the Me I 63S (two-seat
trainer) and the very advanced Junkers
248/Me 263V1 prototype. In addition to the air-
craft, there were huge quantities of docu-
ments, factory equipment and engineers who
had worked on these programmes.
Many captured German aircraft of interest,
including the German rocket fighters, were
transported to the Gromov Flight Research
Institute which had been established in 1941
south-east of Moscow. But when it came to
testing the rocket aircraft there was no fuel for
the Walter rocket engines and there were
insufficient means within the Soviet Union or
captured territories to produce the quantities
of hydrogen peroxide required.
Nevertheless, glide flights began in 1945
using a Tupolev Tu-2 bomber to tow a
Me 163B into the air with M.L. Gallay becom-
ing the first Soviet test pilot to fly the Komet.
Further flights, with and without water ballast,
were undertaken by institute pilots. It was
soon determined that the Me 163B could dive
at higher speeds than any other unpowered
design and it possessed good longitudinal and
roll stability. The institute's chief test pilot, Lt
Col V. Yeo Golofastov, remarked that the
Komet behaved like a conventional fighter in
unpowered flight and had good aerobatic
qualities. However, it is clear that the Me 163B
was not a popular aircraft with the Russians
who nicknamed it Karas (Carp) and none of
them liked the landing skid system which was
blamed for several minor accidents.
62 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 63
In late 1941, Lippisch was advised about jet
engine developments at Junkers and he pro-
duced preliminary designs for a twin-engine
fighter called P.09 which utilised the Me 163's
aerodynamics. Messerschmitt rejected the
P.09 as it clashed with development of the
Me 262, but Lippisch evolved the proposal
into a slightly larger two-man fast jet bomber
called the Li P.I O. By the end of 1941, the tail-
less P.I 0 had been given a wingspan of 43ft
II in (13.4m) with a 33 sweep and the air-
craft's overall length was 26ft 9in (7.5m).
Gross weight was 24,2501b (II ,000kg) and
two of the still experimental Junkers Jumo
turbojets would be used for propulsion, also
enclosed within the wing roots. It was
planned to equip the aircraft with a fully
retractable undercarriage with the rear end
rested on a tail wheel and the crew of two
would sit side-by-side in a flush cockpit. P.1 0
would be armed with forward and rearward
firing cannons and capable of carrying a
2,2051b (I ,000kg) bomb load internally.
Dr Hermann Wurster produced a closely
related design with a different propulsion sys-
tem and, rather onfusingly, this received the
same Lippisch P.I 0 reference (but probably
had a different unknown suffix). This version
of the P.I 0 was to be powered by a centrally
positioned Daimler Benz 606 piston engine
rated at 2,700hp (2,014kW) which connected
to a tail-mounted pusher propeller via a shaft.
This P.l 0 utilised a similar undercarriage, had
the same wingspan and a similar gross
weight to the jet powered P.I O. It appears that
cockpit was only intended to accommodate
a pilot. Both the jet and piston engine versions
of the P.I 0 design were conceived as poten-
tial successors to the unsatisfactoty Messer-
schmitt Me 21 0 heavy fighter and a third
contender known as the Me 329 (described in
a later section) was produced by Messer-
schmitt's Dr Hermann Wurster.
With design work continuing on a new fast
bomber that was adaptable to the heavy
fighter role, Lippisch proposed the P.l1 in
During his time at Messerschmitt in the early
1940s, Lippisch studied a number of designs for
heavy fighters and light bombers with Dr Rudolf
Rente!. The first series of proposals were for the
Lippisch Li P.04-106A to P.04-114A flying wings
(most appear to differ only in minor detail)
which were an attempt to produce a more
effective competitor to the Messerschmitt
Bf II 0 Zerstbrer (Heavy Fighter). The P.04-
I 06A's wing had an initial sweep of 13, becom-
ing 30 from ju t outside the engine nacelles.
The aircraft was to be powered by two Daimler
Benz 60 I E engines each rated at 1,200hp
(895kW) driving pusher propellers. Stabilising
fins and rudders were positioned on the wings
and the aircraft was equipped with a fully
retracting undercarriage that included an
extending tailwhee!. The pilot was positioned
right at the front of the cockpit, affording him
good unobstructed visibility and the radio oper-
ator/rear gunner faced rearward. Armament
would consist of four fixed forward firing can-
nons and two rearward firing machine guns.
This design would have provided some advan-
tages over the Bf II 0, but it was not accepted for
further development by the RLM.
Lippisch Heavy Fighters
and Fast Bombers
believed that much higher Mach numbers
would be possible with the right type of
propulsion. One anticipated relatively short-
term development of the OM-I was a super-
sonic ramjet-powered interceptor that was
given the provisional reference P.13A.
When Germany surrendered, the OM-I
glider had almost been completed at Prien
am Chiemsee in southern Germany. It was
then secured by the US Army, which allowed
completion of the project before shipping it
back to America and ultimately NACA Lang-
ley. Lippisch's research data from this project
would prove extremely influential with all
postwar American and British designers.
In a parallel programme, work was under-
way at the Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB to develop
the captured Me 263 into a point defence
rocket interceptor. This lead to an improved
version of the aircraft called the MiG 1-270
(Zh). It differed in a number of respects from
its German predecessor, having straight thin
wings and a 30swept tailplane. It was struc-
turally superior to the Junkers prototype with
a larger pressurised cockpit and the 1-270 was
the first Soviet aircraft to be fitted with an
ejector seat. Had this design entered produc-
tion it would have been armed with two
23mm cannons and eight air-to-air rockets.
Two prototypes were built during 1946 with
the assistance of German engineers, although
the first aircraft had no engine and was only
intended for glide trials so water was carried
as ballast. Test pilot Victor Yuganov flew the
first MiG 1-270 during December 1946 with a
Tupolev Tu-2 used as the towaircraft. The sec-
ond 1-270 was completed at the beginning of
1947 and was fitted with a two-chamber
GRD-2M-3Vrocket engine designed by Leonid
Dushkin and Valentin Glushko. This engine
was developed from an advanced design for
the experimental pre-war Soviet BI rocket
plane, but probably utilised some later Ger-
man engineering techniques. The GRD-2M-3V
was fuelled with nitric acid and kerosene, pro-
viding a maximum thrust of about 3,190 Ib
(14.2kN). Powered flights began in early 1947,
but the second prototype was badly damaged
after Yuganov made a hard landing. Soon after
this, the first prototype was seriously dam-
aged in another landing incident. It was then
decided to abandon the project with rapid
advances being made in the field of turbojet
propulsion and the promise of effective sur-
face-to-air missiles.
Built by students from the Darmstadt and Munich
Universities, the Lippisch-designed DM-1 was
expected to lead to several supersonic combat
aircraft and become a successor to the Me 163B.
Bill Rose Collection
Lippisch OM-l
Although it barely qualifies for inclusion in
this book, Lippisch designed a very advanced
pure delta shaped glider called the OM-I after
leaving Messerschmitt. The name of this air-
craft reflected the fact that a group of talented
students from Darmstadt and Munich Univer-
sities were recruited to work on the project
under his direction. The DM-1 was se n as a
stepping-stone to more advanced experi-
mental aircraft powered by turbojet, rocket
and ramjet engines. Wind tunnel tests
showed that this unusual design remained
stable at speeds up to Mach 2.6 and Lippisch
19ft Sin (59m)
21ft 7in (66m)
10ft Sin (3.17m)
65SIb (297kg)
25ft Sin (7.75m)
129ft' (12m')
29ft 2in (8.91 m)
10ft Iin (3.08m)
3,4081b (I ,546kg)
9,1501b (4,150kg)
I xDushkin-Glushko RD-2M-3V
liquid fuel rocket engine
producing 3,190 Ib (I4,2kN) thrust
621mph (I,OOOkph)
104mph (168kph)
55,775ft (17,000m)
13,800fVmin (4,220m/min)
2x23mm Nudelman NS-23
cannons with 40rpg and
8xRS-82 rockets
Lippisch OM-l
The Messerschmilt Me 263 (top) was Germany's
most advanced wartime rocket-powered
interceptor. It was built in prototype form and
underwent limited trials towards the end of
hostilities. This aircraft and much of the research
material that fell into Soviet hands formed the
basis of the MiG 1270 (centre). Although the MiG
was a considerable improvement over the original
design, it was eventually abandoned. Germany's
advanced wartime rocket fighter programme also
made a deep impression on British officials who
commissioned a series of studies for purely rocket-
powered interceptors. The ultimate design to
emerge was the high-performance Short PD7
(boltom). However, it was soon realised that
despite possessing phenomenal performance
when compared to prevailing turbojet-powered
fighters, this type of aircraft was essentially
impractical due to its substantial fuel
consumption. The Short PD7 represents the most
advanced and final pure rocket fighter concept of
any note. However, the British persevered with
mixed propulsion until the late 1950s before finally
giving up on the idea. Bill Rose Collection
At the end of World War 2, Soviet forces captured
a Me 263 prototype, research documentation and
a number of German technicians. This led to a
project at the Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB to improve
on the rocket fighter's design and build two
prototypes assigned the reference MiG 1-270.
Bill Rose Collection
It is not clear if this is the first or second MiG 1-270
rocket-powered prototype interceptor, but it
appears to differ in minor detail from photographs
of the MiG 1270 seen on the snow field.
Bill Rose Collection
Mikoyan-Gurevich 1-270
Maximum speed
Landing speed
Rate of climb
Armament (proposed)
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
....s- ..
64 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 65
accommodated in a spacious cockpit with
staggered side-by-side positions offering
good visibility. The Me 329's wingspan was
slightly greater than the earlier Lippisch
Li P.04 proposals or the later piston engine
P.10 and propulsion would be provided by
two Daimler Benz 601 or Jumo 213 piston
engines mounted within the wings and each
driving a three-bladed pusher propeller with
an 11 ft 2in (3.4m) diameter. As a conse-
quence of this layout, the undercarriage was
a fully retracting tricycle design, although the
amount of ground clearance below the pro-
pellers would suggest there was potential for
serious problems in certain situations. The
Me 329 was fitted with a single swept tailfin
and rudder and the aircraft's centrally located
bomb bay could accommodate a 2,2051b
(1 ,000kg) payload. Additional bombs, rockets
or fuel tanks could be carried externally.
Armament comprised of four MG151/20
20mm cannons in the nose, possibly two
Mkl03 30mm cannons in the wing roots and
a remote controlled MG151/20 20mm cannon
in the tail. This would be controlled by the
navigator using a periscope aiming system.
A full-sized mock-up of the Me 329 was built
at Augsburg and comparative estimates sug-
gested that the aircraft would have provided
slightly better performance than the piston
engine Lippisch (Wurster) P.l 0 and was a sig-
nificant improvement over the Me 41 O. Never-
theless, Willy Messerschmitt turned down
both designs, deciding to continue with devel-
opment of the Me 41 O. lillie is known about
the history of the Me 329, but it appears that
development of this intere ting aircraft contin-
ued after Lippisch left Messerschmitt in 1943
Messerschmitt Tailless Designs
T I,
manufacture the Delta VI prototypes and
undertake production at their Berlin plant.
Lippisch had initially planned to have the jet
powered Delta VI-V2 ready for testing within
six months, but there were major disagree-
ments with Henschel and as a consequence
the programme slowed with Lippisch's engi-
neers at Salzburg beginning work on con-
struction of the VI prototype. By the end of the
war in Europe, wind tunnel tests had been
completed and the mainly wood/plywood
fuselage of Delta VI-VI was largely finished. It
was secured by American forces and may
have been shipped to the US for evaluation.
Serious problems with the Messerschmitt
Me 21 0 fighter-bomber led Dr Alexander Lip-
pisch's Department L and Dr Hermann
Wurster's design office to initiate design pro-
jects that would produce a superior replace-
ment. Lippisch started work on his P.I 0series
of proposals at the end of 1941, while Wurster
contributed with a single engine, tailless con-
cept and separately developed a twin (pis-
ton) engine flying wing which was given the
company reference Me 329. An additional
project was already underway to re-engine
and improve the Me 210, leading to the
Me 41 0 Hornisse (Hornet).
Wurster's tailless Me 329 heavy/long-range
multi-role combat aircraft would be mainly
built from readily available wood/plywood
and utilise as many off-the-shelf Me 21 0/41 0
components as possible to limit production
requirements. The pilot and navigator were
52ft 6in 16m
32ft 4in (9.85m)
5705ft' (53m')
24,250 Ib (II ,000kg)
424mph (682kph)
39,000ft (II ,887m)
1,500 miles (2,42Ikm)
I xcentrally located Daimler Benz
DB606 pi ton engine (two
connected DB601 engines)
producing 2,700hp (2,013kW)
2x forward firing 20mm MG151
cannons. 2x20mm MG151
rearward firing cannons in tail.
2,2051b (I ,000kg)
41ft 6in (12.65m)
401.5ft' (37.3m')
26ft 9in (8.15m)
13ft 2in (4.0m)
8,830 Ib (4,005kg)
16,5351b (7,500kg)
550mph (885kph) approx
2xJunkers Jumo 004B turbojets,
each rated at 1,980Ib (8.8kN)
static thrust
2x20mm MG151/20 cannon
in the wing root
35ft 5in
538ft' (50m')
37' (leading edge)
24ft 6in (7049m)
9ft (2.76m)
17,6361b (8,000kg)
646mph (I ,040kph)
40,000ft (12, 192m) estimated
1,864 miles (3,000km) approx
2xJunkers Jumo 004B turbojets,
each rated at 1,980Ib (8.8k )
static thrust
2x30mm MkI03 cannons, plus
option for two additional30mm
Mk I03 cannons or one 75mm
BK 7.5 cannon in an external pack
2,2051b (I,OOOkg)
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Bomb load
Lippisch Delta VI
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Lippisch Li P.IO Piston Engine Powered
Fast Bomber (May 1942)
Lippisch Li P.11 (December 1942)
Wing area
Aspect ratio
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Bomb load capability
The Me329, designed by Dr Hermann Wurster, was
built as a wooden mock-up, but a prototype may
also have been constructed and flown at the
Rechlin Test Centre in early 1945. Chris Gibson
autumn 1942. This might be regarded as a
further refinement of the tailless, jet engine
powered P.IO with some aerodynamic
improvements and a fully retractable tricycle
undercarriage. Powered by two Junkers Jumo
004B turbojets, the P.ll was to be a two-man
aircraft with a tandem cockpit, forward firing
20mm cannons and the same payload capa-
bility as the P.10. Refinement of the design
continued into 1943 with significant changes
to the wing profile, engine intakes and cock-
pit design, which was now reduced to just a
pilot. One unusual feature was the hinged sta-
bilisers attached to the tailplane that could be
brought into a horizontal position.
Nothing came of this fast bomber project
which remained on the drawing board up
until the time when Lippisch and his team
parted company with Messerschmitt and
relocated to Vienna. P.Il seemed to have
been passed over for a bomb-carrying Horten
Ho IX, but Lippisch was then approached by
the RLM to continue work on P.ll and pro-
duce a new high-speed version of his aircraft.
As the P.11 continued to evolve towards a
delta shape, Lippisch assigned it a new refer-
ence - Delta VI. The initial prototype (VI)
would be a glider and there would be the
option of configuring the aircraft as a heavy
fighter or fighter-bomber. Following wind
tunnel testing of models, a mock-up was
completed at the LFA (Aviation Research
Institute) in early 1944.
Delta VI was an impressive semi-delta wing
design with a forward positioned cockpit, two
upright stabilisers and rudders and power pro-
vided by two centrally positioned Jumo 004B
turbojets. Rocket assisted take off was also
considered as an option for short runways
and/or heavy loads. The aircraft was sup-
ported on the ground by a robust retractable
tricycle undercarriage and was capable of car-
rying the same payload as the earlier aircraft in
this series. One interesting suggestion was to
equip the heavy-fighter version with a 75mm
BK 7.5 cannon in an external pack for an anti-
armour role. It is probable that 12 rounds
would have been carried in the pack and this
cannon was able to penetrate 5in (130mm) of
armour at a range of 3,280ft (J ,000m).
The aircraft appears to have been a promis-
ing design with available literature suggesting
that it would have been fast and manoeu-
vrable with a good range and the ability to be
configured for a number of different roles.
Naturally, low cost materials would have
been used wherever possible in its construc-
tion. The RLM approved the Delta Vl and
commissioned the VI prototype and three
pre-production aircraft for evaluation and
development. Henschel was chosen to
44ft (1304m)
33' (leading edge)
26ft 9in (8.15m)
9ft lOin (2.99m)
570.5ft' (53m')
2xJunkers turbojets
(based on prototype engines)
2x20mm MG151/20 cannon in the
nose, and 2x20mm MG151/20
cannon in the tail.
2,2051b (I,OOOkg)
Intemal bomb load
Lippisch Li P.I 0 Jet Powered Fast Bomber
(November 1941)
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Although nothing came of the Li PII fast bomber,
Uppisch continued to evolve the design. The RLM
approved detailed design work on the new aircraft
and Lippisch assigned a new reference, which was
Delta VI. Following wind tunnel testing, a mock-up
was built and the RLM prepared for production,
but by then, the war was at an end. Chris Gibson
o Fl 10
r -," ,. "'1
The Uppisch Li PII was a
design for a twin-engine,
tailless fast bomber that
emerged from Department L in
late 1942. Although never built,
the design would progressively
evolve during the course of
World War 2. Bill Ro e olleclion
Uppisch Li P.04-I06 Heavy fighter
52ft 6in (16m)
19ft Iin (5.8m)
IOft4in (315m)
424mph (682kph)
39,000ft (II ,887m)
1,500 miles (2,414km)
316mph (51 Okph)
2xDaimler Benz 60IEpiston
engines each rated at 1,200hp
Armament 4xforward firing MG151 guns
located on the fuselage sides and in the wing roots.
2xremote-controlled MG131 guns firing rearward
Maximum speed
Maximum speed
66 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 67
65Ft 7in (20m)
45 (leading edge)
I,292Ft' (I 20m')
54Ft 5in (I6.6m)
14Ft 9in (4.5m)
77, 1611b (35,OOOkg)
4xHeinkel He SOIIA turbojets,
each rated at2,8651b (12.74k )
tatic thrust
600mph (965kph)
45,OOOFt (13,716m) estimated
4,349 mile (7,OOOkm)
Unspecified forward and rearward
defensive cannons. Amaximum
bomb load of8,8181b (4,OOOkg).
Free fall bombs, 2x torpedoes
or guided weapons
30ft (9.14m)
45 (at 0.41 chord)
301ft' (28m')
29ft 3in (8.9Im)
lOft (3.05m)
6,040lb (2,740kg)
9,4371b (4,2 Okg)
I x Heinkel He SOIl Aturbojet,
rated at 2, 651b (I 274kN)
static thrust
618mph (995kph)
46,OOOft (I4,020m)
4x 30mm MkI 08 cannons
Messerschmitt P.1111
Messerschmitt P.II 08.11
Wing pan
Wing area
Gro sweight
Maximum speed
Maximum speed
Wing pan
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
One of several advanced Messerschmitt flying wing
bomber designs, the P.II08.1 I. On this version,
the air inlets for the engines are located in the
leading edge wing roots. These were relocated
on the following design to below the wings.
Bill Rose Collection
r'l. (''\
I I I'
less single engine jet fighter with the reference
P.III!. A single Heinkel He SOIl turbojet with
air intakes positioned in the leading edge wing
roots powered this compact design. A rela-
tively low-profile canopy covered the pres-
surised cockpit and an ejector seat was to be
fitted. P.IIII was fitted with a tricycle under-
carriage and armament comprised of two
30mm cannons in the nose and two 30mm
cannons positioned just outboard of the air
intakes. The overall design was very clean
with a single swept tailfin and it i believed that
aspects of this project innuenced develop-
ment of the de Havilland DH.I 08.
P.IIII retumed good re ults as a wind tun-
nel model, but the RLM expressed serious
concems about the unprotected fuel tanks
located in the wings considering this to be a
serious weakness. Subs quently, the design
underwent a significant I' vision and was allo-
cated the designation P.1112. Main differ-
ences with this aircraft were a redesigned
wing with slightly less sweep and a reduced
span, plus a number of alterations to the
cockpit, moving it further forward. Perfor-
mance was expected to be nominally better.
By the end of the war, work was well
advanced on construction of a mock-up at
Me serschmitt's Oberammergau workshops
and Dr Waldemar Voigt who headed this pro-
ject had anticipated the first test night by
mid-1946. Completed ections of the mock-
up and all documentation was captured by
US forces and shipped back to America for
evaluation. The advanced P.II08 bomber
and P.1112 fighter tudies were the last pro-
jects of any significance undertaken by
Messerschmitt before the war ended.
65Ft 7in (20m)
45 (leading edge)
I,292ft' (I 20m')
54Ft Sin (I6.6m)
19Ft 8in (6m)
4x Heinkel He SOIl Aturbojet ,
each rated at 2,8651b (I 2. 74k ')
static thrust
600mph (965kph)
45,OOOFt (I 3,71 6m) estimated
4,349 miles (7,OOOkm)
Un pecified forward and rearward
defen ive cannons. Amaximum
bomb load of , 181b (4,OOOkg).
Free fall bombs, 2x torpedoes or
guided weapons
Messerschmitt P.II07
Wing pan
Wing area
1aximum peed
turbojets and manned by a crew of four in a
pressurised cockpit. The aircraft would be
supported on the ground by a retracting tricy-
cle undercarriage and the bomb bay would be
adaptable for a range of different ordnance.
The materials used for construction would be
steel and duralumin around the central area
and mainly wood for the wings. The taille s
design for the P.II 07 study shown in drawing
IX-122 ( ee Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Strate-
gic Bombers /939-/945 by Dieter Herwig and
Heinz Rode: Midland Counties Publishing)
appears to have had a 45 sweep and a
wingspan of 65ft 7in (20m). The overall length
was approximately 54ft 5in (l6.6m) and it was
equipped with a single tailfin and rudder, pro-
ducing an overall height of about 19ft 8in
(6m). Four Heinkel He SOIl turbojets located
in the wing roots provided propulsion with
engine air intakes positioned at the inner lead-
ing edge. In addition to meeting requirements
for a fast bomber, the P.Il 07 was to function
in maritime and reconnaissance roles.
Project P.II 07 had soon given way to a new
series of closely related designs called P.I 108
that included nying wing proposals which pri-
marily differed in engine layout. Although sim-
ilar in appearance to the original P.1107 tailless
design, the definitive P.II08.11 underwent a
major engine bay revision with the air intak s
relocated beneath the wing. In addition, the
crew requirement was reduced to three. A
final proposal in this serie was an arrowhead
near-delta design with no upright control sur-
faces and ach of the four engines slightly
angled inwards to reduce problems with
thrust equalisation. P.II 08 progressed no fur-
ther than drawing and discussion and there
was no expectation of production before 1948.
Developed in parallel to the P.II 08 designs
were a series of proposals for an advanced tail-
6-10 (depending on the mi ion)
166Ft (50.6m)
3,229rt' (300m')
50Ft 4in (15.35m)
28Ft 3in (86m)
198,4141b (90,000kg)
400mph (643kph)
9,320 miles (I5,000km)
(as along range bomber)
4x Daimler Benz DB615 liquid-
cooled piston engine , each
producing 4,OOOhp (2,9 3kW). The
DB615 wa built from two DB614
engines and development \Va
abandoned in June 1942.
nspecified remote controlled
cannon in no eand tail unit
Tactical mis ion (I,550 mile /
2,495km), J 10,230Ib (50,OOOkg).
Long-range mis ion (9,315 mile
14,991 km), 44,0951b (20,OOOkg)
Torpedoe ,mines or anti- hipping
guided weapon
4x 88mm Flak cannon
Messerschmitt MeP.08.01 Heavy Bomber
bomb/cargo bay. It was also suggested that
additional stores could be carried underwing
and the aircraft's configuration meant that a
certain amount of nose-down attitude was
required for bomb release.
Although the P.08.01 was an interesting
design, it was over-ambitious and appears to
have progressed little further than the initial
design phase. A later series of Messerschmitt
studies for an advanced high-speed jet pow-
ered bomber was undertaken toward the
end of the war in an attempt to meet evolving
RLM needs. This project generated a number
of widely differing concepts that included
several taill ss designs.
The taille s proposals are said to have been
innuenced by earlier Lippisch designs,
although Lippisch and most of his colleagues
had departed from Messerschmilt some time
before this project started. Messerschmilt
designers, Siefert and Konrad, are credited for
these designs. Initially assigned the reference
P.II07, the study followed two different line
of development. The first was a fairly conven-
tional four-engine tailed aircraft and the sec-
ond was a semi-delta shaped tailless design.
nfortunately, there is very little documenta-
tion available for the P.II 07 project and the
available details are often velY confu ing.
The RLM required an aircraft capable of car-
rying an 8,8181b (4,000kg) payload with a
maximum speed of about 600mph (965kph)
and a range of approximately 4,350 miles
(7,OOOkm). It would be powered by Heinkel
Airborne defence role
Free fall bomb
Wing area
Gro weight
Maximum peed
Maximum range
Maritime role
tively little documentation has survived,
although in the case of the P.08.01 study, this
can be dated to September 1941 and was pro-
duced by Dr Hermann Wurster, apparently
with some assistance from Dr Lippisch.
The P.08.0 I was a large nying wing powered
by four Daimler Benz DB615 piston engines
driving pusher propellers. It had almost the
same wingspan a a modem orthrop B-2A
stealth bomber and Wurster envisaged the
P.08.01 being used in a wide range of different
roles. As a long-rang bomber, the P.08.01
would be capable of crossing the Atlantic and
as a shorter-range tactical bomber it would
carry a very substantial bomb load. It would be
adaptable to the reconnaissance role, a trans-
port aircraft capable of carrying a small tank
and a rather unusual airbome anti-aircraft plat-
form equipped with four 88mm anti-aircraft
guns. P.08.0 I would have also been capable of
undertaking maritime, glider towing duties
and perhaps launching air-to-surface missiles.
Built almost entirely from metal, the wing
featured two different sweep angles and it
has been sugge ted that the P.08.01 might
have been capable of surviving encounters
with barrage balloon cables. Intakes for each
engine radiator would be located in the inner
wing section's leading edge and most of the
aircraft's fuel was carried in this location, with
tanks and engines being heavily armoured.
P.08.0J was fitted with a single tailfin and
utilised split naps. The pressurised cockpit
protruded slightly ahead of the wing and
would have provided good forward visibility.
A substantial, fully retractable tricycle under-
carriage supported the aircraft on the ground
and there was a large centrally positioned
57Ft 6in (175m)
26 (leading edge)
592Ft' (55m')
25Ft (7.62m)
15Ft 6in (4.73m)
15,3221b (6,950kg)
26, 7861b (12,150kg)
1,566 miles (2,520kph)
426mph (685kph)
41,OOOFt (I2,496m)
2x 12-cylinder DB603, each rated
at 1,725hp (1,287kW) or 2x
Junkers Jumo 213 12-cylinder
piston engines, each rated at
2,020hp (I ,508kW), during take-
off, using MW50 injection.
4x 20mm MG151/20 cannon
mounted in the no e, plus
2x30mm Mkl03 cannon in the
wing roots. Aremote controlled
20mm MG151/20 cannon in atail
barbette. An internal bomb load of
2,2051b (I,OOOkg) and a imilar
weight in external tore .
The Messerschmitt P.08.01 long-range bomber,
designed by Dr Hermann Wurster, with some
input from Alexander Lippisch.
Bill Rose Collection
Flying Wing Bombers
Messerschmitt undertook a number of stud-
ies for long range and heavy bombers during
World War 2 and several of these were nying
wing designs that are often credited to Lip-
pisch's Department L. Unfortunately, rela-
Messerschmitt Me 329
and according to one report, a prototype was
completed by early 1945 and test nown at the
R chlin Test Centre before hostilitie ceased.
Wing area
Empty weight
Gro weight
Maximum speed
68 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft German World War 2 Flying Wing Development 69
Atwin-engine version of Boeing's Model 306
fighter study from 1935. The Model 306C design
was to be powered by two RangerV-770SG V-12
engines, each rated at 420hp (313kW).
Bill Rose Collection
the design had been taken any further. The
Boeing Model 306C was a twin-engine ver-
sion of the aircraft powered by two Ranger
V-nOSG V-12 engines, each rated at 420hp
(313kW), located at the trailing edg and dri-
ving three-blade propellers. The wingspan of
the Model 306C was reduced to 38ft (I 1.5m)
and the overall length was 22ft 2in (6.75m).
Other details such as armament, cockpit
position and control surfaces were virtually
the same as found on the single engine
design. Needless to say, the Model 306 series
of designs progressed no further and
remained almost unknown until relatively
A 1935 Boeing tailless fighter concept produced
during the Model 306 study and identified as Model
306B. Powered by a single Allison V-171 0 V-12
piston engine, this aircraft used Boeing's externally
positioned control surfaces. Bill Rose Collection
~ ~ ~ ~ 0 \ = = ~ ~ ~
(; " (;
LJ u L)
speed is unknown, but will not have made
this aircraft a class leader. The Model 306B
had a project wingspan of 40ft (I2m) and a
length of 23ft (7m). Armament comprised of
two .50 cal (12.7mm) machine guns mounted
in the nose and possibly one larger cannon.
A fully retractable undercarriage was planned
and the position of the cockpit would have
provided good visibility. Flight control took
the form of Boeing's displaced elevon system
and wingtip stabilising fins were planned,
probably equipped with rudders.
Whether the idea of a contra-rotating pro-
peller unit was considered is unknown,
although this might have proved desirable if
306B 40ft (12m)
306C: 38ft (115m)
306B: 23ft (7m)
306C: 22ft 2in (675m)
306B: I xAllison V-17l 0
V-12 piston engine rated at
850hp (633kW)
306C: 2xRanger V-770SG
V-12 engines, each rated at
420hp (313kW)
306B: 15,OOOft+ (4,572m+)
306B: 3hours
One or two .50 cal (l27mm)
machine guns mounted in the
nose and possibly one larger
calibre cannon
Maximum speed
Gross weight
Boeing Model 306B/C fighter
The second design was for an airliner/
transporter with a capacity to carry 28 pas-
sengers. Assigned the study reference Model
306A, the airliner had a shorter wingspan of
106ft (32.3m) and was to be powered by
four Pratt & Whitney SI EG Hornet radial
engines, each rated at 750hp (559kW) and
mounted in an unusual push-pull configura-
tion. Initial estimates suggested that the air-
craft would be able to cruise at 200mph
(321 kph) with a range of 1,200 miles
(1,931 km). Looking quite advanced for its
time, the airliner featured a fixed tricycle
undercarriage and a flush cockpit in the nose,
providing excellent visibility for the pilot. The
engine layout was an interesting idea, but cal-
culations showed that the front propeller
would disturb its rear counterpart, leading to
a 10 per cent loss of power, so the study
ended at this point.
The third Model 306 design was for a flying
boat based on the Model 306 flying wing
bomber with a similar wing profile and
engine layout. Details of this design remain
sketchy and obviously unfinished with draw-
ings showing no stabilising floats which
would have been essential.
The two remaining Model 306 concepts
were for much smaller one-man fighter air-
craft. The Model 306B was a tailless fighter
driven by a single three-bladed propeller in a
pusher configuration and powered by a single
Allison V-1710 V-12 piston engine. Perfor-
mance figures for the Model 306B are some-
what vague with an endurance of3 hours and
a ceiling of 15,000ft (4,572m). Maximum
140ft (42.6m)
60ft (l8.2m)
4xAllison V-I7l0 12-cylinder
liquidcooled piston engine, each
producing 850hp (633kW)
5,000 miles (8,OOOkm)
2,500lb (1,133kg) bomb load.
2x.50 cal (12. 7mm) machine guns,
2x.30 cal (7.62mm) machine guns
Boeing Model 306 Bomber
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Defensive armament
bomber, there was a flying boat, an airliner
and two variations of a compact one-man
fighter with all receiving the in-house
umbrella designation Model 306. The long-
range bomber was completely tailless with
swept wings and an unusual system of exter-
nal elevons supported behind the trailing
edge by long struts. Engineers believed this
unusual system would be more efficient than
normal control surfaces as it avoided any
interference with the wing's aerofoil profile. It
almost goes without saying that the idea was
wind tunnel tested.
The Model 306 flying wing bomber was to
be manned by a crew of 10. The wingspan
was provisionally set at 140ft (42.6m) and the
aircraft's length was 60ft (18.2m). Propulsion
took the form of four fOlward-mounted pro-
pellers, each driven by an Allison V-171 0 12-
cylinder liquid-cooled engine, producing
850hp (633kW). A fully retractable undercar-
riage was envisaged with the aircraft's rear
section resting on a tail wheel. The bomber
would have a range of 5,000 miles (8,OOOkm)
and carry a 2,500 Ib (I, 133kg) bomb load with
defensive armament consisting of two .50 cal
(I 2. 7mm) and two .30 cal (7.62mm) machine
guns. Had this aircraft progressed towards
production, it seems certain that more guns
would have been added. Weights, maximum
speed and ceiling are unknown, but slightly
better performance than the XB-15 was
undoubtedly anticipated.
lation of this particular bomber programme.
Both the XB-15 and XB-16 were judged to
have insufficient performance and by this
time, the smaller four-engine Boeing B-17 Fly-
ing Fortress had been selected for production.
Meanwhile, Boeing was engaged in a
secret, almost unknown parallel project to
develop a flying wing aircraft which utilised
some of the XB-15's features. The company is
not generally associated with the early devel-
opment of flying wing aircraft and their engi-
neers claimed to have no interest in tailless
designs as they were considered less stable
and harder to control than conventional air-
craft. Nevertheless, a series of flying wings
were designed during 1935, perhaps in the
hope of achieving certain aerodynamic
advantages. As work progressed, a total of five
different concepts emerged for variou roles.
one of these Boeing flying wing studies
progressed much further than the drawing
board and they remained unknown until rel-
atively recently. Aside from a long-range
o 0 ~ 0 0
~ ~ O
Boeing Studies
A research programme undertaken by the US
Army Air Corps Material Division at Wright
Field, during 1933 determined that a new fast
bomber with a maximum speed of 200mph
(320kph), a range of 5,000 miles (8,000km)
and the ability to carry a 2,5001b (l,133kg)
bomb load was technically feasible. Both
Boeing and Martin expressed an interest in
this project and design work commenced in
early 1934. This led to contracts being issued
for the construction of one prototype by each
contractor which became known as the Boe-
ing XB-15 and the Martin XB-16.
The XB-15 was an advanced conventional
four-engine all-metal monoplane. It was built
as a single prototype which would eventually
lead to the B-17 and the B-29. The four engine
(later six) Martin XB-16 was a slightly less
orthodox design featuring twin tail booms.
While the XB-15 was test flown, the XB-16
never reached completion due to the cancel-
US Flying Wings (1935-1950)
Chapter Three
Boeing's 1935 Model 306 long-range, 10-man
flying wing bomber proposal, featuring an
unusual system of external control surfaces.
Bill Rose Collection
70 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 71
288ft (87.7m)
78ft (23.7m)
12' leading edge
237,8001b (I07,864kg)
6xPratt &Whitney, 3,000hp
(2,237kW) X-Wasp radial piston
engines, each driving a 19ft
(5.79m) diameter Curtiss three-
blade pusher propeller
394mph (634kph)
42,000ft (I2,800m)
10,000 miles (I6,093km)
72,0001b (32,658kg) bomb load.
Forward and rear (remote
controlled) turrets with 37mm
cannons. 2xaft turrets using
.50 cal (I2.7mm) machine guns
6_ GUNS C A L . ~
Consolidated Aircraft Large Flying Wing
Bomber (1941-1942)
Maximum speed
Gross weight
(2,237kW) X-Wasp radial piston engines,
each driving a 19ft (5.79m) diameter Curtiss
three-blade pusher propeller.
A maximum bomb load of 72,0001b
(32,658kg) was viable for a limited range mis-
sion and the planned defensive armament
was substantial with two forward and one
rear (remote controlled) turret equipped with
37mm cannons and two aft turrets using .50
cal (l2.7mm) machine guns. The flying
wing's gross weight was estimated at
237,800lb (l07,864kg) with a maximum
speed at 30,000ft (9,144m) of 394mph
(634kph) and a service ceiling of 42,000ft
(l2,800m). But it is uncertain if the original
target range of 10,000 miles (l6,093km), car-
rying a 10,000 Ib (4,535kg) bomb load for half
that distance was altogether realistic. In
appearance, the aircraft was very clean, with
no stabilising fins or external features of note.
The pressurised cockpit protruded some way
these measures proved totally effective,
although the replacement engines were con-
tinually operating at their design limits, lead-
ing to serious overheating problems. By the
summer of 1941, Jack Northrop was consid-
ering another engine change to new
Lycoming six-cylinder units each providing
150hp (l12kW), but this never happened as
there were now plans to move forward with
a more advanced design.
Towards a Flying Wing Bomber
Top: Consolidated Aircraft's flying wing alternative
to the B-36 heavy bomber designed in the early
1940s. Courtesy Robert Bradley
During April 1941, the US Army Air Corps
issued a confidential request to various air-
craft contractors for an intercontinental
bomber with a range of 10,000 miles
(l6,000km). It had to be capable of cruising at
300mph (482kph), achieving a maximumalti-.
tude of 40,000ft (l2,192m) and carrying a
10,0001b (4,535kg) bomb load. There was a
widespread expectation in Washington that
Britain would surrender to the Nazis and the
US required the ability to undertake trans-
Atlantic bombing missions. A number of pro-
posals were submitted by Boeing,
Consolidated, North American, Canadian Car
& Foundry (CC&F) and Northrop.
Northrop's proposal would be a much
larger development of the N-I M and during
September 1941, it was officially acknowl-
edged that despite some propulsive difficul-
ties, the Northrop N-IM had performed well
and showed considerable promise. Subse-
quently, the Secretary of War approved fur-
ther development of the company's flying
wing bomber.
The other aircraft to receive approval for
development was Consolidated's Model 36
(which became the B-36) and a contract to
build two Model 36 prototypes was issued
during November 1941. The designers at Con-
solidated also produced an alternative six-
engine flying wing bomber which promised
superior aerodynamics and better use of
internal space. This aircraft would have been
substantial in size and manned by a crew of
12. The wingspan was 288ft (87.7m), with a
12leading edge sweep and an overall length
of 78ft (23.7m). Propulsion was broadly simi-
lar to the system chosen for the Model 36,
comprising of six Pratt & Whitney, 3,000hp
Right: Some very basic company artwork, showing
internal features of the Consolidated Aircraft
six-engine flying wing proposal.
Courtesy Robert Bradley
The method of flight control was similar to
that employed by the Horten Brothers for
their aircraft with the elevons being adjusted
together for pitch and differentially for roll.
Rudder control was undertaken using split
flaps at the wingtips and could be used to
induce yaw or reduce speed. The aircraft was
also built to allow modest pre-flight changes
to the wing profile during testing. Completed
by mid-1940, the Northrop N-IM was given
the nickname 'Jeep' and trials began at
Baker's Dry Lake in California. The test pilot
was Vance Breeze and according to reports,
the first test flight occurred accidentally dur-
ing a high-speed taxi run. However, during
the tests that followed, the aircraft failed to
climb more than a few feet above the ground
and two problems were soon recognised.
Firstly the aircraft was underpowered and it
was decided to replace the Lycoming
engines with two 117hp (87.24kW) Franklin
six-cylinder, air-cooled units driving three
blade propellers.
There was also an aerodynamic problem
which was quickly identified by the leading
aerodynamicist Dr Theodore von Karman. He
pinpointed an airflow separation problem
caused by the N-IM's wing and suggested
extending the length of the elevons. Both
designed many tailless aircraft concepts and
built small models made from balsa wood in
his spare time. Northrop was convinced that
the next major advance in aircraft design was
a sleek elegant one-piece wing that did not
require a tail. By 1937, he was testing wind
tunnel models of tailless aircraft and when he
set up a newcompany in 1939, there was the
finance, staff and facilities required to pursue
flying wing development.
During the summer of 1939, work began on
the construction of a small propeller driven
flying wing called the N-IM (NX-283 I I) which
had a wingspan of 38ft (l1.58m), a length of
17ft (5.18m) and an empty weight of 4,000 Ib
(I ,814kg). Jack Northrop envisaged the N-l M
as a one-third sized proof-of-concept demon-
strator for a larger commercial or military air-
craft. The distinctive yellow coloured N-I M
was mainly constructed from wood, with
metal onlybeing used when necessary. It was
initially powered by two 65hp (48.7kW)
Lycoming 0-145 four-cylinder piston engines
driving two blade pusher propellers. Because
of this propulsive system, a fully retractable
tricycle undercarriage was necessary and a
small tailwheel in a fairing was added as a
safety measure to ensure that any accidental
rollback on the ground was limited.
Right: Jack Northrop (left) talks to the pilot of the
experimental N-1 Mflying wing prototype during
tests at Baker's Dry Lake, California, in 1940.
Northrop Grumman
Above right: The Northrop N-1M proof-of-concept
demonstrator with its dihedral wingtips in raised
position. Northrop Grumman
Above: John 'Jack' Knudsen Northrop.
Northrop Grumman
Jack Northrop
One man totally dominated US military flying
wing development during much of the 20th
century and he was John 'Jack' Knudsen
Northrop (1895-1981). The Northrop family
moved from Newark, NewJersey, to Santa Bar-
bara, California, in 1914 and Jack Northrop
joined the Loughead Brothers aviation busi-
ness (later becoming Lockheed). After several
years with the company, Northrop became its
chief engineer and much of his time was
devoted to working on Curtiss flying boats.
Soon after World War I ended, the aviation
business slumped and Loughead had closed
for business by 1921. Jack Northrop worked as
a garage mechanic until 1923 when he finally
managed to secure a job with the newly estab-
lished Douglas Aircraft Company at Santa Mon-
ica, California. In 1927, he left Douglas to briefly
work with his former colleagues at Lockheed
and most of this period was spent designing
the Vega. Then in 1928, Jack Northrop formed
the Avion Company with Kenneth Jay and
finally set up Northrop Aviation with help from
Donald Douglas of Douglas Aircraft.
Jack Northrop had been interested in the
idea of building flying wing aircraft since his
earliest days in the aviation business. He had
72 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 73
amount of teeI tubing. It was also equipped
with a similar fully retracting tricycle under-
carriage and a retractable fourth wheel to
help protect the propellers during take-offs
and landings. Cockpit space was tight, due to
the carriage of special test equipment. Like
the -1M, the normal control stick was
replaced with a column and wheel to mimic
the proposed larger bomber. However, vi i-
bility from the cockpit was very good, due to
its forward position and the use of a bubbl
nusually, no civil or military registrations
were assigned to any of the orthrop -9M
aircraft. -9M-I first fiew on 27 December
1941 and subsequent nights were plagued
with m chanical problems, usually attributed
to the Menasco engines. The prototype p r-
formed quite well delivering a ma'Ximum
speed of about 250mph (400kph), a ceiling
slightly b tter than 21,000ft (6,400m) and a
range of about 500 mil s (800km).
nfortunately for Northrop, trials began to
fall behind schedule due to ongoing techni al
problem and limited information was gath-
ered on the aircraft's stability and drag char-
acteristics. Then on 19 May 1943, after just
22.5 hours of accumulated fiying, -9M-1
piloted by Max Constant crashed about 12
mil s (20km) west of Muroc Field. The
-9M-1 had entered a violent 60nose-down
spin and Constant tried every mean to
recover the aircraft. The small left hand anti-
spin parachute had been released and the
fiaps were partially lowered, but to no avail.
Having reali ed he was in serious trouble,
Con tant released the cockpit canopy and
prepared to bailout, but failed to leave the air-
craft and was killed. There were now serious
concerns about the aircraft's stability and it
was clear that the elevons on the first N-9M
had undergone a control reversal during th
spin. NA A Langley was asked to study a
scale model in its spin tunnel to determine if
changes should be made to the control ur-
fac s and spin chutes.
Th following month, N-9M-2 was com-
pleted and it took to the air on 24 June 1943.
There were a eries of minor problems result-
ing from the cockpit canopy detaching during
this test-night, but the trial was judged a suc-
cess. Flights continued throughout the
remainder of the year and stability and direc-
tional control were judged satisfactOly rather
than outstanding. Good data was bing
returned, although it had become apparent
that drag produced by the full-sized XB-35
would be greater than indicated during tests
with wind tunnel models. While develop-
ment work on the full-sized XB-35 continued,
Northrop ompleted a third -9M, now d sig-
Northrop Receives Approval
orthrop was now gearing up to develop its
fiying wing strategic bomber and a formal
SAAF contract (W535-AC-2134 I) had been
issued on 22 ovember 1941 to begin work.
This covered construction of the first -9M
scale demonstrator, a mock-up of the XB-35,
a prototype XB-35 and the option of building
a second aircraft. Somewhat optimistically,
the delivery date for the first XB-35 was
November 1943.
Soon after work began on the construction
of a one-third-scale size -9M prototype,
Northrop received a second contract (W535-
ac-33920), which amongst other things
requested two further N-9M aircraft. All three
of these prototypes now received designa-
tions: -9M-I, N-9M-2 and -9M-3. The
orthrop N-9M fiying wing wa intended to be
a one-man aircraft, although it could be
reconfigured to accommodate an observer if
the 41.5gal (I 89 litre) fuel tank located behind
the pilot was removed. The -9M had a
wingspan of 60ft (I 8.3m), a length of 17ft 9in
(5.4m) and the first aircraft weighed 6,3261b
(3,175kg) fully loaded. Two Mena co C6S-4
piston engines powered the -9M, each rated
at 275hp (205kW) and driving two-bladed
pusher propellers. Like the earlier -I M, the
N-9M was built using similar methods and
materials that were primarily wood, with
some aluminium components and a certain
with a maximum capacity of 72,000 lb. Flown
by a crew of 12, the B-2000B would be fitted
with seven gun turrets, mainly located in the
tail booms. Burnelli also worked on a com-
mercial airliner based on thi design which
would be capable of carrying 100 passenger
from London to ew York.
An alternative concept for the new SAAF
bomber was Burnelli's B-IOOO. Often
described as a fiying wing, the B-IOOO didn't
really meet the terms associated with this
type of aircraft and is more correctly
described as a lifting body. This design would
have used a substantial, but shorter tailplane
unit mounted above an extension of the cen-
tral trailing edge and supported by three
upright fins. Other details appear similar to
the B-2000B such as the propulsion layout
and cockpit location. Wing pan is under-
stood to have been 220ft (67m) with an over-
all length of 80ft (24.3m). By the start of 1942,
the Burnelli bomber had been rejected for
technical reasons, although it has since been
claimed that this aircraft was the victim of a
political conspiracy, possibly involving Pre i-
dent Roosevelt.
ahead of the wing, affording good vi ibility
and it was connected to a crew compartment
at the rear via an access tunnel. The aircraft
was equipped with a fully retractable tricycle
undercarriage omprising of a single 65in
(1.64m) diameter no e wheel and 80in (2m)
diameter twin-wheel sets at the rear.
The company reference for thi design
remains unclear and the small amount of
documentation available will typically ju t
refer to the project as the Six-Engine, Long-
Range, Flying Wing Bombardment Airplane.
It remains uncertain exactly when this alter-
native study was initiated, but available com-
pany documents suggest that work involving
scale models and wind tunnel testing contin-
ued into 1942 before the project was shelved.
The CC&F submission for a long-range
bomber wa conceived by Vincent Justu
Burnelli and although unsuccessful it remains
an interesting design. Burnelli had b en
responsible for a number of unorthodox air-
craft, often utilising lifting body features, with
the emphasis on afety and load carrying effi-
ciency. In the late 1920 ,he worked on a large
tailless fiying wing design which was filed as
a S Patent on 23 February 1933 and pub-
lished two years later (Patent 1987050). This
multi-engine concept was quite advanced for
its time, making good use of internal space
and utilising a fully retractable four-wheel
undercarriage. Wingtip stabilisers and rud-
ders were planned, although Burnelli seems
to have overlooked the issue of cockpit visi-
bility in his qu st to produce a clean design.
evertheles , the design was impre sive for
it time.
As a submission for the 1941 US long-range
bomber proposal, CC&F produced plans and
specifications for a large lifting body aircraft
called the B-2000B. Based on various earlier
designs, the B-2000B was essentially a devel-
opment of Burnelli's 1933 fiying wing fitted
with two fairly substantial booms and a
tailplane. The other major revision was a
cockpit section that protruded forward from
the straight central leading edge. Propulsion
took th form of four forward-mounted con-
tra-rotating propeller units, driven by eight
unspecified piston engines. Some documen-
tation indicates an alternative layout using six
contra-rotating propeller units, each driven by
a liquid-cooled Allison V-3420 engine (built
from two Allison V-I710 engines using the
same prop shaft) providing a total of 12,600hp
(9,395kW) continuous output and a maxi-
mum speed of about 300mph (482kph). The
B-2000B had a proposed wingspan of 220ft
(67m), a length of 126ft (38.4m) and an esti-
mated gross weight of 220,000 Ib (99,790kg).
The range was dependant on the bomb load
220ft (67m)
6,5 Oft' (611m
126ft (38.4m)
110,0001b (49,895kg)
220,000 Ib (99,790kg)
Several proposal, utilising six or
eight unspecified piston engine
driving forward-mounted
contra-rotating propeller unit
Bomb load 72,000 Ib (32,658kg).
7defensive machine gun positions
Maximum speed 300mph (482kph)
Range (max bomb load) 2,000 miles (3,21 km)
Burnelli B-2000B
Wing pan
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
The Burnelli UB-14B lifting fuselage, light transport
aircraft (X-15320) constructed in 1935-36. It was
almost identical to the earlier UB-14 (X-14740) that
crashed during its test flight on 13 January 1935 at
ewark, New Jersey, following detachment of both
ailerons. Aspects of pre-war designs like this UB-14B
would be used in the design of a wartime lifting body
bomber proposed to the USMF. Burnelti Aircraft Lid
This artwork shows the Burnelli B-1 OOOB which was one of several submissions
by Canadian Car & Foundry for the USMF's long-range bomber proposal of
194I. Although not true flying wings, the Burnelli bomber designs offered a
number of technical advantages over more conventional designs, but failed to
win official support, possibly for political reasons. Bill Rose Collection
An airc.raft based on the wartime Burnelli B-2000 proposal for a bomber. It is
taken from S Patent Design 160842 which was filed in 1949. S Patent Office
This drawing is based on US Patent Design 136249 filed on 7 October 1942.
o details of this Burnelli four-engine lifting body aircraft have been located,
but it appears to be part of the wartime bomber study. US Patent Office
74 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-/950) 75
Northrop N-IM
Empty weight
Northrop N-9M
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Powerplant N-9M
Powerplant -9M-B
Maximum speed
5eIVice ceiling
38ft (l1.58m)
17ft (5 18m)
5ft (1.52m)
4,000 Ib (I ,814kg)
2x65hp (487kW) Lycoming 0-145
four-cylinder piston engines, later
replaced by 117hp (8724kW)
Franklin six-cylinder, air-cooled
I (The N-9M-1 N-9M-B were also
capable of carrying an obselVer,
achieved by removal of afuel tank
located behind the pilot)
17ft 9in (SAm)
60ft (l8.3m)
6ft 7in (2m)
490ft' (45.5m')
5,8931b (2,673kg)
6,3261b (3,1 75kg)
2xMenasco C65-4 piston engines,
each rated at 275hp (205kW)
2xFranklin 0-540-7 piston engines,
each rated at 300hp (223kW)
258mph (415kph)
500 miles (805km)
21 ,500ft (6,555m)
3.2 hours
nated N-9M-A and it was decided to built a
fourth N-9M aircraft to replace -9M-I which
would be known as N-9M-B.
-9M-A was passed to the USAAF and
made its acceptance flight on 28 June 1944.
This aircraft incorporated numerous design
changes making its handling much closer to
that of the full-sized XB-35. It was equipped
with split trailing edge and pitch control flaps,
plus leading edge slots to reduce the possibil-
ity of stall at high angles of attack. Trials con-
tinued with the aircraft throughout the
remainder of 1944 producing consistent
results while the N-9M-B had soon been com-
pleted. This fourth and final prototype was
equipped with more powerful 300hp
(223kW) Franklin 0-540-7 supercharged 8-
cylinder piston engines, driving two-blade
Hamilton Standard propellers in a pusher
configuration via shafts and fluid couplers.
Further minor modifications had been made
to this fourth prototype and like the original
N-9M-1 this aircraft could be adapted to carry
an observer by removal of a fuel tank. Once
completed, the fourth N-9M was also passed
to the USAAF for testing.
Development of the XB-35 was taking far
longer than expected, largely due to a short-
age of qualified engineers and skilled staff,
but flights of the thre smaller prototypes con-
tinued until the end of World War 2. These
Northrop flying wings were never intended to
be anything more than research aircraft that
Left: The Northrop N-9M1 during a test flight in
early 1943. 'orthrop Grumman
Boltom: Wreckage of the Northrop N-9M-1 which
crashed on 19 May 1943 about 12nm (20km) west
of Muroc Field. USAF
would demonstrate the viability of a larger
military d sign. But it is clear from examina-
tion of patents and documentation that
Northrop considered several slightly larger
aircraft based on the N-9M such as a twin-
engine light-bomber.
The original N-I M ended up with the
ational Air & Space Museum in 1949 and
after everal decades in storage was returned
to its original condition. The -9M-B found its
way to the Chino Planes of Fame Museum in
California where it was restored to flying con-
dition. The other two N-9Ms were broken up
for scrap.
The XB-35
With work underway on the XB-35 pro-
gramme, Northrop received a contract to
build an additional 13 pre-production aircraft.
These would be designated YB-35 and the
details were formalised on 17 December
1942. Furthermore, a decision had been
taken to request the construction of 200 B-35
bombers to follow these test examples and
this became the subject of a contract issued
in June 1943. But it was already apparent that
development of the B-35 would take longer
than anticipated and completion of the first
production aircraft was rescheduled to
mid-1945. Having secured a substantial order
for the new bomber, Jack Northrop began to
look for additional manufacturing capacity
and approached the Glenn L. Martin Com-
pany. This led to a general agreement that
Northrop would produce the prototypes and
pre-production aircraft, while Martin would
take responsibility for building the production
models at its Baltimore, Malyland, facility.
The XB-35's wingspan was 172ft (52.2m)
with a tapering chord and a leading edge
sweep of 27". The wing area was 4,000ft' (370
m'), the height was 20ft 3in (6.2m) and the
overall length was 53ft I in (l6.2m). It is inter-
esting to note that the modern Northrop B-2A
stealth bomber has the same wingspan, mar-
ginally less height and is approximately 13ft
(3.96m) longer due to the B-2A's unusual
wing profile with its 35leading edge sweep.
However, whereas the modern Northrop
bomber would normally be flown by two
crew members with the option of a third, the
B-35 was designed from the outset to accom-
modate at least nine personnel (and possibly
more). These would consist of the pilot and
co-pilot, a navigator, engineer and radio oper-
ator, plus a bomb aimer and three gunners.
To make long missions more acceptable,
there would be six folding bunk bed and
a small galley. The pilot was located in a
forward cockpit that was slightly offset from
centre and covered by a bubble canopy.
The co-pilot was located in a lower glazed
section next to the bomb aimer with the
navigator and engineer behind them. Like
the earlier small Northrop prototype flying
wings, the full-sized aircraft was supported
on the ground by a retractable tricycle
Propulsion for the new orthrop bomber
was to be provided by four substantial Pratt &
Whitney Wasp Major supercharged air-
cooled radial engines. Two of the engines
were R-4360-17s and two were R-4360-2Is. In
actual fact, all the engines for this aircraft
were identical and the only difference was
the length of their extension shafts. Develop-
ment of the R-4360 started just before the
XB-35 programme and it was a very complex
piece of engineering: a 28-cylinder, four-row
radial engine with each row slightly offset.
Although generally reliable, the engine has
been described as a maintenance nightmare.
This large unit utilised a complex carburettor
and turbo-supercharger system. Each alu-
minium-alloy cylinder head was equipped
with two manually adjusted valves per cylin-
der operated by push rods and there were a
total of 56 spark plugs linked to four Bendix-
Scintilla S14RN-15 low-tension dual magne-
tos. Early trials indicated that each engine
would provide 3,000hp (2,237kW) with the
possibility of higher performance as develop-
ment progressed. It was decided to place
cooling slots for the engines in the leading
edge of the wing and each engine would be
coupled to a rear-mounted contra-rotating
four-blade propeller beyond the trailing
edge. The engines were capable of operating
at an altitude of 40,000ft (12, 192m) and pro-
viding a maximum speed of about 390mph
(627kph). With a take-off weight of 209,000 Ib
(94,800kg), the aircraft was expected to
have a range of just over 8,000 miles
While the range of the B-35 was less than
originally contemplated by the USAF, the gen-
eral performance was significantly better
than early versions of the Boeing B-29, which
This photograph taken in 1946 shows an X-35 wing
section during assembly at Northrop's Hawthorne
facility in California. USAF
The first XB-35 prototype (42-13603) is rolled out
at Northrop's California plant in early 1946.
orthrop Grumman
had set the benchmark for bombers of this
period. The Northrop flying wing would be
built almost entirely from metal using sub-
stantial amounts of a new aluminium alloy
developed by Alcola. Fuel was carried in a
series of self-sealing wing tanks with provi-
sion for extra tank installation within the wing
and bomb bays allowing extended range
missions. Double split flaps on the outer trail-
ing edge provided lateral control or braking
with substantial elevons for control of pitch
and roll.
A number of defensive remote-controlled
gun turrets were planned for the B-35. These
would all be fitted with 0.50in (l2.7mm)
machine guns. The remote turrets would be
mounted above and below the rear tailcone
and in four units above and below the wing,
outboard of the engines. The gunners would
control and operate their weapons from
within several stations covered with transpar-
ent domes. The aircraft was equipped with
no less than eight separate bomb bays and
the proposed bomb load was 16,0001b
(7,257kg). The design was structured around
the central crew cabin and this rather unsat-
isfactory layout would eventually become a
major issue for the USAAF as the type of
weapons carried by heavy bombers under-
went a dramatic change.
Development of the B-35 progressed at a
slow pace with tests of the -9M research air-
craft continuing to indicate that performance
of the full-sized flying wing bomber would be
76 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 77
Northrop XB-35 (213603) photographed during a
test flight. Northrop Grumman
An air-ta-air study of XB-35 (213603)_
Northrop Grumman
Northrop and USAF test pilots jointly under-
took an extensive test programme with the
first aircraft completing about 270 hours of f1y-
ing and the second aircraft about 60 hours.
The YB-49 was a decided improvement over
the propeller-driven aircraft, although it still
displayed stability problems. During tests, the
maximum speed was established at 520mph
(836kph) and the ceiling set at 42,000ft
(l2,80Im), although slightly higher altitudes
were achieved. On 26 April 1948, the first
YB-49 set a newunofficial record by making a
nine-hour flight, of which six hours were
spent above 40,000ft (12, 192m). But the range
was considerably less than the piston-engine
aircraft, allowing a distance of approximately
4,000 miles (6,437km) with a 10,000Ib
(4,536kg) bomb load. The crew requirement
for the new aircraft had fallen to seven, but
there was the option of accommodating a
replacement crewin the tail section of the air-
craft for a long duration mission.
While the aircraft were performing quite
well during these trials, stability remained a
major issue and Lt Gen Benjamin W. Chid-
law, who was Deputy Commander of the Air
Materiel Command, decided that this prob-
lem should receive top priority. Compared to
the Boeing B-29, the YB-49 (when flown with-
out autopilot) performed very badly as a
bomber with the flying wing producing twice
the B-29's circular average error during simu-
lated missions. The B-29 would usually attain
stability during a bomb run in 45 seconds
whereas the YB-49 never managed a better
time than four minutes. Despite having an
autopilot, it was generally thought that the
The Northrop 8-49
In 1944, Northrop undertook a study to deter-
mine if the B-35 flying wing bomber could be
developed into a jet-powered aircraft. This
led to a change in the USAAF's contract with
Northrop during the following year that
allowed the future conversion of two YB-35s
to a new configuration using six or eight tur-
bojets. But it was clear that a jet-powered ver-
sion required additional fins to replace the
yaw dampening effect provided by the prop
shaft covers and the conversion would
involve a fair amount of work.
Adaptation of the two YB-35s was soon
underway and it had been decided to fit eight
rather than six Allison J35-A15 turbojets, each
rated at 4,0001b (l7.8kN) static thrust. The
leading edge was modified to allow the posi-
tioning of low-drag air intakes for each
engine, four sets of fins were attached to the
trailing edge and wing fences were posi-
tioned on each side of the engine installa-
tions. In addition, most of the aircraft's
defensive armament was removed, leaving
just one remote-controlled tail barbette in the
Although initially designated as YB-35B,
these two prototypes were now renamed
YB-49. The first YB-49 (42-102367) was com-
pleted at Hawthome in the summer of 1947
and flown to Muroc by Max Stanley on 21
October 1947. Unlike the maiden flight of the
XB-35, this mission took place without any
difficulties. The second YB-49 (42-102368)
was completed by the end of the year and
made its first relatively trouble-free flight on
13 January 1948.
Northrop XB-35 above an unspecified dry lake.
The propellers have been changed to single
rotation units following problems with the
contra-rotating units. USAF
Further revisions to the project followed with
two additional YB-35 aircraft being added as
replacements for the jet versions_ Various dif-
ferent modifications were made to the other
flying wings leading to them being redesig-
nated YB-35A.
The first XB-35 (42-13603) was ready to
undertake its first test-flight from Northrop's
airfield at Hawthome, Califomia, to Muroc
AAF on 25 June 1946. The company's chief
test pilot Max R. Stanley flew the aircraft and
flight engineer Dale Shroeder accompanied
him. Soon after take-off there were engine-
related problems which would reoccur dur-
ing subsequent trials. This finally brought
testing to a halt on II September 1946 after 19
flights. Work continued on the second XB-35
prototype (42-38323) and it took to the air on
26 June 1947, but similar difficulties were
encountered and the aircraft was grounded
after eight flights.
Problems with the complex gearboxes
operating the contra-rotating propeller units
could not be resolved and it was decided to
replace the entire assemblies with single-
rotation propellers. Flight testing finally
resumed on 12 February 1948 and continued
for two months, but the substitution of these
components had created unacceptable
vibration issues and the aircraft's perfor-
mance had worsened. Flight stability
remained unsatisfactory and there were
major concems about the complexity and
reliability of the powerful Pratt & Whitney
engines and their elaborate exhaust systems.
By now, the first YB-35A (42-102366) had
been completed and was fitted with single-
rotation propellers, while efforts continued to
deal with the vibration problem. This aircraft
was equipped with defensive weapons and
made its first test flight on 15 May 1948. Vari-
ous proposals followed to use the flying wings
as in-flight refuelling aircraft and to test the
final YB-35 with Turbodyne XT-37 turboprop
engines. This adaptation was provisionally
known as EB-35B and Northrop installed the
engines, but the variant was never com-
pleted. Other options for use as a reconnais-
sance aircraft were considered, but the
propeller-driven flying wing was too unstable
to function reliably as a camera platform. The
first YB-35 became the only pre-production
propeller driven aircraft from this series to fly
and it was already clear that the days of using
this method of propulsion for warplanes was
drawing to a close.
9- pilot, co-pilot, bombardier,
navigator, engineer, radio operator
and three gunners
53ft lin (I6.2m)
172ft (52.2m)
27" (leading edge)
4,000ft' (370m')
45Ib/ft' (220kglm')
20ft3in (6.2m)
9ft 6in (2.9m)
120,0001b (54,432kg)
180,000 Ib (82,000kg)
209,0001b (95,000kg)
4xPrall &Whitney R-4360
supercharged air-cooled radial
engines, each rated at3,000hp
(2,200kW). Initially driving contra-
props, later single rotation
391 mph (629km/h)
8,150 miles (I 3, IOOkm)
39,700ft (12,100m)
625fVmin (I90m/min)
20 x.50 (12.7mm) M2 machine
16,0001b (7,257kg) Bomb load
Maximum speed
Estimated range
Service ceiling
Rate of climb
Wing area
Wing loading
Fuselage diameter
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Max take-off weight
Northrop YB-35
An underside view of the Northrop XB-35 equipped
with the troublesome contra-rotating propeller
units. Northrop Grumman
less than predicted. In addition, Martin was
experiencing staff shortages due to the war
effort which meant that initial deliveries of the
production aircraft could not be guaranteed
before 1947. By spring 1944, these issues
were starting to generate concems within the
Pentagon and a decision was taken on 24 May
1944 to cancel Martin's contract to build the
However, Air Technical Services Com-
mand still wanted the prototype and pre-pro-
duction aircraft for test purposes and it was
agreed in December 1944 that the project
should continue. By mid-1945, the war in
Europe was over and the USAAF was looking
ahead to a time when propeller-driven war-
planes would become outdated. Although
work was continuing on the XB-35, the
USAAF requested Northrop to adapt two of
the YB-35 airframes to accept Allison J35-A-5
engines. These modified aircraft received
the initial designations YB-35B (later YB-49).
78 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-/950) 79
an airplane'. On the return to Muroc AFB, Car-
denas landed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio,
allowing a detailed inspection of the aircraft
by USAF specialists. Having left for Muroc AFB
on 23 February 1949, there were serious prob-
lems with four of the YB-49's jet engines, forc-
ing Cardenas to make an emergency landing
Below: Underside view of the YB-49 in flight.
Northrop Grumman
Above: Capt Glenn Edwards, who was killed when
the second YB-49 (42-102368) crashed during a
test flight on 5 June 1948. As a mark of respect,
Muroc AFB was renamed as Edwards AFB
on 5 December 1949. USAF
AFB (now operated by the Kansas Air
National Guard) in honour of the Kansas-born
pilot on 13 July 1949. This was followed by
Muroc AFB being renamed as Edwards AFB
on 5 December 1949 in memory of Captain
Edwards, who grew up in California.
Despite this tragic loss, the USAF intended
to press on with the flying wing programme
and the conversion of the YB-35 airframes
continued at Northrop. With only one YB-49
available for evaluation, it was decided to
extend the test period for this aircraft. The
USAF also planned to place a fresh order for
30 RB-49B aircraft designed for reconnais-
sance missions. But the technical problems
with the flying wing continued throughout the
remainder of the year. Most pilots found the
aircraft difficult to fly and there was constant
trouble with the engines.
At the start of 1949, the USAF requested that
the YB-49 was flown across the US to
Andrews AFB so it could participate in a mili-
tary display attended by senior officials and
politicians. The YB-49 departed Muroc AFB
on 9 February 1949 with USAF pilot Major
Robert Cardenas at the controls. He was
accompanied by co-pilot Capt W.W. Seller
and Max Stanley acting as an observer and a
representative of Northrop. When the aircraft
arrived at Andrews AFB, it had completed the
2,258-mile (3,634krn) non-stop flight in 4
hours and 20 minutes, averaging an impres-
sive speed of 511 mph (822kph).
The air showwent well with no hitches and
President Harry S. Truman inspected the
YB-49, describing it as looking like 'one hell of
(305mm), which was unacceptable.
Whether or not a modified bomb with a
shorter length was considered is unknown,
but there was no possibility of moving the
bomb further forward. These weapons had to
be suspended from within the bays, which
meant they were partly enclosed and there
were issues of weight distribution.
Nevertheless, the prevailing post-war inter-
est was the carriage of newly developed
atomic weapons. The only operational air-
craft capable of doing this was the B-29, but
there was the Convair B-36 strategic bomber
in development that could carry large
weapons with ease and the future B-47
medium bomber would also be nuclear
The Northrop B-35/B-49 was unable to
carry the newly developed Mk3 'Fat Man' plu-
tonium bomb which would just about fit
lengthwise in a bay, but was too wide with its
5ft (1.52m) diameter and rather awkward box
tail. With nuclear weapons having to be phys-
ically armed by a specialist before release,
the bomb had to be accessible to the crew. So
Northrop engineers carefully examined ways
of modifying a bomb bay to accept the Mk3
atomic bomb and finally decided that the
only practical answer was to carry the
weapon semi-externally, covered by a jeW-
sonable bathtub-shaped fairing. The problem
was that the cover would have extended
back over the wing flaps and was expected to
significantly degrade performance. The situa-
tion improved slightly when the Mk4 atomic
bomb became available in 1949. The weapon
could have been carried within the B-35 or
B-49's bomb bay, providing that various mod-
ifications were made to the surrounding
structure. But alterations would have been
very expensive and quite complicated,
requiring amongst other things, newspecially
shaped bomb bay doors.
Despite growing concerns about the future
of Northrop's flying wing bomber, the second
YB-49 (42-102368) was passed to the USAF on
28 May 1948. A few days later on 5 June 1948,
this aircraft crashed just north of Muroc AFB,
killing the pilot Daniel Hugh Forbes Jr., his co-
pilot Captain Glenn Edwards and three crew
members. The aircraft was almost com-
pletely destroyed by the impact, although a
section of wing was recovered several miles
away. The exact cause of the accident has
never been fully identified, but it was clear
that a major structural failure occurred. The
YB-49 had entered a dive from 40,000ft
(12, 192m) and one eyewitness described the
aircraft as tumbling about its lateral axis prior
to impact. As a result of this accident, Topeka
Army Airfield, Kansas, was renamed Forbes
Preparation taking place for a test flight of the
Northrop YB-49. USAF
This simulated image shows an underside view of
the Northrop XB-35 carrying two large ground-
penetrating bombs. Although this capability was
studied in detail, there were serious problems
positioning these weapons and the small amount
of clearance between the tail of each weapon and
propeller blades created serious concerns.
Bill Rose Collection
The jet-powered version of Northrop's flying wing
bomber, designated YB-49. USAF
by Sir Barnes Wallis and used operationally
by the RAF during World War 2 against high-
value German targets. Until the arrival of
nuclear weapons, they remained the only
bombs capable of destroying a hardened
underground facility and (excluding some tri-
als with a modified B-29) the only post-war US
bornber expected to carry them was the mas-
sive Consolidated Vultee (later Convair) B-36,
which was developed in parallel to the
Northrop flying wing. The B-36 could easily
carry four T-1 Os, three T-14s or two even big-
ger bombs called the T-12. This was a scaled-
up T-14 weighing a staggering 43,6001b
(19, 776kg), which was tested but, like its pre-
decessors, never used by the USAF.
Unfortunately, the B-35's largest bays
(inboard) measured 4ft 4in (1.36m) wide, 12ft
4in (3. 75m) long and 6ft 6in (1.98m) deep. But
due to the need for adequate clearance, the
maximum dimensions of a single bomb had
to be somewhat less than this. These bays
remained unchanged for the jet powered
B-49, although the outer bomb bays were
removed due to changes in propulsion. The
largest conventional bomb that could be car-
ried by the B-35 weighed 4,0001b (1,814kg)
and there was little scope for adaptation to
carry anything bigger as the wing spars
formed the front and rear walls of both
inboard bomb bays. Even carrying the bomb
semi-externally was impossible with the T-10
having an overall length of21 ft (6.4m) and the
bigger T-14 measuring 26ft 6in (8m) including
its tail.
Northrop realised from the outset that it
would be impossible to make any changes to
the aircraft that allowed the internal carriage
of longer bombs, so it undertook a study to
determine the possibility of suspending two
T-IO or T-14 bombs beneath bays two and
seven. This showed that carriage of these
bombs would seriously degrade the aircraft's
speed and the added weight of the T-14
would reduce the range considerably. In
addition, the clearance between the tail of a
25ft (7.62m) long T-14 and the propeller
blades would have been a mere 12in
ering this issue for some time. Clearly there
would be problems with the B-49 because of
its eight separate bomb bays and the size of
existing free-fall nuclear bombs.
Northrop had been examining adaptation
of the B-35 to carry very large bombs since
early in 1945 when the USAF began develop-
ing plans to use the T-I 0, which was a US-built
version of the British 12,0001b (5,443kg) Tall-
boy bomb and the T-14, which was a copy of
the larger 22,0001b (9,979kg) Grand Slam
bomb. Both of these weapons were designed
lack of stability with the jet-powered flying
wing was due to the inadequate stabilising
fins. Northrop hoped to resolve this problem,
but there were further difficulties for the com-
pany when the USAF reviewed the capabili-
ties of the YB-49 and decided to redesignate
it as a medium bomber in the same class as
the Boeing XB-47 which was undergoing
Yet another consideration was the air-
craft's ability to carry atomic weapons and
the Air Materiel Command had been consid-
80 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 81
The Northrop YB-49 undertaking a test flight from
Muroc MB. USAF
The YRB-49 during a test flight. The reduction in
engines from eight to six is clearly visible in this
photograph. USAF
5- pilot and co-pilot in a tandem
cockpit. Two other seats were
located in the leading edges of the
wing roots, and had large windows
for forward visibility. An additional
position at the rear of the cabin
74ft 8in (22.75m)
l61,5401b (73,227kg)
222,7101b (l01,019kg)
(after in-flight refuelling)
2xTurbodyne Vturboprop
engines, each rated at 1O,000hp
(7,457kW) and driving asix
bladed contra-rotating propeller
5l7mph (832kph)
43,000ft (13, 106m)
2,760 miles (4,44lkm)
5,580 miles (8,980km)
Two or four machine guns
(probably .50ca!) in remotely
controlled tail turret
Bomb load
Max ground weight
Max flight weight
Northrop 1950 Flying Wing Bomber
Version A: Turbodyne V
forward near glazed sections of each inner
wing. The aircraft would be equipped with
two Northrop-developed Turbodyne turbo-
prop engines each producing 1O,000hp
Cruising speed
Bombing altitude
Combat radius
(in-flight refuelling)
cussed in SF literature. As a consequence,
Northrop's flying wing bomber had been built
with a central cabin area and separate bomb
bays positioned around it. Furthermore, by
the end of the 1940s, physicists were indicat-
ing that a significantly more powerful fusion
bomb was theoretically possible and assum-
ing it could be built, such aweapon was going
to be very large and the B-36 might be the only
aircraft capable of carrying it.
Jack Northrop now set about designing a
new flying wing aircraft with a large centrally-
located bomb bay that would be able to
accommodate a single 'superbomb'.
Northrop was in an excellent position to
know exactly where things were going
with nuclear weapon design as it was under-
taking highly-classified research to improve
the casing for existing free-fall nuclear
bombs. By 1950, he was able to present sev-
eral ideas to the USAF for a long-range strate-
gic nuclear bomber. The first proposal was for
a flying wing aircraft with a forward fuselage
section somewhat resembling the British
Avro Vulcan.
Generally referred to as the Turbodyne V,
this design had a wingspan of 128ft 4in
(39.1 1m), a length of 74ft 8in (22.75m) and it
was devoid of any upright stabilising fins. The
crewof five would be housed in forward pres-
surised sections, with the pilot and co-pilot in
tandem and two other crew members facing
Scrap metal from one (or more) of the Northrop
flying wing bombers, dumped at Northrop's
Hawthorne Plant. This photograph is believed to
have been taken in 1953. USAF
The YRB-49 with its undercarriage lowered.
Northrop Grumman
The remaining YB-49 was destroyed in an
accident while making a fast taxiing run at
Edwards AFB on 15 March 1950. It began with
the aircraft's nose wheel strut collapsing and
although the three-man crew escaped, the
aircraft caught fire. But there was no replace-
ment for the YB-49 as the conversion pro-
gramme had ended some months earlier.
The remaining flying wing took to the air on 4
May 1950. Designated as the YRB-49A, this
heavily-modified variant with a reconnais-
sance capability was a significant step away
from Jack Northrop's original idea for a clean,
aesthetically-pleasing and efficient aircraft.
Changes to the propulsion system had
resulted in the engines being reduced to six
Allison J35-A-19 turbojets, each rated at
5,0001b (22.24kN) static thrust. However, two
of these engines were housed in pods below
the wing to allow increased fuel within the
aircraft. A crew of six would fly the aircraft
with photographic equipment carried in the
tail cone.
After a series of test-flights at Edwards AFB,
it was clear that the aircraft could not com-
pete with Boeing's B-47 and the flying wing
project was cancelled. The YRB-49Awas then
placed in storage at Northrop's facility located
at Ontario International Airport, California,
and finally scrapped in November 1953.
The Flying Wing H-Bomber
Aside from stability problems, the major
shortcoming of the B-35 and B-49 was inade-
quate bomb bay space. The preliminary
design had been completed at a time when
the idea of a huge ground-penetrating bomb
had yet to be considered and atomic
weapons remained ideas occasionally dis-
172ft (52.42m)
4,000ft' (370m')
27' (leading edge)
53ft (l6.lm)
15ft (4.57m)
88,4421b (40,116kg)
193,9381b (87,968kg)
8xAllison J35-A-15 turbojets,
each producing 3,750 Ib (l6.68kN)
static thrust
419mph (674kph)
520mph (863kph)
42,000ft (I 2,80Im)
4,000 miles (6,537km) with a
10,000 Ib (4,535kg) bomb load.
1,150 miles (I,850km) with a
36,7601b (l6,674kg) bomb load
4x.50 (l2.7mm) remotely
controlled M2 machine guns
in tailcone turret
Cruise speed
Maximum speed
Northrop YB-49
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
The YRB-49A was the final version of the Northrop
flying wing bomber. The propulsion system was
extensively modified and the aircraft was
reconFtgured for long-range reconnaissance
operations. The YRB-49A first flew on 4 May 1950,
but it was not a success and was finally scrapped
bringing this flying wing programme to an end.
Northrop Grumman
at Winslow Airport, Arizona. It was soon
determined that the oil tanks for the J35 tur-
bojets had not been filled before departure at
Wright-Patterson and the FBI was requested
to investigate, although its findings were
never released and the matter was quietly
Things continued to go wrong and on 26
April 1949, a serious engine fire caused sub-
stantial damage requiring repairs amounting
to $19,000, which was a sizable amount in
those days. Trials resumed and continued
throughout the remainder of that year with
emphasis on the ability to deliver bombs
accurately with and without the E-7 autopilot.
But the results were still judged unsatisfactory
by most pilots. Official interest in the Northrop
flying wing continued to diminish and during
November 1949, the USAF decided to aban-
don the conversion of the remaining YB-35s
to YB-49s with the exception of one aircraft
that would be adapted for testing in the
reconnaissance role.
82 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 83
company report on the project that was com-
pleted on 3 December 1943. The primary
objective was to produce a new type of land-
based maritime patrol bomber to replace the
Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer, which was
developed from the B-24 and had entered
service with the US Navy in 1943. The Priva-
teer undertook many different duties during
World War 2 and the Korean War including
reconnaissance, electronic countermea-
sures, communication relay, search and res-
cue, anti-shipping and bombing missions.
The initial flying wing design was occasion-
ally referred to as Model P5Y-l and sometimes
a 'Two-Engine Patrol Landplane'. It comprised
a wing with a span of 134ft (40.8m) and a fuse-
lage section with an overall length of 52ft
(15.8m). Two Pratt & Whitney R-4360 piston
engines in wing-mounted nacelles would pro-
vide propulsion, driving rorward-positioned
contra-rotating propellers with eight blades
and a 14ft (4.26m) diameter. The aircraft had a
projected gross weight of 85,000 Ib (38,555kg)
and was expected to have a maximum speed
of 300mph (483kph), a ceiling of 22,750ft
Convair's Twin-Engine
Tailless Bomber
When Consolidated and Vultee Aircraft (later
known as Convair) merged in 1943, the com-
pany's engineers at Lindbergh Field, San
Diego, were already working on several new
tailless military aircraft. It was hoped that
these designs would provide better perfor-
mance and perhaps lower manufacturing
costs than existing aircraft in the same class.
Although design work on a flying wing alter-
native to the B-36 bomber had ended in 1942,
wind tunnel tests of the company's two- and
four-engine (tractor configuration) flying
wing models continued at the California Insti-
tute of Technology (CaITech).
No details of the four-engine proposal
remain and this design appears to have been
abandoned at an early stage. Development of
the twin-engine flying wing continued
throughout 1943 with what appears to be a
final set of model tests taking place in Cal-
Tech's lOft (3m) wind tunnel from 18-30
ovember 1943. This led very swiftly to a
Consolidated-Vultee's initial wartime proposal for a
twin-engine tailless patrol bomber. Robert Bradley
an entirely different league to the XB-49. In
1949, a Congressional investigation found
that there was no favouritism behind this
decision and Jack Northrop accepted the
findings. But in 1979, an elderly and rather
frail Jack Northrop participated in an inter-
view conducted by KCET-TV reporter Clete
Roberts and told him that undue pressure had
been applied by Symington to merge his com-
pany with Convair. When he resisted the pro-
posal, Symington scrapped the flying wing
programme. Northrop added that as a direct
consequence, the B-36 went ahead. While
there may be an element of truth to some of
this, it is clear that the decision to drop the
Northrop flying wing was made by USAF spe-
cialists who rightly concluded that the aircraft
was unsuitable for their needs.
Certainly the B-36 was far from perfect, but
this aircraft offered superior performance to
the Northrop flying wing and it seemed that
the less fussy B-47 and propo ed B-52 would
satisfy USAF requirements for the next gener-
ation of jet bombers. Aside from bomb car-
riage shortcomings and stability problems,
the YB-49 lacked speed and range and
despite some claims, it was never designed
to have a low radar cross-section or be
regarded as a stealth aircraft.
A version of the B-49 was briefly considered
as a passenger-carrying airliner with the tail
cone replaced by a window for a small num-
ber of (presumably first class) rear-facing pas-
sengers. Northrop built a mock-up of this
cabin section, but there was no serious inter-
est in this proposal from the commercial sec-
tor. Several variants of the YB-49 also
resurfaced during the mid-1950s when
Northrop answered an official request to sub-
mit designs for a bomber that utilised nuclear
propulsion. To protect the rew from radia-
tion, the cockpit area was either located in a
wingtip pod or at the front of a lengthy for-
ward fuselage exten ion. These particular
studies progressed little further than elemen-
tary concepts, although Northrop continued
to work on nuclear-powered bomber designs
for some time.
As a footnote to this section, some stock
footage of a YB-49 in flight was used in the
1953 George Pal SF movie War ofthe Worlds.
The aircraft is seen flying to drop an atomic
bomb on invading Martian forces.
This artwork for an early Consolidated-Vultee
twin-engine tailless patrol bomber design shows
the auxiliary control surfaces in fully-extended
position. These would normally be retracted
during cruise or high-speed flight. Robert Bradley
Conspiracy Theories?
Before the loss of the first YB-49, Northrop
was facing stiff competition from Boeing,
which was well ahead of the game with its
relatively sophisticated but more conven-
tional designs. The Boeing B-47 jet bomber
had originated with a USAAF requirement
dating back to 1943 and this medium bomber
became the B-49's main rival. The initial
XB-47 had made its first flight in late 1947 and
a pre-production batch of 10 B-47As was
delivered to the USAF for evaluation in
December 1950. At the same time, Boeing
was developing the larger B-52 that would
become the most successful jet bomber in
history and will remain in service with the
USAF well into the 21st century.
The Northrop flying wing bomber started
out as an elegant, rather futuristic design, but
was plagued with technical problems. As a
company, Northrop was stretched to the limit
during World War 2 with serious staff short-
ages and insufficient factory space at
Hawthorne for XB-35 production. The con-
version to turbojet power improved perfor-
mance, but the aircraft still failed to deliver in
several respects. It was unable to carry exist-
ing atomic weapons and serious stability
problems made accurate bomb delivery far
from satisfactory according to most of the test
By the late 1940s, Northrop was under pres-
sure from USAF Secretary Stuart Symington to
merge with rival company Convair. The Air
Force felt it would be in the best interests of
both organisations and was a necessary
requirement for continuation of the flying
wing programme as Northrop lacked ade-
quate production capacity. Jack Northrop
remained strongly opposed to the idea and
some years later would claim that as a con-
sequence of his objection to this plan Syming-
ton brought the flying wing project to an end,
awarding Convair a contract for the B-36
bomber in its place.
In actuality, the USAF had been far from
happy with the alternative B-36 strategic
bomber and it was never given preferential
treatment over the Northrop flying wing. The
B-36 experienced reliability problems, lacked
performance and would not have stood
much chance against the rapidly improving
Soviet air defences. However, significant
improvements were made to the design that
increased performance considerably and the
bomb delivery capacity of this aircraft was in
perhaps now wary of becoming involved in
another very costly flying wing project which
might have technical issues that were very
difficult to resolve.
A remote-control tail turret equipped with
.50cal machine guns was located in the tail
for defence purposes. Cruising speed was an
impressive 517mph (832mph) with a bomb-
ing ceiling of 43,000ft (13,1 06m) and an un-
refuelled combat radius estimated to be 2,760
miles (4,441 km). With in-flight refuelling, this
could be increased to at least 5,500 miles
(8,850km) and possibly further. The Turbo-
dyne V was somewhat smaller and lighter
than the B-49 with a maximum ground weight
of 161,540 Ib (73,227kg) and the efficient tur-
boprop engines and in-flight refuelling capa-
bility made it an attractive proposition
compared to the larger jet bomber.
An alternative version of the aircraft, having
the sam overall dimensions and basic lay-
out, was to be powered by four Allison XT40
turboprop engines. Each engine was con-
nected to contra-rotating pusher propellers
producing an estimated total of 30,000hp
(22,371 kW). Somewhat heavier, this variant
had a maximum ground weight of 175,400 Ib
(79,560kg) and marginally less p rformance.
It would be capable of cruising at just over
500mph (800kph) and releasing its bomb
from a maximum altitude of 37,000ft
(11,277m). The un-refuelled combat radius
was similar to the twin-engine version
although the estimates for longer refuelled
flights were not as good. But the designs
failed to make an impression with the USAF,
The Northrop Turbodyne Vwas a turboprop-
powered design produced to address the main
shortcomings of the 8-35 and 8-49. It was a
significantly different aircraft, built around a large
centrally-located bomb bay that was judged
adequate to contain a single atomic weapon of
substantial size. Furthermore, the range of this
aircraft would be intercontinental with the
provision for in-flight refuelling. However, it came
too late and by the time this design and several
variants with different engine layouts were
submitted to the USAF, the 8-36 and 8-47 were
on order and the 8-52 was in development.
Bill Rose Collection
128ft4in (39 11m)
74ft8in (22.75m)
175,400Ib (79,560kg)
212, I00 Ib (96,206kg)
(after in-flight refuelling)
4xAllison XT40 turboprops, each
rated at 7,500hp (5,593kW) and
each driving one six-bladed
contra-rotating propeller unit
506mph (814kph)
37,000ft (II ,277m)
Bomb load
Max ground weight
Max flight weight
Cruising speed
Bombing altitude
Combat radius
(un-refuelled) 2,761 miles (4,443km)
(refuelled at cruising altitude) 4,027 miles (6,480km)
Armament Two or four machine guns
(probably .50cal) in remotely
controlled tail turret
Northrop 1950 Flying Wing Bomber
Version B: 4 x Turboprop Engines
(7,457kW) and driving six-bladed contra-
rotating propeller assemblies at the wing's
trailing edge. The aircraft would also be
equipped with the capability to refuel in-
flight, allowing long-range missions. Draw-
ings show this aircraft carrying a single bomb
and it remains unclear if the aircraft was
expected to have a conventional weapons
84 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-/950) 85
Northrop's Black Bullet
At the end of ] 939, Jack Northrop responded
to Army Air Corps request R-40C for a new
fighter with superior performance to existing
aircraft and significantly lower maintenance
requirements. R-40C also made it clear that
unorthodox designs would receive consider-
ation. Northrop submitted a tailless proposal
for RC-40C which initially carried the com-
pany designation N-2B and would compete
with rival designs from Bell, Curtiss and Vul-
The Northrop aircraft was a flying wing with
a slightly bulbous fuselage and a contra-rotat-
ing propeller assembly at the rear, driven by
the experimental Pratt &Whitney X-] 800-A3G
(H-2600) engine located in the centre of the
aircraft behind the pilot. The wing profile was
similar to that used on the N-]M prototype
and there would be upper and lower vertical
stabilisers at the rear of the fuselage. An initial
US patent application for this design was filed
on 10 May] 940 with a slightly modified ver-
sion being applied for on 3 December 194],
which remained classified until ] 946.
An Army Air Corps development contract
for the Northrop N-2B was issued on 22 June
1940 and it was decided to fund the con-
struction of a prototype on 26 September
] 940. The project had now received the
fighter reference P-56 (P for Pursuit was used
prior to F for Fighter) and the prototype was
given the registration number 4]-786 and
called the XP-56. But in October] 940, there
was a serious setback when the Pratt & Whit-
ney X-] 800 engine chosen for the XP-56 failed
to meet performance expectations and was
necessary and they had to be kept as far as
possible from the nuclear propulsion system.
Consequently, the heavily shielded crew
compartment was located at the centrallead-
ing edge with the reactor positioned towards
the tail.
Specifications are sketchy at best, but this
huge flying wing was to have a wingspan of
approximately 380ft (J 16m) with an esti-
mated leading edge sweep of 20. The air-
craft's overall length was expected to be
about 89ft (27m), although height is
unknown. Two upright stabilising fins were
located towards the trailing edge and this
massive bomber was supported on the
ground by a fully retractable tricycle under-
carriage. Each main strut was fitted with four
wheels and there were two wheels on the for-
ward strut, although this appears somewhat
inadequate. Proposed weights and estimates
for performance are unknown. The L-248-3
would have been specifically designed to
deliver free-fall nuclear weapons and per-
haps an early hydrogen bomb. NEPA contin-
ued until 195] when it became the USAF's
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) pro-
gramme, having determined that the tech-
nology was viable. Nevertheless, the
Lockheed L-248-3 never progressed much
further than engineering studies.
As a result of the Nuclear Energy for the
Propulsion of Aircraft programme, which began in
the late 1940s, Lockheed's Skunk Works
investigated the possibility of building a long-
range nuclear-powered bomber. Using Allison
turboprops powered by a nuclear reactor, this
substantial aircraft was given the design reference
L-248-3. Pete Clukey/Lockheed Martin
stalling speed was slightly increased from
85mph (J36kph) to 89mph (143kph). Notice-
able changes were a greater wingspan of
]47ft (44.8m) and a nominally reduced over-
all length of 49ft 7in (16m). One other signifi-
cant change to the design was the addition of
vertical wingtip fins with rudders.
This improved stability and was found to
produce a relatively little extra drag during
wing tunnel testing. The aircraft was
equipped with a substantial tricycle under-
carriage and this underwent considerable
modification to simplify its operation. Also,
the hydraulic system controlling the under-
carriage, brakes and bomb bay doors was
replaced with an electrical AC system. Yet
another change was the replacement of the
eight-blade contra-rotating propellers with
slightly larger six-blade versions measuring
15ft (4.5m) in diameter. It seems likely that
the idea of developing this flying wing into a
bomber for the USAAF was considered, but
the project was finally abandoned in 1944 and
then largely forgotten.
Lockheed's Atomic Bomber
The Lockheed Corporation, based at Bur-
bank Airport, Los Angeles, California, pro-
duced artwork depicting a large
passenger-carrying flying wing in ] 938. Utilis-
ing six forward-positioned propellers, the air-
craft was equipped with substantial wingtip
fins and fitted with a fixed tricycle undercar-
riage. Perhaps influenced by Burnelli and
Northrop designs, it remains hard to say if this
pre-war concept was a realistic proposal or
simply created for publicity purposes.
Lockheed does not appear to have taken
any interest in flying wing aircraft during
World War 2, but this changed in ] 946 when
US scientists decided that nuclear energy
might be suitable for aircraft propulsion and
the Pentagon established a programme
called Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of
Aircraft (NEPA). Primarily controlled by the
USAAF, the main aim was to develop a new
strategic bomber, perhaps with global range.
As an early submission for a nuclear-powered
strategic bomber to meet NEPA require-
ment ,Lockheed produced a massive tailless
aircraft powered by a hybrid nuclear system.
This Skunk Works design was given the ref-
erence L-248-3 and it would be powered by
eight highly-modified Allison turboprop
engines, each driving a set of forward-
mounted contra-rotating propellers. With
energy provided by a nuclear reactor, the
bomber was expected to have a global range.
However, this meant that a sizeable crewwas
134ft (40.8m)
I,900ft' (176.5m')
15' (leading edge)
52ft (15.8m)
85,0001b (38,555kg)
2xPratt &Whitney R-4360 piston
engines, driving forward
positioned contra-rotating
propellers with eight blades and a
diameter of 14ft (4.26m)
300mph (483kph)
85mph (I36kph)
22,750ft (6,934m)
4,770 miles (7,676km) with a
10,000 Ib (4,536kg) payload
10,000 Ib (4,536kg) bomb load
2x20mm cannons in anose
turret,4 x.50cal (l2.7mm) in the
tail, three further .50cal gun turrets
Maximum speed
Stall speed
Wing area
Cro sweight
(6,934m) and a range of 4, 770 miles (7,676km)
with a 10,000 Ib (4,536kg) payload. Flown by a
crew of ] 0, the aircraft was expected to carry
a substantial amount of defensive armament.
This included two 20mm cannons in a nose
turret and four .50cal in the tail. Another .50cal
gun turret was located above and behind the
cockpit, with two further retractable gun tur-
rets on the upper and lower rear fuselage. Pre-
sumably, withdrawing these units into the
fuselage improved the aircraft's aerodynam-
ics. 4,200(US) gal (J 5,898 litres) of fuel was
carried in wing tanks and a second crew com-
partment was located behind the centrally-
positioned bomb bay. Perhaps one of the most
interesting features of this design was the aux-
iliary directional and longitudinal control sur-
faces which would be fully retracted into the
wing during cruise and high-speed flight.
By the time a company report on this pro-
ject was produced in December 1943, the
design had undergone considerable revision.
Gross weight was now increased to 90,000 Ib
(40,823kg) and the patrol range had become
5,500 miles (8,85] km). The wing area was
reduced from ] ,900ft' (J 76.5m') to ] ,800ft'
(J67.2m'), accompanied by a small reduction
in leading edge sweep from 15to ] 4and the
Consolidated Vultee Twin-Engine Tailless
Patrol-Bomber (Initial Version)
Internal layout of the initial Consolidated-Vultee
twin-engine tailless patrol bomber design.
Robert Bradley
This artwork based on an original drawing shows
the final design for a twin-engine lying wing patrol
bomber produced by Consolidated Vultee at
San Diego, California, during World War 2.
Bill Rose Collection, based on original a.twork
Uetl'actable Irc::o
top turret 2_2c.. (Sperry or Emerson)
gtLtla, 800 round" amm7 tail turret 4-.50
\. od. SWla 4000
\. rounds aJlD:I.
/.ulL radar
all 250 gal. total

1n aelf-a8tl.l1D. oells
4200 :&1. total oapaoity
1,11 wina
Retractable, directional and
longitudinal control surfaces
Two Pratt. Wbitney
R-4J60 engines
A\18ust 20, 194) ZP-OIO
Retractable Sperry
Boll turret 2-.50
cal. guru!, 800
rounda ammo
Consolidated Vultee's final design for a flying
wing patrol-bomber. Bill Rose Collection
86 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (I935-/950) 87
Northrop and this led him to approach the
USAAF with plans for a rocketplane.
Whatever the truth, discussions were soon
underway to develop a prototype rocket-
powered fighter. As the country's leading
designer of flying wings, Jack Northrop was
the obvious choice for this project and by
September 1942, he had submitted a series of
proposals to the USAAF. This resulted in an
immediate contract for three small research
aircraft that would be used in the first stage of
the programme. The designation MX-365 was
initially assigned to the project, which then
received the experimental fighter reference
XP-79. The first two aircraft in this series
would be gliders, referred to as MX-334. The
third aircraft, designated MX-324, would differ
by having an Aerojet liquid fuel rocket engine
installed. Security for this undertaking was
tight from the outset and it would now be
regarded as a top-secret 'black' project,
which for all intents and purposes didn't exist.
Northrop staff simply referred to the gliders as
N-12 and the rocket fighter as N-14.
Having already provided the USAAF with
fairly detailed proposals for a rocket fighter,
Jack Northrop submitted a complete design
in early 1943. His small single-seat flying wing
interceptor would be close to a delta shape
with an overall wingspan of 36ft (I 0.97m) and
a length of approximately 13ft (3.96m). The
wing's root chord would be II ft 4in (3.45m)
with a wingtip chord of 3ft (0.91 m) and wing
area of 255ft' (23.69m'). Skin thickness at the
leading edge of the wing was set at 'Xin
(l9mm), decreasing to l-ilin (3mm) at the trail-
ing edge. Much of the aircraft would be built
from welded magnesium alloy, chosen for its
Northrop's Wartime Rocket
and Jet Fighters
General arrangement of the
sleek Northrop P-79 rocket
interceptor. Bill Rose
By early 1942, British and American Intelli-
gence were aware of German efforts to
develop a high-performance rocket-powered
tailless fighter. The US was interested in dupli-
cating this technology and according to many
sources Jack Northrop was approached to
build an interceptor based on preliminary
studies undertaken at Wright Field. Alterna-
tively, it has been suggested that classified
information was intentionally leaked to
NACA would undertake wind tunnel tests at
Moffett Field to investigate the aircraft's poor
performance while flight-testing continued.
But having completed 10 flights, the stabil-
ity and control problems appeared insoluble
and further trials were cancelled. It was now
clear that the days of the piston-engine fight-
ers were coming to an end and the second
XP-56 was stored in a hangar for a year before
the project was scrapped. From the outset
this aircraft was doomed to failure and prob-
ably should have been abandoned when
Pratt & Whitney cancelled its X-I 800 engine.
Some other contenders for R-40C were built
and test flown, such as the twin-boom Vultee
XP-54 and the canard Curtiss XP-55, but in
overall terms this programme was a dismal
failure with none of the aircraft living up to
On 20 December 1946, the XP-56 was trans-
ported to the USAAF Storage Depot at Park
Ridge, Illinois, and from there it was passed to
the National Air and Space Museum.
42ft 6in (l2.95m)
306ft' (28.44m')
37Ib/ft' (l80.6kg/m')
1st Prototype: 23ft 6in (7.16m).
2nd Prototype: 27ft 6in (8.38m)
1st Prototype: 9ft 8in (2.94m).
2nd Prototype: II ft (3.35m)
8,7001b (3,946kg)
11,3501b (5,148kg)
12, 145lb (5,508kg)
I xPratt &Whitney R-2800-29
18-cylinder air-cooled radial,
2,000hp (I ,491kW)
465mph (748kph)
at 25,000ft (749km/h)
417mph (67Ikph) at sea level
33,000ft (l0,058m)
660 miles (I,062km)
3, 125fVmin (952m/min)
at 15,000ft (4,572m)
2x20mm cannons and
4x .50cal (l2.7mm) machine guns
(production model)
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Max take-off weight
Maximum speed
Wing area
Wing loading
Service ceiling
Rate of climb
blew out and the aircraft somersaulted
before breaking up. The XP-56 was virtually a
complete write-off and photographs indicate
that little could have been salvaged from the
wreckage. During the crash, supports holding
the pilot's seat in place sheared and Myers
was thrown clear of the aircraft, miraculously
only suffering minor injuries.
Construction of the second prototype was
now at a fairly advanced stage and it had
already undergone a number of modifica-
tions. The most noticeable difference was the
larger dorsal fin, accompanied by a change in
weight distribution to shift the centre of grav-
ity forward. These changes led to an
increased height of 11ft (3.35m) and a greater
overall length of 27ft 6in (8.38m). Improve-
ments were also made to the wingtip rudder
control system using an air-bellows fed by
wingtip ducts.
The second XP-56, piloted by Harry Crosby,
undertook its maiden flight on 23 March 1944
at Roach Lake. The aircraft refused to leave
the ground at speeds below 160mph
(257kph), but Crosby finally lifted-off and
climbed to an altitude of 2,500ft (762m) with
the flight lasting eight minutes. On following
flights, it became clear that handling
improved significantly once the undercar-
riage was fully retracted, although overall per-
formance proved to be disappointing and
was far less than original estimates sug-
gested. During May 1944, it was decided that
Northrop XP-56 Black Bullet Prototype
(Original Estimates)
tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. The XP-56
was equipped with a fully-retractable tricycle
undercarriage and a lower ventral fin that
offered little clearance while the XP-56 was
on the ground, but provided some protection
to the rear-mounted propeller blades. The
wing had similarities to N-I M aircraft with
elevons at the centre of the trailing edge, flaps
on the angled wingtips and air intakes for
engine cooling ducts at the leading edge wing
roots. The wingspan was 42ft 6in (l2.95m)
with a wing area of 306ft' (28.44m') and a
wing loading of 371b/ft' (l80.6kg/m'). The
overall length of the XP-56 was 23ft 6in
(7. 16m), the height was 9ft 8in (2.94m) and
take-off weight was estimated to be 12,1451b
(5,508kg). The maximum speed would be
417mph (67Ikph) at sea level and 465mph
(748kph) at 25,000ft (749km/h) with a ceiling
of 33,000ft (I 0,058m) and a range of 660 miles
(I,062km). No armament was fitted to the
prototype but allowances were made to
equip future versions with two 20mm can-
nons and four .50cal (12. 7mm) machine guns
in the nose.
With assembly of the XP-56 prototype pro-
gressing well, the USAAF decided to fund the
construction of another XP-56 and a contract
was issued on 13 February 1942. The second
aircraft was issued with the serial number 42-
38353. Work on the first prototype was rela-
tively slow and the XP-56 does not appear to
have been given high priority, although it had
now received the unofficial name 'Black Bul-
let'. The aircraft was finally completed by
Northrop in April 1943 and transported by
road to Muroc Army Air Base for flight-testing.
After a series of taxiing tests at Muroc Dry
Lake, it was found that the aircraft tended to
yaw quite badly at high speed. As a conse-
quence, modifications were made to the ver-
tical stabiliser and the wheel braking system.
The first attempt to fly the XP-56 was made
at Muroc Dry Lake on 30 Seplember 1943 with
Northrop's, senior test pilot John Wescott
Myers at the controls. He managed to briefly
lift off the ground at a speed of about 140mph
(225kph) but failed to become properly air-
borne. The flights continued with Myers man-
aging to increase his height from the ground,
although the XP-56's performance was disap-
pointing with the aircraft handling badly.
Then disaster struck while taxiing at high-
speed when the rear tyre on the port side
Anticipated appearance of the
Northrop P-56 flying wing fighter.
Bill Rose
Often referred to by the unofficial name 'Black
Bullet', Northrop's XP-56 fighter was not a great
success, with the first prototype crashing in
September 1943 at Muroc Dry Lake. This
photograph shows the second prototype which
currently resides at the National Air and Space
Museum. Bill Rose Collection
extensive alterations to the fuselage were
necessary. As envisaged from the outset, the
engine was located just behind the un-pres-
surised cockpit, driving two sets of three-
bladed propellers at the rear via a shaft and
gearbox. However, the pusher propeller
arrangement raised serious issues for the
pilot should it become necessary to bail out
and Northrop's solution was an explosive
cord positioned around the gearbox which
would be detonated to sever the rear section
of the fuselage and propeller assembly.
In addition to having an unconventional
shape, the XP-56's airframe was built entirely
from lightweight magnesium which was
joined by a newly perfected process called
abandoned by the manufacturers. The X-1800
had been a liquid-cooled 24-cylinder piston
engine with an anticipated performance of
1,800-2,200hp (1,342-1 ,640kW) using a tur-
bocharger at higher altitude and there was no
similarly specified replacement.
In fact, the X-1800's cancellation created
difficulties for all contractors entering the
R-40C fighter competition as this engine had
been selected for every design. It might have
brought the XP-56 project (and the fighter
competition) to a close, but Jack Northrop's
team decided to replace the X-1800 with a
Pratt & Whitney R-2800 air-cooled radial
engine. Although this was a very capable
design, it came with a weight penalty and
88 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 89
32ft (9.8m)
244ft' (22.7m')
30 (leading edge)
12ft (3.7m)
3,0001b (I ,360kg)
3,6561b (I,658kg)
I xAerojet XCAL-200 rocket
engine producing 200 Ib thrust
300mph (482kph)
20 miles (32km) approx
Aspect ratio
Max speed (MX-324)
Range (MX-324)
lems, the aircraft was transported to
Northrop's facility at Hawthorne on I Decem-
ber 1944 for completion.
The redesigned XP-79B was now fitted with
two engine bays located in the wing roots;
each housed a Westinghouse axial flow 19-B
turbojet (an early version of the J30) rated at
1,150Ib (51.kN) static thrust. The gross weight
of the XP-79B was 8,6681b (3,931 kg), making
it somewhat lighter than the rocket-powered
design, but the maximum speed and ceiling
were expected to be marginally less due to
the different method of propulsion and aero-
dynamic changes. The single vertical fin
mounted on the rocket-powered XP-79 was
no longer in evidence, having been replaced
MX-334 and MX-324 'Rocket Wing'
Wing area
Gross weight (MX-334)
Powerplant (MX-324)
surface of Harper's Dry Lake by the P-38 used
for these trials. Having left the ground, the
P-38 piloted by Martin Smith climbed to an
altitude of approximately 8,000ft (2,438m)
and Crosby released the towline.
Moments later, he ignited the Aerojet
XCAL-200 engine and flew under rocket
power for just over four minutes, reaching a
speed of 270mph (435kph) before gliding to
land on the lake bed. Crosby had become the
first American to fly under rocket power,
although this event would remain classified
for some time to come. Further powered
flights followed, although there were con-
stant difficulties with the rocket engine and
the USAAF was becoming concerned about
this troublesome programme. Development
of the full-sized Aerojet XCALR-2000A-1 liq-
uid-fuelled rocket engine (generally referred
to as the Rotajet because of its thrust cham-
ber rotation during operation) was progress-
ing badly and Aerojet Engineering could not
guarantee reliability. As a consequence, the
USAAF finally decided to terminate the rocket
fighter project. Early concerns about the
rocket engine had led the USAAF to hedge its
bets in March 1943 with a request that the sec-
ond XP-79 prototype was modified to accept
two Westinghouse turbojets. This revised
model was designated XP-79B and carried
the registration 43-52437.
Work eventually started on the XP-79B at
Avion, but due to ongoing personnel prob-
Test pilot Harry Crosby flies the MX-324 under
rocket power at Harper's Dry Lake in June 1944.
Northrop Grumman
One of the few colour images of the Northrop
MX-324 at Harper's Dry Lake. Northrop Grumman
although there were complaints about the
rudder's responsiveness.
Two notable incidents occurred during
these trials. The first took place when Alex
Papana accidentally jettisoned the upper and
lower escape hatches of his MX-334 after
release from the Lockheed P-38 tow plane.
This abrupt change to the aircraft's aerody-
namic qualities generated substantial drag
and forced him to make an emergency land-
ing. Some days later while flying the second
MX-334, Harry Crosby became caught in the
propwash of the P-38 towplane and the glider
pitched upwards, stalled and entered a spin.
It finally recovered but was nowupside down
with Crosby on his back and unable to reach
the controls. Finding himself in a shallow
glide, Crosby's only option was to bailout.
During his descent, the glider continued to
circle and finally landed on the lakebed, but
was damaged beyond repair.
Glide flights continued at Muroc and by
spring 1944, the Aerojet XCAL-200 rocket
engine was ready for installation in the
MX-324, increasing the gross weight of the air-
craft to 3,6561b (I ,658kg) when the fuel tanks
were full. The engine with its troublesome
development history had been built at Aero-
jet Engineering's Azusa facility and was sim-
ply known as Project X. Although mainly
fabricated from aluminium, the XCAL-200
was relatively heavy at 4271b (I93kg) and
would provide a maximum thrust of 200lb
(0.88kN) for several minutes. The engine's
exhaust protruded slightly from the rear of the
aircraft, but in other respects the MX-324 was
externally identical to the gliders. Internally
the aircraft was somewhat different with a
revised layout allowing for the engine system
and fuel tanks. To offer the pilot some pro-
tection against accidental release of analine
or nitric acid (which would be life threaten-
ing), thick neoprene screens were installed
around the cockpit.
Now fully equipped, the aircraft was trans-
ported to Harper's Dry Lake, Lockhart, Cali-
fornia, which was a secret test site in the
Mojave Desert used by Hughes and Northrop.
(Nothing remains of this facility today.)
Ground tests began on 29 June 1944 and by
early July, the aircraft was considered ready
to undertake its maiden flight. Early on the
morning of 5 June 1944, Harry Crosby eased
himself into the cramped cockpit of the fully-
fuelled MX-324 and was towed out across the
crossbar fitted with handgrips and use foot
pedals to adjust the manoeuvring brakes.
Production fighters would be fitted with four
0.50in (I 2. 7mm) calibre M2 machine guns
with provision for 250 rounds per gun. There
would also be hardened steel panels behind
the inner leading edge and a bullet resistant
glass screen at the front of the cockpit. The
pilot's prone position made location of a fully
retractable nose wheel difficult, so it was
decided to use four separate wheels for the
Part of the contract for this project stipu-
lated that Northrop would sub-contract the
engineering and assembly work as there was
a serious shortage of capacity at Northrop's
factory. This resulted in construction being
passed to a Los Angeles company called
Avion Inc that had earlier connections to Jack
Northrop. Soon after work began on the three
MX prototypes, preparations started for the
assembly of three XP-79 prototypes. Two
would be used for flight-testing and the third
for stress analysis.
The first three MX aircraft were built from
inexpensive welded steel tubing, aluminium
and plywood, but all were similar in appear-
ance to the later XP-79 and accommodated
the pilot in a prone position. The overall
weight of the MX-334 glider was 3,0001b
(I ,360kg), making it not much heavier than a
medium-sized saloon car. The dimensions
for the MX-324 and MX-334 were virtually the
same with an overall length of 12ft (3.7m), a
wingspan of 32ft (9.8m) and a wing area of
244ft' (22.7m'). The controls functioned in a
similar manner to the proposed XP-79 with
the pilot accommodated in a prone position.
The first MX-334 was fitted with landing
skids, supplemented with a four-wheel take-
off trolley that was jettisoned as the aircraft
became airborne. This proved unsatisfactory
and it was decided to fit a fixed tricycle under-
carriage to the second MX-334 and the
MX-324. Fairings were fitted around each
strut to improve the aerodynamics and it was
necessary to offset the nose wheel because
the pilot's prone position within the cockpit
prevented adequate central bracing.
John Myers flew the first MX-334 on 2 Octo-
ber 1943 with further trials taking place at
Muroc AAF. Other Northrop pilots routinely
involved with this programme were Harry
Crosby and Alex Papana with a number of
USAAF pilots also flying the aircraft. All pilots
felt that the aircraft handed reasonably well,
Testing at NACA Langley in the Full Scale Wind
Tunnel during July 1943. This is described as a
Northrop MX-324 model, but it appears to be the
prototype aircraft without undercarriage. NASA
each delivering 1,000Ib (4.44kN) of thrust and
jettisoned once the fighter left the runway.
The XP-79 was expected to have a gross
weight of I 1,400Ib (5, I 70kg) allowing a max-
imum speed of approximately 530mph
(850kph) and a ceiling in excess of 45,000ft
(I3,716m). Estimates for range or endurance
are unknown although both would have been
short, restricting this aircraft's role to that of a
target defence interceptor.
It is believed that Jack Northrop and his
senior aerodynamicist Dr William Sears ini-
tially favoured a pure flying wing without a
vertical stabiliser for the XP-79 (plus the
MX-334 and MX-324), but reluctantly
accepted that a fin would be necessary for
high-speed flight. Directional control of the
aircraft was achieved using large elevons and
split manoeuvring brakes. The pilot would
control the elevons with a forward-mounted
The experimental MX-324 shown in this drawing
was fitted with an Aerojet rocket engine and
received the designation MX-324. Bill Rose
low weight and strength. The pilot was con-
tained in a sealed but unpressurised cockpit
and would lie in a prone position. This
allowed Northrop to design a very sleek air-
craft and it was believed that this configura-
tion made it easier for the pilot to withstand
brief periods of acceleration, perhaps as high
as 12G.
Like the XP-56, this aircraft was also
designed around an experimental propulsion
system that was in the early stages of devel-
opment and was technically risky. The pro-
posed Aerojet rocket engine for the XP-79
would be fuelled with red fuming nitric acid
and monoethylaniline (aniline) to provide a
maximum thrust of about 2,000 Ib (8.89kN). In
addition, six solid fuel rocket-assisted take-off
(RATO) units would be used for a horizontal
runway take-off. They would be attached
beneath the central rear area of the wing with
90 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-1950) 91
Northrop XP-79B: Fighter Prototype
November 1948. During the following month,
the aircraft underwent static testing, followed
by taxiing trials undertaken by Northrop test
pilot Charles Tucker. The aircraft made its
maiden flight on 16 December 1948 and
Tucker flew the X-4 for 18 minutes, reaching
a maximum speed of 290mph (466kph) and
climbing to an altitude of II ,000ft (3,352m).
While Tucker found the handling was good,
he also reported a degree of longitudinal
instability. Modifications were made to the
aircraft, including the installation of wingtip
spin recovery parachutes and changes to the
undercarriage. However, winter rains arrived
which flooded Rogers Dry Lake and held up
further trials until April 1949. Flight-testing
then resumed, although there were ongoing
reliability problems and Walt Williams who
headed the NACA Muroc Flight Test Unit
(now the Dryden Flight Research Center)
described the X-4 as a 'lemon'.
The second X-4 (46-677) had now been
delivered to Muroc and this aircraft had
undergone a number of aerodynamic modifi-
cations as a result of tests with the first proto-
type. The second X-4 proved significantly
more reliable and as a consequence it was
decided to drop the first prototype from the
ble canopy providing excellent visibility,
although pilots found the cockpit extremely
cramped. The aircraft's overall length was
22ft 3in (7.lm), its wingspan was 26ft lOin
(8.2m) and a long tailfin gave the X-4 a height
of 14ft IDin (4.5m). Nevertheless, most impor-
tant parts of the aircraft were accessible from
ground level during maintenance. Lusk drew
heavily on experience gained during the
XP-79 programme and many of the same
constructional methods were employed for
the X-4. The body was mainly built from alu-
minium and wings were fabricated from
magnesium alloy with split flaps and elevons
for control of pitch and roll.
Propulsion was provided by two Westing-
house XJ30 WE-7 turbojets (later replaced with
newer versions) that were housed within the
wing roots. Each engine was rated at 1,600 lb
(7.11 kN) static thrust. With a gross weight of
7,8201b (3,550kg), the X-4's maximum speed
was 630mph (I,013kph) and the maximum
endurance was about 45 minutes providing a
range of approximately 420 miles (675km).
The X-4 prototypes had now been assigned
the serial numbers 46-676 and 46-677, with
46-676 reaching completion in late 1948 and
being transported by road to Muroc AFB on IS
In late 1945, the USAAF and NACA required a
small aircraft to explore control and stability
issues at transonic speeds of around Mach
0.85. The starting point for this project was
captured research documentation for the
German Me 163B rocket fighter and details of
the British jet powered DH.I 08, which was in
the process of receiving Air Ministry approval.
NACA favoured a broadly similar single-seat
tailless design, although its aircraft would be
powered by two turbojet engines. Northrop
was considered the obvious contractor to
build this type of aircraft and towards the end
of 1945 it was approached to develop two pro-
totypes. The company then submitted plans to
meet this requirement and received provi-
sional acceptance in spring 1946 for a design
known as XS-4 (and also MX-810). The order
was formalised as a contract (WW33-038-
ac-14542) during June 1946 and the aircraft
was officially called the X-4, while unofficially
being given the name Bantam or Skylancer.
Northrop's senior engineer, Arthur I. Lusk,
had been largely responsible for the X-4's
design and was placed in charge of construc-
tion which was undertaken at the Experi-
mental Shop at Hawthorne. But before
assembly work started, a one-fifth-scale size
wood and aluminium model was built for
wind tunnel tests. By November 1946, a full-
sized mock-up had been completed and a
review panel recommended minor changes
to the design which allowed the carriage of
extra instrumentation.
The X-4 was an extremely compact aircraft
with virtually no wasted internal space. The
forward-positioned cockpit was equipped
with an ejector seat and covered with a bub-
Northrop X-4
one option was to use the flying wing to 'knock
wings and tails off other airplanes'. Later he
would indicate the role of the XP-79 was just to
intercept and shoot down enemy aircraft and
ramming attacks had never been a serious
consideration. But the weight of opinion sug-
gests that there was a degree of interest in this
possibility, even if the XP-79 appears to have
been unsuitable for such a task.
The first Northrop X-4 Bantam (46-676)
undergoing checks at Rogers Dry Lake, California,
during initial trials in late 1948. USAF
Northrop's second X-4 in flight. These small
experimental aircraft were developed using
Lippisch's research documentation for the
Messerschmitt Me 163 and details of the post-war
British de Havilland DH.108 Swallow. Designed to
investigate transonic flight, the X-4 proved to be a
valuable and successful experimental design. NASA
I (in prone position)
38ft (I1.58m)
278ft' (25.82m')
14ft (4.26m)
11ft 8in (3.55m)
2ft lOin (0.86m)
7ft (2.13m)
5,8401b (2,649kg)
8,6681b (3,931 kg)
2xWestinghouse 19-8 (130)
turbojets, each producing 1,150 Ib
(5.1 kN) static thrust
510mph (820kph)
40,000ft (I2,192m)
994 miles (I,600km)
Armament 4x.50in (I 2. 7mm)
M2 machine guns, each with 250rpg
I (in prone position)
36ft (I0.97m)
255ft' (23.69m')
30' (leading edge)
II ft 4in (3.45m)
3ft (0.9Im)
13ft (3.96m) approx
11,4001b (5,170kg)
1xAerojet XCALR-2000A-l
'Rotajet' liquid-fuelled rocket
engine providing 2,000 Ib (8.89kN)
thrust), plus six jettisonable RATO
units, each rated at 1,000 Ib
(4.44kN) to assist take-off
530mph (850kph) estimate
45,000ft (I3,716m) estimate
4x.50in (I2.7mm) M2 machine
guns, each with 250rpg
Maximum speed
Wing area
Chord at root
Chord at tip
Empty weight
Gross weight
The completed Northrop XP-79B prototype jet
fighter prior to testing at Muroc Dry Lake. USAF
The ultimately ill-fated Northrop XP-79B twin-jet
prototype. Differences between this aircraft and
the original XP-79 are readily apparent due to the
change in propulsion and switch to twin stabilising
fins. Note the wingtip inlets for bellows type
rudders, similar to those used on the XP-56. USAF
Maximum speed
Northrop P-79 Rocket Interceptor
(Initial Proposal)
Wing area
Chord at root
Chord at tip
Gross weight
destroyed. The exact cause of the accident
was never fully determined, but it was
thought to be a control failure. As an immedi-
ate consequence of this accident, the project
was cancelled.
It is often said that the sole purpose of this
small fighter was to ram enemy bombers,
hence the widely used name 'Flying Ram'.
Jack Northrop allegedly told colleagues that
lifted off with Harry Crosby at the controls and
the small flying wing flew for the next IS min-
utes, performing various aerial manoeuvres.
Then at an altitude of about 7,000ft (2, 133m),
Crosby started a slow roll, but failed to
recover and the aircraft began to spin. Crosby
attempted to bail out but was struck by the
tumbling aircraft and was killed. When the
XP-79B hit the ground, it was totally
The rocket-powered XP-79 ran into major
difficulties due to its unsatisfactory propulsion
system and was replaced by this alternative
'Model B' version, equipped with two turbojet
engines. Bill Rose Collection
by two separate stabilisers positioned above
the rear of each turbojet housing producing
an overall height of 7ft (2.13m).
By autumn 1945, the XP-79B had been
completed and the small experimental jet
plane was transported to Muroc to begin test-
ing. After a series of taxiing trials at Muroc Dry
Lake, the aircraft was finally ready to make its
first flight on 12 September 1945. The aircraft
92 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1935-/950) 93
The first prototype Northrop X-4 (46-676). ASA
Northrop X-4 Bantam
reference was normally applied to rath r
unusual aircraft of an experimental nature.
Fairchild' M-195 wa completely elimi-
nated from the programme, but it was
decided to proceed with the construction of a
modified Martin B-57 as this appeared to be a
worthwhile fallback option.
As work began on both of these aircraft,
there were two new developments. First,
some details of Project Bald Eagle reached
Clarence L. 'Kelly' Johnson who headed
Lockheed's Skunk Works in California and
secondly, the CIA started to take a s rious
interest in the programme. Kelly Johnson's
approach to business was aggressive and he
had no intention of allowing this project to
slip from his grasp if his company was in a
position to compete. Subsequently, he initi-
ated a series of studies at the Skunk Works
which appear to have evolved in three slightly
different directions. The most conventional
design was a long winged one-man glider-
like aircraft with the design reference CL-278-
1-1. This had a wingspan of 98ft 8in (30m), a
wing area of 650ft' (60.3m') and utilised a tri-
cycle undercarriage. Propul ion would be
provided by the forthcoming General Electric
J79 turbojet (derived from the J73).
A second Skunk Works design for Project
Bald Eagl was the CL-282, based on Lock-
heed's prototype XF-I 04 Starfighter that had
received a USAF contract for further develop-
ment in January 1953. The fuselage of this air-
craft was similar in appearance to the
Starfighter, although shorter with an overall
length of 44ft (13.4m). This was due to the us
of a modified J79 turbojet that did not require
an afterburner. A cockpit (in this case unpres-
surised) and tail assembly of similar design to
the Starfighter would be used, but the L-282
was not equipped with an undercarriage as
SUCh, taking off with a trolley and landing on
the fuselage or perhaps small skids. Possibly
the mo t di tinctive feature of this aircraft was
the proportionately wide 70ft 8in (21.5m)
The third oncept intended to meet the
Bald Eagle requirement was the CL-278-1-2.
This was very different from either of the other
high altitude reconnaissance proposals and
was based on a flying wing. It had a fuselage
Chapter Four
US Flying Wings (1950-1990)
version of the British twin-engine Canberra
light bomber which had exceptional high alti-
tude performance. The USAF version of this
aircraft was known as the B-57 and a small
number of these aircraft had been adapted
for reconnaissance duties and were flying
'Sneaky Pete' missions in the Far East.
Because the B-57 already possessed some
of the abilities required for Bald Eagle, it was
decided to explore the idea of making mod-
est changes to the engines and wing to
improve high-altitude performance further.
Seaberg and Lamar con idered this aircraft to
be a fairly safe bet, 0 Martin was issued with
a contract (AF33(600)25825) to study a modi-
fied version of the B-57 which was designated
Model 294. The second contractor to be
approached was Bell Aircraft at Buffalo, ew
York, which was regarded a the leading con-
structor of experimental aircraft at that time.
They were requested to design a completely
new lightweight twin-engine jet aircraft capa-
ble of meeting the requirement. A contract
(AF33(616)-2160) was issued to begin work
on this project and Bell assigned the com-
pany designation Model 67 to this aircraft. The
third contractor chosen for Bald Eagle was
Fairchild of Hagerstown, Maryland. It was
asked to undertake a design study for a sin-
gle-engine, high-altitude aircraft. Fairchild
received a contract (AF33(616)2182) and
assigned the company reference M-195 to its
project. The completion date for these stud-
ies was 31 December 1953 and all proposals
had been submitted by this date.
Although the USAF initially favoured a
development of the General Electric J73 tur-
bojet for each design, every contractor rec-
ommended a modified version of the Pratt &
Whitney J57. The three designs were now
considered in considerable detail, with
Seaberg and Lamar presenting an outline of
Project Bald Eagle to everal group of USAF
generals and receiving full approval to pro-
ceed during May 1954. Bell's Model 67 was
considered to be the best design and a con-
tract was issued to build a mock-up of the air-
craft, with the expectation of following this
with a limited production run. The Bell air-
craft was assigned the designation X-16
which was intentionally misleading as this
As the Cold War intensified during the imme-
diate po t-war years, the US sought r liable
ways of gathering intelligence on a wide range
of activities taking place within the Soviet
Union and other communist countries. Few
methods were available to the US military or
the CIA and there were no aircraft capable of
undertaking deep reconnaissance missions
while avoiding detection or interception.
At the start of the Korean War in 1950, USAF
Major John D. Seaberg found himself recalled
to active service from his job as an aeronautical
engineer with Chance Vought. He was then
assigned to the ew Developments Office at
Wright-Patterson AFB, working under civilian
scientist William E. Lamar. Before long,
Seaberg was starting to produce ideas for a spe-
ciali ed reconnaissance aircraft that would
utilise the latest developments in turbojet tech-
nology and aerodynamics, allowing flight at
extremely high altitudes. With Lamar's full sup-
port he began to develop firm proposals, which
were largely completed by the end of 1952.
They called for a long-range, unarmed one-
man reconnaissance aircraft, carrying photo-
graphic equipment for daylight use at a
minimum altitude of 70,000ft (21 ,336m). It was
believed that the aircraft would be very difficult
to detect at this height and would remain
impossible to intercept for some years to come.
The proposals generated immediate high-
level interest when presented in early 1953
and Lamar received full backing to place this
promising programme on a formal footing.
Within a matter of weeks, the proposal was
officially named as Project Bald Eagle, with
the reference MX-2147. Three different
defence contractors were carefully selected
to become involved with Bald Eagle and the
first meeting with company engineers took
place at Wright-Patterson AFB on 1July 1953.
From the outset, large contractors such as
Boeing, Convair and orthrop were excluded
as it was felt that a smaller company would
handle the project more efficiently.
However, Martin Aircraft of Baltimore,
Maryland, was chosen by Seaberg and Lamar
because it was already building a modified
Lockheed High-Altitude
Spyplane Studies
26ft lOin (8.2m)
300ft' (27.87m')
40 (leading edge)
22ft 3in (7.1 m)
14ft lOin (4.5m)
5,5071b (2,498kg)
7,8201b (3,550kg)
2xWestinghou eXJ30 WE7
turbojets, later replaced by two
slightly improved Westinghou e
J30 WE-9 turbojets, each rated at
1,600Ib (7.11 k ) static thrust
480mph (772kph)
630mph (1,013kph)
42,300ft (12, 39m)
420 miles (675km)
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
Cruise speed
Maximum speed
Service ceiling
Northrop X-4 (46-677) undertaking a test flight in
1948. NASA
programme after just 10 test flights and use it
a a source of spare parts for the second X-4.
The second X-4 made its first flight on 7
June 1949 piloted by Tucker. The aircraft com-
pleted 20 flights before being passed over to
the USAF and NACA in 1950. A number of
SAF and NACA pilots flew the X-4 during tri-
als that lasted until September 1953, with the
best known of these being Major Charles
'Chuck' Yeager who had undertaken the
world's first supersonic flight in the Bell X-1.
Lengthy delays for various reasons held up
the test programme, although much was
learnt during this period about the behaviour
of tailless aircraft at relatively high subsonic
Mach numbers. The X-4 demonstrated that it
became increa ingly unstable at higher
speeds, although the nature of this would
change from yawing and rolling at around
Mach 0.75 to porpoising above Mach 0.9. Var-
ious attempts were made to counteract these
problems with changes to the flaps and the
elevon . There was some success and stabil-
ity improved although the oscillations above
Mach 0.9 remained.
The research data provided by the X-4 had a
considerable impact on the future of tailless
designs, indicating that this type of aircraft was
unsuitable for supersonic flight. Both X-4s still
exist with the first aircraft currently in storage
at Edwards AFB and the second on display at
the USAF ational Museum at Wright-Patter-
son Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
The second Northrop X-4 research aircraft is
shown split into two sections to facilitate relatively
easy engine maintenance. 'ASA
94 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 95
aircraft being rearmed and refuelled while
attached. Two additional aircraft would be
carried in a hangar bay and these may have
been general-purpose designs able to ferry
small numbers of personnel to and from the
Me. It was also suggested that the MCcould
act as an operational airborne command cen-
tre. The CL-1201-1-3 LSA was very similar to
the CL-1201-1-1 MC, but would be used to
transport several hundred combat troops and
their equipment to a war zone. One sugges-
tion was to dock Boeing 707-sized transport
aircraft using nose receptors positioned at the
CL-1201-1-3's trailing edge and tail. However,
the engineering challenge presented by this
idea would have been immense. Defensive
Two versions of the CL-1201 were pro-
posed. The first was the CL-1201-1-1 Attack
Aircraft Carrier (MC) and the second was the
CL-1201-1-3 Logistics Support Aircraft (LSA).
Both aircraft would have facilities to accom-
modate as many as 845 crew members for
one month. A version designated CL-1201-1-2
would appear to have been considered, but
nothing is held in the Lockheed-Martin
archives to indicate what this concept was.
The CL-1201-1-1 MC version would carry 22
multi-role tactical aircraft below the wing on
pylons and these would be recovered in-flight
after completing a mission. There would be
direct access to the aircraft via pylons for
flight crews and maintenance staff with the
I ====
General arrangement of the
Lockheed CL-1201-1-1 nuclear-
powered AAC (Attack Aircraft
Carrier). A known alternative was
the CL-1201-1-3 LSA (Logistics
Support Aircraft), which would
function as an airborne control
centre. Bill Rose/Pete Clukey at
Lockheed Martin
Perhaps the most astonishing proposal ever made
for a military aircraft was this massive nuclear-
powered Lockheed aircraft carrier with the study
reference CL-120J. Designed in the late 1960s, the
CL-1201 would have taken off and landed using
banks of lift jets. Once in the air, the CL-120I
would have flown for one month on nuclear power.
Combat aircraft would have been carried under
each wing and there was also a Star Trek style
hangar deck for transport aircraft. It remains hard
to take this concept seriously and it seems unlikely
that anyone really expected such an aircraft to be
built. Lockheed Martin
With a diameter of 30ft (9.lm), the reactor
would provide a constant output of 1,830
megawatts. Substantial shielding would be
needed to protect the crew and the reactor
would be designed to have failsafe crash per-
formance even in a high-speed head-on
impact. CL-120I would cruise at an altitude of
30,000ft (9, 144m) and have an average speed
of Mach 0.8. The estimated gross weight of
the CL-2101 aircraft was about 5,265 tons
(5,350 metric tons). The wingspan was to be
approximately I, 120ft (341 m) with a length of
560ft (170m) and a height of 153ft (46m). To
put this in perspective, the length of the air-
craft's fuselage would be almost the same as
a Russian Typhoon-class nuclear powered
ballistic missile submarine, which is the
largest submersible vessel ever built.
The aircraft could remain in flight for one
month and this might be stretched further
with the reactor capable of operating for
1,000 hours (41 days) before it required refu-
elling. Overall life expectancy of the reactor
was approximately five years. Because of the
CL-1201's size and weight, it may have been
initially designed as a flying boat, but com-
pany drawings show a VTOL capability,
achieved by using 182 turbofan lift engines.
These would provide 15 million pounds
(66,723kN) of thrust and would be located
along each wing behind the rear spar and in
extendable units at the front of the fuselage,
each containing 24 units. The lift engines
would also be available for certain in-flight
thrust manoeuvres.
The aircraft would be equipped with a sub-
stantial fully-retractable undercarriage com-
prising of four separate landing gear struts,
each with six wheels positioned towards the
rear of the fuselage. Two further six-wheel
units would be located outboard of the wing
roots, plus four-wheel stabilising gear posi-
tioned about half way along each wing. In
addition, there would be a substantial four-
wheel nose gear unit. The VTOL capability
suggests that this undercarriage would only
be used for ground handling purposes, but it
is possible that operations were considered
from specially built massive airfields.
Lockheed's Flying Aircraft Carrier
Among the more bizarre military studies
undertaken by any defence contractor was a
Lockheed Skunk Works project to determine
the feasibility of building a gigantic flying air-
craft carrier or troop transporter for the US
Military. With its origins in the late 1960s, this
project evolved into a tailless aircraft desig-
nated CL-120I that still looks as if it belongs in
a science-fiction comic book. Four gigantic
turbofan engines would have powered the
CL-120I, providing a cruise thrust of
500,0001b (2,224kn).
At altitudes below 16,000ft (4,876m), the
engines would run on normal JP-5 fuel, but
while operating at a greater height they would
be powered by nuclear energy from a single
onboard reactor. A liquid metal systemwould
transfer energy via a heat exchanger to a sec-
ondary non-radioactive system that was cou-
pled to heat exchangers inside each turbofan.
Conceived in the late 1950s and built as a scale-
sized model, the Gusto 2 was an attempt by
Lockheed's Skunk Works to produce a high-altitude
low-observable subsonic aircraft. Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Gusto 2
At the end of the 1950s, a new, highly-classi-
fied proposal for a high-altitude flying wing
reconnaissance aircraft was produced by the
Skunk Works. This was regarded as a possi-
ble replacement for the Lockheed U-2 and
the cancelled Suntan supersonic spyplane.
Gusto 2was a single-seat subsonic flying wing
with an estimated span of about 100ft
(30.48m). It would be powered by two turbo-
jets buried within the central section in a sim-
ilar position to the Horten Ho IX. An air inlet
for both engines was located in the nose and
two vertical stabilisers were positioned
towards the wingtips. The aim of this design
was to produce an aircraft with a very low
radar cross section and it is known that a
number of scale models were built and
tested. During trials, the design was found to
be incapable of avoiding Soviet radar systems
and this particular project was abandoned.
opments Office at Wright-Patterson AFB for
CL-282, but Seaberg and Lamar rejected it.
Johnson then undertook a significant revision
of the design and the CIA had now begun to
take a serious interest in the Lockheed con-
cept. It would lead to eventual acceptance of
a new Lockheed aircraft called the U-2A and
cancellation of the X-16 which proved very
damaging to Bell Aircraft.
an ejection seat was contemplated for this air-
craft. The nose of the aircraft was rounded,
rather like the earlier Lockheed P-80A fighter
and two film cameras would have been car-
ried in this section of the aircraft. Unlike
CL-282, this high-altitude flying wing would
have been fitted with a tricycle undercarriage.
No weights are quoted in what little docu-
mentation exists. However, it is reasonable to
conclude that the maximum speed would
have been in the region of 500mph (804kph)
with an expected operational ceiling of
70,000ft (21 ,336m). The estimated range is
unknown, but Lockheed will have intended to
meet the Bald Eagle requirements.
But it appears that CL-278-1-1 and CL-278-
1-2 were discarded within the Skunk Works
at an early stage, with CL-282 considered the
most promising design. During May 1954,
Johnson made a proposal to the New Devel-

ALockheed Skunk works proposal
for a high-altitude spyplane with the
company reference CL-278. This was
one of several designs considered for
such a role during the early 1950s,
which eventually led to the U-2A.
Lockheed Martin
length of 42ft (l2.8m) and a single General
Electric J79 turbojet when available would
provide propulsion. This was the same engine
chosen for the other aircraft in this study and
it would be a slightly modified design with no
afterburner and a static thrust in excess of
11,0001b (49kN). The aircraft's wingspan was
100ft (30.48m) and the long slender profile
provided a wing area of 650ft' (60.38m') with
a leading edge sweep of 30. Two triangular-
shaped stabilising fins with rudders were
located towards the wingtips with control sur-
faces located the trailing edge. The
overall length of the aircraft would be 48ft
(l4.63m) when allowing for the vertical fins.
The cockpit would be positioned with the
pilot sitting upright just ahead of the wing's
leading edge, allowing good visibility, and
intakes for the engine would be located on
either side of the cockpit area. It is not clear if
96 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 97
" II
lems extended from continual failures of
minor components to deadly in-flight explo-
sions! Of the 290 F7U-3s built, no less than 49
were written off in accidents and in 25 cases
the pilots were killed.
Chance Vought F7U-3 Cutlass. Bill Rose Collection
cannon fire interfering with the engines, to
landing gear failure and stall recovery issues.
Worst of all were the Westinghouse engines
which never delivered adequate perfor-
mance and were very unreliable. These prob-
assembled in Bernie Whitman's experimen-
tal shop. The first prototype XF7U-I flew on 29
September 1948 at Patuxent River Naval Air
Station with Vought's Chief Test Pilot, J.
Robert Baker at the controls. Once the f1ight-
testing was underway, the Navy placed an
order for the first batch of 14 F7U-I aircraft
(124415-124428). But there were serious
problems with the afterburning Westing-
house J34-WE32 turbojets that powered the
prototypes and because of very real concerns
about safety and reliability. A major propul-
sion change was made with the next batch of
16 (slightly improved) production aircraft
designated F7U-3.
These were to have been powered by
Westinghouse J46 turbojets, but the aircraft
were fitted with less powerful (non-after-
burning) Allison J35-29 engines. The Allison
engines were less than ideal, but this substi-
tution was regarded as a stopgap measure
until Westinghouse resolved its technical dif-
ficulties and provided J46 engines that were
reliable. While the first F7U-3 flew in Decem-
ber 1951, ongoing problems with the West-
inghouse engines persisted and prevented
the F7U-3 from entering service until autumn
1954. When the J46 finally became available,
it failed to attain the anticipated level of per-
formance. Key components would regularly
fail or wear out quickly and the engines
proved very difficult to maintain.
The Westinghouse J46-WE-8B was
expected to deliver 7,0001b (31 kN) of static
thrust and about 10,000 Ib (44.5k ) with the
afterburner, but in practice this engine never
provided much more than about 60% of the
promised figure. This led to the aircraft being
named 'Gutless Cutlass' by Navy and Marine
Corps pilots. The Cutlass served with the Navy
until 1957, but never saw combat. It was used
primarily as an interceptor that could just
nudge past Mach I in a dive and many pilots
reported that the aircraft performed
favourably in mock dogfights. The fighter was
armed with four 20mm cannons and
unguided rockets while later versions carried
Sparrowair-to-air missiles (AAMs). As a strike
aircraft, the Cutlass was capable of carrying
6,000 Ib (2, 721.5kg) of ordnance which could
include a free fall nuclear weapon.
The Vought Cutlass earned a reputation for
being a difficult and dangerous aircraft to fly.
The design was plagued with problems from
Two US Navy F7U-3 Cutlass fighters on patrol.
US avy
The first production Chance Vought Cutlass is
launched from the deck of USS Midway (CVB-4 I)
on 23 July \95\ during carrier trials. US avy
The first prototype Chance Vought XF7U\ Cutlass
(I 22472), which undertook its maiden flight during
September \948. NASA Langley Research Center
The first prototype Vought XF7U-\ (I 22472), seen
in this photograph without nose probe. US Navy
The Cutlass
possible to build a massive aircraft like
the CL-1201-1-1 and develop an advanced
nuclear propulsion system for it, the opera-
tional problems would be enormous. Such
an aircraft would be extremely demanding
to operate, impossible to conceal and vulner-
able to attack with the loss of a single multi-
billion dollar asset proving catastrophic.
In June 1945, Chance Vought Aircraft at Strat-
ford, Connecticut, responded to a US avy
requirement for a future carrier-based combat
aircraft. The Navy now sought a jet fighter that
was capable of reaching 600mph (965km/h)
and attaining an altitude of at least 40,000ft
(12,192m). Vought submitted several propos-
als and in June 1946, the Navy selected an
advanced tailless twin-engine design which
would be designated XF7U-I. This aircraft
promised the required level of performance,
combined with the minimal amount of
stowage space dictated by US carrier hangar
decks. The aircraft was designed from the out-
set around engines equipped with afterburn-
ers and featured a pressurised cockpit, an
ejection seat and a tricycle undercarriage. But
the XF7U-I, which eventually received the
name Cutlass, had much in common with the
Arado Ar I jet fighter proposal (described ear-
lier), leading to speculation that the XF7U-I
was directly based on this design.
Vought claimed to have been working on
the Cutlass before any of Arado's wartime
research became available, but there is a con-
sensus of opinion that the company received
help from US Intelligence during early 1945.
Alternatively, the XF7U-I proposal may have
been extensively refined when documenta-
tion on the wartime Arado project became
available. Whatever the truth, the XF7U-I was
developed by a team of engineers headed by
Rex Beisel (1893-1972) who designed the
highly successful Vought F4U Corsair fighter.
Wind tunnel tests of XF7U-I models were
undertaken by NACA at Langley.
The XF7U-I was the last aircraft developed
by Chance Vought at Stratford before the
Navy orchestrated a company relocation to
Grand Prairie, Texas, which began in 1948.
Three prototypes (122472-122474) were
ordered by the Navy and subsequently
1970s and the fact that it would never be built
must have been obvious to many people from
the outset. Nuclear propulsion for aircraft was
conceived at the end of World War 2 leading
to the Convair NB-36H prototype based on the
B-36. This was followed by plans to build a
long-range nuclear powered bomber known
as WS-125.
Tests indicated that the concept was
viable, but there was strong political opposi-
tion due to the potential dangers of nuclear
technology and widespread public unease
about its use. In 1961, the Aircraft uclear
Propulsion (ANP) programme was shut
down by the Kennedy administration and that
may have been the end of any ideas
to power aircraft with atomic energy. While
proposals to use nuclear propulsion for
spacecraft persisted into the early 1970s,
these also met with increasing resistance
and were finally abandoned. But it is known
that development of nuclear rocket engines
was secretly revived during the US Strategic
Defence Initiative of the 1980s as a means
of lifting massive payloads into orbit and
to power long-range high-performance
missiles. This work continued throughout
the remainder of the 20th century and there
are suspicions that limited development
of nuclear-powered aircraft or airborne
platforms may have continued in the
black domain. Nevertheless, even if it proved
Cruise speed
Cruise altitude
CL-1201-1-1 (AAC)
armament for the CL-120I aircraft is unclear,
although it is likely that long-range air-to-air
missiles such as the AIM-54 Phoenix were
considered. In addition, some of the combat
aircraft carried by the CL-1201-1-1 would
have provided protection. It is also under-
stood that the CL-1201-1-3 may have been
able to launch battlefield range ballistic mis-
siles with nuclear warheads.
Few details of the CL-120I study remain,
but most elements of this concept are hard to
take seriously. Lockheed worked on this idea
for an unknown period, lasting into the early
Wingspan 1,120ft(34Jm)
Wing area I25,000ft' (I 1612.8m')
Length 560ft (I70m)
Height 153ft (47m)
Gross weight 5,265 tons (5,350 metric tons)
4xturbofan engines, providing
500,000 Ib (2,224kn) cruise thrust,
combined with one nuclear
reactor producing 1,830
Mach 0.8
30,000ft (9, 144m)
Fighter aircraft carried by the
CL-120I, upplemented by long-
range air-to-air missiles for defence
98 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-/990) 99
Problems persisted with the generally
unsatisfactory Westinghouse XJ40-WE-6 tur-
bojet, although units were provided for instal-
lation in both prototype aircraft. The
improved performance allowed XF4D-I
(124587) flown by Navy Lt-Cdr James B.
Verdin to set a new world air speed record of
752.944mph (l211.746kph) over a !.86 mile 9
(3km) course above the Salton Sea, Califor-
nia, on 3 October 1953.
But the Westinghouse engines remained
unreliable and liable to failure in flight, some-
Douglas F4D-l Skyray.
Bill Rose Collection
cockpit canopy that was not adopted. The
Skyray continued to exhibit various control
problems that needed to be addressed and
was the first Douglas aircraft to show signs of
inertia coupling at high roll rates. Neverthe-
less, the Navy was sufficiently impressed to
order a small batch of production F4D-Is in
February 1951. With work underway on these
aircraft, the Navy then placed an order for a
second batch of 230 Skyrays in early 1952
which would be manufactured at the com-
pany's plant at Torrance, California.
I xPratt &Whitney J57-P-8, 8A, or
88 turbofan providing 1O,2001b
(4,627kg) static thrust and 16,0001b
(7,258kg) with afterburner
640 US gal (2,422litres)
Two ISO US gal (568 litre) or
two 300 US gal (I, 135 litre)
drop tanks
Four 20mm cannons in wings and
seven fuselage/underwing
hardpoints able to carry up to
4,0001b (I,815kg) in stores.
demanding with Peyton reporting various
control and handling problems and he never
flew another Skyray. The aircraft was then
test flown by Douglas test pilots Russ Thaw
and Robert O. Rahn who both reported prob-
lems with yaw immediately after the under-
carriage was retracted and unusual
difficulties controlling pitch. Some years later,
Rahn wrote his memoirs in a book called
Tempting Fate and he had the following to
say about the aircraft. 'I flew on manual flight
control and quickly learned why Larry
wanted no part of the Skyray. The stick forces
were exorbitant for the small control-surface
deflection achieved. The plane was tough to
handle unless below 200kts and in smooth air
- not a good sign for a fighter.' That aside,
Rahn went on to praise the Skyray's agility,
describing it as the best machine he had
flown since the Spitfire.
The second prototype featured minor
experimental differences such as a sliding
ADouglas F4D landing on the aircraft carrier USS
Bon Homme Richard during 1957. US Navy
Douglas F4D-I Skyray
ADouglas F4D-l equipped with drop tanks and
Sidewinder MMs above San Diego, California.
US Navy
Crew I
Wingspan 33ft 6in (l0.2m)
Wing area 557ft' (5l.8m')
Length 45ft 3in (l4.5m)
Height 13ft (4m)
Wing loading 41Ib/ft' (l98kglm')
Empty weight 16,0241b (7,268kg)
Combat weight 22,6481b (l0,272kg)
Gross weight 25,0001b (l1,339kg)
Max permissible weight 27,1161b (l2,299kg)
Maximum speed 722mph (I,162kph)
Cruising speed 520mph (837kph)
Landing speed 134mph (2I5kph)
Initial rate of climb 18,300fVmin (5,578m/min)
Ceiling 55,000f! (l6,764m)
Range (external tanks) 700 miles (I, I 26km)
Ferry range 1,200 miles (I,93Ikm)
(production aircraft)
Internal fuel capacity
External fuel capacity
AChance Vought F7U-3 Cutlass on the ramp at
Jacksonville Naval Air Station in June 1954.
US Navy
Douglas on 16 December 1948 for the con-
struction of two prototypes receiving the offi-
cial designation XF4D-I and the BuAer serial
numbers 124586 and 124587. It remains
unclear when the name Skyray was applied
to the design by Douglas or when it was offi-
cially adopted, but it appears to have come
into use soon after construction started. Mili-
tary pilots would later know the Skyray as
'The Ford' because of its F-4-D designation.
The XF4D-I was a low-aspect ratio swept-
wing tailless aircraft, falling somewhere
between a flying wing and a delta design with
a single tailfin. The aircraft was to be powered
by one of the newafterburning Westinghouse
turbojets, fed from air intakes located at the
leading edge wing roots. The XF4D-I would
be equipped with a tricycle undercarriage,
folding wings for hangar deck storage and a
forward-positioned pressurised cockpit fitted
with an ejector seat developed by Douglas.
Production aircraft would be fitted with four
20mm M-12 cannons in the wing's inner lead-
ing edges and use a forward located Westing-
house radar system. Provision was also made
for the future carriage of underwing stores,
including drop tanks and air-to-air missiles
when they became a practical proposition.
The production aircraft would have an over-
all length of 45ft 3in (l4.5m) and a wingspan
of 33ft 6in (l0.2Im), making it similar in size to
the Vought Cutlass and, with the wings folded,
would occupy much the same storage space
within an aircraft carrier's hangar deck. The
Navy had specified the Westinghouse XJ-40-
WE-6 afterburning turbojet for the Skyray. It
was rated at 7,0001b (31.13kN) static thrust
and Douglas was confident that its new fighter
had the potential to reach Mach I in level flight
with this engine. The Westinghouse turbojet
had been chosen to power several other Navy
aircraft, but it was experiencing serious devel-
opment problems that led Heinemann to
make modest alterations to the XF-4D-I's air-
frame, allowing the installation of alternative
engines with diameters up to 42in (I.06m).
This proved to be a shrewd decision
because when the airframe was completed
in early 1950, the Westinghouse turbojet was
still unavailable due to ongoing technical dif-
ficulties. As a consequence, it was decided
during June 1950 to install the less powerful
Allison J35-A-17 providing 5,0001b (22.24kN)
static thrust in each prototype for trial pur-
poses. Subsequently, the first XF4D-I
(124586) took to the air on 21 January 1951 at
Edwards AFB, piloted by Douglas' test pilot
Larry Peyton. The flight proved to be quite
Douglas Skyray
The manta-shaped Skyray jet fighter was a
product of Douglas Aircraft at EI Segundo,
having been designed by Edward 'Ed' Henry
Heinemann (1908-1991) who drewheavily on
wartime research undertaken by Dr Alexan-
der Lippisch. The history of this aircraft began
the week after Germany's surrender when
Douglas Aircraft's leading aerodynamicists, L.
Eugene 'Gene' Root and Apollo Milton Olin
'Amo' Smith, were sent to Paris. The purpose
of their trip was to meet with Dr Lippisch
(who was in Allied custody) and to secure his
research data on tailless high-performance
Root and Smith were very impressed with
Lippisch's work and following considerable
evaluation of the data at Douglas, a pro-
gramme of wind tunnel model tests began in
1946 which produced very encouraging
results. Perhaps already aware of the Navy's
future needs, Heinemann concentrated on
the design of a tailless jet fighter and when the
Navy's single-engine fighter competition was
announced in 1947, Heinemann's project
received the company reference Design-57!.
The Navy was seeking a carrier-based jet
fighter capable of intercepting an enemy
bomber which was travelling at 575mph
(926kph) at an altitude of 50,000ft (l5,240m)
within a 100-mile 160km radius. Five minutes
was allowed from the start of the alert to inter-
ception and engagement, which was a tough
requirement to meet with prevailing technol-
ogy, but Heinemann was convinced that the
0-571 could meet this demand.
Initially, the fighter was very reminiscent of
a Lippisch study taking the form of a delta-
shaped flying wing with no significant fuse-
lage and a single tailfin. But as the design
evolved, the aircraft began to stretch and the
fuselage took a more distinctive shape. With
the concept formalised, a proposal was made
to the Navy that decided to issue a contract to
38ft 8in (l1.78m)
38' (leading edge)
39ft 7in (l2.06m)
11ft lOin (3.61m)
12,8401b (5,824kg)
24,0001b (l0,886kg)
2xWestinghouse J34-WE-32A
afterburning turbojets, each rated
at 4,200 Ib (l8.68kN) static thrust
672rnph (I,08Ikph)
at 20,000ft (6,096m)
665mph (I ,070kph) at low level
44,000ft (13,41 1m)
600 miles (965km)
Four 20mm cannon and three
three-packs of Mighty Mouse
(FFAR 2.75in) rockets (two on
the wings, one under the fuselage)
39ft 8in (l2.lm)
44ft 3in (l3.5m)
14ft 7in (4.45m)
496ft' (46.08m')
31,6421b (l4,353kg)
18,2101b (8,259kg)
2xWestinghouse J46-WE-8A
afterburning turbojets, each
providing about 4,600 Ib (20.46kN)
static thrust
Clean: 680mph (I,095km/h)
at 20,000ft (6,096m)
648mph (I,042kph)
44,000ft (13,41 1m)
1,400 miles (2,253km)
with two drop tanks
Four 20mm cannons above inlet
ducts, 180rpg. Four AIM-7 Sparrow
air-to-air missiles, or up 6,000 Ib
(2, 721.5kg) of external stores
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Wing area
Max take-off weight
Empty weight
Maximum speed
Vought F-7U-3 Cutlass
Carrying missiles
Maximum speed
Vought F7U-I Cutlass
100 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 101
tion that almost blends into the body with the
leading edge beginning next to the centre of
the forward-positioned cockpit. The aircraft
would be powered by two unspecified non-
afterburning turbofan engines, largely buried
within the wings and fed by leading edge air
intakes on either side of the wing roots. This
suggests that some consideration was given
to reducing the radar signature of the aircraft.
There is no tail, but there are two slightly
inward leaning tail fins with rudders which
cessor to the Viking that would be similar in
size, but capable of being easily configured to
many different tasks. Northrop was one
defence contractor to conduct studies for a
possible multi-role successor to the Viking S-3
with a definitive design known as N-381
which has its origins in the early 1980s.
Some details of N-381 remain sensitive and
are not available, although the design was
based on a compact fuselage not totally dis-
similar to the S-3 with a substantial wing sec-
This drawing of Lockheed's proposed tailless
L-187 carrier-based bomber clearly shows the
multi-engine layout for a design that stretched
the limits of what was technically possible
in the late 1940s. Pete Clukey/Lockheed Martin
a forward-positioned tandem cockpit. The
substantial swept wing would be fitted with
split flaps and elevons, plus wingtip stabilising
fins and rudders. CL-187-3 used three turbo-
jets for propulsion with two mounted above
the wings in nacelles that extended beyond
the trailing edge. The third engine was located
in a dorsal fairing at the centre of the wing. For
hangar storage, the wings would fold and the
crew access to the bomb bay was required to
arm a nuclear weapon. Presumably, this air-
craft was also capable of accommodating
conventional bombs and perhaps carrying
photo-reconnaissance equipment. Two
20mm cannons would have been fitted in a
rear remote-control tail unit which was a
requirement of OS-III. No details of dimen-
sions, weights or performance for this rather
obscure proposal appear to have survived, but
the wingspan was probably in the region of
85ft (25m) to 90ft (27.4m). Maximum speed
would have been about 500mph (804kph)
with a ceiling of 40,000ft (12, 192m). Nothing
came of this interesting design and the scant
details of CL-187-3 remained in Lockheed's
archives until relatively recently.
Northrop N-381
During the 1970s, the Navy began to replace
its propeller-driven anti-submarine warfare
(ASW) Grumman S-2 Tracker aircraft with the
more advanced turbofan-powered Lockheed
S-3 Viking. The Viking was developed by a
consortium of companies headed by Lock-
heed that built the airframe, supported by
Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) and Univac Fed-
eral Systems. Although the four-man Viking
was designed primarily for ASWoperations, it
was capable of undertaking many other
duties and a 'Weapon Systems Improvement
Program' (WSIP) was initiated in 1981, lead-
ing to the S-3B Viking. This versatile subsonic
carrier-based aircraft could easily be adapted
to anti-shipping operations or used to attack
land targets. Vikings have also been used for
refuelling purposes, sea surveillance and
even trialled as airborne earlywarning (AEW)
The Viking has been used in many different
military campaigns which include the first
Gulf War, the Balkans War and operations in
Afghanistan. At the time of writing, the Navy is
expected to keep the Viking in service until
about 2015. But since the early 1980s, the
Navy has been considering an eventual suc-
The Northrop N-381 multi-role carrier-based flying
wing aircraft designed as a possible replacement
for the Grumman S-2 Tracker and Lockheed S-3
Viking. George Cox/Bill Rose Collection
US Navy Douglas F-6A Skyray (139083) photographed
at MCAS EI Toro, California, during July 1964. The
aircraft shown was being used for training purposes.
US Dept of Defense
Lockheed Naval Jet Bomber
Douglas F4D-1 Skyray (134806) belonging to
VMF-542 of the US Marine Corps. US Dept of Defense
During 1947, the US Navy's Bureau of Aero-
nautics (BuAer) produced a preliminary
specification for a carrier-based jet bomber.
This document known as OS-III was issued
to 14 major aircraft contractors in December
1947. BuAer sought a fast jet aircraft capable
of carrying a single atomic weapon (Mk3
Fat Man plutonium bomb) with a weight of
10,2001b (4,630kg), a length of 10ft 8in
(3.25m) and a diameter of 5ft (I.52m) to a
target 2,000nm (2,300 miles or 3,700km) dis-
tant and returning to the carrier.
The military think-tank Project RAND
(Research ANd Development) had suggested
that 150,0001b (68,000kg) should be the mini-
mum gross weight considered for an aircraft
undertaking such a mission. However, BuAer
decided this was an unrealistic demand, even
allowing for the 1,088ft (331 m) flight decks of
the five proposed 'Supercarriers', so they set
the gross weight at 100,000 Ib (45,359kg). More
than half the contractors approached had
soon dropped out stating they felt it was
impossible to balance the requirement for a
bomber with this gross weight against a com-
pact design that used prevailing or near-term
engine technology. The remaining contractors
indicated that performance compromises
were necessary and progressively abandoned
the contest, leaving a design produced by Cur-
tiss and a lightweight proposal from Douglas
that was capable of operating from a 45,000-
ton (40,823-metric ton) Midway class carrier.
Then on 23 April 1949, the five supercarriers
were cancelled and two months later Douglas
received a development contract to build two
XA3D-I prototypes and a static test airframe.
Among the numerous earlier proposals for
OS-III were two Lockheed designs which
had different types of engines but broadly sim-
ilar features. Both featured swept wings and
tails with twin underwing engines, either for
turbojets or turboprops. Designated with the
company reference CL-187 (also referred to
as L-187 in some documents), these designs
resembled something of a cross between the
larger B-47 and the smaller Douglas A-3.
A third completely different proposal was
the CL-187-3 flying wing. This design com-
prised a short fuselage section with no tail and
- ~
Skyray was seldom configured for this role.
The first production fighters reached the
Navy in early 1957 and the US Marine Corps
began receiving Skyrays soon after this. With
many of the initial bugs ironed out, the Skyray
proved to be reliable and reasonably popular
with pilots. It never saw combat but was
deployed operationally during two separate
periods of international tension. The first was
Taiwan in 1958 and then throughout the 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis when fully-armed
Skyrays patrolled from the Naval Air Station at
Key West, Florida, and Guantanamo, Cuba.
In total, 421 Skyrays were built with the air-
craft designation being changed to F6A. The
Skyray was finally retired in 1962 when it was
replaced by the outstanding McDonnell F-4B
Phantom II.
Heinemann followed the Douglas Skyray
with a naval attack aircraft called the A-4 Sky-
hawk which used the same basic design phi-
losophy of compactness and functionality.
The Skyhawk entered production in 1954 and
continued to be built until 1979. Some 2,980
examples were sold to the US Navy, Marine
Corps and a number of overseas customers
making it one of the company's most suc-
cessful products.
times with catastrophic results. The upshot of
this was a decision taken in March 1953 to
adapt the Skyray to accept the more powerful
and more reliable Pratt & Whitney J57-P-2
axial-flow afterburning engine that had an
anticipated rating of 10,000 lb (44.48kN) static
thrust. Trials of a Westinghouse-powered
XF4D-I onboard the USS Coral Sea contin-
ued, but the fate of this engine was now
sealed and Westinghouse soon found itself
out of the jet engine manufacturing business.
The first Skyray powered by a J57 flew on 5
June 1954 and the re-engined fighter soon
showed itself to be a more capable aircraft
than initially envisaged. It had a maximum
speed of almost Mach I, an outstanding rate
of climb and a ceiling in excess of 50,000ft
(l5,240m). The maximum take-off loaded
weight was 27,1161b (l2,299kg) that was
partly due to the use of two 300 US gal (1,136
litre) fuel tanks, which extended the opera-
tional range to about 700 miles (I, 126km),
depending on the mission profile. Ferry range
was somewhat greater at 1,200 miles
(I,93Ikm). Although designed from the
outset as a high-performance interceptor,
changing requirements resulted in adapta-
tion to a limited strike capability, but the
102 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 103
cec C
The CL-1170-4-1 emerged from a late 1960s
Lockheed study to produce an advanced
replacement for the land-based Lockheed
P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft. This
study was sponsored by the US Navy's Naval
Air Systems Command (NAVAlR) at Patuxent
River, although not developed further.
Pete Clukey/Lockheed Martin
The Advanced Tactical Aircraft -
A-12AAvenger II
During the mid-1970s, the US Navy began to
take a serious interest in the pos ibilities
offered by an aircraft using 'low observabl
technology'. Lockheed and Northrop were
already working on a top-secret 'radar invisi-
ble' interdictor project for the USAF which
appeared to be progressing well. However,
the Navy wanted a 'stealth' warplane and it
was decided to embark on a more ambitious
programme with seemingly little concern
about the massive cost that would be
= = = ~ = I = = =
This advanced four-engine design from
Lockheed's 1968 long-range maritime
patrol study has the reference
CL-1170-6-2 and was expected to
provide superior performance
to any similar conventional design.
Pete Clukey/Lockheed Martin
development of this advanced study and
apparently no preference was stated for a
specific design by AVAIR.
The CL-II 70 project was the subject of a
Freedom of Information Request to NAVAIR
during the writing of this book. However,
despite considerable assistance from this
office, it was not a cost effective proposition
to undertake a full search for details of
L-1170 and most of the information used in
this section is based on documents provided
by Lockheed-Martin. Currently, the Navy's P-3
Orions will start to be replaced in 2010 by the
80eing P-8 Poseidon which is a development
of the 80eing 737-800.
131ft (40m)
I,890ft' (J 75m')
25' (leading edge).
97ft (29.5m)
27ft (8m)
150,000 lb (68,038kg)
2xadvanced high-bypass ratio
turbofans each rated at 22,500 Ib
(J OOk ) static thrust. Alternatively,
2xadvanced turboprop engines
Mk46 or Mk50 torpedoes, mines,
depth charges, free fall bombs,
AGM-84A Harpoon missiles,
AGM65F Maverick airto urface
224ft (68m)
5,000ft' (4645m')
95ft 6in (29m)
36ft 9in (11m)
500,000 Ib (226,796kg)
4xadvanced high-bypass ratio
turbofans or 2xturbofans and
90 hours at amission radius of
3,000nm (3,452 miles, or 5,556km)
u ing mixed turbofan/turboprop
propulsion ystem
Unspecified, but probably similar
to CL-1170-4-1
Wing area
Gro sweight
Maximum speed
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Lockheed CL-1170-4-1
Lockheed CL-1170-6-2
would be capable of in-flight refuelling.
Engines for the all-wing designs were sus-
pended in pods beneath the wing with their
thrustline positioned at the chordline. The
four-engine versions of the all-wing aircraft
would be fitted with two additional engines in
nacelles supported by struts on each side of
the lower forward tailfin section. With mixed
propulsion designs it was determined that the
turboprops needed to be installed in the out-
board locations. The smaller tailless aircraft
was intended to carry similar armament to
the P-3 Orion, ranging from free fall bombs,
various missiles, torpedoes, mines and depth
charges. There would also be provision for
sonobuoys. There are no details of external
hardpoints and the capability of the larger all-
wing aircraft is unknown, but it would be sim-
ilar or slightly better. No action was taken on
Lockheed Long Endurance
Patrol Aircraft
During 1968 the US Navy's Naval Air Systems
Command (NAVAIR) at Patuxent River, Mary-
land, began to consider future requirements
for an aircraft that could replace and improve
on the very reliable and extremely versatile
land-based Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime
patrol aircraft that had been in service since
1962. This resulted in Lockheed being
approached to develop new designs that
might be introduced in the late 1970s. The
company accepted the commission and
began a six-month programme which
received the umbrella reference CL-1170. Its
emphasis was on long-duration missions.
Initially, the designers looked at fairly con-
ventional two- and four-engine designs that
were configured to meet two different gross
weight requirements of 150,000 Ib (68,038kg)
and 500,0001b (226,796kg). The smaller air-
craft would have a fuselage that was similar
to the P-3 Orion, giving it an overall size that
was close to a 80eing 737. The larger aircraft
would be somewhat similar to a 80eing 747.
A parallel series of studies considered two
different sizes of all-wing aircraft which were
designed to the same overall gross weight
requirements. These concepts incorporated
laminar flow control and anticipated
advances in high-bypass ratio turbofan
engines allowing lengthy, fuel-efficient loiter-
ing. Mass would be carefully controlled
through the use of composite materials and
aluminium alloy wherever possible. At the
end of this study, Lockheed engineers deter-
mined that the larger CL-1170-6-2 all-wing
design using a mixture of turbofan and turbo-
prop propulsion would perform better than its
conventional equivalent on long-range mis-
sions. This was due in part to the proposed
laminar flow control.
The CL-II 70-6-2 would have a projected
endurance of 90 hours and a mission radius
of 3,000nm (3,452 miles, or 5,556km) and it
appears that four turbofans became the pre-
ferred choice for this tailless aircraft, offering
slightly better all-round performance. In the
case of the smaller all-wing aircraft, it seems
there were no significant gains over the con-
ventional design. Under CL-1170, Lockheed
considered six different basic configurations
(conventional and all-wing), with outlines for
several variants. Each aircraft utilised multi-
ple wheel, tricycle landing gear, although the
smaller all-wing design was expected to
require outriggers to ensure stability. Other
common design features for the all-wing
aircraft were elevons and flaps, plus a single
large tail fin with a rudder. All versions
UU \i\; CD
inwards would be to assist with wing folding
during storage. The overall length of the aircraft
was 47ft 6in (14.4m) and the height was 18ft
(5.5m). N-381 would have a maximum speed
in the region of 520-550rnph (836-885kph) and
a ceiling of about 40,000ft (12, 192m).
This design was finally rejected for unknown
reason , but the Common Support Aircraft
(CSA) project began in 1993 with the intention
of finding a single design capable of replacing
the S-38 Viking, ES-3A Shadowsurveillance air-
craft, E-2C Hawkeye airborne AEW platform,
A-68 Prowler EW aircraft and C-2A Grey-
hound transporter. Although there would be
differences between each variant, the basic
airframe and propulsion system would be stan-
dardised, leading to obvious advantages with
maintenance and training, while theoretically
reducing the cost of manufacturing.
However, financial restraints and the focus
of attention switching to programmes like the
F/A-18FJF Super Hornet and the Joint Strike
Fighter (now F-35 Lightning II) caused the CSA
programme to slow. CSA Phase II began in
1997 with Lockheed-Martin as an active par-
ticipant. They suggested improvements to the
S-3 Viking, followed by an advanced canard
variant equipped with a triangular shaped
radome that was mounted on the tailfin. This
was followed by various unusually-shaped
proposals with stealthy characteristics. The
CSA project remains on the shelf and it would
be too costly to implement at present. As
things stand, the F/A-18 Super Hornet has
largely replaced the S-3 Viking in the anti-ship-
ping and tanker roles. The A-68 Prowler is
also being superseded by the A-18G Growler
derived from the Super Hornet and there has
been a reappraisal of ASW missions.
It is impossible to predict development
of carrier-based aircraft during the next
20-30 years, but the introduction of a new
multi-role manned aircraft seems unlikely in
the near-term.
Three-view drawing of the Northrop N-381 multi-role aircraft showing
internal carriage of two AGM-84A Harpoon missiles. Bill Rose Collection
are mounted above each engine unit towards
the trailing edge. The wing is fitted with
elevons and split flaps, while also having the
ability to fold for hangar deck storage.
The forward-positioned four-man pres-
surised cockpit appears fairly similar to the
A-68 Prowler design, although the windshield
is slightly different. All crew members faced
forward in ejector seats with a pilot and co-
pilot in the front seats and system specialists
behind. The total number of roles envisaged
for the N-381 remains undisclosed, but it was
primarily designed as an ASW successor to the
Lockheed S-3 with the probable ability to
replace several other Navy aircraft. Typically,
the N-381 would carry two banks of sonobuoy
launchers, chaff and flare dispensers and two
AGM-84A Harpoon missiles internally.
Alternatively, the aircraft could carry Mk46
or Mk50 torpedoes, mines, depth charges,
free fall conventional bombs and 857 or 861
nuclear weapons. Four underwing pylons
would allow additional stores. These could
be AIM-9 Sidewinder AAMs for self-defence,
AGM-88 high-speed Anti-Radiation Missiles
(HARM), AGM-65F Maverick air-to-surface
missiles, free fall bombs, unguided rockets,
fuel tanks or various specialised pods.
The N-381 would be equipped with radar
modules at the front and rear of the fu elage. In
addition to ocean surveillance, Northrop
almost certainly proposed a variant that was
specifically designed to replace the A-68
Prowler electronic warfare aircraft. The N-381
would be capable of in-flight refuelling and
could be configured as a refuelling aircraft.
Generally speaking, it seems reasonable to
suppose that this design was expected to pro-
vide significant improvements over the S-3
Viking. N-381 would utilise a fully-retractable
tricycle undercarriage and arresting gear. The
wingspan was 70ft (21.3m) with an estimated
leading edge sweep of 42 and it is probable
that part of the reason for angling the tail fins
104 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (J950-1990) 105
Several modest research projects were
already underway, but in 1983, the Navy offi-
cially began its Advanced Tactical Aircraft
(ATA) project that aimed to replace the carrier-
based Grumman A-6 Intruder with a versatile
and highly sophisticated stealth strike aircraft.
General Dynamics had been undertaking stud-
ies into stealth technology for the Navy and
now teamed up with McDonnell Douglas to
work on a flying wing design for the ATA pro-
ject. In direct competition were Northrop in
association with Grumman and Ling Temco
Vought. At the present time, large gaps exist in
the early history of the ATAproject, but it seems
probable that General Dynamics and Northrop
both received black budget funding to produce
wind tunnel, radar and flying models, followed
by scale-sized, manned demonstrators.
An early General Dynamics concept for a
manned stealth aircraft received the code-
name Cold Pigeon. This 1970s design was a
flying wing, with rounded wingtips. Power
would be provided by two deeply buried tur-
bofan engines, fed by leading edge intakes,
with trough-shaped exhaust ducts in the cen-
tral area of the trailing edge.
Cold Pigeon was built as a scale model and
it may have also been known as Sneaky Pete.
An alternative stealthy proposal from General
Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas was a
swing-wing strike aircraft resembling a cross
between the F-14 and F-III with a Mach 1.5
capability. Known as Configuration 403, it
progressed no further than the initial design
stage. Lockheed also submitted plans for a
navalised version of the F-117 during this
period, but the NavYrejected this aircraft due
to its limited range and payload capability.
The appearance of Northrop's ATA pro-
posal remains unclear, although the initial
design is thought to have resembled a smaller
twin-engine version of the B-2A bomber. It is
also possible that Northrop produced a twin-
engine arrowhead shaped design and US
Patent Des: 342,717 filed on 29 October 1992
may provide some indication of how this
looked. Whether or not small manned
demonstrators were built and tested for the
ATA programme remains a matter of specu-
lation, but it has been suggested that
Northrop built at least one proof-of-concept
aircraft. It is also rumoured that General
Dynamics produced a scale-sized prototype
called the Model 100, which bore some
resemblance to the later A-12A.
Assuming there were tests of manned ATA
demonstrators during the 1980s, these would
have been flown from China Lake, California,
or Groom Lake, Nevada, perhaps being occa-
sionally glimpsed by the public and reported
as triangular-shaped UFOs. While there is no
documentation to prove these aircraft
existed, the sheer scale and importance of
the multi-billion dollar ATA programme
would suggest that this project did not pro-
ceed from testing models to full-scale pro-
duction without any form of prototyping.
On 13 January 1988, the Navy finally
selected the General Dynamics design for fur-
ther development; a contract ultimately
worth around $4.5 billion was issued which
requested an initial four test and eight pre-
production aircraft. The designation of this
new aircraft would be the A-12A, although an
official name had yet to be chosen. Congress
was exerting pressure on the USAF to accept
a version of this aircraft as a replacement for
the aging F-III and despite some resistance
within the Air Force, General Dynamics was
awarded a $7.9 million contract to study a ver-
sion more suited to USAF needs. Although the
project had become public knowledge, the
design of the Navy's new aircraft remained a
mystery. In 1989, a number of names were
considered for the A-12A which included the
Avenger, Enforcer, Ghost, Penetrator, Seabat,
Shadow and Stingray. These names were
released to the public domain and some
hinted at what the aircraft was like. The final
choice was Avenger 11 which must have been
met with a degree of anger by Grumman who
built the original wartime Avenger aircraft
and had lost out on the ATA programme.
It is known that different forward engine
inlet positions and contoured wingtip stabilis-
ing fins were considered for the General
Dynamics A-12A design. There were also var-
ious engine exhaust systems tested with one
configuration ducting air into the exhaust
stream via upper and lower slots in the rear
fuselage. The final appearance of the aircraft
was a very clean triangle with few protuber-
ances. The wingspan of the A-12Awas 70ft 3in
(21.4m) and this reduced to 36ft 3in (11m)
when the wings were folded for hangar deck
storage. With a length of 37ft 3in (l1.35m),
this produced a wing area of I ,308ft' (122m').
The overall height of the aircraft was II ft 3in
(304m). The A-12A was fitted with a fully
retractable tricycle undercarriage and com-
posite materials were used extensively in the
aircraft's construction.
General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas
both asserted that maintenance would be
half that of the A-6 and reliability was
expected to be better than any other aircraft
in Navy service. Although undoubtedly true, it
has been suggested that the special surface
coatings required for this aircraft to reduce its
radar signature were susceptible to damage
in the harsher marine environment and this
would have become a significant issue.
The gross weight of the A-12A was set at
about 80,0001b (36,300kg) which included
15,0001b (6,803kg) of ordnance. Designed as
a subsonic aircraft with a maximum speed of
580mph (930kph), propulsion was provided
by two deeply buried General Electric F412-
GE-D5F2 non-afterburning turbofans, each
rated at 13,0001b (58kN). Each engine would
be fed from two trapezoidal intakes at the
lower leading edge linked by stealthy inlet
ducts. The F412 engine was based on the
design used for the F-117A and it provided
slightly better thrust, although supersonic
speed was never a consideration with the
A-12A as it degrades the ability to hide from
radar. While the A-12A was not intended to
undertake air combat, it was expected to be
very agile due to its low wing loading and
highly sophisticated flight control systern. The
A-12A's service ceiling remains unclear, but it
would have been in excess of 40,000ft
(l2,200m) and the un-refuelled combat
radius was about 800nm (920 miles, or
Flown by a crew of two in a tandem-con-
figured cockpit, the primary role of the A-12A
was to attack heavily defended land targets or
shipping in all weather conditions and at
night. A mission well suited to this aircraft
would have been the surprise attack
mounted against targets within the Libyan
capital Tripoli during April 1986. Known as
Operation 'Eldorado Canyon', it was under-
taken by F-III s flown from England and Navy
carrier-based F-18s. The still secret F-117 was
considered but it lacked sufficient range. Nev-
ertheless, there can be little doubt that this
operation encouraged the Navy to proceed
with development of the A-12A. In addition to
delivering bombs (conventional and nuclear)
or air-to-surface missiles, the A-12A could
carry two High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles
(HARM). For self-defence, four (later two) air-
to-air missiles (AAMs) would be carried inter-
nally. The options were AIM-9 Sidewinders or
AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air
Missiles (AMRAAM). These weapons would
be supported by an advanced Westinghouse
AN/APQ-183 multimode radar system
that would also provide high-resolution
groundmapping and surface search capabili-
ties. In addition, the A-12A would have used a
sophisticated threat management system
known as Radar Warning
Receiver/Electronic Support Measures
The Navy planned to buy no less than 620
copies of the A-12A and the US Marine Corps
was considering a further 238 aircraft. In addi-
tion, the USAF was being encouraged to pur-
chase 400 of the land-based variant
This aircraft would have lacked the arrester
gear and folding wings necessary for carrier-
based operations and there will have been
system and weapons carriage differences. It
is also believed that the USAF favoured the
side-by-side cockpit arrangement that was
originally proposed for the ATA Model-21.
Finally, the RAF had expressed an interest in
eventually buying land-based A-12s to
replace the Panavia Tornado GR4.
But when the cost of each A-12A reached
$96.2 million in January 1990, it was clear that
Below left: Simulated image of an A-12A stealth
attack aircraft in flight. McDonnell Douglas/
Bill Rose Collection
Below right: An early proposal for the Advanced
Tactical Aircraft (ATA) programme built as a test
model. Many of the features seen here, such as the
upturned wingtip fins and engine inlets, were
dispensed with. General Dynamics
Bottom left: This twin-engine, low-observable strike
aircraft was a 1990s British Aerospace concept for
the UK's Future Offensive Strike Aircraft Project.
It may have been directly based on a US design
such as the unsuccessful Northrop ATA proposal.
Bottom right: This artwork shows the possible
appearance of a scale-size, one-man proof-of-
concept demonstrator that preceded the A-12
Avenger II. This aircraft may have been known
as the Model 100. Bill Rose Collection
all was not well with the programme and these
spiralling costs were accompanied by some
serious ongoing technical difficulties. Of pri-
mary concern was the aircraft's weight which
had steadily increased beyond the original
specification. The extensive use of composites
had not produced the anticipated weight sav-
ings and as a consequence some components
were now being fabricated from lightweight
alloys. There were also unresolved difficulties
with the advanced avionics and the state-of-
the-art synthetic aperture radar system.
The A-12A programme may have seemed
unstoppable, but alarm bells were now
sounding in Washington and during April
1990 the Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney
ordered a major review. It emerged that apart
from serious technical issues, the project
faced a $2 billion over-run and the first flight
would be delayed until late 1991. The first
eight aircraft were already under construc-
tion at Tulsa and enough parts had been man-
ufactured to complete a total of 14 aircraft.
Intense negotiations took place and the Navy
It is understood that the principal Northrop
ATA design was similar to a scaled-down B-2A
bomber. However, the configuration shown
in this drawing eventuaUy appeared as a US
Patent (Des 342,717) that was published on
28 December 1993 and is known to have been
wind tunnel tested in model form during the
ATA programme. Conceivably, this stealthy
design is close in appearance to one of
Northrop's ATA proposals_ US Patent Office
106 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Flying Wings (1950-1990) 107
This design for a twin-engine stealth bomber
was produced by Rockwell International
in the late 1970s. Generally referred to as the
Delta Spanloader, a number of different
configurations were produced and some small
models were wind tunnel tested. The design
reference for this series was 0-645.
Bill Rose Collection
The Senior Peg programme began with Lock-
heed basing the design of a newlight-bomber
on work undertaken during the Hopeless Dia-
mond programme that had produced the
Senior Peg
US Manned Tailless Aircraft
Chapter Five
was contracted to study a light-bomber
under a highly-classified programme called
Senior Peg and Northrop was asked to pro-
duce proposals for a more advanced
strategic nuclear bomber under the code-
name Senior Ice.
The Defense Advanced Rese?rch Projects
Agency (DARPA) funded a series of highly
classified studies in 1974 to examine new
technologies that might give aircraft the abil-
ity to avoid detection by Soviet radar net-
works. The initial contractors who undertook
this work were Northrop and McDonnell Dou-
glas with the programme being extended to
include Lockheed in 1975. Following radar
trials at White Sands, Lockheed and Northrop
received further USAF and DARPA funding to
continue research.
In 1978, Rockwell International at Los
Angeles, California, completed a major study
(partly sponsored by the US Air Force) to
examine bomber needs for the 1990 to 2000
period, taking note of stealth developments.
Several new designs emerged from this
project that included a forward-swept, twin-
engine, canard penetrator with supersonic
performance, a four-engine flying wing
equipped with a rear-mounted (possibly
retractable) turret containing a defensive
laser weapon and a stealthy twin-engine
delta bomber, simply referred to as the
To fully exploit the latest developments in
stealth technology, the USAF partnered Rock-
well with Lockheed while Northrop was
teamed up with Boeing and Vought. Both
groups would design newlow-observable air-
craft and at the same time DARPA awarded
Northrop a contract to construct a 'one-off
manned stealth test-bed which was given the
codename Tacit Blue.
It was now clear to senior Pentagon offi-
cials that within a few years it would only
be possible to penetrate Soviet air space
with stealthy aircraft. Consequently, it was
decided to develop a light bomber as quickly
as possible which utilised technologies
developed by Lockheed during the Have
Blue programme. It was also accepted that a
more ambitious stealth bomber was needed
in the longer term. As a result, Lockheed
This four-engine flying wing concept was produced
by Rockwell International, possibly within the late
1970s 0-645 stealth bomber study. Note the turret
containing a laser weapon mounted at the rear of
the fuselage for self-defence. Bill Rose Collection
(based on Rockwell artwork)
70ft 3in (21.4m)
36ft 3in (I 1m)
I ,308ft' (I 22m')
37ft 3in (I1.35m)
11 ft 3in (304m)
39,0001b (I 7, 700kg)
80,0001b (36,300kg)
2xGeneral Electric F412-GE-D5F2
nonafterburning turbofans, each
rated at 13,0001b (58kN)
580mph (930kph)
40,000ft (I2,200m)
800nm (920 miles or 1,480krn)
Amaximum of 15,000lb (6,803kg)
bombs or ASMs. 2x (originally 4)
AlM-9 AAMs or AIM120 Advanced
Medium Range AirtoAir Missiles
(AMRAAM) and 2xHigh Speed
Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM)
The General Dynamics/McDonnell
Douglas A-12 Avenger II
configured with a side-by-side
cockpit arrangement. Initially,
this was the favoured
arrangement and it is believed
that the USAF opted for this
version. Bill Rose Collection
Maximum speed
Wingspan (unfolded)
Wingspan (folded)
Wing area
Empty weight
Gross weight
McDonnell Douglas/General Dynamics
A-12 Avenger II
Early artwork showing the very clean triangular-
shaped A-12 in US Navy service. US Navy
have been persistent rumours that a small
batch of production aircraft were completed
by late 1995 and secretly supplied to the
USAF. If the USAF did take these A-12s, they
may have been considered for special deni-
able missions or optimised for use as low
observable spyplanes. Another rumour con-
cerns the secret development of an
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)
for the USAF which was directly based on the
A-12A. This mayor may not be true, but it
could be many years before all the details of
this programme become public knowledge.
planned next-generation strike aircraft and the
contractors made efforts to rescue the deal by
providing a lower cost, stripped down version
of the A-12A. Northrop and Lockheed also sub-
mitted plans for suitable aircraft, but the Navy
was reluctant to embark on any new projects
with an element of risk. Subsequently, it was
decided to buy a larger, improved version of
the F/A-18 known as the F/A-18E1F Super Hor-
net and wait to see howthe Joint Strike Fighter
(JSF) project progressed (later the Lockheed
F-35 Lightning II). Clearly, the Super Hornet
was never going to be a direct substitute for
the stealthy A-12A, but it remains a rugged and
reliable combat aircraft which is capable of
undertaking a wide range of missions.
During the A-12A programme at least one
full-sized A-12A mock-up was built and there
This three-view drawing shows
the A-12 in its final form for the
US Navy. Bill Rose Collection
Intense negotiations took place and the Navy
modified its contract to allow delivery of the
first aircraft by the last day of 1991. But the con-
tractors now insisted that it would be impossi-
ble to build the A-12A for the agreed price and
some estimates put the total cost of complet-
ing the programme at about $10 billion. On 7
January 1991, Cheney announced that the A-12
programme had been cancelled and cited ris-
ing costs and unacceptable delays. Just under
$3 billion had been spent on the A-12A and the
government wanted some of its money back.
This led to a major legal dispute between Gen-
eral Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas (later Boe-
ing) and the Department of Defense that would
roll-on into the 21st century.
With the shock cancellation of the A-12A
programme, the Navy was left without its
108 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (J980-2030j 109
Lockheed CL-2102-2 Low Level Penetrator
aircraft, which would be upgraded to full
specification with the first examples entering
service during 1987.
ADARPA illustration for a low-altitude stealth
bomber that was considered during an early stage
of what became the Advanced Technology Bomber
CATB) programme in the early 1980s. DARPA
USAF artwork released into the public domain
during the 1980s which depicted the forthcoming
B-2 bomber. Although some of the details such as
engine exhausts were not revealed, this image was
reasonably accurate and reflects acceptance that
this high-profile aircraft would eventually become
impossible to hide. USAF
new strategic bomber, receiving a develop-
ment contract on 4 December 1981. By the
time this contract was signed, the existence of
an advanced bomber programme had been
public knowledge for about a year and
Northrop now began a major engineering
development review that would last until June
The aircraft was assigned the name
Advanced Technology Bomber (ATB) ,
although the programme was officially
known as Senior Cejay. The Reagan Adminis-
tration planned to eventually have 127 ATBs
in USAF service, plus the five initial evaluation
The Northrop high-altitude proposal code-
named Senior Ice was a flying wing that is
clearly recognisable as an early incamation of
the B-2A bomber. Project Director Hal
Markarian was directly responsible for the
Senior Ice programme and he reported
directly to Welko E. Gasich who was the
Senior Vice-President for Advanced Projects.
Contrary to some opinion, this design was not
a development of the earlier Northrop YB-49
or heavily-influenced by the wartime Horten
Ho IX and its appearance was initially dic-
tated by complex calculations to achieve the
lowest possible radar-cross-section within an
operational environment. Secondary consid-
erations were the use of new materials and a
sophisticated flight management system.
However, the study was enlarged in early
198I to include concepts for low-level mis-
sions. This branch of the project remains
largely classified, although Northrop may
have worked on a tailless triangular design for
this role which was the subject of a DARPA
Although this design was very different to
the Skunk Works low-altitude penetrator, it
was conceived (like the Lockheed CL-2120-2)
to fly the last part of a strike mission at altitude
of about 200ft (61 m) and speeds in the region
of Mach 0.7. But either the cost of operating
two different types of aircraft was prohibitive
or there were too many unforeseen technical
challenges. Stability control was considered a
major issue for a stealth aircraft operating at
treetop height and afterburners were
regarded as essential to meet take-off
requirements. So it was finally determined
that the most cost effective solution was to
proceed with the high-altitude design and
introduce a modified low-level version of this
aircraft if the need should arise.
Nevertheless, as something of a compro-
mise, President Reagan authorised the con-
struction of 100 B-1 B bombers on 2 October
1981 which were modified variants of the
original supersonic variable-geometry B-1.
This version was quite stealthy, but the lower
radar cross-section came with a performance
penalty. Nevertheless, the B-1 B was capable
of being flown at almost the speed of sound
just 500ft (152m) above the ground. Lockheed
was regarded as the leading exponents of
stealth technology and its partner Rockwell
had developed the B-1 bomber, so the indus-
try expected them to win this competition
and envisaged the Northrop design being
placed on the back burner. But surprisingly,
the USAF rejected Senior Peg and Northrop
was selected on 17 October 1981 to build the
Senior Ice
100ft (30m) estimated'
55' (leading edge)
76ft (23m) estimated*
2xafterbuming turbofan engines
providing atotal of 60,000 Ib thrust.
The engines would utilise noise
reduction measures and two-
dimensional Asymmetric
Load-Balanced Exhaust Nozzles
412,000 Ib (l86,880kg)
Unknown but subsonic
50,0001b (22,679kg) bombs and
missiles. The possibility of carrying
adefensive laser weapon may
have been considered, if the
technology became available
Figure from a reliable source, but not definitive.
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Rockwell D645-4A Stealth Delta Spanloader
183ft 4in (56m)
205ft (62.4m)
7,278ft' (676m
7,528ft' (699m')
45' (leading edge)
99.7ft (30.38m)
25.75ft (7.84m)
l45,2401b (65,879kg)
526,1401b (238,653kg)
4xturbofan engines. Possibly
Maximum speed Mach 0.80
Ceiling 50,000ft (l5,240m)
Optimised for operations at 200ft (6Im)
Range (un-refuelled) 5,753 miles (9,260km), with 2,300
miles (3,700km) flow at low-level
40,0001b (l8,143kg) payload
Wingspan (tips down)
Wing area
Wing area (tips down)
Load factor
Aspect ratio
(tips down)
Empty weight
Gross weight
Two designs from the Lockheed Skunk Works that
are believed to have fallen within the Senior Peg
programme for a new advanced bomber utilising
stealth technology. The top drawing has the
company reference CL-2120-2 and was optimised
for very low-level operations. The bottom drawing
is based on information from several sources,
which is thought to show Lockheed's proposal for
a high-altitude stealth bomber. It remains unclear
if this development work was utilised for any
further projects that remain within the black
domain. Bill Rose Collection
Lockheed assigned a company reference
CL-2120 to the study and it has been possible
to find some details of CL-2 I 20-2. This was a
flying wing with a leading edge sweep of
about 45that was optimised to fly at altitudes
in the region of 200ft (60m). Several possibili-
ties were considered for central stabilisers
and the aircraft would have been equipped
with movable wingtip fins with rudders.
Propulsion took the form of four deeply
buried turbofan engines with stealthy leading
edge intakes located on each side of the
cockpit and carefully configured rectangular
exhaust outlets at the centre of the trailing
edge. The wingspan was 183ft 4in (56m),
which could be increased to 205ft (62.4m) by
lowering the wingtips during a fully laden
take-off. Length of the CL-21 02-2 was 99ft 8in
(30.38m) and height 25ft 8 ~ i n (7.84m). Empty,
the aircraft was expected to weigh 145,240 Ib
(65,879kg) and gross weight was estimated at
526, I 40 Ib (238,653kg), including a 40,0001b
(l8,143kg) payload. Maximum speed at very
low altitude was Mach 0.6-0.7 with a service
ceiling of about 50,000ft (l5,240m). Maxi-
mum un-refuelled range was expected to be
5,753 miles (9,260km) with 2,300 miles
(3,700km) flown at low-level during an attack
L-- ....
F-117A stealth interdictor. Most of the details
remain secret, but it is believed that the early
Senior Peg studies resulted in several four-
engine aircraft conc:epts roughly in the class
of the F-111. In appearance, these designs
were almost flying wings with flat undersides
and faceted upper surfaces. lt is also reported
that Lockheed favoured a narrow tail section
fitted with two V-shaped stabilising fins.
Although USAF interest shifted towards the
Northrop proposal, it has been suggested that
Lockheed may have studied a strategic
bomber with a wingspan in the region of 170-
180ft (50-55m), perhaps loosely based on the
Rockwell Spanloader. Built mainly from com-
posite materials, this aircraft would have
been manned by a crew of three.
Little is presently known about the Senior
Peg proposals, but the Skunk Works later pro-
duced designs for a strategic stealth bomber
specifically optimised for low-level penetra-
tion. This came about in late 1980 when con-
cerns were expressed within the USAF that
Soviet defences would eventually be capable
of detecting and tracking high-altitude stealth
bombers and a low-level option was needed
as a fallback.
Whether or not this design work was part of
the Senior Peg project remains unknown, but
110 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 111
Northrop B-2A
The ATB was officially renamed as the B-2Ain
September 1984 and security at Northrop
and the sub-contractors remained oppres-
sive. In addition to intrusive surveillance
methods, large numbers of Northrop workers
at the Pico Rivera B-2 plant and Palmdale
were made to undergo polygraph tests. False
companies were established to receive B-2
components which were delivered by sub-
contractors, computers were isolated within
screened enclosures to prevent electronic
eavesdropping and USAF top brass who
visited the plant always arrived in civilian
While the new bomber was still in the
development phase, the strange-looking
Tacit Blue low-speed technology demonstra-
tor was undergoing secret tests at Groom Dry
Lake and it would remain classified until
1996. Described initially as an experimental
reconnaissance platform, this compact 55ft
lOin (17m) long aircraft, which looked like an
inverted bathtub with stubby wings, was used
to develop various technologies that would
This image is directly based on USAF artwork
released in the early 1980s that allegedly showed
an early proposal for the Advanced Technology
Bomber (ATB). Many experts dismissed this
concept as unlikely to bear any resemblance to the
new bomber. However, it may have been partly
derived from one of the Rockwell Delta Spanloader
designs or a proposed low-level penetrator,
finished with an experimental camouflage finish
intended for this role. Bill Rose Collection
find their way into the B-2A. However, Tacit
Blue bore almost no resemblance to the B-2A
apart from perhaps the cockpit canopy and it
is believed that Tacit Blue was also used to
develop the AGM-137 TSSAM (Tri-Service
Standoff Attack Missile). While there is no
proof or admission that prototypes were built
during the B-2A programme, there were reli-
able reports of small flying wings being
sighted in areas associated with secret air-
craft trials that hint at the possibility.
On 22 November 1988, the first B-2A (AV-I)
was unveiled at Northrop's Palmdale facility
in California. Many aspects of the programme
remained secret, but it was felt that keeping
the B-2A under wraps any longer would raise
too many unnecessary problems and serve
no useful purpose. Attending this ceremony
were USAF officials and members of the
media, with access to the aircraft carefully
restricted to avoid anyone seeing sensitive
areas such as the engine exhausts. But a
reporter called Michael A. Dornheimwas one
step ahead of these measures and flew a light
plane over the facility with a photographer
onboard. Nobody had considered this possi-
bility and it led to a major scoop which
showed many of the aircraft's features that
Northrop and the Air Force would have pre-
ferred to remain under wraps.
AV-l undertook its first test flight on 17 July
1989 at Palmdale, flown by Northrop's Test
Pilot Bruce Hinds and USAF Col Richard
Couch. The second aircraft (AV-2) would fly
just over a year later. At this time, the USAF
confidently anticipated paying $550 million
for each new B-2A that rolled off the produc-
tion line. Amazingly, this had risen to $865
million by 1991 and when the development
costs were added, the price of each aircraft
was closer to that of a space shuttle at more
than $2 billion. This spiralling price tag would
soon lead to widespread political criticism
and allegations of wrongdoing.
Aside-by-side comparison between the Northrop
B-49 bomber (top) and the modern Northrop
Grumman B-2ASpirit stealth bomber. These
aircraft are approximately to scale and the
purpose of this drawing is to show that the B-2A
has almost nothing in common with the original
Northrop flying wing bomber. Bill Rose Collection
AB-2ASpirit bomber crossing rugged desert
terrain. USAF
B-2ASpirit ofMississippi which was delivered to
the USAF in 1993 and has since been upgraded
to Block 30 specification. USAF
AB-2A of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB
in Missouri. USAF
On 1 March 1990, the Washington Post
reported that Northrop admitted in court to 34
counts of overcharging the Government dur-
ing development of the B-2A. While a further
141 charges were dropped, Northrop ended
up with a record fine of $1 7million. Evidently,
there was - and may still be - plenty of scope
for misappropriation of funds within a highly
classified big budget project. There were also
reports that the B-2A's range and payload
capability was somewhat less than antici-
pated and the aircraft remained visible to
radar systems in certain conditions. In 1991,
the USAF admitted that tests had revealed
various weaknesses in the B-2A's ability to
avoid detection and steps had been taken to
correct the problem with the application of
more RAM in some areas. This sounded
worse that it probably was because stealth
technology is hardly perfect and does have
The first production B-2A Spirit (AV-8) was
accepted into USAF service on 17 December
1993 at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, and there
can be little doubt that the B-2A is an
extremely sophisticated and potent aircraft. It
is ideal for special operations using conven-
tional or nuclear weapons and has a far supe-
rior delivery performance to the B-1 B. Just six
aircraft could have undertaken the entire
1986 attack on Libya, operating from the US
mainland. Many new cutting-edge processes
were employed for the construction of this
aircraft with components manufactured from
aluminium and titanium alloys, steel and
composites. A special elastomeric coating
was developed for the aircraft's exterior, to
maintain uniform conductivity and avoid
radar hot spots at seams.
Northrop was responsible for producing
the forward body, cockpit, leading and trail-
ing edges and control surfaces. Boeing man-
ufactured most of the remainder of the B-2A
with Ling-Temco-Vought providing compo-
nents for the wing and engine intakes/
exhausts. Each aircraft was to be completed
at Palmdale, California, before delivery to the
USAF. Because the aircraft is inherently
unstable, the Digital Flight Control System
(DFCS) is the B-2A's most important piece of
equipment. Using a quadruplex fly-by-wire
system, the DFCS manages a series of control
112 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (J 980-2030) 113
surfaces located along the trailing edge. This
includes two sets of combined brake-rudders
towards the wingtips that control yaw, two
three-part sets of elevons and the Gust Load
Alleviation System (GLAS) located at the rear
of the centre line which is mainly used to con-
trol pitch. It is also thought that yaw can be
controlled in certain situations by varying port
or starboard engine thrust.
The B-2A has a wingspan of 172ft (52.42m)
making it similar in size to the original
Northrop flying wing bombers. The overall
length is 69ft (21m) and the aircraft's height is
17ft (5.18m). Empty, the B-2A weighs about
153,7001b (69,717kg) and the maximum take-
off weight is 376,0001b (l70,550kg). Propul-
sion is provided by four non-afterburning
General Electric F-118-GE-IOO turbofan
engines each rated at 17,300 Ib (77kN) static
thrust which allows a maximum speed of
Mach 0.95, a ceiling of 50,000ft (l5,240m) and
an un-refuelled range in excess of 6,000 miles
(9,600km) carrying a 37,300 Ib (l5,920kg) pay-
load. A wide range of conventional and
nuclear free fall or guided weapons can be
carried by the B-2A. The maximum weapons
payload is quoted as 49,3171b (22,369kg).
A later Block 30 upgrade known as the
Generic Weapons Interface System (GWIS)
would allow the B-2A to carry different mixes
of weapons making it possible to attack as
many as four different targets during a single
The B-2A was originally equipped with the
Raytheon AN/APQ-181 covert strike radar
operating at the J band. This is a very sophis-
ticated multi-function radar systemthat could
be used for terrain following and hazard
avoidance at low altitude. Significant and
costly upgrades to the B-2A's radar system
have been undertaken in recent years with
the installation of several classified modules
and a new Active Electronically Scanned
Afull load of conventional free-fall bombs is
released by a B-2Aduring trials. USAF
AMk84 2,000 Ib bomb about to be loaded into a
B-2 Spirit bomber at Andersen AFB, Guam. USAF
The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a family
of cost-effective and highly accurate weapons that
can be carried by a number of US and European
military warplanes. This photograph shows a
GBU-31 JDAM bomb during transport to a
warplane. JDAMs have been used by a number of
US aircraft during several recent conflicts. The
B-2Amade its combat debut during Operation
Allied Force in 1999, delivering more than 650
JDAMs to Serbian targets. The most controversial
B-2A mission involving JDAMs was the 'accidental'
bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade on
7 May 1999 when three JDAMs hit sensitive parts
of the building. USAF
An inert practice B-61 nuclear weapon is released
from a B-2A at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada
on 20 November 1996. USAF
AB-2A refuels from a KC-135 tanker above the
Pacific Ocean while flying to Andersen AFB, Guam.
The unusual shape of the aircraft in this
photograph is caused by the use of a fisheye lens.
ANorthrop Grumman B-2A in flight. USAF
Array (AESA) antenna. No defensive arma-
ment is carried by the B-2Awhich relies on its
ability to hide from radar. But having said that,
each B-2A is equipped with a Defensive Man-
agement Subsystem (OMS). This includes the
Lockheed Martin AN/APR-50 (also known as
the ZSR-63) radar warning system that
detects and identifies threats. It is thought
that this equipment may have the ability to
cancel out radar returns. Honeywell and
Raytheon have provided other classified
components of the OMS, but their functions
are unknown. Normally, a crew of two fly this
aircraft, but there is provision for a third mem-
ber who may be required for certain spe-
cialised missions.
By the mid-1990s, there was growing oppo-
sition within Congress to the very expensive
B-2A programme and an amendment to the
1997 Defense Authorisation Bill was tabled to
cap production of the B-2A at 21 aircraft.
Although this proposal was narrowly
defeated, it was not just Congress which was
concerned about costs, but the USAF who
feared that procurement of further stealth
bombers would mean severe funding restric-
tions in other areas. As a result, Congress
never approved the construction of further
B-2As and three optional aircraft (AV-22-76,
AV-77-133, AV-134-165) belonging to the ini-
tial batch were cancelled.
Military Operations
The B-2Awas used in combat for the first time
on 24 March 1999 when two aircraft delivered
precision-guided munitions to targets in
Yugoslavia. The objective of this NATO cam-
paign was to secure the withdrawal of Serbian
military, paramilitary and police forces from
Kosovo by means of a substantial air attack on
the Serbian military and civilian infrastructure.
Known as Operation 'Allied Force', the raids
lasted until II June 1999 and during this time
six different B-2A aircraft flew 45 long-range
missions from the USA. Typically, each flight
would last for 30 hours and in total the B-2As
delivered 656 Joint Defence Air Munition
(JDAM) bombs to Serbian targets.
Unquestionably, the most controversial
mission involving a B-2A during this cam-
114 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (J980-2030) 115
Northrop-Grumman B-2A Spirit
Stealth Bomber
ANorthrop Grumman B-2A returning from a
mission during Operation Iraqi Freedom on
27 March 2003. USAF
Recent improvements to the B-2A fleet
include the Link 16 aircraft-to-aircraft data
transmission system, the introduction of a vir-
tually unjammable EHF (Extremely High Fre-
quency) satellite connection, a digital engine
control system to replace the troublesome
analogue controllers and the capability to
attack moving targets with precision-guided
Since the aircraft's introduction, there have
been proposals for new or modified versions.
One possibility considered was the installa-
tion of a multi-role sensor package that would
result in the aircraft being redesignated as the
RB-2A. Another suggestion was a Signals
Intelligence (SIGINT) variant called the
EB-2A. A further proposal was to turn the B-2
fleet into remotely piloted vehicles capable of
refuelling automatically and carrying much
larger payloads. It is likely there was consid-
erable resistance to the idea of converting
such an expensive warplane into an
unmanned vehicle and equally probable that
dependable technology to allow such a thing
was lacking when the idea first surfaced. At
the start of the 21st century, there was con-
siderable interest in the idea of producing a
second batch of 40 B-2 bombers to meet
USAF needs. This would have resulted in a
modified design known as the B-2C. The 'C'
reference would stand for conventional, indi-
cating it was not specifically designed to
deliver nuclear weapons. The exact differ-
ences from the B-2A remain unclear, but the
B-2C was described as 'improved'.
In 2001, Northrop-Grumman suggested
that production could be restarted for about
$3 billion, with each aircraft costing $735 mil-
lion, but Northrop's Pico Rivera facility where
the production of B-2A aircraft began had
been closed down, so this meant that Boeing
would undertake most of the work. Both the
Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Sec-
retary Donald Rumsfeld were in favour of pro-
ceeding with this option, but there was
considerable political opposition and eventu-
ally the plan was abandoned.
tain Wilson, who had already flown B-1 Bs
during Operation Allied Force.
No B-2As were lost or reported damaged
during the 2003 Iraq campaign. Enemy air
defences proved largely ineffective and the
Iraqi Air Force are not thought to have oper-
ated any fighter aircraft during this period. In
addition to the B-2A being flown by women
on combat missions, RAF Squadron Leader
David Arthurton became the first foreign pilot
to fly the B-2A in 2006 while participating in
the Personnel Exchange Program.
was based on the suggestion that Iraq was
continuing to develop weapons of mass
destruction which threatened regional stabil-
ity. As a prequel to operations, 20 members of
the USAF's 49th Material Squadron arrived at
Diego Garcia during December 2002 and
organised the assembly of two huge portable
shelters for B-2A bombers.
The task took 70 days to complete and it
was the first time these sophisticated units
with their high-tech environmental systems
had been used operationally. Each fully air-
conditioned shelter measured 55ft (l6.76m)
in height and 250ft (76m) wide. Each shelter
was shipped by air to the operational site in
sections requiring 29 C-130 Hercules flights.
With the ability to undertake some B-2A mis-
sions fromDiego Garcia, the strike distance to
Baghdad could be reduced to less than half
that from Whiteman AFB, Missouri.
From early in the campaign, B-2As attacked
key Iraqi targets with JDAM munitions and
these aircraft were often used to take out Iraqi
radar and communications facilities.
Although combat missions with the most
advanced US warplanes are generally
regarded as a male preserve, Capt Jennifer
Wilson, who was stationed with the 393rd
Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at Diego Gar-
cia, became the first woman to fly a B-2A
operationally on I April 2003. But this was not
the first combat mission for 30-year-old Cap-
USAF Capt Jennifer Wilson, who became the first
woman to fly the B-2A operationally on I April 2003
during the Iraq conflict. USAF
buildings that were marked for avoidance
by NATO warplanes and it seems very
unlikely that the strike was an accident. It was
later claimed that the intended target had
been the headquarters of the Yugoslav
Federal Directorate for Supply and Procure-
ment (FDSP), but few observers believed this
to be true. There are several possible reasons
for the attack and it has been suggested
that the Chinese embassy was being used to
relay radio messages to irregular forces under
the direction of the late Zeljko Raznatovic
(usually known as Arkan). This is a possibility,
but it's more likely that Chinese intelligence
were monitoring NATO operations and test-
ing advanced passive detection equipment
capable of tracking stealth aircraft. Perhaps
they were passing immediate details to the
On 27 March 1999, a F-117A stealth aircraft
was shot down near the village of Budjanovci
in Serbia and in a separate incident a F-117A
is understood to have returned to base badly
damaged. Conceivably both events resulted
from newly-developed methods of detection.
There may also be a link to the destruction of
Belgrade's RTS television station on 23 April
1999 by two Tomahawk cruise missiles. This
reportedly killed 16 people and injured 20.
NATO refused to apologise for the attack,
claiming the station was broadcasting unac-
ceptable propaganda. But the TV transmit-
ter's powerful output may have been assisting
passive stealth detection technology con-
trolled from the embassy.
When the embassy raid took place the
building was largely empty, but three person-
nel were killed, 20 were injured and there
was substantial damage. Chinese President
Jiang Zemin expressed outrage at the attack
and relations with America were strained for
some time. The US administration apologised
to China, eventually paying $28 million in
compensation, but it could be decades
before the truth emerges about this incident.
Following the events of II September 200I,
it was determined that Osama bin Laden was
responsible for organising the attacks on
American targets. The CIA was confident that
he was hiding in Afghanistan and Washington
insisted that the Taliban government hand
over bin Laden and the alQaeda leadership.
They refused and a major military operation
began initially involving air power.
B-2As were used on three consecutive days
to strike al-Qaeda and Taliban positions in
Afghanistan with stopovers at the British base
at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The next
operational use of the B-2A would take place
during the second Gulf War (or Iraq War) that
began in March 2003. This US-led campaign
2with provision for 3rd member
172ft (52.42m)
5,140ft' (478m')
69ft (21m)
17ft (5.18m)
153,7001b (69,717kg)
336,5001b (I 52,635kg)
376,0001b (l70,550kg)
4xnon-afterbuming General
Electric F118GEIOO turbofan
engines, each rated at 17,300Ib
(77kN) static thrust
Mach 0.95, approx 570mph
(915km/h) at sea level
50,000n (l5,240m)
Nuclear strike mission with mix of
16 AGM-129JB61 weapons
(weighing 37,300 Ib - 15,920kg)
6,330 miles (10, 186km).
Similar Mission with Ix refuelling:
11,508 miles (18,529km)
40,0001b (18, I44kg)
49,3171b (22,369kg)
Normal payload
Max weapons load
(Carried by 2Boeing Rotary Launcher Assemblies in each
bomb bay): AGM129 ACM W80 Nuclear Warhead;
AGM-131 SRAM 2W89 Nuclear Warhead; AGM-137 TSSAM
HE or submunitions; AGM-154 JSOW submunitions; B61
Nuclear Penetrator; B83 Nuclear Variable Yield; BLU-118/B
Thermobaric Weapon; Mk64 2,000 Ib (907kg) Sea Mine;
Mk82 500lb (226kg) HE Bomb; Mk83 1,000Ib (453kg) HE
Bomb; Mk84 2,000 Ib (907kg) HE Bomb; CBU87 Cluster;
CBU89 Cluster; CBU97 Cluster; GBU27 Paveway III
2,0001b (900kg) HE Laser Guided EGBU-27 Enhanced
version ofGBU-27, with additional GPS guidance; GBU31/2
JDAM Mk83/84 HE or BLU109 Penetrator Warhead; GBU37
4,7001b (2,13Ikg) Penetrator
Maximum speed
These portable B-2 shelters were assembled at
Diego Garcia by the USAF's 49th Material
Squadron. USAF
Wing area
Empty weight
Takeoff weight
Max take-off weight
Demonstrating its true global capability, Spirit of
Missouri prepares to touch down at Whiteman AFB
after flying a long-range mission to Iraq. USAF
paign took place on 7 May 1999 when a
single B-2A escorted by EA-6B Prowlers and
F-15C fighters dropped three JDAMbombs on
the Chinese embassy in the Novi Beograd
district of Belgrade. President Bill Clinton
and CIAdirector George J. Tenet both insisted
that the bombing had been a terrible accident
due to the use of an outdated map. However,
the Chinese embassy was one of many
116 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 117
Russian Designs
Soviet designers studied US stealth develop-
ment in great detail and it has been a topic of
occasional discussion that a Russian equiva-
lent was never built. In fact, there was a Mya-
sishchev project conducted during the 1980s
to develop a high-altitude spyplane bearing
the codename M-67, which produced at least
one manned proposal that vaguely resembled
the B-2A (see Chapter Six). Whether or not this
design came about as the result of information
gathered by Soviet Intelligence is unknown. In
early 1996, the MiG Design Bureau released
artwork of a canard-shaped stealth bomber
that loosely resembled the B-2A. The drawing
is certainly interesting, but Russia was no
longer in a position to fund such an expensive
programme and the MiG stealth bomber was
clearly little more than wishful thinking.
Chinese Stealth Bomber
According to some recent reports circulating
in the Far East, China has been working on an
advanced stealth strike aircraft known as the
Xian H-8. Apparently, the H-8 project was ini-
tiated in 1994 with the aim of equalling Amer-
ica's B-2A bomber. Said to possess marginal
supersonic performance, an intercontinental
range and the ability to carry advanced
weapons, it has been claimed that the H-8 is
about to enter production. Illustrations of
unknown origin suggest that the H-8 is a com-
pact, highly swept flying wing, possibly pow-
ered by two deeply recessed engines.
Nobody would deny that the Chinese have
made huge technological strides in recent
years, but there seems little likelihood that a
warplane with this capability is about to enter
service or even exists.
The B-2A has a good record of safety with the
loss of only one aircraft since its introduction
into service. This accident took place at Ander-
sen AFB, Guam, on 23 February 2008 when
B-2A (AV-12 Spirit of Kansas) was taking off.
The crew believed that the aircraft had reached
take-off speed, when it was actually travelling
lOkts (11.5mph or 18.5kph) slower. The prob-
lem was caused by moisture in three of the 24
air pressure sensors providing incorrect infor-
mation to the flight computer. This reported
that the aircraft was in a nose down position
and required a 30
pitch change, leading to a
stall. Consequently, the aircraft swerved off the
runway and as the left wingtip hit the ground
Major Ryan Link and Captain Justin Grieve
ejected. Both were injured with Grieve suffer-
ing some compression fractures to his spine.
The aircraft was a complete write-off.
Left: It is now clear that Russian scientists and
engineers studied US stealth developments in
great detail. Many western observers expected
Russia to match the Northrop Grumman B-2A
with a similarly specified bomber, but this never
happened, perhaps due in part to the high cost
and deteriorating Soviet economy. The only hint of
such a possibility was in early 1996 when the MiG
Design Bureau released artwork of canard stealth
bomber vaguely resembling the B-2A. However,
Russia was not in a position to develop such an
expensive aircraft and it remains unlikely. This
illustration has been developed from the original
artwork as a representation of the MiG design.
Bill Rose Collection
Below left: This poor quality image, lifted from
video footage, shows the moment when Spirit of
Kansas ran into serious trouble during take-off at
Andersen AFB, Guam, in February 2008. The crew
were forced to eject and the aircraft was
destroyed. USAF
Below: Wreckage of the B-2A that crashed during
take-off at Andersen AFB, Guam. Smoke continues
to issue from the aircraft, which was a total write-
off. The cause of the accident was moisture in
three of the 24 air pressure sensors that supply
data to the flight computer. USAF
Senior Citizen
On 24 April 1980, the United States undertook
a daring multi-services covert mission to res-
cue 52 hostages being held at the US Embassy
in Tehran, Iran. Known as 'Eagle Claw', the
operation degenerated into a total disaster.
Retired Chief of Naval Operations Adm James
L. Holloway III was given the task of heading
an official investigation which found major
deficiencies in planning and co-ordination.
While the failure of 'Eagle Claw' cannot be
blamed on the aircraft used, it highlighted the
fact that some Special Forces operations
would benefit from transporters possessing a
helicopter's VTOL ability and the speed, range
and payload capability of a fixed wing aircraft.
An aircraft of this type was the dream of
aeronautical designers for decades with Ger-
man engineers at Focke Achgelis making a
serious effort to develop just such a 'converti-
plane' during World War 2. This design,
which combined aspects of the helicopter
and fixed wing aircraft, was never completed,
but Bell saw the tilt-rotor's potential during
the early post-war years and it led to the
experimental XV-3 which first flew in 1955.
This research project would eventually result
in the Bell Helicopter Textron and Boeing
Helicopters V-22 Osprey which took a
tremendous effort to develop and was almost
cancelled on several occasions due to seri-
ous accidents and rising costs.
Today, this unique aircraft is in service with
the US Marine Corps and the USAF, so should
a similar situation to the Iranian hostage crisis
arise, there is every possibility that the Osprey
would be used. It can carry at least 24 soldiers
and their equipment with a combat radius of
428 miles (690km) that can be extended with
in-flight refuelling. The Osprey can cruise at
about 316mph (508kph), well above the
reach of small-arms fire or shoulder-
launched missiles. As SUCh, it appears well
suited to Special Forces operations, medevac
and the recovery of downed pilots in hostile
territory. Unfortunately, the Osprey remains
an imperfect design. Aside from the sheer
engineering complexity of this aircraft, there
are some doubts about the Osprey's ability to
survive in a harsh combat environment and
the huge 38ft (11.6m) diameter rotors make
the aircraft far from stealthy.
'Eagle Claw' spurred the Department of
Defense (DoD) to initiate full development of
the V-22 Osprey in 1981 which was then known
as the Joint-service Vertical take-off/Ianding
Experimental (JYX) aircraft. However, there
was already major interest in low-observable
aircraft and the idea of a larger, faster stealthy
transport aircraft with STOL or ideally a VTOL
capability seems to have caught the attention
of senior officials at the Pentagon.
A series of highly-classified studies was
undertaken by the major aerospace contrac-
tors to design an aircraft to meet specifica-
tions for a stealthy tactical transporter.
Nothing reached the public domain about
these proposals, but a Department of Defense
document DoD7045.7-H, 'FYDP Program
Structure', October 1993, would eventually
come to light and it mentioned a project
called Senior Citizen, Program Element
0401316F. The codename was initially
believed to refer to a hypersonic spyplane
project, but was then identified as a stealthy
tactical transport aircraft.
Some design work undertaken at Wright-
Patterson AFB (probably in the 1980s) had
suggested two favourable approaches to lift
propulsion for a VTOL special operations air-
craft. The first way of generating lift was the
use of additional upright turbojets, while the
second was to use large shaft-driven fans in
ducts. Although these ideas were hardly new,
this work provided a useful framework for the
Senior Citizen programme which is
rumoured to have considered many different
concepts including lighter-than-air designs.
One participant in the Senior Citizen pro-
ject is understood to have been Northrop
which is thought to have proposed a design
loosely based on the B-2A Spirit bomber. The
central section of the aircraft is presumed to
have similarities with the B-2, while the over-
all appearance is manta-shaped with clipped
wingtips. Lift and hover would be achieved by
the use of four vertical ducts containing large
constant RPM fans covered by shutters and
louvers during normal flight. Propulsion
details of this study are unclear, but horizon-
tal flight would be achieved using two or four
deeply-buried turbofans and the aircraft
AUS Marine Corps crew prepares a V-22 Osprey
for night operations in Central Iraq during early
2008. This aircraft is well suited to special
missions, although it lacks the ability to hide from
enemy forces. US Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer
Joe Kane.
would be capable of making conventional
take-offs and landings.
Details of what appear to be altemative
designs from Boeing and/or Lockheed suggest
an aircraft with semi-arrowhead shape using
engines for horizontal flight in a rear dorsal
duct and two vertical stabilising fins on either
side towards the rear wing area. Two banks of
four upright turbojets are positioned on each
side of the fuselage. These provide lift and
would be covered by shutters during horizon-
tal flight. Aclearer idea of what may have been
under consideration for the Senior Citizen pro-
gramme can be found by studying a Lockheed
propulsion system patent (5,320305) filed on
22 July 1992 and published two years later.
Asmall team at the Skunk Works, headed
by the Chief Engineer of Advanced Develop-
ment Projects, Dr Leland Malcolm Nicolai,
produced this interesting concept that
appears to be specifically developed as a
stealthy flying wing aircraft. The propulsion
system comprises two ducted cruise fans for
horizontal flight which are buried within the
fuselage. Intakes for the engines are posi-
tioned towards the centre of the leading edge
and there are two-dimensional exhaust out-
lets at the centre of wing's trailing edge. The
VTOL capability is provided by two substan-
tial, constant RPM ducted fans which are dri-
ven by two (or possibly four) engines located
between both units with cross shafting to
allow power redistribution in an emergency.
To balance and control pitch during take-off,
landing, hover and flight transition, air from
118 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 119
the cruise engine's bypass ducts would be
diverted to forward and aft nozzles. To control
downward thrust, each fan would have vari-
able pitch propellers. Each fan duct would be
fitted with covers on the upper side and lou-
vered shutters on the wing's underside which
would be adjustable for directional control.
At take-off, all engines would be operating
and the wing fan ducts would be fully open.
Having left the ground, the lower louvers
would slowly move rearwards and once the
aircraft had reached sufficient speed to pro-
vide lift, there would be a full transition to hor-
izontal flight with the cruise fans taking over
and the fans shutting down and the covers
closing. Landing would be a reverse of this
procedure. This propulsion system seems to
be completely tied into the flying wing design
which would probably differ considerably
from the patent drawings. However, this very
stealthy design has no vertical surfaces and
uses ailerons, elevators and drag rudders for
flight control. It is also shown with a multi
wheel tricycle undercarriage.
Whether or not a Senior Citizen design has
been prototyped by one of the major contrac-
tors or even built as a small batch of special
ops aircraft is impossible to say. But occa-
sional sightings of unidentified triangular-
shaped aircraft by the public may (in a few
reliable cases) indicate that small numbers of
stealthy transporters exist and might be avail-
able for a high-priority clandestine mission.
Such an aircraft would probably be able to
carry 30-35 soldiers with their equipment. It
would be capable of in-flight refuelling and
have an operational range of about 2,500
miles (4,000km). Depending on the propul-
sion system, the maximum speed might be
somewhat better than the V-22 with a ceiling
of perhaps 35,000ft (I0,668m) which assumes
a fully pressurised cabin. Another possibility is
a stealthy gunship variant. This might lack the
VTOL capability but could be heavily armed
and perhaps equipped with a chemical laser
weapon for use against ground targets.
This drawing taken from a US Patent shows a
Lockheed VIOL aircraft proposal that may be
related to black budget 'Senior Citizen' project to
develop a stealthy theatre transport aircraft for
high-risk covert Special Forces operations.
Bill Rose Collection/US Patent Office
The unusual ducted and lift-fan propulsion system
for a Lockheed VIOL stealth aircraft design.
Bill Rose Collection/US Patent Office
Based on a number of different sources, this may
be the general appearance of a Boeing design for a
stealthy special operations transport aircraft with a
full VIOL capability. Derived in part from the B-2A
bomber, it is not know if this project progressed
beyond initial studies. Bill Rose Collection
Next Generation Bomber B-3
The Pentagon currently plans to keep the
B-52, the B-1 B and the B-2A in service until
2037 with the already ancient B-52 perhaps
remaining operational until 2045. These
'Legacy Bombers' will be subject to an ongo-
ing programme of improvements until their
retirement. There are plans to supplement
the Legacy Bombers with an unmanned
strike aircraft, but a new manned strategic
strike aircraft is needed and the USAF would
like to see this reaching operational status by
2018. The new bomber must be capable of
handling any air defence system currently
envisaged. It will be subsonic, possess inter-
continental range and have the ability to
deliver a significant conventional or nuclear
While it has been suggested that the next
manned US bomber should be a cutting-edge
design capable of high supersonic speed, the
Pentagon is not prepared to initiate another
financially challenging A-12A or B-2A pro-
gramme. So this aircraft must be available in
the short term, affordable and effective as a
warplane. Two teams of contractors have
now been chosen to develop detailed pro-
posals for this project which is currently
known as the Next-Generation Bomber
(NGB). Significant funding for NGB develop-
ment is expected to become available shortly
and the contractors hoping to win this contest
are Northrop-Grumman and Lockheed-Mar-
tin which have teamed up with Boeing.
Both groups are thought to be drawing
heavily on experience gained with
unmanned aircraft programmes for this pro-
ject. Northrop-Grumman have been respon-
sible for the X-47B Pegasus Uninhabited
Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) programme
Northrop Grumman's initial Next Generation
Bomber proposal. The chosen design is expected
to reach operational service by 2018. To some
extent, this aircraft is a next-generation version
of the existing B-2A stealth bomber, drawing on
advances made during the development of
unmanned aircraft such as the X-47B Pegasus.
It is expected to receive the designation B-3.
Northrop Grumman/Bill Rose Collection
An early Lockheed Martin proposal for the USAF's
Next Generation Bomber. like the Northrop
Grumman design, this also makes extensive use of
new materials and advances in stealth technology
made during the development of unmanned
military aircraft. Northrop Grumman/
Bill Rose Collection
The experimental Northrop Grumman X-47B
Pegasus Unmanned Combat Aircraft (UCAV) which
has been used to develop new technologies that
will be employed in the crewed Next Generation
Bomber. Northrop Grumman
120 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (J980-2030) 121
concept that may simply be too expensive to
develop as a parallel programme to the NGB
with recent estimates for the FB-22 pro-
gramme varying from $7-10 billion.
Many aviation observers have suggested that
the F-35 Lightning 11 will be the last manned
fighter aircraft of any significance, but art-
work released in July 2009 by Boeing's Phan-
tom Works shows a manned 'sixth
generation' combat aircraft intended to
replace the current F/A-18f/F Super Hornet
after 2025. This tailless design has been pro-
posed to meet the US Navy's future F/A-XX
requirements and it will have been conceived
from the outset to be as stealthy as possible.
That said, it goes without saying that current
illustrations do not reveal any important or
innovative design features.
The exact definition of 'sixth generation'
remains unclear, although we should expect
an aircraft with supercruise, increased range,
thrust vectoring, internal weapons carriage,
advanced sensors, lower maintenance
requirements and improved stealth. Primarily
intended for carrier-based operations, the air-
Boeing's Phantom Works has revealed a new
concept for a US Navy F/A-XX fighter to replace the
F/A-18E!F Super Hornet in the mid-2020s. The two-
seat, blended-wing, twin-engine, tailless design
is dubbed a 'sixth-generation fighter' and will
embrace technologies such as visual stealth,
advanced electronic attack capabilities and optional
manning. Although not yet a formal requirement,
the Navy is thought to be considering both manned
and unmanned options for F/A-XX. Boeing
fore a considerable reduction in operating
costs. Comparisons with similarly specified
conventional jet airliners suggested a 20-25
per cent improvement in fuel efficiency.
NASA has supported the BWB design from
the outset. It determined that this type of air-
craft showed great potential as a large capac-
ity subsonic airliner. This led to BWB models
being wind tunnel tested at NASA Langley
and the commission of a scale-size remote-
control prototype that was built at Stanford
University by a team directed by Dr Ben
Tigner and Associate Professor Han Kroo. This
small aircraft was designated BWB-17
(because of the 17ft (5.18m) wingspan) and it
flew for the first time on 29 July 1997 at EI
Mirage Dry Lake, California.
It seemed that there were relatively few
negative features to the BWB design. Longi-
tudinal stability, which is often a major prob-
lem with tailless designs, could be
maintained by the latest active flight manage-
ment systems, although there were concerns
about the suitability of BWB aircraft for many
existing airports and the fact that there would
be few, if any windows available for passen-
gers. Early proposals for a 368-passenger
BWB airliner were based on a proposed
range of 9,500 miles (I5,000km) and Mach
0.85 cruise. By 1994, NASA was suggesting
that the McDonnell Douglas engineers should
consider a much larger aircraft capable of
carrying 800 passengers for 8,000 miles
craft would be designed for compact storage.
Flown by a crew of two, the aircraft may be
configurable for unmanned operations or
built as a UCAV version.
Whether or not such an aircraft will
become a reality when faced with the next
generation of completely unmanned designs
is hard to determine at present. But it is pos-
sible to say with some degree of certainty that
a manned F/A-18E/F replacement will be
costly to develop, especially if undertaken
separately from any future manned multi-role
combat aircraft requested by the USAF.
Blended Wing Body Designs
The Blended Wing Body (BWB) aircraft can be
traced back to Junkers and Burnelli, although
the modern BWB design is generallyattributed
to a research programme initiated by McDon-
nell Douglas at Long Beach, California.
Work on this project began in late 1988
with the aim of developing a more efficient
transport aircraft. The McDonnell Douglas
team, which included Bob Liebeck, Mark A.
Page and Blaine K. Rawdon, steadily refined
the concept into a proposal resembling a
hybrid-flying wing. The aim was to utilise an
effective aerofoil-shaped body fitted with
high-lift wings, but it was also important to
allow the internal installation of easily fabri-
cated pressurised tubular compartments. As
the project evolved, it became increasingly
clear that the BWB design would offer signif-
icantly improved aerodynamic efficiency
over existing aircraft designed for the same
purpose. A 10-15 per cent reduction in weight
would also be possible if composite materials
were used extensively in the aircraft's con-
struction. These factors would mean lower
engine thrust for the same payload and there-
72ft (22m) approx
84,000-1 00,000 Ib
(38, I0045,000kg)
2xPratt &Whitney F135
afterbuming turbofan engines,
based on the F119 developed for
the F22. The FI35 engine can
produce 34,0001b (I5IkN) dry
thrust and 50,000 Ib (222kN)
afterburning thrust. The General
Electric/Rolls-Royce F136
afterburning turbofan, which was
proposed at one stage, would offer
similar performance
Mach 1.8
65,000ft (I9,812m)
1,600 miles (2,575km) un-refuelled
30 x250 Ib (I 13kg) Small Diameter
Bombs (SOB). Larger conventiona
I or nuclear bombs, guided
weapons. Anti-radiation missiles
and 2-4 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles
for self-defence. Perhaps later,
stealthy underwing pods carrying
ordnance, fuel or EWequipment
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Combat range
Boeing F/A-XX
Although described as an F-22 modified to
become a stealthy light bomber, the FB-22
would effectively be a brand-new aircraft
with a completely newwing and probably no
tail or vertical stabilisers. This cleaner design
would improve the aircraft's stealthiness,
aerodynamic properties and help to reduce
manufacturing costs. The fuselage would be
stretched by about lOft (3m) and approxi-
mately 80 per cent more fuel would be car-
ried. There would be enough internal storage
for up to 30 small diameter 250lb (I 13kg)
bombs utilising GPS for precise targeting. The
FB-22 would also be capable of delivering
anti-radiation missiles and nuclear weapons.
For self-defence, the FB-22 would carry at
least two and perhaps four AMRAAMs inter-
nally or possibly a laser weapon, but this is not
an aircraft that is intended for use as a fighter.
Engines would be upgraded to two powerful
Pratt & Whitney FI35s developed from the
afterburning turbofans used for the F-22. Air
for the engines would be drawn through two
reconfigured stealthy intakes and the ability
to cruise at supersonic speed has been sug-
gested but this remains unclear. However,
the FB-22 would be the fastest bomber in
USAF service. Possessing a maximum speed
of Mach 1.8, the two-man FB-22 would have
an unrefuelled range of 1,600 miles
(2,575km) and deliver its bomb load from an
altitude of 60,000ft (I8,288m). The FB-22
would be equipped with sophisticated threat
determination systems and have the ability to
capture high quality radar images of ground
targets which could be relayed to a command
centre in real time.
A completely tailless technology demon-
strator based on an F-22A airframe was pro-
posed and it received the designation X-44A.
This experimental aircraft was intended to use
thrust vectoring for all flight control functions
and the project would have provided useful
research data for the FB-22, but at the time of
writing the X-44 remains officially unbuilt. The
FB-22 would fill the place once occupied by
the variable-geometry F-II\. It would effec-
tively replace the F-15E, taking over some mis-
sions currently better suited to the B-1 Band
B-2A. It is probable that various FB-22 models
have undergone wind tunnel and radar tests.
This aircraft remains an interesting and viable
This artwork shows the possible appearance of a
strike aircraft based on the F-22A Raptor stealth
fighter which would receive the designation FB-22.
This would be almost an entirely new aircraft with
a stretched fuselage, newwing and more advanced
engines. Although this proposal has much in its
favour, the cost of development is likely to remain
prohibitive and there are no plans at present to
initiate such a programme. Bill Rose Collection
Lockheed-Martin FB-22
When it became clear that the USAF would
need to supplement or start to replace its
existing bomber fleet by 2018, several designs
were proposed that built on existing technol-
ogy and could be delivered within an accept-
able timeframe. One suggestion was to
replace the existing B-1 B Lancer with a new
version of the aircraft called the B-1 R
(Regional). Re-engined with new avionics, a
new radar system, external hardpoints and
air-to-air missiles, the B-1 R would regain the
B-IA's Mach 2+ performance. It is also possi-
ble that the B-1 R might be configured to
launch cruise missiles, although this capabil-
ity is currently restricted by the Strategic Arms
Limitation Treaty I (SALT I). While this pro-
posal has obvious merits, the existing B-IB
has a reputation for being unreliable, it is
demanding to maintain and the B-1 Rwill not
be any stealthier than the current aircraft.
These observations may help to explain why
the B-1 R was rejected as an interim solution
to USAF requirements.
Another possibility that is rumoured to have
received serious consideration was a stealthy
strike aircraft based on the unsuccessful
Northrop YF-23 fighter. This does not appear
to have been regarded as a realistic option,
either for technical reasons or on the grounds
of cost. But a third idea that generated con-
siderable interest was a strike aircraft based
on the advanced, stealthy Lockheed-Martin
F-22 Raptor fighter. This suggestion originated
within the Skunk Works during 2002 and a
detailed study was funded by the company.
The design may have been linked to a pro-
posed experimental tailless version of the
F-22 called the X-44A.
Powerplant Readily available turbofan engines
Maximum speed Subsonic
Combat radius +2,000 miles (t3,200km)
Ability to carry nuclear weapons
Weapons load 14,000-28,000Ib (6,350-12, 700kg)
First flight By 2018
which is now part of the US Navy's UCAS-D
carrier-based aircraft project. Boeing pro-
duced the X-45 series of unmanned demon-
strators leading to the advanced Phantom
Ray which is due to fly in 20I O. In the case of
Lockheed's Skunk Works, it already had con-
siderable expertise with low-observable
technology and recently flew the P-175 Pole-
cat unmanned stealth aircraft as a company
funded technology development venture.
Preliminary artwork for the NGB shows that
the principle designs hold no big surprises
with concepts from both groups resembling a
cross between the B-2A and a scaled up high-
tech UCAV. It is interesting to note that
Northrop-Grumman has already proposed an
unmanned X-47C with a 172ft (52,4m)
wingspan and a 1O,0001b (4,536kg) payload
A straightforward approach to develop-
ment of the NGB is favoured by the US Air
Force which requires an aircraft with a
realistic delivery date. Noticeable improve-
ments will be in low-observable, avionics,
fuel efficiency and maintenance require-
ments. It is anticipated that the 2018 NGB will
receive the designation B-3, although this
new bomber is seen as something of a stop-
gap until a more advanced stealthy long-
range supersonic aircraft becomes available
in 2037.
NGB Specifications
122 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (I980-2030) 123
BWB-450. These designs had wingspans from
199ft (60m) to 222ft (67.6m), although a very
large version known as the BWB-IOOO was
studied. This would have a wingspan of 262ft
6in (80m), a length of 193ft I Din (59m) and a
gross weight of 650 tons (589 metric tons).
While a fuel-efficient airliner was the original
aim of this long-term programme, it now
seems likely that BWB technology will be
applied to military designs first. Boeing is
known to have conducted extensive studies
into military adaptations of the BWB design
with proposals for a BWB tanker to meet future
USAF requirements. The BWB tanker would be
equipped with two hose/drogue refuelling sta-
tions and up to three smart booms capable of
fully automated refuelling of multiple numbers
of piloted or unmanned aircraft.
An obvious military application for the larger
BWB aircraft would be a transporter, while a
long range and the ability to loiter for lengthy
periods would make this aircraft suitable for
command control, surveillance, reconnais-
sance or maritime operations. It is also likely
that a BWB aircraft would make a suitable
platform for one or more laser weapons, either
to intercept ballistic missiles during their boost
Above right: The general layout for a three-engine,
intercontinental 529-seat airliner. One factor often
discussed with this design would be the lack of
windows, although video displays would provide
external views for passengers. NASA
Top right: Tail view of the unmanned X-48B BWB
demonstrator during its first test flight at Edwards
Top left: The Blended Wing Body X-48B
demonstrator undertakes its first test flight at
Edwards AFB on 20 July 2007. NASA
Right: One of several Boeing proposals for a BWB
tanker aircraft. This would be capable of fully
automated refuelling operations involving manned
and unmanned aircraft. Bill Rose Collection
nations X-48B being assigned to both models
in June 2005. The first X-48B was wind tunnel
tested by NASAin May 2006 and then shipped
to Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards
AFB where it would act as a backup for the
second aircraft that was scheduled to begin
Powered by three small jet engines, each
rated at 50 Ib (.22kN) thrust and having a take-
off weight of 520lb (235kg), the X-48B was
still expected to attain a maximum speed of
138mph (222kph) and achieve an altitude of
10,000ft (3,048m). Ground testing began in
late 2006 with the first flight taking place on 20
July 2007. This lasted for 31min and the air-
craft climbed to an altitude of 7,500ft
(2,286m). Trials have continued with
increased participation from the Air Force
Research Laboratory (AFRL) which recog-
nised the military potential of the BWB design
some time ago.
Boeing has developed a series of commer-
cial configurations for the BWB configuration
known as the BWB-250, BWB-350 and
have a wingspan of 249ft (75.8m) and use
three large turbofans for propulsion.
The outcome to this change in direction was
the construction of several wind tunnel mod-
els that were tested at NASA Langley and a
small-scale unmanned proof-of-concept
demonstrator that was initially designated as
the BWB-LSV (Low Speed Vehicle). Work
began on the 35ft (I 0.6m) wingspan BWB-LSV
at Langley in 2000 with the name changed to
X-48A in 2001 to reflect its experimental
nature. The X-48Awas essentially a 14 per cent
scale sized version of the BWB-450, making
extensive use of composites in its construc-
tion. Unfortunately, unforeseen problems with
the flight control system and budgetary
restraints brought the project to a halt in 2002.
Soon after this, the X-48A was scrapped.
Small wind tunnel models replaced the
demonstrator and it was planned to build two
compact unmanned prototypes with 21ft
(6.4m) wingspans. Development and con-
struction of these aircraft was undertaken by
Cranfield University in Britain with the desig-
Above right: Rear view of a Boeing Blended Wing
Body (BWB) 450-passenger subsonic transport test
model in the wind tunnel at the NASA Langley
Research Center during 2000. NASA
Right: The sleek looking sub-scale X-48B BWB
prototype is prepared for testing in the full-scale
wind tunnel at NASA Langley in May 2006. Boeing
Above: Athree-engine blended wing body test
model undergoing antenna pattern measurements
during 1998. NASA
(l2,800km). This scaled-up design would
require two layers of cylindrical pressurised
compartments, at least four engines, an
increased wingspan approaching 350ft
(106m) and an empty weight of approxi-
mately 200 tons (180 metric tons).
In 1997, McDonnell Douglas became part of
the restructured Boeing Company and it was
decided to continue with the promising BWB
programme. But there were concerns that
the project was distancing itself from any
near-term commercial applications. The
European Airbus Corporation was pushing
ahead with development of a super Jumbo jet
and as a consequence Boeing decided that
there was no immediate room in the market
for another aircraft in this class. It meant that
further development of an 800-seat passen-
ger BWB airliner was suspended with a 450-
seat aircraft using unconventional aerofoils
becoming the newprimary objective. A series
of in-house classifications were introduced
for the BWB designs with the 450-seat aircraft
becoming the BWB-450. This model would
124 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 125
Artwork depicting a twin-engine Boeing BWB
tanker design. Boeing
Atwin-engine Boeing BWB proposal, suitable for
use as a military transport aircraft. Boeing
ABWB design produced in 2005 by the Boeing
Phantom Works for a CESTOL (Cruise Efficient
Short Take-off & Landing) aircraft. This design
with the reference AB32 would use 12 embedded
ATSE (Advanced Technology Short Engines),
each providing 5,000 Ib (22.2kN) thrust. An initial
application could be a military transport aircraft.
Boeing Phantom Works
phase or for use against ground targets. Other
possibilities are a launch platform for the next
generation of high-performance cruise mis-
siles or the delivery of free fall bombs or
JDAMS. In this respect, such an aircraft could
eventually replace the B-52 bomber, perhaps
as the B-4. Sufficient clearance beneath the
aircraft might also permit the carriage of a
small orbital manned or unmanned spacecraft
for release at altitude.
The stealthiness of a BWB design remains
largely unknown or classified and while techni-
cal opinion appears divided on this issue, it has
been suggested that engines and their locations
may present problems. The BWB design has
been the subject of a long-term study at Lock-
heed-Martin, while Aerospatiale considered
the BWB for the Very Efficient Large Aircraft
(VELA) programme. In Russia, there has been a
number of state-sponsored research pro-
grammes producing concepts broadly similar
to those created in the West. It is impossible to
accurately predict the state of aviation by the
middle of this century, but it seems highly prob-
able that by then, the BWB design will have
become a familiar sight in our skies.
Oblique Flying Wings
A flying wing aircraft that could swivel about
its vertical axis during flight would theoreti-
cally provide good performance at low
speeds while also allowing high-speed or
supersonic flight when moved to an oblique
angle. Unfortunately, the engineering com-
plexity of such a design remains consider-
able, and to date there have been no practical
applications of this idea.
It's probable that Dr Richard Vogt of Blohm &
Voss made the earliest serious proposal for util-
isation of an oblique wing during World War 2.
He conceived a variable-geometry jet fighter
known as the P.202 with a wing that swivelled
around a central pivot to provide variable
sweep. Models are believed to have been wind
tunnel tested, but the concept progressed no
further. The oblique wing was also studied by
Messerschmitt at Oberammergau as part of the
P.llOl experimental fighter project, but it was
considered too radical for further develop-
ment. In the post-war years, the idea was stud-
ied over a lengthy period by the American
NACNNASA aerodynamicist Dr Robert
Thomas Jones (1910-1999) who recognised
the advantages of an oblique (or asymmetri-
cally-swept) wing aircraft. He also realised
from the outset that major design challenges
existed which might take years to resolve.
In 1958, Jones outlined his ideas for an
oblique flying wing (OFW) concept at the first
International Congress of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences held in Madrid. Attending the confer-
ence were Handley Page aerodynamicists
Lachmann and Lee who took serious notice of
Jones' ideas. As a consequence, Godfrey Lee
began work on his own OFW design study for
a 150-seat, Mach 2 airliner that he completed
in early 1961 calling it Sycamore. The aircraft
was very unusual in appearance, taking the
form of large semi-elliptical wing with an over-
all length of about 300ft (91 m). This was fitted
with a swivelling crew nacelle at the starboard
wingtip and a stabilising fin at the other.
Beneath the centre of the wing were four swiv-
elling jet engines in pods that controlled the
yaw angle from 25at lowspeeds to 72during
supersonic flight. The RAE undertook wind
tunnel tests, but Lee's Sycamore airliner was
generally considered too far ahead of its time
to be a practical proposition.
Interest in oblique wings faded until the
early 1970s, when RT. Jones re-generated
awareness with a number of supersonic
transport aircraft proposals, including a very
unusual twin fuselage concept. This led to
several short-term studies undertaken by Boe-
ing, General Dynamics and Lockheed which
tried to determine civil applications for the
OFW. At the same time NASA Ames under-
took studies into military applications of the
OFW, initially producing designs for a land-
based anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft
Similar in many ways to the earlier British Sycamore
concept, this long-range supersonic oblique wing
airliner was one of several concepts to be produced
by NASA during the early 1990s. NASA
This multiple exposure photograph of NASA's
Oblique Wing Research Aircraft made in 1976
shows the wing rotation limits to 45 degrees.
This small, unmanned research vehicle provided
invaluable data, which allowed construction of a
much larger experimental manned aircraft. NASA
NASA's Oblique AD-I (Ames-Dryden-l) research
aircraft in flight. This small single-seat jet-powered
research vehicle was built after extensive testing of
wind tunnel models and first flew on 21 December
1979 at Edwards AFB. Avery successful series of
trials followed, lasting until autumn 1982. NASA
126 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (J980-2030j 127
Northrop Switchblade: Production Version
Right: This illustration shows a proposed Northrop
Grumman oblique flying wing aircraft with the wing
swept for supersonic speed. Northrop Grumman
200ft (6Im)
2xunspecified afterbuming
turbofan engines
Mach 1.8 -2
60,000ft (I8,288m)
5,600 miles (9,000km)
Middle: Equipped with swivelling engine pods,
this Northrop Grumman proposal for a supersonic
oblique wing demonstrator shows the wing
configured for a speed of Mach 0.73 (upper
illustration) and fully swept (below) at Mach 1.2.
The design was part of a multi-million dollar study
funded by DARPA leading to the construction
of an unmanned flying prototype. However, the
programme came to an end in 2008 and at the
present time, there seems little likelihood of
further development. DARPA
Bottom: An advanced Northrop concept for an
unmanned oblique flying wing releasing a JDAM.
Details of the integral engine system have been
intentionally left unclear, but it seems likely that
the central section of the wing containing the
propulsion system would rotate within the wing.
Northrop Grumman
Calspan, Buffalo, NewYork. As the project pro-
gressed, the name Switchblade was being
loosely used for the proposed Mach 1.2
demonstrator. The wing would have a span of
56ft (17m) and the oblique sweep could be
varied from 0 to 65. Two General Electric J85-
21 afterburning turbojets would be housed in
a centrally-positioned swivelling unit, but tests
indicated that individual pods were more sat-
isfactory and the design was modified.
The undercarriage is understood to have
represented something of an engineering
challenge and finally consisted of fully
retractable main gear located between the
engines with a castoring tailwheel. A further
design for a proposed production aircraft car-
ried the engines in a central swivelling sec-
tion that was integral with the wing, but no
details of this have been released.
Areview of the OFW project was scheduled
for March 2008 and Northrop-Grumman hoped
it would lead to the construction of a demon-
strator, but within a matter of months, DARPA
had decided to conclude the programme. The
exact reasons are unclear, but it is believed
that financial restraints were responsible.
At the present time, it is hard to say if there
is a future for the manned or unmanned
oblique flying wing, but it seems probable
that the concept will reappear at some point.
Maximum speed
Range (approximately)
were not totally dissimilar to Lee's Sycamore
were completed. The aim was to produce a
480-seat supersonic airliner with a range of
6,329 miles (lO,OOOkm) for possible introduc-
tion by 2020. The estimated maximum speed
was about Mach 1.8 and the wing would have
an oblique sweep of during take-off and
landing, moving to 68 during supersonic
cruise. One of the biggest problems to emerge
during this study was undercarriage design
and airport handling, although it now seemed
that the oblique wing would be capable of
providing supersonic performance for about
the same operating costs as a conventional
long-range jet airliner.
In August 1992, the study was expanded to
include engineers from Boeing and McDon-
nell Douglas, plus a small research group
from Stanford University. This led to many
design refinements and two definitive pro-
posals known as OAW-I and DAC-1. Wind
tunnel models were tested and NASA Ames
funded the construction of two small remote
control OFW aircraft at Stanford University.
These were built by Steve Morris and flown in
1993 and 1994. However, at the end of this
programme, the representatives of Boeing
and McDonnell Douglas were both in agree-
ment that the design had no near-term com-
mercial potential and their involvement with
OFW development came to an end.
DARPA was the next US Government
agency to take an interest in the OFW and it
envisaged an unmanned vehicle, configured
for specialised reconnaissance or strike mis-
sions. Its initial specification was for a recon-
naissance aircraft with an operational radius
of 2,858 miles (4,600km) and the ability to loi-
ter for IS hours at 60,000ft (l8,288m) while
carrying a 4,0001b (I,800kg) payload. The
strike aircraft would have the same opera-
tional radius with a larger 15,000 Ib (6,800kg)
payload, a cruise speed of Mach 1.6, subsonic
loiter and a maximum speed of Mach 2.0. It
was hoped that one design could be adapted
for either role with the provisional service
entry date set at 2020.
In March 2006, DARPA awarded Northrop-
Grumman a $10.3 million contract for a two-
year design and development programme that
would result in proposals for an experimental
OFW demonstrator. DARPA hoped that this
project would lead to the construction of a
supersonic test vehicle within five years. By
autumn 2007, Northrop-Grumman had started
supersonic wind-tunnel trials of models at
A Northrop Grumman concept for an unmanned
oblique flying wing aircraft. This artwork shows
the wing configured for low subsonic speeds.
The propulsion system is contained in a single pod
below the wing. Northrop Grumman
tests with scale-sized models, and then Ames
Industrial (no connection to NASA) was con-
tracted to build a single prototype. The one-
man AD-I made its first flight on 21 December
1979 at Edwards AFB, piloted by Thomas C.
McMurtry. In total, the AD-I undertook 79
flights and the last of these took place on
7 August 1982 with McMurtry at the controls.
During testing, the wing was swept to a max-
imum of 60 with several landings made with
the wing positioned at 45. The AD-I is now
on display at the Hiller Aviation Museum in
San Carlos, California.
There were plans to follow the AD-I with a
supersonic Oblique Wing Research Aircraft
based on NASA's Digital Fly-By-Wire (DFBW)
Vought F-8 demonstrator. But it became clear
that problems would arise using the F-8
because the undercarriage would have pre-
vented landings at high angles of attack. Fur-
thermore, flight simulations indicated
unacceptable issues would arise with lateral
acceleration during pitch manoeuvres that
needed to be addressed, so it was decided not
to proceed with the construction of this air-
craft which would have been partly funded by
the US Navy. Rockwell also studied a carrier-
based fighter equipped with an oblique wing
during the 1980s. A fighter with the ability to
loiter for long periods and then intercept
enemy aircraft at supersonic speed would be
an attractive proposition and as a bonus, the
oblique wing would allow very efficient stor-
age onboard a carrier. But the US Navy was
unwilling to divert substantial funding from its
costly A-12A programme and the project was
abandoned. Jones officially retired from NASA
in 1981 and accepted a senior position at Stan-
ford University, although he continued to act
as a consultant for NASA Ames until 1997.
Despite cancellation of the oblique wing
F-8, NASAAmes continued to work on oblique
all-wing designs. In 1991, several designs that
with modest supersonic performance and
good endurance. Another proposal was an
unmanned air-combat aircraft which looked
rather like a large surfboard with a swivelling
fuselage section below the wing that carried
two external missiles. Air launched and pow-
ered by two afterburning turbojets, this UCAV
would have a maximum speed of Mach 1.6
and high manoeuvrability with an II G limit.
The folded length was about 35ft (l0.6m), so
it is conceivable that a couple of these aircraft
might have been carried beneath a B-52
bomber for defensive purposes. After firing its
missiles, the UCAV could have been flown
into the path of an enemy aircraft as the UCAV
was considered expendable once launched.
However, making such an advanced system
work with 1970s technology might have
proved rather demanding.
Further applications of the oblique wing
were an advanced tactical fighter with a fairly
conventional fuselage, an unusual strategic
missile launch aircraft and several missile
designs. Although these studies were under-
taken just to establish the limits of what might
be possible with the oblique wing, R.T. Jones
was already involved with the building and
successful testing of small radio-controlled
OFW models. It is also worth mentioning that
Teledyne-Ryan was asked to investigate the
possibility of adapting a supersonic BQM-34F
Firebee II remotely-piloted research vehicle
as an oblique wing test-bed and a model was
wind tunnel tested during the early 1970s.
That seems to have been the full extent of this
project which ended in the mid-1970s.
NASA Ames Research Center and NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center were now col-
laborating on plans for a manned aircraft and
a decision was made to proceed with a small,
low-speed jet powered prototype called the
AD-I (Ames-Dryden-!). Initially, NASA Ames
and NASA Langley conducted wind tunnel
128 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft US Manned Tailless Aircraft (1980-2030) 129
Chapter Six
Soviet Tailless Designs
BICh-14 was produced at the Menzhinsky
Factory. Most of the airframe was built from
wood or aluminium alloy and the aircraft was
covered with fabric. Powered by two M-I I
100hp (74.5kW) piston engines, the BICh-14
had a wingspan of 53ft 2in (16.2m), a wing
area of 646ft' (60m') and an overall length of
19ft 8in (6m). With the provision for five seats,
BICh-14 had a maximum take-off weight of
4,1881b (1 ,900kg), allowing a maximum
speed of 136mph (220kph) and a useful land-
ing speed of 43mph (70kph). BICh-14 new for
the first time in 1934, but it was not a success
and like the earlier Cheranovsky aircraft, it
lacked stability and suffered with various
aerodynamic shortcomings. BICh-14 contin-
ued to ny until 1937 when it was finally
In early 1935, Cheranovsky was sent to
work for Leonid. V. Kurchevsky who ran the
Special Tasks Collective. Kurchevsky had
designed a series of recoilless guns and it was
now planned to build a new fighter aircraft
that could carry two specially designed large
calibre APK cannons. Cheranovsky proposed
an improved version of the BICh-7A with the
cannons mounted in the wings. There is
some confusion about these cannons which
are usually described as being of a recoilless
design with an 80mm calibre. Research sug-
gests this weapon may have been a modified
version of the APK 76.2mm recoilless cannon
using a reloading system operated by com-
pressed air and fed from a magazine canying
5 or 6 rounds. Whatever the exact specifica-
tion, it seems this weapon was not a great
Various problems with the BlCh-7 led Cheranovsky
to extensively modify the design leading to a re-
designation of this aircraft as the BICh-7A.
Bill Rose Collection
It appears these experiments were cancelled
on the grounds of safety and BICh-11 may
have nown with a small piston engine driving
a rear mounted pusher propeller.
Work on BICh-7A was finally completed in
early 1932 and the reconfigured aircraft made
its first night soon afterwards with N.A. Blagin
undertaking all the initial tests. Despite some
problems with engine vibration, the BICh-7A
was a considerable improvement over its pre-
decessor, but the aircraft remained some-
thing of an experimental curiosity and
Cheranovsky returned to the drawing board to
continue with development of his parabolic
designs. This led to the twin engine BICh-14
which was designed as a light utility aircraft.
As another State-sponsored project, the
Ascaled-up version of the B1Ch-3, the two-man
BICh-7 powered by a IOOhp (74.5kW) Bristol
Lucifer radial engine, undertook its first flight in
1929. Bill Rose Collection
wingspan of 31ft 2in (9.5m), a wing area of
215ft' (20m'), an overall length of 11ft 6in
(3.5m) and a gross weight of approximately
5071b (230kg).
BICh-3 was mainly constructed from wood
and covered in fabric. The pilot sat in a cen-
trally-located cockpit which was faired into
the tailfin. A fixed undercarriage was used,
comprising of two forward wheels with fair-
ings and a simple tailskid. The aircraft made
its first night in February 1926, piloted by B.N.
Kudrin and there are mixed reports about
BICh-3's capabilities. BICh-3 could reach a
maximum speed of about 85mph (I36kph)
and the landing speed was an impressive
24mph (40kph), allowing touchdowns in a
remarkably short distance. It is also said that
the aircraft handled quite well, but still exhib-
ited stability problems. During the remainder
of the 1920s, Cheranovsky continued to
design unusual parabolic-shaped tailless air-
craft, including the BICh-5 twin-engine
bomber, but none progressed beyond plans
or small models.
His next full-sized experimental design to
reach construction and testing was the more
substantial two-man BICh-7 which undertook
its first night in 1929. BICh-7 had a wingspan
of 40ft (12.2m), a length of 15ft 5in (4.74m)
and a wing area of 323ft' (30m'). Power was
provided by a 100hp (74.5kW) Bristol Lucifer
three-cylinder air-cooled radial engine dri-
ving a forward mounted two-blade propeller.
BICh-7 was fitted with two tandem open
cockpits and a rather unsatisfactory under-
carriage that consisted of a central wheel and
wingtip skids. With a gross weight of about
1,9071b (865kg), this allowed a maximum
speed in the region of 100mph (160kph) and
a landing speed of 43mph (70kph). There was
no tailfin, but rudders were fitted to the
wingtips. Exactly how many test nights were
undertaken is uncertain, but it quickly
became apparent that BICh-7 was velY diffi-
cult to ny and dangerous to land, leading
Cheranovsky to extensively modify the
This resulted in the BICh-7A being fitted
with a conventional fixed-position undercar-
riage and a re-designed fully-enclosed cock-
pit that trailed into the tailfin. Cheranovsky
was nowheavily involved with other projects,
so the work progressed slowly. These other
projects included two small gliders (BICh-8
and BICh-I1) with the BICh-11 being
intend d for trials with a small rocket engine.
combat jets, these aircraft were relatively
conventional, with tailless designs progress-
ing little further than the prototype stage. Dur-
ing the decades that followed, Soviet
designers would occasionally propose tail-
less configurations, but nothing significant
was produced.
However, the Americans were making
rapid advances in stealth technology and this
encouraged the Soviets to consider newlong-
range manned and unmanned high-altitude
spyplanes and bombers, often utilising nying
wing layouts. Most details of this work remain
classified, but the main programme appears
to have been abandoned when the Soviet
economy collapsed in the early 1990s. Never-
theless, it is possible that this research
resumed, perhaps being utilised for an
unmanned high-altitude spyplane.
The first .notable tailless Russian aircraft was
designed by Boris Ivanovich Cheranovsky
(I 896-1960). He had grown up with a fascina-
tion for manned night and joined the
Zhukovsky Academy in 1922, making initial
proposals for a nying wing aircraft during the
same year.
In 1924, he completed work on two small
Single-seat parabolic-shaped gliders which
received the names BICh-1 and BICh-2.
These experimental aircraft were considered
quite avant-garde for their time, especially as
the entire trailing edge was taken up with
control surfaces. It appears that there were
handling problems with BICh-l, but BICh-2 is
said to have performed somewhat better in
night showing improved stability. The next
design, BICh-3, was based on BICh-2. The
main difference was a small 18hp (13.4kW)
Blackburn-Tomtit 698cc inverted V-twin
engine, driving a 4ft 7in (I40cm) propeller at
the front of the aircraft. Completed by Chera-
novsky by the end of 1925, BICh-3 had a
Cheranovsky's Tailless Designs
Ademonstration flight of Boris Cheranovsky's
small one-man parabola-shaped BICh-Z glider,
probably during the 1924 glider contest.
Bill Rose Collection
being develop d which had the ability to
reach North America.
During the immediate post-war period,
information gathered by Western intelligence
agencies on military developments within the
Soviet Union was extremely limited and unre-
liable. So when the CIA circulated the idea
that Russia was building a massive neet of
1,800 nying wing bombers based on Horten
designs, it was taken very seriously.
One declassified US Intelligence document
from 1949 (USAF Directorate of Intelligence
100-203-79 CY) had the following to say: 'It is
believed that Dr Boch has made available all
German plans for nying wing type aircraft to
the Soviets.' The document goes on to say:
'Among the designs considered by the Ger-
mans and possibly exploited by the USSR, are
jet-propelled, nying wing type aircraft whose
configuration would be similar to descrip-
tions of certain objects reported nying over
the US. The estimated speeds of such aircraft
are within range of the lower limits of speed
attributed to nying objects over the US. It is not
impossible that emphasis on surpassing for-
eign developments has led to unusual
progress in fuels and propulsion by the USSR.'
These concerns were totally groundless
and while wartime German know-how was
fully utilised for the first generation of Soviet
Many innovative and advanced aircraft were
designed and built within the Soviet Union.
Engineers were encouraged to experiment
with unorthodox concepts and the history of
Russian tailless aircraft design and construc-
tion stretches back to the pre-war years. Dur-
ing this time, designers such as Cheranovsky,
Kalinin and Belyaev all saw their tailless con-
cepts progress from the drawing board to
functional hardware, although none of these
aircraft reached production.
At the end of World War 2, vast amounts of
advanced German military technology were
captured by the Russians and shipped east for
evaluation and exploitation. This equipment
was accompanied by thousands of German
engineers and scientists who were interned
by the Russians and one of these prisoners
was Professor Gunter Boch (1898-1970) who
headed Germany's wartime nying wing pro-
jects. As the war progressed Germany had
given increasing priority to the development
of tailless combat aircraft, seeing various
aerodynamic and production advantages
over more conventional designs. Subs -
quently, the Russians decided to study and
capitalise on this approach, keeping Boch
and his associates in custody for many years.
Aware of this situation, the Pentagon believed
that advanced nying wing jet bombers were
130 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 131
tailfin with a rudder. A tricycle undercarriage
would support the BICh-26 on the ground.
The forward pressurised cockpit was nanked
by contoured engine intakes which supplied
air to the single Mikulin AM-5 turbojet rated at
4,4091b (44kN) static thrust. It was claimed
that this aircraft could attain a maximum
speed of Mach 1.7 at 23,000ft (7,000m) and
reach an altitude of 72,000ft (21 ,945m). This
appears to be rather wishful thinking! No
details of armaments are quoted, but can-
nons located towards the nose of the aircraft
would seem probable.
BlCh-26 was never built and it is believed to
be Cheranovsky's last major design. He is
understood to have retired soon after com-
pleting work on this proposal, suffering with
poor health. Cheranovsky died in Moscow
during 1960.
Che-24. Looking rather like the Douglas F-4D
Skyray, this design was expected to appear in
public during 1949.
An image showing a wind tunnel model
does not reveal the position of air intakes for
a jet engine. Conceivably, a prototype was
built, but there is no documentation to sup-
port this. The BICh-25 (Che-25) is understood
to have been a variable-geometry concept
and Cheranovsky followed this with a super-
sonic fighter design in 1948, bearing the ref-
erence BICh-26 (Che-26) and clearly a
development of the BICh-24. The airframe
and skin would be built almost entirely from
lightweight alloy and steel with a wingspan of
23ft (7m), a wing area of 291 ft' (27m') and a
length of 29ft 7in (9m). The gross weight was
set at 9,9211b (4,500kg) with control surfaces
on the trailing edge of the wing and a swept
Asmall wind tunnel model of the B1Ch-24 jet
fighter. Looking rather like the Douglas F-4D
Skyray, it remains uncertain if this design
progressed to the hardware stage, although the
aircraft was expected to appear in public during
1949. Bill Rose Collection
The advanced BICh-26 (Che-26) jet fighter appears
to have been based on the BICh-24 and was
expected to have a supersonic and high altitude
capability, which appears rather optimistic bearing
in mind the engine technology of that era.
Bill Rose Collection
success and there were serious problems
with the reliability of the loading system.
However, the Cheranovsky fighter was
approved for construction by mid-1935 and
assigned the reference BICh-17. The new air-
craft had a wingspan of 40ft (12.2m) and a
length of 16ft 5in (5m). Power was provided
by an M-22 engine rated at 480hp (358kW).
The airframe was mainly constructed from
wood and fitted with a fully-retractable
undercarriage. By February 1936, about 60
per cent of the BICH-l 7 had been completed
when Kurchevsky's operation was disbanded
on the direct orders of Stalin and the fighter
project was scrapped.
Boris Cheranovsky continued to design
unconventional aircraft, leading to the BICh-21.
This was an advanced, very sleek tailless
design that was built by 1940 and new for the
first time in June 1941. It was planned to enter
BiCH-21 for the AJI-Union Air Race scheduled
for August 1941, but the event was cancelled
due to the war. Little is known of Chera-
novsky's wartime activities, although a remark-
able design was unearthed by Yefim Gordon
and Bill Gunston while researching the book
Soviet X-Planes (Midland Counties, 2005).
The reference for this design is unknown,
but it dates from 1944 and shows a surpris-
ingly futuristic jet fighter, looking rather like
the cancelled A-12 Avenger II stealth attack
aircraft which was developed during the late
1980s. Cheranovsky's small, one-man fighter
was to be powered by two turbojets buried in
the wings with leading edge air intakes. It has
been suggested that the intended jet engine
may have been the Lyul'ka VRD-2 design
which was under development at the time.
Almost triangular with no upright stabiliser,
the jet fighter used two large elevons for night
control and was equipped with a tricycle
undercarriage. Two cannons were posi-
tioned on each side of the cockpit with the
barrels protruding beyond the leading edge.
No specifications for this little-known design
are thought to exist.
After World War 2 ended, Cheranovsky
continued to work on proposals for jet fight-
ers with the BICh-24, also referred to as the
40ft (12.2m)
16ft 5in (5m)
I x M22 480hp (357kW)
pi ton engine
2xAPK recoilless cannons
(probably 762mm)
23ft (7m)
291 ft' (27m')
29ft 7in (9m)
9,9211b (4,500kg)
I x Mikulin Ai\r15 turbojet
producing 4,4091b (19.6k )
static thrust
Mach 1.7 at 23,000ft (7,000m)
72,OOOft (22,OOOm) estimated
Unspecified, probably forward
fuselage mounted cannons
31 ft 2in (95m)
215ft' (20m')
II ft 6in (3.5m)
3091b (140kg)
5071b (230kg)
I xBlackburn-Tomtit 18hp
(13.4kW) piston engine
85mph (137kph) approx
24mph (40kph)
40ft (122m)
323ft' (30m')
15ft 5in (474m)
I,3821b (627kg)
1,9401b (880kg)
I x Bristol-Lucifer 100hp (74.5kW)
piston engine
102mph (165kph)
43mph (70kph)
Middle: Asmall model of the B1Ch-17 fighter,
equipped with large calibre APK recoilless
cannons. This mid-1930s project was never
completed. Bill Rose Collection
Maximum speed
Landing peed
LeFt: The tailless BlCh-17 fighter was specifically
designed to carry two large-calibre recoilless APK
cannons. Aprototype of this aircraft was about
60 per cent complete by February 1936 when the
project was scrapped on Stalin'S direct orders.
Bill Rose Collection
Wing pan
Wing area
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Wing area
Wing area
Gross weight
Maximum speed
Wing area
Empty weight
Loaded weight
Maximum speed
Landing speed
f\ , ,
, ,
u " , ,
ACheranovsky jet fighter design from World
War 2 that appears to belong to a different era.
The designation of this futuristic concept is
unknown. Bill Rose Collection
t32 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 133
The full-sized twin-engine
K-12 bomber prototype
buill at GAl State Aviation
Factory No 18 at Voronezh.
The first test flight took
place during July 1936.
Bill Rose Collection
Designed primarily for spraying
poison gas over enemy
positions, the Stahl-5 was also
capable of being used as a light
bomber and transport aircraft.
Bill Rose Collection
Putilov's Attack Aircraft
Painted in spectacular markings, the K-12
appeared at the Tushino Air Day Parade in August
1937. Bill Rose Collection
In the early 1930s, several Moscow-based
engineers and designers formed a mall
group to study steel airframes. Known as OOS
(Russian abbreviation for Experimental Aero-
plane Construction Section), the group was
headed by ergei Grigoryevich Kozlov and
Alexander Ivanovich Putilov. They began
working on a series of studies for bombers
power the K-12 with M-25 engines driving
variable pitch propellers, but these were not
available, so M-22 (licence-built Bristol
Jupiter) nine-cylinder radial piston engine
were fitted rated at 435hp (324kW) continu-
ous power, driving two-blade propellers.
Because these engines were judged to be
inad quat for the task, extensive weight-
saving alt rations were made to the under-
carriage resulting in the proposed electrically
powered retractable main wheels being fixed
in position.
As a result, the take-off weight was lowered
to 9,2591b (4,200kg) which allowed a maxi-
mum speed of 149mph (240kph), a ceiling of
23,524ft (7, 170m) and a range of 435 miles
(700km). Much of the airframe was fabri-
cated from welded Chromansil steel tubing
which was covered by fabric. Kalinin hoped
this aircraft would pave the way to an
improved all-m tal variant called the K-14
and a larger four-engine long-range tailless
bomber with the reference K-17. Kalinin had
made a number of enemies in high places
who managed to delay the K-12 project and
tried to have it scrapped. The situation finally
changed when K-12 was flown at the Augu t
1937 Tushino Air Day Parade having been
repainted in bright high-profile colours. The
aircraft made an immediate impression on
senior officials who ordered a resumption of
testing in early 1938 and requested prepara-
tion for production as a light-bomber.
Neverthel ss, Kalinin was arrested by the
secret police on trumped-up charge of spy-
ing. The 10 pre-production K-12s being
assembled were s rapped and his design
bureau was disbanded. In 1940, Kalinin was
executed on orders issued by Stalin, although
finally pardoned during the 1950s after
Stalin's death. As an aircraft, the K-12 was far
from perfect with some reports indicating
that it was often difficult to fly and suffered
with various problems associated with tail-
less designs.
Wing area
Empty weight
Loaded weight
59ft (18m)
783ft' (72.75m')
26ft 3in (8m)
6,7681b (3,070kg)
9,2591b (4,200kg)
2xM-22 (licence-built Bristol
9-cylinder radial piston engines
rated at 435hp (324kW)
Maximum peed 149mph (240kph) at 9, 40ft
eiling 23,524ft (7,170m)
Range 435 mile (700km)
Take-off run 2,297ft (700m)
Landing run 984ft (300m)
Armament (production aircraft)
2x7.62mm ShKAS machine guns in no eand in tail turrets.
I, I021b (500kg) bomb load in avertical rack
Wing pan
This photograph shows the Kalinin K-12 glider
under construction in 1934. The glider was used in
the development of the much larger K-12 tailless
bomber. Bill Rose Collection
K-12 Glider
trailing edge with wingtip stabilisers and rud-
ders. Construction was mainly from wood
with a fabric covering. It appears that suffi-
cient space existed behind the pilot to
a commodate an observer, although no
records confirm this. Following completion
of the K-12 glider in 1934, the test pilot V.O.
Borisov made more than 100 flights.
During 1935, work began on a full-sized
K-12 prototype at GAZ State Aviation Factory
No 18 at VoroneZh, with the fir t test-flight tak-
ing place in July 1936 with Borisov at the con-
trols. 46 flights were completed and the
aircraft was then flown to Moscow in Octob r
1936 for further trials that were undertak n by
the II's test pilot P. Stefanovsky. The K-12
prototype had a wingspan of 59ft (18m). a
wing area of 783ft' (72.75m') and an overall
length of 26ft 3in (8m). There was provision
for three crew members and positions for for-
ward and rear manually-operated d fen ive
machine guns, although no weapon were
installed on the prototype. It wa intended to
civil aircraft. He submitted three different pro-
po als to the NII-VSS (Scientific Test Institute)
which were a conventional monoplane, a
twin boom design and a tailless aircraft. The
tailless design was a epted on the ground
of lower drag and reduced weight with
Kalinin receiving approval to develop a proto-
type that was given the reference K-12. Ini-
tially, there were wind tunnel tests with
models and it was then decided to build a
half-sized manned glider with a wingspan of
29ft 6in (9.0m) and a length of 17ft (5.2m).
The aircraft was equipped with a fixed under-
carriage compri ing of two main wheels and
a tailskid. Slats and ailerons were fitted to the
Kalinin's Flying Wing Bomber
Konstantin Alekseyevich Kalinin (1889-1940)
was a Soviet engineer responsible for a num-
b r of interesting civil and military aircraft
de igns during the interwar period. He began
hi career in 1916 as a military pilot and fol-
lowing several years in service, he attended
the Moscow Air Force Engineering Academy.
An xceptional student, Kalinin wa put in
charge of an OKB during 1926 which was
primarily responsible for developing civil
In 1933, Kalinin produced plans for a new
bomber that might also have potential as a
: ~ ~
~ Tho ""Uo'o K-12 "'0",
~ B , I I R ~ o C o I I " , " o "
134 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 135
249ft' (23.15m')
14ft4in (4.365m)
I,3141b (596kg)
I,6841b (764kg)
I x hvet ov M-II 5-cylinder
air-cooled radial engine producing
100hp (747kW)
108mph (174kph)
53mph (85kph)
15,900ft (4,850m)
373 miles (600km)
The small experimental BOK-5
tailless aircraft was built in the
late 1930s and is said to have
performed well and impressed
the professional pilots who
flew it. Bill Rose Collection
Wing area
Empty weight
Gro weight
and BOK-5 was quipp d with a fix d under-
carriage compri ing two main wh els and a
tailskid. When completed, this compact air-
craft had an empty weight of I ,3141b (596kg).
BOK-5 was completed at the b ginning of
1937, buta number of late modifi ations were
introduced, holding up night-testing until the
Maximum speed
Landing speed
BOK (Buro a ovikh Konstruktskii) at
Smolensk was an OKB established in 1930 to
develop experimental designs and modify avi-
ation equipment for special purposes. Having
produced a small res arch aircraft called
BOK-2, the bureau was officially encouraged
to begin work on a new design for a compact
one-man Oying wing called BOK-5.
Ateam was assembled under the direction of
Vladimir Antonovich Chizhevsky and funding
for this project was made available in 1935.
De ign work started almo t immediately and
swiftly moved to the construction phase. BOK5
had a span of 32ft (9.86m) and a length of
14ft 4in (4.365m). AShvetsov M-II radial engine
was installed which produced 100hp (74.7kW)
during cruise, with slightly more available dur-
ing take off and it was coupled to a two-blade
metal propeller. The airframe was mainly built
from aluminium alloy, the wing followed the
CAHI (TsAGI) 890/15 profile and the fuselage
section was described as semi-monocoque in
design. Much of the aircraft's skin was fabric
70ft I (216m)
612.14ft' (56.87m')
_5' 42' (outer wing leading edge)
32ft (978m)
13,2361b (6,004kg)
23,2581b (10,672kg)
2xMikulin (Tumansky) M-87B
upercharged 14-cylinder radial
engines, each producing 950hp
245mph at sea level, 303mph
(488kph) at 17,057ft (5, 100m)
90mph (l45kph)
93mph (l50kph)
27, 90ft (8,500m)
I, 00 miles (2,900km), reduced to
789 miles (1,269km) fully laden
6xdefensive 7.62mm machine
guns. 4,409lb (2,000kg) of bomb
Takeoff speed
Landing speed
Wing pan
Wing area
Wing weep
Empty weight
Gross weight
During fast taxiing trials of the DB-LK in early 1940,
Chief Engineer A. I. Filin ran over a tree stump
buried by snow on the edge of an airfield.
The aircraft was quite badly damaged, but was
repaired and testing resumed. Bill Ro e Collection
Maximum speed
conceivable that the DB-LK might have been
adapted to the reconnaissance role.
The ll-WS was now given the task of pre-
liminary testing, but there were various diffi-
culties encountered during taxiing trials and
finally a bad accident when Chief Engineer A.
I. Filin hit a tree stump on the edge of the air-
field that was buried by snow. This removed
most of the port undercarriage and damag d
the propellers beyond repair, although the
aircraft itself was repaired and underwent
various additional modifications. Testing
resumed in 1940 with the DB-LK taking to the
air. It is said to have performed well and as a
consequence, the aircraft was Oown above
Red Square during the 1940 May Day Parade.
But there was considerable resistance to
the unorthodox design and a number of seri-
ous problems began to surface during the
continuing trials, such as the rear gun posi-
tions being too close to each other. More wor-
rying, were health issues ca'ised by engine
exhaust fumes entering the fuselage and
apparently, there was no imple solution to
this. Test pilots and engineers also com-
plained about poor forward visibility from the
cockpits. B Iyaev was now working on a
revised design powered by two I, 700hp
(1,267kW) M-71 piston engines, but the pro-
ject met with cancellation in late 1940.
the empha is shifting towards a military role.
Belyaev now regarded his concept as a Oying
wing, although in the strictest sense it wasn't
thi , or even a tailless aircraft. In early 1938,
Belyaev submitted plans for his bomber to
TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute-
Russia's equivalent to ACNNASA) at
Zhukovsky, Mo cow. The aircraft was now
called the DB-LK (meaning long-range Oying
wing bomber in Russian) and it won favour
with senior officials who informally approved
the ass mbly of a mock-up and construction
of a prototype.
The DB-LK project was assigned the rather
non-descript reference 'Order 350' and it was
officially approved in Defence ommittee
Decree No 248. A wooden mock-up was
completed in the same year at Belyaev's KB-4
Design Bureau in Moscow (Aircraft Factory
156) and the prototype was authorised,
reaching completion in September 1939. The
circular fuselage sections and wing were
mainly onstructed from aluminium alloy,
with fabric covering some external areas. The
pilot Oew the aircraft from a cockpit in the left
fuselage section, which also accommodated
a rear-facing gunner. The right fuselage sec-
tion carried the navigator in a forward-facing
cockpit and a rear-facing radio operator who
acted as another gunner.
Each fuselage section housed a forward
po itioned Mikulin KB (later Tumansky)
M-87B supercharged 14-cylinder radial
engine (based on a Gnome Rhon design)
providing 950hp (708kW) and driving a
VISh-23D three-blade 10ft lOin (3.3m) pro-
peller. The DB-LK had a wingspan of 70ft
I (21.6m), an overall length of 32ft
(9.78m) and a height of II ft 11 in (3.65m).
Flaps and ailerons were fitted to the wings
and there was a central tailfin with a rudder
and a tailplane linked to the ailerons.
The aircraft was equipped with retractable
main wheels in each fuselage section and a
single tail wheel. At the rear of each fuselage
section was a completely glazed tail cone
with a position for a single ShKAS 7.62mm
machin gun. The second crew member in
each fuselage section would operate this
weapon when neces ary and an additional
rear firing machine gun was propos d for
each wing's inner trailing edge. In addition to
the four rearward firing weapons, two ShKAS
7.62mm machine guns controlled by the pilot
wer positioned between the propellers in
the central wing section. There would be
4,500 rounds available for all six guns. A bomb
bay was located behind each wheel housing
and the possibility of carrying additional
bombs under the centre section (or perhaps
extra fuel tanks) was considered. It is also
The unusual-looking DB-LK
prototype flying wing bomber
which was completed at the
Aircraft Factory 156 in Moscow
during September 1939.
Bill Rose olleclion
Victor Nikolaevich Belyaev (1896-1958) was a
talented Rus ian aviation designer who
evolved id as for a bat-wing aircraft during
the 1920s and early 1930s. He believed that a
Oying wing designed with a small degree of
forward sweep and a slightly curved back
would help to overcome longitudinal stability
problems and provide a notic able reduction
of induced drag.
In 1933, some of Belyaev's theoretical work
was proven with trials of his BP-2 glider which
was towed from th Crimean re ort of Kok-
tebel (much favoured for early glider trials) to
Mo cow. The following year, he entered the
Avianito Competition for a new transport air-
craft submitting plans for an unusual twin-
fuselage aircraft capable of carrying 10
passengers. The entry was unsuccessful, but
Belyaev progre sively refined his design with
Oaps and a central aileron, plus two substan-
tial stabilising fins with rudders that extended
behind the trailing edge. In 1934, an experi-
mental wing spar was completed and used
for static testing, while a small proof-of-con-
cept Stahl-5 demonstrator was buill and
Oovvn in 1935. Thi small tailless aircraft had a
span of 19ft 7in (6m) and was powered by
two nine-cylinder Salmson 9ADB radial
engines, each producing 45hp (33.5kW). It is
not clear if this was an unmanned vehicle or
Oown by a pilot, but it proved extremely diffi-
cult to control and the idea of building a full-
sized prototype was finally dropped.
Belyaev's Db-LK
75ft5in (23m)
I,292ft' (120m')
41ft (125m)
12, 1251b (5,500kg)
17,640Ib (8,OOOkg)
2xM34F V-12 water-cooled
engines, each rated at 750hp
nspecified bomb load. Could
carry tanks holding chemical
agents for disper al during night.
Maximum speed
Putilov Stahl-5
I (\

Wing pan
Wing area
Empty weight
Gro weight
and transport aircraft which all rec ived the
reference Stahl (Steel).
The most promising design was the Stahl-5,
complet d in 1933. Stahl-5 was a tailless,
transport aircraft or light bomber, also capa-
ble of praying poison gas. This was a twin-
engine aircraft with a thick central wing
ection and a Oush cockpit canopy positioned
at the leading edge. The wingspan was to be
75ft 5in (23m) with a wing area of 1,292ft'
(120m') and an overall length of 41 ft (l2.5m).
A retractable undercarriage would be fitted
and propulsion took the form of two M-34F
V-12 water-cooled engines, ea h rated at
750hp (559kW) driving three-blade, forward-
mounted propellers. The airframe would be
buill almost entirely from Enerzh-6 stainless
steel, with a Bakelite bonded veneer us d to
cover the entral section and fabric in other
part . The wing was equipped with slotted
136 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 137
35ft 5in (10.8m)
30ft (9.3m)
34ft 9 ~ i n (10.6m)
34ft (10.64m)
I xKlimov RD45 turbojet
(unauthorised Rolls-Royce ene
copies), produced about 5,000 Ib
(22.24kN) of static thrust
2x23mm VolkovYartsev VYa23
t 2x20mm Berezin B20 cannons
Wingspan (1947)
Wingspan (J 948)
Length (1947)
Length (1948)
Empty/gross weight
Antonov 'M' Masha
Antonov's fighters w re soon ompletely
forgotten about.
Maximum speed
(both versions)
Top right: These drawings show the initial layout
for the Antonov 'Masha' jet fighter (left) and the
final configuration (right). Bill Rose Collection
Bollom right: An original Soviet drawing showing
the underside of the Antonov 'Masha' jet fighter.
Bill Rose Collection
Bollom left: An illustration of the Antonov E-153
glider, built and test flown during the unsuccessful
Antonov 'Masha' jet fighter project of the late
1940s. Bill Rose Collection
Top left: This artwork shows an early configuration
for the proposed twinengine Antonov 'Masha'
jet fighter. Bill Rose Collection
in any surviving Russian documentation.
The next stage in development of the revised
Masha was wind tunnel testing at TsAGI and
once this was successfully concluded, the con-
struction of a full-sized mock-up that could also
be flown as a glider was approved.
Given the reference E-153, the mock-up
was built mainly from wood and equipped
with jettisonable wheels for take-off and a
skid for landing. Having been shown to offi-
cials in spring 1948, it was then prepared for
trials as a towed glider. Test pilot Mark L. Gal-
lai was ready to undertake the first flight of
E-153 in July 1948, but the fighter project was
unexpectedly cancelled. It is believed that a
jet-powered prototype of the 'M' had now
reached an advanced stage of construction,
but this remains unclear.
Apparently, it was decided at a high-level
that the La-15, MiG-15 and Yak-23 were suffi-
cient for the country's immediate needs and
any new combat aircraft would have to show
a significant improvement over these
designs. Subsequently, the Masha and a num-
ber of other programmes were terminated.
Antonov is known to have been disappointed
by this decision and considered the Masha
well suited to future upgrades such as
improved engines and radar equipment. In
1953, he designed another flying wing fighter
powered by AL-7F turbojets, but this never
progressed beyond the concept stage and
highly classified, like every other Soviet mili-
tary programme undertaken during the Cold
War era. The design was somewhat unusual
in appearance, using two upright wing-
mounted stabilisers with rudder and forward
swept wingtip ailerons. A fully-retractable tri-
cycle undercarriage was fitted with intakes for
the engines on each side of the cockpit. Pro-
posed armament was four cannons located in
the nose and below the cockpit.
In late 1947, Project M was officially halted
and Antonov received instructions to redesign
the aircraft so it would accept the new RD-45
engine. The RD-45 was superior in all respects
to the earlier engines, although it was a cen-
trifugal design with a larger diameter, so the
aircraft required extensive revision apart from
the forward section. This resulted in a broader
fuselage with engine intakes at the leading
edge of the wing roots. Two upright stabilising
fins with rudders were fitted, but the outer
section of the wing was now rounded with
control surfaces on the trailing edge of the
wing. The wingspan was reduced to just over
30ft (9.1 m) and the length was almost the
same as the earlier design at 34ft 10%in
(l 0.64m). Armament also remained the same
as the 1947 version, along the undercarriage
gear, although the rear wheels were posi-
tioned slightly differently. It is assumed that
the cockpit was pressurised and an ejector
seat was fitted although this is not mentioned
6070ft (18-2Im) estimate
40-45ft (1213m) estimate
2xKlimov RD-45 turbojets
(unauthorised Rolls-Royce ene
copies), each produced about
5,000 Ib (2224kN) of static thrust
t500mph (t800kph) estimate
40,000ft (12, 192m) estimate
4,4091b (2,000kg) bomb load.
2x 7.62mm machine guns in tail
Wing pan
Gross weight
The name Oleg Constantinovich Antonov
(1906-1984) is generally associated with
transport aircraft and not fighters, although
during World War 2, Antonov was Yakovlev's
deputy and made numerous contributions to
the eVOlution of Yak fighters.
On 6 March 1946, Antonov took control of
his own OKB (153) at ovosibirsk for the
development of civil aircraft, but towards the
end of the year, there was insufficient work
for his design team, so Antonov began to con-
sider the possibility of building a new jet
fighter. He had been impressed by the Ger-
man Heinkel He 162A Salamander, praising
the designer's straightforward, cost-effective
approach. This led Antonov to produce the
basic outline for a fighter that would be pow-
ered by a single RD-l 0 turbojet (Soviet copy of
the Junkers Jumo 004B) mounted in a dorsal
position. He regarded this as a good configu-
ration that avoided the ingestion of debris
when op rating from poor sites. But Antonov
is known to have expressed concerns about
the quality of Russian engines which were no
more reliable than the German originals and
also lacked power. In early 1947, he received
official approval for the project and tests were
soon underway with wind tunnel models. By
April, Antonov had been instructed to halt the
programme and begin work on a flying wing
design powered by two RD-l 0 turbojets.
Antonov now created the outline of an
entirely new aircraft which was given the
name Masha, usually abbreviated to 'M'. Chief
designers for this new project weI' A.A. Batu-
mov and VA Dominikoviskiy, with I.I. Yego-
rychev being assigned responsibility for
tooling and construction. Work continued
throughout 1947 on the fighter, which was
Antonov M(Masha) Jet Fighter
Maximum peed
the RK I was formally cancelled in 1948. Soon
afler this, Chetverikov's OKB was shut down
and he accepted a teaching post in Leningrad.
, ,
\ ....,1
type completed before the end of 1948.
Details of this project have proved difficult
to locate, but available documents show that
the RK-I would have been flown by a crew of
three and carried a maximum bomb load of
4,4091b (2,000kg) in a centrally-located bay. It
was also intended to position two manually-
operated 7.62mm machine guns in the air-
craft's tail for defensive purposes. Propulsion
would b provided by two Klimov RD-45 tur-
bojets, each producing about 5,0001b
(22.24k ) of static thrust. These were
reverse-engineered copies of the Rolls-Royce
Nene centrifugal engine manufactured in
Russia without UK approval.
Dimensions of the RK-l are not available,
but comparisons with the British twin-engine
Canberra bomber (initially tested with the
Nene engines before adoption of the Avon)
and the Ilyushin 11-28 allow for some very
rough estimates. Wingspan of the proposed
RKI was about 60-70ft (18-21 m), suggesting
an overall length of approximately 40-45ft (12-
13m). It is also fair to assume that the design-
ers were aiming at a maximum speed of at
least 500mph (800kph), but these figures are
little more than guesses. A fin and rudder
would be mounted at each wingtip and con-
trol surfaces were positioned along the trailing
edge of each wing. Lightweight alloy would
be used for most of the airframe and the air-
craft was equipped with a fully-retractable tri-
cycle undercarriage. The forward-positioned,
fully-pressurised cockpit would have pro-
vided good visibility and this part of the design
seems to have been adopted from the
wartime Arado Blitz jet bomber.
It is not clear how far the RKI project pro-
gressed. Wind tunnel models were tested and
a mock-up is believed to have been built, but
A tailless twin-jet engine light bomber
developed by Igor Chelverikov's Design Bureau
during the late 1940s. The project received the
reference RK-I but never progressed far
beyond the drawing board. Bill Rose Collection
autumn. Test pilot I.F. Petrov was at th con-
trols for the first flight, although he made a
hard landing on his return and BOK-5 was
damaged. Repairs and further modifications
lasted for the remainder of the year and the
BOK-5's handling characteristics were con-
siderably improved. One of th se changes
may have been to the three control surfaces
on each wing. In mid-1938, testing was under-
taken by pilots from Il-WS, one of whom,
P.M. Stefanovkii, is said to have remarked that
BOK-5 was very easy to fly. There were sug-
gestions that experience gained from the
BOK-5 could be used to build a n w long-
range tailless bomber and a prototype was
provisionally pencilled in as BOK-6. But the
proposal went no further and in 1940, BOK
was absorbed by the Sukhoi OKB.
Russia's First Flying Wing
Jet Bomber Proposal
Igor Vyacheslavovich Chetverikov (1909-1987)
was officially requested to commence design
work on a jet-powered, twin-engine light
bomber in May 1947. His design bureau nor-
mally specialised in flying boats and it is unclear
why the Chetverikov OKBwas chosen to under-
take this project. It has been suggested that the
bureau was short of work and Chetverikov had
been allocated several German engineers with
knowledge of Arado jet aircraft, but this expla-
nation may be speculative.
Work on an engineering study of the pro-
posed bomber was soon underway with a tail-
less, swept wing considered the best option.
The aircraft was assigned the codename RK-I
and it was agreed that a mock-up would be
completed by the following year and a proto-
138 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 139
Th 0 B-LK advanced supersonic
nytng \ Ing 011 ept developed
durlllg lh lale 1950s, but never
buill. Bill R 011 ction
eight hours. Designed with a protruding nose
section, presumably housing optical sensors,
this aircraft had a huge, although currently
undisclosed, wingspan and was fitted with
two upright inward angled tailfins with rud-
ders. Intakes for the four jet engines are care-
fully positioned above the centre of the wing
and just like the letterbox exhaust ports they
were designed with stealth in mind. A tricycle
undercarriage was planned, but drawings do
not indicate outrigger wheels that would
appear necessary due to the substantial
wingspan. Because an aircraft of this nature
would be a high-priority target in any surprise
attack, considerable attention was paid to
reducing the radar cross-section (RCS) and
the M-67LK would probably use radar-
absorbing materials (RAM) in many areas of
its construction.
M-67LK would loiter at altitudes of 66,000-
70,000ft (20,000-21 ,300m) for lengthy periods
without detection, providing advanced warn-
Conceived during a highly-classified
Myasishchev spyplane programme
known as M-67, this large high-
altitude stealthy aircraft was expected
to remain on station for periods
lasting up to eight hours. It would be
manned by 10-15 personnel.
Bill Rose Collection
found themselves under considerable pres-
sure to improve their intelligence gathering
abilities and upgrade early warning systems.
One result was a proposal to develop
specialised high-altitude aircraft equipped
with state-of-the-art passive infrared sensors
capable of detecting missile launches and
new stealthy high-altitude manned and
unmanned spyplanes. This project is thought
to have started in 1984 with Myasishchev
receiving an urgent request from the Ministry
of Defence to initiate a study which was given
the reference M-67.
New types of aircraft considered during this
programme were high-altitude manned ny-
ing wings and various highly sophisticated
long-range unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). Many aspects of the M-67 project
remain secret, but the leading manned
design was a large four-engine nying wing
called the M-67LK (Cruiser) that was capable
of accommodating a crew of 10 to 15 for up to
carrying bombs or air-to-surface missiles.
Propulsion would be provided by two sets of
three TRDF-VK-15M turbojet engines produc-
ing a total thrust of 34,8301b (155kN). Thi
would allow the aircraft to cruise at Mach 2.8
while sustaining a maximum altitude of
114,829ft (35,000m) and the range would be
at least 10,000 miles (16,000km). Mya-
sishchev was interesting in fully developing
this concept, but there was insufficient fund-
ing available to make it a reality due to strate-
gic missiles and the space programme being
given priority.
The DSB-LK project was formally concluded
in 1960, with research documentation being
provided to the Myasishchev, Sukhoi and
Tupolev design bureaus. Some of this data is
said to have been used in the development of
future military aircraft such as the advanced
Mach 3.5 variable-geometry delta-winged
Sukhoi T-4MS (200) that was designed in the
early 1970s but never built and the later
Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack supersonic bomber,
which remains in Russian Air Force service.
There is little doubt that Soviet engineers
could have built the DBS-LK during the early
1960s given sufficient funciing, but whether
this aircraft would have met the intended
requirements is questionable.
Late Cold War High-Altitude
East-West relations had reached a velY low
point when NATO Exercise 'Able Archer 83'
began on 2 November 1983. This simulated a
major clash with Soviet forces in Europe and
while it took place, NATO forces maintained
radio silence and only used highly-encrypted
communication links. The exercise culmi-
nated with a DEFCON 1 alert and the authori-
sation to use battlefield nuclear weapons. In
the lead-up to this exercise, concerns began to
develop within the Kremlin that the US
planned to use 'Able Archer 83' as cover for a
pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia. Con-
sequently, a decision was taken at the highest
level to secretly bring Soviet nuclear forces to
full readiness. Tension continued to mount
until the exercise concluded on 11 November
1983 and Russia's strategic forces were
returned to stand-by. Little was disclosed to the
public about this crisis during the remainder of
the century and some details remain classified.
However, many historians believe it was the
closest mankind has come to nuclear war
since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
'Able Archer 83' was clearly a major wake-
up call for the Soviet armed forces which
123ft 4in (37.6m)
Cranked delta wing, swept 72'
(approx) inboard and 42'
170ft 7in (52m)
195,1091b (88.5 metric Ions)
660,000 Ib (299 metric Ions)
6xTRDF-VK-15M turbojets,
generating atotal of 34,830 Ib
(I 55kN) of thrust
Mach 2.8+
114,829ft (35,000m)
10,439 miles (16,800km)
Four airto-air missiles and two
Up 10 11,0231b (15 metric tons) of
free fall conventional and nuclear
weapons, or air-to-surface missiles
DSB-LK Strategic Flying Wing Bomber
Wing pan
Armament (offensive)
Empty weight
Max take-off weight
Armament (defensive)
1,102,290Ib (500 metric tons). The DSB-LK
would be powered by a number of advanced
turbojets or turbo ramjet engines and the air-
craft would carry a 33,0691b (I5,000kg)
nuclear or conventional payload. By
mid-1958, the design had been extensively
revised. It would be powered by a combina-
tion of 6-1 0 turbojets and ramjets and the air-
frame would be mainly built from titanium
alloy. The maximum take-off weight would
be 660,0001b (299 metric tons), allowing a
maximum speed of Mach 4.4 and a ceiling of
114,829ft (35,000m). lt was also planned to
equip the DSB-LK with defensive weapons
that included four internally carried air-to-air
missiles with a range of6.3 miles (10km) and
two cannons. In addition, there would be
electronic countermeasures and the Rubin-l
radar system that was in development at that
time. lt remains unclear why some of th
defensive features were considered neces-
sary, especially the cannons.
lt was now agreed that this aircraft was fea-
sible using prevailing or near-term technol-
ogy and it would be possible to build a
prototype. Revisions continued into 1959 and
the DSB-LK was beginning to take shape as a
viable design. The aircraft would be nown by
a crew of three - the pilot, co-pilot and a nav-
igator/electronics operative. DSB-LK nowhad
a wingspan of 123ft 4in (37.6m) and an over-
all length of 170ft 7in (52m). The cranked
wing would have an initial sweep of about 72
and a secondary sweep of 42. Two large
upright swept fins with rudders were located
above the engine bays and ailerons were
located on the wing's outer trailing edges.
A multi-wheeled bicycle undercarriage was
planned and the aircraft would be capable of
Although relatively little is
known about this four-engine
flying wing bomber at present,
the Ilyushin II-52 was probably
designed to be comparable to
the US 6-47. Bill Rose Collection
"" I'll
DSB-LK Strategic Flying Wing
In 1957, a project was initiated at the Soviet
Mozhaisky Air Force Engineering Academy to
produce concepts for an advanced long-
range supersonic nying wing bomber. The
name of this aircraft was DSB-LK (Dalniy
Strategicheskiy Bombardirovshchik
Letayushcheye Krylo - Long Range Strategic
Bomber - Flying Wing) and heading the pro-
ject were the designers Alexander Moskalyov
and A. Smirnov. While it might be argued that
the DSB-LK is neither a true nying wing or tail-
less aircraft, it is sufficiently interesting to war-
rant inclusion in this chapter.
The idea was to develop an operational air-
craft as opposed to an experimental proto-
type and the specifications were very
demanding. This was a significant project
and it involved several other academies, a
number of TsAGI departments and the Mya-
sishchev OKB-23 design bureau. umerous
concepts were studied with the aim of pro-
ducing a supersonic bomber with interconti-
nental range that would out-perform all
existing Western fighters and ny above the
reach of surface-to-air missiles. Initial specifi-
cations for the DSB-LK were a requirement to
cruise at a speed of Mach 2 and perhap have
a maximum speed of Mach 4 while operating
at an altitude of about 114,829ft (35,000m).
Estimates for take-off weight were
Ilyushin II-52 Flying Wing Bomber
This interesting design dates from the early
1950s, although relatively little is known
about it at present. It was a four-engine long-
range jet bomber concept, probably intended
to match the capability of a Western aircraft
like the Boeing B-47. It would be designed to
carrying conventional bombs, probably an
early Soviet atomic weapon, or undertake
reconnaissance operations. The bomb bay
was located at the centre of the aircraft.
The II-52 would be supported on the
ground by a fully-retractable twin-wheel bicy-
cle undercarriage with two outrigger wheels.
The proposed wingspan was substantial and
lengthy ailerons were proposed, although it
has not been possible to find details of any
dimensions. Two upright stabilising fins with
rudders were located towards the wingtips
and underwing pods close to these accom-
modate the outrigger wheels and might also
contain extra fu I. One interesting feature
was the remote-control cannons located in
pods at the centre of each main wing section
to defend the rear. Propulsion would be pro-
vided by four turbojet engines located in a
cluster towards the tail, with air intakes on
each side of the fuselage just behind the
cockpit. The type of engin considered for
this concept is unknown. Nothing came of
the II-52 and it is probable that this design pro-
gressed little further than the drawing board.
140 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Soviet Tailless Designs 141
Propul ion of ir raft project
ational G Turbin Establishment
NM Nautical Mile (I M =1.15mile)
Nurflugel German term for wing nlyaircraft
OKB Opytnoe Konstruktor ko Byuro-
Soviet Experimental 0 ign Bur au
Oberkommando d r Luftwaff
(Luftwaffe High Command)
Payload Normally cargo or equipment, but can
refer to military ordnance
Royal Aircraft Establishment
Reichsluftfahrtsministerium (wartime
German Air Ministry)
Royal Observer Corps
Rh6n-Rossitten Gesellschaft - early
German gliding society. In 1933, RRG
became the DFS
ALT I Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 1
SBAC Society of British Aircraft Constructors
enior Citizen Codename for classified US
stealth transport aircraft
SNCASE Societe Nationale de Constructions
Aeronautiques du Sud-est. France
Stealth Low-visibility technologies
STOL Short Take-orf and Landing
Technische Luftriistung German wartime
Technical Air Armaments Office
TFW Tactical Fighter Wing
Tons/tonnes Throughout this book the value
for 'ton' equates to an American short
ton, which equals 2,000 lb. The metric
tonne is I ,000kg, and the conversion
factor is 0.9072
TsAGl Tsentrahl'nyy Aero-i
Chidrodinameeches!?iy Institoot (Central
State Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic
Institute), Zhukovsky
UCAV Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USAF United States Air Force
Volksjager German wartime People's Jet
VTO Vertical Take-Off
VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing
Walter Rll-203b rocket engine fuel
T Stofr: Concentrated hydrogen peroxide
ZStoff: Calcium permanganate liquid catalyst
CStoff: Methyl alcohol, hydrazine hydrate and
water mixture catalyst (replaced ZStoff)
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
ir-lo- ir Missile
mm lri ,Load-Balanced Exhaust
dv n dT
Air F r B
Airb rn Frs 'p rirnental
E tabli hm nt, h rburn-in-Elrnet,
York hir
1950 SAF Air raft
BAC British Air raft orp
BAT Baynes Aerial Tank
Black Projects Highly- la sifi d, r lIy-
funded prograrnmes u ually involving
the development of new military
systems. These can r main hidd n f r
years, perhaps decades, om time
progres ing no further than studi .
Boundary Layer Control, a m thod of
drag reduction
Boundary Layer Theory
US avy's Bureau of Aeronautics
Blended Wing Body aircraft design
Bureau Technique Zborowski.
An aircraft design organisation,
operating in post-war France and
headed by Dr H Imut Zborowski
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
DARPA US Defen e Advanced Research
Projects Agency
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur
Segelflug - German Research Institute
for Soaring Flight
US Department of Defense
US WW2 prefix for Foreign Equipment
serial number
KTS Knots (I knot = 1.5mph)
Laser Light amplification by stimulated
emission of radiation - monochromatic
visiblejinvisibl light
Luftwaffe German Air Force
MoA UK MinistlY of Aviation, 1959-1967
MoD UK MinistlY of Defence, 1964-Present
UK Ministry of Supply, 1939-1959
National Advisory Committee for
ational Aeronautics & Space
NEPA US post-war uclear Energy for the
tude reconnaissance aircraft using passive
sensors and linking to a ground station via a
secure orbital relay platform. There is also the
possibility that the M-67LK-M was derived
from a Myasishchev study to match America's
B-2A stealth bomber.
Other proposals for M-67 include a fairly
conventional looking manned aircraft with a
long, straight wing and what appear to be tan-
dem cockpits. Powered by two jet engines, it
would carry a large sensor pod above the cen-
tre of the wing. This design may be known as
the M-67VDS. Two unmanned high-altitude
proposals include a single-engine swept-wing
aircraft referred to as the M-67 Boomerang
carrying side-looking optical equipment in the
nose. This UAV could be quite substantial in
size and utilises a tricycle undercarriage. The
wing has a similar profile to the manned
M-67LK-M and in addition to elevons there are
small wingtip fins that may be rudders.
A second long wing UAV would perform
the same role as the Boomerang, but appears
to have been designed from the outset to
have a very low radar cross section. Desig-
nated as the M-67BVS-LK, this aircraft has a
smoothly contoured rounded and flattened
nose leading directly to the wings. Above this,
is an upper fuselage section containing for-
ward-positioned windows for side-looking
optical equipment. A single jet engine con-
tained in the rear of the fuselage draws air
from two rectangular air intakes just behind
the sensor windows and the exhaust outlet is
hidden by two inward-leaning fins with rud-
ders. Control surfaces are located on the
outer trailing edges of the wing and the air-
craft is supported on the ground by a fully
retractable tricycle undercarriage. Nothing
else is currently known about this fascinating
programme, which presumably ended with
the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.
Above: This M-67 Myasishchev design (thought to
be M-67LK-M) from the 1980s bears a degree of
resemblance to some proposals for America's ATB
(eventually the Northrop B-2A). The design is
clearly stealthy, having carefully-configured engine
intakes and exhaust ports and most of the exterior
would be covered in RAM (Radar Absorbing
Material). The primary purpose of this aircraft
would be to look for unannounced missile
launches using state-of-the-art, passive infra-red
sensors. However, it seems likely that Myasishchev
also considered this design as a reconnaissance
aircraft or bomber. Bill Rose Collection
Left: This unmanned proposal for the M-67 project
is believed to have been assigned the reference
M-67BVS-LK. It would loiter unobserved at very
high altitudes for extended periods of time, using
passive optical equipment to look for signs of
NATO missile launches and provide advanced
warning of a pre-emptive attack. Bill Rose Collection
no vertical control surfaces. The leading edge
sweep is about 36 and the extended wing
section had a constant chord with flaps and
elevons. Four jet engines power the M-67LK-
M and there are stealthy dorsal air intakes
behind the cockpit area and carefully
designed rectangular exhaust ports.
Dimensions, weights and performance of
this aircraft are unknown, although it would
employ a multi-wheeled tricycle undercar-
riage. On the upper rear of the fuselage is a
substantial teardrop-shaped pod for unspeci-
fied purposes, perhaps containing optical
sensors, although the exact role of this aircraft
is unclear. It may have been intended to
undertake the same missions as the previ-
ously described M-67LK Cruiser, or it may
have been proposed as a stealthy high-alti-
~ ! I
ing of missile launches at times of heightened
tension. Equipment carried by the aircraft
would have been designed to recognise
launches of theatre ballistic missiles such as
the newly-introduced super-accurate US Per-
shing II stationed in West Germany. An ability
to detect and track long-range strategic
nuclear missiles would also appear to be part
of the M-67 project and this aircraft may have
been considered for the role.
A second very different Myasishchev
manned aircraft bears some resemblance to
early proposals for America's ATB (eventually
the Northrop B-2A) and also suggests a good
awareness of US military developments. The
designation of this concept appears to be
M-67LK-M and very little is currently known
about it. The design is a pure flying wing with
= = = = = = = = = = = : : : : ( ~ C : : : I ===========
142 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft 143
AD-I NASA Oblique Aircraft /27-/28
Aerojet XCAL-2oo Rocket Engine 9/
Aerojel Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine 89, 90
Airborne Forces E.xperimental Establishment
(AFEE) /2
Alan Muntz ompany /2
Allison J3S-AI5 Turbojet 79
Allison V-3420 Engine 75
Allison XT40 Turboprop Engines 84
Amerika Bomber 5/,53
Andrews AFB 8/
ANI': USAF uclear Propulsion Programme
Antonov M (Masha) Jet Fighter /38-/39
Arado Ar I 36-37, 98
Arado E.555-1 to E.555-15 35-36
Arado E.58 1-4/5 36
Armstrong Whitworth AW.50 /6-/9
Armstrong Whitwortll AW.52 /9-20,3/
Armstrong Whitworth AW.52G /7-/9
Armstrong Whitworth AW.56/9-2/, 26
Armstrong Whitworth AW.1712/
Armstrong Whitworth MkVII Light Tank
Tetrarch /2, /3
Arnoux, Rene 6, 7
ATA: Advanced Tactical Aircraft (A-12A
Avenger) /06-/08, /2/, /28
ATB: Advanced Technology Bomber ///-//2,
Avro Vulcan 7, 8, 2/, 26-27, 83
B-2A Northrop-Grumman Spirit 8, //2-//9
B-3 ext Generation Bomber /2/-/22
BAT: Baynes Aerial Tank /2-/3
Baynes, Leslie Everett (1902-1989) 1/-/3
Belyaev, Victor Nikolaevich (1896-1958) /30,
Bishop, Ronald 2/
Blohm und Voss Ae 60739
Blohm und Voss BV 1'.20837
Blohm und Voss 1'.210-01 BV37-38
Blohm und Voss 1'.212 BV38-39,4/
Blohm und Voss 1'.215 BV39
Blohm und Voss 1'.21739
Blohm und Voss Shipbuilding Company 37
BMW Strahlbomber II 40
Boeing B-IR /22
Boeing F/A XX /23
Boeing Model 306 Bomber 70
Boeing Model 306 Flying Boat 7/
Boeing Model306A Airliner 7/
Boeing Model306B Fighter (Single Engine) 7/
Boeing Model 306C Fighter erwin Engine) 71
Boeing XB-15 70
Boeing X-45 Programme /22
BOK (Buro Osovikh Konstruktskii) 5 /37-138
Bouncing Bomb Project (UK) /3, 27
Brandis Airfield 45, 49, 58-59
Bristol Cherub Engine 10
Brown, Captain Eric Melrose 'Winkle' /3, /5,
Burnelli, Vincent (1895-1964) 7,75,87, /23
Burnelli Flying Wings 75
Butler, James William 6
BWB: BI nded Wing Body Aircraft /23-/26
Carden, Sir John //
Carden-Baynes Aircraft 1/
Cardenas, Major Robert 8/
Cayley, Sir George (1773-1857) 6
Chadwick, Roy(1 93-1947)26-27
Chance Vought Aircraft at Stratford,
Connecticut 98
hance Vought XF7UI Cutlass 98-99
Cheranovsky, Boris Ivanovich (1896-1960)
Cheranovsky Advanced Jet Fighter /32, /33
Cheranovsky BICh-2 /30
Cheranovsky BICh-7 /3/
Cheranovsky BICh-14 /3/
Cheranovsky BICh-24 /33
Cheranovsky BICh-26 /33
Chetverikov RK-I /38
hillese Embassy (Belgrade) Bombing
Incident 1999//4, //6-//7
onsolidated Aircraft Flying Wing Bomber 73
Consolidated-Vultee 2 Eng Patrol-Bornber
Coplin, John 25
Cornwall, George (1897-1960) 29
Crosby, Harry 89-92
unningham, John (1917-2002) 23
da Vinci, Leonardo (1452-1519) 6
Dams, Ruhr, Germany, Mohne, Sorpe & Eder
Davies, Stuart 26
DB-LK Bomber /36-/37
de Havilland, Geoffrey Roald OBE (1910-1946)
de Havilland DH.108 Swallow2/-23, 62, 69, 93
de Havilland Gipsy Major II 4-cylinder Piston
Engine /4
Derry, John (1921-1952) 23
DFS: Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Segetnug
34, 35, 53, 54
DFS 19454-55
Dittmar, Heinrich 'Heini' 55,56,58
Dornheim, Michael A. 1/2
DSB-LK Strategic Flying Wing Bomber /40-/4/
Dunne, John William (1875-1949) 6, /0
Edwards, Edmund 6
Edwards, George 26
Edwards, Glenn (1918-1948) 8/
Egypt Bay near Gravesend, Kent, Accident
Scene 23
EHK: Enlwicklungs-HauplKomission 35
Espenlaub, Gottlob 34
Etrich, Igo (1879-1967) 6
Falk, Iloland 'Iloly' (1915-1985)27, 62
Focke-Wulf FwI 000 x 1000 x 1000 Bomber 40
Forbes, Daniel Hugh (1920-1948)8/
Franklin, Eric /9
GAL: General Aircraft Ltd 9, /3-/6
Genders, Squadron Leader George 23
General Dynamics Cold Pigeon /06
General Dynamics-McDonnell Douglas A-I2A
Avenger 118, /05
General Electric F-118-GE-looTurbofan
Engine //4, //6
GLAS: Gust Load Alleviation System //4
Glenn L. Martin Company 76
Goblin 2 Turbojet Engine 2/
Goring, Ileichsmarschall Hennann 43,45,5/
Gotha Waggonfabrik A.G 46, 48
Gotha Go 229A 46, 48
Gotha P.60A 48
GRD-2M-3V Rocket Engine 65
Green Lizard 28
Gunter, Siegfried (1899-1969)4/-42
Handley Page HP.75 Manx /3-/4
Handley Page HP.117 3/-32
Harper's Dry Lake, Lockhart, California 9/
Hartley Winlney, Hants, Accident Scene 23
Hawker-Sidd ley 1'.1077 Tailless Two-man Jet
Heinkel Hirth He SOil Turbojel35
Heinkel P.I078NB/C Fighters 4/
Heinkel 1'.1080 Ramjet Fighter 42
Henschel, Friedrich icolaus 43
Henschel 1'.13542-43
Hertel, Dr Heinrich (1902-1982) 53-54, 60
Heston JC.9 29
Hill, Geoffrey Terence Roland (1895-1955)
Hill Pterodactyl Bomber 10-//
Horten, Reimar (1915-1994) 7, 34, 43, 46, 49-
Horten, Walter (1903-1998) 7, 34, 43, 45, 49-52,
Horten Ho VIt 43
Horten Ho IX Fighter 43, 45-49, 5/, 52, 66, 96, III
Horten Ho X 49-50
Horten Ho Xilia Glider 50
Horten Ho Xilib Fighter 50
Horten Ho XVlllb 52
Ilyushin II-52 /40
hlStitutO Aerote nico at C6rdoba 52
Jones, Dr Robert Thomas (1910-1999) /27-/28
Junkers, Hugo (1859-1935) 6-8, 34
Junkers EF.12824, 53
Junkers EF.130 53
Junkers Ju 24860
Kalinin, Konstantin Alekseyevich (1889-1940)
Kalinin K-12 Bomber /35
Kalinin K-12 Test Glider /34
Kauba, 011037
Klimov RD-45 Turbojet /38-/39
Kozlov, Sergei Grigoryevich /35
Kronfeld, Robert (1904-1948) /2, /3, /5, /6
Lachman, Dr Gustav Victor (1896-1966) /3
Laute, Dr W. 35
Lean, David 23
Leuna Synthetic Fuel Plant 59
Lilienthal, 0110 (1848-1896) 6
Lindley, Bob 26
Lippisch, Alexander Martin (1894-1976) 7,26,
34-35, 4/, 50-5/, 54-57, 59, 62, 65-68, 93, /00
Lippisch Li P.04-106A 65
Lippisch 1'.0965
Lippisch 1'.1065-67
Lippisch 1'.11 65-67
Lippisch 1'.1557-58
Lippisch Delta VI 66-67
lillie Brickhill, Buckinghamshire, Accident
Scene 23
UOl'd, John 'Jimmy' (1888-1978) /6-/7, /9
Lockheed CL-187-3/02-/03
Lockheed CL-278-1-2 95-96
Lockheed CL-1170 /04-/05
Lockheed CL-1201 Atomic Powered Aircraft
Lockheed F-117A8, /06, I/O, 1/7
Lockheed Gusto 296
Lockheed L-248-3 Atomic Powered Bomber
Lockheed Senior Peg /09-///
Lockheed Martin A /APR-50 (also known as
the ZSR-63) Radar Waming System //5
Lockheed-Martin FB-22 /22-/23
ext Generation Bomber
Lockheed-Martin X-44A /22
Lusk, Arthur 93
Lycoming R-680-13 Radial Engine /4
M22 Locust Light Tank (US) /3
Martin XB-16 70
Matsu Japanese Diesel Electric
Submarine 60
Messerschmill Me 163A55-58
Messerschmill Me 163B22, 49, 55-65, 93
Messerschmill Me 163C57-60
Messerschmill Me 263 50, 64, 65
Messerschmill Me 329 67-68
Messerschmill 1'.08.01 68
Messerschmill 1'.1108.11 69
Messerschmill 1'.1111 69
Metropolitan-Vickers (Metrovick) F.2/4 Beryl
Turbojet 17
MiG 1-270 (Zh) 64-65
MiG Stealth Bomber //8
Mikulin (Tumansky) M-87B Radial Engine /36,
Mitsubishi J8MI Shusui 6/, 63
Mk3 Atomic Bomb (US) 8/, /02
Mk4 Atomic Bomb ( S) 8/
Mouillard, Louis Pierre (1834-1897) 6
Muller-Rowland, Squadron Leader Stuart
(1921-1950) 23
Multhropp, Hans 62
Muroc Field (now Edwards AFB) 62, 63, 75, 76,
Myasishchev M-67 //8, /4/-/42
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
( ACA-theforerunnerof ASA) /0,3/,32,
65, 75, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, /27, /36
National Air and Space Museum (US) 46, 63,
National Physical Laboratory at Teddington,
Middlesex 28
Northrop, John 'Jack' Knudsen (1895-1981) 72
Northrop B-49 7, 8, 79-8/,83,84, //2
Northrop MX-324 89-9/
Northrop MX-334 89-9/
Northrop -IM9, /6, 72, 73, 75, 76,87,88
Northrop N-9M 75-77
Northrop N-381 /03-/04
Northrop Senior Ice /09, III
'orthrop Swilchblade /29
Northrop Turbodyne V83-84
Northrop X-4 93-94
I orthrop XB-35 75-80, 84
I orthrop XP-56 Black BUllit87-90, 92
I orthrop XP-79 89-93
Nortllrop XP-79B 9/-92
I orthrop YB-35 76, 78, 79, 8/
Northrop YB-49 78-85
Northrop YRB-49A 82,83
Northrop-Grumman B-2A Spirit Stealth
Bomber8, 5/, 68,76, /06, /07, III, //2-/22
Northrop-Grumman B-2C //7
orthrop-Grumman EB-2A //7
Northrop-Grumman RB2A I J7
Northrop-Grumman Next Generation Bombl"
8,9, /2/-/22, /28-/29
Oblique Flying Wings /26-/29
OKB: Opylnoe Konstructorskoe Byuro
(Experimental Design Bureau) 63-65, /34, 1.J7
/38, /40, /43
Operational Requirement 0R.229 /9-20,26
Operational Requirement 0R.246 24
Peenemunde-Karlshagen 55, 58
Penaud, Alphonse (1850-1880) 6
Prall & Whitney Wasp Major Radial Engine 71
Predannack Aerodrome, Cornwall 28, 29
Pterodactyl Aircraft 10-//
Putilov, Alexander Ivanovich /35
Putilov Stahl-5 /35-/36
Raytheon AI APQ-181 Covert Strike Radar III
Reitsch, Hanna (1912-1979)34, 58
Rockwell B-1 B bomber 29, 30, 11/, 1/3, 1/7,
/2/, /22
Rolls-Royce \/TOL aircraft 25
Scud I Light Sailplane //
Senior Citizen //9-/20
SG-5oo Jagdfaust (Fighter Fist) 59, 60
hort PD.762
Shvetsov M-II Radial Engine /37
Skoda-Kauba SK V-637, 38
Slingsby Sailplanes /2
SNCASE SE. I 800 54
Specification N.40/46 (UK) 24-25
Symington, USAF Secretary Stuart 84-85
T-IO 12,000 Ib (5,443kg) Bomb 80
T-14 22,000 Ib (9,979kg) Bomb 80
Tailless Aircraft Advisory Commillee (TAAC')
/0, /4
Talbot, James Richard (1909-1945) /3, /4
UCAS-D Carrier Based CAV Project /08, /2/
/22,123, /28
Vickers Swallow9,27-3/
Vogt, Dr Richard (1894-1979) 37-39, /26
Vought F-8 Demonstrator /28
Wallis, Sir Barnes Kt, CBE, FRS, RDI, FIlAeS
(I 7-1979) /3,27-3/,80
Walter HWK109-509C Rocket Engine 60
Westinghouse 19-B Turbojet 9/, 92
Westinghouse J46 Turbojet 99, /00
Westinghouse XJ30WE-7 Turbojel93, 94
Westland PJD.14424-25
Wild Goose 28-29
\Vilde, Geoffrey Light (1917-2007) 25
Wilson, Captain Jennifer USAF //7
\Vinter, Martin 62
Wood, Donald 26
Wright, Edgar Alexander 'Ginger' (1914-1940)
/3, /4
Wright, Orville 34
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 62, 70,8/,82,8'1.
94, 95, 96, 1/9
X-47B Pegasus UCAV /2/
Yokosuka MXY8 Glider 6/
Yuganov, Victor (1922-1964) 65
Ziller, Leutnant Erwin 45
144 Secret Projects: Flying Wings and Tailless Aircrafl
R041 MiG Stealth
G045 Komet
\\'\\'\\ ,i.ll1,lll.ln publ ishi ng,com
ISBN 978-1-85780-320-4
Printed in England
Distribured in (he United States of America and Canada by
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