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. .

Steve Pace

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Other titles in the Crowood Aviation Series

Aichi D3A l/2 Val Peter C. mith

Airco - The Aircraft Manufacturing Company Mick Davi
Avro Lancaster Ken Delve
Avro hackleton Barry Jone
BAC One-Eleven Malcolm L. Hill

Boeing 7 7 Malcolm L. Hill
Boeing 747 Martin W. Bowman
Bo ing B-17 Flying Fortr ss Martin W. Bowman
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Steve Pace
Bristol Beaufighter Jerry cutts
Bristol Britannia harle Woodley
British Experimental Turbojet Aircraft Barry Jone
oncorde Kev Darling
Consolidated B-24 Liberator Martin W. Bowman
Curtiss B2C Helldiver Peter C. Smith
Douglas A-26 and B-26 Invader cott Thompson
Douglas Havoc and Boston Scott Thompson
English Electric Canberra Barry Jones
English Electric Lightning Martin W. Bowman
Fairchild R public A-10 Thunderbolt II Peter C. mith
Fairey Swordfish and Albacore Bill Harri on
Hawker Hunter Barry Jones
Hawker Typhoon, Tempest and Sea Fury
Heinkel He III
Kev Darling
Ron Mackay
Steve Pace
Ilyushin 11-2 and 11-10 Shturmovik Yefim Gordon and ergey Kommissarov
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Martin W. Bowman
McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Brad Elward
Messerschmitt Bf 110 Ron Mackay
Messerschmitt Me 262 David 'Baker
ieuport Aircraft of World War One Ray anger
orth American B-25 Mitchell Jerry Scutts
orth American F- 6 Sabre Duncan Curtis
orth American F-100 Super Sabre Peter E. Davie
North American T-6 Peter C. Smith
Panavia Tornado Andy Evans
Petlyakov Pe-2 Peshka Peter C. Smith
V-Bombers Barry Jones
Vickers Ve10 Lance Cole
Vickers Vi count and Vanguard Malcolm L. Hill
Vought F4 orsair Martin W. Bowman

Fir;,t published in 2004 by
The Crowood Press Ltd Dedication
Ramsbury, Marlborough
Wiltshire SN8 2HR

This reference is devoted to my wife and children, mother and father, ister and broth-
ers and to all of my relatives - past, present and future.
© Steve Pace 2004
Acknowledgements Foreword 6
Preface 7
All rights reserved. 0 parr of this publication may
be reproduced or transmmed in any form or by any
o reference of this magnitude could be presented without th many appreciated c ntri-
means, electronic or mechanical, including
butions of those with the vital resource that made thi di ertati n po ible. Thi 1 FABULOUS TO FANTA TIC
pharocopy, recording, or any information rorage
writer respectfully thanks these individual a follow: Kent Burn, Executive Vic Pr i-
and retrieval system, without permission in writing
dent, Lockheed Martin Leadership Association; Paul R. Kucher IV, R-71 nline; An 2 BLACK MAGIC 25
from the publishers.
Onlin Aircraft Museum, sr-71.0rg; Tony R. Landis; Denny Lombard, Promotional
Photography, Lo kheed Martin Aeronautics ompany - Palmdale; Mike Machat,
publisher, Republic Press; Peter W. Merlin, archivist and historian, NASA Dryd n 3 AIR DEFEN E FIGHTER 45
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from
Flight Research Center; Jay N. Miller, Aerofax, Inc; Dr Raymond L. Puffer, archivist and
the Bri tish Li brary.
hi torian, USAF Flight Test Center History Office; Terry Panopalis; Major Brian hul, 4 PIGGYBACK PEEPER: M-21 'MOTHER' A 0
U AF (Ret.), Gallery One; and John tone, Blackbirds.net. 0-21 'DAUGHTER' 55
I BN I 6126 697 9








Appendix I A-12, YF-12, M-21, SR-71 and 0-21 Production 126

Appendix II ignificant Facts and Figures 129
Appendix III ChronologicalOrd r of First Flight 131
Appendix IV The Oxcart Story 133
Appendix V World Records: SR-71 and YF-12 159
Appendix VI Blackbird Flight Hours 160
Typefaces used: Goudy (rex!), Appendix VII Blackbird erial Number and Production ummari 161
Cheltenham (headings).
Appendix VIll Blackbird Timeline, 1950s to the Early 2000 163
Type et and de igned by
0& Publishing Abbreviations, Acronyms and Codenames 171
Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford, Berkshire.
Bibliography 172
Index 173
Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Bath.
Foreword Preface
In the first 100 years since the Wright to accomplish this seemingly impos ible In the late 1950s four highly advanced air- prefix 'AF' meaning air-defence fighter) War Two nded on 2 eptember 1945, all
Brothers first tamed manned flight, the task. The result was the most successful craft were being designed in the U A, ultimately became the YF-L2A; the RB-l2 the major powers involved, on both sides
crown jewel of aircraft design and perfor- and impressive reconnaissance aircraft of optimized for extreme flight envelopes (the B-70 ub titute) was not proceeded of the conflict, had a number of dedicated
mance was the SR-71. This opinion is held the century. where very high altitude and very high with; and the R-12 eventually evolved reconnaissance aircraft.
not only by those lucky enough to have I never once felt like I was flying an 'old' speed would be the norm. 'Very high alti- into the aeroplane that is the subject of An untold number of these observation
flown this magnificent aircraft, but by any- airplane when in the R-7 I. Built with such tude' meant 70,000ft (21,OOOm) or even this book, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. balloons and reconnaissance aircraft (most
one that has studied this plane's distin- loving care and integrity, it always felt like higher; 'very high speed' meant 2,000mph The USAF SR-71 Blackbird became the of which were unarmed) were lost to
guished history. the thoroughbred it was. Built for speed, the (3,200km/h) or more. These advanced air- definitive devel pm nt of the A-12. From enemy fire in World War Two, however.
Long cloaked in ecrecy, the plane, now aircraft eemed to relish the higher Mach craft were: a strategic bomber, the orth when it achiev d Initial Operational Capa- Among the first post-war solutions to this
declassified, i a popular topic for aviation numbers and actually was more efficient at American B-70 Valkyrie; an all-missile- bility (I0C) in late 1966 until it retirement problem was the development of aircraft
enthusiasts everywhere. In this highly its higher speeds. Once I had flown the and-rocket-armed interceptor, the Repub- in early 1990, it was the best photogt:aphic that could fly so high that they would be
researched volume, teve Pace takes the Blackbird for a year or two, all the other lic F-I03 'Thunderwarrior'; an all-missile- aerial reconnaissance platform and the won- out of range of exi ting and up oming
reader deep behind the scenes of the fighter jets I had flown eemed like mere armed interceptor, the orth American der of all spyplanes ever built. It remains the anti-aircraft defence.
development of the world's most famous, 'mortal' planes. The plane continually F-lO Rapier; and a reconnaissance aero- fa test and highest-flying aeroplane ever At thi very minute some air or space
and mo t my terious aircraft. impre ed u with its performance and rou- plane, the Lockheed A-l2. At the time, produced for daily operations. v hicle is performing its very important
Le than LOO US Air Force pilot ever tinely humbled u . She truly se m d to however, only the B-70, F-I03 and F-I0 Aerial I' connaissance has been ongo- work of photographic reconnai ance.
flew actual mis ions in the R-71, and I have her own per onality. programmes were known to the world. ing in America since the Civil War of Whether they are surveying fore t fire, or
am proud to ay that I was one of the lucky It was not an airplane that was mastered The A-12 project, code-named OXCQrt, 1861-65 during which manned lighter- battlefield actions in the Middle Ea t, the e
few. While it was a very table and honest so much as under tood. Flying this plane was classified 'super-secret' and did not than-air observation balloon were used to 'eyes in the sky' are vitally important.
airplane to fly, it routinely would let us meant having an intimate relationship come to light until many years later - and survey troop position and movements. There are pace vehicles capable of reading
know that it wa not like other airplanes. with the aircraft, and you could not do then only in bits and pieces. Both the Union and onfederate armies and digitally photographing the brand of
Training wa very intense, la ting nearly that for long without coming to love it. Unbeknownst to the world in the late used balloons for reconnaissance during cigarett lying on somebody's outdoor
one year with many hours spent in the im- he would crui e with ease at 2,000mph 1950s and early 1960s, using U govern- the conflict, and it was here that aerial patio table, in near and/or real time. Much
ulator. Thi training wa vital to learning and alway eemed able to give you a little ment funds from the Central Intelligence reconnaissance was born. closer to the ground there are growing
to fly this airplane well however, as there more speed if you wanted it. Sometimes we Agency (CIA), the Advanced Develop- Aerial reconnaissance did not become of fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles capable
were no minor emergencies at Mach 3. did, when people were shooting at us, and ment Projects (ADP) group of the Lock- critical necessity until World War One, of doing the very ame thing, but at a rela-
As phenomenal as the pelformance of she never once hesitated to step it up. heed company in Burbank, California, had when the combatant had to know exactly tively low co t. It i for these systems that
the SR-71 wa , the story of its development The SR-71 has become a legend, mo t- be n ecretly designing the triplesonic A-12 what their enemie w re up to, as soon as the USAF worked hard to retire the small
and con truction is every bit as amazing. It ly due to it incredible performance. But as a replacement for the subsonic U-2 recon- possible. While it i tru that observation but once v ry productive fleet of Lockheed
is almost incomprehensible to envision that Having spent the earlier part of his career flying
the story of how it all came to be is one naissance aircraft; the U-2 had become vul- balloons and a limited number of observa- SR-71 Blackbird aircraft.
an aircraft such as this could be built in the North American AT-28D Trojans. the Ling-Temco- that needs to be told, and Steve Pace does nerable to Soviet air defences, as proved on tion aircraft had performed this duty before onetheless, for nearly a quarter of a cen-
early 1960s, prior to the advanced techno- Vought A-7D Corsair II and the Fairchild Republic a remarkable job in this book of taking us 1 May 1960 when Francis Gary Powers' 1914, there had never before been uch a tury the R-71s performed their photo-
logical age of computers and composite A-10 Thunderbolt II, Major Brian Shul was assigned behind the scenes, into the secret world of U-2C was shot down over the US R. frantic need for observation, photographic graphic reconnais ance, mapping and
materials. So well was the plane conceived to the SR-71 Blackbird in 1984. He flew the SR-71 'black projects', revealing piece by piece, As the CLA Oxcart programme pro- reconnaissance and mapping from the air. electronic intelligence-gathering duties
and built by Kelly Johnson and hi expert for four years, accumulating 478 flying hours. and the amazing Blackbird story. This aircraft gressed into the early 1960 , under the But now, unlike th U Civil War, when with remarkabl ucces. But th y could n t
team of engine I' ,it basic design I' mained he flew sixty-eight 'hot' missions. His book Sled helped shap our nation's foreign policy direction of ADP group leader Clarence L. observation balloon could not easily be have had su h a splendid career with ut the
unchanged for the life of the aircraft. 0 on Driver is a Centennial of Flight commemorative and affected world history. It represents shot down due to the limited range of capable pilot that flew them, the dedicated
'Kelly' Johnson, several versions of the A-
celebrating the SR-71. It is a Limited Edition and
appreciated more the expertise with which the very best of what this nation can pro- 12 were offered to the U Air Force black-powd I' rifles, observation aircraft officers who operated their I' connais ance
available only through www.sleddriver.com.
this aircraft was constructed than those who duce. I am proud to say I flew the R- 7 I, (U AF) a potential ub titutes for the B- and balloons could be hot down by anti- systems and the hard-working ground rew
flew it. There wa no greater feeling of tech- and now after reading thi book, know a 70 and the by-now cancelled F-103 and F- aircraft guns and fighter aircraft. that kept them flying.
nological uperiority than to be flying with great deal more about it development. lO aircraft; these included the AF-l2 air- After World War One, the value ofhav- Thi ,th n, is the story of the Lockh ed
impunity over ho tile territory, being chased The remaining R-71 today it proudly defence fighter and the RB-l2 ing dedicated observation, photographic R-71 Blackbird and the amazing fl ck of
by the latest MiG fighters, designed decade him a great debt of gratitude. His towering in twenty museums and air parks, its prede- reconnaissance bomber. A third offering reconnaissance and mapping aircraft hav- highly advanced triplesonic aircraft that
after the R-71, and leaving them in the genius spanned three wars and his Blackbird ce SOl'S in numerous others. Though silent was the R-12, similar in a numb I' of ways ing been proven, many air forces set about preceded it.
dust, with several inches of throttle to spare. helped win the Cold War. He often said the now, their pre ence speaks volumes about to the LA A-l2, but optimized for U AF the creation of mod rn, high-performance
The R- 71 represented all that was unde- R-71 was his proudest achievement. all that makes this nation proud and trong. reconnai ance missions. The AF-12 (the aircraft for such duties. By the time World TEVE PA E
feated about our superior manufacturing Putting an aircraft together with titani-
capabilities. There was no greater aeronau- um was no easy task. It had never been BRIAN SHUL
tical engineer in the twentieth Century done before, or since. Kelly and his team SR-71 Pilot
than Kelly Johnson and our nation owe literally had to invent technology in order 9SRW/LSRS

6 7

killers, and licence-built Boeing B-17F Fly- Air Corps (U AA ) its fir t jet-powered preliminary work on the company-financed
CHAPTER ONE ing Fomes es at its Burbank, California, aeroplane, the Model L-U3. This was a jet fight r had been started, which pro-
production facilities. Simultaneously, its twin-engined, single-seat turbojet-powered gressed to everal different ver ion on the
advanced aeronautical engineering depart- fighter design, and was extremely advanced drawing board. In the meantime, Lockheed
ment was proceeding with the preliminary for it day. It featured two Lockheed- was also working on the aforementioned

Fabulous to Fantastic design and even the manufacture of sever-

al new and intere ting aircraft. The e
included two derivative of the P-38 Light-
de igned axial-flow J37 turbojet engines,
delivering some 5,0001b (2,300kg) thrust, a
canard foreplane, 625mph (1,OOOkm!h) top
axial-flow turbojet engine of it own design,
the Model L-lOOO (later designated XJ37),
which wa intended to power the L-U3.
ing, the XP-49 and XP-58 Chain Light- peed and tainles teel con trLlction. Lock- The design was acknowl dg d by the
The formal name of the infonnally named Skunk Works was Advanced Development Projects. ning, neither of which entered production, heed wa the fir t airframe contractor in U AAC, but at the time they showed no
but which showed the tremendous growth the U A to start work on a ga turbine- or gr at interest in the idea of a turbojet-pow-
potential of the basic P-38 airframe. turbojet-powered aircraft: the L-U3 had ered fighter and missed the opportunity of
But one of the most interesting of these originated in 1939 as a 'paper project' by giving th U A an early start in this new
pre-Skunk Works designs came about in chief engineer Hall L. Hibbard and his assis- technology. Without financial upport
1940 when Lockheed offered the US Army tant, Clarence L. 'Kelly' Johnson. By 1940 from the USAAC, work on the L-U3
All good airframe contractors continually (ADP) group - is the quick, qui t and cost- op rational jet fighter; the F-I04 Starfight-
strive to generate business in the military, effective development and production of er, the world's fir t Mach 2 jet fighter; the
civilian and space markets. To accomplish limited numbers of specialized aircraft to U-2, the best manned high-altitud r con-
this, they set up special division to addre s meet any national need, using all the naissance aeroplane in the world; th F-
the diverse need of their different potential tr ngth of Lockheed Martin orpora- 117 Nighthawk, the world's first dedicated
customers. Generally speaking, these divi- tion. The Skunk Work i h adquartered in stealth warplane; the F/A-22 Raptor, soon
sions include commercial, military and the vast U AF Plant 42 compl x at Palm- to becom operational as the world's first
aerospace. But some of the larger airframe dale, alifornia, and it is a prime part of the multi-r Ie tealth fighter; the F-35 ' had-
contractors also deal in highly classified Lockheed Martin Aeronauti s ompany ow', a stealthy joint- ervice, multi-role
programme for which the utmo t ecrecy i divi ion of the Lockheed Martin Corpora- strike fighter for the near future; and the
paramount. Thi u ually require a pecial tion. In mid-1943 it began working on subject of this book, the Lockheed R- 71 An artist's impression of the
group to be formed within a company, and ecret Project MX-409, which became the Blackbird trategic reconnaissance aircraft. proposed L-133 fighter in its final
in the Lockheed Martin Corporation this XP- 0, and ince th n it has produced The company that would become the configuration. It featured a canard
special group is the world-famous, yet top- advanced aircraft, spacecraft and even Lockheed orporation was founded in foreplane and stainless-steel
ecret, ' kunk Work " which has been a marine craft without equal for aerial recon- 1913 by the Loughead brothers - Malcolm construction. Lockheed Martin
bona fide ucce for more than sixty years. naissance, combat and re earch. These (1887-195 ) and Allan (1889-1969).
The mi ion of the kunk Work - prop- include such extraordinary aircraft as: Malcolm and Allan's surname is pro- BELOW: The L-1000 axial-flow turbojet

erly, the Advanced Development Proj ct the F-80 hooting Star, America's first nounced 'Lock-heed', and since it was pro-
nounced that way they changed the
1 engine. which was supposed
to generate a whopping 5.5001b
thrust to give the L-133 its projected
spelling to Lockheed to avoid confu i n. 600mph speed. Later run tests. though
The young company grew with up and promising. never produced such a
downs throughout th early to mid-tw n- thrust rating. Lockheed Martin
tieth century to produce a number of
extremely successful aircraft, including the
Lode tar, Electra, uper Electra, Constel-
lation, P-2 ptune, P-3 Orion, -130
Hercules, C-l41 Starlifter, C-5 Galaxy, -
3 Viking, P-38 Lightning, T-33 T-Bird, F-
94 StaIfire and F-I04 tarfighter. It con-
tinued successes into the late twentieth
century spawned such notable ventures as
the F/A-22 Raptor and F-35 'Shadow'. In
the early 1990 the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation wa one of the large t aero-
space firm in the world, but after it
merged with the Martin Marietta Corpo-
ration in 1995, to create the Lockheed
Martin Corporation, it became the world'
large t aero pace conglomerate.
In mid-1942 Lockheed was heavily
involved in the production of military air-
craft, rolling out thousands of P-38 Light-
ning fighters, FA and F-5 Lightning pho-
The Loughead brothers. Malcolm (left) and Allan. seated in their F-1(Flying-boat 1I. tographic reconnaissance aircraft, Hudson
which made its first flight on 28 March 1918. Lockheed Martin bomber, Ventura and Harpoon submarine

8 9
fighter came to a halt. However, work on Works - too many, in fact, to discus in this planning for what it thought woulJ be the repairable, so another engine would have 3,750lb (l,700kg), but it would require a a
in particular, if the XP- design could be
the then-unique axial-flow XJ3? turbojet one book. But there follows a bri f de cri p- first jet fighter in America. to be delivered from England before Lulu- larger airframe to accommodate it. The modified without a great deal of difficulty.
engine went forward for a time. That is, tion of some of the mo t intere ting and But 180 days was a very demanding time Belle wou Id fly. USAAF ask d Lockheed, Kelly Johnson 'Can do,' Johnson replied.
until more advanced axial-flow de igns successful ones. limit. Gross, Hibbard and John n knew This took time, enough time to strength-
surpassed it. (The USAAC had been that it wa unheard of to design and build en and fully repair the air-inlet ducting on
established on 2 July 1926, becoming the a prototype aeroplane in less than one the XP-80. A new Goblin engine was
U Army Air Force, or USAAF, on 20 F-80 Shooting Star year, I t alone in only six months. More- in tailed and tested, and the XP-80 was
June 1941. The U Air Force was not over, a jet-powered aircraft was a radical now scheduled to fly on the morning of 8
established as a separate service of the US On 17 June 1943, while they were watching departure from contemporary pi ton-pow- January 1944, fifty-four days later than had
Armed Forces until 1 September 1947.) the new dive flaps on a P-3 J Lightning ered and propell r-driven machine. been originally planned. A successful first
However, when the U AAF uddenly being evaluated at Eglin Army Air Field One week after talking with olonel flight ensued, during which Lulu-Belle eas-
began to how intere t in the idea of an (AAF) in Florida, Kelly Johnson was Roth in Florida, on 24 June, Johnson was ily exceeded 500mph (800km/h) and the
improved turboj t-powered fighter aircraft approached by Colonel M.S. Roth of the at Wright AAF showing the Air Materiel handful of AAF officer in attendance
in 1942, spurred on by intelligence report USAAF Air Materiel Command based at Command a sketch of the propo ed ingle- were both delighted and surprised. They
of the advances in jet propulsion by the Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Colonel Roth engined, jet-powered pursuit interceptor let it be known that they badly wanted
Germans and British, and the lacklustre told Johnson of the disappointing XP/yP- and pages of detailed pecification. John- production P-80s - and very soon.
performance of the Bell P-59 Airacomet- 59 Airacomet flight-test programme at son, wi th his bosses' bl sing, prom ised the The 2,4501b (l,100kg) thrust de Havil-
America's fir t turbojet-powered aero- Muroc AAF in alifornia. Roth aid that, USAAF 'We'll build it in 180 days" land H.1 Goblin engines, to be manufac-
plane - it turned to Lockheed for what was with its General Electric Model I-A engine, 'Just when would those 180 days start?' tured in America by Allis-Chalmers as the
to become the first operational turbojet- the Airacomet was slower than the P-3 asked General Henry H. 'Hap' Arnold. J36, would not be available in quantity
powered fighter in America, the Lockheed they were watching: Bell's aeroplane would 'Whenever you say. Just a oon a we anytime oon, however. This, of course,
The sole XP-80, nicknamed Lulu-Belle, was the forerunner of the famed F-80 Shooting
F- 0 hooting tar. be no match at all for German jet aircraft. get a letter of intent,' John on repli d. posed a serious problem for the U AAF
Star series, and the first aeroplane built in the 'Skonk Works' (later Skunk Worksl.
The design, development and manufac- Roth asked 'Kelly, you wanted to build a 'Well you'd better get a move on then,' and Lockheed. An answer was at hand, Lockheed Martin
ture of the F-80 began in close-guarded jet for us once. Why don't you try your said Arnold. Thi is day number one. though. General Electric had speeded
secrecy in mid-1943. Project head Kelly hand at putting a fighter airframe around We'll have your letter of intent ready this up production on its Model 1-40 or J33 BELOW: The first of two XP-80A aircraft (44-83021 I, named 'Gray Ghost' because of its
Johnson, assisted by Bill Ralston and Don the new de Havilland engine the English afternoon.' turbojet engin . This was a larger engine paint scheme, is shown on its first flight with Tony leVier at the controls. The second
Palmer, grabbed twenty-five other top- have promised us?' Thus, the letter of intent wa dated 24 than the Goblin and had more thrust - XP-80A (44-830221, in natural metal, was known as the 'Silver Ghost'. Lockheed Martin
notch engineers and 105 assembly work- The engine Roth was referring to was June 1943. The programme wa classified
ers, and put them to work in a mak shift th Model H.l Goblin, which had been and called Secret Project MX-409 (the
experimental aeroplane shop constructed designed by Major F.B. Halford. Johnson, prefix MX meaning 'Materiel, Experimen-
out of mpty aircraft engine crates and filled with enthusiasm, replied 'Ju t give tal'). That fact in particular added difficul-
canvas. me the specification on the engin .' ty to the 180-day time limit, as every phase
One day, just after the permanent secret Johnson boarded an airlin rand of the aeroplane's creation would have to
shop had been constructed, enaineer Irv- returned to Burbank. En route, h worked be closely guarded. With the letter of intent,
ing H. 'Irv' Culver wa working near the out some figures and preliminary de ign the Air Materiel ommand ordered three
ph ne desk. The phone rang. ulver was drawings on whatever paper he found Lockheed Model L-140 aircraft, now offi-
alone at the time and had not yet been available. After getting off the airliner on cially designated XP-80.
briefed as to how to answer the phone. 18 June, he immediately reported to Lock- The first XP-80 (the X in the designation
Being an avid fan of the Lit' Abner comic heed president Robert E. Gross and chief denoting an experimental aircraft) was
strips, familiar with Hairless Joe's Dogpacch engineer Hall L. Hibbard. designed, engin ered, built and readied for
KickaJ)oO Joy Juice brewery called the Skonk 'Wright Field want us to submit a pro- flight not in 180 days, but in 139 1 On day
Works, where Joe made his brew out of old posal for building an airplane around a 1 9, having been. secretly trucked to Muroc
shoe, kunk and other foul-smelling good- British jet engine', Johnson told them. AAF, the British Goblin engine roared to
ies, ulver answered' konk Works, Cul- 'I've worked out ome figures. I think we life. On day 143, 15 November 1943, the
ver'. And, a it turned out, Lockheed' can promise them a 1 O-day delivery. aircraft, nicknamed Lulu-Belle, wa accept-
famed kunk Work wa born. ( 0 a not What do you think?' ed by the U AAF a ready for flight. Lock-
to steal any part f the Lil' Abner franchise, 'OK, Kelly, it's your baby. We'll give you heed's chief engineering te t pil t, Milo
which had be n created by famed cartoon- all the help we can,' Gros said matter-of- Burcham, would fly it the next m rning.
i t AI Capp, the name Skonk Works was factly. Everything had gone well- too well.
changed to Skunk Works.) Kelly Johnson, And with thi action, the saga f the P- Late in the evening on the fifteenth, de
who had set up the Lockheed Advanced 80 (later F-80) hooting tar began. Havilland jet-engine expert Guy Bristow
Development Projects (ADP) group, did Drawing board and slide rule were gave the H.1 Goblin engine a final run-up
not at first lik the unofficial nickname of attacked with vigour; top engineer sud- prior to the scheduled first flight in the
kunk Work ~ r hi ADP group, though denly found them elve up to their elbow morning; as the engine roared at full
a the years went by he grew to become in jet fighter-plane de ign. There was more power, both engine air-inlet ducts col-
quite fond of it. to it than just a chance to build a new lap d. Before Bri tow could shut down
o for more than sixty year now, a large fighter, using a new type of engine for the engine, pieces of ducting metal were
number of air and pace vehicles have propulsion. It was more a matter of pride ucked into the Goblin's mouth. A terrible
emerged from the Lockheed Advanced and the culmination of efforts dating grinding noise preceded engine stop. The
Development Projects group, or Skunk back to 1939 when Lockheed had begun damage to the rare engine wa not

10 71

Thu the econd and third XP-80s were well as the variou v r ion of the hooting cation. The e were at fir t d ignat d
built to accommodate J33-GE-11 engine. Star, it led to: the U AF's first jet-powered ETF-80C and, aft r 11 Jun 194, ET-
Due to their airframe redesign and their train r, the T-33 T-Bird; the U Marine 33A. But unofficially th y were known as
new power plant they were given a new orps' first jet-powered trainer, the TV-I; YF-94s.
Lockheed model number, L-141, and re- the U Navy's first jet-powered trainer, the On 16 April 1949 this relativ ly mall
de ignated XP-80A; they were built on the T-l SeaStar; and to the development of the service-test aircraft d parted th L ckh d ILS.AIR FllllGE
am contract, amended. F-94 tarfire eries of fighters. Plant B-9 Production Flight Te t nt rat 8356
Incredibly, Johnson's engineering and San Fernando Vall y Airport (now Van
shop group fini hed the first XP-80A in a uys Airport) on its maiden flight. It was
mere 132 days! And it was flown on day F-94 Starfire piloted by Tony LeVier with Glenn Fulk-
139 - 10 March 1944. Both XP- OA aero- erson serving as flight-test engin r. It
plan performed even better than Lulu- In early 194 the newly established U AF handled well but there were flame-out
Belle and on 4 April 1944, in addition to wa in dire ne d of a two-seat night/all- problems with the new afterburner
an order for thirt n rvice-test YP-80As, weather fighter-interceptor to d al with installed on the thrust Allison J33-A-33
the U AAF rder d 1,000 production P- hostile aircraft arriving from v r the turbojet engine. These difficulties were
80A aircraft. northern horizons of the U - and it corrected and the J33-A-33 was soon pro-
Th P-80A was officially named hoot- wanted thi aircraft in months rather than ducing 6,0001b (2,700kg) thrust in after-
ing Star and subsequent orders for P-80Bs years. 0 it a ked Lockheed, the ADP burner, against 4,4001b (2,000kg) dry.
and P-80Cs came through. Lockheed went group in particular, if it could adapt the The type went into production a the F-
on to build 1,731 hooting tar, of which new Hughes E-1 radar and fire-control 94A Starfire and 109 F-94As were built.
79 were produced a F- OC . (The P- 0 system to the airframe of the TF- OC (a ext came the improved F-94B model, fol-
ABOVE: The first YF-94 Starfire prototype flies for the first time, with Tony BElOW: The first YF-94C (formerly designated YF-97A) Starfire (50-955) heads skyward
became the F- 0 after 10 June 1948 when the two-seat trainer version of th F-80, lowed by the ultimate tarfire, the F-94C. In
LeVier at the controls and flight-test engineer Glenn Fulkerson in the back during its first flight at Edwards AFB on 19 January 1950. The F-94C became the
the prefix 'P' for 'Pursuit' was changed to later to win fame as the T-33 T-Bird, was all, Lockheed produced some 850 tmires seat. Lockheed Martin ultimate Starfire. Lockheed Martin
'F' for 'Fighter'.) then known). Lockheed said 'yes', then in the three vel' ion. The F-94C was very
When Lockheed completed it riginal 'y 'again when asked if it could provide different from the artier models, being all
XP-80 airframe in late 1943, it wa totally the fir t production aeroplane by the end rocket-armed with forty-eight 2.75in
unaware just how prolific that design w uld of 1949. Two TF-80Cs (USAF serial num- Mighty Mouse air-to-air unguided rockets,
become. In all, more than 9,290 aircraft bers 48-356 and 48-373) were taken from as a re ult of which the prototype was tem-
were m ulded from the XP-80 matrix. As the back of the a sembly line for modifi- porarily designated YF-97A.

XF-90 six 20mm cannon, with provision for two The specific operational requirements
1,000lb bomb or eight 5in rockets; it was for the Penetration Fighter were vague and
Just after World War Two, as jet propul ion also to have provision for external fuel flexible. Confu ingly, the U AAF oon
became more and more feasible for day-to- tanks. It was to have a climb rate of changed the combat range requirement to
day use in combat aircraft, the U AAF put 3,00Oft/min (900m/min), a time-to-c1imb 1,500 miles (2,400km); it th n reduced it
forth a requirement for what it called a Pen- of ten minute to 35,000ft (l1,OOOm), a to 600 miles (970km). It th n cut the time-
The world's first dedicated jet-powered pilot trainer and transition aeroplane was the T-33. The fifty-sixth etration Fighter. This was to be powered by ceiling of 50,00Oft (IS,OOOm) and a combat to-climb requirement in half, wanting a
production T-33A (formerly TF-BOC) T-Bird is here. Lockheed Martin two turbojet engines and to be armed with range of 900 mile (l,500km). 7,000ft/min (2,000m/min) climb rate. The

12 13
ever-changing requirement caused annoy- his fellow Lockhe d test pilot Herman R. 153 operational F-104A tarfighter air- Project engineer Art Flock, working with
ance among the airframe and engine con- Salmon flew number two. craft for service with both U AF Aero- the assistance of Kelly Johnson, decided to
tractors: so much 0 that only two ailframe On 25 March 1955, powered by the inter- space Defense Command and Tactical Air use a single nose-mounted 5, 50eshp Alli-
contractors - Lockheed and McDonnell - im J65 Sapphire engine, XF-104 number ommand, and ultimately to the manu- son XT40-A-6 turbojet with two contra-
chose to stay in the fray. In hope of obtain- two reached a top speed of Mach 1.79 facture in the U A and abroad of more rotating propellers.
ing 10,0001b (4,500kg) total thrust from (l,327mph or 2,U5km/h) in level flight. than 2,575 tarfighters for the U AF and The first Lockheed XFV-I, a the XFO-
two turbojet engines, both firms elected to This was a remarkable accomplishment a number of foreign u ers. I had by now been re-designated, was
propel their cont nder with a pair of since it was powered by an engine giving completed in early 1953 at Lockheed's
Model 24C Westinghouse J34 axial-flow some 4,6001b (2,100kg) less thru t than the Burbank facility. Herm Salmon had been
turbojet engine. At the time, the J34 was airframe was de igned for. XFV-l appointed chief test pilot on the pro-
projected to provide 5,0001b (2,300kg) Seventeen service-te t YF-104A tar- gramme, and during a high-speed taxi test
thru t in developed form. fighters were ordered on 30 March 1955, to In the late 1940s the US avy initiated a at Edwards AFB on 23 December 1953 the
Lockheed offered it Model 090 design be powered by General Electric J79s. The convoy-fighter programme to find a turbo- XFV-1 became airborne briefly. It wa not
while McDonnell presented its Model first of these, piloted by LeVi r, made a suc- j t-powered ship-borne interceptor for fleet until 16 June 1954, though, that almon
36 ; both featured swept-back flying sur- cessful first flight on 17 February 1956. defence. Thi was to be a vertical take-off officially flew the XFV-1 in conventional
faces. These designs would be developed And on 27 April, now powered by a J79- and landing (VT L) point-defence inter- mode - in oth r words, using a temporary
under U AAF Air Materiel ommand GE-3 engine, the same YF-104A hit a max- ceptor, which would take up far less deck V-strut main landing-gear assembly, it
pr j ct number MX-811 (McDonnell) imum speed of Mach 2.13 (l,5 am ph or pace and would not need to use a catapult took off and landed in the horizontal
and MX-812 (Lockheed). They were des- 2,540kmfh) in level flight. The tarfighter for launch and an atTestor cable for recov- plane. In this onventional take-off and
ignated XP-88 and XP-90, respectively, had arrived! ery. It was al 0 intended to perform longer- landing mode the XFV-I mad another
and both types were ordered in mid-1946. I asked Tony LeVier in 1990 what he range area-d fence as convoy-e cort fighter twenty-one flights ending in March 1955
By the time the first XF-90 had been com- thought about the F-104. He answered: if necessary. A competition wa held in after II Yz hour ' flying time. It wa during
pleted and trucked to Muroc AAF in early early 1951 to find two airframe contractor this ten-month test phase that Herm
May 1949, both of McDonnell's XF- air- The original XF-I04 was a remarkable linle to produce two prototypes each for a fly-off almon took th aeroplane to vertical
craft - named Voodoo - were flying. In fact, plane. Ir was rhe firsr jer-powered plane ro ompetition. This boiled down to Lock- (no e straight up) flight in which the aero-
the first XF-8 had been flying for some The first XF-90 (46-6871 is shown here during its first flight. on 3 June 1949.
exceed I,OOOmph [1,610km(h] and I did ir! I heed and Convair, and on 19 April 1951 plane hovered for a time on everal occa-
seven months already. (Remember that the After the two XF-90s received their J34 afterburning turbojet engines they were
had misgivings abour rhe F-104 ar firsr, bur Lockheed was given the go-ahead to build sions; mid-air returns to horizontal flight
prefix 'P' for 'Pursuit' had been changed ear- redesignated XF-90A. Even with these engines it took dangerous near-straight-down when I gar acquainted wirh ir, ir was super! We its Model 81 prototype entry, which was were ea ily accompl ished.
lier to 'F' for 'Fighter' in June 194 .) dives to exceed the speed of sound in this very heavy and woefully underpowered had lors of development problems as one mighr designated XFO-l. Convair was authorized In the end neither the Lockheed XFV-I
After the u ual ground te ts and valua- aeroplane. Lockheed Martin expecr, especially wirh rhe GE ]79 series to build two ModelS prototypes with the nor the Convair XFY-1 met the require-
tions, including low-, m dium- and high- engines. Once all rhose rhings gor fixed, rhe de ignation XFY-1. ments put forth by the S Navy and the
speed taxi run to check nosewheel steer- plane was very well accepred by all rhe pilors. The XFO-1 wa the kunk Works' first convoy fighter programme wa cancelled
ing, braking and so on, XF-90 number one U avy fighter programme, and since on 16 June 1955. Moreover, n ither firm
\Va ready for flight. On the morning of 3 1950 and on II eptember that year it was a lightweight air-superiority fighter had few The success of the two XF-104s and sev- there might be a need for a many as 500 fully completed nor flew their second pro-
June 1949, Tony LeVier fl w th XF-90 up announced that the McDonnell XF-88A supporters. However, after Johnson howed enteen YF-104As led to the production of such aircraft, it attacked it vigorously. totypes. The empty airframes instead
and away from the dry lake bed runway at Voodoo had won. But by this time the hi design to the powers that be, a special
Muroc. However, it was powered at thi Penetration Fighter requir ment no priority Weapon y tem programme, WS-
time by two interim J34-WE-I1 engines, longer existed, having been replaced by 303A, was establi h d by the USAF and
generating only 3,0001b (l,400kg) thrust the trat gic Fighter programme for which U Defen e D partment, und r which two
each, instead f the afterburning 4,2001b the F-88's follow-on, the McDonnell F- prototypes were ordered on 12 March 1953.
(l,900kg) thru t J34-WE-15 engine that 101 Voodoo, went into production. They were designated XF-104 and would be
had been intended to be u ed. Pr dictably, powered by interim Buick-built Wright
performance was I than pectacular. YJ 65-W-6 afterburning turbojet engine lockheed built two XF-104 Starfighters.
The XF-90 did eventually get its -IS F-I04 Starfighter that gave 10,200lb (4,600kg) thru t, until each example powered by a single J65
engine, with which the two XF-90 were the 14,8001b (6,700kg) General Electric afterburning turbojet engine. which
re-d ignat d XF-90A. In a serie of dive When the swept-wing North American F- J79-GE-3 became available. (The J65 wa eventually propelled XF-104 number
tests th XF-90A hit a top pe d of Mach 86 abre began to surpass the performance actually the British Annstrong- iddeley one to a top speed of Mach 1.79. After
the General Electric J79 was made
1.12, but could only manage 66 mph of the Lockheed F- a Shooting tar in the apphire, produced in America by Buick
available to the succeeding YF-104A
(1,075km/h) in I vel flight. late 1940s, and even the new Lockheed F- under licence.)
service-test aeroplanes. Mach 2.3
In the meantime North American 94 Starfire later in the Korean War, Kelly The first XF-104, now named tarfight- was commonplace. In fact. the F-104
jump d into the fray with its late-coming Johnson initiated an in-house programme er, was trucked from Burbank to Edwards was the world's first Mach 2 fighter.
YF-93A, first flown on 25 January 1950. to design and develop an air-superiority AFB (formerly Muroc AFB) in February XF-104 Starfighter prototype number
This wa powered by a ingle ,000lb fighter with no equal. 1953 where it was readied for flight-test. two (53-7787) is shown here.
(3,600kg) thrust Pratt & Whitney]4 -P-1 He came up with a radical single-engine Immediately after its fir t take-off on 2 Lockheed Martin
aft rburning turbojet, which ultimately design with stubby wings and a Ttail February 1954, with Tony LeVier at the
prop II d it to a top speed of 708mph known in-house as the Model a 3, which controls, its landing gear would not
(l,140kmfh). But it was not what the promised speeds in excess of Mach 2. At the retract, so LeVier quickly returned to the
U AF wanted, and was quickly passed over. time the SAF was interested in very large, dry lake-bed. Its full first flight test was on
The Penetration Fighter fly-off compe- very heavy all-purpose fighter-bombers and 4 March, again flown by LeVier. LeVier
titi n was held between 29 June and 7 July fighter-interceptor, and the idea ffielding continued to fly XF-104 number one while

14 15

became gate guards at naval installations; Aquatone took precedence ver the Bald U prefix standing for 'Utility'). The pub- The Groom Lake site later became
the two flying prototypes w re sent to Eagle programme. To help keep the former lic was told it had be n built for high-alti- known as 'Area 51' in a land grab in June
mu ums. secret it wa decided to use the latter pure- tude research by the ational Advisory 1958, which encompassed a rectangle of
The propo ed 600mph (1 ,000km/h) pro- lya a cover and, as far a anyone knew, Bell Committee for Aeronautics ( ACA, land around the southern two-thirds of the
duction v r ion of the Lockh ed entry was was going to build it Mod 167, now de - later to become A A). dry lake bed that was then added to the
it Modell 1, to be designated FV-2, which ignated X-16, for high-altitude research. ince Aquatone wa such a highly clas- evada uclear Test iteo II' is now known
was to be powered by a projected 7,500e hp The Lockheed ADP group had not sified programme, the aircraft could not a Restricted Area R-4808.
Allison T40 engine that was never built for stood till and on 5 March 1954 it offered be flight-te ted at any well-known flight- In early January 1955, while the gener-
the programme. It was to be armed with four its high-altitude aeroplane design, known test facility like the Air Force Flight Test al public waited to ee the Bell X-16 mate-
20mm cannon or forry-eight 2.75 in folding- in-house as Temporary De ign umber enter at Edwards Air Force Ba e, Cali- rialize, U-2 number one, al 0 known as
fin aerial rocket projectiles. CL-282. It wa gr eted with much interest fornia. Therefore, in late March 1955 IA Article 341, began to take shape in
at ARDC and Lockheed was asked to pro- Kelly Johnson, after telling him of the Lockheed's super-secret kunk Works
vide a detailed proposal. In early April top-secret programme, told hi chief engi- building B-6 at Burbank, California. In-
U-2 1954th comprehensive L-282 propo al neering test pilot, Anthony W. 'Tony' house, it was referred to as 'Kelly's Angel'
was presented. As presented by John on, LeVier, to hop into the company-owned and it wa scheduled to fly before Septem-
On 1 July 1953 thre ailframe contractor - the proposal envisaged th manufacture Bee lteraft Bonanza and 'find us a place ber. It was completed at Burbank on 15
Bell, Fairchild and Martin - were given of an initial batch of thirty aeroplanes out on the desert somewhere wh re we July and on 23 July it was disassembled for
study c ntracts for ecret Project MX-214 7 wher by Lockheed, according to Johnson, can test thi thing in cret. And don't tell aerial transport on board a Douglas C-
under the classified code-name of Bald 'would be responsible for the whole pro- anyone what you're up to.' I24D to Groom Lake. Then, safely at the
Eagle. By 31 December of that year the e gram, including ervicing of the airplanes He also told LeVier that he would be the 'Ranch', he wa moved into a partially
firm were to present their respective pro- in the field'. primary Aquatone test pilot. Afterward, completed hangar for reassembly.
posal to the U AF Air Research and As proposed the CL-282 design would be LeVier and Dorsey Kamerer set out in the Ground checks of its systems ensued
Development Command (ARD ), the for- clo ly a ociated with the XF-104 Bonanza on what was to be a two-week and then on 1 August 1955 LeVier began
mer Air Materiel ommand. As projected, Stalfighter, which had first taken flight a scouting trip. After a few days of searching what were to be preliminary low- and
the subsonic Bald Eagle air vehicle was to be year earlier. While keeping the Ttailed XF- at first around Death Valley, alifornia medium-speed taxi te t. However
capable of unrefuelled flights at very high 104 airframe for the mo I' part, the CL-282 and then eastward into Nevada, LeVier 'Angel', with her very long, high-lift, high-
altitudes for very long distances. In part, would have new, high-a p ct-ratio long- and Kamerer found what they called a 'ten a pect-ratio wing wa in reality a high-
the pecification called for a single- eat span wings. As fir I' offered, it would be pow- plus' site, calling it Site I. LeVier drew up thru 1', turbojet-powered glider, and was
subsonic aircraft able to fly at 70,000ft ered by a single 9,3001b (4,200kg) thrust plans for a flight-test facility and deter- eager to become airborne. 0, according to
(21,OOOm) or higher with a maximum General Electric J73-GE-3 non-afterburn- mined con truction costs. However, LeVier:
range of at least 1,740 miles (2,800km) .
LOCKHIID ing engine and have a fuel capacity of 925 U AF Colonel Ozzie Ritland and CIA
while carrying a reconnaissance payload :: XF¥-' US gallons (3,5001tr). To save weight, it F- Oxcart programme manager Dick Bissell ... at 70kt we were in the goddam air. 111c lakc
z ..
weighing betv,reen 100-7001b (45-320kg). .... --:: XFV-I 104-sryle landing gear would be replaced by rejected the site because it was too close to bed wa"o smooth I couldn't feel when the
When Lockheed - i Advanced Devel- a
a jettisonable wheeled tak -off dolly and an populated areas. wheels were no longer touching. I almost
opment Projects group in particular -
found out about this project in early 1954
". extendable kid for landing.
Eventually, at Kelly Johnson' own
olone! Ritland then remembered an
old U AAF airfield on the shore of
crappcd. Holy Christ, I jammed thc goodam
power in. I got into stall buffet and had no idea
it immediately went into action to come behest, the F-104 airframe and J73 engine Groom Lake, a dry lake bed about 3Yz miles where the goddam ground was. I just had to
up with a de ign of its own. However, it were dropped from the Bald Eagle/Aquatone (5.6km) in diameter located at a desolate keep the goddam airplane under control. I kept
was an uninvited guest and would have to plans. Instead, an entirely new singl - part of Nellis Air Force Base in southern it straight and level and I hit the ground hard.
come up with omething spectacular to The XFV-1 (formerly XFO-1) made its first flight on 16 June 1954 with Herm Salmon at engin airframe with conventional tail ur- Nevada, just north of Las Vega. (Groom Wham! I heard thump! thump! and thump! I
unseat the other manufacturers with their the controls; he wound up being the only person to fly the type. The first of two XFV-1s f'aces was created, so that the fuselage could Lake and the nearby mountain range were blew both tyres and the damned brakes burst
mounting head-start. (BuNo 138657) is shown. Lockheed Martin accommodate a larger camera bay and more named for a pro pector who di covered into flame right below the fuel lines. The fire
In the meantim Bell had come up with fuel. The rather odd take-off dolly/landing lead and ilver there around 1850, giving crew ame roaring up with extinguisher fol-
its Model 67, a twin-engine de ign; skid arrangement was abandoned in favour rise to the Groom Mining District that lowed by Kelly in a jecp and boiling mad. 'Goo-
Fairchild its Model M-195, a single-engine of a ingle main landing gear with two first saw precise metal production around dam it, LeVier, what in hell happened!' I said.
design; and Martin its Model M-272D, a The Bell and Martin designs were both of the US entral Intelligence Agency wheels and a single tail wheel on the cen- 1871.) Ritland thought Groom Lake 'Kelly, the son of a bitch took off and I didn't
twin-engine design based upon it B-57 favoured but Fairchild's was rejected. Th (CIA). With the growing threat of nuclear- treline. To keep the aircraft upright while it would be much more secur due to its even know iLl
(which was itself based on the English Bell offering, which would have to be built armed oviet long-range jet bombers and was on the ground, either outer wing would proximity to the evada uclear Test
Electric anberra). Flight in the thin air at from scratch, I oked good for future oper- intercontinental ballistic missile, the CIA have small two-wheeled outrigger support ite. Kelly John on di liked the idea Without a full load of fuel and with no
70,000-100,000ft (21,000-30,000m) - ations whil the Martin de ign, already wa anxiou to know what was on the gear. The J73 engine was replaced by the becau e it was so close to the nuclear facil- reconnai ance gear onboard, the U-2
the high trato phere and low troposphere 'flying' a the B-57, could provide an oper- ground throughout the S R. For this, a Pratt & Whitney J57-P-37, as u ed in the ity and because it would nearly double wa very light indeed. And since she was
- would require a special power plant. ational aircraft in the interim. Therefore, high-flying reconnai ance platform wa other Bald Eagle designs. construction costs. Nevertheless, Johnson, optimized for high-lift and more than
Since th Pratt & Whitney J57 Turbowasp Martin was awarded a limited production essential so in mid-1954 the IA estab- While work proceeded at Bell and Mar- LeVier, Bissell and Ritland flew to Groom adequately powered, she had leaped off
engine wa consid red to be the best at the contract for six aeroplanes, to be known as lished a project code-named Aquatone, tin on their respective X-16 and RB-57D Lake on 12 April 1955. Upon their arrival the ground at what was a relatively low
time, with the more advanced ]75 up and the RB-57D, and Bell was awarded a con- whereby it would field a secret fleet of air- Bald Eagle aeroplanes for the USAF, Lock- they found the old airfield overgrown, but speed.
coming, each firm chose to power it tract to build its Model 67, which for secu- raft to overfly the U R with, it hoped, heed was awarded a contract to build an the dry lake bed itself was in perfect con- Article 341 made her offi ial first flight
design with a specially developed high- rity reasons was given the fictitious near impunity. At the time the U R did initial fleet of twenty Aquatone aeroplanes dition. They had found their site! Tony on 4 Augu I' with Tony LeVier at the con-
altitude derivative of the J57, de ignated research aircraft designation X-16. not have surface-to-air mi sile capable of for the IA. To hide its true nature as a LeVier, with the approval of Kelly John on trol . LeVier flew another nineteen test-
J57-P-37 (formerly J57-P-19) and rated at Begun solely as a USAF project, the Bald reaching aircraft flying at the 70,00.Oft alti- dedicated spyplane, the Lockheed Aqua- and CIA director Richard M. Bissell, Jr, flights, during which he reached the design
1O,5001b (4,800kg) thrust. Eagle programme had excited the interest tudes planned for Bald Eagle. In due course tone aeroplane was designated U-2A (the named it 'Paradise Ranch'. speed of Mach 0.85 and a maximum altitude

76 77

were ach awarded contracts to build sub-

scale models of their respective aircraft to
be measured atop radar signature measuring
poles in a 'pole fly-off'. (McDonnell Dou-
glas, having not offered an adequate solu-
tion, had been eliminated.) In this case,

-=---- - sub-scale meant aircraft about two-thirds

the size of the final product. DARPA
named the anti-radar project Have Blue and
named the aircraft the Experimental Sur-
vivable Testbed (XST).
The Lockheed entry, featuring a multi-
faceted configuration, won the pole fly-off
competition hand down, and in March
1976 Lockheed was contracted to build two
XST d monstrator aeroplanes known as
Have Blue 1 and Have Blue 2 (HB-l and
HB-2), with Lockheed build numbers 1001
and 1002. The former would be used for
A fine line drawing of the CL-400-10 version of the proposed Suntan hydrogen-fuelled flight-te t and some anti-radar evaluations,
aircraft. Lockheed Martin while the latter would be used for dedicated
ABOVE: The U-2A was the first operational version anti-radar measurements against all known
of the 'Dragon Lady'. An early production U-2A ground- and air-based radar systems.
(56-6682) is shown here. Lockheed Martin The Have Blue X T aeroplane were
gross weight was 6,0001b (2,700kg). Its which it dubbed Project Harvey, the name powered by two 2,950lb (l,340kg) thrust
A U-2S banks as it begins its landing approach maximum thrust at the astonishing altitude 'Harvey' being borrowed from the well- General Electric J85-GE-4A non-after-
into Beale AFB. Lockheed Martin of 116,470ft (35,500m) - where th CL- known comedy movie of 1950 starring burning turboj t engines which gave them
400 was intended to operate - was 4,800lb Jimmy Stewart and featuring a giant invis- a top speed of Mach 0.85 (630mph or
(2,200kg). ible rabbit of the same name. 1,000km/h). They were 47ft3in (l4.42m)
The proposed CL-400 aircraft themselves Anti-radar measures for aircraft were long and 7ft 6Y-1in (2.32m) high with a
were gargantuan. In just one its many con- not new, howev r. In th early 1960s they wingspan ofnft 6in (6.89m); gross weight
Project Suntan figurations, the CL-400-12, powered by had been applied to modified Ryan Firebee was 12,500Ib (5,700kg). Their semi-delta
four P&W 304-3 engines, it measured target drones, which went on to serve in wings were swept back at 72.5 degrees and
After the demise of the hydrogen-fuelled 272ft (82.90m) long and 50ft (15.25m) South-east Asia as the reconnaissance had an area of 386sq ft (35.86sq m).
Rex Ill-power d version of the proposed high with a wingspan of 110ft (33.5m); drones known a 'Fireflies' and 'Lightning The first XST arrived at Groom Lake in
Lockheed Model L-325 in January 1956, gross weight was 255,5301b (l15,910kg). Bugs'. Earlier, in late 1955, Lockheed a Lockheed C-5A Galaxy on 16 Novem-
Lockheed's ADP offered up what it call d Its fuel capacity alone was to be 115,0001b began to apply anti-radar techniques to its ber 1977. After ground check of its sys-
its CL-400 programme to the USAF. In (52,000kg). U-2 aircraft in a programme called Project tems Lockheed te t pilot Bill Park made a
doing so it offered to build two CL-400 In the end, as projected, the best range Rainbow. This programme was marginally succe sful first flight on 1 December. In all,
prototypes with the first flight just eigh- possible for a Suntan air vehicle was 2,500 successful and was accomplished for the HB-l made thirty-five successful flights,
teen months after the date of contract. lniles (4,000km), far less than required. most part with high-drag protuberances but at the end of the thirty-sixth, on 4 May
Th USAF liked what it saw, and asked Since this could not be improved upon that led to the modified U-2s being given 1978, the left main landing gear a sembly
General Eleetl:ic and Pratt & Whitney with existing technologies, Kelly Johnson the nickname 'Dirty Bird'. And, of course, was damaged as Park attempted to land.
(P&W) for proposals on hydrogen-fuelled himself recommended that the pro- anti-radar was a big player in the design of Since a good landing was out of the ques-
engines for the aircraft. In a relatively gramme be terminated, and in February the Blackbird series of aircraft, a described tion, Park climbed to a safe altitude and
of 50,000ft (l5 ,000m). Later test flights Later versions of the U-2 were powered short time P&W was selected, and in April 1959 it was. But by this time there were in Chapter 4. ejected. Thus XST number one became a
of'Angell', as she had been nicknamed, by the 17,000lb (7, 700kg) thrust Pratt & 1956 Lockheed was award d a contract to something far more tasty brewing in the From the outset, Project Harvey was pile of rubble.
allowed her to reach 74,500ft (n,700m) Whitney J75-P-13B non-afterburning tur- build the two CL-400 prototypes with the Skunk Works. That is, Oxcart, and the cre- intended to lead to a combat aircraft that A C-5A delivered the econd X T to
with a cadr of Lockheed ADP group test bojet. The last version of this still-opera- first flight slated for October 1957. This ation of the A-12. could survive on its anti-radar characteris- Groom Lake in July 1978, and on 20 July
pilots - Bob Matye, Ray Goudey, Bob tional spyplane is the U-2S, formerly known was a highly classified programme and the tics alone. uch an aircraft would be it made its successful first flight, with
Schumacher and Bob Sieker. Flight as the U-2R, which itself was previously des- project was given the code name Suntan. designed as a 'pure-bred' for its anti-radar USAF test pilot Lt Colonel Ken Dyson at
endurances had exceeded ten hours and a ignated TR-IA. This is powered by a The liquid-hydrogen-fuelled engine
Have Blue characteristics from the very start. In Janu- the controls. While the number one X T
maximum range of 5,060 miles 18,3001b (8,300kg) thru t General Electric being offered by P&W was known as the ary 1975 DARPA awarded Project Harvey had been used to prove that the radically
(8,143km) had been achieved. The pro- F118-GE-101 non-afterburning turbofan. Model 304, and P&W called it a 'hydrogen In 1974 an arm of the US Department of study contracts to McDonn II Douglas and shaped aircraft could indeed fly - being
gramme did nothing less than excel after The rest of the U-2 story, far too lengthy expander' engine. The Model 304 hydro- Defense known as the Defense Advanced Northrop. Lockheed, already well-versed in unstable about all three axes - the number
these early test flights, and Lockheed to cover within the space allotted here, is gen expander engine was similar to the Rex Research Projects Agency (DARPA) set anti-radar techniques, was stunned not to two XST was used for dedicated very-Iow-
received more orders. In October 1955 - one of the most interesting in aviation his- 1lI but it was much less complicated, in that out to achieve extremely low radar signa- be included in the programme. It opted to observable (VLO) technology demonstra-
just two months after the first flight of tory. Suffice it to say that more than 100 only one heat exchanger was required. It tures to improve the survivability of new persuade DARPA to allow its entry into the tions in the air. It went on to fly until, dur-
'Angell', the Bell X-16 Bald Eagle pro- examples were built, culminating with the was 79.92in (203cm) in diameter and it had combat aircraft. DARPA created a gov- programme using company funds. This was ing its fifty-second flight, on 11 July 1979,
gramme was cancelled. last U-2R/TR-IA in Fis~al Year 1980. a nacelle length of 35.15ft (lO.7m); its dry ernment-funded anti-radar programme successful, and Lcckheed and Northrop an onboard fire broke out and Dyson was

18 19

forced to eject. And so the number two F-117A Nighthawk Nicknamed Scorpion 1 to corp ion 5,
XST followed its predece SOL all fi ve FSD YF-117A aeroplanes were
All in all, however, the eighty-eight Five full-scale development (FSD) YF- built in ready-to-reassemble modules in
flights flown by the two Have Blue test-bed 117A aeroplanes were ordered into pro- Burbank and transported to Groom Lake
aircraft were deemed to have been more duction on 16 November 1978 under the in a C-5 for their final assemblies and
than succes fut. So successful, in fact, that USAF Senior Trend programme. They flight-test/VLO technologies demonstra-
on 16 November 1978, ome eight months would be similar to the Have Blue aero- tions. The first YF-ll 7A - Scorpion 1 -
before the demise of XST numb r two, the planes with their multi-faceted anti-radar arrived at Lockheed' Groom Lake facility
U AF had ordered five aeroplanes, desig- features, but would be much bigger and in late May 1981 and made it maiden
nated YF-117 A, which were to become heavier aircraft, built as dedicated weapon flight on 18 June with kunk Works test
the world's first tealth fighters. systems. pilot Harold C. 'Hal' Farley at the con-
trols. By early 1982, the other four FSD
aeroplanes had flown as well.
1n late March 1982 what was to be the
first production F-117 A arrived at Groom
Lake. Unfortunately on 20 April 1982,
during its first take-off attempt, flown by
Lockheed test pilot Bob Riedenauer, it
crashed immediately after rotation. The
cause was determined to be a faulty flight-
computer program whereby pitch (nose-
up/nose-down) commands were translated
into yaw (nose-left/nose-right) move-
ments, and vice ver a. The aeroplane had
crashed prior to USAF acceptance and
therefore was not counted in the total pro-
curement of fifty-nine production F-
These fifty-nine F-117 As were at first
operated by the 4450th Tactical Group -
later 37th Tactical Fighter Wing - from
Tonopah Test Range Airfield, located far
north within the boundari s of Nellis Air A production F-117A Nighthawk of the 49th Fighter Wing, based at Holloman AFB, New Mexico.
One of the two Have Blue XST aircraft somewhere near Groom Lake, Nevada. The Lockheed Martin
success of these two aircraft made the creation of the F-117A Nighthawk possible. Force Base in southern Nevada. They are
Lockheed Martin now operated from Holloman AFB in New
Mexico by the 49th Fighter Wing of the
USAF Air Combat Command.
with Boeing and General Dynamics. On The Lockheed YF-22A offering, known
The F-117 A, now officially named Advanced Tactical Fighter 31 October 1986 each team rece ived a as Model 1132, was a company-wide
Nighthawk, is a relatively large aeroplane
roughly the same size as a Boeing F-15C 1n late 1983 the U AF began looking for demonstration and validation contract to design effort but with a great deal of input
Eagle and Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Rap- an eventual replacement for it main air- build two ATF concept demonstrator from Skunk Works engineers. 1t measured
tor:lt is 65ft Uin (19.85m) long and 12ft superiority fighter, the McDonnell Dou- each for an eventual winner-takes-all fly- 64ft 2in (19.5m) in length and 17ft 8Xin
5in (3.8m) high with a wingspan of 43ft gla F-15 Eagle, and solicited design con- off competition. The US Defense Depart- (5.5m) in height with a wing pan of 43ft
4in (13.2m); gross weight is 52,500lb cepts from the industry for what it called ment designated the Lockheed-Boe- (13.1m); gross take-off weight was about
(23,800kg). 1t is powered by two 10,800lb the advanced tactical fighter (ATF). By ing-General Dynamics entry the YF-22A, 60,000lb (27 ,000kg). The first YF-22A
(4,900kg) thrust General Electric F404- mid-1984 seven airframe contractors - and the Northrop-McDonnell Douglas wa powered by two G E YF120 ngines,
GE-Fl D2 non-afterburning turbofan Boeing, General Dynamics, Grumman, cont nder the YF-23A. the second by two P&W YFl19 engine;
engines, which give it a maximum speed of Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop There were two engine manufacturers each engine generated some 35,0001b
Mach 0.8 (594mph or 955km/h). and Rockwell- had all submitted propos- vying for the production of the ATF power (16,000kg) of thrust.
The F-117 A ighthawk, the world's als to the ATF Weapon System Program plant. Pratt & Whitney and General Elec- The number one YF-22A, unofficially
first dedicated stealth aeroplane, has Office at Wright-Patter on AFB, Dayton, tric were given contracts to build ATF dubbed 'Lighting ll', made its first flight on
proved its worth in combat many times Ohio. Each firm then received a contract demon tration engines, which were desig- 29 September 1990 pilot d by Lockheed
over during several campaigns, with only valued at about $1 million to further its nated YF119 and YF120, respectively. This t st pilot Dave Fergu on; it flew from
one loss due to enemy fire, on 26 March studies. too was a winner-takes-all situation, but not Palmdale to Edwards AFB. On 30 October
1999 over Yugoslavia. But the kunk Five of the c mpetitors were eliminated before both engines were evaluated in the number two YF-22A made its fir t
Works, and the Have Blue X T/F-117A from the competition early on and the flight. 1n other words, each pair of ATF pro- flight, also from Palmdale to Edward, but
ighthawk aircraft have proven that two survivors, Lockheed and Northrop, totypes would use the F119 in one airframe this time flown by Lockheed test pilot Tom
stealth technology really works and made teamed up with three of the ousted con- and the F120 in the other. 1n the end, it Morg nfeld.
The first offive YF-117A Full-Scale Development aeroplanes, before the application
of its black paint scheme, during a flight-test. Its nose boom, not found on production it mandatory for use in all future combat tender: Northrop joined up with McDon- would be the best combination of airframe On 23 April 1991 Secretary of the Air
F-117As, is noteworthy. Lockheed Martin aircraft. nell Douglas while Lockheed teamed up and power plant that would move forward. Force Donald Rice ann.ounced that the

20 21

which will give the Raptor it unique' uper- demonstrate conventional take-off and was awarded in October 2001; the first of
crui e' feature whereby speeds around Mach landing (CfOL) for the land-ba ed version the initial twenty-two SDD F-35 , an F-
1.5 will be po ible without the u e of after- of the proposed J F; the X-35B to evaluate 35A for the U AF, is scheduled to make its
burning; the aircraft' top speed i in exces short take-off and vertical landing first flight in October 2005. These a ro-
of Mach 2. It is to initially upplement and ( TOVL) characteristics for either land- or planes comprise fourteen flight-test air-
ultimately replace the Boeing (formerly hip-based operations; and the X-35C, used craft and eight ground-test aircraft. f the
McDonnell Douglas) F-15C Eagl ,arguably to exhibit carrier variant (CV) handling fourteen DD flight-test aeroplanes there
the world' be t air- uperiority fighter. operations. All three versions of the X-35 will be ix U AF F-35A , four U M F-
The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22A achieved their re pective r quir ments, and 35Bs and four U F-35Cs. Fir t delivery
Raptor measures 62ft lin (l .93m) in in many cases, surpas ed them. All three of a production F-35 is scheduled for the
length and 16ft Sin (5.3m) in height with versions of the X-35 were powered by single year 200 . A total of 3,002 F-35 aero-
a wingspan of 44ft 6in (13.6m). For it role afterbuming 40,0001b (l8,000kg) thrust planes will be needed by the armed force
as an air-superiority fighter it will be armed Pratt & Whitney F1l9 turbofan engines. of the USA and UK alone, and there are a
with six Raytheon AIM-l20 advan ed The trio of X-35 outperformed the number of other nations lining up to buy
radar-guided, medium-range air-to-air mis- rival Boeing X-32 J F DA aeroplanes the aircraft as well.
siles, two Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder and on 26 October 2001 Lockheed Mar- The general specifications for the thr e
heat-seeking, short-range air-to-air mi - tin and its Joint trike Fighter OSF) versions of the F-35 vary. In the case of the
siles and one M61A2 six-barrell d 20mm partners - Northrop Grumman and BAE conventional take-off F-35A for the
rotary cannon. Systems - won a hard-fought JSF CDA U AF, it primary mea urement are
competition. On that date, the designa- 50.75ft (l5.5m) in length with a wing pan
tions F-35A, F-35B, and F-35C were of 35. 10ft (l0.7m). It maximum pe d
Joint Strike Fighter issued, and th three ngine variants will be more than Mach 2 and it will be
became the Pratt & Whitney F135-PW- armed with a single 27mm cannon, air-to-
There were three versions of the Lockheed 200, -400, and -600, respectively. air guided mi ile and bomb housed
Martin X-35 Joint trike Fighter 0 F) The ystem Development and Demon- internally and externally. It will be a
Cone pt D monstrator Aircraft ( DA) stration ( DD) phase of the F-35 J F pro- multi-role fighter, fully capable f air-
The General Electric YF120-GE-1 OO-powered built. The e were: the X-35A, built to gramme began when the DD contract combat and/or ground-attack mi ion.
YF-22A 'Lightning II' (N22YF) flew first but was
not the winning YF-22A. Instead the Pratt & Whitney
YFl19-PW-100-powered YF-22A (N22YX) won the
airframe and power plant ATF competition.
Lockheed Martin

Lockheed-Boeing-General Dynamics YF-

22A powered by the Pratt & Whitney
YF1l9-PW-100 turbofan engine had won
th ATF fly-off competition, and that it
would enter into the engineering, manu-
facturing and development (EMD) phase.

F/A-22 Raptor
The immediately following pha e of the
ATF programme called for the manufac-
ture and flight-test of nine singl - eat F-
22As, two two- eat F-22B and two tatic- The first F/A-22 (formerly F-22AI. known as Raptor 01. is shown on an early flight-test
te t fatigue and structural-test EMD near Edwards AFB. Lockheed Martin
aeroplanes. The F-22Bs were later can-
celled and the fir tingle-seat EMD F-22A,
now officially named 'Raptor', made its fir t
flight on 7 eptember 1997 with Lockheed to better describe the multi-rol mission of flown eighteen of forty-three funded 0 far.
te t pilot Paul A. Metz at the controls. By the Raptor, it wa re-d ignated F/A-22 for And wh n it bccom s operational in 2005
thi time the Lockheed Martin orpora- 'fighter-attack'. the F/A-22 Raptorwill be thedeadlie t fight-
tion had b ught the General Dynamic air- As this book go to pre in September er, fighter-bomber, and fighter-interceptor in
craft division at Fort Worth, Texas, and the 2004, the USAF plans to buy 224 F/A-22s the world. It will be powered by two 40,OOOlb
Raptor production team became twofold - by the year 2013. By mid-2004 the Lock- (l8,000kg) thru t Pratt & Whitney FII9- The X-35A demonstrated the conventional take-off and landing (CTOll version of the Joint Strike Fighter for
Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Moreover, heed Martin/Boeing team had built and PW-I00 afterburning turbofan engines, eventual use as the USAF F-35A. Lockheed Martin

22 23


Black Magic
'Keel) it siml)le, stupid.'

The creation of the A-l2, F-12, M-21 and reconnaissance aircraft designs, the A-12, Gusto-cum-Oxcart
SR-71 Blackbird series of aircraft was little which also spawned the F-12 all-missile-
short of black magic: considering the tech- armed interceptors and two high-speed In the autumn of 1957, with U-2 opera-
nologies available to their creators at the reconnai ance drone-carrying M-21 aero- tions barely one year old, serious di cus-
time - technologies now more than forty- planes. The technologies used to create sions, held in great secrecy, were begun
five years old - the d ign of the e aston- these four machines were also employed to between the Department of Defense
ishing aircraft a remarkable achievement. produce the 0-21 reconnaissance drones (DOD), the CIA and the U AF to find a
To build this four ome of aircraft, a num- that were initially calTied by the M-21 aero- follow-on to the U-2. In late 1957 these
ber of new materials and the methods in planes. The Skunk Works team led by three bodies created a U-2 follow-on pro-
which to process them had to be invented, 'Kelly' Johnson, creat d the e triple onic, gramme calling for a 'High Sp d Recon-
worked to perfection and then put into turbojet-powered aircraft at a time when the naissance Aircraft' that would have previ-
practice. Moreover, it was with the e air- air-launched, rocket-powered North Amer- ously unheard-of performance: a speed
craft that the first generation of low- ican X-15 was the only other aeroplane in approaching and/or exceeding 2,000mph
ob ervability or 'stealth' technology was the world that was capable of flying at (3,200m/h) and a ceiling approaching
used: though common today, this was new 2,OOOmph (3,200kmfh) on a regular ba is. and/or exceeding 100,000ft (30,000m).
science at the time.
The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is a
delta-wing, two-place aeroplane powered
by two axial-flow turbojet engin s. It fea-
tures titanium alloy and composite materi-
als construction, and was designed to oper-
ate at high altitudes and high supersonic
speeds. The aeroplane has very thin wings,
twin inboard-canted, all-movable, vertical
tail mounted on top of the engine
nacelles, and a pronounced fuselage chine
extending from the apex of the nose to the
leading edges of the wings. The propulsion
system used movable spikes to vary the
engine air-inlet geometry. The flying con-
trols are comprised of levons and rudd rs,
operated by irrev rsible hydraulic actua-
tors with artificial pilot control feel. The
aircraft could be refuelled either in flight
or on the ground through separate recep-
tacles that filled the fuel cells through a
common refuelling line. A large drag para-
chute wa provid d to augment the stop-
TOP: The X-35B confirmed the short take-off and
Postscript most outstanding aircraft. Th majority of ping power of the six main landing-gear
vertical landing ISTOVL) configuration of the JSF
to be used by the US Marine Corps as the F-35B.
the most exciting aircraft produced by wheels' brake. The aircraft were painted
Lockheed Martin Very few airframe contractors can boast of Lockheed w re created by the Advanced black to reduce internal temperature
continued success since their founding in Development Projects group - the Skunk when at high speed. The Gusto II concept from Lockheed ADP was basically a twin-engined, semi-f1ying-
ABOVE: The X-35C showed the carrier-based (CV) the early twentieth century. But Lockheed Works. And it was no different with the The SR-71 is the final result of what wa wing design with wingtip-mounted vertical stabilizers with rudders. It appears that it
option of the JSF for the US Navy, which became urely can. It has designed, engineered, SR-71 Blackbird - the most fanta tic aero- begun as the twelfth and last version of the was to be manned by a pilot only, and as a semi-flying wing, it was to have had both
the F-35C. Lockheed Martin developed and produced some of the world's plane of them all. Archangel series of high-altitude, high-speed long range and long loiter time. Lockheed Martin

24 25

Development of the U-2 had volved This is the final Convair Kingfish configuration for Project Gusto,
under the CIA project name Aquatone and which was overtaken by Lockheed's Archange/12 (A-12) design.
artwork by Tony Landis
the Lockheed project name Angel. Early
on, the 'High peed Reconnaissance Air-
craft' was known generically in hou e a
the' -3', but thi wa quickly dropp d 0
a not to confuse it with the U-2, and the
project name A,-changel was adopted. On
21 April 1958 Kelly johnson came upwith
what he called 'Basic Approach to Design
of U-3'. With the change of de ignation,
thi fir t Archangel offering becam known
as Archangel I or 'A-l'. By the nd of Pro-
j ct Gusto in the autumn of 1959 the
Archangel family had evolved through
eleven subsequent submissions, which cul-
minated in the A-12.
Thi i a very intere ting evolution and
on 26 April 1993, a paper called A-/2 Log
(Ab-ridged) , written by Kelly johnson him-
self, was publicly released. The paper's text
is presented on pages 29-35.

BELOW: The four-engine Archange/II (A-2) configuration with two turbojets

and two ramjets (the latter on the wingtips) is shown alongside the starboard
wing of Gusto II. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: Bottom view of the short-lived Lockheed Arrow I configuration.

Lockheed Martin Moreover, it was to be built with a unique
feature for aircraft design at the time, call d
anti-radar (AR), whereby its radar cro s-
section (R ) would be very low.
Two airfram contractors, both well
versed in th creation of high-speed aircraft,
were given the basic requirements and a cer-
tain amount of time to carry out fea ibility
studies. Thus the Advanced D velopment

Projects division of the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation an.d the onvair division of
the General Dynamics orporation began
preliminary design studies into the creation
of an aircraft that could not only fly
500-600mph ( 00-1,000km/h) fa terrhan
any other aircraft in the world, but could fly
40,00 50,000ft (l2,000-15,OOOm) higher,
while at the same time being n arly impos-
sible to detect by radar.
By late ovember 1958 it began to look
as if uch a plane was indeed feasible. Fur-
ther dis ussions were held, and in early
1959 President Dwight D. Ei enhow r
gave his approval. Lockheed and Convair
were given the green light to submit defin-
itive propo als and money was made avail-
able to them for the work. At this time the
Designed for aerial launch from a B-58 Hustler, this is the final configuration for the project was given the code name Gusto;
Convair Fish Mach 4 parasite aircraft. artwork by Tony Landis early on, it was simply known as Project G.

26 27

A-12 log (Abridged) by Clarence L Johnson

21 April 1958: I drew up the first Archangel proposal for a Mach 3 [2,224mph or Nevertheless. on 3July, when the Director of the [GustoJ Program Office visited me again,
3.560km/hJ cruise airplane having a 4,OOOnm [7,408kmJ range at 90,000 to 95.000ft just at about the same time when I thought we were ruled out, they extended our program
[27,432 to 28,956mJ. and agreed to take lower cruising altitudes which we could obtain with aversion of the A-
II adapted in lanti-radarJ shape and treatment to reduce the [radarl cross section. I pro-
23 July 1958: I presented this airplane, along with the Gusto Model G-IlA, to the Program posed the A-12 with the J58 engines in a mid-wing arrangement, the use of chines on the
Office. It was well received. The [USJ Navy mentioned a study they had been making on fuselage and serrations on the leading edge incorporating [anti-J radar treatment. This air-
a slower, higher altitude airplane, on which the Program Office wanted my comments. plane weighs about 11 O,OOll to ll5,OOOIb and, by being optimistic on fuel consumptions
Archangel 1 (A-ll. shown here and drag, can do a pretty good mission.
on 9 October 1957, was the first 14 August 1958: [I] attended discussions with the Program Office. They gave me a
of twelve designs that eventually description of an inflatable airplane which they stated to be capable of l50,OOOft cruise As of 8 July, it seems there is a good chance that, if an airplane will be built for the
became Archange/12lA-12l, altitude. It was ramjet-powered and carried to altitude by a balloon. I made some rapid [high-speed reconnaissance aircraftJ mission, it will be ours.
the first of the Blackbird series notes and found the balloon would have to be over one mile in diameter.
of aircraft. Lockheed Martin 28 August 1959: [IJ saw the Director of the [Gusto] Program Office alone. He told me
25 August 1958: [I] have contacted Marquardt and P&W [Pratt & Whitney] and gotten that we had the project and that Convair is out of the picture. They accept our condi-
some ramjet data. [I] have reconfigured the Archangel to include wing tip ramjets, as per tions (1) of the basic arrangement of the A-12 and (21 that our method of doing busi-
our [earlier] proposal on the F-l04 to the [US] Air Force in 1954. This appears to give us ness will be identical to that of the U-2. He agreed very firmly to this latter condition
an airplane which would cruise at Mach 3.2 at 95,000 to 11 O,OOOft for the full distance. and said that unless it was done this way he wanted nothing to do with the project
As of today, it looks like the rubber blimp would have a radius of operation of 52mi. either. The conditions he gave me were these:

17-24 September 1958: [IJ spent considerable time in Washington [DCJ and ended up 1. We must exercise the greatest possible ingenuity and honest effort in the field of
in Boston [Massachusetts] on 22 and 23 September to review the Archangel project. I [anti-J radar.
presented a report on evaluation of [USJ Navy inflatable airplane design and also a
revised version of the Archangel design for higher altitude performance. 2. The degree of security on this project is, if possible, tighter than on the U-2.

The inflatable airplane concept appears to have been dropped for our particular mission. 3. We should make no large material commitments, large meaning in terms of millions
of dollars.
Convair proposed a super-Hustler, which apparently was a piloted, Mach 4 ramjet-pow-
ered, with turbojet-assistance for landing, to be launched from the B-58 to do the mission. We talked throughout the morning on problems of security, location, manpower, and
aircraft factors. At noon I took nine of the [Gustol project people out for luncheon, in
I presented Gusto IlA, which was very well received and also Archangel II. This [latter] air- celebration of our new project.
plane was 135,OOOIb gross weight, powered by two J58 turbojets and two 75in ramjets.
It could do 1OO,OOOft mission and 4,000mi range. This airplane was not accepted because 29 August 1959: [We wereJ given a go-ahead for $4.5 million, to cover 1 September
of its dependence on penta-borane [fuelJ for the ramjet and the overall cost of the system. 1959 to 1 January 1960.

We left Cambridge [near Boston, Massachusetts] rather discouraged with everything. 31 August 1959: Started immediate action in Building 82A to build a full-scale [engi-
neeringJ mock-up and a ~th scale mock-up, an [anti-radar measurement test] elevation
24 September 1958: On the way home [to Burbank], I thought it would be worth a try to post. engineering reorganization and expansion, and plans for a complete re-arrange-
break one existing [Skunk Works] ground rule - namely, that we should use engines in ment of offices and shop. I reported results of the trip to Robert E. Gross, Courtlandt S.
being. It was this factor which made the Archangel II so large, as we started out with Gross, Cyril Chappellet, Charlie Barker, and Hall Hibbard.
some 15,000 to 18,0001b of installed power plant weight on the J58s alone. Because the
JT-12A [should read JTllA; later JTll D-20B] is a low pressure ratio engine, it seemed 1September 1959: I consider this to be the first day on our new project, with a flight
to me to be well suited to high Mach number operation. I made a few numbers trying to date set 20 months from today. The original 18-month program will be delayed to allow
scale down Archangel II to the 17,000 to 20,0001b gross weight. and it appears feasible. P&W [Pratt and Whitney] to make a by-pass version of the J58.

December 1958-July 1959: During this period we studied [Archangel] models from A- 8-15 September 1959: We will go forward with greater confidence, having in 18
3 to A-12. Gradually it became evident that we could not obtain radar invisibility and months completed the circle and come back to an airplane very similar to the A-l, which
all other conditions desired for the airplane. In April 1959 I proposed the concept of a was our first proposal but considered to be too large, inadequate in the anti-radar con-
single base operation with air-to-air refuelling, operating out of Muroc [Air Force Base, cept, and to have too low performance. It was actually smaller than the A-12 and had
now Edwards AFBj. The A-ll resulted, as an airplane on which we made no compro- better performance. All of this is now behind us and we have nothing to do but work.
mises for [anti-J radar but which had very good performance, and was a straight for-
ward twin J58 Mach 3.2 airplane. 15 September 1959: [l'mJ very busy outlining the design requirements and the program
for A·12, doing my best to get promotions for our top people and proper manpower from
I gave the A-ll pitch and reported on about six months of radar studies which we had CALAC [California Aerospace CommunityJ. At a time like this, I am always rather amazed
A-IO A-12 A6-9 made, in which we proved, at least to ourselves, that improvements available to radars at how many of my best people don't know how to start a program like this. They seem
at the present time would enable detection of any conceivable airplane which would to be completely at sea in spite of the clearest directives you [I] can give them.
fly in the next three to five years. We specifically computed that the probability of
639 detection of the A-ll was practically 100 percent. 15 October 1959: Our full-scale [engineeringJ model [mock-upJ is coming along well.
Expect to send out for test during week of 9November. Iam having daily sessions on basic
LS 2800 I think I made some kind of an impression with the radar people, because the ground design features of the airplane. Low speed [wind) tunnel tests are underway [at our loca-
2000 rules changed shortly after this and it was agreed that the A-ll would make such a tionJ and I had [DickJ Fuller and Bert Olaughlin go up to [NASA] Ames [at Moffett Field,
7500 10 strong [radarJ target that it might be taken for a bomber. California near San JoseJ to make arrangements for high speed [wind] tunnel tests.

(continued overlea~
The evolution that led to the A-12 in various stages. Lockheed Martin

28 29

A-12 log (Abridged) continued A-12 log (Abridged)

23 October 1959: [WindJ tunnel tests indicate the expected problems in regard to lon- fighter. They said there would not be any immediate order, but that they were inter- 6 March 1961: [We wereJ having trouble with wing load distribution and have put raj 28 November 1961: [We'reJ spending lots of time in the shop trying to get the critical
gitudinal stability [referring to stability around the lateral axis; also called pitch stabil- ested in getting development aspects of the fighter system carried along. I told them twist in [theJ outboard leading edge [to correct the problemJ. forward [engineJ nacelles out [for instaliationJ. For two days I went out there once an
ityJ with [the] chines. We are extending the wing after the afterburner and believe we we could get them an air defense airplane in a couple of years under our present com- hour to see that we got enough people on it. It's moving, but late, and [it'sJ avery tough
have useable solutions coming up. The overall problem of weight, balance, and stabil- mitments. This would be [production] A-12 number six or seven. 15 March -April 1961: [We havel just agreat of work with the many problems we Icon- job.
ity is extremely tough. tinue toJ have trying to get this [first A-12] airplane built. Everywhere you turn there are
4April 1960: We are deeply involved in all the design aspects of the [A-12J airplane. I tremendous problems requiring invention, new systems, and [morel money. 1-31 December: [We're puttingJ extreme pressure on the airplane to get it completed.
9 November 1959: Full-scale model complete. have gotten Larry Bohanan aboard to replace Ernie Joiner. [I] have cleared [Louis A.j Lou We were given credit for an acceptance [of the first air vehicleJ, on the basis that all
Schalk to be the first pilot, but cannot yet use him here. We are all horrified at the 12 April 1961: Some [unwanted] time is starting to build up on the [fabrication of the] [of the titanium alloy] sheet metal parts were either in place or have been [testJ fitted
16 November 1959: I think we have been fairly successful, in that a series of tests has extreme cost of [fabricatingJ the structure surrounding the [engine) nacellelsJ. We have wing. The fuselage looks [to be] in good shape. [We'reJ fighting a whole host of prob- and removed. Big problems are [fuel] tank sealing, fillets, and just time enough to do a
now been instigated installing antennas in the afterburner to see whether we can ion- asked CALAC, as well as Art Viereck, and two outside vendors, to bid on certain criti- lems on [the J58J power plant, ejectors, plumbing, material shortages, lack of space. thorough job. [We'reJ working three shifts and running engineering tests as we are able
ize the gas and essentially provide a faired-over tail cone. [I'm] spending a great deal cal items. We will put in CALAC only such work as does not indicate the size or num- We are going to fly early in December [1961 Jon some basis, but it's going to be an on
to get at [certain parts the airplane.
of time myself going over all aircraft systems, trying to add some simplicity and relia- ber of aircraft or anything about its type, and only things on which they are strictly com- extremely busy summer and fall. [We'reJ working three shifts in all critical areas.
bility. [ErnieJ Joiner left our group 13 November. petitive, on a cost and schedule basis. I am afraid this won't be much. 3-5 January 1962: [WeJ had a big meeting with P&W in Florida. I spent a day alone
27 April 1961: [IJ reviewed instrumentation requirements and deleted many elements with them. Their troubles are desperate. It is almost unbelievable that they could have
20 November 1959: [I] talked to Larry Bohanan to see if he would become Joiner's 5 April 1960: [TheJ actual airplane parts are beginning to come [in from outside ven- for measuring stresses in-flight which we have not yet invented and which are of ques- gotten this far with the engine without uncovering basic problems which have been nor-
replacement. He will give me an answer during the next month. [I] reviewed wheel, tire dors]. The main jig frames are welded together and the fuel test rig should be in oper- tionable value at temperature. [But I] will stress the static test strain survey. mal in every jet engine I have ever worked with. This is the result of their putting asec-
and brake situation with Goodyear people. It does not appear that water cooling of the ation soon. ond team on the design, which is too far away from top management. [TheJ prospect of
brakes is in order for us. 10 July 1961: [We'reJ having a horrible time building the first airplane and we are an early flight-rated engine is dismal, and I feel our program is greatly jeopardized.
21 April 1960: [We] have stability problems with the airplane, which is stable at any given stopped on the second [airplane] by achange in [thej design of the [anti-] radar config- Hamilton Standard [supplier of J58 engine fuel controlsJ are not covering themselves
7 December 1959: We are beginning to get the anti-radar return of the model down speed but does not have the proper control position over a wide range of speeds. [We] uration of the chines. Have shop meetings often - about three times a week - but it's with glory either.
remarkably. [Engine] air inlets are the problem in the forward aspect and the [engineJ decided to incorporate air speed variation factor into the longitudinal stability augmenters. hard to drive a willing horse. Everyone [isJ on edge [that is] connected with the pro-
exhaust [outletsJ in the rear, as expected. duction of the A-12 airplane and we have a long, long way to go. It's a good thing we went to the [interimJ J75, although these engines, too, have trou-
19 July 1960: [Ij wrote out a proposal for implementing a low risk, minimum cost bles and require new compressor discs.
10 December 1959: [We're] reviewing revised P&W specification for the [J58 by-passJ approach to the AF-12 [the air defence fighter version of the A-12J. I told Courtlandt Gross and Dan Haughton how tough our problems are, with no under-
engine, which now appears to be pretty good. [l'mJ preparing quote on LAC [Lockheed estimation on my part of the extreme danger we will encounter in flying this revolu- 24 January 1962: Bill Gwinn was here to discuss P&W problems. I am afraid the [J58]
Aircraft CorporationJ construction of ejector. This [ejectorJ thing is fantastically hard to 17August 1960: The time has come when I have to announce officially, as well as unof- tionary airplane. And [IJ told them some of the steps we are taking to minimize these engine situation is quite desperate.
build, but we must take on the job because it involves so much of the airplane structure. ficially, to the customer that we are late. Because of the extreme cost of [titanium alloyj dangers.
machining, we are probably going to be over cost. 25 January 1962: [We'rel working on completion of the number one A-12 around the
21 January 1960: We have no performance margins left; so this project. instead of 11 September 1961: The day started with P&W coming in prior to the supplier's meet- clock and on a seven-day week basis. [We'rel having the usual last minute problems.
being 10 times harder as anything we have done, is 12 times as hard. This matches the I spoke to our engineers yesterday, to be sure they are fully aware of our problem, and ing and stating that the engines would be l,OOOlb apiece overweight. considerably
design number [A-12J, and is obviously right. offered a $500 bonus to anyone who can find a dynamic seal for a high temperature down in performance, and that it would be about March 1962 before we got the February 1962: [We'reJ going all-out on finishing airplane number one. Everyone is
hydraulic system. We have progressed well on other features in both the hydraulic and engines. I was in deep shock for the next week. We had mated the forward and aft putting in very long hours and meeting a tough schedule, outlined in one of my project
26 January 1960: [We] talked to the Director of the [Oxcart] Program Office. He told us electrical systems. [fuselageJ sections on 9 September with very little difficulty. Our design and workman- memos. We are having trouble with high temperature greases, bearings, and [again,
we had the project. We are not sure whether it is 10 airplanes plus a [structuralloadsl ship appeared to be superb, in that we can go from jig to jig with hundreds of mating we're havingJ the usual host of last minute troubles.
static test, or 12 airplanes plus a static test, but we are in!! 30 August 1960: The stress and flutter boys presented a study on aeroeiasticity which points and hit every one the first time. [?] Hunter says that the fit of the forward fuse-
was woefully in error. If it had been correct, the airplane couldn't fly at all. It was easy to lage to the aft end was so good that you could hardly tell there was a joint there. [It's 15 February 1962: [WeJ got all the engineers together in the LERC [Lockheed Engineer-
30 January 1960: [WeJ received notification of decision to procure 12 airplanes [plus a show where the errors of assumption had been made, so we will carry out a new study. veryJ fine tooling by Ed Mort and [hisJ group. We have at this time 500 people on tool- ing and Research CentreJ building and told them of our problems, our moves and [ofJ
static test articleJ. ing alone, and overall, about 2,400 people on the project. the new engineering building.
14 September 1960: [We] started design of a bomber version of the A-12.
4February 1960:The [Director of the Oxcart] Program Office is proposing that we screen Had a frightful meeting with P&W, the general [J58) engine status is terrible. I decid- 20 February 1962: [I] did the same thing with the shop people, but here [IJ announced a
60 pilots to get a total of 24, who can then be handled in the same way as the [NASAJ 30 September 1960: We are in desperate trouble trying to get [titanium alloy] extru- ed to get real good and mad and told off P&W very clearly. new organizational setup for [ArtJ Viereck. It's very obvious that the project has gotten
Mercury [space capsule] Astronauts. He said they could help me design the airplane!! sions for the wing beams. The material [on handJ is not acceptable. way beyond the old Skunk Works procedures and some of our best people have no
The last thing I need around this joint is an assemblage of pilots, and I told him strong- . 28 September 1961: Pratt & Whitney told us the story on the engine, and said that the grasp of [our former ways of aircraftJ production. Hunter and Van [?J can no longer chase
ly. It will be at least a year before we should have any [pilotsJ around except our own 3-24 October 1960: [We'reJ continuinll to have shop problems. [We] can't get materi- best delivery date we could get for the [firstJ two engines was March 1962. (They admit- their own parts and we must organize better to get this brute into production. We are
[test pilotsJ. I showed them the mock-up and had, in general, a disagreeable day. al. and it appears that the schedule is slipping some more. Weight problem is out of ted this meant April. or 31 March.) The whole delivery schedule was slipped; so that making 80,000 parts a month but have to reach 105,000 to get well schedule wise.
hand, so I got everyone together and gave them one of the attached forms [not shownJ. we could not even meet the [US] Air Force [firstJ flight date in October 1962.
24, 25 and 26 February 1960: We have an even year to complete the first airplane and This resulted in a weight saving of over 700lb in three weeks, but it was partly nullified 26 February 1962: The convoy [carrying the number one A-12 airplaneJ left [Burbank] at
this will be a fantastic job. by a 300lb increase for other reasons. 29 September 1961: After a sleepless night, I decided that we would have to try to fly 2:30am to go to the area. Everything went smoothly and it arrived at 1:OOpm on 28 Feb-
with the [existing P&W 2.3 Mach-ratedJ J75 engine, doing everything possible to raise ruary. Dorsey Kammerer did his usual splendid job on organizing the move.
8 March 1960: The electrical and hydraulic systems have fallen out of bed [taken aturn 1December 1960: [l'mJ having almost daily shop meetings and always uncover prob- [itsJ take-off power, such as using water injection, and higher take-off rpm tempera-
for the worse]. due to inability to provide power at approach idle rpm [revolutions per lems. It's a fine way to push things along and keep things coordinated. [WeJ have Larry tures, and higher take-off rpm. 1March 1962: There is extreme pressure, actually from as high as the White House
minute]. It seems that some of the boys didn't consider the fact we need maximum Billups and Jack Prosser from CALAC to learn the airplane and by next June [1961] work [President of the United States]. to get this bird operational at the earliest possible
booster output on a power-off landing. We require a new gearbox from P&W and with us on a plan for putting the AF-12 [air defence fighterJ into production. 2 October 1961: [We] started an all-out drive to get J75 engines in the number one [A- date. [Representatives of the Kennedy Administration] asked us to put the [manufac-
change in design approach on the boosters. 12J airplane. I am greatly disappointed in the shop's progress, however. on
ture AF-12s at the end of production of the first ten A-12s, and said they could swing
20 December 1960: [IJ have a very strong suspicion that [the] P&W [peopleJ are not this deal with the USAF.
15-17 March 1960: [I] went to Washington [DCJ to discuss the A-12 as an air defence going to meet their schedule. They have run into trouble on the compressor with tip 3 October 1961: Norman Nelson brought in Lt Colonel Richmond L. Miller, Headquar-
fighter to replace the F-l0a. [The proposed all-missile-armed tri-sonic long-range inter- shrouds. Of course they didn't mention this as being a major problem. ters, Air Research and Development Command, who had been on the program two 2 March 1962: I went to the area. [IJ saw the bird, which was pretty well re-assembled,
ceptor known as the North American F-1 08 Rapier was cancelled on 23 September 1959.J weeks. Miller said he was supposed to be their man 'in charge of the airframe', which and worked with Larry Bohanon on flight test problems while they [CIA and USAF offi-
13 February 1961: [We'reJ having a terrific time trying to get the wing built, due to lack neither he nor I understood. We know Miller from work on the U-2 at Edwards Air Force cialsJ toured the area.
I was given information on the Hughes ASG-18 radar and the latest information on the of [titanium alloyJ materials. It is apparent that we are going to be late, but I don't know Base. He is competent in the flight-test area, but he follows the book religiously. He
Hughes GAR-9 [air-to-air] rocket. Before leaving, the USAF [Oxcart] Program Office how much we can make up with athree-shift [work scheduleJ on the wing. [We're] hop- asked me for an A-12 flight manual. which I told him would be ready in about a year. (continued overleaf)
clearly explained that they wanted to know whether we could make use of this equip- ing to come out even with the [J58 bypassJ engine, which I understand is going to be I'll have trouble with him, but I had our boys do all they could to get him indoctrinated.
ment in the A-12 and that, if we could, they would propose it as a standby air defense three to four months late.

30 37

A-12 log (Abridged) continued A-12 log (Abridged)

6 March 1962: Fuel was put in the bird. It developed 68 leaks. [I] was [at first] told that 6 July 7962: [WeJ opened our new engineering building, number 311 [at Burbank]. This 22 April 7963: [We] talked to the swing shift [workers], who object to our cutting back to 74 November 7963: Had a meeting with P&W on J58 problems, including low transonic
the [fuel tankJ sealing looked good, but later investigation showed that we had no adhe- is the fifth Skunk Works building, and it is very nice. [We] built it for $14.20 per square a 56.5-hour work week. We certainly don't have the morale and type of people we had thrust.
sion to speak of between the [special DupontJ Viton [fluoroelastomerJ compound and foot. in less than five months. This will get our entire engineering group together again, on the U-2 [program at the Area], but I must say they have anumber of things to complain
the titanium [alloyJ metal, in spite of the fact that I had been told by several [who were] except for the U-2 boys, who are moving into our old quarters in Building 82. about. One of these is the deterioration of the food and housing conditions at the Area. 79 December 7963: Still having trouble with Hamilton Standard on [engine air] inlet
in the tank sealing game that airplane number two [had already] encountered this prob- controls.
lem because of the use of different [cleaningJ solvents. 30 July 7962: [We] flew the IfirstJ airplane on about its 28th flight. Flight testing [is] pro- 2 May 7963: I went to the Area to find out why we have not been able to get beyond
ceeding very well and [A-12J number two has gone on the [radar measurement] pole. Mach 2.0 during recent flights. It develops that Hamilton Standard had changed the 6 January 7964: As of this date, when have flown 10 aircraft.
This is apparently not the case. As of 8 March, we have to strip the [fuel] tanks com- [TheJ first results show it to be up five to 10 decibels, which is not unexpected to me. gain on the [engine air inletJ spike control of the cam designed jointly by [Benjamin R.
pletely and replace the sealant. This is acruel blow, as it will delay us amonth or more. 'Ben'] Rich and Hamilton Standard, and the main control contributed to the instability. 3 February 7964: Jim Eastham took number 121 [A-12 number one) to 3.3 Mn, with 15
7August 7962: By this time we have completed our ultimate static tests on the basic II am] greatly displeased that [EdJ Martin, [Ben] Rich, [LarryJ 80hanon and Hamilton minutes at 3.2 Mn or above. It [the f1ightJ singed our old [fuelJ tank sealing compound,
23 April 1962: [We're seeingJ the usual last minute problem on possible flutter, arising airplane on all elements [of the structureJ except the [verticalJ fins. 80th the Narmco Standard could not find this out on their own, and no one seemed to know which con- but was avery good flight. I am building up avariable [geometry air] bypass area at the
from tests on the simulator. [We] shook the rudders again on the airplane and finally plastic one and our [titanium alloy) metal one are breaking up above limit load. trols gave which performance, until I made a review of the [A-12] ships' [flight 10gJ face of the IJ58J engine and have refaired the upper outboard quadrant to get improved
were able to compute that the simulator was different from the airplane. [IJ went to the records, and then it became perfectly clear. airflow distribution at high Mach number. At about this same time, we flew number 122
area to go over fl ight test status. 76 August 7962: [WeJ hired [James D.J Jim Eastham, who is working for HAC [Hughes [A-12 number twoJ for 53 minutes at 2.65 Mn or above.
Aircraft Company] at the present time, to fly the A-12 and the AF-12 [air defence fighter]. A similar condition had developed in regard to engine damage due to foreign objects
25ApriI1962:[IJ went to the area and stayed over night. [WeJ made our first flight under [entering the engine air inletsJ. We have had 19 cases of engine damage [due to for- 25 February 7964: Plans going forward for surfacing of the AF-12 [YF-12] program. I
very difficult conditions. [LouJ flew about 1,5mi at altitudes of about 20ft. [The] airplane 5 October 1962: On this date we flew the bird [A-12 number oneJ taking the J58 engine eign object damage or FOD], almost always after high power ground run-up. [IJ had worked on the draft to be used by President [Lyndon B.J Johnson and proposed the ter-
got off the ground with lots of right rudder on, and then required change of rudder angle into the air for the first time. The right engine was aJ75. The flight was fairly successful. Bohanon write up a summary [of this], which turned out to be wrong. He wrote up minology 'A-ll', as it was the non-anti-radar version [of GustoJ.
to 24 degrees immediately. This set up lateral oscillations which were horrible to see. another, which also turned out to be wrong. [We] finally got it unscrambled, [and I'm]
We were all concerned about the ability of Lou Schalk to stop, but he did this very nice- We are having nose landing gear 'walk', probably due to [the still] chattering brakes [prob- spending acouple of days at the Area between 6 and 8 May [1963J. 7March 7964: President Johnson announced the AF-12 [as the 'A-ll 'J. Twenty minutes
ly, without severe braking. The [dryJ lake is soft enough so that we can roll onto it at lem]. [We] have the main landing gear on the shimmy [test] tower. This is one of our after he did this, we flew the two [completed YF-12A] birds from the Area to Muroc
fantastic speeds and stop readily. [The] actual [landing roll-outJ trouble was later shown biggest problems. 24 May 7963: We lost airplane number 123 [A-12 number three]. [The] pilot was Ken [Edwards AFB]. Having rolled into the new hangar, it [they were] so hot that the fire
to be due to nosewheel steering problems. Collins of [theJ USAF [who ejected safely and was unhurt]. extinguishing nozzles came on and gave us a free wash job.
71 October 7962: [WeJ met with P&W people to discuss performance and [other J58J
26 April 1962: We decided to fly with the stability augmenter engaged on 26 April, engine problems. We are having aterrible time trying to fly the prototype J58. It is down 24 June 1963: During this month we have tried to pick [thingsJ up in our airspeed/alti- March 7964: Still having terrific problem on getting proper transonic acceleration.
which is obviously a day for the A-12, in that two times six equals 12. Everyone was on thrust; fuel control is inconsistent; there are thrust jumps at different throttle posi- tude profile. [WeJ have not gotten much [however], due to voluntary grounding during Changing ejector configurations, but nothing seems to make any difference. Building
awake just about through the night. We rolled out early, and at 7:05am [the airplane] tions; and we have continual trouble with the afterburner lighting system and plugged number 123 [crashJ investigation and terrific problems with Hamilton Standard [engine fixed ejectors and ejectors with [a] larger throat.
took-off, making abeautiful take-off. However, due to failure of aforward fillet [mount- [nozzles on the fuel] spray bars. air inletJ spike control.
ingJ bracket. we shed almost all of the left-hand fillets and one on the right side, start- 29 April 1964: On this date, Jim Eastham flew 32 minutes at over 3.0 Mn. It happened
ing before we left the runway. Fortunately, I had spent the previous day with [pilot] Lou 2 November 7962: [We] finished testing full-scale [A-12J aircraft number 122 on the As of this date we have five J58-powered airplanes flying or ready to fly. [We'reJ hav- to be in a continuous turn, so miles per [fuel] gallon did not look good.
Schalk, explaining that the fillets were non-structural and that we might have troubles pole. [We'reJ taking it down after a series of over 15,000 [anti-radarJ tests. We are hav- ing the usual development difficulties matching the [airJ inlet and engine.
[with themJ. ing difficulty repeating the effect of small [anti-radar designJ changes. 28 May 1964: Today I talked to Henry Combs, Ed Martin, and briefly to Dick Boehme
15 July 1963: [We'reJ having difficulty getting aircraft to speed because of [engine air] inlet and Rus Daniell, to try to avoid having the Skunk Works develop into two distinct orga-
A beautiful landing was made, and in-flight we investigated the effect of the stability [WeJ reviewed [the] test results with Norm Nelson, and had concurrence from head- problems. [WeJ do not know whether it is an aircraft, engine, or inlet control problem. nizations. We are beset by military people and have now reached the point where we
augmenters. We showed that the first flight troubles were not caused by basic aircraft quarters that tests on number 122 [A-12 number twoJ were complete except for the have half as many people writing manuals as we used to design the A-12. [1'mJ still
stability. [radar measurements in theJ flight phase. We do not intend, however, to rebuild the full- 22 July 7963: Am visiting Area often, trying to get instrumentation working to measure fighting the battle hard to prevent being forced into standard [operating] procedures.
scale model and do further work on it. origin of trouble in propulsion system.
30 April 1962: On the morning of the 30th, things were ready and in good shape. We 9 July 1964: We lost airplane number 133 [A-12 number 13J. [William C.] Bill Park was
flew for 59 minutes, with no particular difficulty. This was the official first flight. It was 74 November 7962: [We had aJ meeting in Washington IDC] to discuss [J58] power (It should be noted here that on 7August 1963 the first YF-12A - formerly known as AF-12, made flying it. He ejected laterally at 200ft) on approach. We readily determined the cause
also the first one where we put the [landing] gear up. This worked well. plant problems with P&W. They presented data to show that their deliveries were prac- its first flight at the Area and it was piloted by Jim Eastham: not mentioned in Kelly's A-12 log.] of the accident to be temperature gradients resulting in a stuck outboard elevon servo
tically stopped by lack of Hamilton Standard fuel controls; the thrust of the engine was valve. Bill didn't get a scratch.
4 May 1962: [WeJ made a one hour and ten minute flight on the bird, going superson- down, specific fuel consumption [wasJ up. The initial [batch on engines would not run 13 August 1963: Larry Bohanon went to the hospital Ina reason givenJ. [GlenJ Fulkerson
ic for the first time. The airplane handles well and we were going to make two more well above 75,000ft. They showed their program for getting the performance back, but took over. I have to spend a lot of time laying out flight test programs under this criti- 74 July 7964: Customer [CIAJ personnel were here IBurbankJ. We reviewed the A-12
flights. this could not be accomplished until engine nurober 19, due for delivery in April 1963. cal situation. problems of the time [at presentJ. Our major problems are transonic acceleration,
lengine airl inlet controls, and [maximum] engine thrust 10utputJ.
7 May 7962: I figured out what was wrong with nose [wheel) steering and have been 6December 7962-3 January 7963: [There is] much flying activity. We delivered [A-12J air- 4September 1963:IIJ spent time with P&W showing them the results of our thrust mea-
able to correct it simply. [WeJ should fly again on 8 May. Reviewed [flight] test program plane number five to the Area on 19 December, meeting our schedule requirements for surements, which are not favorable. 17August 7964: Last week there was an all-out drive to set the world speed record and
with Larry 80hanon. I believe we will be able to fly quite often and I also predict that the year 11962J. However, it was delivered minus [J58] engines, due to lack of engines. altitude record with the AF-12 [YF-12A]. This meant pulling people and parts from the
we will be seen within the next two weeks. [There isJ trouble ahead. 12 September-TO October 7963: I am reviewing every test day by day. We are modify- Area and equipping airplanes number 1001 and 1003 [YF-12A airplanes one and threeJ
[We] made arrangements to hire [RobertJ. '80b'] Gilliland as the fourth [should be third; ing the [airJ bypass system of the [engineJ nacelles. Having continual difficulties not with the latest [engine air] inlet controls, [J58] engines, etc.
7 to 37 May 1962: [We'rel flying the aircraft. Testing is going well. Our main problems Lockheed ADP testJ pilot when he returns here about 15 January. [We'rel having a hard associated with the propulsion [systemJ problem, as usual, on the [J581 engine and par-
are [wheelJ brake chatter with wing response, cracking of the vertical tail, and para- time staffing the Area, to get the [A-12J airplanes flying. Number two and number four ticularly the [airJ inlet control. We are going forward with maximum energy to provide four operational [A-12J air-
chute failures. [TheJ airplane appears to be doing everything we can expect, with the [A-12s) should be flying within a week, but [the) number one [A-12J has many changes planes with the limited capability to fly over Cuba on 5November [1964). We have been
exceptions noted. [to itl required to make it suitable for hot [triplesonicJ flight. We have been to 3.0 Mach number twice now, the first time being on 20 July 1963. On told by the Soviets that immediately after the [presidential] election they intend to
the second flight, we blew an engine at design speed [Mach 3.2J. It was very difficult shoot down every U-2 [over Cuba], which we are [currentlyJ operating at a rate of 18
22 June 7962: [The] static test [phaseJ on Ithe] basic bird has gone well to this point. February 7963: Airplanes number 123 and 124 {A-12s number three and four], with J75 to slow [the A-12) down and it rattled Lou Schalk around [in the cockpitl for three min- sorties per month. Should this be done, we would be unable to find out whether they
We have had [structural] limit load on it 41 times, 130 percent of the limit load about engines, are flying well, with number 124 [A-12 number four, the two-seat trainer, hav- utes. The aircraft SAS (stability augmentation system) did precisely as I asked it to do put [ballistic] missiles back in [Cuba]: so the A-12 is vital for this purpose.
19 times, and ultimate load five times. [We're stillJ having dismal failures on [the ver- ingJ been delivered to the customer. [The future operational A-12] pilots are checking three years ago and no high structural loads were obtained.
ticalJ fin, particularly our metal one, although the Narmco Imade plastic vertical] fin is out well. [But] we have problems of pilot comfort, due to rudder pedal position, para-
not sufficiently strong, either. chute straps, etc. 8 November 1963: Today we flew the mice installation, to change the subsonic diffu-
sion angles in the lairJ duct. This change corrected the roughness encountered at 2.4 (continued overleaf)
20 March 7963: We have been to 2.5 Mach number and as high as 70,000ft, but we are Mn up, and it is the first major improvement in the duct. [I] collected 25 cents from [8enJ
in trouble from Mach 2.0 [andJ up. Rich, [DickJ Fuller and [DickJ Boehme.

32 33

A-12 Log (Abridged) continued A-12 Log (Abridged)

November 1964: We are getting widely varied data on the performance of the [A-12] air- It appears the problems are one-third due to bum engineering. Workmanship is poor, 5January 1967:We lost Walter Ray and A-12 number 125 [A-12 number five] on atrain- 18 July 1967: The [photographic reconnaissance] results of the deployment appear to
plane with different [J58] engines on different days. Sometimes we just about get but much of this is due to having to work in inaccessible [aircraft interior] areas and ing mission. Our seat belt, a standard USAF type, did not release and Ray was killed have been very successful. In six flights, more data was obtained than had been gath-
design performance - other times we are 15 to 20 percent off. I am going to instrument with components that are almost childish in their design concept. The addition of so [on impact with the ground while still] in the seat, this being the first failure of the IA- ered the prior year by all other reconnaissance methods. In spite of this favourable per-
number 129 [A-12 number nine] for the most detailed duct pressure surveys and am insti- many [newly added] systems to the A-12 has greatly complicated the problems, but we 12 emergency] ejection system. formance, I am shocked and amazed to find that the airplane will be returned in Decem-
gating anew (for the fourth time) wind tunnel tests on the [engine air] inlet - this in spite did solve the overall problem. ber [1967] and be stored at Palmdale. At that time, SAC [Strategic Air Command] will
of the fact, with the proper control settings, there are many flights out of which we get 26 January 1967: We are still not clear on going about storing the airplanes. I spent be deployed with the SR-71.
excellent agreement between our expected performance and the actual performance. In September [1965!. we sent an [A-12] aircraft to Florida [Eglin AFB] to run tests in rain some time yesterday with [Larry] Bohanon going over the personnel problems in our
and high humidity. These tests were very successful. flight test crew. It is inevitable that we lose half of our good people this year. And there 9August 1967: In spite of the success of the A-12 airplanes, we are still under instruc-
December 1964: By using 450 knots versus 400 knots EAS [estimated air speed] in is no flight test activity in CALAC [California Aerospace Community] to use them. tions to prepare for their storage at Palmdale, probably three months later than origi-
climb, we have overcome transonic problems. We are trying to get number 129 [A-12 4-21 October 1965: Starting 4 October, I gave up my daily Area trips, but on 21 Octo- nally proposed. I doubt if they will ever be stored. [They were, however.]
number nine] in shape for a long flight, but are having continual engine problems on ber I was requested to resume them. In spite of the plans to store the airplanes, [CIA] headquarters are going ahead putting
compressor discs, blade cracking, etc.; so are not flying much. changes in the airplanes, because the word hasn't gotten around. I'm trying to get some 14 February 1968: The A-12 airplanes are doing well.
[We're] still having basic problems of obtaining [design] range on all aircraft. [I] do not direction to this program, to prevent further waste of money.
(It should be noted here chat SR-l1A number one made its first flight out of Palmdale, California on know whether it is [airframe] drag or [engine] thrust. We have adesperate shortage of The SR-71s are scheduled for deployment shortly to the same base in Kadena. They will,
22 December 1964 with Robert J. 'Bob' Gilliland at the controls. In addition, che firsc M-21 'Moch- [J58] engines and many new engine problems have cropped up as a result of our I think back to 1959, before we started this airplane, to discussions with the [CIA Gusto] however, have about three times as many people to run the same number of airplanes!!
er' and 0-21 'Daughter' flight was accomplished on the same day aC che Area; the M-21 was pi/ot- increased flying. [Fuel] tank sealing is a major problem. Program Office where we seriously considered the problem of whether there would be
ed by Bill Park. These first flights were not mentioned in Johnson's A·12 Log.J one more round of aircraft before the satellites took over. We jointly agreed there would April 1968: The A-12 aircraft are operating with a 3D-day overlap with three SR-71s
30 November 1965: As of this date, we consider we have three [A-12] aircraft that are be just one round, and not two. That seems to have been a very accurate evaluation, deployed from Beale [AFB, California]. The photographic take of the A-12 is consider-
4 January 1965: It appears that our duct problems at high speed are stemming from operational. We are instructed to maintain a degree of readiness so the aircraft could as it seems that 30 SR-71 s give us enough over-flight reconnaissance capability and ably better than that of the SR-71s', because the Hycon camera in the latter airplane
excess [air] leakage at the engine face and various bypass doors. [We've] concluded be deployed in [as little as] two weeks. we don't need the additional ten A-12 aircraft [previously ordered]. isn't doing its job.
10,764 wind tunnel tests on the [engine air] inlet alone, and every one of them confirms
our present design. The addition of mice not only solved the roughness problem by 28 December 1965: Airplane 126 (A-12 number six] crashed on takeoff [at the Area]. It 14 March 1967; In Washington [DC!. whece we had a dinner at the Statler [Hotel!. we There are rumblings that after the 3D-day period, the A-12s will be returned to the [Unit-
gained us two percent in ram Uet thrust action]. We will gradually work up to our basic was flown by Mel Vojvodich, Jr. The airplane took off and immediately upon lift-off it discussed the conclusion of the A-12 program and a sad evening was had by all. ed] states.
performance, as close as we can expect to get it. considering the [J58] engine over- went into a yaw. The yaw was corrected, [then] the airplane pitched up. In correcting
weight and added equipment in the [A-12] airplane. the motions, the pilot yawed and pitched asecond time. He ejected at about 100ft safe- 21 March 1967: The [US] Air Force and the [CIA Oxcart] Program Office are having quite 24 May 1968; The decision was taken to phase out the A-12 by about mid-June [1968].
ly. The airplane, of course, crashed and burned. a time about storing the A-12s. It appears that half of them will be stored by the mid-
18 March 1965: [We] just completed the fourth series of wind tunnel tests on the [engine dle of this year and all of them by February 1968. In the meantime, five airplanes will 29 May 1968: Plans were put into effect for storing the A-12 aircraft at Palmdale [Cal-
airl inlet duct. [We're] still unable to find a reason for duct roughness and lack of ram Uet Coming down [to Burbank] in the [company] airplane with Bill Park and Bert McMaster, be kept on alert status for deployment. ifornia].
thrust action] at high speeds. We have now run well over 10,000 wind tunnel tests on this we analyzed the situation within a half hour. The SAS [Stability Augmentation System]
subject and have taken over 1,250,000 readings, but we keep getting the same answers. gyros were hooked up backwards. This is the first thing I told the accident [investigation] 18 April 1967: The [A-12] aircraft at the Area are operating well. 4June 1968: [A-12] aircraft numbers 130 and 132 [A-12 numbers ten and 12J were flown
board to look at. Prior to leaving the Area [for Burbank!. Ed Martin cut the gyros out, keep- to Palmdale and stored, as per our previous plans. Aircraft 129 [A-12 number nine!. on a
On this date Isent Hamilton Standard aletter saying we could not continue trying to devel- ing the wires connected to them. Low and behold - the pitch and yaw gyro connections 31 May 1967: Three [A-12] airplanes were deployed very successfully. The planning on shakedown flight out of Kadena, flown by Jack Weeks, was lost over the Pacific.
op the AIC-l0 [engine air] inlet control. We have spent $17,000,000 on this thing to this were interchanged in the rigging, which explained the accident completely. deployment was excellent. They flew non-stop from Area 51 across the Pacific [to
point, but it [air inlet control system] just will not do the job and is totally unpredictable. Kadena AB!. refuelling to get a full load off the coast of Hawaii and then off Midway. 17 June 1968: We are rapidly phasing down all A-12 activity.
I have just about given up on speeches to engineers to design things so that they can- [They flew] across the ocean in something like six hours.
April 1965: Half of our [flight] aborts at this time are due to false fire warning indica- not possibly be hooked up wrong. I just don't seem to get a response from either my 24 June 1968;While the intelligence community in Washington [DC] wanted very much
tions, inability to measure oil pressure and exhaust gas temperatures. It is an extreme- supervision or men on the board. to keep the A-12 program going, the present financial situation cannot stand the strain.
ly frustrating period, because it would seem that our above problems were very It's a bleak end for a program that has been overall as successful as this.
straightforvvard, which they are not. 12 May 1966: As of this date, there is still no go-ahead for the deployment, although it
seems fairly optimistic. The [A-12] airplanes are ready to go. We do not yet have the
14 May 1965: Hamilton Standard [is] withdrawing a number of their people. Our long range up to design value, but two-thirds of the [range] loss has been due to weight
battle with them is coming to a sorry end. [Hamilton Standard is now Hamilton Sund- changes [increases] due to added equipment. One-third of it is due to loss in range
strand, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation.] cruising. We [Lockheed pilots] can do about 3,000nm, but they [CIA pilots], of course, In this paper the reader will notice that the
do not get the range that we can. A-12 aeroplanes are factory-numbered
21 June 1965: [Airplane number] 121 [A-12 number one] is back in the factory to be 121-133. The factory numbers 1 4 and 135
brought up to date after a long hard test career. 15August 1966:We do not yet have permission to deploy, although this looks alittle more
(not mentioned in the pap 1') were the two
favourable now. Our morale is poor, as there seems to be no direction to the program.
5August-3D September 1965:The situation regarding our operational capability is crit-
M-21 'Mother' aeroplanes that carried the
ical. I had long discussions with the [CIA Oxcart] Program Office. They proposed that I [We've] completed tests on [engine] nacelle leakage at [ourl Rye Canyon [California] 0-21 'Daughter' reconnaissance air vehi-
spend full time at the Area to get the program moving. Ouring August and September facility and it seems to be the last place to look for the range deficiency. We apparently cles. The three YF-12A aeroplane, built in
[1965]1 put in about six weeks of flying up [to the Area from Burbank] and down [from leak six to eight percent of the air taken aboard, and this factor, together with engine the production run of A-12s, received their
the Area to Burbank] every day. deficiencies and the higher[airframe] weights, makes up the range deficiency. own factory numbers of 1001, 1002 and
I uncovered many items of managerial, materiel. and design nature. [I] went intensively into 10 October 1966: Still no [A-12] deployment. The paper illustrates the difficulties in
the delivery scheduling of the airplanes, rewired much of the aircraft, threw out questionable creating these highly advanced Mach 3
[electrical] plugs, designed and improved terminal blocks, tied down the wiring in the We are making 40 flights a month. The airplane is working quite well. It has not yet aircraft at a time when operational U AF
airstream and got P&W, after two flights, to fix the [J58] engine wiring. I had meetings with obtained its [design] range. We are down to working on [engine air inlet] duct leakage
Mach 2 aircraft - such a Lockhe d' own
vendors to improve their operation, got five times as many AirResearch people on the scene and basic engine performance.
and improved their quality control. II] changed supervision and had daily talks with them,
F-104 tarfigh tel' - were 'the best of the
going over in detail all problems on the aircraft. [II got [Larry] Bohanon and [?] Bertelli to talk 3 January 1967: The [CIA Oxcart] Program Office called in reference to terminating the best'. A great deal of credit must go to the
to each other. [I] increased the supervision in the electrical group by 500 percent. [I) had Ab program. Acommittee, recommended storing the A-12 airplanes by the end of the cal- unique cadre of individuals mentioned in
Baker, Ron Harris' assistant, full time at the Area with me. We tightened up our inspection endar [year] 1967, and keeping the SR-71 sas the basic manned aircraft reconnaissance Johnson's A-12 Log, for without them, the
procedures agreat deal and made inspection stick. unit for the US. Gusco-cum-Oxcarc programmes would A proposed but short-lived configuration of the A-12 with A-12 wind tunnel model. Lockheed Martin
have gone for nothing. canard foreplanes. Lockheed Martin

34 35

The manufacturing proces es to complete

The first A-12 is shown in various stages of its assembly processes at the e unique aircraft wer cutting dg.
Burbank. Lockheed Martin Then, packaged in major ub-a semblie ,
they had to be secretly transported to
Groom Lake on specially built over ized
trailers pulled by eighteen-wheel tractor
trucks. They then entered final a mbly
and ground te ts before they could fly.
After the A-12s and subsequent Black-
birds came out of final assembly at Area 51,
they underwent numerous ground-te t pro-
cedures which included avionic check-
outs, cockpit instrumentation calibration,
engine run-tests, flight-control actuation
evaluations and fuel-system checks, to
name but a few. Only after these tests were
conducted could flight testing begin.
The flight-test evaluation of the e
arty j75-powered A-12s proved that th se
aircraft were indeed airworthy - that their
structures were sound and that their sys-
tems worked. The ]75, optimized for much
lighter, fighter-type aircraft, powered the
A-12 to a maximum peed of Mach 1.6
(l,1 6mph or l,909km{h) at 50,OOOft The number two A-12 (60-69251 under early construction. When it was completed it
(15,OOOm). This was far short of maximum served as the radar cross-section test vehicle. Lockheed Martin
peed and altitude of the j58-powered
Blackbirds, but sufficient to evaluate the BELOW: A-12 number three (60-6926) under construction. Lockheed Martin
aeroplane in flight.

36 37

A-12 number two (60-6925) sits atop the radar cross-section test pylon.
Lockheed Martin

A-12 number twelve (60-6939) under construction. Lockheed Martin Another view of A-12 number two on the radar pole, but without the boat-tail
drag-measurement extensions. Lockheed Martin
INSET. A-12 number one (60-6924)
lifts off for its official first flight
on 30 April 1962. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: Engine run-up test of A-12

number one, in early 1964
after it was painted black.
Lockheed Martin

RIGHT: The dashboard of A-12

The first A-12 (60-69241 being number one. Lockheed Martin

prepared for engine-run tests.
The upside-down external fuel
tanks mounted atop the wings,
inboard of the engine nacelles,
replenished the fuel that had
leaked out. Lockheed Martin

38 39

RIGHT. The third A-12 (60-6926) banks left
during its first flight, showing details
of its underside. Lockheed Martin

BELOW: The two-seat TA-12 (60-6927) was

never retrofitted with J58 engines and
kept its J75s throughout its 614-fIight
flying career. Lockheed Martin

- ... ..
BonOM: The TA-12 lifts-off from the
Groom lake runway. early 1963. ..
Lockheed Martin _L-._
~ ~

TOP: A-12 number four (60-6928)
taxiing out for take-off. Lockheed

MIOOlE: A number of A-12s and YF-12s.

and the sale TA-12 on the Groom lake
flight line. Lockheed Martin

BonOM: A fine study of A-12 number

eight (60-69321 in flight. Lockheed

40 47

(15,000m) was contemplated. And these surface control devices were improperly
A-12 Losses
numbers were never exceeded. (Giving attached and the aeroplane was literally all
some 26,500Ib/12,000kg of thrust, the J75- over the place, winding up in a cloud of The first loss of an A-12 occurred on 24 May 1963
P-19W engine was among the most pow- dust on the dry-lake bed. Schalk had done when the cockpit airspeed indicator on Article 123
erful of the day and was perfect for the air- a marvellous job getting it down safely (60-69261 - the third A-12 built and second to fly -
became unreliable and seriously incorrect. to the
craft it normally powered, the Republic with negligible damage. The devices were
extent that CIA pilot Ken Collins opted to bale out; he
F-105 Thunderchi f and Convair F-106 properly attached overnight and Article
ejected safely. The A-12 crashed near Wendover
Delta Dart.) 121 wa to fly on the morning of the 26th AFB, Utah and, to cover the event up, the press
These delays increased programme - on what was to be the unofficial official release said that an F-105 jet from Wendover had
costs, and to help alleviate this the CIA first flight. crashed.
reduced it original twelve-plane order to Lou Schalk took off, did not retract the On 9July 1964 Article 133 (60-6939) crashed while
ten. This financial loss to Lockheed was landing gear and began what turned out to making a landing at Groom Lake. A pitch-control
later offset when the U AF ordered three be a challenging 40-minute test hop. A servo device had frozen up, which rolled the A-12 into
service-tcst AF-12 aeroplanes and, latcr, number of the triangular-shaped fillets awing-down position. This forced Lockheed test pilot
when the CIA ultimately ordered thirty- attached to the chines shed off while the Bill Park to eject horizontally at an altitude of only
129ft (39.3m). He hit the ground immediately after
eight D-21 reconnaissance drones, which aeroplane was in flight. The lost fillets
the first swing of his parachute, but was not injured.
required the modification of two A-12s to were replaced over the next four days,
ABOVE: A-12 number 11 (60-69381 taxis out for take-off The third crash of an OXCART aircraft, A-12 number
carry and launch them (see Chapter Four). which meant recovering the chine fillets six (Article 126, 60-6929) occurred on 28 December
from Groom lake in spring 1963. Lockheed Martin
TI1e first A-12 - called Article 121 - was and reattaching them to the ailframe using 1965 immediately after it had taken off. This was due
finally completed and tested at Burbank epoxy resins. to improper wiring of the stability augmentation sys-
during January and February 1962. It was Finally, on 30 April 1962 with various tem, and CIA pilot Mel Vojvodich was forced to eject.
then partially di a sembled for transporta- dignitaries on hand to watch, the official He did so safely and was unhurt.
There were many successes and some fail- tion to Groom Lake on a specially built trail- first flight was successfully accomplished. The first pilot to lose his life while flying an A-12
ures in the A-12 flight-test programme. er. The fuselage alone requir d the building The aeroplane took-off after rotating at was CIA pilot Walter L. Ray, on 5January 1967 while
of a covered crate 105ft (J2m) long and 35ft 170kt (196mph or 315km/h), retracted its performing atraining flight on A-12 number five (Arti-
Once they began fl yi ng wi th the J58 engi nes
cle 125, 60-6928); he ejected but did not separate
for which they had been designed, their pet- (10.7m) wide. Transportation of this out- landing gear and headed skyward to what
from his seat.
formance envelopes - altitude, range and sized crate for hundreds of miles required became a maximum altitude of 30,000ft
peed - were fully opened. The first flight of that roadside igns and obstacles had to be (9,OOOm); Lou Schalk flew it for fifty-nine
an all-J58-powered A-12 was on 15 January levelled, trimmed and/or r moved. Article minutes. It achieved supersonic speed dur-
1963, some nine months after Lou Schalk 121 departed Burbank after midnight on 26 ing its second te t flight on 2 May 1962, hit- were implemented to stop, or at least, min-
had successfully completed the first official February 1962 and arrived at the flight-test tingMach 1.1 (815.6mphorl,312.6km/h). imize, engine damage during ground
flight on A-12 number one. ite two days later. By the end of 1962 four more A-12s had manoeuvres. Ramps, taxiways and the
After the fuselage arrived, its wings and arrived at the site including a two-seat runway were constantly policed by work-
vertical tails were attached and its J75 trainer, which was designated TA-12 (the ers, and these personnel even had to sweep
Oxcart Flight-Test Operations engines were installed. Numerous and per- prefix 'T' meaning 'Trainer'). By January and vacuum the runway before take-offs.
sistent fuel leaks and ways to stop them 1963 Pratt & Whitney had delivered ten The first long-range, high- peed flight
It wa a given that zero public knowledge of delayed the first flight of A-12 number one. J58 engines to the site. The first flight of of an A-12 was on 27 January 1965. The
the Oxcart programme was the chief prereq- While some fuel leaks were eliminated an A-12 with two J58s installed finally time of the flight was 100 minutes, of
uisite of the upcoming super-secret flight- many more were not. At speed and altitude came about on 15 January 1963; Lou which seventy-five were spent at Mach 3.1
test operation. The flight-test site had to be the ailframe was to tighten up du to metal Schalk was the pilot, naturallyl (2,300mph or 3,700km/h) or higher. The
far away from populated area, away from e'xpansion, which would eliminate all A J58-powered A -12s increased their distance flown was 2,850 mile (4 ,600km)
civilian and military air corridors, easily lou Schalk (facing the cameral is congratulated by CIA and lockheed officials leaks. Therefore it was decided to put only flight-test speeds to between Mach 2.4 at altitudes between 75,600-80,OOOft
reached by air, with good weather condi- following the first official flight of A-12 number one, on 30 April 1962. Lockheed Martin I just enough fuel into the A-12 to get it air- and 2. (1,780-2,076mph, or 2, 64- (23,000-24,400m).
tions, able to accommodate large numbers borne and up to a rendezvous with a Boe- 3,341km/h) the upersonic shockwaves By this time in the A-12 flight-test pro-
of personnel, near an air force base, and ing KC-135Q Stratotanker, which would generated by the aircraft began to interfere gramme the aeroplanes were performing
have a runway with a minimum length of top up its tanks for it continued flight to with airflow patterns into the engines: the well. The J58 engine air inlet, camera,
8,000ft (2,400m) and be able to support air- for JP-4 and JP-7 fuels, and runway modifi- ready in time for the arrival of the first A- higher altitudes and faster speeds. This resulting unruly airflow could actually hydraulic, navigation and flight-control
craft weighing up to 200,0001b (90,000kg). cations. The new 8,500ft (2,600m) runway 12, but this did not happen on 1 August became the standard operating procedure blowout the fire in the combustion cham- systems were all demon trating reliable
No such place existed, howev r. It wa oon was completed on 15 November 1960. 1961 as had been foreca t. for the lifetime of the Oxcart programme. ber. To cure this problem, a flat-translating operation. But there were till a number of
agreed that, with modest modifications, the The projected delivery date of the fir t The acquisition and fabrication of tita- In the 1940 , 1950 and into the 1960s, air-inlet spike was employed, which would problem. These included ongoing engine
former U-2 flight-test site at Groom Lake A-12 was 1 August 1961. Since it and sub- nium alloy had become difficult, which the Skunk Works management liked to move as much as 3ft (0.9m) for -and-aft to air inlet malfunctions, overheating of the
would be used. sequent Oxcart aeroplanes would hav to slowed the programme; and the J58 engine make sure its aircraft would fly right before control the airflow into the engine proper- electrical wiring, communications equip-
Construction of the Oxcart aircraft final be delivered by truck and trailer, and to was not yet ready. Moreover, ince it had dignitaries were on hand: 0 it was with A- ly: extended all the way forward for mini- ment probl m and difficultie with the
assembly, flight-test and operation ite at accommodate h avy fuel trucks, 18 miles been decided to proceed with flight-te t- 12 number one. On 25 April 1962, Lou mum air; retracted all the way rearward for electronic count rmeasure (E M) gear.
Groom Lake began in September 1960. (30km) of road leading to the site had to ing using, as an interim power plant, the Schalk flew Article 121 on an unofficial maximum air. Another serious problem for Eventually all of these gremlins were
Work crews were flown from Burbank to be repaved. The US Navy supplied three Pratt & Whitney J75-P-19W, the A-12's and unannounced first flight. But he only the J58 engine was the powerful, vacuum addressed and for the most part cured.
Groom Lake, via Las Vegas, in C-47 trans- surplus aircraft hangars - which had to be engine nacelles had to be modified to flew it at about 20ft (6m) above the cleaner-like suction that it generated By 20 November 1965 the final valida-
ports. The modest construction programme dismantled, moved and reassembled - and accommodate it. With the ]75 engines ground for a distance less than 2 miles while it was running on the ground. For- tion flights for Oxcart deployment were fin-
included housing for USAF, CIA and Lock- more than 100 surplus housing unit to th installed a maximum speed of only Mach (Jkm). The reason for this relatively eign object damage (FOD) became critical ished. During one of these test flights a blis-
heed personnel,' underground storage tanks north side of Groom Lake. Everything was 1.6 (1,1200mph or l,900km/h) at 50,000ft strange test 'hop' was that several flying- and all available FOD-policing measures tering maximum speed of Mach 3.29

42 43

the lone surviving M-2l and the sole TA-12 December. ix more missions were flown
had been placed into extended storage. It between 1 January and 31 March 1968, CHAPTER THREE
During the early days of flight-testing, A-12 crewmem· may seem odd that just as A-12 operations bringing the total to twenty-nine missions.
bers wanted to give it a nickname and, from a sugges- had begun in earnest, the Oxcart fleet was After each Black Shield mi ion the film from
tion by CIA pilot Jack Weeks, the name 'Cygnus' arose retired. But thi was due in large part to the the aircraft's cameras was proce ed at a
- Cygnus, the swan, being a constellation viewed
between the Pegasus and Draco constellations of the
Milky Way
engine-development problems discussed
elsewhere: by the time these were cured, the
A-12' follow- n, the R-71, had r ached its
U AF facility in Japan and the photographs
were delivered to Vietnam War comman-
ders within twenty-four hours of the flight.
Air Defence Fighter
Initial Operational Capability. Nonetheless, On 30 October 1967, during an A-12
in just ten short months of A-12 operations mission over North Vietnam with CIA pilot The United States has developed an advanced experimental jet aircraft, the A-II, which has
and twenty-nine missions flown, the Oxcart Dennis Sullivan at the controls, six SAMs been tested in ustained flight at more than 2,000mph and at altitudes in excess of 70,000fe.
aircraft performed splendidly, gathering a were fired at him, three of which detonated
trea ure trove of intelligence over outh- nearby. After the flight, a small piece of
east Asia. And the only serious mishap that metal from one of th SAMs wa found pro-
occurred came after the last mission had truding from the bottom part of a wing fillet.
been flown. On 23 January 1968 North Korean
The relatively small fleet of A-12 aero- naval vessels and MiG fighters attacked In the early 1960s the be t intercept r in advanced Hughes MA-1 radar and mi - Experimental' (LRl,X) propo al from
planes were initially based at the Area 51, the USS Pueblo while it was on an intelli- service with the U AF wa the singl - eat sil /rocket fire-control y tem. It was an orth American Aviation, which wa oon
and th y were p rated by the 1129th pe- gence-gathering mi ion off the coa t of F-106A Delta Dart, built by the onvair advanced version of the Convair F-102 de ignat d the F-I0 Rapier, or W -202A.
cial Activities quadron ( A ), the 'Road orth Korea. One crewman wa killed and Division of the General Dynamic orpo- Delta Dagger (W -201A), powered by a To be powered by two G neral Electric J93-
Runners'. Their fir t and only operational eleven oth r were wounded. The hip wa ration in an Diego, California. Fir t flown ingle Pratt & Whitney J75 afterburning GE-3 afterburning turbojet engine pro-
deployment, called Operation Black hield, boarded and the remaining crew of eighty- on 26 December 1956 - it hit Mach 1.9 at turbojet engine. TheJ75 was an outgrowth ducing O,OOOlb (l4,000kg) thru t, the
was to Kadena Air Base, kinawa, which is two were captured and eventually held 57,000ft (l7,000m) on its very first flight!- of the P&W J57 that powered the F-102, F-108 was intended to fly long di tances
The Cygnus patch. located between the Ea t hina and Philip- prisoner for eleven months. n 26 Janu- the F-1 06A, als known as Weapon Sy tem but had mol' than double its power. at a crui e speed f Mach 3 (2,000mph or
Author's Collection pin a outh fJapan and cam under the ary, during the early days of what became 201B, or WS-201B, began to enter service As good as th F-106 wa , the U AF was 3,200km/h) above 70,000ft (21,000m), to
operational command of Deta hment 1 known a th Puebl ri i ,th fir t A-12 in the summer of 1959. This highly ophi - looking for its replacement even during the intercept and de troy enemy bomber air-
(Det. 1) of the 1129th A . The first Oxcart mi sion over orth Korea wa flown, by ticated aeroplane was an all-missile/rocket- late 1950 . After a competition between a craft. It was to be an all-weather interceptor,
support components were airlifted to Oki- lA pilot Frank Murray. armed, all-weather, high-altitude intercep- number of U airframe contractors, it incorporating the Hughe pul e-Doppler
(2,439mph or 3,926km/h) and a lofty nawa on 17 May 1967. President Lyndon B. On March 1968, following its flight tor capable of Mach 2.3 and featuring the sleeted the 'Long Range Int rceptor, A /A -18 radar and mi ilefire-c ntrol
maximum altitude of90,000ft (27,400m) John on had ~ rmally authorized th joint from Beale AFB, alifornia the first R-
had been attained with su tained flight U AF/C1A Operati n Black Shield pro- 71A (61-7978) arrived at Kadena AB,
time above Mach 3.2 (2,372.5mph or gramm and awaited early re ult . which wa d ignated Operating Locati n
3, 1 .5km/h) on the same flight of seventy- The first A-12 (Article 131,60-6937) 8 or OL- . It was pil ted by U AF Major
four minute. Thi wa indeed incredible left Groom Lake on 22 May flown by CIA Buddy L. Brown, with Captain David
performance: no other manned aeroplane pilot Mel Vojovodich and arrived at Kade- Jensen as the R O. By 15 March 196 ,
on the planet, except the orth American na after a 6hr 6min flight. A econd A-12 three R-71As had been declared as oper-
X-IS, could surpa s them. And the A-12 (Article 127,60-6930), fl wn by IA pilot ational at Kadena, and on 8 May Jack Lay-
was turbojet-powered and took off under its Jack Layton, arrived on 24 May, followed ton fl w th la t A-12 Black Shield mi i n,
own power, wherea the X-IS was rocket- by a third (Article 129,60-6932), flown by over North Korea.
p w red and had to be air-launched! CIA pilot Jack Weeks, on 27 May 1967. En After the twenty-ninth Black Shield,
By the end of 1965 the A-12 fle thad route, due to a problem with its Inertial during a post-maintenance functional
completed 1,160 t t flights in 1,616 hour; avigation y tem, Article 129 wa forced check flight out of Kadena on 4 June 196 ,
nine hours of thi being above Mach 3. In to make a top vel' on Midway Island. Jack Weeks and A-12 number eight (60-
November 1965 the A-12 was ready for Under th command f Colon I Hugh 6932) were lost om where in the Philip-
operati nal u e, and on the 22nd Kelly Slater, Det. 1 was declared operationally pine ea. Neither the body nor the aero-
John n told the head of the US Office of ready on 29 May 1967. Operation Black plane were ever found; he had been
Special Activitie (0 A) 'The tim has hield began two days later on 31 May with scheduled to return to Groom Lake on the
come when the bird hould I ave it ne t.' Oxcart mi ion number one: Mel Vojvodich following day. By this time the A-12s were
Thus, thr years and seven month after flew a 3hr 39min flight out of Kadena in being flown back to Area 51. The la t of
the A-12 had made its fir t flight, the Oxcart Article 131 during which he attained Mach these, on 9 June 1968, was 60-6930 flown
was ready for op rational use. 3.1 at 80,000ft (24,000m). On this, the by Denny ullivan. Det. 1 of the 1129th
type's first operational mission, his A-12 A was also deactivated in June 1968.
photographed seventy of the 190 known The last A-12 flight (Article 131, 60-
A-12 Operations Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) sites while he 6937), Groom Lake to Palmdale, was
flew over orth Vietnam and the Demilita- flown by Frank Murray. All surviving A-
The first operational A-12 mission was rized Zone (DMZ). 12 were then placed into torage in a large
flown ome ixty- ne months after its fir t even more Black Shield missions were hangar at U Air Force Plant 42, Palm-
flight, n 31 May 1967, and the last one flown over orth Vietnam betw en 31 dale. These A-12s were park d nose-to-
exactly ten month later, on 31 March 196 . May and 15 August 1967, followed by fif- tail, tail-to-nose, next to the sole TA-12
By the end ofjune 1968, all surviving A-12s, teen more b tween 15 August and 31 and the I ne surviving M-2l. A Convair F-l06A Delta Dart near Edwards AFB. NASA photo by Tony Landis

44 45

cancellation was attributed by the USAF

to a hortage of funds and other priori tie
in U AF programming. 0 technical dif-
ficultie were involved with the F-108 and
all programme objectives had been met.
The U AF said it would continue 'at a
reduced level' the development of the
Hughes AN/A G-1 pul e-Doppler radar
and fir -control ystem and the Hughe
AlMA 7 Falcon AAM which, a far as
anyon out-of-the-know knew, had b en
under development solely for the pro-
posed F-108. Only later did it become
clear why this surprising cancellation
came about.
Inboard profile of early AF-lZ configuration with three air-to-air missiles and
a rotary-action, six-barrel M61 20mm Vulcan cannon. Lockheed Martin

The AF-12
system, and armed with three Hughe AIM- Wright, which wa designated RJ55- W-l. As development of the A-12 under the CIA
47 (formerly GAR-9) Falcon infra-red-guid- In the event, the XF-103 programme was Oxcart programme proceeded into 1959, ABOVE: Inboard profile of Republic XF-l03
Kelly John on was bu y creating numerous a thorough evaluation programme u ing a
ed (heat- eking) air-to-air missiles. The deemed to be a bit to complex and was 'Thunderwarrior'. Cradle of Aviation Museum
derivative from the basic A-12 airframe and modified nvair B-58A Hu tier (55-
first F-IO was expected to fly by mid-I961. ancelled on 31 Augu t 1957, ju t as parts
power-plant combination, which Lockheed 0665, the ixth Hu tier built) ni knamed
In the meantime another Mach 3 all- of XF-103 number one were going into The Hughes AIM-47 Falcon (left)
hoped to sell to the USAF Air Defense and eventually evolved into the Hughes
, noopy'. Authorized for modification on
missile/rocket-armed interceptor was tak- their jigs. Moreover, the AF felt that
trategic Air Commands. One of these was AIM-54 Phoenix. Their respective sizes 17 OctOber 195 wi th a con tract from
ing hape, at the Republic Aviation or- production F-1 08 could be available much
a highly advanced, long-range, high-alti- are aptly illustrated by the man standing Hughe Aircraft,itwa given the A /A
poration. Thi wa known as the Republic sooner than production F-103s.
tude, Mach 3-cruise all-weather interceptor between them. Hughes Aircraft 18 radar nose with it 40in-diamet I' Om)
Model AP-57 and it \Va to be built under However, on 23 eptember 1959 the
known a the AF-12 (the 'AF' prefix mean- dish, which in turn called for a long-no e
Weapon y tem 2 4A as the XF-103. It U AF told orth American Aviation and
ing Air Defense Fighter), which was to out- configuration making this B-5 about 7ft
was to have a unique, highly advanced it employees that it had cancelled the F-
perform the F-IO . After its design was (2m) longer than a standard Hustler. Fur-
power plant being developed under Project 108 Rapier. At thi point only a full-scale
frozen and a full- cale engineering mock-up ther modifications called for the creati n
MX-I7 7, which incorporated a Wright engineering mock-up had b en complet-
was built, Lockhe d offered th AF-12 to the of missile pod with infra-red ker
J67 -W-1 turbojet engine coupled to a com- ed; no production F-108 was Ulider con-
USAF as a dedicated air-defence fighter. The which were carried ventrally on the belly
bined afterburner/ramjet unit, also built by struction. Thi unexpected and abrupt
term 'fighter' for the AF-12 was, strictly of' noopy'. These pods (two were built)
sp aking, a misnomer, a in its final onfig- campi ment of three AIMA7 mi sile . AN/ASG-18 had been in development each housed a single GAR-9 with as oci-
uration the aeroplane was in tead a dedi- The U AF immediately created th since late 1957 for u e on the F-108. The F- ated equipment.
cated interceptor. In U AF phraseology, a improved manned interceptor (IMI) pro- 108 was to carry three Hughes GAR-9 Fal- Flight te ting f th sophi ticated radar
fight r is capabl of air-to-air dog-fighting gramme for the AF-12, right after it can- con air-to-air radar-guided missiles inter- system cam fir t, beginning in early 1960
combat with other fighters, wher as an celled the F-108. nally on a rotary launcher (GAR tanding over ranges near Edwards AFB, alifornia .
interceptor i specifically deployed to pur- . In mid-1960, the U AF secretly ordered for 'Guided Aerial Rocket'). The GAR-9 But it was not until 25 May 1962 that the
su and destro.y incoming bomber and is three ervice-te t AF-12 aeroplane from mi sile was originally d signed to carry a first GAR-9 was test-fired. ubsequent t t
not at all a dog-fighter. Still, in this ca e, I Lockh d ADP und r what it call d Pro- small-yield nucl ar warhead, allowing it to firings were accompli hed and by early 1964
the 'F' for Fighter prefix wa used. ject Kedlock. While the first A-12s were destroy a box-type formation of ix to nine the radar and mi il ystem were deem d
The AF-I2 ver ion of the A-12 was dis- being built it wa decided that the seventh, bombers with one hot. It wa at fir t uitable for u e by the Lockheed interceptor,
cu d with Brigadier General Howell M. eighth and ninth A-12 airframes would be dubbed the Super Falcon, but when it was which by then had been flying for about ix
Estes Jr of the U AF (who would later get a embled a the three AF-12 ,at fir t only decided to use a conventional high-explo- months.' noopy' was u ed for radar/mi i1e
a VIP piloting flight in an SR-71 B on 5 known a L ckheed factory serial number sive warhead in tead, the name uper was tests until February 1964, after which all of
November 1987) in Washington, D ,on 1001,1002, and 1003. They later I' ceiv d dropp d and the GAR-9 Falcon was born. it modification except for its I n thened
16 and 17 March 1959. General Est sand U AF serial number 60-6934, 60-6935 The GAR-9 was to have a range of about radome were removed. This particular B-
Dr ourtlandt Perkins, USAF ecretary and 60-6936. 160 miles (260km) with a maximum peed 5 A, now stripped of it engine and oth r
for research and development, were of approximately Mach 7 (5,200mph or parts, remain at Edwards where it i park d
impres d wi th the AF-12 propo al and ,400km/h). It mea ured 10ft 6in (3.2m) in on the photographic range.
Johnson wa directed to have further dis- The Falcon Missile length with a b dy diam ter of 13.2in After the tri- ervice action on 18 ep-
cussions with General Marvin Demler at (33.5cm); gross weight was 800lb (360kg). tember 1962 to re-designate military air-
Wright-Patter on AFB, Dayton, Ohio. The ADP was directed to incorporate the It was to use a solid-propellant rocket motor craft and missiles, the GAR prefix wa
With hi engineering and performance Hughes A /A G-1 pulse-Doppler radar built by Lockheed. dropped and the prefix AIM ('Air Inter-
data, Johnson convinced the USAF that and missile fire-control system (including To test the A /A G-18 and GAR-9 cept Missile') put into place. Thu the
the AF-12 would be considerably better the infra-red en or package) and Hughe radar and mi ile y tem ,Hugh Aircraft, GAR-9, also now given a new number,
The North American F-108 Rapier in its full-scale engineering mock-up stage in AlMA 7 Falcon AAM on the aircraft. The Lockheed ADP and the U AF engaged in became the AIMA7.
mid-1959. North American Aviation via Gene Boswell
than the F-108 while carrying the same


The first YF-12A lands after its

first flight on 7 August 1963.
Lockheed Martin


BElOW: The first YF-12A

(60-6934) on an early test flight
prior to being painted in its
later all-black colour scheme.
Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: This is the B-58A (55-6651. nicknamed

'Snoopy', that was used to evaluate the Hughes
ASG-18 pulse-Doppler radar and missile fire-control
system as well as the AIM-47 Falcon. AFFTC/HO

The number one YF-12A under construction with

the F-12B mock-up shown to left. Lockheed Martin

The YF-12A
In eptember 1962, while the three AF-
12s were being manufactured, the Depart-
RIGHT: YF-12A number two (60-6935) during a
ment of Defense decided it wanted to elim-
functional check flight in mid-1965. Lockheed Martin
inate high-digit number and inter-service
confu i n with the then-current military
aircraft de ignation y tern. A far a fight-
er went, designations began anew with F-
1. The last fighter in development under where it underwent final assembly, numer-
the old sy tem was the General Dynamics ous ground checks - including low-, medi-
F-l11, 0 there would be no F-112. By the lim- and high- peed taxi te ts - prior to its
time the AF-12 wa to receive it USAF fir t flight. Then on 7 Augu t 1963, withJim
d ignation, th n w ystem had reached Ea tham at the control, the first YF-12A
F-ll A for the Grumman Fll F-l F Tiger, so (60-6934) made a succes ful fir t flight.
the AF-12 received the designation YF- The second YF-12A made it maiden
12A (Y for ervice te t, F for fighter, 12 for flight on 26 ovember 1963 and YF-12A
m d I, A for ver ion). Thu the Lockheed number thr e followe9 on 13 March 1964;
YF-12A wa b rn. they wer flown by, re pectively, Lockheed
Working in concert with Hughe Air- ADP te t pilot Lou chalk and Bob
craft, Johnson's team of ADP engineers and i1liland. uddenly, without fanfare, the
a sembly workers modelled, produced and U AF had a new interceptor that was far
flew the fir t AF-12/YF-12A in just under superior to any other on earth. And almost
thre years. 11 do thi , in part, a ucce ful no one wa aware of its existence! Knowing
full-scale engin ring mock-up r view had full well of the matchles capabilities of the
been held and ompleted on 31 May 1963; YF-12A, USAF official reque ted it pro-
Lockheed ADP's assigned chief test pilot curement and production to one day put into the public domain. On 29 Feb- him elf, ince the A-II wa not the anti-
Jame D. 'Jim' Ea tham had begun writing replace the so-called 'ultimate interceptor', ruary 1964 Pre ident Lyndon B. Johnson radar ver ion of Oxcart, which became
the YF-12A Flight Manual two months ear- the F-I06 Delta Dart. announced the existence not of the YF- the A-12. 0 at Johnson' reque t, Presi-
lier. Then in July 1963 the first YF-12A was The YF-12A programme was highly 12A but of the 'A-ll'. Thi de ignation dent John on complied with the designa-
trucked from Burbank to Groom Lake cla sified and it true role could not be was a ploy engineered by Kelly Johnson tion A-II.

48 49

ABOVE: YF-12A number three (60-6936) heads skyward for one of its world-
record flights. The white markings made it easier to track the aircraft from
the ground. Lockheed Martin

The YF-12A's structure. USAF

A YF·12A poses (MAIN Plcl, having just been equipped with the AIM-47 missile (INSET). USAF
Although very similar in appearance to Command, and weapon system evalua- between the pilot's and fire control officer's
the A-12, the YF-12A was quite a different tions began on 16 April 1964 when the first cockpits. Even at low spe ds serious prob-
aeroplane. It still had the A-12's chines but AlMA 7 ejection te t was performed suc- lems plagued missile launches. To keep the
they were bobbed at the nose for installation cessfully; Jim Eastman was pilot and Ray Falcons away from the YF-12As, Kelly
of the infra-red eyeballs. Moreover, it was a Scalise served as the Fire Control Officer Johnson and hi engineer had to develop
two- eater, with separate cockpits in tan- (FCO). However, it took several year to onboard thruster units, on above each end
dem. It al 0 had slightly different dimen- actually track and launch a radar-guided of the missile, to push the mi sil down-
sions, with a length of 10lft (30.78m) and AIM-47 missile at an airborne target. The ward with adequate and equal force. After
height of 18ft 6in (5.64m), though the same missil s were stored in internal missile the missile had been ejected downward
wingspan of 55ft 7in (16.91m); gross weight bays from which they w re ejected down- some 40ft (l2m) below the aircraft, its
was 127,000Ib (58,000kg). ward; what proved difficult was firing the rocket motor would then ignite.
YF-12A number one during armament tests. Note Air The YF-12A aircraft was proposed as a missile so that it would fly straight and true, The design peed of the YF-llA was
Defense Commandbadge on vertical tail. USAF -----r- weapon system for the USAF Air Defense rather than penetrating the launch aircraft achieved on 9 January 1965 when Eastman

50 51

SpecificatiDn - LDckheed YF-12A

Crew: Two: pilot and fire control officer
Power plant: Two Pratt & Whitney J5B (Model
JTll D-20A) bleed bypass turbojet
engines; 34,000lb (15,000kgl thrust
Weights: Empty 70,000lb (32,000kgl; gross
124,0001b (56,000kg)
Dimensions: Length 101 ft Bin (31 ml; wingspan
55ft 7in (16.9Bml; wing area 1.795sq
It (166.75sq ml; height lBft 6in
Performance: Maximum speed in excess of Mach
3.2; maximum range (unrefuelledl
3,000 miles (4,BOOkml; maximum
ceiling in excess of BO,OOOft
ABOVE: The number one YF-12A Armament: Three Hughes AIM-47A Falcon air-to-
lifts off at Edwards AFB. AFFTC/HO air radar-guided missiles

A fine study of YF-12A-1 on the

ground. AFFTC/HO

---:r;.. A live AIM-47 Falcon has been uploaded into the forward left-hand missile bay on
YF-12A number one. Lockheed Martin
Command requested an initial production
run of ninety-three F-12Bs to erve a ded-
icated all-weath~r, all-missile-armed inter-
ceptor aircraft with very high speed and
BELOW: The third YF-12A (60-6936) high-altitud capabilitie. The U on-
on a test flight near Edwards AFB gress allocated 90 million for the pro-
in mid-1965. Lockheed Martin flew one of the aircraft to Mach 3.2 for five The three YF- I 2A were intended to gramme and the ninety-three F-12B for
minutes. Then on 1 March 1965 the first lead to a production air-defence fighter for the U AF Aerospace Defen e ommand
live firing fan AIM-47 from an YF-12A the USAF, the F-12B, as related in the (formerly Air Defen e Command) were
was ucce sfully accomplished; Ea tman was next section. The fir t YF-12A (60-6934) ordered into production on 14 May 1965.
again the pilot, with FCO John Archer. wa placed in torage. Then, after the 10 To be arm d with four AIM-47 mis iles,
Four Hughes Aircrafr engineers, working a of one of the two R-71 B dual-control op rated by the AN/A G-18 radar/fire-
FCOs, fired service-test AIM-47s at a num- trainers on 11 January 1969, the aft half of control sy tern, the production F-12B was
b r f Ryan Q-2C target drone at altitudes YF-12A number one was mated to the sta- to be capable of intercepting and de troy-
ranging from ea level to more thaf135,000ft tic structural loads test R-71A to become ing incoming bombers (at any peed, any
(Il,OOOm), and hit target more than 140 a flyable aeroplane. This creation became altitude) while they were till more than
miles (230km) distant over ocean or over the unique R-71 (61-7981). The SR- 100 mile (I60km) away. As projected, the
land. n 28 eptember 1965 an AIM-47 71 ,nicknamed 'The Ba tard', was fitted F-12B would have been powered by two
wa fired from one of the YF-12As while it with a second, raised, cockpit to serve as a 34,0001b (I 5,000kg) thru t J58 bleed
flew at Mach 3.2 at an altitude of 75,000ft pilot trainer and transition aeroplane to bypass turbojet engines like it ibling, the
(23,000m). The target was 36 mile (5 km) replace the lost R-71 B. It made its first SR- 71. And with thi combin d thru t rat-
distant and th mis i1e mi sed the target by flight on 14 March 1969. ing of 6 ,0001b (31,000kg), the F-12B was
6 feet (1.8m). But thi event proved that an On 24 June 1971, YF-12A number three anticipated to top out at Mach 3.5
AAM could be successfully launched at (60-6936) was lost in a crash east of Edwards (2,600rnph or 4,200km/h) and 90,000-
more than 2,OOOmph (3,200km/h). Fired AFB. The cra h was cau ed by a fuel line 100,000ft (27,000-30,000m).
from an YF-12A flying at Mach 3-plus, and that had ruptured because of metal fatigue, Due to the rising cost of what would
acc lerating on its own, an AIM-47 sped starting a fire in the right engine nacelle. soon become known as the Vietnam War,
hyper onically at Mach 7 (5,000mph or The pilot, Lt Colonel Ronald 'Jack' Layton, however, the new ecretary f D fen
8,400km/h) at the peak of its flight profile. and his FCO, Major Billy uni, j cted Robert . Mc amara and hi 'whizz kid'
With the launch problem eliminated, the safely with~ut injurie . saw it another way. Even though ongr
. AN/A G-18 Doppler radar system and voted three times in three years to appro-
AIM-47A missile performed very well, priate the 90 million to tart production
achieving a success rate of over 90 per cent. F-12B of the F- ~ 2B, Mc amara froze thi funding
Developm nt of thi weapon y tern for the each time, opting instead to fund the less
YF-12A led to the successful devel pment The F-12B wa to be the operational ver- exp n iv - h aid - but also less capable
of the Hughes/Raytheon AN/AWG-9 radar, ion of the ervice-te t YF-12A, which had F-I06X propo al from the Convair division
fire-control system and AIM-54 Pho nix pas ed all of it te t pha and proved of the General Dynamics Corporation. On
missile used in the Grumman F-14 Tomcat it would have been an e~ ctive weapon 5 January 1968 the Skunk Work received
of today. system. The USAF Aerospace Defense official U AF notification to terminate all

52 53

of its YF-12A/F-12B operations. Th is was programme whereby the General Dynam-

Specifications -lockheed F-12B
(projected) followed by the order to destroy all tooling ics F-111A and F-111B was to suit both CHAPTER FOUR
for the YF-12A. the USAF and US Navy. These aircraft
Crew: Two: pilot and fire control officer The Convair Division of the General had made their first flights on 21 Decem-
Power plant: Two Pratt & Whitney J58 (Model Dynamics Corporation, based in San ber 1964 and 18 May 1965, re pectively.
JTll D-20A) bleed bypass turbojet
engines; 34.0001b (15.000kg) thrust
Diego, California had earlier proposed this
advanced version of its already highly
respected F-106A Delta Dart, which was
Aerospace Defense Command wanted to
buy 350 F-106Cs but, to its di may, on 23
September 1968 thi programme was also
Piggyback Peepers:
Weights: Empty 70.0001b (32.000kg); gross
125.0001b (57.000kg)
Dimensions: Length 101 ft 8in (31 ml; wingspan
55ft 7in (16.98m); wing area 1.795sq
arguably the best all-weather, all-missile/
rocket-armed interceptor of its day. The
proposed single-seat F-106C, as th F-
cancelled. Thus, there would be no F-12Bs
and no F-106Cs, but plenty of F-111s.
One capability of the proposed F-12B was
M-21 'Mother' and D-21 'Daughter'
ft (166. 75sq m); height 18ft 6in 106X was ultimately designated, was to be that of intercepting incoming nuclear war-
(5.67ml powered by a single 32,500lb (14,700kg) heads from Intercontinental Ballistic Mis- The most sensitive project during my years at the Skunk Works [was the Tagboard projectl
Performance: Maximum speed in excess of Mach thrust Pratt & Whitney ]T4B-22, a highly siles. This little-known concept was actual- fewer than one hundred /)eopl.e were involved or knew about it.
3.3 (2.250mph/3.620km/h); maximum advanced version ofthe]75, giving the 'C' ly tested, and the YF-12A's AN/ASG-18
range (unrefuelled) 3.000 miles BEN RICH
model it projected Mach 3 dash speed . radar did in fact lock on to Boeing LGM-30
(4.800kml; maximum ceiling
Additional high-speed aerodynamic sta- Minuteman ICBMs launched from Van-
1OO.OOOft (30.000m)
Armament: Three Hughes AIM-478 Falcon air-to- bility and control was to be achieved by denberg AFB, California on several 0 ca- Some two year and five months after pilot to interrogate or to hang out to dry in tested on the Lockheed X-7 and other
air radar-guided missiles and one six- the use of canard foreplanes. sions. 0 missiles were actually fired at these Francis Gary Powers had been shot down front of God and the World, as had hap- unpiloted aircraft. Moreover, the R]43 was
barrel 20mm M61 Vulcan rotary- What was really going on, however, was fri ndly targets, however. while overflying the Soviet Union in a pened to Powers. the primary engine in the Boeing IM-99
action cannon. or four AIM-47B that McNamara had been favouring Lockheed U-2C on 1 May 1960, and some On 10 October 1962 Lockheed ADP BOMARC sLilface-to-air missile. Ther -
AAMs with no cannon the Tactical Fighter, Experimental (TFX) four years, seven months before the first A- received authorization from the CIA and fore, the ADP selected the type as th Q-
F-12B Operations (Projected) 12 mission of Operation Black Shiekl was USAF to study the drone idea: two modi- 12's intended power plant.
flown on 31 May 1967, the CIA went fied A-12 aircraft would be used as carrier Eventually Lockheed ADP came up
Missile Ejection Tests and live Firings It is now 15 May 1970 and the318th Fight- to Lockheed ADP with its plan to field aircraft. Since the prefix Q denotes 'Drone', with a complet Iy new design for its Q-12,
er Interceptor Squadron (FrS) of the USAF an unmanned strategic reconnaissance the reconnaissance drone was given what based in part upon its existing A-12 air-
Date Aeroplane Comment Aerospace Defense Command 325th Fight- drone. Th drone was to be carried piggy- became an interim designation of Q-12 frame and radar cross-section technolo-
er Wing (FW) based at McChord AFB near back and air-launched from a centreline under Project Tagboard. Lockheed intended gies; on 20 March 1963 Lockheed received
16/4/64 YF-12A-l (60-6935) First ejection test from forward left-hand missile bay of XAIM-47 Super
Tacoma, Washington, has just scrambled pylon mounted atop the aft section of an to power the drone with a ramjet engine, a CIA letter contract for the manufacture
Falcon AAM
four of its twenty-four Lockheed F-12B air- A-12, fly its mission over enemy territory, and at first, to save development time and of the Q-12. Two A-12 aeroplanes, manu-
18/3/65 YF-12A-2 (60-6935) Fired YAIM-47A at Ryan Q-2C drone flying at 40.000ft (12.000m) while craft to intercept ight large and unknown then return to have its reconnaissance money, the ADP studied and proposed the facturer numbers 134 (60-6940) and 135
flying at Mach 2.2 and 65.000ft (20.000m); target destroyed radar contacts approaching from the north- payload recov red in friendly territory use of a ramjet-powered QF-104: this, how- (60-6941), were modified for the Q-12
19/5/65 YF-12A-2 (60-6935) Fired YAIM-47A at Ryan Q-2C drone flying at 20.000ft (6.000ml while flying east, over northern Canada. after parachute descent. The drone wa ever, was not favoured by th CIA and was mission requirement. To do this, a second
at Mach 2.3 and 65.000ft (20.000ml Each one of these four all-weather inter- then to self-destruct. The projected speed soon rejected. At the time, the Marquardt cockpit wa added for the launch control
YF-12A-l (60-6934) Fired YAIM-47A at Ryan Q-2C drone flying at 20.000ft (6.000ml while flying ceptors is armed with a single M61 Vulcan and altitude performance of the drone was R]43 ramj t was the best such engine avail- officer (LCO) and carry/launch pylons
at Mach 3.2 and 75.000ft (23.000m); target destroyed 20mm cannon whil carrying three Hugh- to be at least equal to that of the A-12. able. Lockheed ADP had previou knowl- were fitted, with the launch controls (elec-
es AIM-47B Super Falcon radar-guided The reason for having such a drone was edge of the Marquardt engines as a number trical wiring, fuel supply, pneumatics, and
22/3/66 YF-12A-3 (60-6936) Fired YAIM-47A at Ryan Q-2C drone flying at 1.500ft (500ml while flying at
air-to-air mi sil s. In association with the that if it was shot down there would be no of them had previously been thoroughly so on) being built into the pylons.
Mach 3.15 and 74.500ft (23.000ml; target destroyed
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
25/4/66 YF-12A-l (60-6934) Fired YAIM-47Aat Boeing QB-47 Stratojet flying at 1.500ft (500m) while lIy- (SAGE) system of the North American
ing at Mach 3.2 and 75.000ft (23.000m); target destroyed Aerospace Defense (NORAD) Command
13/5/66 YF-12A-3 (60-69361 Fired YAIM-47A at Ryan Q-2C drone flying at 20.000ft (6.000ml while flying and their onboard Hughes AN/A G-18
at Mach 3.17 and 74.000ft (22.500ml: target destroyed pulse-Doppler "radar and missile fire-con-
trol system, they will soon acquire these
21/9/66 YF-12A-3 (60-6936) Fired YAIM-47Aat Boeing QB-47 Stratojet flying at avery low altitude near
sea level while flying at Mach 3.2 and 75.000ft (23.000m): target destroyed targets with their own radar y tem .
Then, once identified as friend or foe, they
will either be directed to fir upon the tar-
gets or to break off and to return to base.
YF-12A Record Flights (All flown on 1 May 1965 in YF-12A-3 60-6936) The foregoing is of course fictitious, but it
pretty much explains how an operational F- The 0-21 mock-up.
Record Flight Crewmembers
12B air-defence scenario might have gone. Lockheed Martin
Group III Sustained Altitude (absolute): 80.258ft (24,462.6m) USAF Colonel Robert Stephens. pilot;
As a dedicated weapon system the F-12B
USAF Lt Colonel Daniel Andre. FCD
was to be the fastest-flying, highe t-flying
15/25km (9.3/15.5-milel closed circuit course: 2.070.1 02mph (3.331.5km/hl USAF Robert Stephens. pilot; USAF and longest-ranged interceptor ever built.
Lt Colonel Daniel Andre. FCD But this was not to be for its production was
500km (31 O.7-mile) closed circuit course: 1.643.042mph (2.644.2km/h) USAF Major Walter Daniel. pilot; not proceeded with. But, as one high-rank-
USAF Major Noel Warner. FCD ing USAF Aerospace Defense Command
1.000km (621.4-milel closed circuit course: 1.688.89mph (2)18km/h) USAF Major Walter Daniel. pilot;
officer said, 'It was the best interceptor that
USAF Capt James Cooney. FCD we never built.'

54 55

lEFr. The Marquardt RJ43 ramjet
engine as first installed in the first
0-21, Lockheed Martin

BELOW: 0-21 test fit to M-21 number

one, Lockheed Martin

TOP: The first 0-21. Lockheed Martin

BOTTOM: The first M-21 with a

mounted 0-21 at Groom Lake in
late 1964, Lockheed Martin

56 57

To avoid confusion with the A·12, AF·12 Project Tagboard William M, 'Bill' Park, flew the mission
(later YF·12) and upcoming R·12/RB·12 with Ray Torick serving as the LCO, in
(later RS· 71/SR·71) designations the There w re no dedicated operations per se this case just to monitor the D·2l's sys·
dron and the carrier aeroplanes were given for the M·2l and D·2l, but these unique tems, as there would be no launch, Thi
their own designation, To get away from aircraft did complete a series of flight· test test of the M·2l/D·2l combination went
the number 12, it was reversed to 2l, and to sorties. The first of these, a functional very well indeed, and moved the Tagboard
further emphasize the differences, the carri· check flight (FCF) of the first M·2l with programme closer to reality, Ironically, on
er aircraft was designated M·21 CM' mean· a D·21 mounted for the first time, was that very same day, the fir t SR· 71A
ing 'Mother') and the Q·12 drone was reo flown on 22 December 1964 at Groom made its first flight at Palmdale, Moving
de ignated D·2l (the prefix 'D' meaning Lake, Lockheed ADP's test pilot and chief to and fro, Kelly Johnson attended both
'Daughter', not 'Drone'), test pilot on the M·2l/D.21 programme, events,

ABOVE: Close-up view of 0-21 mounted to its pylon atop an BELOW: A rare view of the second M-21 number two (60-69411 with a 0-21. just priorto its loss.
M-21. Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin

TOP: The first M-21 (60-6940) on its first flight with a 0-21 attached. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: The gross take-off weight of an M-21 with a 0-21 attached was about 125.000lb (56,700kg), Lockheed Martin

58 59

ABOVE: The 0-21 mission profile called for a ABOVE: The M-21 was powered by two 34,OOOlb thrust
maximum speed of at least Mach 3.5 12,595mph or J58 engines while the 0-21 was driven by a single
4,176.5km/h) above 90,OOOft (27,OOOm). Lockheed Martin 1,500lb thrust ramjet engine. Lockheed Martin

An F-104 chase plane with the M-21 and 0-21 on

their first flight together. Lockheed Martin

Air-launching a relatively larg aircraft

from the back of another while they were
travelling at a very high speed was 'risky 1,200nm (2,200km) and hit a top speed f
busine ' in th tru I' sense of that phra e_ Mach 3.3. The third successful test launch
In fact, it had n vel' been done before. ev- wa held on 16 June 1966 with Park a pilot
eral m re M-21/D-21 FCF test weI' flown and Be wick a LCO. This 0-21 (number
before the go-ahead for the first aerial 505) flew l,600nm (2,960km) and made
launch of a 0-21 was given, but on 4 March eight pre-programmed course correction. A
1966 it was. n the morning of 5 March, f, urth test launch was scheduled for 30 July
M-21 number one (60-6940) lifted off with 1966, but this time the second M-21 (60-
0-21 number three (503) attached to her 6941) would be used with 0-21 number four
back. Bill Park was pilot and the LCO wa (504 ).
Keith Beswick. A before, the M-21 lifted off from
Park and Beswick rode their rather Groom Lake and headed westward out over
strange machines to a US avy missile test th Pacific Ocean. Bill Park was again the of M-21 number one, which wa flying th m about an hour later, Torick was dead:
range over the Pacific Ocean. The ensuing pilot and Ray Torick was LCO for the c- 'chase', it immediately made contact with h had prematurely opened his helmet, and
launch wa a ucce and the 0-21 fl w m ond time. Once on tat ion at altitude and the M-21. After contact the M-2l was seen then drowned as wat I' ru hed in and filled
120 mil (190km) before it telemetry was while flying at Mach 3.25 (2,400mph or to pitch up and then it n e ection broke hi flight suit. Park was safely re cued.
10 t. The econd uccessful test launch 3,900km/h) - the highest launch peed away. Park and Torick both jected and Thi unfortunate loss of a loyal flight-te I'
came about on 27 April 1966. This time yet attempted - the 0-21 was rel ased by landed in the ocean, ome 150 mile engineer caused an agonizing reapprai al of
Ray Torick was the LCO for pilot Bill Torick. As soon as the 0-21 b gan to lift (240km) off the coast f alif, rnia. Howev- the Tagboard programme, and put th M-
Close-up view of a 0-21 mounted on an M-21. Lockheed Martin Park and the 0-21 (number 506) flew away from it pylon, according to the crew er, by the time the re cue helicopter reached 21/0-21 in a most unwanted potlight.

60 61

Senior Bowl U AF Strategic Air Command. These were were assigned to 'A' Flight of the 4200th
modified to carry two D-21 Bs, one under Te t Wing' 4200th Te t quad ron (T ) at
After the tragic loss of long-time Lockheed either wing mounted on pylons between Beale AFB, which wa establi hed on 1
employee Ray Torick and M-21 number the inboard engine nacelle and the fuse- January 1967. The 4200th TS, although
two, it wa d cided that D-21 launches from lage. This B-52H/D-21 B operation became this is undocumented, may have been the
M-21 were too dangerous to continue. The known as Senior Bowl. The B-52H was the 4200th Air/ upport quad ron (A/ ).
M-21/D-21 programme was cancelled and final version of the tratofortres built and There were several B-52H/D-21 B F F
the sole surviving M-21 was removed from was powered by eight 17 ,000lb (7, 700kg) mission before any operational launche
flight tatu - there would b no further thrust Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-3 (or P- were authorized. Then, from 9 ovember
piggyback missions. 103) turbofan engines. 1969 to 20 March 1971, four operational D-
But the IA wanted to continue D-2l The sixth and subsequent production D- 21 B launches were made from the B-52Hs.
operations, and to do this two specially 21s would be built as the D-21 B model and The D-21 programme officially ended on 8
modified Boeing B-52H Stratofortress the earlier D-21s were brought up to D-21 B July 1971 when the Senior Bowl programme
b mber were secretly obtained from the standard. The two Senior Bowl B-52Hs was terminated.

The seventh 0-21 reconnaissance

drone being test-fitted to a pylon
used by the B-52H in the Senior Bowl
programme. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: A B-52H carrying

Specification - 0-218 two 0-21s.
Power plant: One 1.500lb (680kgl thrust Marquardt Lockheed Martin
RJ43-MA-l1 ramjet engine
Dimensions: Length 42ft 1Din (12.83ml; height 7ft
Xin (2.14m); wingspan 19ft Xin
(5.79m); wing area n/k
Weights: Empty n/k; gross 11.0001b (5.000kg)
. Performance: Maximum speed Mach 3.35; cruise The view from above of
speed Mach 3.25 at 80.00D-95.000ft a 0-21 immediately after
(24.000-29.000m); ceiling 95.000ft being dropped from a
(29.000m); maximum range 3.000nm B-52H. Lockheed Martin
(4.800kml; 2.969nm (4,778km) was
the maximum actually flown BELOW: Booster ignition.
Lockheed Martin

Specification - M-21

The first 0-21. with a booster rocket. Power plant: Two afterburning 34.0001b (15AOOkg)
mounted to a B-52H. Lockheed Martin thrust Pratt & Whitney J58 bleed
bypass turbojet engines
Weights: Empty n/k; gross 125.0001b
Dimensions: Length 102ft 3in (31.18m); height
18ft 6in (5.67m); wingspan 55ft 7in
116.98ml; wing area 1,795sq ft
(166.75sq ml
Performance: Maximum speed Mach 3.2+; ceiling
95.000ft (29.000m); maximum range
3.000 miles (4.800kml

62 63

D-21 Production
NC Lockheed Comment
Build Number
0-21 501 Updated to 0-21 B; erroneously ejected from port pylon on B-52H on 28/9/67
0-21 502 Updated to 0-21 B; stored at OM AFB ARMARC
0-21 503 Test launched 5/3/66 by LCD Keith Beswick; flew 120m (190kml; Bill Park was pilot; first Tagboardlaunch mission
0-21 504 Launched 30/7/66 from M-21 number two (60-6941) by LCD Ray Torick over the Pacific Ocean; it collided with M-21 which caused the M-21 to crash;
pilot Bill Park and LCD Ray Torick ejected safely but Torick drowned when he removed his helmet too soon; last Tagboard mission; M-21/0-21
programme cancelled due to Torick's death
0-21 505 Launched 16/6/66 from M-21 number one (60-69401 by LCD Keith Beswick; flew 1,600nm (2,960km); pilot was Bill Park
0-21 506 Launched 27/4/66 by LCD Ray Torick; flew 1,200nm (1 ,900km); pilot was Bill Park
0-21B 507 Launched 6/11/67 from B-52H; flew 134nm (248km); first Senior Bowl mission
0-21B 508 Launched 19/1/68 from B-52H; flew 260nm (480km) ABOVE: The first M-21 'Mother' (60-6940) is shown
carrying a D-21 'Daughter' on its back for the first
0-21B 509 Launched 2/12/67 from B-52H; flew 1,430nm (2,650kml time on 22 December 1964. This M-21 made eighty
0-21B 510 Stored at OM AFB AMARC; now mounted atop sole surviving M-21 (60-6940) at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington flights before it was placed into storage. There it
remained until it was donated to the Museum of
0-21B 511 Launched 30/4/68 from B-52H; flew 150nm (280km) Flight in Seattle, Washington, where it can be seen
0-21B 512 Launched 16/6/68 from B-52H; flew 2,850nm 15,300kml today - complete with a D-21 mounted on its back.
Lockheed Martin
0-21B 513 Stored by NASA-Dryden FRC at Edwards AFB, California
0-21B 514 Launched 1/7/68 from B-52H; flew 80nm (150km) Another view of M-21 number one with a D-21,
showing its size relative to the Blackbird. The
0-21B 515 Launched 15/12/68 from B-52H; flew 2,953nm (5,469km) number two M-21 (60-6941) was lost in a crash
0-21B 516 Launched 28/8/68 from B-52H; flew 78nm (145km) on 30 July 1966, during its ninety-fifth flight,
which killed LCO Ray Torick. Lockheed Martin
0-21B 517 Launched 9/11/69 from B-52H; first operational mission
0-21B 518 Launched 11/2/69 from B-52H; flew 161 nm (298km) BELOW: A Boeing B-52H Stratofortress (61-0021)
carrying a pair of D-21 Bs on its two inboard
0-21B 519 Launched 10/5/69 from B-52H; flew 2,972nm 15,504kml wing pylons during the Senior Bowl programme
0-21B 520 Launched 10/7/69 from B-52H; flew 2,937nm (5,439kml in mid-1965. The B-52 was no stranger in the
carriage of heavy loads under its wings (witness
0-21B 521 Launched 20/2/70 from B-52H; flew 2,969nm 15,499kml the NASA B-52A that carried the 56,OOOlb X-15A-2
0-21B 522 Stored at OM AFB AMARC under its right-hand wing). Lockheed Martin

0-21B 523 Launched 16/12/70 from B-52H; second operational.mission

0-21B 524 US Air Force Museum, Dayton, Ohio
0-21B 525 Blackbird Air Park, Palmdale, California
0-21B 526 Launched 4/3/71 from B-52H; third operational mission
0-21B 527 Launched 20/3/71 from B-52H - fourth and last operational mission
0-21B 528 Stored at US Air Force Museum, Dayton, Ohio
0-21B 529 Stored by NASA-Dryden FRC, Edwards AFB, California
0-21B 530 Displayed at OM AFB, Arizona
0-21B 531 Stored at OM AFB AMARC
0-21B 532 Stored at OM AFB AMARC
0-21B 533 Pima Air Museum, Arizona
0-21B 534 Stored at OM AFB AMARC
0-21B 535 No data
0-21B 536 Stored at OM AFB AMARC
0-21B 537 Stored by NASA-Dryden FRC, Edwards AFB, California
0-21B 538 Museum of Aviation - Robins AFB, Georgia

NB: OM AFB AMARC - Oavis-Monthan Air Force Base Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center

ABOVE LEFr. The YF-12A instrument
panel was not as complex as one
might expect of such a sophisticated
aircraft. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: A good view of an YF-12A on

the ground. The position of the infra-
red 'eye balls' is noteworthy. (LMSW)
ABOVE: A-12 number one (60-6924) during its pre-flight

LEFr. An SR-71A (61-7966) approaches J58 engine run-up at Groom dry lake. Subsequent to
Beale AFB in central California. this, some nine months after it had first flown, the
Lockheed Martin first A-12 finally flew with its design engine, a
P&W J58 housed in the left-hand nacelle only, on
BELOW: Looking like something from 31 January 1963. Lockheed Martin
another world even today, some forty
years after its debut in December The sole A-12 pilot trainer and transition aeroplane
1964, this sleek SR-71A strikes a (60-6927), nicknamed the 'Titanium Goose', prepares
beautiful pose while parked on the for take-off in late 1963. On this occasion, instead
ramp at the DFRC facility at Edwards of a s~udent pilot being seated in the front cockpit,
AFB. NASA it was none other than Kelly Johnson himself.
Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: The fifth production A-12 (60-6928) taxis back

to the flight line. During its 202nd flight on 5 January
1967 things went wrong and pilot Walter J. Ray
was forced to eject. He did not separate from his
ejection seat, however, and was killed.
Lockheed Martin

A-12 number 10 (60-6933) sits outside its hanger.

Between 27 November 1963 and August 1965 it
successfully completed 217 flights; it now resides
at the San Diego Aerospace Museum in California.
Lockheed Martin
ABOVE: An SR-71A (61-7955) flies in formation with its subsonic ABOVE RIGHT: With Skunk Works test pilot Bill Weaver at the controls and Daniel Andre serving
sibling, the U-2-based TR-1A. The TR-1A, the first example of as RSO, the sixth production SR-71A lifts off from Palmdale for its first flight on 17 August 1965.
which made its first flight on 1 August 1981, piloted by Ken It last flew on 24 January 1985. Lockheed Martin
Weir, was redesignated U-2R in 1992. Today, powered by a
lighter 17,OOOlb thrust General Electric F118-GE-101 turbofan BELOW: Afterburners lit, shock diamonds visible, an SR-71A heads for its operating altitude of
engine, and with other modifications, the U-2R is now the about 90,OOOft in 1980. In its final form the P&W J58 engine produced almost 40,OOOlb thrust,
U-2S. The last U-2R was converted to U-2S standard in 1999. which gave the 170,OOOlb SR-71 about 80,000lb total thrust and a maximum speed approaching
Lockheed Martin Mach 3.3. Lockheed Martin
ABOVE: The flight line at Groom lake was crowded during this photo opportunity with ten of
the fifteen A-12s built. The 'Titanium Goose' is parked in the second positi.on. Lockheed Martin

BELOW: A poor-quality but rare photograph of the first YF-12A (60-6934) during its first flight on 7
August 1963. Its aft section and wings were later mated with the forward section of the SR-
71A static test airframe to create the unique SR-71 C. Lockheed Martin

RIGHT:The lockheed Skunk Works holds the distinction of creating the world's first double-
and triplesonic turbojet-powered aeroplanes: the F-104 Starfighter and the Blackbird. Here a
NASA F-104N (811) and YF-12A number two (60-6935) fly together near Edwards AFB in 1966.

Blackbird number six

(61-7955), retained by
lockheed to serve as
company flight-test
aircraft, flew a total
ABOVE: Here the YF-12C/SR-71C banks west toward the setting sun during its
of 1,993.7 flying hours
first flight on 14 March 1969. The YF-12 aft end, with ventral fins, and the SR-71
before it was retired.
forward end, with chines running to the apex of it nose, are clearly visible. NASA
It now resides at the
AFFTC Museum at
LEFT:This is the fictitious 'YF-12C' with a phoney USAF serial number (60-6937).
Edwards AFB.
It was in fact the sole SR-71C (61-7981), which had been created by mating the
Lockheed Martin
aft section and wings of the number one YF-12A with the forward section of the
SR-71A static test airframe. Due to the unusual nature of its creation it was
nicknamed 'The Bastard'. NASA
A Pratt & Whitney J58 engine on
display next to SR-71A (61-7976) at
Blackbird Air Park, Palmdale,
California. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

BELOW: One of the two NASA-operated

SR-71A Blackbirds taxis toward the
camera at DFRC in 1992. If we did
not know these aircraft existed
when they were flying, just how
many UFO sightings would they have
generated when seen from th is
angle? NASA

ABOVE: The SR-71A Blackbird looks

ominous from any angle. For nearly
twenty-five years it did its job, and did
it well. And though it was fired upon
hundreds of times it was never hit by
enemy fire. Lockheed Martin

A Blackbird at Beale AFB with nine

pilot/RSO crewmember pairs all suited
up for a public relations photograph.
One has to wonder how these men
could stand being confined within
their cumbersome 'space suits' for
the long-duration missions, of which
so many were flown. Lockheed Martin

BELOW: Ten SR-71As and the lone

surviving SR-71B (61-7956) are shown
here at Beale AFB in mid-1968. The
other SR-71B (61-7957) crashed to
RIGHT:A fine in-flight study of an SR-71A astern a KC-135Q tanker. destruction on 11 January 1968.
Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin

BElOW: The twenty-fifth production SR-71A (61-7976) is freeze-framed during its

first flight in May 1967 with Bob Gilliland at the helm and Steve Belgau serving
as RSO. It was this SR-71A that flew the first Blackbird mission on 9 March 1968
out of Kadena AB, Okinawa. The pilot on that occasion was Major Jerome F.
O'Malley and the RSO was Captain Edward D. Payne. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: The sixth production SR-71A (61-7955) returns to Palmdale

after its first flight on 17 August 1965. This was a dedicated SR-71
SR-71: Leader of the Pack
test aircraft operated primarily by Air Force Logistics Command
out of Palmdale. The Skunk Works logo on its tail is noteworthy. I would like to announce the successful development of a new strategic manned aircraft system, which will be employed by the Strategic
Lockheed Martin Air Command. This system employs the new SR-71 aircraft, and provides a long- range advanced strategic reconnaissance plane for
military use, capable of worldwide reconnaissance for military operations. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, when reviewing the [North American]
Another PR photo showing a pair of Blackbirds and their
RS-70, emphasized the importance of the strategic reconnaissance mission. The SR-71 aircraft reconnaissance system is the most advanced
respective crew members. Lockheed Martin
in the world. The aircraft will fly at more than three times the speed of sound. It will operate at altitudes in excess of 80 ,0OOft.
24 July 1964

If the Blackbird did not already look sinister enough, this shot of two SR-71s at Beale AFB in the early morning fog of central California's San Joaquin Valley
really makes them look spooky, giving credence to their venomous 'Habu' nickname. Lockheed Martin

BELOW: This close-up view of the seventeenth production SR-71A (61-7968) clearly shows the exotic lines of the famed Blackbird. Even now, some forty years after
the flight of an SR-71. no other turbojet-powered aeroplane in the world has flown faster or higher. Lockheed Martin

When President Johnson announced the was ordered into production, it had been SR-71 production at Burbank. Lockheed Martin
existence of the Lockheed SR-71 some five called the RS- 71, which remained its offi-
months before it flew, the US Department cial designation until the time of President
of Defense, Lockheed and the USAF were Johnson's announceme~t. But he had
more than just a little dismayed. Not called it the SR-71 and something had to by the President of the United States. So,
because of its early revealing to the public, be done, immediately, so as not to lay before the aircraft had even flown, the
but because of its name: when the aeroplane ridicule upon the mispronunciation error Department of Defense, Lockheed and the


lEFT: The premier SR-71A (61-7950) being trucked to Palmdale in early December 1964. Lockheed Martin

ABOVE: The first SR-71A is shown here prior to its first flight on 22 December 1964. Lockheed Martin

looking more like something from outer space than from planet earth, an SR-71A is silhouetted in this TOP: Two SR-71As pose in the customary morning San Jacquin Valley fog at ABOVE: An SR-71A banks away from a tanker immediately after being refuelled.
worm's eye view. Lockheed Martin Beale AFB. Lockheed Martin Note the fuel streaks atop the inner wings. Lockheed Martin

66 67


TOP: The first SR-71A (61-79501 on an early test flight; this aircraft would be lost at Edwards AFB on 10 January 1967. AFFTC/HO A fine in-flight study of
an SR-71A (61-79761.
BOTTOM: Ten SR-71As and the sale surviving SR-71B (far backgroundl at Beale AFB in December 1983. Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin

USAF opted to change the official desig- and remain to b proven. But given th ultimately became the air-to-ground
nation from RS- 71 to SR- 71. (The prefix fact that the RS-71/SR- 71 had ki lied off th AGM-69 built by Boeing.) As a reconnais-
'RS' means Reconnaissance trike where- proposed orth American R -70 Valkyrie, sance/strike weapon system, the RS- 70 wa
a 'SR' means Strategic Reconnaissance.) the assumption is well founded. to strike ten or more strategic target , return
This involved literally tons of paperwork, for detailed bomb damage a sessment
as everything from contractual agreements (BOA) and then, if necessary, re-strike
to technical manuals had to be alter d to The RS-70 ~me of th very same targets. The U on- .
read properly. gress voted funds for the R -70 programme
Since the SR-71 was originally ordered In March 1961 the Kennedy Admini tra- but McNamara refused to release them. 0,
into production a the RS- 71, would it be tion's Defense ecretary, Robert S. McNa- like the B-70, the R -70 di d on the vine.
capable of delivering strike weapon such as mara, cancelled the proposed North Amer- What mo t did not know, because of its
the then-upcoming Short-Range Attack ican B- 70 Valkyrie Mach 3 strategic highly cla ified nature, was that the R -
Missile (SRAM)? Assuming it would, with bomber. The USAF then attempted to 70 had faced serious competition in the
a high degree of speculation, there might resuscitate th programme in March 1962 form of the Lockheed RS- 71. This wa the
have been a plan for two different aircraft by requesting a fleet of RS-70 aeroplanes to reconnaissance-bomber version of the A-
configurations forward of the wings: a pure be built instead. The proposed RS-70 was 12 airframe, previously designated RB-12.
reconnais ance platform with a camera- configured to carry up to twenry air- Although the RS- 71 carried far less ord-
nose; and a reconnai ance and strike plat- launched SRAMs, armed with nuclear war- nance (four SRAMs rather than twenty),
/ form with a combined camera-/weapon-
nose. This assumption is undocumented
heads, mounted on two rotary launchers in
its two in-line weapon bay. (This missile
it wa preferred over the RS-70 because its
development was further advanced and its

68 69

projected initial operational capability wa carry four SRAM with nuclear warhead. After the fir t R-71 completed final
to be con iderably ooner than that of the On 2 December 1962 the U AF as embly at Palmdale it underwent a serie
RS-70. [n the end, however, neither the ordered an initial production batch of six of ground tests including avionic tests,
orch American R -70 nor the Lockheed aeroplanes. The first example (61-7950), engine runs, and so on. It then performed
R -71 would be built as dedicated recon- which would serve as the prototype, was a number oflaw-, medium- and high-speed
nais ance trike aircraft. completed in major uba emblie in late taxi tests to make sure it flight-control
October 1964 and deliver d to Palmdale y tem, wheel brake and no ewheel steer-
for final assembly on 29 October. By now ing all worked properly. [t wa time to fly.
Birth of the SR-71 the U AF had assigned its fleet of R-71s Assigned earlier as chief test pilot on the
to the Strategic Air ommand, and on 7 R-71 programme, Skunk Works engineer-
On 13 June 1962 the U AF reviewed the D c mber 1964 announced that their offi- ing test pilot Robert J. 'Bob' Gilliland made
full-scale SR-71 (then RS-71) engineering cial stateside ba e of operation would be a very ucce ful fir t flight on 22 December
mock-up at Burbank. The R -71 wa e s n- Beale AFB, alifarnia, a igned to the 9th 1964. illiland fl w the aeroplane just shy
tiallya two-s ater d velopment ofthe A-12, trategic Reconnai ance Wing ( RW). of one hour and hit a maximum speed of
manned by a pilot and a weapon/reconnais- The 9th SRW was established on 25 June just over Mach 1.5 (l,I12mph/l,790km/h)
sance system operator (WRSO), with a dif- 1966. It replaced the 4200th SRW which at 50,000ft (l5,000m). Such pelformance
ferent forward fuselage section de igned to wa di e tabli hed on th ame date. was a tremendous accomplishment for the

This view of an SR-71A clearly shows the aeroplane's characteristic chines. Lockheed Martin TOP: SR-71A 955 touches down with its brake parachute deployed. Lockheed Martin ABOVE: SR-71A 955 in flight with the Skunk Works logo on its tail. Lockheed Martin

70 77

An SR-71A departs Beale AFB to the south as the sun sets in the west. Lockheed Martin

maiden flight of a previously untried air- immediately aft r hitting Mach 1.5 he out the hard-earned ucces es that were
frame configuration. Gilliland, in fact, had lowed down for the return to Palmdale. achi ved by these earlier models the SR-71
planned high r peed, but at Mach 1.2 the Of course, these historic vent had would never have been able to join the
, anopy Un afe' cauti n light on the instru- already been preceded by some fiv years unique Blackbird series.
ment panel warned that the canopy locks of highly cla sified work to develop the Production and deliv rie of flight-test
might be 10 e. Therefore, as a precaution, otheraircraftofth A-12 family. But with- SR-71s to Edward AFB b gan in earnest in ABOVE: The same SR-71A after engine shut-down. Note that the brake parachute doors BELOW: An SR-71A touching down at Palmdale. Lockheed Martin
are still open. Lockheed Martin

~n SR-71A taxis in after a mission. Lockheed Martin

72 73

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ABOVE: Another view of SR-71A 955. Lockheed Martin

Lockheed R-71 Blackbird
The SR-71A and (profile onlv) SR-71B. artwork by
Tony Landis

1965. The firt six R-71As a signed to

flight-test joined the three YF-12A already
ther . Thus by the end of 1965 nine Black-
ABOVE: An SR-71A in its hangar being
prepared for a flight at Beale AFB.
birds were under the wing of the YF-12/SR-
Lockheed Martin 71 Combined Test Force (CTF). Stability
ai1d control w re investigated using the first
SR-7JA 95511ies alongside a TR-1A three R-71A (61-7950/-7952); R-71A
near Beale AFB during the mid-1980s. , number four (61-7953) served a tbeperfor-
The TR-1A was later redesignated mance test aeroplane; and numbers five and
U-2R, but is now the U-2S. ix (61-7954and61-7955) wereu edforsy-
Lockheed Martin tems evaluations.
The first Blackbird to be delivered to
the 9th SRW was the first of two R- 71 B
two-seater pilot training and transition
aeroplanes. This SR-71B (61-7956) made
its first fligbt on 18 ovember 1965 and
was delivered to Beale AFB by the com-
mander of the 9th SRW, olonel (later
Major General) Douglas 'Doug' elson on
7 January 1966.
Getting the opportunity to fly the R- R·71 B PIlot fuln«
71 was no easy ta k. Any potential Black-
bird pilot had to have thousand of
unblemi bed and well-documented flying
hours before he ould even be considered T.landl. 1103

74 75

for the job. When one considers that fewer tors in May 1980. But he continued to One such 'heating up' occurred on 3
than 100 USAF pilots actually got to fly serve as senior advisor to corporate man- August 1947, during the Aviation Day di -
the R-71, it becomes apparent just how agement and the firm's Advanced Devel- play of aircraft at Moscow's Tushino Air-
special the Senior Crown programme was. opment Project group - the Skunk Works port, when what appeared to be three U -
After a highly experienced pilot was - until his death in 1990. In 1981 he wrote built B-29 Superfortress bombers took part.
selected for the SR-71 an astronaut-type a revealing paper on the development of Three USAF B-29s had accidentally land-
physical followed. Once the physical was the R-71,publishedinth winter1981-2 ed in the USSR and been interned by the
pa sed there were hundreds of hours spent in issue of Lockheed Horizons, which is repro- Soviets during World War Two, but western
the classroom and SR-71 cockpit simulator. duced on pages 78-80. observers soon realized that these were not
After all of this education it became tim ~ r On 10 January 1967 Lockheed test pilot the same aircraft: they were instead Tupolev
a check flight in which the student would be Art Peterson was perform ing braking Tu-4 'Bulls', near-identical copies of th B-
evaluated in flight by an instructor. These tests on SR-71A number one (61-7950) 29, which the USSR had put into full-scale
check flights were always flown in the dual- at Edwards AFB. The magnesium wheels production. With the advent of the Tu-4,
control SR- 71 B, not an SR- 71 A. caught fire and the entire plane burned the Soviet could now threaten th U A
The SR-71 check flights were assigned out. Peter on e caped the horrendous fire and its allies with strategic bombing. More-
numbers beginning with 101, since check with minor injuries but the first SR-71 was over, as the USSR developed a nuclear
flight numbers 001 through 100 were allo- gone. The last production SR-71A (61- capability, attack with atomic weapons was
cated to the Oxcart programme (only 7980) was delivered to Beale AFB on 10 not out of the question.
numbers 001 to 034 actually having been October 1967. One of the fir t real crises began in 1948,
used). The SR-71 check flight numbering The sole SR-71C (61-7981) made its when the USSR mounted a road and rail-
sequence ultimately ended at 466. But it first flight on 14 March 1969. Thi last way blockade of West Berlin (which,
was not only trainee SR-71 pilots that manufactured Blackbird was a hybrid in though occupied by the British, French and
took check flights. In the check flight that it was purpose-built as a pilot trainer Americans, was entirely surrounded by the
numbering sequence of 101--466 were and transition aeroplane to replace the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany). In other
included pilots, Reconnai ance Sy tem second SR-71B (61-7957), which had words, the people of West Berlin would no
Operators (RSO), high-ranking U AF crashed in a landing accident at Beale on longer receive the life-support (clothing,
staff members and VIPs. 11 January 1968. The R- 71 C, also known food, medicine and so on) that they had
For example, check flight number 405 as 'The Bastard', wa created from the aft been receiving from the west. To deal with
was for a 'special' VIP: none other than section ofYF-12A number one (60-6934) thi crisi the western allies mounted the
Charles E. 'Chuck' Yeager, who on 14 Octo- and the forward section of the SR- 71A sta- 'Berlin Airlift', in which thou and of ton
ber 1947 had become th first man on earth tic structural test article. After only 556.4 of supplies were flown into West Berlin.
to pilot an aeroplane faster than the speed of hour of flying time, mostly at Edwards This was a highly successful operation and
sound when he hit Mach 1.06 (786mph/ AFB, the SR-71 C went into storage at in mid-1949 the crisis ended.
1,265km/h) at 42,OOOft (l3,OOOm). During Beale to be used for spare parts. The US R successfully detonated its
his VIP ch ck flight in the SR-71 B, Yeager first atomic bomb, code-named 'Joe I' on
hit Mach 3.23 (2,395mph/3,854km/h) at 29 August 1949. Its radiation wasd t cred
78,OOOft (24,OOOm). Not higher, but quite SR-71 Operations over the Kamchatka peninsula, on the
a bit faster than he had ever flown. USSR's Pacific coast, by an RB-29 recon-
One of the flight-test R-71As operat- There is no one Mach number that the plane naissance plane. With the Tu-4 already in
ing out of Edwards - SR-71A number would do, it was a temperature limit, not a Mach squadron ervice, the U A and it allie
three (61-7952) - was lost on 25 January limit on the speed, so that is why we normally suddenly faced a serious threat. The Cold
1966 near Tucumcari, New Mexico. It was don't have one number that stands out. Any- War was heating up and it was time for
oeing flown by Lockheed test pilot Bill thing over Mach 3.3 was risky due to tempera- agonizing reappraisal: this meant there was
Weaver with RSO Jim Zwayer. At a spe d ture limits and unstart [engine air inlet stall] a need for improved aerial reconnaissance
of Mach 3 or more, and at about 80,OOOft, considerations. over th USSR itself to monitor it mili-
TOP: The J58 engine nacelles on the
the aeroplane began to disintegrate because Brian Shul taryactiviti s.
SR-71A are nearly half the length of
the entire aircraft. Lockheed Martin
of numerou malfunction during the At the time, there were not too many
high-Mach drag-characteristic tests it was Even before VJ-Day on 2 September 1945, dedicated aerial reconnaissance aircraft
ABOVE: This SR-71A (61-7968) logged performing. The aeroplane broke up so fast when' World War Two officially ended, available, especially those with the alti-
2,279 flight hours before it was that the crew had no time to make their relations between the USA and it allie tude, photographic quality, range and
placed into flyable storage. emergency ejections. They instead were on the one hand and the USSR on the speed r quired for uch a dangerou opera-
Lockheed Martin literally thrown out of the aircraft while other had begun to deteriorate. It was a tion as overflight of Soviet territory. The
travelling at more than 2,OOOmph time of ever-increasing suspicions and ris- most suitable photographic reconnais-
SR-71A at sunset. Lockheed Martin
(3,200km/h), some 15 miles (24km) above ing tension, and since there was no actual sance aircraft of the day included Convair
the earth. Somehow Weaver survived that fighting between the two sides, it was not RB-36s, North American RB-45s, and
horrifying ordeal with only minor injuries; long before someone coined the term Boeing RB-47 and RB-50 ; it would till
Zwayer did not. 'Cold War' to describe the new world situ- be some even years befor the Lockheed
Kelly Johnson retired as senior vice ation. Over time this old War hated up, U-2 came on line. 0 it was clear that
president of the Lockheed Corporation in cooled down and re-heated with numerous th re wa a ne d for b tter photographic
January 1975 and from the board of direc- disagreements and more serious crises. reconnaissance aircraft.

76 77

Development of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird Development of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird
CLARENCE L. JOHNSON Special attention had to be given to the crew escape system to allow safe ejection One of our major problems during the next few years was in updating our Skunk Structural Problems
Senior Advisor. Lockheed Corporation from the aircraft over a speed range and altitude range of zero miles per hour at sea Works operating methods to provide SAC with proper support, training, spare parts, and The decision to use various alloys of titanium for the basic structure of the Blackbirds
level to Mach numbers up to 4.0 at over 100,000ft. New pilot's pressure suits, gloves, data required for their special operational needs. I have always believed that our SAC was based on the following considerations:
This paper has been prepared by the writer to record the development history of the dual oxygen systems, high-temperature ejection seat catapults, and parachutes would is the most sophisticated and demanding customer for aircraft in the world. The fact
Lockheed SR-71 reconnaissance aeroplane. In my capacity as manager of the Lockheed have to be developed and tested. that we have been able to support them so well for many years is one of the most sat- 1. Only titanium and steel had the ability to withstand the operating temperatures
Advanced Development Division (more commonly known as the 'Skunk Works') I super- The problems of taking pictures through windows subjected to ahot turbulent airflow isfying aspects of my career. encountered.
vised the design, testing, and construction of the aircraft referred to until my partial on the fuselage also had to be solved. Without the total support of such people as General Leo Geary in the Pentagon and 2. Aged B-120 titanium weighs one half as much as stainless steel per cubic inch but
retirement five years ago. Because of the very tight security on all phases of the pro- a long series of extremely competent and helpful commanding oHicers at Beale Air its ultimate strength is almost up to stainless.
gram, there are very few people who were ever aware of all aspects of the so-called How the Blackbird Program Got Started Force Base, we could never have jointly put the Blackbirds into service successfully. 3. Conventional construction could be used with fewer parts involved than with steel.
'Blackbird' program. Fortunately, I kept as complete a log on the subject as one indi- In the time period of 21 April 1958 through 1 September 1959 I made a series of pro- 4. High strength composites were not available in the early 1960s. We did develop agood
vidual could on a program that involved thousands of people, over three hundred sub- posals for Mach 3-plus reconnaissance aircraft to Mr. Richard Bissell of the CIA and to Basic Design Features plastic which has been remarkably serviceable but it was not used for primary structure.
contractors and partners, plus a very select group of US Air Force and Centrallntelli- the US Air Force. These aeroplanes were designated in the Skunk Works by design Having chosen the required performance in speed, altitude, and range, it was immedi-
gence Agency personnel. There are still many classified aspects of the design and numbers of A-1 through A-12 [the prefix 'ft: meaning Archangel; Archangel 1 through ately evident that a thin delta-wing planform was required with a very moderate wing Having made the basic material choice, we decided to build two test units to see if we
operation of the Blackbirds but by avoiding these, I have been informed that I can still Archangel 12]. loading to allow flight at very high altitude. A long, slender fuselage was necessary to could reduce our research to practice. The first unit was to study thermal eHects on our
publish many interesting things about the program. We were evaluated against some very interesting designs by the [Convair Division of contain most of the fuel as well as the landing gear and payloads. To reduce the wing large titanium wing panels. We heated up the element with the computed heat flux that
In order to tell the SR-71 story, I must draw heavily on the data derived on two prior the] General Dynamics Corporation and a US Navy in-house design. The latter concept trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually con- we would encounter in flight. The sample warped into a totally unacceptable shape, To
Skunk Works programs - the first Mach 3-plus reconnaissance type, known by our was proposed as a ramjet-powered rubber inflatable machine, initially carried to alti- verted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard [forward-mounted horizontal stabilizer] solve this problem we put chordwise [leading edge to trailing edge] corrugations in the
design number as the A-12, and the YF-12A interceptor, which President Lyndon B. tude by a balloon and then rocket boosted to a speed where the ramjets could produce which developed [additional] lift. outer skins and reran the tests very satisfactorily. At the design heating rate, the corruga-
Johnson announced publicly on 29 February 1964. He announced the SR-71 on 24 July thrust. Our studies on this aircraft rapidly proved it to be totally unfeasible. The carry- The hardest design problem on the aeroplane was making the engine air inlet and tions merely deepened by afew thousandths of an inch and on cooling returned to the basic
of the same year. ing balloon had to be amile in diameter to lift the unit, which had aproposed wing area ejector [exhaust outlet] work properly. The [air] inlet cone [spike] moves almost three shape. I was accused of trying to make a 1932 Ford Trimotor go Mach 3 but the concept
of 117th of an acre! feet to keep the shockwave where we want it. A hydraulic actuator, computer con- worked fine. [The Ford Trimotor used corrugated aluminium alloy for part of its exterior skin.]
Background for Development Convair's proposals were much more serious, starting out with a ramjet-powered trolled, has to provide operating forces of up to 31 ,0001b under certain flow conditions The second test unit was the forward fuselage and cockpit, which had over 6,000 parts
The Lockheed U-2 subsonic, high-altitude reconnaissance plane first flew in 1955. It Mach 4 aircraft to be carried aloft by a B-58 and launched at supersonic speeds. Unfor- in the nacelles. To account for the eHect of the fuselage chine airflow, the inlets [spikesl in it of high curvature, thin gages, and the canopy with its complexity. This element was
went operational ayear later and continued to make overflights of the Soviet Union until tunately, the B-58 couldn't go supersonic with the bird [named Fish by Convair] in place, are pointed down and in toward the fuselage. tested in an oven where we could determine thermal eHects and develop cockpit cool-
1May 1960. In this five-year period, it became obvious to those of us who were involved and even if it could, the survivability of the piloted vehicle would be very questionable The use of dual vertical tails canted inward on the engine nacelles took advantage of ing systems.
in the U-2 program that Russian developments in the radar and missile fields would due to the probability of ramjet blow-out maneuvers. At the time of this proposal the the chine vortex in such a way that the directional stability improves as the angle of We encountered major problems in manufacturing this test unit because the first
shortly make the U-Bird too vulnerable to continue overflights of Soviet territory, as total flight operating time for the Marquardt ramjet was not over seven hours, and this attack of the aircraft increases. batch of heat-treated titanium parts was extremely brittle. In fact, you could push a
indeed happened when Francis Gary Powers was shot down on May Day of 1960. time was obtained mainly on a ramjet test vehicle for the Boeing Bomarc [surface-to- piece of structure oH your desk and it would shatter on the floor. It was thought that
Starting in 1956, we made many studies and tests to improve the survivability of the air interceptor] missile. Known as the X-7, this test vehicle was built and operated by Aerodynamic Testing we were encountering hydrogen [gas] embrittlement in our heat treat processes. Work-
U-2 by attempting to fly higher and faster as well as reducing its radar cross-section the Lockheed Skunk Works! All the usual low-speed and high-speed wind tunnel tests were run on the various con- ing with our supplier, Titanium Metals Corporation of America [TMCA, now Titanium
and providing both infra-red and radar jamming gear. Very little gains were forthcom- The final Convair proposal, known as the Kingfisher [typo: this should read Kingfishl. figurations of the A-12, YF-12A, and continued on the SR-71. Substantial eHorts went Metals Corporation or TIMET), we could not prove that the problem was in fact hydro-
ing except in cruise altitude so we took up studies of other designs. We studied the use was eliminated by US Air Force and Department of Defense technical experts, who into optimizing chine design and conical camber of the wing leading edge. No useful gen. It was finally resolved by throwing out our whole acid pickling setup and replac-
of new fuels such as boron slurries and liquid hydrogen. The latter was carried into the were given the job of evaluating all designs. lift increase eHect was found from the use of wing flaps of any type so we depend ing it with an identical reproduction of what TMCA had in their mills.
early manufacturing phase because it was possible to produce an aircraft with cruis- On 29 August 1959 our A-12 design was declared the winner and Mr. Bissell gave us entirely on our low wing-loading and powerful ground eHect to get satisfactory take- We developed acomplex quality control program. For every batch of ten parts or more
ing altitudes well over 100,000ft and a Mach number of 2.5. The design [CL-400] was a limited go-ahead for a four-month period to conduct tests on certain models and to oH and landing characteristics. we processed three test coupons which were subjected to the identical heat treatment
scrapped, however, because of the terrible logistic problems of providing [hydrogenl build a full-scale [engineering] mock-up. On 30 January 1960 we were given a full go- Correlation of wind tunnel data on fuselage trim eHects was found to be of mar- of the parts in the batch. One coupon was tensile tested to failure to derive the
fuel in the field. ahead on the design, manufacturing, and testing of 12 [A-12] aircraft. The first one flew ginal value because of two factors: structural deflection due to fuselage weight dis- stress/strain.data. Aquarter-of-an-inch cut was made in the edge of the second coupon
Continuing concern for having abalanced reconnaissance force made it apparent that 26 April 1962. tribution; and the effect of fuel quantity and temperature. The latter was caused by by a sharp scissor-like cutter and it was then bent around a mandrel at the cut. If the
we still would need a manned reconnaissance aircraft that could be dispatched on The next version of the aircraft, an air defense long-range fighter, was discussed with fuel on the bottom of the tanks, keeping that section of the fuselage cool, while the coupon could not be bent 180deg at a radius of X times the sheet thickness without
worldwide missions when required. From vulnerability studies, we derived certain General Hal Estes in Washington, D,C. on 16 and 17 March 1960. He and Air Force Sec- top of the fuselage became increasingly hotter as fuel was burned, tending to push breaking it, it was considered to be too brittle. (The value of Xis a function of the alloy
design requirements for this craft. These were acruising speed well over Mach 3, cruis- retary for Research and Development, Dr. Courtlandt Perkins, were very pleased with the chines downward due to diHerential expansion of the top and bottom of the used and the stress/strain value of the piece.) The third coupon was held in reserve if
ing altitude over 80,000ft, and avery low radar cross-section over a wide band of fre- our proposal so they passed me on for further discussions with General Marvin Dem- fuselage. A full-scale fuel system test rig was used to test fuel feed capability for any reprocessing was required.
quencies. Electronic countermeasures and advanced communications gear were ler at Wright Field. He directed us to use the Hughes AN/ASG-18 radar and GAR-9 air- various flight attitudes. For an outfit that hates paperwork, we really deluged ourselves with it. Having made
mandatory. The craft should have at least two engines for safety reasons. to-air missile which were in the early development stages for the [cancelled) North By far the most [wind] tunnel time was spent optimizing the nacelle inlets, bleed over 13 million titanium parts to date we can trace the history of all but the first few
American F-l08 interceptor. This we did, and when'[since] the F-l08 was eventually designs, and the ejector. A quarter-scale model was built on which over 250,000 pres- parts back to the mill pour and for about the last 10 million of them even the direction
Getting a Grasp on the Problem [had already been] cancelled Lockheed worked with Hughes in the development and sure readings were taken. We knew nacelle air leakage would cause high drag so an of the grain in the sheet from which the part was cut has been recorded. On large forg-
Our analysis of these requirements rapidly showed the very formidable problems, flight testing of that armament system. The first YF-12A flew 7 August 1963. [The F- actual full-size nacelle was fitted with end plugs and air leakage was carefully mea- ings, such as landing gears, we trepanned out 12 sample coupons for test before
which had to be solved to get an acceptable design. 108 program was cancelled on 23 September 1959.1 sured [to over 50 pounds per square inch]. Proper sealing paid oH well in flight testing. machining each part. We found out the hard way that most commercial cutting fluids
The first of these was the eHect of operating at ram-air temperatures of over 800 0 E In early January 1961 I made the first proposal for astrategic reconnaissance bomber With the engines located half way out on the wingspan, we were concerned with the accelerated stress corrosion on hit titanium so we developed our own.
This immediately ruled out aluminium as a basic structural material, leaving only vari- to Dr. Joseph Charyk, Secretary of the Air Force; Colonel [later General] Leo Geary, our very heavy yawing moment that would develop should an inlet stall. We therefore Titanium is totally incompatible with chlorine, fluorine, cadmium, and similar ele-
ous alloys of stainless steel and titanium to build the aircraft. It meant the development Pentagon project oHicer on the YF-12A; and Mr. Lew Meyer, a high financial oHicer in installed accelerometers in the fuselage that immediately sensed the yaw rate and ments. For instance, we were baHled when we found out that wing panels which we
of high-temperature plastics for radomes and other structures, as well as a new the US Air Force. We were encouraged to continue our company-funded studies on the commanded rudder booster to apply nine degrees of correction within a time period of spot welded in the summer, failed early in life, but those made in the winter lasted
hydraulic fluid, greases, electrical wiring and connectors, and a whole host of other aircraft [known in-house as the RB-12]. As we progressed in the development, we 0.15sec. This device worked so well that our test pilots very often couldn't tell whether indefinitely. We finally traced this problem to the Burbank water system which had
equipment. The fuel to be used by the engine had to be stable under temperatures as encountered very strong opposition in certain USAF quarters on the part of those try- the right or left engine blew out. They knew they had a blowout, of course, by the bad heavily chlorinated water in the summer to prevent algae growth but not in the winter.
low as minus 90°F in subsonic cruising flight to over 350°F at high cruising speeds when ing to save the North American B-70 program, which was in considerable trouble. Life buHeting that occurred with a 'popped shock'. Subsequently, an automatic restart Changing to distilled water to wash the parts solved this problem.
it would be fed into the engine fuel system. There it would be first used as hydraulic became very interesting in that we were competing the SR-71 [read RS-71; as it was device was developed which keeps this engine-out time to a very short period. Our experience with cadmium came about by mechanics using cadmium-plated
fluid at 600°F to control the afterburner exit flap before being fed into the burner cans designated at the time] with an aeroplane five times its weight and size. On 4 June We learned that it often required over 600 horsepower to get the engine up to start- wrenches working on the engine installation primarily. Enough cadmium was left in
of the power plant and the afterburner itself. 1962 the USAF evaluation team reviewed our [RB-12] design and the mock-up - and ing RPM on the ground. So we devised an interesting approach to the problem of ground contact with bolt heads which had been tightened so that when the bolts became hot
Cooling the cockpit and crew turned out to be seven times as diHicult as on the X-15 we were given good grades. starting the J58. To obtain this power, we took two Buick racing car engines and devel- the bolt heads just dropped oH! We had to clean out hundreds of tool boxes to remove
research aeroplane which flew as much as twice as fast as the SR-71 but only for afew Our discussions continued with the Department of Defense and also, in this period, oped a gear box to connect them both to the J58 starter drive. We operated for sever- cadmium-plated tools.
minutes per flight. The wheels and tires of the landing gear had to be protected from with General Curtis E. LeMay and his Strategic Air Command [SAC] oHicers. It was on al years with this setup until more sophisticated air starting systems were developed
the heat by burying them in the fuselage fuel tanks for radiation cooling to save the rub- 27 and 28 December 1962 that we were finally put on contract to build the first group and installed in the hangars.
ber and other systems attached thereto. of six SR-71 [RS-71] aircraft. (continued overleaf)

78 79

Squadrons (SRS): the 1st SR and the flight of a Blackbird - the lone surviving Under Det 51, a number of SR-71s of the
Development of the lockheed SR-71 Blackbird continued
99th SRS. When the trategic Air Com- SR-7l B assigned to Det 2 - was on 19 USAF 2762nd Logistics quadron (LS) of
Drilling and machining high strength titanium alloys, such as B-12o, required acomplete The Flight Test Phase mand was absorbed by the Air Combat October 1997 at Edwards AFB. Air Force Logi tics Command (AFLC)
research program to determine best tool cutter designs, cutting fluids, and speeds and The first flight of the A-12 took place 26 April 1962 or thirty months after we were given Command on 1 june 1992 th 9th SRW flew sporadic sorties of an unknown nature
feeds for best metal removal rates. We had particular trouble with wing extrusions, which alimited go-ahead on 1September 1959. We had to fly with Pratt & Whitney J75 engines was re-designated 9th Wing.
until the J58 engine became available in January 1963. Then our problems really began l Eilson Air Force Base, Alaska from Palmdale during these years. Det 51
were used by the thousands of feet [metresl. Initially, the cost of machining a foot out of
the rolled mill part was $19.00 which was reduced to $11.00 after much research. At one The first one was concerned with foreign object damage (FOO) to the engines - apar- became Det 6 in August 1977.
time we were approaching the ability at our vendor's plants to roll parts to net dimensions, ticular problem with the powerful J58 and the tortuous flow path through the compli- Edwards Air Force Base, California In 1979 and 1980 a number of random
but the final achievement of this required a$30,000,000 new facility which was not built. cated nacelle structure. Small nuts, bolts, and metal scraps not removed from the operational missions, as needed, were
On 1 September 1995 the Air Combat Norton Air Force Base, California
Wyman Gordon was given $1,000,000 for a research program to learn how to forge nacelles during construction could be sucked into the engines on starting with devas- flown by SR-7lAs of Det 5 out of Eilson
the main nacelle rings [J58 engine mountsl on a 50,ODD-ton press which was success- tating results. [In one instance] damage to the first-stage compressor blades from an Command (ACC) assigned three reacti- AFB. Moreover, it was here that the orton AFB is where the Blackbird supply
ful. Combining their advances with our research on numerical controls of machining and inspector's flashlight used to search for such foreign objects [caused $250,000 engine vated Blackbirds of the 9th Wing - head- Blackbird was evaluated on its cold- depot was located. Thi was an auxiliary
special tools and fluids, we were able to save $19,000,000 on the production program. damage!] Besides objects of the above type, the engine would suck in rocks, asphalt quartered at Beale AFB - to Det 2 at weather performance capabilities. part of the aforementioned 2762nd LS,
To prevent parts from going under-gage while in the acid bath, we set up anew series pieces, etc. from the taxi-ways and runways. An extensive campaign to control FOO at Edwards AFB. These three Blackbirds, two AFLC, headquartered at Palmdale. It was
of metal gages two thousandths of an inch thicker than the standard gages and solved all stages of construction and operation - involving ashake test of the forvvard nacelle SR-71As (61-7967 and 61-7971) and an
Palmdale, California part of Det 6 (formerly Det 51).
the problem. When we built the first Blackbird, a high-speed drill could drill 17 holes at the factory, the use of screens, and runway sweeping with double inspections prior SR-71B (61-7956), did not fly a great
before it was ruined. By the end of the program we had developed drills that could drill to any engine running - brought FOD under reasonable control.
many sorties before they were once again The SR-71s were assembled and flight
100 holes and then be resharpened successfully. The hardest problem encountered in flight was the development of the nacelle air
deactivated when President linton Griffiss Air Force Base, New York
Our overall research on titanium usage was summarized in reports which we furnished inlet control. It was necessary to throw out the initial pneumatic design after millions tested at USAF Plant 42, Lockheed Plant
not only to the US Air Force but to our vendors who machined over half of our machined of dollars had been spent on it and go to adesign using electronic controls instead. This vetoed further expenditure on USAF 10 (formerly known as Site 2) from 1964 Griffi s AFB, Rome, New York was known
parts for the program. To use titanium efficiently required an ongoing training program for was very hard to do because several elements of the system were exposed to ram-air Blackbird operations. The last USAF until the type's final retirem nt in 1999. a OL-KB which was e tablished for Black-
thousands of people - both ours in manufacturing and in the US Air Force in service. temperatures over 800°F and terrific vibration during an inlet duct stall. This problem
Throughout this and other programs, it has been crystal clear to me that our country and one dealing with aircraft acceleration between Mach numbers 0.95 to 2.0 are too
needs a25o,000-ton metal forming press - five times as large as our biggest one avail- complex to deal with in this paper.
able today. When we have to machine away 90 percent of our rough forgings today both Initially, air temperature variations along agiven true altitude would cause the Blackbird
in titanium (SR-71 nacelle rings and landing gearsl and aluminium (C-5 fuselage side to wander up and down over several thousand feet in its flight path. Improved autopilots
rings) it seems that we are nationally stupid! My best and continuing efforts to solve and engine controls have eliminated this problem.
this problem have been defeated for many years. Incidentally, the USSR has been much There are no other aeroplanes flying at our cruising altitude except for an occasional
smarter in this field in that they have more and larger forging presses than we do. U-2 but we were very scared by encountering weather balloons sent up by the Federal
Aviation Authority. If we were to hit the instrument package while cruising at over
Fluid Systems 3,000ft/sec, the impact could be deadly!
Very difficult problems were encountered with the use of fuel tanks sealants and Flight planning had to be done very carefully because of sonic boom problems. We
hydraulic oil. We worked for years developing both of these, drawing as much on other received complaints from many sources. One such stated that his mules on a pack-train
industrial and chemical companies as they were willing to devote to a very limited wanted to jump off the cliff trail when they were 'boomed'. Another complained that
market. We were finally able to produce a sealant which does a reasonable job over fishing stopped in the lakes in Yellowstone Park if a boom occurred because the fish
a temperature range of minus 90°F to over 600°F. Our experience with hydraulic oil went down for hours. I had my own complaint when one of my military friends boomed
started out on a comical situation. I saw ads in technical journals for a 'material to be my ranch and broke a $450 plate glass window. I got no sympathy on this, however.
used to operate up to 900°F in service'. I contacted the producer who agreed to send Operational Comments
me some for testing. Imagine my surprise when the material arrived in a large canvas The SR-71 first flew 22 December 1964. It was in service with the Strategic Air Command
bag. It was a white powder at room temperature that you certainly wouldn't put in a a year later.
hydraulic system. If you did, one would have to thaw out all the lines and other ele- In-flight refuelling from KC-135s turned out to be very routine. Over 18,000 such refu-
ments with a blow torch! We did finally get a petroleum-based oil developed at Penn ellings have been made to date by all versions of the Blackbirds and they have exceed-
State University to which we had to add several other chemicals to maintain its lubric- ed Mach 3 over 11,000 times.
ity at high temperatures. It originally cost $130 per gallon so absolutely no leaks could The SR-71 has flown from New York to London in 1 hour 55 minutes then returned
be tolerated. non-stop to Beale Air Force Base, including a London-to-Los Angeles time of 3 hours 48
Rubber O-rings could not be used at high temperatures so a complete line of steel minutes.
rings was provided which have worked very well. Titanium pistons working in titanium It has flown over 15,000mi with refuelling to demonsirate its truly global range. It is
cylinders tended to gall and seize until chemical coatings were invented which solved by far the world's fastest, highest flying aeroplane in service. I expect it to be so for a ABOVE: Close-up view of SR-71A touching down at Edwards AFB. Lockheed Martin BELOW: SR-71A 959 lands afterfirst test flight with its 'Big Tail' configuration.
the problem. long time to come. USAF via Peter W. Merlin

This need became apparent between Since the Korean War there have been Home Bases in the USA
mid-1950 and mid-1953 when the Korean many more dangerous period in the rela-
War was fought. During this war, to the sur- tions between East and West, such as the Beale Air Force Base, California
prise of the West, the US R deployed a very Cuban Missile Crisis. Many of these
capable jet-powered fighter, the Mikoyan- crises have been documented by an Beale AFB, California was the home base
Gurevich MiG-IS 'Fagot', which gave uncounted number of photographs taken of the Blackbird in the U A. The 4200th
America's best fighter - the North Ameri- by photographic reconnaissance aircraft Strategic Reconnaissance Wing (SRW)
can F-86 abre - all it could handle, If ade- such as the A-12, which was discussed in was formed for upcoming Blackbird opera-
quate aerial reconnaissance had been in the previous chapter. After the retire- tions on 1 january 1965. But on 25 june
place beforehand, the USA would have ment of the A-12 it was the SR- 71 that 1966 the 4200th was re-de ignated as the
been forewarned about the MiG-IS, and so added enormously to this va t collection 9th SRW. Eventually the 9th RW had
more ready to meet it head-on. of high-resolution imagery. two SR- 71 Strategic Reconnaissance

80 81

bird reconnai sance flights - Operation deployments to OL- , the refuelling mis- clandestine flights very near the borders
Black Knight - during the 1973-74 Yom ion were called Operation Glowing Heat. of the former U SR. CHAPTER SIX
Kippur War. However, because of the bad It was at Kadena that the Blackbird
weather conditions at Griffiss, these R- earned one of its most ensuring nicknames.
Bodo Air Base, Norway
71s were moved to OL- B at eymour The local people near Kadena thought the
John on AFB in North Carolina. A-12s - and later SR- 71 -looked a lot like
the Habu, a poi onou pit viper found in
outh-ea t Asia, and referred to them as
This orwegian air ba e, referred to a OL-
Bodo, was used a coupl of times for emer-
gency Blackbird landings, though only two
Key Personalities in the
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base,
such. Thus, the nickname 'Habu' was R-71s landed here, both with equipment
North Carolina
OL- B was established on 11 October
adopted by SR- 71 crewmen.
The actual date for the Initial Opera-
malfun tions. Blackbird PrograDlDle
1973 and the first mission in Operation tional apability (10 ) milestone for the Diego Garcia
Giant Reach was flown from here on 13 9th SRW and its growing fl et of mission-
October 1973. Th SR-71sofOL-SBfl w capabl SR-71A aeroplanes remain Diego Garcia has an air base used in part
numerous non-stop reconnaissance mis- unclear - suffice it to say that when the by U AF aircraft. It is an island f th Johnson's numerous achievement go name' kunk Works' for his advanc d air-
sions over Egypt, Israel and Syria during first operational mission was flown on 21 British Indian Ocean Territory in the ha-
Clarence L. Johnson
back to the 1930s, but he may be best craft shop but v ntually grew to acc pt it.
the Yom Kippur War. March 1968 - Habu one r mi ion num- gos Archipelago. For a relatively short The achievements of larence L. 'Kelly' r membered for organizing the Lockheed Born in Ishpeming, Michigan, on 27
ber one - IOC had been met. This first time - 1978 and 1979 - Det 8 Blackbirds John on, the aeronautical engineering wiz- kunk Works in mid-194 . It started as a February 1910, larence Johnson received
Warner-Robins Air Force Base, Georgia
Habu mission, flown by Jerry O'Malley and conducted operations from there, but what ard who created Lockheed's super- ecret small unit of engineering and production his nickname of Kelly in elementary
Ed Payne lasted 5.1 hours. They flew the those operations were is a mystery. kunk Works and designed the world' specialists to hurriedly create, build and fly school from a popular song of the day,
Warner-Robins AFB, Georgia was not a second Habu mission on 10 April 1968. fastest and highest-flying air-breathing air- the World War Two XP-80 jet fight r pro- 'Kelly from the Emerald Isle'. His cia mates
base of R-71 operations but it was used as Buddy Brown and Dave Jensen flew Habu craft, made him an aerospace legend in hi totype for the U Army Air Force. John- figured that som one who licked the cho I
the Senior Year Programs Office (SYPO). mis ion number three on 18 April 1968. End of the Road own time. on at first did not e pecially care for the bully should be known by a somewhat m r
There are no further details on SYPO. One must remember that at this time
in history the U A was heavily On 26 January 1990 the SR-71 was cere-
embroiled in the Vietnam War and the e moniously decommis ioned at Beale AFB.
Overseas Deployments Habu mi sions were dedicated combat Then on 6 March 199 ,after some twen-
missions in which orth Vietname e air ty-two year of operations without a single
Kadena Air Base, Okinawa defences - comprised of ever-improving loss to enemy action, de pite having been
oviet- upplied air-defence radar and fired upon hundreds of times, the fleet of
The former ba e of operation for the A- mi ile - wa a major con ern. However, R- 71 wa officially retired from further
12 wa Kad na Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. with the tremendous operating peed operational duties. In that 22-year period
But beginning on 9 March 1968, Kad na and extreme altitudes of the Blackbird they had flown a total of 3,551 mis ions.
became the first overseas home of the during the thousand of enemy air pace
Blackbird. n thi date, after a 6.6-hour penetration that wer ventually flown,
ferry flight from Beale AFB the first R- the SR-71A proved to be untouchable,
Specification - SR-71A,
71A (61-797 ) - piloted by Buddy Brown even though many were tracked by radar
SR-71B and SR-71C
with R 0 Dave Jensen - arrived at Kade- and actually fired upon. Eventually, out of
na, which was known as operating 10 a- some 2,700 Habu missions planned, 2,410 Crew: SR-17A: pilot and reconnaissance
tion number eight or L-8. The first R- missions were successfully flown by Det 1 systems operator; SR-71Band
71As to arrive were assigned to the 1st at OL-8. SR-71C: pilot and instructor pilot
Strategic Reconnai ance quadron Power plant: Two Pratt & Whitney J58 (Model
JT11 D-'20A) bleed bypass turbojet
( R ) of the 9th Strategic Reconnais-
Royal Air Force Mildenhall, United engines; 34,OOOlb (15,400kgl thrust
sance Wing ( RW), and while at OL-8
Kingdom each
operated as Detachment 1 or Det 1. Dimensions: Length 107ft 5in (32.75m) normally,
The econd and third SR-71As (61- The second overseas base of operations for 121ft 4in (37m) for 'Big Tail';
7976 and 61-7974) arrived on 11 and 13 the Blackbird was in England at Royal Air wingspan 55ft 7in (16.98m);
March 196, r pectively. They were Force Mildenhall in uffolk. These 99th wing area 1,795sq ft (166.75sq m);
crewed by pilot Jerome 'Jerry' O'Malley R ,9th RW R-71 were a igned to height 18ft 6in (5.67m)
and Bob pencer, and R Os Edward 'Ed' Det 4, which was established on 31 March Weights: Empty 59,OOOIb (27,OOOkg);
Payne and Keith Branham. These aircraft 1979. Slower and lower-flying U-2s were gross 170,OOOIb m,OOOkg)
were refu lled by Boeing KC-135Qs off the also based at RAF Mildenhall at the time, Performance: Maximum speed 2,250mph
(3,620km/h); Mach 3.3+ (limit CIT
California coa t and again northwest of the but from 1980 to 1991 only R- 71 s flew
of 427°C/800°F); maximum range
Hawaiian 1 land by other Stratotankers out of thi United tate Air Force Europe (unrefuelled) 3,000 miles (4,800km)
based at Hickam AFB, Hawaii; a third and (USAFE) air base. It remains unclear as to at design speed of Mach 3.2;
final refuelling took place west of Wake what sort of operations these R- 71 As ceiling 1OO,OOOft (30,OOOm)
I land. In th e early days of SR-71A flew but, most likely, they were super-

Johnson in cockpit of the TA-12. Lockheed Martin

82 83

Kelly Johnson poses with the third of three service-test YF-l2A air defence fighters. Lockheed Martin

pugili tic name than larence. The nick- Model 14 uper Electra into the c lebiated In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson
name tayed with him from that point on, Hudson bomber. presented him the nation's highest civilian
and he never backed away from contro- Johnson played a leading role in the honour, the Medal of Freedom. Pre ident
ver yon aircraft de ign, materials and pro- design of more than forty other aircraft, Ronald W. Reagan honoured him with the
duction technique. including the triple-tailed Constellation National Security Medal in 1983 and the
J hn n joined Lockheed in Burbank, transport, the P-2 eptune anti- ubma- National Medal of T< chnology in 1988.
alifornia, in 1933 a an $83-per-month rine patrol plane, the record-setting F-l 04 John on was nshrined in the National
tool designer after receiving a master' tarfi hter, the U-2 reconnaissan e air- Aviation Hall of Fame in 1983, which is an
degree in aeronautical engin ering from craft and, of course, the Blackbird series. honour usually reserved for the deceased.
the Univer ity of Michigan, working his Johnson became known for his strict Kelly Johnson r.etired from Lockheed in
way through colleg with the aid of ome adherence to principle. On several occa- 1975 as a corporate enior vice-pre ident. eVier in the cockpit of the XF-90. Lockheed Martin
grant. Johnson had earlier impressed sions he turned back development con- He re igned from th corporation' board
Lockheed management as a graduate stu- tract to the U D partment of Defense of director in 1980 but continued to serve
dent when he tested example of the pro- after initial work indicated the proposed as senior advisor until his death. Johnson
po ed Lockheed Model 10 Electra tran - aircraft would not be effective, no matter died on 2l December 1990 at the age of te t operation bd re hi retir ment in in the 'finding' of Area 51 in 1955 where president of the kunk Works and was
port in the univer ity' wind tunn I and how much money it was willing to pro- eighty and is honoured by America and by 1974 after thirty-three years with Lock- th U-2, A-12 , YF-12s and M-2l were dubb d 'Chief kunk'.
ugge ted ignificant de ign changes. vide. He also returned to the U govern- the aerospace community for his out tand- h ed. He accumulated some 10,000 flying secretly assembled and flight tested from Ben Rich, the son of British ubje t ,was
Five years after joining Lockheed, John- ment approximately $2 million on a 20 ing and innovative contributions in hour during as many as 24,000 flights arly 1962 until mid-1968. He pas ed away born on 18 Jun 1925 in Man ita, the
son was named the company's chief research million U-2 contract after building twen- advancing aviation and safeguarding the befor hanging up his helmet. n 6 February 1998 at the age ofeighty-four. Philippine Islands. He had planned to
engineer. He became chief engineer in 1952 ty- ix aircraft for the ame money int nd- free world. Tony LeVi r wa a test pilot's t st pilot as become a medical doctor, but a career
and corporate vice-pre ident ~ r r earch ed to cover twenty aircraft. well a Kelly John on's mo t tru ted. He detour took him to Lockheed in 1950 a an
and development in 1956. Even a he He won every major aircraft design fl w everything Lo kheed had to offer from
advanced in management, Johnson contin- award in the indu try, ome for the econd Benjamin R. Rich aeronautical engineer and then, in 1954, to
Anthony W. LeVier its P-38 Lightning onward until his retire- the kunk Work where he cured compli-
ued a a creator of innovative aircraft. He and third time. Included were two ment from flight-te t activities, having last When the new Lo kheed Advanced Devel- cations in the design of advanced aircraft.
designed the twin-boom P-3 Lightning- Theodore von Karm n Award, the Anthony W. 'Tony' LeVier joined Lock- been chief test pilot on the U-2 pro- opment Company was formed in May 1990 Rich participated in the thermodynam-
the 'Fork-tailed Devil', as Germany dubbed Wright Brother Memorial Trophy, two heed in 1941 as an engineering test pilot. gramme. He then became head of flight from the former Advanced Dev lopment ics, propulsion and preliminary design
it in World War Two - and wa in trumen- Sylvanus Albert R d Awards, and the Famed for his air-racing ventures, he test within the Skunk Works organization. Project group - the Skunk Works - Ben- aspects of the F-104, the U-2 and the Black-
tal in onverting the commercial Lockheed Daniel Guggenheim Medal. became chief test pilot and head of flight- T< ny LeVier also play d an important part jamin R. 'Ben' Rich was named the first birds. He joined the Blackbird programme

84 85


On 5 January 1995 Ben Rich died from

cancer at the age of sixty-nine. At hi
reque t, his ashes were scattered from an
aeroplane near hi beachfront house on
the California coast in Oxnard. At the
moment hi a hes were released, a lone
F-117 A app ared out of the clouds and
rocked it wings, waving goodbye, in a
final salute to it creator.

Louis W. Schalk Jr
Lou Schalk was born on 29 May 1926 in
Alden, Iowa. In 1954 he became a USAF
test pilot at Edwards AFB where he per-
formed testing on then-current USAF jet
fighters including the F-I04 Starfighter.
He te ted fight rs from 1954 to 1957 and
then decided to leave the U AF.
chalk joined Lockh ed as an experi-
mental test pilot in July 1957, and the lEFr.louis W. 'lou' Schalk by an F-104. Lockheed Martin
Lockheed ADP group as a test pilot in
1959. He was appointed chief test pilot on ABOVE: James D. 'Jim' Eastham and a YF-12A.
the A-12 programme shortly thereafter and Lockheed Martin
wa fir t to fly the type, unofficially on 26
April 1962 and officially on 30 April. He
played a major role in the design of the A-
12 cockpit and fl w the fir t thirteen te t
flights on the first A-l2. He also made the mis ile. He flew the B-58 until the conclu-
first four A-12 flights over Mach 3, hitting sion of that programme in 1964.
Mach 3.2 7 (2,2 7mph or 3,922.25kmfh) He flew the B- 5 , A-12 and YF-12A
at altitudes well over 5,000ft (26,00001). programme while working simultaneou -
He co-received the 1964 ociety of ly for both Hugh and Lockheed. He wa
Experimental Test Pilots Iven C. Kinche- in trumental in the world pe d records
loe Award, and retired from flight-te t that e tablished by the YF-12A on 1 May 1965
year. In April 2002 he was inducted into becau e he was first to fly the speed cour -
the Blackbird Laurels fraternity, an elite es to p r~ ct the required manoeuvring
society founded by the Flight Test Histori- techniqu that the U AF pilots used to
cal Foundation. officially set the record. He i the author
Lou halk died of leukaemia on 16 of the YF-12A Flight Manual.
Benjamin R. 'Ben' Rich poses with a Blackbird. Lockheed Martin August 2002, aged .seventy-six. He i a holder of the 1964 Kincheloe
award as top test pilot by the oci ty of
Experimental Te t Pilots and Aero pace
James D. Eastham Walk of Honour nominee.
in it initial A-I to A-12 phases in 1958 a Rich became a Lockheed corporate vice-
an aerothermodynamics engineer. At hi pre ident in 1977. Jame D. 'Jim' Ea tham was chief test pilot
suggestion, the Blackbird aircraft were After retiring in December 1990 fol- on the YF-12A programme. He wa fir t to Robert J. Gilliland
eventually painted black to reduce the lowing a forty-year Lockheed career, Rich fly the YF-12A on 7 August 1963, econd He flew F- 4 of the 31st trategic Fighter mi ile fired by one person. He also did
earing temperature upon them. continued to be of service to Lockheed pilot to fly the R-71A and third pilot to fly Wing in the Korean War. development testing on variou fire-con- Robert]. 'Bob' Gilliland wa born in Mem-
In 1963, Rich wa senior engineer for Advanced Development ompany and the A-12. He joined Lockheed kunk After his po t-war employment as an trol systems, infra-red y tems and auto- phis, Tennes ee, and joined Lockheed in
advanced programme. ine years later, the corporation a a con ultant. Leading Works in 1962 asa civilian test pilot and was engineer and production te t pilot with matic flight-control y tem for the F-101, 1960 as a civilian te t pilot. He was first
he had advanc d to vice-president for the development of the F-117 A stealth soon appointed YF-12A chief test pilot. McDonnell Aircraft he joined the experi- F-102 and F-106 aircraft. as igned to the F-I04 tarfighter pro-
fighter programmes and preliminary fighter, Rich won the 19 9 Collier Trophy Jim Eastham wa born on 19 June 1924 mental flight-test department of Hughe After attending the trategic Air Com- gramme, flying all models. He had previous-
design. In 1975, Ben Rich ucceeded Kelly in association with the entire Lock- in El Dorado, Kansas. He flew P-51 Mu - Aircraft in 1956. He was then project test mand's B-5 Combat rew Training School ly served in the U avy and US Air Force,
John on as a company vice-president and heed/USAF team responsible for the suc- tang of the 31st and 55th Fighter Groups pilot on the Falcon air-to-air missile pro- in 1961- graduating number one in his class having flown numerou combat missions in
general manager of the Skunk Works, a job ce of programme - coincidentally, the in World War Two. He also flew A-26s, F- gramme for four years. During this time, he - he became Hughes Project Test Pilot on a the Korean War. He flew F-84s in Korea
he held until 1990 - except for a 1984-<36 first F-1l7A made its first flight on 18 6s and B-17s of the 45th Reconnaissance flew about 800 test missions in the F-102, modified B-58, which was used as a test and, later, F-86s in Germany.
interim assignment a president of the Lock- June 1981, exactly fifty-six years after Squadron. He flew A7 of the 60th F-106 and B-58. He fired about 350 mis- vehicle for developing the A /ASG pulse- In 1962 he joined the Skunk Works
heed Advanced Aeronautics Company. Rich's birth. Troop alTier Group in the Berlin Airlift. siles, which is a record for the number of Doppler radar system and the AIMA7 and, at Groom Lake, flew the A-12 and

86 87


Structures and SysteDls

The CIA code-named the project Oxcart, a misnomer to end all: at Mach 3,
our spy/)[ane would zip across the skies faster than a high-velocity rifle bullet.
ABOVE: William M. 'Bill' Park.
Lockheed Martin

lEFT: Robert J. 'Bob' Gilliland and

an SR-71A. Lockheed Martin

YF-12A. He was later appointed chief test William M. Park He was assig~ed to the A-12 programme
pilot on the SR-71 programme and made in late 1961 and, on 21 December 1966,
the first flight of SR-71A number one on William M. 'Bill' Park was chief test pilot Park flew 10,198 miles (16,409km) in six SR-71A 955 just before touch-down at Beale AFB. Lockheed Martin
22 December 1964. He made the first flight on the M-21 programme, and made the hours. That long-endurance flight set a
on SR-71B number one on 18 November first captive-carry D- 21 te t fl ight on 22 record unapproachable by any other air-
1965. H had earlier made the first flight of December 1964. He was second to pilot craft at the time.
YF-12A number three on 13 March 1964. the A-12 in May 1962 and later became He later became chief te t pilot on the The Blackbirds - the A-12, YF-12, M-21 wings to the nose. While each and every one very large, high-resolution photographs. In
Bob Gilliland is now retired from Lock- heavily involved in the Have Blue XST Lockheed Have Blue X T programme, mak- and SR-71 - wer large delta-wing, single- of the Blackbirds' large number of structures fact, from an altitude of80,000ft (24,00001)
heed, but during hi flight-test days in the and F-11 7 programmes. ing the first flight of the type on 1 Decem- and two-seater aeroplanes powered by two and systems cannot be covered in detail in on a clear day, an A-12 photograph could
Blackbird programme he accumulated Bill Park was born 8 March 1926 in ber 1977. He was injured during his emer- axial-flow J58 bleed-bypa s turboj t the confines of this one book, what follows show the brand name on a pack of ciga-
more time above Mach 3 than any other Columbia, South Carolina. Serving as a gency ejection in May 1978 when Have Blue engines. Built of titanium alloy construc- is an overview of the most important on s. rettes lying flat on a picnic table.
test pilot. He holds the Kincheloe award as USAF combat pilot flying the Lockheed XST number one had to be abandoned in tion, they were designed to operate at very The R-71 first used an Itek camera
top test pilot by the Society of Experimen- F-80 Shooting Star, he flew 112 combat flight and, due to injuries inculTed, he was high altitudes and very high super onic Camera Systems The A-12 employed two with a focal length of 36in (91.4cm), but
tal Test Pilots and became a trustee of the missions in the Korean War and earned forced to retire from flying. speeds. They had very thin wings, twin different types of cameras: a 48in (121.9cm) later one with a focal length of 48in
As ociation of Naval Aviation. And he is the Distinguished Flying Cross. He joined He was awarded two Kincheloe Awards inward-canted vertical stabilizer/rudder focal length Itek KA-102A and a 60in (121.9cm) wa used. In one hour the SR-
credited with full pelformance envelope Lockheed in 1957 as an engineering test for outstanding achievement in flight-test, assemblies mounted on top of the engine (152.5cm) focal length Aetron Type H. 71 could photograph 100,000sq miles
expansion on both the SR-71A and SR- pilot and at first fligh t-tested F-104 and was one of five pilots inducted into the nacelles, and a pronounced fuselage 'chine' Both types offered negatives in 4.5 x 4.5in (260,000sq km) from the pilot's left hori-
71 B aeroplanes. Starfighters. Aerospace Walk of Honour. extending from the leading edge of the (11.43 x 11.43cm) format which provided zon to his right horizon.

88 89

SR-71A general arrangement. USAF

2 3 .4

,/ /

9 10 11 12 13
•••• 28 29

41 I

40/.'38 21


23 EIP
ABOVE: A KC-135Q pumps JP-7 into SR-71A 968. lockheed Martin BELOW: A fine study of SR-71A 955 with the Skunk Works logo. lockheed Martin 12 RADAR OR OBC EOU I PMiNT - COMPT A
36 OfF H

Cockpit everal different cockpit config- Reconnai sance y tem Officer (RSO). Equipment Bays The R· 71 had eight
urations were featured in the Blackbird The TA·12, R-71B and R-7lC had equipment bay to house its camera, en-
aircraft. The A-12 had a cockpit for a pilot cockpits for two pilots, student and SOl'S and other specialized equipment.
only. The other variants had two cockpits: in tructor; the rear cockpits of these sub- These were located in the fuselage chines
one for the pilot and one for (YF·21) a Fire types were raised so the pilots could see and carried up to 2, nOlb (l,260kg) of
Control Officer (FCO); (M·21) a Launch forward and the visibility was more than electronic sensors and photographic
Control Officer (LCO); (SR·71A) a adequate for the instructor. reconnai sance equipment. These ensors

90 97




30 &
& 22

3£A(0'" CO\lj;O. S-.'I'lTt:HS

liE" I"S·Q~).\E'.l I-A.'.El
.l.","lJ"CtA'OR PA\El
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39 <l .1[1·.Slo ...... U\l~ot t14.'.f.
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01511',',(£ I\OleATOr?
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T[}04P{RA1\JRE I"'DIC.. TOR l8 (MERG[M:Y Gf.AR II:(l!ASE KA ....Dl!
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AIRSPUD t"'lDIC.AT~ 46 ACCEUROM(TtR ?l ',.4.'. ~O·.:IlOt .'ID DISPl . . v PA.\EL
l~ AIR llUuEL PANE~ d1 PIlCH T1I:IM INDICATOR ?J PC~'l'ER.1,\0 S(\)OR COt>.lROl PAMl
Ii> ST.. . NOBY ,mtuOE I.... OICAI~ H OMleS BI1 PANel 38 1& C4~,OP~ JEnISC-r" HA\~~f
IQ "LTlM(TER 54 VHf CONTROl pmEL H ~CD f IL',' P~"\AI~":G PA\[,
n D'to£AUSf (.AS IIMPfRAn;R£ "'0 leA TORS 57 t .A.CAA CONTROL PAAEl 39 >: ·ACA'j (0',,7ROl PA\L A'.O lQAI\SWI' SVrlTCH
l> l\?S"'SE"~( ~~L':''''''i·( 'iDI;",IOQ fA OX YC(N CONTROL PNIH r "'r ~,l:lt::: CO·,'q::Jl "A\l~
20 .\?SYSTEM'IlC. l.u>.D"C ?':UA.t~·,r~ 61 CANOpy lEn ISON 11ANOU :;,g .IC~l CO~TQOl PA.~E~
11 fuELSYS~C""TA P"t<ofl 63 FILLER PANEL
SR-71 rear cockpit instrument panel. The triangle icons denote non-viewable areas of this schematic. USAF

SR-71 front cockpit instrument panel. USAF

92 93

~~~ 000 00 000

YF-12A general arrangement. NASA

Afterburners ablaze. an SR-71A heads out on a mission. Lockheed Martin

aircraft attitude changes and initiated con- (three rate gyros in the pitch axis, three rate autopilot as well as Mach number hold
trol-surface deflections to counteract the gyros plu three lateral accelerometers in the while in the autopilot mode and every sin-
were optimized to gather electronic intel- in a large Mach number and altitude enve- Augmentation ystem (SAS); autopi- changes. Normally, the Digital Automati yaw axis, and two rate gyro in the roll axis). gle flight function of the aircraft.
ligence (ELlNT) and signal intelligen e lope. Typical SR-71 take-off and landing lot/Mach trim system; automatic pitch Flight Inlet ontrol System A or DAFI Analytical redundancy d rived from the
( IGI T). Some of these bays had sever- airspeeds were 210 and Isskt (240 and warning and high 'angle-of-attack system; computer ran the A channel in pitch and DAFICS computers from attitude displace- Delta Wing Th large delta wing were
al compartment for varied equipment. 180mph, or 390 and 290kmfh), respec- automatic/manual engine air-inlet control yaw, and the DAFIC B channel ran the B ments provided added redundancy for pitch, made of corrugated titanium alloy and had
They are as follows: right chine bay, com- tively; climb were at 400-4s0kt estimat- system; and air-data y tem. The three- channel in pitch and yaw. The OAF! M yaw and roll rate gyro , but not for the later- e1evon (combined elevators and ailerons)
partment 0; right forward mis ion bay, ed airspeed or KEAS, and normal super- axis AS wa an int gral part of the air- computer could take over for A comput I' or al accelerometers. The attitude changes atta hed to the trailing-edge, two inboard
compartments Land ; radio equipment sonic cruise wa from 310 to 400 KEAS, craft-control system and was normally B computer, or both, in the pitch and yaw detected by the sensor were sent to the and two outboard, for pitch and roll con-
bay, compartment R; right aft mission bay, depending on altitude, temperature and used for all flight conditions. axi should A and/or Bcomputer fail. The M DAFIC computers which electronically trol. The 6,0001b (2,700kg) engine were
compartment Q and T; left aft mission aircraft weight. These aircraft obtained computer could drive through ervo ampli- commanded the transfer-valve positions of housed in very large-diameter engine
bay, compartments P and ; electronics maximum cruise performan e near Mach tability Augmentation System The fiers in the A and B computer to provide ur- the A servos. The transfer valve convert- nacelle at mid-span. The outboard por-
bay, compartment E; left forward mission 3.2 at altitudes from 74,000- s,OOOft Blackbird all mployed a tability Aug- face control. The roll A was configured 0 ed the electrical signal(s) into a proportion- tion of the wing's leading edge had nega-
bay, compartment K and M; and camera (22,000-26,000m). The external configu- mentation Sy tem ( AS) to aid their pilot that either A or B computer was capable of al hydraulic flow into the AS servo actua- tive conical camber. This moved the cen-
bay, compartment . Compartment A in ration (aerodynamics), engine air inlet with aircraft controllability. The SA was a driving both roll ervo channels. Sensor and tors. The A ervo positioned the tre of lift inboard to relieve loading on the
the nose bay hou ed the radar system. The y tem, Js engine, and fuel sequencing combination of electronic and hydraulic servo monitor provided detection and flight-control surfaces to compensate for the engine na elle carry-through structure. It
A-12 had a similar arrangement of equip- were optimized for Mach 3.2. True air- equipment and was an integral part of the automatic disengaging capability for fault. original sensed rate of attitude change. In also improved the maximum lift charac-
ment bays but came with a special type of speeds attained were near 2,130mph Blackbird' flight-control system. It was nor- During normal flight conditions the air- the R-71 the three pitch and the three yaw teristics of the outboard wing at high
Q-bay for a larger and heavier camera. (1, sOkt or 3,400km/h). The air raft was mally engaged during all pha es offlight, but craft experienced many mall change in gyros are mounted in the number two fuel angles of attack, and enhanced cro swind
fitted with a Digital Automatic Flight and could be di ngaged manually. Each axis attitude due to air loads or control inputs. tank; the two roll gyros in the R bay; and landing capability.
Flight Control Characteristics The SR- Inlet Control System (DAFICS), which of SA (pitch, roll and yaw) was provided These attitude changes were sensed by the lateral accelerometers are in th nose- The R-7I' wing had normal d Ita-
71 and its predecessor aeroplanes, operated consisted of five major subsystems: Stability with two A channels. The SAS dete ted pitch, yaw and roll sensors in each axis gear wheel well. The SAS controlled the wing characteristics. There was a large

94 95

SR-71 B general arrangement. NASA

000 00 000

- o o
SR-71A general arrangement. NASA

increase in drag as the limiting angle of p ed and el iminate a need for canard fore- Fuel System The fuel sy tem for all the
attack was approached. Thi could cause plane-type flying surfaces or special nose-up Blackbird variants was similar, but it is the 1------- 55.60 ------1
very high rates of ink to develop if the air- trimming devices. R-71A and R-71 B fuel ystem that i now 2.50
craft wa flown too low. Dihedral effect discussed. These aircraft had five individual

wa po itive, but dimini hed at higher Rudders The Blackbirds had two full- fuselage fuel tank - tank lA, 1, 2, 4 and 5
Mach numbers. Roll damping was rela- moving vertical tails mounted on tubs to - and two wing/fuselage fuel tank groups -
tively low over the entire speed range and fixed ba for yaw (directional) control tank 3 and 6. Tank 6 is further divided into
lateral-directional qualities were poor with and tability. They were canted inward 15 6A and 6B. 1---- 41.21 -----1

SA off. degrees and served double duty a the air- Tank lA was a small tank located imme-
craft's vertical stabilizer and rudder. diately forward of tank I, which it fed into.
Chines The R- 71 had a blended forward At first the vertical stabilizers/rudders Tanks 3 and 6 con i ted of three and five 2.75
wing (chine) extending from the nose to were made of titanium alloy but they were tank groups, resp ctively. The number 3
the wing leading edge. This chined fore- o n replaced by plastic-like structure that tank group consi ted of the forward section
body represented approximately 40 per cent could re ist the very high-temperature envi- of each wing and a fu e1age tank. The num-
of the aircraft length. The chines improved
dir cti nal stability with increa ing angle
of attack at all speeds. However, their pri-
mary purpose was to provide a substantial
ronment in which the Blackbirds flew. This
plastic-like compo ite honeycomb sand-
wich panel structure is known as armco
plastic, and was made of as be tos and fibre-
ber 6 tank group was located in the wings on
either side of tank 4 and 5, and included a
small sump tank (about 12 U gallons or 10
Imperial gallons) at the extreme aft end of
1.---------- 107.40 ---------------=t----'-

portion of the total lift at high upersonic glass laminates. the fu lage, which contained the boo t SR-71A with LASRE general arrangement. NASA

96 97



The J58 Engine

Fuel tank arrangement. USAF
The centreline of the basicJ58 engine was laid down in late 1956. It was to be an afterbuming
turbojet rated at 26,OOOlb maximum cake-off thrust and was to power a US avyattack
aircraft, which would have a dash capability of up to Mach 3 for several seconds.

It is often said that an a'irframe is only as o special was the P&W J58 engine it 30,0001b (13,600kg) thrust, were bing
good as its power plant. 0 powered aero- required a special fuel, called JP-7. This evaluated by Boeing and orth American
TANK 1 Normal Flight Attitude plane, whether it is the Wright Flyer of was exclusively delivered to th Blackbirds to power their respective Weapon y tem
TANK lA 1903 or the Blackbird of the early 1960s can in flight by two special variants of the Boe- llOA/L entries. Weapon ystem llOA/L
Tank Fuel/Gal Fuel (JP-7) be ucce sful without an efficient engine. [n ing KC-135 Stratotanker designated at (WS-llOA/L) was to be a high-speed, high-
1650 lb.
the ase of the 1903 Wright Flyer it was a first KC-135Q and, after being retrofitted altitude, trategic bomber/reconnaissance
lA 251.1
1 2095.9 13770 lb. homebuilt four-cylinder, 12bhp engine with new engine, K -135T. bomber to at fir t upplement and then
weighing about 200lb (90kg), which wa replace the ubs nic Boeing B-52 trato-
2 1974.1 12970 lb. perfect for its purpose. But in the case of the fortress. [n the end, Boeing elected to pro-
3 2459.7 16160 lb.
Blackbird it was an axial-flow 32,500- Developmental Highlights pel its W -llOA/L entry with ix P&W
4 1453.6 9550 lb. 34,0001b (14,700- 15,400kg) thrust beh - J91 while orth American cho e to power
5 1758.0 11550 lb. moth, the Pratt & Whitney (P&W) Model Originally, what became the J5 wa an its contender with ix GE J93s. orth
JTllD-20 or J58 bleed bypa turbojet outgrowth of the dual-cycle (turbojet/ram- American ev ntually won the W -llOA/L
6A (forward) 1158.3 7610 lb.
engine, weighing approximately 6,0001b jet) P&W Model JTN9 (J9I), which had competition and wa awarded a contract to
6B (Aft) 1068.5 7020 lb.
(2,700kg). [t was these high bypa ratio been in competition with the more con- build what was soon d signated B-70 and
Total 12219.2 80280 lb. * engine that gave the A-12, YF-12, M-21 ventional axial-flow General Electric (GE) named Valkyrie. Another projected u e of
and R-7I aircraft their unparalleled high- Model 7E (J93). The P&W J91 and the GE the P&W Model JTN9 was in hydrogen-
speed, high-altitude performance. J93 engines, both of which delivered some fuelled form, to power the Lockheed Model
• At avoerage fuel density of 6.57 lb.6gal.
(46.2 API, Fuel temperature = 78 F)

pumps for the group. The left engine was abbreviated chines to accommodate the The drag chute reduced landing roll and
supplied from the [eft fuel manifold which infra-red 'eyeball' associated with the aborted take-off roll-out distance. The drag
was normally fed from tanks 1, 2, 3 and 4. missile radar and fire-control sy tem. The chute assembly - comprised of a 42in
The right engine wa upplied from the right R-71 chines were of a broader chord than (107cm) diameter vane-type pilot parachute,
fuel manifold, which was normally fed from those of its predecessor and had an unbro- a 10ft Om) diameter ribbon-type extraction
tanks 1,4,5 and 6. However, a crossfeed fea- ken sweep angle all the way to the apex of parachute and a 40ft (12m) diameter ribbon-
ture allowed either engine to be fed from any the nose. The SR-7 [s also had the greatest type main para hute, was stowed in an aft
tank. A maximum of 12,219.2 U gallons fuselage length of the series. fuselage compartment above fuel tank num-
(10,175 [mperial gallons) of the specially ber 4. [t wa normally deployed electrically,
blended JP-7 fuel, which weighed 80,2 Olb Landing Gear System and Drag Chute but could be deployed manually if needed.
06,415 kg), was carried by the R- 71. The landing gear arrangement was for the
most part identical on all three versions of Q-bay The A-12 was the only version of
Fuselage The titanium alloy and compos- the Blackbird. It was a tandard tricycle the Blackbird that featured a special Q-bay.
ite honeycomb fuselages of the A-12, YF- arrangement, each nose landing-gear a em- The large-capacity Q-bay, located ju t aft of
12 and SR-71 appeared similar at fir t bly having two wheels and tyres, while each the cockpit and on centreline, hou ed the
glance but are quite different in their main landing-gear assembly had three special 60in (15 cm) focal length Actron
re pective configurations. The A-12 fea- wheels and eyre, for a total of eight wheels Type H or 48in (122cm) focal length Itek
tured a single-place configuration with a and tyres per aeroplane. The nose-gear KA-102A cameras exclusively employed by
Q-bay aft of the cockpit for its special cam- retracted forward while the main landing- the A-12 aeroplane. (The SR-71 has a Q-
era. [t al 0 had less-pronounced chines, gear retracted inward toward the centreline. bay but it was for electronic sensor, not a
which curved slightly inward before meet- The landing gear was electrically controlled camera, and is quite different than that
ing the apex of the nose. The YF-12 had and hydraulically actuated. employed by the A-12.) J58 bleed bypass turbojet engine details. Pratt & Whitney

98 99





SHOCK TRAP BLEED - - - -.....



/*/* ~ /' .J" /'








Engine air inlet spike positions and airflow patterns WILL OPEN AS REQU I RED TO •
TOP: J58 phantom view showing relative temperature ranges. Pratt & Whitney
at Mach numbers 0.0 to 3.2. USAF POS ITIO I lET SHOCK
ABOVE: J58 on ground transport cart. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

100 101

ABOVE: J58 with SR·71A at the Blackbird Air Park.

Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

J58 engine start cart control details. Paul R. Kucher IV


J58 at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton. Ohio. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

into limbo. (USAF turbojet engines have

odd dash numbers while U Navy turbo-
jets have even dash numbers.)

J58 Performance
So secretive was the Gusto/Oxcart pro-
gramme that at first even the Pratt & Whit-
ney AircraftJ58 propulsive system was given
code names; the code-names u ed were Cab-
bage Slicers for the ~arly-model J58 and Tail-
feathers for the later ones. Moreover, since
the J58 variants used by th Blackbirds were
vastly different from earlier J58 de igns,
technically speaking they should have had a
new designation, such as J95. But the pro-
CL-400 under Project Suntan, as discussed duration 2,000mph (3,200km/h) dash gramme was 0 secret that this was not desir-
in hapter One. peed. Pratt & Whitney responded with able: since the early J58 had for the most
Once these actions came about, P&W the J58-P-2, which made its first test run in part disappeared from publiC awareness by
put further development of its JTN9/J91 prototype form in mid-1958. The proposed 1959, its designation did not generate any
onto the back burner. But some of the new US Navy attack bomber was cancelled, great interest any more, which suited the
technologies it had generated would soon be but the engine was al 0 investigated for u e Blackbird programme perfectly.
incorporated into the design of another in the Chance Vought Aircraft F8U-3 On 13 May 1981 William H. 'Bill'
advanced engine, the P&W Model JT11 or Crusader III all-missile-armed interceptor, Brown of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft pre-
J58. if it beat] the McDonnell F4H-1 Phantom sented a paper on J58 development to the
In th mid 1950s, the US Navy had II. The U Navy, however, selected the American Institute of Aeronautics and
contracted P&W to develop a Mach 3- two-seater, twin-engined Phantom II over Astronautics (AIAA) in Long Beach, Cal-
rated engine for an advanced carrier-based the single-seater, single-engi ned Crusader ifornia. Mr Brown's paper, in part, is repro-
light attack-bomber aircraft with a short- III and development of the J58-P-2 went duced on pages 104-105. Another view of the J58 at the US Air Force Museum. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

702 703

J58/SR-71 Propulsion Integration or the Great Adventure into the Technical Unknown J58/SR-71 Propulsion Integration or the Great Adventure into the Technical Unknown
WILLIAM H. BROWN which we could match the inlet airflow requirements. Another advantage of this cycle approximately twice that required. Worst of all, the inlet would not restart until the pilot times the fuel was cold when the environment was hot and vice versa. When this
Retired Engineering Manager, Government Product Division, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft was that above Mach 2, the corrected airflow could be held constant at a given Mach came down to a much lower altitude and Mach number. Agreat many tests and inves- occurred, the engine fuel control did not track well. To correct this, we had to insulate the
Group, United Technologies Corporation number regardless of the throttle position. The bleed bypass cycle also provided more tigations were conducted including the possibility of engine surge being the initiator. main engine control body from the environment and make all the servos, etc., respond
than 20-percent additional thrust during high Mach number operation. This was not the case. Three major causes were finally isolated: only to fuel temperature. Eventually, we had to make a major redesign of the control.
Successful integration of the J58 engine with the SR-71 aircraft was achieved by: Fabrication and materials technology presented one of the greatest challenges. We had Lockheed and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft spent many hours coordinating the inlet and
to learn how to form sheet metal from materials which previously had been used only for 1. Manual trimming of engine. engine arrangement so that doors, bleeds, air conditioner drive turbine discharge,
- Inherently compatible engine cycle, size and characteristics. forging turbine blades. Once we had achieved this, we had to learn how to weld it suc- 2. High, inconsistent nacelle leakage at the approximately 40:1 pressure ratio. etc., would not affect any of the engine control sensors in the engine inlet. In fact,
-Intensive and extensive design/development effort. cessfully. Discs, shafts, and other components also had to be fabricated from high- 3. Alpha signal (angle of attack from nose boom) to inlet control subject to G-Ioading. the air conditioner drive turbine discharge was located 45 degrees on one side of the
strength, temperature-resistant turbine-blade-like materials to withstand temperatures vertical centreline and the engine temperature bulb was located 45 degrees on the
Propulsion integration involved aerodynamic compatibility, installation and structural and stresses encountered. I do not know of a single part, down to the last cotter key, that The following improvements were incorporated by Lockheed and Pratt &Whitney Aircraft opposite side. To save design time, Lockheed built one inlet as a mirror image of the
technology advances, development of a unique mechanical power takeoff drive, and could be made from the same materials as used on previous engines. Even the lubrication essentially as a package: other. It is now easy to conclude where the 1,200°F air conditioner turbine discharge
fuel system tailoring. All four areas plowed new ground and uncovered unknowns that pump was a major development. The newly developed special fuel was not only hot, but turned out to be! For awhile the fact that one engine always ran faster than the other
were identified, addressed, and resolved. Interacting airframe systems, such as the it had no lubricity. A small amount of fluorocarbon [a compound containing fluorine and 1. Improved sealing of the inlet and bypass doors. was a big mystery!
variable mixed compression [air] inlet, exhaust nozzle, and fuel system were ground carbon] finally had to be added to allow the airframe and engine pumps and servos to work. 2. Auto-trimmer of engine installed.
tested with the J58 engine prior to and coincident with flight-testing. Numerous itera- Fuel was used as the engine hydraulic fluid to actuate the bleeds, afterburner nozzle, 3. Derichment valve with unstart signal installed on engine to protect turbine.
tive redesign-retest-resolution cycles were required to accommodate the extreme oper- etc. Because there was nothing to cool the fuel, it just made one pass through the 4. Increased area inlet bypass doors and addition of an aft inlet bypass door which
ating conditions. hydraulic system and then was burned. bypassed inlet air direct to ejector. Comparison of J58 Development Objectives
Successful propulsion operation was primarily the result of Approximately three months before Pratt & Whitney finished the Pre Flight Rating 5. Added a 'G' [forces] bias on inlet control. with Then-Current Production P&W Engines
Test which was 3years and 4months after go-ahead (the Model Qualification Test was 6. Automated inlet restart procedure on both inlets regardless of which unstarted.
- Compatible conceptual designs. completed 14 months later), the first [A-12] 'Blackbird' took to the air. It was powered J57 andJ75 J58
- Diligent application of engineering fundamentals. by two afterburning [Pratt & Whitney] J75 turbojet engines to wring out the aircraft sub- The foregoing six items essentially eliminated inlet unstarts as a problem. An addi- Mach number 2.0 for 15min (J75 only) 3.2 (continuous)
- Freedom to change the engine and/or aircraft with aminimum of contractual paperwork. sonically. As soon as Lockheed felt comfortable with the aircraft, a J58 was installed tional benefit was also realized by the ability to use the aft inlet bypass door in normal Altitude 55,000ft 100,000ft
- A maximum of trust and team effort with engineer-to-engineer interchange. in one side. After several months of subsonic flight tests, J58 engines were installed flight instead of dumping all inlet bypass air overboard. As this air became heated as Compressor inlet temperature 250°F IJ75 only) 800°F
in both sides, and we started flight testing for real. it passed over the engine to the ejector instead of going overboard, drag was substan- Turbine inlet temperature 1,750°F (takeoff) 2,000°F
The centreline of the basic J58 engine was laid down in late 1956. It was to be an after- Naturally there were problems. Here are a few notable ones and the solutions. tially reduced. Also better sealing of the nacelle reduced drag further. Maximum fuel inlet temperature llD-130°F 300°F
burning turbojet rated at 26,000lb maximum takeoff thrust and was to power aUS Navy The first problem happened very early - the engine wouldn't start! The small inlet As you have probably noticed, I have had difficulty in differentiating between 'we' Maximum oil inlet temperature 250°F 550°F
attack aircraft which would have adash capability of up to Mach 3for several seconds. wind tunnel model did not show the inlet being so depressed at the starting J58 air- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and 'we' Lockheed. But that is the kind of program it was. Thrust/Weight ratio 4.0 5.2
By the time Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, along with Lockheed and others, began to study flows. In fact, instead of airflowing out of the compressor 4th stage through the bleed In any complicated program of this magnitude we all do something dumb and we both Military operation 30min time limit Continuous
the requirements several years later for what became the Blackbird series of aircraft, ducts into the afterburner, it flowed the other way! As a temporary fix, Lockheed did our share. Here is one from each of us: 'We', (Pratt & Whitney), became so obsessed Afterburner operation Intermittent Continuous
we had completed approximately 700 hours of full-scale engine testing on the J58. removed an inlet access panel for ground starts. They later added two suck-in doors with the problems of hot fuel and hot environment that we neglected the fact that some-
In the Blackbird joint studies, the attitude of open cooperation between Lockheed and and Pratt & Whitney added an engine bleed to the nacelle. These two changes elimi-
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft personnel seemed to produce better results than if a more nated the ground starting problem.
'arms-length' attitude were adopted. This open cooperation resulted in amore complete Originally, the blow-in door ejector or convergent-divergent nozzle was built as part
study which identified the enormous advances in the state-of-the-art and the significant of the engine. It was subsequently decided jointly by Lockheed and Pratt & Whitney J58 Performance KC-135Q and KC-135T
amount of knowledge which had to be acquired to achieve successful engine/airframe Aircraft that it would save weight if it was built as part of the airframe structure. This
integration. The completeness of this study was probably instrumental in Lockheed and was deemed appropriate, particularly as the main wing spar structure had to go around (All thrust ratings are given for full afterburner operation at sea-level standard day conditions) Stratotanker Aircraft
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft winning the [Gusto-cum-Oxcart] competition. The government the throat of the ejector. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, however, would still be responsible
Aeroplane Engine Thrust A specially equipped fleet of tankers was
stated that the need for what became the Blackbird was so great that the program had for nozzle performance in conjunction with the engine primary nozzle. In addition, we
to be conducted despite the risks and the technological challenge. Furthermore, the gov- would perform all of the wind tunnel testing. In exchange, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft A-12 JTllD-20B 32,500lb (14,700kgl needed to refuel the Blackbird aircraft
ernment expected the risks to be reduced by fallout from the [North American] X-15 and would build the remote gearbox because Lockheed's gearbox vendor had no experience while they were in flight. This unique fuel
YF-12A JTllD-20B 32,5001b (14,700kg)
B-70 programs. Unfortunately, there was no meaningful fallout. with gear materials or bearings and seals that would withstand the temperatures wa called Jet Petroleum number 7 or JP-7
There were a number of increased requirements for the J58 compared to the require- required. As a matter of fact neither did we, but we were already committed to learn. or JT11D-20K 34,000lb (15,400kg) and it was u ed exclUSively by the A-12,
ments for the previous Pratt & Whitney Aircraft J75 engine [see table below]. As it A problem partially related to the ejector was that the airplane burned too much fuel
M-21 JT11D-20K 34,0001b (15,400kg) YF-12, M-21 and SR-71 aircraft. The Boe-
turned out, even these requirements didn't hold throughout the 8lackbird's actual mis- going transonic. To help solve the problem, thrust measurements were taken in flight, ing KC-135Q had eparate tanks for this
sion. For example, the engine air inlet air temperature exceeded 800°F under certain movies of ejector operation in flight were made, local Mach numbers were measured, • SR-71A JTllD-20J 32,5001b 114,700kg) fuel and was the first aerial refuelling air-
conditions. The fuel inlet temperature increased to 350°F at times and the fuel temper- etc. Two fundamental mistakes were uncovered. The back end of the nacelle [the ejec-
or JTllD-20K 34,0001b (15,400kg) craft with an integral boom intercom to
ature ranged from 600°F to 700°F at the main and afterburner fuel nozzles. Lubricant tor] went supersonic long before the airplane did, and the fairing of the transonic wind
allow aircraft-to-aircraft communication
temperatures rose to 700°F and even to 1,OOO°F in some localized parts of the engine. tunnel drag data was not accurate. While we were puzzling out the solution, some pilot NOTE: The JT11 D-20J or J58 J-engine of 32,5001b thrust incorporated fixed compressor-inlet guide-vanes, while the
Because of these extremely hostile environmental conditions, the only design para- decided to go transonic at a lower altitude and higher Keas [knots estimated air speed]. JT11 D-20K or J58 K-engine of 34,0001b thrust incorporated two-position compressor-inlet guide-vanes. The vanes
while still maintaining radio silence. The
meters that could be retained from the US Navy J58-P-2 engine were the basic size and This for all intents and purposes solved the problem. From this we learned not to run were automatically positioned axially below Mach 1.9 to provide increased airflow and increased thrust rating; above Qs were al 0 among the first KC-135s to
the compressor and turbine aerodynamics. Even these were modified at a later date. nacelle wind tunnel tests unless the model contains at least a simulation of the adja- Mach 1.9, the vanes moved to a cambered position and the engine provided thrust equivalent to the J-engine. JP-7 have the all-flying 'high-speed boom'. In
The extreme environment presented asevere cooling problem. It was vital to cool the cent aircraft surfaces. We also learned to take enough data points so that transonic had a flash point of 140°F 160°C). all, fifty-four KC-135A aircraft were con-
pilot and aircraft electronics; but this left little or no heat sink in the fuel to cool the rest drag wind tunnel data does not have to be faired. verted to 'Q' specification. When the KC-
of the aircraft or the engine. Because of this, the only electronics on the engine was a As flight testing increased to the higher Mach numbers new problems arose. 135Qs were re-engined with the 22,000-
fuel-cooled solenoid which was added later and a trim motor buried inside the engine The most sensational and the most confusing problem at the high Mach number con- KC-135Q and KC-135T Units 24,0001b thrust 00,000-11 ,000kg) CFM
fuel control. To keep cooling requirements to a minimum, we even had to provide a dition was [air) inlet unstarts. These occurred without warning and were seemingly International FI08-CF-IOO (CFM-56-2)
chemical ignition system using tetraethyl borane (TEB) for starting both the main engine inconsistent. To add to the confusion, the pilots consistently reported the unstart occur- 9th Air Refuelling Squadron (AREFS) 350th ARS
turbofan engine, their designation was
and the afterburner. A new fuel and chemical lubricant had to be developed to meet the ring on the wrong side of the airplane. This anomaly was solved rather quickly when 70th Air Refuelling Squadron (ARS) 376th Strategic Wing (SW) changed to KC-135T. Following the
temperature requirements. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft together with the Ashland, Shell, Lockheed found that the Stability Augmentation System (SASI slightly overcompensat-
and Monsanto Companies took on the task of developing these fluids. ed for the sudden one sided drag. This led the pilot to believe that the wrong side had 1DOth Air Refuelling Wing (ARWI 380th AREFS retirement of the SR-71, the KC-
Early in the development, we found that a straight turbojet cycle did not provide a unstarted, and consequently, his corrective action usually resulted in worsening the 135Q1K -135T was likewi e retired from
306th AREFS 903rd ARS
good match for the [air] inlet nor the required thrust at high Mach number operating problem. Oddly enough, the engine did not blow-out. It just sat there and overheated pumping JP-7. Most, how ver, remain in
conditions. To overcome these problems, we invented the bleed bypass cycle with because the inlet airflow was so reduced that the engine minimum fuel flow was 349th ARS 909th AREFS service, pumping the less specialist JP-4
and JP-8.

704 705

A-12 After eleven earlier Archangel AF-12 AF-12 was the original Lockheed AQ-12 AQ-12 was a temporary designa-
CHAPTER NINE designs were not proceeded with, twelve designation for what became the YF-12A. tion preceding Q-12, which became D-21
A-12s were built (60-6924/-6926, 60- In one of its original forms the AF-12 wa (see Chapter Four).
6928/-6933 and 60-6937/-6939). The fir t to be armed with three Hughe AlMA 7B
A-12 made it official first flight on 30 Falcon air-to-air mis iles and a ingle Gen- B-12 The B-12 version of the A-12 was

Birds of a Feather Aprill962withLouisW. chalk,jratthe

controls; it had made an unofficial fir t
flight four days earlier on 26 April.
eral Electric M61 Vulcan ix-barrel20mm
rotary cannon in the left-front weapons
bay; provision was made for 1,000 round
designed but never built. It wa to be a ded-
icated strategic bomber and was referred to
as the B-71 in some circles. It was offered to
of ammunition. the U AF Strat gic Air Command at a time
when the propo ed Mach 3 orth Ameri-
If an airframe and power plant combina- can B-70 was extremely high on the agenda
tion works and works well it often leads to of SA's then-commander, General Curtis
the reation of different versions. And so E. LeMay. He staunchly supported the B-70
it wa with the eli tinctive blending of the programme and ultimately received a
Lockheed A-12 airframe and the Pratt & prom is from K lIy johnson himself that he
Whitney j58 engine, which generated would no longer pursue USAF interest in a
thr e succe ful follow-on derivative - bomber version of the A-12, so as not to
the YF-12, M-21 and R-71. interfere with the B-70. Thus, the B-12/B-
During the Oxcart programme, especial- 71 plan was dropped. However, these offer-
ly early on, a number of A-12 derivative ings w re later revi ed by Lockheed when
were designed, ngineered and offered but, the U AF tated a requirement for an all-
in most cases because of military desires mi sile-armed reconnaissance strike aircraft,
and politic, they were not proceeded the R -71, discussed below. The proposed
with. For example, when the strategic B-12 fearured a rotary bomb-dropping sys-
bombi ng version of the A-12 - the B-12 - tem complete with a rotary launcher for
wa offered to the U AF, the commander The first A-12 dumps fuel during an early test flight near Groom lake in July 1962. launching four nuclear stores.
of the trategic Air Command ( AC) at Lockheed Martin

lEFr. The rotary bomb-launching system as

proposed for the B-12. Lockheed Martin

BElOW: The FB-12 proposal with two AIM-7 Sparrow

AAMs and two AGM-69 SRAMs. Lockheed Martin

., ... ~~~ - I r . -' - rI ". ' - . ., I . _

I ... ]CJ

An early AF-12 proposal with three AIM-7 Sparrow AAMs and a Vulcan 20mm cannon. Lockheed Martin

the time, General Curtis E. LeMay, who mand and Lockheed to get the B-12 out of using Blackbird aircraft technology, there
wanted nothing to interfere with hi the picture. And he was successful. was the air-launched reconnaissance
'baby', the North American B-70 Valkyrie, onetheless there were many interest- drone known a the D-21, as discussed in
challeng d both the USAF chain of com- ing A-12 derivatives offered up. Finally, Chapter Four.

706 707

A /APQ-130 Attack Radar (later used on had wanted to buy ninety-three produc- for the instructor pilot, aft of the primary reconnaissance- trike version, carrying four Then on 25 July 1964, when President
FB-12 The FB-12 fighter-bomber was to be
the F-IIlD). tion F-12Bs, for which moneys were actu- cockpit. The TA-l2 (60-6927) had two SRAM missiles in four eparate weapons Lyndon B. Johnson announced the exis-
imilar to the almost-built F-l2B air-defence
ally allocated, but in the end they were known nicknames, 'Tin Goose' and 'Tira- bays, but it too was never built. tence of the R -71A, he erroneously
fighter (di cu ed below), but would have
F-12B The propo ed F-l2B, ifit had been never built (see hapter Three). nium Goose', the latter being more com- called it the SR-7IA as 'a long-rang
carried twO Hughes AIM-7E or AIM-7F
produced, would have been the world's mon. It was powered by two afterburning advanced strategic reconnaissance plane
parrow air-to-air missiles in its two forward
fastest and highe t-flying interceptor. It Q-12 Q-12 wa the temporary Lockheed Pratt & Whitney J75-P-19W turbojet The SR-71 for military use'. Thus, the reconnai san e
w apon bays, and two Boeing AGM-69A
also would have been the large t and heav- designation given to what became the 0-21 engines throughout it career, never being strike (R ) designation prefix was dropped
hort-Range Attack Missiles (SRAM ) in
iest one ever built. The F-12B would have reconnaissance drone (see Chapter Four). retrofitted with J5 s as wa once planned. RS-7J and replaced by the trategic reconnai -
it two aft weapons bays. Proposed radar sys-
been externally more or less id ntical to sance (SR) designation prefix. This caused
tem for the FB-12 were the Westinghou e
the three service-test YF-12As, but in its TA-12 One two-seat A-12 pilot trainer YF-12A Three YF-12A service-test aero- In the late 1950 and arly 1960s, in an Lockheed and the U AF a lot of grief.
/AWG-10 Radar and Fire-Control Sy -
operational gui e it wa to be armed with and tran ition aeroplane was built in late planes (60-6934/-6936) were built epa- attempt to resuscitate the an e1led North Rather than chastising President Johnson
tem, the General Electric A /APQ-114
four infra-red-guided Hughe AIM-47B 1962 and it mad its fir t flight in January rate from the A-l2 production line. The American B-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber, for his misspoken words, all paperwork
Ku-Band Attack Radar (later used on the F-
Falcon air-intercept missiles. The USAF 1963. It featured a second, raised, cockpit first made its maiden flight on 7 Augu t the U AF Strategic Air ommand stated (manuals, technical orders and the like)
IllA and FB-ll1A), and the Rockwell
1963 with James D. 'Jim' Eastham at the a requirement for a reconnai ance-strike was altered to read 'SR-7IA' instead of
controls (see hapter Three). version of the B- 70 de ignated R -70. The 'R -7IA'. And so the SR-71A was born.
idea was that it could attack its targets,
YF-12C The sole, so-called 'YF-l2 '(60- carry out a detailed bomb damage assess-
6937) was really R-71A number two (61- ment and, if need be, return to re-strike
7951). Since the USAF did not want the target. To do this the pr posed RS-70 Lockheed built twenty-eight SR-71A aero-
A A to have a 'full' SR- 71 for its Black- was to carry twenty SRAM weapons with planes (61-7950/-7954, 61-7958/-7980).
bird programme (see Chapter Ten), the YF- nuclear warheads in two rotary missile The first example (61-7950) made its first
12 came with metal engine air-inlet pike launchers - one in each one of its two flight at Palmdale on 22 December 1964.
rather than the composite pike employed weapons bays, which were placed in-line It was piloted by Robert J. 'Bob' Gilliland
on the SR-71 ; it may have had metal verti- on the centreline and covered by flat- (see Chapter Five).
cal tail a well, though this remains unclear. translating door. The concept quickly
It was also powered by the 32,5001b thrust gained favour and a number of R -70 SR-7JB
JT11 D-20J engine rather than the improved were ordered. But the Kennedy Adminis-
34,0001b thrust JT11D-20K engine used on tration and ecretary of Defense Robert . Two R-71B aeroplanes were built (61-
.. -=-:,.-
other R-71A aeroplane. Mc amara saw to it that the R -70 pro- 7956 and 61-7957); they made their fir t
gramme was cancelled as well. But there flight at Palmdale on 18 ovember and I
......_ ' - •. ~_-.- - - - ---1:"'-' ":l~"lJ
r.; If ,-'- - Ii I D-21 Th 0-21 is the air-launched, ram- was a good reason for hi action: an offer- December 1965, respectively. The first
L:.~""- J--;-;;-;:
-:::..-~ ~--
=--. Id. r" d
,- . . '" - -I!J
- r I
- L
I jet-powered reconnaissance drone di- ing from Lockheed oon to be designated flight crews were Bob Gilliland as pilot and
. . ,-=",_'"
1 _ ••
EJq ®q@~n@)
9\ .,..
i I' . ~- [--:-;
I cussed below and in Chapter Four. R -71 which, a it turned out, was the teve Belgau as R 0 (SR-7IB number
final outgrowth of the A-12. one), and Bob Gilliland as pilot and Jim
n .\ .
•... r;:.-
::::::Jr= --
• I.L.·' - .
u d () -
'L_"--.:: ..=:c=.~
.... ..::"- i I

M-21 Th two-place M-21 'Mother' was ince the proposed B/RB-12 ver ion of Eastham as R 0 ( R-7IB number two).
.~ ,,"~ --0:;;;;---- - .~.--- ~J the original launch platform for the the A-l2 would not be built a had b en The SR-71 B featured a raised second
unmanned ramjet-powered D-21 'Daughter' planned early on, there remained a n ed for cockpit from where the instructor pilot
reconnaissance drone. It featured a dorsal- a reconnaissance strike aircraft. And since could see past the trainee pilot's forward
mounted fuselage pylon on centreline to the A-12 wa already flying at triplesonic cockpit; this was more for seeing forward
which the 0-21 was attached and launched speeds and very high altitudes (actually over the no e of the SR- 71 B than for
from. It also had a second cockpit for the faster and higher than the two XB- 70A pro- watching the trainee pilot's actions.
Launch Control Officer (LCO) and was fit- totypes ever flew), with two rather than six The econd R- 71 B was lost on 11 Janu-
ed with the 34,0001b thrust JTllD-20K engines, Mc amara pushed for production ary 1968 while it was on landing approach
engine. Two were built (60-6940 and 60- of the R -71 A a a weapon ystem for AC to Beale AFB. It had suffered fuel cavitation
6941), but on 30 July 1966 M-21 number with nothing to do with the IA. This was and both in truct r pilot Lt Colonel Robert
two (60-6940) wa 10 t. M-21 number on done to the chagrin of General LeMay, the G. ower and tudent pilot Captain David
currently re ide at the Museum of Flight in B/RS-70's biggest advocate. onethele s, E. Fru hauf ejected safely and survived the
eattle, Wa hington (see Chapter Four). the RS-70 was cancelled in May 1964 in ord al. The R- 71 B, however, wa a total
favour of the Lockheed R -71 A, even loss. The other R-71 B served until the
R-12 R-l2 was a short-lived designation though its armament would be four rather Blackbird fleet wa retired in 1991, and it
for the dedicated photographic reconnai - than twenty SRAM weapons. later became one of the three SR-71 Black-
sance and electronic intelligence-gather- In the event, the R -71 A was put into birds a igned to and flown by A A until
ing derivative of the A-12 for the U AF production without armament of any sort. 1999 (NA A number831).
that eventually became the SR-71A. It was planned that, with a different nose
ection attached to the airframe, the RS-
RB-12 The RB-l2 was to be a photo- 71A could easily have been the reconnais-
graphic-reconnai ance/bomber ver ion of sance-strike aircraft U AF AC wanted. The unique R-7IC (61-7981) was the last
the A-l2, with a rotary bomb launch r on Th is was never done, however, and the RS- Blackbird to come out of the factory, built to
the centreline carrying four nuclear tore. 71A remained a dedicated photographic- replace the 10 t R-71 B as a pi lot trainer and
The RB·12 proposal with four AGM-69 SRAMs. Lockheed Martin It eventually evolved into the RS-71 reconnaissance platform. transition aeroplane, with a raised second

708 709

F-l2B production ver ion, it was to be a

A-12 and SR-71 Comparison
triplesonic all-weather, all-missile-armed CHAPTER TEN
A-12 SR-71 high-altitude interceptor armed with three
Length 9B75ft /31 ml 107.5ft /3276m) radar-guided Hughe AlMA 7 Falcon air-
Maximum speed Mach 3.35 Mach 3.32 to-air mis iles. To control the firing of these
Engine thrust
Maximum altitude
Maximum range lunrefuelledl
32,500lb (14,700kgl
95,OOOft /29,OOOml
2,500 miles (4,OOOkml
34,OOOIb (15,400kgl
B5,OOOft (26,OOOm)
3,250 miles 15,230km!
missiles the F-12B was to be equipped with
the Hughes A /ASG-I8 radar and missile
fire-control system. The F-12 had two cock-
NASA Blackbirds
Empty weight 60,OOOIb /27,OOOkg) 67,500lb (30,600kgl pits, the aft one for the Fire Control fficer
Gross weight 120,OOOIb /54,OOOkg) 152,OOOIb (69,OOOkgl (F 0). Mor over, for missile-firing tabili-
Payload 2,500lb 11,1 OOkgl 3,500lb (l,600kg)
ty at very high speed, the F-12 came The ational Aeronautics and Space

cockpit. It was not a new-build Blackbird, pilot, requiring a second cockpit, it had
equipped with three ventral fins - one
under either engine nacelle and one under
the aft fuselage on the centreline, which
folded ideway for runway clearance. But
Admini tration ( A A) began operation
on 1 October 195 ,absorbing its predece -
sor, the ational Advi ory Committee for
Aeronautic ( A A). Both of these enti-
> -----
however, because it was created from the less internal volume available and was there are oth r differences as well, shown in ties were established to investigate aero-
forward section of the SR-71A static struc- heavier than the A-l2. Thu , the A-12 the table (below). nautical sciences and the flying characteris-
tural test airframe (Lockheed factory serial could fly faster and higher than the R-71. From the foregoing it is easy to see how tics of manned and unmanned aircraft and,
number 2000) and the aft section and wings The A-12 was shorter in length than the hard Kelly Johnson and his kunk Works later, pace vehicles and astronautics. With-
of the first YF-I2A (60-6934) airframe. The SR-71 by some 5ft (l.5m) but their employees worked to make the A-12, YF- out these two extremely important aeronau-
latter had been written off and placed in wingspans and wing area are identical. 12, M-21 and R-71 programmes a suc- tical and astronautical arms of the U Gov-
storage on 14 August 1966 after being dam- Also, the SR- 71 's chines were wider at the cessful a they were, especially when one ernment, flight sciences as we now know
aged in a landing mishap at Edwards AFB- nose apex than those of the A-12. But considers just how difficult it was to leam them could not and would not hav
instead of repairing it, it had proven easier there were a number of other differences as how to process and then manufacture fifty advanced as rapidly as they have. And
to modify SR-71 A 61-7951 as the YF-12A's shown in the table (above). aeroplanes that were made entirely out of ASA helped us in a big way to under rand
replacement, and that particular aeroplane titanium alloy and high-temperature com- the flight characteri tics of high-speed,
became the phoney YF-12C with the po ite material. Then one has to consider high-altitude aircraft such as the Blackbird.
deceptive U AF serial number 60-6937, Differences: A-12 and how difficult it was for Pratt & Whitney to Only three organizations were fortunate
which was also u ed by the eleventh pro- TA-12, A-12 and M-21 create all. engine capable of propelling air- enough to fly the Blackbird: the Central
duction A-12. Because of this rather odd craft to continuous Mach 3 cruise speeds at Intelligence Agency, with it cadre of for-
joining of SR-71 and YF-12 airframes the The primary difference between the A-12 altitudes approaching 20 miles (JOkm). mer USAF pilots; USAF Strategic Air
R-7IC became known as 'The Bastard', and TA-12 is that the latter has a second, Moreover, new fuels and fluids, wiring and ommand; and NASA.
and it made its first flight at Palmdale on 14 raised cockpit for the instructor pilot in cooling techniques and a host of other dif- NASA fl w a total of sev n different
March 1969 with Bob Gilliland as pilot place of the Q-bay. ficulties had to be overcome before these Blackbird aircraft from its Hugh L. Dryd n
and teve Belgau as R O. In a little more The differences between the A-12 and F- aircraft could be built and flown. uffice to Flight Re earch Centre (DFRC) located at
than seven years the R-71C eventually 12 aircraft, on the other hand, are numer- ay, a much a it cost to do this in 1962 to Edwards AFB, California. These were YF-
accumulated 556.4 flying hours, with its ous. First and foremost the service-test YF- 1969 - when these aeroplanes were built 12A numbers two and three (60-6935 and
last flight coming on 11 April 1976. 12 was the only armed version of the and first flown - the moneys required to do 60-6936), the 'YF-12 '(60-6937 -actually
Blackbird to actually take wing. There were the ame today would be prohibitive. Final- SR-71A 61-7951), SR-71A numbers 16, 20
other armed version on the drawing boards ly, a question: just who on earth could now an 129 (61-7967,61-7971 and 61-7980),
The Different Configurations such as the B-12/B-71, but they never came fill the shoes of Kelly Johnson, Ben Rich andSR-7lBnumb rone(61-7956).
to fruition. In the case of the YF-12, how- and the dedicated cadre of top-notch engi- The two YF-12A , the YF-12 and R-
While all the aircraft in the Blackbird ever, it was built and flight-tested as a neers and employee a ociated with the 71 were flown beginning in the late
serie look superficially quite similar, there dedicated weapon system. In its proposed creation of the e extraordinary aircraft? 1960s, through the 1970s and into the
are numerou differences in th ir respec- early 1980s; they never received NASA
tive configurations. tail numbers, but had the NA A logo in a
The SR-71 of late 1964 owes its exis- A-12 and F-12 Comparison bar running horizontally across th ir verti-
tence entirely to the A-12 of early 1962. A-12 F-12 al tails.
The A-12 wa even more capable as a pho- The two R-7IA and the R-71B car-
Length 9B75ft 131m! 101 ft 7in (32.BOm)
tographic-reconnaissance platform than ried A A tail numbers 832, 44 and
Maximum speed Mach 3.35 Mach 3.2
it R-71 uccessor. How can this be? 31, respectively, and were loaned to
Engine thrust 32,500lb (14,700kg) 32,500lb 115,400kg)
Because it was manned by a pilot only, the Maximum altitude 95,OOOft (29,OOOm) B5,OOOft 126,OOOm!
ASA after the fleet of Blackbirds had
A-12 was able to carry a larger, heavier and Maximum range lunrefuelled) 2,500 miles (4,OOOkml 2,500 miles (4,OOOkml been decommissioned at Beale AFB, Cali-
much better camera in its aerial-recon- Empty weight 60,OOOIb (27,OOOkgl 60,7301b (27,550kg) fornia on 26 January 1990.
naissance suite. This camera was mounted Gross weight 120,OOOIb (54,OOOkgl 127,OOOlb (5B,OOkg) The NASA Blackbirds were used for
in the Q-Bay of the A-l2, directly aft of Payload 2,500lb (1,1 OOkgl 3,3BOIb (l,530kg) many different test programmes, which are
the cockpit. Since the R-71 had a Recon- Armament None Three AIM-47B Super Falcon far too numerou to detail here. But suffice
naissance Systems Operator as well as the it to ay that more than just a little aero-
dynamic data was gathered by them. A few NASA used YF-12A number two (60-6935) for a number of high-speed and high-altitude
of these programmes are discu sed below. experiments during the late 1960s, NASA

110 111

ABOVE: Another view of the second production

YF-12A. still sporting its USAF Aerospace Defense
Command logo. NASA

The first of two SR-71 B (61-7956) aeroplanes built

served with NASA as tail number 831 after it retired
from its USAF duties. NASA

Ultraviolet Experiment
One early research project flown on one of
NA A:s SR-71s consisted of a eries of
flights using the Blackbird as a science
camera platform for the Jet Propulsion ABOVE: NASA 832 was the twentieth production SR-71A (61-7971) and is now BELOW: NASA 844 was the twenty-ninth production SR-71A (61-7980) and it now
Laboratory (JPL) of the California Insti- located at the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville. Oregon. NASA appears in front of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB. NASA
tute of Technology, which operates under
contract to NASA. In March 1993, an
upward-looking ultraviolet (UV) video
camera placed in the SR-71's nose bay
studied a variety of celestial objects in the
ultraviolet-light spectrum.
The R-71 wa propos d as a test-bed
for the experiment because it is capable of
flying at altitude above 80,000ft (24,000m)
for an extended length of time. Observation
of UV radiation is not possible from the
Earth's surface because the atmosphere's
ozone layer absorb UV rays.
The flight programme was also designed
to test the stability of the aircraft as a test-
bed for UV observation. A joint flight pro-
gramme was developed between th JPL
and NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Re earch observations. The SR-71A used was NA A in Virginia, consisted of a stainless steel tube
Facility (which was re-designated the Dry- tail number 844, which was on loan from equipped with thermocouples and pressure- uch as engine unstarts, but researchers Also, the Office of Advanced Research and the SR-71A, fully operational. Eventually,
den Flight Research Centre in 1994) in the USAF (USAF serial number 61-7980). sensing equipment. A special insulation eventually got a uccessful flight. Technology (OART) saw the YF-12A as a the USAF offered NASA the use of two
conjunction with South West Research coating covered the rube, which was chilled The Dryden Flight Research Center's means to advanc high- peed technology, YF-12A aircraft - number two (60-6935)
In titute (SWRI) in Texas to test the with liquid nitrogen. At Mach 3, the insula- involvement with the YF-12A used in the which would help in designing the Super- and number three (60-6936). A joint
hypothesis. NA A-DFRC modified the tion was pyrotechnically blown away from Cold Wall programme began in 1967. sonic Transport (SST) - then a high-prior- NASA-USAF programme was mapped out
Cold Wall Experiment the tube, instantly exposing it to the ther- Ames Research Center was interested in
nose bay of the SR-71, creating an upward- ity US programme. At the time the USAF inJune 1969.
observing window to catTy SWRI's ultravio- The Cold Wall Experiment project, sup- mal (high-heat) environment. The experi- using wind-tunnel data that had been gen- needed technical assistance to get the latest NASA and USAF technicians spent
let camera so it could make the required ported by NASA-Langley Research Center ment caused numerous in-flight difficulties, erated at Ames under extreme secrecy. reconnaissance version of the A-12 family, three months readying 60-6935 for flight.

112 773

On 11 December 1969, the flight pro- William Dana, Gary Krier, Einar Enevold- fuel-tank system (liquid oxygen leaks)
gramme got und rway with a successful son, Tom McMurtry, Steve Ishmael and arose and the X-33 programme was can- CHAPTER ELEVEN
maiden flight piloted by Colon IJoe Rogers Michael Swann. celled in March 2001. In any event, after
and Major Gary Heidelbaugh of the SR- twelve test flights the in-flight part of the
71/F-12 Test Force. During the programme, LASRE programme was deemed successful.
the U AF concentrated on military appli-
cation while NASA pursued a loads-
research programme. NASA studies includ-
Linear Aerospike
SR-71 Experiment
The last scheduled ASA research
flight of a Blackbird was on 27 eptember
1999, with an evaluation of the LASRE
Blackbird Survivors
ed in-flight heating, skin-friction cooling, The Linear Aerospike SR- 71 Experiment flight-test fixture to gather baseline data
old Wall research (the aforementioned (LASRE) programme was performed for the po sible use the LASRE flight-test
heat-transfer experiment), flow-field stud- between October 1997 and November fixture for future applications. But for the Retired US military aircraft are almost Number, USAF Serial Number and com- A-12, 127, 60-6930 On display at the
ies, shaker-vane research and tests in sup- 199 to investigate the performance of a upcoming Edwards AFB Open House and always sent to various salvage yards ments are given, in that order.) Space and Rocket Center Museum in
port of the Space huttle programme. 20 per cent-scale, half-span model of the Air Show on 9 October 1999, special per- throughout the USA to be scrapped out Huntsville, Alabama.
Ultimately, 60-6935 became the work- Lockheed Martin ingle Stage to Orbit mission for two demonstration flights was for their rare and sometimes semi-precious A-l2, 128,60-6931 On display at the
horse of the programme, with 146 flights (SSTO) Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) granted. So, oddly enough, it was not the metals (such as titanium alloy) and sal- Minnesota Air National Guard Mu eum
USAF that made the last flight of a Black-
Surviving A-12jYF-12s
between 11 December 1969 and 7 Novem- - a lifting body shape (X-33, see below) vaged systems (such as refurbished avion- at the Minneapolis t Paul International
ber 1979. The second YF-12A, 60-6936, without the fins. The test aerospike engine bird - it was NA A, in a Ihr 14min flight ics) that can be re-used. However, in the A-l2, 121,60-6924 On display at Black- Airport, St Paul, Minnesota.
made sixty-two flights but was lost in a and its mount contained hydrogen fuel, during the show at Edwards. The aero- case of the Blackbirds thirty survivors have bird Air Park, Palmdale, California. A-l2, 130, 60-6933 On display at the
non-fatal crash on 24 June 1971. It was water, helium and control computers, plane flown was ASA tail number 844 been saved from the smelters; apparently A-l2, 122,60-6925 To be moved from San Diego Aerospace Museum in San
replaced by the so-called 'YF-12 '(SR- weighed in at 14,3001b (6,500kg) and was (SR-71A 61-7980) and Mach 3.21 and these aircraft are far too important to avi- the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Diego, California.
71A 61-7951, modified with YF-12A mounted atop SR-71 A number 29, full-aft 80,100ft (24,400m) were attained. It was ation history to suff I' such an ignominious Intrepid at the U S Incre/Jid Sea-Air-Space A-l2, 131, 60-6937 On display at the
inlets and engines and a bogus tail number on the centreline between its two vertical to make a second flight for the event the fate. Thus, the aircraft that were not lost Museum in New York, to be displayed at Southern Mu eum of Flight in Birmingham,
60-6937). tails. The mount measured 41ft (l2.5m) in next day, but a fuel I ak grounded it and no due to attrition and/or mishaps (twenty CIA Headquarters in Langl y, Virginia. Alabama.
The NASA YF-12 research programme length. This particular SR-71A carried Blackbird ever flew again. were lost out of the fifty built) are on dis- TA-l2, 124,60-6927 On display at the A-l2, 132, 60-6938 On di play at the
was ambitious; the aircraft flew an average ASA tail number 844, formerly USAF After the weekend of 9-1 0 October 1999, play at numerous facilities as listed here. alifornia Museum of Science in Los Ange- U Alabama Battleship Memorial Park
of once a week unless 'down' for extended serial number 61-7980. then, all three remaining NASA Black- (In each case designation, Lockheed Build les, California. in Mobile, Alabama.
maintenance or modification. Programme The SSTO RLV concept wa being birds - two SR-71As and an SR-71 B- were
expenses averaged 3.1 million per year developed in an effort to replace the ASA placed into flyable storage where they
just to run the flight tests. NASA crews Space Shuttle fleet in the twenty-first cen- remained until 2002 when they were sent
for the YF-12 included pilots Fitzhugh tury. An advanced technology demonstra- to museums. The information gathered by
, \ f"',
" \ .
Fulton and Donald Mallick, and flight- tor vehicle, the Lockheed Skunk Works ASA through three decades of flying YF-
test engineers Victor Horton and Ray designed X-33 -later named VentureStar- 12 and SR-71 aircraft was nothing less
Young. Other NASA test pilots checked was to be bu iIt and flight tested in 1999. than priceless in the advancement of aero-
out in the YF-12A included John Manke, However, prohibitive problems with its nautical and astronautical sciences.


The number two A-12 (60-6925) now resides on the deck of the USS Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum in
The trio of NASA SR-71 Blackbirds atthe NASA Hugh l. Dryden Flight Research Center. NASA New York City Harbour. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection

114 115

D-21B, 522 Unknown location (not AFB, Dayton, Ohio. D-21B, 531 Stored at AMARC Davis-
launched). D-21B, 529 Stored at NASA-Dryden Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona.
D-21B, 524 On display at the US Air Flight Research Facility at Edwards AFB, D-21B, 532 Stored at AMARC Davi -
Force Mu eum, Wright-Patterson AFB, California. Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona.
Dayton, Ohio. D-21B, 530 Stored at Aerospace Main- D-21B, 533 At Pima Air Museum, Tuc-
D-21B, 525 On display at the Blackbird tenance and Regeneration enter son, Arizona.
Air Park, Palmdale, California. (AMARC) Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, D-21B, 534 Stored at AMAR Davis-
D-21B, 528 Stored at Wright-Patterson Arizona. Monthan AFB, Tuc on, Arizona.
D-21B, 535 Unknown location (not
D-21B, 537 Stored at NASA-Dryden
Flight Research Facility at Edward AFB,
D-21B, 538 On display at the Museum of
Aviation at Robins AFB, Georgia.

ABOVE: The number two YF-12A (60-6935) is displayed ( OTE: the twenty-two D-21s that were
at the US Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson launched, lost and/or scrapped are not list-
AFB. AFFTC/HO ed above.)

Surviving SR-71s
YF-12A, 1002,60-6935 On display at the
US Air Force Museum, Wright-Patterson SR-71A, 2002, 61-7951 On di play at
AFB, Dayton, Ohio. the Pima Air Mu eum in Tucson, Arizona.
SR-71A, 2006, 61-7955 On display at
the Air Force Flight Test enter Museum
at Edward AFB, alifornia.
Surviving M-21s and 0-21s
M-21, 134, 60-6940 On display at the ABOVE: The first of two M-21
Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington. 'Mother' planes (60-6940) with its
D-21B, 502 (might be 510) Mounted pylon-mounted 0-21 (number 510)
atop M-21 (60-6940) at the Museum of occupies a large area of the main
Flight, Seattle, Washington. gallery inside the Museum of Flight
D-21B, 510 Unknown location (not in Seattle, Washington.
Lockheed Martin
launched) - see above.
D-21B, 513 Stored at ASA-Dryden
The number two SR-71A (61-7951)
Flight Research Facility at Edwards AFB, when it was still known as the
Canopy detail of YF-12A number two at the US Air Force Museum. Paul R. Kucher IV Collection California. 'YF-12C' with NASA logo and
borrowed A-12 serial number
60-6937 on vertical tails. NASA

An excellent view of YF-12A number two at Area 51 in its original paint scheme. Lockheed Martin

SR-71B, 2007, 61-7956 On display at

the Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum
in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
SR-71A, 2009, 61-7958 On di play at
the Museum of Aviation at Robins AFB,
SR-71A, 2010, 61-7959 On display at
the USAF Armament Museum at Eglin
AFB, Florida.
SR-71A, 2011, 61-7960 On di play at
Castle AFB near Merced, alifornia.
SR-71A, 2012, 61-7961 On display at
the Kansas Cosmosphere and pace Cen-
ter in Hutchinson, Kansas.
SR-71A, 2013, 61-7962 On di play at
the Imperial War Museum in Duxford,
SR-71A, 2014, 61-7963 On display at
Beale AFB, California.
SR-71A, 2015, 61-7964 On display at
the USAF Strategic Air Command Muse-
um near Ashland, Nebraska.
SR-71A, 2018, 61-7967 Tobedi played
at the 8th Air Force Museum at Barksdale
AFB, Louisiana.
SR-71A, 2019, 61-7968 On display at
the Virginia Aviation Museum in Rich-
mond, Virginia. ABOVE: In-flight view of the SR-71A 161-79591 known BELOW: This was the seventeenth SR-71A (61-79681
SR-71A, 2022, 61-7971 On display atthe as 'Big Tail'. which is now on display at the US Air built and it is on display at the Virginia Aviation
Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMin- Force Armament Museum. Eglin AFB. Florida. USAF Museum in Richmond. Virginia. Lockheed Martin
nville, Oregon. via Peter W. Merlin

TOP: The sixth production SR-71 A

(61-79551 appears today at the Air.
Force Flight Test Center Museum at
Edwards AFB. California. AFFTC/HO

ABOVE: The first of two SR-71 B

(61-79561 pilot trainer and transition
aeroplanes is displayed at the
Kalamazoo Air Zoo in Kalamazoo.
Michigan. AFFTC/HO

LEFT: Canopy detail of the Kalamazoo

Air Zoo SR-71B (61-7956). Paul R.
Kucher IV Collection

778 119

SR-71A, 2023, 61-7972 On display at

the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, a satellite
of the Smithsonian Institution National
Air and Space Museum located in Chan-
tilly, Virginia.
SR-71A, 2024, 61-7973 On display at the
Blackbird Air Park, Palmdale, California.
SR-71 A, 2026, 61-7975 On display at
the March Field Museum, March AFB,
SR-71A, 2027, 61-7976 On display at
the US Air Force Museum, Wright-Patter-
son AFB, Dayton, Ohio.
SR-71A, 2030, 61-7979 On display at
the USAF History and Traditions Museum
at Lackland AFB, Texas.
SR-71A, 2031, 61-7980 On display at
NASA-Dryden Flight Research Center,
Edwards AFB, California (NA A tail
number 844).
SR-71C, 2000, 61-7981 On display at
the Hill Aerospace Museum, Hill AFB,

TOP: This SR-71A (61-7979), the twenty-eighth built,
is now on display at Lackland AFB, Texas.
Lockheed Martin

BOTTOM: The sole SR-71C (61-7981) pilottrainerl

transition aeroplane was the last Blackbird built
and it survives at Hill AFB, Utah. AFFTC/HO

RIGHr. A fine study of a sleek SR-71A Blackbird.
Lockheed Martin

BELOW: Out of the black comes an SR-71A at Beale

AFB in 1989. Lockheed Martin

720 727

It is highly unusual for an entire family of

aircraft to find home at special display CHAPTER TWELVE
areas or in aviation museums, but so it was
with the Blackbirds and even a few of the
surviving D-21 reconnaissance drones.
That this is not always the case, even
for some very significant aircraft is clear- SUDlDlaries
ly demonstrated by the case of the Boeing
XB-52 and YB-52 Stratofortress proto-
types. Both were scrapped in the mid- Had we built the Blackbird in the year 2010, the world would still have been awed by such an achievement.
1960s before they could be saved for pos-
terity - they had fallen prey to Lady Bird
Johnson's 'National Highway Beautifica-
tion Program' whereby, according to her,
they were nothing more than eyesores
and she ordered them removed. It is Without a doubt the Lockheed SR-71 (61- 7972) was used to smash the US We t Chance Vought F8U-l P Crusader from
ind ed splendid that thirty of the fifty Blackbird strategic reconnais ance aircraft Coast to East Coast speed and time records Lo Angeles to New York in 3hr 23min.
Blackbird aeroplanes that were built are was the most sophisticated ever developed on the Blackbird's official retirement flight Thu , two hours and 15 minute had been
now on display for current and future gen- and put into operation within Earth's to the ational Air and Space Museum shaved off the old time record. (Later, of
erations to behold and marvel at. And all atmosphere. It was also one of the most (NASM) in Washington, 0 . The 1,998 course, while piloting the Mercury space
of those who were ever associated with expensive manned aircraft programmes mile (3,216km) distance was flown in a capsule 'Friendship 7' on 20 February
them must be pleasantly pleased. that ever existed, and by the late 1980s the mere 67min 53.69sec at an average speed of 1962, Glenn crossed the USA in a matter
Blackbird's ultra-fast and expensive lifestyle 2,124.5mph (3,419kmjh). of minutes rather than hours, at a speed of
in the upper reaches of the stratosphere was The previous and only existing super- about 17,500mph or 28,000kmjh.) In any
quickly coming to an end. Not because it sonic coast-to-coast record fl ight had been event, the SR-71A crewed by Ed Yeilding
wasn't doing its job properly, but because of established more than thirty-two years and J.T. Vida on that historic day in March
the more advanced and sophisticated spy earlier, in July 1957, when US Marine 1990 obliterated Glenn's transcontinental
satellite systems, and the new, relatively Corps Major John H. Glenn Jr flew a supersonic speed record.
inexpensive, unmanned aerial reconnais-
sance systems that were appearing and soon
came on line as the Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV). Moreover, the UAV not
only supplies high-resolution photographic
reconnaissance, but near- and real-time
television coverage of the battlefield. So all
good things must come to an end, and it wa
decided to phase out the 9th RW's fleet of
Blackbirds after nearly twenty-five years of
operations: on 26 January 1990 the Lock-
heed SR-71 Blackbird was ceremoniously
decommissioned at Beale AFB, California.
Benjamin R. 'Ben' Rich, most instrumen-
al in the development of the Blackbird's
engines and of it all-black paint schem ,
gave a speech at the retirement ceremony.
Its text is reproduced in the box (see p.l24).

Bye, Bye Blackbird

During the next three months it was decid-
ed that an official retirement flight of the
Blackbird should be made with an all-out
effort to officially shatter the existing US
coast-to-coast pecd and time records. And
on 16 March 1990 this was done in a big, big
way. Manned by the two high-time Black- The twenty-first production SR-71A Blackbird (61-7972) heads east on its record-
bird crewmembers, pilot Lt Colonel Ed setting retirement flight on the early morning of 6 March 1990. It flew coast-to-coast
TOP: An SR-71 pilot with his Blackbird salutes the cameraman. ABOVE: : Nine pilots with their nine RSOs are grouped together making eighteen crewmembers. Yeilding and RSO Lt Colonel Joseph T. 'JT over the USA in just one hour and eight minutes at a speed of 2.124.5mph (3,418km{hl
Lockheed Martin with an SR-71A they all crewed at one time or another. Lockheed Martin Vida, the twenty-first production SR-71A and a distance of 1.998 miles (3.215kml. Lockheed Martin

722 723

Ben Rich's Speech at the Retirement of the SR·71 become one of the two reactivated U AF Without anyone knowing it the la t entitled Skunk Works (Little, Brown, ew
SR-71A aeroplane. It was flown to Palm- U AF flight of an R-71A came when York, 1994). hortl y afterwards though,
Congressman Herger, General Chain, honoured guests. 9. On numerous occasions it flew half way around the world and returned - from the
dale in January for refurbishment. Mean- Major Bert Garrison and RSO Captain Benjamin R. 'Ben' Rich died at the age of
Tonight I salute the men and women of the 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, the US to the Middle East and back; from England to Lebanon and back; from Okinawa
while at Palmdale, SR-71A 61-7967 was Dom ingo Ochotorena flew a 4.1- hou I' sixty-nine, on 5 January 1995. These two
flying crew[s]. the maintenance personnel. the planners, analysts and all those associ- to the Persian Gulf and back.
ated with the SR-71 s - and let's not forget the support tankers and their crews and 10. It is the first operational stealth aeroplane. Its radar cross section is what the B-1 B brought up to USAF operational standard. training mission with 61-7967 on 10 legend - one an aeronautical engineering
those from AFLC [Air Force Logistics Commandl from Norton [AFB) and Palmdale, who is going to get this year. We had it twenty-five years ago! Thus, two SR-71As were now reinstated. October 1997, five days before President genius, the other an a rothermodynamicist
gave us all the logistic and flight test support. On behalf of the Lockheed Corporation, 11. It was the first aircraft with structural composite structure. A composite structure And in early 1996 the two rea tivated R- Clinton stopped further funding for USAF of the highe t calibre - were the most indis-
and in particular the men and women of the Skunk Works, it is an honour to be here. I that was capable of 800°F - the temperature of a soldering iron. 71A (61-7967 and 61-7971) arrived at R-7l operation. 0 without any fanfare pensable per ons on the programme that
also have to thank the men and women of Pratt & Whitney who developed the 12. The average surface temperature of the aeroplane is at 550°F. For the cooks in the Edwards from Palmdale to begin operation what 0 vel', operation by AF Black- led to the succes ful developments of the
marvellous J58 bleed bypass turbojet engine. audience - that is the temperature of the broiler in your oven. Can you imagine how with their new unit, Detachment 2 of the birds came to an abrupt end. Blackbird serie of aircraft.
I cannot honestly say this is a happy day for me, seeing the retirement of the SR·71s shocked I was when the air force wanted the red, white and blue star and bar etc. 9th Reconnaissance Wing. Only the A A Blackbirds would
- I can say I have seen them from cradle to grave. put on this aeroplane! Someday paint a metal plate and put it under your broiler. The US Congress voted SAF R- 71 continue to fly. They did 0 for almost
I regret that two of my favourite people cannot be here. Kelly Johnson, father of the It's hard enough to keep paint on, but keep white - white it turns to grey; blue turns
operational funding until Fiscal Year 1997 exactly two years to the day after the last
SR-71 , seriously ill in the hospital. and the late Gen. Jerry O'Malley. to purple and red turns to maroon. We finally did it. It wasn't easy.
but the USAF never flew an operational
The Big 40
This amazing Blackbird is the fruit of the great military industrial complex, the US Air 13. It is the only twenty-year-plus air force aeroplane that never had wing cracks or U AF flight. On 9 October 1999 the last
Force and the Lockheed Skunk Works. needed its wings replaced since it is mostly titanium. mission. On 15 October 1997, the reacti- A A flight of a Blackbird happened The fortieth anniver ary of the official first
I acknowledge and accept the need to retire the SR-71 because of the budget squeeze 14. When the air force wanted to simulate high-speed Russian fighters such as the vated SR- 71s having been ready for opera- without a great deal of fanfare when an flight of the A-12 came and went on 30
- but I don't agree with it. MiG-23 for supersonic intercept manoeuvres, the SR-71 had to slow down. tional flights if needed, President Clinton SR-71A (NASA tail number 44) flew at April 2002, while th Lockheed SR-7l
I agree it is expensive - but so is the Fire Department. the Police Department and Life 15. Kelly [Johnsonl offered $100 to anyone who could save ten pounds [4.5kgl on the signed a Line Item Veto and kill d all fur- the Edwards AFB Air how and pen Blackbird will mark its fortieth first flight
Insurance, but that doesn't mean you get rid of it. aeroplane - no one collected. I suggested using helium in the tires instead of nitrogen ther USAF operational SR-71 funding. The House event. During that last fl ight, the anniversary more or less as this book goes
Now let me give you some 'gee whiz' facts about this beautiful, exotic, one of a kind, or air. But helium would just leak through the rubber. I suggested to give every pilot an rwo R-71As of the short-lived Det.2/9RW, last Blackbird to fly (61-7980) hit Mach to pres , on 22 December 2004.
amazing flying machine - the SR-71. I cannot give you precise numbers because the enema before every flight - that didn't go over very well! 61-7967 and 61-7971, were returned to 3.21 at 0,100ft (24,400m) during a 1hr One has to go back in time to fully realize
security folks will have aconniption! 16. It's the only aeroplane where the hydraulic oil cost more than Scotch whiskey! their previous home at A A Dryden. 14min flight - the original design speed ju t how futuristic the A-12/ R-71 was
17. The power plants have the thrust equivalent to that of the Queen Mary.
and altitude! forty-plus year ago. In looking that far back,
1. This amazing machine had its first flight on 22 December 1964 with Bob Gilliland,
over twenty-five years ago. Bob expresses his regrets that he couldn't be here today, I could go on and on. adly, on 22 December 1990, exactly to 3 April 1962, Pre ident John F. Kennedy
as he had to be in Alaska and couldn't get out of it. Last flights, Final Goodbyes twenty- ix years after the first flight of both was still in office, the Cuban Mis ile Crisis
2. We delivered the aeroplane 12~ months later to Beale on 7January 1966 - twenty-four Let me tell you about its birth: the SR-71A and the first-time mated M- was m nths away, the Beatles had not yet
years ago. Kelly gathered about seventy-five people to develop this aeroplane - but the config- From the first flight of the first A-12 (U AF 21/D-21 aircraft, Clarence L. 'Kelly' John- had a No. 1 hit, colour television ets were
3. We will retire the aeroplane with all its speed and altitude records intact. uration was put together by five of us - four other engineers and myself, drawn on a serial number 60-6924) on 26 April 1962 son had pa sed away at the age of eighty. On only ju t beginning to appear, and the Viet-
4. It is the only combat aeroplane in air force history to retire without the loss of a sin- spare door laid across two desks - that was the birth of this magnificent machine. to the last flight ofSR-71A number rwenty- the following day, Ben Rich retired as head nam War was in it infancy. But though the
gle crewmember - isn't that incredible for such a sophisticated aeroplane - not one We corrugated the wing skin, so that as the skin expanded - any wrinkles would be nine (USAF 61-7980/NASA tail number of th Skunk Work. During his I' tirement A-12 and SR-71 aeroplane designs are
air force person lost his life in war or peace with this aeroplane! stream wise and not cause drag. 844) on 9 October 1999, more than thirty- year, till working a a consultant to the respectively forty-two and forty years old, in
5. One of the few aircraft that flew in acombat environment and was never shot down. The aeroplane gets 65 percent of its propulsive thrust from the [air) inlet; 25 per cent even years of Blackbird flight operations kunk Work, he teamed with noted writer appearance, capability and performance
6. This is the first time since 1968 - that all the aircraft and all the crews are in the US from the engine; and 15 percent from the ejector nozzle.
pa sed. Leo Janos and produced a bestselling book they remain far ahead of their time.
- twenty-two years of continuous overseas duty. It was an aircraft that was designed I remember calling the J58 engine the Macy [Department Storel engine - because
for peace not for war. It never carried any weapons. they spent so much money. I told Bill Brown of Pratt & Whitney that if I gave that much
7. This machine was flown almost 65 million miles, half of them over Mach 3- that is to Macy's - they would have given me the engine.
equivalent to 2,600 trips around the Earth or 135 round trips to the Moon or two round That's enough pot-pourri for tonight. I want to thank each and every one of you here
trips to Venus. tonight who was associated with the Blackbird - this nation owes you all agreat tribute.
8. I remember one flight from San Diego [Californial to Savannah Beach, Georgia in 59 I'll close by saying - you dun good!

Hello... , Again went, and on 17 January 1991 Operation viving R-71B), 61-7971 and 61-7980-
Desert Shield became Operation De ert would be loaned to NA A for its ongoing
A the 1990 began the world went back to Storm and the Gulf War was on. high-speed research programme. All of
war. On 2 Augu t 1990, Pre ident addam In the interim, as far as photographic these aircraft arrived at their re pective
Hus ein of Iraq sent even division of the reconnai ance went, the possibility was locations during 1991. 0 whil the Four crewmen pose with their
Iraqi Army (estimated to number 120,000 raised of returning at least some of the U AF's fastest bird at out a Ion ly vigil respective Blackbirds at Beale
troops and 2,000 tanks) into Kuwait, which retired R-71 s to service for this action. The on the Lockheed-Palmdale ramp, their AFB. Lockheed Martin
wa quickly overwhelmed. Almost immedi- U AF wanted no part of this becau e, as it NASA ounterparts flew a number of sci-
ately ther aft r, inc oil-rich Saudi Arabia, aid in part, 'If we I t them back in, we'll entific sorties out of Edwards.
which border Kuwait to the outh, would nev r get rid of them.' In fact, Air Force Then, in eptember 1994, the U Con-
likely be next on addam's agenda, a coali- Chief of taff, General Larry D. Welch, gress voted that U AF SR- 71 operati n be
tion of the U A and her allies was formed wanted the Blackbirds cut up and scrapped. reinstated while the ' py sat llite ver us
to deal with the crisis. As the coalition Fortunately, the general never got hi wi h. UAV' controver y would be further inve ti-
mov d it troop and equipment into the It wa decided t place thr e R-71 - gated. In doing so, Congres allocated 100
Middl Ea t Operation Desert Shield wa 61-7962,61-7967 and 61-796 - in flyable million to the reactivation effort. A A
start d. With the upport of the United storage at the Lo kheed facility in Palm- tail number 832 (formerly 61-7971) had
ations, Iraq was giv n a deadline to with- dale, alifornia for possible USAF opera- not yet been modified for dedicated flight
draw from Kuwait. The deadline came and tions, while three more - 61-7956 (the ur- re earch so it was taken out of storage to

124 125
A-12. YF-12. M-21. SR-?I AND D-21 PRODUCTION

Designation Article Number or USAF Serial Number Comment

APPENDIX I Factory Serial Number
SR-71B 2007 61-7956
SR-71B 2008 61-7957 lost near Beale AFB on 11/1/68

A-12, YF-12, M-21, SR-71 SR-71A

61-7959 nicknamed 'Big Tail'; one-of-a-kind SR-71A with long, extended
tail housing special ECM equipment
and D-21 Production SR-71A 2011 61-7960
SR-71A 2012 61-7961
SR-71A 2013 61-7962
SR-71A 2014 61-7963
Designation ArticLe Number or USAF Serial Number Comment
SR-71A 2015 61-7964
Factory Serial Number
SR-71A 2016 61-7965 lost near Lovelock, Nevada on 25/1 0/67
A-12 121 60-6924 successfully completed official first flight on 30/4/62
SR-71A 2017 61-7966 lost near Las Vegas, Nevada on 13/4/67
A-12 122 60-6925
SR-71A 2018 61-7967
A-12 123 60-6926 lost on 24/5/63
SR-71A 2019 61-7968
A-12 124 (also 124B) 60-6927 two-place pilot trainer and transition aeroplane; also TA-12 - nick-
named 'Titanium Goose' and/or 'Tin Goose'; never powered by SR-71A 2020 61-7969 lost near Karat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand on 10/5/70
Mach 3-rated J58 engines (used Mach 2-rated]75 engines through-
SR-71A 2021 61-7970 lost near EI Paso, Texas on 17/6/70
out its career)
SR-71A 2022 61-7971
A-12 125 60-6928 lost on 5/1/67
SR-71A 2023 61-7972
A-12 126 60-6929 lost on 28/12/67
SR-71A 2024 61-7973
A-12 127 60-6930
SR-71A 2025 61-7974 lost in South China Sea near the Philippines on 21/4/89
A-12 128 60-6931
SR-71A 2026 61-7975
A-12 129 60-6932 lost on 5/6/68
SR-71A 2027 61-7976
A-12 130 60-6933
SR-71A 2028 61-7977 lost at Beale AFB on 10/10/68
YF-12A 1002 60-6934 first flight 7/8/63; pilot Jim Eastham; damaged 14/8/66 in landing
accident, crew survived; aft section used to create SR-71 C (61-7981) SR-71A 2029 61-7978 lost at Kadena AB on 20/7/72
YF-12A 1003 60-6935 on permanent display at USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, SR-71A 2030 61-7979
Oayton, Ohio
SR-71A 2031 61-7980
YF-12A 1004 60-6936 first flight 13/3/64; pilot Jim Eastham; crashed to destruction
SR-71C 2000 61-7981 nicknamed 'Bastard'; built as trainer with second raised cockpit to
24/6/71, crew survi ved
replace lost SR-71B; it was loaned to NASA with fictitious A-12
A-12 131 60-6937 serial number 60-6937
A-12 132 60-6938 0-21 501 accidentally dropped from B-52H on 28/9/67
A-12 133 60-6939 lost 9/7/64 0-21 502
M-21 134 60-6940 first flight 4/64; first check flight with 0-2 I 22/12/64 0-21 503 launched on 5/5/66 from M-21 (60-6941)
M-21 135 60-6941 crashed to destruction in Pacific Ocean 30/7/66; pilot Bill Park 0-21 504 launched on 30/7/66 from M-21 (60-6941); collided with M21,
survived, launch control officer Ray Torick killed both aircraft were destroyed
SR-71A 2001 61-7950 lost at Edwards AFB on 10/1/67 0-21 505 launched on 16/6/66 from M-21 (60-6941)
SR-71A 2002 61-7951 0-21 506 launched on 27/4/66 from M-21 (60-6941)
SR-71A 2003 61-7952 lost near Tucumcari, New Mexico on 25/1/66 0-21B 507 launched on 6/11/67 from B-52H
R-71A 2004 61-7953 lost near Shoshone, California on 18/12/69 0-21B 508 launched on 19/1/68 from B-52H
SR-71A 2005 61-7954 lost at Edwards AFB on 11/4/69 0-21 B 509 launched on 2/12/67 from B-52H
R-71A 2006 61-7955 0-21B 510

726 727
A-12. YF-12, M-21, SR-71 AND D-21 PRODUCTION

Designation Article Number or USAF Serial Number Comment

Factory Serial Number APPENDIX II

0-21B 511 launched on 30/4/68 from B-52H

0-21B 512 launched on 16/6/68 from B-52H
0-21B 513 Significant Facts and Figures
0-21B 514 launched on 1/7/68 from B-52H
0-21B 515 launched on 15/12/68 from B-52H
0-21B 516 launched on 28/8/68 from B-52H Operational sorties flown: 3,551 Cumulative Flight Hours by Crews
300 hours: 163
0-21B 517 launched on 9/11/69 from B-52H; first operational mission Total sorties flown: 17,300
0-21B 518 launched on 11/2/69 from B-52H 600 hours: 69
Flight hours (operational): 11,008
0-2lB 519 launched on 10/5/69 from B-52H 900 hours: 18
0-21B 520 launched on 10/7/69 from B-52H Flight hours (total): 53,490
1,000 hours: 8
0-21B 521 launched on 20/2/70 from B-52H Mach 3 hours (operational): 2,752
0-21B 522 1,392.7 hours: 1 (RSO J.T. Vida,
Mach 3 hours (total): 11,675 high-time crewmember)
0-21B 523 launched on 16/12/70 from B-52H; second operational mission
0-21B 524 Crewmembers to Mach 3 speed: 284

0-21B 525 VIPs to Mach 3 speed: 105

0-21B 526 launched on 4/3/71 from B-52H; third operational mission
Total persons to Mach 3 speed: 389
0-21B 527 launched 20/3/71 from B-52H; fourth operational mis ion (last
known 0-21B launch)
0-21B 528 Production Summary
A-12: 12 R-71A: 29 1
0-21B 529
0-21B 530 TA-12: 1 SR-71B: 2

0-21B 531 YF-12A: 3 SR-71C: 1 (built as replacement

0-21B 532 for lost SR-71B)
YF-12C: 1 (actually SR-71A)
0-21B 533 0-21: 6 2

0-21B 534 M-21: 2

0-21B: 32
0-21B 535
0-2lB 536 ~OTES:

0-21B 537 I This figure does not include one SR-7l C (61-7981) aeroplane created from salvaged YF-12A and SR-71A functional mock-up, and
one YF-12C (61-7951) built as SR-71 A but given 'YF-12C' designation and a phoney serial number (60-6937) for NASA test flights.
0-21B 538
, The first six D-21s were later brought LIp to 0-21 B standard.

A-l2, 139-145,60-6942/-6948: these seven additional A-12s were cancelled, never built.
SR-71A, 2031-2034,61-7982/-7985: these additional SR-71As were cancelled, never built.

The Senior BowL B-52H aeroplanes were:

B-52H-BW 60-0036, nicknamed 'Tagboard Flyer'; currently assigned to 419th Flight Test Squadron (FLTS) at Edwards AFB, California.
B-52H-BW 61-0021, nicknamed 'Iron Eagle'; currently assigned to 93rd Bomb Squadron (BS) at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana.

128 129

Milestones at a Glance 31 October 1979: NASA YF-12 flight test programme ends
26 AJ)riI1962: first A-12 flight (unofficial), flown by Lou Schalk APPENDIX 1Il
7 November /979 final flight of YF-12 when 60-6935 is delivered
30 April 1962 : first official A-12 first flight, flown by Lou Schalk to USAF Museum

7 August 1963: first YF-12A flight, flown by jim Eastham

29 February 1964: President johnson announces A-II (YF-12A)

I October /989: USAF SR- 71 operations suspended (except for
proficiency flights) Chronological Order of First Flights
programme 22 November 1989: all USAF SR- 71 operations terminated
Date Designation USAF Serial Lockheed Serial Comment
25 July 1964: President johnson announces RS-71 (SR-71) 26 January 1990: SR-71 is decommissioned in ceremony at Beale
programme AFB 30/4/62 A-12 60-6924 121 official first flight; made unofficial fist flight 26/4/62

6 March 1990: SR-71 61-7972 sets four world speed records while 10/62 A-12 60-6925 122
22 December 1964: first SR-71 flight, flown by Bob Gilliland
en route to Smithsonian Institute on last official USAF flight 11/62 A-12 60-6926 123 lost 24/5/63
22 December 1964: first capti ve carry flight of D- 21 attached to
25 July /99/: SR-71B 61-7956 (NASA tail number 831) offi- 7/1/63 A-12 60-6927 124 two-seat trainer nicknamed 'Titanium Goose'
M-l, flown by Bill Park
cially delivered to NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, 63 A-12 60-6928 125 lost 5/1/67
1 May 1965: YF-12A sets several world speed and altitude records Edwards AFB, California
63 A-12 60-6929 126 lost 28/12/67
18 November 1965: first SR-71 B flight 28 SeJnember 1994: US Congress votes to allocate $100 million 63 A-12 60-6930 127
for USAF reactivation of three SR-71s
63 A-12 60-6931 128
10 May 1966: USAF takes delivery offirst SR-71A
28June 1995: first reactivated SR-71 returns to USAF inventory 63 A-12 60-6932 129
21 March 1968: first USAF operational flight
15 April 1996: Deputy Defense Secretary john White directed
63 A-12 60-6937 131
14 March /969: firstSR-71 flight the Air Force to ground the Air Force's SR-71s due to conflicting 63 A-12 60-6938 132
language in Section 304 of the National Security Act of 1947
63 A-12 60-6939 133 lost 9/7/64
I I December 1969: first YF-12A fl ight of combined NASA/USAF
flight test programme I January /997: SR-71 and crews are once more operational at 7/8/63 YF-12A 60-6934 1001
Det 2, Edwards AFB, California
26/11/63 YF-12A 60-6935 1002
26 April /971: SR-71A 15,000 mile non-stop flight in 10hrJOmin
15 October /997: President Clinton kills SR-71 funding with 27/11/63 A-12 60-6933 130
/ SeJnember 1974: SR-71A sets New York to London world speed Line Item Veto
13/3/64 YF-12A 60-6936 1003 lost 24/6/71
30 October 1998: Headquarters USAF directs termination of all 64 M-21 60-6940 134
13 September /974: SR-71A sets London to Los Angeles world SR-71 operations and subsequent disposal of the fleet
64 M-21 60-6941 135 lost 30/7/66
speed record
/8 November /998: NASA terminates SR-71 Linear Aerospike 22/12/64 SR-71A 61-7950 2001 lost 10/1/67
28 July 1976: SR-71s complete seven world speed and altitude Research Experiment (LASRE) programme
5/3/65 SR-71A 61-7951 2002 operated by NASA as YF-12C (60-6937)
SR-71A 61-7952 2003 10 t 25/1/66
•4/6/65 SR-7IA 61-7953 2004 lost 18/12/69
20/7/65 SR-71A 61-7954 2005 lost 11/4/69
17/8/65 SR-71A 61-7955 2006
18/11/65 R-71B 61-7956 2007 loaned NASA (NASA No. 831)
15/12/65 SR-71A 61-7958 2009
18/12/65 SR-71 B 61-7957 2008 lost 11/1/68
1/19/66 SR-7IA 61-7959 2010 modified to 'Big Tail' configuration
9/2/66 SR-71A 61-7960 2011
13/4/66 SR-71A 61-7961 2012
29/4/66 SR-71A 61-7962 2013
11/5/66 SR-71A 61-7964 2015
9/6/66 SR-71A 61-7963 2014

730 737

Date Designation USAF Serial Lockheed Serial Comment .'

1/7/66 SR-71A 61-7966 2017 lost 13/4/67
10/6/66 SR-71A 61-7965 2016 lost 25/10/67
3/ /66 R-71A 61-7968 2019
18/10/66 SR-71A 61-7969 2020 lost 10/5/70 The Oxcart Story
21/10/66 SR-7IA 61-7970 2021 lost 17/6/70
17/11/66 R-71A 61-7971 2022 loaned to NA A (NASA No. 832) THOMAS P. MclNINCH
12/12/66 SR-71A 61-7972 2023
Unclassified security ratings are for historical interest only. This page and the document it come from,
8/2/67 R-71A 61-7973 2024 entitled OXCART History (DON SC-86-010115), has been UNCLASSIFIED according to Senior
Crown Security Class Guide dated 1 November 1989, approved and dated 25 February 1991 .
16/2/67 SR-7IA 61-7974 2025
13/4/67 SR-7IA 61-7975 2026 (S) - Secret; (C) - Classified; (U) - Unclassifed
5/67 SR-7IA 61-7976 2027
6/6/67 SR-7IA 61-7977 2028
(S) One spring day in 1962 a test pilot which it was developed. The secrecy in designs were explored, most of them seek-
5/7/67 SR-7IA 61-7978 2029
named Louis chalk, employed by the which it was so long shrouded has lifted a ing to create an aircraft capable of flying at
10/8/67 SR-71A 61-7979 2030 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, took off bit, and the purpose of this article is to give extremely high altitude, though still at
from the Nevada desert in an aircraft the ome account of the inception, develop- r latively slow peed. None of them
25/9/67 SR-71A 61-7980 2031 loaned to ASA (NA A No. 844)
like of which had never been seen before. ment, operation, and untimely demise of proved practicable.
14/3/69 R-7IC 61-7981 2000 created from forward half of R-71A static test article and A casual observer would have been star- this remarkable airplane. The OXCART
aft half of YF-12A No.1 (60-6934), nicknamed 'The Bastard'; tled by the appearance of this vebicle; he no longer flies, but it left a legacy of tech- (S) Eventually, in the fall of 1957, Bissell
designated YF-12C early-on with fictitious A-12 serial number would perhaps have noticed especially its nological achievement, which points the arranged with a contractor for a job of
60-6937 extremely long, slim, shape, its two enor- way to new projects. And it became the operations analysis to determine how far
mous jet engines, it long sharp, projecting progenitor of a similar but somewhat les the probability of shooting down an air-
nose, and its swept-back wings, which sophisticated reconnaissance vehicle plane varied respectively with the plane'
appeared far too short to support the fuse- called the SR- 71, whose existence is well speed, altitude, and radar cross-section.
lage in flight. He might well have realized known to press and public. This analysis demonstrated that superson-
that this was a revolutionary airplane; he ic speed greatly reduced the chances of
could not have known that it would be detection by radar. The probability of
able to fly at three times the speed of sound (S) Sequel to the U-2 being shot down was not of course reduced
for more than 3,000 miles without refu- [Q zero, but it was evident that the super-

elling, or that toward the end of its flight, (S) The U-2 dated from 1954, when its sonic line of approach was worth serious
when fuel began to run low, it could cruise development began under the direction of consideration. Therefore, from this time
at over 90,000 feet. Still less would he a group headed by Richard M. Bissell of on, attention focused increasingly on the
have known of the equipment it was to CIA. In June 1956, th aircraft b cam po sibility of building a vehicle which
carry, or of the formidable problems operational, but officials predicted that its could fly at extremely high speeds as well
attending its design and construction. useful lifetime over the US R could hard- as great altitudes, and which would also
• ly be much more than 18 months or two incorporate the best that could be attained
(U) There was, of course, no casual observ- years. Its first flight over Soviet territory in radar-absorbing capabilities. Lockhe d
er present. The aircraft had be n designed revealed that the defense warning ystem Aircraft Corporation and Convair Divi-
and built for reconnaissance; it was project- not only detected but al 0 tracked it quite sion of General Dynamics were informed
ed as a successor to the U-2.Its development accurately. Yet, it remained a unique and of the general requirements, and their
had been carried out in profound secrecy. (S) invaluable source of intelligence infor- designers set to work on the problem with-
Despite the numerous designers, engineers, mation for almost four years, until on 1 out as yet receiving any contract or funds
skilled and un killed worker, admini tra- May 1960, Francis Gary Powers wa shot from the government. From the fall of
tors and others who had b en involved in down n ar Sv rdlovsk. (U) Meanwhile, 1957 to late 1958 these designers con-
the affair, no authentic accounts, and even a the U-2 commenced it active stantly refined and adapted their respec-
indeed scarcely any accounts at all had career, efforts were under way to make it ti ve schemes.
leaked. Many aspects bave not been less vulnerable. The hope was to reduce
revealed [Q this day, and many are likely to the vehicle's radar cross-section, so that it (S) Bissell realized that development and
remain classified for some time to come. (S) would become less su ceptible to detec- production of uch an aircraft would be
The official designation of the aircraft was tion. New developments in radar-absorb- exceedingly expensive, and that in the early
A-12. By a sort of in pired perver ity, how- ing material were tried out and achi ved stages at least it would be doubtful whether
ever, it came to be called OXCART, a code considerable success, tbough not enough the project could succeed. To secure the
word also applied to the program under to solve the problem. Various far-out necessary funds for such a program, high

132 133

officials would have to receive the best and Length 102ft 79.5ft 11. Its design exhibited many innovations. schedule. One after another, however, the material had been u ed for an important (S) When the final screening was complete
most authoritative presentation of whatev- Wingspan 57ft 56ft Supersonic airplanes, however, involve a problems were solved, and their solution part of an aircraft's structure. With such the pilots selected from the program were
er prospects might unfold. Accordingly, he Gross weight 1l0,0001b 101,700lb multitude of extremely difficult design constituted the greatest single technologi- changes in structural materials, the A-II William L. Skliar, Kenneth S. Collins,
got together a panel consisting of two di - problems. Their payload-range perfor- cal achievement of the entire enterprise. was re-designated A-12, and as such has Walter Ray, Lon Walter, Mele Vojvodich,
tingui hed authorities on aero-dynamics Operating Altitudes: mance is highly sensitive to engine weight, Henceforth it became practicable, if expen- never been publicly disclosed. Jr., Jack w. Weeks, Ronald 'Jack' Layton,
and one physicist, with E. M. Land of Start 84,000ft 85,000ft structural weight, fuel consumption, and sive, to build aircraft out of titanium. Dennis B. Sullivan, David P. Young, Fran-
the Polaroid Corporation as chairman. Mid-range 91,000ft 88,000ft aerodynamic efficiency. Small mistakes in (C) To test the effectiveness of antiradar cis J. Murray, and Russell Scott. After the
Between 1957 and 1959 this panel met End 97,600ft 94,000ft predicting these values can lead to large (S) ince every additional pound of weight devices a small-scale model is inadequate; sel ction, arrangements were made with
about six times, usually in Land's office in errors in performance. Models of the A-II was critical, adequate insulation was out of only a full-size mock-up will do. Lockheed the Air Force to effect appropriate transfers
Cambridge. Lockheed and Convair design- Time to first flight 22 22 were tested and retested, adjusted and the question. The inside of the aircraft accordingly built one of these, and as early and assignments to cover their training and
rs attended during parts of the s ssions. So months months readjusted, during thousands of hours in would be like a moderately hot oven. The as November 1959, transported it in a spe- to lay the basis for their transition from
also did the Assistant Secretaries of the Air the wind tunnel. Johnson was confident of pilot would have to wear a kind ofspace suit, cially designed trailer truck over hundreds military to civilian status. Compensation
Force and avy concerned with research (S) The Lockheed design was selected, his design, but no one could say positively with its own cooling apparatus, pressure of miles of highway from the Burbank plant and insurance arrangements were similar
and development, together with one or Project GUSTO terminated, and the pro- whether the bird would fly, still less control, oxygen supply, and other necessities to the test area. Here it was hoisted to the to those for the U-2 pilots.
two of their technical advisors. One useful gram to develop a new U-2 follow-on air- whether it would fulfil the extremely for survival. The fuel tanks, which consti- top of a pylon and looked at from various
consequence of the participation of service craft was named OXCART. On 3 Septem- demanding requirements laid down for it. tuted by far the greater part of the aircraft, angle by radar. Tests and adjustments went (U) One thing to be decided in the earliest
representatives was that bureaucratic and ber 1959, IA authorized Lockheed to would heat up to about 350 degrees, so that on for a year and a half before the results tages of the program was where to base and
jurisdictional feuds were reduced virtually proceed with anti radar studies, aerody- (U) To make the drawings and te t the special fuel had to be supplied and the tanks were deemed satisfactory. In th course of test the aircraft. Lockheed clearly could not
to nil. Throughout the program both Air namic structural tests, and engineering model was one thing; to build the aircraft themselves rendered inert with nitrogen. the process it was found desirable to attach do the business at Burbank, where the air-
Force and Navy gave valuable assistance designs, and on 30 January 1960 gave the was another. The 010 t numerous problems Lubricating oil was formulated for operation some sizable metallic constructions on craft were being built, if for no other reason
and cooperation. green light to produce 12 aircraft. arose from the simple fact that in flying at 600 degrees F, and contained a diluent in each side of the fuselage, and Kelly John- that its runway was too short. The ideal
through the atmosphere at its designed order to remain fluid at operation below 40 son worried a good deal about the effect of location ought to be remote from metropoli-
(S) As the months went by, the general (S) Pratt and Whitney Division of United speed the skin of the aircraft would be sub- degrees. Insulation on the plane's intricate these protuberances on his design. In flight tan areas; well away from civil and military
outline of what might be done took shape Aircraft Corporation had been involved in jected to a temperature of more than 550 wiring soon became brittle and useless. Dur- tests, however, it later developed that they airways to preclude observation; easily
in the minds of those concerned. Late in discussions of the project, and undertook to degrees Fahrenheit. For one thing, no ing the lifetime of the OXCART no better imparted a useful aerodynamic lift to the accessible by air; blessed with good weather
November 1958, the members of the panel develop the propulsion system. Their J-58 metal hitherto commonly used in aircraft insulation was found; the wiring and related vehicle, and years afterward Lockheed's the year round; capable of accommodating
held a crucial meeting. They agreed that it engine, which was to be used in the A-12, production would stand this temperature, connectors had to be given special attention design for a supersonic transport embodied large numbers of personnel; equipped with
now appeared feasible to build an aircraft had been sponsored originally by the US and those which would do, were for the and handling at great cost in labor and time. similar structures. (S) Pilots for the fuel storage facilities; fairly close to an Air
of such speed and altitude as to be very dif- avy for its own purposes, and was to be most part too heavy to be suitable for the (S) Then there was the unique problem of OXCART would obviously have to be of Force installation; and possessing at least an
ficult to track by radar. They recommend- capable of a speed of Mach 3.0. Navy inter- purpose in hand. the camera window. The OXCART was to quite extraordinary competence, not only 8,000 foot runway. There was no such place
ed that the President be asked to approve est in the development was diminishing, carry a delicate and highly sophisticated because of the unprecedented pelformance to be found.
in principle a further prosecution of the however, and the Secretary of Defense had (S) During the design phase Lockheed eval- camera, which would look out through a of the aircraft itself, but also because of the
project, and to make funds available for decided to withdraw from the program at uated many materials and finally chose an quartz glass window. The effectiveness of the particular qualities needed in men who (S) Ten Air Force bases programmed for clo-
further studies and tests. The President the end of 1959. CIA' requirement was alloy of titanium, characterized by great whole system depended upon achieving were to fly intelligence missions. Brigadier sure were considered, but none provided the
and hi Scientific Advisor, Dr. James Kil- that the engine and aircraft be further strength, relatively light weight, and good complete freedom from optical distortion General Don Flickinger, of the Air Force, necessary security, and annual operating
lian was already aware of what was going developed and optimized for a spe d of resistance to high temperatures. Titanium despite the great heat to which the window was designated to draw up the criteria for costs at most of them would be unaccept-
on, and when CIA officials went to them Mach 3.2. The new contract called for ini- was also scarce and very costly. Methods for would be subjected. Thus the question was selection, with advice from Kelly Johnson able. Edwards Air F rce Ba e in California
with the recommendations of the panel tial assembly of three advanced experimen- milling it and controlling the quality of the not simply one of providing equipment with and from CIA Headquarters. Pilots had to seemed a more likely candidate, but in the
they received a favorable hearing. The tal engines for durability and reliability test- product were not fully developed. Of the resistance to high temperature, but of assur- be qualified in the latest high pelformance end it also was passed over. Instead a seclud-
President gave his approval. Lockheed and ing, and provision of three engines for arly deliveries from Titanium Metals Cor- ing that there hould be no unevenness of fighters, emotionally stable, and well moti- ed site in Nevada was finally picked. It was
Convair wer then asked to submit defi- experimental flight-testing in early 1961. poration some 80 percent had to be reject- temperature throughout the area of th win- vated. They were to be between 25 and 40 deficient in per onnel accommodations and
nite proposals, funds were made available ed, and it was not until 1961, when a dele- dow. It took three years of time and two mil- years of ag ,and the size of the A-12 cock- POL storag , and its long-unused runway
to them, and the project took on the code (S) The primary camera manufacturer was gation from headquarters visited the • lion dollars of money to arrive at a satisfac- pit prescribed that they be under six feet was inad quate, but security was good, or
name GUSTO. Perkin-Elmer. Because of the extreme com- officials of that company, informed them of tory solution. The program scored one of its tall and under 175 pounds in weight. ( ) could be made so, and a moderate construc-
plexity of the de ign, however, a decision the objectives and high priority of the 010 t remarkable successes when the quartz Air Force files were screened for possible tion program could provide sufficient facili-
(C) Less than a year later the two propos- was soon made that a back-up system might OXCART program, and gained th ir full glass wa successfully fused to its metal frame candidates and a list of pilots obtained. ties. Lockheed estimated what would be
als were essentially complete, and on 20 be necessary in the event the Perkin-Elmer cooperation, that the supply b came con- by an unprecedented process involving the Psychological assessment, physical exami- needed in such respects as monthly fuel con-
July 1959, the President was again briefed. de ign ran into production problems, and sistently satisfactory. (S) But this only use of high frequency sound waves. (S) nations and refinement of criteria elimi- sumption, hangars and shop pace, housing
This time he gave final approval, which Eastman Kodak was also asked to build a solved an initial problem. One of the Another major problem of different nature nated a good many. Pre-evaluation proce s- for personnel, and runway pecifications.
signified that the program could get fully camera. Minneapolis-Honeywell Corpora- virtues of titanium was its exceeding hard- was to achieve the low radar cross-section ing resulted in sixteen potential nominees. Armed with the list of major requirements,
under way. (C) The next major step was to tion was selected to provide both the iner- nes, but this very virtue gave ri e to desired. The airframe areas giving the great- This group underwent a further intensive Headquarters came up with a construction
choose between the Lockheed and Conva- tial navigation and automatic flight control immense difficulties in machining and est radar return were the vertical stabilizers, security and medical scrutiny by the and engineering plan. And in case anyone
ir de igns. On 20 August 1959 specifica- system. The Firewell Corporation and the shaping the material. Drills which worked the engine inlet, and the forward side of the Agency. Those who remained were then became curious about what was going on at
tions of the two proposals were submitted to David Clark Corporation became the prime well on aluminum oon broke to pieces; engine nacelles. Research in ferrites, high approached to take employment with thi remote spot, a cover story stated that
a joint DOD/USAF/CIA selecti n panel: sources of pilot equipment and associated new ones had to be devised. Assembly-line temperature absorbing materials and high- the Agency on a highly classified project the facilities were being prepared for certain
life support hardware. production was impossible; each of the temperature plastic structures was undertak- involving an extremely advanced aircraft. radar studies, to be conducted by an engi-
Lockheed Convair small OXCART fleet was, so to speak, en to find methods to reduce the return. In November 1961, commitments were neering firm with support from the Air
(U) Lockheed's designer was Clarence L. turned out by hand. The cost of the pro- Eventually the vertical tail section fins obtained from five of the group. The small Force. The remote location was explained as
Maximum peed 3.2Mn 3.2Mn (Kelly) Johnson, creator of the U-2, and gram mounted well above original esti- were constructed from a kind of laminated number recruited at this stage required that necessary to reduce the effect of electronic
Maximum range 4120nm 4000nm he called his new vehicle not A-12 but A- mates, and it soon began to run behind 'plastic' material-the first time that such a a second search be undertaken. interference from outside sources.

134 135

(S) Excellent as it may have b en from the (U) 'Schedules are in jeopardy on two cleared for the OXCART Project; their to strip the tanks of the faulty sealing com- became more frequent, but on 27 October virtually out of the question. The trouble
point of view of security, the site at fir t fronts. One is the assembly of the wing and function was to insure that aircraft did not pounds anc! reline them with new materi- an Agency U-2, flown by a Strategic Air was diagnosed as being in the air inlet sys-
afforded few of the necessities and none of the other is in satisfactory development of violate the order. The North American als. Thus occurred one more unexpected Force pilot on a SAC-directed mission, was tem, which with its controls admitted air
the amenities of life. It was far from any the engine. Our evaluation shows that Air Defense Command establi hed proce- and exasperating delay in the program. shot down by a surface-to-air missile. This to the engine. At the higher speeds the
metropolitan center. Lockheed provided a each of these programs is from three to four dures to prevent their radar stations from raised the dismaying possibility that con- flow of air was uneven, and the engine
-47 shuttle ervice to its plant at Bur- months behind the current schedul .' reporting the appearance of high perfor- (U) Finally, on 26 April 1962, Aircraft tinued manned, high-altitude surveillance therefore could not function properly.
bank, and a chartered D-18 (Lodestar) fur- mance aircraft on their radar scopes. 121 was ready. On that day in accordance of Cuba might become out of the que tion. Only after a long period of experimenta-
nished transportation to Las Vegas. Daily ( ) To this Bissell replied: (U) '1 have with Kelly Johnson's custom, Louis Schalk The OXCART program suddenly assumed tion, often highly frustrating and irritat-
commuting was out of the que tion, how- learned of your expected additional delay (S) Refuelling concepts requir d preposi- took it for an unofficial, unannounced, greater significance than ever, and its ing, was a solution reached. This further
ever, and the construction workers arriv- in first flight from 30 August to 1 Decem- tioning of vast quantities of fuel at certain maiden flight lasting some 40 minutes. As achievement of operational status became postponed the day when the A-12 could
ing during 1960 were billeted in surplus ber 1961. This news is extremely hocking point outside the United tates. Special in all maiden flights minor problems were one of the highest national priorities. be declared operationally ready.
trailers. A new water well was dug, and a on top of our previous slippage from May tank farms were programmed in California, detected, but it took only four more days to
few recreational facilitie provided, but it to August and my understanding as of our Eielson AFB Alaska, Thule AB Greenland, ready the aircraft for its first official flight. (S) At the end of 1962 there were two A- (U) Among more mundane troubles was
was some time before accommodations meeting 19 December that the titanium Kadena AB Okinawa, and Adana, Turkey. 12 aircraft engaged in flight test. A speed the discovery that various nuts, bolts,
became agreeable. extrusion problems were essentially over- Since the A-12 use specially refined fuel, (U) On 30 April 1962, just under one year of Mach 2.16 and altitude of 60,000 feet clamps, and other debris of the manufactur-
come. I trust this i the last of such disap- these tank farms were reserved exclusively later than originally planned, the A-12 had been achieved. Progress was still slow, ing process had not been cleared away, and
(C) onstruction began in earnest in Sep- pointments short of a severe earthquake in for u e by the OXCART Program. Very officially lifted her wheels from the runway. however, because of delays in the delivery upon engine run-up or take-off were sucked
tember 1960, and continued on a double- Burbank.' small detachments of technicians at these Piloted again by Louis chalk, it took off at of engines and shortcomings in the perfor- into the engine. The engine parts were
shift schedule until mid-1964. One of the locations maintained the fuel storage facil- 170 knots, with a gross weight of 72,000 mance of those delivered. One of the two machined to such close tolerances that they
most urgent ta k was to build the runway, (U) Realizing that delays were causing the ity and arranged for periodic quality control pounds, and climbed to 30,000 feet. Top test aircraft was still flying with two J-75 could be ruined in this fashion. Obviously
which according to initial e timates of A- co t of the program to soar, Headquarters fuel tests. speed was 340 knot and the flight lasted 59 engines, and the other with one J-75 and the fault was due to sheer care Ie ness.
12 requirements must be 8,500 feet long. decided to place a top-level aeronautical minutes. The pilot reported that the air- one J-58. It had long since become clear Inspection procedures were revised, and it
The existing asphalt runway was 5,000 feet engineer in residence at Lockheed to moni- ( ) At the Lockheed Burbank plant, Air- craft responded well and was extremely sta- that Pratt & Whitney had been too opti- was also found prudent at Burbank to hoist
long and incapable ofsupporting the weight tor the program and submit progress reports. craft No. 1 (serially numbered 12l) ble. Kelly Johnson declar d it to be the mistic in their forecast; the problem of the engine nacelles into the air, rock them
of the A-12. The new one wa built (C) Delays neverthele persisted. On 11 received its final tests and checkout during moothest official first flight of any aircraft developing the J-58 up to OXCART spec- back and forth, listen for loose objects, and
between 7 eptember and 15 November Sept mber, Pratt and Whitney informed January and February 1962, and was par- he had designed or tested. The aircraft ifications had proved a good deal more then remove them by hand.
and involved pouring over 25,000 yards of Lockheed of their continuing difficulties tially disassembled for shipment to the broke the sound barrier on its second offi- recalcitrant than expected. Mr. McCone
concrete. Another major problem was to with the J-58 engine in terms of weight, site. It became clear very early in cial flight, 4 May 1962, reaching Mach 1.1. judged the situation to be truly seriou ,and (U) All A-12 aircraft were grounded for a
provide some 500,000 gallons of PF-1 air- delivery, and performance. Completion date OXCART planning that because of secu- Again only minor problem were reported. on 3 December he wrote to the President week during investigation of the accident.
craft fuel per month. Neither storage facili- for Aircraft No.1 by now had slipped to 22 rity problems and the inadequate runway, of United Aircraft Corporation. A plugged pitot static tube in icing condi-
ties nor means of transporting fuel existed. December 1961, and the first flight to 27 the A-12 could not fly from Burbank. (S) With these flights accomplished, jubi- tions turned out to be responsible for the
After considering airlift, pipeline, and truck February 1962. Even on this last date the J58 Movement of the full-scale (S) radar test lation was the order of the day. The new (U) '1 have been advised that J-58 engine faulty cockpit instrument indications - it
transport, it was decided that the last- would not be ready, and it was therefore model had been successfully accomplished Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. John deliveries have been delayed again due to was nor something which would hold
named wa the most economical, and could decided that a Pratt and Whitney J75 in Nov mber 1959, as described above. A McCone, sent a telegram of congratulation engine control production problems.... By things up for long.
b made feasible by resurfacing no more engine, designed for the F-105 and flown in thorough survey of the route in June 1961, to Kelly Johnson. A critical phase had been the end of the year it appears we will have
than eighteen mile of highway leading into the U-2, should be used for early flights. The ascertained the hazards and problems of triumphantly passed, but there remained barely enough J-58 engines to support the (S) Loss of this aircraft nevertheless pre-
the base. (C) Three surplus Navy hangars engine, along with other components, could moving the actual aircraft, and showed the long, difficult, and sometimes discour- flight test program adequately.... Further- cipitated a policy problem, which had
were obtained, dismantled, and er eted on be fitted to the A-12 airframe, and it could that a package measuring 35 feet wide and aging process of working the aircraft up to more, due to various engine difficulties we been troubling the Agency for some time.
the north side of the base. Over 100 surplus power the aircraft safely to altitude up to 105 feet long could be tran ported without full operational performance. (C) Aircraft have not yet reached design speed and alti- With the growing number of A-12s, how
Navy housing buildings were transported to 50,000 feet and at speeds up to Mach 1.6. major difficulty. Obstructing road signs No. 122 arrived at base on 26 June, and tude. Engine thrust and fuel consumption much longer could the project remain
the base and made ready for occupancy. By (S) When this decision had been made, had to be removed, trees trimmed, and spent three months in radar testing before deficiencies at present prevent sustained secret? The program had gone through
early 1962 a fuel tank farm was ready, with final preparations were begun for the testing some roadsides .levelled. Appropriate engine installations and final assembly. flight at design conditions which is so nec- development, construction, and a year of
a capacity of 1,320,000 gallons. Warehous- phase. In late 1961 Colonel Robert J. Hol- arrangements were made with police 'Aircraft No. 123 arrived in August and essary to compl te developments'. flight testing without attracting public
ing and shop space was begun and repairs bury, USAF, was named ommander of the authorities and local officials to accom- flew in October. Aircraft No. 124, a two- attention. But the Department of Defense
made to older buildings. All this, together base, with the Agency employee as his plish the safe transport of the aircraft. The seated version intended for use in training (U) By the end of January 1963, ten wa having difficulty in concealing its par-
with the many other facilities that had to be Depury. Support aircraft began arriving in entire fuselage, minus wings, was crated, project pilots, was delivered in November. engines were available, and the first flight ticipation because of the increasing rate of
provided, took a long time to complete. the spring of 1962. These included eight F- covered, and loaded on the special-design It was to be powered by the J-58 engines, with two of them installed occurred on 15 expenditures, oth rwi e unexplained.
Meanwhile, however, the really essential lOIs for training, two T-33s for proficiency trailer, which cost about $100,000. On 26 but delivery delays and a desire to begin January. Thenceforth all A-12 aircraft There was also a real ization that the tech-
facilities were ready in time for the forecast flying, a C-130 for cargo transport, a U-3A February 1962, it departed Burbank, and pilot training prompted a decision to install were fitted with their intended propulsion nological data would be extremely valu-
delivery date of Aircraft No.1 in August for administration purposes, a helicopter for arrived at the base according to plan. the smaller J-7 5s. The trainer flew initially system. Flight testing accelerated and con- able in connection with feasibility studies
1961. (S) The facilities were ready, but the search and rescue, and a e sna 180 for liai- inJanuary 1963. The fifth aircraft, No. 125, tractor personnel went to a three-shift for th SST. Finally, there was a growing
aircraft were not. Originally promised for son use. In addition, Lockheed provided an arrived at the area on 17 December. work day. (U) With each succeeding step awarene in the higher reaches of the air-
delivery at the end of May 1961, the date F-104 to act as chase aircraft during the A- (5) First Flights into a high Mach regime new problems craft industry that something new and
first slipped to August, largely because of 12 flight test period. (S) Meanwhile the OXCART program presented th mselves. The worst of all remarkable was going on. Rumour pread,
Lockheed's difficulties in procuring and fab- (U) Upon arrival reas embly of the aircraft received a hot in the arm from the Cuban these difficulties - indeed one of the most and gossip flew about. ommercial airline
ricating titanium. Moreover, Pratt & Whit- (S) Meanwhile in January 1962, an agree- and installation of the J-75 engines began. missile crisis. U-2s had been maintaining a formidable in the entire history of the pro- crews sighted the OXCART in flight. The
ney found unexpectedly great trouble in ment was reached with the Federal Avia- Soon it was found that aircraft tank sealing regular reconnaissance vigil over the island, gram - was revealed when flight testing editor of Aviation Week (as might be
bringing the J-58 engine up to OX ART tion Agency that expanded the restricted compounds had failed to adhere to the met- and it was on one of these missions in moved into speeds between Mach 2.4 and expected) indicated his knowledge of
requirements. In March 1961, Kelly John- airspace in the vicinity of the test area. als, and when fuel was put into the tanks October that the presence of offensive mis- 2.8, and the aircraft experienced such developments at Burbank. The ecrecy
son notified Headquarters: Certain FAA air traffic controllers were numerous leaks occurr d. It was necessary siles was discovered. Overflights thereafter severe roughness as to make its operation was thinning out.

736 737

(5) The President's dozen A-II jets already flying' to' ecret of air inlet and related control continued for ( ) The first long-range, high- peed flight (5) Targeting the OX with five ready pilot and five operational
Announcement izzling new plane probably histories best a long time to present the most trouble- occurred on 27 January 1965, when one of aircraft. The main tasks were to determine
kept'. (U) The President also said that 'the some and refractory problem. umerous the test aircraft flew for an hour and forty ( ) After the unhappy end of U-2 flights aircraft range and fuel onsumption, attain
(U) [n spite of all this, 1963 went by wi th- A-II aircraft now at Edwards Air Force attempts failed to find a r medy, even minutes, with an hour and fifteen minutes over the Soviet Union, US political repeatable reliable operation, finish pilot
out any public revelation. President John- Base are undergoing xtensive tests to though a special task for e concentrated above Mach 3.1. Its total range was 2,580 authorities were understandably cautious training, prepare a family of KYLARK
son was brought up to date on the project determine their capabilities as long-range on the task. For a time there was some- nautical miles, with altitudes between about committing themselves to further mis ions, and coordinate route with
a week after taking office, and directed int rceptors'. [t was true that the Air Force thing approaching despair and the solu- 75,600 and 80,000 feet. manned reconnaissance over unfriendly North American Air Defense, ontinen-
that a paper be prepared for an announce- in October 1960, had contracted for three tion when finally achieved was greeted territory. There was no seriou intention to tal Air Defense, and the Federal Aviation
ment in the spring of 1964. Then at his interceptor version of the A-12, and they with enormous relief. Aft I' all, not every (U) Two more aircraft were lost during this use the OXCART over Russia; ave in Authority. All thi wa accomplished
press conference on 24 February, he read a were by thi time available. But at the experimental aircraft of advanced pel{or- phase of the program. On 9 July 1964 Air- some unforeseeable emergency it was without sub tantially hindering the main
statement of which the first paragraph was moment when the President spoke, there mance ha urvived it flight testing peri- craft o. 133 was making it final indeed no longer nece sary to do so. What task of working up OXCART to full design
as follow: were no A-II 's at Edwards and there never od. The possibility existed that OXCART approach to the runway when at altitude then, hould be done with this vehicle? capability. We may anticipate the tory,
had been. Project officials had known that also would fail, despite the great cost and of 500 feet and airspeed of 200 knots it ( ) The first interest was in uba. By early however, by remarking that de pite all this
(U) 'The United tate has successfully the public announcement was about to be effort expended upon it. began a mooth steady roll to the left. 1964 Project Headquarter began plan- preparation the OXCART was n ver used
developed an advanced experimental jet made, but they had not been told exactly Lockheed test pilot Bill Park could not ning for the contingency of flights over over Cuba. U-2s proved adequate, and the
aircraft, the A-ll, which has been tested when. Caught by surprise, they hastily flew ( ) A few dates and figures will serve to overcome the roll. At about a 45 degree that island under a program de ignated A-12 was re erved for more critical situa-
in u tained flight at more than 2,000 two Air Force YF-12As to Edwards to sup- mark th progress of events. By the end of bank angle and 200 foot altitude he eject- SKYLARK. Bill Park' accident in early tions. (S) In 1965 a more critical situation
mile per hour and at altitudes in excess of port the President's statement. 0 rushed 1963 there had been 573 flights totalling ed. As he swung down to the vertical in July held this program up for a time, but on did indeed emerge in Asia, and intere tin
70,000 feet. The performance of the A-II wa thi operation, 0 speedily were the 765 hours. ine aircraft were in the inven- the parachute his feet touched the ground, 5 August Acting DCI Marshall . Carter using the aircraft there began to be mani-
far exceeds that of any other aircraft in the aircraft put into hangar upon arrival, that tory. On 20 July 1963 te t aircraft flew for for what must have been one of the nar- directed that SKYLARK achieve emer- fe t. On 18 March 1965 Mr. McCone di -
world today. The development of thi air- heat from them activated the hangar the first time at Mach 3; in ovember Mach rower e capes in the perilous history of test gency operational readiness by 5 ovem- cu ed with Secretaries McNamara and
craft has been made possible l y major prinkler sy tern, dou ing the reception 3.2 (the de ign speed) was reached at 7 ,000 piloting. The primary cause of the acci- ber. This involved preparing a small Vance the increa ing hazard to U-2 and
advances in aircraft technology of great team which awaited them. ( ) Thence- feet altitude. The longest sustained flight at dent wa that the ervo for the right out- detachment, which should be able to do drone reconnais ance of ommunist
significance for both military and com- forth, while the OX ART continued its design conditions occurred on 3 February board roll and pitch control froze. 0 news the job over Cuba, though at omething hina. A memorandum of this conversa-
mercial application. everal A-II aircraft secret career at it own site, the A-II per- 1964; it lasted to ten minutes at Ma h 3.2 of the accident filtered out. less than the full design capability of the tion stated:
arc now being flight tested at Edwards Air formed at Edwards Air Force Base in a con- and 83,000 feet. By the end of 1964 there OX ART. The goal was to operate at
Force Base in California. The existence of siderable glare of publicity. Pictures of the had been 1,160 flights, totalling 1,616 (S) On 28 December 1965 Aircraft No. 126 Mach 2.8 and 80,000 feet altitude. (S) 'It was further agreed that we should
this program is being disclosed today to aircraft appeared in the press, correspon- hours. Eleven aircraft were then available, crashed immediately after take-off and was proceed immediately with all preparatory
permit the orderly exploitation of this dents ould look at it and marvel, stories four of them reserved for testing and seven totally destroyed. Detachment pilot Mele ( ) In order to meet the deadline et by step necessary to operate the OX ART
advanced technology in our military and could be written. Virtually no details were a signed to the detachment. Vojvodich ejected safely at an altitude of General Carter, camera performance over ommunist China, flying out of Oki-
commercial program'. made available, but the technical journals 150 feet. The accident investigation board would have to be validated, pilot qualified nawa. It was agreed that we should proceed
nevertheless had a field day. The unclassi- (C) The record may be put in another way. determined that a flight line electrician had for Mach 2.8 flight, and coordination with with all construction and related arrange-
(U)The Pre ident went on to mention the fied Air Force and Space Digest, for exam- Mach 2 wa reached after six months of improperly connected the yaw and pitch supporting element arranged. Only one of ments. However, thi deci ion did not
'mastery of the metallurgy and fabrication ple, publi hed a long article in its i sue of flying; Mach 3 after 15 months. Two year gyros - had in effect reversed the control. several equipments for electronic counter- authorize the deployment of the OX ART
of titanium metal', which has been April 1964, commencing: 'The official after the first flight the aircraft had flown This time Mr. McCone directed the Office mea ures (ECM) would be ready by to Okinawa nor the decision to fly the
achieved, gave credit to Lockheed and to pictures and statements tell very little a total of 38 hours at Mach 2, three hours of ecurity to conduct an investigation into ovember, and a enior intra-governmen- OXCART over ommunist China. The
Pratt & Whitney, remarked that appropri- about the A-ll. But the technical Iitera- at Mach 2.6, and Ie than one hour at the possibility of sabotage. While nothing tal group, including representation from decision would authorize all preparatory
ate members of the Senate and House had ture from open sources, when carefully Mach 3. After three years, Mach 2 time of the sort was di covered, there were indi- the President's cientific Advisory Com- steps and the expenditure of such fund as
been kept fully informed, and prescribed interpreted, tell a good deal about what it had increa ed to 60 hours, Mach 2.6 time cations of negligence, as the manufacturer mittee, examined the problem of operat- might be involv d. No decision has been
that the detailed performance of the A-II could and, more importantly, what it could to 33 hours, and Mach 3 time to nine of the gyro had earlier warned of the possi- ing over Cuba without the full comple- taken to fly the OX ART operationally
would be kept strictly cla sified. not be. Here's the story ...'. hours; all Mach 3 time, however, wa by bility that the mechanism could be con- ment of defensive systems. This panel over ommunist hina. This decision can
test aircraft, and detachment aircraft were nected in reverse. 0 action had been decided that the fir t few overflight could only be made by the Pre ident'.
( ) The President' reference to the 'A-II' still re tricted to mach 2.9. I taken, however, even by uch an elemen- safely be conduct d without them, but the
was of course del iberate. 'A-II' had been (5) Going Operational tary precaution a painting the contact dif- ECM would be nece sary thereafter. The (S) Four days later Brigadier General Jack
the original design de ignation for the all- ( ) A may be seen from the figures, most ferent colours. Again there was no publici- delivery schedule of ECM equipment was C. Ledford, Director of the Office of pe-
metal aircraft first proposed by Lockheed; (U) Three years and seven month after flights were of short duration, averaging ty connected with the accident. compatible with this course of action. cial Activities, DD/S&T, briefed Mr.
sub equently it became the de ign desig- first flight in April 1962 the OX ART little more than an hour each. Primarily Vance on the scheme, which had been
nation for the Air Force YF-12A intercep- was declared ready for operational use at this was because longer flights were unnec- (S) Th year 1965 saw the test site reach ( ) After considerable modifications to air- drawn up for operation in the Far East.
tor which differed from its parent mainly design specifications. The period thus essary at this stage of testing. It wa also the high point of activity. Completion of craft, the detachment simulated uban mis- The project was called BLACK HIELD,
in that it carried a second man for launch- devoted to flight tests was remarkably true, however, that the less seen of con truction brought it to full physical ions on training flight, and a limited emer- and it called for the XCART to operate
ing air-to-air missiles. To preserve the di - short, considering the new fields of aircraft OX ART the better, and short flights size. All detachment pilots were Mach 3.0 gency SKYLARK capabi lity was announced out of the Kadena Air Force Base in Oki-
tinction between the A-ll and the A-12 performance, which were being explored. helped to preserve the secrecy of the pro- qualified. Site population reached 1,835. on the date General Carter had set. With nawa. In the first phase, three aircraft
ecurity had briefed practically all witting A each higher Mach number was reached ceedings. Yet it wa virtually impo ible for Contractors were working three hifts a two weeks notice the OXCART detach- would tage to Okinawa for 60-day peri-
per onnel in government and industry on exhaustive te t were carried out in accor- an aircraft of such dimen ions and capa- day. Lockheed Constellations made daily ment could accomplish a Cuban overflight, ods, twice a year, with about 225 per onnel
the impending announcement. OXCART dance with standard procedures to ensure bilities to remain in on picuous. At it full flights between the factory at Burbank though with fewer ready aircraft and pilots involved.
secrecy continued in effect. There was that the aircraft functioned properly and speed OXCART had a turning radius of no and the site. Two C-47 flights a day were than had been planned.
considerable speculation about an Agency safely. Defects were corrected and improve- less than 86 miles. There was no question made between the ite and Las Vegas. (S)After this was in good order, BLACK
role in the A-I [ development, but it was ment made. All concerned gained experi- of staying close to the ail{ield; its shortest And officials were considering how and ( ) During the following week the SHIELD would advance to the point of
never acknowledged by the government. ence wi th the particular characteristics pos ible flight took it over a very large when and where to use OXCART in its d tachment concentrated on developing maintaining a permanent detachment at
News headlines ranged from 'US has and idiosyncrasies of the vehicle. (S) The expanse of territory. appointed role. SKYLARK into a sustained capability, Kadena. Secretary Vance made 3.7 million

138 139

available to be pent in providing upport necessary to insure that BLACK HIELD urged the necessity of better intelligence, the aircraft ran out of fuel only minute six minutes. Aircraft No. 127 () either lasted three hour and 39 minutes, and the
faciliti on the island, which were to be commitments would be met, and Johnson especially on a possible Chinese Commu- before landing. Th pilot, Walter Ray, on th is nor on other fl igh ts was there much cruise legs were fl wn at Mach 3.1 and
available by early fall of 1965. concluded that he should him elf pend nist build-up preparatory to intervention ejected but was killed when he failed to trouble from sonic boom. To be sur, the 0,000 feet. Result were satisfactory. ev-
full time at the site in order to get the job in Vietnam. The opponents felt that bet- separate from the ejection eat before inhabitants of a mall village ome 30 enty of the 190 known SAM sites in North
( ) M anwhile the ommunists began to done expeditiously. Lockheed President ter intelligence was not 0 urgently need- impact. The aircraft was totally destroyed. miles from th site were troubled as the air- Vi tnam were photographed, as were nine
depl y urface-to-air missile around Daniel Haughton offered the full support of ed as to ju tify the political risks of basing Its wreckage was found on 6 January and craft broke through the sound barrier other priority targets. There were no radar
Han i, thereby threatening our current the corporation, and Johnson began duty the aircraft in Okinawa and thus almost Ray's body recovered a day later. Through while gaining altitude. A change of course signal detected, indicating that the fir t
military reconnai sance capabilitie. ec- at the site next day. Hi firm and ffective certainly disclosing to Japanese and other Air Force channels a story was released to remedied this. At altitude OX ART pro- mission had gone completely unnoticed by
r tary Mc amara called this to the atten- management got Project BLACK HIELD propagandists. Th y also believed it unde- the effect that an Air Force SR- 71, on a duced no more than an ominous rumble both hinese and orth Vietnamese.
tion of the Under ecretary of the Air back on schedule. sirable to u e OXCART and reveal some- routine test flight out of Edwards Air Force on the ground and since the plane was in-
Force on 3 June 1965, and inquired about thing of it capability until a more pressing Base, was mi sing and pre umed down in visible to the naked eye no one associated ( ) Fifteen BLACK HIELD missions
the practicability of substituting OXCART ( ) Four primary BLA K SHIELD aircraft requirement appeared. At least once, on Nevada. The pilot was identified as a civil- this ound with it actual ource. (C) were alerted during the period from 31 May
aircraft for U-2s. He was told that BLACK were selected and final validation flights 12 August 1966, the divergent views were ian test pilot, and the new papers con- Departed on 24 May and arrived at Kade- to 15 August 1967. even of the fifteen
SHIELD could operate over Vietnam a conducted. During these tests the brought up to the Pre ident, who con- nected him with Lockheed. Flight activity na five hours and 55 minutes later. The were flown and of the e four detected radar
soon as adequate aircraft performance was OX ART achieved a maximum speed of firmed the 303 ommittee's majority at th base was again suspend d during third, No. 129, left according to plan on 26 tracking signals, but no hostile action wa
achieved. (S) With deployment over eas Mach 3.29, altitude of 90,000 feet, and sus- opinion against deployment. ( ) Mean- investigation of the causes both for the May 1967 and proceeded normally until in taken against any of them. By mid-July
thus apparently impending in the fall, the tained flight time above Mach 3.2 of one while, of course, flight testing and crew crash and for the failure of the seat s para- the vicinity of Wake Island where the pilot they had determined with a high degree of
detachment went into the final stages of its hour and fourteen minutes. The maximum profi iency training continued. There was tion device. (S) It is worth observing that experienced difficulties with the inertial confidence that there were no surface-to-
pr gram for validating the reliability of air- endurance flight lasted six hours and twen- plenty of time to improve mission plan none of the four accident occurred in navigation and communications sy tems. surface missiles in orth Vietnam.
craft and aircraft systems. It et out to ty minutes. The last stage was reached on and flight tactic, a well as to prepare the the high-Mach-number, high-temperature In the circumstances, he decided to make
demonstrate complete system reliability at 20 November 1965, and two day later forward area at Kadena. New plans short- regime of flight. All involved traditional a precautionary landing at Wake Island. (C) All operational mission were
Mach 3.05 and at 2,300 nautical miles Kelly Johnson wrote General Ledford: ened deployment tim from the 2 I days problems inh rent in any aircraft. In fact, The propositioned emergency recovery planned, directed, and controlled by Pro-
range, with penetration altitude of 76,000 first pecified. Personnel and cargo were to the OXCART was by this time performing team secured the aircraft without incident ject Headquarters in Washington. A con-
feet. A demonstrated capability for three ( ) 'Over-all, my considered opini n is be airlifted to Kadena the day deployment at high speeds, with excellent reliability. and the flight to Kadena resumed next day. stant watch was maintained on the weath-
a rial refuellings was also part of the vali- that the aircraft can be successfully was approved. On the fifth day the fir t er in the target areas. Each day at a
dation process. ( ) By this tim the deployed for the BLACK SHIELD mission OX ART would depart and travel the ( ) Arrangements were made to brief the specified hour (1600 hours local) a mission
OX ART was well along in performance. with what 1would consider to be at least as 6,67 miles in five hour and 34 minutes. (S) BLACK SHIELD Ambassadors and Chiefs of Station in the alert briefing oc ulTed. If the forecast
The inlet, camera, hydraulic, navigation, Iowa degree of risk as in the early U-2 The second would go on the seventh and Philippines, Formosa, Thailand, outh weather appeared favourable, the Kadena
and flight control syst ms all demonstrated deployment day. Actually, considering the third on the ninth day. The first two (S) About May of 1967 prospects for Vietnam, and Japan, and the High Com- base was alerted and provided a route to be
acceptable reliability. Nevertheless, as our performance level of more than four would be ready for an emergency mi ion deployment took a new turn. A good deal missioner and hief of Station, Okinawa. flown. The alert preceded actual take-off
longer flights were conducted at high time the U-2 speed and three miles more on the eleventh day and for a normal mi - of apprehension was evident in Washing- The Prime Minister of Japan and Thai- by 28 to 30 hours. Twelve hours prior to
speeds and high temperatures, new prob- op rating altitude, it is probably much les sion on the fifteenth day. ton about the possibility that the Commu- land were advi ed, as were the President take-off (H minus 12) a second review of
lems came to the urface, the mo t eriou risky than our first U-2 deployment. 1 nist might introduce surface-to-surface and Defence Mini ter of the Republic of target weather was made. If it continued
being with the electrical wiring system. think the time has come when the bird ( ) An impressive demonstration of the missiles into orth Vietnam, and concern China. The Chiefs of the Air Force of favorable, the mi ion gen ration
Wiring connectors and components had to should leave its ne t'. OXCART's capability occurred on 21 was aggravated by doubts a to whether we Thailand and the Republic of China were sequence continu d. At H minus 2 hours,
withstand temperatures of more than 00 December 1966 when Lockheed te t pilot could detect such a developm nt if it al 0 briefed. Reactions were favorabl . (S) a 'go-no-go' decisi n was made and com-
degrees Fahrenheit, together with structur- ( ) Ten days later the 303 Committee Bill Park flew 10,198 statute mile in six occurred. The Pre ident asked for a pro- On 29 May 1967, the unit at Kadena was municated to the fi ld. The final decision,
al flexing, vibration, and shock. ontinu- received a formal proposal that OXCART hours. The aircraft left the test area in posal on th matter; CIA briefed the 303 ready to fly an operational mi ion. Under it should be noted, depended not solely on
ing malfunctions in the inlet control, be deployed to the Far East. The Commit- evada and flew northward over Yellow- ommittee and once again suggested that the command of olonel Hugh C. Slater weather in the target area; conditions had
communications equipment, ECM sys- tee, after examining the matter, did not stone ational Park, thence eastward to the OXCART b used. Its camera was far 260 personnel had deployed to the to b propitious aloin the refuelling areas
tems, and cockpit instruments were in approve. It did agre , however, that short Bismark, orth Dakota, and on to Duluth, superior to those on drones or on the U-2; BLACK SHIELD facility. Except for and at the launch and recovery base. ( )
many cases attributable to wiring failures. of actually moving aircraft to Kadena all Minnesota. It tben turned south and its vulnerability was far less. The State and hangars, which were a month short of Operati ns and maintenance at Kadena
There was also disturbing evidence that tep hould be taken to develop and passed Atlanta en route to Tampa, Florida, I Defense members of the Committee decid- completion, everything was in shape for began with the re eipt of alert notifica-
careless handling was contributing to elec- maintain a quick reaction capability, ready then northwest to Portland, Oregon, then d to re-examine the requirement and the sustained operation. Next day the detach- tion. Both a primary aircraft and pilot and
trical connector failure. Difficultie per- to deploy within a 2l-day period at any southwe t to evada. Again the flight political risks involved. Whil they were ment was alerted for a mission on 31 May, a back-up aircraft and pilot were selected.
i t d in the ealing of fuel tanks. What time after 1 January 1966. (S) There the turned eastward, passing Denver and t. engaged in their deliberations, Director of and the moment arrived which would see The aircraft were given thorough inspec-
with one thing and another, officials soon matter remained, for more than a year. Louis. Turning around at Knoxville, Ten- Central Intelligence, Richard Helms, sub- the culmination of ten years of effort, tion and servicing, all system were
began to fear that the scheduled date for During 1966 there w re frequent renewals nessee, it passed Memphis in the home mitted to the 303 ommittee another for- worry, and cost. As fate would have it, on checked, and the cameras loaded into the
BLA K HIELD readiness would not be of the request to the 303 Committee for stretch back to evada. This flight e tab- mal propo al to deploy the OX ART. In the morning of the 31st heavy rain fell at aircraft. Pilots received a detailed route
m t. Prompt corrective action on the part authorization to deploy OXCART to Oki- lish d a record unapproachable by any addition, he raised the matter at President Kadena. Since weather over th target bri fing in the early evening prior to the
of Lockhe d wa in order. The quality of nawa and conduct reconnais ance mi - other aircraft; it began at about the same Johnson's 'Tuesday lunch' on 16 May, and area was clear, preparations continued in day of flight. On the morning of the flight
maint nance needed drastic improvement. sions over orth Vietnam, ommunist time a typical government employee starts received the Presidents approval to 'go'. hopes that the local weather would clear. a final briefing occurred, at which time the
The re ponsibility for delivering an aircraft China, or both. All were turned down. his work day and ended two hours before Walt Rostow later in the day formally con- When the time for take-off approached, condition of the aircraft and its y tems
system with acceptable reliability to meet Among high officials there wa difference his quitting time. () hortly after thi veyed the President's decision, and the th OXCART, which had never operated was reported, last-minute weath r fore-
an operational commitment lay in Lock- of opinion; CIA, the Joint Chiefs of taff, explOit, tragedy befell the program. During BLACK SHIELD deployment plan wa in heavy rain, taxied to the runway, and cast reviewed, anc.l other relevant intelli-
heed' hands. ( ) In thi uncomfortable sit- and the Pre ident Foreign Intelligence a routine training flight on 5 January 1967, forthwith put into effect. took off while the rain continued. gence communicated together with any
uation, John Parang ky, Deputy for Tech- Advisory Board favoured the move, while the fourth aircraft was 10 t, together with amendments or change in the flight plan.
nology, 0 A, went to the Lockheed plant Alexis Johnson representing tate, and its pilot. The accident occurred during (S) On 17 May airlift to Kadena began. ( ) The first BLACK SHIELD mission fol- Two hours prior to take-off the primary
to see Kelly Johnson on 3 August 1965. A Defense in the person of Messrs. McNama- descent about 70 miles from the base. A On 22 May the first A-12 (Serial 0.131) lowed one flight line over North Vietnam pilot had a medical examination, g t into
frank discussion ensued on the measures ra and Vance, opposed it. The proponents fuel gauge failec.l to function properly, and flew nonstop to Kadena in ix hour and and one over the Demilitarized Zone. It his suit, and wa taken to the air raft. If

140 141

any malfunctions developed on the prima- warhead pellet but may have been a part of course also capable of ordinary intelli- look into the possibility of reducing President which requested a decision tions and arrangements occurred before
ry aircraft, the back-up could execute the the debri from one of the missile detona- gence missi n . For th e purposes, how- expen es on the OXCART and SR-71 either to share the SR-71 fle t between the OX ART had conducted a single
mis ion one hour later. tions observed by the pilot. ever, the OXCART posses ed certain clear programs. The group was requ sted to con- CIA and SAC, or to terminate the CIA operational mission or even deployed t
advantages. It carried only one man, and sider the following alternatives: capability entirely. This time Mr. Helms Kadena for such a mi ·sion. As recounted
( ) A typi al route profile for a BLACK (S) Between 1 January and 31 March 1968 largely for this reason it had room for a replied that new information of consider- above, the aircraft fir t performed its
HIELD mi sion over orth Vietnam ix mis ions were flown out of fifteen alert- much bigger and better camera, as well as 1. Retention of separate A-12 and SR-71 able significance had been brought to his appointed role over orth Vietnam on the
in luded a refuelling hortly after take-off, ed. Four of these were over orth Vietnam for variou other collection devices which fleet, i.e., tatus quo. attention concerning R-71 performance. la t day of May 1967. In succeeding
south of kinawa, the planned photo- and two over orth Korea. The first mis ion at the time could not be carried by the SR- 2. Collocation of the two fleet. H requested another meeting after 1 Jan- months it demonstrated both it excep-
graphic pass or passes, withdrawal to a sec- over North Kor a on 26 January occurred 71. It was certainly the most effective 3. Transfer of the OXCART mission and uary to review pertinent facts, and also tional technical capabilities and the com-
ond aerial refuelling in the Thailand area, during a very tense period following seizure reconnaissance aircraft in exi tence, or aircraft to SAC. asked that the memorandum to the Presi- petence with which its operations were
and return to Kadena. So great was the of the Pueblo on the 23rd. The aim was to likely to be in exi tence for years to come. 4. Tran fer of the OXCART mis ion to dent be withheld pending that meeting's managed. As word began to get around
OXCARTs speed that it pent only 1211 discover whether the orth Korean were Al 0 it was operated by civilian, and AC and storage of A-12 aircraft. outcome. Specifically, he cited indication that OXCART was to be phased out, high
minutes over orth Vietnam in a typical preparing any large scale hostile move on could be employed covertly or at lea t 5. Tran fer of the OXCART mission to that the R- 71 program was having serious official commenced to feel ome di quiet.
'single pass' mission, or a total of 21Yi min- the heel of this incident. Chinese tracking without the number of personnel and SAC and disposal of A-12 aircraft. technical problems and that there wa real Concern was shown by Walt Ro tow, the
utes on two passes. Its turning radiu of86 of the flight was apparent, but no missiles amount of fanfare normally attending an doubt that it would achieve an operational President's Special As istant; by key Con-
miles was such, however, that on som were fired at the plane. Air Force op ration. ( )The study group included .W. Fi ch- capability by the time suggested for termi- gressional figures, memb rs of the Presi-
mission profile it might be forced during er, Bureau of the Budget; Herbert Ben- nation of the A-12 program. Mr. Helms dent's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
its turn to intrude into hinese airspace. (C) The Department of tate was reluctant ( ) The fact the SR-71s were ordered nington, Department of Defense; and therefore changed his position from shar- Board, and the President's Scientific Advi-
to endor e a second mission over orth ea cd the path of OX ART development, John Parangosky, C ntral Intelligence ing the SR-7! aircraft with SAC to a firm sory Committee. The phase-out lagged,
(S) Once landed back at Kadena, the cam- Korea for fear of the diplomatic repercus- since it meant that the financial burden Agency. recommendation to retain the OXCART and the qu tion was reopened.
era film was removed from the aircraft, ions, which could be expected if the air- wa shared with the Air Force, and the A-12 fleet under civilian pon orship. The
boxed, and sent by pecial plane to the craft came down in hostile territory. co t per aircraft was somewhat reduced by (S) This group conducted its study Budget Bureau's memorandum was never- ( ) A new study of the feasibility and cost
proce sing facilities. Film from earlier mis- Brigadier General Paul Bacalis then briefed producing greater numbers. In the longer through the fall of 1966, and identifi d theless transmitted to the President, who of continuing the OX ART program was
sions was developed at the Eastman Kodak Secretary Rusk on the details and objec- run, however, the existence of R- 71 three principal alternatives of its own. on 28 Decem ber 1966 accepted the rec- completed in the spring of 1968 and four
plant in Rochester, ew York. By late tives of the mission, and assured him that spelled the doom of OX ART, for rea ons They were: ommendations of Messrs. Vance, Hornig, new alternatives were proposed.
summer an Air Force Center in Japan car- the aircraft would transit orth Korea in which appear to have been chiefly finan- and chultze, and directed the termina-
ried out th proce sing in order to place no more than seven minutes. He explained cial and in a manner now to be related. 1. To maintain the status quo and contin- tion of the OX ART Program by 1 Janu- 1. Transfer all OX ART aircraft to AC
the photo intelligence in the hands of that even if some failure occurred during ue both fleet at current approval levels. ary 196 . (S) This decision meant that a by 31 October 1968; substitute Air
American ommanders in Vietnam within flight the aircraft would be highly unlikely 2. To mothball all A-12 aircraft, but main- schedule had to be developed for orderly Force for contractor support where pos-
24 hours of completion of a BLACK to land either in North Korea or in China. (S) Ending tain the OXCART capability by sharing phase-out. After consultation with project sible; turn the te t A-12 aircraft over to
SHIELD mission. ( ) Between 16 Augu t ecr tary Rusk made suggestions to alter SR- 71 aircraft between SAC and CIA. Headquarters, the Deputy Secretary of the SR-71 test facility.
and 31 0 cember 1967, twenty-six mis- the flight plan, thus becoming the project's (S) During ovember 1965, the very 3. To terminate the OXCART fleet inJan- Defens was advised on 10 January 1967 2. Transfer OXCART as in alternative 1,
ion w re alerted. Fifteen were flown. On highest ranking flight planner. month when OXCART was finally uary 1968 (assuming an operational that four A-12's would be placed in storage above, and store eight SR- 71s.
17 December one SAM site tracked the declar d operational, the moves toward its readiness date of September 1967 for in July 1967, two more by December, and 3. lose the OXCART home base and
vehicle with its acquisition radar but wa ( ) Betw en 1 April and 9 June 196 two demi e commenced. Within the Bureau of the R-71) and as ign all missions to the last four by the end of January 196 . In collocate the fleet with R- 71 's at Beale
unsucce ful with it Fan ong guidance missions were alerted for orth Korea. the Budget a memorandum was circulated the R-71 fleet. May Mr. Vance directed that the R-71 Air Force Base in California, but with
radar. On 2 October a orth Vietnamese Only the mission which flew on 8 May wa expressing concern at the costs of the A- assume contingency responsibility to con- CIA retaining control and manage-
AM site for the first time launched a sin- granted approval. 12 and SR- 71 programs, both past and pro- (S) On 12 December 1966 there wa a duct uban overflights a of 1 July 1967 ment.
gle, albeit unsuccessful, missile at the jected. It questioned the requirement for meeting at the Bureau of the Budget and take over the dual capability over 4. ontinue OXCART operations at it
OXCART. Photography from this mission the total number of aircraft repre ented in attended by Mr. Helms, Mr. Shultze, Mr. South-east Asia and Cuba by 1 December own ba e under CIA control and man-
documented the event with photograph (S) The SR-71 the combined fleets, and doubted the Vance, and Dr. Hornig, Scientific Advisor 1967. Thi provided for some overlap agement.
of mis ile moke above the AM firing nece sity for a epa rate CIA (OX ART) to the Pre ident. Those present voted on between OXCART withdrawal and R-71
ite, and with pictures of the missile and of (S) All through the OXCART program fleet. Several alternatives were proposed he alternatives proposed in the Fischer- assumption of responsibility. ( ) Mr. Helms expre ed his reactions to
its contrail. Electronic countermeasures the Air Force had been exceedingly help- to achieve a substantial reduction in the Bennington-Parangosky report. Mes rs. these alternatives in a memorandum to
equipment appeared to perform well ful. It gave financial support, condu ted forecasted spending, but the recommend- Vance, Schultze, and Hornig chose to ter- (S) Meanwhile until 1 July 1967 the Mes rs. Nitze, Hornig, and Flax, dated 18
against the missile firing. (S) During the the refuelling program, provided opera- ed course was to phase out the A-12 pro- minate the OX ART fleet, and Mr. OX ART Detachment was to maintain April 1968. In it h questioned why, if
flight of 30 October 1967, pilot Dennis tional facilities at Kadena, and air-lifted gram by Septemb r 1966 and stop any fur- Helms stood out ~ r eventual sharing of its capability to conduct operational mis- eight SR-71 could be stored in one
ullivan detected radar tracking on his OX ART personnel and supplies to Oki- ther procurement of R-71 aircraft. the SR-71 fleet between CIA and SAC. ions both from a prepared location over- option, they could not be tored in all the
fir t pass over orth Vietnam. Two sites nawa for the operations over Vietnam and Copie of this memorandum were sent to The Bureau of the Budget immediately seas and from the U . This included a 15 option, with the resultant saving applied
prepared to launch mis ile but neither orth Korea. It al 0 ordered from Lock- the Department of Defen e and the CIA prepared a letter to the Pre iclent etting day quick reaction capability for deploy- in each case. He que tioned the lower cost
did. During the second pas at least six heed a mall fleet of A-II's, which upon with the suggestion that those agencies forth the course of action recommended ment to the Far East and a seven-day quick figures of combining the OXCART with
mi iles wer fired at the OX ART, each being fini hed as two seated reconnais- explore the alternative et out in the by the majority. Mr. Helms, having dis- reaction for deployment over uba. the SR-71 s and disagreed, for security rea-
confirmed by missile vapour trails on mis- sance aircraft would be named R-71. paper. But the Secretary of Defense sented from the majority, requested his Between 1 July and 31 December 1967 the sons, with collocating the two fleets.
sion photography. ullivan saw these These would become operational about d clined to consider the proposal, presum- Deputy Director for cience and Technol- fleet would remain able to conduct opera- Above all, however, he felt that the key
vapour trails and witnessed three missile 1967. ( ) The stated mission of the SR- 71 ably because the SR-71 would not be oper- ogy to prepare a letter to the President tional missions either from a prepared point wa the desirability of retaining a
detonation. Post-flight in pection of the wa to conduct 'post-strike reconnais- ational by September 1966. stating CIA' reason for remaining in the overseas base or from home base, but not covert reconnaissance capability under
aircraft revealed that a piece of metal had sance,' that is, to look the enemy ituation reconnaissance business. from both imultaneously. A quick reac- civilian management. It was his judgement
penetrated the lower right wing fillet area over after a nuclear exchange. The likeli- ( ) Things remained in this state until in tion capability for either Cuban over- that such a requirement existed, and he
and lodged against the support structure of hood of using the aircraft in the capacity JuIy 1966 the Bureau of the Budget pro- (S) On 16 December Mr. Schultze handed flights or deployment to the Far East would recommended that OX ART continue at
the wing tank. The fragment was not a hardly appeared great, but SR-71 was of posed that a study group be establi hed to Mr. Helm a draft memorandum to the also be maintain d. (S) All these transac- its own ba e under CIA management.

742 743

(S) In spite of all the belated efforts, the two had narrow escapes. In addition, two F- included who I or q,uhat 1 think was censored. designing an aircraft with a very small spring and summer of 1958, both firms de ign (the A-2) and did not accept eith r
Secretary of Defen eon 16 May 1968 reaf- 101 chase planes were lost with their Air There are also some footnotes which appear at radar cross section. [5 spaces] soon discov- worked on designs concepts without gov- one, th fonner because of its slow speed
firm d the original decision to terminate Force pilot during OXCART's testing the bottom of the page, 1 have included these ered that supersonic speed greatly reduced ernment contracts or funds. and the latter becau e of it dependence on
the OX ART Program and store the air- phase. (U) The main objective of the pro- at the location of the footnote in Univers. - the chances of detection by radar. Following extended discussions with exotic fuels for its ramjets and
craft. At hi weekly luncheon with his gram - to create a reconnaissance aircraft John Stone, blackbirds. net. (Thomas Mclninch.'The Oxcart Story', Bissell on the subject of a sup rsonic suc- its overall high cost. The committee
prin ipal advisors on 21 May 1968, the of unprecedented speed, range, and alti- Studies in Intelligence 15 (Winter 1971): cessor to the U-2, Lockheed's Kelly John- approved the continuation of Convair's
Pr ident confirmed Secretary Clifford's tude capability was triumphantly 211 space]). son began designing an aircraft that would work on a ramjet-powered Mach 4.0 'par-
d cision. achieved. It may well be, however, that the The U-2's Intended Successor: From this point on, the CIA's attention cruise at Mach 3.0 at altitudes above asite' aircraft that would be launched from
most important aspects of the effort lay in Project Oxcart, 1956-1968 focused increasingly on the po sibility of 90,000 feet. On 23 July 1958,Johnson pre- a specially configured version of the B-58B
( ) Early in March 1968, USAF SR-71 its by-products - the notable advances in building an aircraft that could fly at both sented hi new high-speed concept to bomber. The design was termed a parasite
aircraft began to arrive at Kadena to take aerodynamic design, engine performance, Before the U-2 became operational in extremely high speeds and high altitudes Land's advisory committee, which because it could not take off on its own but
over the BLACK SHIELD commitment, cameras, electronic countermeasures, pilot June 1956, CIA project officials had esti- while incorporating the best ideas in radar- expressed interested in the approach he needed a larger aircraft to carry it aloft and
and by gradual stages the A-12 was placed life support systems, anti-air devices, and mated that its life expectancy for flying absorbing or radar-deflecting techniques. was taking. At the same meeting, Navy ace lerate it to the peed required to start
on standby to back up the R-71. The last above all in milling, machining, and shap- safely over the Soviet Union would be representatives presented a concept for a the ramjet engine. The Convair design
operational mission flown by OXCART ing titanium. Altogether it was a pioneer- between 18 months and two years. After high-altitude reconnai ance vehicle that was called the FISH.
was on 8 May 1968 over North Korea, fol- ing accomplishment. overflights began and the Soviets demon- The Evaluation of Designs xamined the possibility of developing a OSA History, chap. 20, p. 8115 spaces] John-
lowing which the Kadena Detachment strated the capability of tracking and for a Successor to the U-2 ramjet-powered, inflatable, rubber vehicle son, 'Archangel Log', 17-24 September 1958
was advised to prepare to go home. Project ( ) In a ceremony at the Nevada base on attempting to intercept the U-2, this esti- that would be lifted to altitude by a bal- Two month later, after reviewing the
Headquarters selected 8 June 1968 as the 26 June 1968, Vice Admiral Rufus L. Tay- mate seemed too optimistic. By August By the autumn of 1957, Bi sell and [9 loon and then be propelled by a rocket to Convair proposal and yet another Lock-
earliest possible date to begin redeploy- lor, Deputy Director of Central Intelli- 1956, Richard Bissell was so concerned spaces] had collected so many ideas for a a speed where the ramjet could produce heed design for a high-speed reconnais-
ment, and in the meantime flights of A-12 gence, presented the CIA Intelligence about the U-2's vulnerability that he successor to the U-2 that Bissell asked DCI thrust. Richard Bissell a ked Johnson to sance aircraft (the A-3), the Land commit-
aircraft were to be limited to those essen- Star for valor to pilots Kenneth S. Collins, despaired of its ability to avoid destruction Dulles for permission to establish an advi- evaluate this concept, and three weeks tee concluded in late November 1958 that
tial for maintaining flying safety and pilot Ronald L. Layton, Francis J. Murray, Den- for six months, let alone two years. sory committee to assist in the selection later, after receiving more details from the it would indeed b fea ible to build an air-
proficiency. After BLACK SHIELD air- nis B. Sullivan, and Mele Vojvodich for To extend the U-2's useful operational process. Bissell also felt that the support of Navy representatives, Kelly Johnson made craft whose speed and altitude would make
craft arrived in the US they would proceed participation in the BLACK SHIELD life, project officials first attempted to a committee of prominent scientists and some quick calculations that showed that radar tracking difficult or impossible. The
to storage. Tho e already at base were operation. The posthumous award to pilot reduce the aircraft's vulnerability to detec- engineers would prove useful when it came the design was impractical because the committee, therefore, recommended that
placed in storage by 7 June. Jack W. Weeks was accepted by his widow. tion by Soviet radars. Project RAINBOW's time to ask for funding for such an xpen- balloon would have to be a mile in diame- DCI Dulles ask President Eisenhower to
The United States Air Force Legion of efforts to ma k the radar image of the U-2 sive project. Edwin Land becomes the ter to lift the vehicle, which in turn would approve further pursuit of the project and
(S) During its final days overseas the Merit was presented to Colonel Slater and not only proved ineffective, but actually chairman for the new committee, which need a wing surface greater than one-sev- to provide fund for additional studies and
OXCART enterprise suffered yet another his Deputy, Colonel Maynard N. Amund- made the aircraft more vulnerable by adding included some of the scientists and engi- enth of an acre to carry the payload. tests.
blow, as inexplicable as it was tragic. On 4 son. The Air Force Outstanding Unit extra weight that reduced its maximum alti- neers who had served on previous adviso- (Clarence L. Johnson, 'Development of the OSA Chronology, p. 21 120 spaces]. 'Oxcart
June Aircraft No. 129, piloted by Jack Award was presented to the members of tude. Because Soviet radar operators con- ry bodie for overhead reconnai sance: Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird', Studies in Intel- Story' p. 3 [2 spaces]) OSA History, chap.
Week, set out from Kadena on a check the OXCART Detachment (1l29th Spe- tinued to find and track U-2s equipped with Edward Purcell, Allen F. Donovan, H. ligence 26 (Summer 1982):4 (U): Johnson, 20, p. 8 [15 spaces]): Johnson. 'Archangel
flight necessitated by a change of ngine. cial Activities Squadron, Detachment 1) antiradar systems, the CIA cancelled Pro- Guyford Stever, and Eugene P. Kiefer. The 'Archangel Log' 23 July 1958, 14 August Log', 12 November 1958.
Weeks was heard from when 520 miles east and the USAF supporting units. (U) ject RAINBOW in May 1958. Air Force's chief scientist, Courtland D. 1958) On 17 December 1958, Allen Dulles
of Manila. Then he disappeared. Search Wives of the pilots were present and Long before the failure of Project Perkins, was also a member. The commit- By September 1958, Lockheed had stud- and Richard Bissell briefed the President
and rescue operations found nothing. No learned for the first time of the activities in RAI BOW, Richard Bis ell and his Air tee first met in November 1957 and held ied a number of possible configurations, on the progress toward a successor to the
cause for the accident was ever ascer- which their husbands had been involved. Force Assistant [15 spaces] had begun to six more me tings between July 1958 and some based on ramjet engines, others with U-2. Also present were Land and Purcell
tained, and it remains a mystery to this Kelly Johnson was a guest speaker at the look for a more radical solution to the the late summer of 1959. The meetings both ramjets and turbojets. Personnel from the advisory committee, Presidential
day. Once again the official news release ceremony, and lamented in moving words problem of Soviet radar detection - an usually took place in Land's Boston office at Lockheed's Skunk Works referred to Service Advisor Jame Killian, and Air
identified the lost aircraft as an SR-71 and the end of an nterprise which had marked entirely new aircraft. In the late summer of and almost always included the Air Force's these aircraft concepts as 'Archangel-I', Force ecretary Donald Quarles. DCI
security was maintained. (S) A few days his most outstanding achievement in air- 1956, the two officials visited a number of Assi tant Secretary for Research and 'Archangel-2', and so forth, a carryover Dulles reviewed the results to the U-2 mis-
afterwards the two remaining planes on craft design. His own awards had already airframe contractors in a search for new 'Development, Dr. Joseph v. Charyk, and from the original nickname of the 'Angel' sions to date and stated his belief that a
Okinawa flew to the US and were stored been received: The Presidents Medal of ideas. Among the more unusual was his Navy counterpart, Garrison orton. given to the U-2 during its development. successor to the U-2 could be used all over
with the remainder of the OXCART fam- Freedom in 1964 and on 10 February 1966, Northrop Aviation's proposal for a gigan- Designers from several aircraft manufac- These nicknames for the various designs the world and 'would have a much gteater
ily. the National Medal of Science, from Pres- tic aircraft with a very-high-lift wing. turers also attended some of the meetings. soon became simply 'A-I', A-2', etc. invuln rability to d tection'.
ident Johnson, for his contributions to Because it would not be made of metal, the (Clarence L. Johnson, Report No. SP-1362, In September 1958, the Land commit- Bissell then described two competing
aerospace science and to th national wing would require a type of bridge truss 'History of the OXCART Program', Lock- tee met again to review all the concepts projects by Lockheed and Convair, noting
security. on its upper side to give it rigidity. The pro- heed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, CA, 1 July then under consideration and to winnow that the chief question at the moment was
(S) Postscript posed aircraft would achieve altitudes 1968 p. 1 (TS Codeword)) out the few that were most practicable. whether to use air launch or ground take-
( ) In summary; the OXCART Program 80,000 to 90,000 feet but only at subsonic The two most prominent firms involved Among the concepts rejected were the off. The next phase, he added, would be
lasted just over ten years, from its inception speeds, just enough to keep it airborne. in the search for a new aircraft were Lock- avy's proposal for an inflatable, ramjet- detailed engineering, at the end of which
in 1957 through first flights in 1962 to ter- Donovan Interview heed, which had designed the successful U- powered aircraft, a Boeing proposal for a it was proposed that 12 aircraft be ordered
Successor to the U-2 The slow-flying Northrop design did 2, and Convair which was building the 190-foot-long hydrogen-powered inflatable at a cost of about $100 million.
mination in 1968. Lockheed produced 15
OXCARTs, three YF-12A:s and 31 SR-71 'So NOTE: This document was approved for not solve the problem of radar detection, supersonic B-58 'Hustler' bomber for the Air aircraft, and a Lockheed design for a hydro- Although President Eisenhower sup-
The 49 supersonic aircraft had completed release by the CIA in Oct 1994; it is an and in 1957 the emphasis switched to Force and also working on an even faster gen-powered aircraft (the CL-400). The ported the purchase of thi type of aircraft,
more than 7,300 flights, with 17,000 hours expanded version of the history of the A-12. super onic designs. In August 1957, [64 model known as the B-58B 'Super Hustler'. committee examined two other Kelly John- he questioned the plan to procure any
in th air. Over 2,400 hours had been Some parts are missing (censored) which I space] that had been working on ways to Early in 1958, Richard Bissell asked officials son designs at this meeting - a tailless sub- before they had been te ted. Promising
above Mach 3. Five OXCARTs were lost have indicated by a [ ], and inside roughly the reduce the U-2's vulnerability to radar, from both firms to submit designs for a high- sonic aircraft with a very-low-radar cross that more thought would be given to the
in accidents; two pilots were killed, and number of spaces blacked out. In italics 1have began to investigate the possibility of speed reconnaissance aircraft. During the section (the G2A) and a new supersonic matter before such an order was placed,

744 145

spaces! Joseph V Charyk, interview by [19

Secretary Quarle noted that CIA, the see it. [ spaces] estimated that for an air- Convair. The second uncertain factor was heed de ign was also preferable in terms of the OXCART was [17 space] J hn
spaces! tape recording, Washington, DC. 5
o fen e Department, and the Bureau of craft to take advantage of this Blip/Scan the 8-58B bomber that was suppo ed to
December 1984 [12 spacesl
overall cost. In the vital area of vulnera- Parangosky who had long been as ociated
the Budget were working on a funding plan Ratio phenomenon it must fly at altitudes achieve Mach 2.2 before launching the bility to radar detection, however, the with the U-2 program.
for the pI' ject. The President suggested approaching 90,000 feet and have a radar FI H above 35,000 feet. The version of onvair de ign was superior. It smaller
that the Air Force 'could upport th pro- cro s section of less than 10 square meters, the B-5 wa still in the design tage. ize and internally mounted engine gave
The Selection of
j ct by transferring some reconnais ance preferably not achieve such a mall radar Convair's propo al suffered a major et- it a malleI' radar cross section than the Efforts to Reduce the
money.' At the close of the meeting, Ei en- cros section, its designers would have to back in June 1959, when the Air Force the Lockheed Design Lockheed A-12. A-12's Radar Cross Section
hower a ked the group to return after com- make many conce ions in its structural cancelled the B-5 8 project. Con vel' ion OSA History: chap. 20. pp. 18-19 ([13 spaces)
pleting the next work phase to di cus fur- de ign and aerodynamic. of the older, lower B-58A into the super- 8y the late summer of 1959, both Convair During the spring of 1959, Kelly Johnson'
ther stag of the project with him. Unnumbered Convair document on the sonic launching platform for the FlSH was and Lockheed had completed new designs Skunk Works crew - which then numbered
ruled out by the high cost and technical Comparison of Lockheed
Andrew J. Goodpaster, 'Memorandum of Blip/Scan Ratio 119 spaces] for a follow-on to the U-2. Convair' entry, only 50, had begun building a full-scale
and Convair Designs
Conference with the President, 17 Decem- By the summer of 1959, both firms had difficulties involved. Moreover, the Air known a the KING FISH, u ed much of mock-up of the proposed aircraft. The
ber 1958, 10:26am', 22 December 1958. completed their proposals. In early June, Force wa unwilling to part with two air- the technology developed for the F-102, F- Lockheed A-I 2 Convair Kingfish mock-up was to be tested for its radar cross
WHOSS, Alpha, DDEL (TS). Lockheed submitted a design for the craft from the small inventory of its most 106, and B-58, included stainless steel Speed Mach 3.2 Mach 3.2 section by Edgerton, Germeshausen &
ground-launched aircraft known as the A- advanced bomber. Even had the 8-588 honeycomb skin, planiform wing design, Grier (EG&G) in cooperation with the [80
program not been cancelled, however, the Range (total) 4,120nmi 3.400nmi
ll. It would have a speed of Mach 3.2, a and crew capsule system, which eliminat- spaces] McDonnell-Douglas RC Facility
Competition between range of 3,200 miles, an altitude of 90,000 FlSH proposal would probably not have ed the need for the pilot to wear a pressur- Range (at altitude) 3,800nmi 3.400nmi at Gray Butte. Lockheed objected to this
feet, and a completion date of January been feasible. Convair engineers had cal- ized suit. The KINGFI H had two ide-by- site because its pylon would not support the
Lockheed and Convair culated that the added weight of the FISH Cruising Altitude:
1961. Kelly Johnson had refused to reduce side J58 engines inside the fuselage, which full-scale mock-up and because the facili-
With funding for the proposed new type of the aerodynamics of his d sign in order to would prevent the 8-58B from achieving significantly reduced the radar cross sec- Start 84,500ft 85,OOOft ties were in full view of a nearby highway.
aircraft now available, Richard Bissell achieve a greater anti radar capability, and the peed required to ignite the parasite tion. Two additional important design fea- On 10 eptember 1959, EG&G agreed to
Midrange 91,OOOft 88,OOOft
asked Lo kheed and Convair to ubmit the A-II's radar cross section, although not aircraft's ramjet engines. ture that contributed to a small radar move its radar test facility [99 spaces]. (Ed.
detailed propo also During the fir t half of great, was substantially larger than that of The Convair proposal was therefore return were fibreglass engine inlet and End 97,600ft 94,OOOft note: as best as I can make out there is a foot-
1959, both Lockheed and Convair worked the much smaller parasite aircraft being unusable, but the Lockheed design with it wings whose leading edges were made of note in this deleted space.)
high radar cro s section was also unaccept- Pyroceram. Convair Division, General Cost of twelve $96.6m $121.6m
to reduce the radar cross section of their de igned by Convair. [8 spaces] interview, [4 spaces!. OSA Histo-
able to the Land committee. On 14 July aircraft, without
designs, with a i tance from [60 spaces]. Johnson, 'Archangel Log', December 1958- Dynamics orporation. ry, chap. 20, pp 19-21, [13 spaces!
1959, the committee rejected both designs engines
In pur uing his anti radar studies, [8 spaces] July 1959 'KINGFISH Summery Report' 1959 (S). When the new radar test facility with
had di covered a phenomenon that he The Convair proposal called for a small, and continued the competition. Lockheed Kelly John on was very sceptical of the it's larger pylon was ready, John on put the
believed could be used to advantage by the manned, ramjet-powered, reconnai sance continued to work on developing a design Convair de ign, noting in the Archangel ome of the CIA representatives ini- A-12 mock-up on a specially de igned
new reconnaissance aircraft. Known as the vehicle to be air launched from one of two that would be less vulnerable to detection, project log on 1-20 August 1959:' onva- tially favoured the Convair KI GFISH trailer truck [38 spaces] Groom Lake,
Blip/ can Ratio but also referred to as the specially configured B-588 uper Hustler. and Convair received a new CIA contract ir have promised reduced radar cross sec- de ign because of its smaller radar cross evada.
[16 space], thi phenomenon involved The FISH vehicle, a radical lifting body to design an air-breathing twin-engine air- tion on an airplane the size of A-12. They section, but they were eventually con- OSA History, chap. 20, p 22 ([14 spaces]
three elements: the strength of a radar with a very-small-radar cross section, craft that would meet the general specifi- are doing this, in my view, with total dis- vinced to support the Lockheed design by 8y 18 ovember 1959, the mock-up was
return, the altitude of the object being illu- would fly at Mach 4.2 at 90,000 feet and cations being followed by Lockheed. regard for aerodynamics, inlet and after- the Air Force members of the panel, who in place atop the pylon, and radar testing
minated by the radar, and the persistence have a range of 3,900 miles. Two Mar- OSA History, chap. 20, p. 15 [13 spaces! burner performance'. believed that Convair's cost over-runs and could b gin. These tests soon proved that
of the radar return on the screen (Pul e- quardt ramjets would power its Mach 4.2 Following recommendations by the Lockheed's new entry was much like its production delays on the B-58 project Lockheed's concept of shape, fuel add itive,
Position Indicator display). dash over the target area. Once the FISH Land committee, both Lockheed and first, but with several modifications and a might be repeated in this new project. In and non-metallic parts was workable, but
Most tracking radars in the late 1950s d celerated, two Pratt & Whitney JT-12 Convair incorporated the Pratt & Whit- new designator, A-12. It too, would employ contrast, Lockheed had produced the U-2 it would take more than 18 months oftest-
swept a band of ky 30 degrees to 45 deg. turbojets would bring it back to base. The ney J58 power plant into their designs. two of the powerful J58 engines. Lock- under budget and on time. Another factor ing and adjustments before OXCART
wide and 360 deg. in circumference. Any ramjet exit nozzles and wing edges would This engine had originally been developed heed's major innovation in reducing radar favouring the A-12 wa ecurity. Lockheed achi ved a ati factory radar cross s ction.
object encountered in this area reflected be constructed of Pyroceram, a ceramic for the Navy' large, jet-powered flying return was cesium additive in the fuel, had experience in running a highly secure It was in course of this radar testing that
the radar pulse in a manner directly pro- material that could withstand the high boat, the Glenn L. Martin Company's which decreased the radar cross section of facility (the Skunk Works) in which all of the OX ART received its characteristic
portional to its size - the larger the object, temperatures of very high speeds and P6M eamaster, and was the most power- • the afterburner plume. This improvement the key employees was already cleared by cobra-like appearance. Edward Purcell and
the str nger the returning radar signal. would ab orb radio frequency energy from ful engine available. In 1958 the avy had had been proposed by Edward Purcell of the Agency. [17 spaces] had come up with a theory that
Thi return appeared on the cathode-ray the radar pulses. Convair stated that the cancelled the eamaster program, which th Land committee. Desiring to ave De pite its vote in favour f the Lock- a continuou ly curving airframe would be
tube of the radar screen as a spot or blip, FISH could be ready by January 1961. left Pratt & Whitney without a buyer for weight, Kelly Johnson had decided not to heed propo ai, the election panel difficult to track with a radar pul e becau e
and the persistence of thi blip on the radar OSA History, chap 20 p. 12, [14 spacesl Con- the powerful J5 engine. construct the A-12 out of steel. Tradition- remained concerned about the A-12's vul- it would present few corner reflections or
screen al 0 depended on the strength of the vair Division, General Dynamics Corporation, OSA HistOry, chap. 20, p. 15 [13 spaces] al lightweight metals such as aluminum nerability to radar dete tion and therefore sharp angles from which pulses could
radar return, with blip from larger objects 'Project FISH Status Review', 9 June 1959 (S) Although the Land committee had not were out of the que tion because they could required Lockheed to prove its concept for bounce in the direction of the radar. To
remaining on the screen longer. During the onvair' proposal depended on two yet found an acceptable design, it not stand the heat that would be generated reducing the A-12' radar cros section by achieve the continuou Iy curving ·air-
late 1950s and early 1960s, a human radar uncertain factors. First and foremost was informed President Eisenhower on 20 July as the A-12 flew at Mach 3.2, so John on 1 January 1960. On 14 ptember 1959, frame. Kelly John on added thin, curved
operator watched the radar screen and kept the unproven technology of the ramjet 1959 that the earch was making good chose a titanium alloy. the CIA awarded a four-month contract to exten ion to the engine hou ing and
track of the blip that indicated aircraft engine. At the time, no aircraft in exis- process. oncerned about the U-2's vul- On 20 August 1959, Lockheed and Lockheed to proceed with antiradar stud- leading edges of the wings and eventually
within the radar's field of view. tence could carry a large, ramjet-powered nerability to detection and possible inter- Convair submitted their proposals to a ies, aerodynamic structural tests, and engi- to the fuselage itself, creating what is
[9 spaces] determined that a high alti- aircraft into the sky and then accelerate to ception and aware that the photo satellite joint Department of Defense, Air Force, neering designs. This research and all later known as a chine on each side. At first
tude object moving two to three times as sufficient speed for the ramjet engine to project was encountering significant prob- and CIA selection panel. As the tabl work on the A-12 took place under a new Johnson wa concerned that the e addi-
fast as a normal aircraft would produce be ignited. Since ramjet engines had only lems, the Presid nt gave his final approval shows, the two aircraft were similar in per- code name, Project OXCART, established tions might impair the airworthin s of the
uch a small blip with so little persistence been tested in wind tunnels, there was no to the high-spe d reconnaissance aircraft formance characteristics, although the at the end of August 1959 to replace its plane, but wind tunnel testing determined
that a radar operator would have great dif- available data to prove that these engines project. Lockheed design's specifications were more widely known predecessor, Project that the chines actually imparted a useful
ficulty tracking it, if inde d he could even would work in the application proposed by 18 spaces] n interview, 4 October 1983 113 slightly b tter in each category. The Lock- GUSTO. The CIA's project manager for aerodynamic lift to the vehicle. Because

146 147

titanium was very brittle and therefore dif- This matches the design number and is pump that was being developed for the The Perkin-Elmer (P-E) entry, known was difficult in a window whose exterior duced an elite group of pilots; all but one
ficult to bend, Johnson achieved the nec- obviously right'. North American B-70 bomber project. as the Type-1 camera, was a high-ground- would be subjected to 550 deg F while the of these 11 officers eventually became gen-
essary curvature by combining triangular- Johnson, 'Archangel log', 21 January 1960 Johnson, 'Development of the SR-71' resolution general stereo camera u ing an interior urface would be only 150 deg F. erals. [139 spaces].
shaped pieces of titanium called fillets. These changes satisfied Bissell, who pp.11-12 f/4.0 18-inch lens and 6.6-inch film. It After three years and the expenditure of
Thes fillets were glued to the framework notified Johnson on 26 January that the Some of the greatest problems related to produced pairs of photographs covering a $2 million in research and development,
of the chines with a special adhesive, CIA was authorizing the construction of the high speeds and high temperatures at swath 71 miles wide with an approximate- the Corning Glass Works, which had Selection of a Testing Site for
epoxy resin. 12 of the new aircraft. The actual contract which the OXCART operated resulted from ly 30-percent stereo overlap. The system joined this effort as a Perkin-Elmer sub- the OXCART
On later OXCART models the fillets was signed on 11 February 1960. Lock- working with the material chosen for the had a 5,000-foot film supply and was able contractor, solved the problem of produc-
were made from electrically resistive hon- heed's original quotation for the project airframe - titanium. After evaluating many to resolve 140 lines per millimetre and ing a camera window that could withstand From the very beginning, it was clear that
eycomb plastic with a glass-fiber sUlface was 96.6 million for 12 aircraft, but tech- materials, Johnson had chosen an alloy of provide a ground resolution of 12 inches. tremendous heat differentials. Its quartz Lockheed could not test the OXCART air-
that would not melt at high speed. When nological difficulties eventually made this titanium (B-120) characterized by great To meet severe design constraints in the glass window was fused to the metal frame craft at its Burbank facility, where the run-
struck by a radar pulse, the composite price impossible to meet. Recognizing that strength, relatively light weight, and good areas of size, weight, thermal environment, by an unprecedented process involving way was too short and too xposed to the
chines tended to absorb the pulse rather fabricating an aircraft from titanium might resistance to high temperature, but high in desired photographic resolution, and cover- high-frequency sound waves. public. The ideal testing site would be far
than reflect it. A similar approach wa used involve unforeseen difficulties, the CIA cost. As strong as stainless steel, titanium age, Perkins Elmer's Dr. Roderick M. Scott Baker interview [13 spaces] 'OXCART Story' removed from metropolitan areas, away
for the leading edge of the wings. Again included a clause in the contract that weighed lightly more than half as much. employed concepts never before used in pp. 5-6 (S) from civil and military airways, easily acces-
electrically re istive honey omb material allowed costs to be revaluated. During the Obtaining sufficient quantitie of titanium camera systems. These included the use of a Later in the program, the OXCART sible by air, ble sed with good weather,
was fabricated into triangular shapes, next five years, this clause had to be of a quality suitable for fabricating aircraft reflecting cube rather than a prism for the received yet another camera system. In capable of accommodating large numbers
known as wing teeth, and fitted into the invoked on a number of occasions as the components proved very difficult because scanner, a concentric film supply and a take- 1964 the Texas Instruments Corporation of personnel, near an Air Force in tallation,
titanium wings. Both the metal and com- A-12's costs soared to more than double methods for maintaining good quality con- up system to minimize weight shift, a con- developed an infra-red camera for the Pro- and having a runway at least 8,000 feet
posite fillets and teeth were held in place the original estimate. trol during the milling of titanium were not stant-velocity film transport that provided jectTACKLE U-2s that were being used to long. But no such place was to be found.
with the newly developed epoxy cements. OSA History, chap. 20, pp 27-29, 33-34, 36 fully developed. Up to 80 percent of the for the contiguous placement of stereo determine whether the [75 spaces]. This After considering 10 Air Force bases
The greatest remaining area of concern 113 spaces] early deliveries from Titanium Metals Cor- images on one piece of film, and airbars for stereo device, known as the FFD-4, was programmed for closing, Richard Bissell
in the A-12's radar cross section was the poration had to be rejected. It was not until the film transport and take-up systems. adapted for use in OXCART. The camera decided to [65 spaces]. Although its per-
two vertical stabilizers. To reduce radar 1961, when company officials were OSA History, chap. 20, p.26 [19 spacesl had an effective focal length of 50 inches sonnel accommodations, fuel storage
reflections, Kelly Johnson canted the sta- New Technologies informed of the objectives and high priority 'OXCART Story' p. 4 (S) and a ISO-foot supply of 3.5-inch film. The capacity, and runway length were insuffi-
bilizers inward 15 deg. and fabricated them of the OXCART program that problems [13 space] Eastman Kodak entry, called camera's resolution was 3 deg. C thermal- cient for the OXCART program, the site's
Necessitated by OXCART's the Type-li camera, was a high-convergent ly, 1 milliradian spatially, and 60 feet on remote location would greatly ease the ta k
out of resin-impregnated non-metallic with titanium supply ended. Even after suf-
materials. Once these changes were com-
High Speed ficient high-quality titanium was received, stereo device using a 21-inch lens and 8- the ground. It could be used for both day of maintaining the program's security, and
pleted, the only metal in each vertical sta- Lockheed's difficulties were not over. Tita- inch film. It produced pairs of photographs and night imagery collection. a moderate construction program could
bilizer wa a stainless steel pivot. The Air According to the specifications, the nium was so hard that tools had to be covering a swath 60 miles wide with an provide adequate facilities. Construction
Force, which later ordered several versions OXCART aircraft was to achieve a speed devised. Assembly line production was not approximately 30-percent stereo overlap. began in September 1960; a C-47 shuttle
of the OXCART aircraft for its own use, of Mach 3.2 (2,064 knots or 0.57 miles per possible, and the cost of the program mount- It had an 8,400-foot film supply and was Choosing Pilots for OXCART service ferried work crews from Burbank to
never adopted the laminated vertical sta- second, which would make it as fast as a ed well above original estimates. [7 spaces], able to resolve 105 lines per millimetre and Las Vegas and from Las Vegas to the site.
bil izers. rifle bullet), have a range of 4, 120 nautical 'OXCART Story' p 512spacesJ); OSA Histo- provide a ground resolution of 17 inches. Just as in the U-2 program, the Air Force The new 8,500 foot runway was com-
Johnson, 'Development of Lockheed SR-71', miles, and reach altitudes of 84,500 to ry, chap. 20, p.33 19 spaces] The Hycon entry, designed by James provided considerable support to Project pleted by 15 November 1960. Kelly John-
pp. 6-7 OSA History, chap. 20, p 35 [8 97,500 feet. The new aircraft would thus The high temperature that the Baker and known as the Type-IV camera, OXCART, including training, fuel stor- son had been reluctant to have a standard
spaces] be more than five times a fast as the U-2 OXCART would encounter also necessi- was a spotting camera with an extremely- age, and weather service. One of the most Air Force runway with expansion joints
and would go almost 3 miles higher. tated planning for the pilot's safety and high-ground resolution. In fact, it was an important areas of support was the provi- every 25 feet because he feared the joints
One major disadvantage of the comfort because the inside of the aircraft advanced version of the highly reliable B sion of pilots: all of th OXCART pilots would set up undesirable vibrations in the
OXCART's great speed was high tempera- would be like a moderately hot oven. To camera developed for the original U-2 pro- came from the Air Force. Prospective speedy aircraft. At his suggestion ISO-foot
The Oxcart Contract save weight, Kelly Johnson did not gram. It used a 48-inch Baker-designed pilots had to be qualified in the most wide longitudinal sections were laid out in
tures. Flying through the earth's atmosphere
By mid-January 1960, Lockheed had at Mach 3.2 heated portions of the aircraft's attempt to insul te the inside of the air- f/5.6 lens to focus images onto 9.5 inch advanced fighters and be emotionally stable a staggered format. Thi layout put most of
demonstrated that its concept of shape, skin to almost 900 deg. F. An aircraft oper- craft. The pilot would therefore have to • film. Like the B camera it could provide and well motivated. [296 spaces] (Ed note: it the expansion joints parallel to the direc-
fuel additive, and non-metallic parts ating at these high speeds and high temper- wear a type of space suit with it's own cool- seven frames of photography covering a a/JIJears that a faa mote occurs in this area.) tion of aircraft roll and reduced the fre-
would reduce the Oxcart's radar cross sec- atures required fuels, lubricants, and ing, pressure control, oxygen supply, and swath 41 miles wide with a stereo overlap [7 spaces!. 'OXCART Story', pp 6-711 space); quency of the joints.
tion substantially. Richard Bissell, howev- hydraulic fluids that had not yet been other necessitie for survival. on 19 miles of the swath. The Hycon cam- OSA History, chap 20. pp 45-50 112 spaces] Additional improvements included the
er, was very upset to learn that the chang s invented. The OXCART's fuel requirement era carried the largest film supply of the Geary interview with Pedlow 13 spaces]. resurfacing of 18 miles of highway leading
had led to a reduction in the aircraft's per- called for low-vapour-pressure fuel with a three cameras, 12,000 feet. It was able to Because of the limited size of the A-12 to the base so that heavy fuel trucks could
formance, which meant it would not be low volume at operating temperature; the Designing the Oxcart's resolve 100 lines per millimetre and provide cockpit, they had to be under six feet tall bring in the neces ary fuel. The need for
fuel would also be a heat sink to cool various a ground resolution of 8 inches. Aversion of and weigh less than 175 pounds. Following additional buildings on the base was met
able to attain the penetration altitude he Cameras extensive physical and psychological by the Navy. Three surplus Navy hangers
had promised to President Ei enhower. parts of the aircraft. The J58 engine required this 48-inch Hycon camera, known as the H
Kelly Johnson then proposed to reduce the lubricant that did not break down at very Providing cameras for the A-12 posed a camera, later saw service in U-2R air raft. screening, 16 potential nominees were were dismantled, moved, and reassembled
aircraft' weight by 1,000 pounds and high operating temperature of Mach 3.2 number of unique problems. In late 1959, Each of these three camera systems had selected for intensive security and medical on the north side of the base, and more
increase the fuel load by 2,000 pounds, speeds. This requirements led to the inven- OXCART managers asked Perkin-Elmer, unique capabilities and advantages, so all screening by the Agency. By the end of than 100 surplus Navy housing buildings
making it possible to achieve the target tion of synthetiC lubricants. Lockheed also [13 spaces] Eastman Kodak and Hycon to three were purchased for the OXCART. this screening in November 1961, only were also transported to [8 spaces] Groom
altitude of 90,000 ~ et. Afterward, he had to search long and hard for hydraulic develop three different photographic sys- Before they could be effectively employed five individuals had been approved and Lake, Nevada. All essential facilitie wer
noted in the project log: 'We have no per- fluid that would not vaporize at high speed tems for the new aircraft. These cameras in the aircraft, however, new types of cam- had accepted the Agency's offer of ready in time for the forecast delivery date
formance margins left; so this project but would still be usable at low altitudes. would provide a range of photography era windows were needed. The OXCART's employment on a highly classified project of the first A-12 on 1 August 1961.
instead of being 10 times as hard as any- Finding a suitable hydraulic pump was just from high-ground-resolution stereo to camera windows had to be completely free involving a very advanced aircraft. A sec- OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 39-40, 43, 51
thing we have done, is 12 times as hard. as difficult. Kelly Johnson finally modified a extremely-high-resolution spotting data. from optical distortion. Achieving this goal ond search and screening process pro- [20 spaces]. 'OXCART Story' pp. 7-9 (S)

148 149

Unfortunately, this delivery date began even bigger battle. In mid-1961, Pratt & for the A-12 's engi nes acted as a strong OXCART's First Flights about the plane, the Deputy Assistant shockwave from blowing out the fire
to slip further and further into the future. Whitney overruns threatened to halt the reducing agent that softened the sealant, Director for the Special Activities, [21 inside the engine.
Delays in obtaining the titanium, and later entire OXCART project. At the sugges- causing leaks. Thus, when fuel was first With new sealants in its fuel tanks, the spaces] had called on Federal Aviation OSA History, chap 20, p. 67 [14 spaces]
the J58 engines, caused the postponement tion of Cdr. William Holcomb in the office poured into the aircraft, 68 leaks devel- prototype OXCART was ready to take to Administrator [19 spaces] Najib Halaby in Another J58 engine problem in early
of the final assembly of the first plane. of the Chief of Naval Materiel, Richard oped. Lockheed techni ians then stripped the air. On 25 April 1962, test pilot Louis early 1962 to brief all FAA regional chiefs 1963 was foreign object damage. Small
Eventually, Kelly Johnson and Agency Bissell asked the Navy to assist in funding and replaced all the sealant, a ted ious and Schalk took 'article 121' for an unofficial on how to handle reports of unusually fast, objects such as pens, pencils, screws, bolts,
project officials decided to begin testing the J58's development. After hearing Bis- time consuming procedure because the unannounced flight, which was an old high-flying aircraft. Air controllers were nuts, and metal shavings that feel into the
without waiting for the J58 engines by sell and Holcomb's suggestion that the J58 sealant required four curing cycles, each at Lockheed tradition. He flew the craft less warned not to mention the craft on the engine nacelles during assembly at Bur-
using Pratt & Whitney ]75/19W engines, might be used in future Navy aircraft, a different temperature over a period of 30 than two miles at an altitude of about 20 radio but to submit written reports of bank were sucked into the power plant
designed for the Convair F-106, to test the VAdm. William A. Schoech, Chief of the to 54 hours. The engineers were never able feet and encountered considerable prob- sightings or radar trackings. The Air Force during initial engine testing at [7 spaces]
A-12 at altitudes up to 50,000 feet and at Navy Materiel Command that had origi- to discover a sealant compound that was lems because of the improper hook-up of gave similar briefings to NORAD, the and damaged impeller and compressor
speeds up to Mach 1.6. Such a change, nally financed the J58 engine, authorized completely impervious to the jet fuel while several controls. These were promptly North American Air Defence Command. vanes. To control the problem Lockheed
however, meant that the engine compart- the transfer of $38 million in end-of-year remaining elastic enough to expand and repaired and on the next day, 26 April, [6 spaces] 'OXCART Story' pp. 10-11 (2 instituted a program that included X-rays,
ment of the first A-12 had to be mod ified funds to the project, thus keeping the contract sufficiently. The A-U's tanks Schalk made the official 40-minute maid- spaces]); OSA History, chap. 20, p. 60 shaking of the nacelles, installing screens
by 22 December 1961 for its initial test OXCART's head above water. continued to leak, 0 when it was fuelled, en flight. After a beautiful takeoff, the air- ((13 spaces] over various inlets to the engine, and even
flight by 27 February 1962. [7 spaces]y interview, (3 spaces] OSA Histo- it only received enough fuel to get air- craft began shedding the triangular fillets Initial testing could not explore the A- having workers wear coveralls without
Lockheed ran into so many technologi- ry, chap. 20, p. 55, ([13 spaces] borne. The plane would then rendezvous that covered the framework of the chines 12's maximum potential, since the J58 breast pockets. Another ource of foreign
cal problems with the OXCART effort During this period, Kelly John on was very with a tanker, top off its tanks, and imme- along the edge of the aircraft body. The engine was still not ready. Developing this object damage wa tra h on the runways.
that by October 1961 its costs had swollen disappointed with Pratt & Whitney's work diately climb to operating, causing the lost fillets, which had been secured to the power plant to OXCART specifications The giant J58 engine acted like immense
to $136 million and were still climbing. on the J58, particularly when they shocked metal to expand and the leaks to stop. airframe with epoxy resin, had to be recov- was proving much more difficult than had vacuum cleaners, sucking in anything
Something obviou ly had to be done to him in September 1961 with the news that OSA History, chap. 20, p. 62 ([18 spaces) ered and reaffixed, a process that took the been expected because the J58 had to lying loose on the paving as they propelled
reduce expenditures. After much refigur- the engine would be overweight, under- 'OXCART Story' p. 1 (3 spaces! next four days. reach performance levels never before the A-12 down the runway for takeoff. To
ing, project officials decided to decrease powered, and late. Once the fillets were in place, the achieved by a jet engine, while operating prevent engine damage, [7 spaces] person-
the number of deliverable aircraft. Johnson, 'Archangel log', 11 September OXCART's official first flight took place under extremely difficult environmental nel had to sweep and vacuum the runway
Amendment No. 11 to the contract 1961. Changes in the on 30 April 1962, witnessed by a number of conditions. To simulate the stress that the before aircraft takeoff.
reduced from 12 to 10 number of A-12s, As it turned out, the J58 was never used in Project Management Agency personnel including DDR [24 J58 would undergo during maximum Johnson, 'Development of Lockheed SR-71',
for a total cost of$161.2 million. a Navy aircraft. spaces] Dick Bissell was also present, and power output (Mach 3.2 at 97,000 feet), p.12
OSA History. chap. 20. pp. 46-47.51-55 ((19 Richard Bissell, whose concern for the via- Kelly Johnson noted in the project log. '[ the power plant was tested in the exhaust
spacesl 'OXCART Story' p. 10 [3 spaces! bility of the U-2 in 1956 had led to the was very happy to have Dick see this flight, stream of a J75 engine. In the course of this
The cancellation of these two A-12s Delivery of the First OXCART establishment of Project OXCART and with all he has contributed to the program'. extremely severe testing, the J58's prob- New Versions of the OXCART
wa offset by the Air Force order for the who had directed its growth all along, was Johnson, 'Archangel log' 30 April 1962. lems were gradually overcome. By January
d velopment of a supersonic interceptor The first A-12, known as article 121, was no longer in charge when the first This official first flight wa also the first 1963, Pratt & Whitney had delivered 10 In 1962 the Agency and the Air Force
variant of the A-12 to serve as a replace- assembled and tested at Burbank during OXCART aircraft took to the air. He flight with the wheels up. Piloted again by J58 engi nes to the [9 spaces] testing site. ordered two more versions of the
ment for the orth American F-108A January and February 1962. Since it could resigned from the Agency in February Schalk, the OXCART took off at 170 The first flight of an A-12 with two J58 OXCART (in addition to the A-12 and
Rapier interceptor project, which had not be flown to the [1.3 space] the aircraft 1962, and hi departure brought a major knots and climbed to 30,000 feet. During engines took place on 15 January 1963. the YF-12A). One was a modification of
been cancelled in late 1960. With the had to be partially disassembled and put on reorganization of the reconnaissance pro- the 59 minute flight, the A-U achieved a [19 spaces], J58/SR-71 Propulsion Integra- the A-12 to carry and launch ramjet-pow-
assi tance of the [37 spaces] the Air Force a specially designed trailer that cost nearly gram. The Development Projects Division top speed of 340 knots. Kelly Johnson tion', Studies in Intelligence 26 (Summer ered, 43-feet-long drones capable of reach-
entered into an agreement with Lockheed 100,000. The entire fuselage, without of the Directorate of Plans, with its two declared it to be the smoothest first test 1982) pp. 17-18 (U); OSA History, chap. 20, ing Mach 3.3. The two seater mothership
to produce three AF-12 aircraft based on wings, was crated and covered, creating a aircraft (OXCART and U-2) and its [15 flight of any aircraft he had designed or p. 58 123 spaces] received the designation M-12; the drone
the A-12 design but modified to carry a load 35 feet wide and 105 feet long. To spaces] were tran ferred to the new Direc- tested. On 2 May 1962, during the second was called the D- 21. This project was
second crewman and three air-to-air mis- transport this huge load safely over the torate of Research headed by [25 spaces]. test flight, the OXCART broke the sound known as TAG BOARD. The original
siles. This effort was called Project KED- hundreds of miles to the site, obstructing The following yeay [6 spaces] resigned and barrier, achieving a speed of Mach 1.1. Speed Related Problems development of the drones and mother-
LOCK. Th AF-12 (later re-designated road signs were removed, trees were this Directorate of Science and Technolo- OSA History, chap 20. p. 63 119 spaces] ship was sponsored by the CIA, but in June
YF-12A) was designed to intercept enemy trimmed, and some roadblocks had to be gy, with [25 spaces] as its first head. The 'OXCART Story' pp. 11-12 [3 spaces] As J58-equipped A-Us reached higher 1963 the project was turned over to the
bombers long before they reached the levelled. The plane left Burbank on 26 overhead reconnai sance projects be- Four more aircraft, including a two-seat and higher speeds, more difficulties arose. Air Force, which had overall responsibili-
United States, and initial Air Force plans February 1962 and arri ved at [7 spaces] two longed to the Office of Special Activities. trainer, arrived at the testing site before Major problems developed at speeds ty for the unmanned reconnaissance air-
envisioned a force of up to 100 of these days later. These project management changes in the the end of the year. During the second betwe n Mach 2.4 and 2.8 because the air- craft. Development of the M-U/D-21
supersonic interceptors. In fact, only three After the fuselage arrived in [7 spaces], CIA had no immediate impact on the delivery on 26 June 1962, the extra-wide raft's shockwave interfered with the flow combination continued until 1966, when
of these planes were built and delivered it's wings were attached and the J75 OXCART project because the aircraft was vehicle carrying the aircraft accidentally of air into the engine, greatly reducing its an unsuccessful 0-21 launch caused the
during the 1963-64 time frame because engines were installed, but the aircraft was still in the development stage, handled struck a Greyhound bus travelling in the performance. Solving this problem required loss of its mothership and the death of one
Secretary of Defence McNamara cancelled still not ready to be tested. This new delay mainly by the contractors. Moreover, a oppo ite direction. Project managers long and often highly frustrating experi- of the crewmembers. Afterward the Air
the program as a cost-cutting measure. The was caused by leaking fuel tanks, a problem good deal of continuity was provided by quickly authorized payment of $4,890 for mentation that ultimately required a com- Force turned to B-52 bombers to carry the
Air Force bore all of the costs of the YF- that would never be solved completely. officers who had erved for a number of the damage done to the bus in order to plete redesign of the air-inlet system that drones.
12A project; CIA was only involved in Because the A-12's high speeds heat years with the U-2 program and were now avoid having to explain in court why the controlled the amount of air admitted to OSA History, chap. 20, p. 71; Jay Miller,
h lping to write 'black' contracts. the titanium airframe to more than involved with OXCART: [21 spaces] the OXCART delivery vehicle was so wide. the engine. In the new adjustable inlet the Lockheed SR-71 (A-12/yF12/D-21l. Aerofax
OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 46--47, 500 deg. F, Lockheed designers had to Deputy Assistant Director for Special One of the biggest problems connected cone-shaped projection at the front-known Minigraph 1 (Arlington, Texas; Aerofax, Inc.
(13 spaces! make allowances for expansion. When the Activities; [15 spaces] the Air Force's pro- with flight testing the A-12 was keeping as a spike- was designed to move in or out 1985), p. 3.
Lockheed was not the only OXCART metal was cold, the expansion joints were ject officer for the two aircraft; and [16 its existence secret. Realizing that the as much as three feet in order to capture and The second new version of the
contractor having trouble containing at their widest. In the fuel tanks, these gaps spaces] who oversaw the day-to-day affairs nation's air traffic controllers would be contain the shockwave produced by the OXCART was another reconnaissance
cost; Pratt & Whitney was fighting an were filled by pliable sealants, but the fuel of the OXCART project. among the first unwitting people to learn aircraft at high speeds, thus preventing the aircraft. In December 1962 the Air Force

150 151

ordered six 'reconnaissance/strike' aircraft,discussed in Congress. In the fall of 1963, By February 1964 DCI McCone had by the same secrecy agreement then in Ibid, pp. 80-81 [19 spaces), 'OXCART These improvements in on-site man-
which were designated to conduct high- several Presidential advisors expressed their become convinced that surfacing was nec- force with Lockheed. Moreover, everyone Story', pp. 17-18 [3 spaces) agement got the project back on schedule.
speed, high altitude reconnaissance of concern to DCI McCone that Lockheed e sary. Soviet development of the TALL witting of OX ART (including those no The A-12 made its first long-range, high By 20 November 1965, the final valida-
enemy territory after a nuclear strike. This had received $700 million head start in the KING radar system had eliminated his longer with the program, such as Allen speed flight on 27 January 1965. The flight tion flights for OXCART deployment
new aircraft differed from other A-12 ver- development of supersonic technology, giv- hope that OXCART would eventually be Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General lasted 100 minutes, with 75 minutes of were finished. During these tests, the
sion in that it was longer, had a full blown ing the firm a tremendous advantage over able to carry out its original intended pur- Cabell) had been briefed about the which were flown at speeds greater than OXCART achieved a maximum speed of
two-seat cockpit, and carried a large vari- other aerospace companies working on a pose - overflights of the U SR. The final impending Presidential announcement, so Mach 3.1, and the aircraft covered 2,850 Mach 3.29, an altitude of 90,000 feet, and
ety of photographic and electronic sensors. supersonic transport. McCone passed these decision on the issue of surfacing the that they would not think the need for miles at altitudes of between 75,600 and sustained flight time above Mach 3.2 of 74
The additional weight of all this equip- concerns on to President Kennedy on 12 OXCART came at a National Security secrecy about OXCART had ended. 80,000 feet. By this time, the OXCART minute. The maximum endurance test
ment gave the Air Force craft a slower ovember 1963, just 10 days before the Council meting on 29 February 1964, at OSA History; chap. 20, p. 76 (113 spaces] was performing well. The engine inlet, lasted six hours and 20 minutes. On 22
maximum speed and a lower operating fateful trip to Dallas. The President which all of the participants supported the The proce s of surfacing versions of the camera, hydraulic, navigation, and flight- November, Kelly Johnson wrote to [29
ceiling that the Agency's A-12. In August instructed the CIA and the Defense decision to surface. The same day Presi- OXCART continued on 25 July 1964, control systems all demonstrated accept- spaces] head of the Office of Special
1963, the Air Force added 25 more aircraft Department to develop a plan for sUlfacing dent Johnson held a news conference at when President John on revealed the exis- able reliability. Activities, stating, 'The time has come
to this contract, for a total of 31. the OXCART but to await further di cus- which he announced the successful devel- tence of a new Air Force reconnaissance Nevertheles ,a the OXCART began when the bird should leave its nest.'
sions with him before taking any actions.
OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 71-72 [14 spaces] opment of an 'experimental jet aircraft, aircraft, which he called the SR-71. Actu- flying longer, faster, and higher, new prob- [6 spaces] 'OXCART Story', p. 23 [3 spaces]
John A. McCone, 'Memoirs of Meeting in the A-II, which has been tested in sus- ally, the President was supposed to say RS- lems arose. The most serious of these prob- Three years and seven months after its
Cabinet Room for the Purpose of Discussing tained flight at more than 2,000 miles per 71 (for 'reconnai sance-strike'). Deciding lems involved the aircraft's wiring. Con- first flight in April 1962, the OX ART
The Question of Surfacing the Surfacing of the OX'. 21 January 1963, hour and at altitudes in excess of 70,000 that renaming th aircraft was easier than tinuing malfunctions of the inlet controls, was ready for operational use. It was now
DCI records, [14 spaces!: idem, Memoran- feet'. correcting President Johnson, the Air communications equipment, ECM sys- time to find work for the most advanced
a Version of the OXCART John A. McCone, Memorandum for the Force invented a new category - 'strategic tems, and cockpit instruments were often aircraft ever conceived and built.
dum for the Record, Discussion with the
As the funds being spent on Air Force ver- President - October 21 st - 6:00pm, 22 Octo- Record, 'Discussion at the NSC Meeting reconnaissance' - to explain the SR-71 's attributable to wiring failures. Wiring con-
sions of the OXCART increased dramati- ber 1963, DCI records [3 spaces); OSA Histo- Attended by the President, all members and designation. nectors and components had to withstand
cally, the Defense Department became ry, chap. 20, pp. 73-74, ([14 spaces] the four members of the President's per- temperatures above 800 deg. F, structural Discussions on the OXCART's
concerned that it could not offer any pub- President Lyndon B. Johnson received a sonal staff. 29 February 1964', 2 March flexing, vibration, and shock. Such Future Deployment
lic explanation for these expenditures. At detailed briefing on the OXCART pro- 1964, DCI records (111 spaces! 'OXCART Additional Problems demands were more than the materials
the same time, Agency and Defense gram from McCone, McNamara, Bundy, Story', p. 14 - erroneously identifies the during Final Testing could stand. Not all of the OXCART's Although the OXCART had been
Department officials recognized the grow- and Rusk on 29 November, after just one date as 24 February - [3 spaces] problems could be traced to material fail- designed to replace the U-2 as a strategic
ing danger that a crash or sightings of test week in office. McNamara strongly advo- President Johnson had spoken of the The first A-12 crash occurred on 24 May ures, howev r, and Agency officials reconnaissance aircraft to fly over the
flights could ompromise the program. cated surfacing a version of the OXCART. A-II rather than the Agency's A-12, and 1963, when a detachment pilot, realizing believed that cat·eles maintenance by Soviet Union, this use had become doubt-
This led the Defense Department in late McCone was more cautious, calling for the the aircraft that was actually revealed to the airspeed indication wa confusing and Lockheed employees also contributed to fullong before the OXCART was ready for
1962 and early 1963 to consider surfacing preparation of a statement that could be the public was the Air Force's YF-12A erroneous, decided to eject. The pilot wa malfunctions. operational use. The U-2 Affair of 1960
the Air Force's interceptor version of the used when surfacing became necessary but interceptor, a project that had already been unhurt, but the plane was destroyed when OSA History, chap. 20, p. 94 [13 spaces] made Pre idents very reluctant to consider
A-12 to provide cover for OXCART sight- arguing that such a step was not yet need- cancelled. President Johnson's use of the it crashed near Wendover, Utah. A cover Concerned that Lockheed would not be overflights of the Soviet Union. Indeed,
ings or crashes and an explanation for the ed. Agreeing with McCone's position, designator A-II at the press conference story for the press described the plane as an able to meet the OXCART's schedule for Presidents Eis nhower and Kennedy had
rise in Air Force spending. Some journal- President Johnson said the issue should be has sometimes been called an error, but F-1 05. All A-12s were grounded for a week operational readiness, the Office of Spe- both stated publicly that the United tates
ists had also become aware of the aircraft's reviewed again in February. Kelly Johnson wrote the President' press while the accident was investigated. The cial Activities' Director of Technology [19 would not conduct such overflights. In
exi tence, raising concern that the secr t John A. McCone, 'Memorandum for the release and chose this designator for securi- malfunction was found to be caused by ice spaces] met with Kelly Johnson on 3 July 1962, Secretary of Defense McNama-
would eventually come out in the press. Record, Meeting with the President, Secre- ty reasons because it referred to an earlier that plugged up the pitot-static tube used August 1965 to discuss the project's prob- ra told DCI McCone that he doubted that
Agency officials remained reluctant to tary McNamara, Mr. Bundy and DCI', 29 version of the aircraft that lacked the radar- to determine airspeed. lems. Johnson not only assigned more top- the OXCART would ever be u ed and sug-
reveal the existence of any version of the November 1963, DCI records [4 spaces), defeating modifications of the A-12. Ibid, pp. 69-70 117 spaces] level supervisors to the project but also gested that improvements in [24 space]
A-12, and the issue soon came to the OSA History, chap. 20, p. 73, (112 spacesll Johnson, 'Archangel log' 25 February 1964. Two more A-12s were lost in later test- decided to go to [7 spaces] and take charge would very likely eliminate the need for
attention of the PFIAB, James Killian and One additional argument in favour of sur- Following the Pre.ident's announcement, ing. On 9 July 1964, articl 133 cra hed of the Oxcart's development himself. His the expensive OXCART program. Strong-
Edwin Land strongly opposed disclosing facing the OXCART was the realization two of these hastily flown to Edwards Air I while landing when a pitch-control servo presence made a big difference, as can be ly di agreeing, McCone told McNamara
Oxcart's existence, and in January 1963 that the aircraft could not be used to fly Force Base. From this point on, the Air device froze, rolling the plane into a wing- seen in his notes in the project log: that he had every intention of using
they presented their views to President undetected over the Soviet Union. By 1962 Force versions of the OXCART were based down position. Ejecting from an altitude of OXCART aircraft to fly over the Sovi t
Kennedy at a meeting attended by DCI the United States had become aware of the at Edwards and provided a diversion so that 129 feet, the pilot was blown sideways out I uncovered many items of a managerial, Union.
McCone and Defense Secretary Robert effectiveness of a new Soviet radar system, the faster and higher flying A-12s at the [10 of the craft. Although he was not very high materiel and design narure .... I had meetings McCone raised this issue with President
McNamara, Killian, Land, and McCone codenamed TALL KING. The introduction spaces] could continue testing out of the off the ground, his parachute did open and with vendors to improve their operation .. Kennedy in April 1963 , at a time when the
succeeded in persuading the President and of this computer-controlled radar undercut public eye. he landed during the parachute's first Changed supervision and had daily talks with nation's [14 spaces] were experiencing a
Secretary of Defense to keep the Oxcart's one of the basic premises of the OXCART The President's announcement did not swing. Fortunately he was unhurt, and no them, going over in detail all problems on the great number of failures and the intelli-
existence a secret for the time being. program, the a sumption that radar opera- mention the CIA's involvement in the news of the accident filtered out of the aircraft .... Increased the supervision in the elec- gence community was clamoring for better
Later that year supporters of the idea of tors would not be able to track high-flying project, which remained classified, but base. Eighteen months later, on 28 Decem- trical group by 500%.... We tightened up the photography to confirm or disprove allega-
surfacing the OXCART found a mere supersonic targets visually because of their keeping the Agency's extensive role in the ber 1965, article 126 crashed immediately inspection procedures a great deal and made tions of the existence of an antiballistic
powerful argument for their proposal- the small, no persistent radar returns. By cou- OXCART a secret was not an easy task. after takeoff because of an improperly inspection stick. It appears that the problems mi sile system at Leningrad. Unconvinced
need to disseminate the supersonic tech- pling a computer to a radar, the Soviets The first step had been to separate the Air wired stability augmentation system. As in are one-third due to bum engineering.... The by McCone's argument for OXCART
nology that had been developed for the could now weight the individual radar Force's versions of the A-12 from the the previous crash, the pilot ejected safely, addition of so many systems to the A-12 has overflights, President Kennedy expressed
OXCART. This technology would be returns and identify those produced by high- Agency's by moving the Air Force aircraft and there was no publicity connected with greatly complicated the problems, but we did the hope that some means might be
invaluable for Air Force projects such as flying, very fast objects. to California. ext, those firms that were the crash. An investigation ordered by solve the overall problem. devised for improving [17 space] inst ad.
the B- 70 bomber and for the civilian OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 147-149, 113 to be given the new technology had to be McCone determined that the wiring error Johnson, 'Archangel log' 5 August-30 April John A. McCone, Memorandum for the
supersonic transport (SST) then being spaces) briefed on the program and agree to abide had resulted from negligence, not sabotage. 1965 Record. 'Summary of meeting with Secretary

152 153

McNamara and Secretary Gillispie, General 16 spaces!. 'OXCART Story', p. 114 spaces!. There the matter remained for mor difficulties caused by high-speed, high- Poland, and East Germany before heading
As the OX ART's performance and
Carter, and Mr. McCone on 5 July 1962'. 6 OSA History, chap. 20, p. 81 (19 spaces] d) than a year. During the first half of 1966, temperature flight but from traditional west to return to [8 spaces]. The entire
equipment continued to improve, there
July 1962. DCI records (S); McCone, Memo- wa renewed consideration of deploying DCI Raborn raised the issue of deploying problems inherent in any aircraft. flight would cover 11,000 nautical miles,
To meet this deadline, the Office ofSpe-
randum for the File. 'Meeting with the PresI- the aircraft over eas, particularly in Asia, the OX ART to Okinawa at five separate Proposals for OXCART operations con- take eight hour and 3 minut , and
cial Activities organized a detachment of
dent - 5:30-15 Apnl 1963 in Palm Beach, where U military activity was increa ing. 303 ommittee meeting but failed to win tinued to surface, and in May 1967 the require four aerial refuellings.
five pilots and ground crew to conduct
Florida' DCI records (S). On 1 March 1965, DCI McCone, ecre- sufficient upport. The JCS and PFlAB CIA forwarded a detailed reque t to the Although the A-12 would never violate
flight to validate camera performance and
Although overflights of the oviet quality pilots for Mach 2.8 operations. im- tary of Defense McNamara, and Deputy supported the CIA's advocacy of 303 Committee to u e the OXCART to Soviet airspace during this dash, it would
nion app ared to be out of the que tion, ulating Cuban missions during training ecretary of Defense Vance di cussed the OXCART deployment. Top tate and collect strategic intelligence about a new appear to oviet radar network operators
the XCART' eventual employment else- flight, the detachment demonstrated its growing hazard confronting aerial recon- o fen e Department officials, however, Soviet missile system. As early as 1962, the to be headed for an overflight penetration
where in the world remained a strong po - ability to conduct overflights of uba by naissance of the [29 spaces] in three years thought that the political risks of basing intelligence community began to be con- in the vicinity of Leningrad. It was hoped
sibility, particularly after the Cuban Mis ile the 5 November deadline, which passed the [29 spaces], and the A ir Force had lost the aircraft in Okinawa - which would c rned about the actual purpo e of the new that the A-12's passage would provoke
Crisi of October 1962 demonstrated the without any hostile action by th oviets or numerous reconnais ance drones. The almost certainly disclose it to the Japanese missile installation that first appeared Soviet air defence personnel to activate
continuing need for manned strategi ubans. The detachment then worked to three men agreed to go ahead with all the - outweighed any gains from the intelli- near Tallinn, E tonia, and oon pread the Tallinn system radars in order to track
reconnaissance aircraft. Since [ spaces] develop the capability for ustained opera- prepatory steps n eded for the OX ART gence the OXCART might gather. On 12 along the north-western quadrant of the the swift OXCART aircraft. As the A-12
had not been able to supply the kinds of tion with its five aircraft. All these prepara- to operate over [6 spaces], so it would be Augu t 1966, the divergent views were oviet Union. Attempts to photograph made its dash down the Baltic, its Type-l
coverage needed, U-2s had carried out tion were valuable training for the ready in case the President decided to pre ented to President Johnson, who the sites using [26 spaces] had been frus- camera would be filming the entire south
numerous overflights of Cuba. everthe- OX ART program, even though the SKY- authorize such mission. upheld the 303 Committee's majority trated by the prevailing cloud cover in the coast. If Agency analysts were correct in
Ie s, the U-2 remained vulnerable to ur- LARK contingency plan was never put into Project BLACK SHIELD, the plan for opinion against deployment for th time region. Becau e of the lack of accurate their assumption that the Tallinn system
face-to-air missiles (as had once again been effect. Since U-2s continued to sati fy col- Far East operation, called for OXCART being. information about th missile sites, there was designed to counter high-altitude air-
demonstrated by the downing of a SAC U- lection requirements for Cuba, the A-12s aircraft to be ba ed at Kadena airba e on 19 spaces] 'OXCART Story', p. 23 13 was a wide divergence of views ranged craft at long ranges, then the OX ART
2 during the Missile Crisis), and project were reserved for more critical ituations. Okinawa. In th first phase, three planes spacesl: OSA History, chap. 20, pp. from the CIA's belief that the installations would be in jeopardy during this dash
headquarter had even briefly considered When the Agency declared that would be flown to Okinawa for 60-day peri- 110-111 [11 spacesl contained long-range, slllface-to-air mis- down the Baltic. evertheless, Agency
ending the A-12 over Cuba in October OXCART had achieved emergency oper- ods, twice a year, an operation which would The IA then proposed an OX ART sile designed to counter trategic weapons expert believed that the A-12
1962, even though the aircraft still lacked ational status on 5 November 1964, the involve 225 personnel. Later there would overflight of uba in order to test the air- bombers, to the Air Force's contention aircraft's speed and suite of electronic
the required J5 engines and would have to aircraft was still not prepared for electron- be a permanent detachment at Kadena. In craft's ECM systems in a hostile environ- that Tallinn sites represented a deployed countermeasures would keep it safe from
use much Ie powerful one. On 23 Octo- ic warfare, as only one of the several preparation for th possibility of such oper- ment. On 15 eptember the 303 Commit- antiballistic missile ystem. the standard oviet surface-to-air missile
ber 1962, Johnson noted in hi 'Archangel planned electronic countermea ure de- ations, the Department of Defense pent t e con idered and rejected this idea on Photo interpreters insisted that imagery installations.
log': that th perfonnance of an A-12 with vices had been installed. evertheless, a 3.7 mi II ion to provide support facil ities the ground that ending OXCART over with a resolution of 12 to 1 inches was While the A-12 was conducting its
J75 engin s (a suggested by project head- enior government panel decided that the and real-time ecure communications on Cuba 'would disturb the exi ting calm pre- nece ary to determine mi sile size, anten- high-speed dash along the Baltic coast of
quarters for the possible use over Cuba) OXCART could conduct initial over- the island by early autumn 1965. vailing in that area of affairs'. na pattern, and configuration of the Eastern Europe, the U-2 would be flying
would hardly be spectacular'. After the Mis- flights of Cuba without a full complement OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 90-91 111 spaces) OSA History, chap. 20, p. 112, (114 spacesl engagement radars associated with the sys- farther out to sea, beyond the rang of all
sile Crisis ended, Air Force U-2s continued of warning and jamming devices, should In the ummer of 1965, after the United With operational mis ions still ruled tem. Electronic intelligence (ELI T) ana- Soviet AMs. [68 paces].
to photograph Cuba under tacit superpow- the need for such a mission arise. State had began introducing large num- out, proficiency training remained the lysts also needed data about the Tallinn Agency and Defense Department officials
er understanding that such monitoring of One reason for the delay in completing bers of troops into outh Vietnam, south- main order of business. This led to radars, but there were no collection sites supported the proposed mission, but ecre-
the withdrawal of the missiles would pro- OXCART's electronic warfare prepara- east Asia became another possible target improvements in mission plans and flight that could monitor the Tallinn emana- taty of State Dean Rusk strongly oppo ed it
ceed without intelference. But the possibil- tions wa the Air Force's concern that for the OX ART. Because the continued tactics that enabled the detachment to tions when the radar were being tested. and th 303 ommittee never forward d the
ity remained, raising the di maying OXCART use of existing E M devices u e of U-2s for reconnaissance mission reduce the time required to deploy to Oki- Moreover, the Soviets never operated the proposal to President Johnson.
prospect that the United States would not could, in the event of the loss of an over North Vietnam was threatened by nawa from 21 days to 15. Records contin- radars in the tracking and lock-on modes, Memorandum for DDCI R. L. Taylor from
be able to tell if the Soviet Union was rein- OXCART over hostile territory, compro- the deployment of Soviet-made surfa e- ued to fall to the OXCART. On 21 a fact that prevented analysts from know- [65 spaces!. Utilizing the OXCART and the
troducing ballistic missiles into Cuba. mi e the ECM equipment used by the Air to-air missile, McNamara asked the IA December 1966, a Lockheed test pilot flew ing the frequencies or any other perfor- U-2' 4 May 1967, DS&T records, 115
Such fears became acute in the summer Force bombers and fighter. Even if on 3 June 1965 whether it would be possi- an A-12 for 16,408 kilometers over the mance characteristics of the radar. spaces).
of 1964 after oviet Premier ikita OXCART's ECM devices were merely sim- ble to substitute XCART aircraft for U- continental United States in slightly more To settle the question of the purpose of [284 pace].
Khru hchev told foreign visitors uch as ilar to military ECM systems, the Air Force 2s. The new DC! Adm. William F. Raborn • than six hours, for an average speed of the Tallinn installations, Office of pecial
columnist Dr w Pearson, former enator still worried that their use would give the replied that the OXCART could operate 2,679 kilometers per hour (which includ- Activities planned a mission that would
William Benton, and Danish Prime Minis- oviets an opportunity to work out coun- over Vi tnam a soon as it passed its final ed in-flight refuelling at low peed a low u e the high resolution of the OXCART's First A-12 Deployment
ter Jens Otto Krag that, once the US elec- termeasure . operational readiness te ts. as 970 kilometers per hour). Thi flight et camera along with the U-2's ophisticated Operation BLACK SHIELD
tions had been held in ovember, -2s fly- Such concerns led the Ag ncy to an 18 spaces!. 'OXCART Story', p. 21 a record for speeds and distance unap- ELI NT-collection equipment. This pro-
ing over uba would be shot down. Project entirely different approach to antiradar Formal consideration of proposed proachable by any other aircraft. ject's uncia ified name was Project Although the Tallinn mis ion wa till
headquarters therefore began preparing fforts in Project KEMP TER. This pro- OXCART missions involved the same 17 spaces] 'OXCART Story', p 24 13 spacesl S OPE LOGIC; it cia ified title was being con idered in May 1967, anoth r
contingency plans (Project KYLARK) for ject attempted to develop electron guns approval proce that wa used for U-2 Two week later, on 5 January 1967, an peration UPWI D. po sible employment for the OX ART
the po ible employment of OXCART that could be mounted on the OXCART overflights. In late November 1965, after A-12 cra hed after a fuel gauge malfunc- The proposal project involved launched came under discussion. This time the pro-
over Cuba, even though the new aircraft to generate an ion cloud in front of the the OXCART had passed its final valida- tioned and the aircraft ran out of fuel hort an A-12 OXCART aircraft from [19 po al was for OXCART to collect tactical
was not yet ready for operations. On 5 plane that would reduce it's radar cross sec- tion test, the 303 Committee met to con- of the runway. Pilot [14 spaces] eject d, pace] and flying it to a Baltic ea ren- rather than strategic intelligence. The
Augu t 1964, th Acting DCI, Gen Mar- tion. Although this project proved unsuc- sider a propo al to deploy the OX ART to but was killed, when he could not become dezvou with a Project IDEALI T -2 fly- cau e wa appreh nsion in Wa hington
shall . arter, ordered the project staff to cessful, the CIA al 0 developed a number Okinawa to overfly outh-east Asia and [7 separated from the ejection seat. To pre- ing from a [2 spaces]. The OXCART about the possible undetected introduction
achieve emergency operational readine s of more conventional ECM device for use spaces]. Although the committee did not serve the secrecy of the OXCART pro- would fly north of orway and then south of slllface-to-air missiles into orth Viet-
of the OX ART by 5 November 1964, in in the OXCART. approve deployment, it ordered the devel- gram, the Air Force informed the press along the Soviet-Finnish border. Shortly nam. When President Johnson asked for a
case Premier Khru hchev actually carried OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 149-151 113 opment and maintenance of a quick-reac- that an R-71 wa mi sing and presumed before Leningrad, the A-12 would head proposal on the matter, the CIA suggested
out his threat to shoot down U-2s. spacesl Notes on the OXCART project by tion capability, ready to deploy to Oki- lost in vada. Thi loss, like the three west-southwest down the Baltic Sea, skirt- that the OX ART be used. While the
Johnson, 'Archangel log', 17 August 1964- [14 spaces!. OSA records, 113 spaces] nawa within 21 day after notification. preceding crashes, did not result from ing the coasts of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, State and Defense Departments were still

754 755

examining th proposal's political risks, Project Headquarter in Langley vulnerable to exi ting oviet countermea- field, and their inertial guidance system ecretaryof tate Dean Rusk was reluc- the R-71 models. The ecretary f
DCI Richard Helm raised the issue at planned and directed all operational sures. [n 1965 a more ambitious design needed several days for programing and tant to endor e a econd mission over Defen e rejected this recommendation,
Pre ident John on's 'Tuesday lunch' on 16 BLACK SHIELD missions. [193 paces] from McDonnell Aircraft came under con- stabilization. Aerial tankers had to be orth Korea for fear of diplomatic reper- presumably because the SR-71 would not
May. Helm got the President' approval, A typical mi sion over orth Vietnam sideration as Project RHEI BERRY deployed in advance along OX ART' cussions should the aircraft come down in be operational by eptember 1966.
and the [A put the BLACK SH[ELD required refuelling south of Okinawa, (although some of the work seems to have flight route and be provisioned with the ho tile territory. The ecretary was assured OSA History, chap. 20, p. 130 120 spaces!.
plan to deploy the OXCART to the Far hortly after takeoff. After the planned come under the [S[NGLA S de ignation highly pecialized fuel used by the J5 that the plane could trail. it orth Korea 'OXCART Story', p. 30 13 spaces)
Ea t into effect later that same day. photographic pa es, the aircraft withdrew as well). Thi proposal featured a rocket- engine. All of this required a great deal of in seven minutes and was unlikely to land In July 1966, at the Bureau of the Bud-
[7 spaces) 'OXCART Story', p. 25, 13 spacesl for a second aerial refuelling in the Thai- powered aircraft that would be launched time and the effort of several hundred peo- in either orth Korea or China. The 303 get's sugg tion, a study group was estab-
The airlift of per onnel and equipment land area before returning to Kadena. So from a B-52 mother 'hip and ultimately ple. A U-2 mis ion could be planned and Committee then endorsed a second mi - lished to 10 k for ways to reduce the cost
to Kadena began on 17 May 1967, and on great wa the plane' peed that it spent reach speeds as high a Mach 20 and alti- flown with a third fewer personnel. sion over orth Korea, which wa flown of the OX ART and SR- 71 programs.
22 May the first A-12 flew non-stop from [6 only 12.5 minutes during a 'single-pa ' tudes of up to 200,000 feet. Because build- Although the OXCART program creat- on 19 February. A third and final over- Th tudy group consisted of [12 pace]
paces] to Kadena in six hours and six min- mission, and 21.5 minutes during a 'two- ing this aircraft would have involved ed a strategic reconnaissance aircraft with flight of orth Korea on 8 May 1968 from th Bureau of the Budget [21 space]
utes, A second aircraft arrived on 24 May. pass' mission. Because of its wide 86-mile tremendous technical challenges and 01'- unprecedented peed, range, and altitude, proved to be the la t operational deploy- from the Department of Defense, and [18
The third A-12 left on 26 May, but the pilot turning radius, the plane occasionally respondingly high co t , the Agency wa the program's most important contribu- ment of the OXCART aircraft. spaces] from CIA. The study group listed
had trouble with the inertial navigation sys- cro ed into [18 space] when getting into not willing to embark on such a program at tion lay in other areas: aerodynamic Ibid, pp. 28-29 13 spaces] three possible courses of action: maintain
tem and communications near Wake po ition for a second pass. a time when the main emphasis in over- de ign, high-impact plastics, engine perfor- both fleets, mothball the A-12s but hare
[ land. He made a precautionary landing at After the aircraft landed, the camera head reconnai sance had shifted from air- mance, camera, electronic countermea- the SR-71 between CIA and the Air
Wake, where a pre-pOSitioned emergency film was removed and sent by special plane craft to satellite. As a result, when the sures, pilot life-support systems, anti radar The End of the Force, or mothball the A-12s and assign all
recovery team was located. The problem to proce ing facilities in the United OXCART program ended in the summer of devices, use of non-metallic material for OXCART Program mi sions to the Air Force SR- 71. n 12
was corr cted and the aircraft continued on State. By late summer, however, all. Air 1968, no more advanced successor was wait- the major aircraft assemblies, and improve- December 1966, four high-level official
its flight to Kadena on the following day. Force photo laboratory in Japan began ing in the wings - only the veteran U-2. ment in milling, machining, and shaping Almo t a decade had elapsed between the met to consider the e alternatives. Ov I'
Before the start of the operations, the doing the processing in order to place the titanium. [n all of these areas, the time when the concept for the OXCART the objections of DCI Helms, the other
CIA briefed a number of key U and photo intelligence in the hands of US OX ART pushed back the frontiers of aircraft was first examined and the first A- three official - Deputy Secretary of
Allied official on the operation. Includ d commander in Vi tnam within 24 hour Summary of the aerospa e technology and helped lay the II operationally deployed. ow after only Defense yrus Vance, Bureau of the Bud-
were U Ambassadors and [433 spaces] of a mission's completion. OXCART Program foundation for future 'stealth' research. 29 operational missions, the mo t get Director Charles L. chultze, and Pre -
By 29 May 1967, 13 day after President BLACK HIELD activity continued The only time the enemy came close to advanced aircraft ever built wa to be put idential cientific Advi or Donald F.
John on's approval, BLACK HIELD wa unabated during the second half of 1967. Intended to replace the U-2 as a collector downing all. OXCART wa on 30 October out to pa ture. The abandonment of the Hornig - decided to terminate the
ready to fly all. operational mission. On 30 From 16 August to 31 December 1967, 26 of trategic intelligence, the OXCART wa 1967. During his fir t pass over orth Viet- OXCART did not result from any short- OX ART fleet. Concerned that this rec-
May, the detachment was alerted for a mis- mi sions were alerted and IS were flown. never used for th i purpose, its brief nam, pilot [16 pace] detected radar track- coming of the aircraft; the cause lay in ommendation would strip the CIA of it
sion on the following day. As the takeoff On 17 September one AM site tracked deployment was strictly for obtaining tacti- ing. Two AM sites prepared to launch mi - fiscal pressure and competition between upersonic reconnaissance capability,
time approached, Kadena was being del- the vehicle with its acquisition radar but cal intelligence and its photographic prod- sile but neither did. During [12 paces] the reconnaissance program of the CIA Helms then asked that the R-71 fleet be
uged by rain, but, since weath I' over the was unsuccessful with it FAN 0 G uct contributed very little to the Agency's econd pass the orth Vietnamese fired at and the Air Force. [There was also a blanked hared between CIA and the Air Force.
target area wa clear, flight preparations guidance radar. It was not until 2 October strategic intelligence mis ion. By the time lea t ix missiles at the OXCART, each out photo in this paragraph.] OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 130-133 120
continued. The OXCART, which had that a orth Vietname e AM site OXCART became operational [22 space] confirmed by vapour trails on mission pho- Throughout the OXCART program, the spacesl 'OXCART Story', pp. 30-31 (S)
never operated in heavy rain, taxi d to the launched a mi sile at the OXCART. Mis- had filled th role originally conceived for tography. The pilot saw these vapour trails Air Force had been exceedingly helpful; it Four days later, chultze handed Helms
runway and took off. sion photography documented the event it. The most advanced aircraft of the 20th and witnessed three missile detonation gave financial support, conducted the refu- a draft memorandum for the PI' ident
The first BLA K !-HELD mi sion flew with photographs of missile smoke and century had become all. anachronism near but behind the A-12, which wa trav- elling program, and provided operational requesting a decision either to hare the
one flight path over North Vietnam and its contrail. Electronic countermeasures befor it was ever used operationally. On 26 ellingatMach3.1 at about 84,000 feet. Post facilitie at Kadena, and airlifted OXCART SR- 71 fleet between CIA and the Air
another over the demilitarized zone aboard the OXCART performed well, and January 1967 Kelly Johnson noted in his flight inspection of the aircraft revealed personnel and supplies to kinawa for the Force or to terminate the CIA entir ly.
(DMZ). The mission was flown at Mach the missile did not endanger the aircraft. 'Archangel log': [ think back in 1959, that a pie e of metal had penetrated the Vietnam and Korean operations. Air Force Having just I' ceiv d new information
3.1 and 80,000 fe t and lasted three hours before we started this airplane, in discus- underside of the right wing, passed through orders for variants of the CIA's A-ll, the indicating that the R-71' p rformance
and 39 minute. While over orth Viet- sions with Dick Bissell where we seriously three layers of titanium, and lodged against YF-12A interceptor and the SR-71 recon- was inferior to that of the A-12, Helm
nam, the A-12 photographed 70 of the 190 Possible Successors considered the problem of whether there , a upport structure of the wing tank. The naissance aircraft-had helped lower devel- asked for another meeting to revi w thi
known urface-to-air sites and nine other to the OXCART would be one more round of aircraft before fragment was not a warhead pellet but prob- opment and procurement costs for the data. Hi concern was the SR-71 could not
priority targets. The A-12's ECM equip- the satellites took over. We jointly agreed ably debris from one of the mis ile detona- OXCART. everth Ie , once the Air match the photographic coverage that the
ment did not detect any radar ignals dur- The OXCART wa the last high-altitude there would be ju t one round and not two. tions that the pilot observed. Force had built up it own fleet of recon- A-12 could provide. Only one of the R-
ing the mission, which indicated that the reconnaissance aircraft produced for the That seems to have been a very accurate 16 spaces) 'OXCART Story', p. 28 13 spaces) naissance aircraft, budg tary experts began 71 's three camera sy terns wa worki ng
flight had gone completely unnoticed by [A, although the Office of pecial Activ- evaluation, a it eems that 30 SR-71s gives BLACK HIELD mission continued to critici:e the existence of two expensive anywhere near the original specification,
both the hine e and orth Vietname e. itie did briefly consider several po sible us enough ov rflight reconnai sance capa- during the first three months of 196 ,with fleets of similar aircraft. and that was its Operational Objective
During the next six weeks, there were succe SOl' to the OXCART during the bility and we don't need the additional 10 four mi sion flown over orth Vietnam In November 1965, the very month that sy tern which could only photograph a
more alerts for IS BLACK H[ELD mi - mid-1960s. The fir t of the e, known a Oxcart aircraft.' out of 14 alert. The last OXCART over- the A-12 had been declared operational, swath 2 miles wide with a resolution of2
sions, seven of which were flown. Only four Project [ [ GLA , was prepared by The OXCART did not even outla t th flight of Vietnam took place on March the Bureau of the Budget circulated a to 30 inches. The A-12' Type-I P-E cam-
detected ho tile radar signals. By mid-July General Dynamics to utilize technology U-2, the aircraft it was suppo ed to 1968. During this same three-month peri- memorandum that expres ed concern era could photograph a swath 72 mile
1967, the BLA K SH[ELD mission had developed for it Convair Divisions earlier replace. The OX ART lacked th quick- od, the X ART made its first overflight about the costs of the A-12 and R-71 pro- wide with a nadir re olution of 12 to 18
provided sufficient evidence for analysts to Fl H proposal and its new F-111 fighter in respon e capability of the malleI' craft: a of orth Korea after the U Pueblo was grams. It questioned both the total number inches and oblique resolution of 54 inch-
conclude that no surface-to-air missiles order to create all. aircraft capable of Mach U-2 unit could be activated overnight, and seized on 23 January 196 . The goal of th is of planes required for the combined fleets, es. Thus the A-12's camera covered three
had been deployed in North Vietnam. 4-5 at 100,000 feet. G neral Dynamics within a week it could deploy abroad, fly mission was to di cover whether the orth and the necessity for a epa rate CIA fleet. times as much territory a the R-71's
18 spacesl 'OXCART Story', pp. 25-2813 completed its feasibility tudy in the fall of orties, and return home base. The Koreans weI' preparing any large-scale The memorandum recommended phasing cameras and did so with better re olution.
spaces] OSA History, chap. 20, pp. 1964, and OSA took no further action OXCART plane required precise logistic hostile move in the wake of this incident. out the A-ll program by eptember 1966 In addition, the A-12 could fly 2,000 to
119-124, annex 152 113 spaces] because the proposed aircraft would still be planning for fuel and emergency landing [133 spaces] and stopping any further procurement of 5,000 feet higher than the R- 71 and was

156 157

faster, with a maximum speed of Mach 3.1 The CIA contended that the A-12 was Nord"! Vietnam. With expenditures for the
compar d to the R- 71's Mach 3.0. the better craft because it flew higher, faster, Vietnam War ri ing steadily, the que tion of APPENDIX V
[8 spacesl 'OXCART Story', p. 31 (S); OSA and had superior camera. The Air Force reducing the co t of competing reconnai -
History, pp. 133-134 [14 spacesl maintained that it two- eat R-71 had a ance programs wa bound to surface again.
In pit f Helm's request and the better uite of sensors, with three different In the spring of 1968, there was yet another
tr ngth of hi argument, Bureau of the
Budget memorandum wa submitted to
Pre ident John on. On 28 December
cameras (area search, spotting, and map-
ping), infra-red detectors, side-looking aer-
ial radar, and ELINT-collection gear. In an
study of the OXCART and R-71 programs.
On 16 May 196 , the new ecretary of
Defen e, lark lifford, reaffirmed the orig-
World Records: SR-71 and YF-12
1966, the Pre ident approved the termina- effort to resolve this argument, the two air- inal decision to terminate the OX ART
tion of th OX ART Program by 1 Janu- craft were pitted against each other in a fly program and store the aircraft. President
ary 1968. off codenamed ICE GIRL. On 3 ovem- John on confirmed this decision on 21 May. Th Lockheed SR-71A and YF-12A air- 4 - SR-71A (?): 27/28 July 1976 - speed YF-12A Altitude, Distance
This decision meant that the CIA had to ber 1967, an A-12 and an R- 71 flew iden- 17 spacesl h; 'OXCART Story', pp. 32-38 craft established a number of speed and over a straight 15/25km (9.3/15.5-mile) and Speed Records
develop a schedule for orderly phase-out of tical flight paths, separated in time by an 13 spaces!. OSA History, chap 20. pp. altitude world records during their tenure course of 2,193.167mph (3,529.56kmjh).
the A-12. Th i . activity was known as Pro- hou r, from north to sou th rough Iy above the 143-146 [7 spaces) with the US Air Force Strategic Air om- Captain Eldon W. Joer z, pilot; Major 1 - YF-12A (60-6936): 1 May 1965 -
ject OPE OTTO . Project headquar- Mississippi River. The data collected during Project headquarters selected 8 June mand and Aerospace Defense Command. George T. Morgan, RS . absolut altitude of 80,257 .86ft (24,390m).
ters informed Deputy Defense Secretary these missions were evaluated by represen- 1968 as the earliest possible date for phas- one of their records have been broken, Colonel Robert J. 'Fox' Stephens, pilot; Lt
Vance on 10 January 1967 that the A-l2s tatives of the CIA, DIA, and other Defense ing out all OXCART aircraft. Those A-12 nor, mo t likely, will they ever be. 5 - SR-71A (?): 27/28 July 1976 - speed Colonel Daniel Andre, FCO.
would be gradually be placed in storage, Department intelligence organizations. already at th [13 paces] w re placed in The Blackbird had an announced top over a 1,000km (621.4-m i1e) closed course
with the proc to be completed by the end The results proved inconclusive. Both storage, and the aircraft on Okinawa were speed of Mach 3.35. That is 2,4 4mph, of2,092.294mph (3,367.22lkm/h). Major 2 - YF-12A (60-6936): 1 May 1965 -
of January 1968. In May 1967, Van e photographic systems provided imagery of scheduled to return by 8 June. Unfortu- or 3,997km/h, or 3 ,643. 2ft/sec, or Adolphus H. Bledsoe, Jr, pilot; Major John ab olut speed over a traight course of
directed that R-71s would assume respon- suffi ient quality for analysis. The A-12 nately, tragedy struck before this redeploy- 1,110.45m/sec. Faster than the muzzle T. Fuller, RSO. 2,070.101mph (3331.5km/h). Colonel
sibility for uban overflights by I July 1967 Type-I camera's 72-mile wath width and ment took place. On 4 June 196 during a velocity of any bullet! teph n , pilot; Lt Colonel Andre, F O.
and would add responsibility for overflights 5,OOO-foot film supply were superior to the te t flight from Kad na to check out a new The Blackbird also had an announced 6 - SR-71A (61-7972): 6 March 1990-
of outh-ea t A ia by I December 1967. R-71 Operational Objective camera's 28- engine, an A-12 disappeared 520 miles east maximum altitude of more than 85,000ft distance, elapsed time and average speed 3 - YF-12A (60-6936): 1 May 1965 -
Until these capabilities were developed. mile swath and 3,300-foot film supply. of Manila. earch and rescue missions (26,OOOm) and it i rumoured to have flown over a recognized cour e, Lo Angeles, Cal- absolute speed over a 500km (310.7-mile)
OXCART was to remain able to conduct On the other hand, the R-71's infra-red, found no trace of the plane or its pilot, Jack as high as 95,000-100,000ft (27,000- ifornia to the U East oast, 2,0 6 miles closed course of 1,6 9mph
assignments on a IS-day notice for outh- side looking aerial radar, and ELI T/ W. Weeks. Several day later the remaining 30,000m). (3,357km) in Ihr, 7min, 53.69 ec at an (2,71 kmjh). Lt Colonel Walter F. Daniel,
east A ia and a seven-day notice for Cuba. COMI T equipment provided ome two A-l2 left Okinawa to join the other average speed of2,124.5mph (3,419kmjh). pilot; Major James P. Cooney, FCO.
[8 spacesl 'OXCART Story', p. 31 (3 spacesl unique intelligence not available from the eight OXCART aircraft in torage in Palm- Lt Colonel Ed Yeilding, pilot; Lt Colonel
OSA History, p. 138 [13 spaces) A-l2. Air Force planners admitted, how- dale, California. Because the A-12 were SR-71A Altitude, Distance Joseph T. Vida, R O. 4 - YF-12A (60-6936): 1 May 1965 -
All the e arrangement were made ever, that some of this equipment would smaller that either of the Air Force's ver- and Speed Records absolute speed over a 1,000km (621.4-
before the OXCART had conducted a sin- have to be sacrificed in order to provide sions, the only parts that could be used were 6a - Los Angeles to Washington, DC, 1,998 mile) closed course of 1,643.041mph
gle operational mis ion, which did not the R-71 with ECM gear. Information the J58 engines. The Oxcart' outstanding I-SR-71A (61-7972): 1 September 1974 miles (3,215.5km) in lhr, 4min, 19.89 ec at (l,020.9km/h). Lt olonel Daniel, pilot;
occur until 31 May 1967. In the months supplied by [3 spaces] Perkin-Elmer camera cannot be used in the - elap ed time over a recognized cour e, 2,144.83mph (3,451. 7kmjh). Major Noel T. Warner, FCO.
that followed the initiation of operations Although the fly off had not settled the SR-71 because the two-seater Air Force air- ew York to London, of 3,490 miles
in Asia the OXCART demonstrated its qu tion of which aircraft was superior, the craft has a smaller camera compartment (5,616.6km) in Ihr, 54min and 56.4sec. 6b - St Louis, Missouri to Cincinnati,
exceptional technical capabilities. oon OX ART did win a temporary reprieve in than that of the A-I2. Constructed from Major James V. Sullivan, pilot; Major Noel Ohio, 311.44 miles (501.2km) in 8min, A-12 Performance
some high-level Presidential advisors and late November 1967. The Johnson adminis- one of the most durable metals known to F. Widdifield, RSO. 31.97sec at 2,189.94mph (3,524km/h).
Congressional leaders began to question t1-ation decided to keep both fleets for the man but unable to fly for want of engines, Since th Lockheed A-12 programme was
th deci ion to phase out OX ART, and time being, particularly becau e the the OX ART aircraft ar fated to remain 2 - R-71A (61-7972): 13 September 6c - Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri to Top ecret it wa never used to establish
the issue wa reop ned. OX ART was actually flying mi sions over inactive at Palmdale for many, nlany years. 1974 - elap ed time over a recognized Washington, DC, 942.08 miles (l,516km) official speed and altitude world record.
course, London to Los Angeles, of 5,645 in 25min, 58.53sec at 2,176.08mph However, due to its lighter weight, it was
I mile (9,085km) in 3hr, 47min, 35.8sec. (3,502km/h) . even faster and higher flying than the YF-
Captain Harold B. Adams, pilot; aptain 12 and R-71 aircraft. Though this is
William . Machorek, RSO. OTE: undocumented, it is likely that the A-12
Records 6, 6a, 6b and 6c were all flown by the may have flown as fast as Mach 3.5
3- R-71A(.):27/28JulyI976-altitude same crew and the same R-71A. (2,595mph/4,175km/h) and as high as
in horizontal flight of 5,06 .997ft 105,000ft (32,000m). But these figure
(25,929.031m). Captain Robert C. Helt, remain to be verified.
pilot; Major Larry A. Elliot, R O.

758 759

Blackbird Flight Hours Blackbird Serial NUDlbers

Compiled by PAUL R. KUCHER IV
17 A/Jril 2002
and Production SUDlDlaries

After doing extensive research and obtain- A-12 60-6931 - 232 flights, 453.0 flight SR-71A and SR-71B
ing information from Peter W. Merlin of hours
the ASA-Dryden Flight Research Center A-1260-6932 - 268 flights, 410.49 flight SR-71A 61-7950 - Lockheed SR-71 series Here are some exam/J!es of Blackbird serial SR-71A Category II Performance Tests,
at Edwards AFB, the following flight hours hours SR-71A 61-7951 - 796.7 flight hours numbers, and their sources: March 1970:
are 100 per cent accurate. A for the miss- A-12 60-6933 - 217 flights, 406.3 flight SR-71A 61-7952 - 79.47 flight hours (USAF serial number/ 'These tests were conducted on SR-71A
ing aircraft flight hours, I am still waiting hours SR-71A 61-7953 - 290.2 flight hours Lockheed ship number) USAF Accident/Incident Report (AF Form USAF SIN 61-7953 at the ... '
for this information to surface. Even A-1260-6937 - 177 flights, 345.8 flight SR-71A 61-7954 - ? 711),25 January 1966 'evaluation was conducted on SR-71B
though none of these aircraft have flown hours SR-71A 61-7955 - 1,993.7 flight hours SR-71A (61-7950/2001) - Prototype air- 'Vehicle Involved: SR-71, SN 61-7952 USAF IN 61-7956 during the .. .'
for quite some time now, this compilation A-1260-6938 - 197 flight, 369.9 flight SR-71B 61-7956 - 3,967.5 flight hours craft, service test (#2003)'
is accurate as of the date shown above. hours SR-71B 61-7957 - ? SR- 71A (61-7951/2002) - Service test, 'On 25 January 1966, SR-71, 61-7952, was USAF Accident/Incident Report (AF Form
A-12 60-6939 - 10 flights, 8.3 flight R-71A 61-7958 - 2,288.9 flight hours flown by NASA as 'YF-12C, tail number airborne from Edwards... ' 711),17 June 1970:
hours R-71A 61-7959 - 866.1 flight hours 60-6937' Vehicles Involved:
SR-71A 61-7960 - 1,669.6 flight hours SR-71A (61-7952/2003) - Service test USAF Accident/Incident Report (AF Form 'SR-71A SN 61-7970, KC-135Q, SN 59-
A-12 and TA-12
SR-71A 61-7961 - 1,601 flight hours SR-71A (61-7953/2004) - Service test, 711),25 October 1967 1474'
A-12 60-6224 - 332 flights, 418.2 flight M-21 SR-71A 61-7962 - 2,835.9 flight hours used for CAT 1I tests 'Vehicle Involved: R-71A, SN 61-7965' 'SR-71A, Serial Number 61-7970, call
hours SR-71A 61-7963 - 1,604.4 flight hours SR-71A (61-7954/2005) - Service test 'SR-71 serial number 61-7965, call sign sign ASPEN 33, was .. .'
A-1260-2925 - 122 flights, 177.9 flight M-21 60-6940 - 80 flights, 123.9 flight SR-71A 61-7964 - 3,373.1 flight hours SR-71A (61-7955/2006) - Service test ASPEN 28, departed Beale AFB at. .. '
hours hour SR-71A 61-7965 - 204.6 flight hours SR-71B (61-7956/2007) - Trainer Aircraft Flight tatus and Maintenance
A-1260-6926 - 79 flight, 135.3 flight M-21 60-6941 - 95 flights, 152.7 flight SR-71A 61-7966 - 64.4 flight hours SR-71A (61-7957/2008) - Trainer Aircraft Flight Status and Maintenance Record (AF Form 781H), 25 May 1970:
hours hours SR-71A 61-7967 - 2,765.5 flight hours SR-71A (61-7958/2009) Record (AF Form 781H), October 1967: 'ACFT SERIAL NO. 61-7970'
TA-12 60-6927 - 614 flights, 1,076.4 flight SR-71A 61-7968 - 2,279.0 flight hours SR-71A (61-7959/2010) 'A IT SERIAL NO. 61-7965'
hours SR-71A 61-7969 - ? SR-71A (61-7960/2011) Technical Manual: Power plant (SR-71-2-
A-1260-6928 - 202 flights, 334.9 flight YF-12A SR-71A 61-7970 - 545.30 flight hours SR-71A (61-7961/2012) USAF Accident/Incident Report (AF 4),15 November 1984:
hours SR-71A 61-7971 - 3,512.5 flight hours SR-71A (61-7962/2013) Form 711),18 December 1969 'Applicable to AF SIN 61-7956 and subse-
A-1260-6929 - 105 flights, 169.2 flight YF-12A 60-6934 - 80.9 flight hours SR-71A 61-7972 - 2,801.1 flight hours SR-71A (61-7963/2014) 'Aircraft/ erial Number SR-71 61-7953' quent.'
hour YF-12A 60-6935 - 534.7 flight hours SR-71A 61-7973 - 1,729.9 flight hours SR-71A (61-7964/2015) 'SR-71 Serial Number 61-7953, produc-
A-1260-6930 - 258 flights, 499.2 flight YF-12A 60-6936 - 439.8 flight hours R-71A 61-7974 - ? SR-71A (61-7965/2016) tion number 4, was assigned ... ' Technical Manual: Mission Recorder Sys-
hours SR-71A 61-7975 - 2,854 flight hours SR-71A (61-7966/2017) tem (SR-71-2-12), 1 May 1985:
SR-71A 61-7976 - 2,985.7 flight hours • SR-71A (61-7967/2018) Maintenance DiscrepancyfWork Record, 'Aeroplane erial Number Wiring Diagram'
SR-71A 61-7977 - ? SR- 71 A (61-7968/2019) December 1969: 'AF SER NO 61-79( )( )'
R-71A 61-7978 - ? SR-71A (61-7969/2020) 'Serial No. 61-7953'
SR-71A 61-7979 - 3,321.7 flight hours SR-71A (61-7970/2021) Technical Manual: Airframe Group (SR-
SR-71A 61-7980 - 2,353.8 flight hours SR-71A (61-7971/2022) Special Order AB-147, 18 December 71-2-2),15 September 1987:
SR-71C 61-7981 - 556.4 flight hours SR-71A (61-7972/2023) 1969: 'AF Serial No. 61-7950 until 61-7955'
SR-71A (61-7973/2024) '... to inve tigate the SR-71, SN 61-7953, 'AF SIN 61-7956 and subsequent'
SR-71A (61-7974/2025) aircraft accident... '
SR-71A (61-7975/2026) Operations Fact Sheet, 15 April 1997:
SR-71A (61-7976/2027) Wight and Balance Cl arance Form (DO 'SR-71B NASA Tail Number 831 (SIN
SR-71A (61-7977/2028) Form 365F), 18 December 1969: 61-7956)'
SR-71A (61-7978/2029) 'Serial No. 61-7953'
SR-71A (61-7979/2030) Aerospace Vehicle Flight Report and Main-
SR-71A (61-7980/2031) tenance Document (AF Form 781F), 1997:
SR-71C (61-7981/2000) - Trainer , erial Number 61-7956'

160 161
Blackbird Production Summary
A-12 SR-71A SR-71 B
Total built: 12 Total built: 30 Total built: 2
erial number: erial numbers: erial numbers:
61-7957 Blackbird TiDleline,
Total built: 1
Serial number:
19508 to the Early 20008
60-6931 61-7956 61-7981
60-6932 61-7957
60-6933 61-7958 19505 4 June 1962: SR-71 mock-up reviewed by 31 May 1963: Mock-up review of AF-12
60-6937 61-7959 USAF (BBj LSW-14 May). (LSW).
60-6938 61-7960 24 December 1957: First J-58 engine run 26 June 1962: econd A-12 article #122/ June 1963: Q-12 drone fit check to A-12
60-6939 61-7961 (BB). #6925 arrives at Groom Lake (now on dis- (RK).
61-7962 21 A/Jril 1958: First mention of the play at USS Intrepid Museum, NY ) 20 July 1963: First Mach 3 A-12 flight
TA-12 61-7963 Archangel programme in Kelly Johnson's (SME). (LSW).
Total built: 1 61-7964 diary (L W). 30 July 1962: J-58 complete pre-flight 7 August 1963: First YF-12 flightj Lockheed
Serial number: 61-7965 29 August 1959: CIA accept A-12 design testing (BB). test pilot: James Eastham (AM 1; L B;
60-6927 61-7967 (LSW; BB). August 1962: Third A-12 article =123/ L Wj BB).
61-7968 3 September 1959: CIA approve project #6926 arrives at Groom Lake ( MEj L W). 1 October 1963: Q-12 design finaliz d, and
YF-12A 61-7969 Oxcan studies (LSW). August 1962: Jim Eastham becomes third renamed 0-21 (RK).
Total built: 3 61-7970 ovember 1959: A-12 mock-up undergoes pilot for Blackbird programme (LSW). ovember 1963: A-12 de ign speed (Mach
erial numbers: 61-7971 RC testing at Groom Lake ( ME; LSW). October 1962: Second A-12 flie atGroom 3.2) and altitude (78,000fr).
60-6934 61-7972 Lake (SME). 3 February 1964: A-12 cruises at Mach 3.2
60-6935 61-7973 October 1962: Letter of Intent for 1 mil- and 83,000ft for 10 minutes (LSW).
60-6936 61-7974 19605 lion for AF-12 (YF-12) delivered to Lock- 29 February 1964: President Johnson
61-7975 heed (LSW). announce existence of A-II (actually A-
M-21 61-7976 30 January 1960: CIA approves funding 5 October 1962: A-12 flies with J-75 (left 12, and showed YF-12 photographs) (LSW;
Total built: 2 61-7977 for twelve A-12s (SMEj LSW; BB). nacelle) and J-5 (right nacelle) engines BB).
Serial numbers: 61- 797 February 1960: CIA proposes to Lockheed (LSW). 13 March 1964: First flight of YF-12
60-6940 61-7979 to b gin earch for twenty-four pilots for 10 October 1962: kunk Works receives #6936, Lockheed test pilot: James East-
60-6941 61-7980 A-12. authorization for drone (Q-12) study from ham (RK).
September 1960: Work begins to enlarge IA. April 1964: M-21 #6940 first flight.
and lengthen runway at Groom lake. November 1962: Fourth A-12 (two-seat 16 April 1964: First AIM-47 ejected in
January 1961 : Kelly Johnson sends propos- trainer) article #124/6027 arrives at Groom flight from YF-12j Lockheed test pilot/
al to Dr Jo eph haryk (SAF), Colon I Lake (SME). FCO:Jim Eastham/Ray Scali (RONj RS).
Leo Geary (YF-12 Project Officer), L w 17 December 1962: Fifth A-12 article May 1964: ecretary of Defen e Robert
Meyer (Finance fficer) for RB-12 trate- #125/#6928 arrives at Groom Lake (LSW). McNamara cancels R -70 programme
gic Reconnai ance Bomber (LSBj ME). 28 December 1962: Lockheed signs contract (Recon/ trike) in favour of R-71 pro-
26 FeIYruary 1962: First A-12 leaves Bur- to build six R-71 aircraft (AM1j LSBj BB). gramme (Recon) ( ME).
bank for Groom Lake by truck (SMEj 7 January 1963: A-12 trainer flies for first June 1964: Final A-12 #6939 delivered to
L W). time (TLj SMEj L W). Groom Lak (RK).
2 February 1962: A-12 arrives by truck at 5 January 1963: Bob Gilliland hired as 19 June 1964: FitcheckofmatingofM-21
Groom Lak (SME). fourth pilot for 'Program' (L W). ;:134 and 0-21 '"504 is successful (L W).
24 April 1962: A-12 high speed taxi tests; 15 January 1963: First fully J-58 engined 9 July 1964: Bi II Park forced to eject from
Lockheed ADP test pilot: Lou chalk A-12 flies (SMEj L W). A-12 article.:;133/.:;6939 on final at Groom
(AMI; L B). 15 January 1963: Bob Gilliland arrives at Lak j tuck outboard aileron ervo valve
26 April 1962: First flight of A-12 article Groom Lake (L W). (L W).
;:121/#6924; Lockheed te t pi lot: Lou Februar)11963: William kliarjoinsOxcan 24 July 1964: President Johnson makes
chalk (BIA; AM1j LSBj BB). programme (LSB). public announcement ofR -71 and revers-
30 April 1962: A-12 article #121/#6924, March 1963: Jim Eastham begins writing esnameto R-71 (LSW).
first official flightj Lockheed test pilot: Lou Flight Handbook for YF-12 (L B). 5 August 1964: Cuban overflights kylark
Schalk. 24 May 1963: First loss - A-12 article planning start (Emergency operational
May 1962: Bill Park joins Lou Schalk a #123/#6926 crashed near Wendover, Utahj statu by5 ov)( ME).
2nd pilot for A-12 programme. Ken Collins survived after pitching up and 29 October 1964: R-71 #950 prototype
4 May 1962: A-12 goes supersonic (Mach becoming inverted during subsonic flight delivered to Palmdale, ite 2, Air Force
1.1) for first time (LSW). (AM1j LSBj SMEj BB). Plant 42 in two large trailer (BB).

762 763

10 ovember 1964: Fir t operational A-12 4 June 1965: FirstflightofSR-71A#953; 11 February 1966: taff Crew:;<1 complete 18 October 1966: First flight of R-71A May 1967: First flight of R-71A #976, six mis i1es launched against him, thr
missi n and penetration of denied airspace Lockheed test pilots: Bill Weaver/George initial qualification in SR-71, USAF Crew: ==969, Lockheed te t pilot/R 0: Bill Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bob Gilliland/ detonated; on post-flight in pection, th
over uba ( IA denie this) (L W). Andre (LSW; BB). Doug el on/Russell Lewis (RLL). Weaver/Steven Belgau (LSW; BB). Steven Belgau (L W; BB). found a mall piece of metal from mi il
7 December 1964: Beale AFB, CA I July 1965: Colonel J.A. Des Portes 5 March 1966: Fir t D-21 ==5 3 launched 21 October 1966: First flight of R-71A 17 May 1967: First support components imbedded in lower wing fillet area (L W).
announ d as ba e for R-71 (BB) (L B become 4200 RW Commander until 17 from M-21 ==6941, and flew 150nm; Lock- #970, Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill for operation Black Shield airlifted to Kade- 3 ovember 1967: A-12 and R-71 pitted
ay ct 64). July 1965 (9RW). heed test piJot/FCO: Bill Park/Keith Weaver/ teven Belgau (L W; BB). na AB, Okinawa (OL- ) (LSW). against each other in a reconnai ance fly-
1 December 1964: First engine run of R- 7 July 1965: Fir tT.3 companion trainers Beswick (L W). 17 ovember 1966: First flight of R- 71 A 22 May 1967: Fir t A-12 article #131/ off, code named ice Girl over the Mi sis-
71 prototype (BB). arrive at Beale AFB, CA (L B; ME; BB). 13 April 1966: Fir t flight R-71A =961; :971, Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill #937, flown to Kadena AB; Civilian pilot: ippi Valley, 1 hour apart. Re ult were
21 December 1964: SR-71 taxi tests (BB). 20July 1965: Fir tflightof R-71A-*954; Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill Weaver/ Weaver/Kenneth Moeller (now being Mel Vojovodich (L W). inconclusive (RK).
22 December 1964: First flight of R-71 Lockheed test pilot/R : Bill W aver/ George Andre (L W; BB). flown by A A as :;<832) (LSW; BB). 24 May 1967: Second A-12 article #127/ 6 ovember 1967: 0- 21 #507 launched
#950; Lockheed te t pilot Bob Gilliland at George Andre (L W; BB). 27 April 1966: econd 0-21 #506 launched 12 December 1966: First flight of R-71A #933, flown to Kadena AB, Civilian pilot: from B-52H and flew 134nm (L W).
Palmdale; flew for I hour and over 17 August 1965: First flight of R-71A from M-21 :;<6941 and flew 1,120nm; Lock- -*972, Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bi II Jack Layton, A-12 lost TDI after take-off 2 December 1967: 0-21 #509 launched
1,000mph (AMI; BB). #955; Lockheed test pil t/RSO: Bill heed test pilot/L 0: Bill Park/Ray Torick Weaver/Steven Belgau (L W; BB). but he proceeded anyway to Kadena from B-52H and flew 1,430nm (L W).
22 December 1964: Fir t flight mated M- Weaver/George Andre ( ow on display at (LSW). 21 December 1966: Bill Park flies A-12 ( ME). 28 December 1967: A-12 article #126/
21/0-21 at Groom Lake; Lockheed te t USAF Flight Test Museum, Edward AFB, 29 AJ)ril 1966: Fir t flight R-71A #962; 10,200 miles (statute) in 6hr (LSW; SME; 26 May 1967: A-12 article #129/#932, #929 crashed at Groom Lake due to cro -
pilot Bill Park (piloted all M-21/D-21 CAl (LSW; BB). Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill Weaver/ ADR). land at Midway Island with INS problems wired AS, CIA pilot Mel Vojvodich ur-
flight) (BlA; ME; BB). 18 September 1965: Colonel D.T. Nelson Steven Belgau (in flyable storage at Palm- 23 December 1966: Decision i mad to on way to Kadena AB, Okinawa deploy- vived (LSB; SME; PH).
1 January 1965: 4200 SRW Activated at become (again) 4200 SRW ommander dale, CAl (LSW; BB). terminate A-12 Operation by 1 June 1968 ment; Civilian pilot: Jack Weeks (SME). 31 December 1967: Since 16 Augu t 1967,
Beale AFB, A, along with 4200 HQ , until 24 June 1966 (9RW; BB). 29 April 1966: econd batch offifteen 0- (LSW). 27 May 1967: Photo ofinitial SR-71 crews twenty- ix A-12 mission alerted, fifteen
AEM ,FM ,OM ,Medical Group (BIA; 28 September 1965: AIM-47 fired from YF- 21s ordered. 5 January 1967: A-12 *6928 lost on train- taken at Beale AFB, A (LSB). flown (L W).
L B; ME). 12A at Mach 3.2 at 75,000ft, with target at 11 May 1966: First flight R-71A #964, ing mission from Groom Lake having run 27 May 1967: Third A-12 art#129/#932 5 January 1968: Skunk Works receive
9 January 1965: Jim Eastham flie YF-12A a range of 36 miles; missed target by 6ft. Lockheed te t pilot/R 0: Bill Weaver/ out of fuel due to a faulty fuel gauge; lA arrives at Kadena AB after top-over at official USAF notice closing down YF-12
at Mach 3.2 for 5 minutes. 5 ovember 1965: Project Skylark (Cuban Steven Belgau (L W; BB). pilot Walt Ray killed wh n h failed to Midway Island (SME). operations (LSW).
27 January 1965: A-12 flown for 1hr 40 overflight) on emergency operational sta- 24 May 1966: First R-71A =958 deliv- eparate from ejection seat after ejecting 29 May 1967: Black Shield unit declared 11 January 1968: SR-71B #957 crashes
min at Mach 3.1 or higher for a distance of tus ( ME). ered to Beale AFB. USAF pilors: Bill from A-12 (AMI; SME). operational (SME; LSW). near Beale AFB due to double generator
3,000 miles ( ME). 18 ovember 1965: Fir t flight SR-71B Campbell/AI Pennington (L B say 10 10 January 1967: SR-71A ;;:950 cra hes at 31 May 1967: First A-12 (article ;r131/ failure; U AF pilots Robert owers/David
5 March 1965: First flight of R-71A;:951, ;r956; Lockheed te t pilot/RSO: Bob May; LSW says 4 April 1966) (WC). Edwards during maximum gross weight #937) mission, it was over orth Vietnam Fruehauf survived (LSB; LSW; BB).
Lockhe d te t pilot/RSO: Bob Gilliland/ Gilliland/ teven Belgau (BB; J ). 24 May 1966: econd R-71A;:962 deli v- anti- kid brake test; Lockheed test pilot and la ted 3hrs 39min; IA pilot: Mel 19 January 1968: 0-21 ;:50 launched
Jim Zwayer (now on display at Pima Air 20 ovember 1965: A-12 flies for 6hr, 20min ered to Beale by U AF crew Douglas el- Art Peterson survived, no RSO on flight Vojvodich (SME; L W; RO ). from B-52H and flew 280nm (LSW).
Museum, AZ) (L W; BB). (longest flight to date) (L W; SME). son/Ru sell Lewi , from Palmdale (WC). (LSW; PH). 15 August 1967: ince 31 May 1967, fif- 26 January 1968: Fir t A-12 overflight of
18 March 1965: First firing of AlMA 7 from 2 December 1965: '303 Committee' asked 16 June 1966: Third D-21 :;<505 launch 10 January 1967: ecretary of Defense teen A-12 mi ions alerted, but only seven orth Korea, this wa during Pueblo inci-
YF-12A; Lockheed te t pilot/FCO: Jim to deploy Oxcart to Far East (Black from M-21 #6941, it flew l,600nm; Lock- Cyru Vance advised that four A-12s will flown ( ME). dent, CIA pilot: Frank Murray ( ME;
Eastham/John Archer (LSW; RO ; R ). Shield); they reject proposal, but want heed test pilot/LCO: Bill Park/Keith be placed in torage by July, and two more 6 June 1967: First flight of R-71A#977, LSW).
22 March 1965: Deputy ecretary of quick-reaction capability in twenty-one Beswick (LSW). in December, and four more in January Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bob Gilliland/ 5 February 1968: Lockheed recei ves letter
Defense yru Vance briefed on Project days ( ME). 9 June 1966: First flight R-71A #963, 1968 (SME). Darrell Greenameyer (LSW; BB). from USAF, in tructing them t destroy
Black Shield plan to base A-12s at Kadena 14 December 1965: Colonel W.R. Hayes Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill Weaver/ 18 January 1967: First flight of R-71A 2 July 1967: Jim Watkins and Dave Demp- A-12, YF-12 and SR-71 tooling (L W).
AB, Okinawa ( ME). becomes 9th SRW Commander until 26 Steven Belgau (L W; BB). #973, Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill ster flew fir t international sortie in SR- 8 March 196 : Fir t SR-71A #978 arrives
April 1965 : A ton deliver the fi rst 3 Type June 1969 (9RW; BB). 10 June 1966: First flight SR-71A #965, Weav r/Darrell Greenameyer (LSW). 71A #972 when on a training mi sion the at Kadena AB, Okinawa (OL-8); U AF
H (60in focal length) cameras for A-12 15 December 1965: Fir t fl ight of SR-71A Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill Weaver/ 16 February 1967: First flight of SR- 71 A INS failed and they flew into M xican air- pilot/RSO Buddy Brown/David Jensen
( ME). #958; Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill Kenneth Moeller (LSW; BB). #974, Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill space (SME). (L B, ME, BB).
I May 1965: Two YF-12As (#6934 & Weaver/George Andre (L W; BB). 25 June 1966: 4200 SRW inactivated, 9th Weaver/Steven Belgau (L W; BB). 5 July 1967: First flight R-71A #978, 10 March 1968: econd SR-71A #976
#6936) set peed and Altitude Records: 1 December 1965: First flight of SR-71B SRW formed (9RW; BIA; LSB; SME). 13 April 1967: First flight ofSR-7IA #975, Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill Weaver/ deployed to Kadena AB, Okinawa (OL-8);
Class ,Group III Sustained Altitude #957; Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill 1 July 1966: First flight SR-71A #966, • Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bill W aver/ teven Belgau; aircraft became known as USAF pilot/R 0: Jerry O'Mall y/Edward
(absolute): 80,258ft USAF pilots/F 0: Weaver/Jim Eastham (LSW; BB). Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bob Gilliland/ Steven Belgau (LSW; BB). 'Rapid Rabbit' (LSW; BB). Payne ( ME).
Colonel Robert tevens/Lt Colonel Dani I 7 January 1966: First SR-71B #956 deliv- teven Belgau (LSW; BB). 13 April 1967: First SR- 71 ;:966 lost by 9th 10 August 1967: First flight R-71A#979, 13 March 1968: Third SR-71A #974
Andre 15/25km closed circuit: ered to U AF flown to Beale AFB by Ray 30 July 1966: Fourth 0-21 #504 launch RW rew, crashes near Las Vegas, ew Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Darrel arrive at Kadena AB, Okinawa; U AF
2,070.l02mph, U AF pilot/FCO: olonel Haupt/Doug elson (AM! ME; LSW; from a M-21 #6941, results in the D-21 c 1- Mexico, as a result of over-extended angle of Greenameyer/Steven Belgau (now on dis- pilot/R 0: Robert pencer/Keith Branham
Robert tephens/Lt Colonel Daniel Andre L B). liding with the M-21, both crew eject; pilot attack and stalled aircraft; U AF pilot/ play at Lackland AFB, TX) (LSW; BB). ( ME).
500km clo d circuit: l,643.042mph, 9 January 1966: Fir tflight R-71A-*960; Bill Park urvives, but LCO Ray Torick R 0: Earle Boone/Richard heffield (crew 25 September 1967: First flight R-71A 15 March 1968: All three SR-71 opera-
U AF pilot/F 0: Major Walter Daniel! Lockheed te t pilot/R 0: Bill Weaver/ drowns, ending M-21/D-21 programme E-12) (L W; PH). ;:9 0, Lockheed test pi lor/RSO: Bob tional at Kadena AB ( ME).
Major oel Warner 1,000km closed circuit: George Andre (L W; BB). (AMI; SME). 17 April 1967: R.L. 'ilverfox' teven Gilliland/Steven Belgau (L W; BB). 16 March 1968: Fourth aircrew arrive at
1,6 .891mph, U AF pilot/FCO: Major I 9 January 1966: First flight R-71A=959; 3 August 1966: First flight of R-71A flies R-71 14,000 miles and i awarded 28 September 1967: 0-21 #501 accidental- Kadena AB, Okinawa by KC-135Q ( ME).
Walter Daniel/Captain James Cooney Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill Weaver/ ;r967 , Lockheed test pilot/R 0: Bill FAI Gold Medal (BIA; BB). ly dropped from B-52H (L W). 21 March 1968: First SAC/9th SRW R- 71
(BIA; L W). George Andre (now on display Eglin AFB, Weaver/George Andre (LSW; BB). May 1967: Deputy ecretary of Defen e 25 October 1967: R- 71 A #965 crashed (SR-71A #976) operational mi ion flown
I June 1965: Combined R-71/YF-12 test FL) (BB). 14 August 1966: YF-12A #6934 crashed yru Vance directs that SR- 71 assume near Lovelock, vada after ANS failure; from Kadena AB over Vietnam; U AF
force formed at Edwards AFB. 25 January 1966: Fir t R-71Acrash,.:t952 (rear half mated to front half of R- 71 sta- Cuban ov l-flights in July 1967 and in USAF pilot/RSO: Roy t Martin/John pilot/R 0: Jerry O'MalleyjEdward Payne
3 June 1965: Secretary of Defense Robert crashed near Tucumcary, ew Mexico; tic model to make SR-71C #64-17981). Vietnam by December 1967 from CIA's A- Carnochan (crew E-18) survived (LSB; (Crew E-10) (L B; ME) (BB says 30th).
Mc amara inquire of Under Secretary f Lockheed test pilot Bill Weaver ejected at 10 October 1966: First flight of SR-71A 12s ( ME). SME; LSW). 30 March 1968: D-21 #511 launched fr m
U AF practicality of substituting A-12 for over Mach 3; RSO Jim Zwayer wa killed #968, Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bi II 30 October 1967: Dennis Sullivan flying B-52H and flew 150nm (LSW).
U-2 over Vietnam (L W). (LTR). Weaver/George Andre (LSW; BB). an A-12 mi ion over North Vietnam had

164 165

31 March 1968: Since 1 January 1968, fif- 10 October 1968: SR-71A #977 crashes at 13 February 1970: 9th SRW, SR-71 crew 15 July 1971: Lockheed receives word of 25 October 1973: SR- 71A #979 flown in 12 March 1975: OL-SB was inactivated at
teen A-12 missions alerted, six flown Beale AFB (wh el hub fractured, sending receives 15th Air Force Aircrew of Year 0-21 programme cancellation (LSW). Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: Seymour-Johnson AFB.
(LSW). shrapnel into fuel tanks starting fire on Award for 1969 (9RW). 16 July 1971: NASA receives YF-12C Al Joersz/John Fuller (BB). A/)ril 1975: TDY operations start at RAF
8 May 1968: Last A-12 mission flown over take-off); USAF pilot/RSO Gabriel Kar- 20 February 1970: 0-21 #521 launched #937 (actually R-71A #951). 2 November 1973: SR-71A #979 flown in Mildenhall, UK (Det 4) (BB).
North Korea, CIA pilot: Jack Layton dong/Jim Kogler survived (L B). from B-52H and flew 2,969nm, camera 26 October 1971: OL-RK re-designated Giant Reach operations; U AF pilot/R 0: 15 May 1975: SR-71A #976 flew in sup-
( ME; LSW). 2 November 1968: 9th SRW receives Air pallet recovered, photo good (LSW). OL-KA (Kadena AB, Okinawa) (SME). Bob Helt/Larry Elliott (left Griffis AFB port of Mayaquez incident; USAF pilot/
29 May 1968: CMSGT Bill Gormickstarts Force Out tanding Unit Award for 1 July I April 1970: First NASA-piloted YF-12 6 January 1972: 9th SRW receives USAF and returned to Seymour-Johnson AFB) RSO: B.C. Thomas/Jay Reid.
tie-cutting tradition of HABU crew's 1967-30 June 1968 (LSB;BB). flight, NASA pilot: Donald L. Mallick Outstanding Unit Award for 1 July 1970- (BB). 18 June 1975: Joseph T. Vida flies for the
neck-ties (SME). December 1968: SR- 71 Cat III operational (LSW). 30 June 1971 (9RW). 11 November 1973: SR-71A#964 flown in first time in a SR-71 as RSO; he would
4 June 1968: First overseas loss of A-12 testing ends. 10 May 1970: SR-71A#969 crashes near 12 January 1972: 4786th Test qn inacti- Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: become the high-time crewmember with
article #129/#932, crashed for unknown 15 December 1968: 0-21 #515 launched Korat RTAFB, Thailand; USAF pilot/ vated (LSB). Jim Wilson/Bruce Douglas (BB). 1,392.7hr (BB).
reason (neither A-12 or pilot ever found) from B-52H and flew 2,953nm, camera RSO William Lawson/Gil Martinez eject- 15 May 1972: SR-71A#978 loses both AC 15 November 1973: Giant Reach operations 30June 1975: ColonelJ.H. Storrie becomes
on post-maintenance test FCF, CIA pilot hatch recovered, photo ar 'fair' (LSW). ed safely (LSW; PH). generators while over Hanoi and by the moved to Seymour-Johnson AFB (OL- 9th RW Commander until 29 September
Jack Weeks was killed (L W) (AMI; BB; II February 1969: 0-21 #518 launched I June 1970: Colonel H.E Confer, 9th time pilot Tom Pugh got auxiliary power SB) (BB). 1977 (9RW).
SME says 5 June). from B-52H and flew 161nm (LSW). SRW Commander until 30 May 1972 on had dropped to 41 ,000ft and Mach 1.1; 2 December 1973: SR-71 A #964 flown in 20 November 1975: SR-71A #959 in 'Big
7 June 1968: A-12 article #131/#6937, had 5 March 1969: 9th SRW receives 15th Air (9RW). Tom Pugh/Ron Rice landed safely at Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: Tail' configuration does high-speed taxi
to divert to Wake Island on way from Kade- Force Outstanding Recon Crew (Pat Hal- 17 June 1970: SR-71A #970 crashes near Udorn RTAFB, Thailand. Jim ullivan/Noel Widdifield (BB). tests; Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Darrell
na AB to Groom Lake due to fuel leak; CIA loran/Mort Jarvis) & Maintenance activi- EI Paso, Texas, after striking KC-135Q 31 May 1972: Colonel ].F. O'Malley 10 December 1973: SR-71A #979 flown in Greenameyer/Steven Belgau (SME).
pilot: Ken Collins (SME). ty and Strategic Recon Wing Award for during refuelling; USAF pilot/RSO Buddy becomes 9th SRW Commander until 9 Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/R 0: 3 December 1975: First flight of SR-71A
9 June 1968: A-12 article #127/#930 1968 (9RW; PH). Brown/Mort Jarvis (crew E-08) ejected May 1973 (9RW). Pat Bledsoe/Reg Blackwell (BB). #959 in 'Big Tail' configuration; Lockheed
deployed back to Groom Lake from Kadena 14 March 1969 First flight of SR-71C and survived, along with the tanker and its 6July 1972: SR-71A #955 flew a refuelling 21 January 1974: 9th SRW Aircrew won test pilot/RSO: Darrell Greenameyer/
AB in 5hr, 29m in, CIA pilot: Denny Sul- #981, Lockheed test pilot/RSO: Bob crew (LSB; LSW; PH). flight envelope and 'dry boom' contact 15th Air Force Recon Crew of Year Award. Steven Belgau (LSW).
livan (SME). Gilliland/Steven Belgau (now on display 30 October 1970: OL-8 (Kadena AB, Oki- checks on a boom-equipped Boeing 747; 25 January 1974: SR-71A #971 flown in 20 April 1976: TDY operations started at
16 June 1968: 0-21 #512 launched from at Hill AFB, UT) (LSB; LSW; BB). nawa) re-designated OL-RK (for Ryukyus, USAF pilot/RSO: Merv Evanson/Cos Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: RAF Mildenhall in SR-71A #972; USAF
B-52H and flew 2,850nm, camera hatch 11 A/)ril 1969: SR-71A #954 crashes at the chain of islands including Okinawa Mallozzi (SME). 'Buck' Adams/William Machorek (BB). pilot/RSO: Pat Bledsoe/John Fuller (SME).
recovered, but no camera was carried Edwards during maximum-weight take-off and Japan) (SME). 18 July 1972: Thomas Estes/Dewain Vick 7 March 1974: SR-71A #979 flown in April 1976: First operations sortie from
(LSW). test - left tyre blew out and set the aircraft 16 December 1970: Second operational 0- receive McKay Trophy for 15hr record SR- Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: Det 4 in SR-71A #972; USAF pilot/RSO:
19 June 1968: Major Bill West writes poem on fire; Lockheed test pilot/RSO William 21 mission. D-21 #523 launched from B- 71 flight on 26 April 1971. Ty Judkins/G.T. Morgan (BB). Maury Rosenberg/Don Bulloch (SME).
for the too' low' A-12 flights from Kadena Skliar/Nocl Warner survived (L B; SME; 52H and flew 2,448nm, no camera pallet 20 July 1972: SR-71 A #978 'Rapid Rabbit' 6 April 1974: SR-71A #979 flown in Giant 30 April 1976: SR-71A #972, returned to
AB to Groom Lake ( ME). LSW; PH) recovered (LSW). crashes at Kadena AB due to strong cross- Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: Lee Beale AFB, CA after ten-day deployment
21 June 1968: Last A-12 article #131/ 27 June 1969: Colonel c.F. Minter becomes 31 December 1970: Air Force Logistics winds; USAF pilot/RS Denny Bush/ Ransom/Mark Gersten (BB). to RAF Mildenhall, UK (SME).
#6937 flight, it was ferried from Groom 9th SRW Commander until 30 June 1970 Command took over Functional Flight Jimmy Fagg both survived (LSW; BB). 30 April 1974: 9th SRW Maintenance 5 May 1976: First flight of SR-71A #959
Lake to Palmdale; CIA pilot: Frank Mur- (BB; 9RW). Check for SR-71 and Det 51 (Norton 28 July 1972: SR- 71 A #975 flown for ECM Complex rec 'ves 15th Air Force Haskell in 'Big Tail' configuration by USAF pilot/
ray (SME; LSW; BB). lOJuly 1969: 0-21 #520 launched from B- AFB) created; also Sacramento Air Logi - cover for B-52 bombing missions (line- Grey Award for outstanding aircraft main- RSO: Tom Pugh/J im Carnochan.
26 June 1968: Black Shield pilots Jack Lay- 52H and flew 2,937nm, camera pallet tics Center provides maintenance support backer) over Haipong & Hanoi; USAF tenance in 1973 (9RW). 1May 1976: USAF consolidates SR-71 and
ton, Frank Murray, Ken Collins, Denny recovered, photos good (LSW). for SR-71 (LSB; SME). pilot/RSO: Darrel Cobb/Reg Blackwell 9 August 1974: Det 1, 9th SRW activated U-2 operations at Beale AFB, A (9RW).
Sullivan and Mel Vojvodich, and the September 1969: SAC SR-71s had flown 4 March 1971: Third operational 0-21 (SME). at Kadena AB, replacing OL-KA (SME; 27 July 1976: SR-71A sets World Record
widow of Jack Weeks receive CIA 'Intelli- over 100 'hot missions' out of Kadena AB, mission. 0-21 #526 launched from B-52H 23 January 1973: 9th RW receives USAF 9RW). for the Closed 100km Course at 2,092mph;
gence Star for Valor' medal at Groom Lake Okinawa (LSW). and flew 2,935nm; camera pallet jetti- Outstanding Unit Award for 1 July 1971- I Se/Jtember 1974: First SR-71A visit to USAF pilot/RSO: A. Bledsoe/John Fuller
from the Director of the lA, Vice-Admi- 9 November 1969: First operational 0-21 soned, but not recovered (LSW). 30 June 1972 (9RW). UK; setting World Record New York to (LSB; LSW; BB).
ral Rufus Taylor ( ME). mission. 0-21 #517 launched from B-52H, 20 March 1971: Fourth and last opera- 10 May 1973: Colonel PJ. Halloran 9th London at 1,817mph: 3,490nm in 1hr 28 July 1976: SR-71A #962 sets an Alti-
1 July 1968: 0-21 #514 launched from B- no camera pallet recovered (LSW). tional 0-21 mission. D-21 #527 launched SRW Commander until 29 January 1975 54min 56.4sec in SR-71A #972; USAF tude World Record of85,068.997ft; USAF
52H and flew 80nm (LSW). II December 1969: NASA's first YF-12 from B-52H and fl w 2,935nm; no cam fa (9RW). pilot/RSO: Jim Sullivan/Noel Widdifield pilot/RSO: Bob Helt/Larry Elliott (LSB;
5 July 1968: High-time USAF SR-71 pilot flight. YF-12A #6935, USAF pilot/FCO: pallet recovered (LSW). 20 September 1973: President Richard M. (BB). BB).
Robert Powell, with 1,020.3 hrs, first flies olonel Joseph Rog rs/Major Garry Heil- 23 March 1971: T-38 #91606 crashes on Nixon awards Thomas Estes/Dewain Vick 12 September 1974: First attempt to set 28 July 1976: SR-71A #958 sets a World
an SR-7l. baugh (BIA; LSB; LSW). take-off with USAF SR-71 pilots on the Harmon International Aviator Award London to Los Angeles record, returned Straight 15 & 25km Course Record with a
26 July 1968: SR-71A #974 with USAF 18 December 1969: SR-71A #953 crashes board; Jack Thornton survived, Jim Hud- for their record flight on 26 April 1971. due to oil warning. speed of 2,193mph; USAF pilot/RSO:
pilot/RSO Tony Bevacqua/?, fired on by near Shosone, California; USAF pilot/ son killed (LSB). II October 1973: SR-71A #979 flown to 13 September 1974: SR-71A #972 set World Eldon Joersz/George Morgan (LSB; BB).
SA-2 missile, which was photographed by RSO: Colonel Joe Rogers/Lt Colonel 1 A/)riI1971: 99th SRS deactivated as an Griffis AFB, New York, for Giant Reach Record London to Los Angeles; 5,645 miles 4 July 1976: SR-71A#959 'Big Tail' flown
the SR's cameras (SME). Garry Heidelbaugh ejected (after loud R-71unit(L B;BB). operations; USAF pilot/RSO: James Shel- in 3hr 47min 35.8sec; USAF pilot/RSO: to Mach 3 by USAF pilot Tom Pugh.
28 August 1968: D-21 #516 launched from explosion and loss of power and control 26 April 1971: USAF pilot/RSO Thomas ton/Gary Coleman (BB). 'Buck' Adams/William Machorek (BB). 6 September 1976: SR-71A #962 arrives at
B-52H and flew 78nm (LSW). difficulties; accident caused by a plugged Estes/Dewain Vick fly SR-71 #96815,000 12 October 1973: Middle East overflight January 1975: Clarence L. 'Kelly' Johnson RAF Mildenhall, UK for a twelve-day
September 1968: First in-air recall ofSR-71 static line) (LSW; SME; L W; PH; WC). miles in 10hr 30min non-stop (BB; RK). from CONUS during Arab-Israeli Yom retires as head of the Skunk Works. deployment (SME).
mission; USAF pilot/RSO: James Shelton/ 24 June 1971: NASA YF-12A #6936 Kippur War from Griffis and Seymour- 6 January 1975: 9th SRW selected Out- 28 October 1976: Last flight of SR-71A
Lawrence Bogge (SME). crashed at Edwards AFB due to a fire in the Johnson AFB, North Carolina; nine sorties standing SAC Recon Organization for #963 (now on display at Beale AFB, CA)
September 1968: Switched OL-8s SR-71s 19705 right engine caused by a fatigued fuel line; were flown in Operation Giant Reach (BB). 1974 (9RW). (LSW).
#974, #976, #978 with #962, #970, #980 NASA pilot/RSO Ronald Layton/Bill 13 October 1973: SR-71A #979 flown in 17 January 1975: Benjamin R. 'Ben' Rich 29 October 1976: Last flight of R-71A
(SME). 16January 1970: YF-12/SR-71 Test Force Curtis survived (AMI; LSW). Giant Reach operations; USAF pilot/RSO: becomes head of the Skunk Works. #959 'Big Tail'; USAF pilot/RSO: Tom
re-designated 4786 Test Squadron (LSB; 30 June 1971: 14 Strategic Aerospace James Shelton/Gary Coleman (BB). 18 January 1975: 9th SRW won 15 Air Pugh/William Frazier (now on di play at
BB). Division takes command of 9th SRW. Force Recon unit and Aircrew of Year. USAF Armament Museum, Eglin AFB,

766 767

FL to where it wa transported by truck) USAF pilot/RSO: Bob Crowder/Don 10 November 1983: 9th SRW awarded Best Canyon; USAF pilot/RSO: Brian Shull 14 February 1990: Last flight ofSR-71As 5 January 1995: Benjamin R. 'Ben' Ri h
(SME; LSW). Emmons (SME; RG). Active Duty Tanker Unit and best unit in Walter Watson (BB; TU). #962 & #967, Beale AFB to Palmdale; dies at the age of sixty-nine (AWST).
7 January 1977: R-71A #958 arrives at August 1980: Honeywell starts conversion SAC Bombing and Navigation competi- 17 April 1986: R- 71 A #980 performs kept in flyable storage at AF Plant 2; #967 12 January 1995: SR-71A NASA #832
RAF Mildenhall for ten-day deployment of analogue flight & inlet control system tion (9RW). post-bombing damage assessment flights now being flown by USAF Det 2, Edwards (USAF #971) flown from Edwards AFB to
( ME). (AFICS) to digital automatic flight & 5 April 1984: British Government over Libya in support of Operation Eldora- AFB (LSW). Palmdale for overhaul before USAF 'bor-
2 February 1977: La t flight of SR- 71 A inlet control system (DAFlCS) (SME). announces that they will permit two SR- do Canyon; USAF pilot/RSO: Bernie 23 February 1990: Last flight of SR-71A rows' it; NASA pilot/RSO: Steve Ish-
#961, later used as a parts aircraft (on dis- October 1980: SR- 71 A #955 flies S- Band 71s to be based at RAF Mildenhall (Det4) Smith/Denny Whalen (BB; TU). #958 (holds World peed Record set 27- mael/Marta Bohn-Mayer (AFNS; LS).
play at osmosphere and Space Center, space transponder to evaluate C- Band (SME). 17 July 1987: Colonel Richard H. Graham 28 July 1976), Beale AFB to Robins AFB, March 1995: ACC selected three crews for
Hutchinson, KS) (LSW, JSS). tracking, communication and navigation I November 1984: 9th SRW Tanker crew becomes 9th SRW Commander until 28 GA; USAF pilot/RSO: Don Watkins/Bob the reactivation of the SR-71: pilots Gil
1 September 1977: Det 51 reorganized to y tem for Space Shuttle (LSB). awarded the Navigation Trophy in the SAC Nov mber 1988 (9RW). Fowlkes (LSW). Luloff, Tom McCleary and Don Watkins;
Det 6, Norton AFB, California, reporting 6 March 1981: SR-71A #972 deployed to Bombing and Navigation Competition 21 July 1987: Last flight ofSR-71A#973 28 February 1990: Last flight of SR-71A and RSOs Blair Bozek, Michael Finan and
to 2762 Logistics Squadron (LSB). Det 4 until 5 May 1981 (SME). (9RW). (now on display at Blackbird Airpark, #975, Beale AFB to March AFB, Califor- Jim Greenwood (RG).
30 September 1977: Colonel L.M. Kidder 6 May 1981: Refuelling tests with KC-1 0 7 November 1984: First Nicaraguan SR- 71 Palmdale, CA) (LSW). nia; USAF pilot/RSO: Steven Grzebini- 26 April 1995: R-71A #971 (ex-NASA
becomes 9th RW Commander until 31 #N110KCandSR-71A#955;U AFpilot/ overflights from Beale AFB; USAF 22 July 1987: Persian Gulf missions from akfJim Greenwood (LSW). #832) flown for the first time after reacti-
January 1979 (9RW). RSO: Calvin Jewett/Bill Flanagan (SME). pilot/RSO: Bob Behler/Ron Tabor (who Det 4; SR-71A #967; USAF pilot/RSO: 6 March 1990: SR-71A #972 makes last vation and renovation at Air Force Plant
24 February 1978: 9th SRW win 15 Air I August 1981: 4029 Strategic Recon flew thee of six sorties) (SME; BB). Smith/Doug Soifer; 9 August 1987: SR- flight and sets four World Records, Palm- 42, Palmdale; NASA crew: Ed Schnei-
Force Recon Unit of Year Award for 1977 Training Squadron formed to train SR-71 24 January 1985: 722nd and last sortie of 71A#975; 26 October 1987: SR-71A#967; dale to Dulles International Airport; USAF der/Marta Bohn-Meyer; ortie #1054-1,
(9RW). crews (BB). SR-71A #955; USAF pilot/RSO: Thomas and 30 April 1988: SR-71A #974 (BB). pilot/RSO: Ed Yeilding/J.T. Vida; US Coast low and slow (A #1).
31 March 1978: 9th RW awarded USAF 12 August 1981: SR-71A #964 had to Tild n/Bill Flanagan (SME). 20 October 1987: USAF pilot/RSO War- to Coast (2,404 miles): 67min 54sec for 28 June 1995: First reactivated SR-71
Outstanding Unit Award for 1 July 1975- divert to Bodo, Norway, when a low engine 28 January 1985: Colonel D.H. Pinsky ren MacKendree/Randy Shelhorse fly 2,124.5mph; Los Angeles to Washington, returns to USAF inventory: Dennis E.
30 June 1976 (9RW). oil problem arose; USAF pilot/R 0: B. . becomes 9th RW Commander until 17 from Kadena AB to Iran on a Giant EXj)ress DC (2,300 miles): 64min 20sec for 2,144.8 Thompson (Lockheed) presented SR-71
28 September 1978: Eighty-eighth and last ThomasfJay Reid (SME). July 1987 (9RW). mission to look for Silkworm missile bat- mph Kan as City to Washington, DC (942 #971 to General Bill Rutledge (9RW CO)
flight of NASA YF-12C (SR-71A #951) 16 August 1981: SR-71A #964 returned 28January 1985: SR-71A#955 did runway teries in Iran during Iran-Iraq War (SME). miles): 25min 58.53sec for 2,176mph; St in a ceremony at Air Force Plant 42
(LSW). from being diverted to Bodo, Norway (it was roughness evaluation then was parked at 5 March 1988: 1 Strategic Reconnaissance Louis to Cincinnati (311 miles): 8min (AFNS; AWST).
28 October 1978: YF-12C (SR-71A #951) then nicknamed the 'Bodonian Express'); Palmdale, CA; USAF pilot/RSO: Thomas Squadron celebrates seventy-fifth anniver- 31.97sec for 2,189.94mph (EY). 30 June 1995: First USAF crew flies reac-
retired from NASA (LSW). USAF pilot/RSO: B.C. Thomas/Jay Reid Tilden/Bill Flanagan (now on display at sary, it is the oldest unit in the USAF 6 March 1990: Last flight ofSR-71A #979, tivated SR-71 #971.
7 November 1978: Cuban overflights (LSB; SME). USAF Flight Test Center museum, Edwards (AFM). Beale AFB to Lackland AFB, Texas; 25 July 1995: Fir t solo USAF crew (Lt
renewed until April 1983 (BB). 31 August 1981: 'Kelly' Johnson announces AFB) ( ME; LSW). 6 December 1988: Colonel J.S. Savarda USAF pilor/RSO: Steven Grzebiniak/ Colonels Gil Luloff and Mike Finan) flies
1 February 1979: Colonel F. Shelton 9th that the SR-71 has had over 1,000 missiles 20 April 1985 : General Jerry O'Malley, his becomes 9th SRW Commander until 12 Stanley Gudmundson (LSW). reactivated SR-71 #971; 80,1 OOft at Mach
SRW Commander until 16 July 1980 launched against it, but none successful (BB). wife Diane and the crew ofT-39 were killed June 1990 (9RW; BB). 20 March 1990: Last fl ight of SR- 71 A 3.23 for 2.5 hours; sortie # 1060-7 (A #1).
(9RW). 15 January 1982: SR-71B #956 flies its when landing in western Pennsylvania 21 April 1989: SR- 71 A #974 crashes off #964, Beale AFB to Offutt AFB, New Eng- 28 August 1995: SR-71A #967 makes
12 March 1979: SR-71A #972 arrives at l,OOOth sortie (LTR). (SME). coast of Philippines, the last SR-71 lost by land; USAF pilot/RSO: Terry Pappas/ 'maiden' flight after being refurbished by
Det 4 for reconnaissance of Saudi Arabia 24 February 1982: 9th SRW wins the 15 8 August 1985: SR- 71 hangars at RAF a USAF crew to date; USAF pilot/RSO: Mike Finan (LSW; BB). Lockheed Martin kunk Works; NASA
and Yemen tensions; USAF pilot/RSO: Air Force Outstanding Recon Wing and Mildenhall used for the first time by SR- Dan House/Blair Bozek (SME; LSW). 27 March 1990: Last flight of SR-71A crew: Ed Schneider/Bob M yer; Sortie
Rich Graham/Don Emmons (SME). Crew for 1981 (9RW). 71A #962 (LSB). I October 1989: USAF SR-71 operations #976, Beale AFB to USAF Museum at #854-1, low and slow (LS & A #1).
28 March 1979: SR-71A #972 returns to June 1982: Internal Navigation System 18 September 1985: USAF awards Jerome suspended except for minimum proficien- Wright-Patterson AFB; USAF pilot/RSO: 29 August 1995: Crew #1 Mission Ready
Beale AFB after deployment to Det 4; (INS) changed to Singer-Kearfott SKN- F. O'Malley Award for Best Recon Crew to cy flights (LSW; BB). Don Watkins/Bob Fowlkes (this SR-71 (MR): Lt Colonels Luloff and Finan (A
USAF pilot/RSO: Rich Graham/Dom 2417 from the gyro flight reference y tern USAF pilot/RSO Bob B hler/Ron Tabor 22 November 1989: USAF SR-71 pro- flew the first operational sortie 21 March #1).
Emmons (SME). (SME). (9RW; PH). gramme officially terminated by order of 1968) (LSW; BB; PH). 17 January 1996: Lt Colonel Don Watkins
31 March 1979: Det 4 (RAF Mildenhall) 20 July 1982: Colonel TS. Pugh becomes November 1985: Honeywell completes con- General Larry D. Welch (SME; LSW; BB). 22 December 1990: Clarence L. 'Kelly' and Jim Greenwood make solo flight in
activated (LSB; BB). 9th SRW Commander until 22 July 1983 version of SR-71s from analogue to digital Johnson dies at the age of eighty. SR-71A #971; 80,100 ft at Mach 3.25 for
17 Aj)riI1979: SR-71A #979 d ployed to (9RW). automatic flight and inlet controls systems 23 December 1990: Ben Rich retires as the 2.5 hour, sortie #105-22, from Palmdale,
Det 4 until 2 May (SME). 17 March 1983: SR-71A #955 conducted (SME). 1990s and into Head of the Skunk Works. CA (AS#l).
18 October 1979: SR-71A #976 deployed aerial refuelling tests with KC-10; USAF 7 January 1986: Twentieth anniversary of the early 2000s 1 July /991: NASA pilot Steve Ishmael 30 January /996: SR-71 #967 leaves Palm-
to Det 4 until 13 November (SME). pilot/RSO: Thomas T11den/].T Vida (SME). the R- 71 's arrival at Beale AFB. makes first flight in SR-71B #956 (BB). dale and arrives at Edwards AFB, Det2/
31 October 1979: Last NASA flight ofYF- 18 April 1983: SAC awards the 9th SRW 8 February 1986: 9th SRW won 15th Air 21 January 1990: Last SR-71 #962 left 25 July 1991: SR-71B #956(NASA #831) 9RW after a 1.5-hour flight; USAF pilot/
12A (#935) ending YF-12A test flights the Outstanding Unit Award for 1 July Force Outstanding Recan Wing for 1985 Kadena AB (Det 1) for Beale AFB, at 0500 officially delivered to NASA Dryden Cen- RSO: Tom McCleary/Michael Finan (TL).
(BB). 1981 until 20 June 1982 (9RW). (9RW). (tail art: a tombstone which read 'Det 1 ter, Edwards AFB (BB). I February 1996: econd aircraft (SR-71A
7 November 1979: The last remaining YF- I July 1983: SR-71A #955 flies the first 15 April 1986: SR- 71 A #980 performs RIP 1968-1990') (BM). October 1991: Marta Bohn-Mayer becomes #971) delivered to Det. 2/9 RW from Palm-
12A (#935) flown to USAF Museum at ASARS-1 familiarization flight; USAF post-bombing damage assessment flights 26January 1990: SR-71 is decommissioned first female SR-71 crewmember (BB). dale; USAF pilot/RSO: Lt Colonels Tom
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio; pilot/RSO: pilot/RSO: B.C. Thomas/John Morgan over Libya in support of Operation Eldora- at Beale AFB (LSW). 27 October 1991: A-12 article # 128/#6931 McCleary/Mike Greenwood; 77,200ft at
Jim Sullivan/Uppstrum (AMI; LSW; BB). (SME). do Canyon; USAF pilot/RSO: Jerry Glass- 26 January 1990: Last flight of SR-71A delivered to Minnesota ANG Museum, by Mach 3.05 for 2.7 hour (A #1).
9July 1983: SR-71A #955 arrives at Det4, er/Ron Tabor (SME; BB). #960 (this was the high-mission SR) from New York ANG C-5 (SME; JG). 15 February 1996: SR-71 #967 makes first
as #962, to test ASARS-1 (SME). 15 April 1986: First operational use of JP- Beale to Ca tle AFB, California; USAF 19 September 1992: Joseph T Vida (high- flight test of real-time data transmis ion at
1980s 23 July 1983: Colonel D.H. Pinsky becomes 7 equipped KC-10s (#30079; #30082; pilot/RSO: Steven GrzebiniakfJim Green- time SR-71 crewmember) dies (RG). Det 2; U AF pilot/RSO: Lt Colonels Tom
9th SRW Acting Commander until 3 #30075) as refuelling aircraft for SR-71 wood. (LSW). 9 March /993: NASA's first SR-71 flight McCleary/Mike Finan; 72,700ft at Mach
18 May 1980: Mount St Helens disaster August 1983 (9RW). (TU; LSB; SME). 12 February 1990: Last flight of SR-71A test (LSW). 3.01 for3.1 hours (AS #1 & AWST).
relief flights (LSB; BB). 4 August 1983: Colonel G.v. Freese 16 AjJYi11986: SR- 71 A #960 performs post- #968, Beale AFB to Palmdale (now on dis- 28 September 1994: Congress votes to allo- 15 April /996: Deputy Defense ecretary
I July 1980: SR-71A #962 flies from Kade- becomes 9th SRW Commander until 28 bombing damage assessment flights over play at Virginia Aviation Museum, Rich- cate 100 million for reactivation of three John White directs the Air Force to ground
na AB to Diego Garcia to test facility; January 1985 (9RW). Libya in support of Operation Eldorado mond, Virginia) (LSW; DA). SR-71s (RG). the Air Force's SR-71s due to conflicting

168 169

language in e tion 304 of the ational 26 August 1997: ASAmatedtheLA RE 15 October 1997: President Clinton kills
ecuri ty A t of 1947 and ection 102 of engine with A A R-71 c;: 44 (PM; SR-71 funding with Line Item Veto (RG,
the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY- RO ). AH, AB New).
96 On id th Air Force; RG; AW T). eptember 1997: econd new crew was 31 October 1997: ASA R-71 ;;0844 (AF
21 eptember 1996: House and enate elected to fly the R-71: Captains Greg =980fLockheed :2031) flew for the first
Appr priation committees agree to fund
th Air Force' two operational R-71 for
Fi cal Year 1997 (RG; RO ).
Barber (pilot) and Dale Zimmerman
(R 0) (RG, BG).
10 October 1997: Final U AF R-71
time with the Aerospike engine piggy-
backed on it, the fir t in a series of flights in
the LA RE (Linear Aero pike and R-71
Abbreviations, AcronyDls
1January 1997: R-71 and crews are opera-
tional at Det 2, Edwards AFB (RG; AFN ).
18 April 1997: olone! Charles imp on
flight; Major Bert Garrison (pilot) and
aptain Domingo Ochotorena (RSO)
flew SR-71A #967 on the Brandy route
Experiment). It reached a speed of Mach
1.19 at an altitude of 27,000-33,000ft
( A A,AW T).
and CodenaDles
assumes command of 9th RW from duration of 4.1 hours; Tom McLeary flew 30 June 1999: Final shutdown of the SR-71
Brigadier General Robert Behler ( ). the hase aircraft and Ted arlson pho- programme: Det 2 is shut down, officially
19 August 1997: The first new Air Force tographed the flight (at the time no one ending the USAF SR-71 programme. AB afterburner DAFICS Digital Automatic Flight Kingfish odename for onvair
SR-71 crew in nine years solos at Edwards knew that this would be the final USAF 17 Dec 2002: NASA #831(956/2007) AD Air (also Aerospace) and Inlet Control competitor in Gusto
AFB: Major Bert Garrison (pilot) and ap- flight) (BG). tran ferred to Kalamazoo Air Zoo Muse- D fen e Command y tem programme
tain Domingo Ochotorena (R 0) (SS). um, Kalamazoo, Michigan (NASA) ADF Automatic Direction Det Detachment KTA Knots True Air Speed
Finder DFRC Dryden Flight Research L 0 Launch Control Officer
ADP Advanced Development Center ACA National Advisory
Information for the foregoing time!ine was researched by John tone from the sources as follows: Projects DMZ Demilitarized Zone Committee for
ADS Acces ory Drive ystem ECM Electronic Counter Aeronautics
ADR - A.D. Rossetti LB - Lockheed Blackbirds by Anthony M. SO - Sled Driver by Brian Shul AFB Air Force Base Mea ures ASA ational Aeronautics and
AH - Art Hanley Thornborough & Peter E. Davies SME - Lockheed SR-71 : The Secret Mis- AFCS Automatic Flight Control ECCM Electronic Counter- pace Administration
AMI - AeTOfax Minigraph I by Jay Miller L - Lockheed Skunk Work tar sions Exposed by Paul F. Crickmore ystem ounter Mea ures nm autical Mile
A - U AF ew rvice L B - Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird by Paul F. - Space Sentinel (Beale AFB new pa- AFFT Air Force Flight Te t EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature RO ational Reconnai ance
A 1 - An nymou ource number 1 Crickmore per; see also 'HF') Center ELINT Electronic Intelligence Office
AW T - Aviation Week & Space Technolo- L W - Lockheed's Skunk W01·ks - The First W - Skunk Works by Ben Rich & Leo AIC Air Inlet Computer EW Electronic Warfare OL Operating Location
gy 50 Years by Jay Miller Janos y tem y tem Oxcart CIA codename for A-12
BB - Buddy Brown LTR - Lockheed Tech Rep TB - Tony Bevacqua AIM Air Intercept Mi ile FCF Functional heck Flight RAF Royal Air Force
BIA - SR-71 Blackbird in Action by Lou NA A - ational Air and pace Admin- TL - Tony Landi Angel Code name for the U-2 FCO Fire Control Officer RAM Radar Absorbing Material
Drendel istration Public Affairs U - The Untouchables by Brian Shul & Project F Fire Control Sy tem RS Reconnaissance quad ron
BM - Bob Miller PH - Pat Halloran Walter Watson ANS Astro-inertial avigation Fish Code name for the RSO Reconnaissance ystem
BG - B rt GatTi on PM - Peter Merlin WC - William Campbell System onvair Parasite Officer
CC - Dr oy ross RG - Richard H. Graham 9RW - 9th Reconnaissance Wing History AOA Angle of Attack Aircraft RW Reconnaissance Wing
DA - David Alii on RK - Ron Kloetzli Archangel Lockheed ADP code Gusto Codename for U-2 SA Strategic Air Command
EY - Ed Yeilding RLL - Lt Colonel Russell L. Lewis Compiled by John tone name for Project Gusto repla ement aircraft AM urface to Air Mi ile
HF - High Flyer (new name for Beale AFB RON - Ron Girouard www.blackbirds.net A-I through A-12 Habu Nickname for the SA Stability Augmentation
new paper) RS - Ray Scalise ARD Air Research and Blackbird System
Development IFF Identification Friend Senior Bowl 0- 21 B/B-52H Program me
Command or Foe Senior TOwn R- 71 programme
Area 51 Groom Lake, ellis AFB, lGV Inlet Guide Vanes SIGINT Signals Intellig nce
evada ILS Instrument Landing LAR Side Looking Airborne
A ARS Advanced ynthetic ystem Radar
Aperture Radar System Inertial avigation led Nickname for SR-71
BIT Built-in Te t Sy tem LR ide Looking Radar
Black hield Codename for A-12 IP In tructor Pilot R trategic Reconnaissance
Operation IR Infra-red quadron
G Centre of Gravity JP Jet Petroleum RW trategic Reconnaissance
CP Centre of Pressure KCAS Knots Calibrated Air Wing
CIA Central Intelligence peed TACAN Tactical Air avigation
Agency KEA Knots Equivalent Air Tagboard D-21/M-21 Programme
CIP Compressor Inlet Pres ure Speed TA True Air peed
CIT Compressor Inlet Kedlock F- 12 Air Defense Fighter TEB Triethylborane
Temperature programme UHF Ultra High Frequency
COMI T Communication KIAS Knots Indicated Air
Intelligence Speed

170 171
Bibliography Index
Actron Type H camera 89,98 Culver, Irving H. 'Irv' 10
Brown, William H., 'J58/SR-71 Propulsion Integration or the Landis, Tony, 'Tagboard and Senior Bowl', Airpower, January
Adams, Capt Harold B 159 Cygnus 44
Great Adventure into the Technical Unknown', Lockheed 2003 (Republic Pre s)
Landis, Tony, 'Mach 3 Masterpiece', Airpower, May 2003 (Repub- Advanced Development Projects 7
Horizons, winter 1981-82 (Lockheed Aircraft Corporation)
Crickmore, Paul E, Lockheed SR-71: The Secret Missions Exposed lic Press) Advanced Tactical Fighter 21 Dana, William 114
(Osprey Publishing, 2001) Mclninch, Thomas P, 'The Oxcart Story', Studies in Intelligence Aerospace Defence Command 53 Daniel, Lt Col Walter F. 159
Francillon, Rene J., Lockheed Aircraft since 1913 (Naval Institute 15,25 February 1991 (Central Intelligence Agency) Air Combat Command 20 David Clark Corporation 134
Press, 1987) Merlin, Peter w., Mach 3+: NASA/USAF YF-12 Flight Research, Air Defense Command 53 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 19
Jenkin, Dennis R., Lockheed ecret Projects: Inside the Skunk 1969-1979 (NASA Hi tory Division, 2002) Air Defense Fighter 45-46 Department of Defense 19
Works (Motorbooks International, 2001) Miller, Jay., Lockheed's Skunk Works: the First Fifty Years (Aerofax, Air Materiel Command 10, 16 Diego Garcia 82
Johnson, Clarence L., 'Development of the Lockheed SR-71 1993)
Air Research and Development Command 16 Digital Automatic Flight and Inlet Control System
Blackbird', Lockheed Horizons, winter 1981-82 (Lockheed Air- Pace, Steve, Lockheed Skunk Works (Motorbooks International,
craft Corporation) 1992) Ames-Dryden Research Facility 112 94
Johnson, Clar nce L. with Smith, Maggie, Kelly: More Than My Rich, Ben R. and Jano , Leo, Skunk Works (Little, Brown, 1994) Andre, Lt Col Daniel 15 Dryden Flight Research Facility III
Share of it All (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990) Spivak, Walter A., letter to author, 24 July 1989. Area 51 17
Landis, Tony, 'Putting the Ox before the Cart', Airpower, May 'The U-2's Intended Successor: Project Oxcart, 1956-1968' Cen- Arnold, Gen Henry H. 'Hap' 10 Eastham, James D. 'Jim' 86-87
2002 (Republic Pre ) traiintelligence Agency, October 1994. (Expanded version of Eastman Kodak 134, 149
Landis, Tony, 'Blacksheep of the Blackbirds', Airpower, eptem- 'The Oxcart Story', author unknown.) Bacalis, Brig Gen Paul 142 Edwards Air Force Base 81, III
ber 2002 (Republic Pre s)
Beale Air Force Base 75,81, III Eilson Air Force Base 81
Belgau, Steve 110 Eisenhower, Pre ident Dwight D. 26
Bell aircraft: Elliot, Maj Larry A. 159
X-16 16-17 Enevoldson, Einar 114
Bennington, Herbert 143
Bissell Jr., Richard M., 133, 144 Farley, Harold C. 'Hal' 20
Bledsoe Jr., Maj Adolphus H. 159 Firewell Corporation 134
Bodo Air Base 82 Fischer, C. W. 143
Boeing aircraft: Flickinger, Brig Gen Don 135
B-52H Stratofortress 62-64 Fuller, Maj John T. 159
KC-135Q Stratotanker 105 Fulton, Fitzhugh 114
KC-135T Stratotanker 105
X-32 23 Garrison, Maj Bert 125
Brown, William H. 99,104 General Dynamics, Convair Division 133
General Electric J93-GE-3 engine 45
California Institute of Technology 112 Gilliland, RobertJ. 'Bob' 70,73,87-88
Central Intelligence Agency 7,16-17 Glenn, Maj John H. 123
Charyk, Joseph v. 146 Griffiss Air Force Base 82
Clark, Secretary of Defense Clifford 158 Groom Lake 17,42
Cold Wall Experiment 112-114 Gross, Robert E. 10
Collins, Kenneth . 135
Convair aircraft: Habu 82
B-58A Hu tier 47,146 Helms, Richard 143
B-58B Super Hustler 146 Hibbard, Hall L. 9
F-106 Delta Dart 49 Holbury, Col Robert J. 136
F-106C 54 Holloman Air Force Base 20-21
F-106X 53-54 Horton, Victor 114
Cooney, Maj James P 159 Hugh L. Dryden Flight Research Center III

772 773

Hughes aircraft: F-35A 23 YF-12C 109 Desert Shield 124

AIM-47 Falcon 46-47 F-35B 23 YF-22A 21 Desert Storm 124
AIM-47B 54 F-35C 23 YF-94C Starfire Fansong 156
AN/A G-18 pulse-Doppler Radar and Mis ile Fire Control F-80 Shooting Star 8, 10 YF-97 A Starfire FISH 26, 145-146
ystem 45-47 F-94 Srarfire 8, 12 YF-104A Srarfighter 15 Giant Reach 82
GAR-9 47 F-104 Starfighter 8,14-15 YF-117A 20 Glowing Heat 82
XAIM-47A 54 F-Il7 AN ighthawk 8, 20 Lockheed Advanced Development Projects group 10 'G' (Gusto) 25-26
YAIM-47A 54 F/A-22 Raptor 8,22-23 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation 8, 133 Gusto 25-27,35,134,147
H ycon H camera 149 FB-12 108 Lockheed Martin Corporation 8 Have Blue 19-20
D-21 59-64, 109 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company 8 Isinglass 156
Ishmael, Steve ll4 D-21 'Daughter' 35,59 Long Range Interceptor, Experimental 45 Kedlock 150
Itek KA-102A camera 89,98 D-21B 63-64,116-117 Loughead, Allan 8 Kempster 154
Harpoon 8 Loughead brother 8 Kingfish 27, 147
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 112 Have Blue XST 19 Loughead, Malcolm 8 Nice Girl 158
Johnson, Clarence L. 'Kelly' 7,9,83-84,125,134 Hudson 8 OXCART 25,35,77, 133-158
Johnson, President Lyndon B. 44-45,65, 138 L-133 9 Machorek, Capt William C. 159 RAINBOW 144
Joint Strike Fighter 23 Loadstar 8 Mallick, Donald 114 Scope Cotton 158
Joersz, Capt Eldon W. 159 M-21 'Mother' 35,59,63,109,116 Manke, John 114 Scope Logic 155
JP-4 42 P-2 Neptune 8 Martin Marietta Corporation 8 Senior Bowl 62
JP-7 42,98-99,105 P-3 Orion 8 Materiel, Experimental 10 Senior Crown 77
P-38 Lightning 8 McCone, John A. 137 Senior Trend 20
Kadena Air Base 44, 82 Q-12 55,108 McDonnell aircraft: SKYLARK 139, 154
Kamerer, Dorsey 17 R-12 55,109 XF-88A Voodoo 14 Suntan 18
Kennedy, President John F. 125 RB-12 55,109 F-101 Voodoo 14 Tagboard 55,59-61,151
Killian, James 152 RS-71 59,69-70,107,109 Mc amara, Secretary of Defense Robert S. 53-54 Tall King 152
Krier, Gary 114 RS-71A 109 Mclninch, Thomas P. 133 Upwind 155
S-3 Viking 8 Minneapolis-Honeywell Corporation 134
Land, Edwin M. 134 SR-71 59, 133 Morgan, Maj George T. 159 Palmer, Don 10
Layton, Ronald 'Jack' U5 SR-71A Blackbird 109,117,119-120 Murray, Francis J. 135 Paradise Ranch 17
LeVier, Anthony W. 'Tony' 84-85 R-71B Blackbird 109,119 MX numbers: Parangosky, John N. 140
Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment 114 SR-71C Blackbird 109, 120 MX-409 10, 16 Park, William M. 'Bill' 88, 140
Lockheed aircraft: Super Electra 8 MX-1787 46 Perkins, Courtland D. 145
A-I 27-28 TA-12 108,115 MX-2147 16 Peterson, Art 80
A-2 28 T-1 SeaStar 12 Perkin-Elmer 134
A-lO 28 TR-1A 74 ational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics III PF-1 fuel 136
A-II 28,49, 134, 138 T-33 T-Bird 8,12 ational Aeronautics and Space Administration III Polaroid orporation 134
A-12 28,35,46,51,106-107,115,133-134,138 U-2 16, 133 NASA-Langley Research Centre 112 Powers, Francis Gary 133
AF-12 46-47,106-107 U-2A 18 Nelson, Maj Gen Douglas 75 Pratt & Whitney engines:
AQ-12 107 U-2R 18 North American aircraft: F119-PW-100 22
Archangel I 27-28 U-3 27 B-70 107 YF119-PW-100 22
Archangel II 27-28 Ventura 8 F-108 Rapier 7,45-46 F135-PW-200 23
B-12,106 X-35A 23 R -70 69-70, 109 F135-PW-400 23
C-5 Galaxy 8 X-35B 23-24 XB- 70A Valkyrie 7 F135-PW-600 23
C-130 Hercules 8 X-35C 23-24 Norton Air Force Base 81 J58 99-100,102-105,136-137,146
C-141 Starlifter 8 XF-90 13-14 ]75 136-137
CL-325 18 XF-104 Starfighter Ochotorena, Capt Domingo 125 ]75-P-19W 42
CL-400 18-19 XFO-1 15 Operations, programs and projects: ModelJT11D-20 99
Constellation 8 XFV-1 'Salmon' 15 Aquatone 17-18
Electra 8 XP-49 9 Arrow 26 Q-bay 98, 110
F-4 Lightning 8 XP-58 Chain Lightning 9 Archangel 25
F-5 Lightning 8 XP-80 Lulu-Belle 10-11 Bald Eagle l6 Ralston, Bill 10
F-12B 108 XP-80A Shooting Star 12 Black Knight 82 Ray, Walter 135
F-35 'Shadow' 8 YF-12A 48-53,109,116 Black Shield 44,55,139-141,156-157 Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder 23

174 175

Raytheon AIM-120C 23 2762nd Logistics Squadron 82

Reconnaissance Strike 69 4200th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing 62,81
Republic Aviation aircraft: 4450th Tactical Group 20
F-103 'Thunderwarrior' 7 Detachment 1 (Dec 1) 44,82
R-4808 17 Detachment 2 (Dec 2) 81
Rich, Benjamin R. 'Ben' 85-86,123-125 Detachment 4 (Det. 4) 82
Ritland, 01 Ozzie 17 Detachment 5 (Dec 5) 81
Road Runners 44 Detachment 6 (Dec 6) 81-82
Roth, Col M.S. 10 Detachment 8 (Dec 8) 82
Royal Air Force Mildenhall 82 Detachment 51 (Dec 51) 81-82
OL-Bodo 82
Schalk, Jr., Louis W. 'Lou' 86, 133, 137 OL-8 44,82
Scorpion 1-5 20 OL-KB 82
Scott, Dr Roderick M. 149 OL-SB 82
Scott, Russell 135 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 7, 123
Seymour John on Air Forc Base 82 US Air Force 10
Shul, Maj Brian 6,81 US Air Force Plant 42
kliar, William L. 135 US Army Air Corps 10
Skunk Work 24 US Army Air Forces 10
Slater, olHughC. 141 US Office of Special Activities 44
Sled Driver 6 US Pueblo 44, 142
Stability Augmentation System 94-95
Stephens, Col Robert L. 'Silverfox' 159 Vance, Secretary of Defence Cyrus 157
Strategic Air Command III Vojvodich, Mele 135
trategic Reconnaissance 69 Vida, Lt Col Joseph T. 123, 159
ullivan, Dennis B. 135
Sullivan, Maj James V. 159 Warner, Maj Noel T. 159
upersonic Transport 113 Warner-Robins Air Force Base 82
Swann, Michael 114 Weapon System numbers:
WS-201B 45
Tin Goose 126 WS-202A 45
Titanium Goose 126 WS-204A 46
TItanium Metals Corporation 134, 148 Weaver, Bill 77
Tonopah Test Range Airfield 20 Weeks, Jack W. 135
Torick, Ray 59-60,126 Welch, Gen Larry D. 124
Widdifield, Maj Noel F. 159
Ultraviolet Experiment 112 Wright J67-W-1 46
United Aircraft Corporation, Pratt & Whitney Division 134 Wright RJ55-W-1 46
1st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron 6,81-82 Yeilding, Lt Col Ed 123
9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing 6, 75, 82 Yeager, Charles E. 'Chuck' 77
9th Wing 81 Yom Kippur War 82
37th Tactical Fighter Wing 20 Young, David P. 135
49th Fighter Wing 20
99th trategic Reconnaissance Squadron 81 Zwayer, Jim 77
1129th Special Activities Squadron 44


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