N Jobs and M - Machine Problem

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10, June, 1970

in V.8.A.


Teeh Univeraity

This p t ^ r describes a simfdie algorithm for the solution of very large sequence probiems witlutut the use of a computer. It produces approximate solutions to the n job, m madune sequencing problem where no passing is considered and the criterion is mjnimnin total elapsed time. Up to m-1 sequence may be found. Introductitm

The search for a soluticm to the problem of finding an optimal or near optimal sequence of jobs bdng osheduled in a flow shop type situation has given consideration to both exact and {^proximate techniques of solution. Exact techniques, which uraially require an dectzonic computer, have been developed to minimize some well criterion on problems involving a limited number of jobs [2,5,6,10]. [9] has pointed out that the researcher must be concemed not only with obtaining an optioofd solution but also with the practical and economical application of ihe solution technique. It is the second aspect of the ioblem which has led to the conraderation oi approximate methods. At this point in time coii^ianies with sequencing problema involving large numbers of jobs and machines must use approximate methods while awaiting furtiia* development of exact techniques or faster and more economical computes. Anothra' reason to investi^te approximate mtethods is that the procedural steps can be kept simple enough so that tixe problem solver does not loae s i ^ t (A the overall view of tiie problem, thus enablii:^ man to make the beet use of his intuition and judgment. See [4]. The procedure to be developed in tiiis paper csa. be calculated entirely by hand and will pve approximate solutions to any size of n job, m machine problem. If a computer is used, computation time even for lu;ge proUems is short. Not only does it permit solutlcHi erf prol^ms far beyond tiie peaent capalality of escact techniques, but its effectivffliecB is such timt some comptmies may find the approximate Bolution to be more economical evea for tiiose probiems small e n o t ^ to be handled by exact metibods. The al^rithm is applied to tiie procesang of n jobs throu^ m maddnes witii each job following the aame tedmok^cal order of machines. The jmsrang c& jobs is not oonada^d by the algorithm; however a paasing ptY}cedure Eqpedfied by Palniar [8] may be employed to fur&er r ^ n e the sequence generated by this algoritiun. In this devdopment, machme order ^nll be A, B, C , . . . , M. The usual assumptions which Y^ye been ^ v m in udier literakire apply [2,3,4,9,11]. During otir study two apjaoatiies we med. Tbdbfirstinvolved a {oocedure btiilding a seqi^ice by vkwing total pnceB^ng time as brang made up of tliree pois, a fiissd part in tiie c^iter with a variidide part on eadi ^id. The procedute then minimized
* Roeivd Oetc^r 1967; revised April m and Novailier m. t Partii^y sa^wrted by National Sduioe Foundation Gruit GK-IISG. B-630



the two variable portions of the total time. The second approach involved aa extension of the S. M. Johnson [7] procedure applied to l a i ^ problems. Sequences fotmd utilizing an algorithm developed from the first procedure gave total elapsed times only slightiy smaller than those found when applsring an extension of the John)n procedure. Since proceduralramplicitywas an objective of the research, we used an extension of theramplerJohnson procedure modified to handle more than two jobs.

Statement of the Algorithm

The algorithm presented here provides for the generation of up to m 1 sequences. Feasible sequence generation is accomplished in the following manner: let ta where j = 1, 2, , n, and i = 1, 2, , m reprffient the time for processing the j**" job on the i*'^ machine in an n-job, m-machine problem. Then p, where p ^ m 1, auxiliary n-job, 2-machine problems can be defined a follows. In the k*^ auxiliary problem: dji = X)*-i tn = the processing time for the j*"" job on machine 1 (Ml), the processing time for the j * ' ' job on machine 2 (M2).
Establish n X m matrix of processing times, tji, where tji is processing time of jth job on tth machine; j = 1, 2, , n and i 1, 2, ,m. Establish number of auxiliary n-job, 2 machine problems, p, to be calculated, where p g m - 1. Set ii; 1, for first auxiliary problem. Compute 6^1 " ^{_i tji and establish column vector of processing times on Machine 1 (Ml) for each job for A;th auxiliary problem. Compute ^j - SJ-nH-i-* '/ and establish column vector of processing times on Machine 2 (M2) for each job for ktb. auxiliary problem. Apply S. M. Johnson's n-job, 2-machine algorithm (modified to handle ties) to the n-job 2-macMne problem established and determine & and store. } Check k with p; if ifc < p, set fc " fc -f 1 and repeat; if I; ~ p, proceed Using oHpnal n X m matrix of processing times, compute total proeeiing time for each of the y ijequences generated. totid pticessing time sequence as the best sequence. 1. Flow Chart for CunpbeU-Dudek Algorithm



It should be noticed that fl*j is the sum of processii^ times of job j on machines A through k; also 9fi is the sum of preceding times of job j on the last k machines in the technological ( m ^ . Then S. M. Johnson's n-job, 2-machine al^ritJun modified to handle ties is used to determine the optimal sequences Si,St, , 5 , for tiie p auxiliary problems. The best sequence among these is chosen on the basis of minimum total processing time on the ori^nal m machines. See Figure 1 for a fiow chart of the ^gorithm. In using the S. M. Johnson [7] n-job, 2-machine algorithm, let the first machine be Ml and the second M2. Select the smallest processing time in the two column processing time mataix; Le., min M l i , , Ml,,, M2i, , M2,,]. If there is a tie, select any within the tie set. (Note. This will be modified below). If the minimum processing time is M l j , do the g*^ job first. If it is M2 do the A* job last. Remove the process*" ing times of the sequeoced job from the processing time matrix. Apply this procedure imtil all jobs have been ass^ed to a sequence petition. The resulting sequence will minimize total proce^ng time for this specific 2-machine problem. The breaking of ties is done in a manner that by observation tends to minimize total make-6pan. Ties as used here are those occurrii^ va a row or column of any auxiliary problem. When a tie occurs, a choice must be made between two positions for each job involved. If the tie occurs in the k*^ auxiliary problem let the choice between these two positions be determined by the fc 1** auxiliary problem. If the tie cannot be broken there, proceed in order through auxiliary problems fc 2, fc 3, - , 1. If it stall cannot be broken, try breakii^ it with auxiliary problems fc -f 1, fc -f 2, , m 1. If the tie remains unbroken, build two ^quences from this point.
Example of an 8-Job, 7-Machine Problem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13 31 17 19 94 8 10 80

79 13 1 28 75 24 67 17

23 14


3 13 38

71 94 23 4 58 32 1 40

60 60 36 58

4 92 66

27 61 8 73 68 94 75 25

2 57 86 40 46 ^ 29 88

Note. The elements of value c require aero processing time but must paas the machine.

"p" auxiliary two-st^e problrans wUl be workwi. For the first auxiliafy (fc = 1) problem, the fc^ two colmnn preceding time matrix is established as derived earlier. In this case it will be the processing times listed in tiie problem for machine A and machine G as the proce^dng times on Ml tuid M2, respectively. Now applying the S. M. Johnson algoritjim, M2i is minimum BO sequence job 1 last and remove the job 1 procesang time from tbffi proceesii^ time matiix. Next, Ml is minimum so ^quence job 6 first and remove tjie procesang times from tiie matrix. Continuing until all jobs have been asmgned a sequent^ position yidds tiie sequent^ 6 7 3 4 2 8 5 1 with a total proc^ang time of 618 and ti iminiTniJ total time seqi^oce for this auxiliary problem. Continuing in tliis way, settii^ fc > 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 mx sequraices will be generated, (rf tiie sequence for fc = 4 is Aamn bdow. The proceffiing times on Ml



are found by addii^ times on machines A, B, C, and D; the times on M2 are the sums of tim^ on machines D, E, F, and G. These times are given below.
Ml U2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

186 152 41 61 227 67 81 175

160 272 153 175 172 219 197 219

The algorithm generates the sequence 3 4 6 7 2 8 5 1 with total processing time of 632. The six sequences generated with fc equal to 1 through 6 are listed below:
t>Se<i. Sequence Total Pncessmg; Hme

1 2
3 4 5 6

6 3 3 3 6 3

7 3 4 28 5 1 24785 1 4 2785 1 6 7 28 5 1 3 4728 15 6 47 8 2 1 5

6 6 4

618 628 596 632 605 595

The sixth sequence found has the least total processing time so it is selected. Using the Smith-Dudek algorithm [10] it was determined that there is one optimal sequence to this problem with a total time of 584 hours. I t i s 3 6 4 7 2 8 1 5 . The error calculation adopted here is based on the percent deviation of the algorithm's b ^ sequence time from the optimal solution time. Thus, in the example just cited the error is 595 - 584 100 = 1.9% 584 V^iGcation The empirical v^ification of the approximate procedure de^oped here is baaed upon the solution of 340 problems rallying in size from 3 jobs and 3 machines to 8 jobs, 5 machines; and 10 problems ranging from 20 jote, 20 machines to 60 jobs, 30 madiines. Proc^sing tim^ were sdiected randomly from a rectangular distribution ran^ng from 01 to 99. Only problems of mze 8 jots or lew w&e consddered in the statistical determination of effectivene^ due to ihe difficulty in obtaining exact solutions for the laige proUems. The la^er problems wete solv^, however, to detennine the time required or sdution and to make comparisons with dilutions from {mother approximate algoritiim.
Expected Error

TaUe 1 gives tiie dktadbution of error in terms of pax%nt ikiviation the best sequiQice tm was from tlie optimal sequaoce time for a rample oi 20



TABLE 1 DistribtUion of Error in Terma of Percent DeeieUion of Algorithm Bett Sequence Time from Optimal Sequence Time

SampW Sige

Nonben of ProUont with Perceat l>tvi*siim ai 0% 0% < to S 5%


Avenge Enor (90)

0 2 1 6 2 3 0 4 4 9 9 10 0 1 4 8 6 69 0-2.9 0-^22.6 0-10.4 0-15.9 0-S.3 0-14.7 0-1.4 0-41.3 0-9.2 0-23.2 0-14.3 0-25.4 0.19 1.80 1.13 3.57 1.17

3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 Total

3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 340

17 15 13 12 13 12 19 9 11 4 2 3 20 14

3 3 6 2 5 5 1 7 5 7 9


7 0 5
9 9 12 95

0.07] 3.95 2.02 3.77 5.24 5.18 6.18]

0-5.3 0-10.0 0-11.4 0-12.6 Avera^

0.68 2.27 2.13 3.64 4.07 2.54

3 2 176

in each cat^ory of problems considered. The mean raror for each problem group in terms of percenta^ of optimal time is shown. Also diown axe mean errors for problem groups with constant m. Smilar taials were performed with processing times selected from normal and exponential distributions. Effectiveness of the algorithm was, on the average, better with these proUems than it was with the problems used in forming Table 1.
Compcaison to Palmer Algorithm

The Palmer [8] algorithm based upon a ranking of dope indices of jobs has several amilarities witJi t ^ algorithm presented here. One sequence per faoblmn is found by tile PahiKsr algturithm. Since the Palmor algoritiim is aa appcoximate ooetiiod, a comparsKtn of perftmnance oi the two a%)ritJmis was made after tiie Palmer algorithm was jHD^ammed to run on the IBM 7040. Two measures of tsomptsmm, eSectiv^iffls uiud computation t i n ^ woe used in (Kinjuncticm with two sets <rf problems. The first set of poblems cont^dned d ^ t groups oi 20 {atddraiis pa: group with kmma optimal seqi;^i(s. The e i ^ t groups ranged in size fitmx 3 job4 machine to 6 job~4 machine pxiblems aad 3 job6 machine to 6 jdb6 madbtine ptiblrans. All processing times were selected randomly from a rectangular disttflmt^Hi ranging from 001 to 999. The problems were sdected from 4 machine and 6 machine probl^ns in order to also give furtlier vmfication to Table 1 discussed fAwve. Poreent axor for botdi algcmtliEtm was computed in tiie ioamiffir 6&sewBed &a&e!r. 2 etmtalns data on tiie 160 probtotffl in Ute fiz^ seL Hie Ciqa)^-Dudek se-



quence times averaged 1.38% greater than optimal sequence timra as compared to an avera^ error of 4.58% for the Palmer sequmce times. The second set of problems contained ten problems of large sizes and were solved only with the Campbell-Dudek and the Palm^ algorithms; ihe problem me precluded use of enumeration or optimizii^ algorithms. Problems in the %cond set were formed with random numbers drawn from a rectangular distribution with a range of 00 to 99. For each of the problems, the Campbell-Dudek algorithm produced only the first six sequences. As in these problems the optimal solution was not known, tlie percent improvement of the results of our algorithm compared with that of Palmer's was calculated, and this is shown in Table 3. In nine out of the ten problems, the Can^^ibdl-Dudek sequence time was lower than that of the Palmar solution. Computer computation time comparisons were made by solving identical sets of problems of various azes with each algorithm. An IBM 7040 with online printer was used; computation time included data input, data output, and solution output. Computation times for both algorithms were very insenaLtive to the number of machines;
TABLE 2 Error Comparison on Problems with Known Optimal Sequence Times
Pi^ilemSue No. ProUems Cuiq>beU..Dndd: No. Largest Enor(%) Palmer Aveiue No. Optinnls Lugest Emw(%) Averan

Error fH)

Error fife) 2.68 6.08 4.5B 4.95 4.61

3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 Totak

4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160

17 15 10 12 18 15 11 6 104

8.1 10.1 13.8 11.5 1.4 4.1 6.9 9.0

.61] ^Hl 54 2.56r-" 1.24J

.12 .56 1.22 2.01 2.18 1.38

11 6 4 2 14 8 2 3 50

17.5 19.2 15.6 15.1 18.7 13.9 20.2 18.2

2.77] 5.9or-^ 6.52J


TABLE 3 Comparison on Prt^lems with Unknown Optimal Sequence Times

Sequence Time



20 20 20 40 40* 40 40 60 60

20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30

2452 2^6 2^0 2422 4458 4567 4^6 4475 5747

2712 2542 23S2 2484 4574 ^34 4665 5841 6997


10.60 1.84 -0.34 2.56 2.60 0.80 2.31 4.25 1.64 2.63


H. O. CAMFBEUi, B. A. OUDEK ANO H. I.. SMtlH TABLE 4 Computer Computation Time

Avenge Coaqmtatira Time (min) Number oi Join



8 10 20 40 60

.055 .067 .195 .752 1.806

.029 .037 .100 .223 .347

thus only the number of jobs waa considered. Table 4 contains the computation time data. The Palmer algorithm produces one sequence per problem while the CampbellDudek algorithm produces six. As a result. Palmer computation times are smaller. However, with only 1.5 minutes difference in time on a 60 job problem, the choice between the two al^rithms probably would be made on factors other than computation time. CakukUion Time Hand-calculation time for the approximate method varies from 2.5 minutes for a 3-job, 3-machine problem to 31.9 minutes for a 10-job, 15-machine problem. These tim^ include finding only two trial sequences and computing their total time. Since the number of individual arithmetic operations in any size it>blem are known, the hand-calculation time for any size problem can be priicted. The following times are predicted for the larger problems which were not solved by hand: 20-job, 20-machine130 minutes, 30-job, 20-machine130 minutes, 60-job, 30-machine380 minutes, and 60-job, 60-niachine^740 minute.
Ectmomy ConsidereMons

The choice between exact sequencing procedures and approximate procedures exists only for limited problem sizes. Computational experieace with the Smith-Dudek [10] algorithm has indicated that problems with greater than 10 jobs require extended computation time precluding finding optimal solutions. Thraefore, until improved exact procedures are developed, approximate metiiods must be used. If problems are of a size permitting a choice between appvximate and es^aai procedures, several factors must be conaidraed. Approximate methods will give results quickly and with le^ computation costs than with an exact a%)rit^m. Conversely, tiie approximate algraithm results will not be as accurate as results from an exact fdgorithm. The two factors, computational o^ts and costs of iuinoptimal solutions, appear to be of primiury importance when choosing between i^proximate and exact sequencing procedures. Since each situation will be unique, an economic analjrsis of the costs involved ^ould be mtuie b^ore a procedure iB selected. Condusiaais The approximate sequencing method desoibed provi(tes a practi^ solution to lar^ sequencing p proUems that cannot be served by exact i io<^ures. Solutions produced qg y by this alforitJun ive optimal or near-optimal and are ^ a l y and quickly prcdiu^. by this alforitJun ive optimal or near-optimal and are ^ a l y and



Up toTO 1 sequences can be found; if a computer is available, the expected error could be redud byfindingmost or all of the m 1 sequences. If computations are made by hand, l^s than m 1 sequences might be considered adequate even though some lass of effectivenras is incurred.
References 1. CAMFBIBU,, HEBBEBT G., "A Heuristic Solution Technique for Near Optimal Production Schedules," Unpublished Masters Thesis, Texas Tech College, 1966, AdvisorRichard A. Dudek.
2. DUDEK, RICHABD A. AND TETTTON, 0 m s F., JB., "Development of M^tage Decision Rule

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5. IGNAIX, DWABD AND SCHBAQE, LINUS, "Application of the Branch and Bound Technique to

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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11. WAONEB, H . M . , "An Integer Linear Programming Model for Machine Scheduling," Nav. Res. Log. Quart., Vol. 6 (1959), pp. 131-140.

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