Implementation of OEE - Issues and Challenges: Keywords: Multiple-Case Study, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Lean

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Implementation of OEE – issues and challenges

Amrik Sohal1, Jan Olhager2, Peter O’Neill1, Daniel Prajogo1

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
{amrik.sohal, peter.o’neill, daniel.prajogo, [email protected]},
Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden {[email protected]}

An operations strategy should be based on a strong systematic and standardized way of working
combined with empowered shop floor teams who drive continuous improvement in that standardized
work. OEE data on machine performance is a key starting point for teams to understand there
equipment losses and to establish improvement programs to eliminate them. We find that the
implementation of OEE is typically based on the motivation to use a basic reference measure for
analysing and comparing the utilization of resources at the plant. The use of OEE can also be
transformed to a system for analysing production data to identify potential areas of improvement, and
supporting lean initiatives. Thus, characteristically, OEE typically advances from a base measure for
efficiency as the initial purpose, to being a tool to improve effectiveness for analysing data to support
CI objectives via the identification and elimination of waste.

Keywords: Multiple-case study, Overall equipment effectiveness, Lean.

1 Introduction

In many industries, the effectiveness of manufacturing equipment is of the utmost

importance. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is gaining increasing interest as a key
measure of considerable relevance for sustainable manufacturing. There is some research
literature on OEE but it mostly deals with the technical aspects of OEE as a measure. There
are very few case studies reported and when case studies are included, these typically have
the role of merely illustrating a particular aspect of the measurement or definition of OEE.
We identified a lack of literature concerning the implementation of OEE, i.e. how to
introduce it in a plant or company, and how to use it for the continuing operations. This
research reports on the results of a multiple case study involving six Australian firms that
have implementation experience of OEE.
This paper is structured as follows. First, we review the related literature and define OEE.
We then present the research methodology and the case studies one by one, before
conducting a cross-case analysis. These results are synthesized into the main findings. We
hope that this research contributes to the understanding of how to implement and use OEE in
2 Related Literature

There is a stream of literature dealing with OEE directly, e.g. Leachman (1997), Ljungberg
(1998), Jonsson and Lesshammar (1999), Dal et al. (2000), Jeong and Phillips (2001), Da
Costa and Da Lima (2002), Bamber et al. (2003), De Ron and Rooda (2005, 2006),
Nachiappan and Anantharaman (2006), Muthiah and Huang (2007), Muthiah et al. (2008),
Muchiri and Pintelon (2008), and Braglia et al. (2009). Other literature approach OEE either
from maintenance (Nakajima, 1997; Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2002; Chan et al., 2005;
Pinjala et al., 2006), from performance measurement (Ahmad and Dhafr, 2002;
Berrah et al., 2004) or from productivity improvement (Huang et al., 2002, Huang et al.,
2003, Kenyon et al., 2005). Most of this literature deals with the technical aspects of OEE as
a measure. Some propose alternative measures that assumingly would fit better in a
particular circumstance.
OEE measure captures the reduction of scheduled operations with respect to maintenance,
production and quality effectiveness, and distinguishes between these three components.
The definition of OEE is illustrated in Figure 1 and detailed below.

OEE = AxPxQ. (1)

A = Availability rate = Operating time (h) / Loading time (h)
P = Performance efficiency = Theoretical cycle time (h) x Actual output (units) /
Operating time (h)
Q = Quality rate = [Total production (units) – Defect amount (units)] / Total production (units)

Scheduled operations

Maintenance effectiveness

Availability Availability loss

Performance Performance

Production effectiveness

Quality effectiveness
Quality Quality

Fig. 1. Illustration of the main components of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Nakajima (1998) identified and classified the main losses related to availability,
performance, and quality. He established the “six big losses”: (1) poor productivity and lost
yield due to poor quality, (2) setup and adjustment for product mix change, (3) production
losses when temporary malfunctions occur, (4) differences in equipment design speed and
actual operating speed, (5) defects caused by malfunctioning equipment, and (6) start up and
yield losses at the early stage of production.
Based on the review of the related literature, we find that there is a lack of research on
managerial issues and challenges related to OEE implementation. Therefore, we set out to
study the following research questions:
• What are the issues in implementing OEE?
• What are the challenges in implementing OEE?
• Is there a standard implementation model or are there contingencies; if so, what are the
important contingencies?
3 Research Methodology

This research is based on a roundtable seminar and an e-mail questionnaire survey. The
roundtable was used to raise interest and to establish a common understanding of OEE and
the basic issues concerning implementation. 18 manufacturing firms were present. The
follow-up questionnaire was concerned with the specific issues and challenges for each
individual company. We received responses from six firms. The results of this study are
based on the implementation experience of these six firms. On average, they have four years
of experience of using OEE.

4 Case Studies

In this section we present the OEE implementation issues for each respective company. First, we
provide an overview of the types of companies as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Company characteristics.

Characteristic Case Case B Case C Case D Case E Case F

Medium- Medium-
Size Large Small Large Large
sized sized
Industry Food Mfg- Chemica Steel mfg Food mfg Engineer
sector mfg l mfg mfg
Batch Batch / Batch /
Main process Continuou Continuou
/ flow flow flow Line
type s process s process
shop shop shop
Production Make
system - Make- Make- Make- Make- Make-
(decoupling toord tostock tostock tostock tostock toorder
point) er

Lean, Lean, JIT, Lean,

Improvement Lean, Six
Lean Lean TPM, Six
programs TPM sigma TPM sigma
Years of OEE
4 8 1 1 5 3

Notes: TPM=Total Productive Maintenance; JIT=Just in Time

4.1 Case A

The company is a leading brand in the Australian F&B industry and continues to show
strong growth in global markets with retail, food service and bulk products making their way
into over 50 countries around the world. Its success in export markets has been the ability to
build and operate at high capacity utilisation, supply value-added retail-ready products in
excess of AUD50 million, despite challenging trading conditions. The company’s business is
focused on the demand for high quality products from a ‘clean, green’ industry, underpinned
by its ability to quickly respond to the requirements of individual markets, making the
business a ‘one stop shop’ for many customers.
4.2 Case B

This company produces and sells a range of premium building products to the commercial
and residential building markets, with operations in the Asia Pacific region, including
manufacturing facilities in Australia, China, Malaysia, and Thailand. It prides itself on
highly trained and experienced staff which has world class engineering knowledge, research
and development, technical and customer service skills. The process in not continuous,
machines are stopped and started to load material and remove product. All machines have
their OEE measured, but OEE is only measured when product mix demand and labour is
available to run a machine. The essence of OEE measurement is when the machine is
running, how well is it running. Factors such as market demand and absenteeism are taken
out of the calculation. OEE is used as a process efficiency tool rather than an asset utilisation
tool. All OEE results are generated from hand written machine reports, which causes
inaccuracies if downtime is not recorded accurately. There is a site weighted OEE result
which is based on lm produced through each machine. Operators still struggle with the
concept of OEE – they are more comfortable in thinking about metres produced not OEE.
Steady and continuous improvement of site weighted OEE.

4.3 Case C

This large chemical company operates in multiple business areas including household
cleaning, beauty care, and consumer and industrial chemical treatments. OEE is being
piloted in Australia with trials on one site and implementation of large data set of run data.
Efficiency improvements have been achieved on one extrusion line where material
changeover is now done on the fly, rather than waiting for a 10-15 minute shutdown. The
company is cautious regarding global standard, and the inconsistency of global comparisons.
But they see OEE as a tool for Kaizen and are focussing strongly on continuous internal
operational improvements.

4.4 Case D

This company is an integrated, manufacturer and distributor of steel and finished steel
products. They are self sufficient in ore and have the ability to be self sufficient in scrap
metal, providing significant flexibility to the vertically integrated model that ranges from the
mining, collection and supply of steelmaking raw materials through to steel production,
manufacturing and distribution in Australia and overseas. The company also makes external
sales of ore and scrap metal. The company is thus a uniquely integrated portfolio of
complementary businesses. It operates its own distribution operations and supplies the
Australian construction, manufacturing, automotive, rail and rural sectors. The company also
exports excess slab production to overseas steel manufacturers; however imports have
increasingly driven a focus on operational Building organisational capability, particularly in
relation to supply chain, operational productivity, and customer and market insight.

4.5 Case E

This company is a leading supplier of quality refined commodity food products. They
service the industrial and consumer markets under numerous iconic brands. The product is
produced from raw local ingredients and the industry’s value chain is one of the largest in
the world. The company has significant brand presence, and is a large exporter in both
packaged and in bulk form. The company is located close to major food manufacturing
industries, and to wharf facilities for bulk shipping. As one of Australia’s largest and longest
suppliers to the food and beverage industry, they have a dedication to excellence (and thus
OEE), and this extends to managing the inventory levels and deliveries to major customers.

4.6 Case F

The company is one of Australia's leading manufacturers of Engineered Products. Its

manufacturing facility has quality management accreditation to ISO9001 and environmental
management systems to ISA14001, and has been manufacturing and supplying to the
Australian mining industry since 1960’s. It also sells and supports a range of third party
Engineered Products-branded industrial power transmission products; heavyduty and
lightweight conveyor belts; hydraulics; rubber track; and automotive and heavyduty truck
belts, hose, tensioners and air springs.

5 Cross-Case Analysis

A comparison between the six companies shows that there are similarities as well as differences
between the approaches taken to implementing OEE is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Company characteristics

Characteristic Case A Case B Case C Case D Case E Case F

Drivers and Intra/inter *Identifying Change from a *Intra/inter firm *New *Intra/inter firm
motives to start firm waste reactive to benchmark benchmark
Operations *Basis for
using OEE benchmark *Measuring proactive data *Identifying
improvement driven culture waste GM productivity
*Part of TPM *Communicatio
program n with crews
over all shifts
Critical success *Visibility of Operator *Operator *Communication *Simple *Visibility of
factors for the data/target involvement measurement data
*understanding of need * by shop floor
implementation *Management *Establish link Operator *Up to date data
*knowledge *Use of data
phase of OEE facilitates from data to education of *Operator
removal of improvements as part of understanding
OEE drivers
barriers *Removal TPM & control
Difficulties, Developing a Shift culture Long data * Culture of fear *Training in *Criteria not
barriers or culture to from units entry times - of unknown under control
*Mis- CI method
pitfalls during challenge & produced to Reduced * Long data
present ideas waste removal motivation understanding of *Failure to set entry times -
calculations target rates Reduced
phase of OEE
*Holidays &
Critical Automation Management *Visibility of Management *Ownership *Data
success factors of process commitment data/target engagement in by shop floor benchmarked
for continued once *Focus on data discussion *Simple data *Improvement
collection in margin
use of OEE acceptance cycle of CI *Managemen *Full order
in place t link to book
Main benefits Enhanced: Way of Part of new *Focuses *Throughput *Engaged
or specific monitoring culture *lean improvements increase workers *Best
*morale *empowerment without large practice
outcomes *asset improvement on operations
from using utilisation s in *engagement CTQ family CAPEX data *CTQ
OEE efficiency increase
*recovery of *Reduced
overheads inventories *Environment
*Better JIT
Main future Maintaining Resetting the Application Linkage to the Extending * Maintain
challenges in links from rate targets to across: business application to through
using OEE measures to achieve CI *processes objectives whole plant downturn
response *labour *Data up to date

Notes: GM=General Manager; CI=Continuous Improvements; CTQ=Critical to Quality; CAPEX=Capital Expenditure

6 Discussion and Implications of the Findings

Here we present an initial discussion and possible implications from the case study data
set. In terms of drivers and motives to utilise OEE we see that intra/inter firm benchmarking
and removal of waste (and identification of losses) were common responses. There was also
an explicit linkage to other programs such as TPM, CI and Lean to implying that OEE needs
to be considered as part of a program to change the organisations operational culture. With
respect to the critical success factors for an implementation phase operator involvement,
education and understanding, plus visibility of data/target were consistent responses. The
implication of these responses is that although OEE provides a systematic approach to
operational measures, the data must still be collected from the right place at the right time
and then be displayed in the right format in the right locations before any discussion of CI
can take place.
The most common difficulties, barriers or pitfalls during the implementation phase
seemed to be resistive cultures, specifically those that did not challenge existing ideas or
ways of doing things. The implication of this was a concern that data entry and display was
delayed as a result, and this often led to reduced motivation and thus threatened the success
of the projects. The critical success factors for the sustainability of OEE in plants focused on
two areas; firstly on the simplicity of data capture, storage, display and benchmarking, and
secondly on the enabling role that management should play in the system. The implications
of these findings suggest that while management may play a key role in the initial manual
establishment phases of the system, their role must shift to the enablement of simplicity
(perhaps through automation) to ensure the system’s continuity.
The main benefits or specific outcomes experienced from using OEE seemed to focus
primarily on the tangible aspects of performance metrics such as improvements in CTQ
family, and financial dimensions of throughput efficiency, and waste removal. However
there was secondary acknowledgement of improvement to the intangible domain of HR
empowerment, engagement and morale. The implications of this perspective is that
managerial respondents would seemed to have at least grasped that although they report on
the tangible outcomes of OEE, it is the intangible domain that ultimately must be nurtured if
the benefits are to be sustained. In terms of the main challenges for plants in using OEE, the
focus was not how to propagate the system, but rather how to maintain the shop floor (HR)
engagement and commitment to the system while at the same time integrating the
increasingly demanding objectives of the business.

In summary there was an almost universal acknowledgement that decisions surrounding

strategic business directions were being hampered because of inconsistent operational
measurement systems, even though an implicit standard approach was required. There was
also acknowledgement that variation in plant performance hampered communication and
leads to monetary loss due to less than timely actions being taken. An operations strategy
should be based on a strong systematic and standardised way of working combined with
empowered shop floor teams who drive continuous improvement in that standardised work.
Lean and TPM are key methodologies to improve the capability and empower shop floor
teams, and OEE data on machine performance is a key starting point for teams to understand
there equipment losses and to establish improvement programs to eliminate them. It was
interesting to note that management leadership and commitment that is often cited as critical
to program success in the organisational change literature (most often because it is found to
be resistive), here was noted in a very positive sense. This would seem to suggest that the
managerial role in OEE programs is understood to be one of enablement of systems for
training, data collection and analysis and empowerment of an “under utilised human
resource” to drive the solution space.

7 Conclusions

We find that the implementation of OEE is typically based on the motivation to use OEE as
a basic reference measure for analysing the utilization of the resources at the plant. For firms
with multiple plants, a motivation has also been to be able to compare plants based on OEE.
However, as time passes the use of OEE is transformed to a system for analysing production
data to identify potential areas of improvement, and supporting lean initiatives. Thus,
characteristically, OEE typically advances from a base measure for efficiency as the initial
purpose, to being a tool to improve effectiveness for analysing data to support CI objectives
via the identification and elimination of waste.


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