Newsletter Week 39

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The Krause Early Elementary School

Chinese Your Kindergarten

Dear parents, Finally, almost time to say goodbye to kids. I run into a mom this Thursday and told her somehow I dont feel released at all at this time of the year, nor did I feel relaxed after waving goodbye to kids last year. Maybe it is because this Chinese program is still under development and it is far from perfection. Anyway... Listening/Speaking: This week, we learnt words for parts of owers and their needs. These words included ower, leave, stem, root, air, water, and sunshine. I changed the lyrics of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes into a short nursery rhyme and we acted out the words by pretending to be owers. The strategy worked out
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pretty well. Before leaning the words, we watched video clips of time lapse of plants/owers to understand the life cycle of plants. I originally planned to do hands-on activities so that kids can observe the growth of owers, but didnt make it. :-( So our learning of science was more like a language class.

The Krause Early Elementary School

Chinese Your Kindergarten

The countries we learnt last week were not as tangible as pizza or hamburger. :-) Therefore, we spent some time to reinforce the words and sentences. We also learnt a new song called A Family. The song was written and presented by a real family living in Mongolia. In the lyrics of the song, a father was depicted as the sun shining on a mother, a mother the green leaves holding red owers and the child a sprouting seed. We will spend some more time next week to learn the song. Writing: On the collage portrait we did for the Fathers Day, we wrote the four characters for my dad. I was really impressed by the quality of writing by some children. Honestly, it is hard to tell the difference between their work and that of some Chinese kids of the same age. :-) Math: We progressed our learning of decomposition to 10. In addition, we explained how decomposing numbers can help with our subtraction. Chinese culture: We continued our visual tour in China. We visited terracotta warriors in Xian, classical gardens of Suzhou and Jiuzhaigou valley in Si Chuan. Homework reward: I am very pleased to announce that nine children received special rewards for completing and returning homework every week. Their names are: Abigail, Carson, Leah, Maleah, Marti, Sydney, Darrah, Jack and Makenna. I extended the rewards to children who just missed one homework as an encouragement, but didnt tell them the adjustment. Cheater! :-) The reward is a book titled My First Book of Mandarin Chinese Words and a panda ballpoint pen. I am very appreciative of the tremendous support given by the parents of the above children. Without it, they cannot make such an achievement. Homework: Just relax this weekend. Measured by the 10,000 hour rule of becoming an expert in any eld, I am still a beginning teacher. Although I tried my best, I know there is still plenty room for improvement. I do hope that the children enjoyed the learning experience and such an experience, if continued, would contribute to their development as global citizens when they grow up. Next weeks schedule: Next Tuesday and Wednesday, we have half-day class in the morning. The AM class attends school on Tuesday and the PM class on Wednesday. Summer camp: A brochure of a summer camp organized by the Association of Chinese Americans is enclosed. For more detailed information, please check ACAs website or make a call. Website: I will make sure the materials are updated, but I cannot guarantee to nish it before next Wednesday. In the summer, I will reorganize the pictures and videos into different cultural themes and add the reading part. Hopefully it will serve as a channel for children to retain their learning. The children must be excited about the upcoming summer vacation. I wish all of them enjoy the time and at the same time get ready to go to the rst grade. See you next school year!
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