Newsletter Week 39
Newsletter Week 39
Newsletter Week 39
Dear parents, Finally, almost time to say goodbye to kids. I run into a mom this Thursday and told her somehow I dont feel released at all at this time of the year, nor did I feel relaxed after waving goodbye to kids last year. Maybe it is because this Chinese program is still under development and it is far from perfection. Anyway... Listening/Speaking: This week, we learnt words for parts of owers and their needs. These words included ower, leave, stem, root, air, water, and sunshine. I changed the lyrics of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes into a short nursery rhyme and we acted out the words by pretending to be owers. The strategy worked out
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pretty well. Before leaning the words, we watched video clips of time lapse of plants/owers to understand the life cycle of plants. I originally planned to do hands-on activities so that kids can observe the growth of owers, but didnt make it. :-( So our learning of science was more like a language class.