Emerald Term 6 Newsletter

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Wilton & Barford CE VC Primary School

Emerald Class!

Dear Parents,
I hope that you had a pleasant half term break. As the academic year draws to a close it seems like
September was only a couple of weeks ago. Throughout Term 6 we will continue with our topic of Theme
Parks. Please find below a brief outline of the learning that your child will be doing over the following
Literacy This term we are focussing on Instructions and then analyse and write our own
Phonics We will be continuing to work through Phase 6 of Letters & Sounds and learn about
suffixes including er and est.
Numeracy This term we will be securing our knowledge of shapes and number facts e.g.
odd/even numbers, doubles/halves and number patterns.
Linked Learning We will conclude our map skills work in Geography and begin to learn about the
history of theme parks.
RE Mrs Rendall will work with Emerald Class on a Thursday afternoon and this term they
will be looking at Creation.
Science We will conclude our learning about Forces and begin to learn about Electricity.
Music Mrs Shakespeare will be continuing to teach the children to play the recorder this
term and we will perform a recorder concert.
ICT We will continue to develop our computing skills by looking at modelling.
PE This term we will be swimming and Saints will be focussing on athletics.
SEAL Our topic this term is Changes.
DT We will continue to plan and make our own theme park rides.
If you have any questions about your childs learning please do come and speak to me.
Mr Harwood
Art Aprons

Do you have any old
shirts or t-shirts that
we could have in
class to use as art
aprons? Many

Library Bus
This term we will be
visiting the library
bus on the 2
, 16
June and the 14


Money and Letters
A reminder that all money and letters need to come into class with your child and not
to the office or kitchen. Thank you.
Home Learning Project
This term the title of our home learning project is Theme Parks. It has been left very open ended so that you and
your child can do whatever you like! Projects are due in the last week of term on Wednesday 2
July. Thank you to
those of you who have already worked with your children on their project they are fantastic!
Please could you make sure that your child has the following with them in school every day and that all clothing is named:
Their bag containing the following:
-reading books
-white reading records
-spelling practice books
-home learning books (including completed books)
Children will also need their:
-water bottles
If your daughters hair is long please make sure it is tied up
before they come to school.
Their PE kits with the following:
-t shirt
Girls will also need a spare pair of socks as they cannot wear
tights to do PE.
Our usual day for doing PE is Thursday, however kit needs to be
in school every day as we sometimes have to change our PE
Their swimming kits with the following:
-swimming trunks/costume
Optional items: swimming hat and goggles
Earrings are not allowed to be worn in the swimming pool. If your child is unable to remove their earrings by themselves please
remove them at home before they come to school on swimming days.
Our usual day for doing swimming is Tuesday, however, as with PE, this can sometimes change. In this event I will always try to
give you at least a days notice.
Key Dates for the Diary
Monday 2
Term Starts 8:45am
Wednesday 11
INSPIRE Please join us from 9 to 10:30 for some learning activities
Monday 16
Fathers Day Lunch Please order and pay in advance
Monday 16
Reading Caf Starts Please speak to Mrs Blakeman for details
Wednesday 25
Recorder Concert Please join us at 9 in the hall
Friday 4
INSET School closed
Monday 7
Open Night Collect your childs report and meet their teacher for next year
Friday 11
Sports Day Keep your fingers crossed that it doesnt rain!
Monday 14
Transition Day Your child will spend some time with their teacher for next year
Thursday 17
150 Merit Party Your child will need their swimming kit if they have achieved their Gold merit certificate
Thursday 24
End of Term Please join us at church from 1:45pm for our end of term service
Term 1 starts at 8:45am on Wednesday 3
September 2014 for Y1-6 and Monday 8
September 2014 for YR. I hope that you all
have a fun and safe summer holiday!


I can read for enjoyment at least 5 times a week.
Please help your child achieve this target by listening to them read at
home and writing in their reading record when you have listened to them

Step 1 I can start my sentences with capital letters and finish them with full stops.
Step 2
I remember to use capital letters and full stops properly in my sentences and I use question marks at the end of
question sentences.
Step 3 I remember to use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks properly in my sentences.

This term we will continue to work through our maths passport targets. All children in the class are currently working on step
3, Africa, and a copy of their targets can be found in their Home Learning Books along with the step they are currently working
on for their Number Bonds or Eggs on Legs.
If you like any help with your childs targets please come and speak to me.

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