Math HL Summer Work Sheet

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Points A, B and C are on the circumference of a circle, centre O and radius r. A trapezium OABC is formed such that AB is parallel to OC, and the angle AOC is , 2 < .

diagram not to scale


Show that angle BOC is .



Show that the area, T, of the trapezium can be expressed as

1 2 1 r sin r 2 sin 2 2 T= 2 .

IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition



Show that when the area is maximum, the value of satisfies cos = 2 cos 2.


Hence determine the maximum area of the trapezium when r = 1. (Note: It is not required to prove that it is a maximum.)
(5) (Total 11 marks)


Andr wants to get from point A located in the sea to point Y located on a straight stretch of beach. P is the point on the beach nearest to A such that AP = 2 km and PY = 2 km. He does this by swimming in a straight line to a point Q located on the beach and then running to Y.

When Andr swims he covers 1 km in 5 5 minutes. When he runs he covers 1 km in 5 minutes.


If PQ = x km, 0 x 2, find an expression for the time T minutes taken by Andr to reach point Y.


Show that

5 5x dT = 5. dx x2 + 4



dT = 0. Solve dx


Use the value of x found in part (c) (i) to determine the time, T minutes, taken for Andr to reach point Y.


d 2T 20 5 = 2 3 dx x 2 + 4 2 and hence show that the time found in part (c) (ii) is a Show that minimum.

(11) (Total 18 marks)


A packaging company makes boxes for chocolates. An example of a box is shown below. This box is closed and the top and bottom of the box are identical regular hexagons of side x cm.

diagram not to scale


3 3x 2 2 2 Show that the area of each hexagon is cm .



3 3 Given that the volume of the box is 90 cm , show that when x = 20 the total surface area of the box is a minimum, justifying that this value gives a minimum.

(7) (Total 8 marks)


The curve y = x 5 is shown below.


IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition

A point P on the curve has x-coordinate equal to a.


Show that the distance OP is

a 4 9a 2 + 25 .


Find the values of a for which the curve is closest to the origin.
(5) (Total 7 marks)


A skydiver jumps from a stationary balloon at a height of 2000 m above the ground. 1 0.2t Her velocity, v m s , t seconds after jumping, is given by v = 50(1 e ). (a) Find her acceleration 10 seconds after jumping.


How far above the ground is she 10 seconds after jumping?

(3) (Total 6 marks)


A rocket is rising vertically at a speed of 300 m s when it is 800 m directly above the launch site. Calculate the rate of change of the distance between the rocket and an observer, who is 600 m from the launch site and on the same horizontal level as the launch site.

diagram not to scale

(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition


A lighthouse L is located offshore, 500 metres from the nearest point P on a long straight shoreline. The narrow beam of light from the lighthouse rotates at a constant rate of 8 radians per minute, producing an illuminated spot S that moves along the shoreline. You may assume that the height of the lighthouse can be ignored and that the beam of light lies in the horizontal plane defined by sea level.

When S is 2000 metres from P, (a) show that the speed of S, correct to three significant figures, is 214 000 metres per minute;


find the acceleration of S.

(3) (Total 8 marks)


The diagram below shows a circle with centre at the origin O and radius r > 0.

A point P(x, y), (x > 0, y > 0) is moving round the circumference of the circle. y tan arcsin r . Let m =


dm r = dy 2 2 dt 10 r y Given that dt = 0.001r, show that



dm State the geometrical meaning of dt .

(1) (Total 7 marks)

IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition


A helicopter H is moving vertically upwards with a speed of 10 m s . The helicopter is h m directly above the point Q, which is situated on level ground. The helicopter is observed from the point P, which is also at ground level, and PQ = 40 m. This information is represented in the diagram below.

diagram not to scale

When h = 30, (a) show that the rate of change of HPQ is 0.16 radians per second;


find the rate of change of PH.

(4) (Total 7 marks)


The quadratic function f(x) = p + qx x has a maximum value of 5 when x = 3. (a) Find the value of p and the value of q.


The graph of f(x) is translated 3 units in the positive direction parallel to the x-axis. Determine the equation of the new graph.
(2) (Total 6 marks)

x 2 5x + 4
2 Consider f(x) = x + 5 x + 4 .


Find the equations of all asymptotes of the graph of f.



Find the coordinates of the points where the graph of f meets the x and y axes.


Find the coordinates of (i) (ii) the maximum point and justify your answer; the minimum point and justify your answer.


Sketch the graph of f, clearly showing all the features found above.


Hence, write down the number of points of inflexion of the graph of f.

(1) (Total 20 marks)


The function f is defined by f (x) = x e . It can be shown that f derivative of f (x). (a)


(x) = (2 x + n 2


) e for all n


, where f


(x) represents the n


By considering f (x) for n =1 and n = 2, show that there is one minimum point P on the graph of f, and find the coordinates of P.



Show that f has a point of inflexion Q at x = 1.


IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition


Determine the intervals on the domain of f where f is (i) (ii) concave up; concave down.


Sketch f, clearly showing any intercepts, asymptotes and the points P and Q.


Use mathematical induction to prove that f (n) th f (x) represents the n derivative of f (x).


(x) = (2 x + n2


) e for all n


, where

(9) (Total 27 marks)


A family of cubic functions is defined as fk (x) = k x kx + x, k (a) Express in terms of k (i) (ii) f k (x) and f k (x);

2 3

the coordinates of the points of inflexion Pk on the graphs of fk.



Show that all Pk lie on a straight line and state its equation.


Show that for all values of k, the tangents to the graphs of fk at Pk are parallel, and find the equation of the tangent lines.
(5) (Total 13 marks)



Find the root of the equation e


= 2e giving the answer as a logarithm.



The curve y = e


2e has a minimum point. Find the coordinates of this minimum.



The curve y = e


2e is shown below.

Write down the coordinates of the points A, B and C.



Hence state the set of values of k for which the equation e has two distinct positive roots.


2e = k
(2) (Total 16 marks)


(x + y) Show that the points (0, 0) and ( 2 , 2 ) on the curve e = cos (xy) have a common tangent.

(Total 7 marks)


1 (9 + 8 x 2 x 4 ) The curve C has equation y = 8 . dy Find the coordinates of the points on C at which dx = 0.


IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition



The tangent to C at the point P(1, 2) cuts the x-axis at the point T. Determine the coordinates of T.


The normal to C at the point P cuts the y-axis at the point N. Find the area of triangle PTN.
(7) (Total 15 marks)


x The function f is defined by f(x) = e

2 x 1.5



Find f(x).


f ( x) You are given that y = x 1 has a local minimum at x = a, a > 1. Find the value of a.
(6) (Total 8 marks)


Below is a sketch of a Ferris wheel, an amusement park device carrying passengers around the rim of the wheel.


The circular Ferris wheel has a radius of 10 metres and is revolving at a rate of 3 radians per minute. Determine how fast a passenger on the wheel is going vertically upwards when the passenger is at point A, 6 metres higher than the centre of the wheel, and is rising.


The operator of the Ferris wheel stands directly below the centre such that the bottom of the Ferris wheel is level with his eyeline. As he watches the passenger his line of sight makes an angle with the horizontal. Find the rate of change of at point A.
(3) (Total 10 marks)


1 dy 2 ln (1 + e 2x ) = 3 , show that dx 3 (ey 3). If y =

(Total 7 marks)


5 Consider the graphs y = e and y = e sin 4x, for 0 x 4 .

x x


5 On the same set of axes draw, on graph paper, the graphs, for 0 x 4 . Use a scale of 1 cm to 8 on your x-axis and 5 cm to 1 unit on your y-axis.


n Show that the x-intercepts of the graph y = e sin 4x are 4 , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.




Find the x-coordinates of the points at which the graph of y = e sin 4x meets the graph x of y = e . Give your answers in terms of .


(i) Show that when the graph of y = e sin 4x meets the graph of y = e , their gradients are equal.

IB Questionbank Mathematics Higher Level 3rd edition



Hence explain why these three meeting points are not local maxima of the x graph y = e sin 4x.



Determine the y-coordinates, y1, y2 and y3, where y1 > y2 > y3, of the 5 x local maxima of y = e sin 4x for 0 x 4 . You do not need to show that they are maximum values, but the values should be simplified.


Show that y1, y2 and y3 form a geometric sequence and determine the common ratio r.
(7) (Total 22 marks)

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