Assignment FEA
Assignment FEA
Assignment FEA
12 November 2010
ADVANCED COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURE ASSIGNMENT FINITE ELEMENT METHODS Weighting: 50% of final mark Submission date: 21 January 2011 The aim of this assignment is to develop a computer program, in Matlab, for the finite element solution of the equation,
2u 2u 2 u c 0 2 y x
using linear triangular finite elements. In the above equation, u is a scalar, is a constant and c is a (constant) body force term. The boundary conditions of the problem are given in terms of prescribed values of the function u or zero flux. The assignment will be carried out in groups of no more than four students. A final report should be submitted by each group, containing the following items: 1. A brief description of the steps involved in the mathematical formulation of the finite element method for this particular problem. 2. A listing of the computer code with a brief description of each relevant part. 3. The solutions to a number of simple problems which demonstrate that the different options available in the code are all working. At least three problems are required, as follows: One problem with = c = 0. One problem with = 0, c 0. One problem with 0, c = 0.
If no exact solution is available for comparison, the accuracy of the above solutions should be demonstrated by mesh refinement. A brief oral examination may be carried out with all members of a group, if deemed necessary.