Digital Integrated Circuit Tester Ieee

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The document discusses designing a low-cost and programmable digital integrated circuit tester using a microcontroller.

The proposed system uses an 89C51 microcontroller, 4x3 matrix keyboard, 16 character 2 line LCD display, and a 16 pin IC socket.

The circuit diagram components include an 89C51 microcontroller, DTMF transmitter UM91215B, DTMF receiver, 8870 decoder, 4x3 matrix keyboard and 16 character 2 line LCD display.

DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TESTER Roshan Borkar, Ashwin Nakman, Terry Joseph, Priya Hankare, Amruta Mone Department

of Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Mumbai 400070

Abstract Integrated circuits (ICs) constitute an area of microelectronics in which many conventional electronic components are combined into highdensity modules. Integrated circuits are made up of active and passive components, such as transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors. Because of their reduced size, use of integrated circuits can simplify otherwise complex systems by reducing the number of separate components and interconnections. Their use can also reduce power consumption, reduce the overall size of the equipment, and significantly lower the overall cost of the equipment concerned. Many types of integrated circuits are ESDS devices and should be handled accordingly. An Integrated Circuit tester (IC tester) is used to test Integrated Circuits (ICs). We can easily test any digital IC using this kind of an IC tester. For testing an IC, we need to use different hardware circuits for different ICs; like we need a particular kind of tester for testing a logic gate and another for testing flip flops or shift registers which involves more complication and time involved will also be more. By varying our options and resources we planned to design an IC tester to overcome this problem.

test digital ICs having a maximum of 16 pins. Since it is programmable, any number of ICs can be tested within the constraint of the memory available. This IC tester can be used to test a wide variety of ICs which includes simple logic gates and also sequential and combinational ICs like flip-flops, counters, shift registers etc. It is portable and easy to use. The entire procedure, from survey to implementation has been documented and the results are shown towards the end of this paper.

2. LITERATURE SURVEY Digital IC Tester can be of two types: 1. Microcontroller based 2. PC based. In this paper we have discussed the Micro controller based Digital IC Tester. Different types of Microcontrollers to make DIGITAL IC TESTER: 1. 89c51 2. 8051 3. 89c2051 Disadvantages of IC 8051: It gulps power and so it heats up. It is not CMOS compatible, only TTL compatible. The high current is about 10 times bigger if the port pin is driven low externally, e.g. Driving a transistor. Disadvantages of IC 89c2051: It is a 20 pin IC. As we are testing 16/14 pin ICs, this IC cannot be used. It is not possible to interface keyboard and display. Advantages of IC 89c51: IC 89c51is easily available in Indian market. Its software and kit can be easily found and is cheap.

1. INTRODUCTION In todays world, where technology is growing at an unprecedented pace, this paper introduces a simple, cost effective and multifunctional prototype model for Digital IC Testing. The digital IC Tester is a device used to test whether a given digital IC is working or not. Unlike other IC testers, this is more reliable and easier since we dont need to rig up different kind of circuits for different kind of ICs, each time we need to test them. Unlike the IC testers available in the market today which are usually expensive, this IC tester is affordable and user-friendly. This IC tester is constructed using IC 89C51 microcontroller along with a keyboard and a display unit. It can

3. PROPOSED SYSTEM 1. Microcontroller 89c51 2. 4*3 Matrix Keyboard 3. 16 characters 2 line LCD display 4. 16 pin IC socket Selection of Microcontroller: The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4Kbytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed insystem or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution. Also this microcontroller has 40 pins which are completely utilized in the digital IC tester. 4*3 Matrix Keyboard: The identifying number of IC under test is inputted by using 4*3 matrix keypad. The keypad is connected to DTMF transmitter UM91215B, rows to pins 12, 13, 14 and columns to pins 15,16,17,18. The VCC to UM91215B is 3.3 V and is obtained across Zener in series with 330 ohm resistor. A timing oscillator uses crystal 30578 MHz on pin 3 and 4.The DTMF output is produced on pin 7 and coupled is to DTMF receiver via 0.1 micro farad capacitor. 16 characters 2 line LCD display:

resistors, the circuit is more portable for a wider range of computers, some of which may have no internal pull up resistors. The BCD output is presented to microcontroller on p0.7, p0.6, p0.5 and p0.4.P0.3 is having signal indicating that BCD output is valid. The microcontroller program reads the BCD output and stores each digit. The IC number and test result can be outputted on LCD screen. 16 pin IC socket: The 16 pin zip socket is connected to 8 pins of port 1 and 8 pins of port 3 of microcontroller 89c51 i.e. 89c51 pin 1 to 1 of zip and 89c51 pin 8 to 8 of zip, pin 10 to 10 and pin 9 to 9 of zip. The IC to be tested is inserted into this socket.


Above is the quite simple schematic. The LCD panel's Enable and Register Select is connected to the Control Port. The Control Port is an open collector / open drain output [2]. While most Parallel Ports have internal pull-up resistors, there are a few which don't. Therefore by incorporating the two 10K external pull up

Considering the block diagram the various components can be described as follows: The 14/16 pin selection switches are placed appropriately. Keypad of 4*3 matrix is given to 4 BCD signals. Depending on pre-determined data, the signals from microcontroller are conditioned & corresponding the output pins are checked for correctness. LCD 16*2 is connected to the microcontroller & setup working. Write program to read BCD & 4 digit IC number & display on LCD. IC socket 16

pin is connected to the microcontroller. Then replace the switch by bi-directional analog switches to select 14/16 pin configuration automatically by program known IC number.

DISP1 S1 C1 10mfd +

re set
R1 10k

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CP

The identifying number of IC under test is inputted by using 4*3 matrix keypad. The keypad is connected to DTMF transmitter UM91215B, rows to pins 12, 13, 14 and columns to pins 15,16,17,18. The VCC to UM91215B IS 3.3 V and is obtained across Zener in series with 330 ohm resistor. A timing oscillator uses crystal 30578 MHz on pin 3 and 4. The DTMF output is produced on pin 7 and coupled is to DTMF receiver via 0.1 micro farad capacitor. The received DTMF signal is decoded to BCD lines by 8870 using crystal 3.578 MHz pin 7 and 8 and are obtainable on 11,12,13,14. The BCD output is presented to microcontroller on p0.7, p0.6, p0.5 and p0.4. P0.3 is having signal indicating that BCD output is valid. The microcontroller program reads the BCD output and stores each digit. The IC number and test result can be outputted on LCD screen.

89c51 U2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

6v +V

6v +V

ls245 R4 4k7 6v +V U4
1 dir vcc 20 2 19 enable 18 3 4 17 5 16 6 15 7 14 8 13 9 12 ls245 11 10 gnd

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 +V 31 30 29 6v 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21


4k7 R5


6v +V J2


1 dir vcc 20 2 enable 19 3 18 4 17 5 16 6 15 7 14 8 13 9 12 10 gnd 11

33PF C4 V3 9V +V R2 1k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

C9 33PF C4 100nf dtmftx

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

0. 1mfd 22 k 1M 22 k 3. 578M Hz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

0. 1mfd

XTAL2 3.5795MHZ

33 0k TO P0

D1 C3 33pf C2 33pf


um 9121 5b


33pf C7

33pf C8

88 70

U4 U5 U6 U7

# 9 6 3

0 8 5 2 U1

* 7 4 1 U2 U3

The circuit of 89c51 consists of : VCC 5 volts to pin 40. Ground to pin 20. Crystal 12 MHz between pin 18 and 19. Pin 9 low reset. The 16 pin zip socket is connected to 8 pins of port 1 and 8 pins of port 3 of microcontroller 89c51 i.e. 89c51 pin 1 to 1 of zip and 89c51 pin 8 to 8 of zip, pin 10 to 10 and pin 9 to 9 of zip. By setting the conditions required for input pins of an IC by microcontroller 89c51 the program output can be verified by known conditions and declared whether IC is ok or not.

7. ALGORITHM 1. 2. 3. Start. Initialize the LCD panel. Accept the four digit Digital IC number from the Matrix keypad. 4. Keyed number IC is assumed to be placed in the 16 pin ZIP socket. 5. Set pin number High or Low as per the property of the IC. 6. 7. Check conditions of the IC output pins. If IC is OK, then display message IC OK on the LCD. 8. If IC is faulty, then display message IC NOT OK on the LCD and go back to step 3. 5. CONCLUSION This paper proposes an inexpensive and compact model for Digital Integrated Circuit Testing. With the use of 89C51 Microcontroller for programming, the final model promises flexible upgrading of the model when required. Different digital ICs can be tested by just writing the specific programs without any change in the hardware. The system that has been implemented has shown considerable output that matched our requirements. This was achieved due to smart and user friendly 89c51 Microcontroller Burning and Software. The result on the LCD shows whether the IC is in working condition or not.

[4] Microprocessor architecture programming and application (8085) R.S. Gaonkar [5] [6] [7] [8] Built-in test for complex digital integrated circuits Konemann, B.; Zwiehoff, G.; Mucha, J. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 15, Issue 3, Jun 1980 Page(s): 315 319[9] Digital Integrated Circuits Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic [10] K.R. Botkar, Integrated Circuits, Khanna Publishers

6. REFERENCES: [1] Electronics for you (Oct. 2004) [2] Microprocessors and Interfacing (Programming & Hardware)-Douglas V. Hall [3] Vedam Subrahmanayam- Power Electronics

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