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Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology

Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India

Training on detailed study on Salem diary processing unit Under Graduate B Tech Food Processing Engineering


Present by

K. Prakash

Worked from 14.06.2012 to 27.06.2012 Submitted on 27.06.2012



First of all I thank THE ALMIGHTY for giving me a chance to complete my training programe at Salem Aavin. I express my gratitude to our respected General Manager MR. KATHIRAVAN, for his guidance and caring during the training programe. I also thankful to DGM (Dairying) M.PERIYASAMY and AGM (dairying) M.SEENAN for their valuable advices and co operation given to me. I also extend my gratitude to towards all JDOs and JEs of Salem dairy. Especially to Thiru. D.TANGARAJAN spl.gr.D.m (D).



Introduction. Milk definition. Over all processing of milk and its products. Types of milk. Raw milk reception. Milk processing. Milk pasteurization. Homogenization. Refrigeration. Butter. Ghee. Powder plant. Aseptic packaging section. Lab unit. Sweet section. Prepacking section. Effluent treatment. Boiler. Microbiology of milk. Milk analysis, (i) (ii) Bio chemical test. Microbiological test.


INTRODUCTION The Salem district co-operative milk producers union Ltd., (SDCMPUL) was registered on 10.07.1978 under Tamilnadu Co-operative societies Act and started functioning from 07.10.1978. The commercial productions products are butter, ghee and skim milk powder started on 16.08.1983 with the help of NDDB. Its main aim is to procure the milk with good payment and to cater the needs of the metro dairys local demand and to convert the surplus milk into butter, ghee and SMP. The dairy complex is situated in about 46 acres of land bounded by sithanur and dhalavaipatty villages. In the earlier stages the union has procured only a quantity of 33,000 litres of milk per day with its 227 primary milk producers Co-operative societies. Then the union gradually developed its activities and reached a daily average of 4, 51,371 litres per day (LPD). At initial state, the dairy was started functioning with a handling capacity of 10,000 LPD, which was subsequently increased, to approximately 4, 00,000 LPD. Under SDCMPUL 3 chilling centers located at Attur, Namakkal, and paramathivelur. The SDCMPUL is a pure Co-operative sector. It is worked grade name Aavin. Entire dairy follows 3-tire system. 1. Primary milk producers Co-operative societies. 2. District union level. 3. Milk producers federation ltd.

OBJECTIVE 1. Assure a remunerative price for the milk produced by the member of the milk producers Co-operative societies through a stable, steady and well organized market support. 2. Distribution of quality milk and milk products to the consumers at reasonable price. 3. Reducing private sectors monopoly activities.

VISION Reducing the artificial demands of the milk and milk products. Provide milk and milk products at lower cost. Following quality policy. Stand by the international markets.

MISSION Established the producing sectors. Developing the employees skill. Increasing the profit of the company. Using advanced technologies for manufacturing. Tie up with international sectors. Create employment opportunities to rural areas.

QUALITY POLICY Significant investment has to be made in milk procurement, equipments, chilling and refrigeration facilities. Also, training has to be imparted to improve the quality to bring it up to international standards. Salem Aavin is committed to supply milk and milk products and satisfaction of customers by adopting best standards in a hygienic and safe environment with continual improvement of quality with motivation, commitment and training of employees. Salem Aavin milk production Ltd was awarded from ISO 9001:2008.

AWARDS AND REWARDS ISO 9002 awarded for production, supply of milk, skimmed milk powder, butter, ghee and UHT milk in tetra pack. Aavin Salem is an ISO 9001:2000 certified organization since 24.10.2002. Tamilnadu state government supported to the company. They reduce the taxes for the milk and milk made products. Government gives loans at very lower interest and sometimes government discounting the loan also.








MILK PRODUCTS The Aseptic packaging section and skim milk powder plant are the unique features of the dairy. The products being prepared are:

1. Processed milk (Aavin gold, Standardized milk and Toned milk). 2. Butter. 3. Ghee. 4. SMP (Skim Milk Powder). 5. UHT Milk (Aavin homogenized and standardized, flavored milk, Amul Shakthi & Amul Gold) and coconut thunder. 6. Tetra packed fruit juice. 7. Peda, Mysore pa, Sona Papdi, Halwa.

SALEM DIARY PROFILE Arrival of the Tamilnadu Dairy;

Development co-operation team Starting the first set societies Registration of SDCMPU Starting of SDCMPU No. of societies affiliated No. of societies functioning Milk payment schedule Milk payment schedule Processing capacity Powder plant capacity Butter Ghee Refrigeration Boiler Milk marketing BMC

October 2nd ,1974 November 10th ,1974 July 10th ,1978 October 7th ,1978 1101 1049 Once in 10 days LPD 3 day 10 T/day 4,144 kg/day 961.3kg/day 280 T/day 5 T/hr 60.30 Lakhs LPD 73978 LPD

Attur Chilling centre capacity Namkkal Velur

: : :

12,31,20LPD 4,42,00LPD 4,08,03LPD

Total no. of farmer members


Women members


Pouring members


No. of rural milk collection routes


Daily average procurement in litres


Maximum milk procurement


Local milk sales

1.38 Lakhs litres/ day

Processing capacity

3,00,000 litres/ day



DEFINITION Milk is the physiological secretion of normally functioning mammary glands. Milk may be defined as the whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretions obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy milk animals. Milk is an emulsion of butter, Fat and water. In milk, the continuous phase is water and aqueous phase is protein, lactose, minerals and traces of other substances such as enzymes, vitamins, gases, etc. PROCESSING OF MILK Can milk (20-25C)

Chiller way (3C)

Raw milk (5 - 1, 00,000 L)

Pasteurization (72-75C for 5 sec)

Homogenization (Fat separation)

Separator process (78-80C)

Cream Butter & ghee


skim milk milk powder

Constituents Major Minor True : : : water, Fate, protein, lactose, ash or mineral water. phosphor lipids, sterols, vitamins, enzymes, pigments etc. milk Fat, casein, lactose.

Chemical composition of milk Water Fat SNF Casein Albumin + globulin Lactose Milk ash Citric acid etc : : : : : : : : 87.0% 4.0% 8.0% 2.8% 0.6% 4.7% 0.7% 0.2

Types of milk: F (%) Skimmed milk Standardized milk Toned milk Aavin gold milk : : : : 0.08 4.5 3.5 5.0 SNF (%) 8.5 8.5 8.5 9.0



Filtration and Clarification

Dehydration Khoa

Chilling Standardization Standardization milk

Boiling Cooling Added milk

Double toned milk Sterilized milk



Skim milk

Cream separation

Flavored milk

Addition of water

Spray drier

Butter churner

Storage tank

Addition of flavor to the milk Butter milk

Skim milk powder





Butter melting



Ghee boiler


Ghee packing



CAN RECEPTION Milk is received at the processing dairy in cans direct from societies and in tankers from chilling centers. The milk is received in the plant twice daily-morning and evening. The morning collection start at 8.00 am and ends at 11.30 am, on an average of 95,000ltr. The evening collection starts at 7.00 pm and ends 10.00 pm, on an average of 73,270ltr. The dairy covers 24 routes and 3 chilling centers.


Total procurement Can reception Tanker reception Attur Namakkal Paramathivelur BMC

: : : : : : :

4,51,371 L 1,73,730 L 2,28,305 L 1,23,120 L 44,200 L 40,803 L 73,978 L



Can Reception Milk cans (received from societies) Cans are unloaded directly from the trucks upto load by power driven conveyor Automatic lid open machine

Organoleptic test (doubtful milk cans segregated for COB test)

Storage Separate Fat Spoilage milk

Dumped into weighing bowl tank and weighing through electronic weighing balance and sample is collected (weighing machine capacity 1.1500L, 2.1000L)

From the collected sample Fat and SNF is recorded by using milko-tester and lactometer (accordingly payment will be made to societies)

Milk is left to dump tank and empty cans are cleaned by passing through can washer

The raw milk is pumped to the processing section


Cans type

SS and Aluminum 40L

Can capacity :


Weighing empty tanker

Tanker loading-collection

Weighing in loading tanker and milk (5C)

Plunger help in the agitation

Organa leptic test (temporizing Fat & SNF)

Transport silo tank (5C)


Tanker weight formula Total weight Cross weight Net weight Total weight (kg) empty wt + milk weight kg (empty weight) kg (milk weight) cross weight Net weight

(Kg) convert to litre

weight Specific gravity

LAB Modified rich monds formula; SNF = CLR (84F) 4 Methylene Blue Reduction Test (MBRT) 10 ml milk with 1 ml of MBR at 37C. Ethylene Dyammine Tetra Acidic Acid (EDTA) In this method, protein and lactose dissolving. 0.5 ml In and Out + 6.5 ml EDTA. Based on Homogenization operation. Clot On Bottling (COB test) Just heating in furnace and analyze the changes in milk. Organaleptic Test + 0.2 FAT + 0.36


GERBER Test 10 ml acid and 90 % H2SO4 Conc. + 10.75 ml milk + 1 ml oH. Rotate at 1400 RPM speed. Infra Red Moisture Meter In this, SMP is analyzed and the readings can be compared and calculated using the scale. Centrifuge Based on homogenization operation.


Drip saver

Soft water rinse

Washing soda (1%60C)

Hot water rinse (90C)

Hot air sterilization (120C)

Can tilting device

Capacity (11 cans/ min)


The route vehicles arrive at the dairy at the prescribed time. Milk is received in cans at two points in reception dock, each consisting power driven conveyor, ripping bar, weight bowl, dump tank, electronic milk recorder, straight through can washer and one can scrubber. Reception operation is carried out by 15 workers including milk recorders.

The cans from vehicles are unloaded society wise into can conveyor. Before the cans are unloaded into the weight bowl, organoleptic tests are conducted for each can and doubtful cans are separated and are tested for COB. The sour milk is collected separately and it is accumulated for sufficient time in barrels and then it is taken for sour ghee preparation.

The good quality milk is dumped into the weight bowl. Here, the composite sample for the society separately for cow and buffalo milk is collected (80ml as sample). The sample thus collected are tested in a separate reception lab for Fat and SNF to make payment to the society accordingly. The milko tester, lactometer and butyrometer (Gerber method) are used to do the above tests.

In the bowl the weight of the milk is recorded through the electronic balance. The electronically controlled weighing balance can be directly connected to the computer to record the weight of milk. After collecting the sample and recording the weight the milk is left to the dump tank. The cans that are unloaded are fed to the straight through can washer. The drip saver is in use to collect the draining milk from cans.

There are two electronically controlled weighing balances, two incoming and outgoing conveyors and two straight through can washers. Two milk recording persons are employed to receive the milk. The movement of cans through conveyors is controlled by milk recorders with the help of electronic control panel. In the can washer the cans are cleaned and sterilized and are loaded back to the route vehicle through another conveyor. Washing soda (0.8-1%) solution is used as the detergent in the can washer and steam is to used as the sterilizing media.


In the case of tanker milk received from the chilling centers, after the arrival of tankers, the tanker is taken to the electronic weigh bridge to record the gross weight. After recording the weight, the seals are checked and are opened to draw samples. After thorough mixing of milk in the compartments, the temperature of milk is noted and sample are taken for analysis of Fat, SNF, acidity, COB and MBRT. If the milk passes all the quality tests, the milk will be taken to the storage tanks through the plate chillers. After unloading the milk from the tankers the empty tanker is again weighing to record the actual weight of the milk.

CIP Cleaning in place.

There are 4 sections in CIP;

1. Raw water (5 mts) 2. Hot water at 80 90C (10 mts) 3. Lye at 80C (10 mts) 4. Cl2 (5 mts, 100-150 ppm soft water)

Cleaning will takes place maximum 7 hrs then Caustic soda solution will be circulated for 30 mts.



Raw water (5 min)

Hot water (90C, 10 min)

Caustic soda (1%, 90C, 10 min)

Raw water (10 min)

Chlorine water (100 ppm, 5 min)

Total time for CIP cleaning is about 45 min.



Receiving milk (grading, sampling, weighing, testing)

Cooled to below 10C & stored at raw milk storage tank 35-40C)

Pasteurization (82C, 2 min)

Filtration/clarification (duplex filter)

Cream separator (40-45C)

Cream Heating (90C)

Skim milk heating (75-78C)

preheating in regeneration II Homogenization (70C)

Holding (15 sec)

holding (15 sec)

Homogenization I stage

Chilling (10C) Storage at (10C)

Chilling (5C) Stored in silos

Homogenization II stage heating (75-78C)

Butter churner Butter

Powder plant Skim milk powder

holding (15 sec) Chilling (5C)

Melting (105-110C)

Packing Stored in silos


Storage 25 kg/pack

The cream which is separated taken to the storage tanks (Chilled water circulated vertical SS tanks). After pasteurization in the cream pasteurizer this cream is used for butter making and also for standardization. A part of the skim milk is transported to Chennai.

CIP cleaning is done after each processing. Manual cleaning is also done periodically. The floor cleaning is done using teepol and washing soda.

The milk from the dump tank is pumped to the plate chiller. Here the chilled water temperature is around 1C and is used as cooling medium and it chills raw milk to below 5C. The chilled milk is stored in raw milk storage tanks. The milk kept in raw milk storage tanks is tested for temperature, acidity, Fat, SNF, MBRT.

Floor of reception dock is made of concrete trowel with cast iron. Floor and equipments are cleaned thoroughly using teepol after each reception operation.

The milk which is chilled and kept in the raw milk storage tanks is taken for pasteurization later. In the pasteurizer, milk is heated upto 75-78C for 15 sec with hot water and again chilled to 5C. The pasteurized milk is stored in the silos (SS storage tanks). A part of the milk is used for cram separation. The milk from regeneration section of the pasteurizer enters the centrifugal cream separator which separates Fat from milk. The cream goes to the cream pasteurizer. The skim milk goes back to the milk pasteurizer where it is pasteurized and stored in the silos. The skim milk is used for standardization and for the preparation of SMP.

For milk bulk vending supply and also for local supply (Toned milk, STD milk, high Fat milk) milk in the draw milk tanks is standardized by using cream and SMP and then it is taken for pasteurization and homogenization and kept in the silos.


The milk which is processed and stored in the silos is tested for temperature, Fat, SNF, acidity and MBRT, if it is found sub standard the milk is standardized to the required quality. Then it is issued to the sachet filling and to the tankers through the plate chillers.


MILK PASTEURIZATION Milk pasteurization consists of 4 sections. They are given below; 1. Regeneration section. 2. Heating section. 3. Holding section. 4. Cooling section.

1. Regeneration section: The chilled milk first enters the regeneration section and the temperature of the milk raised to 40 C. In this section the raw milk is being heated by the outgoing pasteurized milk.

2. Heating section: Immediately after regeneration section the milk is sent to heating section where the temperature is 72.4C. Then the milk is passed to holding section.

3. Holding section: Milk enters into the holding section where the holding time is exactly 15 sec, which is found to be optimum. In modern practice, the milk is passed through a pipe and the flow is arranged in such a way to achieve the correct temperature at 72C. Milk is then sent to the regeneration section where the temperature is reduced to 40C. Hence, milk is cooled prior to cooling section.

4. Cooling section: The milk is sent to cooling section where the temperature is gradually reduced from 24C and then finally the temperature is reduced to 5C.


HOMOGENIZATION The process of making a stable emulsion of Fat and milk serum by mechanical treatment termed as homogenization. The diameter of Fat globule size in raw milk ranges from one to fifteen microns. The specific gravity of the Fat is 0.87. It is considerably low than fluid skim milk (1.032)

By homogenization, the Fat globules are broken upto smaller ones, the size less than two microns in diameter. Satisfactory homogenization can be achieved by maintaining the temperature approximately at 70C.

Construction The high-pressure homogenizer consists of single acting triplex with each cylinder having a section and discharge valve. The discharge valve of each pump empties into a common discharge pipe which is provided with special valve.

These machines function by forcing the milk Fat under pressure through a very small orifice with the result that the Fat globules are broken apart and remain dispersed in stable emulsion in the milk serum.

High pressure homogenization may be operated at pressure ranging from 500 to 5000 pounds per square inch (PSI).

COOLING After homogenization milk is cooled below 5C, with the help of plate heat exchanger.



Alternative processing of condensation and evaporation called refrigeration. Ammonia refrigeration is used for cooling the water. The low temperature and low pressure ammonia vapor from the evaporator is passed to compressor. Inside the compressor, the ammonia vapor is compressed to high pressure and temperature. In order to have a free movement of piston, serve lubrication oil is used. Ammonia vapor reaches a high temperature of 100C to 140C and high pressure of 180 pounds.

The ammonia vapor is then passed to condenser. In the condenser, the water is used to cool the ammonia. During the cooling, ammonia vapor is cooled and changed to ammonia liquid, which comes out from condenser.

Low temperature liquid ammonia is stored in receiver which is then pumped to evaporator. In between tube, pressure is dropped with the help of flow diversion valve. So, 180 PSI is reduced to 30 PSI. During this time ammonia is cooled immediately to below 0C and cooled ammonia is passed to evaporator. Hence, heat exchange takes place and water is cooled to below 5C. In this dairy, there are three varieties of refrigeration unit namely 99, 77 and 55. Chilling the water upto 1C and for cooling the room upto -21C this unit is used. The low temperature and low pressure ammonia vapor is passed to compressor and process is continued.

Compressor Reciprocating type (99) 18C & 30 PSI pressure Discharge gas at 180PSI at 100C Oil separator (removal of oil from compressor)

Boost compressor is used only for cooling room at -C

Condenser Evaporative type Water spraying and air blow system Converting ammonia gas into liquid at pressure 180-175 PSI at normal temperature.

Expansion valve Main work is to reduce the high pressure suddenly Temp to -C

Converting ammonia liquid to vapor

Over view Compressor capacity (6) Condenser (7) IBT (Ice Bank Tanks) Other 4 tanks : : : : 70 ton 75 ton 50, 000 ltr (each) 45, 000 ltr

Ammonia liquid 30 PSI at normal room Temperature

compressor (180 PSI at 100C)


liquid receiver

Expansion valve

Evaporator Refrigeration cycle in Aavin


BUTTER SECTION Butter serves as the balance wheel of Salem dairy. The surplus milk is converted into butter and a portion of it to ghee. Pasteurized cream at 8-12% from cream storage tanks are taken for butter preparation, with the help of butter churn or continuous butter making machine. The butter obtained is either used for conversion into ghee or for sales in 500gm packs or 20 kg bulk packs.

OPERATION OF BUTTER SECTION The capacity of the chuen is around 5000 L. After proper cleaning with chlorine water, the cream is pumped to 1/3 of the churn and closed. The chilled water, spray and the motor is started. The churning occurs at 28 rpm, peaking at 8 rpm, and final stage at 15 rpm. The whole operation of a batch takes around 1-2 hrs for completion. Table butter is prepared in the butter churn only. Salt is added at the final working by sprinkling. If any color is added (not done now) it is added to cream.

OPERATION OF CONTINUOUS BUTTER MAKING MACHINE (CBM) The CBM comprises of 3 units that are arranged on top of each other. These are the beater, the draining unit and the kneader. The cream is fed to the CBM through a screw pump (for continuous air free flow). The cream enters the beater, where cream gets separated into fine butter granules and butter milk. The butter rotates at 900-2200 rpm. Butter milk is drained off and the granules are washed and worked in the separator with chilled water supply. The butter then passes through a kneader (a twin screw conveyor) for the air-free flow of the butter. The Fat % of the butter obtained from CBM is around 82-84% milk Fat. The quantity of butter depends on the inlet temperatures and Fat content of the cream. For sweet cream, the optimum range of cram Fat content is between 45 and 50 %. For sour it is between 38 and 42 %. The butter milk drained from the butter churn and CBM is checked for Fat, SNF and acidity. If the acidity is normal, it is mixed with the raw milk.


BUTTER PACKING MACHINE The packing machine is of complicated mechanism working on a motor and a vacuum pump. The butter to be packed is fed manually into the hopper, which has twin screw conveyors into a mould on a rotating head, which helps in the continuous supply of butter. The vacuum pump helps in parchment paper movement 500 g blocks are wrapping in parchment paper. This is packed manually in cartons.

Major portion of butter manufactured by CBM is used for build packing ie. 20 kg cooking butter in CFB cartons. This is used for melting purpose and also dispatched to other dairies like mother dairy, Calcutta.



Butter may be defined as Fat concentrate obtained by churning cream gathering the Fat as a compact mass and then working it without the addition of common salt. It should be free from other animal Fat and mineral oils.


Storage tanks (3 hrs at 10C)

Usage of butter churner

Butter milk


Storage in tanks

Storage at 16C for ripening


Packaging and storage in -21C

Store in room temperature





ICE CREAM PREPARATION Ice cream powder (4 kg) Heat the raw pasteurized milk at 80C (18 ltr) Add 6.5 kg of sugar For thickness add stabilizing powder (200 g) Cream (10 ltr) 4 hrs heating at 100-140C Chilling at 4C

SEVERE BUTTER EDPL (not good for health) Official use.

SOUR GHEE Official use. 15 kg/ 16 kg yielding process.



The cleaning done in butter churn is CIP, which is done after each batch. The cleaning process is,

Cream removal

Hot water


Raw water

Hot water

Steam sterilization

Chlorine water



The butter is dumped into melting vat of 1000 L capacity (81-83% Fat)

Melting is done by circulating Hot water through the will inside the vat

Here butter is melted to a temp of 80-90C & gets converted into butter oil

The method butter forms 3 layers with operative and particle at the top, Fat at the middle & butter milk at the bottom

Drain the serum & pumped melted & Fat into the ghee kettle. This process is known as Pre-stratification method

Heating upto 105-110C by steam the sides of the kittle & allowed to stand for 1 hr so, that it attains golden brown color.

From the Ghee kettle pump the ghee to the setting tank through the clarifier

Cooled at 40C

Fill in the container through filter according to the requirements 15 kg tin, 1 kg, kg, 1000ml, 500 ml and 200ml.



Salem dairy gas got a well equipped powder plant for the production of SMP. The designed capacity of the plant is 10 T/day. But, the actual production capacity is 8 T/day. This is due to less TS (8.4-8.6%). According to designed capacity if the SM has 9.4% TS, then the output will be 10 T/day. Powder plant consists of 2 sections, an evaporating unit for concentrating SM to TS level around 40-45% and a spray drying unit for converting the concentrated milk into powder. Out of 4.5 Lakhs liters of milk procured, about 60,000 L of pasteurized skim milk is used for the manufacture of SMP. Powder plant has got 2 skim milk silos each having storage capacity of 60,000 L.



Skim milk (6C)

Barometric condenser (40-45C)

Regeneration at calendria III (48C)

Regeneration at calendria II (56C)

Regeneration at calendria I (68C)

Pasteurization (90C)

Holding section (15 sec)

Calendria I (68C, 17.52% cone)

Calendria II (56C, 44% cone)

Calendria III (48C, 32.94% cone)

Condensed milk (40-45 % TS)


The evaporating unit is equipped with a falling triple effect evaporator to minimize steam consumption. The SM from the silo is fed to the evaporation plant at a rate of 4800 kg/hr (due to less total solid content in skim milk), but the designed capacity is 5100 kg/hr. After receiving the lab report, SM is pumped into the feed balance tank. From the FBT, the SM is pumped to the condenser through coiled tubes where the SM at 6C is preheated to around 40-45C by the vapor collected from the evaporator. Then, the SM at 45C is passed through the calendria III, II, I respectively where in all these calendria, the incoming SM is heated by the outgoing heated milk. Then the milk enters the pasteurizer and held at pasteurization temperature (90C) for 15 sec.

After pasteurization, milk enters calendria I where vacuum is maintained at the level of 580 mm of Hg, hence boiling of milk occurs at 68C. The vapor and the milk enter vapor separator, from their milk is pumped to calendria III, boiling occurs at 48C and a vacuum level around 680 mm of Hg is maintained. Then that milk is pumped into calendria II where final boiling occurs at 56C and vacuum level is 620 mm of Hg. Then, the concentrated milk is pumped to the feed balance tank of the spray dryer. On the way to feed tank the concentration of milk is analyzed by using Baume refractometer. The condensed milk should have a Baume reading of 19-22, which is correct concentration for spray drying process.

In the case of lower Baume reading, the milk is again sent to the evaporator through the balance tank. The vapor condensate from condenser is mixed with water and it is pumped to spray pond for cooling. The cooled water is again re circulated to the condenser.


EVAPORATOR DETAILS No. of tubes in calendria I, II & III Steam pressure Calendria I Jacket temperature Vapor separator temperature Calendria II Vapor separator temperature Calendria III Vapor separator temperature Condenser water inlet temperature Condenser water outlet temperature Pasteurization temperature Steam pressure for t9hermo compressor Milk feed rate Initial total solid content Final total solid concentrate Water evaporation Concentrate output Steam consumption in tubular & pasteurizer Condensate temperature Calendria I Calendria II and III

187,110,110 respectively 14kg/cm

78C 68C


48C 30C 38C 90C/cm2 14kg/cm 5100 kg/hr 8.5% 40-43% 4040 kg/hr 1000 kg/hr 1200kg/hr

78C 55C


Ambient temperature Concentrated feed at 45C Water evaporation Solid concentration in the feed Feed temperature Inlet hot air temperature Outlet hot air temperature Powder moisture Supply air quality Conveying air quality Pressure drop under main cyclone Pressure drop under product cyclone Chamber vaccum Steam consumption at 14 kg/ cm2 Energy consumption Powder production Powder temperature at packing Powder storage silos

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

30C 1060 kg/ hr 560 kg/ hr 40-45 % 53-55C 185-190C 88-90C 3.4 % 17,000 kg/ hr 4000 kg/ hr 130-150 mm WC 150-175 mm WC 10 mm WC 1260 kg/ hr 112 KWH 500 kg/ hr 40C 4*1000 kg


POWDER FILLING SECTION The powder from the spray drier is filled into 25 kg bags. Then they are stitched in a stichwell machine. Stitching is done by pressing the pedal manually at the bottom of the machine. Capacity of the filling section is 15 bags/ hr. After filling the powder in the 25 bags they are stored in godown having capacity of 400T at the room temperature. Insecticides used in godown are malathene, Hit Beccan Spray for controlling Rats and insects. Arranging, 5

8 8 5 = 40 15 = 600 Bags. CLEANING PROCEDURE The CIP cleaning employed in the powder plant is as follows:

Raw water Lye (1.5 % Na2CO3 Hot water Acid (HNO3, 1%) Lye Hot water Total

: : : : : : :

15 mts 30 mts 10 mts 15 mts 5 mts 15 mts 90 mts

For evaporator plant, either after 18-20 hrs of plant operation or 45000-90000 L of skim milk is taken for evaporation, the plant is cleaned by CIP.


For spray drying plant, clean the entire feed system at the end of each run with caustic solution (1.5%). Concentrate tank is also cleaned manually. The powder deposits on the walls can be collected by hammering. This procedure is followed after every run (20 hrs). Manual cleaning of the drying chamber is carried out weekly once. The chamber door is opened and suction fan is put on. Then the entire sticking particles are swept off using a brush.


The unique feature of an Aavin Salem-The aseptic packaging station started functioning on 1987. Among Tamilnadu milk production federation Ltd only Aavin Salem owns this facility.

This unit is well equipped with one TBA-9 (Tetra Brick Aseptic) for 200 ml and one TBA-3 machines for 1000 ml packing, one Tetra Fino Aseptic (TFA) for 500 ml packing, one shrink wrapper machine, and one straw application, UHT pasteurizer and a pasteurizer for fruit juice. An ink jet machine for printing labels on packets in also available.

Good quality raw milk (negative in 70% alcohol test) is selected pasteurized and sends to the UHT plant. The milk is then homogenized and heated at 140C for 2 sec and send for aseptic packaging; indirect heated concentric tube coils are used to manufacture UHT milk. Back pressure about 0.5 bar and milk pressure about 5 bar is maintained. Two stage homogenizer is used (1st stage 200 bar, 2nd stage 50 bar).

Before production, plant is sterilized by circulation of hot water at 142C with back pressure. The inlet temperature of milk is 5C. First regeneration outlet is 65C, 2nd regeneration outlet is 115C, heating section is 140C and outlet temperature of milk is 30C. Milk after UHT process should be negative in 85 % alcohol test.

The concentric coil is made of high grade chrome nickel steel. Two pipe concentric coils are used for heating the milk with steam and three pipe concentric coils is used for regeneration section.

Three aseptic packaging machines are used for packing the milk. The machines are sterilized by hot air and spraying H2O2 in the system. Any milk contact part dismantled for cleaning is kept in H2S2 (5% solution) until it is reassembled into the machine.

Seven layer packing material is used for aseptic packaging. The seven layer package is made of three materials namely PE, paper and aluminum foil.

First, water is used to check the sealing strength and machine conditions. The milk is pumped. The packing material is sterilized by smearing by smearing of H2O2 and PSM (poly sorbito monolaurate) mixture by machines when it is drawn from the rolls. The tetra packs are taken by the conveyor for packaging in tetra pack trays which is again sealed with PE film by using shrink wrapper machine. This trays are then stored at room temperature. The packed samples are kept for 7 days (37C) and tested for any abnormality. Strict quality measures are followed right from the selection of raw milk till the product is released in the market.



Chilled milk (5C)

Pre heating by regeneration I (65C)

Homogenization Ist stage (200 kg/cm)

Regeneration II (115C)

Main heater (140C, 2 sec)

Regeneration II (115C)

Homogenization II (50 kg/cm2)

Regeneration I (65C)

Product cooler (25C)

Aseptic packaging


CARDAMOM/ PISTA/ STRAWBERRY FLAVOURED MILKS Ingredients Sugar Flavor Vitamin A Vanilla flavor 8.5% 55 ml/ 1000 L 2.2 ml/ 1000 L 3 ml/ 1000 L

PREPARATION Sugar is dissolved and made into syrup

Filtered and pumped into silo

Flavor addition

Test for Fat, TS, acidity and pH

Homogenization at 200 bars in first stage

Sterilization at 140C/ 2 sec in THE

Homogenization at 50 bars in 2nd stage

Packaging in 200 ml tetra pack at ambient temperature


MAAVIN FRUIT JUICE Mango drink is prepared and marketed under the brand name MAAVIN for which a separate pasteurization unit is maintained in the APS because of its fibrous nature. The various ingredients used are;

Mango syrup Sugar Mango flavor Citric acid Ascorbic acid Water

16 % 15.5 % 0.01 % 0.25 % 0.0025 % 68.5 %

PREPARATION Sugar syrup is prepared with hot water at 70C

Filtered and pumped into silo

Mango pulp dissolves in water


Mango pulp pumped and mixed with syrup in silo


Citric acid at rate of 0.25 % is added

Flavor and ascorbic acid addition

Water addition to make up till 4000 L Test for acidity and Brix conducted

Homogenization at 100 bars at 1st stage

Pasteurization to 98C

Packing in 200 ml packets

Custom packing for the other product companies like Amul, sip on etc., are under taken here. Amul manufactures toned milk (3.0 Fat, 8.5% SNF) and standardized milk (4.5 % Fat, 8.5 % SNF) under the brand names Amul Taaza and Amul Gold respectively. Aavin (TM and STD milks) are available in 1000 ml packs and 200 ml packs (STD).



Rinsing with soft water (3 mts)

Circulation of lye (caustic soda, 1.5 % at 85C, 15 mts)

Raw water circulation (15 mts)

Nitric acid (1.5 % 20 mts, 81C)

Raw water circulation (15 mts)

Caustic soda (1.5 %, 20 mts)

Soft water circulation (3 mts)

Total time taken for CIP cleaning is about 2 hr 15 mts.


During the 7 days of incubation at 37C, three repallestisation are done every two days for the packages, and are transfer to godown. During repallestisation any damage for blown packets are checked. Based on the results after both incubation and repallestisation, trays are cleared. The incubated samples are subjected for sensory evaluation. For this cartons are cut opened and product is tested for spoilage, flavor and color, Fat separation and sedimentation. If ant sample is found defective the whole batch is rejected.


Mechanical package check

Electrolytic package check



Leakage type



1. MECHANICAAAL PACKAGE CHECK This is performed by pressing manually, Checking of sealing: Both longitudinal sealing (LS) and transverse sealing (TS) TS: LS: By tearing of sealing area and analyze Check the stip sealing by injecting dye solution

2. ELECTROLYTIC PACKAGE CHECK This method is based on the electrolytic cell. If there is a leakage in the package or damage to the inner plastic layer a current will flow through the circuit and ammeter gives the readings.

3. LEAKAGE TYPE INK TEST The reagents used in this case are propanol which acts as a solvent and erythrosine dye. Instead of erythrosine, Rhodamine 6 G solution can also be used. Mix about 2 gm of dye solution with 1000 ml propanol. After shaking it is left over night and filtrate is used for the testing (after evaporation). For testing carton is filled with water and it is wiped inside. Test ink is filled to a level and sure that critical points are being covered. Remove the dye solution, dry completely by using a dryer then it can be split and check for any damage in the packet by ink penetration. In order to check proper filling of packages every half an hour packages are weighed during processing.


FLAVORED MILKS The various flavoured milks prepared are; Chocolate flavoured milk Cardamom flavoured milk Pista flavoured milk Strawberry flavoured milk Mango milk shake, Maavin mango juice These are packed in 200 ml tetra bricks packs.

ABS LAB A separate quality control lab is functioning in APS. Raw milk is tested for Fat %, SNF %, TS %, acidity, alcohol, heat resistant, spore count and SPC. Standardization is done on the basis of Fat and SNF% and alcohol % is found out to assess the heat stability of raw milk.

PLANT CLEANING The CIP system is controlled by PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). The whole process of cleaning is affected by a program card. The plant cleaning is affected through a plant cleaning unit, which comprises of a double jacket is divided into 2 section-one for concentrated acid storage and other for concentrated alkali storage. During the cleaning procedure walls will admit compressed air to ensure correct proportioning of appropriate detergent and discharge surplus solution to the drain. The cleaning procedure is as follows (CIP).


PRODUCT PROFILE OF AAVIN In Salem Aavin dairy limited produced milk and milk made products The product profile was given below. MILK Kind of milk Fat % SNF % Liters : 500 ML (Approx) Standardized milk Pasteurized milk 3.0 % 8.5 % 500 ml 12.50 4.5 % 8.5 % 500 ml 15.50 Rate Rs.

GHEE Liters 100 ml 200 ml 500 ml 1 ltr 5 ltr Rate Rs. 20.00 40.00 130.00 260.00 1000.00

MILK POWDER Kilograms 500 g 1 kg 5 kg Rate Rs. 150.00 300.00 1500.00

SWEET ITEMS Flavor Milk kova Sone pappadi Grams (Approx) 250 gm 250 gm

Rate (Rs.) 65.00 65.00

JUICE ITEMS Mango juice Apple juice Orange juice 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 15.00 40.00 35.00

CLEANING PROCEDURE FOR UHT PLANT Rinsing with raw water (5 mts)

Rinsing with hot water (80-90C, 10 mts)

Circulation of lye (Caustic soda, (1.5-2%) at 80-90C, 20 mts)

Hot water circulation (15 mts)

Nitric acid (2%, 20 mts, 81C)

Hot water circulation (15 mts)

Caustic soda (2%, 20 mts)

Hot water circulation (15 mts) Cold water circulation (5 mts)

Total time taken for CIP cleaning is about 2 hr 15 mts.



PEDA In Salem dairy, for milk peda production, 150L capacity double jacketed vat is used. About 100 litre of milk foe batch is fed to the double jacketed vat. Here heating is done by steam in which 1.5-2.5 kg steam is applied for the peda production. Continuous stirring cum scrapping is done till it reaches doubly consistency. At this stage, sugar about 10 % of the total quantity of the milk taken is added stirring is continued till the characteristics color and flavor are developed. The milk peda is transferred into crates and is kept for 3 hrs. Generally it is packed in 250 g boxes and 50 g packs according to the market demand.

MYSORE PA Aavin, Salem is producing Mysore pa by using pure ghee and sugar as its main ingredients.

INGREDIENTS For 10 kg Mysore pa: Bengal gram flour Ghee Sugar Cardamom Water 1.2 kg 3.9 kg 5 kg small quantity 1000 ml

Initially ghee is boiled in the Mysore pa vat. After boiling the ghee, it is collected in a separate vessel. Then water and sugar are added into the vat and they are stirred well using long ladle. After 5 mts of boiling the flour is added into the vat with continuous stirring. Then ghee is added intermittently with constant stirring. Stirring is continued for 45 min.

When the desired consistency reached, the hot mass in the vat is poured into aluminum trays. The excess ghee in Mysore pa is removed by punching the hot mass on the tray by using ladle. Then the trays are kept for cooling for 2 hrs. After cooling the Mysore pa is cut into rectangular shaped blocks by using knife. After weighing, the Mysore pa pieces are packed in boxes and sent for marketing.

SONE PAPDI For 12 kg production Maida Ghee Sugar Nuts 3 kg 2.7 kg 6.12 kg 0.3 kg

HALWA For 10 kg production Corn flour Ghee Sugar Nuts Flavor Color 1.25 kg 1.25 kg 7.1 kg 0.5 kg Cardamom Yellow lemon red


MARKETING SECTION & STORES The Aavin, Salem has got a marketing section of its own. The main function of this section is to supply various products/ milk to the consumers. Out of the 3.15 Lakhs litres of milk procured around 1.6 Lakhs L of milk is send for local sales through milk marketing offices (MMO). About 1.2 producing various milk products. The various dairy products are distributed to various cities through carry forward (CF) agents. Retailers also market milk products through the dairy own parlors.








Toned milk

Federation At Chennai

Ghee Butter SMP UHT milk Khoa Mysore pa Butter milk

Chennai metro MMO unit Dist unions C & F agents Whole salers

STD milk High Fat milk



Consumer Society

Salem dairy Marketing Union at various places

STORES In the store section, stock is maintained for each and every part of the machines. Stocks are also maintained for cleaning agents, packing material, fuels, oil etc. the primary function of this section is to maintain stock for each and every item of the industry and supplying them during the item of need. Every section will send the list of needed items to the store section through goods requisistion note. The store section will send the list of stock items of every section to the purchase section through purchase request. The purchase section will send quotation regarding stock items to various firms. The order is sent by the purchase section for the firm which offers best quality items at subsidiary rates. If the items sent by the firm is not working properly or any defects are found in the order sent items, the GRN will be returned to the purchase section and the rejected material is sent to the firm. Scraps will be disposed as scraped material by calling tenders. The stock verification is done by the auditors annually (April 1st) and also by the union staff once in 2 months.



Diary spare parts register I (DSR I) Dairy spare parts register II (DSR II) Electronic spares register (ESR) Stationary book register I (SBR I) Stationary book register II (SBR II) Powder plant register (PPR) APS section register (ASR) Hard wares register (HWR) Equipment register (ER) Procurement & input register (P & I) Consumer dairy register(CDR) Consumable packing register (CPR) Service register (SSR) Old parts register (OPR) Miscellaneous register



Some of the major dairy accounts maintained in this dairy are: Statement of raw milk receipts Filled and cold storage account statement Consolidated statement of empties Milk dispatch particulars Fat & SNF loss account Tub account Statement of poly film usage and wastage Silo or tank wise milk and cream account Milk standardization schedule Processing section milk & cream statement Ghee account Butter account Statement of consumable and packing materials usage Spoiled milk and its products account



Prepac section of Aavin, Salem fills the pasteurizer chilled milk into pouches and then sends it for local marketing through its 24 milk routes. The packing operations are done twice daily-morning and evening.

Morning: 8.30 am-12.30 pm Evening: 6.00 pm-2.00 am In these section 11 double head prepac machines, 3 over head tanks and an outside silo, crate washer, facility for CIP and cold room are available. For supply of compressed air, compressors are also located (6 kg/cm) in a compressor room. For easy dispatch, dispatch section is located at the other side of the packaging sections.

AVERAGE MILK PRODUTION PER DAY Morning Evening Total : : : 33,500 L 103,000 L 1, 36,500 L

AVERAGE PRODUCTION DETAILS PER DAY STD milk 74270 L 250 ml 10555 packets 500 ml 46480 packets Toned milk 8116 L 500 ml 2540 packets


Depending on the marketing interests, type of milk packed and volume can also be varied. Milk usually packed is; Standardized milk (4.5,8.5) Toned milk (3.0,8.5) STD milk packed in 500 ml and 250 ml pouches. Toned milk only 500 ml packet. ISI tubes use for carrying the milk sachets are return at one side of the section. After the manual cleaning of the tubs, these are passed through a straight through crate washer of capacity 850 tubs/ hr. The cleaned tubs are directly conveyed to the prepac region where filled packets are arranged in it and send directly for dispatch. The volume of milk packed depends on the market requirement. The processed milk from silos is collected in a vertical silo located outside the section. From the silo, milk is pumped onto an overhead tank from where milk is taken to the milk is taken to the tank on the top of the packaging machine (40 L capacity). The filling rolls are fed into the packaging machine simultaneously. After proper sterilization of the film by UV radiation it passes in such a way that the machine forms, fills and seals the packages. The sealing temperature and filling quantities are adjusted.

The film used here are co-extruded PE films (50-55) which gives a yield of 8600 packets for 500 ml sachets filling per 20 kg roll. On an average, about 25-32 packets per head per minute are produced. The weight of the milk sachets are tested every half an hour during packing. The filled sachets are readily sent for dispatch with the help of 25 milk distribution vehicles. CIP cleaning is done after each batch packaging operations. Manual cleaning is done once in 3 days interval. Acid cleaning is done once in 15 days.



LDPE Roll 20 kg in marching (bar side loading)

5C Feed inlet in the machine lead tank (40 L)

Operated setting the volume of milk (250 ml (or) 500 ml)

LDPE covering the vertical position

Sealing vertical for temp low Herp (in slid)

Milk volume (Automatic filler)

Scauing Horizontal and cutting (high temperature)

Manually filled the grade (check the leakage)

Despatch (or) stored



For waste water treatment an effluent treatment plant is maintained in the dairy. The waste will be processing a high BOD which is to be reduced before draining for various purposes like irrigation.

Waste water

Screen chamber (big particles are sieved and scum being collected)

Equalization tank (BOD is decreased by the supply of air)

Chemical dozer

Clari floculator with agitator

Aeration tank

Final clarifier

Sludge is drained to sludge bed. The clear solution which overflows is stored and used for irrigation. The ETP can handle 70000 LPD of waste water. The various standards mentioned for treated water are;


BOD : COD : PH :

30 mg/ L 100 mg/ L 8-9 : 8 mg/ L

Oil and grease

BOILER (steam generating equipment) (i) (ii) Water tube boiler (used only in power industry) Fire tube boiler

Boiler type Model

: :

IAEC (Indian Agri Engg co.opp) 1) 1978 2) 1979

Heating capacity Horizontal packaged fire type Heating surface Furnace flame Water content fall Steam space Total boiler capacity Water content upto working level Burn flame type & Jeb type Designing pressure

: : : : : : : : : :

11200165 / hr or 5 T/ hr Three phase 118 m2 2.86 m2 15.7 m3 (Normal) 2.22 m2 17.92 m3 13.48 m2 65C 19.5 kg/ cm2


Working pressure Water type Furnace oil flame point

: :

16.5 kg/ cm2 soft water

Assembling parts in boiler; Blow down valve Main stop valve Feed check valve Safety valve Air vent valve Gauge glass Pressure gauge Blower Feed pump Oil pre heater (85-70C)

Physio-chemical properties of milk a. Physical state of milk b. Acidity c. pH d. Density and specific gravity e. Freezing point of milk f. Color of milk g. Flavor


Special types of milk Mixed milk Homogenized milk

MICROBIOLOGY OF MILK All the changes that take place in the flavor and appearance of milk are the result of the activity of microorganisms. Of these microbes the most important in dairy are bacteria mold yeast and virus the first once is predominating. Microorganisms are visible only with the aid of a microscope. Few are a desirable while most cause undesirable changes, a relatively small portion disease producing types are called pathogen. Bacteria are microscope, unicellular organism, which occur principally in the form of spherical, cylindrical, or spiral cells, which reproduce by transverse fission. In milk and milk products the spherical or cylindrical forms are predominant. They vary from 1-5 mm in size. Individual bacterial cells are invisible to the naked eye. They form bacterial colonies that are visible. They are omnipresent. Some bacterial form sporse, which are tough resistant bodies within the bacterial cells. When they placed in a favorable environment for growth, they form new vegetative cells. Spore formers cause trouble in the dairy industry of their resistant to pasteurization and sanitation procedures.

MOULDS They are multi cellular, they can be observed readily as mycelium. They are found in soil, feeds, manure and poorly washed vessels, most spores of molds are destroyed by pasteurization. They are of considerable importance in cheese making and are responsible for some defects in butter and other milk products. YEAST They are unicellular. Their size is larger than bacteria. Most of the spores produced by yeast are destroyed during pasteurization.


SAMPLING OF MILK The most careful analysis is useless if the sampling if faulty or this sample bottle is incorrectly labeled. Therefore training in sample is more important. AIM To draw representative sample of milk from the bulk. PRINCIPLE Milk consists of several constituents of different densities and Fat being lighter tends to come at the surface. Proper through mixing with proper instrument that is useful for chemical analysis. METHODOLOGY 1. Mix the milk thoroughly with the help of plunger. 2. Draw required quality of milk with the dipper and transfer it to the labeled sampling bottle. 3. Allow the sample to stand for about 4 mins after mixing. Mix the sample by inverting 3-4 times. 4. Pipette out/ weigh the amount required for analysis it is a fundamental principle of sampling that the quantities withdrawn must be proportional to the quantities contained in the respective containers. MILK ANALYSIS Biochemical analysis Organoleptic test Inference


Clot on boiling test Titrble acidity of milk Adulterants of milk 1. Urea test 2. Ammonia test 3. Sugar test 4. Glucose test 5. Salt test 6. Neutralizers test 7. Hydrogen peroxide test 8. Formalin test 9. Nitrate test 10. Starch test

SOLID NON FAT TEST Temperature correction Modified richmonds formula



MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS METHYLENE BLUE REDUCTION TEST AIM To determine the amount of bacteria present in milk. PRINCIPLE The test depends upon the ability of bacteria in milk. The dye added is a redox dye, in an oxidized state it remains blue in color and in reduced state it remains colorless. The bacterium in the milk consumes the dissolved oxygen in milk, thereby reducing the milk. This brings about the change; the milk gets decolorized to its original white color. The time taken for changes is noted. PROCEDURE 1. 1 ml of reagent is added aseptically to 10 ml of milk sample and closes the tube with rubber cork. 2. Mix and place the tube in the water bath at 37.5C. 3. The color of the milk in the tubes is examined after every half an hour and the time required for complete decolorisation is noted.

GRADING MBRT time in hrs 5 and above 3-4 1-2 Below 30 mts Quality of milk Very good Good Fair Poor


PHOSPHATASE TEST AIM This test is used to detect inadequate pasteurization. PRINCIPLE A phosphate is an enzyme present in milk which will be destroyed at complete pasteurization. The presence of this enzyme in pasteurized milk is an indication of inadequate pasteurization. PROCEDURE 1. Transfer 5 ml of phosphate buffer in a test tube. 2. Add 1 ml of milk sample and close the tube with stopper. 3. Incubate the tubes for exactly 30 mins at 37C. Note the color change to yellow color which indicates inadequate pasteurization.

SWAP TEST PROCEDURE The swap is prepared and sterilized. The swap is touched to the side of the silos or any surfaces and is dipped in 0.8% saline. The swap with saline is mixed well and this saline is added to macconkey broth medium. After incubation at 37C for 24 hrs, the presence of acid and gas shows the presence of microorganisms which is indication of poor cleaning.


STANDARD PLATE COUNT AIM To determine the number of colony forming bacteria present in milk. PRINCIPLE Milk is added TYDA and incubated at 37C for 24 hrs. This is an excellent media for the growth of lactic acid producing bacteria. When incubated these form colonies which can be counted. The number of bacteria can be found by multiplying the number of colonies to the degree of dilution of milk. PROCEDURE 1. Take 1 ml of milk sample and transfer to the first tube of diluents (9 ml) and shake well this makes dilution of 1:10. 2. Transfer 1 ml of first dilution into another 9 ml blank to get 1:100 dilution and serially dilute it till required dilution. 3. Transfer 1 ml from the required dilution to the petriplate and pour the medium and mix well and incubate it. STANDARDS Count greater than 30,000 ml of pasteurization milk. For raw milk upto 10, 00,000 is good.


COLIFORM COUNT AIM To determine the coliform bacteria present in milk. PRINCIPLE This test is based on the principle that the members of the groups are capable of producing acid and gas from lactose in the presence of bile salt. PROCEDURE 1. Prepare serial dilution of the sample and inoculate 1 ml of 1:10 dilution into the petriplate. 2. Add 10-15 ml of VRB agar, mix well and incubate it for 37C for 24 hrs. KEEPING QUALITY OF MILK PROCEDURE 1. Collect the sample from the prepack sample once in one hour from production section. One sample from each route is collected. 2. Samples are kept at ambient temperature with label. 3. Every one hour, after fifth hour of sampling, the COB test is conducted for samples. 4. The intervals time between initial hour and the hour at which COB become positive is declared as keeping quality at ambient temperature.


Standardization of the milk and milk products

Milk and milk powder Raw milk Pasteurization milk Butter Powder Cream

Coliform 1:100 1:10 1:10 (yeast & mould) 1:10 1:10

SPC 1:2 lakes 1:30,000 20 colonies 1:15,000 1:60,000


CONCLUSION SDCMPU place an inevitable role in tamilnadu milk producers federation Lts, Chennai. Aavin Salem has got ISO 9001-2000 certification. All the employees and employers are unitedly working to achieve their goal. Their main aim is to improve the quality of milk and milk products. Aavin Salem being the first part of my in plant training programme helped me a lot. It was really a good experience for me. It was guiding to me on the professional side. I hope that this may help me a lot in my future carrier. I received kind co operation and all the help needed from the dairy. I thank all for the same, wish them success in all their endeavors.

Thank you


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