The Fake Second Coming: Dulce
The Fake Second Coming: Dulce
The Fake Second Coming: Dulce
They built in alien bases in Dulce, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada others in US, others in the rest of the world, maybe in Antarctica, Russia, Pyrenees, upper Norway etc.. There have been some very strange underground projects being done costing billions. In 1947 the residents of Dulce saw many many troops going in and out of the area, many many trucks and construction equipment and that the signs on the trucks were from a non existent lumber company in Colorado. The bases were constructed by the Rand Corporation with a tunnelboring machine that melts the rock and then makes a smooth wall out of it for high speed shuttles to be put in. Hamilton says that there are over 100 of these secret underground places that have been constructed including one on the back of the Moon, another on Mars.
Executive offices and laboratories for scientists etc.. Level 4 has mind control experiments on humans. Level 5 is the alien housing for the grays etc Level 6 has genetic large scale experiments to change human beings genetically to enable work in dangerous environments such as radioactivity, outer space and maybe even under water and that is also a zoo. They have the experiments, the results of the experiments in cages down there. On level 7 they have cryogenic laboratories - cold storage vats for the failed experiments.
Taking a single human embryo, bringing it up in the laboratory to a full formed whatever all the way through. They don't need a woman anymore to do it. The scientists think of all the endless possibilities e.g. "We can create our own race." All the files from the experimental laboratories in Nazi Germany were captured by the Americans and they started on their implant program. They don't want you to know you have a spirit (or 'thetan' as Scientologists say) so that you can be controlled by genetic and mind control experiments without your spirit stopping it, like a clone. One person that worked at Dulce saw human-alien and human-animal combinations in cages alive. People or humans with wings, many legs, claws for hands or different webbed feet etc. There were crosses between various species of animals in the experimental laboratories and the zoo. Many of them could cry tears and ask for help in Earth language. The workers were told that these people were insane and genetic freaks and not to talk to them that they were involved in high drug experiments to cure their insanity. The people first believed this. But they were drugged to be quiet. Before they let the man out the top here they have to erase his memory, however it didn't always work and some of them had recall under hypnotism. Level 7 is even worse with thousands of human experiments and embryonic humans and mixtures in cold storage or frozen down here. They froze them when they died for experiments later on, or to find out what went wrong. Medical laboratory in universities have big jars with embryos and pieces of people sitting there in formaldehyde.
who are captured for these experiments. The aliens also need parts of the cattle for their own experiments and nutrients. They absorb nutrients through their skin because they don't have a functioning digestion system and require large amounts of human blood and humans for their own experiments down there. From the 50's/80's they increased the amounts of needed captured humans. They had an agreement with the government that all they had to do was give the name and address of the person they took to the government so that they could explain it away. But after a while they were just taking them and soon the government realized they didn't have any defense against these people with their flying saucers and weaponry, so had to give up trying and go along with them. The aliens can die pretty easily, so they make themselves in genetic laboratories. The spirit/thetan takes a new body, they are like herd animals or people mind controlled. The human race could transform through genetics or a one world Fascist government. However in the US Government one group is having second thoughts and want to confess what's happening, especially those who work there - the army officers and security people with friends in the big government the rest want to keep covering it up as long as they are safe. They are doing more experiments on how to control humans - investigating aura research, mind and genetic control through injections or food particles or biological, genetic, hypnotic and chemical ways of controlling people to induce full control of humans outside Dulce. What kinds of humans they can put out there that are already under control. Implanters want to control people through their thoughts, but they still want you to work and consume. It easier to make you think what want they want you to, so you can't know this. Anyone who has gone up to Excalibur in Scientology knows all about that. They want to get the American public first through commercialization to accept this and from there start to control the whole world according to Robertson.